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Chapter 12: Labour Relations
1. The term labour-management relations refers to
A. the process of administering a collective agreement.
B. relations between union members.
C. the process of labour-management contract negotiations and the process of administering a
collective agreement.
D. the process of contract negotiations.
E. relations between front line managers and employees only.
Answer: C. the process of labour-management contract negotiations and the process of
administering a collective agreement.
2. The negotiations that take place between a labour union and an employer to arrive at a
mutually acceptable collective agreement are known as
A. collective bargaining.
B. contract bargaining.
C. union organizing.
D. contract ratification.
E. contract administration.
Answer: A. collective bargaining.
3. In a ________, collective bargaining is accepted as an appropriate mechanism for
establishing workplace rules.
A. union suppression approach
B. union substitution approach
C. proactive human resources approach
D. union avoidance strategy
E. union acceptance strategy
Answer: E. union acceptance strategy
4. Bargaining has commenced at the Airport Authority in Vancouver. The management
bargaining team has as its mandate to strive for a mutually acceptable collective agreement.
This is an example of
A. union avoidance strategy.
B. labour relations strategy.
C. proactive human resources approach.

D. union substitution approach.
E. union acceptance strategy.
Answer: E. union acceptance strategy.
5. Specific strategies adopted by organizations using the union substitution approach include
A. pay, benefits, and working conditions equal to or better than those in unionized firms.
B. preventing a union from gaining a foothold.
C. avoiding a union at all costs.
D. accepting collective bargaining as an appropriate mechanism for establishing terms and
conditions of employment.
E. viewing the union as the legitimate representative of the firm's employees.
Answer: A. pay, benefits, and working conditions equal to or better than those in unionized
6. Becoming so responsive to employees' needs that there is no incentive for unionization is
associated with which approach to labour relations?
A. positive labour relations
B. union substitution
C. union suppression
D. union acceptance
E. union avoidance
Answer: B. union substitution
7. An organizing drive has begun at a busy branch of a bank. The managers wish to avoid a
union at all costs. This approach to labour relations is
A. tough bargaining.
B. union suppression.
C. union substitution.
D. union acceptance.
E. union avoidance.
Answer: B. union suppression.
8. Canada's labour laws have two key purposes, which are
A. balancing the rights of the public and protection of public welfare.
B. protecting union rights and management rights.
C. providing a common set of rules for fair negotiations and protecting public interest.

D. specifying management rights and union rights.
E. ensuring the right to unionize or remain union-free.
Answer: C. providing a common set of rules for fair negotiations and protecting public
9. Common characteristics among labour relations legislation in all Canadian jurisdictions
include all of the following except
A. a minimum term of six months for all collective agreements.
B. procedures that must be followed by one or both parties before a strike or lockout is legal.
C. the requirement that disputes over matters arising from interpretation of the collective
agreement be settled by binding arbitration.
D. establishment of a labour relations board or the equivalent.
E. prohibition of strikes or lockouts during the life of a collective agreement.
Answer: A. a minimum term of six months for all collective agreements.
10. Each of the following is a component of business unionism except
A. lobbying for legislative changes pertaining to security issues and working conditions.
B. seeking greater job security.
C. negotiating for better pay and benefits.
D. achieving better working conditions.
E. There are no exceptions listed above.
Answer: E. There are no exceptions listed above.
11. Convincing politicians of the need for stricter and more comprehensive health and safety
legislation is most closely associated with
A. pre-strike activity.
B. social unionism.
C. information picketing.
D. political unionism.
E. business unionism.
Answer: E. business unionism.
12. Speaking out on proposed legislative reforms is most closely associated with
A. social unionism.
B. business unionism.
C. pre-strike activity.

D. political unionism.
E. information picketing.
Answer: A. social unionism.
13. An association of persons performing a certain type of skill or trade is called
A. an independent local union.
B. a provincial federation of labour.
C. a craft union.
D. an international union.
E. an industrial union.
Answer: C. a craft union.
14. The labour organization that, traditionally, represented all workers eligible for union
membership in a particular company or industry, irrespective of the type of work performed,
A. a craft union.
B. an industrial union.
C. an independent local union.
D. a provincial federation of labour.
E. a local/district labour council.
Answer: B. an industrial union.
15. A labour union with branches and members in both Canada and the United States, the
head office of which is in the United States, is known as
A. a member of the AFL-CIO.
B. a regional union.
C. a national union.
D. an international union.
E. an industrial union.
Answer: D. an international union.
16. Which of the following statements is true about the AFL-CIO and CLC?
A. The AFL-CIO is the major central labour organization in Canada.
B. The purpose of the CLC is social reform
C. The AFL-CIO and CLC operate independently, and have no common interests.

D. Most international and national unions belong to the CLC.
E. The local/district labour councils belong to both the CLC and AFL-CIO.
Answer: D. Most international and national unions belong to the CLC.
17. The CNTU is the
A. largest chartered local union in Canada.
B. Quebec counterpart of the CLC.
C. American counterpart of the CLC.
D. parent union of the CLC.
E. parent union of the Ontario Federation of Labour.
Answer: B. Quebec counterpart of the CLC.
18. A union steward is
A. a union member who is appointed by management to act as the union representative.
B. a union member elected by workers in a particular area of a firm to act as their union
C. a union member elected by management to act as the union representative.
D. a union member working with an airline.
E. a management member elected by workers in an area of a firm to act as their union
Answer: B. a union member elected by workers in a particular area of a firm to act as their
union representative.
19. The most important part of the union structure for human resources managers is the
A. national union.
B. local.
C. provincial/territorial federation of labour.
D. local/district labour council.
E. central or regional office.
Answer: B. local.
20. Factors accounting for union membership trends in Canada include all of the following
A. more effective HR practices in non-unionized firms.
B. the increase in service sector.
C. a decline in employment in industries that have traditionally been highly unionized.

D. increase in white-collar jobs.
E. none, there are no exceptions listed above.
Answer: E. none, there are no exceptions listed above.
21. In order to broaden their appeal to white-collar workers, unions have
A. heavily promoted wage gains for blue collar workers to white collar workers.
B. changed the style of clothes they wear when they meet with white collar workers.
C. taken out ads in magazines and online publications most often read by white collar
D. changed their focus and bargaining priorities to include issues important for white collar
E. rebranded their names to make them sound like organizations white collar workers would
want to join (like the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union or COPE).
Answer: D. changed their focus and bargaining priorities to include issues important for
white collar workers.
22. The labour relations process consists of ________ steps, as outlined in the text.
A. 5
B. 3
C. 8
D. 7
E. 6
Answer: A. 5
23. Workers primarily seek unionization when
A. they are dissatisfied and believe that it is only through collective action that the factors
causing dissatisfaction can be changed.
B. they are unhappy with the location of the firm.
C. they primarily want career advancement.
D. a union organizer convinces them of the benefits of unionization.
E. they are extremely dissatisfied.
Answer: A. they are dissatisfied and believe that it is only through collective action that the
factors causing dissatisfaction can be changed.
24. During a union organizing drive, the employer is permitted to
A. shut down operations to avoid unionization.

B. give bonuses to employees for leading a campaign to counteract the union campaign.
C. participate in union formation by organizing one in advance.
D. discipline an employee for wanting to join the union.
E. forbid the distribution of union literature on company property.
Answer: E. forbid the distribution of union literature on company property.
25. Steps in the unionizing process typically include all of the following except
A. an all-out public campaign.
B. the outcome: certification, recognition, or rejection.
C. formation of an in-house organizing committee.
D. employee/union contact.
E. a vote.
Answer: A. an all-out public campaign.
26. A full-time employee of the union, whose role is to plan and execute union membership
recruitment campaigns, is known as
A. a union organizer.
B. a regional representative.
C. a chief steward.
D. a business agent.
E. the local president.
Answer: A. a union organizer.
27. Who is responsible for contacting employees, presenting the case for unionization, and
signing up members?
A. the in-house organizing committee
B. the union organizer
C. the regional representative
D. the business agent
E. the president of the local/district labour council
Answer: A. the in-house organizing committee
28. Under the law, employers are granted the right to do all of the following in response to a
unionization attempt except
A. require employees to attend sessions at which their position is presented.

B. state their position regarding the desirability of remaining non-union.
C. express their views and opinions regarding unions.
D. prohibit distribution of union literature on their own property on company time.
E. increase wages, make promotions, and take other HR actions, as long as they would do so
during the normal course of business.
Answer: A. require employees to attend sessions at which their position is presented.
29. Which of the following statements is true about regular certification?
A. To gain certification, the voting results must indicate that more than 20 percent of the
potential bargaining unit members are in support of the union.
B. The majority of union certifications in Canada are based on the results of a secret ballot
C. Automatic certification is permitted in all Canadian jurisdictions.
D. Signed authorization cards along with an application for certification are required.
E. The evidence of support required to apply for certification ranges from 40 to 50 percent
depending on jurisdiction.
Answer: D. Signed authorization cards along with an application for certification are
30. All of the following statements about union certification are true except that
A. if a union loses a representation vote, another election cannot be held among the same
employees for at least a year.
B. representation votes are supervised by the LRB (or equivalent).
C. in those jurisdictions with automatic certification, if the level of support is not sufficient
for such certification, but is above a specified minimum level, the LRB (or equivalent) will
order a representation vote.
D. in most jurisdictions, LRBs can grant automatic certification.
E. in all jurisdictions, in order for a union to be certified, more than 50 percent of the
potential bargaining unit members must be in support of the union.
Answer: E. in all jurisdictions, in order for a union to be certified, more than 50 percent of the
potential bargaining unit members must be in support of the union.
31. An alternative mechanism for certification, used in situations in which there is evidence
of irregularities early in an organizing campaign such as unfair management practices, is
known as
A. voluntary recognition.
B. arbitrated certification.
C. a representation vote.

D. a pre-hearing vote.
E. automatic certification.
Answer: D. a pre-hearing vote.
32. The process whereby a union is legally deprived of its official recognition as the
exclusive bargaining agent for a group of employees is known as
A. decertification due to fraud.
B. voluntary decertification.
C. decertification.
D. automatic decertification.
E. termination of a voluntarily-recognized union.
Answer: C. decertification.
33. All of the following statements about termination of bargaining rights are true except that
A. a union is automatically decertified when a collective agreement is not negotiated within
one year of certification.
B. it is possible for a labour union to notify the LRB (or equivalent) that it no longer wishes
to represent the employees in a particular bargaining unit.
C. members may apply for decertification if they are dissatisfied with the performance of a
D. the decertification process generally involves a secret-ballot election.
E. generally, members may apply for decertification if the union has failed to negotiate a
collective agreement within one year of certification.
Answer: A. a union is automatically decertified when a collective agreement is not negotiated
within one year of certification.
34. The process by which a formal collective agreement is established between labour and
management is known as
A. contract ratification.
B. collective bargaining.
C. conciliation.
D. contract bargaining.
E. collective negotiating.
Answer: B. collective bargaining.
35. The final outcome of the collective bargaining process is shaped, to a large extent, by
A. the number of bargaining team members.

B. the quality of pre-negotiations planning.
C. the skill of the negotiations.
D. the legislative context.
E. the choice of bargaining representatives.
Answer: B. the quality of pre-negotiations planning.
36. During preparation for negotiations, unions generally hold a meeting that is open to all
bargaining unit members at which
A. individual members have the opportunity to suggest items for inclusion in union demands.
B. union strategic plans are discussed.
C. members submit written proposals.
D. management presents its proposals.
E. information is given by the business agent.
Answer: A. individual members have the opportunity to suggest items for inclusion in union
37. The area defined by the resistance points of each side, in which compromise is possible,
as is the attainment of a settlement satisfactory to both parties, is known as the
A. distributive bargaining range.
B. bargaining range.
C. area of potential settlement.
D. bargaining zone.
E. settlement range.
Answer: D. bargaining zone.
38. The bargaining zone is between
A. Party A's resistance point and Party B's target point.
B. Party B's resistance point and Party A's resistance point.
C. Party A's target point and Party B's target point.
D. Party B's resistance point and Party B's target point.
E. Party B's resistance point and Party A's target point.
Answer: B. Party B's resistance point and Party A's resistance point.
39. The approach to bargaining often typified as "win-lose" is known as
A. concessionary.

B. productivity.
C. interest-based.
D. distributive.
E. integrative.
Answer: D. distributive.
40. The approach that is appropriate when dealing with monetary issues, but may be used
when there is a history of distrust and adversarial relations, is known as ________ bargaining.
A. distributive
B. productivity
C. concessionary
D. mutual gains
E. integrative
Answer: A. distributive
41. Which type of bargaining is characterized by three distinct components: the initial point,
the target point, and the resistance point?
A. concessionary
B. productivity
C. mutual gains
D. integrative
E. distributive
Answer: E. distributive
42. A negotiating strategy in which the possibility of win-win, lose-win, and lose-lose
outcomes is recognized, and there is acknowledgement that achieving a win-win outcome
will depend on mutual trust and problem solving, is known as ________ bargaining.
A. integrative
B. mutual gains
C. concessionary
D. distributive
E. interest-based
Answer: A. integrative
43. Wage rates and vacation entitlements are more likely to be fixed-sum issues that are
handled by _________ bargaining.

A. productivity
B. concessionary
C. interest-based
D. distributive
E. mutual gains
Answer: D. distributive
44. The objective of ________ bargaining is to establish a creative negotiating relationship
that benefits labour and management.
A. productivity
B. integrative
C. mutual gains
D. distributive
E. concessionary
Answer: B. integrative
45. Bargaining that is aimed at seeking win-win solutions to labour relations issues is
________ bargaining.
A. productivity
B. integrative
C. union acceptance
D. mutual gains
E. distributive
Answer: D. mutual gains
46. Which of the following statements about ratification is false?
A. In some jurisdictions, ratification is required by law.
B. If any of the bargaining unit members vote in favour of the proposal, it replaces any prior
C. The results of a ratification vote have a significant impact.
D. If the proposed collective agreement is rejected, a strike is the inevitable result.
E. When a ratification vote is held, all members of the bargaining unit, whether or not they
are trade union members, have the right to cast a ballot.
Answer: D. If the proposed collective agreement is rejected, a strike is the inevitable result.
47. The memorandum of settlement is

A. management's agreement to bargain with the union.
B. a summary of terms and conditions agreed to by the parties.
C. a proposal for negotiation.
D. the signed collective agreement.
E. the union's agreement to bargain with management.
Answer: B. a summary of terms and conditions agreed to by the parties.
48. The use of a neutral third party to assist an organization and the union representing a
group of its employees to come to a mutually satisfactory collective agreement is known as
A. interest arbitration.
B. rights arbitration.
C. mediation.
D. conciliation.
E. LRB intervention.
Answer: D. conciliation.
49. A favourable strike vote means
A. a strike will occur within a specified period of time.
B. going on strike would not involve a high risk.
C. an advantage for management.
D. a strike is inevitable.
E. management may be more willing to make concessions.
Answer: E. management may be more willing to make concessions.
50. Each of the following statements about lockouts is true except that
A. they put pressure on the union negotiating team to agree to the terms and conditions
offered by management.
B. they are legally permissible in only a few Canadian jurisdictions.
C. they can damage an organization's public image.
D. they may have a negative impact on nonstriking employees.
E. lockouts are not a widely used strategy in Canada.
Answer: B. they are legally permissible in only a few Canadian jurisdictions.
51. The imposition of the final terms of a collective agreement occurs through the process
known as

A. mediation-arbitration.
B. rights arbitration.
C. arbitration.
D. final offer selection.
E. interest arbitration.
Answer: E. interest arbitration.
52. The process involved in settling a dispute when special legislation is passed ordering
striking or locked-out employees back to work is known as
A. final offer selection.
B. mediation-arbitration.
C. rights arbitration.
D. arbitration.
E. interest arbitration.
Answer: E. interest arbitration.
53. Situations in which interest arbitration may be involved include all of the following
A. negotiations involving firefighters in most jurisdictions.
B. negotiations involving police officers in most jurisdictions.
C. negotiations involving public servants in some jurisdictions.
D. negotiations involving nursing home employees in most jurisdictions.
E. none, there are no exceptions listed above.
Answer: E. none, there are no exceptions listed above.
54. The section of the collective agreement that identifies the recognized trade union and
clarifies its rights and responsibilities as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in
the bargaining unit, is known as the ________ clause.
A. union recognition
B. union rights
C. union security
D. bargaining unit descriptor
E. union exclusivity
Answer: A. union recognition
55. The most restrictive form of union security is known as a

A. open shop.
B. maintenance-of-membership.
C. union shop.
D. dues shop.
E. closed shop.
Answer: E. closed shop.
56. A type of union security arrangement in which union membership and dues payment are
mandatory conditions of employment is known as
A. maintenance-of-membership.
B. closed shop.
C. the Rand formula.
D. union shop.
E. dues shop.
Answer: D. union shop.
57. Which type of union security arrangement recognizes the fact that the union must
represent all employees in the bargaining unit, whether or not they choose to belong to the
A. open shop
B. union shop
C. closed shop
D. the Rand formula
E. maintenance-of-membership
Answer: D. the Rand formula
58. A type of security arrangement in which the individuals who were bargaining unit
members at the time of certification are not obliged to join the union is referred to as a
A. modified union shop.
B. dues shop.
C. maintenance-of-membership arrangement.
D. Rand Formula.
E. union shop.
Answer: A. modified union shop.
59. Any rights not limited by the management rights clause are

A. negotiable.
B. known as management prerogatives.
C. reserved to management.
D. known as union prerogatives.
E. reserved to the union.
Answer: C. reserved to management.
60. All Canadian jurisdictions require that collective agreements contain a clause providing
A. surface bargaining.
B. mediation.
C. final and binding settlement by arbitration of all disputes arising out of the collective
D. a disciplinary process.
E. pattern bargaining.
Answer: C. final and binding settlement by arbitration of all disputes arising out of the
collective agreement.
61. Managers often prefer to place greater weight on ________, while unions want more
emphasis placed on ________.
A. attitude; seniority
B. ability/merit; seniority
C. certification; merit
D. physical ability; merit
E. loyalty; seniority
Answer: B. ability/merit; seniority
62. In many collective agreements, seniority is the governing factor in layoffs and a(n)
________ factor in transfers and promotions.
A. unique
B. determining
C. first
D. important
E. sufficient
Answer: B. determining

63. The primary purpose of the grievance procedure is to
A. call to the attention of union and management leaders areas of the contract requiring
clarification or modification in subsequent negotiations.
B. resolve issues that were not anticipated by those at the bargaining table.
C. serve as a communications device.
D. interpret the contract language.
E. ensure the application of the contract with a degree of justice for both parties.
Answer: E. ensure the application of the contract with a degree of justice for both parties.
64. The final and binding process, through which disputes arising out of the interpretation or
application of a collective agreement are settled, is known as
A. arbitration.
B. interest arbitration.
C. final offer selection.
D. rights arbitration.
E. mediation-arbitration.
Answer: D. rights arbitration.
65. Kate's organization is now unionized, so the HR department will hire a
A. labour relations specialist.
B. recruitment specialist.
C. training specialist.
D. line manager.
E. compensation specialist.
Answer: A. labour relations specialist.
66. Unionization impacts HRM in which of the following ways?
A. Management has more freedom to make decisions.
B. HR policies must be consistent with the terms of the collective agreement.
C. A union steward must design 50% of all HR policies.
D. Record keeping is decentralized.
E. The HR department becomes smaller.
Answer: B. HR policies must be consistent with the terms of the collective agreement.

67. The group of employees in a firm, plant, or industry that has been recognized by an
employer or certified by a LRB as appropriate for collective bargaining purposes is known as
a labour union.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
68. Collective bargaining is the negotiations that take place between management and
employees directly.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
69. The basis of a firm's labour relations strategy is the decision to accept or avoid unions.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
70. The primary goal of the labour unions active in Canada is to obtain job security for their
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
71. Global competition is forcing employers to become more militant and causing unions to
struggle to maintain their influence at the bargaining table.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
72. Union membership in Canada has been declining rapidly as a percentage of both the
civilian labour force and non-agricultural paid workers.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
73. In preparation for bargaining, unions generally hold a meeting that is open to all
bargaining unit members, at which individuals have the opportunity to suggest items for
inclusion in union's demands.

a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
74. An off-site setting is preferred for negotiations because it minimizes disruptions,
interruptions, and misinterpretations.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
75. The actual settlement range in contract negotiations generally lies in the bargaining zone,
between management's target and resistance points.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
76. Integrative bargaining is an approach that assumes that a win-win solution can be found.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
77. A wildcat strike may be legal or illegal, depending on its timing.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
78. Unlike conciliators and mediators, arbitrators can impose a settlement.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
79. There must be a clause in every collective agreement forbidding strikes or lockouts
during the life of the contract.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
80. The grievance procedure provides the opportunity for the interpretation of contract

a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
81. There are generally four internal steps prior to arbitration.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
82. Identify and briefly describe the five steps of the labour relations process.
Answer: Up to 2 points each for accurate identification and description of:
1. Employees decide to seek collective representation
2. Union organizing campaign
3. Union is recognized as the bargaining agent
4. Collective bargaining
5. Ongoing contract administration
83. Discuss in detail any two aspects of the impact of unionization on HRM.
Answer: Up to 5 points each for accurate discussion of any two of the following:
Organizational Structure - Once an organization is unionized, the HR department is typically
expanded by the addition of an LR specialist or section. In a large firm with a number of
bargaining units, human resources and labour relations may form two divisions within a
broader department, often called industrial relations or labour relations.
Management Decision Making - Union leaders are typically involved in decisions pertaining
to any issues that will affect bargaining unit members, such as subcontracting of work,
productivity standards, and job content. While management continues to claim exclusive
rights over certain matters, union leaders may challenge these rights.
Centralization of Record Keeping and Standardization of Decision Making - Unionization
generally results in greater centralization of employee record keeping and standardization of
decision making to ensure equity, consistency, and uniformity. For example, more centralized
coordination is typically required in the enforcement of HR policies and procedures, which
creates an expanded role for members of the LR department, as does the increased need for
documentation to support decisions.
Supervisory Authority and Responsibility - The major impact of unionization is at the firstline level, since it is the supervisors who are responsible for day-to-day contract
administration. Greater standardization of decision making and centralization of record
keeping may lead supervisors to feel they have lost some of their authority, which can cause
resentment, especially since they inevitably find that unionization results in an increase in
their responsibilities.

Supervisors are often required to produce more written records than ever before, since
documentation is critical at grievance and arbitration hearings. They must ensure that all of
their decisions and actions are in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement. Even
decisions that abide by the agreement may be challenged by the union.
84. Jaime's company has just been unionized by the Canadian Auto Workers. None of the
supervisors has worked in a unionized company before and Jaime has to outline the grievance
procedure for the supervisors. Provide an outline of the entire grievance/arbitration process
for Jaime to use that includes a description of each step.
Answer: Up to 2.5 points each for accurate description of the four steps:
1. Written grievance submitted to supervisor, supervisor decides and, if rejected,
2. Grievance is taken forward by the union to the HRM professional for a decision and, if
rejected by the union,
3. Grievance is taken forward to senior management for a decision, which, if rejected, goes to
4. Binding arbitration

Test Bank for Management of Human Resources: The Essentials
Nina D. Cole, Gary Dessler, Nita Chhinzer
9780133807332, 9780134305066

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