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Chapter 24
Question 1
There are an increasing number of health care consumers who initially seek health related
information on the Internet. The term used to describe this individual is ___________ .
Correct Answer: E-patient
“E-patients” are individuals who assume access to health care information 24x7 and expect to
be a partner in health care decision-making. It is clear that health care delivery is changing to
include an increased emphasis on this partnership through consumer health care services that
link information technologies, business structures, strategies, processes and people.
Question 2
Which of the following terms is defined as a subspecialty of medical informatics which
studies from a patient/consumer perspective the use of electronic information and
communication to improve medical outcomes and the health care decision-making process?
1. Consumer health information
2. Customer health information
3. Customer health informatics
4. Consumer health informatics
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Consumer health informatics is a subspecialty of medical informatics which studies from a
patient/consumer perspective the use of electronic information and communication to
improve medical outcomes and the health care decision-making process.
Rationale 2:
Perspective the use of electronic information and communication to improve medical
outcomes and the health care decision-making process.
Rationale 3:

Perspective the use of electronic information and communication to improve medical
outcomes and the health care decision-making process. Consumer health informatics is a
subspecialty of medical informatics which studies from a patient/consumer.
Rationale 4:
Health informatics is a subspecialty of medical informatics which studies from a
patient/consumer perspective the use of electronic information and communication to
improve medical outcomes and the health care decision-making process.
Question 3
Which of the following best defines an e-patient?
1. Assumes access to health care information each day
2. Has all data on the PHR
3. Checks hospitals online for services
4. Uploads information about health care providers on the Internet
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
An e-patient is an individual who actively seeks out health information online, engages with
digital health resources, and assumes access to healthcare information on a regular basis. Epatients are proactive in managing their health and well-being by utilizing internet resources
to research medical conditions, treatments, medications, and healthcare providers. They may
participate in online support groups, access electronic health records, and use health-related
apps or websites to track their health metrics. The term "e-patient" emphasizes the patient's
active role in leveraging electronic resources for health-related purposes.
Rationale 2:
While having all data on a Personal Health Record (PHR) is a characteristic of patientcentered health management, it is not specific to the definition of an e-patient. E-patients may
utilize PHRs as part of their digital health management strategy, but the definition of an epatient is broader and encompasses active engagement with online health information beyond

Rationale 3:
Checking hospitals online for services may be a behavior exhibited by an e-patient, but it
does not fully define what an e-patient is. E-patients are characterized by their active
engagement with a wide range of online health resources, not just hospital websites.
Rationale 4:
While uploading information about healthcare providers on the internet may be a form of
patient engagement, it does not represent the core definition of an e-patient. E-patients are
primarily defined by their active involvement in seeking and utilizing health information
online, rather than by their contributions to online platforms.
Question 4
Ferguson (2002) describes levels in which online health care consumers or e-patients access
and use health-related information. Which of the following are considered a level of access?
1. Search for information on Internet
2. Seek guidance from online patient-helper
3. Use the paid services of online medical advisors and consultants
4. Receive one-way electronic messages from their clinicians
5. E-mail family and friends seeking information, advice, and support.
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
Receive one-way electronic messages from their clinicians: Some health professionals use the
information technology tools to send their patients un-requested messages that are not
interactive, but instead, may provide targeted behavioral change or patient education
materials of the doctor’s choosing. Ferguson (2002) noted that the effectiveness of these
“pushed messages” may be increased by presenting an “opt-in” approach with feedback or
through a more interactive approach such as described in Level 9.
Rationale 2:
Level receive one-way electronic messages from their clinicians: Some health professionals
use the information technology tools to send their patients un-requested messages that are not

interactive, but instead, may provide targeted behavioral change or patient education
materials of the doctor’s choosing. Ferguson (2002) noted that the effectiveness of these
“pushed messages” may be increased by presenting an “opt-in” approach with feedback or
through a more interactive approach such as described in Level 9.
Rationale 3:
Ferguson (2002) noted that the effectiveness of these “pushed messages” may be increased by
presenting an “opt-in” approach with feedback or through a more interactive approach such
as described in Level.
Rationale 4:
Some health professionals use the information technology tools to send their patients unrequested messages that are not interactive, but instead, may provide targeted behavioral
change or patient education materials of the doctor’s choosing. Ferguson (2002) noted that
the effectiveness of these “pushed messages” may be increased by presenting an “opt-in”
approach with feedback or through a more interactive approach such as described.
Rationale 5:
Noted that the effectiveness of these “pushed messages” may be increased by presenting an
“opt-in” approach with feedback or through a more interactive approach such as described in
Level 9.
Question 5
____________________ is a subspecialty of medical informatics which studies from a
patient/consumer perspective the use of electronic information and communication to
improve medical outcomes and the health care decision-making process.
Correct Answer: Consumer health informatics
According to AMIA, CHI-WG (2009): Consumer health informatics is “a subspecialty of
medical informatics which studies from a patient/consumer perspective the use of electronic
information and communication to improve medical outcomes and the health care decisionmaking process.” Consumers are increasingly using information technology tools that
facilitate interactive and personalized communication with their health care practitioners.

Technology tools have the capability to assist in the creation of consumer-centric health care
information that can be specifically customized or “tailored” for each individual patient.
Question 6
The health care delivery system is rapidly changing especially with the incorporation of
technology. There is an increased emphasis on this partnership through consumer health care
services that link information technologies and which of the following entities?
1. Business structures
2. Patients' paper records
3. Pharmaceutical representatives
4. Billing departments
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Business structures, such as healthcare organizations, hospitals, clinics, and insurance
companies, are increasingly partnering with information technologies to enhance consumer
healthcare services. These partnerships involve the integration of technology into various
aspects of healthcare delivery, including electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine,
mobile health apps, patient portals, and remote monitoring devices. By leveraging
information technologies, healthcare providers can improve patient care, streamline
administrative processes, enhance communication, and facilitate patient engagement.
Rationale 2:
Patients' paper records are not typically directly linked to consumer healthcare services
through information technologies. Instead, the emphasis is on digitizing patient records
through electronic health records (EHRs) and providing patients with secure access to their
health information via patient portals and other digital platforms.
Rationale 3:
While pharmaceutical representatives may interact with healthcare providers to promote
medications and therapies, they are not directly involved in the partnership between
information technologies and consumer healthcare services. The integration of technology in

healthcare primarily focuses on improving patient care delivery, access, and engagement
rather than pharmaceutical sales and marketing.
Rationale 4:
Billing departments play a crucial role in healthcare administration, but they are not the
primary entities linked to consumer healthcare services through information technologies.
While technology can streamline billing processes and facilitate electronic payments, the
emphasis on partnerships with information technologies in healthcare delivery primarily
revolves around improving patient care, communication, and access to services.
Question 7
With the growth of consumer informatics, concerns have emerged that have alarmed health
care professionals. Which of the following is one of the issues associated with health
information related websites?
1. Health care professionals are concerned with the abundance of websites.
2. Health care professionals are alarmed by the number of inaccurate websites.
3. Health care professionals are concerned with the increase in websites uploaded by
nonprofit societies.
4. Health care professionals are not concerned with websites related to illness advice.
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
There are growing concerns about the quality, timeliness, and potential misinterpretation of
health information available on the Web. These concerns are driving the development of a
national and international quality standards agenda to help health professionals and
consumers alike access and evaluate high-quality online health information that is accurate,
current, valid, appropriate, intelligible, and free of bias (Health on the Net, 2008).
Rationale 2:
Technology tools have the capability to assist in the creation of consumer-centric health care
information that can be specifically customized or “tailored” for each individual patient.
Rationale 3:

There are growing concerns about the quality, timeliness, and potential misinterpretation of
health information available on the Web. These concerns are driving the development of a
national and international quality standards agenda to help health professionals and
consumers alike access and evaluate high-quality online health information that is accurate,
current, valid, appropriate, intelligible, and free of bias (Health on the Net, 2008).
Rationale 4:
These concerns are driving the development of a national and international quality standards
agenda to help health professionals and consumers alike access and evaluate high-quality
online health information that is accurate, current, valid, appropriate, intelligible, and free of
bias (Health on the Net, 2008).
Question 8
E-patients access and use health-related information in an attempt to do which of the
1. "Search and rescue"—consumers seek information related to symptoms of a newly
diagnosed disease or disorder.
2. Understand the severity of their illness
3. Join with other online consumers to research their shared concerns
4. Interact with volunteer online health professionals
5. Engage in electronic conversations with their local clinicians
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
Considered level one, a patient can incorporate the "search and rescue" technique to seek
information related to symptoms of a newly diagnosed disease or disorder.
Rationale 2:
The Internet can provide a plethora of information for the e-patient. While reading websites,
the e-patient gains a clearer understanding of the nuances of their possible illness and
Rationale 3:

Considered level five, individuals can join with other online consumers to research their
shared concerns: Some consumer support groups organize themselves into online work
groups and examine the health care literature, while other groups carry this mission further
and actually conduct informal or more formal research studies.
Rationale 4:
Considered level seven, consumers can interact with volunteer online health professionals
who are available to answer health related questions.
Rationale 5:
Considered level nine, consumers can engage in electronic conversations with their local
Question 9
Consumers have access to a wide-range of resources that have the potential for informing
their health care decisions and thus promoting a greater responsibility for which of the
1. Understanding how electronic health records work
2. Developing a cryptic password
3. Upgrading personal software
4. Self-care
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
Consumers have access to a wide-range of resources that have the potential for informing
their health care decisions and thus promoting a greater responsibility for self-care. Although
there is agreement that the Internet is a boon for consumers because they have easier access
to information, clinicians are also concerned that the poor quality of some information on the
Web has the potential to undermine informed decision-making.
Rationale 2:

Internet is a boon for consumers because they have easier access to information, clinicians
are also concerned that the poor quality of some information on the Web has the potential to
undermine informed decision-making.
Rationale 3:
Although there is agreement that the Internet is a boon for consumers because they have
easier access to information, clinicians are also concerned that the poor quality of some
information on the Web has the potential to undermine informed decision-making. Software
upgrades are not part of personal responsibility and caring for oneself.
Rationale 4:
Clinicians are also concerned that the poor quality of some information on the Web has the
potential to undermine informed decision-making.
Question 10
Which of the following statements is correct about consumer informatics?
1. More than one-half of all American adults use online resources to locate personal health
2. The most trusted websites are not associated with the federal government.
3. Knowledge of technology is not essential in finding quality information.
4. Standards are unnecessary and unattainable in consumer informatics.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The Center for Studying Health System Change noted that approximately 56% of all
American adults, approximately 122 million people, reported seeking online information
about a personal health concern during the previous 12 months, up significantly from 38%
(about 72 million people) in 2001 (Ha & Tu, 2008).
Rationale 2:
The most trusted online health care resources have been found to be associated medical
schools, medical centers, and federal government websites.

Rationale 3:
Evaluating the quality of online health information requires literacy skills that are grounded
in knowledge about technology and health.
Rationale 4:
Quality standards need to be in place to prevent the propagation of inaccurate or outdated
online health information.
Question 11
Technology has changed health care. Which of the following best depicts how technology has
impacted the consumer?
1. The consumer is savvier about health and health care.
2. Technological advances are too expensive for the consumer to employ.
3. Technology has created information overload for all consumers.
4. Consumers are afraid of reading about their health online.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Technological advancements in healthcare have empowered consumers to become more
informed and engaged in their health and healthcare decisions. With access to a wealth of
health information online, through mobile apps, and other digital platforms, consumers can
research medical conditions, treatments, medications, and healthcare providers. This
increased access to information has contributed to consumers being savvier about health and
healthcare, enabling them to make more educated decisions and take a proactive role in
managing their health.
Rationale 2:
While technological advances in healthcare may sometimes be associated with high costs,
this statement does not accurately depict the overall impact of technology on consumers.
While some advanced treatments or devices may be expensive, technology has also
facilitated the development of more accessible and affordable healthcare solutions, such as

telemedicine, mobile health apps, and wearable devices, which empower consumers to
manage their health more effectively.
Rationale 3:
While the proliferation of health information online may lead to information overload for
some consumers, this statement does not capture the broader impact of technology on all
consumers. While information overload may be a challenge, technology has also provided
tools and resources to help consumers navigate and filter information, such as search engines,
reputable health websites, and personalized health apps.
Rationale 4:
While some consumers may experience anxiety or apprehension about reading health
information online, this statement does not reflect the overall impact of technology on
consumers. While concerns about misinformation or misunderstanding of health information
are valid, technology has also provided opportunities for consumers to access accurate,
reliable, and up-to-date health information, which can empower them to make informed
decisions about their health and well-being.
Question 12
Technology tools have the capability to assist in the creation of consumer-centric health care
information. Which of the following describe how health care information can be specifically
customized or tailored for each individual patient?
1. Data are collected from individual consumers regarding their health care characteristics
and behaviors and a health profile is created.
2. Health care information containing the best-evidence practices must be available in an
electronically retrievable format.
3. Information technology allows the patients records to be viewed by anyone with a
username and password.
4. A process is established for easily sending the message (practitioner) and receiving the
message (consumer) in a way that is clear to each individual.
5. A set of decision-making rules created from the information collected from the consumer is
used to craft tailored messages to fit the consumer’s specific needs.

Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1:
Consumers are more aware and have an increase in tools that assist them to understand
health, wellness, and illness. With consumer health informatics, there is a new "made-toorder" approach to decision making.
Rationale 2:
Health are more aware and have an increase in tools that assist them to understand health,
wellness, and illness. With consumer health informatics, there is a new "made-to-order"
approach to decision making.
Rationale 3:
While consumer health informatics, there is a new "made-to-order" approach to decision
Rationale 4:
Consumers are more aware and have an increase in tools that assist them to understand
health, wellness, and illness. With consumer health informatics, there is a new "made-toorder" approach to decision making.
Rationale 5:
Consumers are more aware and have an increase in tools that assist them to understand
health, wellness, and illness. With consumer health informatics, there is a new "made-toorder" approach to decision making.
Question 13
Which of the following statements is correct about the evolving way that health advice and
care is sought?
1. The World Wide Web has not had an impact on primary care.
2. The World Wide Web has revolutionized the way patients seek health care advice.
3. The World Wide Web will soon replace physicians.
4. To be competitive, all health care providers must upload websites.

Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1:
The World Wide Web has a plethora of websites that offer an increase in data and knowledge
about any given health related subject.
Rationale 2:
The www has an abundance of informational websites that are accurate and offer a great deal
of information for the inquisitive person.
Rationale 3:
The web has its usefulness but is not a replacement for face to face interactions with a
primary care giver.
Rationale 4:
Websites are helpful but not all encompassing. There are large portions of the United States
that do not have adequate Internet access and therefore a website is not helpful.
Question 14
There is an increased amount of health care information on the Internet. Not all of the
websites are accurate or have updated information. Therefore, the health care consumer must
do which of the following?
1. Discuss health care information found on the Internet with friends and neighbors.
2. Consider anything published online to be accurate.
3. Understand that any website published within the last five years to be up to date.
4. Evaluate the website's credibility through a careful analysis of the content's accuracy.
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1:
With the proliferation of data on the Internet, especially health-related, the consumer must be
aware of the legitimacy and accuracy of content. Through a careful analysis of data, an
individual can determine whether the content is to be believed and acted upon in terms of
healthy lifestyle and treatment decisions.

Rationale 2:
Through a careful analysis of data, an individual can determine whether the content is to be
believed and acted upon in terms of healthy lifestyle and treatment decisions.
Rationale 3:
With the proliferation of data on the Internet, especially health-related, the consumer must be
aware of the legitimacy and accuracy of content.
Rationale 4:
Through a careful analysis of data, an individual can determine whether the content is to be
believed and acted upon in terms of healthy lifestyle and treatment decisions. With the
proliferation of data on the Internet, especially health-related, the consumer must be aware of
the legitimacy and accuracy of content.
Question 15
To evaluate the accuracy and credibility of a website, which of the following skills should a
consumer possess?
1. Visual literacy
2. Reading skills
3. Computer literacy
4. Cultural literacy
5. Information literacy
Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3, 5
Rationale 1:
Visual literacy is crucial for assessing the design elements, images, and layout of a website,
which can provide clues about its credibility and reliability.
Rationale 2:
Reading skills are essential for comprehending the content presented on a website, enabling
consumers to critically analyze the information and assess its accuracy.
Rationale 3:

Computer literacy is necessary for navigating websites, using search engines effectively, and
understanding the technical aspects of online information retrieval, which are all important
for evaluating website credibility.
Rationale 4:
Cultural literacy, while valuable in understanding different perspectives and contexts, may
not directly impact one's ability to evaluate the accuracy and credibility of a website.
Rationale 5:
Information literacy encompasses the skills needed to locate, evaluate, and effectively use
information from various sources, including websites. This skill is fundamental for critically
assessing the reliability and trustworthiness of online information.
Question 16
How can the nationwide "digital divide" be closed by health care professionals?
1. Provide online health care resources that are equally distributed.
2. Provide the technology needed to access the Internet.
3. Provide additional resources in regions that do not have access to technology.
4. Provide increased access to free health care clinics with computer terminals.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
Equitably distributed online health care resources, skill in using these resources, and a robust
telecommunications infrastructure can contribute to the closing of the digital divide and the
overarching goal of Healthy People 2010 to eliminate health disparities.
Rationale 2:
Telecommunications infrastructure can contribute to the closing of the digital divide and the
overarching goal of Healthy People 2010 to eliminate health disparities.
Rationale 3:

People 2010 to eliminate health disparities. Equitably distributed online health care resources,
skill in using these resources, and a robust telecommunications infrastructure can contribute
to the closing of the digital divide and the overarching goal of Healthy
Rationale 4:
Infrastructure can contribute to the closing of the digital divide and the overarching goal of
Healthy People 2010 to eliminate health disparities.
Question 17
Which of the following are consumer health informatics applications?
1. Personal health records
2. Home telehealth monitoring
3. System software
4. Home telehealth monitoring
5. Smart phone
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1:
Personal health records (PHRs) are consumer health informatics applications that allow
individuals to electronically manage and access their health information. PHRs typically
include features such as health history, medication lists, test results, appointment scheduling,
and communication with healthcare providers, empowering consumers to take an active role
in their healthcare management.
Rationale 2:
Home telehealth monitoring refers to the use of remote monitoring devices and technologies
to track patients' health data and communicate it to healthcare providers from the comfort of
their homes. These applications allow for continuous monitoring of vital signs, symptoms,
medication adherence, and other health parameters, enabling early detection of changes in
health status and timely intervention.
Rationale 3:

System software, while essential for supporting various healthcare applications and
infrastructure, is not specifically categorized as a consumer health informatics application.
System software typically refers to the operating systems, databases, and other software
components that facilitate the functioning of computers and information systems in
healthcare settings, rather than applications directly used by consumers.
Rationale 4:
Home telehealth monitoring (previously mentioned) is indeed a consumer health informatics
application, as it enables patients to actively participate in monitoring their health status and
communicating relevant data with healthcare providers remotely.
Rationale 5:
Smartphones are consumer health informatics applications that serve as platforms for
accessing various health-related applications, tools, and resources. With the availability of
health and wellness apps, individuals can track fitness, nutrition, sleep, medication adherence,
and other aspects of their health using their smartphones. Smartphones also provide access to
personal health records, telehealth services, and health information, empowering consumers
to manage their health anytime, anywhere.
Question 18
Social media networks, such as Facebook, offer the individual an online platform for support
and data gathering. Facebook continues to grow in popularity, yet there are a number of
concerns. Which of the following offer reason to be thoughtful before using social media
1. Questionable scientific content
2. Minimization of anxiety
3. Sharing confidential issues with a network of "friends"
4. Research ethics issues when social networking sites are used to recruit research
5. Health care providers can 'friend' their patients
Correct Answer: 1,3,4
Rationale 1:

Social media networks like Facebook often contain a plethora of information, including
health-related content, but much of this content may not be scientifically accurate or
evidence-based. Individuals should be cautious when relying on information obtained from
social media for making healthcare decisions, as there is a risk of encountering
misinformation, misleading claims, or unsupported remedies.
Rationale 2:
Minimization of anxiety is not typically a reason to be thoughtful before using social media
networks. While social media use may have varying effects on individuals' mental health,
including anxiety, this is not specifically a concern related to using social media networks
Rationale 3:
Sharing confidential issues with a network of "friends" on social media platforms like
Facebook raises significant privacy and confidentiality concerns. While these platforms
provide opportunities for social support and networking, individuals should be mindful of the
potential risks of sharing sensitive or personal information online, including breaches of
privacy, unintended disclosures, or exploitation of personal data.
Rationale 4:
Using social networking sites to recruit research participants can present ethical challenges
related to informed consent, privacy, confidentiality, and data security. Researchers must
consider the potential risks and benefits of recruiting participants through social media, as
well as ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations governing human subjects
Rationale 5:
While it's possible for healthcare providers to connect with their patients on social media
platforms like Facebook, this practice raises ethical and professional considerations regarding
boundaries, privacy, and professionalism. Friending patients on social media may blur
professional boundaries, compromise patient-provider relationships, and lead to breaches of
confidentiality. Healthcare providers should exercise caution and adhere to professional
guidelines when engaging with patients on social media.
Question 19

The term home telemedicine encompasses a number of different tools that can be utilized by
consumers to self-monitor and self-manage health conditions. Which of the following
information technology tools can be used by the consumer at home?
1. Technology that can take vital signs
2. Blood glucose technology
3. Web-based video conferencing
4. Online patient educational sessions
5. Chemotherapy infusion
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,4,5
Rationale 1:
The term home telemedicine encompasses a number of different tools that can be utilized by
consumers to self-monitor and self-manage health conditions. These tools include home
monitoring of vital signs, blood glucose monitoring, web-based video conferencing, and
patient-specific educational sessions.
Rationale 2:
These tools include home monitoring of vital signs, blood glucose monitoring, web-based
video conferencing, and patient-specific educational sessions.
Rationale 3:
Tools include home monitoring of vital signs, blood glucose monitoring, web-based video
conferencing, and patient-specific educational sessions. The term home telemedicine
encompasses a number of different tools that can be utilized by consumers to self-monitor
and self-manage health conditions.
Rationale 4:
Home telemedicine encompasses a number of different tools that can be utilized by
consumers to self-monitor and self-manage health conditions. These tools include home
monitoring of vital signs, blood glucose monitoring, web-based video conferencing, and
patient-specific educational sessions.
Rationale 5:

Chemotherapy can be infused in the home through electronic pump.
Question 20
The informatics specialist is in a unique position to promote the integration of consumer
informatics into the mainstream of health care delivery. Which of the following statements is
true about the nurse informatics clinical specialist?
1. The nurse informatics clinical specialist can be part of the life cycle process.
2. The nurse informatics clinical specialist can eliminate the need for a help desk.
3. The nurse informatics clinical specialist can spearhead all changes to the information
4. The nurse informatics clinical specialist's role is to collect outcomes data.
Correct Answer: 1
Rationale 1:
The informatics specialist is in a unique position to promote the integration of consumer
informatics into the mainstream of health care delivery. With the increase in health care
technology, the incorporation of a nurse informaticist specialist can help to provide patients
and nurses the tools to understand the use of technology and promote the widespread
adoption of consumer informatics.
Rationale 2:
The informatics specialist is in a unique position to promote the integration of consumer
informatics into the mainstream of health care delivery.
Rationale 3:
Any changes made to the system is done through committee and authorized through the
strategic planning process.
Rationale 4:
The role of the nurse informatics clinical specialist is to collect, analyze, and disseminate
data, educate staff, work with patients and interdisciplinary members of the health care team.
Question 21

The informatics specialist in an educator role has the tools to design consumer-friendly
information retrieval tools, by designing electronic education that is readable at a
_______________ level and by providing consumers with helpful hints about vocabulary
Correct Answer: sixth grade
The Informatics Specialist as Educator can assist in these efforts by contributing to the design
of consumer-friendly information retrieval tools, by designing electronic education that is
readable at a sixth grade level and by providing consumers with helpful hints about
vocabulary translations
Question 22
The role of the informaticist has broadened over the past several years. Which of the
following are some of the specialty roles open to a nurse informaticist?
1. Educator
2. Advocate
3. Computer technician
4. Designer
5. Leader
Correct Answer: 1,2,4,5
Rationale 1:
Nurse informaticists can serve as educators, providing training and education to healthcare
professionals on the use of health information technology systems, electronic health records
(EHRs), clinical decision support tools, and other informatics-related topics. They may
develop and deliver educational programs, workshops, and resources to support the adoption
and effective utilization of informatics solutions in healthcare settings.
Rationale 2:
As advocates, nurse informaticists promote the use of health information technology to
improve patient care outcomes, enhance workflow efficiency, and advance healthcare quality

and safety. They may advocate for policy changes, funding initiatives, and organizational
support for informatics projects and initiatives aimed at leveraging technology to address
healthcare challenges and improve population health.
Rationale 3:
While nurse informaticists may have technical skills related to health information technology,
such as proficiency in using electronic health record systems or clinical informatics software,
they typically do not serve as computer technicians responsible for hardware maintenance,
troubleshooting, or IT support. Nurse informaticists focus more on the application of
technology to support clinical practice, education, research, and administration within
healthcare settings.
Rationale 4:
Nurse informaticists may work as designers, contributing to the development, customization,
and optimization of health information technology systems and applications. They
collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, including clinicians, IT professionals, and software
developers, to design user-friendly interfaces, clinical workflows, decision support tools, and
data visualization solutions that meet the needs of end-users and support safe, efficient, and
effective healthcare delivery.
Rationale 5:
As leaders, nurse informaticists play pivotal roles in driving informatics initiatives, projects,
and strategic initiatives within healthcare organizations. They may lead informatics teams,
serve on executive committees, and collaborate with senior leadership to develop informatics
strategies, policies, and priorities aligned with organizational goals and objectives. Nurse
informaticists also advocate for best practices in informatics, promote interprofessional
collaboration, and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement in healthcare

Test Bank for Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Toni Lee Hebda, Patricia Czar, Theresa Calderone
9780132574952, 9780132959544, 9780134711010, 9780131512627, 9780130311023, 9780805373264, 9780135205433, 9780135043943

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