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Chapter 27
Question 1
A qualitative researcher studying lived experiences of congestive heart failure clients wishes
to analyze data obtained from client interviews. Which of the following software programs
are best suited for this researcher's purpose?
2. NUD*IST and Nvivo
3. BMDP and DataDesk
4. SAS and SPSS
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
SYSTAT is a statistical software package, while HyperRESEARCH is qualitative data
analysis software. While HyperRESEARCH would be appropriate for analyzing qualitative
data from client interviews, SYSTAT is primarily designed for statistical analysis and may
not be as well-suited for qualitative data analysis.
Rationale 2:
NUD*IST (now known as NVivo) and Nvivo are both qualitative data analysis software
programs specifically designed for analyzing textual, audio, and video data. These programs
provide tools for organizing, coding, and analyzing qualitative data, making them well-suited
for the researcher's purpose of analyzing the lived experiences of congestive heart failure
clients from interview data.
Rationale 3:
BMDP is a statistical software package, and DataDesk is a data analysis and visualization
software. While they may have some capabilities for data analysis, they are not specifically
designed for qualitative data analysis like NUD*IST (NVivo) and Nvivo.
Rationale 4:
SAS and SPSS are both statistical software packages commonly used for quantitative data
analysis. While they may have some limited capabilities for handling qualitative data, they

are primarily designed for quantitative analysis and may not provide the same range of tools
and features needed for qualitative data analysis as NUD*IST (NVivo) and Nvivo.
Question 2
An ethnographer selects Ethnograph, a software program to analyze data obtained from client
interviews. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of using software for
qualitative research?
1. Data must be sorted manually into subsets for future analysis.
2. Research may be molded to fit the software program.
3. The researcher must input data separately for the best analysis.
4. There is less available time for data analysis.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Research may be molded to fit the software program. This can result in data that are forced
into patterns provided by the software program, possibly altering the final results. Computer
capabilities may also tempt researchers to use large populations, thus sacrificing in-depth
study for breadth. Data do not need to be sorted manually into subsets for future analysis.
Rationale 2:
Computer capabilities may also tempt researchers to use large populations, thus sacrificing
in-depth study for breadth.
Rationale 3:
This can result in data that are forced into patterns provided by the software program,
possibly altering the final results. Computer capabilities may also tempt researchers to use
large populations, thus sacrificing in-depth study for breadth. Separate data input is not
Rationale 4:
Computer capabilities may also tempt researchers to use large populations, thus sacrificing
in-depth study for breadth. There is actually more available time for data analysis. Research

may be molded to fit the software program. This can result in data that are forced into
patterns provided by the software program, possibly altering the final results.
Question 3
Which statement is true regarding the realization of a universal electronic health record
1. Security and confidentiality issues have been resolved.
2. The EHR exists only in private, for-profit acute-care institutions.
3. Health care providers are unified in the standardization of the EHR.
4. The lack of common language prevents the EHR from becoming a reality.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
The lack of common language prevents the universal EHR from becoming a reality. Although
the EHR is not fully realized at this time, it is a common hope that it will be fully developed.
The competition among providers, limited interoperability, limited health information
exchange, concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, limited funding and
technical issues have all impeded its progress.
Rationale 2:
The competition among providers, limited interoperability, limited health information
exchange, concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, limited funding and
technical issues have all impeded its progress.
Rationale 3:
Although the EHR is not fully realized at this time, it is a common hope that it will be fully
developed. The competition among providers, limited interoperability, limited health
information exchange, concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, limited
funding and technical issues have all impeded its progress.
Rationale 4:
The competition among providers, limited interoperability, limited health information
exchange, concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, limited funding and

technical issues have all impeded its progress. The lack of common language prevents the
universal EHR from becoming a reality. Although the EHR is not fully realized at this time, it
is a common hope that it will be fully developed.
Question 4
Which statement regarding data collection via the Internet is accurate?
1. Ethical issues are minimized because complete privacy of client response is assured.
2. E-mails cannot be used because there may be errors in interpretation and transcription.
3. Selection bias is eliminated because the Internet allows participation from all over the
4. Data collection is automated, allowing the data to be exported to other programs more
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
This statement about the Internet is accurate: Data collection is automated, allowing the data
to be exported to other programs more easily. E-mails may provide useful information.
Ethical issues do remain a concern, especially those regarding privacy and confidentiality;
human subjects must still be protected. Selection bias is another factor that limits the
generalizability of results. This is because the Internet population is nonrepresentative; open
surveys conducted via the Web get volunteer participants and not all potential participants
have Internet access.
Rationale 2:
This statement about the Internet is accurate: Data collection is automated, allowing the data
to be exported to other programs more easily. E-mails may provide useful information.
Ethical issues do remain a concern, especially those regarding privacy and confidentiality;
human subjects must still be protected. Selection bias is another factor that limits the
generalizability of results.
Rationale 3:

Selection bias is another factor that limits the generalizability of results. This is because the
Internet population is nonrepresentative; open surveys conducted via the Web get volunteer
participants and not all potential participants have Internet access.
Rationale 4:
Data may be indeed collected easily and quickly via the Internet because much is automated.
E-mails may provide useful information. Ethical issues do remain a concern, especially those
regarding privacy and confidentiality; human subjects must still be protected. Selection bias
is another factor that limits the generalizability of results. This is because the Internet
population is nonrepresentative; open surveys conducted via the Web get volunteer
participants and not all potential participants have Internet access.
Question 5
For which type of research is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) least appropriate?
1. To cross-link risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
2. To identify the efficacy of a treatment for children with the rare and fatal Batten disease.
3. To test the hypothesis that polycystic kidney disease is best treated with antihypertensive
4. To determine the most significant risk factors for congestive heart failure
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
KDD is least appropriate for identifying the efficacy of a treatment for children with the rare
and fatal Batten disease. KDD identifies complex patterns and relationships in collected data;
it is a powerful tool, suitable for the analysis of large amounts of data. KDD may be used to
identify risk factors for diseases or efficacy of particular treatment modalities. However,
KDD is not used when insufficient data would be available, as in the case of a rare disease.
Rationale 2:
KDD identifies complex patterns and relationships in collected data; it is a powerful tool,
suitable for the analysis of large amounts of data. KDD may be used to identify risk factors
for diseases or efficacy of particular treatment modalities. KDD is not used when insufficient
data would be available, as in the case of a rare disease.

Rationale 3:
KDD may be used to identify risk factors for diseases or efficacy of particular treatment
modalities. However, KDD is not used when insufficient data would be available, as in the
case of a rare disease.
Rationale 4:
However, KDD is not used when insufficient data would be available, as in the case of a rare
Question 6
A nursing student wishes to initiate a search for interesting research topics. The student
decides to peruse client positioning during pulmonary artery catheter readings. Among the
following, which are suitable for this topic?
1. PsychINFO
3. Google
5. PubMed
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1:
All of these except for Google are suitable to initiate a search about client positioning during
pulmonary artery catheter readings. Google pulls together a variety of sources, not all of
which are medical; the other databases are medically or nursing oriented.
Rationale 2:
Google pulls together a variety of sources, not all of which are medical; all the other
databases named are medically or nursing oriented.
Rationale 3:

All of these except for Google are suitable to initiate a search about client positioning during
pulmonary artery catheter readings. Google pulls together a variety of sources, not all of
which are medical; the other databases are medically or nursing oriented.
Rationale 4:
All of these except for Google are suitable to initiate a search about client positioning during
pulmonary artery catheter readings. Google pulls together a variety of sources, not all of
which are medical; the other databases are medically or nursing oriented.
Rationale 5:
All of these except for Google are suitable to initiate a search about client positioning during
pulmonary artery catheter readings. Google pulls together a variety of sources, not all of
which are medical; the other databases are medically or nursing oriented.
Question 7
Which type of research is best suited for using nurmetrics?
1. The compilation of unified medical language systems into a universal language
2. The collapsing of databases into one large data set for research purposes
3. The generation and testing of new models of health care delivery using computers
4. The collection of data to create a uniform data set for nursing care and outcomes
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
The option best suited for using nurmetrics is the generation and testing of new models of
health care delivery using computers. Nurmetrics uses mathematical form and statistics to
test, estimate, and quantify nursing theories and solutions to problems. This application is
cost effective and can demonstrate how factors such as education may affect health practices
and outcomes over time without the need to first implement the program and wait for results.
Rationale 2:
Nurmetrics uses mathematical form and statistics to test, estimate, and quantify nursing
theories and solutions to problems. This application is cost effective and can demonstrate

how factors such as education may affect health practices and outcomes over time without the
need to first implement the program and wait for results.
Rationale 3:
This application is cost effective and can demonstrate how factors such as education may
affect health practices and outcomes over time without the need to first implement the
program and wait for results.
Rationale 4:
Nurmetrics uses mathematical form and statistics to test, estimate, and quantify nursing
theories and solutions to problems. This application is cost effective and can demonstrate
how factors such as education may affect health practices and outcomes over time without the
need to first implement the program and wait for results.
Question 8
Which of the following is an advantage of uniform nursing languages, such as The Omaha
1. Standards for information systems are no longer needed.
2. Nursing data may be collected only in similar health care settings.
3. All contain the same type of data on nursing care and outcomes.
4. Studies using the same language may be replicated more easily.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Studies using the same language may be replicated more easily, an advantage of uniform
nursing languages. A standardized nursing language allows accurate communication among
nurses which aids research and subsequently adds to the body of nursing knowledge.
Research utilizing standardized terms allows the researcher an increased confidence that
results might be compared or replicated more easily, since the terms have the same
definitions. The American Nurses Association has recognized several standardized languages
and terminologies to support nursing practice. These include The Omaha System.
Rationale 2:

A standardized nursing language allows accurate communication among nurses which aids
research and subsequently adds to the body of nursing knowledge. Research utilizing
standardized terms allows the researcher an increased confidence that results might be
compared or replicated more easily, since the terms have the same definitions.
Rationale 3:
Studies using the same language may be replicated more easily, an advantage of uniform
nursing languages. A standardized nursing language allows accurate communication among
nurses which aids research and subsequently adds to the body of nursing knowledge.
Rationale 4:
The American Nurses Association has recognized several standardized languages and
terminologies to support nursing practice. These include The Omaha System.
Question 9
Data mining supports sifting through large volumes of data at rapid speeds. In which instance
would the use of data mining be inappropriate?
1. To provide information that may enhance the company's market share
2. To hide confidential information in databases using real values
3. To identify common factors relating to medication errors
4. To search databases to review trends in the health care arena
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
However, the confidentiality of individual records may be protected by hiding confidential
information while maintaining underlying aggregate relationships of the database.
Rationale 2:
Data mining would be inappropriate for hiding confidential information in databases using
real values. However, the confidentiality of individual records may be protected by hiding
confidential information while maintaining underlying aggregate relationships of the

Rationale 3:
Inappropriate for hiding confidential information in databases using real values. However, the
confidentiality of individual records may be protected by hiding confidential information
while maintaining underlying aggregate relationships of the database.
Rationale 4:
The confidentiality of individual records may be protected by hiding confidential information
while maintaining underlying aggregate relationships of the database.
Question 10
A nurse researcher selects a notebook computer to collect data for a research study. Which
statement regarding data collection using mobile devices is accurate?
1. Transcription errors may occur during data transmission.
2. An interactive data collection tool may not be appealing to the participant.
3. Time and costs relating to scrubbing data are usually much reduced.
4. Redundant data entry may occur until the researcher becomes more skilled.
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
Time and costs relating to scrubbing data are usually reduced when data are collected using
mobile devices such as a notebook computer. This eliminates transcription errors and lost or
illegible paper notes, while speeding the data collection and analysis process. Interactive data
collection tools offer the advantages of engaging the participant and eliminate redundant data
Rationale 2:
Time and costs relating to scrubbing data are usually reduced when data are collected using
mobile devices such as a notebook computer.
Rationale 3:
This eliminates transcription errors and lost or illegible paper notes, while speeding the data
collection and analysis process. Interactive data collection tools offer the advantages of

engaging the participant and eliminate redundant data entry. Time and costs relating to
scrubbing data are usually reduced when data are collected using mobile devices such as a
notebook computer.
Rationale 4:
The eliminates transcription errors and lost or illegible paper notes, while speeding the data
collection and analysis process. Interactive data collection tools offer the advantages of
engaging the participant and eliminate redundant data entry.
Question 11
From a health information technology perspective, health care research has faced some
impediments. Which of the following has impeded health care research?
1. Slow adoption of uniform languages
2. Limited funding
3. Rapid adoption of data exchange standards
4. Confidentiality of private health information (PHI)
5. Failure to attain a birth-to-death electronic health record (EHR)
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1:
From a health information technology perspective, health care research has been impeded by
all of these except a rapid adoption of data exchange standards. Slow adoption of data
exchange standards and uniform languages, a failure to realize a birth-to-death electronic
health record, limited interoperability, limited health information exchange, concerns over the
confidentiality of private health information, and limited funding all hinder research. Many
technical issues also still need to be resolved.
Rationale 2:
Slow adoption of data exchange standards and uniform languages, a failure to realize a birthto-death electronic health record, limited interoperability, limited health information
exchange, concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, and limited funding
all hinder research. Many technical issues also still need to be resolved.

Rationale 3:
From a health information technology perspective, health care research has been impeded by
all of these except a rapid adoption of data exchange standards. Slow adoption of data
exchange standards and uniform languages, a failure to realize a birth-to-death electronic
health record, limited interoperability, limited health information exchange, concerns over the
confidentiality of private health information, and limited funding all hinder research.
Rationale 4:
Concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, and limited funding all hinder
research. Many technical issues also still need to be resolved.
Rationale 5:
Slow adoption of data exchange standards and uniform languages, a failure to realize a birthto-death electronic health record, limited interoperability, limited health information
exchange, concerns over the confidentiality of private health information, and limited funding
all hinder research. Many technical issues also still need to be resolved.
Question 12
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) requires health care
providers and insurers to obtain additional documentation from researchers related to
assurances of patient safety and confidentiality. Which of the following is the key concern
about human subjects in health care research?
1. That all subjects are protected from the researcher getting access to their confidential
information before disclosing their health information
2. That authorization is still required even if an institutional review board grants a waiver or
alteration of authorization requirements
3. That authorization is still required even if information has been de-identified according to
Privacy Rule standards
4. That one signed authorization form for research is valid for a current research study and
covers any future research projects
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:

The key concern about human subjects in health care research is that all subjects, irrespective
of their age, are protected from the researcher getting access to their confidential information
before disclosing health information to them. A signed authorization form for research is
valid only for a specific research study, not for future projects. Authorization is not required
when the researcher obtains appropriate documentation that an institutional review board or a
privacy board has granted a waiver or alteration of authorization requirements. Authorization
is also not required once information has been de-identified according to Privacy Rule
Rationale 2:
A signed authorization form for research is valid only for a specific research study, not for
future projects. Authorization is not required when the researcher obtains appropriate
documentation that an institutional review board or a privacy board has granted a waiver or
alteration of authorization requirements. Authorization is also not required once information
has been de-identified according to Privacy Rule standards.
Rationale 3:
Authorization is not required when the researcher obtains appropriate documentation that an
institutional review board or a privacy board has granted a waiver or alteration of
authorization requirements. Authorization is also not required once information has been deidentified according to Privacy Rule standards.
Rationale 4:
They signed authorization form for research is valid only for a specific research study, not for
future projects. Authorization is not required when the researcher obtains appropriate
documentation that an institutional review board or a privacy board has granted a waiver or
alteration of authorization requirements. Authorization is also not required once information
has been de-identified according to Privacy Rule standards.
Question 13
Constant changes in health care and its delivery creates challenges for clinicians to keep
abreast of the latest evidence-based practice (EBP) findings and recommendations. What can
health care professionals do in order to narrow the time in synthesizing research from the
"bench" to the client's "bedside"?

1. Use available toolkits to locate existing guidelines and develop EBP guidelines.
2. Locate nursing research Web links.
3. Enroll in a doctoral program.
4. Foster health care informatics skills.
5. Join a focused online discussion group to help identify specific areas for EBP or original
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1:
To get research quickly from the "bench" to the client's "bedside," health care professionals
can do all of these except for the doctoral program. Some experts estimate a lag of as long as
17 years for getting the "bench" research translated into "bedside" care. It is essential that
clinicians are more dedicated to narrowing this time frame. EBP provides a mechanism for
hospitals and other health care delivery systems to meet research and excellence requirements
inherent in the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet designation. Those
hospitals that are seeking or already have Magnet status are a great resource.
Rationale 2:
Some experts estimate a lag of as long as 17 years for getting the "bench" research translated
into "bedside" care. It is essential that clinicians are more dedicated to narrowing this time
frame. EBP provides a mechanism for hospitals and other health care delivery systems to
meet research and excellence requirements inherent in the American Nurses Credentialing
Center (ANCC) Magnet designation. Those hospitals that are seeking or already have Magnet
status are a great resource.
Rationale 3:
EBP provides a mechanism for hospitals and other health care delivery systems to meet
research and excellence requirements inherent in the American Nurses Credentialing Center
(ANCC) Magnet designation. Those hospitals that are seeking or already have Magnet status
are a great resource.
Rationale 4:

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet designation. Those hospitals that are
seeking or already have Magnet status are a great resource.
Rationale 5:
The experts estimate a lag of as long as 17 years for getting the "bench" research translated
into "bedside" care. It is essential that clinicians are more dedicated to narrowing this time
frame. EBP provides a mechanism for hospitals and other health care delivery systems to
meet research and excellence requirements inherent in the American Nurses Credentialing
Center (ANCC) Magnet designation. Those hospitals that are seeking or already have Magnet
status are a great resource.
Question 14
Which of the following statements about evidence-based practice (EBP) is true?
1. Hospitals have not yet begun to build EBP into their clinical ladders.
2. The standards of practice are not currently established with evidence-based competencies.
3. Staff nurses indicate higher levels of familiarity with EBP than advanced practice nurses.
4. A number of facilities now consider EBP to be part of everyday clinical practice.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
It is true that a number of facilities now consider EBP to be part of everyday clinical practice.
Facilities use evidence-based competencies to establish the standards of practice and build
EBP into their clinical ladders. Advanced practice nurses, not staff nurses, indicate higher
levels of familiarity with EBP.
Rationale 2:
Facilities use evidence-based competencies to establish the standards of practice and build
EBP into their clinical ladders. Advanced practice nurses, not staff nurses, indicate higher
levels of familiarity with EBP.
Rationale 3:

EBP to be part of everyday clinical practice facilities use evidence-based competencies to
establish the standards of practice and build EBP into their clinical ladders. Advanced
practice nurses, not staff nurses, indicate higher levels of familiarity with EBP.
Rationale 4:
EBP into their clinical ladders advanced practice nurses, not staff nurses, indicate higher
levels of familiarity with EBP.
Question 15
A program outcome essential for health care students is that they be skilled in which of the
1. Electronic spreadsheet applications
2. Electronic database management applications
3. Applications that facilitate electronic literature searches
4. Electronic slide presentation applications
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
A program outcome essential for health care students is that they be skilled in applications
facilitating electronic literature searches. Despite the availability and merits of this type of
search, students fail to find useful information when their choice of search limiters or terms is
not appropriate. Software for database management, spreadsheets, and presentations are
useful but are not essential program outcomes.
Rationale 2:
Despite the availability and merits of this type of search, students fail to find useful
information when their choice of search limiters or terms is not appropriate. Software for
database management, spreadsheets, and presentations are useful but are not essential
program outcomes.
Rationale 3:
A program outcome essential for health care students is that they be skilled in applications
facilitating electronic literature searches. Despite the availability and merits of this type of

search, students fail to find useful information when their choice of search limiters or terms is
not appropriate.
Rationale 4:
Students fail to find useful information when their choice of search limiters or terms is not
appropriate. Software for database management, spreadsheets, and presentations are useful
but are not essential program outcomes.
Question 16
The lack of a common language to facilitate data collection and decision making was
recognized as a problem in health care and nursing several years ago. Which of the following
are recognized nursing languages?
1. CCC
3. NOC
Correct Answer: 1,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
CCC (Clinical Care Classification) is a recognized nursing language that provides a
standardized framework for documenting nursing assessments, diagnoses, interventions, and
outcomes. It helps facilitate data collection and decision-making by providing a common
language for describing and categorizing nursing care.
Rationale 2:
UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) is not a nursing-specific language but rather a
comprehensive biomedical terminology system developed by the National Library of
Medicine. While it includes nursing terminologies among its components, it is not solely
focused on nursing language.
Rationale 3:

NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) is a recognized nursing language that provides a
standardized framework for describing and measuring patient outcomes related to nursing
interventions. It helps nurses document and communicate the effects of their care on patient
well-being using a common set of outcome measures.
Rationale 4:
PNDS (Perioperative Nursing Data Set) is a recognized nursing language specifically
designed for documenting perioperative nursing care. It provides standardized terminology
and data elements for documenting preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative nursing
assessments, interventions, and outcomes.
Rationale 5:
ICNP (International Classification for Nursing Practice) is a recognized nursing language
developed by the International Council of Nurses. It provides a standardized framework for
representing nursing concepts, including assessments, diagnoses, interventions, and
outcomes, in a way that is internationally understood and interoperable across healthcare
Question 17
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) is a term used in other industries that is now seen
in health care circles. Which of the following statements about KDD is accurate?
1. It is a powerful tool suitable for the analysis of large or small amounts of data.
2. It is not available commercially, but platforms can be custom built to suit the facility.
3. The confidentiality of individual records may be protected through the use of data
4. The lack of bias is guaranteed by the vendor related to the complex patterns in collected
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
This statement about KDD is accurate: The confidentiality of individual records may be
protected through the use of data perturbation. This is a technique that modifies actual data
values to hide confidential information while maintaining underlying aggregate relationships

of the database. Further research is needed on the use of data perturbation and its potential to
introduce bias (lack of bias is not guaranteed by the vendor). Commercial packages are
available in a range of prices and platforms. KDD provides a powerful tool suitable for the
analysis of large amounts of data, but not small amounts.
Rationale 2:
This is a technique that modifies actual data values to hide confidential information while
maintaining underlying aggregate relationships of the database. Further research is needed on
the use of data perturbation and its potential to introduce bias (lack of bias is not guaranteed
by the vendor). Commercial packages are available in a range of prices and platforms. KDD
provides a powerful tool suitable for the analysis of large amounts of data, but not small
Rationale 3:
The confidentiality of individual records may be protected through the use of data
perturbation. This is a technique that modifies actual data values to hide confidential
information while maintaining underlying aggregate relationships of the database. Further
research is needed on the use of data perturbation and its potential to introduce bias (lack of
bias is not guaranteed by the vendor). Commercial packages are available in a range of prices
and platforms. KDD provides a powerful tool suitable for the analysis of large amounts of
data, but not small amounts.
Rationale 4:
Commercial packages are available in a range of prices and platforms. KDD provides a
powerful tool suitable for the analysis of large amounts of data, but not small amounts.
Question 18
Sigma Theta Tau International completed a landmark EBP study in 2006. Which of the
following was included in the findings?
1. Nurses are comfortable seeking information to provide EBP patient care and had sufficient
access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
2. Nurses who entered practice less than two years earlier were least comfortable with
providing EBP patient care.

3. Nurses who entered practice five or more years earlier were most comfortable with
providing EBP patient care.
4. Nurses lacked access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
This landmark EBP study found that nurses needed information to provide patient care but
many reported lacking comfort, skills, time, or access to appropriate materials to personally
engage in EBP. This finding was particularly true for nurses entering practice five or more
years earlier.
Rationale 2:
This finding was particularly true for nurses entering practice five or more years earlier.
Rationale 3:
EBP study found that nurses needed information to provide patient care but many reported
lacking comfort, skills, time, or access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
This finding was particularly true for nurses entering practice five or more years earlier.
Rationale 4:
The nurses needed information to provide patient care but many reported lacking comfort,
skills, time, or access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP. This finding was
particularly true for nurses entering practice five or more years earlier.
Question 19
Clinical researchers have experienced barriers due to HIPPA. These researchers need to be
aware of HIPAA's Privacy Rule because it establishes the conditions under which covered
entities can use or disclose PHI. Which of the following statements about HIPPA covered
entities is accurate?
1. Researchers are not covered entities unless they are also health care providers or employed
by a covered entity or engage in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
2. Researchers are always considered to be covered entities for transactions covered under
HIPAA so long as they are conducting a valid study.

3. When difficulties arise with small sample size, covered entities are not allowed to disclose
PHI to researchers to aid in study recruitment.
4. Covered entities do not include providers that transmit health information electronically for
HIPAA transactions, health plans, and clearinghouses unless they are certified via a national
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Researchers are not covered entities unless they are also health care providers or employed by
a covered entity or engage in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
Rationale 2:
Entities unless they are also health care providers or employed by a covered entity or engage
in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
Rationale 3:
Researchers are not covered entities unless they are also health care providers or employed by
a covered entity or engage in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
Covered entities actually may disclose PHI to researchers to aid in study recruitment.
Rationale 4:
Researchers are not covered entities unless they are also health care providers or employed by
a covered entity or engage in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
Covered entities actually do include providers that transmit health information electronically
for HIPAA transactions, health plans, and clearinghouses. There is no national certification
Question 20
Standardized languages provide a mechanism to ensure common meanings to terms, facilitate
data collection, and aid research. Which of the following languages includes all nursing
specialties and demonstrates the ability to encompass other standardized nursing languages?

3. NIC
4. NOC
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
ICNP includes all nursing specialties and demonstrates the ability to encompass other
standardized nursing languages. It is a widely accepted standard in nursing. The other
answers are specialized languages: NANDA for classifying nursing diagnoses, NIC for
nursing interventions, and NOC for nursing outcomes. Currently, standardized nursing
languages are fodder for research as well as a tool to enhance research through shared
Rationale 2:
It is ICNP that includes all nursing specialties and demonstrates the ability to encompass
other standardized nursing languages. It is a widely accepted standard in nursing. The other
answers are specialized languages: NANDA for classifying nursing diagnoses, NIC for
nursing interventions, and NOC for nursing outcomes. Currently, standardized nursing
languages are fodder for research as well as a tool to enhance research through shared
Rationale 3:
NANDA for classifying nursing diagnoses, NIC for nursing interventions, and NOC for
nursing outcomes. Currently, standardized nursing languages are fodder for research as well
as a tool to enhance research through shared meanings.
Rationale 4:
It is ICNP that includes all nursing specialties and demonstrates the ability to encompass
other standardized nursing languages. It is a widely accepted standard in nursing. The other
answers are specialized languages: NANDA for classifying nursing diagnoses, NIC for
nursing interventions, and NOC for nursing outcomes.
Question 21
Which of the following best supports the need for translational research in health care?

1. More emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary translation of research in the coming
2. Nurses are the only health care provider capable of understanding best practice models.
3. There is not as much demand for translational research today as there was five years ago.
4. Translational research is a new concept in health care.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Correct. There is a need to collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate research findings to
improve patient care outcomes. Therefore, collaboration among the disciplines can enhance
the research process and emphasize team work.
Rationale 2:
There is a need to collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate research findings to improve
patient care outcomes. Therefore, collaboration among the disciplines can enhance the
research process and emphasize team work.
Rationale 3:
Not correct. There is an enhanced need to collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate
research findings to improve patient care outcomes. Therefore, collaboration among the
disciplines can enhance the research process and emphasize team work.
Rationale 4:
There is a need to collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate research findings to improve
patient care outcomes. Therefore, collaboration among the disciplines can enhance the
research process and emphasize team work.
Question 22
Which of the following provides an effective means of researching primary research in a
logical and systematic manner, providing a more efficient and effective means to find
credible scientific information than if one were doing a general Web search?
1. Wikis

2. Systematic literature searches
3. Blogging
4. Telehealth
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Systematic literature searches provide an effective means of researching primary research in a
logical and systematic manner, providing a more efficient and effective means to find
credible scientific information than if one were doing a general Web search. This is a relevant
concept in the process of locating and examining research because there is opportunity to
examine primary data sources in one location (Sigma Theta Tau International, 2005).
Rationale 2:
This is a relevant concept in the process of locating and examining research because there is
opportunity to examine primary data sources in one location (Sigma Theta Tau International,
Rationale 3:
Not correct. Systematic literature searches provide an effective means of researching primary
research in a logical and systematic manner, providing a more efficient and effective means to
find credible scientific information than if one were doing a general Web search.
Rationale 4:
Web search. This is a relevant concept in the process of locating and examining research
because there is opportunity to examine primary data sources in one location (Sigma Theta
Tau International, 2005).
Question 23
Data collection via the Internet can offer special advantages. Which of the following tools
also facilitates research?
1. Electronic databases
2. Online group discussions

3. Privacy standards
4. Cookies
5. Digital libraries
Correct Answer: 1,2
Rationale 1:
Electronic databases, such as online repositories of scholarly articles, research databases, and
data archives, facilitate research by providing access to a wide range of published literature,
datasets, and research findings. Researchers can search, retrieve, and analyze relevant
information from electronic databases, making them valuable tools for data collection and
literature review.
Rationale 2:
Online group discussions, such as forums, chat rooms, and social media groups, can facilitate
research by providing platforms for collecting qualitative data, conducting surveys, and
engaging with research participants or stakeholders. Researchers can use online group
discussions to gather insights, opinions, and experiences from diverse populations, enabling
data collection and exploration of research topics in a collaborative and interactive manner.
Rationale 3:
Privacy standards are important for ensuring the ethical conduct of research and protecting
the confidentiality of research participants' data. While privacy standards are essential
considerations for conducting research via the Internet, they are not tools or mechanisms that
directly facilitate data collection or research activities.
Rationale 4:
Cookies are small pieces of data stored on users' devices by websites to track user activity,
preferences, and interactions online. While cookies may be used for various purposes,
including website personalization and analytics, they are not tools specifically designed for
research purposes or data collection.
Rationale 5:
Digital libraries provide access to a vast collection of digital resources, including scholarly
articles, books, reports, and multimedia content. While digital libraries are valuable resources

for accessing research literature and educational materials, they are not tools specifically
designed for data collection or research activities.
Question 24
________________ have the capacity to locate a plethora of research, data, and information
in a rapid period of time.
Correct Answer: Computerized literature searches
Computerized literature searches have the capacity to locate a plethora of research, data, and
information in a rapid period of time. Computerized searches offer access to literature that
can support studies or data that can create best practice models.
Question 25
Which of the following is essential to provide the means to search the literature and apply
clinical knowledge, improving practice and safety as well as meeting the standards of
excellence required for regulatory and credentialing standards and Magnet status?
1. Information technology tools
2. Computerized databases
3. Technology websites
4. Online libraries
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Information technology (IT) tools are essential to provide the means to search the literature
and apply clinical knowledge, improving practice and safety as well as meeting the standards
of excellence required for regulatory and credentialing standards and Magnet status.
Rationale 2:
Tools are essential to provide the means to search the literature and apply clinical knowledge,
improving practice and safety as well as meeting the standards of excellence required for
regulatory and credentialing standards and Magnet status.

Rationale 3:
Improving practice and safety as well as meeting the standards of excellence required for
regulatory and credentialing standards and Magnet status.
Rationale 4:
Information technology (IT) tools are essential to provide the means to search the literature
and apply clinical knowledge, improving practice and safety as well as meeting the standards
of excellence required for regulatory and credentialing standards and Magnet status.
Question 26
_________________ is an approach to providing care that integrates nursing experience and
intuition with valid and current clinical research to achieve the best patient outcomes
Correct Answer: Evidence-based practice
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to providing care that integrates nursing
experience and intuition with valid and current clinical research to achieve the best patient
Question 27
Which of the following methods is not useful in the facilitation of both evidence-based
practice and research through the identification of questions, location of literature, systematic
reviews, and resources?
1. Electronic literature searches
2. Online discussion groups
3. Comparative effectiveness research (CER)
4. Digital libraries
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
Electronic literature searches, online discussion groups, and digital libraries facilitate both
evidence-based practice and research through the identification of questions, location of

literature, systematic reviews, and resources. These tools enhance the research process by
providing comprehensive literature support for developing clinical questions for inquiry.
Rationale 2:
Online discussion groups can facilitate both evidence-based practice and research through the
identification of questions, location of literature, systematic reviews, and resources.
Discussion groups can assist in the identification of a clinical through group communication
and consensus.
Rationale 3:
CER is playing a big part in improving the quality of care while decreasing costs for health
Rationale 4:
Digital libraries can facilitate both evidence-based practice and research through the
identification of questions, location of literature, systematic reviews, and resources. Digital
libraries offer rapid access that enhances the research process by providing comprehensive
literature support.
Question 28
A busy, inner city CCU has had a record number of nosocomial infections during the month
of December. The head nurse held a meeting with the department to begin a systematic
review process of all of the infected patients. In order to facilitate the collection of relevant
data, she can eliminate a barrier to the collection of data by the point of care staff through
which of the following?
1. Allowing nurses who are comfortable with the research process to collect data
2. Hiring a consultant to create the research process and collect data
3. Providing workshops and preceptors to guide the nurses
4. Asking the staff to work an extra hour per week to facilitate collection
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:

Nurses are important members of the health care profession with unique experiences and
education. Nurses have the ability to collect data, record it, and assist in the analysis to
develop evidence to support improved patient care practices. Nurses can learn to be integral
members of a research team.
Rationale 2:
The use of an outside consultant can be cost prohibitive. Therefore, as part of job
descriptions, nurses can be offered an opportunity to learn about and participate in the
collection of data relevant to any research question.
Rationale 3:
Once nurses have been taught the research process and its usefulness in improving patient
care, resistance may diminish. With any relevant workshop or seminar, nurses can learn the
tools to enhance clinical practice through the collection and analysis of data.
Rationale 4:
Adding additional work to a nurse's load does not necessarily decrease resistance and may
decrease job satisfaction.
Question 29
Which of the following technologies does collaborative computing not use to achieve its
1. E-mail and desktop videoconferencing
2. Digital libraries
3. Handheld devices
4. Shared databases
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
E-mail and desktop videoconferencing can enhance communication across the globe in an
effort to share information and data.
Rationale 2:

Digital libraries enable the user instant access literature and research and can be sent
electronically to any location throughout the globe.
Rationale 3:
Collaborative computing may use e-mail, desktop videoconferencing, other
telecommunication tools, digital libraries, or shared databases to join persons of like interests
from locations across the globe.
Rationale 4:
Shared databases enhance the collection and sharing of data with other health care
professionals in an attempt to collaborate over a project or sharing of relevant data.
Question 30
Which of the following activities are involved in producing a thorough and comprehensive
review of research databases?
1. Understanding the process of comprehensive and systematic search of databases
2. Selecting and appraising relevant studies
3. Extracting relevant information from the research articles that have been found to be
scientifically rigorous and meritorious
4. Developing competency and skills in extracting relevant information
5. Structuring the results of the systematic review in a clear and succinct manner
Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Rationale 1:
Understanding the process of comprehensive and systematic search of databases is essential
for identifying all relevant studies and ensuring that the systematic review is exhaustive and
Rationale 2:
Selecting and appraising relevant studies involves critically evaluating the quality and
relevance of research articles to determine their inclusion in the systematic review, thereby
ensuring the reliability and validity of the review findings.

Rationale 3:
Extracting relevant information from scientifically rigorous and meritorious research articles
is necessary to synthesize the findings and evidence needed to answer the research questions
addressed in the systematic review.
Rationale 4:
Developing competency and skills in extracting relevant information ensures that the data
extracted from research articles are accurate, consistent, and pertinent to the objectives of the
systematic review, thereby enhancing the credibility and rigor of the review process.
Rationale 5:
Structuring the results of the systematic review in a clear and succinct manner involves
organizing and presenting the findings, conclusions, and implications of the review in a
format that is accessible and understandable to the intended audience, facilitating
dissemination and utilization of the review findings.
Question 31
Which form of technology has recently been designated as useful at the point of care?
1. Computer on wheels
2. Monitoring DVDs
3. Portable Dynamap
4. Personal digital assistant
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
The computer on wheels (COWs) is a portable mobile computing station that can be wheeled
into the patients' room. Criticism of the COW is the spreading of germs and infections from
room to room.
Rationale 2:
DVDs are generally not useful at the point of care unless the nurse is educating the patient
and family and wants to incorporate visuals for the process.

Rationale 3:
Health care facilities have been using portable automatic blood pressure devices for years.
This is not a new technology tool.
Rationale 4:
The personal digital assistant or PDA is a portable, handheld device that can render relevant
data at the point of care. More nurses and students are incorporating the PDA as an important
patient care tool. PDAs have several attractive features, making them quite portable and
allowing the clinician to have access to databases and EBP clinical guidelines at the bedside;
there is also increasing evidence that patient safety and nurse satisfaction are increased with
PDA use.
Question 32
The electronic health record (EHR) provides the database needed to support research and
evidence-based practice. Which of the following best depicts the use of the EHR in the
collection of data?
1. Only experienced clinicians understand the usage of EHR data.
2. Incorporation of evidence-based guidelines into the EHR can improve the quality of care.
3. Extrapolating data from an EHR can be a lengthy process and counterproductive.
4. The EHR can be a reservoir for research studies.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The EHR provides the database needed to support research and evidence-based practice and
has the potential to change and shape care practices. Incorporation of evidence-based
guidelines into the EHR and the ability to access data driven information at the bedside puts
care and support literally in the hands of clinicians, standardizes evidence-based care,
improves quality, and ultimately advances care for patients and satisfaction for providers.
Rationale 2:
Incorporation of evidence-based guidelines into the EHR and the ability to access data driven
information at the bedside puts care and support literally in the hands of clinicians,

standardizes evidence-based care, improves quality, and ultimately advances care for patients
and satisfaction for providers.
Rationale 3:
The EHR provides the database needed to support research and evidence-based practice and
has the potential to change and shape care practices.
Rationale 4:
The EHR provides the database needed to support research and evidence-based practice and
has the potential to change and shape care practices. Incorporation of evidence-based
guidelines into the EHR and the ability to access data driven information at the bedside puts
care and support literally in the hands of clinicians, standardizes evidence-based care.
Question 33
_______________ provide up-to-date information from peer-reviewed data-based research.
Correct Answer: Online literature searches
Online literature searches provide up-to-date information from peer-reviewed data-based
Question 34
It is important for nurses to bridge the gap between practice and research to promote safe,
evidence-based nursing care. One of the best ways to close this gap is by which of the
1. Extrapolate data from the electronic health record (EHR).
2. Write all patient data in the nurse's station notebook.
3. Analyze singular pieces of data and note its relevance to all patients.
4. Keep data that seem irrelevant from the research committee.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:

The EHR provides the database needed to support research and evidence-based practice and
has the potential to change and shape care practices.
Rationale 2:
The use of pencil and paper can slow the process of collection, sorting, and analysis of data.
Rationale 3:
The use of multiple sources of data lends credence to collected data and its use in promoting
Rationale 4:
All data should be considered during the review process. Even seemingly minor pieces of
information may make an important difference in the interpretation of data.

Test Bank for Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Toni Lee Hebda, Patricia Czar, Theresa Calderone
9780132574952, 9780132959544, 9780134711010, 9780131512627, 9780130311023, 9780805373264, 9780135205433, 9780135043943

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