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This Document Contains Chapters 12 to 14 BPI012 Global Trends Multiple Choice Questions 1. Organizations anticipate, forecast, and assess future events using a variety of rational, scientific methods including: A. Trend analysis B. Trend monitoring C. Trend projection D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: All of the above are scientific methods used by an organization. 2. What is trend analysis? A. When numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes through time and into the future B. A trend is examined to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts C. Trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers D. Complex systems can be modeled by means of mathematical equations and different scenarios can be run against the model to determine "what if" analysis Answer: B. A trend is examined to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts Rationale: This is the definition of trend analysis. 3. What is trend monitoring? A. When numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes through time and into the future B. A trend is examined to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts C. Trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers D. Complex systems can be modeled by means of mathematical equations and different scenarios can be run against the model to determine "what if" analysis Answer: C. Trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers Rationale: This is the definition of trend monitoring. 4. What is trend projection? A. When numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes through time and into the future B. A trend is examined to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts C. Trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers D. Complex systems can be modeled by means of mathematical equations and different scenarios can be run against the model to determine "what if" analysis Answer: A. When numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes through time and into the future Rationale: This is the definition of trend projection. 5. What is historical analysis? A. When numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes through time and into the future B. A trend is examined to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts C. Trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers D. Historical events are studied to anticipate the outcome of current developments Answer: D. Historical events are studied to anticipate the outcome of current developments Rationale: This is the definition of historical analysis. 6. All of the following are scientific methods organizations use to anticipate, forecast, and assess the future, except: A. Computer simulation B. Historical analysis C. Trend analysis D. Trend simulation Answer: D. Trend simulation Rationale: Trend analysis, trend monitoring, trend projection, computer simulation, and historical analysis are the scientific methods organizations use to anticipate, forecast, and assess the future. 7. Which of the following is not one of the top reasons organizations should study trends? A. Generate current revenue B. Gain confidence C. Generate ideas D. Beat the competition Answer: A. Generate current revenue Rationale: Generate current revenue is not a top reason to study trends according to the figure Top Reasons to Study Trends. 8. All of the following are countries expected to have the largest increases in population between 2000 and 2050, except: A. Palestinian territory B. India C. Democratic Republic of the Congo D. Yemen Answer: B. India Rationale: India is not listed among the countries that are expected to have the largest population increases. 9. Which of the following is not a potential business impact from the world's population doubling in the next 40 years? A. Developed nations will begin to increase immigration limits. B. Developed nations will find that retirees will have to remain on the job to remain competitive. C. Global agriculture will be required to supply as much food as has been produced during all of human history. D. The time to get products and services to market is being shortened by technology. Answer: D. The time to get products and services to market is being shortened by technology. Rationale: All of the above are potential business impacts resulting from the world's population growth. 10. On average, how many years longer does each generation live than the previous in the United States? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four Answer: C. Three Rationale: On average, each generation lives 3 years longer than the previous in the United States. 11. What are the life expectancies for men and women in many developed countries? A. Over 65 years for males and over 75 years for females B. Over 80 years for males and over 75 years for females C. Over 75 years for males and over 80 years for females D. Over 70 years for males and over 80 years for females Answer: C. Over 75 years for males and over 80 years for females Rationale: Many developed countries are now experiencing life expectancy over 75 years for males and over 80 years for females. 12. Which of the following is not a potential business impact from people in developed countries living longer? A. Global demand for elderly products will grow B. Global demand for elderly services will grow C. The cost of health care will decrease D. Pharmaceutical companies will be pushed for advances in geriatric medicine Answer: C. The cost of health care will decrease Rationale: The cost of health care is destined to skyrocket as people live longer lives. 13. What kind of society is being created by the growth in information industries? A. Knowledge-independent global society B. Knowledge-dependent global society C. Knowledge-independent local society D. Knowledge-dependent local society Answer: B. Knowledge-dependent global society Rationale: The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge-dependent global society. 14. Which of the following is not a potential business impact created by the growth in information industries? A. Top managers must be computer-literate B. Knowledge workers are generally higher paid C. Entry-level positions will require less education D. Downsizing will continue Answer: C. Entry-level positions will require less education Rationale: Entry-level and unskilled positions will require a growing level of education. 15. Why is the global economy becoming more integrated? A. Relaxed borders in the European Union B. The Internet C. International outsourcing D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: All of the above are reasons why the global economy is becoming more integrated. 16. Which of the following is one of the primary reasons for the increase in Internet use? A. Reorganization B. Connectivity technology C. Organizational restructuring D. All of the above Answer: B. Connectivity technology Rationale: One of the primary reasons for the increase in Internet uses is the increase in connectivity technology. 17. All of the following jobs will be increasingly performed by robots, except: A. Mundane commercial and service jobs B. Environmentally dangerous jobs C. The repair of inaccessible equipment such as space stations D. Jobs performed by scientists, engineers, and technicians Answer: D. Jobs performed by scientists, engineers, and technicians Rationale: A, B, and C will be performed by robots in the future. The demand for scientist, engineers, and technicians will continue to grow, but will not be performed by robots. 18. What does 50 percent of what a student learns about innovative technology in their freshman year of college become by their senior year? A. Obsolete B. Revised C. Taken for granted D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: Half of what students learn in their freshman year of college about innovative technology is obsolete, revised, or taken for granted by their senior year. 19. What percentage will all of today's technical knowledge represent in 2050? A. One B. Ten C. Twenty D. Fifty Answer: A. One Rationale: All of today's technical knowledge will represent only 1 percent of the knowledge that will be available in 2050. 20. How long does a product's entire life cycle last today? A. 4 weeks B. 40 weeks C. 4 months D. 4 years Answer: B. 40 weeks Rationale: Today, a product's entire life cycle seldom lasts 40 weeks. 21. Which of the following is becoming one of the world's most precious commodities? A. Ebusiness B. Energy C. Currency D. Time Answer: D. Time Rationale: Time is becoming one of the world's most precious commodities. 22. Which trend has the following potential business impact? Companies must take an active role in helping their employees balance their time at work with their family lives and need for leisure. A. The global economy is becoming more integrated B. Pace of technological innovation is increasing C. The economy and society are dominated by technology D. Time is becoming one of the world's most precious commodities Answer: D. Time is becoming one of the world's most precious commodities Rationale: Time is becoming one of the world's most precious commodities is the trend. 23. Which trend has the following potential business impact? The time to get products and services to market is being shortened by technology. A. The global economy is becoming more integrated B. Pace of technological innovation is increasing C. The economy and society are dominated by technology D. Time is becoming one of the world's most precious commodities Answer: B. Pace of technological innovation is increasing Rationale: Pace of technological innovation is increasing is the trend. 24. Which trend has the following potential business impact? Demand for personnel in distant countries will increase the need for foreign language training, employee incentives suited to other cultures, and many other aspects of performing business globally. A. The global economy is becoming more integrated B. Pace of technological innovation is increasing C. The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge-dependent global society D. The economy and society are dominated by technology Answer: A. The global economy is becoming more integrated Rationale: The global economy is becoming more integrated is the trend. 25. Which trend has the following potential business impact? Top managers must be computer-literate to retain their jobs and achieve success. A. The global economy is becoming more integrated B. Pace of technological innovation is increasing C. The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge-dependent global society D. The economy and society are dominated by technology Answer: C. The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge-dependent global society Rationale: The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge-dependent global society. 26. Which of the following is not one of the technologies shaping our future? A. Digital ink B. Tele-living C. Alternative energy sources D. Automatic computing Answer: D. Automatic computing Rationale: Autonomic computing is shaping our future, not automatic computing. 27. What is technology that digitally represents handwriting in its natural form? A. Digital ink B. Radio paper C. Digital paper D. Tele-living Answer: A. Digital ink Rationale: This is the definition for digital ink. 28. What is a dynamic high-resolution electronic display that combines a paper like reading experience with the ability to access information anytime, anywhere? A. Digital ink B. Radio Paper C. Digital paper D. Electronic ink Answer: B. Radio Paper Rationale: This is the definition of Radio Paper. 29. What could be used to create an electronic book or newspaper with real pages? A. Digital ink B. Electronic ink C. E Ink D. Digital Paper Answer: D. Digital Paper Rationale: Digital paper can be used to create an electronic book or newspaper with real pages. 30. What is any paper that is optimized for any type of digital printing? A. Digital ink B. Radio Paper C. Digital paper D. Electronic ink Answer: C. Digital paper Rationale: This is the definition of digital paper. 31. What is tele living? A. Using digital paper and the Internet to conduct a few aspects of life seamlessly B. Using information devices and the Internet to conduct a few aspects of life seamlessly C. Using digital ink and the Internet to conduct all aspects of life seamlessly D. Using information devices and the Internet to conduct all aspects of life seamlessly Answer: D. Using information devices and the Internet to conduct all aspects of life seamlessly Rationale: This is the definition of tele living. 32. The virtual assistant will be a small program stored on a PC or portable device that monitors all of the following, except: A. Email B. Faxes C. Phone calls D. Application processing Answer: D. Application processing Rationale: Application processing will not be monitored by a virtual assistant. 33. Which of the following is not a potential business impact resulting from alternative energy sources? A. The cost of alternative energy sources is increasing with technical advances B. The deregulation of the energy industry is expected to create a huge spurt of innovative entrepreneurships C. Oil will remain the world's most important energy source D. None of the above Answer: A. The cost of alternative energy sources is increasing with technical advances Rationale: The cost of alternative energy sources is decreasing with technical advances. 34. What is autonomic computing? A. Self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on, the development of information systems B. Self-managing computing information system named after, and patterned on, the human body's autonomic nervous systems C. Self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on, the human body's autonomic nervous systems D. None of the above Answer: C. Self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on, the human body's autonomic nervous systems Rationale: This is the definition for autonomic computing. 35. Which of the following is a potential business impact from autonomic computing? A. Robotic sales people will take on human appearances and have the ability to perform all tasks associated with a sales job. B. Will take over routine tasks such as writing a letter, retrieving a file, and making a phone call. C. Will be able to self-heal. D. All of the above. Answer: C. Will be able to self-heal. Rationale: A and B are business impacts from tele living. 36. Which of the following is a potential business impact from tele living? A. Will be able to self-heal B. Will take over routine tasks such as writing a letter, retrieving a file, and making a phone call C. Will be able to self-protect D. All of the above Answer: B. Will take over routine tasks such as writing a letter, retrieving a file, and making a phone call Rationale: Tele living will take over routing tasks such as writing a letter, retrieving a file, and making a phone call. True/False Questions 37. Trend analysis is the examination of a trend to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts. Answer: True Rationale: Trend analysis is the examination of a trend to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts. 38. Trend projection is the examination of a trend to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts. Answer: False Rationale: Trend projection is when numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes though time and into the future. 39. The world's population will double in the next 20 years. Answer: False Rationale: The world's population will double in the next 40 years. 40. People in undeveloped countries are living longer. Answer: False Rationale: The people in developed countries are living longer. 41. Digital ink is any paper that is optimized for any type of digital printing. Answer: False Rationale: Digital paper is any paper that is optimized for any type of digital printing. Fill in the Blank Questions 42. Trend ____________ is the examination of a trend to identify its natures, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts. Answer: Analysis 43. Trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers is known as trend ____________. Answer: Monitoring 44. When numerical data are available, a trend can be plotted to display changes through time and into the future is known as trend _____________. Answer: Projection 45. Computer _________ occurs when a complex system, such as the U.S. economy, is modeled by means of mathematical equations and different scenarios are run against the model to determine "what-if" analysis. Answer: Simulation 46. The study of historical events in order to anticipate the outcome of current developments is called _________ analysis. Answer: Historical 47. Angola is one of the countries that is expected to have one of the largest increases in population between 2000 and __________. Answer: 2050 48. The world's population is expected to double over the next ___________ years. Answer: 40 49. The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge- _________ global society. Answer: Dependent 50. The global economy is becoming more ___________. Answer: Integrated 51. Medical knowledge is _________ every eight years. Answer: Doubling 52. All of today's technical knowledge will represent only __________ percent of the knowledge that will be available in 2050. Answer: One 53. Digital ink, digital paper, autonomic computing, ________, and alternative energy sources are the technologies discussed in the text as having the potential to change our world, our future, and our lives. Answer: Tele living 54. Digital ink refers to technology that digitally represents ____________ in its natural form. Answer: Handwriting 55. __________ is a dynamic high-resolution electronic display that combines a paperlike reading experience with the ability to access information anytime, anywhere. Answer: Radio Paper 56. Digital paper is any paper that is optimized for any type of _________ printing. Answer: Digital 57. Autonomic computing is a(n) _________ computing model named after, and patterned on, the human body's autonomic nervous system. Answer: Self-managing Essay Questions 58. Identify the seven trends that will have the greatest impact on future business. Answer: The following trends have the potential to change our world, our future, and our lives: (1) World's population will double in the next 40 years, (2) People in developed countries are living longer, (3) Growth in information industries creates a knowledge-dependent global society, (4) The global economy is becoming more integrated, (5) The economy and society are dominated by technology, (6) Pace of technological innovation is increasing, (7)Time is becoming one of the most precious commodities. 59. Identify the five technology trends that will have the greatest impact on future business. Answer: The following technologies have the potential to change our world, our future, and our lives. (1) Digital ink, (2) Digital paper, (3) Tele living, (4) Alternative energy sources, (5) Autonomic computing. 60. Explain why understanding trends and new technologies can help an organization prepare for the future. Answer: Obtaining a broad view of emerging trends and new technologies as they relate to business can help an organization anticipate and prepare for the future. Organizations that can most effectively grasp the deep currents of technological evolution can use their knowledge to protect themselves against sudden and fatal technological obsolescence. 61. List and define the five different scientific methods organizations use to anticipate, forecast, and assess future events. Answer: Trend analysis-the examination of a trend to identify its nature, causes, speed of development, and potential impacts. Trend monitoring-trends viewed as particularly important in a specific community, industry, or sector are carefully monitored, watched, and reported to key decision makers. Trend projection-when numerical data is available a trend can be plotted on graph paper to display changes through time and into the future. Computer simulation-complex systems can be modeled by means of mathematical equations and different scenarios can be run against the model to determine "what if" analysis. Historical analysis-the study of historical events in order to anticipate the outcome of current developments. 62. Describe one technology trend discussed in the text and identify the potential business impacts related to the trend. Answer: One significant technology trend discussed is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT involves interconnected devices that collect and exchange data over the internet, enabling seamless communication and automation. Potential business impacts include enhanced operational efficiency through real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, leading to reduced downtime and cost savings. IoT also facilitates better decision-making with data-driven insights, improves customer experience through personalized services, and opens new revenue streams through innovative product offerings and service models. However, businesses must also manage challenges related to data security, interoperability issues, and the scalability of IoT deployments to fully harness its potential benefits. BPI013 Strategic Outsourcing Multiple Choice Questions 1. What are countries that are beginning to emerge as solid outsourcing options? A. The leaders B. The up-and-comers C. The rookies D. All of the above Answer: B. The up-and-comers Rationale: Up-and-comers are beginning to emerge as solid outsourcing options. 2. Which of the following countries is considered a leader in the outsourcing industry? A. Israel B. China C. Thailand D. New Zealand Answer: A. Israel Rationale: Israel is considered a leader in the outsourcing industry. 3. Which of the following countries is considered an up-and-comer in the outsourcing industry? A. Israel B. China C. Thailand D. New Zealand Answer: B. China Rationale: China is considered an up-and-comer in the outsourcing industry. 4. Which of the following countries is considered a rookie in the outsourcing industry? A. Israel B. China C. Ireland D. New Zealand Answer: D. New Zealand Rationale: New Zealand is considered a rookie in the outsourcing industry. 5. What category of outsourcing countries includes Canada, India, Ireland, Israel, and the Philippines? A. The leaders B. The up-and-comers C. The rookies D. None of the above Answer: A. The leaders Rationale: These are all countries included in the leader category. 6. What category of outsourcing countries includes Brazil, China, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa? A. The leaders B. The up-and-comers C. The rookies D. None of the above Answer: B. The up-and-comers Rationale: These are all countries included in the up-and-comers category. 7. What category of outsourcing countries includes Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Thailand, and Ukraine? A. The leaders B. The up-and-comers C. The rookies D. None of the above Answer: C. The rookies Rationale: These are all countries included in the rookies category. 8. What categories should an organization evaluate when making an outsourcing decision? A. Geopolitical risk B. English proficiency C. Salary cost D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: An organization should evaluate all of the above when making an outsourcing decision. True/False Questions 9. The leaders, the newcomers, and the rookies are the three categories of outsourcing countries. Answer: False Rationale: The leaders, the up-and-comers, and the rookies are the three categories of outsourcing countries. 10. Canada is considered a rookie outsourcing country. Answer: False Rationale: Canada is considered a leader outsourcing country. 11. Multi sourcing is a combination of professional services, mission-critical support, remote management, and hosting services that are offered to customers in any combination needed. Answer: True Rationale: Fill in the Blank Questions 12. ___________ is a combination of professional services, mission-critical support, remote management, and hosting services that are offered to customers in any combination needed. Answer: Multi sourcing Essay Questions 13. List and describe the three categories of outsourcing countries. Answer: The Leaders are countries that are leading outsourcing. The Up-and-Comers are countries that are beginning to emerge as solid outsourcing options. The Rookies are countries that are just entering the outsourcing industry. 14. Describe the future trend of outsourcing. Answer: Future trends include (1) outsourcing becoming less of a cost-saving strategy and more an overall context for business, (2) outsourcing is approaching commodity status, (3) companies should look for value-based pricing rather than the lowest possible price. (4) Multi sourcing is a combination of professional services, mission-critical support, remote management, and hosting services that are offered to customers in any combination needed. BPI014 Systems Development Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is not a phase in the SDLC? A. Planning B. Development C. RFP D. Testing Answer: C. RFP Rationale: RFP is request for proposal and is not a phase in the SDLC. 2. Which of the following is a phase in the SDLC? A. Analysis B. Design C. Testing D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: All of the above are phases in the SDLC. 3. Which of the following is not a phase in the SDLC? A. Maintenance B. Change C. Design D. None of the above Answer: B. Change Rationale: Change is not a phase in the SDLC. 4. What is the first step in the SDLC? A. Analysis B. Design C. Testing D. Planning Answer: D. Planning Rationale: Planning is the first phase in the SDLC. 5. What is the second step in the SDLC? A. Analysis B. Design C. Testing D. Planning Answer: A. Analysis Rationale: Analysis is the second step in the SDLC. 6. Which activity is performed during the planning phase? A. Identify and select the system for development B. Assess project feasibility C. Develop the project plan D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: All of the above are performed during the planning phase. 7. Which of the following is an evaluation criteria used to prioritize software development projects? A. Value chain analysis B. Strategic alignment C. Resource availability D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: All of the above are outlined as evaluation criteria for determining software development projects. 8. Which evaluation criteria is an organization using that prioritizes its projects by giving priority to those projects that are in line with the organization's strategic goals and objectives? A. Strategic analysis B. Strategic alignment C. Strategic availability D. All of the above Answer: B. Strategic alignment Rationale: This answer to this question is found in the figure, strategic alignment evaluation criteria. 9. What is a feasibility study? A. Determines if the proposed solution is feasible and achievable from a financial, technical, and organizational standpoint B. Determines the amount and types of resources required to complete the project and determine if the organization has these resources available C. Determine the number of individuals, amount of time, and technical difficulty of the project D. A factor that is critical to an organization's success Answer: A. Determines if the proposed solution is feasible and achievable from a financial, technical, and organizational standpoint Rationale: This is the definition of a feasibility study. 10. What is an economic feasibility study? A. Identifies the financial benefits and costs associated with the systems development project B. Determines the organization's ability to build and integrate the proposed system C. Assesses the likelihood that all potential time frames and completion dates will be met D. Examines all potential legal and contractual ramifications of the proposed system Answer: A. Identifies the financial benefits and costs associated with the systems development project Rationale: This is the definition of economic feasibility study. 11. What is a schedule feasibility study? A. Identifies the financial benefits and costs associated with the systems development project B. Determines the organization's ability to build and integrate the proposed system C. Assesses the likelihood that all potential time frames and completion dates will be met D. Examines all potential legal and contractual ramifications of the proposed system Answer: C. Assesses the likelihood that all potential time frames and completion dates will be met Rationale: This is the definition of schedule feasibility study. 12. Which of the following is not a type of feasibility study? A. Operational feasibility study B. Legal and contractual feasibility study C. Critical success factor feasibility study D. Technical feasibility study Answer: C. Critical success factor feasibility study Rationale: Critical success factor feasibility study does not exist. 13. What represents the detailed set of knowledge worker requests that the system must meet in order to be successful? A. JAD session B. Business requirements C. Sign-off D. None of the above Answer: B. Business requirements Rationale: This is the definition of business requirements. 14. What represents a session where employees meet, sometimes for several days, to define or review the business requirements for the system? A. JAD session B. Business requirement C. Requirements definition document D. Sign-off Answer: A. JAD session Rationale: This is the definition for joint application development (JAD) session. 15. What contains the final set of business requirements, prioritized in order of business importance? A. JAD session B. Business requirement C. Requirements definition document D. Technical architecture Answer: C. Requirements definition document Rationale: This is the definition of requirements definition document. 16. What is the system users' actual signatures indicating they approve all of the business requirements? A. JAD session B. Technical architecture C. Requirements definition document D. Sign-off Answer: D. Sign-off Rationale: This is the definition for sign-off. 17. What is process modeling? A. Illustrates the movement of information between external entities and the processes and data stores within the system B. Software suites that automate systems analysis, design, and development C. Involves graphically representing the processes that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute information between a system and its environment D. None of the above Answer: C. Involves graphically representing the processes that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute information between a system and its environment Rationale: This is the definition of process modeling. 18. What is COTS? A. Illustrates the movement of information between external entities and the processes and data stores within the system B. Software suites that automate systems analysis, design, and development C. Involves graphically representing the processes that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute information between a system and its environment D. A software package or solution that is purchased to support one or more business functions and information systems Answer: D. A software package or solution that is purchased to support one or more business functions and information systems Rationale: COTS is a software package or solution that is purchased to support one or more business functions and information systems. 19. Which of the following should an organization consider during the buy vs. build decision? A. Are there any currently available products that fit the organizations needs B. Can the organization customize or modify an existing COTS to fit its needs C. Is there a justification to purchase or develop based on the cost of acquisition D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above Rationale: An organization should consider all of the above when making the buy vs. build decision. 20. Which of the following is not a key factor an organization should consider when contemplating the buy vs. build decision? A. Time to market B. Availability of corporate resources C. Availability of CASE tools D. Corporate core competencies Answer: C. Availability of CASE tools Rationale: Availability of CASE tools is not a key factor an organization should consider when contemplating the buy vs. build decision. 21. What is the ability to model the information system screens for an entire system using icons, buttons, menus, and submenus? A. GUI screen design B. Graphical user interface C. ERD D. Data models Answer: A. GUI screen design Rationale: This is the definition for GUI screen design. 22. Which phase takes all of the detailed design documents from the design phase and transforming them into the actual system? A. Analysis phase B. Design phase C. Development phase D. Testing phase Answer: C. Development phase Rationale: This is the definition for the development phase. 23. Which phase describes the desired features and operations of the system including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code, and other documentation? A. Analysis phase B. Design phase C. Development phase D. Testing phase Answer: B. Design phase Rationale: This is the definition for design phase. 24. What are the detailed steps the system must perform along with the expected results of each step? A. JAD B. COTS C. Technical architecture D. Test conditions Answer: D. Test conditions Rationale: This is the definition for test conditions. 25. Which of the following is not a common type of test performed during system testing? A. Unit testing B. Adaptive testing C. Regression testing D. UAT Answer: B. Adaptive testing Rationale: Adaptive testing is not a type of systems testing defined in this text. 26. What verifies that all units of code work together and the total system satisfies all of its functional and operational requirements? A. Unit testing B. Application testing C. Integration testing D. Regression testing Answer: B. Application testing Rationale: This is the definition for application testing. 27. Which of the following is not performed during the implementation phase? A. Write detailed business requirements B. Write detailed user documentation C. Determine implementation method D. Provide training for the system users Answer: A. Write detailed business requirements Rationale: Detailed business requirements are defined during the analysis phase. 28. Which of the following highlights how to use the system? A. User documentation B. GUI C. COTS D. UAT Answer: A. User documentation Rationale: This is the definition for user documentation. 29. What is parallel implementation? A. Using both the old and new systems until it is evident that the new system performs correctly B. Discarding the old system completely and immediately start to use the new system C. Having only a small group of people use the new system until it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then adding the remaining people to the new system D. Implementing the new system in phases until it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then implementing the remaining phases of the new system Answer: A. Using both the old and new systems until it is evident that the new system performs correctly Rationale: This is the definition for parallel implementation. 30. What is phased implementation? A. Using both the old and new systems until it is evident that the new system performs correctly B. Discarding the old system completely and immediately start to use the new system C. Having only a small group of people use the new system until it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then adding the remaining people to the new system D. Implementing the new system in phases until it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then implementing the remaining phases of the new system Answer: D. Implementing the new system in phases until it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then implementing the remaining phases of the new system Rationale: This is the definition for phased implementation. 31. What type of training is set in a classroom-type environment and lead by an instructor? A. Online training B. Workshop training C. Help desk D. None of the above Answer: B. Workshop training Rationale: This is the definition for workshop training. 32. Which activity is performed during the implementation phase? A. Build a help desk B. Perform system maintenance C. Build the database and programs D. None of the above Answer: D. None of the above Rationale: Write detailed user documentation, determine implementation method, and provide training for the system users are the activities performed during the implementation phase. 33. Which type of maintenance makes changes to enhance the system, which improves such things as processing performance and usability? A. Adaptive maintenance B. Corrective maintenance C. Perfective maintenance D. Preventive maintenance Answer: C. Perfective maintenance Rationale: This is the definition for perfective maintenance. 34. Which of the following is a performed by a CCB? A. Includes a collection of procedures to document a change request and define the steps necessary to consider the change based on the expected impact of the change B. A group of people who respond to internal system user questions C. Making changes to repair system defects D. Responsible for approving or rejecting all change requests Answer: D. Responsible for approving or rejecting all change requests Rationale: This is the definition for change control board. 35. In which phase is it most expensive to make a system change? A. Planning B. Development C. Design D. Testing Answer: D. Testing Rationale: The later the error is found during the SDLC, the more expensive it is to fix. 36. What is one of the most common reasons why systems development projects fail? A. Unclear or missing business requirements B. Lack of JAD sessions C. Purchasing COTS D. All of the above Answer: A. Unclear or missing business requirements Rationale: The most common reason why systems fail is because the business requirements are either missing or incorrectly gathered during the analysis phase. True/False Questions 37. Testing is the fourth phase in the SDLC. Answer: False Rationale: Testing is the fifth phase in the SDLC. 38. The assess project feasibility activity typically occurs during the analysis phase. Answer: False Rationale: The assess project feasibility activity typically occurs during the planning phase. 39. Designing the IT infrastructure typically occurs during the design phase. Answer: True Rationale: Designing the IT infrastructure typically occurs during the design phase. 40. Provide training for the system users typically occurs during the testing phase. Answer: False Rationale: Provide training for the system users typically occurs during the implementation phase. 41. Parallel implementation uses both the old and new systems until it is evident that the new system performs correctly. Answer: True Rationale: Parallel implementation uses both the old and new systems until it is evident that the new system performs correctly. Fill in the Blank Questions 42. The systems development life cycle is the overall process for developing information systems from planning and analysis through _________________ and maintenance. Answer: Implementation 43. The ______________ phase involves establishing a high-level plan of the intended project and determining project goals. Answer: Planning 44. A(n) _________ feasibility study examines the likelihood that the project will attain its desired objectives. Answer: Operational 45. A(n) _________ feasibility study identifies the financial benefits and costs associated with the systems development project. Answer: Economic 46. The _________ phase involves analyzing end-user business requirements and refining project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system. Answer: Analysis 47. _________ modeling involves graphically representing the processes that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute information between a system and its environment. Answer: Process 48. ___________ is the activity of drawing a graphical representation of a design. Answer: Modeling 49. _________ models represent a formal way to express data relationships to a database management system (DBMS). Answer: Data 50. Test conditions are the detailed steps the system must perform along with the _______ results of each step. Answer: Expected 51. ____________ testing tests each unit of code as soon as the unit is complete to expose faults in the unit regardless of its interaction with other units. Answer: Unit 52. ____________ testing is performed after making a functional improvement or repair to the system to determine if the change has affected (or impacted) the other functional aspects of the software. Answer: Regression 53. ____________ testing exposes faults in the integration of software components or software units. Answer: Integration 54. ____________ testing verifies that the instruction guides are helpful and accurate. Answer: Documentation 55. ____________ implementation uses both the old and the new systems until it is evident that the new system performs correctly. Answer: Parallel 56. ____________ implementation discards the old system completely and immediately starts to use the new system. Answer: Plunge 57. ____________ implementation has only a small group of people use the new system until it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then adds the remaining people to the new system. Answer: Pilot 58. ____________ maintenance makes changes to increase system functionality to meet new business requirements. Answer: Adaptive 59. ____________ maintenance makes changes to repair system defects. Answer: Corrective 60. ____________ maintenance makes changes to enhance the system, which improves such things as processing performance and usability. Answer: Perfective 61. ____________ management system includes a collection of procedures to document a change request and define the steps necessary to consider the change based on the expected impact of the change. Answer: Change Essay Questions 62. List and describe each phase in the systems development life cycle. Answer: Planning phase-involves establishing a high-level plan of the intended project and determining project goals. Analysis phase-involves analyzing end-user business requirements and refining project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system. Design phase-involves describing the desired features and operations of the system including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code, and other documentation. Development phase-involves taking all of the detailed design documents form the design phase and transforming them into the actual system. Testing phase-involves bringing all the project pieces together into a special testing environment to test for errors, bugs, and interoperability, in order to verify that the system meets all the business requirements defined in the analysis phase. Implementation phase-involves placing the system into production so users can begin to perform actual business operations with the system. Maintenance phase-involves performing changes, corrections, additions, and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet the business goals. 63. Summarize the activities associated with the design, development, and testing phases in the SDLC. Answer: Primary design activities include (1) Design the IT infrastructure, (2) Design system models. Primary development activities include (1) Develop the IT infrastructure. (2) Develop the database and programs. Primary testing activities include (1) Write the test conditions. (2) Perform the system testing. 64. List and define the five different types of feasibility studies. Answer: Economic feasibility study-(cost-benefit analysis)-identifies the financial benefits and costs associated with the systems development project. Operational feasibility study-examines the likelihood that the project will attain its desired objectives. Technical feasibility study-determines the organization's ability to build and integrate the proposed system. Schedule feasibility study-assess the likelihood that all potential time frames and completion dates will be met. Legal and contractual feasibility study-examines all potential. 65. List and define the four different types of implementation methods. Answer: Parallel implementation-using both the old and the new system until it is evident that the new system performs correctly. Plunge implementation-discarding the old system completely and immediately starting to use the new system. Pilot implementation-having only a small group of people use the new system unit it is evident that the new system performs correctly and then adding the remaining people. Phased implementation-implementing the new system in phases, and then implementing the remaining phases of the new system. 66. List and provide a detailed description of all of the activities involved in one phase of the SDLC. Answer: One phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the Design Phase. This phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for the actual development of the software system. Here are the activities typically involved in the Design Phase: 1. Requirement Analysis: This involves gathering detailed requirements from stakeholders, analyzing them, and ensuring they are complete, clear, and consistent. 2. System Design: In this activity, the overall architecture of the system is designed, including the high-level structure, modules, interfaces, and data flows. This design should align closely with the requirements gathered. 3. Detailed Design: Here, each module identified in the system design is elaborated upon with detailed specifications. This includes specifying data structures, algorithms, interfaces, and internal logic for each module. 4. Database Design: If the system involves a database, the design phase includes designing the database schema, tables, relationships, and data storage requirements based on the application's needs. 5. User Interface Design: This activity focuses on designing the user interface (UI) elements of the system. It includes creating wireframes, prototypes, and specifying how users will interact with the software. 6. Security Design: Ensuring that security measures are integrated into the design phase to protect the system from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats. 7. Integration Design: Planning for the integration of various components and modules within the system, ensuring seamless communication and data exchange. 8. Performance Design: Designing for system performance, including scalability, response times, and resource utilization to meet expected load and usage scenarios. 9. Verification and Validation Planning: Developing strategies for verifying and validating the design to ensure it meets the specified requirements and quality standards. 10. Documentation: Throughout the design phase, documenting all design decisions, specifications, diagrams, and plans to serve as a reference for developers, testers, and stakeholders. Each of these activities in the Design Phase is critical to laying a solid groundwork for the subsequent phases of development, ensuring that the software system is well-designed, functional, and meets the intended business and user needs. Test Bank for Business Driven Technology Paige Baltzan 9780073376844, 9781259924927, 9781260727814, 9780073376905

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