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Chapter 14 Influencing and Communication
1) The process of guiding the activities of organization members in appropriate directions is
called controlling.
Answer: False
Controlling is actually the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work
performance. Guiding activities in appropriate directions is more closely related to the
function of leading.
2) Managers transform a portion of organizational resources into appropriate organization
member behavior mainly by performing activities such as leading and communicating.
Answer: True
Leading involves influencing and guiding employees to achieve organizational goals, which
includes transforming resources into behavior through communication and motivation.
3) Communication is considered a supplementary management skill rather than a
fundamental management skill.
Answer: False
Communication is a fundamental management skill because it is essential for all managerial
functions, including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
4) The capacity of people to recognize their own feelings and the feelings of others is called
motivational intelligence.
Answer: False
The capacity to recognize one's own and others' feelings is known as emotional intelligence,
not motivational intelligence.

5) The basic elements of the interpersonal communication process are the source, the encoder
signal, and the decoder.
Answer: True
In interpersonal communication, the source is the sender of the message, the encoder signal is
the message itself, and the decoder is the receiver of the message.
6) A message that has been transmitted from one person to another is called a "signal."
Answer: True
In communication, a signal is a message that has been transmitted from a sender to a receiver.
7) The increasing need for information in today's society is an example of a microbarrier to
Answer: False
The increasing need for information is not a barrier to communication; it is a factor that
drives the need for effective communication.
8) The communication source's view of the destination is a microbarrier of communication.
Answer: True
The source's view of the destination can influence how the message is formulated and
transmitted, potentially creating a barrier to effective communication.
9) Stimuli that compete with the communication message for the attention of the destination
are called noise.
Answer: True

Noise refers to any stimuli that interfere with the communication process, including
competing messages or distractions.
10) The two primary factors that influence how a stimulus is perceived are the destination's
education level and the destination's amount of experience.
Answer: True
The destination's education level and experience can significantly impact how they perceive
and interpret incoming stimuli.
11) Feedback is the destination's verbal reaction to a message in interpersonal
Answer: True
Feedback is the recipient's response to a message, which can be verbal or nonverbal,
indicating whether the message was understood and how it was interpreted.
12) Good communicators consult with others when planning communications.
Answer: True
Consulting with others can help communicators gather different perspectives, anticipate
potential misunderstandings, and tailor their message for better effectiveness.
13) Gestures, vocal tones, and facial expressions are forms of nonverbal communication.
Answer: True
Nonverbal communication includes all forms of communication other than words, such as
body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
14) Organizational communication that follows the line of the organization chart is called
formal organizational communication.
Answer: True

Formal organizational communication refers to official communication that follows the
established hierarchy and structure of the organization.
15) Lateral organizational communication relates primarily to the direction and control of
Answer: False
Lateral organizational communication refers to communication between individuals or
groups at the same hierarchical level, often for coordination and collaboration.
16) A manager sends an email to all the employees in his department. This is an example of
serial transmission.
Answer: False
Serial transmission involves sending a message to one recipient at a time, not to a group of
recipients simultaneously.
17) Messages tend to become more distorted as the length of the series increases in serial
Answer: True
In serial transmission, each recipient may interpret or relay the message differently, leading to
distortion as the message is passed along.
18) The gossip grapevine tends to distort messages more than any other grapevine pattern.
Answer: False
While the gossip grapevine can distort messages, other grapevine patterns, such as the singlestrand or cluster chain, can also lead to distortion depending on the nature of the

19) In order to be a good listener, one should avoid asking questions.
Answer: False
Good listeners often ask questions to clarify information, demonstrate interest, and encourage
further elaboration from the speaker.
20) One strategy for encouraging formal organizational communication is to ensure that all
organization members have free access to formal communication channels.
Answer: True
Providing free access to formal communication channels can encourage organization
members to use these channels to communicate important information and reduce barriers to
21) ________ is the process of guiding the activities of organization members in appropriate
A) Communicating
B) Influencing
C) Controlling
D) Planning
E) Organizing
Answer: B
Influencing is the process of guiding and directing the behavior of others towards the
accomplishment of organizational goals. It involves using various tactics to persuade,
motivate, and lead individuals or groups.
22) Trot is the CEO of a consulting firm. He plays a key role in guiding the activities of
organization members in appropriate directions. This role performed by Trot is called

A) communicating
B) influencing
C) collaborating
D) motivating
E) coaching
Answer: B
As the CEO, Trot's role involves influencing the behavior and decisions of organization
members to align with the firm's goals and objectives. This includes motivating, persuading,
and leading employees in the right direction.
23) Which of the following is the primary purpose of the influencing subsystem?
A) eliminating organizational grapevine
B) business process restructuring
C) enhancing the attainment of management objectives
D) manipulation of critical information
E) elimination of organizational conflicts
Answer: C
The primary purpose of the influencing subsystem is to enhance the attainment of
management objectives by influencing the behavior, decisions, and actions of individuals or
groups within the organization.
24) Which of the following is one of the primary managing activities?
A) building corporate culture
B) reducing conflicts
C) eliminating workplace stress

D) creating norms
E) maintaining work-life balance
Answer: A
Building corporate culture is one of the primary managing activities as it involves
establishing and maintaining a shared set of values, beliefs, and behaviors within an
25) Primary management activities such as communicating, leading, and motivating are
considered ________.
A) influencing processes
B) organizational outputs
C) internal resources
D) external resources
E) organizational inputs
Answer: A
Primary management activities such as communicating, leading, and motivating are
considered influencing processes because they involve guiding and directing the behavior of
others towards the accomplishment of organizational goals.
26) Which of the following is considered a fundamental managerial skill?
A) technical skills
B) communication ability
C) charismatic leadership
D) ability to maintain status quo
E) ability to regulate procedures
Answer: B

Communication ability is considered a fundamental managerial skill because effective
communication is essential for performing all other managerial functions successfully.
27) The capacity of people to recognize their own feelings and the feelings of others, to
motivate themselves, and to manage their own feelings as well as the emotions in
relationships with others, is called ________.
A) emotional intelligence
B) business intelligence
C) social emotional learning
D) affective science
E) competitive intelligence
Answer: A
Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity of individuals to recognize, understand, and
manage their own emotions and the emotions of others, which is essential for effective
interpersonal relationships and communication.
28) An individual's emotional intelligence is characterized by self-awareness, self-motivation,
self-regulation, empathy for others, and ________.
A) systems thinking
B) formal communication abilities
C) openness to experience
D) adeptness in building relationships
E) superior intellectual capabilities
Answer: D

Emotional intelligence includes traits such as self-awareness, self-motivation, self-regulation,
and empathy, as well as adeptness in building and maintaining relationships with others.
29) Which of the following terms best represents the capacity of people to recognize their
own feelings and the feelings of others, to motivate themselves, and to manage their own
feelings as well as the feelings in relationships with others?
A) consideration
B) interpersonal skills
C) compassion
D) emotional intelligence
E) assertiveness
Answer: D
Emotional intelligence best represents the capacity of individuals to recognize, understand,
and manage their own emotions and the emotions of others in relationships.
30) ________ is the process of sharing information with other individuals.
A) Delegation
B) Communication
C) Allocation
D) Authorization
E) Distribution
Answer: B
Communication is the process of sharing information, ideas, thoughts, or feelings with others
through verbal, nonverbal, or written means.
31) The person in the interpersonal communication situation who originates and encodes
information to be shared with another person is called the ________.

A) presenter
B) channel
C) administrator
D) medium
E) source
Answer: E
The source is the person who originates and encodes the message to be communicated to
another person. They are the initiator of the communication process.
32) Tim is speaking to one of his professors. He tells the professor that he is satisfied with the
grades that he has received. In this situation, Tim is the ________.
A) encoder
B) message channel
C) signal channel
D) decoder
E) receiver
Answer: A
As the person who is encoding and sending the message (expressing satisfaction with his
grades), Tim is acting as the encoder in this communication situation.
33) Encoded information that the source intends to share with another person is called a
A) rumor
B) message
C) signal

D) medium
E) code
Answer: B
The message is the encoded information that the source intends to communicate to the
receiver. It is the content of the communication.
34) A signal refers to ________.
A) a decoded message with the receiver
B) the medium used to encode a message
C) a nonverbal clue provided by a communicator
D) the medium used to transmit a message
E) a message transmitted from one person to another
Answer: E
A signal is a message that has been transmitted from one person to another, conveying
information or meaning.
35) ________ is the process of converting messages back into information.
A) Decoding
B) Encoding
C) Derivation
D) Paraphrasing
E) Rewording
Answer: A

Decoding is the process of interpreting or understanding the message sent by the encoder. It
involves converting the encoded message back into meaningful information.
36) Which of the following is the most complete and accurate description of communication
A) factors that decrease the probability that communication will be successful
B) aspects that allow unwanted entities to participate in the communication process
C) external stimuli that interfere with transmission of messages from the sender to the
D) innate factors in the receiver that influence the interpretation of a message
E) attributes that lead to environmental noise and organizational stress
Answer: A
Communication barriers are factors or conditions that decrease the likelihood of successful
communication between a sender and a receiver. These can include physical, psychological,
emotional, or cultural factors.
37) Which of the following is a communication macrobarrier?
A) need for complex information
B) destination's view of the source
C) message interference
D) receivers' perception
E) usage of multimeaning words
Answer: A
A macrobarrier is a broad barrier that affects communication at a larger scale. The need for
complex information can be a macrobarrier as it may require specialized knowledge or

38) Which of the following is an example of a macrobarrier when a manager communicates
with his or her subordinates?
A) The manager considers the subordinates to be irresponsible and unprofessional.
B) The subordinates have a strong negative attitude toward the manager.
C) The subordinates constitute a diverse population and speak different languages.
D) The manager uses words that have multiple meanings.
E) The manager is a specialist in information technology and tends to use technical jargon.
Answer: C
In this context, the diverse population of subordinates speaking different languages can be a
macrobarrier as it can hinder effective communication due to language barriers.
39) Which of the following is considered a microbarrier to organizational communication?
A) need for better information
B) need to learn new concepts
C) need to learn new languages
D) individuals' complex information processing abilities
E) individuals' perception of messages
Answer: E
A microbarrier is a specific barrier that affects communication at a smaller scale. In this case,
individuals' perception of messages can be a microbarrier as it can lead to misunderstandings
or misinterpretations.
40) To minimize the negative effects of the perceptual differences of receivers on
interpersonal communication, managers should ________.
A) use verbal communication instead of visual communication
B) communicate only when they have the total attention of the destination

C) try to send messages with precise meanings
D) preferably communicate using casual terms and references
E) use low involvement channels for communication
Answer: C
Sending messages with precise meanings can help minimize the negative effects of
perceptual differences, as clear and unambiguous messages are more likely to be correctly
understood by receivers.
41) ________ is the destination's reaction to a message.
A) Perception
B) Feedback
C) Channeling
D) Signaling
E) Grapevine
Answer: B
Feedback is the destination's reaction or response to a message, indicating whether the
message was understood and how it was interpreted.
42) What is the major purpose of feedback in the communication process?
A) It is used by the source to ensure successful communication.
B) It can be used to boost the legitimate power of managers.
C) It provides formal documentation of the communication process.
D) It helps the source avoid questions from the destination.
E) It fosters lateral communication in the organization.
Answer: A

The major purpose of feedback in the communication process is to ensure successful
communication by allowing the source to gauge the effectiveness of the message and make
any necessary adjustments.
43) You are the manager of a legal consulting firm. Which of the following is an example of
microbarrier of communication that you are likely to come across?
A) The firm has several international clients who speak different languages and have different
B) The legal data that your firm processes on a daily basis is increasingly becoming more
C) The firm must keep abreast of the frequent changes that are made to laws and regulations
in order to remain competitive.
D) The firm is forced to maintain a highly efficient information system to be able to access
timely and accurate information.
E) The firm's clients incorrectly perceive the information that is provided to them.
Answer: E
A microbarrier to communication refers to factors that decrease the probability that
communication will be successful. In this case, the incorrect perception of information by the
firm's clients is an example of a microbarrier.
44) Which of the following should the source do to gather nonverbal feedback?
A) Observe the destination's gestures and facial expressions.
B) Ask the destination questions about the message.
C) Repeat the message and ask for specific feedback.
D) Ask the destination about how the message was perceived.
E) Use tests and procedures that suit the situation.
Answer: A

To gather nonverbal feedback, the source should observe the destination's gestures and facial
expressions, as these can provide valuable clues about how the message is being received and
45) Which of the following is considered the first step toward effective communication?
A) clarifying the idea or problem to be communicated
B) examining the true purpose of communication
C) consulting with others in planning communication
D) identifying actions that support the message being communicated
E) understanding the total physical and human setting
Answer: A
Clarifying the idea or problem to be communicated is considered the first step toward
effective communication because it ensures that the message is clear, concise, and relevant to
the intended audience.
46) Which of the following observations is consistent with the "ten commandments of good
A) All communications should be planned by the sender alone.
B) Focus more on the content than the overtones in communication.
C) Communication should be avoided if the receiver cannot perceive it correctly.
D) Communications must be planned with the past in mind.
E) Convey as much information as possible in each communication.
Answer: D

The "ten commandments of good communication" emphasize the importance of planning
communications with the past in mind, meaning that historical context and previous
interactions should be considered to ensure effective communication.
47) Peterson is a salesperson. He considers nonverbal feedback to be extremely important
when making a sales presentation. He can gather nonverbal feedback by ________.
A) providing the customer with visual aids instead of speaking to them
B) asking the customer to fill up a feedback form at the end of the presentation
C) repeating the message and asking for specific feedback
D) paying attention to the customer's facial expressions and gestures
E) using sales tests and trial closes that help to assess a situation
Answer: D
Peterson can gather nonverbal feedback by paying attention to the customer's facial
expressions and gestures, as these can indicate the customer's level of interest, understanding,
and agreement with the sales presentation.
48) George is the human resources manager of a small-scale manufacturing company. Which
of the following is the best example of nonverbal communication?
A) He sends an angry email to one of the employees.
B) He uses a loud tone when speaking with a group of employees.
C) He uses words with implicit meanings when he talks to subordinates.
D) He prepares a performance appraisal report for one of the employees.
E) He uses harsh words during a meeting with one of his coworkers.
Answer: B
Using a loud tone when speaking with a group of employees is the best example of nonverbal
communication, as it involves conveying a message through vocal intonation rather than
through words.

49) Which of the following is an example of a nonverbal form of communication?
A) words used in emails
B) tone used in conference calls
C) words used in indirect communication
D) a performance appraisal report
E) language of communication
Answer: B
The tone used in conference calls is an example of a nonverbal form of communication, as it
conveys meaning and emotion through vocal intonation rather than through written or spoken
50) Which of the following statements is true regarding nonverbal communication?
A) It is highly consistent with verbal communication.
B) It has little influence on the total effect of communication.
C) It cannot be used to encode and transmit thoughts.
D) Nonverbal messages can be used to add content to verbal messages.
E) Nonverbal messages do not include vocal tones.
Answer: D
Nonverbal messages can be used to add content to verbal messages by conveying emotions,
attitudes, and other subtle meanings that may not be expressed through words alone.
51) Organizational communication that follows the lines of the organization chart is called
A) connective communication
B) ceremonial communication

C) formal organizational communication
D) nonverbal communication
E) collaborative organizational communication
Answer: C
Formal organizational communication follows the lines of the organization chart, which
means it flows through the established hierarchy and structure of the organization.
52) Which of the following is a common downward organizational communication tool?
A) position descriptions
B) grievance procedures
C) attitude surveys
D) suggestion systems
E) socialization programs
Answer: A
Position descriptions are a common downward organizational communication tool used to
communicate roles, responsibilities, and expectations from higher levels of management to
employees in lower positions.
53) Organizational philosophy is primarily conveyed through ________.
A) upward communication
B) lateral communication
C) downward communication
D) horizontal communication
E) informal communication
Answer: C

Organizational philosophy is primarily conveyed through downward communication, as it
involves the transmission of information, values, and goals from higher levels of management
to lower levels.
54) Carolyn joins Arbitrar Consultants as a sales trainee. Her manager sends her an email
outlining her role and responsibilities and the specific tasks she will be in charge of at the
company. This is an example of ________.
A) upward communication
B) parallel communication
C) downward communication
D) horizontal communication
E) lateral communication
Answer: C
The email sent by Carolyn's manager is an example of downward communication, as it flows
from higher levels of management (her manager) to a lower level (Carolyn).
55) American Visual Network, Inc., a media and entertainment company, is involved in the
production, distribution, and marketing of television programs and Internet broadcasting. The
company uses various techniques to promote internal communication. Which of the following
programs of the company is an example of upward communication?
A) The company describes its management objectives on its Web site.
B) The management philosophy is communicated to employees through training manuals.
C) The company conducts an attitude survey to understand employees' opinion of the
D) The company conducts a collaborative training program to improve coordination between
different departments.
E) Product training programs are conducted for newly recruited employees.

Answer: C
The attitude survey conducted by the company is an example of upward communication, as it
involves employees providing feedback or opinions to higher levels of management.
56) Many organizations implement grievance procedures to assist employees. Such
procedures are an example of ________.
A) downward communication
B) upward communication
C) collaborative communication
D) lateral communication
E) parallel communication
Answer: B
Grievance procedures are an example of upward communication, as they allow employees to
raise concerns or issues to higher levels of management for resolution.
57) Which of the following is most likely to encourage upward formal communication?
A) performance reviews
B) position descriptions
C) closed-door policies
D) suggestion systems
E) grapevines
Answer: D
Suggestion systems are most likely to encourage upward formal communication, as they
provide employees with a structured way to submit ideas, feedback, or suggestions to higher
levels of management.

58) Departmental relationships can be coordinated well enough to enhance the attainment of
management system objectives only through ________.
A) upward communication
B) lateral communication
C) downward communication
D) informal communication networks
E) internal communication networks
Answer: B
Departmental relationships can be coordinated well through lateral communication, which
involves communication between individuals or groups at the same hierarchical level,
facilitating coordination and collaboration.
59) The head of the HR department meets the head of the production department to discuss
the production team's staffing needs for the next two quarters. This is an example of
A) upward communication
B) downward communication
C) informal communication
D) lateral communication
E) external communication
Answer: D
The meeting between the heads of the HR and production departments is an example of
lateral communication, as it involves communication between individuals at the same
hierarchical level (department heads).
60) The members of a company's marketing team regularly meet with their peers from the
R&D department to share information and insights on customer product preferences that they

have gathered through market research. This is an example of which of the following types of
A) upward
B) vertical
C) virtual
D) downward
E) lateral
Answer: E
The regular meetings between the marketing team and the R&D department are an example
of lateral communication, as it involves communication between individuals or groups at the
same hierarchical level (team members from different departments).
61) Which of the following is a formal organization communication pattern that involves
passing information from one individual to another in a sequence?
A) lateral communication
B) parallel conversations
C) serial transmission
D) grapevine
E) chainmail
Answer: C
Serial transmission is a formal communication pattern where information is passed from one
individual to another in a sequence, following a specific order.
62) Which of the following is true regarding serial transmission?
A) The information conveyed is highly accurate.
B) The message becomes distorted as the length of the series increases.

C) It provides stability to the organization.
D) Employee morale tends to be poor.
E) The presence of a leader is highly evident.
Answer: B
The message tends to become distorted as the length of the series increases in serial
transmission, making it less accurate over time.
63) What is one of the weaknesses of a serial transmission?
A) The information conveyed is highly accurate.
B) It is potentially inaccurate.
C) It does not influence morale.
D) It doesn't affect efficiency.
E) The presence of a leader is highly evident.
Answer: B
One of the weaknesses of serial transmission is that it is potentially inaccurate, as the
message can become distorted as it is passed from one person to another in a sequence.
64) Organizational communication that does not follow the lines of the organizational chart is
specifically called ________.
A) lateral communication
B) upward communication
C) vertical communication
D) informal communication
E) downward communication
Answer: D

Informal communication refers to communication that does not follow the lines of the
organizational chart and is not part of the formal communication channels.
65) Which of the following is the major reason for the establishment of informal
communication networks?
A) lack of formal organizational communication channels
B) desire for information that is not furnished formally
C) inability of managers to communicate effectively
D) vertical nature of the organizational structure
E) lack of necessary rules and regulations within the organization
Answer: B
The major reason for the establishment of informal communication networks is the desire for
information that is not furnished formally through the organization's formal communication
66) One of the characteristics of the grapevine is that it ________.
A) is usually controlled and monitored by managers
B) springs up and is used regularly within the organization
C) usually follows an upward communication channel
D) is heavily influenced by the top executives of an organization
E) exists largely to serve the self-interests of the people within it
Answer: E
The grapevine exists largely to serve the self-interests of the people within it, as individuals
use it to share information that may not be officially communicated but is of interest to them.
67) Which of the following grapevine patterns tends to distort messages the most?

A) gossip
B) probability
C) single-strand
D) cluster
E) group
Answer: C
The single-strand grapevine pattern tends to distort messages the most, as information passes
through a single chain of individuals, leading to potential distortion.
68) Mark finds out that his colleague, Mae, will soon be quitting the company and joining a
rival firm. He immediately passes this information on to his teammate Josh, who tells Craig,
who in turn mentions it to his secretary. In this way the message spreads from one person to
the next, until the entire department knows about it. This is an example of the ________.
A) serial grapevine
B) single-strand grapevine
C) gossip grapevine
D) probability grapevine
E) cluster grapevine
Answer: B
This scenario represents a single-strand grapevine pattern, where information is passed from
one person to the next in a linear fashion, potentially leading to distortion.
69) Employee A passes information to everyone else on the grapevine. This pattern is known
as the ________.
A) gossip grapevine
B) cluster grapevine

C) single-strand grapevine
D) probability grapevine
E) serial grapevine
Answer: A
In the gossip grapevine pattern, one individual spreads information to multiple recipients,
leading to the rapid dissemination of information throughout the network.
70) Sandra finds out that a rumor about her is doing the rounds in the office — she
supposedly had a rift with her manager over her performance review and is now planning to
quit the company. Though completely untrue, she sets out to find the person who started the
rumor. She confronts several of her colleagues regarding this and everyone tells her that they
heard it from Sheela, her boss's secretary. This is an example of a ________.
A) single-strand grapevine
B) gossip grapevine
C) probability grapevine
D) serial grapevine
E) cluster grapevine
Answer: B
This scenario illustrates the gossip grapevine pattern, where information spreads rapidly
through the organization, often leading to the distortion of the original message.
71) In which of the following grapevine patterns do grapevine members communicate
randomly with one another?
A) probability
B) gossip
C) single-strand

D) cluster
E) group
Answer: A
The probability grapevine pattern involves grapevine members communicating randomly
with one another, without following a specific pattern or structure.
72) Henry just heard a rumor from one of his coworkers. He immediately passes the
information on to the first person who happens to walk by. This is an example of the
________ grapevine.
A) single-strand
B) gossip
C) probability
D) cluster
E) leader-centered
Answer: C
This scenario illustrates the probability grapevine pattern, where information is passed on
randomly to individuals, without following a specific sequence or structure.
73) In which of the following grapevine patterns does information travel only to selected
A) single-strand
B) gossip
C) probability
D) serial
E) cluster
Answer: E

In the cluster grapevine pattern, information travels only to selected individuals or groups
within the organization, rather than being disseminated to the entire network.
74) How can managers promote formal organizational communication?
A) by listening attentively to messages that come through formal channels
B) by eliminating informal communication channels in the organization
C) by instituting a circular pattern of organizational communication
D) by strictly regulating employee access to formal communication channels
E) by using low involvement channels instead of high involvement channels
Answer: A
Managers can promote formal organizational communication by actively listening to
messages that come through formal channels, demonstrating their commitment to effective
communication within the organization.
75) WePharma, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, develops targeted therapies for the
treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases. Mara Alarcon, the CEO of the company,
insists that employees communicate only through formal channels. Despite these restrictions,
she observes many informal networks within the organization. Which of the following is the
most likely reason for the establishment of these informal networks?
A) WePharma takes employee suggestions very seriously.
B) WePharma lacks the necessary rules and regulations to control employees.
C) WePharma has a vertical organizational structure.
D) WePharma does not freely share information with its employees.
E) WePharma promotes an open-door policy.
Answer: D

The most likely reason for the establishment of informal networks within WePharma despite
the CEO's insistence on formal communication channels is that the organization does not
freely share information with its employees, leading them to seek information through
informal channels.
76) Malcolm, an accounts clerk, is all set to make a presentation on how his team can
improve their productivity by changing certain work practices. His manager asks the
employees not to be too critical of Malcolm's suggestions and to avoid arguing with him. The
manager most likely said this because being critical ________.
A) will increase the amount of time Malcolm will need to finish his presentation
B) will only annoy the other people attending the presentation
C) will put Malcolm on the defensive
D) will confuse people about the ideas and suggestions put forth
E) will reduce the level of group cohesiveness
Answer: C
The manager likely asked employees not to be too critical of Malcolm's suggestions and to
avoid arguing with him because being critical would put Malcolm on the defensive,
potentially hindering constructive communication and idea sharing.
77) An effective listener should go easy on arguments and criticism because being critical
A) reduces the importance of the conversation
B) is a symptom of unreceptive communication
C) puts the speaker on the defensive
D) creates a permissive environment for the speaker
E) is a sign of distraction
Answer: C

Being critical puts the speaker on the defensive, making them less receptive to feedback or
ideas, and potentially hindering effective communication.
78) Which of the following instructions is considered the first and last commandment of good
listening because all other commandments depend on it?
A) Remove distractions.
B) Stop talking.
C) Hold your temper.
D) Show the speaker you want to listen.
E) Be patient.
Answer: B
Stopping talking is considered the first and last commandment of good listening because it is
essential for actively listening to others, allowing them to express their thoughts without
79) Which of the following helps managers encourage the flow of formal organizational
A) organizational members not having free access to formal communication
B) discouraging informal communication channels such as the grapevine
C) supporting the flow of clear and concise statements
D) limiting the access to communication channels by proper monitoring
E) using elaborate statements instead of concise statements
Answer: C
Managers can encourage the flow of formal organizational communication by supporting the
flow of clear and concise statements, which helps ensure that messages are understood and
interpreted correctly by recipients.

80) What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important in organizations?
Answer: Emotional intelligence is the capacity of people to recognize their own feelings and
the feelings of others, to motivate themselves, and to manage their own emotions as well as
the emotions in relationships with others.
Some research indicates that managers with higher levels of emotional intelligence are more
likely to be successful because they are likely to build organization culture characterized by
trust, learning, information-sharing, and desirable risk taking. Studies have also shown that
managers with higher levels of emotional intelligence are likely to be more satisfied in their
jobs than other managers, and employees who work for managers with higher levels of
emotional intelligence are more satisfied with their jobs than employees who work for
managers with lower levels of emotional intelligence.
81) Explain the difference between communication macrobarriers and communication
microbarriers. Give an example of each.
Answer: Factors that decrease the probability that communication will be successful are
communication barriers, and these barriers can be divided into macrobarriers and
microbarriers. A communication macrobarrier is a factor that hinders successful
communication and relates primarily to the communication environment and the larger world
in which communication takes place. A common macrobarrier is the increasing societal need
for information, which tends to overload existing communication networks, which in turn
distorts communication. As the workplace becomes more diverse, a greater probability exists
that one will encounter language and cultural barriers to communication. A microbarrier, on
the other hand, is a factor that will hinder successful communication in a specific situation.
Examples of communication microbarriers include: how the manager views the destination,
how the destination views the source, noise, varying perceptions, and multimeaning words.
82) What is the importance of nonverbal messages in a communicative process?
Answer: Albert Mehrabian developed the following formula to show the relative
contributions of verbal and nonverbal factors to the total effect of a message: Total message
impact = .07 words + .38 vocal tones + .55 facial expressions. Other nonverbal factors
besides vocal tones that can influence the effect of a verbal message are facial expressions,
gestures, gender, and dress. This shows the importance of nonverbal communication.
Managers who are aware of this great potential influence of nonverbal factors on the effect of

their communications will use nonverbal message ingredients to complement their verbal
message ingredients whenever possible.
83) Describe formal communication and explain the three basic types of formal
Answer: Formal organizational communication follows the lines of the organizational chart.
The three basic types of formal organizational communication include: (1) downward, (2)
upward, and (3) lateral. Downward organizational communication flows from any point on an
organizational chart downward to another point on the chart. Upward communication flows
from any point on an organizational chart upward to another point on the chart. Lateral
organizational flows from any point on an organizational chart horizontally to another point
on the chart.
84) Mark is the CEO of a leading FMCG company. He wants to encourage greater upward
communication in the organization. What are some of the ways in which he can do this?
Answer: Techniques that managers commonly use to encourage upward organizational
communication are informal discussions with employees, attitude surveys, the development
and use of grievance procedures, suggestion systems, and an "open door" policy that invites
employees to come in whenever they would like to talk to management.
85) What is the importance of lateral communication in an organization?
Answer: Lateral organizational communication is communication that flows from any point
on an organization chart horizontally to another point on the organization chart.
Communication that flows across the organization usually focuses on coordinating the
activities of various departments and developing new plans for future operating periods.
Within the organization, all departments are related to all other departments. Only through
lateral communication can these departmental relationships be coordinated well enough to
enhance the attainment of management system objectives.
86) What are the major characteristics of organizational grapevine?
Answer: The informal organizational communication network, or grapevine, has three main
characteristics: (1) It springs up and is used irregularly within the organization. (2) It is not
controlled by top executives, who may not even be able to influence it. (3) It exists largely to
serve the self-interests of the people within it.

87) Managers should prevent the flow of grapevine. Do you think this argument is valid?
Explain your answer.
Answer: Grapevines are a factor managers must deal with because they can, and often do,
generate rumors that are detrimental to organizational success. However, managers can also
use grapevines advantageously to maximize information flow to employees. When
employees have what they view as sufficient organizational information, it seems to build
their sense of belonging to the organization and their level of productivity. Some argue that
organizations should encourage the development of grapevines and strive to become
grapevine members to gain feedback that could be valuable in improving the organization.
88) Formal organizational communication is more important that informal organizational
communication. Why?
Answer: Because the organization acts only in the way its organizational communication
directs it to act, organizational communication is often called the nervous system of the
organization. Formal organizational communication is generally the more important type of
communication within an organization, so managers should encourage its free flow.
One strategy for promoting formal organizational communication is to listen attentively to
messages that come through formal channels. Listening shows organization members that the
manager is interested in what subordinates have to say and encourages them to use formal
communication channels in subsequent situations.
89) List the ten commandments for good listening.
Answer: (1) Stop talking.
(2) Put the talker at ease.
(3) Show the talker that you want to listen.
(4) Remove distractions.
(5) Empathize with the talker.
(6) Be patient.
(7) Hold your temper.
(8) Go easy on argument and criticism.

(9) Ask questions.
(10) Stop talking.

Test Bank for Modern Management: Concepts and Skills
Samuel C. Certo, S. Trevis Certo
9780133059922, 9780133254105, 9780135983546

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