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This Document Contains Chapters 4 to 6 Chapter 04: Designing Productive and Satisfying Work True/False 1. Differentiation is concerned with coordinating the efforts of employees. Answer: False 2. Strategic work design can benefit an organization by assigning and coordinating tasks in ways that increase productivity. Answer: True 3. Employees with more autonomy feel more responsibility for their work. Answer: True 4. High autonomy is good for workers in an assembly line production type of work. Answer: False 5. Workers with high autonomy are best at repetitive, clearly defined work. Answer: False 6. Autonomy is critical in an organization which has sequential processing in its operations. Answer: False 7. Giving workers more autonomy is a sure way to improve their performance. Answer: False 8. Reciprocal processing works best in situations where work lacks prescribed plans or processes and team members must confer often to complete the work. Answer: True 9. Teams perform best when members are able to work independently. Answer: False 10. Groups perform better in a hybrid situation where some aspects of work encourage cooperation and other aspects discourage cooperation. Answer: False 11. People perform better when they work either by themselves or as members of a true team. Answer: True 12. Efficiency is often created by combining low autonomy and sequential processing. Answer: True 13. Job analysis is the process of systematically collecting information about work tasks. Answer: True 14. Effective job analysis is important for an organization to avoid legal problems. Answer: True 15. Effective job analysis can be viewed as a first step for appropriately hiring, training, and compensating workers. Answer: True 16. Jobs that are important to the success of the organization should be given priority for job analysis. Answer: True 17. A potential problem using an employee currently assigned to a position as a source for job analysis is that they do not understand human resource policies and programs. Answer: False 18. Job analysis is about identifying what should be done on the job as opposed to identifying how work is actually done. Answer: True 19. The job analysis interview is typically conducted through an organization’s intranet. Answer: False 20. Job analysis questionnaires are relatively expensive and as a result are not often used. Answer: False 21. Job analysis observation works well in jobs where tasks are repeated frequently. Answer: True 22. The best way to conduct effective job analysis is to use a combination of techniques. Answer: True 23. What employees do in the job provides the most helpful information for effective hiring. Answer: False 24. Good job specifications focus attention on knowledge, skills, and abilities that separate high and low-performing workers. Answer: True 25. The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) is used to collect information about the characteristics people must have in order to do a job well. Answer: True 26. Carefully prepared job specifications can guide selection practices so that appropriate tests can be found to identify which applicants actually have the desirable characteristics. Answer: True 27. Competencies are just another way of stating knowledge and skills required to perform a job. Answer: False 28. Competency modelling is more likely than job analysis to link work analysis procedures and outcomes to business goals. Answer: True 29. The mechanistic approach to designing jobs seeks to simplify work as much as possible and thereby increase productivity. Answer: True 30. People who feel intrinsic motivation tend to be more creative. Answer: True 31. Jobs designed to increase motivation and satisfaction may have reduced efficiency. Answer: True 32. Conflict between work and family roles is a unique U.S. phenomenon. Answer: False 33. Telework refers to jobs that require the incumbent to communicate by telephone more than 20% of total work hours. Answer: False 34. Telework is consistent with the mechanistic approach to job design. Answer: False 35. Telework is most likely to occur in organizations pursuing differentiation strategies. Answer: True Multiple Choice 36. Which of the following are elements of work design? a) differentiation and integration b) integration only c) differentiation only d) differentiation, integration and job descriptions Answer: a 37. Which of the following statements is NOT true about autonomy? a) autonomy concerns the extent to which individual workers are given the freedom and independence to plan and carry out work tasks b) a benefit of autonomy is increased motivation c) people with more autonomy feel more responsibility for their work d) high autonomy is desirable for all workers Answer: d 38. Which situation described below would benefit from high levels of autonomy? a) an employee at Starbucks who makes the company’s signature coffee drinks b) an employee at McDonalds who makes sandwiches and French fires c) the cook at an eclectic and exclusive five star restaurant d) an employee at UPS responsible for packing and unpacking trucks carrying items shipped UPS Answer: c 39. In a situation with high interdependence: a) the strategy of the organization is irrelevant as interdependence improves performance regardless of strategy type b) people tend to feel greater responsibility for completing tasks and also feel higher levels of satisfaction c) the benefits of interdependence are universal d) each employee can work independently Answer: b 40. In an assembly line situation, which type of interdependence works best? a) any type of interdependence will improve productivity b) reciprocal processing works best c) differentiated interdependence works best d) sequential processing interdependence works best Answer: d 41. Which type of group has been found to be the least effective? a) low-interdependence groups, where people work primarily as individuals b) high-interdependence groups, where people work together as a true team c) hybrid-interdependence groups, where some aspects of work encourage cooperation, but other aspects discourage cooperation d) high-interdependence groups with internal competition Answer: c 42. Which of the following is NOT true of organizations using cost HR strategies? a) employees have high levels of autonomy b) they use either the Bargain Laborer or Loyal Soldier HR strategy c) they focus on efficiency d) jobs are standardized so that employees can quickly learn a set of tasks Answer: a 43. Which of the following is NOT true of organizations using the differentiation HR strategies? a) they use either the Committed Expert or Free Agent HR strategy b) managers closely oversee work and are the experts for determining the best methods for accomplishing tasks c) these organizations focus on innovation d) close interaction between workers using reciprocal processes allows them to help each other and learn new things Answer: d 44. Job analysis is important for all of the reasons below EXCEPT: a) it helps establish what is expected of workers b) outcomes from job analysis help managers in the selection process c) it is one of the best motivators of employees d) outcomes from job analysis help plan training programs for employees Answer: c 45. The steps in the job analysis process include: a) getting organized, choosing jobs, reviewing knowledge, seeking agents, collecting information, creating job descriptions and creating job specifications b) getting organized, reviewing job classification standards, meeting with incumbents, writing job descriptions and creating job specifications c) getting organized, choosing jobs, meeting with incumbents and writing job specifications d) choosing jobs, reviewing job descriptions, meeting with employees, creating job descriptions and creating job specifications Answer: a 46. Who is the best job agent for job analysis? a) the current incumbent of a position being analyzed b) the supervisor of a particular position being analyzed c) a subject matter expert d) the human resources office Answer: a 47. Which of the following is a primary disadvantage of using professionally trained analysts who make a career out of studying jobs? a) there are no disadvantages, these people are technically knowledgeable b) their external perspective c) their level of knowledge about how things are done in a particular organization d) the cost Answer: c 48. Which of the following is NOT true about job analysis? a) men and women identify different information about their jobs, even when they are performing the same job b) information provided by job incumbents who are highly experienced is different from information provided by recently hired incumbents c) minority and non-minority incumbents respond differently in job analysis information gathering d) incumbents and supervisors generally provide the same information about a particular position Answer: d 49. Which of the following is an outcome of job analysis? a) job descriptions and job analysis salary scales b) job descriptions and job specifications c) job specifications and job analysis salary scales d) job analysis salary scales Answer: b 50. Which of the following is an example of a job specification? a) knowledge of case law concerning labor law and skill in interpreting case law b) incumbent will gather data for a variety of financial reports c) an internal job announcement d) job analysis Answer: a 51. Which of the following is a method of collecting job analysis information from job agents that includes the frequency or time spent on task and the importance of job tasks? a) job analysis observation b) job specifications c) task analysis inventory d) critical incident method Answer: c 52. Which of the following job analysis techniques asks job agents to provide statements about important situations and actions and to describe behaviors that are particularly helpful or harmful for accomplishing work? a) Position Analysis Questionnaire b) task analysis inventory c) job description specifications d) critical incident technique Answer: d 53. The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ): a) is a questionnaire that assesses characteristics of job activities and the work environment, such as informational input, mental processes, relationships, work output and job context. b) is highly specialized and therefore is not generalizable across different jobs. c) is very useful for creating job descriptions d) provides a great deal of information about job tasks Answer: a 54. Which of the following is NOT a legal issue related to job analysis? a) data should be collected from enough people to be sure the results are accurate b) use of a subject matter expert c) the method used to analyze the job should be clearly described d) tasks, duties and activities must be identified and included in the job analysis Answer: b 55. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the process of job analysis? a) work is less structured around specific jobs today than it once was b) work activities are less knowledge based c) task activities are more fluid and are determined through ongoing negotiation among workers d) by the time human resource policies based upon job analysis can be designed and carried out, the task activities may have changed Answer: b 56. What is the process of determining what tasks will be grouped together to form employee jobs? a) job analysis b) Position Analysis Questionnaire c) job design d) competency modeling Answer: c 57. A major goal of job design is: a) to differentiate and integrate work in ways that produce productivity and job satisfaction b) to allow employees to specialize in specific tasks c) to produce greater job satisfaction d) to create generalists Answer: a 58. The mechanistic approach to job design: a) is based upon enhancing employee motivation and satisfaction b) is based on the scientific method to create jobs c) is based upon enhancing intrinsic motivation d) seeks to have employees develop new and better ways to accomplish work Answer: b 59. Which HR strategy benefits from the mechanistic approach to job design? a) Loyal Soldier and Committed Expert b) Committed Expert and Free Agent c) Loyal Soldier and Bargain Laborer d) Free Agent and Bargain Laborer Answer: c 60. Which of the following is NOT true of the motivational approach to job design? a) organizational psychology principles are used to design work b) this approach seeks to increase employees’ enjoyment at work c) this approach seeks to increase employee effort at work d) work is simplified as much as possible Answer: d 61. According to the job characteristics model, which of the following are characteristics of jobs that provide intrinsic motivation? a) autonomy and knowledge of work results b) meaningfulness, responsibility and knowledge of work results c) interdependence and responsibility d) meaningfulness, autonomy and independence Answer: b 62. Which of the following approaches to job design seeks to simplify mental demands on workers? a) perceptual approach b) perspective approach c) biological approach d) mechanistic approach Answer: a 63. Ergonomics is most likely to be emphasized under which approach to job design? a) perspective approach b) biological approach c) perspective approach d) motivational approach Answer: b 64. Which job design approach is most appropriate for an organization pursuing a differentiation strategy? a) perspective approach b) biological approach c) motivational approach d) mechanistic approach Answer: c 65. Conflict between work and family roles presents problems for employers for all the reasons below EXCEPT: a) it increases absenteeism and turnover b) it can result in decreased job satisfaction c) it can result in increased substance abuse d) it can result in more requests for flexible schedules Answer: d 66. Flexible schedules: a) are advantageous for organizations so most employers provide some form of flexible scheduling b) create expensive costs for employers c) are rarely offered in the service sector d) are most advantageous to organizations pursuing a lowest-cost provider strategy Answer: a 67. Which of the following is NOT true of flexitime? a) flextime is most useful for organizations pursuing a differentiation strategy b) a primary benefit from flextime is increased satisfaction among workers c) flextime is most consistent with the biological approach to job design d) flextime is associated to some extent with higher productivity Answer: c 68. A compressed workweek: a) often produces higher levels of job satisfaction among employees b) assures an employer higher levels of productivity c) decreases absenteeism d) is well suited for organizations with the Free Agent strategy Answer: a 69. All outcomes below can occur when employees work outside of the office EXCEPT: a) employers can realize a cut in expenses for office space b) increased conflict between work and family roles c) increased employee productivity d) less absenteeism and less turnover Answer: b 70. All the following statements are true about telework EXCEPT: a) employees who are independent and conscientious are most likely to succeed with telework b) employees are most likely to succeed with telework after they have spent time working in the office c) employees are most likely to succeed with telework if they have had to prove themselves “worthy” of the opportunity to work at home by first performing in the office setting d) telework is consistent with the biological approach to job design Answer: d Short Answer 71. ___________ is concerned with coordinating the efforts of employees. Answer: Integration 72. ___________ is the extent to which an individual’s work actions and outcomes are influenced by other people. Answer: Interdependence 73. A collection of tasks that a person is required to perform at work is a _____. Answer: job 74. _____________ ___________ identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that workers need in order to perform the tasks listed in the job description. Answer: Job specifications 75. The ___________ ____________ __________ of job design focuses on building intrinsic motivation. Answer: job characteristics model 76. ___________ deals with designing work processes to eliminate movements that can lead to physical injury or excessive fatigue. Answer: Ergonomics 77. ____________ gives employees greater freedom in scheduling the times they will arrive and leave work. Answer: Flextime 78. When an employee works at home and stays connected through voice and data services it is often called ___________. Answer: telework Essays 79. Discuss job analysis. In your discussion explain how job analysis provides a foundation for effective human resources and discuss the outcomes from job analysis that support human resource effectiveness. Answer: Job analysis is the process of systematically collecting information about work tasks. Job analysis is important for identifying the qualifications required for successful performance of a job. Job specifications, which identify the knowledge, skills and abilities that workers need to perform a job are an outcome from job analysis. Job specifications are important for effective recruiting and selection because they focus on what is needed to perform well in the job. Understanding job tasks and what it takes to perform successfully helps plan training for the job. The data collected through job analysis also helps guide decisions about pay. The knowledge of job duties and tasks is also helpful in developing performance appraisals. Outcomes from job analysis that support effective human resources include the job description, which is a series of task statements that describe what is to be done by a job incumbent. Another outcome is job specifications which are critical for effective employee recruitment and selection. 80. Discuss the four general approaches to job design and the types of organizations and/or HR strategies that can benefit from each approach. Answer: Mechanistic approach – this approach uses principles of scientific management to create jobs that eliminate wasted efforts so an organization can produce goods and services quickly. The goal of this approach is to simplify work tasks as much as possible. Workers focus on completing only one task at a time and work tasks are repetitive. Workers tend to specialize so they become very efficient in completing their work. The Loyal Soldier or Bargain Laborer HR strategies are likely to benefit from the mechanistic approach to organizing work. Motivational approach – this approach emphasizes the study and understanding of the human mind and human behavior. Increasing employees’ enjoyment of their work and thus increasing their effort is a major goal of this approach. The motivational approach seeks to design work so that it is complex and challenging. Under this approach the belief is that workers are intrinsically motivated when they perceive their work to have meaning, when they feel personal responsibility for work outcomes, and when workers have knowledge of the results from their work efforts. This approach is good for work that requires innovation or creativity. Work designed using the motivational approach allows workers autonomy and is likely to increase worker satisfaction and retention. The motivational approach is appropriate for an organization pursuing differentiation strategies and a Committed Expert or Free Agent HR strategy. Perceptual Approach – this approach emphasizes simplifying mental demands on workers and thereby decreasing errors. As a result, the perceptual approach to job design usually results in work characterized by sequential processing and low autonomy. Safety and prevention of accidents is a high priority. The perceptual approach is commonly found in organizations pursuing a Loyal Soldier or Bargain Laborer HR strategy. Biological Approach – This approach to job design emphasizes the physical stresses and demands placed on workers. It is associated with ergonomics, which concerns methods of designing work to prevent physical injury. Work processes are designed to eliminate movements that can lead to physical injury or excess fatigue. Work design from the biological perspective helps organizations with Bargain Laborer or Loyal Soldier HR strategies to balance efficiency with the physical needs of workers. Chapter 05: Recruiting Talented Employees True/False 1. Employee recruiting is the process of identifying and encouraging as many applicants as possible to apply for a position. Answer: False 2. Recruitment best practices are universal regardless of location or job type. Answer: False 3. If an organization is not sure about the type of person best suited for a position it is best to cast a wide net. Answer: True 4. The targeted skill scope strategy seeks to attract a large group of applicants who have a high probability of possessing the characteristics that are needed to perform a specific job. Answer: False 5. An organization seeking to fill a nanotechnology engineering position would likely use a targeted skill scope strategy which would involve recruiting in a small geographic area. Answer: False 6. The risks of internal recruiting are high because little is known about the applicants, their skills and motivation. Answer: False 7. Organizations with the Loyal Soldier and Committed Expert HR strategies try to fill as many job vacancies as possible with current employees. Answer: True 8. A current employee hired as an expatriate is an example of internal sourcing. Answer: True 9. Decreased cost is a major reason organizations hire contingent workers. Answer: True 10. By providing information that allows recruits to develop accurate expectations, realistic job previews result in low employee retention. Answer: False 11. Idealistic messaging can be an effective strategy if an organization is pursuing an external short-term hiring strategy. Answer: True 12. If an organization is pursuing a Free Agent HR Strategy it can pursue idealistic messaging without many negative consequences. Answer: True 13. One of the best means to assess current employment levels in an organization is use of an HR information system such as PeopleSoft. Answer: True 14. An example of predicting future needs as a part of human resource planning is provided by a medical center linking the projected number of inpatients per month to the hiring projections for nurses. Answer: True 15. One outcome of human resource planning is that an organization can take advantage of hiring exceptional employees even before a specific vacancy occurs. Answer: True 16. All organizations should employ a flow approach to recruiting. Answer: False 17. A primary weakness of centralized recruiting procedures is the high cost of human resource personnel. Answer: False 18. One thing most job seekers have in common is that their activities are mostly planned and therefore the things people do to find a job are rather predictable. Answer: True 19. Attitudes and beliefs lead people to form intentions, which represent goals and plans for future actions. Answer: True 20. Actual job search behaviors, such as gathering information and visiting organizations, arise from goals and intentions. Answer: True 21. Hiring international workers for entry-level positions is one way that some organizations have been able to fill entry-level positions. Answer: True 22. People who search for another job while still employed tend to be dissatisfied and prone to worry. Answer: False 23. The most important factor for a manager deciding to change jobs is whether he/she is satisfied with the current job. Answer: True 24. Given the state of the U.S. economy, organizations do not need to create a place where people want to work in order to have a competitive advantage through people. Answer: False 25. Familiar organizations generally have worse reputations because people tend to remember the negative things about the organization. Answer: False 26. Organizations with a strong brand image have an overall advantage when it comes to recruiting because their products and services provide them with a positive reputation that helps attract potential employees. Answer: True 27. Organizations that take a long time to make selection decisions develop unfavorable impressions and become less attractive to prospective employees. Answer: True 28. People with different characteristics are very likely attracted to different types of organizations. Answer: True 29. Potential employees tend to be more attracted to organizations when recruiters appear similar to them. Answer: True 30. Human Resource professionals believe that employee referrals are ineffective because employees recruit their friends, regardless of their qualifications or capacity to perform successfully. Answer: False 31. Providing an employee referral strengthens an employee’s commitment to their employing organization. Answer: True 32. An advantage of a private employment agency is that they are frequently able to recruit people who are not actively seeking new positions. Answer: True 33. Private employment agencies can be particularly helpful for organizations pursuing a Bargain Employee HR strategy. Answer: False 34. Cost per applicant measures are helpful because they allow an organization to assess the relative value of different recruitment techniques. Answer: True 35. On the whole, different methods of recruiting applicants yield hires who are similar in job performance. Answer: True Multiple Choice 36. Effective recruiting involves which of the following? a) getting as many applicants as possible to apply for positions and informing them about the positive aspects of the job and employment with the organization b) getting well qualified applicants to apply for positions, keeping applicants interested and persuading the best applicants to accept job offers c) limiting recruitment efforts to the sources that have provided employees in the past, getting as many applicants as possible to apply for positions and informing these applicants about the positive aspects of the job and employment with the organization d) getting well qualified applicants to apply for positions Answer: b 37. The broad skill scope strategy: a) is best used when not many people have the skills required and when the characteristics of successful workers are very clear b) when the characteristics of successful workers are very clear c) when characteristics of a successful worker are unclear or when a number of different characteristics may lead to success d) is pursued by organizations with a competitive strategy of differentiation Answer: c 38. The targeted skill scope strategy: a) seeks to attract a large number of applicants who may have the characteristics that are needed to perform the specific job b) seeks to attract a small group of applicants who have a high probability of possessing the characteristics that are needed to perform a specific job c) is often used by an organization employing the Loyal Soldier HR strategy d) is optimal for attracting a large number of applicants for each position and then basing hiring decisions on assessment of fit with the culture and values of the organization Answer: b 39. Organizations using external sourcing: a) provide a great deal of training and development of current employees b) are likely to be pursuing a Committed Soldier HR strategy c) provide few opportunities to current employees for promotion or reassignment d) fill only entry-level jobs from outside the organization Answer: c 40. Which of the following is NOT true about hiring temporary workers? a) it is an example of external sourcing b) organizations use such arrangements to avoid long-term employment commitments c) this strategy can be effectively used by organizations that have cyclical demands for their services, such as a business that prepares individual tax returns d) using temporary workers allows an organization to employ an HR strategy that develops employees and creates a competitive advantage Answer: d 41. Contingent workers: a) are not required to work a minimum number of hours and do not have an expectation of continuing work b) are more costly to hire than temporary employees c) are the same as independent contractors d) have high levels of commitment to work and the organization Answer: a 42. Which of the following types of employee status allow workers the opportunity to balance their professional career with other life interests? a) Career conditional b) professional c) contingent d) Loyal Soldier Answer: c 43. An applicant applying for a Human Resource Generalist position is told that the organization offers opportunities for advancement but employees may be asked to relocate for a promotion; that the job fast paced, challenging, and that the incumbent may be required to work more than 40 hours per week. This is an example of: a) idealistic messaging b) contingent messaging c) a realistic job preview d) bottom line messaging Answer: c 44. Which of the following is NOT true about realistic job previews? a) realistic job previews can reduce employee turnover b) realist job previews allow those hired to develop realistic expectations about the job c) realistic job previews result in employees better adapting effectively to stressful aspects of the job d) realistic job previews are most valuable for organizations seeking short-term employees Answer: d 45. When an organization conveys positive information about a job and the organization to applicants it is referred to as: a) realistic job preview b) idealistic messaging c) realistic messaging d) effective recruiting Answer: b 46. Effective recruiting plans: a) should be implemented as soon as a job becomes vacant b) increase the likelihood of hiring the best workers and reduce costs c) require an organization to begin recruiting as soon as it becomes aware of a vacancy d) involve contingent workers Answer: b 47. The process of human resource planning: a) includes assessing current employment levels, predicting future needs, planning for internal movement, and predicting external hiring needs b) need only be completed by organizations planning an external recruitment strategy c) includes predicting future employment needs and predicting external hiring needs d) is concerned with future external hiring needs Answer: a 48. When predicting future HR needs: a) an organization mainly should look at demographic shifts b) HR should be able to predict future employee needs without impinging on the time of managers c) an organization should begin with assessing environmental trends d) an organization should begin with assuming the same types and levels of production of goods and services Answer: c 49. Which of the following is NOT the type of data used for predicting future employee movements as a part of human resource planning? a) past patterns of employee movements b) how many employees are expected to quit or be terminated over a period c) quit rates, average length of time in specific jobs and promotion rates d) the number of projected vacancies for the future period Answer: d 50. In the human resource planning process the number and types of people to be recruited externally: a) can be computed as vacancies occur b) can be computed by predicting the number of total employees needed by the organization at a future time minus the projected number of employees available internally for the same future time c) can be computed based upon known employee retirements d) can be computed after all vacancies have been announced for internal candidates Answer: b 51. Which of the following is true of batch recruiting? a) it is basically ineffective human resource planning b) it can be the best approach to recruiting when costly and timely training of new employees is necessary c) it is not an effective strategy when hiring students d) it does not work when applicants are only available at certain times Answer: b 52. Which of the following is a disadvantage of centralized recruiting processes? a) there is less opportunity for human resource planning b) it does not create close relationships between human resources and new employees c) information provided to prospective employees may be inconsistent d) it does not create relationships between new employees and the people with whom they will work Answer: d 53. Which of the following is a disadvantage of decentralized recruiting processes? a) there is less opportunity for human resource planning b) it does not create close relationship between human resources and new employees c) information provided to prospective employees will be consistent d) it does not create relationships between new employees and the people with whom they will work Answer: a 54. The three general types of people looking for work are: a) people entering the workforce for the first time, dissatisfied workers who are currently employed and those who are former dissatisfied workers who are currently unemployed b) contingent workers looking for permanent work, entry level workers who are seeking a promotion, and dissatisfied workers c) people entering the workforce for the first time, people who have worked before but are currently unemployed, and people who are currently employed and looking for a different job d) people entering the workforce for the first time, contingent workers, and former employees Answer: c 55. People make an effort to find employment: a) when they feel confident that they have qualifications for a new job, when they find the search process interesting and when significant others think that it is a good idea b) when they need an increase in compensation and when they are dissatisfied c) when those around them are applying for other jobs d) when they feel confident that they have qualifications for a new job and when they are passed over for a higher level position with their current employer Answer: a 56. The job search activities of new workforce entrants: a) involves a very intense and broad search of formal sources of information about many different job opportunities b) is focused and concentrates on a search for explicit information about a few possibilities c) involves an intense and broad search and then focuses and concentrates on a few possibilities d) usually involves a career counselor Answer: c 57. Organizations seeking to hire new workforce entrants: a) can benefit from providing applicants a lot of information so their organization is included when these workers are concentrating on a broad search b) can benefit from finding ways to share positive messages that set them apart from other employers c) should avoid applicants having contact with current employees d) do not need to be concerned with organizational fit Answer: b 58. An organization employing which type(s) of HR Strategies is most likely to hire entry level workers? a) Committed Expert HR strategy b) Bargain Labor HR Strategy c) Bargain Labor and Free Agent HR Strategies d) Committed Expert and Loyal Soldier HR Strategies Answer: d 59. A strategy for hiring currently unemployed workers involves: a) hiring contingent workers b) providing social support by communicating interest and caring c) providing intensely detailed information about employment opportunities d) providing a great deal of information during the broad search stage Answer: b 60. Which of the following is not an important feature for determining whether an organization is generally a good place to work? a) how familiar the organization is b) levels of compensation c) organizational traits d) whether applicants know a current employee of the organization Answer: d 61. Organizational traits that attract potential employees include: a) high compensation and good benefits b) high job autonomy and high compensation and benefits c) an image of being innovative, friendly, sincere, kind, trustworthy and successful d) a reputation for being innovative and having high compensation and benefits Answer: c 62. Which type of internal recruiting strategy benefits from a broad job posting to attract a large number of people? a) Loyal Soldier HR strategy b) Committed Expert HR strategy c) Bargain Laborer HR strategy d) Free Agent HR strategy Answer: a 63. Which of the following is NOT a reason employers chose to use employee referrals? a) employee referrals are relatively inexpensive b) people hired through employee referrals already know at least one employee who works for the organization, so they have established communication channels c) employee referrals tend to be quicker than other forms of recruitment d) people hired through referrals tend to become better employees who are less likely to leave the organization Answer: b 64. Which of the following is NOT likely to increase employee referrals? a) provide rewards such as bonuses b) make referrals fun c) publicize success – recognize referrals made by employees d) provide detailed information and rules so all employees understand how to refer an applicant for employment Answer: d 65. Which of the following is NOT true of print advertising? a) newspaper advertising has the potential to reach a large number of people b) newspaper advertising works particularly well for an organization employing the Bargain Laborer HR strategy c) newspaper and other print advertising has increased in use and is projected to continue increasing in use d) focused recruiting messages in specialized publications are potentially helpful for organizations pursuing a Free Agent HR strategy Answer: c 66. The reasons for using electronic recruiting include all of the following EXCEPT: a) decreased cost b) identification of better job applicants c) electronic recruiting tends yield result quickly d) it is efficient in that it yields applicant who are mostly well qualified for the advertised job Answer: d 67. Which of the following is NOT true of public employment agencies? a) they are government operations that help match job seekers with employers b) they are particularly helpful for recruiting employees into supervisory and management positions c) they provide services to people to help them learn about their strengths and weaknesses and career options d) they provide a variety of services to employers including help screening job applicants Answer: b 68. Organizations that recruit successfully from colleges and universities: a) work hard to build a strong reputation among students, faculty and alumni b) employ a Bargain Laborer HR strategy c) work hard to build relationships among students and faculty d) are usually seeking to fill supervisory and management positions Answer: a 69. Campus recruiting: a) is well suited for organizations pursuing a Free Agent HR strategy b) is a low cost means of recruiting applicants c) is well suited for organizations pursuing a Committed Expert HR strategy d) Is an effective method for recruiting applicants to fill supervisory and management positions Answer: c 70. Which of the following would likely NOT be a measure of recruiting effectiveness? a) time measures—how long it takes to fill a position b) retention measures, which focus on how long a new employee works for an organization c) quantity measures, which focus on the number of applicants or hires generated d) quality measures, which concern the extent to which recruiting activities locate and gain the interest of people who are actually capable of performing the job Answer: b Short Answer 71. _____________ ___________ have a relationship with an organization and produce work outcomes but are not employees of the organization. Answer: Independent contractors 72. Highly qualified applicants who may have other job alternatives are the most likely to be turned off by a ___________ _____ _____________. Answer: realistic job preview 73. The process of forecasting employment needs is __________ _______ _________. Answer: human resource planning 74. A ________ approach to recruiting involves engaging in recruiting activities periodically and recruiting groups of employees together. Answer: batch 75. Helping individuals gain a sense of self-worth and confidence is important for hiring this group of potential job recruits: ___________ workers? Answer: unemployed 76. A ________ _____ occurs when one employer seeks to “poach” or steal employees from another. Answer: talent war 77. When an organization uses its own communication channels to share information with current employees it is using ________ _____________. Answer: job posting 78. A professional recruiting firm that helps organizations identify recruits for specific positions in return for a fee is called a _________ __________ _________. Answer: private employment agency Essays 1. Discuss the characteristics of effective online recruiting. Answer: A. clearly identify job requirements so people can assess their fit with the job B. target the message by using websites that will be visited by people who have the desired qualifications for the job C. monitor the volume and quality of responses so the recruiting message can be improved and refined D. ensure a clear message by avoiding the use of abbreviations and in-house terms a candidate would not necessarily know E. convey information about the organizational culture and what it is like to work for the organization. F. include links where applicants can submit resumes 2. Discuss the use of employee referrals, public employment agencies and private employment agencies. Include advantages for using each and the types of hiring situations each best serves. Answer: A. employee referrals – current employees recommend people they know for employment with their employer 1. employee referrals are cost effective 2. employee referrals are advantageous because many human resource professionals believe employee referrals are the most effective method of recruiting 3. employees only refer individuals who are most likely to perform satisfactorily as the employee’s reputation is at stake 4. employees referred for employment oftentimes have been given a realistic job preview by the referring employee, which reduces employee turnover B. Employee referrals can work with all types of HR strategies. Under the Bargain Laborer HR strategy, referrals offer a relatively low cost way to identify job candidates. With the Loyal Soldier or Committed Expert HR strategies referrals help decrease turnover. In some cases referrals can help with the Free Agent HR strategy because current professional employees often have networks that help them identify individuals with rare but needed skills. C. public employment agencies – government operated organizations that help match job seekers with employers 1. public employment agencies have local offices that assist employers and applicants 2. public employment agencies will post job announcements—often without any cost 3. public employment agencies will help employers screen job applicants 4. Public employment agencies are particularly helpful for recruiting workers for entry-level positions and when an organization is engaged in broad skill recruiting D. private employment agencies – professional recruiting firms that help organizations identify recruits for a specific job in return for a fee. 1. private employment agencies will identify and screen potential employees for particular positions 2. private employment agencies are oftentimes able to recruit people who are not actively seeking new positions 3. use of a private employment agency allows the hiring organization to remain anonymous 4. though expensive, many private employment agency contracts specify that the fee is paid only if the individual stays with the organization for a minimum period of time 5. Private employment agencies can be particularly helpful for organizations pursuing a Free Agent HR strategy Chapter 06: Selecting Employees Who Fit True/False 1. The most important outcome of effective selection is acquiring/obtaining the best talent. Answer: False 2. Organizations that use the long-term generalist strategy typically develop talent through extensive training. Answer: False 3. Organizations seeking short-term generalists and short-term specialists tend to employ an HR Strategy that involves hiring people away from other organizations. Answer: True 4. Organizations that employ the Committed Expert HR Strategy attempt to select people capable of developing expertise in a particular area. Answer: True 5. In order to be hired as a “Long term specialist” an applicant must have all skills to perform the job. Answer: False 6. Job fit and organization fit are two important and different judgments for making effective selection decisions. Answer: True 7. For effective hiring recruiters should assess a candidate’s organization fit based upon their own unique beliefs and perceptions about the organization. Answer: False 8. When hiring generalists, job-based fit is a more important consideration than organization-based fit. Answer: False 9. In the hiring of long-term employees, organization-based fit is the most critical factor. Answer: True 10. If organization fit is essential, an employee is hired for the short term. Answer: False 11. A hiring process that focuses on measuring applicant potential focuses on measuring achievements. Answer: False 12. Organizations employing a Bargain Labor HR Strategy focus on hiring applicants with achievements and highly developed skills. Answer: False 13. Organizations that hire short-term specialists focus on measuring the potential of applicants and focus on the assessment of applicant potential. Answer: False 14. Organizations using a Free Agent HR Strategy focus on measuring accomplishments and current skills. Answer: True 15. In organizations with a Free Agent HR Strategy, existing technical skills and abilities are of primary importance. Answer: True 16. When evaluating the reliability of a measurement over time the closer the correlation coefficient is to 0, the stronger the reliability of the measurement. Answer: False 17. Information that is relevant for job performance over time is reliable. Answer: False 18. When employing criterion-related validation assessment, measures with both negative and positive correlations can provide helpful information for selection. Answer: True 19. Content validation involves the use of assessment methods that are representative of the job situation. Answer: True 20. Content validation involves the use of assessment methods that are representative of the job situation. Answer: True 21. Concurrent validation is the optimal means for determining validity because applicants are compared to current employees. Answer: False 22. The strong generalizability of an assessment method can overcome weak reliability and validity. Answer: False 23. An organization that has a large ratio of applicants to vacancies can better justify an investment for a selection method that accurately predicts good performers. Answer: True 24. When managers are provided with detailed cost information about selection methods, they adopt the best selection methods. Answer: False 25. Fairness deals with more than the legality of a hiring action and includes an assessment of potential bias or discrimination associated with a given selection method. Answer: True 26. The purpose of employee selection is to make decisions that discriminate against some people based upon differences related to job performance. Answer: True 27. During the selection process an employer should gather as much information as possible about an applicant even if it doesn’t appear to be relevant at the time. Answer: False 28. Managers believe conscientiousness and cognitive ability to be the most important measures for predicting hirability. Answer: True 29. People who are smart, good problems solvers, goal driven and organized perform better no matter what job they are doing. Answer: True 30. Cognitive ability tests predict achievement more than potential. Answer: False 31. Illegal drug use has been linked to absenteeism, accidents, and the likelihood of quitting. Answer: True 32. The individual interview is the most widely used selection method in the United States. Answer: True 33. The behavioral interview focuses on how the applicant has behaved in past situations. Answer: True 34. Organizations seeking to hire long-term specialists only need to assess job fit. Answer: False 35. The “multiple hurdles” approach to assessing candidates eliminates applicants without knowing how they would perform in all selection tests. Answer: True Multiple Choice 36. Factors to consider for strategic selection decisions include: a) the type of talent and the type of relationships b) hiring “loyal soldiers” because turnover will be low c) hiring long-term specialists d) hiring the “committed expert” Answer: a 37. Advantages to organizations of hiring generalists include: a) generalists usually do not command high compensation b) the high level of skills and knowledge these employees bring to the workplace c) generalists tend to turnover less frequently than specialists d) the organization can develop their own talent Answer: a 38. Organizations that employ the long-term specialist strategy: a) expect high turnover b) expect employees to develop specialized expertise and have high turnover c) expect employees to develop specialized expertise and commitment to the organization d) only select people who have already have knowledge and skills in a particular area Answer: c 39. Short-term specialist employees: a) are usually developed by the employing organization b) generally command low compensation c) provide specific inputs for a short period of time d) provide general knowledge, skills and abilities for a short period of time Answer: c 40. Organization-based fit: a) is concerned with how well an individual’s abilities match the job b) deals with how well the individual is matched with the organization’s culture, values and norms c) depends mostly on technical skill over personality d) is correlated with job-based fit Answer: b 41. Job-based fit: a) is more important in organization that seek to hire generalists b) is more important than organizational fit for long-term generalist c) is more important in organizations that seek to hire specialists d) concerns the potential an individual has to develop knowledge and skill Answer: c 42. Organizations employing the Committed Expert HR strategy: a) focus on assessing job fit. b) focus on assessing job fit and organization fit. c) focus on assessing organization fit d) are not concerned with fit at all; rather the focus is on accomplishments and current knowledge and skills demonstrated by the candidate Answer: b 43. An organization that focuses on achievement: a) will weigh most heavily past accomplishments that demonstrate knowledge and skills b) could be employing a Bargain Laborer HR strategy c) will focus on development of employees d) provides a lot of training for new employees Answer: a 44. Which is most critical for an organization employing a long-term staffing strategy? a) hiring employees with specific knowledge and skills b) hiring employees based upon achievements c) hiring employees based upon their potential to develop d) hiring employees who will not have to be trained because employee training is expensive Answer: c 45. Strategic selection: a) involves hiring long term employees and developing them through training on strategy b) includes training all newly hired employees on strategy c) involves hiring low cost employees d) involves aligning selection practices with overall HR strategy Answer: d 46. Reliability: a) is concerned with whether an employer can depend on an employee coming to work over time b) is concerned with employee turnover over time c) is concerned with the consistency of a measurement over time d) is concerned with how relevant a measurement is for job performance Answer: c 47. In the hiring process, a measurement is valid: a) when the factor measured is relevant for satisfactory job performance b) when the measurement is consistent over time c) if it is reliable d) if it is a measurement of past accomplishments Answer: a 48. Which of the following is most concerned with a selection method’s cost effectiveness? a) generalizability b) validity c) reliability d) utility Answer: d 49. Applicants react more positively to a particular assessment: a) when they don’t have to spend a lot of time on the assessment b) when they believe they will do well on the assessment c) when the assessment discloses information about the culture of the organization d) when written assessments are utilized Answer: b 50. Hirability is an assessment of a job applicant that includes: a) overall qualifications of an applicant b) expected future performance of an applicant c) overall qualifications and expected performance of an applicant d) consensus of all levels of management involved in the interview process Answer: c 51. What is the best predictor of performance? a) verbal reasoning b) quantitative problem solving c) performance in a panel interview d) general mental ability Answer: d 52. Which type of assessment has been shown to help predict the performance of a team? a) cognitive ability assessments b) personality assessments c) general intelligence d) social interaction assessments Answer: b 53. Personality testing: a) is allowed throughout the United States b) can have adverse impact for women and minorities c) cannot be faked by applicants d) primarily provides insight into job-fit Answer: b 54. Computer testing: a) has lower reliability b) is seen as unfair by applicants because of required computer skills c) is more often faked by applicants d) has less evidence of faking than paper-and-pencil test versions Answer: d 55. Integrity tests can predict: a) cognitive performance and potential b) overall performance and potential c) absenteeism d) counterproductive behavior, absenteeism and overall performance Answer: d 56. Use of an assessment center: a) should allow only personnel from HR to observe candidates b) should be used for all types of positions in all types of organizations c) provides multiple work samples for complex jobs such as manager d) involves very little cost for the organization Answer: c 57. Application forms and resumes usually do NOT contain the following: a) contact information such as address and phone number b) education achieved c) work experience d) marital status Answer: d 58. Application forms and resumes: a) are expensive to use b) collect data with no potential for adverse impact c) are frequently used as early screening devices d) cannot capture data to demonstrate potential or fit Answer: c 59. Biographical data or biodata measures: a) can be indicators of physical and mental ability b) should not be used as indicators of interpersonal skill or leadership c) have only been in use recently d) are weak predictors of success in sales jobs Answer: a 60. The work experience of candidates: a) correlates negatively with compensation an employer must offer b) correlates positively with performance of candidates selected c) should be considered when using weighted selection criteria d) primarily relates to job-fit Answer: b 61. The use of biographical data (biodata) for selection is most effective when: a) the data is reviewed by a supervisor b) questions are verifiable and job related c) Human Resources is the only level of review d) a scoring key is not used Answer: b 62. Reference checking: a) is not used very frequently b) is a highly reliable selection method c) is not generally a valid selection method d) is an easy means to learn important information about a candidate Answer: c 63. Reference checking: a) is not commonly used any longer b) has high validity as a selection method c) is fraught with legal issues for the reference and the prospective employer d) should always be conducted by Human Resource Managers Answer: c 64. Which of the following could constitute negligent hiring? a) a school district’s hiring process includes reviewing applicants’ driving records. A driver is hired after it is disclosed that he had a number of recent unpaid parking tickets. The bus driver has an accident after a year of employment. b) a sales person is hired after a background check, reference check, and credit check that discloses no negative information. After a year of employment the sales person misrepresents your product warranty resulting in the loss of a major customer. c) a cashier is hastily hired to fill an unexpected vacancy. After 8 months his performance is satisfactory. d) a warehouse supervisor is hired based only upon a resume and the recommendation of a high-level manager. After 6 months an employee contacts law enforcement with a charge of sexual assault against the supervisor. After a thorough investigation, the supervisor is found guilty and it is determined that he also sexually harassed a number of support personnel. A news article about the conviction describes the criminal record of the supervisor including a prior rape conviction. Answer: d 65. Which of the following is NOT true of interviewing as a selection tool? a) the interview is the most frequently used selection method b) the interview is useful for assessing applicants and for providing information to applicants c) the interview is useful for selling the organization to candidates d) interviews are most effective for determining if an applicant has a good job-fit Answer: d 66. Which of the following is NOT a potential problem with the use of interviews? a) the expense of interviews b) discrimination and/or bias c) the use of structured interviews d) the reliability and validity of interviews Answer: d 67. Which question below is an example of a question that might be asked in a behavior interview? a) What would you do if you were offered money by a customer to write off the amount owed the company? b) How would you respond to a customer shouting at you? c) Tell us about your prior work preparing and monitoring a unit budget. d) How do you feel about working overtime during the tax season? Answer: c 68. In making the final selection of a candidate from a pool of applicants, predictor weighting: a) ensures all information gathered about a candidate is considered equally important b) ensures that a combined average of all selection scores is used c) ensures the most important information has greater influence on the hiring decision d) each selection score is considered separately Answer: c 69. Which approach to selection ensures that candidates considered further fulfill all requirements at a particular level? a) the bottom line approach b) predictor weighting approach c) banding approach d) minimum cutoffs approach Answer: d 70. The use of the banding approach is based upon: a) the idea that small differences in scores are not meaningfully different b) the use of minimum cutoff scores c) the use of weighted selection criteria d) color coding of candidates based upon their ranking Answer: a Short Answer 71. An assessment measurement that is consistent over time is __________. Answer: reliable 72. ___________ testing measures learning, understanding and ability to solve problems. Answer: Cognitive ability 73. ___________ testing measures patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. Answer: Personality 74. ___________ testing is designed to assess the likelihood that an application will be dishonest or engage in illegal activity. Answer: Integrity 75. Assessment of applicant specific skills is best achieved with ______ _________ testing. Answer: Work sample 76. ___________ assessments involve asking questions about historical events that have shaped a person’s behavior and identity. Answer: Biodata 77. ___________ hiring can occur when an organization hires someone who harms another person and the organization could reasonably have determined that the employee was unfit. Answer: Negligent 78. The ___________ interview focuses on how an applicant has behaved in past situations. Answer: Behavioral Essays 79. Identify and discuss at least three factors involved in assessing the effectiveness of selection methods. Answer: Five possible factors: 1. Reliability - measure is consistent over time 2. Validity - measure is relevant for job performance 3. Utility - costs associated with a selection method 4. Legality and fairness - compliance with legal requirements and avoidance of inappropriate bias 5. Acceptability - the perception of applicants concerning the method 80. Discuss the principle of utility as related to selection methods. In your discussion, identify at least three factors that influence the utility of a selection method and discuss each. Answer: Utility relates to the costs associated with a selection method Five possible factors: 1. Selection methods with higher validity have higher utility 2. The number of people to be selected for a position influences cost per applicant 3. The length of time people stay employed 4. Performance variability in a position 5. The ratio of applicants to hires for a particular position Test Bank for Human Resource Management: Linking Strategy to Practice Greg L. Stewart, Kenneth G. Brown 9780471717515

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