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Chapter 11
Question 1
It has been determined from previous experience that eight hours is the minimum time
necessary for staff nurses to obtain initial training on the new system. Which of the following
is the best way to schedule this training?
1. One eight-hour session is offered six weeks prior to go-live, where employees drop in
when they are caught up with work assignments.
2. Eight one-hour sessions are scheduled one month prior to go-live, starting immediately
after the employee's shift has ended.
3. Four two-hour sessions are scheduled three months prior to go-live during non-scheduled
work time.
4. Two four-hour sessions are offered one month before go-live during non-scheduled work
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “two four-hour sessions are offered one month before go-live during
non-scheduled work time.” Training is best when done within one month of go-live and
offered at times when the employees are off work. Otherwise, they may be too tired or
stressed to obtain the information. For eight hours of training, two four-hour sessions are
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “two four-hour sessions are offered one month before go-live, during
non-scheduled work time.” Training is best when done within one month of go-live and
offered at times when the employees are off work. Otherwise, they may be too tired or
stressed to obtain the information. For eight hours of training, two four-hour sessions are
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “two four-hour sessions are offered one month before go-live, during
non-scheduled work time.” Training is best when done within one month of go-live and

offered at times when the employees are off work. Otherwise, they may be too tired or
stressed to obtain the information. For eight hours of training, two four-hour sessions are
Rationale 4:
Two four-hour sessions are offered one month before go-live, during non-scheduled work
time. Training is best when done within one month of go-live and offered at times when the
employees are off work. Otherwise, they may be too tired or stressed to obtain the
information. For eight hours of training, two four-hour sessions are preferred.
Question 2
Which of the following provides the most effective end-user learning experience?
1. Real client data are utilized for realistic practice.
2. The equipment used for training is the same used in the clinical setting.
3. Two employees share each workstation for mutual encouragement.
4. The live system is used with simulated client data.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “the equipment used for training is the same used in the clinical
setting.” Ideally, individual user training should be done on the same equipment that will be
seen in the clinical setting. If the live system is used, data may be altered and confidentiality
of client information may be compromised.
Rationale 2:
Ideally, individual user training should be done on the same equipment that will be seen in
the clinical setting. If the live system is used, data may be altered and confidentiality of client
information may be compromised.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “the equipment used for training is the same used in the clinical
setting.” Ideally, individual user training should be done on the same equipment that will be

seen in the clinical setting. If the live system is used, data may be altered and confidentiality
of client information may be compromised.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is “the equipment used for training is the same used in the clinical
setting”. Ideally, individual user training should be done on the same equipment that will be
seen in the clinical setting. If the live system is used, data may be altered and confidentiality
of client information may be compromised.
Question 3
A proficiency examination is planned to ensure that employees have the requisite knowledge
to use a new wireless system. Which statement indicates the best use of testing?
1. Testing is criterion-referenced to evaluate predetermined system competencies.
2. Computer testing is done using a multiple-choice question format.
3. Predetermined competencies are determined by comparing class averages.
4. Norm-referenced testing is used to ensure the most successful employees keep their
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The most effective testing is criterion-referenced with predetermined competencies, not
comparing results among employees.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “testing is criterion-referenced to evaluate predetermined system
competencies.” The most effective testing is criterion-referenced with predetermined
competencies, not comparing results among employees.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “testing is criterion-referenced to evaluate predetermined system
competencies.” The most effective testing is criterion-referenced with predetermined
competencies, not comparing results among employees.

Rationale 4:
The correct answer is “testing is criterion-referenced to evaluate predetermined system
competencies.” The most effective testing is criterion-referenced with predetermined
competencies, not comparing results among employees. Norm-referenced testing is useful in
competitive hiring situations where there are more applicants than positions available.
However, this type of testing is not typically used for information system training.
Question 4
How should health care student training most efficiently be handled by an institution?
1. Each nursing student receives the same amount of training as the staff nurse on the unit.
2. Practical or vocational nursing students are placed in the user class with LPNs or LVNs to
access information and document client care.
3. Students must be trained to provide appropriate clinical information to an assigned staff
nurse, who will document client care in the system.
4. Students assess and document client care and medication administration by giving their
information to the clinical instructor to input into the system.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “practical or vocational nursing students are placed in the user class
with LPNs or LVNs to access information and document client care.” It is most cost-effective
to use preexisting user classes for students at a similar end-user level.
Rationale 2:
It is most cost-effective to use preexisting user classes for students at a similar end-user level.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “practical or vocational nursing students are placed in the user class
with LPNs or LVNs to access information and document client care.” It is most cost-effective
to use preexisting user classes for students at a similar end-user level.
Rationale 4:

The correct answer is “practical or vocational nursing students are placed in the user class
with LPNs or LVNs to access information and document client care.” It is most cost-effective
to use preexisting user classes for students at a similar end-user level.
Question 5
The training of students often takes the same amount of time and resources as employee
training. Which of the following are the most appropriate uses of the computer system for a
nursing student assigned to a cardiac unit?
1. Order lab tests
2. Document medication administration
3. Document client care
4. Document health assessment findings
5. View test results
Correct Answer: 3,4,5
Rationale 1:
Students need to be able to review a client chart, view test results, complete assessments, and
document findings in the information system.
Rationale 2:
Students need to be able to review a client chart, view test results, complete assessments, and
document findings in the information system.
Rationale 3:
Students need to be able to review a client chart, view test results, complete assessments, and
document findings in the information system.
Rationale 4:
Students need to be able to review a client chart, view test results, complete assessments, and
document findings in the information system
Rationale 5:

Students need to be able to review a client chart, view test results, complete assessments, and
document findings in the information system.
Question 6
Which of the following statements regarding computer-based training (CBT) are true?
1. The accompanying materials require little trainer attention beforehand.
2. Retention is enhanced because technology is used to teach technology.
3. CBT facilitates mastery learning.
4. Vendor-supplied materials require no specific customization.
5. CBT is less costly to develop and revise.
Correct Answer: 2,3
Rationale 1:
The correct answers are: retention of the material is enhanced because technology is used to
teach technology, and mastery learning is facilitated. CBT is time and labor intensive to
develop and revise; its materials require great trainer attention beforehand, and vendorsupplied materials are seldom useful unless they are customized.
Rationale 2:
The correct answers are: retention of the material is enhanced because technology is used to
teach technology, and mastery learning is facilitated. CBT is time and labor intensive to
develop and revise; its materials require great trainer attention beforehand, and vendorsupplied materials are seldom useful unless they are customized.
Rationale 3:
The correct answers are: retention of the material is enhanced because technology is used to
teach technology, and mastery learning is facilitated. CBT is time and labor intensive to
develop and revise; its materials require great trainer attention beforehand, and vendorsupplied materials are seldom useful unless they are customized.
Rationale 4:

The correct answers are: retention of the material is enhanced because technology is used to
teach technology, and mastery learning is facilitated. CBT is time and labor intensive to
develop and revise; its materials require great trainer attention beforehand, and vendorsupplied materials are seldom useful unless they are customized.
Rationale 5:
The correct answers are: retention of the material is enhanced because technology is used to
teach technology, and mastery learning is facilitated. CBT is time and labor intensive to
develop and revise; its materials require great trainer attention beforehand, and vendorsupplied materials are seldom useful unless they are customized.
Question 7
Which form of training would best fit the needs of a night shift worker (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.)?
1. An online tutorial that can be accessed when it fits worker's time off
2. A Listserv set up for e-mail comments and questions
3. A three-hour video that can be run during the worker's shift
4. A full-day workshop that starts shortly after the end of the shift
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Online tutorials are available 24/7 and allow immediate application of learning. The correct
answer is an online tutorial that can be accessed when it fits the worker's schedule. Listservs
via e-mail are too slow for training; videos are not interactive; and workshops should be
scheduled for times when the employee is off duty and rested, ready to learn, not just as a
shift ends.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is an online tutorial that can be accessed when it fits the worker's
schedule. Online tutorials are available 24/7 and allow immediate application of learning.
Listservs via e-mail are too slow for training; videos are not interactive; and workshops
should be scheduled for times when the employee is off duty and rested, ready to learn, not
just as a shift ends.

Rationale 3:
The correct answer is an online tutorial that can be accessed when it fits the worker's
schedule. Online tutorials are available 24/7 and allow immediate application of learning.
Listservs via e-mail are too slow for training; videos are not interactive; and workshops
should be scheduled for times when the employee is off duty and rested, ready to learn, not
just as a shift ends.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is an online tutorial that can be accessed when it fits the worker's
schedule. Online tutorials are available 24/7 and allow immediate application of learning.
Listserv via e-mail are too slow for training; videos are not interactive; and workshops should
be scheduled for times when the employee is off duty and rested, ready to learn, not just as a
shift ends.
Question 8
Which statement regarding the training approach is true?
1. Users may choose online multimedia or online tutorials to enhance retention.
2. Computer-based training should be used whenever data entry is required.
3. Blended learning is popular because it is appropriate for almost any content need.
4. Instructor-led training is still the best approach even though it is now less prevalent.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Users may choose online multimedia or online tutorials to enhance retention. Computers can
be used to input data without the instruction being computer-based. Instructor-led training is
actually the most popular but not necessarily the best. Blended learning is not appropriate for
all types of content and the organization's network must be able to support electronic training
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “users may choose online multimedia or online tutorials to enhance
retention.” Computers can be used to input data without the instruction being computer-

based. Instructor-led training is actually the most popular but not necessarily the best.
Blended learning is not appropriate for all types of content and the organization's network
must be able to support electronic training delivery.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “users may choose online multimedia or online tutorials to enhance
retention.” Computers can be used to input data without the instruction being computerbased. Instructor-led training is actually the most popular but not necessarily the best.
Blended learning is not appropriate for all types of content and the organization's network
must be able to support electronic training delivery.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is “users may choose online multimedia or online tutorials to enhance
retention.” Computers can be used to input data without the instruction being computerbased. Instructor-led training is actually the most popular but not necessarily the best.
Blended learning is not appropriate for all types of content and the organization's network
must be able to support electronic training delivery.
Question 9
The most essential knowledge for a staff nurse end-user are which of the following?
1. Basic equipment troubleshooting procedures
2. Backing up the computer system at the end of each shift
3. Error message content recognition
4. Protocol for dealing with system "freezes" and "crashes"
5. Data entry error log review
Correct Answer: 1,3,4
Rationale 1:
The correct answers are: “basic equipment troubleshooting procedures”; “error message
content recognition”; “and protocol for dealing with system ‘freezes’ and ‘crashes.’” The
system administrator, not the staff, should back up the system; data entry error logs are
reviewed by the systems analyst.

Rationale 2:
The correct answers are: “basic equipment troubleshooting procedures”; “error message
content recognition”; and “protocol for dealing with system ‘freezes’ and ‘crashes.’” The
system administrator, not the staff, should back up the system; data entry error logs are
reviewed by the systems analyst.
Rationale 3:
The correct answers are: “basic equipment troubleshooting procedures”; “error message
content recognition”; and “protocol for dealing with system ‘freezes’ and ‘crashes.’” The
system administrator, not the staff, should back up the system; data entry error logs are
reviewed by the systems analyst.
Rationale 4:
The correct answers are: “basic equipment troubleshooting procedures”; “error message
content recognition”; and “protocol for dealing with system ‘freezes’ and ‘crashes.’” The
system administrator, not the staff, should back up the system; data entry error logs are
reviewed by the systems analyst.
Rationale 5:
The correct answers are: “basic equipment troubleshooting procedures”; “error message
content recognition”; and “protocol for dealing with system ‘freezes’ and ‘crashes.’” The
system administrator, not the staff, should back up the system; data entry error logs are
reviewed by the systems analyst.
Question 10
Among the following computer-related policies, which of the following are appropriate?
1. A nursing student shared confidential lab results obtained from the system at the request of
one of the student's relatives. The policy is to dismiss the student from the clinical site.
2. Both students and employees sign documents that explain the consequence of termination
for misuse of the system.
3. Access codes are assigned to authenticate each individual user's identity and may not be
shared with anyone.

4. A radiology student makes a copy of a client's MRI report to prepare for the next days
clinical. The copy is accidentally left in the waiting room and found by a staff member. The
policy is to dismiss the student from the clinical site.
5. Once trained and entered into the system, employees may sign other users in under their
access code for documentation purposes when necessary.
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4
Rationale 1:
Appropriate policies are: Access codes are assigned to authenticate each individual user's
identity and may not be shared with anyone (not even staff members or administrators); both
students and employees sign documents that explain the consequence of termination for
misuse of the system; two students are dismissed from the site for breaches of confidentiality
and the inappropriate use of data within the information/paper system. It is also possible that
legal action may follow. Each student's faculty should be notified and each school will review
its own penalties. Students should never share confidential PHI with any unauthorized person
and documents such as the MRI report should be properly disposed of. An inappropriate
policy is: Allowing employees to sign other users in under their access code; this is never
acceptable for any reason.
Rationale 2:
Appropriate policies are: Access codes are assigned to authenticate each individual user's
identity and may not be shared with anyone (not even staff members or administrators); both
students and employees sign documents that explain the consequence of termination for
misuse of the system; two students are dismissed from the site for breaches of confidentiality
and the inappropriate use of data within the information/paper system. It is also possible that
legal action may follow. Each student's faculty should be notified and each school will review
its own penalties. Students should never share confidential PHI with any unauthorized person
and documents such as the MRI report should be properly disposed of. An inappropriate
policy is: Allowing employees to sign other users in under their access code; this is never
acceptable for any reason.
Rationale 3:

Appropriate policies are: Access codes are assigned to authenticate each individual user's
identity and may not be shared with anyone (not even staff members or administrators); both
students and employees sign documents that explain the consequence of termination for
misuse of the system; two students are dismissed from the site for breaches of confidentiality
and the inappropriate use of data within the information/paper system. It is also possible that
legal action may follow. Each student's faculty should be notified and each school will review
its own penalties. Students should never share confidential PHI with any unauthorized person
and documents such as the MRI report should be properly disposed of. An inappropriate
policy is: Allowing employees to sign other users in under their access code; this is never
acceptable for any reason.
Rationale 4:
Appropriate policies are: Access codes are assigned to authenticate each individual user's
identity and may not be shared with anyone (not even staff members or administrators); both
students and employees sign documents that explain the consequence of termination for
misuse of the system; two students are dismissed from the site for breaches of confidentiality
and the inappropriate use of data within the information/paper system. It is also possible that
legal action may follow. Each student's faculty should be notified and each school will review
its own penalties. Students should never share confidential PHI with any unauthorized person
and documents such as the MRI report should be properly disposed of. An inappropriate
policy is: Allowing employees to sign other users in under their access code; this is never
acceptable for any reason.
Rationale 5:
Appropriate policies are: Access codes are assigned to authenticate each individual user's
identity and may not be shared with anyone (not even staff members or administrators); both
students and employees sign documents that explain the consequence of termination for
misuse of the system; two students are dismissed from the site for breaches of confidentiality
and the inappropriate use of data within the information/paper system. It is also possible that
legal action may follow. Each student's faculty should be notified and each school will review
its own penalties. Students should never share confidential PHI with any unauthorized person
and documents such as the MRI report should be properly disposed of. An inappropriate
policy is: Allowing employees to sign other users in under their access code; this is never
acceptable for any reason.

Question 11
Among the following, which defines the process for determining health care worker
information systems training needs?
1. User classes are used to refine the types of training courses needed for system
2. End-users are identified and grouped by job class responsibilities.
3. Training needs of each job class are determined according to what functions each end-user
will perform.
4. Training is delivered based upon what administrators decide to automate first.
5. User class is defined and categorized as the personnel who perform similar functions.
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
End-users are identified and grouped by job class responsibilities. The training needs of each
job class are determined according to what functions each will perform. Professional skill
level does not determine training needs. Administrators decide what applications or modules
will be automated first and end-user training is delivered based upon these decisions. User
classes are defined as the personnel who perform similar functions. User classes refine the
types of training classes needed for implementation.
Rationale 2:
End-users are identified and grouped by job class responsibilities. The training needs of each
job class are determined according to what functions each will perform. Professional skill
level does not determine training needs. Administrators decide what applications or modules
will be automated first and end-user training is delivered based upon these decisions. User
classes are defined as the personnel who perform similar functions. User classes refine the
types of training classes needed for implementation.
Rationale 3:
End-users are identified and grouped by job class responsibilities. The training needs of each
job class are determined according to what functions each will perform. Professional skill
level does not determine training needs. Administrators decide what applications or modules

will be automated first and end-user training is delivered based upon these decisions. User
classes are defined as the personnel who perform similar functions. User classes refine the
types of training classes needed for implementation.
Rationale 4:
End-users are identified and grouped by job class responsibilities. The training needs of each
job class are determined according to what functions each will perform. Professional skill
level does not determine training needs. Administrators decide what applications or modules
will be automated first and end-user training is delivered based upon these decisions. User
classes are defined as the personnel who perform similar functions. User classes refine the
types of training classes needed for implementation.
Rationale 5:
End-users are identified and grouped by job class responsibilities. The training needs of each
job class are determined according to what functions each will perform. Professional skill
level does not determine training needs. Administrators decide what applications or modules
will be automated first and end-user training is delivered based upon these decisions. User
classes are defined as the personnel who perform similar functions. User classes refine the
types of training classes needed for implementation.
Question 12
Which of the following are considered steps for identifying training needs?
1. Identify user needs
2. Determine content
3. Establishing learning objectives
4. Deciding teaching approach
5. Create evaluation strategy
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:

Identifying user needs is the initial step in determining what training is required.
Understanding the requirements and challenges faced by users helps tailor the training
program to address those needs effectively.
Rationale 2:
Determining content involves deciding what information and skills need to be covered in the
training program to address the identified needs of the users adequately.
Rationale 3:
Establishing learning objectives is crucial as it defines the specific knowledge, skills, or
behaviors that learners should acquire or demonstrate after completing the training.
Rationale 4:
Deciding the teaching approach involves selecting the most suitable methods, techniques, and
resources for delivering the training content effectively based on the learning objectives and
the characteristics of the target audience.
Rationale 5:
Creating an evaluation strategy is essential for assessing the effectiveness of the training
program in meeting its objectives and addressing the identified needs. Evaluation helps in
identifying areas of improvement and ensuring that the training meets its intended goals.
Question 13
Among the following, which indicate that an organization has identified and is managing
human factors in the work environment?
1. Classroom question and answer periods are regularly kept to a strict limit of five minutes.
2. Tent cards with name and unit of trainees are placed in the classroom at each meeting.
3. Administrators meet with unit supervisors and not staff for fear of intimidating them during
the critical implementation phase.
4. A series of noon meetings (lunch provided) called "LunchBytes" are offered for
demonstrations and discussion sessions.
5. An article announcing the implementation of the new system and recognizing the staff
appears in the local paper.

Correct Answer: 2,4,5
Rationale 1:
Classroom question and answer periods are important and should be allotted sufficient time at
each meeting. Administrators should provide a role model and interact with the staff to let
them know they are interested in how the implementation is progressing.
Rationale 2:
Tent cards promote interaction on a first-name basis. Positive media coverage helps
employees explain to relatives and friends what is going on at their workplace. Lunch time
meetings can provide a casual environment to discuss the new system and learn about what
others are doing.
Rationale 3:
Classroom question and answer periods are important and should be allotted sufficient time at
each meeting. Administrators should provide a role model and interact with the staff to let
them know they are interested in how the implementation is progressing.
Rationale 4:
Tent cards promote interaction on a first-name basis. Positive media coverage helps
employees explain to relatives and friends what is going on at their workplace. Lunch time
meetings can provide a casual environment to discuss the new system and learn about what
others are doing.
Rationale 5:
Tent cards promote interaction on a first-name basis. Positive media coverage helps
employees explain to relatives and friends what is going on at their workplace. Lunch time
meetings can provide a casual environment to discuss the new system and learn about what
others are doing.
Question 14
_________________________ is a process approach that allows for a full range of evaluation
tools, technology, and techniques.
Correct Answer: Targeted Evaluation Process

Many organizations have been interested in a process-based evaluation and have adopted the
targeted evaluation process (TEP) as an evaluation methodology. TEP is a process approach
that allows for a full range of evaluation tools, technology, and techniques (Combs & Falletta
Question 15
A trainer uses the following learning plan: An e-mail push is used for the announcement, a
Webinar (Web-based seminar) is used for an overview session, simulations are used for selfpaced learning, instant messaging is used for query resolution, a Web meeting is used for
demonstration, simulation is used for practice, e-mail is used for feedback, another Webinar
is used for a closing session, and a Web-based test is used for evaluation. Identify which
training strategy was used for the learning plan.
1. Mixed learning
2. Blended learning
3. Comprehensive learning
4. Flexible learning
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “blended learning.” Blended learning takes place when a trainer
combines two or more methods of delivery of instruction. In this case, trainer-led, Webbased, and video conferencing methods were combined.
Rationale 2:
Blended learning takes place when a trainer combines two or more methods of delivery of
instruction. In this case, trainer-led, Web-based, and video conferencing methods were
Rationale 3:

The correct answer is “blended learning.” Blended learning takes place when a trainer
combines two or more methods of delivery of instruction. In this case, trainer-led, Webbased, and video conferencing methods were combined.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is “blended learning.” Blended learning takes place when a trainer
combines two or more methods of delivery of instruction. In this case, trainer-led, Webbased, and video conferencing methods were combined.
Question 16
Which of the following are specific factors to consider when selecting a training method?
1. Time required to develop program
2. Cost of development and training
3. Application training strategies
4. Learning styles of trainees
5. Learning retention strategies
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
-Time: The time required to develop and present using each instructional approach varies.
-Cost: Initial content development time and subsequent revisions can be lengthy for computer
based training, running up the expense.
-Learning styles: Blended delivery includes a combination of approaches that target learning
styles and allow learners to actively participate in training activities.
-Learning retention: Active participation through scenarios, case studies, practice exercises,
and repetition provide opportunities for learning, applying job skills, and retaining
Rationale 2:
-Time: The time required to develop and present using each instructional approach varies.

-Cost: Initial content development time and subsequent revisions can be lengthy for computer
based training, running up the expense.
-Learning styles: Blended delivery includes a combination of approaches that target learning
styles and allow learners to actively participate in training activities.
-Learning retention: Active participation through scenarios, case studies, practice exercises,
and repetition provide opportunities for learning, applying job skills, and retaining
Rationale 3:
-Time: The time required to develop and present using each instructional approach varies.
-Cost: Initial content development time and subsequent revisions can be lengthy for computer
based training, running up the expense.
-Learning styles: Blended delivery includes a combination of approaches that target learning
styles and allow learners to actively participate in training activities.
-Learning retention: Active participation through scenarios, case studies, practice exercises,
and repetition provide opportunities for learning, applying job skills, and retaining
Rationale 4:
-Time: The time required to develop and present using each instructional approach varies.
-Cost: Initial content development time and subsequent revisions can be lengthy for computer
based training, running up the expense.
-Learning styles: Blended delivery includes a combination of approaches that target learning
styles and allow learners to actively participate in training activities.
-Learning retention: Active participation through scenarios, case studies, practice exercises,
and repetition provide opportunities for learning, applying job skills, and retaining
Rationale 5:
-Time: The time required to develop and present using each instructional approach varies.

-Cost: Initial content development time and subsequent revisions can be lengthy for computer
based training, running up the expense.
-Learning styles: Blended delivery includes a combination of approaches that target learning
styles and allow learners to actively participate in training activities.
-Learning retention: Active participation through scenarios, case studies, practice exercises,
and repetition provide opportunities for learning, applying job skills, and retaining
Question 17
Which of the following topics should be included in training class content?
1. Computer-related policies
2. Access privileges
3. Computer literacy
4. Error correction
5. System idiosyncrasies
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
-Computer-related policies
-Access privileges
-Human factors
-Computer literacy
-Scenario and step-by-step design of instruction
-Electronic help
-Error messages
-Error correction

-Screen and system "freezes"
-System idiosyncrasies
-Downtime procedures
-Ability to retrieve and view clinical information
Rationale 2:
-Computer-related policies
-Access privileges
-Human factors
-Computer literacy
-Scenario and step-by-step design of instruction
-Electronic help
-Error messages
-Error correction
-Screen and system "freezes"
-System idiosyncrasies
-Downtime procedures
-Ability to retrieve and view clinical information
Rationale 3:
-Computer-related policies
-Access privileges
-Human factors
-Computer literacy

-Scenario and step-by-step design of instruction
-Electronic help
-Error messages
-Error correction
-Screen and system "freezes"
-System idiosyncrasies
-Downtime procedures
-Ability to retrieve and view clinical information
Rationale 4:
-Computer-related policies
-Access privileges
-Human factors
-Computer literacy
-Scenario and step-by-step design of instruction
-Electronic help
-Error messages
-Error correction
-Screen and system "freezes"
-System idiosyncrasies
-Downtime procedures
-Ability to retrieve and view clinical information
Rationale 5:
-Computer-related policies

-Access privileges
-Human factors
-Computer literacy
-Scenario and step-by-step design of instruction
-Electronic help
-Error messages
-Error correction
-Screen and system "freezes"
-System idiosyncrasies
-Downtime procedures
-Ability to retrieve and view clinical information
Question 18
Which of the following is not a factor to consider when selecting a trainer?
1. Teaching skills
2. Ability to interact
3. Experience with process outcomes
4. Educational approach
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
-Teaching skills and experience: Should have previous training, content development, and
information system experience.
-Ability to interact with groups and individuals: Need the ability to communicate clearly, and
manage the training needs of the group.

-Understanding end-users and their responsibilities: Need understanding of user classes, their
job needs, and information system requirements.
-Training approach: Must be knowledgeable and comfortable with the selected approach.
-Centralized versus departmental training: Centralized training provides the general
principles and overall functionality of the information system. Departmental training is
workflow oriented, customized, and focused on individual user class responsibilities in a
given area.
-Focus areas of in-house instructors: Hospital-wide or staff development educators may know
the basic principles of adult education but may lack familiarity with work-flows. Clinicians
have expertise within their clinical practice areas. Department supervisors are knowledgeable
about their clinical area and work-flow but may be unable to leave their supervisory
responsibilities. Information system personnel may understand the software application and
functionality, but lack a clinical perspective.
Rationale 2:
-Teaching skills and experience: Should have previous training, content development, and
information system experience.
-Ability to interact with groups and individuals: Need the ability to communicate clearly, and
manage the training needs of the group.
-Understanding end-users and their responsibilities: Need understanding of user classes, their
job needs, and information system requirements.
-Training approach: Must be knowledgeable and comfortable with the selected approach.
-Centralized versus departmental training: Centralized training provides the general
principles and overall functionality of the information system. Departmental training is
workflow oriented, customized, and focused on individual user class responsibilities in a
given area.
-Focus areas of in-house instructors: Hospital-wide or staff development educators may know
the basic principles of adult education but may lack familiarity with work-flows. Clinicians
have expertise within their clinical practice areas. Department supervisors are knowledgeable
about their clinical area and work-flow but may be unable to leave their supervisory

responsibilities. Information system personnel may understand the software application and
functionality, but lack a clinical perspective.
Rationale 3:
Experience with process outcomes is not necessarily a skill needed for a trainer.
Rationale 4:
-Teaching skills and experience: Should have previous training, content development, and
information system experience.
-Ability to interact with groups and individuals: Need the ability to communicate clearly, and
manage the training needs of the group.
-Understanding end-users and their responsibilities: Need understanding of user classes, their
job needs, and information system requirements.
-Training approach: Must be knowledgeable and comfortable with the selected approach.
-Centralized versus departmental training: Centralized training provides the general
principles and overall functionality of the information system. Departmental training is
workflow oriented, customized, and focused on individual user class responsibilities in a
given area.
-Focus areas of in-house instructors: Hospital-wide or staff development educators may know
the basic principles of adult education but may lack familiarity with work-flows. Clinicians
have expertise within their clinical practice areas. Department supervisors are knowledgeable
about their clinical area and work-flow but may be unable to leave their supervisory
responsibilities. Information system personnel may understand the software application and
functionality, but lack a clinical perspective.
Question 19
Which of the following factors should be considered when selecting a training site?
1. Classroom cost
2. Network connectivity
3. Classroom capacity
4. Training environment

5. Cabling and wiring
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4
Rationale 1:
-Classroom availability and cost: Space within the organization or off-site locations should be
evaluated to ensure network access and classroom capacity.
-Network connectivity and power supply: Network compatibility and an adequate power
supply for workstations are considerations.
-Classroom capacity: All trainees should have their own networked workstation and access to
a printer.
-Travel and parking: Off-site training needs to be easy to find and have adequate parking.
-Access to communications: Communication access should be provided during the training
-Training environment: The location must have access to the computer training environment
so that training can be conducted where there is no actual client or employee data.
-Setup costs: Cabling and wiring at any location, office furniture, hardware, software, and
peripheral equipment must be considered. Off-site facilities may also require remodeling and
additional security.
-Maintenance costs: Ongoing expenses are influenced by the decision to buy, remodel, build,
or lease space and the need to maintain and service hardware, software, and office equipment.
Rationale 2:
-Classroom availability and cost: Space within the organization or off-site locations should be
evaluated to ensure network access and classroom capacity.
-Network connectivity and power supply: Network compatibility and an adequate power
supply for workstations are considerations.
-Classroom capacity: All trainees should have their own networked workstation and access to
a printer.
-Travel and parking: Off-site training needs to be easy to find and have adequate parking.

-Access to communications: Communication access should be provided during the training
-Training environment: The location must have access to the computer training environment
so that training can be conducted where there is no actual client or employee data.
-Setup costs: Cabling and wiring at any location, office furniture, hardware, software, and
peripheral equipment must be considered. Off-site facilities may also require remodeling and
additional security.
-Maintenance costs: Ongoing expenses are influenced by the decision to buy, remodel, build,
or lease space and the need to maintain and service hardware, software, and office equipment.
Rationale 3:
-Classroom availability and cost: Space within the organization or off-site locations should be
evaluated to ensure network access and classroom capacity.
-Network connectivity and power supply: Network compatibility and an adequate power
supply for workstations are considerations.
-Classroom capacity: All trainees should have their own networked workstation and access to
a printer.
-Travel and parking: Off-site training needs to be easy to find and have adequate parking.
-Access to communications: Communication access should be provided during the training
-Training environment: The location must have access to the computer training environment
so that training can be conducted where there is no actual client or employee data.
-Setup costs: Cabling and wiring at any location, office furniture, hardware, software, and
peripheral equipment must be considered. Off-site facilities may also require remodeling and
additional security.
-Maintenance costs: Ongoing expenses are influenced by the decision to buy, remodel, build,
or lease space and the need to maintain and service hardware, software, and office equipment.
Rationale 4:

-Classroom availability and cost: Space within the organization or off-site locations should be
evaluated to ensure network access and classroom capacity.
-Network connectivity and power supply: Network compatibility and an adequate power
supply for workstations are considerations.
-Classroom capacity: All trainees should have their own networked workstation and access to
a printer.
-Travel and parking: Off-site training needs to be easy to find and have adequate parking.
-Access to communications: Communication access should be provided during the training
-Training environment: The location must have access to the computer training environment
so that training can be conducted where there is no actual client or employee data.
-Setup costs: Cabling and wiring at any location, office furniture, hardware, software, and
peripheral equipment must be considered. Off-site facilities may also require remodeling and
additional security.
-Maintenance costs: Ongoing expenses are influenced by the decision to buy, remodel, build,
or lease space and the need to maintain and service hardware, software, and office equipment.
Rationale 5:
-Classroom availability and cost: Space within the organization or off-site locations should be
evaluated to ensure network access and classroom capacity.
-Network connectivity and power supply: Network compatibility and an adequate power
supply for workstations are considerations.
-Classroom capacity: All trainees should have their own networked workstation and access to
a printer.
-Travel and parking: Off-site training needs to be easy to find and have adequate parking.
-Access to communications: Communication access should be provided during the training
-Training environment: The location must have access to the computer training environment
so that training can be conducted where there is no actual client or employee data.

-Setup costs: Cabling and wiring at any location, office furniture, hardware, software, and
peripheral equipment must be considered. Off-site facilities may also require remodeling and
additional security.
-Maintenance costs: Ongoing expenses are influenced by the decision to buy, remodel, build,
or lease space and the need to maintain and service hardware, software, and office equipment.
Question 20
Which of the following describes the philosophical differences between the trainer’s and
educator’s role?
1. Trainers are concerned with outcomes only whereas educators are concerned strictly with
the educational process.
2. Trainers focus on behavior change through skill acquisition while concentrate on learning,
thinking, and problem solving as a way to change behavior.
3. Any employee can be a trainer whereas an individual must have an advanced degree to be
an educator.
4. Trainers rely on skill acquisition through learning, thinking, and problem solving as a way
to change behavior, while educators rely on behavioral psychology which focuses on
behavior change.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The philosophical differences between the trainer and educator are that trainers rely on
behavioral psychology which focuses on behavior change through skill acquisition while
educators rely on cognitive psychology which concentrates on learning, thinking, and
problem solving as a way to change behavior.
Rationale 2:
The philosophical differences between the trainer and educator are that trainers rely on
behavioral psychology which focuses on behavior change through skill acquisition while
educators rely on cognitive psychology which concentrates on learning, thinking, and
problem solving as a way to change behavior.
Rationale 3:

The philosophical differences between the trainer and educator are that trainers rely on
behavioral psychology which focuses on behavior change through skill acquisition while
educators rely on cognitive psychology which concentrates on learning, thinking, and
problem solving as a way to change behavior.
Rationale 4:
The philosophical differences between the trainer and educator are that trainers rely on
behavioral psychology which focuses on behavior change through skill acquisition while
educators rely on cognitive psychology which concentrates on learning, thinking, and
problem solving as a way to change behavior.
Question 21
End-user training classes should be created for which of the following?
1. Physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants
2. Physicians and nurse practitioners only
3. Point-of-care staff only
4. Physicians and staff nurses only
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The user class refines the types of training classes needed for implementation. For example,
provider training classes may include physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician
assistants as they use similar information system functionality.
Rationale 2:
The user class refines the types of training classes needed for implementation. For example,
provider training classes may include physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician
assistants as they use similar information system functionality.
Rationale 3:
The user class refines the types of training classes needed for implementation. For example,
provider training classes may include physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician
assistants as they use similar information system functionality.

Rationale 4:
The user class refines the types of training classes needed for implementation. For example,
provider training classes may include physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and physician
assistants as they use similar information system functionality.
Question 22
Which of the following defines project scope?
1. Project scope encompasses the entire life cycle.
2. Project scope describes the details of the system functionality that is slated for automation.
3. Project scope is part of the system implementation process.
4. Project scope is defined by the super users.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Project scope describes the details of the system functionality that is slated for automation.
This means it outlines what features, functions, or deliverables will be included within the
project and what won't. It defines the boundaries of the project in terms of what will be
accomplished. This definition is widely accepted in project management practices.
Rationale 2:
This statement is incorrect. While project scope does define what will be accomplished
within the project, it does not necessarily encompass the entire life cycle of the project. The
project life cycle includes various phases such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring,
and closure, while project scope specifically focuses on what will be delivered.
Rationale 3:
This statement is incorrect. Project scope is not solely part of the system implementation
process. It is a fundamental aspect of project management that spans across all phases of the
project life cycle, including initiation, planning, execution, and monitoring. While system
implementation may be a part of the project, project scope extends beyond just this aspect.
Rationale 4:

This statement is incorrect. While super users or stakeholders may have input into defining
the project scope, it is not solely defined by them. Project scope is typically determined
through a collaborative process involving project managers, stakeholders, subject matter
experts, and other relevant parties. It is based on project objectives, requirements, and
constraints, rather than solely the preferences of super users.
Question 23
Which of the following statements is true about blended learning?
1. The use of blended learning should be appropriate for the content.
2. The use of blended learning is not appropriate for super user training.
3. Blended learning is too complicated for training sessions.
4. Blended learning should only be used for point-of-care staff.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Blended learning has grown in popularity; however, adopting this approach for information
systems training requires that it is appropriate for the content that needs to be taught (Rosett
& Sheldon, 2001) and that the organization’s network infrastructure can support electronic
training delivery.
Rationale 2:
Blended learning has grown in popularity; however, adopting this approach for information
systems training requires that it is appropriate for the content that needs to be taught (Rosett
& Sheldon, 2001) and that the organization’s network infrastructure can support electronic
training delivery.
Rationale 3:
Blended learning has grown in popularity; however, adopting this approach for information
systems training requires that it is appropriate for the content that needs to be taught (Rosett
& Sheldon, 2001) and that the organization’s network infrastructure can support electronic
training delivery.
Rationale 4:

Blended learning has grown in popularity; however, adopting this approach for information
systems training requires that it is appropriate for the content that needs to be taught (Rosett
& Sheldon, 2001) and that the organization’s network infrastructure can support electronic
training delivery.
Question 24
Which of the following describes the use of an advanced organizer?
1. The use of an advanced organizer is a way to guide the instruction, manage time, and allow
for logical breaks in the classroom instruction.
2. The use of an advanced organizer is a methodological approach to patient care.
3. The use of an advanced organizer is a tethered health information systems.
4. The use of an advanced organizer is an excellent way to prepare novice nurses for their
role at the point of care.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The use of an advanced organizer is a way to guide the instruction, manage time, and allow
for logical breaks in the classroom instruction. Advanced organizers are instructional tools
designed to help learners understand the structure of upcoming material. They provide an
overview of what will be covered, help in organizing information, and assist learners in
making connections between new and existing knowledge. In a classroom setting, advanced
organizers can help instructors effectively plan their lessons, allocate time, and ensure that
instruction flows logically.
Rationale 2:
This statement is incorrect. While advanced organizers might be used in healthcare education
to help organize information for patient care, they are not a methodological approach to
patient care themselves. They are more focused on educational strategies rather than clinical
Rationale 3:
This statement is incorrect. A tethered health information system refers to a type of electronic
health record (EHR) system that connects various healthcare providers and organizations,

allowing them to share patient information. It is not directly related to the concept of
advanced organizers.
Rationale 4:
This statement is incorrect. While advanced organizers can be beneficial for preparing novice
nurses by helping them understand and organize information, they are not specifically
tailored to preparing nurses for their role at the point of care. Advanced organizers have a
broader application in education and instructional design beyond nursing alone.
Question 25
____________________ are employees who are proficient in the use of the information
system and can serve as mentors to other end-users in their department.
Correct Answer: Super users
Super users are employees who are proficient in the use of the information system and can
serve as mentors to other end-users in their department. Super users may be from any user
class and have specialized knowledge in both the information system and the clinical area.
Question 26
Question: Which of the following methods can be incorporated when planning training
programs that may alleviate anxiety among the staff?
1. Hands-on demonstration
2. Bulletin board messages
3. Use of tent cards
4. Review of newsletter articles
5. Administrative role modeling
Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Rationale 1:
Hands-on demonstration allows staff to directly engage with the material being taught, which
can help alleviate anxiety by providing a concrete understanding of what is expected of them.

By physically participating in the learning process, staff members may feel more confident in
their abilities.
Rationale 2:
Bulletin board messages can serve as a constant reminder of key information related to the
training program. These messages can be reassuring and provide additional support to staff,
helping to reduce anxiety by keeping them informed and updated on relevant topics.
Rationale 3:
The use of tent cards can provide staff members with quick reference guides or prompts
during the training program. Having this visual aid can help alleviate anxiety by providing
reassurance and guidance, allowing staff to feel more prepared and supported.
Rationale 4:
Reviewing newsletter articles related to the training program can help reinforce key concepts
and provide additional context or information. This reinforcement can help alleviate anxiety
by increasing staff members' understanding and confidence in their knowledge.
Rationale 5:
Administrative role modeling involves leaders or supervisors demonstrating the behaviors
and attitudes expected of staff during the training program. Seeing these behaviors modeled
by authority figures can help alleviate anxiety by providing staff with examples to follow and
demonstrating that they are supported in their learning process.
Question 27
How can the trainer create an environment in which the staff will retain the information?
1. Train when employees do not have clinical duties
2. Train immediately before a clinical shift
3. Plan training to begin after clinical shifts
4. Plan training for employees' days off
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:

Instructors need to be available to deliver training to accommodate employees working all
shifts. Preparation time for each class must be factored into the training team schedule, as
back-to-back classes may target different audiences. Planning and preparation in advance will
make the training effort and classroom experience less stressful and more productive for both
the trainers and trainees.
Rationale 2:
Instructors need to be available to deliver training to accommodate employees working all
shifts. Preparation time for each class must be factored into the training team schedule, as
back-to-back classes may target different audiences. Planning and preparation in advance will
make the training effort and classroom experience less stressful and more productive for both
the trainers and trainees.
Rationale 3:
Instructors need to be available to deliver training to accommodate employees working all
shifts. Preparation time for each class must be factored into the training team schedule, as
back-to-back classes may target different audiences. Planning and preparation in advance will
make the training effort and classroom experience less stressful and more productive for both
the trainers and trainees.
Rationale 4:
Instructors need to be available to deliver training to accommodate employees working all
shifts. Preparation time for each class must be factored into the training team schedule, as
back-to-back classes may target different audiences. Planning and preparation in advance will
make the training effort and classroom experience less stressful and more productive for both
the trainers and trainees.
Question 28
_______________ are generated by an information system to warn of missing information or
data entry errors.
Correct Answer: Error messages

Error messages are generated by an information system to warn of missing information or
data entry errors. Error messages alert end-user that they need to correct or add information.
Question 29
___________________ refers to a situation where the end-user is logged in to the
information system but is unable to enter or process data.
Correct Answer: Freezing
Depending on the root cause, a freeze may be a momentary slowdown or a more serious
problem resulting in downtime. Training content should include basic troubleshooting
guidelines and information about how to report a problem to the information systems help
Question 30
The _________________ of an information systems training evaluation strategy is to collect
subjective participant feedback about the learning experience, identify pre- and post-training
skill gaps, and measure knowledge and performance of the stated learning objectives.
Correct Answer: purpose
The purpose of an information systems training evaluation strategy is to collect subjective
participant feedback about the learning experience, identify pre- and post-training skill gaps,
and measure knowledge and performance of the stated learning objectives. The ultimate
success of training is measured by the ability of the participant to perform the targeted
computer skills.
Question 31
Which of the following best represents the purpose of training evaluation?
1. Training should be evaluated after the fifth session.
2. Training evaluation is necessary after the class.
3. Training evaluation alters methodology.

4. All super users have the opportunity to evaluate the training process.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
All personnel whether professional or paraprofessional need to attain the competencies set by
the training objectives. The method of measurement or achievement is determined by the
Rationale 2:
All personnel whether professional or paraprofessional need to attain the competencies set by
the training objectives. The method of measurement or achievement is determined by the
Rationale 3:
All personnel whether professional or paraprofessional need to attain the competencies set by
the training objectives. The method of measurement or achievement is determined by the
Rationale 4:
All personnel whether professional or paraprofessional need to attain the competencies set by
the training objectives. The method of measurement or achievement is determined by the
Question 32
The cost of a new or upgraded system can be burdensome on an organization from a
budgetary perspective. Which of the following statements can be considered a return on
1. Employees express satisfaction with their jobs and turnover rate is low.
2. Staff with IT skills is more marketable and have greater job flexibility.
3. The newly trained individual can be granted work release time to train new staff members.
4. After the training, the objectives have not been met.
Correct Answer: 1

Rationale 1:
A well trained workforce can be considered a return on investment when job satisfaction and
retention are outcomes.
Rationale 2:
Staff members who leave the organization post training add an additional cost burden to the
budget, since their replacements must be trained.
Rationale 3:
This method incurs cost of a replacement for the staff member granted work release time.
Rationale 4:
To be considered effective, the objectives determined by the trainer should be achieved.
Question 33
The best time to train an end-user is which of the following?
1. Before the system goes live
2. Upon notice that there will be an upgrade
3. After the system goes live
4. As soon as the vendor has been selected
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The timetable and schedule is a delicate balance; end-user training conducted too early in the
implementation process may require retraining before go-live. Individuals trained late in the
implementation process may need additional support once the system is in use.
Rationale 2:
The timetable and schedule is a delicate balance; end-user training conducted too early in the
implementation process may require retraining before go-live. Individuals trained late in the
implementation process may need additional support once the system is in use.
Rationale 3:

The timetable and schedule is a delicate balance; end-user training conducted too early in the
implementation process may require retraining before go-live. Individuals trained late in the
implementation process may need additional support once the system is in use.
Rationale 4:
The timetable and schedule is a delicate balance; end-user training conducted too early in the
implementation process may require retraining before go-live. Individuals trained late in the
implementation process may need additional support once the system is in use.

Test Bank for Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Toni Lee Hebda, Patricia Czar, Theresa Calderone
9780132574952, 9780132959544, 9780134711010, 9780131512627, 9780130311023, 9780805373264, 9780135205433, 9780135043943

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