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Chapter 11 Responsibility, Authority, and Delegation
1) Authority is the obligation to perform assigned activities.
Answer: False
Authority refers to the right to make decisions, give orders, and allocate resources. It is not
the same as the obligation to perform assigned activities, which is more closely related to
2) The source of authority lies within the individual.
Answer: False
The source of authority typically lies within the organization's structure or hierarchy, not
within the individual. Authority is granted to individuals based on their position within the
3) Even though a manager may delegate a task to another employee, the manager still
remains responsible for the completion of the task.
Answer: True
While a manager can delegate tasks to others, they ultimately remain responsible for ensuring
that the tasks are completed satisfactorily. Responsibility cannot be fully delegated away.
4) Even though organizational objectives and other conditions within the management system
might change, individual job activities should remain the same.
Answer: False
Individual job activities may need to change in response to changing organizational
objectives and conditions. Jobs should be flexible enough to adapt to new requirements and

5) According to many management theorists, the most basic method of dividing job activities
is the functional similarity method.
Answer: True
The functional similarity method involves grouping similar activities together to create jobs.
This method is commonly used in organizations to divide job activities.
6) The first step in the functional similarity method of dividing job activities is to design
specific jobs by grouping similar activities.
Answer: False
The first step in the functional similarity method is to analyze and identify the various
activities that need to be performed. Only after this analysis can specific jobs be designed by
grouping similar activities together.
7) A responsibility gap exists when certain organizational tasks are not included in the
responsibility area of any individual organizational member.
Answer: True
A responsibility gap occurs when there is no clear accountability for certain tasks within an
organization. This can lead to confusion and inefficiency.
8) Organizational members should be obligated to perform only those activities that lead to
goal attainment.
Answer: True
Organizational members should focus on activities that contribute to the achievement of
organizational goals. Activities that do not contribute to goal attainment should be minimized
or eliminated.

9) A management responsibility guide is a specific tool developed to summarize how the
responsibilities of various managers relate to one another.
Answer: True
A management responsibility guide is a document that outlines the responsibilities of
different managers within an organization and how these responsibilities relate to one
another. It helps clarify roles and responsibilities within the organization.
10) Responsible managers take complete charge of their work groups.
Answer: True
Responsible managers are expected to take charge of their work groups and ensure that goals
are met. They are accountable for the performance of their teams.
11) A manager's behavior with upper management is a way to determine the degree of
responsibility a manager possesses.
Answer: True
A manager's behavior with upper management, such as taking ownership of problems,
communicating effectively, and making decisions in line with organizational goals, can
indicate the level of responsibility they possess within the organization.
12) Authority is the right to perform or command.
Answer: True
Authority is the right to make decisions, give orders, and allocate resources within an
organization. It gives individuals the power to direct the actions of others.
13) Having authority guarantees that a specific command will be obeyed.
Answer: False

Authority does not guarantee that a specific command will be obeyed. It only gives
individuals the right to issue commands, but obedience depends on factors such as
communication, motivation, and organizational culture.
14) Line authority is the right to make decisions and to give orders concerning the
production, sales, or finance-related behavior of subordinates.
Answer: True
Line authority gives managers the right to make decisions and give orders to subordinates in
their own department or area of responsibility. It is typically associated with operational
15) In essence, line personnel are the suppliers of workers, and the various organizational
departments needing workers are their customers.
Answer: False
Line personnel are those directly involved in producing goods or providing services, while
staff personnel provide support and assistance to line personnel. The relationship between
line and staff is not strictly one of supplier and customer.
16) Functional authority consists of the right to give orders within a segment of the
organization in which this right is normally nonexistent.
Answer: True
Functional authority is the right to give orders in a particular area of expertise or function,
even though one may not have line authority over those individuals. It allows individuals to
influence and direct the actions of others in specific areas.
17) The accountability concept implies that reward or punishment is dependent upon
Answer: True

Accountability means being answerable for the outcomes of one's actions and decisions. This
includes both rewards for good performance and punishments for poor performance.
18) Delegation is the process of assigning job activities and related authority to specific
individuals in the organization.
Answer: True
Delegation involves transferring responsibility for certain tasks or decisions from one person
(usually a manager) to another (usually a subordinate). It allows managers to focus on higherlevel tasks while empowering subordinates to take on more responsibility.
19) The first step in the delegation process involves creating the obligation for a subordinate
to perform the duties assigned.
Answer: False
The first step in the delegation process is to clearly define the task or responsibility to be
delegated. Creating the obligation for a subordinate to perform the duties assigned comes
after the task has been defined and delegated.
20) The concept of centralization implies that a huge amount of authority is delegated to
subordinates by management.
Answer: False
Centralization refers to the degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated at the
top levels of an organization. In a centralized organization, decision-making is retained at
higher levels, while in a decentralized organization, authority is delegated to lower levels.
21) ________ is an obligation to perform assigned activities.
A) Centralization
B) Line authority
C) Efficacy

D) Responsibility
E) Functional authority
Answer: D
Responsibility refers to the obligation to perform assigned activities. It involves being
accountable for the outcomes of those activities.
22) The self-assumed commitment to handle a job to the best of one's ability is termed
A) Responsibility
B) Authority
C) Accountability
D) Answerability
E) Responsivity
Answer: A
Responsibility involves the self-assumed commitment to handle a job to the best of one's
ability. It is the willingness to accept the consequences of one's actions and decisions related
to the job.
23) Which of the following statements is true about responsibility?
A) Responsibility is often easy to identify.
B) Responsibility does not create an obligation to perform the assigned activities.
C) The source of responsibility lies within the individual.
D) Responsibility is the right to perform or command.
E) Managers who delegate tasks are not responsible for the tasks.
Answer: C

Responsibility is an individual's duty to perform assigned activities. The source of this
responsibility lies within the individual, who is expected to fulfill the obligations associated
with the role.
24) An individual's job activities within an organization are usually summarized in a formal
statement known as a ________.
A) Job evaluation
B) Job description
C) Job design
D) Job specification
E) Job analysis
Answer: B
A job description is a formal statement that summarizes an individual's job activities within
an organization. It typically includes information about the tasks, responsibilities, and
requirements of the job.
25) A listing of specific activities that must be performed to accomplish some task or job is
called a(n) ________.
A) Job specification
B) Job evaluation
C) Job description
D) Management responsibility guide
E) Organization chart
Answer: C

A job description is a listing of specific activities that must be performed to accomplish a task
or job. It provides a detailed outline of the duties and responsibilities associated with a
particular job role.
26) HR Village, a staffing company, has invited applications for the position of director of
recruitment and compensation. This position is accountable for planning, organizing, and
managing the recruitment and compensation services for the company. This list of specific
activities is an example of a ________.
A) Job evaluation
B) Work sample
C) Job description
D) Work plan
E) Job specification
Answer: C
The description of specific activities for the director of recruitment and compensation
position constitutes a job description. It outlines the responsibilities and tasks associated with
the job role.
27) When properly designed, job descriptions ________.
A) Encourage job sharing among employees
B) Increase the number of tasks associated with the job
C) Communicate job content to employees
D) Encourage the application of sociotechnical systems principles to the humanization of
E) Encourage job rotation among employees
Answer: C

Job descriptions, when properly designed, serve to communicate the content and expectations
of a job to employees. They clarify the responsibilities and tasks associated with the job role.
28) According to many management theorists, the most basic method of dividing job
activities is the ________.
A) Process control method
B) Customer location method
C) Centralization method
D) Functional similarity method
E) Overlapping responsibility chart method
Answer: D
The most basic method of dividing job activities, according to many management theorists, is
the functional similarity method. This method groups similar activities together based on
their functions or characteristics.
29) The first step in the functional similarity method of dividing jobs is ________.
A) To designate appropriate activities that must be performed to reach desired objectives
B) To examine management system objectives
C) To make specific individuals responsible for performing specific jobs
D) To design specific jobs by grouping similar activities
E) To create an organization chart
Answer: B
The first step in the functional similarity method is to examine management system
objectives. This step helps identify the key objectives that must be achieved and the activities
required to achieve them.
30) The final step in the functional similarity method of dividing jobs is ________.

A) To design specific jobs by grouping similar activities
B) To create an organization chart
C) To make specific individuals responsible for performing specific jobs
D) To examine management system objectives
E) To identify the activities that must be performed to reach desired objectives
Answer: C
The final step in the functional similarity method is to make specific individuals responsible
for performing specific jobs. This ensures that each job is clearly defined and assigned to the
appropriate individual.
31) ABC Insurance Company hired a manager for their operations team. The manager
divided the job activities among his team members by examining the management system
objectives, designating appropriate activities that must be performed to reach those
objectives, designing specific jobs by grouping similar activities, and making specific
individuals responsible for performing those jobs. Which of the following methods is the
manager using to divide job activities?
A) functional similarity
B) overlapping responsibility chart
C) process control
D) centralization
E) cash flow forecasting
Answer: A
The manager is using the method of functional similarity to divide job activities. This
involves grouping similar activities together and assigning them to specific individuals based
on their skills and qualifications. It helps in creating job roles that are cohesive and aligned
with the overall objectives of the management system.

32) Mark and Joe work in the client services department of an advertising agency, and they
have been assigned the account of a major client. However, when the client sends an email
with an urgent request, neither of them respond. This is most likely due to ________.
A) overlapping responsibilities
B) responsibility gaps
C) poor line authority
D) excessive delegation
E) high centralization
Answer: A
The situation described indicates that Mark and Joe both believe the other is responsible for
responding to the client, leading to overlapping responsibilities. This confusion can result in
no one taking action, which is likely why neither of them responded to the urgent request.
33) Which of the following refers to a situation where more than one individual is responsible
for the same activity?
A) job enlargement
B) overlapping responsibility
C) job rotation
D) role ambiguity
E) role conflict
Answer: B
Overlapping responsibility occurs when more than one individual is responsible for the same
activity. This can lead to confusion, inefficiency, and a lack of accountability.
34) Which of the following exists when certain tasks are not included in the responsibility
area of any individual organization member?

A) role conflict
B) responsibility gap
C) accountability
D) overlapping responsibility
E) lack of functional similarity
Answer: B
A responsibility gap exists when certain tasks are not included in the responsibility area of
any individual organization member. This can result in important tasks being overlooked or
left unattended, leading to potential issues and inefficiencies.
35) Bay Industries has a small-scale shoe manufacturing plant that has had a high number of
product defects in the past several months. Upon investigation, it was found that the shoes
were never inspected for quality once they came off the production line as no particular
employee had been assigned this specific task. This is an example of ________.
A) responsibility gap
B) overlapping responsibility
C) role conflict
D) skill gap
E) lack of functional similarity
Answer: A
This is an example of a responsibility gap, where a specific task (quality inspection) was not
assigned to any individual, leading to the oversight of an important aspect of the production
36) Organization members should be obligated to perform only those activities that lead to
A) job enlargement

B) overlapping responsibilities
C) more accountability
D) job enrichment
E) goal attainment
Answer: E
Organization members should be obligated to perform only those activities that lead to goal
attainment. This ensures that their efforts are focused on achieving the objectives of the
37) Which of the following outcomes is most desirable in terms of product quality when two
or more employees are uncertain as to who is responsible for a particular task?
A) Employees spend valuable time negotiating each aspect of the job.
B) Both the employees perform the task.
C) One of the two employees performs the job.
D) Neither employee performs the job.
E) The task is reassigned to a different employee.
Answer: A
The most desirable outcome in this situation is for employees to spend valuable time
negotiating each aspect of the job. This can help clarify responsibilities and ensure that the
task is completed effectively and efficiently.
38) ________ help(s) management to describe the various responsibility relationships that
exist in the organization and to summarize how the responsibilities of various managers relate
to one another.
A) Robert's Rules of Order
B) The overlapping responsibility chart

C) The management responsibility guide
D) The Chatham House Rule
E) The process decision program chart
Answer: C
The management responsibility guide helps management describe the various responsibility
relationships that exist in the organization and summarize how the responsibilities of various
managers relate to one another. It provides clarity and structure to the organization's
39) The individual who guides and directs the execution of a function through the person
accepting operating responsibility has a ________.
A) general responsibility
B) specific responsibility
C) sequential responsibility
D) rotational responsibility
E) consultative responsibility
Answer: A
The individual who guides and directs the execution of a function through the person
accepting operating responsibility has a general responsibility. This involves overseeing the
overall execution of a function and ensuring that it aligns with the organization's objectives.
40) Jack is the business head at Micron Computers. The firm has set its revenue target for the
year at $5 million. Jack will have to ensure that this financial target is met by overseeing the
performance of the firm's various departments, and providing necessary direction and
guidance. In this scenario, Jack has a ________.
A) general responsibility
B) specific responsibility

C) operational responsibility
D) latent responsibility
E) tactical responsibility
Answer: A
Jack has a general responsibility as the business head to ensure that the firm's revenue target
is met. This involves overseeing the performance of various departments and providing
direction and guidance to achieve the organization's financial goals.
41) Rupert is the business head at Micron Softwares. The firm has set its revenue target for
the year at $5 million. Rupert will have to ensure that this financial target is met by providing
necessary direction and guidance to the different department heads who are directly
responsible for the execution of the work performed by their departments. In this scenario,
the organization's various department heads have a(n) ________.
A) operating responsibility
B) consultative responsibility
C) tacit responsibility
D) latent responsibility
E) specific responsibility
Answer: A
The department heads have operating responsibility, as they are directly responsible for
executing the work performed by their departments. Rupert's role is to provide direction and
guidance to ensure that the financial target is met, while the department heads are responsible
for the actual execution of the work.
42) A manager who is directly responsible for executing a function has a(n) ________.
A) general responsibility
B) specific responsibility

C) operating responsibility
D) cyclical responsibility
E) consultative responsibility
Answer: C
A manager who is directly responsible for executing a function has operating responsibility.
This means they are accountable for ensuring that the function is carried out effectively and
43) Lisa recently joined the HR department at Tandem Corp, a cycle manufacturing firm. In
her role as an HR executive, she is responsible for answering all employee queries on payroll
issues. In this scenario, Lisa has a(n) ________.
A) consultative responsibility
B) specific responsibility
C) latent responsibility
D) operating responsibility
E) general responsibility
Answer: B
Lisa has a specific responsibility to answer all employee queries on payroll issues. This is a
specific task that she is accountable for within her role as an HR executive.
44) A manager responsible for executing a limited portion of a function has a(n) ________.
A) general responsibility
B) specific responsibility
C) operating responsibility
D) organizational responsibility
E) consultative responsibility

Answer: B
A manager responsible for executing a limited portion of a function has a specific
responsibility. They are accountable for a specific aspect of a function or task within the
45) Which of the following is NOT one of the four key dimensions for appraising manager
A) behavior with upper management
B) behavior with other groups
C) behavior with subordinates
D) behavior with stockholders
E) personal attitudes and values
Answer: D
Behavior with stockholders is not one of the four key dimensions for appraising manager
responsibility. The other dimensions—behavior with upper management, behavior with other
groups, behavior with subordinates, and personal attitudes and values—are commonly used
to evaluate manager responsibility.
46) Responsible managers make sure that any gaps between their areas and those of other
managers are securely filled. Which of the following key dimensions of responsible
management behavior is this classified under?
A) behavior with subordinates
B) behavior with upper management
C) behavior with other groups
D) behavior with people outside the organization
E) personal attitudes and values
Answer: C

This is classified under behavior with other groups. Responsible managers ensure that any
gaps between their areas and those of other managers are securely filled by collaborating and
coordinating with other groups within the organization.
47) In terms of personal attitudes and values, responsible managers ________.
A) perform tasks that offer immediate rewards
B) always prioritize their subordinates' needs above everything else
C) conserve corporate resources as if the resources were their own
D) avoid terminating poor performers at all costs
E) take moderate to high risks to achieve organizational goals
Answer: C
Responsible managers conserve corporate resources as if the resources were their own. This
demonstrates a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the organization's resources.
48) In terms of their attitude toward and conduct with subordinates, responsible managers
A) share the responsibility of managing their work groups with other employees
B) pass praise and credit along to subordinates
C) avoid terminating poor performers at all costs
D) always prioritize their subordinates' needs above everything else
E) stay close to problems, but distance themselves from routine work activities
Answer: B
Responsible managers pass praise and credit along to subordinates. This fosters a positive
work environment and motivates employees to perform at their best.

49) Which of the following key dimensions of responsible management behavior is
concerned with managers accepting criticism for mistakes and buffering their groups from
excessive criticism?
A) behavior with upper management
B) personal attitudes and values
C) attitude toward and conduct with subordinates
D) behavior with people outside the organization
E) behavior with other groups
Answer: A
Behavior with upper management is concerned with managers accepting criticism for
mistakes and buffering their groups from excessive criticism. This behavior demonstrates a
sense of responsibility and accountability towards the organization's leadership.
50) ________ is the right to perform or command.
A) Responsibility
B) Authority
C) Delegation
D) Accountability
E) Centralization
Answer: B
Authority is the right to perform or command. It is the power given to individuals to make
decisions, issue orders, and enforce obedience within an organization.
51) Which of the following statements is true about authority?
A) It is the obligation to perform assigned activities.
B) It allows its holder to influence the actions of others through indirect means.

C) It is the holder's self-assumed commitment to handle a job to the best of his or her ability.
D) It allows its holder to allocate the organization's resources to achieve organizational
E) It guarantees that a specific command will be obeyed.
Answer: D
Authority allows its holder to allocate the organization's resources to achieve organizational
objectives. It grants the power to make decisions and give orders that are necessary to achieve
the organization's goals.
52) According to Barnard, in order to enhance the probability of acceptance of authority,
communication channels should be ________.
A) formal
B) informal
C) lateral
D) customized
E) culturally fair
Answer: A
According to Barnard, to enhance the probability of acceptance of authority, communication
channels should be formal. This means that the channels should follow the official hierarchy
and structure of the organization.
53) According to Barnard, the character of communication by which an order is accepted by
an individual as governing the actions that individual takes within the system is known as
A) accountability
B) responsibility
C) authority

D) personal attitude
E) influence
Answer: C
According to Barnard, the character of communication by which an order is accepted as
governing the actions of an individual within the system is known as authority. Authority is
the basis for the acceptance of managerial commands within an organization.
54) Barnard maintains that authority will be accepted under all the following conditions,
EXCEPT when ________.
A) the individual believes the order is consistent with the purpose of the organization
B) the individual can understand the order being communicated
C) the individual sees the order as compatible with his or her personal interests
D) the individual is mentally and physically able to comply with the order
E) the individual considers informal communication channels to be more credible than formal
Answer: E
Barnard maintains that authority will be accepted under all the listed conditions, except when
the individual considers informal communication channels to be more credible than formal
ones. This suggests that the individual may not fully accept the authority of the formal
channels in such a situation.
55) Which of the following would be least likely to enhance acceptance of a manager's
A) use of the complete chain of command to issue orders
B) possession of adequate communication channels
C) use of informal communication channels
D) direct line of communication between manager and subordinate

E) possession of adequate communication skills by the manager
Answer: C
The use of informal communication channels would be least likely to enhance acceptance of
a manager's commands. Informal channels may not convey the authority of the manager as
effectively as formal channels, leading to potential misunderstandings or resistance to
56) According to Barnard, a manager's commands will be accepted over the long term if
A) informal communication channels are used
B) an indirect line of communication exists between managers and subordinates
C) the command is authenticated as coming from a manager
D) a chain of command does not exist
E) the manager uses formal communication lines for business and personal matters
Answer: C
According to Barnard, a manager's commands will be accepted over the long term if the
command is authenticated as coming from a manager. This means that the manager's
authority is recognized and respected by subordinates, leading to the acceptance of
57) The three main types of authority that can exist within an organization are ________.
A) line authority, staff authority, and formal authority
B) staff authority, informal authority, and formal authority
C) line authority, staff authority, and functional authority
D) line authority, functional authority, and formal authority
E) formal authority, informal authority, and functional authority

Answer: C
The three main types of authority that can exist within an organization are line authority, staff
authority, and functional authority. Line authority gives managers the right to make decisions
and give orders to subordinates. Staff authority gives managers the right to advise or assist
those who possess line authority. Functional authority gives managers the right to control
resources or processes affecting multiple departments.
58) The most fundamental authority in an organization, consisting of the right to make
decisions and to give orders concerning the production, sales, or finance-related behavior of
subordinates, is known as ________.
A) functional authority
B) staff authority
C) traditional authority
D) line authority
E) informal authority
Answer: D
Line authority is the most fundamental authority in an organization, consisting of the right to
make decisions and give orders concerning the production, sales, or finance-related behavior
of subordinates.
59) A certain IT company has a legal services department which is responsible for providing
timely assistance and advice on matters relating to contracts, liability, governance, and
regulations. Which of the following types of authority do the legal advisors within this
organization possess?
A) line authority
B) functional authority
C) staff authority

D) traditional authority
E) informal authority
Answer: C
The legal advisors within the IT company possess staff authority, as they are responsible for
providing assistance and advice to other departments within the organization. They do not
have direct line authority over the production, sales, or finance-related behavior of
60) Bay Industries has a small-scale shoe manufacturing plant which has encountered a high
number of product defects in the past several months. The quality control team studies the
problem and recommends that the production manager change one of the company's suppliers
of leather. In this scenario, the quality control team has ________.
A) staff authority
B) line authority
C) functional authority
D) traditional authority
E) informal authority
Answer: A
The quality control team has staff authority, as they are responsible for providing
recommendations and advice to the production manager. They do not have direct line
authority over the production process but provide support and expertise in improving product
61) ________ consists of the right to advise or assist those who possess line authority.
A) Functional authority
B) Staff authority
C) Informal authority

D) Lateral authority
E) Rational-legal authority
Answer: B
Staff authority consists of the right to advise or assist those who possess line authority. Staff
personnel provide support, guidance, and expertise to help line personnel perform their tasks
62) Which of the following statements regarding staff authority is true?
A) It enables those responsible for improving the effectiveness of line personnel to perform
their required tasks.
B) It involves giving orders concerning production activities.
C) It pertains to matters directly involving management system production, sales, and finance
and, as a result, the attainment of objectives.
D) It reflects existing superior–subordinate relationships.
E) It consists of the right to give orders within a segment of the organization in which this
right is normally nonexistent.
Answer: A
Staff authority enables those responsible for improving the effectiveness of line personnel to
perform their required tasks. Staff personnel provide advice, recommendations, and support
to help line personnel achieve their goals and improve performance.
63) The most significant factor in determining whether an organization will have staff
personnel is ________.
A) the size of the organization
B) the qualifications of the workers
C) the type of industry
D) the degree of centralization in the organization

E) the nature of the products and service produced
Answer: A
The size of the organization is the most significant factor in determining whether an
organization will have staff personnel. Larger organizations are more likely to have
specialized staff functions to support the needs of the organization.
64) According to Harold Stieglitz, in which of the following roles do staff personnel use their
professional expertise to solve organizational problems?
A) advisory role
B) service role
C) control role
D) administrative role
E) functional role
Answer: A
According to Harold Stieglitz, staff personnel use their professional expertise to solve
organizational problems in the advisory role. They provide advice, recommendations, and
solutions based on their expertise to help improve organizational performance.
65) Bay Industries has a small-scale shoe manufacturing plant which has incurred a high
number of product defects in the past several months. The quality control team studies the
problem and recommends that the production manager change one of the company's suppliers
of leather. Identify the role performed by the staff personnel in this situation.
A) advisory
B) service
C) control
D) latent
E) administrative

Answer: A
The staff personnel in this situation are performing the advisory role. They are using their
expertise in quality control to provide advice and recommendations to the production
manager on how to improve product quality by changing suppliers.
66) When staff personnel are viewed as suppliers and line personnel as customers, staff
personnel are performing the ________.
A) service role
B) advisory role
C) counseling role
D) controlling role
E) administrative role
Answer: A
When staff personnel are viewed as suppliers and line personnel as customers, staff personnel
are performing the service role. They provide support, guidance, and resources to help line
personnel achieve their goals.
67) The HR department of a large IT firm is responsible for recruiting and training qualified
employees for all the other departments within the organization. In essence, they are the
suppliers of workers, and the various organizational departments needing workers are their
customers. Under the given circumstance, identify the role played by the human resource
A) control role
B) functional role
C) service role
D) advisory role
E) counseling role

Answer: C
The human resource department is playing the service role. They are providing the other
departments within the organization with the necessary resources (qualified employees) to
help them achieve their goals.
68) In which of the following roles do staff personnel help establish a mechanism for
evaluating the effectiveness of organizational plans?
A) advisory role
B) service role
C) control role
D) functional role
E) counseling role
Answer: C
In the control role, staff personnel help establish a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness
of organizational plans. They provide input and support to ensure that organizational plans
are implemented and monitored effectively.
69) In which of the following roles do staff personnel act as representatives, or agents, of top
A) control role
B) advisory role
C) service role
D) counseling role
E) functional role
Answer: A

In the control role, staff personnel act as representatives or agents of top management. They
help ensure that organizational goals and objectives are met by monitoring and evaluating the
performance of the organization.
70) ________ consists of the right to give orders within a segment of the organization where
this right is normally nonexistent.
A) Staff authority
B) Line authority
C) Decentralization
D) Functional authority
E) Informal authority
Answer: D
Functional authority consists of the right to give orders within a segment of the organization
where this right is normally nonexistent. It is usually temporary and specific to a particular
function or task.
71) Functional authority ________.
A) is delegated to individuals who possess neither staff nor line authority
B) generally covers only specific task areas
C) is assigned to individuals for an indefinite period of time
D) is the most fundamental type of authority within an organization
E) is granted in the absence of line or staff authority
Answer: B
Functional authority generally covers only specific task areas within an organization. It is
authority granted to individuals to perform certain functions or tasks, but it does not
encompass the broader authority of line or staff authority.

72) ________ refers to the management philosophy whereby individuals are liable for how
well they use their authority or perform their activities, and live up to the responsibility of
performing predetermined activities.
A) Reinforcement
B) Line authority
C) Accountability
D) Delegation
E) Centralization
Answer: C
Accountability refers to the management philosophy whereby individuals are liable for how
well they use their authority or perform their activities, and live up to the responsibility of
performing predetermined activities. It involves taking ownership of one's actions and
73) The process of assigning job activities and related authority to specific individuals in the
organization is termed ________.
A) delegation
B) centralization
C) job specification
D) task identification
E) task significance
Answer: A
Delegation is the process of assigning job activities and related authority to specific
individuals in the organization. It involves empowering employees to take on certain tasks
and responsibilities.
74) Which of the following is the first step in the delegation process?

A) assigning specific duties to the individual
B) giving the subordinate the right and power to accomplish assigned duties
C) creating the obligation for the subordinate to perform the assigned duties
D) collecting feedback from the subordinate
E) training employees to complete tasks efficiently
Answer: A
The first step in the delegation process is assigning specific duties to the individual. This
involves clearly defining the tasks and responsibilities that are being delegated to the
75) The three steps in the delegation process are ________.
A) creating accountability, promoting acceptance, and facilitating performance
B) assigning specific duties, granting authority, and creating responsibility
C) assigning responsibility, creating accountability, and assigning specific duties
D) creating responsibility, granting authority, and promoting acceptance
E) assigning specific rules, creating responsibility, and promoting acceptance
Answer: B
The three steps in the delegation process are assigning specific duties, granting authority, and
creating responsibility. These steps ensure that the delegated tasks are clearly defined, the
necessary authority is given to the subordinate, and the subordinate understands their
76) Which of the following is a guideline for making delegation effective?
A) Avoid giving employees freedom to pursue tasks in their own way.
B) Refrain from entrusting employees with whole projects or tasks.
C) Allow employees to set their own standards for performance.

D) Delegate tasks on the basis of employee interests at all times.
E) Give employees the authority necessary to accomplish tasks.
Answer: E
Giving employees the authority necessary to accomplish tasks is a guideline for making
delegation effective. This empowers employees to take ownership of their tasks and make
decisions within their delegated authority.
77) Which of the following obstacles to delegation is related to the supervisor?
A) fear that subordinates will not perform a job well
B) reluctance to accept delegated authority
C) reluctance to exercise authority that may complicate working relationships
D) fear that the supervisor will be unavailable for guidance
E) belief that the supervisor doesn't have confidence in employees
Answer: A
Fear that subordinates will not perform a job well is an obstacle to delegation related to the
supervisor. This fear may prevent supervisors from delegating tasks and authority to their
78) Which of the following is an advantage of delegation?
A) It helps supervisors to hide their professional inadequacies.
B) It significantly reduces the amount of time taken to complete a task.
C) It frees up the supervisor to perform other organizational tasks.
D) It allows the supervisor to forgo personal responsibility for delegated tasks.
E) It provides employees with a false sense of authority.
Answer: C

Delegation frees up the supervisor to perform other organizational tasks. By delegating tasks
and authority, supervisors can focus on higher-level responsibilities and strategic initiatives.
79) Which of the following should managers NOT do to eliminate obstacles to the delegation
A) maximize the impact of delegated authority on established working relationships
B) help delegates cope with problems whenever necessary
C) build subordinate confidence in the use of delegated authority
D) willingly consider the ideas of others seriously
E) allow employees to learn from their mistakes without suffering unreasonable penalties
Answer: A
Managers should not maximize the impact of delegated authority on established working
relationships to eliminate obstacles to the delegation process. Instead, they should focus on
building trust, providing support, and ensuring clear communication.
80) When a minimal number of job activities and minimal amount of authority are delegated
to subordinates, the organization is ________.
A) decentralized
B) formalized
C) flat
D) centralized
E) functionally organized
Answer: D

When a minimal number of job activities and minimal amount of authority are delegated to
subordinates, the organization is centralized. Centralization refers to the concentration of
decision-making authority at the top levels of an organization.
81) Jerry Jones, the owner of an American football team, had the final say over all personnel
decisions, regardless of the views of other individuals in the team. Therefore, the football
team is ________.
A) centralized
B) functionally organized
C) decentralized
D) flat
E) motivated
Answer: A
The football team is centralized because Jerry Jones, the owner, has the final say over all
personnel decisions, indicating a concentration of decision-making authority at the top.
82) Which of the following is most likely to be true if an organization is decentralized?
A) homogeneity in the organization's product line
B) narrow span of management
C) high degree of delegation
D) little accountability
E) lack of authority among middle managers
Answer: C
A high degree of delegation is most likely to be true if an organization is decentralized.
Decentralization involves pushing decision-making authority down to lower levels of the
organization, which requires a high degree of delegation.

83) Which of the following is an indicator that an organization is too large and decentralized?
A) fewer product innovations
B) high labor costs relative to other organizational expenses
C) excessive organizational rules and regulations
D) heterogenous product lines
E) poor customer relationships
Answer: B
High labor costs relative to other organizational expenses can be an indicator that an
organization is too large and decentralized. Decentralization can lead to duplication of efforts
and inefficiencies, resulting in higher labor costs.
84) Decentralization ________.
A) cuts through red tape
B) reduces innovation
C) lowers organization flexibility
D) optimizes decision making
E) reduces responsibility gaps
Answer: A
Decentralization cuts through red tape by allowing decisions to be made closer to the point of
action, reducing bureaucracy and streamlining processes.
85) If speedy decision making is essential to an organization, the organization should
A) be decentralized
B) be centralized

C) have a tall organizational structure
D) have a matrix structure
E) have virtual teams
Answer: A
If speedy decision making is essential, the organization should be decentralized.
Decentralization allows for quicker decision making by pushing authority down to lower
levels of the organization, where decisions can be made closer to the point of action.
86) Describe the functional similarity method of dividing job activities.
Answer: The functional similarity method is, according to many management theorists, the
most basic method of dividing job activities. Simply stated, the method suggests that
management should take four basic interrelated steps to divide job activities in the following
1. Examine management system objectives
2. Designate appropriate activities that must be performed to reach those objectives
3. Design specific jobs by grouping similar activities
4. Make specific individuals responsible for performing those jobs
87) Explain the outcomes that are possible when two or more employees are uncertain as to
who is responsible for a particular task.
Answer: When two (or more) employees are uncertain as to who is responsible for a task,
four outcomes are possible:
1. One of the two may perform the job. The other may either forget to or choose not to do the
job — and neither of these is a desirable outcome for product quality control.
2. Both employees may perform the job. At the least, this situation results in duplicated effort,
which dampens employee morale. At worst, one employee may diminish the value of the
other employee's work, resulting in a decrement in product quality.
3. Neither employee may perform the job because each assumed the other would do it.

4. The employees may spend valuable time negotiating each aspect and phase of the job to
carefully mesh their job responsibilities, thus minimizing both duplication of effort and
responsibility gaps. Though time-consuming, this is actually the most desirable option in
terms of product quality.
Each of these outcomes negatively affects both product quality and overall productivity.
88) Describe the characteristics of a responsible manager and explain the method used to
determine the degree of responsibility a manager possesses.
Answer: Managers can be described as responsible if they perform the activities they are
obligated to perform. Because managers have more impact on an organization than
nonmanagers, responsible managers are a prerequisite for management system success.
Several studies have shown that responsible management behavior is highly valued by top
executives because the responsible manager guides many other individuals within the
organization in performing their duties appropriately.
The degree of responsibility that a manager possesses can be determined by appraising the
manager on the following four dimensions:
1. Attitude toward and conduct with subordinates
2. Behavior with upper management
3. Behavior with other groups
4. Personal attitudes and values
89) Explain the concepts of line, staff, and functional authority.
Answer: Line authority is the most fundamental type of authority within an organization and
reflects existing superior/subordinate relationships. Essentially it is the right to make
decisions or give orders concerning the production-, sales-, or finance-related behavior of
subordinates. Line authority relates to matters directly involving management system
production, sales, or finance and as a result, attainment of objectives. Staff authority, on the
other hand, is the right to advise or assist those who have line authority. An example of staff
authority would be someone in the human resource department. Size of the organization is a
significant factor in determining whether or not an organization will have staff personnel; the
larger the organization, the greater the need for staff personnel. Functional authority is
defined as the right to give orders within a segment of the management system in which the

right is normally nonexistent. This authority generally covers only a specific task, and is
operational only for a designated amount of time. The vice president of finance is someone
with functional authority. The vice president could order the sales manager to provide
financial information, for instance.
90) List a few guidelines for making delegation effective in an organization.
Answer: Guidelines for making delegation effective in an organization include:
• Giving employees freedom to pursue tasks in their own way.
• Establishing mutually agreed-upon results and performance standards for delegated tasks.
• Encouraging employees to take an active role in defining, implementing, and
communicating progress on tasks.
• Entrusting employees with completion of whole projects or tasks whenever possible.
• Explaining the relevance of delegated tasks to larger projects or to department or
organization goals.
• Giving employees the authority necessary to accomplish tasks.
• Allowing employees access to all information, people, and departments necessary to
perform delegated tasks.
• Providing training and guidance necessary for employees to complete delegated tasks
• When possible, delegating tasks on the basis of employee interests.

Test Bank for Modern Management: Concepts and Skills
Samuel C. Certo, S. Trevis Certo
9780133059922, 9780133254105, 9780135983546

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