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Chapter 16 Motivation
1) Leadership is the inner state that causes an individual to behave in a way that ensures the
accomplishment of some goal.
Answer: False
Leadership is more commonly understood as a process or a set of behaviors rather than an
inner state. It involves influencing others to achieve a common goal, rather than ensuring the
accomplishment of a goal solely through individual behavior.
2) A process theory of motivation is an explanation of motivation that emphasizes people's
personality and characteristics.
Answer: False
A process theory of motivation focuses on how various processes within individuals (such as
perceptions and thoughts) and their environment influence motivation, rather than solely on
personality and characteristics.
3) According to the Vroom theory, motivation strength is determined by money.
Answer: False
The Vroom Expectancy Theory states that motivation depends on individuals' beliefs about
their ability to perform tasks and the likelihood of the desired outcome, not solely on money.
4) According to equity theory, the only way people react when treated unfairly at work is
seeking employment elsewhere.
Answer: False
Equity theory suggests that individuals compare their input-outcome ratios to those of others
and may react to perceived inequity in various ways, including seeking to change inputs,
outcomes, or perceptions of self or others, not just by seeking employment elsewhere.

5) The Porter-Lawler Theory of Motivation is a simple combination of the Needs-Goal
Theory and the Vroom Expectancy Theory.
Answer: False
The Porter-Lawler Theory of Motivation includes elements of expectancy theory but also
incorporates the role of satisfaction and the perception of fair reward as additional motivators.
6) A self-actualization need refers to the desire to maximize whatever potential an individual
Answer: True
Self-actualization, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of need
where individuals seek to realize their full potential, including personal growth and
7) Alderfer's ERG theory identifies three basic categories of needs as the existence need,
relatedness need, and the growth need.
Answer: True
Alderfer's ERG theory categorizes human needs into three groups: existence, relatedness, and
growth, which align with Maslow's hierarchy of needs but with some differences in emphasis
and ordering.
8) Argyris's Maturity-Immaturity Continuum concept focuses on the monetary and industrial
development of people to explain human needs.
Answer: False
Argyris's Maturity-Immaturity Continuum focuses on psychological maturity and how
organizational structures and management practices can either support or hinder employees'
development of mature behaviors.

9) An individual's early experiences determine which of McClelland's three needs are the
most highly developed, and therefore, dominate their personality.
Answer: True
McClelland's theory suggests that individuals develop certain needs (achievement, affiliation,
and power) based on their early life experiences, and these needs can influence their behavior
and personality.
10) Managers with a high need for affiliation are autocratic and prefer to get the tasks done
Answer: False
Individuals with a high need for affiliation are more likely to seek approval and close
relationships with others. They tend to be cooperative and enjoy working in teams, rather
than being autocratic or preferring to work alone.
11) In reality, managers do not motivate people. Rather, they create environments in which
organization members motivate themselves.
Answer: True
This statement aligns with contemporary understanding of motivation, which emphasizes that
while managers can create conditions that support motivation, ultimately, individuals are
responsible for motivating themselves based on their needs, values, and goals.
12) Theory X is a set of essentially positive assumptions about human nature.
Answer: False
Theory X, proposed by Douglas McGregor, is actually a set of negative assumptions about
human nature, suggesting that people are inherently lazy, dislike work, and need to be closely
supervised and controlled to achieve organizational goals.

13) Theory Z is the effectiveness dimension that implies managers who use either Theory X
or Theory Y assumptions when dealing with people can be successful, depending on the
Answer: True
Theory Z, proposed by William Ouchi, is a management theory that blends American and
Japanese management practices. It suggests that either Theory X or Theory Y assumptions
can be effective, depending on the context and the cultural values of the organization.
14) Activities based on Theory Y assumptions are more apt to motivate organization members
than are activities based on Theory X assumptions.
Answer: True
Theory Y assumes that employees are self-motivated, enjoy their work, and seek
responsibility, which aligns with contemporary views on motivation. Therefore, activities
based on Theory Y assumptions are more likely to be motivating than those based on Theory
X assumptions, which assume employees are inherently lazy and need to be coerced into
15) Most job rotation programs are ineffective as motivation strategies as people become
bored with all the jobs they are rotated into.
Answer: True
Job rotation can be an effective motivation strategy, but if not implemented thoughtfully, it
can lead to boredom and reduced motivation. To be effective, job rotation should be
accompanied by training, variety, and opportunities for skill development.
16) According to Herzberg, hygiene factors relate to the work environment, and motivating
factors to the work itself.
Answer: True

Herzberg's two-factor theory distinguishes between hygiene factors (such as salary, working
conditions, and company policies) that, when inadequate, can create dissatisfaction, and
motivating factors (such as recognition, responsibility, and opportunities for growth) that,
when present, can lead to satisfaction and motivation.
17) Although flextime is generally desirable to employees, it rarely results in greater
Answer: False
Flextime has been shown to increase employee satisfaction and work-life balance, which can
lead to increased productivity. However, the impact of flextime on productivity may vary
depending on the specific context and how it is implemented.
18) Behavior modification is a program that focuses on managing human activity by
controlling the consequences of performing that activity, such as rewards and punishments.
Answer: True
Behavior modification is a psychological approach that uses reinforcement and punishment to
modify behavior. It focuses on changing behavior by manipulating its antecedents and
19) Use of punishment, although effective, may have undesirable side effects if it is
emphasized over the long term.
Answer: True
While punishment can be effective in changing behavior in the short term, it can lead to
negative consequences such as resentment, fear, and decreased motivation if used excessively
or inappropriately over the long term.
20) Employee stock ownership plans motivate employees to boost production by offering
them shares of company stock as a benefit.
Answer: True

Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) can motivate employees by giving them a stake in
the company's success and aligning their interests with those of the organization. ESOPs can
increase productivity and job satisfaction, especially when employees perceive a direct link
between their efforts and the company's performance.
21) ________ is the inner state that causes an individual to behave in a way that ensures the
accomplishment of some goal.
A) Cognitive dissonance
B) Motivation
C) Socialization
D) Achievement
E) Emotion
Answer: B
Motivation is the inner drive or state that energizes behavior towards the accomplishment of a
goal. It involves the processes that initiate, direct, and sustain goal-directed activities.
22) ________ is an explanation of motivation that emphasizes how individuals are motivated.
A) A content theory of motivation
B) Behavior modification theory
C) A process theory of motivation
D) ERG theory
E) Theory X
Answer: C
A process theory of motivation explains how motivation occurs, focusing on the cognitive
processes that underlie an individual's choices and actions related to goal-directed behavior.

23) Content theories of motivation ________.
A) are explanations that emphasize peoples' internal characteristics
B) are explanations that emphasize how individuals are motivated
C) include the needs-goal theory and the Vroom expectancy theory of motivation
D) include Skinner's work on behavior modification
E) can collectively be used to identify all human needs
Answer: A
Content theories of motivation emphasize the internal needs and desires that drive behavior.
They focus on identifying and categorizing these needs to understand what motivates
24) The most fundamental motivation theory that begins with an individual feeling a need is
A) ERG theory
B) equity theory
C) Herzberg's two-factor theory
D) needs-goal theory
E) Porter-Lawler theory
Answer: D
The needs-goal theory posits that motivation begins with the identification of a need, which
leads to the setting of a specific goal aimed at satisfying that need. This theory focuses on the
relationship between needs and goal-setting in driving motivation.
25) The difference between needs-goal theory and Vroom's expectancy theory is that Vroom's
theory ________.
A) addresses the issue of motivation strength

B) considers issues of equity
C) separates motivators into intrinsic and extrinsic rewards
D) establishes a hierarchy of needs
E) deals with how needs are "acquired"
Answer: A
Vroom's expectancy theory emphasizes the perceived relationship between effort and
performance, and between performance and outcomes. It addresses the strength of an
individual's motivation based on their beliefs about these relationships.
26) Which of the following theories describes how motivation occurs?
A) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
B) Vroom expectancy theory
C) Alderfer's ERG theory
D) McClelland's acquired needs theory
E) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
Answer: B
Vroom's expectancy theory describes how motivation occurs by focusing on individuals'
beliefs about the relationship between effort, performance, and outcomes. It emphasizes the
role of expectations and values in motivating behavior.
27) According to the Vroom expectancy theory, motivation strength ________.
A) depends on an individual's perceived fairness of an employment situation and finds that
perceived inequities can lead to changes in behavior
B) is decreased as the perceived value of the result of behavior is increased
C) causes people to quit jobs if they perceive unfair treatment

D) is determined by the perceived value of the result of performing a behavior and the
perceived probability the behavior will cause the result to materialize
E) only increases when people want to maximize their personal rewards over the short term
Answer: D
Vroom's expectancy theory states that motivation strength is determined by the perceived
relationship between effort and performance (expectancy), and between performance and
outcomes (instrumentality). It is calculated as the product of these two perceptions.
28) The theory based on the concept that individuals compare their inputs and outcomes with
their coworkers to determine if they are being treated fairly is the ________.
A) expectancy theory
B) ERG theory
C) equity theory of motivation
D) Porter-Lawler theory of motivation
E) acquired needs theory
Answer: C
Equity theory of motivation posits that individuals compare their inputs (effort, time, skills)
and outcomes (rewards, recognition) with those of others in similar positions. If perceived
inequities exist, individuals may be motivated to restore equity.
29) Joe is disappointed when his teammate Tim gets promoted because he feels that he has
worked harder and is more deserving of the promotion. Which of the following will most
likely help Joe to overcome this sense of inequity?
A) He should encourage Tim to reduce his level of effort.
B) He should avoid distorting the status of his job.
C) He should reduce his level of effort.
D) He should avoid rationalizing the reason behind Tim's promotion.

E) He should increase his level of effort.
Answer: C
According to equity theory, Joe is experiencing inequity because he perceives an imbalance
between his inputs (effort) and outcomes (promotion). To restore equity, Joe could reduce his
level of effort (input) to align it with the perceived outcomes.
30) Which of the following is a process theory of motivation?
A) Porter-Lawler theory
B) Alderfer's ERG theory
C) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
D) McClelland's acquired needs theory
E) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
Answer: A
The Porter-Lawler theory of motivation is a process theory that combines elements of
expectancy theory and equity theory. It emphasizes the role of performance, effort, and
rewards in motivating behavior, making it a process-oriented explanation of motivation.
31) The theory which stresses on the fact that the perceived value of a reward is determined
by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards is ________.
A) Porter-Lawler theory of motivation
B) equity theory
C) expectancy theory
D) acquired need theory
E) needs-goal theory
Answer: A

The Porter-Lawler theory of motivation emphasizes that the perceived value of a reward is
determined by both intrinsic (such as a sense of accomplishment) and extrinsic (such as
salary) rewards. It suggests that both types of rewards influence an individual's motivation.
32) ________ rewards are those that come directly from performing a task.
A) Equity
B) Piece-rate
C) Extrinsic
D) Intrinsic
E) Expectancies
Answer: D
Intrinsic rewards are those that come directly from performing a task, such as a sense of
achievement, enjoyment, or personal fulfillment.
33) Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward?
A) salary hikes for all the employees
B) constructing a new and better work environment
C) fulfilling the security needs of an employee
D) sense of achievement when attaining an organizational goal
E) providing employees with performance incentives
Answer: D
A sense of achievement when attaining an organizational goal is an example of an intrinsic
reward, as it comes from within the individual and is related to the task itself.
34) Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward?
A) personal satisfaction of helping a peer

B) providing an opportunity for advancement
C) getting a salary increment
D) giving an employee a challenging responsibility
E) a sense of achievement when an employee's performance rating increases
Answer: C
Getting a salary increment is an example of an extrinsic reward, as it is an external reward
given by the organization.
35) Which of the following theories is a content theory of motivation?
A) needs-goal theory
B) equity theory
C) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
D) Vroom expectancy theory
E) Porter–Lawler theory
Answer: C
Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum is a content theory of motivation, as it focuses on
the psychological development and maturity of individuals in organizations.
36) The correct order of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is ________.
A) physiological, social, esteem, security, self-actualization
B) social, physiological, self-actualization, esteem, security
C) physiological, security, social, esteem, self-actualization
D) security, physiological, social, esteem, self-actualization
E) self-actualization, social, esteem, security, physiological
Answer: C

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is typically presented in the order of physiological, security,
social, esteem, and self-actualization needs, from basic to higher-level needs.
37) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs includes the
needs for water, food, rest, sex, and air?
A) social need
B) physiological need
C) security need
D) psychological need
E) esteem need
Answer: B
Physiological needs at the base of Maslow's hierarchy include the basic needs for survival,
such as food, water, shelter, and sleep.
38) A tire manufacturing company's policy states that all employees working on machines
and directly involved in production are entitled to an additional half-hour break along with a
40-minute lunch break. In this scenario, the company is satisfying the ________ of the
A) physiological need
B) social need
C) security need
D) esteem need
E) self-actualization need
Answer: A

By providing additional breaks, the company is addressing the physiological needs of its
employees, such as the need for rest and nourishment.
39) ________ needs are satisfied through adequate wages or salaries paid by the
A) Security and self-actualization
B) Physiological and self-actualization
C) Social and psychological
D) Physiological and security
E) Self-actualization and social
Answer: D
Physiological needs are satisfied through wages or salaries that allow individuals to meet
their basic needs for food, shelter, and other necessities. Security needs are also addressed by
having a stable income.
40) A toy manufacturing company providing its employees with job security, health
insurance, and retirement benefits is concerned about its employees' ________.
A) esteem needs
B) safety needs
C) physiological needs
D) social needs
E) self-actualization needs
Answer: B
Safety needs, as described by Maslow, include job security, health, and well-being, which are
addressed by the company's policies regarding job security, health insurance, and retirement

41) The ________ need of Maslow's hierarchy of needs relates to the individual's desire to be
free from harm, including both bodily and economic disaster.
A) security
B) social
C) physiological
D) esteem
E) self-actualization
Answer: A
The security need in Maslow's hierarchy refers to the need for safety and security, both
physically and economically. It includes the desire for stability, order, and predictability in
42) In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a social need ________.
A) relates to the individual's desire to be free from harm
B) is concerned with the desire for respect
C) includes the desire for love, companionship, and friendship
D) relates to the normal functioning of the body
E) refers to the desire to maximize whatever potential an individual possesses
Answer: C
A social need in Maslow's hierarchy refers to the need for love, belongingness, and
interpersonal relationships. It includes the desire to connect with others, form friendships, and
feel accepted by social groups.
43) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a person's desire to be accepted by others is
reflected by the ________.
A) esteem need

B) social need
C) security need
D) physiological need
E) self-actualization need
Answer: B
The social need in Maslow's hierarchy reflects the desire to be accepted by others, to belong
to social groups, and to form meaningful relationships. It includes the need for love,
friendship, and companionship.
44) A well-known brand management company is emphasizing creating a sense of
community within their organization via team-based projects and various cultural events to
promote a friendly atmosphere. Under the given circumstance, which of the following of
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the company emphasizing?
A) self-actualization need
B) esteem need
C) physiological need
D) social need
E) security need
Answer: D
The company is emphasizing the social need in Maslow's hierarchy by promoting a sense of
community and belongingness among its employees through team-based projects and cultural
45) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, once someone has fulfilled his social needs,
he would then be motivated to meet his ________.
A) security needs
B) self-actualization needs

C) esteem needs
D) physiological needs
E) safety needs
Answer: C
Maslow's hierarchy suggests that once lower-level needs, such as physiological and safety
needs, are satisfied, individuals are motivated to fulfill higher-level needs, such as esteem
needs related to self-esteem and the esteem of others.
46) Henry Robert's phenomenal contribution to the project was recognized by his boss.
Appreciating Robert's contribution, his boss promoted him to the position of team leader for
their upcoming project and vested upon him the responsibility of heading a team of 15
members. In accordance with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs of
Robert's has been satisfied?
A) social need
B) physiological need
C) esteem need
D) psychological need
E) security need
Answer: C
Robert's promotion and recognition by his boss satisfy his esteem need, as it reflects
recognition, respect, and achievement in his work.
47) The ________ need of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is generally divided into two
categories: self-respect and respect from others.
A) esteem
B) psychological
C) physiological

D) social
E) self-actualization
Answer: A
The esteem need in Maslow's hierarchy includes both self-respect (self-esteem) and respect
from others (recognition, status, and prestige). It involves the desire for achievement and
respect from others.
48) According to Maslow, if an individual is driven to get respect from others, the person is
being motivated by the ________.
A) self-actualization needs
B) esteem needs
C) social needs
D) security needs
E) physiological needs
Answer: B
Maslow's hierarchy suggests that the need for esteem includes both self-esteem (self-respect)
and esteem from others (respect, recognition). If someone is driven by the desire for respect
from others, they are motivated by esteem needs.
49) A self-actualization need ________.
A) relates to the normal functioning of the body
B) reflects a person's desire to be accepted by others
C) relates to the individual's desire to be free from harm, including both bodily and economic
D) refers to the desire to maximize whatever potential an individual possesses
E) is divided into self-respect and respect from others

Answer: D
Self-actualization, according to Maslow, is the highest level of need where individuals seek to
realize their full potential, including personal growth and fulfillment.
50) In a non-profit public setting of a high school, a principal who strives to outdo her
predecessors and become the best principal possible would be satisfying his ________.
A) psychological needs
B) esteem needs
C) social needs
D) self-actualization needs
E) physiological needs
Answer: D
The principal's desire to become the best possible principal reflects a pursuit of selfactualization, as it involves maximizing her potential and achieving personal fulfillment in
her role.
51) When an individual leaves an organization to start up a company because the former did
not provide room for the growth or development of his potential, Maslow's theory would
predict that the individual is being motivated by ________.
A) self-actualization needs
B) esteem needs
C) social needs
D) security needs
E) physiological needs
Answer: A

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-actualization needs are at the highest level,
representing the desire to fulfill one's potential and achieve self-fulfillment. In this scenario,
the individual is driven by a need for personal growth and development, which aligns with
the concept of self-actualization.
52) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has been criticized because ________.
A) it is questionable whether human needs can be arranged in such a hierarchy
B) the model is too complicated
C) no one ever reaches self-actualization
D) research suggests that esteem needs should be above all other needs
E) it is too objective a description of human needs
Answer: A
Critics argue that it is difficult to categorize human needs into a strict hierarchy, as
individuals may prioritize different needs at different times. The theory also does not account
for cultural variations in needs and motivations.
53) Which of the following theories was developed to counter the criticisms of and expand on
Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
A) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
B) Porter-Lawler theory of motivation
C) Vroom expectancy theory
D) Alderfer's ERG theory
E) McClelland's acquired needs theory
Answer: D
Alderfer's ERG theory was developed as a response to the criticisms of Maslow's hierarchy of
needs. It condenses Maslow's five levels of needs into three categories (existence,

relatedness, and growth) and allows for movement between these needs, addressing the
rigidity of Maslow's hierarchy.
54) Which of the following is a basic category of need identified by Clayton Alderfer in his
ERG theory?
A) esteem, relatedness, and goal
B) existence, relatedness, and growth
C) existence, recognition, and growth
D) esteem, recognition, and goal
E) existence, relatedness, and goal
Answer: B
Alderfer's ERG theory categorizes human needs into three basic categories: existence
(physiological and safety needs), relatedness (social needs), and growth (esteem and selfactualization needs).
55) In Alderfer's ERG theory, which of the following refers to the need for physical
A) relatedness need
B) esteem need
C) existence need
D) growth need
E) goal need
Answer: C
The existence need in Alderfer's ERG theory corresponds to Maslow's physiological and
safety needs, including the need for physical wellbeing and basic material necessities.

56) In Alderfer's ERG theory, the need for satisfying interpersonal relationships is the
A) esteem need
B) existence need
C) growth need
D) emotional need
E) relatedness need
Answer: E
The relatedness need in Alderfer's ERG theory corresponds to the social needs in Maslow's
hierarchy, including the need for satisfying interpersonal relationships and belongingness.
57) In Alderfer's ERG theory, the need for continuing personal development refers to the
A) growth need
B) emotional need
C) existence need
D) relatedness need
E) esteem need
Answer: A
The growth need in Alderfer's ERG theory corresponds to the esteem and self-actualization
needs in Maslow's hierarchy, including the need for personal development, achievement, and
58) Which of the following behaviors is an attempt to relieve tension and frustration on the
part of an employee who lacks motivation due to unsatisfied needs?
A) greater efficiency

B) increased aggression
C) increased productivity
D) competitive behavior
E) reduced absenteeism
Answer: B
Increased aggression can be a response to frustration caused by unsatisfied needs, as
individuals may seek to release tension through aggressive behavior.
59) The personal and natural development of people to explain human needs is the primary
focus of the ________.
A) Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum
B) Alderfer's ERG theory
C) Vroom expectancy theory
D) Herzberg's two-factor theory
E) McClelland's acquired needs theory
Answer: A
Argyris's maturity-immaturity continuum focuses on the personal and natural development of
individuals, explaining human needs in terms of maturity levels and the progression toward
60) According to Argyris' continuum, as individuals progress from immaturity to maturity,
they ________.
A) indulge in more activities
B) have a short-term perspective
C) have casual and shallow interests
D) stay in a state of dependence

E) remain passive
Answer: A
Argyris's continuum suggests that as individuals progress from immaturity to maturity, they
become more active and engaged, indulging in a wider range of activities and showing
greater independence.
61) According to McClelland, people who have the desire to do something better or more
efficiently than it has ever been done before have a high need for ________.
A) dominance
B) achievement
C) power
D) affiliation
E) acceptance
Answer: B
McClelland identified three primary needs: achievement, affiliation, and power. Individuals
with a high need for achievement seek to excel and succeed, often setting challenging but
achievable goals for themselves to accomplish tasks more efficiently or effectively.
62) According to McClelland, people who have the desire to influence other people and
assume responsibility for others have a high need for ________.
A) achievement
B) affiliation
C) power
D) dominance
E) acceptance
Answer: C

Individuals with a high need for power seek to influence and control others, assuming
responsibility for their behavior and outcomes. They are motivated by the desire to make an
impact and exert authority.
63) According to McClelland, people who have the desire to maintain close, friendly, and
personal relationships have a high need for ________.
A) affiliation
B) power
C) achievement
D) dominance
E) growth
Answer: A
Individuals with a high need for affiliation seek to establish and maintain close, friendly, and
personal relationships with others. They are motivated by the desire for social interaction and
64) To maximize satisfaction, people with a high need for achievement are more likely to set
goals that are ________.
A) challenging and achievable
B) risk-laden
C) unachievable
D) realistic but less challenging
E) failure-prone
Answer: A

Individuals with a high need for achievement are motivated by challenging but achievable
goals. They strive for success and are driven to accomplish tasks that require skill and effort.
65) According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, an individual who is greatly motivated
to influence others and to assume responsibility for subordinates' behavior has a ________.
A) high need for achievement
B) low need for security
C) high need for power
D) low need for safety
E) high need for affiliation
Answer: C
McClelland's theory suggests that individuals with a high need for power are motivated to
influence others and assume responsibility for their behavior. They seek to make an impact
and exert control over their environment.
66) According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, a manager who has a cooperative,
team-centered management style, who prefers to influence subordinates to complete tasks
through team efforts, has a high need for ________.
A) risk
B) power
C) affiliation
D) safety
E) security
Answer: C
A manager who prefers a cooperative, team-centered management style and seeks to
influence subordinates through team efforts is likely motivated by a high need for affiliation.
They prioritize maintaining positive relationships and fostering teamwork.

67) The most basic motivation strategy for managers is ________.
A) Theory X - Theory Y
B) behavior modification
C) managerial communication
D) non-monetary incentives
E) the need for self-actualization
Answer: C
Managerial communication is considered a basic motivation strategy for managers as it
involves effectively conveying information, expectations, and feedback to employees. Clear
communication can help align employees' efforts with organizational goals and motivate
them to perform.
68) A manager in an IT company believes that his team members are inherently lazy, dislike
work, and will avoid work if they can. He relies heavily on threat and coercion to gain their
compliance. Which of the following theories of human motivation is evident here?
A) theory Z
B) theory XY
C) theory X
D) theory Y
E) equity theory
Answer: C
This scenario reflects Theory X, which assumes that employees are inherently lazy and need
to be coerced or threatened with punishment to perform. The manager's reliance on threat and
coercion aligns with the principles of Theory X.
69) ________ involves negative assumptions about people that managers often use as a basis
for dealing with their subordinates.

A) Theory X
B) Theory Y
C) Theory Z
D) Theory XY
E) Equity theory
Answer: A
Theory X involves negative assumptions about people, such as the belief that employees are
inherently lazy and require coercion to work. Managers who adhere to Theory X may use
authoritarian methods to manage employees.
70) Which theory is a set of essentially positive assumptions about human nature?
A) theory X
B) theory Y
C) theory Z
D) equity theory
E) expectancy theory
Answer: B
Theory Y is based on positive assumptions about human nature, such as the belief that
employees are inherently motivated to work and seek out responsibility. Managers who
adhere to Theory Y are likely to adopt a participative management style and empower
71) Eddie Burns is the accounts manager of Avatar Inc., and a very optimistic person. He
knows what he wants from his subordinates and believes that they will always do their best to
get the work done. Eddie's behavior is consistent with the ________.
A) theory Y

B) theory Z
C) theory X
D) equity theory
E) expectancy theory
Answer: A
Eddie Burns' optimistic and trusting attitude toward his subordinates, believing that they will
always do their best, aligns with Theory Y, which assumes that employees are motivated and
seek out responsibility. Theory Y managers trust their employees and believe that they will
work to achieve organizational goals.
72) The process of moving workers from one job to another rather than requiring them to
perform only one simple and specialized job over the long run is ________.
A) team management
B) job enlargement
C) job enrichment
D) job rotation
E) cross training
Answer: D
Job rotation involves moving workers from one job to another to increase their variety of
tasks and experiences. This can help prevent boredom and increase job satisfaction.
73) The process of increasing the number of operations an individual performs in a job is
A) team management
B) job enlargement
C) job enrichment

D) cross training
E) job rotation
Answer: B
Job enlargement involves increasing the number of tasks or operations that an individual
performs in a job. This can help make the job more challenging and reduce monotony.
74) The items that influence the degree of job dissatisfaction are called ________.
A) maintenance factors
B) motivating factors
C) growth needs
D) monetary incentives
E) existence needs
Answer: A
Maintenance factors, also known as hygiene factors, are elements in the work environment
that can lead to job dissatisfaction if they are lacking or inadequate. These factors include
things like pay, job security, working conditions, and company policies.
75) According to Herzberg, the factors influencing the degree of job satisfaction are called
A) theory Y factors
B) maintenance factors
C) motivating factors
D) theory X factors
E) factors related to the work environment
Answer: C

Herzberg referred to factors that influence job satisfaction as motivating factors. These
factors include things like achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility,
advancement, and growth.
76) When Jenn Williams joined Conrad Inc. as a business analyst, she was very happy with
her job profile and the pay package. However, one year into the job has made her realize that
this is not her cup of tea. While she has a good relationship with her coworkers and her
supervisors are understanding, she feels that her hard work often goes unnoticed. Being an
ambitious person herself, this lack of acknowledgment is unsettling. Which of the following
is most likely to be true in this scenario?
A) Jenn has a high need for affiliation.
B) Conrad Inc. excessively promotes job enrichment.
C) Jenn has the tendency to blame external factors when things go wrong.
D) Jenn is motivated by extrinsic rewards.
E) Conrad Inc. focuses more on hygiene factors than motivating factors.
Answer: E
In this scenario, Jenn's dissatisfaction stems from a lack of recognition for her hard work,
which is a motivating factor according to Herzberg. Conrad Inc. may be focusing more on
hygiene factors (maintenance factors) such as pay and job security, rather than addressing
motivating factors like recognition and growth opportunities.
77) Incorporating motivators into a job situation is ________.
A) job rotation
B) job enlargement
C) job enrichment
D) total quality management
E) project management

Answer: C
Job enrichment involves incorporating motivators, such as challenging work and
opportunities for achievement and recognition, into a job to make it more satisfying and
rewarding for employees.
78) A disadvantage of using flextime programs is ________.
A) higher commuting problems
B) decreased tardiness
C) inability to coordinate projects
D) increased absenteeism
E) decreased employee morale
Answer: C
One disadvantage of using flextime programs is the potential difficulty in coordinating
projects when employees have varying schedules. This can lead to challenges in
communication, collaboration, and project management.
79) ________ focuses on encouraging appropriate actions by controlling the consequences of
those actions.
A) Job enrichment
B) Needs-goal theory
C) Behavior modification
D) Reinforcement
E) Flextime
Answer: C

Behavior modification focuses on encouraging desired behaviors by controlling the
consequences of those behaviors. This can involve positive reinforcement, negative
reinforcement, or punishment.
80) ________ is a reward that consists of a desirable consequence of behavior.
A) Positive reinforcement
B) Promotion
C) Punishment
D) Immunity
E) Omission training
Answer: A
Positive reinforcement is a reward that consists of a desirable consequence of behavior. It is
used to encourage and strengthen desired behaviors.
81) A reward that consists of the elimination of an undesirable consequence of behavior is
A) punishment
B) negative reinforcement
C) exemption
D) omission training
E) immunity
Answer: B
Negative reinforcement involves the removal of an undesirable consequence of behavior to
increase the likelihood that the behavior will continue. It is a form of reward because it
strengthens the behavior it follows.

82) ________ is the presentation of an undesirable behavior consequence or the removal of a
desirable behavior consequence that decreases the likelihood the behavior will continue.
A) Positive reinforcement
B) Negative reinforcement
C) Punishment
D) Extinction
E) Manipulation
Answer: C
Punishment involves the presentation of an undesirable consequence or the removal of a
desirable consequence following a behavior, which decreases the likelihood that the behavior
will continue.
83) In Likert's Management System, which management style can be categorized by a lack of
confidence or trust in subordinates, with the bulk of all decision making being done at the top
of the organization?
A) System 1
B) System 2
C) System 3
D) System 4
E) System 5
Answer: A
Likert's System 1 management style is characterized by a lack of confidence or trust in
subordinates, with most decision-making concentrated at the top of the organization. This
style is autocratic and hierarchical.
84) Which of the following statements is true about system 2 of Likert's management

A) This style is characterized by substantial, though not complete, confidence in
B) This style of management is characterized by a condescending master-to-servant–style
confidence and trust in subordinates.
C) This style of management is characterized by complete trust and confidence in
D) Subordinates are motivated by fear, threats, punishments, and occasional rewards.
E) Subordinates feel fairly free to discuss their jobs with superiors and are motivated by
rewards, occasional punishments, and some involvement.
Answer: B
Likert's System 2 management style is characterized by a condescending master-to-servant–
style confidence and trust in subordinates. While there is some confidence in subordinates, it
is not as substantial as in System 3 or System 4.
85) Rolfo Company offers its employees the opportunity to buy shares of the company stock
as a way to motivate them to boost production. This kind of a program is called ________.
A) job enrichment
B) self-actualization
C) employee stock ownership plans (ESOP)
D) an individual retirement account (IRA)
E) a non-monetary incentive
Answer: C
Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) allow employees to buy shares of company stock,
which can serve as a form of motivation by giving employees a stake in the company's
performance and success.
86) Define motivation and the two basic types of motivation theories.

Answer: Motivation is the inner state that causes an individual to behave in a way that
ensures the accomplishment of some goal. In other words, motivation explains why people
act as they do.
The motivation theories can be categorized into two basic types: process theories and content
A process theory of motivation is an explanation of motivation that emphasizes how
individuals are motivated. Process theories focus, essentially, on the steps that occur when an
individual is motivated.
A content theory of motivation is an explanation of motivation that emphasizes people's
internal characteristics. Content theories focus on understanding what needs people have and
how these needs can be satisfied.
87) List the process theories of motivation.
Answer: A process theory of motivation is an explanation of motivation that emphasizes how
individuals are motivated. Process theories focus, essentially, on the steps that occur when an
individual is motivated.
The four important theories that describe how motivation occurs include:
1. Needs-goal theory
2. Vroom expectancy theory
3. Equity theory
4. Porter–Lawler theory
88) List the categories of needs identified by Alderfer in his ERG theory.
Answer: Alderfer, in his ERG theory, identified three basic categories of needs which include:
1. Existence need — the need for physical wellbeing
2. Relatedness need — the need for satisfying interpersonal relationships
3. Growth need — the need for continuing personal growth and development
89) What is flextime? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using flextime?

Answer: Flextime is a program that allows employees to complete their jobs within a
workweek of a normal number of hours that they arrange themselves. The choice of starting
and finishing times can be as flexible as the organization wishes. Advantages include:
improved employee attitude and morale, accommodation of working parents, decreased
tardiness, fewer commuting problems, accommodation of people who want to avoid
interruptions, increased production, facilitation of employees scheduling non-work
appointments, accommodation of employees' leisure-time activities, decreased absenteeism,
and decreased turnover. Disadvantages include: lack of supervision during some work hours,
key people may be unavailable at certain times, understaffing at times, problems of
interdependence when one employee's output is another's input, employee abuse of the
program, difficulty in planning work schedules, problem of keeping track of hours worked,
inability to schedule meetings at times convenient for all, and inability to coordinate projects.
90) Briefly explain Likert's management systems.
Answer: Rensis Likert concluded that management styles in organizations can be categorized
into the following systems:
System 1 — This style of management is characterized by a lack of confidence or trust in
System 2 — This style of management is characterized by a condescending master-to-servant
style confidence and trust in subordinates.
System 3 — This style of management is characterized by substantial, though not complete,
confidence in subordinates.
System 4 — This style of management is characterized by complete trust and confidence in

Test Bank for Modern Management: Concepts and Skills
Samuel C. Certo, S. Trevis Certo
9780133059922, 9780133254105, 9780135983546

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