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Final Exam True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. Ethnocentric management does not account for cultural differences in the work force. 2. International business is increasing in the United States. 3. Cultural synergy takes place when a larger culture breaks apart to form two or more separate cultures. 4. A nuclear family consists of parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. 5. Mexicans view social reciprocity as very important. 6. The Japanese educational system stresses pragmatic thinking. 7. People from countries with weak uncertainty avoidance are more likely to remain close friends in spite of differing opinions. 8. U.S. Americans place great importance on individuality and self-reliance. 9. People of Latin cultures do not place as great an emphasis on history as do people of the United States. 10. People in the U.S. are less concerned with saving face than are people in Asia. 11. The term sojourners refer to people who visit or reside temporarily in another country. 12. NAFTA is a trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. 13. Maintaining ties with the home culture may cushion the shock associated with reentry. 14. The cooperative pragmatist is concerned with the outcome for all parties concerned. 15. Negotiation tactics are concerned with your counterpart’s comforts. 16. People of the United States tend to need less space than do people in Latin America. 17. In the Middle East, eye contact is so intense that it exceeds the comfort zone for people in the United States. 18. The Japanese use silence as a bargaining tool when negotiating with persons from the United States. 19. Latin Americans avoid negative news completely in their correspondence. 20. In many countries, the facsimile is more dependable than the mail service. 21. French laws prevent age discrimination. 22. Syntactic errors are errors in the content and meaning of words in a sentence. 23. The Japanese language teaches people to think in a non-linear mode. 24. The primary difference between an argot and a foreign language is the relationship between sounds and meanings. 25. Restricted codes involve messages that are low in predictability. 26. In most European countries, avoid a gift of carnations as they are for cemeteries only. 27. Etiquette includes manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations. 28. In India, the particular caste system a person belongs to is determined by profession. 29. The general rule for business dress in most cultures is to wear jackets at all times. 30. When visiting Japan, tip cab drivers generously. 31. Sociolinguistics refers to the effect of education on status in a culture. 32. All cultures do not share the idea of a "middle class." 33. Superstitions are treated casually in most Asian cultures. 34. One-word expressions such as “sure” and “okay” are perceived as blunt and abrupt by persons of other cultures. 35. The maquiladora program allowed the duty-free import of equipment, machinery, and materials to assemble parts of products that are then returned to the home country. 36. In Japan, the number of persons involved in negotiations is larger than in the United States. 37. Japan and the United States have a common work ethic; hard work is applauded. 38. Telling jokes is a recommended tactic to relieve tension in intercultural negotiations as people of most cultures find the same things humorous. 39. The World Court is a body of the United Nations that provides a way to settle international disagreements between countries. 40. Written business laws are also called drawer regulations. 41. A U.S. manager working in Canada may trade with Cuba even though it is illegal to do so in the United States because of the Doctrine of Sovereign Compliance. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 42. Which of the following does not fit the typical stereotype of the Asian culture? A. intelligent B. xenophobic C. group-oriented D. individualistic 43. Which of the following does not illustrate a global mindset? A. trained against surprises B. teamwork and diversity C. bigger, broader picture D. balance of contradictions 44. In a geocentric multinational management practice A. facilities are run differently by region. B. there is a common framework with regional control. C. all capital investments are in one country. D. the dominant cultural group is considered. 45. Which of the following statements related to economic systems is incorrect? A. Japan imports over half of its food supply. B. Cuba's system involves distributing goods according to need. C. Mexico's economy is dependent on other countries. D. Japan's biggest export includes raw materials used in manufacturing. 46. Which of the following statements related to political systems is incorrect? A. Morocco is ruled by a king. B. In Japan, the emperor has the highest power. C. Canada has a parliamentary system. D. Voting is compulsory in Mexico. 47. Which of the following statements regarding educational systems is incorrect? A. Most of Europe operates on a two-track system where children are assigned to either a vocational or university track. B. In Saudi Arabia, the universities are segregated based on the social status of the student's parents. C. In Iran, religious instruction receives more support than secular education. D. In France, where you go to school determines your position in society. 48. Which of the following statements related to marriage and family systems is incorrect? A. In France dating begins around age 15. B. There is no dating in Saudi Arabia. C. In Mexico, families tend to be small; family unity is of utmost importance. D. Canada is generally a patriarchal society. 49. Which of the following statements best describes strong uncertainty avoidance? A. Top managers concerned with daily operations B. Few rules expected C. Tolerance for ambiguity D. Focus on decision process 50. Which of the following statements regarding work attitudes is incorrect? A. In the United Kingdom, the only grounds for job termination are criminal behavior. B. In Japan, 18-hour work days are not unusual. C. Working on weekends is very common for European businesspeople. D. Peru has one of the longest work weeks in the world. 51. Which of the following statements related to religious influences is incorrect? A. In the United States, religious observances rarely interfere with business. B. Muslims stop work five times a day to pray. C. Religious beliefs may affect consumption patterns. D. In Saudi Arabia, religious observances rarely interfere with business. 52. Which statement least represents U.S. values? A. U.S. Americans value equality over inequality. B. U.S. Americans value time management over leisure. C. U.S. Americans value directness over indirectness. D. U.S. Americans value history over planning for the future. 53. People of a polychronic system tend to A. concentrate on the job. B. take time commitments seriously. C. borrow and lend things often. D. have short-term relationships. 54. Which of the following statements regarding proxemics in the U.S. is inaccurate? A. The personal zone is reserved for very close friends. B. The social zone is used for most business situations. C. The intimate zone may be entered when shaking hands. D. Public distance is the most formal zone. 55. Which statement regarding haptics is incorrect? A. In Thailand, it is offensive to touch the head. B. Japan is considered a "don't touch" culture. C. Greece is considered a "touch" culture. D. In Latin American countries, touching between men is unacceptable. 56. Guidelines for "internationalizing" the English language include all of the following except: A. Use only the most common meaning of words. B. Avoid slang. C. Avoid action-specific verbs. D. Choose words with singular rather than multiple meanings. 57. Which of the following statements regarding résumés is incorrect? A. In France, the résumé is similar to that in the United States. B. German hiring officials expect the résumé to be one to two pages long. C. A photograph is not included on a U.S. résumé. D. In Spain the résumé is in letter form. 58. Which of the following statements regarding cultural differences in correspondence is correct? A. Germans are usually direct with bad news. B. The Japanese avoid negative news altogether. C. The French consider ending on a positive note very important. D. Endings of German letters tend to be informal. 59. Which of the following topics would be a conversation taboo in France? A. music B. sports C. books D. a person's work 60. Inoffensive expressions that are used in place of words with negative connotations are A. jargon. B. slang. C. euphemisms. D. colloquialisms. 61. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture include all of the following except A. politics is a safe topic in most cultures. B. avoid telling jokes. C. avoid personal questions. D. keep the conversation positive. 62. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshake? A. In the United States, a handshake should be firm. B. An Asian handshake is usually gentle. C. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure. D. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently. 63. Which statement regarding gift giving in Japan is incorrect? A. The Japanese open their gifts in front of the giver. B. Japanese employees are usually rewarded with large bonuses during the gift giving seasons. C. Do not surprise a Japanese host with a gift as it might cause the person to lose face. D. When giving a gift to a Japanese host, avoid gifts manufactured in Asia. 64. Which statement regarding gift giving is correct? A. Gifts of liquor or wine are suggested for an Arab. B. Latin Americans appreciate gifts such as a knife or handkerchief. C. Avoid giving gifts to the French until a personal relationship has been developed. D. When dining in a person's home in Western Europe, a gift should be presented upon departure. 65. Which statement regarding dining practices is incorrect? A. In Mexico, the main meal of the day usually takes place between 2 and 4 p.m. B. The practice of serving a glass of water with ice at restaurants is common in most countries. C. In France, the salad is often served after the main course rather than before. D. Serving coffee at the end of the meal is common in most cultures. 66. Which statement regarding introductions is incorrect? A. First names are used almost immediately by U.S. Americans. B. The British do not address each other by first names; titles are used. C. In Colombia, the title "Don" is added to a person's name to show respect. D. In the Chinese culture, the surname comes first and the given name last. 67. Which statement regarding business attire is incorrect? A. In the U.S., people dress more conservatively and formally than people in Canada. B. In a business situation, clothing can enhance your credibility. C. In Europe, dress is formal; jackets stay on in the office even when the weather is hot. D. Japanese women dress conservatively and wear muted colors to the office. 68. Which statement regarding various economies is incorrect? A. Unemployment is usually high in France. B. Japan imports almost half of its food supply. C. The U.S. exports more to China than it imports. D. Mexico's main trading partner is the U.S. 69. Which statement regarding consumption practices is incorrect? A. When eating a meal in another country, it is advisable to swallow quickly and avoid asking what it is since you are expected to eat what you are served. B. Muslims consume alcohol along with most meals. C. Hindus do not eat any beef. D. People from India are often vegetarians. 70. "Asia Shock" may be described as including all of the following stages except A. frustration with the culture including language and food. B. unwillingness to understand the rationale behind the local ways of doing things. C. fascination and excitement about the new culture. D. labeling Asians as dishonest because they seem to say one thing and do another. 71. Which statement regarding stages of cultural shock is incorrect? A. The first stage is referred to as the "honeymoon" stage. B. During the second stage, excitement turns to disappointment. C. During the third stage, people often cope by making disparaging remarks about the culture. D. In the fourth phase, there is acceptance and involvement in activities of the culture. 72. Which statement regarding predeparture training methods is incorrect? A. The multidimensional approach combines cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of training. B. The self-awareness approach is also called the human relations model. C. The intellectual model uses a variety of instructional methods such as lectures and video tapes. D. The interaction approach uses sensitivity training or T-groups. 73. Which of the following statements regarding culture specific negotiation is incorrect? A. Developing personal relationships is not important to the success of negotiations in Nigeria. B. Russians see time as money; friendships are not crucial to business. C. In India, bribery is common; and having connections is important. D. The French expect everyone to act French when doing business including speaking the language. 74. Which of the following statements regarding negotiation with Japanese people is incorrect? A. The Japanese use subtle and complex verbal and nonverbal cues. B. Business meetings should be arranged by an intermediary who has a relationship with both parties. C. Completing a deal quickly is not important to the Japanese. D. Negotiation practices are based on keiretsu systems and are viewed as short-term commitments. 75. The Competitive Approach Negotiation Model assumes that A. the negotiators will force the other partner to comply. B. negotiators will consider national cultural during the process. C. negotiators are more individualistic and persuasion oriented. D. both sides prefer a win-win solution. 76. Which statement regarding negotiation with Germans is correct? A. In business, Germans are typically individualistic; however, as people they are very group-oriented. B. Having technical people as part of the negotiation team is important. C. To a U.S. person, Germans seem very optimistic. D. Germans feel personal relationships are an important part of negotiations. 77. The four C's of negotiation include all of the following except A. criteria. B. compromise. C. culture. D. common interest. 78. Recommended intercultural guidelines before negotiations include all of the following except: A. Decide on your strategy. B. Define what you want from the negotiation. C. Discuss differences and come to agreements rather than legal settlements. D. Research facts such as culture-specific information. 79. The U.S. antiboycott regulation A. allows U.S. employees to respond to boycotts. B. allows U.S. firms to ignore trade agreements with certain countries. C. prohibits U.S. firms from doing business with countries engaged in war activities. D. prohibits U.S. firms from refusing to do business with friendly nations or respond to a boycott. 80. Which of the following statements regarding governance structure is incorrect? A. Market governance adds an arbitrator. B. Bilateral governance has a strong recognition of a continuing economic relationship. C. In Unified governance, only one party sets the terms. D. Trilateral governance fits transactions that involve odd goods or a situation in which the establishment of the relationship is expensive. 81. Which statement about contracts is incorrect? A. If a supplier ships unordered goods to a customer who accepts the shipment, by accepting the shipment the buyer forms a contract. B. In the U.S., oral contracts are not legally enforceable. C. In Japan, a contract is always open for renegotiation. D. Having legal counsel to advise you on the proper way to negotiate contracts in individual countries is recommended. 82. The U.S. Department of Commerce offers all of the following guidelines for distributor agreements except: A. Translations should be checked for concise meanings. B. Disagreements should be settled through an arbitrator. C. Benefits to both parties should be stated. D. An oral agreement should conclude the negotiation. Instructions: Match the following terms with their definition. Answers to Final Exam Questions 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. True 11. True 12. True 13. True 14. True 15. False 16. False 17. True 18. True 19. True 20. True 21. False 22. False 23. True 24. True 25. False 26. True 27. True 28. False 29. True 30. False 31. False 32. True 33. False 34. True 35. True 36. True 37. True 38. False 39. True 40. False 41. True 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. C 51. D 52. D 53. C 54. A 55. D 56. C 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. C 61. A 62. D 63. A 64. C 65. B 66. B 67. A 68. C 69. B 70. C 71. C 72. D 73. A 74. D 75. C 76. B 77. C 78. C 79. D 80. A 81. B 82. D 83. H 84. E 85. D 86. N 87. W 88. R 89. T 90. O 91. B 92. M 93. C 94. Z 95. X 96. P 97. L 98. Y 99. S 100. G Intercultural Business Communication Exam 1, Chapters 1-6 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Often intercultural, international, and multicultural are used interchangeably; however, there are distinctions. Intercultural business communication is? A. Communication that takes place between nations and governments; it is formal and ritualized. B. Communication within and between businesses that involves people from more than one culture. C. Communication among members of the same culture. D. Communication in which two cultures learn to adapt materials and adopt practices from each other. 2. Although the United States depends on the foreign economic opportunities, there are problems that arise from U.S. citizens working on foreign assignments. Problem(s) that may exist is (are)? A. Government issues B. Trouble adapting to the climate C. Finances D. A & C only E. All of the above 3. Which of the following is not one of the three primary dimensions of culture? A. Geographic region B. Psychological C. Physical D. Language 4. Which of the following is a stereotype for someone in the English culture? A. Egocentric B. Demonstrative C. Polite D. Arrogant E. None of the above 5. Which of the following is not one of Borden’s seven constructs that individuals must possess if they are going to succeed interculturally? A. We are culturally literate in our own and other cultures. B. We are competent in languages of other cultures. C. We know the position of our culture and other cultures on the four universal dimensions of values and their interaction with the cultural orientation model. D. We have an understanding of cultural similarities and can use this to connect with others. E. All of the above are constructs. 6. Geocentric management is? A. Practice when the firm is located in one country and all its sales are in one country. B. Practices consider the culture of the country in which the firm is located. C. Requires a common framework with enough freedom for individuals to operate regionally to meet the cultural needs of workers. D. None of the above. 7. Which of the following is a characteristic of a global mindset? A. Change as opportunity B. Functional expertise C. Structure D. All of the above 8. A socialization process you go through to adapt to your society is? A. Enculturation B. Acculturation C. Adaculturation D. Cultural synergy E. None of the above 9. The following description describes which of the following economies. “The economy is capitalistic with socialistic controls in the areas of health care and the retirement system. Manufacturing, mining, fishing, farming, and food processing drive the economy.” A. Australia B. Germany C. Canada D. South Korea E. France 10. India’s well-educated people are currently being used in which of the following. A. Farming B. Handcrafts C. Modern industries D. Support services E. All of the above 11. __________ has a 91% overall literacy rate. A. Canada B. China C. United States D. India 12. In which of the following countries is the political leader elected by the Electoral College, and other positions are voted on by the people? A. France B. United States C. New Zealand D. The Netherlands 13. In this country family is more important than the individual, and the elderly are highly respected and expected to be taken care of by their children. A. Germany B. Singapore C. China D. England E. None of the above 14. The way formal and informal communications are handled are? A. Social reciprocity B. Social interactions C. Social hierarchy D. Intermediaries 15. An economic system is a? A. Relationship between different groups or are enduring and relatively stable patterns of relationship emphasizing the idea that society is grouped into structurally related groups or sets of roles with different functions, meanings, or purposes. B. The way in which the products that meet the material needs of the people are produced, distributed, and consumed. C. A complete set of institutions, interest groups (such as political parties, trade unions, lobby groups) the relationships between those institutions are the political norms and the rules that govern their functions. D. Theoretically regarded as a way of the government makes a policy and also to make them more organized in their administration. 16. ____ are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in the culture. A. Values B. Ethics C. Standards D. Attitudes 17. The ability to look at social behavior from another culture’s view? A. Perception B. Semantics C. Attribution D. Attitudes 18. In the United States women earn ___ cents for every dollar that men make. A. $.59 B. $.77 C. $.84 D. $.91 19. Cultural diversity includes which of the following? A. Age B. Religion C. Socioeconomic background D. A & C only E. All of the above 20. __________ measures the threat of ambiguity and unknown situations. A. Power index B. Uncertainty avoidance index C. Threat index D. Cultural observance index 21. The position of the government states that its citizens should be atheist. A. Mexico B. South Korea C. Japan D. China 22. Countries that are more collectivistic include all of the following except? A. Japan B. India C. The Netherlands D. Puerto Rico 23. Which is not a characteristic of the United States culture? A. Claim that all people are equal in respect to social status; however, there is an exception when it comes to education and wealth. B. They are informal when compared to people of other cultures. C. The United States culture values directness. D. They do not place as great an emphasis on the history of those of other cultures. 24. What is an aspect of cultural shock that has an adverse effect upon newcomers to a culture when they experience a feeling of isolation from home culture? A. Cultural stress B. Social alienation C. Social welfare D. Unknown 25. In the Johari Window, which pane represents things I know but others do not know? A. Blind spot B. Hidden C. Unknown D. Arena 26. In the Johari Window, which pane represents things I do not know and things that others do not know? A. Arena B. Blind spot C. Hidden D. Unknown 27. The Area Training Model is? A. Based on the assumption that the trainee with self-understanding will adapt to a new culture. B. Emphasizes cultural insight and stresses affective goal and experiential process. C. A model in which participants are given facts about the host country using a variety of instructional methods. D. Emphasizes affective goals, culture-specific content, and experiential processes. 28. The second phase of cultural shock is? A. The crisis or disenchantment period B. Fascination with a new culture C. Reentry shock D. Adjustment phase 29. A concept based on the belief that using a single training approach is not as effective as ones that combine cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of training. A. Self-awareness model B. Multidimensional approach C. Area training D. Intercultural model 30. Adaptive traits include? A. Anticipatory adjustments B. Psychological adjustments C. Sociocultural adjustments D. All of the above 31. An estimation of ___% of managers leave within a year following repatriation. A. 30 B. 67 C. 20 D. 45 32. Which is one of the five progressive stages of Asia Shock? A. Denial; people of the United States feel as though when asked a direct question one should answer openly and honestly and they feel as though Asians have more tolerance to denying a direct question. B. Ethnocentricity; people of the United States often label Asians as dishonest because they say one thing and do another, failing to realize that Asians consider their behavior to be face saving rather than dishonest. C. Reservation; people of Asia tend to not be as outgoing and forward as those in the United States culture. D. All of the above are stages of Asia Shock. 33. The message is explicit and may be given more than one way to ensure understanding by the receiver. A. Low-context B. Mid-context C. High-context D. A & B both 34. Which of the following is a topic that should be avoided in Germany? A. Personal life B. International politics C. Hobbies D. Soccer E. Travel abroad 35. ________ are topics considered to be inappropriate for conversations with people in certain cultures or groups. A. Euphemism B. Repartee conversations C. Conversation taboos D. High-context topics 36. ______ are definitions such as the name of a type of crab, the Japanese Spider Crab. A. Connotative meanings B. Figurative meanings C. Scientific meanings D. Denotative meanings 37. Someone who studies the meaning of a word and when and how it was developed is a? A. Linguist B. Semanticist C. Grammarian D. Novelist 38. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states? A. How social structure affects languages and is the extensions of another hypothesis. B. Language functions as a way of shaping a person’s experience and not just a device for reporting experience. C. Language is unifying and divisive and tie people together from all different regions. D. Language is an extension of our thought process and one should think about what he is to say before he repeats it. 39. ____ is like a gamesmanship; the object is to see who can gain dominance in a friendly debate rather than who can impart needed information. A. Repartee conversation B. Verbal dueling C. Disclose conversations D. High context conversation 40. ________ from 18 inches to 4 feet is used for giving instructions to others or working closely with another person. A. Intimate zone B. Personal zone C. Social zone D. Public distance 41. Olfactics is? A. Gaze of eye contact. B. Smell as a form of nonverbal communication is important. C. Communicating through body contact. D. The pitch of one’s voice. 42. It is acceptable to touch when communicating in which of the following cultures? A. Canada B. Greece C. England D. Scandinavia E. United States 43. The most expressive type of body language is conveyed through? A. Touch B. Voice pitch C. Face and eyes D. Smell 44. Communicating through the use of personal space is known as? A. Proxemics B. Chronemics C. Haptics D. Oculesics 45. Paralanguage refers to all but which of the following? A. Rate B. Pitch C. Volume D. Range E. All of the above 46. Ethnocentrism is defined as? A. Belief that your own cultural background, including the ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, languages, and verbal, and nonverbal communication, is correct. B. Process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture. C. Socialization process you go through to adapt to your society. D. None of the above 47. Punctuality is highly regarded in all countries except? A. Germany B. Mexico C. South Korea D. The Netherlands E. All of the above regard punctuality in high importance 48. People in which of the following countries are more time conscious then that of the United States? A. Latin America B. Algeria C. Germany D. Mexico E. None of the above 49. Costly blunders are often the result of A. Lack of knowledge of another culture. B. Intercultural communication issues. C. Nonverbal communication pattern misunderstanding. D. All of the above 50. Polychronic people A. Concentrate on the task. B. Borrow and lend things often. C. Are committed to the task. D. Are accustomed to short-term relationships. 51. __________ refers to the effect of social and cultural differences upon a language. A. Language diversity B. Sociolinguistics C. Alternative languages D. Repartee languages E. None of the above 52. Which is a verbal style in the United States? A. They rise above and embellish facts. B. Men speak more and more often than women; and women use more emotion when speaking. C. They prefer less talkative persons and value silence. D. Do not use first names unless they are close friends. 53. It is important to study intercultural business communication because? A. It addresses procedural, substantive, and informal global problems. B. It allows you to become involved with the substantive, cultural level, and become sensitized to differences. C. Allows you to work on the procedural issues of country-to-country, diplomacy, and legal contexts. D. All of the above 54. Which following pairing is correct? A. Laos and Marshall use barter B. Belize and Cambodia are communistic C. Sweden and China are socialistic D. United States and Japan are capitalistic 55. Which of the following systems are found in all cultures? A. Economic systems B. Political systems C. Social hierarchies D. A & C only E. All of the above 56. The Dutch A. Tend to plan and schedule rather than be spontaneous. B. Enjoy a relaxed and informal lifestyle. C. Are seen as friendly and outgoing people. D. Value tolerance and fairness and enjoy owning property. 57. Colloquialisms are? A. Includes idioms and other informal language. B. Informal phrases often associated with certain regions of the country. C. Formed from initial letters. D. Inoffensive expressions that are used to place offensive words with negative connotations. 58. Which of the following characteristics concerning women in comparison to men in intercultural communication is true? A. Women adapt better than men in intercultural situations. B. Women manage adversity better. C. Women have a greater risk of failure and criticism than men. D. All of the above 59. In which of the following cultures is government and religion separate? A. Mexico B. Iran C. Finland D. United Arab Emirates 60. Which of the following are rewards for global managers living abroad? A. Cost-of-living B. Home-leave C. Medical D. Car and driver E. All of the above Essay Question 61. In today’s global markets, it is important to understand other’s cultures in order to communicate effectively. Using the information discussed in the first six chapters of our textbook and information contained in the videos, discuss the cultural dissimilarities (education, family and marriage, political, religion, attitudes towards women, and work attitudes) that exist between the United States and the Japanese culture. Next, discuss why it is important to understand these dissimilarities and ways to overcome them. Answers to Chapters 1-6 Exam 1. A 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. E 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. E 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. B 33. A 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. B 39. B 40. B 41. B 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. B 53. D 54. D 55. E 56. A 57. B 58. D 59. A 60. B 61. Answer: The Japanese have a much more rigorous education system as in the lower grades children go to school six days a week. To get into the best schools, children are placed on waiting lists at birth. Family is very important in Japan. The husband is responsible for taking care of his family and his parents. In the United States, both the husband and wife tend to work to support their family, but they are not responsible for their parents. In Japan when a woman gets married she is expected to quit working, and this is not the case in the United States. In both countries, people get to choose who they marry. In the U.S. the standard religion is one of the Protestant religions, in Japan they may be Buddhist, Shinto, or something else. In both countries politicians are elected by the people; however, Japan also has a monarchy that has no power. Women take care of the home and children and basically are responsible to their mother-in-laws. Both countries have people who work very hard, and work is how one’s worth is measured. In Japan it has only been recent that women are beginning to hold higher positions in companies and not quitting work when they get married. Many young women have chosen not to get married so they can have a career. Young people also stay at home until they get married in Japan which is the opposite of the United States. Intercultural Business Communication, Exam 2, Chapters 7-12 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. ____ percent of incoming international messages that are in English. A. 99 B. 96 C. 87 D. 80 2. Content errors that refer to errors in meaning are? A. Systematic errors B. Syntactic errors C. Lexical errors D. Lexitactic errors 3. Authors of business communication textbooks recommend using the direct approach for beginning all of the following except? A. Good news B. Direct request/inquiries C. Neutral messages D. Bad news 4. The preferred letter writing styles used in the United States are? A. Indented letter and block letter B. Block letter and modified block C. Indented letter and modified block D. Only modified block 5. Which of the following was not included in Lash’s suggestions for writing email messages to international colleagues? A. Use a collaborative tone. B. Use all capital letters to get your point across. C. Avoid dwelling on cultural differences. D. Use short, simple sentences. 6. In which of the following countries are you likely to have a resume of 20-30 pages? A. Germany B. South Korea C. Spain D. United Kingdom 7. Multinational businesses in the United States have found that the __________ is more dependable than the mail service in many countries. A. Telephone B. Fax machine C. Email service D. None of the above 8. Which of the following is a guideline for “internationalizing” the English language? A. Use emoticons to express your tone. B. Avoid formal tone which may be hard for people in other cultures to understand. C. Be aware of the words with a unique meaning in some cultures. D. All of the above 9. Women writing to men internationally must? A. Be careful about the tone and word choice. B. Give compliments based on the department rather than from the woman directly. C. Must soften direct words such as “expect” and “require.” D. All of the above 10. ______________ is a paragraph in a bad newsletter that tells what the letter is about with a pleasant tone but says neither yes nor no. A. Opening B. Overview C. Introduction D. None of the above 11. ____________ refers to customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official dealings with persons in various cultures. A. Etiquette B. Protocol C. Custom practices D. Regulatory dealings 12. In which of the following countries does the surname come first, followed by the given name? A. China B. Germany C. England D. Italy 13. When talking on the telephone, the initial impression is formed mainly by _________, rather than on the words spoken. A. How you initially address the receiver of the telephone call. B. The conciseness of the message; avoid rambling to get your message across. C. Vocal quality. D. None of the above, it is based on the words spoken. 14. Which of the following is not a “netiquette” to avoid? A. Flaming B. Manners C. Shouting D. Dissing 15. ____________ culture dines in a kneeling position on a tatami mat. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Indian D. French 16. The Asian countries place a great importance on gift giving. When choosing an appropriate gift in an Asian country, it is important to avoid any gift depicting this animal because it is a symbol of cruelty and greed. A. Tiger B. Pig C. Wolf D. Lion 17. In this culture it is typical that a 10-15% service charge is automatically added to the bill. A. China B. Germany C. France D. All of the above 18. Tipping in this country can offend or insult the people of that culture. A. Japan B. The Netherlands C. France D. Finland 19. ____________ and ___________ have impacts on the success of intercultural communication encounters. A. Netiquette; gender B. Position; gift giving C. Money; status D. Position; status 20. ______________ place the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right; they use the knife to push food onto the back of the fork, and then move the food into the mouth with the tines of the fork down. A. Asian eating style B. U.S. eating style C. Continental eating style D. International eating style 21. Which of the following is NOT a proper pairing of handshakes by culture? A. Asian; gentle B. Latin American; moderate grasp repeated frequently C. Middle eastern; gentle and repeated frequently D. British; firm 22. In ___________ and ____________ it is not only appropriate to inquire about the health of family members but also to have lengthy discussions about their wellbeing. A. Latin America; Mexico B. Latin America; Saudi Arabia C. Mexico; Saudi Arabia D. Germany; Saudi Arabia 23. _____ percent of U.S. women of employment age work, they still do not receive equal pay and responsibility. A. 85 B. 70 C. 60 D. 75 24. Superstitions are? A. Beliefs that are inconsistent with the known laws of science or what a society considers to be true and rational. B. Practices considered by a society as unacceptable. C. Beliefs that are not proven to be accurate. D. None of the above 25. What is the general rule for business dress everywhere? A. Pin strip professional B. Black and white color scheme C. Buttoned up D. None of the above 26. _____________ has one of the longest work weeks in the world: 48 hours with businesses open at least six days a week. A. Peru B. Mexico C. Argentina D. Singapore 27. The highest percentage of people who would not show their emotions openly were from? A. Ethiopia B. Japan C. Poland D. All of the above 28. Companies in the United States found guilty of paying bribes to foreign officials can be fined up to ______________, and guilty employees may be fined up to ________. A. $1,000,000;$10,000 B. $500,000; $1,000 C. $1,000,000; $1,000 D. None of the above 29. In the Japanese culture, this food is symbolic of happiness and served at New Year’s. A. Green vegetables B. Dried squid C. Pork D. Salmon 30. ____________ involves a person’s conduct or deportment and is influenced by culture. A. Demeanor B. Behavior C. Personality D. Communication 31. ____________ involves discussions of common and conflicting interests between persons of different cultural backgrounds who work to reach an agreement of mutual benefit. A. Bargaining B. Intercultural negotiation C. Barter D. None of the above 32. Which of the following is NOT a step in the negotiation process? A. Team selection B. Research C. Opening talks D. Relationship building 33. To be successful in distributor agreements, Axtell suggests you do all except? A. Agreed-on sales quotas B. Provisions for secrecy C. Get payment in one lump sum D. Responsibility for taxes 34. According to the textbook, which of the following are commonly used problem-solving techniques? A. Problem-solving approach; compromise agreement B. Compromise agreement; integrative agreement C. Problem-solving approach; integrative agreement D. Problem-solving approach; competitive approach 35. Which is one of the five methods of reaching integrative agreements? A. Nonspecific compensation B. Price fixing C. Specified compensation D. None of the above 36. _________________ is reached when two parties find a common ground between their individual goals; the result is a lower joint benefit. A. Legal agreement B. Reverse agreement C. Integrative agreement D. Compromise agreement 37. U.S. Americans tend to make ________ adjustments to their opponent’s behavior, and they change their negotiation strategy ________ than other cultures when dealing interculturally. A. Fewer; less B. Fewer; more C. More; more D. No; less 38. All exports are controlled by the government of the country ____________. A. Where they are shipped. B. Where they are produced. C. Where the raw materials were received. D. All of the above 39. Detailed outlines of the items in the negotiation process that need to be constantly observed, analyzed, and evaluated include which of the following? A. Physical location of the negotiations B. Agenda or policy issues in the negotiation C. Preliminary statements and limitation consideration D. All of the above 40. Which of the following is an objective of NAFTA? A. To promote fair competition. B. Reduce the amount of money needed for investors. C. To allow companies to operate globally without the concern of violating another country’s work laws. D. None of the above 41. Nonverbal messages, such as body language, space, and gift giving that can impede the negotiation process is an example of? A. Perceptual noise B. Disruptive noise C. Cultural noise D. Nonverbal noise 42. Balanced authority? A. Allows each partner to share the decision making role. B. Exists when two different people hold opposing views which balance each other out. C. Allows the decisions to be made after weighing different options. D. Allows a person to distribute power in a balanced manner to others in the organization. 43. A positive side of using interpreters and translators is? A. The translator can anticipate the other cultures reaction and alter the message accordingly. B. There is another party involved which can help mediate any arguments that may arise. C. You have more time to think about your next statement while your previous statement is being translated. D. None of the above 44. _____________ are maneuvers used for gaining advantage. A. Mediation B. Tactics C. Business positions D. None of the above 45. ________________ are zones of international commerce where the foreign or domestic merchandise may enter without formal customs duties. A. Free trade zones B. No barrier zones C. Trade blocs D. A & C E. All of the above 46. According to Graham and Herberger which of the following is not a characteristic of the U.S. style of negotiation? A. “I can handle this by myself” (to express individualism) B. “Address me as Mr. or Ms.” (to appear professional) C. “Speak up; what do you think?” (to avoid silence) D. All of the above are characteristics 47. For negotiations to be considered successful, it should? A. Allow both parties to gain something. B. Allow a decision to be made swiftly. C. Allow the negotiator ample time to discuss the conditions to both parties. D. None of the above 48. _________________ culture has a sense of pride that is sometimes interpreted as supremacy when conducting business. A. French B. German C. Japanese D. None of the above 49. Some face-to-face negotiation behaviors include? A. Counterproposals B. Argument dilution C. Irritators D. All of the above 50. Which of the following best describes common interest? A. Considers that both parties in the negotiation share, have, or want something that the other party has. B. Outcomes which both parties are satisfied with. C. Allows both parties to discuss openly about a common subject. D. All of the above 51. ______________ promotes intellectual property rights worldwide and currently administers 23 treaties for 185 member nations. A. Property Right of the World B. International property Association C. World Property Rights D. World Intellectual Property Organization 52. Which of the following is not one of the four governance structures? A. Market governance B. Unified governance C. Universal governance D. Bilateral governance 53. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 A. Requires U.S. companies to account for and report international transactions accurately and prohibits bribes that are used to gain a business advantage. B. Requires the duty-free import of equipment, machinery, and materials to assemble parts of products that are used by the home company. C. Requires that foreign trade be conducted according to the guidelines outlined by this act. D. All of the above 54. Which is one of the three dimensions of negotiation ethics? A. Means/ends B. Relativism/absolutism C. Truth telling D. All of the above 55. __________________ are rules for the relationship between legal entities and the state that do not have national status, such as private corporations. A. Quasi-international laws B. Macaulay’s Thesis C. Sanctions D. None of the above 56. Ant diversion requirements A. Must state the address at which the company participating in the negotiation is located. B. States that the bill of lading and the invoice must clearly display that the carrier cannot divert the shipment to a country the U.S. government considers restricted. C. Cannot participate in negotiation with a company that is located outside of the regulations and laws of the U.S. government. D. All of the above 57. ______________ requires federal licensing of technical information in business correspondence. A. Arms Export Control Act of 1968 B. Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 C. Export Administration Act of 1968 D. International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 58. The world, with ____ nations, has numerous laws that affect international business. A. 209 B. 191 C. 199 D. 185 59. Which act states, each nation can legally do as it wishes within its own boundaries without interference from other nations? A. Global Rights Act B. Act of State Doctrine C. Reigning Nation Act D. Act of Homeland Boundaries 60. Which is a body of the United Nations that provides a way to settle international disagreements between countries rather than corporations? A. International Court of Justice B. Global Justice court C. Justice International D. Court of the World Essay Question 61. Discuss the negotiation process and describe three components that may hinder intercultural negotiation. Answers to Chapters 7-12 Test 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. A 41. A 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. A 48. A 49. D 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. A 54. D 55. A 56. B 57. C 58. D 59. B 60. A 61. Answer: 1. Select a neutral site. 2. Many cultures expect you to have a team member to partner with each of their team members. This is important in such countries as Japan where partners meet outside of regular meetings. 3. Relationship building if not done properly can undo a possible negotiation. Many cultures would take offense to a change of team members after they have built a relationship. 4. Opening talks are important; it is important that you know if they are going to begin with small talk or actually discussing the particulars of the agreement 5. During discussions it is important to know how the culture uses English and what they are really saying so that they are interpreted properly. 6. Coming to an agreement is important, but how each side views the agreement long term is even more important, including whether the agreement is open for negotiation. Test Bank for Intercultural Business Communication Lillian Chaney, Jeanette Martin 9780132971270

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