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Chapter 03: Designing and Analyzing Jobs
1. The definition of ________ is the formal relationships among jobs in an organization.
A. chain of command
B. organization chart
C. job hierarchy
D. organizational structure
E. organizational design
Answer: D. organizational structure
2. An organization chart is often used to depict the structure of an organization. The chart is
also used to
A. present a "snapshot" of the firm at a particular point in time.
B. indicate the types of departments established in the firm.
C. specify duties and responsibilities.
D. clarify the chain of command and show who is accountable to whom.
E. do none of the above.
Answer: D. clarify the chain of command and show who is accountable to whom.
3. Which of the following statements about organizational structures is true?
A. Flat structures are increasingly the norm.
B. Bureaucratic designs are becoming more common.
C. There are four types of organizational structure.
D. Emphasis on teams whose members cross organizational boundaries is a characteristic of
flat structures.
E. An organization's structure should be appropriate to the organization's strategic goals.
Answer: E. An organization's structure should be appropriate to the organization's strategic
4. Maria is the vice-president of operations for a company in the retail industry. She has 10
store managers and 200 associates. The associates report to the store managers and they in
turn report to Maria. Management has a decentralized approach towards individual stores.
This company has the structure of a
A. bureaucratic organization.
B. hierarchical organization.
C. flat organization.

D. boundaryless organization.
E. decentralized organization.
Answer: C. flat organization.
5. James Martini is the director of HR for Study Inc. He is working on a project to restructure
the organization. At the moment, the organization has a top-down management approach with
many levels of management. Jobs are highly specified with a narrow focus. The company
wants to move into a more decentralized management approach with a high focus on teams
and customer service. The organization is planning to move from a ________ organization to
a ________ organization.
A. bureaucratic; boundaryless
B. bureaucratic; flat
C. flat; bureaucratic
D. boundaryless; flat
E. none of the above
Answer: D. boundaryless; flat
6. The process of systematically organizing work into tasks is involved in
A. organizational design.
B. job design.
C. job analysis.
D. job evaluation.
E. writing job descriptions.
Answer: B. job design.
7. The collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person is known as
A. a job specification.
B. a job description.
C. a job analysis.
D. a job.
E. a position.
Answer: E. a position.
8. In an office with one supervisor, one assistant, two clerks, and two data-entry operators,
there are
A. four jobs and four positions.

B. six jobs and six positions.
C. four positions and four jobs.
D. four jobs and six positions.
E. four positions and six jobs.
Answer: D. four jobs and six positions.
9. Work simplification is an approach to job design. Which of the following statement is true
of work simplification?
A. It can sometimes lead to a reduced demand for premium pay.
B. It may be very appropriate in settings employing highly educated persons.
C. It is effective in a changing environment.
D. It can be used to motivate highly educated employees.
E. It is based on the premise that work can be broken down into clearly defined tasks.
Answer: E. It is based on the premise that work can be broken down into clearly defined
10. The field of study concerned with analyzing work methods and establishing time
standards is known as
A. ergonomics.
B. job analysis.
C. job design.
D. job evaluation.
E. industrial engineering.
Answer: E. industrial engineering.
11. Making jobs more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks is primarily
associated with
A. industrial democracy.
B. job rotation.
C. co-determination.
D. job enlargement.
E. job enrichment.
Answer: E. job enrichment.
12. Job enlargement involves
A. vertical loading.

B. multi-skilling.
C. systematically moving employees from one job to another.
D. increased challenge.
E. horizontal loading.
Answer: E. horizontal loading.
13. Amal works for a production line. His task is to sew a button to the buttonhole of winter
jackets. Since last month he was also given the task of creating the buttonhole in addition to
attaching the button to the hole of the jacket. This is known as
A. job enlargement.
B. job rotation.
C. job enrichment.
D. vertical loading.
E. skill variety.
Answer: A. job enlargement.
14. Lee has been with a financial institution for over a year now as a call centre specialist.
During his time, he has had the opportunity to work in two other departments. The
organization adopts a similar technique with other employees in the call centre. This is known
A. job enrichment.
B. vertical loading.
C. skill variety.
D. job rotation.
E. job enlargement.
Answer: D. job rotation.
15. Which of the following is true of work simplification?
A. It increases autonomy.
B. It often leads to lower job satisfaction.
C. Among educated workers it often leads to lower job satisfaction.
D. It enhances skill variety.
E. Among educated workers it often leads to lower job satisfaction and a demand for
premium pay.
Answer: E. Among educated workers it often leads to lower job satisfaction and a demand for
premium pay.

16. Which of the following is true of industrial engineering?
A. It is about control and autonomy.
B. It is a field of study concerned with analyzing work methods.
C. It is a field of study emerging with scientific management which is concerned with
analyzing work methods and making them more efficient.
D. It is a field of study focused on satisfying psychological needs.
E. It is a field of study focused on worker autonomy.
Answer: C. It is a field of study emerging with scientific management which is concerned
with analyzing work methods and making them more efficient.
17. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Unions are generally very supportive of job enrichment.
B. Most employees today want additional responsibilities.
C. Job enrichment programs are more successful in some jobs and settings than others.
D. Job redesign efforts can correct almost all job dissatisfaction problems.
E. Managers tend to be very supportive of job enrichment because it makes their jobs easier.
Answer: C. Job enrichment programs are more successful in some jobs and settings than
18. Seeking to integrate and accommodate the physical needs of workers into the design of
jobs is known as
A. industrial engineering.
B. job enrichment.
C. scientific management.
D. ergonomics.
E. job enlargement.
Answer: D. ergonomics.
19. Ergonomics aims to adapt the entire job system to match human characteristics. Doing so
results in eliminating or minimizing
A. product defects.
B. worker injuries.
C. product defects, worker injuries, and task variability.
D. product defects, worker injuries, and negative psychological effects.
E. negative psychological effects.

Answer: D. product defects, worker injuries, and negative psychological effects.
20. The procedure for determining the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job and the
human attributes required to perform it is known as
A. preparing a job description.
B. job design.
C. job evaluation.
D. job analysis.
E. writing a job specification.
Answer: D. job analysis.
21. Job analysis provides data on job requirements that can be used to develop
A. a staffing table.
B. a skills inventory.
C. HR policies and procedures.
D. an organization chart.
E. a job description.
Answer: E. a job description.
22. A list of a job's duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and working conditions is
known as
A. a position analysis.
B. the job standards.
C. a job specification.
D. a job description.
E. a job analysis questionnaire.
Answer: D. a job description.
23. A list of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform a particular job is known as
A. a position analysis.
B. a job description.
C. a job specification.
D. the job standards.
E. the human requirements.
Answer: C. a job specification.

24. Collecting job analysis data in a larger organization usually involves
A. the work of the HR specialist alone.
B. the work of the supervisor alone.
C. HR generalists who are not consultants.
D. a labour union.
E. a joint effort by an HR specialist, the incumbent, and the supervisor.
Answer: E. a joint effort by an HR specialist, the incumbent, and the supervisor.
25. The final step in job analysis involves
A. performance management.
B. developing a job description and a job specification.
C. developing a compensation policy.
D. reviewing the information collected with job incumbents.
E. collecting data on job activities.
Answer: B. developing a job description and a job specification.
26. By comparing the knowledge, skills, and abilities that employees bring to the job with
those that are identified through job analysis, managers can determine the gap that exists.
This is particularly useful for
A. establishing recruitment criteria.
B. determining a job's pay range.
C. training and development.
D. designing the job.
E. union negotiations.
Answer: C. training and development.
27. The blueprint that shows the flow of inputs to outputs for the job under study is known as
A. a process chart.
B. an organization chart.
C. a job description.
D. a job specification.
E. a pay grade.
Answer: A. a process chart.
28. During a job analysis process, it is important to consider

A. reviewing information with job holders and immediate supervisors.
B. selecting representative positions and jobs to be analyzed.
C. collecting data on identified jobs using job analysis techniques.
D. reviewing the organization chart, process charts and existing job descriptions.
E. all of the above.
Answer: E. all of the above.
29. Job analysis information should be verified by
A. jobholder(s).
B. comparison with the procedures manual.
C. comparison with the previous job description.
D. HR department staff members.
E. speaking to co-workers.
Answer: A. jobholder(s).
30. Collecting job analysis information generally involves
A. a union representative.
B. the jobholder's immediate supervisor.
C. a member from senior management.
D. peer groups.
E. an external consultant.
Answer: B. the jobholder's immediate supervisor.
31. The most widely used method for determining the duties and responsibilities of a job is
A. direct observation.
B. a participant diary/log.
C. an interview.
D. a position analysis questionnaire.
E. a survey questionnaire.
Answer: C. an interview.
32. An HR department engaged in a job analysis exercise is conducting interviews with
employees who hold the same job. Which type of interview is the HR department using?
A. group interview
B. supervisory interview

C. individual interview
D. structured interview
E. checklist interview
Answer: A. group interview
33. A typical job analysis questionnaire has several
A. non-job-related questions.
B. questions regarding biographical data.
C. open-ended questions.
D. questions about the incumbent's educational background.
E. closed-ended questions.
Answer: C. open-ended questions.
34. Which of the following jobs could be analyzed effectively using direct observation?
A. human resources manager
B. lawyer
C. accounting clerk
D. design engineer
E. Any of these jobs could be analyzed using direct observation
Answer: C. accounting clerk
35. Direct observation is often combined with which other job analysis method?
A. questionnaires
B. participant diary/log
C. functional job analysis
D. position analysis questionnaire
E. interviewing
Answer: E. interviewing
36. The problem of exaggeration of some activities and underplaying of others is minimized
by the detailed, chronological nature of
A. a participant diary/log.
B. a position analysis questionnaire.
C. an individual interview.
D. a survey questionnaire.

E. functional job analysis.
Answer: A. a participant diary/log.
37. Which job analysis technique is meaningless for jobs requiring mental effort?
A. a survey questionnaire
B. direct observation
C. an individual interview
D. a position analysis questionnaire
E. a participant diary/log
Answer: B. direct observation
38. The following data collection method of job analysis can be used structured, unstructured,
or in combination. When structured, questions are read to job holders and supervisors and/or
fixed response choices are provided. When unstructured, questions are posed to job holders
and supervisors and/or general response choices are provided. This is called the
A. group interview method.
B. questionnaire method.
C. observation method.
D. diary/log method.
E. individual interview method.
Answer: E. individual interview method.
39. The job analysis technique that involves 194 items, each of which represents a basic
element that may or may not play an important role in the job, is known as
A. functional job analysis.
B. a participant diary/log.
C. a structured survey.
D. the point factor method.
E. a position analysis questionnaire (PAQ).
Answer: E. a position analysis questionnaire (PAQ).
40. A quantitative approach to job analysis is more suitable when
A. the aim is to assign a value to each job for comparisons for pay purposes.
B. the organization exceeds 200 in number of staff.
C. the organization has limited time and financial resources.
D. the aim is to reduce the amount of data collection.

E. the organization is using external consultants for job analysis purposes.
Answer: A. the aim is to assign a value to each job for comparisons for pay purposes.
41. The PAQ rates jobs on which of the following dimension?
A. mental processes and job context
B. incumbent performance
C. processing information and incumbent performance
D. safety risks
E. job context
Answer: A. mental processes and job context
42. The job analysis method that rates each job in terms of the incumbent's responsibilities
pertaining to data, people, and things is known as
A. functional job analysis.
B. direct observation.
C. a structured survey.
D. a participant diary/log.
Answer: A. functional job analysis.
43. An individual preparing a job description for the first time would find it helpful to refer to
A. HRDC Job Classification Dictionary.
B. National Occupational Classification.
C. Canadian Classification and Dictionary of Occupations.
D. Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
E. Standard Occupational Classification.
Answer: B. National Occupational Classification.
44. A written statement of what the jobholder actually does, how he or she does it, and under
what conditions the job is performed, is known as
A. a job analysis.
B. a job evaluation.
C. a job description.
D. the job standards.

E. a job specification.
Answer: C. a job description.
45. Jim was recently hired as an HR assistant. As his first project, his immediate supervisor
requested that he put forward a proposal to develop job descriptions for some of the key
positions within the organization. What do you think Jim would have identified in the
proposal as the most common areas to be included in a job description?
A. summary of performance evaluations
B. job holder's name
C. work culture
D. duties and responsibilities
E. company name
Answer: D. duties and responsibilities
46. The job identification section of a job description includes which of the following?
A. working conditions
B. job title
C. performance standards
D. job summary
E. relationships
Answer: B. job title
47. The section of the job description in which the major functions or activities are briefly
identified is the
A. job summary.
B. job identification.
C. working conditions.
D. relationships.
E. job duties.
Answer: A. job summary.
48. The subsection of the job description that describes contact with others inside and outside
the organization is titled
A. relationships.
B. job identification.
C. job summary.

D. authority.
E. working conditions.
Answer: A. relationships.
49. Which of the following should you avoid writing in a job description?
A. a separate listing of each major duty
B. an indication of which tasks are most important
C. a description of the working conditions
D. a general statement such as "performs other duties as assigned"
E. a definition of the limits of the jobholder's authority
Answer: D. a general statement such as "performs other duties as assigned"
50. The part of the job description in which budgetary limitations are identified is titled
A. relationships.
B. duties and responsibilities.
C. authority.
D. working conditions.
E. performance standards.
Answer: C. authority.
51. "No more than three posting errors per month occur on average." Which component of
the job description would this statement belong to?
A. job identification
B. performance standards
C. job summary
D. relationships
E. responsibilities and duties
Answer: B. performance standards
52. Which of the following would not be included in the subsection of the job description
titled "working conditions"?
A. amount of travel
B. equipment failure
C. hazardous conditions
D. frequency of interruptions

E. noise level
Answer: B. equipment failure
53. Which of the following statements related to legal compliance is true?
A. If a candidate is unable to perform one or more of the essential job duties due to a physical
disability, it is legally permissible for an employer to refuse to hire that individual.
B. If a candidate is unable to work on Friday evenings due to religious beliefs and rotating
shifts are a job requirement specified in the working conditions subsection of the job
description, the reasonable accommodation provisions of human rights legislation do not
C. When assessing suitability for employment, employers can assess factors other than those
related to the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the essential job duties.
D. Canadian employers are legally obligated to have job descriptions.
E. Indicating the percentage of time spent on each duty can help to differentiate between
essential and nonessential tasks and responsibilities.
Answer: E. Indicating the percentage of time spent on each duty can help to differentiate
between essential and nonessential tasks and responsibilities.
54. The document that results from an examination of the duties and responsibilities and
answering the question, "What human traits and experience are required to do this job?" is the
A. job specification.
B. position analysis questionnaire.
C. job description.
D. job evaluation.
E. position description.
Answer: A. job specification.
55. A physical demands analysis identifies
A. mental/emotional demands involved in the job.
B. senses used and amount of mental effort involved in the job.
C. type and frequency of motions used.
D. senses used, and the type, frequency, and amount of physical effort involved in the job.
E. the work environment.
Answer: B. senses used and amount of mental effort involved in the job.
56. When writing job specifications, it is important to list all bona fide occupational
requirements based on job duties and responsibilities because
A. organizations are required to comply with federal employment legislation.

B. organizations are required to provide reasonable accommodation.
C. organizations are required to comply with human rights legislation.
D. job specifications are limited to specific jobs.
E. of none of the above.
Answer: C. organizations are required to comply with human rights legislation.
57. Identifying human requirements for a job can be accomplished through
A. a judgmental approach.
B. an interview approach.
C. questionnaires.
D. supervisors' interviews.
E. none of the above.
Answer: A. a judgmental approach.
58. A survey instrument designed to assist managers in identifying potential personalityrelated traits that may be important in a job is called a(n)
E. all of the above
Answer: B. PPRF.
59. The traditional meaning of a "job" as a set of well-defined responsibilities is changing.
This is because
A. of reduced hierarchical structures.
B. employees are expected to adapt to changes infrequently.
C. employees are expected to adapt to changes frequently.
D. work is becoming more team based.
E. of all of the above.
Answer: C. employees are expected to adapt to changes frequently.
60. Designing an organizational structure depends on the strategic goals of the company.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True
61. Taking only industrial engineering concerns into consideration in job design is sufficient
because research does not support the view that human considerations are also critical.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
62. Work simplification can increase operating efficiency in a stable environment.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
63. Job analysis is called the cornerstone of human resources management because
information gathered through job analysis forms the basis for a number of interrelated HRM
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
64. Job analysis is defined as the process of listing duties, responsibilities, reporting
relationships, and working conditions of a job.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
65. The National Occupational Classification is a reference tool for writing job descriptions
and job specifications. It classifies occupations based on two key dimensions—skill level and
skill type.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
66. A job description should not include phrases such as "other duties as assigned" because it
can leave open the nature of the job and can be subject to abuse.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True

67. If an employee is unable to perform one or more of the essential duties of the job due to a
physical or mental disability, accommodation is not required.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
68. Jobs have become more cognitively complex, more team based, and more time pressured,
which has led some organizations to focus on personal competencies and skills in job
analysis, rather than specific duties and skills.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
69. Identify and briefly describe the three main types of organizational structure. Which type
would you recommend for a retail convenience store?
Answer: 1 point each for identification and 2 points for accurate description of bureaucratic,
flat, and matrix structures. 1 point for recommending a flat organizational structure for the
convenience store.
70. Job analysis supports many key HR processes. Identify three (3) different HR areas where
job analysis information is used and describe how job analysis information supports that area.
For the last point, comment on the risk to organizations of not having up-to-date job analysis
Answer: Identify any three of human resources planning, recruitment and selection,
compensation, performance management, labour relations, training development and career
management, or restructuring. The summary comment might describe the legal issues
associated with making HR decisions based on faulty data or the significance of errors
resulting from faulty data.
71. Organizations that want to implement a high-performance work system will tend not to
use traditional job descriptions in favour of using competency analysis. Outline the three
reasons why competency analysis is preferred in a high-performance work system and given
one example of a core competency.
Answer: Three points for each of the main reasons: competency-based jobs support work
performed in teams, competency analysis is strategically aligned with key competencies
identified by an organization for its success, and competency analysis supports an
organization's performance management process. One point for an example of a core
competency from the description on pp. 57-58.
72. Among educated employees, simplified jobs often lead to lower satisfaction, higher rates
of absenteeism, and turnover. Discuss three ways in which job content can be modified to
improve employee engagement.

Answer: Three points each for identification (1) and description (2) of job enrichment, job
rotation, and job enlargement. An extra point is given for associating job enlargement with
horizontal loading or job enrichment with vertical loading.

Test Bank for Management of Human Resources: The Essentials
Nina D. Cole, Gary Dessler, Nita Chhinzer
9780133807332, 9780134305066

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