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This Document Contains Chapters 15 to 16 Chapter 15 Creating Collaborative Partnerships Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0? A. Encourages user participation. B. Technical skills are required. C. Eliminates entry barriers to publishing on the web. D. Provides an exciting and vibrant virtual environment. Answer: B. Technical skills are required. Rationale: Business 2.0 (Web 2.0) encourages user participation and the formation of communities to contribute to the content. Technical skills are no longer required to use and publish information to the web, and new web technologies eliminate entry barriers for online business. Web 2.0 technologies also provide a virtual environment that is vibrant and important to many. 2. What are the four most common Business 2.0 characteristics? A. Content sharing, user-contributed content, competition elimination, and web browser organization. B. Content sharing through open source, specialist-contributed content only, collaboration inside the community, and specialized collaboration. C. Content sharing through open source, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, and collaboration outside the organization. D. Consumer sharing through open systems, company-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, and collaboration throughout the organization. Answer: C. Content sharing through open source, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, and collaboration outside the organization. Rationale: The four most common business 2.0 characteristics are (1) content sharing through open source, (2) user-contributed content, (3) collaboration inside the organization, and (4) collaboration outside the organization. 3. What is a system that consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate with the system? A. Management system B. Reputation system C. Knowledge system D. Open system Answer: D. Open system Rationale: This is the definition of an open system. 4. Which of the below is not a characteristic associated with Mozilla Firefox? A. Mozilla Firefox holds over 20 percent of the web browser market. B. Mozilla Firefox offers a free email service called Thunderbird. C. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of open source software. D. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system. Answer: D. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system. Rationale: The web browser Mozilla Firefox now holds over 20 percent of the web browser market, offers a free email service called Thunderbird, and is open source software. 5. What is Mozilla Firefox? A. A competitor to Microsoft Word. B. A competitor to Microsoft Excel. C. A competitor to Adobe Photoshop. D. A competitor to Internet Explorer. Answer: D. A competitor to Internet Explorer. Rationale: Mozilla Firefox is a web browser and is a competitor to Internet Explorer. 6. What is software whose source code is available free for any third party to review and modify? A. Free source B. Open source C. Code source D. Network source Answer: B. Open source Rationale: This is the definition of open source. 7. Erik is the president and owner of Watch Out, a local website development company that helps clients create and build unique websites. Many of his daily tasks are heavily technical in nature and require a high level of computer programming and Internet knowledge. Which of the below would Erik primarily use when performing his daily tasks? A. Source code B. Brick-and-mortar C. Information reach D. Explicit knowledge Answer: A. Source code Rationale: Source code contains instructions written by a programmer specifying the actions to be performed by computer software. This is his main role or responsibility. 8. Ebusiness was characterized by a few companies or users posting content for the masses. What characterizes Business 2.0? A. A select few posting content for high-level executives only. B. The masses posting content for a select few. C. The masses posting content for the masses. D. A select few posting specific content for the masses. Answer: C. The masses posting content for the masses. Rationale: Ebusiness was characterized by a few companies or users posting content for the masses. Business 2.0 is characterized by the masses posting content for the masses. 9. What is web content that is created and updated by many users for many users? A. Cybermediation-contributed content B. User-contributed content C. Executive-generated content D. Customer-generated content Answer: B. User-contributed content Rationale: This is the definition of user-contributed content or user-generated content. 10. eBay buyers voluntarily comment to other users and sellers on the quality of service, promptness of shipping, and their general satisfaction with the product. This is one of the most popular examples of user-generated content and is called a(n) ____________. A. Reputation system B. Knowledge system C. Explicit system D. User-generated sales cycle Answer: A. Reputation system Rationale: One of the most popular forms of user-generated content is a reputation system, where buyers post feedback on sellers. 11. What is the most common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization? A. Crowdsourcing B. Tacit management C. Knowledge management D. Tagging Answer: C. Knowledge management Rationale: The most common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization is knowledge management. 12. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication? A. Asynchronous is real-time communication. Synchronous is one-way technology. B. Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time. Synchronous communication occurs at the same time. C. Asynchronous communication includes instant messaging. Synchronous communication includes email. D. Asynchronous communication is fast and instant. Synchronous communication is collected at a single point in time. Answer: B. Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time. Synchronous communication occurs at the same time. Rationale: Asynchronous is communication such as email in which the message and the response do not occur at the same time, whereas synchronous is communication that occurs at the same time, such as IM or chat. 13. Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0? A. Knowledge management B. Collaboration system C. Web browser D. Explicit knowledge Answer: C. Web browser Rationale: Characteristics of Business 2.0 collaboration inside the organization include (1) a collaboration system, (2) collective intelligence, (3) knowledge management, (4) a knowledge management system, (5) explicit knowledge, and (6) tacit knowledge. A web browser is part of Business 1.0. 14. Which of the following is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by facilitating the sharing and flow of information? A. Collaboration system B. Collective system C. Competitive system D. Real simple syndication system Answer: A. Collaboration system Rationale: This is the definition of a collaboration system. 15. Lisa loves her job as an executive recruiter for a large hospital located in Dallas, Texas. Part of Lisa's job requires her to gather industry information, collaborate with partners, compare competitors, and tap into the knowledge of prospective employees, partners, and customers. Which of the below would Lisa use to perform her job? A. Interactivity metrics B. Source code C. Network effect D. Collective intelligence Answer: D. Collective intelligence Rationale: Collective intelligence is collaborating and tapping into the core knowledge of all employees, partners, and customers. 16. Which system supports the capture, organization, and dissemination of knowledge throughout an organization? A. Cybermediation system B. Knowledge management system C. Source code system D. Social media system Answer: B. Knowledge management system Rationale: This is the definition of a knowledge management system. 17. Which of the below focuses on user-generated content? A. YouTube B. Wikipedia C. Netflix D. All of these Answer: D. All of these Rationale: Some real life ebusinesses that operate with the help of user-generated content include YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr, Digg, Yelp, Amazon, Netflix, and eBay. 18. What are the two categories that include intellectual and knowledge-based assets? A. Explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge B. Efficient knowledge and tacit knowledge C. Intelligent knowledge and explicit knowledge D. Open knowledge and closed knowledge Answer: A. Explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge Rationale: The two categories that intellectual and knowledge-based assets fall into are (1) explicit knowledge and (2) tacit knowledge. 19. What is the type of knowledge that is contained in people's heads? A. Explicit knowledge B. Virtual knowledge C. Tacit knowledge D. Pure knowledge Answer: C. Tacit knowledge Rationale: This is the definition of tacit knowledge. 20. What is the type of knowledge that consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and codified, often with the help of an MIS department? A. Tacit knowledge B. Explicit knowledge C. Pure knowledge D. Virtual knowledge Answer: B. Explicit knowledge Rationale: This is the definition of explicit knowledge. 21. Which of the following is not an example of explicit knowledge? A. Patent B. Trademark C. Employee opinion D. Marketing research Answer: C. Employee opinion Rationale: Examples of explicit knowledge include patents, trademarks, business plans, marketing research, and customer lists. 22. What do Netflix and Amazon use to drive their recommendation tools? A. Web 1.0 content B. Open source content C. Virtual content D. User-generated content Answer: D. User-generated content Rationale: Both Netflix and Amazon use user-generated content to drive their recommendation tools. 23. What are websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube? A. Synchronous communication B. Social media C. Social networking D. Asynchronous communication Answer: B. Social media Rationale: This is the definition of social media. 24. What is the practice of expanding your business and social contacts by constructing a personal network? A. Network effects B. Tagging C. Social taxonomy D. Social networking Answer: D. Social networking Rationale: This is the definition of social networking. 25. What is a locally stored URL, or the address of a file or Internet page saved as a shortcut? A. Website bookmark B. Social tag C. Folksonomy D. Taxonomy Answer: A. Website bookmark Rationale: This is the definition of a website bookmark. 26. Which of the below represents an example of why an employer would use social media? A. To find potential job candidates via LinkedIn. B. To review potential job candidates by viewing their Facebook page. C. To attract new job candidates via YouTube. D. All of these. Answer: D. All of these. Rationale: Companies are utilizing all of the above strategies to expand, develop, and grow their businesses via social media sites. 27. What are the two basic functions that social networking sites provide? A. The ability to create and publish your own software. B. The ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and create connections between other people within the network. C. The ability to capture and create URLs and RSSs. D. The ability to create URLs and edit RSS software. Answer: B. The ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and create connections between other people within the network. Rationale: The two basic functions that social networking sites provide are the ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and the ability to create connections between other people within the network. 28. Which of the below is not an example of a social bookmarking website? A. Facebook B. StumbleUpon C. D. All of these Answer: A. Facebook Rationale:, and StumbleUpon are examples of social bookmarking sites. Facebook is not a social bookmarking website. 29. What is an SNA? A. Strong network application B. Social needs analysis C. Social networking analysis D. Steady network area Answer: C. Social networking analysis Rationale: SNA means social networking analysis. 30. What maps group contacts, identifying who knows each other and who works together? A. Social network effects B. Mashup networking analysis C. Web network effects D. Social networking analysis Answer: D. Social networking analysis Rationale: This is the definition of social networking analysis (SNA). 31. Many social media websites use _________, or specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for means of classification or taxonomy. A. Conferencing B. Tags C. Long tails D. Categories Answer: B. Tags Rationale: This is the definition of tags. 32. Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords or tags as a way to ______________. A. Organize it for future navigation. B. Organize it for future filtering. C. Organize it for future search. D. All of these. Answer: D. All of these. Rationale: Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search. 33. Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices. Which of the below would not be included in the folksonomy for a cell phone? A. Cell B. iPhone C. Blackberry D. Technology platform Answer: D. Technology platform Rationale: Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices. The folksonomy could include mobile phone, wireless phone, smart phone, iPhone, Blackberry, Droid, and many others. 34. What is the term that is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tag or keyword-based classification system? A. Podcasting B. Network effects C. Folksonomy D. Social bookmarking Answer: C. Folksonomy Rationale: This is the definition of folksonomy. 35. How do the majority of potential customers find business websites? A. By applying analytics. B. Through search terms that match the content. C. Through viral advertisements. D. Through magazines and newspapers. Answer: B. Through search terms that match the content. Rationale: The majority of websites are found online through search terms that match the content. 36. How would a company like Flickr use social tagging on its website? A. By applying keywords that do not match user content. B. By building a tagging game for customers to participate in. C. By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords. D. By selecting the keywords to associate with each image a customer uploads. Answer: C. By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords. Rationale: Flickr allows users to upload images and tag them with appropriate keywords. After enough people have done so, the resulting tag collection will identify images correctly and without bias. 37. Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content significantly _________ content categorization costs. A. Eliminates B. Raises C. Lowers D. Balances Answer: C. Lowers Rationale: Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content significantly lowers content categorization costs, because there is no complicated nomenclature to learn. 38. A social bookmarking site is dedicated to providing all of the following except ________. A. To reconnect with colleagues for business progress. B. To share favorites. C. To store and categorize favorite sites. D. To annotate. Answer: A. To reconnect with colleagues for business progress. Rationale: Social bookmarking sites provide users with a place to store, categorize, annotate, and share favorites. LinkedIn is primarily used to reconnect with colleagues for business progress. 39. Which social media site works by allowing content to find the users, instead of the users having to search for the content? A. MySpace B. Facebook C. Google D. StumbleUpon Answer: D. StumbleUpon Rationale: StumbleUpon represents a new social media networking model in which content finds the user instead of the other way around. 40. What is the primary way that social networks work? A. Connecting people by matching profile information. B. Charging users each time they use the service. C. Providing a security system for communication online. D. Helping grow website traffic by viral advertisements. Answer: A. Connecting people by matching profile information. Rationale: A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile information. 41. What is one simplification that has occurred with Business 2.0? A. Helping online users create anonymity. B. Limiting the sharing capabilities of devices. C. Improving access to information. D. Communicating via email. Answer: C. Improving access to information. Rationale: Business 2.0 simplifies access to information and improves the ability to share it. 42. Which of the following identifies Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools? A. Microblogs, Tweets, RSS B. API, RSS, tacit knowledge C. Blogs, wikis, mashup D. Tags, web logs, RSS Answer: C. Blogs, wikis, mashup Rationale: Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools include blogs, wikis, and mashups. 43. What is an online journal that allows users to post their own opinions, comments, graphics, and video? A. Web master B. Folksonomy C. Disintermediation D. Blog or web log Answer: D. Blog or web log Rationale: This is the definition of a blog. 44. What is one reason that Fortune 500 companies engage in blogging? A. To order supplies. B. To share ideas. C. To gather interactivity metrics. D. To pay employees. Answer: B. To share ideas. Rationale: Many Fortune 500 companies are engaging in blogging for the purpose of marketing, sharing ideas, gathering feedback, press response, and image shaping. 45. Twitter is an example of a __________. A. Social bookmarking website B. Social tagging website C. Microblogging website D. Blogging website Answer: C. Microblogging website Rationale: Twitter is one of the largest examples of microblogging. 46. What is the practice of sending brief posts, only 140-200 characters long, to a personal blog, either publicly or to a private group of subscribers? A. Ebusiness modeling B. Tagging C. Blogging D. Microblogging Answer: D. Microblogging Rationale: This is the definition of microblogging. 47. Unlike traditional HTML, which of the following lets writers communicate and readers respond on a regular basis through a simple online journal? A. Instant messaging B. HTTP C. Blog D. Email Answer: C. Blog Rationale: Unlike traditional HTML, blogs (or web logs), let writers communicate, and readers respond, on a regular basis through a simple online journal. 48. What is the difference between a wiki and a blog? A. A wiki is free and a blog has a subscription fee. B. A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, but a blog user can only add information as a comment. C. A wiki is original content, but a blog is used sources. D. All of these. Answer: B. A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, but a blog user can only add information as a comment. Rationale: The difference between a wiki and a blog is that a wiki user can alter the original content of an article, but a blog user can only add information as a comment. 49. What does RSS stand for? A. Reorganized Site Syndicator B. Really Simple Sites C. Rented Site Syndication D. Real Simple Syndication Answer: D. Real Simple Syndication Rationale: RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. 50. Many websites use _______ to constantly feed news to consumers instead of having the consumer search for the news. A. Mashup B. Source Code C. RSS D. SNA Answer: C. RSS Rationale: Many websites use RSS to constantly feed news to consumers instead of having them search for it. 51. Large wikis, such as Wikipedia, can protect the quality and accuracy of their information by assigning users roles such as __________. A. Reader B. Subject matter expert C. Editor D. All of these Answer: D. All of these Rationale: Large wikis can protect the quality and accuracy of their information by assigning users roles such as reader, editor, administrator, patroller, policy maker, subject matter expert, content maintainer, software developer, and system operator. 52. What describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the number of users increase? A. Network effect B. RSS C. Mashup editor D. Mcommerce Answer: A. Network effect Rationale: This is the definition of a network effect. 53. Which of the following is one of the largest wikis on the web and one of the 10 most popular web destinations? A. Google B. eBay C. Wikipedia D. Yahoo Answer: C. Wikipedia Rationale: Wikipedia is one of the largest wikis on the web and one of the 10 most popular web destinations. 54. A company's internal wiki can be a great tool for all of the following except: A. Collecting and disseminating knowledge. B. Building software applications. C. Sharing information between functional business areas. D. Distributing knowledge to employees or partners across geographical distances. Answer: B. Building software applications. Rationale: Benefits for a company to operate an internal wiki include that they are great tools for collecting and disseminating knowledge throughout an organization, across geographic distances, and between functional business areas. 55. What is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service? A. Social tagging B. Mashup blog C. Social media D. Mashup Answer: D. Mashup Rationale: This is the definition of a mashup. 56. An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for ______________. A. Building software applications. B. Providing a visual interface for a web mashup. C. Describing how products in a network work. D. Writing and editing HTML. Answer: A. Building software applications. Rationale: This is the definition of an API, or application programming interface. 57. What does API stand for? A. Asynchronous Programming Information B. Application Programming Interface C. Application Provider for the Internet D. Asynchronous Protocol Interaction Answer: B. Application Programming Interface Rationale: API stands for application programming interface. 58. What is the role of a mashup editor? A. WYSIWYG's B. Often it allows the user to drag and drop data points into a web application. C. To provide a visual interface to build up a mashup. D. All of these. Answer: D. All of these. Rationale: This is the definition of a mashup editor. 59. Which of the following are challenges of Business 2.0? A. Information vandalism B. Technology dependence C. Violations of copyright and plagiarism D. All of these Answer: D. All of these Rationale: The challenges of Business 2.0 are (1) technology dependence, (2) information vandalism, and (3) violations of copyright and plagiarism. 60. What is a potential problem or impact of technology dependence? A. Outages create potentially great havoc for people, businesses, and educational institutions that rely heavily on technology. B. Many have a need to be continuously connected for every activity, which potentially eliminates crucial in-person social skills and could stunt psychological growth. C. How do people or businesses function if the connection is down? D. All of these. Answer: D. All of these. Rationale: Technology dependence can cause all of these scenarios. 61. Which of the following demonstrates potential issues with Business 2.0 and information vandalism? A. Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content. B. Copyright protection. C. Decreases in employee productivity. D. Decreases in process productivity. Answer: A. Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content. Rationale: Potential issues facing Business 2.0 and information vandalism are with open source websites, which allow anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content. 62. One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false biography entry stated which of the following: A. Michael Jackson and Madonna were siblings. B. JFK and Robert Kennedy were the same person. C. John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early 1960s and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's. D. Madonna and Britney Spears are sisters. Answer: C. John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early 1960s and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's. Rationale: One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false biography entry read that John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early 1960s and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's. Seigenthaler was an assistant to Robert but was not involved in either of the assassinations. 63. Which of the following best describes Web 1.0? A. Static text-based information websites B. Static electricity and connectivity C. Social media D. Technology intelligence Answer: A. Static text-based information websites Rationale: Web 1.0 refers to static, text-based information websites. Web 2.0 is about user-contributed content, and Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" web applications using natural-language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications. 64. Which of the following best describes Web 2.0? A. Static websites B. Intelligent websites C. Social media and user-generated web content D. Hypertext markup language Answer: C. Social media and user-generated web content Rationale: Web 1.0 refers to static, text-based information websites. Web 2.0 is about user-contributed content. Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" Web applications using natural-language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications. 65. Which of the following best describes Web 3.0? A. User-generated online business B. Based on the ‘intelligent' web where applications use natural language processing C. Collaboration and social media D. All of these Answer: B. Based on the ‘intelligent' web where applications use natural language processing Rationale: Web 1.0 refers to static, text-based information websites. Web 2.0 is about user-contributed content. Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" web applications using natural-language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications. 66. Which statement below is inaccurate? A. Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users. B. Web 2.0 brings people closer together with information, using machines. C. Web 3.0 brings machines closer together using information. D. Web 3.0 offers a way for people to describe information so computers can understand the relationships among concepts and topics. Answer: A. Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users. Rationale: Web 2.0 brings people closer together with information using machines, while Web 3.0 brings machines closer together using information. Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" applications that will understand relationships among concept and topics. 67. What is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that computers can understand? A. Social tagging B. Sustaining web C. Social web D. Semantic web Answer: D. Semantic web Rationale: This is the definition of a semantic web. 68. Which statement below is incorrect? A. The semantic web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization. B. The semantic web describes the relationships between things. C. The semantic web describes the properties of things. D. The semantic web is not about links between web pages. Answer: A. The semantic web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization. Rationale: To understand the semantic web, you need to understand that it is not about links between web pages. Rather, it describes the relationships between things (such as A is a part of B, and Y is a member of Z) and the properties of things (such as size, weight, age, and price). 69. Which of the following is not a topic or feature that is included in Web 3.0? A. A worldwide database B. Intelligent applications C. Social networking D. Integration of legacy devices Answer: C. Social networking Rationale: Topics or features that are sure to be included in Web 3.0 include (1) integration of legacy devices, (2) intelligent applications, (3) open ID, (4) open technologies, and (5) a worldwide database. 70. What statement below describes Web 3.0's feature that ensures the "integration of legacy devices"? A. The ability to use current devices such as iPhones and laptops as credit cards or tickets. B. The design of websites and other software so they can be easily integrated and work together. C. The ability for software to be distributed and accessed from anywhere. D. The design of software to be easily integrated and work together. Answer: A. The ability to use current devices such as iPhones and laptops as credit cards or tickets. Rationale: Web 3.0's feature "integration of legacy devices" means, or includes, the ability to use current devices such as iPhones, laptops, and so on, as credit cards, tickets, and reservation tools. 71. The government has taken an active role online. Which of the following is the term that describes the use of strategies and technologies to transform government by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction between government and the citizen-consumer within all the branches of government? A. Ecommerce B. Information richness C. Egovernment D. Tacit knowledge Answer: C. Egovernment Rationale: This is the definition of egovernment. 72. What website was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government and is the official U.S. gateway to all government information? A. B. C. D. Answer: D. Rationale: The website that was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government and is the official U.S. gateway to all government information is 73. Which of the following is the example of consumer-to-government (C2G) highlighted in the figure Extended Ebusiness Models? A. B. C. D. Answer: A. Rationale: The example of consumer-to-government highlighted in the figure Extended Ebusiness Models is 74. What is the ability to purchase goods and services through a wireless Internet-enabled device? A. Ecommerce B. Mobile business C. Meconomics D. Ebusiness model Answer: B. Mobile business Rationale: This is the definition of mobile business. 75. How would you categorize mobile entertainment, mobile sales, mobile ticketing, and mobile banking? A. Mobile business B. Mbusiness C. Mcommerce D. All of these Answer: D. All of these Rationale: Mobile business (or mbusiness or mcommerce) includes mobile entertainment, mobile sales, mobile banking, mobile ticketing, and mobile payments. Fill in the Blank Questions 76. One of the most popular forms of user-generated content is a __________ system, where buyers post feedback on sellers. Answer: Reputation 77. The primary objective of __________ management is to be sure that a company's knowledge of facts, sources of information, and solutions are readily available to all employees whenever they are needed. Answer: Knowledge 78. Traditional ebusiness communications were limited to face-to-face conversations and one-way technologies that used _______________ communications-communication such as email, in which the message and the response do not occur at the same time. Answer: Asynchronous 79. Social __________ describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords, or tags, as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search. Answer: Tagging 80. A website dedicated to social ____________ provides users with a place to store, categorize, annotate, and share favorites. Answer: Bookmarking 81. A web _________ is another term for an online journal that allows users to post their own comments, graphics, and video. Answer: Log 82. Twitter is one of the largest and most powerful _______________ websites. Answer: Microblogging 83. An example of a __________ is putting Jay-Z lyrics over a Radiohead song, which makes something old new. Answer: Mashup 84. John has a big issue with turning off his cell phone, as he is continuously connected to his friends and family via IMing. It has gotten so bad that John refuses to go to a movie because he cannot possibly live for two hours without being connected. John is suffering from technology __________, a clear challenge of Business 2.0. Answer: Dependence 85. You are in charge of creating and updating your company's Wikipedia page. You logon to find that someone has placed inappropriate photos and blatant lies about your products on the corporate Wikipedia page. Your company has been a victim of wiki _________, another major challenge of the Business 2.0 environment. Answer: Vandalism 86. You have just been promoted at work and you are now responsible for all marketing communication through the different Internet channels. You logon to your corporate blog and find that there are many direct paragraphs from competitor websites and product manufacturing magazines. The first issue you will need to address as you redesign the corporate blog is to ensure that you are avoiding copyright violations and __________. Answer: Plagiarism 87. The web version that is defining the next generation of online business is Web ________, or the "intelligent" web application. Answer: 3.0 88. The ______________ web is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that computers can understand. Answer: Semantic 89. Mobile business is just now emerging and is also referred to as mcommerce or ____________. Answer: Mbusiness True/False Questions 90. Web 2.0 is the next generation of Internet that uses a more mature, distinctive communications platform characterized by qualities such as collaboration, sharing, and free. Answer: True Rationale: This is the definition of Web 2.0 or Business 2.0 91. Source code is software made available free for any third party to review and modify. Answer: False Rationale: This is the definition of open source. 92. The most common form of collective intelligence found outside the organization is crowdsourcing, or the wisdom of the crowd. Answer: True Rationale: This is the definition of crowdsourcing. 93. Social networks are websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Digg. Answer: True Rationale: This is the definition of social media. 94. Social tagging is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tags or keyword-based classification system. Answer: False Rationale: Folksonomy is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tags or keyword-based classification system. 95. The three Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools a business can use to harness the power of people include blogs, wikis, and mashups. Answer: True Rationale: Blogs, wikis, and mashups are the three primary Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools. 96. A wiki-from the Hawaiian word for quick-is a type of a collaborative web page that allows users to add, remove, and change content. Answer: True Rationale: This is part of the definition of a wiki. It allows users to add, remove, and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required. 97. RSS allows a website to constantly feed information and news to consumers instead of having the consumer search for it. Answer: True Rationale: In addition to facilitating syndication, RSS allows a website's frequent readers to track updates on the site. 98. Open source and sharing are both advantages and disadvantages of Business 2.0. Answer: True Rationale: Open source and sharing are both major advantages and disadvantages of Business 2.0. 99. Copyright laws protect collaborative websites like blogs and wikis, allowing users to reuse material freely and easily. Answer: False Rationale: Copyright infringement is a challenge of the online world, and business 2.0 is seeing more cases and problems with it online. 100. Tim Berners-Lee was one of the founders of the Internet. Answer: True Rationale: Tim Berners-Lee was one of the founders of the Internet. 101. Egovernment involves the use of strategies and technologies to transform government by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction between the citizen-consumer within all branches of government. Answer: True Rationale: This is the definition of egovernment. 102. Web 3.0 refers to static text-based information websites. Answer: False Rationale: Web 1.0 refers to static text-based information websites, Web 2.0 is about user-contributed content, and Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" web applications using natural language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications. 103. Mobile banking and mobile sales are both a part of the emerging mbusiness. Answer: True Rationale: Mobile banking and mobile sales are both a part of the emerging mbusiness. Essay Questions 104. Explain Web 2.0 and identify its four characteristics. Answer: Web 2.0, or Business 2.0, is the next generation of Internet use-a more mature, distinctive communications platform characterized by new qualities such as collaboration, sharing, and free. Web 2.0 encourages user participation and the formation of communities that contribute to the content. In Web 2.0, technical skills are no longer required to use and publish information to the World Wide Web, eliminating entry barriers for online business. The four characteristics of Web 2.0 include content sharing through open sourcing, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, and collaboration outside the organization. 105. Explain how Business 2.0 is helping communities network and collaborate. Answer: A social network is an application that connects people by matching profile information. Providing individuals with the ability to network is by far one of the greatest advantages of Business 2.0. Social networking is the practice of expanding your business or social contacts by constructing a personal network. Business 2.0 simplifies the way individuals communicate, network, find employment, and search for information. 106. Describe the three Business 2.0 tools for collaborating. Answer: The three tools that harness the "power of the people" for Business 2.0 are blogs, wikis, and mashups. A blog, or web log, is an online journal that allows users to post their own comments, graphics, and video. Blog websites let writers communicate-and reader's respond-on a regular basis through a simple yet customizable interface that does not require any programming. A wiki is a type of collaborative web page that allows users to add, remove, and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required. While blogs have largely drawn on the creative and personal goals of individual authors, wikis are based on open collaboration with anybody and everybody. A mashup is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service. A mashup allows users to mix map data, photos, video, news feeds, blog entries, and so on to create content with a new purpose. 107. Explain the three challenges associated with Business 2.0. Answer: As much as Business 2.0 has positively changed the global landscape of business, a few challenges remain in open-source software, user-contributed content systems, and collaboration systems. These challenges include individuals forming unrealistic dependencies on technology, vandalism of information on blogs and wikis, and the violation of copyrights and plagiarism. 108. Describe Web 3.0 and the next generation of online business. Answer: Web 3.0 is based on "intelligent" web applications using natural language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, and intelligent applications. Web 3.0 is the next step in the evolution of the Internet and web applications. Business leaders who explore its opportunities will be the first to market with competitive advantages. Web 3.0 offers a way for people to describe information such that computers can start to understand the relationships among concepts and topics. Chapter 16 Integrating Wireless Technology in Business Multiple Choice Questions 1. What company monitors the operation of its vending machines via wireless technology? A. United Parcel Service B. Amazon C. FedEx D. Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc. Answer: D. Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc. Rationale: Dr Pepper/Seven Up Inc. monitors the operation of its vending machines via wireless technology. 2. What technology has experienced rapid and widespread growth in the 21st century and has created one of the largest technology markets after the PC revolution in the 1980s and 1990s? A. Collaboration technology B. Mobile technology C. Social networking technology D. Electronic business technology Answer: B. Mobile technology Rationale: Mobile technology has experienced rapid and widespread growth in the 21st century and has created one of the largest technology markets after the PC revolution in the 1980s and 1990s. 3. Wireless transmissions rely on three types of technology to send data across high-frequency radio ranges that later connect to wired media. Which of the following is not one of the three types of technology? A. Radio waves (e.g., cellular technology) B. Microwaves C. WiMAX D. Satellite Answer: C. WiMAX Rationale: Wireless transmissions rely on radio waves (e.g., cellular technology), microwaves, and satellites to send data across high-frequency radio ranges that later connect to wired media. 4. What technology enables wireless networks to extend as far as 30 miles and transfer information, voice, and video at faster speeds than cable? A. WiMAX wireless broadband B. Satellite television C. Wireless local area network D. Cellular phones and pagers Answer: A. WiMAX wireless broadband Rationale: WiMAX wireless broadband enables wireless networks to extend as far as 30 miles and transfer information, voice, and video at faster speeds than cable. 5. What technology provides connectivity for portable and mobile applications, both personal and business? A. WiMAX wireless broadband B. Satellite television C. Wireless local area network D. Cellular phones and pagers Answer: D. Cellular phones and pagers Rationale: Cellular phones and pagers provide connectivity for portable and mobile applications, both personal and business. 6. What technology allows viewers in almost any location to select from hundreds of channels? A. WiMAX wireless broadband B. Satellite television C. Wireless local area network D. Cellular phones and pagers Answer: B. Satellite television Rationale: Satellite television allows viewers in almost any location to select from hundreds of channels. 7. What technology uses radio waves rather than wires to transmit information across a local area network? A. WiMAX wireless broadband B. Satellite television C. Wireless local area network D. Cellular phones and pagers Answer: C. Wireless local area network Rationale: Wireless local area network technology uses radio waves rather than wires to transmit information across a local area network. 8. Which of the following is not a driver of wireless growth? A. Universal access to information and applications B. The invention of the micro hard drive C. The automation of business processes D. User convenience, timeliness, and the ability to conduct business 24 x 7 x 365 Answer: B. The invention of the micro hard drive Rationale: The invention of the micro hard drive is not one of the drivers of wireless growth. 9. Which of the following is not an emerging mobile trend indicating ways that consumers and businesses will benefit from mobile technologies? A. Social networking gets mobilized B. Mobile TV C. Multifunction devices become cheaper and more versatile D. All of these Answer: D. All of these Rationale: All of these are emerging mobile trends indicating ways that consumers and businesses will benefit from mobile technologies. 10. What refers to any type of electrical or electronic operation that is accomplished without the use of a "hard-wired" connection? A. Wireless B. Mobile C. GPS D. RFID Answer: A. Wireless Rationale: This is the definition of wireless. True/False Questions 11. Common examples of wireless devices include cellular phones and pagers, GPS, and two-way radios. Answer: True Rationale: Common examples of wireless devices include cellular phones and pagers, GPS, and two-way radios. 12. Mobile technology refers to any type of electrical or electronic operation that is accomplished without the use of a "hard-wired" connection. Answer: False Rationale: Wireless technology refers to any type of electrical or electronic operation that is accomplished without the use of a "hard-wired" connection. 13. Wireless means the technology can travel with the user, but it is not necessarily in real time. Answer: False Rationale: Mobile means the technology can travel with the user, but it is not necessarily in real time. Fill in the Blank Questions 14. _________ technology means the technology can travel with the user, but it is not necessarily in real time. Answer: Mobile 15. ________________ technology refers to any type of electrical or electronic operation that is accomplished without the use of a "hard-wired" connection. Answer: Wireless Essay Questions 16. Explain the business benefits of using wireless technology. Answer: Business benefits to using wireless technology include (1) increase productivity, (2) speed delivery to market, (3) reduce operating costs, (4) have universal access to information and applications, (5) automate business processes, (6) create user convenience and timeliness, and (7) the ability to conduct business 24 x 7 x 365. 17. Explain how a wireless device can help an organization perform business anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Answer: Wireless technology refers to any type of electrical or electronic operation that is accomplished without the use of a hard-wired connection. If an organization uses wireless technologies, its employees, customers, and suppliers will have a live connection to organizational information and applications anytime, anywhere, and anyplace. 18. Describe the business benefits associated with enterprise mobility. Answer: (1) Universal access to information and applications-People are mobile and have more access to information than ever before, but they still need to get to the point where they can access all information anytime, anywhere, anyplace. (2) The automation of business processes-Wireless technologies have the ability to centralize critical information and eliminate redundant processes. (3) User convenience, timeliness, and the ability to conduct business 24 x 7 x 365-People delayed in airports no longer have to feel cut off from the world or their office. Through wireless tools and wireless solutions such as a BlackBerry RIM device, they can access their information anytime, anywhere, anyplace. 19. List and discuss the wireless trends that consumers and businesses can benefit from. Answer: (1) Social Networking Gets Mobilized. Mobility is being added to existing Internet business models, services and behaviors, driving traffic for wireless operators. Social networking applications initially are preloaded on many mobile devices sold and later become downloadable. (2) Mobile TV. Per-view or per-minute pricing has enabled "sneaking," a consumer tendency to watch key minutes of a sports event or drama while engaged in another activity. Sneaking leads to more regular viewing, and within 3-5 years, mobile TV will become an indispensable service. (3) Multifunction Devices Become Cheaper and More Versatile. Intense competition and margin pressure will continue in the handset market, forcing prices of third-generation (3G) handsets below $90 and making them affordable for a wide range of users. (4) Location-Based Services. GPS is the location technology of choice for the wireless industry. Handset manufacturers will continue to push GPS-enabled handsets as the technology evolves from popular in-car satellite navigation systems to a broadly accepted feature in wireless phones. (5) Mobile Advertising. Major brands are shifting from basic SMS marketing to more sophisticated multimedia advertising. (6) Wireless Providers Move into Home Entertainment. Mobile is making headway against fixed broadband operators, who have dominated Internet and cheaper voice service provisions in the home. Wi-Fi will remain the primary wireless access technology. (7) Wireless Security. There is a monumental need to put strong security measures in place. This could be the year that hackers really start paying attention to millions of wireless devices, the growth in mobile data usage, and vulnerable points between mobile and fixed networks. (8) Enterprise Mobility. Corporations are switching from phones to mobile computers for transactions, data collection, and messaging for a wide variety of employees. Many voice communications processes, such as order placement, delivery notifications, dispatch operations, and remote asset monitoring, continue to shift to wireless data to increase information access and field transaction volume across organizations. Many corporations will completely replace their cellular handsets with a combined voice/data device or a data-only device. Test Bank for Business Driven Technology Paige Baltzan 9780073376844, 9781259924927, 9781260727814, 9780073376905

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