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    Frequently asked questions

    What is Study Merge?
    StudyMerge is a document sharing platform for all educational needs. Our unique and integrated learning system helps students, instructors and lifelong learners achieve excellence in all their academic endeavours.
    Who can share documents here?
    Students, instructors, academicians, Lifelong learners and anyone interested in any field of education can share their documents on a peer-to-peer basis.
    Is there any assurance that these documents are accurate?
    We have a fool-proof testing method for each and every document uploaded here. Our team of subject matter experts go through each document manually to ensure the usefulness, uniqueness and credibility of the resources approved.
    How can I download a document I need?
    To download a document, simply select the desired package based on the number of documents you need. Click on the "Download" button next to the document, and the file will be saved to your device for offline access.
    I am unable to find what I need!
    If you are unable to find the document you need, you can ask for assistance through our 24x7 live chat feature. Our academic advisors will be available round the clock to help you find the resources you need.
    Can I share documents privately here?
    No, this platform is intended for public sharing of academic documents. When you upload a document, it becomes accessible to all users of the platform. This allows for a wider sharing of knowledge and resources among students and educators. However, please ensure that you have the necessary permissions to share the documents you upload.
    What sort of resources do you provide?

    Textbook Resources
    A collection of supplementary materials associated with a textbook, including end-of-chapter questions, book-based practice exams, and textbook summaries. Designed to aid students in mastering the textbook concepts. Additional practice material for exams to deepen your comprehension of the subject matter.

    Class Notes:
    A collection of detailed and organized notes taken during lectures or class sessions by students like you. Class notes can summarize key points, concepts, and explanations discussed by the instructor. A valuable study resource for reviewing and revision.

    Solved Exams:
    Past exam papers or practice exams, including those from HESI, ATI, NCLEX, etc., solved by students and verified by experts. Useful for familiarizing with the format, types of questions, and level of difficulty of any exams you may encounter.

    Solved Assignments:
    Completed college assignments that have been tested for top grades and accuracy. Solved assignments are useful tools for students to compare with your own work, understand the correct approach to solving problems, and learn deeper from the solutions provided.

    How long is my subscription valid?
    Your subscription does not have an expiration date. Once you purchase a package, you can download documents from that package as long as you have document count remains unused. There is no time limit imposed on the usage of your downloaded documents either.
    Will I be charged without my permission?

    No, you will not be charged without your permission. Students purchase a prepaid package with a set number of documents. Once you have used all the documents in your package, you will need to purchase another package if you wish to download more documents. There are no automatic charges or hidden fees.


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