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Chapter 10
Question 1
Which description best fits a work breakdown structure (WBS)?
1. A project planning software program is selected for use by the steering committee to assist
in planning needed changes.
2. The implementation committee learns about the capabilities of a new wireless system.
3. A timeline is developed to determine who will do necessary tasks for the implementation of
each project phase.
4. A committee is formed to guide the implementation of a new wireless system.
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “a timeline is developed to determine who will do necessary tasks for
the implementation of each project phase.” A WBS is needed to clearly address all necessary
tasks required to implement a new system and includes a timeline for implementation of the
project. At this point in the project cycle the committee has already been selected and has an
understanding of the new system. Project planning software is used mainly to manage
timelines and scheduling of tasks.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “a timeline is developed to determine who will do necessary tasks for
the implementation of each project phase.” A WBS is needed to clearly address all necessary
tasks required to implement a new system and includes a timeline for implementation of the
project. At this point in the project cycle the committee has already been selected and has an
understanding of the new system. Project planning software is used mainly to manage
timelines and scheduling of tasks.
Rationale 3:
A WBS is needed to clearly address all necessary tasks required to implement a new system
and includes a timeline for implementation of the project.
Rationale 4:

The correct answer is “a timeline is developed to determine who will do necessary tasks for
the implementation of each project phase.” A WBS is needed to clearly address all necessary
tasks required to implement a new system and includes a timeline for implementation of the
project. At this point in the project cycle the committee has already been selected and has an
understanding of the new system. Project planning software is used mainly to manage
timelines and scheduling of tasks.
Question 2
Communication during the maintenance phase of the system's life cycle is crucial. Which of
the following is most beneficial to the organization during the maintenance phase?
1. A newsletter for users is posted yearly in accessible sites for new information
2. A help desk provides 24/7 telephone user support for employees
3. Users given internet access and procedure manual to troubleshoot problems
4. A list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) posted on a password protected site
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “a help desk provides 24/7 telephone user support for employees.”
During maintenance, the help desk personnel should be available 24/7. Other ways of
providing information and answering questions should also be implemented. A yearly
newsletter is not published enough to support the organization.
Rationale 2:
During maintenance, the help desk personnel should be available 24/7. Other ways of
providing information and answering questions should also be implemented.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “a help desk provides 24/7 telephone user support for employees.”
During maintenance, the help desk personnel should be available 24/7. Other ways of
providing information and answering questions should also be implemented. A manual can be
more user friendly than users searching the internet for answers to questions.
Rationale 4:

The correct answer is “a help desk provides 24/7telephone user support for employees.”
During maintenance, the help desk personnel should be available 24/7. Other ways of
providing information and answering questions should also be implemented.
Question 3
To be effective users of a new documentation system, the staff must be trained. Which shows
the most effective use of training for a new computer system?
1. A training environment is set up off site.
2. Training is scheduled during the normal workday.
3. Training is provided with actual live software.
4. Actual client data are stored in the training system.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Training environments should be set up off site and employees should be scheduled for
sessions separately from other work commitments. Fictitious clients are used on separate
training programs.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is a training environment is set up off site. Training environments should
be set up off site and employees should be scheduled for sessions separately from other work
commitments. Fictitious clients are used on separate training programs.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is a training environment is set up off site. Training environments should
be set up off site and employees should be scheduled for sessions separately from other work
commitments. Fictitious clients are used on separate training programs.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is a training environment is set up off site. Training environments should
be set up off site and employees should be scheduled for sessions separately from other work
commitments. Fictitious clients are used on separate training programs.

Question 4
Back loading of some pre-existing data must be completed for the system to create accurate
medication administration records and billing charges. How is this best accomplished?
1. Selected data from client records are loaded into the system by data entry specialists.
2. Each staff member is responsible for inputting medications for each patient for the 24
hours prior to going live.
3. When the system goes live, data from clients' medication administration records since
admission are inputted for all clients.
4. A pharmacist selects needed data from client medication administration records and inputs
the data immediately prior to going live.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “a pharmacist selects needed data from client medication
administration records and inputs the data immediately prior to going live.” Back loading
means some information must be preloaded into the system immediately prior to going live.
Decisions are made for who is to input the data, which data are necessary, and how the data
will be verified once they have been entered.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “a pharmacist selects needed data from client medication
administration records and inputs the data immediately prior to going live.” Back loading
means some information must be preloaded into the system immediately prior to going live.
Decisions are made for who is to input the data, which data are necessary, and how the data
will be verified once they have been entered.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “a pharmacist selects needed data from client medication
administration records and inputs the data immediately prior to going live.” Back loading
means some information must be preloaded into the system immediately prior to going live.
Decisions are made for who is to input the data, which data are necessary, and how the data
will be verified once they have been entered.

Rationale 4:
Back loading means some information must be preloaded into the system immediately prior
to going live. Decisions are made for who is to input the data, which data are necessary, and
how the data will be verified once they have been entered.
Question 5
Once the go-live date of the system has been established, the production environment is in
effect. Which planning is most necessary at this time?
1. A newly released software upgrade will be performed so the new system provides users
with the latest technology.
2. A website is constructed so employees may answer questionnaires relating to system
satisfaction and ask questions as needed.
3. A 24/7 support schedule is initiated to answer questions when necessary.
4. Information back loading is scheduled the day that the system is to go live.
5. The implementation of the system will begin in the emergency department and will move
to other units when they signal that they are ready.
Correct Answer: 2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
Planning for going live includes 24/7 support, a comprehensive evaluation process, back
loading performed prior to actual going live, and implementation strategy. Major changes
such as software upgrades should not be attempted at this time.
Rationale 2:
Planning for going live includes 24/7 support, a comprehensive evaluation process, back
loading performed prior to actual going live, and implementation strategy. Major changes
such as software upgrades should not be attempted at this time.
Rationale 3:
Planning for going live includes 24/7 support, a comprehensive evaluation process, back
loading performed prior to actual going live, and implementation strategy. Major changes
such as software upgrades should not be attempted at this time.

Rationale 4:
Planning for going live includes 24/7 support, a comprehensive evaluation process, back
loading performed prior to actual going live, and implementation strategy. Major changes
such as software upgrades should not be attempted at this time.
Rationale 5:
Planning for going live includes 24/7 support, a comprehensive evaluation process, back
loading performed prior to actual going live, and implementation strategy. Major changes
such as software upgrades should not be attempted at this time.
Question 6
Which strategy might cause problems during implementation of a new information system?
1. Once the committee has given information to the vendor regarding system needs, a small
addition is requested.
2. An open system is set up such that software upgrades can be implemented quickly and
3. The vendor is asked to fully customize the information system for a specialty organization.
4. The committee verifies that the vendor provides annual maintenance with an additional
Correct Answer: 3
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is the vendor is asked to fully customize the information system for this
specialty organization. For implementation to move smoothly, the organization must consider
maintenance fees and ease of system upgrades, after enough research so that few changes are
needed. A customized system may be time-consuming and costly and may not interface easily
with other systems.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is the vendor is asked to fully customize the information system for this
specialty organization. For implementation to move smoothly, the organization must consider
maintenance fees and ease of system upgrades, after enough research so that few changes are

needed. A customized system may be time-consuming and costly and may not interface easily
with other systems.
Rationale 3:
For implementation to move smoothly, the organization must consider maintenance fees and
ease of system upgrades, after enough research so that few changes are needed. A customized
system may be time-consuming and costly and may not interface easily with other systems.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is the vendor is asked to fully customize the information system for this
specialty organization. For implementation to move smoothly, the organization must consider
maintenance fees and ease of system upgrades, after enough research so that few changes are
needed. A customized system may be time-consuming and costly and may not interface easily
with other systems.
Question 7
Which instance is most helpful during system training?
1. Training software is provided for staff to practice inputting fictitious client information.
2. Training sessions are scheduled for the four to six week period prior to going live so all
users can feel comfortable with the system.
3. Designated trainers are appointed based on their ability to expertly care of patients.
4. New users are trained through an online learning platform such as Blackboard.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “training sessions are scheduled for the four to six week period prior to
going live so all users can feel comfortable with the system.” If training sessions are
implemented before the system design is complete, the users may become confused. Training
should take place ideally within one month of the system going live so that employees can
retain and apply information.
Rationale 2:

If training sessions are implemented before the system design is complete, the users may
become confused. Training should take place ideally within one month of the system going
live so that employees can retain and apply information.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “training sessions are scheduled for the four to six week period prior to
going live so all users can feel comfortable with the system.” If training sessions are
implemented before the system design is complete, the users may become confused. Training
should take place ideally within one month of the system going live so that employees can
retain and apply information. Designated trainers who are appointed based on their ability to
expertly care for patients may not be the best individuals to train an entire population.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is “training sessions are scheduled for the four to six week period prior to
going live so all users can feel comfortable with the system.” If training sessions are
implemented before the system design is complete, the users may become confused. Training
should take place ideally within one month of the system going live so that employees can
retain and apply information. An ideal system training session should be completed on
ground with practice sessions with expert trainers.
Question 8
Which of the following is the best example of "feature creep"?
1. When an additional feature must be added to the system, the implementation committee
approves the change after investigating its cost.
2. The system is totally customized for an individual organization to reflect the current
3. Staff nurses expect the new system will cut their workload relating to documentation in
4. The emergency department and intensive care unit supervisors meet and come up with a
list of new features to be added to the system.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:

The correct answer is “the emergency department and intensive care unit supervisors meet
and come up with a list of new features to be added to the system.” “Feature creep” occurs
when features are added to previously agreed-upon system requirements without regard for
budget or timelines. An example of "scope creep" is when the staff expects more out the
system than can be delivered.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “the emergency department and intensive care unit supervisors meet
and come up with a list of new features to be added to the system.” “Feature creep” occurs
when features are added to previously agreed-upon system requirements without regard for
budget or timelines. An example of "scope creep" is when the staff expect more out the
system than can be delivered.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “the emergency department and intensive care unit supervisors meet
and come up with a list of new features to be added to the system.” “Feature creep” occurs
when features are added to previously agreed-upon system requirements without regard for
budget or timelines. An example of "scope creep" is when the staff expect more out the
system than can be delivered.
Rationale 4:
“Feature creep” occurs when features are added to previously agreed-upon system
requirements without regard for budget or timelines. An example of "scope creep" is when
the staff expect more out the system than can be delivered.
Question 9
What should be the end result of implementation of a new wireless information system in a
712-bed acute-care facility?
1. Retention of staff is enhanced
2. Staff can utilize the new technology effectively
3. Client satisfaction with care is enhanced
4. Client care outcomes are improved
Correct Answer: 4

Rationale 1:
The correct answer is “client care outcomes are improved.” The bottom line for the
implementation of new systems should always be the improvement of client care, based on
measurable outcomes. Other issues such as client satisfaction, staff retention, and efficient
use of the technology are good, but they do not target the main issue.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is “client care outcomes are improved.” The bottom line for the
implementation of new systems should always be the improvement of client care, based on
measurable outcomes. Other issues such as client satisfaction, staff retention, and efficient
use of the technology are good, but they do not target the main issue.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is “client care outcomes are improved.” The bottom line for the
implementation of new systems should always be the improvement of client care, based on
measurable outcomes. Other issues such as client satisfaction, staff retention, and efficient
use of the technology are good, but they do not target the main issue.
Rationale 4:
The bottom line for the implementation of new systems should always be the improvement of
client care, based on measurable outcomes. Other issues such as client satisfaction, staff
retention, and efficient use of the technology are good, but they do not target the main issue.
Question 10
Analyzing appropriate hardware requirements is necessary when implementing a new
information system. Which of the following solutions is most appropriate?
1. Needs assessment information is compared to budget and hardware and software features.
2. Thin clients are placed in central locations to access the system.
3. Staff may elect to use their own personal digital assistants to send and receive client data.
4. Laser printers are connected to the system network for printing laboratory results.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:

The needs assessment provides information on workflow and desired features. Comparison
against budget constraints and data security concerns help to identify the best options
available for the scope of the project. All hardware must be accounted for so that efficient use
is enhanced; these decisions must be made in advance. Unauthorized hardware may not
connect properly, and should be discouraged.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is compare information collected during the needs assessment against the
equipment budget and available hardware and software features. The needs assessment
provides information on workflow and desired features. Comparison against budget
constraints and data security concerns help to identify the best options available for the scope
of the project. All hardware must be accounted for so that efficient use is enhanced; these
decisions must be made in advance. Unauthorized hardware may not connect properly, and
should be discouraged.
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is compare information collected during the needs assessment against the
equipment budget and available hardware and software features. The needs assessment
provides information on workflow and desired features. Comparison against budget
constraints and data security concerns help to identify the best options available for the scope
of the project. All hardware must be accounted for so that efficient use is enhanced; these
decisions must be made in advance. Unauthorized hardware may not connect properly, and
should be discouraged.
Rationale 4:
The correct answer is compare information collected during the needs assessment against the
equipment budget and available hardware and software features. The needs assessment
provides information on workflow and desired features. Comparison against budget
constraints and data security concerns help to identify the best options available for the scope
of the project. All hardware must be accounted for so that efficient use is enhanced; these
decisions must be made in advance. Unauthorized hardware may not connect properly, and
should be discouraged.
Question 11

Which of the following strategies would be appropriate for identifying a potential candidate
for implementation project leader?
1. Since this will be a complex implementation, focus on the candidate's technical skills and
less on communication and leadership skills.
2. Restrict the selection to someone that is a member of the steering committee because of
their understanding of the vision, goals, and expectations for the system.
3. Select the consultant that has been assigned to the project from the beginning as the leader.
4. Delay the selection of a leader until after the committee members are selected and then,
with the help of the members, select one of the members as leader.
5. Select the chief information officer because of the position of authority and knowledge of
the organization's information needs.
Correct Answer: 2,3,5
Rationale 1:
The steering committee chairperson or another member of the steering committee may serve
as the implementation project leader. Either the chief information officer, strategy officer, an
informatics specialist, project manager, or a consultant experienced in this area may serve in
this capacity. It is important, however, that the project leader be involved in the entire
selection and implementation process and possess strong leadership and communication
skills. The project leader should have a firm understanding of the vision, goals, and
expectations for the system.
Rationale 2:
The steering committee chairperson or another member of the steering committee may serve
as the implementation project leader. Either the chief information officer, strategy officer, an
informatics specialist, project manager, or a consultant experienced in this area may serve in
this capacity. It is important, however, that the project leader be involved in the entire
selection and implementation process and possess strong leadership and communication
skills. The project leader should have a firm understanding of the vision, goals, and
expectations for the system.
Rationale 3:

The steering committee chairperson or another member of the steering committee may serve
as the implementation project leader. Either the chief information officer, strategy officer, an
informatics specialist, project manager, or a consultant experienced in this area may serve in
this capacity. It is important, however, that the project leader be involved in the entire
selection and implementation process and possess strong leadership and communication
skills. The project leader should have a firm understanding of the vision, goals, and
expectations for the system.
Rationale 4:
The steering committee chairperson or another member of the steering committee may serve
as the implementation project leader. Either the chief information officer, strategy officer, an
informatics specialist, project manager, or a consultant experienced in this area may serve in
this capacity. It is important, however, that the project leader be involved in the entire
selection and implementation process and possess strong leadership and communication
skills. The project leader should have a firm understanding of the vision, goals, and
expectations for the system.
Rationale 5:
The steering committee chairperson or another member of the steering committee may serve
as the implementation project leader. Either the chief information officer, strategy officer, an
informatics specialist, project manager, or a consultant experienced in this area may serve in
this capacity. It is important, however, that the project leader be involved in the entire
selection and implementation process and possess strong leadership and communication
skills. The project leader should have a firm understanding of the vision, goals, and
expectations for the system.
Question 12
A hospital is implementing a new electronic nurse charting system. When selecting members
for the implementation committee, if all are available, which one of these should be given
1. Informatics nurse specialist
2. Experienced consultant
3. Steering committee chairperson

4. Chief information officer
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Any effort that involves the implementation of a system for nurses or that will be used by
nurses should include an informatics nurse specialist or informatics nurse as these individuals
are uniquely qualified to communicate the needs of clinical staff to information services
personnel and have a working knowledge of regulatory and system requirements, strategic
plans, and budgetary constraints.
Rationale 2:
The correct response is informatics nurse specialist, since that person has advanced nursing
informatics knowledge. Any effort that involves the implementation of a system for nurses or
that will be used by nurses should include an informatics nurse specialist or informatics nurse
as these individuals are uniquely qualified to communicate the needs of clinical staff to
information services personnel and have a working knowledge of regulatory and system
requirements, strategic plans, and budgetary constraints.
Rationale 3:
The correct response is informatics nurse specialist, since that person has advanced nursing
informatics knowledge. Any effort that involves the implementation of a system for nurses or
that will be used by nurses should include an informatics nurse specialist or informatics nurse
as these individuals are uniquely qualified to communicate the needs of clinical staff to
information services personnel and have a working knowledge of regulatory and system
requirements, strategic plans, and budgetary constraints.
Rationale 4:
The correct response is informatics nurse specialist, since that person has advanced nursing
informatics knowledge. Any effort that involves the implementation of a system for nurses or
that will be used by nurses should include an informatics nurse specialist or informatics nurse
as these individuals are uniquely qualified to communicate the needs of clinical staff to
information services personnel and have a working knowledge of regulatory and system
requirements, strategic plans, and budgetary constraints.
Question 13

An implementation is to go live in a limited number of client units but in all ancillary
departments. The remaining client units would be scheduled to go live in groups, staggered
over a specified time frame. What implementation strategy is being used?
1. Roll out
2. Modular
3. Occur all at once
4. Direct
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
It must be determined whether implementation will be staggered, modular, or occur all at
once. An example of a staggered implementation strategy may be to go live in a limited
number of client units but in all ancillary departments. The remaining client units would be
scheduled to go live in groups staggered over a specified time frame. The term roll out is
sometimes used to refer to a staggered, or rolling, implementation.
Rationale 2:
The correct answer is roll out. It must be determined whether implementation will be
staggered, modular, or occur all at once. An example of a staggered implementation strategy
may be to go live in a limited number of client units but in all ancillary departments. The
remaining client units would be scheduled to go live in groups staggered over a specified
time frame. The term roll out is sometimes used to refer to a staggered, or rolling,
Rationale 3:
The correct answer is roll out. It must be determined whether implementation will be
staggered, modular, or occur all at once. An example of a staggered implementation strategy
may be to go live in a limited number of client units but in all ancillary departments. The
remaining client units would be scheduled to go live in groups staggered over a specified
time frame. The term roll out is sometimes used to refer to a staggered, or rolling,
Rationale 4:

The correct answer is roll out. It must be determined whether implementation will be
staggered, modular, or occur all at once. An example of a staggered implementation strategy
may be to go live in a limited number of client units but in all ancillary departments. The
remaining client units would be scheduled to go live in groups staggered over a specified
time frame. The term roll out is sometimes used to refer to a staggered, or rolling,
Question 14
Which of the following are recommended for developing system procedures and
1. Create backup procedures to be used in the event that the system is not running either for
reasons of scheduled maintenance or unforeseen circumstances.
2. If major modifications were made to the base system, use the vendor's system user guides.
3. Develop a data dictionary containing system terms and terms for mapping from one system
to another.
4. During the training process, develop procedures for how the system will be used to support
client care and associated administrative activities.
5. Create separate documentation that includes the downtime procedures and manual
requisition forms and locate in an easily identifiable and accessible location.
Correct Answer: 1,3,5
Rationale 1:
Comprehensive procedures for how the system will be used to support client care and
associated administrative activities should be developed before the training process is begun.
User guides provided by the vendor may be adequate if a limited number of modifications
were made to the base system. However, if significant modifications have been made, it may
be necessary to customize documentation to reflect the system as the users will see it.
Downtime procedures and manual requisition forms, data dictionary, and backup procedures
are all recommended.
Rationale 2:

Comprehensive procedures for how the system will be used to support client care and
associated administrative activities should be developed before the training process is begun.
User guides provided by the vendor may be adequate if a limited number of modifications
were made to the base system. However, if significant modifications have been made, it may
be necessary to customize documentation to reflect the system as the users will see it.
Downtime procedures and manual requisition forms, data dictionary, and backup procedures
are all recommended.
Rationale 3:
Comprehensive procedures for how the system will be used to support client care and
associated administrative activities should be developed before the training process is begun.
User guides provided by the vendor may be adequate if a limited number of modifications
were made to the base system. However, if significant modifications have been made, it may
be necessary to customize documentation to reflect the system as the users will see it.
Downtime procedures and manual requisition forms, data dictionary, and backup procedures
are all recommended.
Rationale 4:
Comprehensive procedures for how the system will be used to support client care and
associated administrative activities should be developed before the training process is begun.
User guides provided by the vendor may be adequate if a limited number of modifications
were made to the base system. However, if significant modifications have been made, it may
be necessary to customize documentation to reflect the system as the users will see it.
Downtime procedures and manual requisition forms, data dictionary, and backup procedures
are all recommended.
Rationale 5:
Comprehensive procedures for how the system will be used to support client care and
associated administrative activities should be developed before the training process is begun.
User guides provided by the vendor may be adequate if a limited number of modifications
were made to the base system. However, if significant modifications have been made, it may
be necessary to customize this document to reflect the system as the users will see it.
Downtime procedures and manual requisition forms, data dictionary, and backup procedures
are all recommended.

Question 15
Which of the following are examples of ongoing systems technical maintenance?
1. Problem solving and debugging
2. Performing a file backup
3. Maintaining a backup supply of hardware
4. Maintaining and updating the disaster recovery plan
5. Configuring, testing, and installing system upgrades
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
Examples of systems technical maintenance are listed below:
-Problem solving and debugging
-Maintaining a backup supply of hardware
-Performing file backup
-Monitoring the system for adequate file space
-Building and maintaining interfaces with other systems
-Configuring, testing, and installing system upgrades
-Maintaining and updating the disaster recovery plan
Rationale 2:
Examples of systems technical maintenance are listed below:
-Problem solving and debugging
-Maintaining a backup supply of hardware
-Performing file backup
-Monitoring the system for adequate file space
-Building and maintaining interfaces with other systems

-Configuring, testing, and installing system upgrades
-Maintaining and updating the disaster recovery plan
Rationale 3:
Examples of systems technical maintenance are listed below:
-Problem solving and debugging
-Maintaining a backup supply of hardware
-Performing file backup
-Monitoring the system for adequate file space
-Building and maintaining interfaces with other systems
-Configuring, testing, and installing system upgrades
-Maintaining and updating the disaster recovery plan
Rationale 4:
Examples of systems technical maintenance are listed below:
-Problem solving and debugging
-Maintaining a backup supply of hardware
-Performing file backup
-Monitoring the system for adequate file space
-Building and maintaining interfaces with other systems
-Configuring, testing, and installing system upgrades
-Maintaining and updating the disaster recovery plan
Rationale 5:
Examples of systems technical maintenance are listed below:
-Problem solving and debugging
-Maintaining a backup supply of hardware

-Performing file backup
-Monitoring the system for adequate file space
-Building and maintaining interfaces with other systems
-Configuring, testing, and installing system upgrades
-Maintaining and updating the disaster recovery plan
Question 16
A major consideration for organizations implementing new systems is the return on
investment (ROI). ROI can be measured using tangible and intangible measures. Which of
the following are examples of tangible measures?
1. Decreased costs for labor and non-labor expenses such as maintenance
2. Higher retention rate for care givers
3. Increased revenue
4. Alignment with business strategy
5. Greater compliance with regulations
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4
Rationale 1:
-Decreased costs for labor and non-labor expenses such as maintenance
-Outsourcing of forms
-Alignment with business strategy
-Increased revenue
-Higher retention rate for caregivers
Rationale 2:
-Decreased costs for labor and non-labor expenses such as maintenance
-Outsourcing of forms
-Alignment with business strategy

-Increased revenue
-Higher retention rate for caregivers
Rationale 3:
-Decreased costs for labor and non-labor expenses such as maintenance
-Outsourcing of forms
-Alignment with business strategy
-Increased revenue
-Higher retention rate for caregivers
Rationale 4:
-Decreased costs for labor and non-labor expenses such as maintenance
-Outsourcing of forms
-Alignment with business strategy
-Increased revenue
-Higher retention rate for caregivers
Rationale 5:
-Streamlined workflow with improved provider satisfaction which helps to attract
Question 17
_______________________ environment is another term that refers to the time when the
new system is in operation.
Correct Answer: Production
Test environment is one copy of the software where programming changes are initially made.
After any changes are made, they must be tested to ensure that they display and process data
Question 18

The implementation committee members analyze the base system as delivered from the
vendor before the system is installed in the event that clarification or changes are necessary.
Which of the following are analyzed throughout this process?
1. Technology
2. Vendor standing
3. Vendor compliance with regulatory requirements
4. Integration with other systems
5. Clinician support
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4
Rationale 1:
-Technology: Is the technology current? Can it be upgraded easily? Is it already obsolete?
-Vendor standing: Consider vendor history of similar projects as well as financial solvency.
-Vendor compliance with regulatory requirements: Determine vendor responsibility for
federal and state regulatory compliance.
-Integration with other systems: Does the system exchange information with other major
-Use for different types of patient accounts: Does the system work equally well for inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency care?
-Electronic medical record support: Does the system support the electronic medical record?
-Remote access: Does the product permit secure access to patient data from all locations?
-Clinician support: Does the product support patient care?
Rationale 2:
-Technology: Is the technology current? Can it be upgraded easily? Is it already obsolete?
-Vendor standing: Consider vendor history of similar projects as well as financial solvency.
-Vendor compliance with regulatory requirements: Determine vendor responsibility for
federal and state regulatory compliance.

-Integration with other systems: Does the system exchange information with other major
-Use for different types of patient accounts: Does the system work equally well for inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency care?
-Electronic medical record support: Does the system support the electronic medical record?
-Remote access: Does the product permit secure access to patient data from all locations?
-Clinician support: Does the product support patient care?
Rationale 3:
-Technology: Is the technology current? Can it be upgraded easily? Is it already obsolete?
-Vendor standing: Consider vendor history of similar projects as well as financial solvency.
-Vendor compliance with regulatory requirements: Determine vendor responsibility for
federal and state regulatory compliance.
-Integration with other systems: Does the system exchange information with other major
-Use for different types of patient accounts: Does the system work equally well for inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency care?
-Electronic medical record support: Does the system support the electronic medical record?
-Remote access: Does the product permit secure access to patient data from all locations?
-Clinician support: Does the product support patient care?
Rationale 4:
-Technology: Is the technology current? Can it be upgraded easily? Is it already obsolete?
-Vendor standing: Consider vendor history of similar projects as well as financial solvency.
-Vendor compliance with regulatory requirements: Determine vendor responsibility for
federal and state regulatory compliance.
-Integration with other systems: Does the system exchange information with other major

-Use for different types of patient accounts: Does the system work equally well for inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency care?
-Electronic medical record support: Does the system support the electronic medical record?
-Remote access: Does the product permit secure access to patient data from all locations?
-Clinician support: Does the product support patient care?
Rationale 5:
-Technology: Is the technology current? Can it be upgraded easily? Is it already obsolete?
-Vendor standing: Consider vendor history of similar projects as well as financial solvency.
-Vendor compliance with regulatory requirements: Determine vendor responsibility for
federal and state regulatory compliance.
-Integration with other systems: Does the system exchange information with other major
-Use for different types of patient accounts: Does the system work equally well for inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency care?
-Electronic medical record support: Does the system support the electronic medical record?
-Remote access: Does the product permit secure access to patient data from all locations?
-Clinician support: Does the product support patient care?
Question 19
A group of tasks related to the analysis of hardware requirements must be addressed during
the implementation phase. Which of the following are considered specific tasks?
1. Network infrastructure analysis
2. Review of workstation types
3. Input applications review
4. Printer decisions
5. Cabling capacity analysis
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5

Rationale 1:
-Network infrastructure: cable installation, wiring, access points, technical standards
-Type of workstation or mobile device: networked personal computer (PC), thin client,
wireless or handheld device such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile laptop PC that
uses radiofrequency technology
-Workstation location strategy: plan for locating and using the hardware
-Hardware location requirements: adequate power sources, cabling capacity, reception and
transmission capabilities, privacy to protect health information from casual view
-Printer decisions: number of printers, locations of printers, features such as the number of
paper trays and fonts, security to ensure that printed output is handled with full regard for
privacy of information
Rationale 2:
-Network infrastructure: cable installation, wiring, access points, technical standards
-Type of workstation or mobile device: networked personal computer (PC), thin client,
wireless or handheld device such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile laptop PC that
uses radiofrequency technology
-Workstation location strategy: plan for locating and using the hardware
-Hardware location requirements: adequate power sources, cabling capacity, reception and
transmission capabilities, privacy to protect health information from casual view
-Printer decisions: number of printers, locations of printers, features such as the number of
paper trays and fonts, security to ensure that printed output is handled with full regard for
privacy of information
Rationale 3:
-Network infrastructure: cable installation, wiring, access points, technical standards
-Type of workstation or mobile device: networked personal computer (PC), thin client,
wireless or handheld device such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile laptop PC that
uses radiofrequency technology
-Workstation location strategy: plan for locating and using the hardware

-Hardware location requirements: adequate power sources, cabling capacity, reception and
transmission capabilities, privacy to protect health information from casual view
-Printer decisions: number of printers, locations of printers, features such as the number of
paper trays and fonts, security to ensure that printed output is handled with full regard for
privacy of information
Rationale 4:
-Network infrastructure: cable installation, wiring, access points, technical standards
-Type of workstation or mobile device: networked personal computer (PC), thin client,
wireless or handheld device such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile laptop PC that
uses radiofrequency technology
-Workstation location strategy: plan for locating and using the hardware
-Hardware location requirements: adequate power sources, cabling capacity, reception and
transmission capabilities, privacy to protect health information from casual view
-Printer decisions: number of printers, locations of printers, features such as the number of
paper trays and fonts, security to ensure that printed output is handled with full regard for
privacy of information
Rationale 5:
-Network infrastructure: cable installation, wiring, access points, technical standards
-Type of workstation or mobile device: networked personal computer (PC), thin client,
wireless or handheld device such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile laptop PC that
uses radiofrequency technology
-Workstation location strategy: plan for locating and using the hardware
-Hardware location requirements: adequate power sources, cabling capacity, reception and
transmission capabilities, privacy to protect health information from casual view
-Printer decisions: number of printers, locations of printers, features such as the number of
paper trays and fonts, security to ensure that printed output is handled with full regard for
privacy of information
Question 20

Considerable planning must be done before the go-live event. Which of the following are
specific examples of planning elements?
1. Implementation strategy is determined
2. Decisions must be made regarding what information will be back loaded or preloaded
3. Support schedule is developed
4. Evaluation procedures are addressed
5. Procedure developed to request changes after the go-live event
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
-Implementation strategy: It must be determined whether implementation will be staggered,
modular, or occur all at once.
-Conversion to the new system: Decisions must be made regarding what information will be
back loaded or preloaded into the system before the go-live date.
-Developing the support schedule: On-site support is often necessary around the clock during
the initial go-live or conversion phase. Support personnel may include vendor
representatives, information system staff, and other members of the implementation
-Developing evaluation procedures: Satisfaction questionnaires and a method for
communicating and answering questions during the go-live conversion should be provided.
-Developing a procedure to request changes after the go-live event: Priority must be given to
changes required to make the system work as it should. Additional changes should be
evaluated by the implementation committee or hospital steering committee. This process
helps to keep costs manageable.
Rationale 2:
-Implementation strategy: It must be determined whether implementation will be staggered,
modular, or occur all at once.
-Conversion to the new system: Decisions must be made regarding what information will be
back loaded or preloaded into the system before the go-live date.

-Developing the support schedule: On-site support is often necessary around the clock during
the initial go-live or conversion phase. Support personnel may include vendor
representatives, information system staff, and other members of the implementation
-Developing evaluation procedures: Satisfaction questionnaires and a method for
communicating and answering questions during the go-live conversion should be provided.
-Developing a procedure to request changes after the go-live event: Priority must be given to
changes required to make the system work as it should. Additional changes should be
evaluated by the implementation committee or hospital steering committee. This process
helps to keep costs manageable.
Rationale 3:
-Implementation strategy: It must be determined whether implementation will be staggered,
modular, or occur all at once.
-Conversion to the new system: Decisions must be made regarding what information will be
back loaded or preloaded into the system before the go-live date.
-Developing the support schedule: On-site support is often necessary around the clock during
the initial go-live or conversion phase. Support personnel may include vendor
representatives, information system staff, and other members of the implementation
-Developing evaluation procedures: Satisfaction questionnaires and a method for
communicating and answering questions during the go-live conversion should be provided.
-Developing a procedure to request changes after the go-live event: Priority must be given to
changes required to make the system work as it should. Additional changes should be
evaluated by the implementation committee or hospital steering committee. This process
helps to keep costs manageable.
Rationale 4:
-Implementation strategy: It must be determined whether implementation will be staggered,
modular, or occur all at once.

-Conversion to the new system: Decisions must be made regarding what information will be
back loaded or preloaded into the system before the go-live date.
-Developing the support schedule: On-site support is often necessary around the clock during
the initial go-live or conversion phase. Support personnel may include vendor
representatives, information system staff, and other members of the implementation
-Developing evaluation procedures: Satisfaction questionnaires and a method for
communicating and answering questions during the go-live conversion should be provided.
-Developing a procedure to request changes after the go-live event: Priority must be given to
changes required to make the system work as it should. Additional changes should be
evaluated by the implementation committee or hospital steering committee. This process
helps to keep costs manageable.
Rationale 5:
-Implementation strategy: It must be determined whether implementation will be staggered,
modular, or occur all at once.
-Conversion to the new system: Decisions must be made regarding what information will be
back loaded or preloaded into the system before the go-live date.
-Developing the support schedule: On-site support is often necessary around the clock during
the initial go-live or conversion phase. Support personnel may include vendor
representatives, information system staff, and other members of the implementation
-Developing evaluation procedures: Satisfaction questionnaires and a method for
communicating and answering questions during the go-live conversion should be provided.
-Developing a procedure to request changes after the go-live event: Priority must be given to
changes required to make the system work as it should. Additional changes should be
evaluated by the implementation committee or hospital steering committee. This process
helps to keep costs manageable.
Question 21
Which of the following statements is true about the test environment?

1. The findings of the system test always indicate how well the system will perform in the
live environment.
2. The test environment is not exactly the same as the live environment, because the live
environment is much larger and more complex.
3. The test environment is unnecessary with the progress made in technology.
4. The test environment is done for training purposes.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The test environment is not exactly the same as the live environment, because the live
environment is much larger and more complex. As a result, the findings of the system test
may not always indicate how well the system will perform in the live environment.
Rationale 2:
The test environment is not exactly the same as the live environment, because the live
environment is much larger and more complex. As a result, the findings of the system test
may not always indicate how well the system will perform in the live environment.
Rationale 3:
The test environment is not exactly the same as the live environment, because the live
environment is much larger and more complex. As a result, the findings of the system test
may not always indicate how well the system will perform in the live environment.
Rationale 4:
The test environment is not exactly the same as the live environment, because the live
environment is much larger and more complex. As a result, the findings of the system test
may not always indicate how well the system will perform in the live environment.
Question 22
_________________ creep is the unexpected and uncontrolled growth of user expectations as
the project progresses.
Correct Answer: Scope

Scope creep is the unexpected and uncontrolled growth of user expectations as the project
progresses whereas feature creep is the uncontrolled addition of features or functions without
regard to timelines or budget.
Question 23
Which of the following best defines data dictionaries?
1. Data dictionaries contain lists and definitions of all terms used.
2. Data dictionaries contain actual data.
3. Data dictionaries have nothing to do with data quality.
4. Data dictionaries can be found in the nursing office.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
An aspect of documentation is a dictionary of terms and information for mapping from one
system to another. Data dictionaries do not contain actual data but contain lists and
definitions of all terms used and provide bookkeeping information for managing data.
Rationale 2:
An aspect of documentation is a dictionary of terms and information for mapping from one
system to another. Data dictionaries do not contain actual data but contain lists and
definitions of all terms used and provide bookkeeping information for managing data.
Rationale 3:
An aspect of documentation is a dictionary of terms and information for mapping from one
system to another. Data dictionaries do not contain actual data but contain lists and
definitions of all terms used and provide bookkeeping information for managing data. Data
dictionaries help to ensure that data are of high quality.
Rationale 4:
An aspect of documentation is a dictionary of terms and information for mapping from one
system to another. Data dictionaries do not contain actual data but contain lists and

definitions of all terms used and provide bookkeeping information for managing data. Data
dictionaries help to ensure that data are of high quality.
Question 24
Although an information system may be replaced, which of the following answer best
describes the impact on the information system's life cycle?
1. The life cycle is an ongoing process that never ends.
2. The life cycle and information system are unrelated.
3. The life cycle stops to upgrade the system.
4. The life cycle is altered with any upgrade.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
As systems develop problems and deficiencies they need to be upgraded or replaced,
illustrating the cyclical nature of the information system's life cycle. Phase 1, the needs
assessment phase, is initiated again, and the life cycle continues. In other words, the life cycle
is an ongoing process that never ends.
Rationale 2:
As systems develop problems and deficiencies they need to be upgraded or replaced,
illustrating the cyclical nature of the information system's life cycle. Phase 1, the needs
assessment phase, is initiated again, and the life cycle continues. In other words, the life cycle
is an ongoing process that never ends.
Rationale 3:
As systems develop problems and deficiencies they need to be upgraded or replaced,
illustrating the cyclical nature of the information system's life cycle. Phase 1, the needs
assessment phase, is initiated again, and the life cycle continues. In other words, the life cycle
is an ongoing process that never ends.
Rationale 4:
As systems develop problems and deficiencies they need to be upgraded or replaced,
illustrating the cyclical nature of the information system's life cycle. Phase 1, the needs

assessment phase, is initiated again, and the life cycle continues. In other words, the life cycle
is an ongoing process that never ends.
Question 25
Which of the following is not an example of a function?
1. Upgrading
2. Order entry
3. Results reporting
4. Documentation
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
A function refers to a task that may be performed manually or automated; some examples
include order entry, results reporting, and documentation.
Rationale 2:
A function refers to a task that may be performed manually or automated; some examples
include order entry, results reporting, and documentation.
Rationale 3:
A function refers to a task that may be performed manually or automated; some examples
include order entry, results reporting, and documentation.
Rationale 4:
A function refers to a task that may be performed manually or automated; some examples
include order entry, results reporting, and documentation.
Question 26
To change the culture of any work environment, the nurse as a leader can promote innovation
and minimize resistance through which of the following?
1. Demanding staff listen to rationale behind the changes
2. Planning a strategy to support people and process changes

3. Asking staff to trust their colleagues
4. Understanding that the change is for their benefit
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Implementation of information technology is a very political process, particularly in the costcontrolled health care delivery systems of today. The realization of a successful system for
nursing requires a strong nurse leader who is politically savvy and technologically competent.
To begin this process of change it is important to realize that there will be obstacles that may
impede the forward progress of the strategies. Clinical operation disruption is minimized via
the identification of the processes and their changes which are then included in user training
and implemented by the management team. The implementation plan should include a
strategy to support people and process changes (Wolf, Greenhouse, Diamond, Fera, &
McCormick, 2006).
Rationale 2:
Implementation of information technology is a very political process, particularly in the costcontrolled health care delivery systems of today. The realization of a successful system for
nursing requires a strong nurse leader who is politically savvy and technologically competent.
To begin this process of change it is important to realize that there will be obstacles that may
impede the forward progress of the strategies. Clinical operation disruption is minimized via
the identification of the processes and their changes which are then included in user training
and implemented by the management team. The implementation plan should include a
strategy to support people and process changes (Wolf, Greenhouse, Diamond, Fera, &
McCormick, 2006).
Rationale 3:
Implementation of information technology is a very political process, particularly in the costcontrolled health care delivery systems of today. The realization of a successful system for
nursing requires a strong nurse leader who is politically savvy and technologically competent.
To begin this process of change it is important to realize that there will be obstacles that may
impede the forward progress of the strategies. Clinical operation disruption is minimized via
the identification of the processes and their changes which are then included in user training

and implemented by the management team. The implementation plan should include a
strategy to support people and process changes (Wolf, Greenhouse, Diamond, Fera, &
McCormick, 2006).
Rationale 4:
Implementation of information technology is a very political process, particularly in the costcontrolled health care delivery systems of today. The realization of a successful system for
nursing requires a strong nurse leader who is politically savvy and technologically competent.
To begin this process of change it is important to realize that there will be obstacles that may
impede the forward progress of the strategies. Clinical operation disruption is minimized via
the identification of the processes and their changes which are then included in user training
and implemented by the management team. The implementation plan should include a
strategy to support people and process changes (Wolf, Greenhouse, Diamond, Fera, &
McCormick, 2006).
Question 27
Any significant change in the workplace can lead to discomfort and resistance. Which of the
following statements can decrease staff resistance to the implementation of a new system?
1. "Give it time, you will like it."
2. "Perhaps you need more staff development programs."
3. "We know what we are doing. The committee has worked on this project for months."
4. "If you find that its functions are not user-friendly, the committee can make the appropriate
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
This statement can seem patronizing to staff. Staff members who resist change often have
important suggestions that may not be heard by the committee. To minimize resistance,
committee members should identify the resistors and understand the reasons for their
reluctance to accept the change.
Rationale 2:

This statement does not allow the staff member to communicate the reasons for the reluctance
to change. Allow each person an opportunity to voice concerns and respond accordingly.
Rationale 3:
This statement does not decrease resistance. Resistors to change can be emotional and,
therefore, this statement can be construed as condescending.
Rationale 4:
Since the life cycle of an information system is ongoing and cyclical, feedback from users
such as staff nurses is important. Data from the feedback can assist in the changes of the
system that can fully support the staff. When individuals feel that they are part of the change
process, there is generally less resistance to the actual change.
Question 28
A group of staff nurses working on the hospice unit have notoriously been opposed to
technology use. They assert technology is not essential for the care of people who are actively
dying and have decided not to participate in the training process. What can be done by
committee members to decrease resistance in this setting?
1. Data can be collected and stored electronically to develop evidence-based practice models
which would be useful in alleviating the suffering of the dying.
2. Have the head nurse document the resistance in each person's file.
3. Have the director of human resources attend the next staff meeting to review position
4. Terminate staff that refuse to participate in training.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
By appealing to the reasons for the resistance, which are unfounded, the staff can be educated
to understand that data are the foundation of best practice models, thereby, improving care.
Rationale 2:
Resistance can be decreased by threatening the staff member's job security; however, the
outcome of the threat can be counterproductive.

Rationale 3:
Position descriptions guide the nurse's daily activities. Having an administrative official
review the aforementioned descriptions pressures the staff to accommodate the changes, but
does not address their reasons for resistance.
Rationale 4:
Terminating a person who has reservations about a change in culture is not an effective way
of decreasing resistance. Working with the resistors and their reluctance can help to identify
areas in need of improvement.
Question 29
Successful implementation of a system can be facilitated by addressing significant barriers
presented by staff. Which aspect of resistance should be addressed by committee members
during the planning phase?
1. Staff members need to control the workflow and do not want changes imposed on them.
2. The impact of the change on off shift personnel
3. The nurse to patient ratio
4. Emotions of staff
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
The need for control has little to do with resistance to a technology change.
Rationale 2:
All shifts will be impacted by changes in the system. Focusing on off shifts rather than all
staff members does not address reasons for resistance to change.
Rationale 3:
The nurse to patient ratio can affect care in a number of ways. However, this concept does not
affect acceptance or resistance to change.
Rationale 4:

The plan for training should include some emotional emphasis relating to patient care to
identify the reason for a whole new process of care delivery. By addressing these emotional
aspects, resistance can be minimized.
Question 30
Clinical operation disruption is can be minimized through which of the following?
1. Identification of the processes and their changes are included in training.
2. Following the IT liaison's demands for perfection
3. Making the changes during the night shift
4. Spending money on a consultant.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Clinical operation disruption is minimized via the identification of the processes and their
changes which are then included in user training and implemented by the management team.
The implementation plan should include strategies to address resistance to change.
Rationale 2:
By incorporating the use of a change theory, strategies leading to a successful change can be
incorporated allowing for a smooth transition.
Rationale 3:
By incorporating the use of a change theory, strategies leading to a successful change can be
incorporated allowing for a smooth transition.
Rationale 4:
By incorporating the use of a change theory, strategies leading to a successful change can be
incorporated allowing for a smooth transition.
Question 31
There are often unforeseen issues that emerge during the implementation phase of the life
cycle. Which of the following may be considered a barrier?
1. Staff training

2. Poor communication
3. Employ a qualified nurse informatics specialist to lead the change.
4. Incorporate the suggestions of point-of-care staff
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
Staff training is part of the implementation phase and not necessarily considered a barrier.
Training is a planned activity.
Rationale 2:
Poor communication can pose as a barrier to any phase of the life cycle. Good
communication skills can decrease resistance and promote the change.
Rationale 3:
A qualified nurse informatics specialist understands the leadership process and change theory.
Rationale 4:
Point-of-care staff offer excellent suggestions to ensuring the product meets the needs of the
Question 32
When selecting the chair of the technology committee who is charged with leading the
committee members and decision making regarding implementation of the new system, the
best person suited for this role would be which of the following?
1. The vice president of nursing
2. Informatics nurse specialist
3. Information technology programmer
4. Staff nurses affected by the system implementation
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:

The vice president of nursing has a number of important hospital roles; however, this person
may not have the skills or knowledge of system implementation to be an effective leader on
this committee.
Rationale 2:
The informatics nurse specialist has an understanding of the needs of the point-of-care staff
and the ability to work and collaborate with multidisciplinary personnel.
Rationale 3:
A programmer does not need to be part of the selection and implementation committee.
Rationale 4:
Staff nurses who are affected by the system's use and changes are important stakeholders in
the actual implementation of the system but are not essential in the actual leading of the
process. The staff nurse should be included on the committee as a consultant for point-of-care
impact of technology changes.
Question 33
Which of the following critical elements apply to the development of the timeline prior to
implementation of the system?
1. Necessary tasks
2. Scope of each task
3. The members' roles and responsibilities in accomplishing the tasks
4. Driving forces of the market
5. Development of crib sheets
Correct Answer: 1,2,3
Rationale 1:
All necessary tasks leading to implementation need to be addressed during the development
of the timeline.
Rationale 2:

The scope and nature of each task should be identified by the committee before beginning
Rationale 3:
Each committee member has a distinctive role in the accomplishment of committee goals. All
roles and tasks should be identified in the planning phase.
Rationale 4:
The driving forces of the market are not critical elements in the development of the timeline.
Rationale 5:
There is no need for a crib sheet.
Question 34
A timeline is defined as which of the following?
1. A visual plan that helps keep everyone on track and understand where others are in the
2. Part of the evaluation phase of the life cycle
3. A tool that measures outcomes
4. A best practice model
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
An excellent way to keep everyone up to date on the current state of the project is to utilize a
large wall to put up a “paper timeline.” A visual plan helps keep everyone on track and
understand where others are in the project. This also allows the project leader accessibility to
the progress at a quick glance.
Rationale 2:
A timeline is a visual plan that helps keep everyone on track and understand where others are
in the project.
Rationale 3:

A timeline is a visual plan that helps keep everyone on track and understand where others are
in the project.
Rationale 4:
A timeline is a visual plan that helps keep everyone on track and understand where others are
in the project.
Question 35
The ________________________ environment is a term that refers to the time when the new
system is in operation.
Correct Answer: production
Production environment is a term that refers to the time when the new system is in operation.
Question 36
The notion of staggering the implementation of the system is determined during the planning
phase by committee members. The rationale behind staggering the implementation of the new
system can be related to which of the following statements?
1. The decision to incorporate a roll out model of implementation can be used to identify
issues before the entire system goes live.
2. Staggering allows staff members to become more familiar with the new technology.
3. Budgetary constraints are the main factors in determining whether a system should be
staggered or fully implemented.
4. Nurses and staff need additional time to accept an unwanted technological change.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The decision is made during the planning phase and considered part of the implementation
process. By staggering the implementation, committee members and staff can ascertain the
benefits and the issues associated with the change in technology.
Rationale 2:

Staggering is deliberately done to incorporate the change in a logical, more accepted manner.
Rationale 3:
Budgets are taken into consideration when planning for a technology change. Incorporating a
staggered method of system implementation is not necessarily due to budgetary constraints.
Rationale 4:
Nurses and staff's resistance to change must be acknowledged by administration and
committee members. However, this is not the main reason for staggering implementation.
Question 37
Which of the following makes training is most effective?
1. It occurs during the nurse's scheduled shift
2. When measurable objectives are employed
3. Training is conducted on the staff's day off
4. Another staff member conducts the session
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
It is important to remember not only do training guidelines need to be developed, but training
that includes some emotional emphasis relating to patient care to communicate the reason for
a whole new process of care delivery should be included.
Rationale 2:
It is important to remember not only do training guidelines and objectives need to be
developed, but training that includes some emotional emphasis relating to patient care to
communicate the reason for a whole new process of care delivery should be included.
Rationale 3:
It is important to remember not only do training guidelines need to be developed, but training
that includes some emotional emphasis relating to patient care to communicate the reason for
a whole new process of care delivery should be included.
Rationale 4:

It is important to remember not only do training guidelines need to be developed, but training
that includes some emotional emphasis relating to patient care to communicate the reason for
a whole new process of care delivery should be included.
Question 38
Which of the following is a key element for a successful system implementation?
1. Effective training
2. Incorporating data dictionaries at every terminal
3. Providing a help desk during the day shift
4. Finding a ancillary staff member to assist in trouble shooting the new system
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Unless staff members are adequately trained and understand the usefulness and nuances of a
system upgrade, the technology is not fully utilized.
Rationale 2:
Training is essential in the implementation of any system.
Rationale 3:
Unless staff members are adequately trained and understand the usefulness and nuances of a
system upgrade, the technology is not fully utilized.
Rationale 4:
Unless staff members are adequately trained and understand the usefulness and nuances of a
system upgrade, the technology is not fully utilized.
Question 39
Implementation of any system can be facilitated by the committee's understanding of the
amount of time that is needed to successfully complete the project. To that end, what is an
important staffing concept for administration to consider when appointing members to a
technology committee?
1. Committee member must equally divide duties to complete tasks.

2. Committee members should meet more than once a week to complete tasks.
3. All member of the committee need a comprehensive technology background.
4. Relevant committee members can be given alternate work assignments to accommodate
the increase in committee work.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Each committee member has a different assigned role. Not all roles have equal value;
therefore, an even distribution of duties may not be time efficient.
Rationale 2:
Meeting times are associated with an agenda and need to meet. If a vendor has information
for review, members may meet more than once a week. If there is nothing to discuss, then
there is no need to hold a meeting.
Rationale 3:
All members of a committee do not necessarily need technology experience. Often the role of
a committee member's duties pertains to understanding the process of patient care and the
impact of technology on work flow.
Rationale 4:
The amount of work that a technology committee assumes can impact an individual's daily
work load. To alleviate the burden and stay on task, some duties should be reevaluated by
administration and reassigned.
Question 40
Soon after the go-live event, ____________ from the implementation evaluation should be
acted on in a timely manner.
Correct Answer: feedback

Soon after the go-live event, feedback from the implementation evaluation should be acted on
in a timely manner. All feedback, if relevant, after implementation should be identified and
acted upon immediately.
Question 41
A _________________________ is an excellent and low-tech method to solicit feedback
after a system has been implemented.
Correct Answer: suggestion box
A suggestion box is an excellent method to solicit feedback from users of a new system. The
suggestions should be reviewed in a timely manner.
Question 42
The ongoing maintenance of the technical issues is the role of which of the following
1. Nursing
2. Information services department
3. Computer programmers
4. Vice president of technology
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The role of nursing is to identify the technological needs of the patient care.
Rationale 2:
This maintenance is the responsibility of the information services department. The role of this
department is to oversee the steadiness and functions of the system.
Rationale 3:
Programmers design and create but do not maintain systems.
Rationale 4:

If an agency has a vice president of technology, the role would be more administrative and
not technological supportive.
Question 43
A large portion of ongoing maintenance is related to technical and ____________________
Correct Answer: equipment
A large portion of ongoing maintenance is related to technical and equipment issues. During
the planning phase, committee members should consider the role of technical support
Question 44
Which of the following considerations point to the need for a new system?
1. Poor performance
2. Frequent down times
3. Up to date programming language
4. No vendor support
5. Outmoded technology
Correct Answer: 1,2,4
Rationale 1:
If the system is not functioning in a way to improve performance, then a review of the system
should be undergone by relevant personnel.
Rationale 2:
When a system is "down" more than it is "up," it is time to reevaluate its usefulness.
Rationale 3:
If the programming language is dated, it is time to consider a new system.
Rationale 4:

Without vendor support, a system cannot be maintained.
Rationale 5:
Outmoded technology is not useful in the current health care climate. With the changes in
patient care and drive for evidence-based practice, older technology cannot support new
Question 45
Which of the following statements is true about the life cycle?
1. The life cycle has a beginning and an end.
2. The life cycle is ongoing.
3. The life cycle is not relevant to system purchase or upgrades.
4. The life cycle has six distinctive steps.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The life cycle is dynamic and ever-changing to meet the needs of the health care system.
Rationale 2:
The life cycle is an ongoing process that never ends. As technology and patient care change,
so does the need to evaluate the usefulness of supporting technology.
Rationale 3:
The life cycle is an ongoing process that never ends. As technology and patient care change,
so does the need to evaluate the usefulness of supporting technology.
Rationale 4:
The life cycle is an ongoing process that never ends. As technology and patient care change,
so does the need to evaluate the usefulness of supporting technology.

Test Bank for Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Toni Lee Hebda, Patricia Czar, Theresa Calderone
9780132574952, 9780132959544, 9780134711010, 9780131512627, 9780130311023, 9780805373264, 9780135205433, 9780135043943

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