Public Relations Practices: Managerial Case Studies and Problems
Book Summary:
This text book is the most respected and honored individuals in the field, this definitive casebook of actual real-life public relations situations serves as a reference and guidebook for helping public relations professionals apply effective, cutting-edge public relations theories, principles, and practices to a wide variety of situations involving all types and sizes of organizations. Features actual, real-life cases on each aspect of public relations employee relations, media relations, community relations, issues, crises, investor relations, consumer relations and ethics. Some cases end favorable for the organization involved, some end in failure, and others are unresolved. Provides comprehensive introductions to each series of cases. The practical purpose of this text remains the same. We seek, with case studies and problems, to help future practitioners develop agility in the principles and the application of effective two-way communications in a wide variety of situations likely to confront them and their employers.
ISBN’s: 9780132341363, 9780136138037, 9780130981530, 9780137384778
Allen H. Center, Patrick Jackson, Stacey Smith, Frank R. Stansberry