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This Document Contains Chapters 4 to 7 Chapter Extension 4 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013 1) A ___________ is a table of data having rows and columns. A) spreadsheet B) notepad C) clip art D) pie chart Answer: A 2) In an Excel spreadsheet, rows are identified by ___________. A) letters B) numbers C) Roman numerals D) symbols Answer: B 3) In an Excel spreadsheet, columns are identified by ___________. A) letters B) numbers C) Roman numerals D) symbols Answer: A 4) In Excel, a single spreadsheet is known as a ___________. A) workbook B) note C) worksheet D) page Answer: C 5) In Excel, the intersection of a row and a column is called a ___________. A) node B) grid C) cell D) junction Answer: C 6) An Excel workbook is a collection of one or more worksheets. Answer: True 7) Excel creates multiple worksheets when a new workbook is created. Answer: False 8) Each cell in an Excel spreadsheet is identified by the data entered in it. Answer: False 9) What is a spreadsheet? Answer: A spreadsheet is a table of data having rows and columns. The rows are identified by numbers, and the columns are identified by letters. The term spreadsheet almost always refers to an electronic spreadsheet, and most frequently to a spreadsheet that is processed by Microsoft Excel. Electronic spreadsheets provide incredible labor savings over paper spreadsheets and were a major factor in the early adoption of personal computers. In Excel, the term worksheet refers to a spreadsheet. One or more worksheets are combined to form a workbook. 10) Explain the process of naming the rows, columns, and cells in Microsoft Excel. Answer: Excel spreadsheets have rows and columns. The rows are identified by numbers, and the columns are identified by letters. Because there are only 26 letters in the alphabet, the following scheme is used to label columns: The letters A through Z identify the first 26 columns; the letters AA through AZ identify the next 26; BA through BZ the next 26; and so forth. The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. Each cell is identified by the name of its row and column. For example, cell K5 is situated in the column K and row number 5. 11) In Excel, the wide bar of tools and selections that appears just under the tabs is called the ___________. A) menu tab B) task pane C) gridline D) ribbon Answer: D 12) To add graphs, hyperlinks, or images to an Excel worksheet, the ___________ tab is used. A) DATA B) FORMAT C) VIEW D) INSERT Answer: D 13) In Excel, which of the following tabs is used for filtering and sorting information in a spreadsheet? A) DATA B) REVIEW C) INSERT D) HOME Answer: A 14) In Excel, the REVIEW tab is used for ___________. A) creating more complex formulas B) filtering and sorting data C) tracking changes and making comments D) configuring the appearance of Excel Answer: C 15) The ___________ tab is used for configuring the appearance of Excel. A) VIEW B) REVIEW C) DATA D) HOME Answer: A 16) In Excel, the most frequently used tools and selections appear under the ___________ tab. A) DATA B) HOME C) VIEW D) REVIEW Answer: B 17) To save a worksheet in Excel, the Save option in the Edit menu is used. Answer: False 18) In Excel, a sequence of tabs that appear in a horizontal line, just below the Excel icon, controls the contents of the ribbon. Answer: True 19) In Excel, when the HOME tab is selected, the contents of the ribbon concern charts, filter, tables, and so forth. Answer: False 20) In Excel, the PAGE LAYOUT tab is used to format a page, often for printing. Answer: True 21) For general work in Excel spreadsheets, the tools and selection under the DATA tab are most useful. Answer: False 22) In Excel, the FORMULAS tab is used for creating complex formulas. Answer: True 23) A user enters a formula into cell G9. Which of the following would be possible if the user presses the F2 function key after selecting the cell G9? A) The formula in G9 can be edited without retyping the entire formula. B) The formula can be copied to the clipboard. C) A graph can be created based on the cells that appear in the formula. D) The formula in the cell can be locked. Answer: A 24) If a user enters the value 100 into cell G1, presses Enter, and then clicks the cell G1, a rectangle will be drawn around the cell with a little black box in the lower right-hand corner. Which of the following occurs if the user drags that little black box down to cell G7? A) Excel will display values that progressively increase by 100 in each of those cells. B) All of those cells will remain blank. C) Excel will display the value 100 in all of those cells. D) All of those cells' values will be multiplied by 100. Answer: C 25) A user enters a1 and a2 into cells G1 and G2, respectively. If the user selects those two cells and drags the small black box to the four cells below them, then the four cells will display ___________. A) a3, a4, a5, and a6 B) b1, b2, c1, and c2 C) A1, A2, A1, and A2 D) a1, a2, a1, and a2 Answer: A 26) If a user enters "jan" and "feb" in cells E1 and E2, respectively, selects those two cells and drags the small black box to three more cells below them, then ___________. A) the three cells will remain empty B) Excel will display an error message C) the three cells will display "jan," "feb," and "jan," respectively D) the three cells will display "mar," "apr," and "may," respectively Answer: D 27) Data can be imported to Excel from other programs. Answer: True 28) Excel lacks features that can add data into a spreadsheet based on a pattern. Answer: False 29) If the months of a year are entered in the text form, then Excel does not recognize them as a pattern. Answer: False 30) Using the F2 function key is recommended when a user has a long value in a cell and wants to edit a letter or two without retyping the whole entry. Answer: True 31) What are the different ways of entering data into an Excel worksheet? Answer: Data can be entered into an Excel worksheet in three ways: 1. Key in the required data – to key in the required data, click on the cell in which the data is to be added, type the data, and press Enter. 2. Let Excel add data based on a pattern – to add data based on a pattern, enter values based on the pattern in one or more cells, select the cell(s), and drag the mouse to the required number of cells. 3. Import data from another program – data can be entered into an Excel worksheet by importing data from another program such as Microsoft Access. 32) Which of the following is true of the options for modifying rows and columns in Excel? A) To add a column, click the name of the column before which new columns are needed and select as many columns to the right as required. B) To increase the size of a column, drag the line between the two columns in the column headings to the left. C) To insert new rows, click the number of the row below which new rows are needed and select as many rows below as required. D) To decrease the height of a row, drag the line between the line numbers down. Answer: A 33) In Excel, to insert new rows, click the number of the row above which new rows need to be added, and then select the number of rows to be added. Answer: True 34) In Excel, an entire row or column can be selected by clicking the name of the row or column. Answer: True 35) Explain the process of inserting rows and columns in Microsoft Excel. Answer: To insert new rows in Microsoft Excel, click the number of the row above which new rows are to be inserted and select as many rows as required, left-click, and then select Insert. The new rows would be inserted above the selected row. To add columns in Microsoft Excel, click the name of the column before which new columns are to be inserted, select as many columns to the right as required, right-click, and then select Insert. 36) The ___________ section of the ribbon in Excel enables selected text to be centered both horizontally and vertically in a cell. A) font B) alignment C) styles D) editing Answer: B 37) Selecting the $ English (U.S.) option displays numbers with a dollar sign and two decimal places. Answer: True 38) In Excel, every formula must begin with a(n) ___________ sign. A) plus B) minus C) percentage D) equal Answer: D 39) In Excel, ___________. A) only 26 columns are present B) an entire row cannot be deleted, but an entire column can be deleted C) only numbers are recognized as patterns used to fill data D) a formula that does not start with an equal sign is considered as a text value Answer: D 40) In an Excel sheet, what is the meaning of the formula =SUM(C3:C8)? A) Add all the values starting from the third cell to eighth cell in the third column. B) Add all the values starting from the third cell to eighth cell in the third row. C) Add the value of the third cell in the third column to the eighth cell in the third column. D) Add the value of the third cell in the third row to the eighth cell in the third row. Answer: A 41) Whenever users have a problem with a calculation in Excel, they can press F2 to highlight the cells involved in that calculation. Answer: True 42) While copying a formula, Excel can adjust the terms of the formula to refer to the cells, in the row to which it is copied. Answer: True 43) The real power of Excel lies in its amazing computational capability. Explain. Answer: Excel can be used to work with a number of built-in and user-created formulas. It has a system in place to highlight areas that need to be corrected and to assign color codes to the cells so that a user can easily see which cells are being used in a given formula. Excel also has the capability to copy formulas and adjust the terms of the formula so that each would refer to cells in the row to which it was copied. Finally, it has a number of preprogrammed activities that allow users to sum figures, average figures, and perform many other calculations by selecting a choice from the Formulas tab. 44) In Excel, ___________ refers to whether a worksheet is printed normally or sideways on a page. A) layout B) orientation C) alignment D) setup Answer: B 45) Which of the following is true of the printing option in Excel spreadsheets? A) Gridlines can only be viewed in the print preview and cannot be printed. B) Print Preview is present in the Review tab. C) Landscape orientation prints a worksheet upright. D) Print area can be used to specify the portion of the spreadsheet to be printed. Answer: D 46) The tools and selections in the PAGE LAYOUT ribbon determine how a document will be arranged as a printed document. Answer: True 47) If a spreadsheet is printed sideways on a page, the orientation is said to be portrait. Answer: False 48) The portion of the spreadsheet to be printed can be specified using margins. Answer: False Chapter Extension 5 Database Design 1) Which of the following is true of a data model? A) It is created after the database is designed. B) It is an attribute whose value is associated with only one entity instance. C) It is a logical representation of the structure of the data. D) It does not describe the relationships among the data. Answer: C 2) Once the users have validated and approved the data model, it is transformed into a ___________. A) database design B) technical report C) knowledge system D) data repository Answer: A 3) A data model is a logical representation of the structure of the data. Answer: True 4) A data model does not depict the relationships among the data. Answer: False 5) A data model should be transformed into a database design only after the users have approved and validated it. Answer: True 6) Explain the database development process. Answer: A database application consists of forms, reports, queries, and application programs. At first, the developers interview users and develop the requirements for the new system. During this process, the developers analyze existing forms, reports, queries, and other user activities. The requirements for the database are then summarized in a data model, which is a logical representation of the structure of the data. The data model contains a description of both the data and the relationships among the data. It is similar to a blueprint. Once the users have validated and approved the data model, it is then transformed into a database design. After that, the design is implemented in a database, and that database is then filled with user data. 7) Which of the following is a highly popular technique for creating a data model with which the developers describe the content of a database by defining what is to be stored in the database and the associations among them? A) entity-relationship (E-R) data model B) Unified Modeling Language (UML) C) object-relational model D) semantic data model Answer: A 8) Which of the following is true of entities? A) Entities have an identifier whose value is associated with every entity in the data model. B) Entities can only represent a logical construct or transaction, not a physical object. C) The characteristics of entities are described by attributes. D) The names of entities are always plural. Answer: C 9) ___________ describe the characteristics of entities. A) Attributes B) Dependencies C) Cardinalities D) Alternatives Answer: A 10) ___________ are attributes whose values are associated with one, and only one, entity instance. A) Cardinalities B) Descriptors C) Dependencies D) Identifiers Answer: D 11) Which of the following is true of an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram? A) Each entity is shown in separate rectangles. B) Many-to-many relationships are generally denoted by N:N. C) A crow's foot represents a 1:N relationship between two entities. D) Crow's foot is a shorthand representation for a single relationship between entities. Answer: C 12) In a university, each adviser can advise multiple students, but each student can have only one adviser. In a data model, this can be best represented by ___________. A) N:M relationships B) N:N relationships C) 1:N relationships D) 1:1 relationship Answer: C 13) Which of the following notations signifies that an adviser can be related to many students and that a student can be related to many advisers? A) 1:N B) N:M C) N:1 D) N:N Answer: B 14) In an organization, the administrative department consists of one clerk whose sole responsibility is the management of various administrative functions. The notation that accurately indicates this relationship is ___________. A) 1:N B) N:N C) 1:1 D) N:M Answer: C 15) The little lines in an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram used as shorthand to represent multiple relationships are referred to as a(n) ___________. A) crow's foot B) identifier C) attribute D) cardinality line Answer: A 16) Maximum cardinality in an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram refers to the maximum number of ___________. A) normalizations possible in a diagram B) entities that can be involved in a relationship C) identifiers possible in a particular diagram D) attributes associated with an entity Answer: B 17) Entities have attributes that describe characteristics of the entity. Answer: True 18) An identifier is an attribute whose value is associated with every entity in the data model. Answer: False 19) Entities have relationships to attributes but not to each other. Answer: False 20) In an entity-relationship (E-R) diagram, a line is used to represent a relationship between two entities. Answer: True 21) The notation N:N is used to indicate a many-to-many relationship in an E-R diagram. Answer: False 22) While representing the relationship between two entities in an entity-relationship diagram, the N:N notation is used to indicate that the same number of entities are present on each end of the relationship. Answer: True 23) 1:N means that more than one entity is allowed on each side of the relationship. Answer: False 24) The crow's foot notation shows the minimum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship. Answer: False 25) The maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship is known as maximum cardinality. Answer: True 26) In an entity-relationship diagram, a vertical bar on a line indicates that at least one entity of that type is required in the relationship. Answer: True 27) What are the different types of relationships represented in a data model? Answer: Entities in a data model have relationships with each other. Database designers use diagrams called entity-relationship (E-R) diagrams to explain the relationships. The relationships can be of three types: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. The one-to-one relationship is denoted by 1:1 and one-to-many is denoted by 1:N. Many-to-many relationships are denoted by N:M. 28) Explain the difference between maximum and minimum cardinality. Answer: Cardinality is the number of entities that can be involved in a relationship. There can be both a maximum and minimum constraint on cardinality. The maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship is known as maximum cardinality. Constraints on minimum requirements (minimum entities) are called minimum cardinalities. 29) The process of converting poorly structured tables into two or more well-structured tables is referred to as ___________. A) replication B) integration C) actualization D) normalization Answer: D 30) The data integrity problem can occur only if data are ___________. A) duplicated B) missing C) inefficient D) insufficient Answer: A 31) Normalized tables eliminate ___________. A) data dependency B) data duplication C) data insufficiency D) data conversion Answer: B 32) The general goal of normalization is to ___________. A) create a copy of an existing table B) establish relationships among the entities in a table C) convert two or more tables into a single table D) construct tables such that every table has a single topic Answer: D 33) According to the kinds of problems they have, database practitioners classify tables into various ___________. A) solved forms B) cardinalities C) normal forms D) relationships Answer: C 34) Normalization is a database design concept that helps to construct well-structured tables. Answer: True 35) The data integrity problem can occur only if data are missing. Answer: False 36) The general goal of normalization is to construct tables such that every table has a single topic or theme. Answer: True 37) Tables that are not normalized can have data integrity problems. Answer: True 38) Database practitioners classify tables into various normal forms according to the kinds of problems they have. Answer: True 39) To represent an N:M relationship between two entities, two normalized tables are sufficient. Answer: False 40) How is a data model transformed into a database design? Answer: Database design is the process of converting a data model into tables, relationships, and data constraints. The database design team transforms entities into tables and expresses relationships by defining foreign keys. The tables in a model must be normalized before they are converted into designs. Normalization is the process of converting poorly structured tables into two or more well-structured tables. Database practitioners classify tables into various normal forms according to the kinds of problems they have. Transforming a table into a normal form to remove duplicated data and other problems is called normalizing the table. After normalizing, the designer should represent the relationship among those tables to complete the design. 41) What are the steps involved in transforming a data model into a relational database design? Answer: The first step in transforming a data model into a relational database design involves the creation of a table for each entity by the database designer. The identifier of the entity becomes the key of the table. Each attribute of the entity becomes a column of the table. Next, the resulting tables are normalized so that each table has a single theme. Once that has been done, the next step is to represent the relationship among those tables. 42) The easiest time to change the database structure is ___________. A) during the data modeling stage B) after constructing the database C) during the database designing stage D) after creating database reports Answer: A 43) The easiest time to change the database structure is after the database has been constructed and loaded with data. Answer: False 44) Explain the role of users in designing a database. Answer: A database is a model of how the users view their business world. This means that the users are the final judges as to what data the database should contain and how the records in that database should be related to one another. The easiest time to change the database structure is during the data modeling stage. So the user should be actively involved in the modeling process. The user review of a data model is crucial. The data model must accurately reflect the user's view of the business. Users should devote the time necessary to thoroughly review a data model, as any mistakes will be difficult and costly to correct. Chapter Extension 6 Using Microsoft Access 2013 1) Before using a database management system (DBMS), a user should create a(n) ___________. A) data model B) database C) identifier D) attribute Answer: A 2) Which of the following is the first activity to be performed while creating a database using Microsoft Access? A) naming the database B) assigning field names C) creating field description D) creating a table Answer: A 3) Which of the following statements is true of naming a new database in Microsoft Access? A) A user must type the name of the new database in the blank provided under File Name. B) A user must select the name of his new database from the drop down list provided next to the File Name. C) Microsoft Access opens the new database with the default name, database 1. D) Microsoft Access requires a user to name the new database before selecting a Blank desktop database. Answer: A 4) Microsoft Access opens a new database by creating a ___________. A) new Word document in the cloud B) default Microsoft spreadsheet named A1 C) default table named Table D) shared storage space in the server Answer: C 5) In Microsoft Access, different attributes are referred to as ___________. A) identifiers B) keys C) entities D) fields Answer: D 6) In Microsoft Access, the description of fields is used to ___________. A) document the details of each field B) define rules for how each field should behave C) define how the fields should behave in case of exceptions D) specify the data types of the fields Answer: A 7) Which of the following is a valid entry for field size if the data type of the field is Number? A) Alphanumeric B) Special characters C) Long integer D) Character Answer: C 8) Which of the following statements is true about a primary key in Microsoft Access? A) Only one field in a table can be marked as the primary key. B) The attribute which is italicized is the primary key. C) A primary key should have its Required Field property set to No. D) A foreign key can be used as one of the fields for a primary key. Answer: D 9) Before using any database management system (DBMS), a user should create a data model based on users' requirements. Answer: True 10) In Microsoft Access, an underlined attribute is a primary key and an italicized attribute is a foreign key. Answer: True 11) Microsoft Access opens a new database by creating a default table named Table A. Answer: False 12) In Microsoft Access, one must select the relationships option in the Design tab to modify the design of a default table. Answer: False 13) Every field in Microsoft Access must have a Description associated with it. Answer: False 14) The Description field in Microsoft Access is used mainly for documentation. Answer: True 15) Any text entered as the Description of a field is displayed as help text on forms. Answer: True 16) In Microsoft Access, "Integer" is a valid entry for Field Size if the Data Type is "Text." Answer: False 17) What steps must a database designer take before creating a database with Microsoft Access? Answer: A designer needs to first create a data model from a list of the users' requirements. Then, the data model must be transformed into a database design. Only at this point should tables be created in a database management system (DBMS). 18) Explain the procedure for creating a new database using Microsoft Access. Answer: To create a new database, select Blank desktop database from the templates displayed in the center of the opening screen. Then, type the name of the new database under File Name. Microsoft Access will suggest a directory; change it if another one should be used, and then click Create. Microsoft Access opens the new database by creating a default table named Table. 19) Relationships can be defined in Microsoft Access by selecting the ___________ tab in the ribbon. A) Database Tools B) External Data C) Connections D) Add-Ons Answer: A 20) In Microsoft Access, to create a relationship between one row of a table and an unlimited number of rows in another table, users should ___________. A) drag the primary key in one table to the foreign key in another table B) create a link between the foreign keys of both the tables C) drag the foreign key in one table to the primary key in another table D) create a link between the primary key in one table to the primary key in another table Answer: A 21) In Microsoft Access, the step after creating a relationship between two tables is to ___________. A) create macros B) enter data C) provide table description D) create queries Answer: B 22) In Microsoft Access, after creating a relationship between two tables, the user cannot and need not assign values for the ___________. A) queries B) primary key C) foreign key D) add-ons Answer: C 23) In Microsoft Access, a user has to define the relationship between two tables before creating them. Answer: False 24) In Microsoft Access, relationships can be defined by selecting the Database Tools tab. Answer: True 25) To create a relationship between one row of a table and an unlimited number of rows in another table using Microsoft Access, users must drag the foreign key in one table to the primary key in another table. Answer: False 26) To delete data in Microsoft Access, a user should double-click the table name in the left hand pane. Answer: False 27) Explain the procedure for establishing a relationship between two tables in Microsoft Access. Answer: After creating tables in Microsoft Access, the next step is to define relationships. This can be done by clicking the Database Tools tab in the ribbon and then clicking the Relationships icon near the left-hand side of that ribbon. The Relationships window will open and the Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Double-clicking on table names will add those tables to the Relationships window. Close the Show Table dialog box. To create a relationship between one row of the first table and an unlimited number of rows in the second table, click on the primary key attribute in the first table and drag that attribute on top of the foreign key in the second table. In the dialog box, click Enforce Referential Integrity, then Cascade Update Related Fields, and then Cascade Delete Related Records. Close the Relationships window and save the changes when requested to do so. The database now has two tables and a relationship. 28) Which of the following is one of the alternatives for creating a data entry form in Microsoft Access? A) data definition tab B) query wizard C) property sheet D) default table display Answer: D 29) Which of the following options in Microsoft Access can be used to present data in a more pleasing manner than the default table display? A) form B) tab order C) property sheet D) spread sheet Answer: A 30) To delete a record in Microsoft Access, a user has to select the Records section in the ___________ tab. A) Database tools B) Home C) Fields D) File Answer: B 31) Microsoft Access provides a default table display for creating a data entry form. Answer: True 32) In Microsoft Access, the option to generate a data entry form is present in the Create ribbon. Answer: True 33) In Microsoft Access, a surrogate key has no meaning to the user. Answer: True 34) Explain the different alternatives provided by Microsoft Access for creating data entry forms. Answer: Microsoft Access provides several alternatives for creating a data entry form. The first is to use the default table display. The default table display provided by Microsoft Access can be used to enter the required data. This display, although convenient, is limited in its capability. It also does not provide a very pleasing user interface. For more generality and better design, users can use the Microsoft Access form generator. The form generator can generate a data entry form that is more pleasing to view and easier to use than the default table. To use this form, first click the Create tab to open the Create ribbon. Next, click the table for which they want to enter data. Finally, click Form. Microsoft Access uses metadata about the tables and their relationship to create the data entry form. 35) All relational database management system (DBMS) products can process the ___________ query language. A) SQL B) PHP C) DB10 D) HTML Answer: A 36) Which of the following statements is true about queries in Microsoft Access? A) Only rows with value matches in all tables are shown by default if more than one table is selected. B) Only rows having "Number" data type can be used to arrange the results of a query in ascending order. C) Queries can include fields from only one table. D) The query design option is present in the Database Tools tab. Answer: A 37) Microsoft Access can process SQL. Answer: True 38) Though Microsoft Access can be used to create and process queries, it does not provide a graphical interface for the queries. Answer: False 39) To create a query in Microsoft Access, one must drag columns out of the required tables into the grid in the lower part of the query definition form. Answer: True 40) By default, for queries of two or more tables, Microsoft Access shows only those rows that have value matches in both tables. Answer: True 41) To create a report with data from two or more tables, we must use the ___________. A) Report Wizard B) Navigation tab C) Report Design D) SharePoint lists Answer: A 42) Which of the following tabs in Microsoft Access is used to generate reports? A) Create B) Data C) Tools D) Format Answer: A 43) Which of the following statements is true of reports in Microsoft Access? A) Reports can be created by using the sections in the Database Tools tab. B) Report Wizard is required when data from more than one table is to be used. C) Only the primary key's column width can be increased in a report. D) A report cannot be used to present the sum or average of values stored in a database. Answer: B 44) To create a report in Microsoft Access with data from a single table, we must use the Report Wizard. Answer: False 45) In Microsoft Access, a report is created using a process similar to that for forms. Answer: True 46) The option to create reports can be found in the Database Tools tab of Microsoft Access. Answer: False 47) In Microsoft Access reports, the Grouping & Totals section contains the options to display totals in a report. Answer: True 48) How can a user generate reports in Microsoft Access? Answer: Users can create a report using a process similar to that for forms, but the report won't include data from more than one table. Report Wizard is used to create a report with data from two or more tables. Click the Create tab, and then in the Reports section click Report Wizard. Now, select the tables in the Table/Queries combo box, highlight the field in the Available Fields list, and click the single chevron (>) to add the selected field to the report. Using a similar process, other fields can be added, even from other tables. On clicking Finish, the report is generated. Chapter Extension 7 Using Excel and Access Together 1) A user can readily create data entry forms, queries, and sophisticated and professional reports with the help of ___________. A) Microsoft Publisher B) Microsoft Access C) Microsoft Word D) Microsoft Excel Answer: B 2) ___________ is well-suited for tracking orders, inventory, equipment, people, and so forth. A) Microsoft Access B) Microsoft Word C) Microsoft PowerPoint D) Microsoft Publisher Answer: A 3) Which of the following is an advantage of Microsoft Excel over Microsoft Access? A) Microsoft Excel is superior for tracking orders, inventory, and equipment. B) Microsoft Excel is superior for tracking people, such as employees and customers. C) Microsoft Excel is superb at processing interrelated formulas and creating stylish graphics. D) Microsoft Excel is better at creating data entry forms, queries, and professional reports. Answer: C 4) Microsoft Access is a database management system. Answer: True 5) Microsoft Excel is superior to Microsoft Access for tracking orders, inventory, equipment, and people. Answer: False 6) To use Microsoft Excel to process data stored in Microsoft Access, it is recommended to rekey all of the Access data into Excel. Answer: False 7) Explain the significance of using Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel together. Answer: Microsoft Excel is good at processing interrelated formulas. Due to this feature, business users often select Excel for processing financial statements, creating budgets, and performing financial analyses. Excel can be used to create sophisticated and stylish graphics with very little work from the user. Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS), and the primary purpose of a DBMS is to keep track of things. Access is superior for tracking orders, inventory, equipment, people, and so forth. Users can readily create data entry forms, queries, and sophisticated and professional reports with Access. So, it is often necessary to use Excel to process data stored in Access and vice versa. For example, Excel can be used to create graphs of Access data and Access can be used to summarize Excel data and produce sophisticated reports. 8) The process of transferring data from one computer system to another is referred to as ___________. A) auto transfer B) import/export C) buffer overrun D) reallocation Answer: B 9) Which of the following statements is true of delimited files? A) Microsoft Access can import only tab-delimited files. B) Delimited files cannot be imported by Microsoft Excel. C) A comma-delimited file has data that contains commas. D) Field values in a tab-delimited file are separated by tabs. Answer: D 10) Which of the following is true about the import/export of data from Microsoft Access to Microsoft Excel? A) Data can only be transferred by exporting the data into a text file and then importing that text data. B) Delimited text files cannot be imported into both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. C) The import/export process in both Microsoft Access to Microsoft Excel maintains an active connection to the source of the data. D) Data must be re-imported to Microsoft Excel in order to remain up-to-date if the source data in Microsoft Access is modified. Answer: D 11) Delimited text files can be imported to Microsoft Access by selecting the ___________ tab. A) Home B) Create C) Database Tools D) External Data Answer: D 12) Which of the following shows the correct sequence of steps for importing Microsoft Access data that has been stored in a text file into Microsoft Excel? A) Insert tab → Get External Data → From Access B) Edit tab → Get External Data → From Access C) File tab → Get External Data → From Text D) Data tab → Get External Data → From Text Answer: D 13) Import/export is the process of transferring data from one computer system to another. Answer: True 14) In Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, import/export maintains an active connection to the source of the data. Answer: False 15) If users change the Microsoft Access data, the imported data in Microsoft Excel will be out-of-date until it is re-imported. Answer: True 16) While saving data in text files, commas cannot be used to separate field data if the data itself contains commas. Answer: True 17) Delimited text files cannot be imported into either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access. Answer: False 18) To import data into Microsoft Excel, open Excel, click the Data tab, and in the Get External Data section of that ribbon click From Text. Answer: True 19) Data can be exchanged between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access by exporting the data into a text file and then importing that text data. Answer: True 20) To exchange data between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, the data must be imported into a text file and then exported. Answer: False 21) What is import/export of data? Why is it necessary to refresh the import/export data in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access on a timely basis? Answer: Import/export is the process of transferring data from one computer system to another. In almost all cases, including Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, import/export does not maintain an active connection to the source of the data. If users subsequently change the Access data, the imported data in Excel will be out of date until the users reimport it. As the imported data can become outdated, users should develop procedures (either manual or automated) to ensure that data are refreshed on a timely basis. 22) What are delimited text files? Answer: Delimited text files are files that have field values separated by common symbols known as delimiters. The files that use commas as delimiters are known as comma-delimited files. Sometimes, however, the data itself contains commas, and so commas cannot be used to separate field data. In that case, some other character is used to delimit the fields. The tab character is frequently used, in such cases; the export file is called a tab-delimited file. Delimited text files are easy to import into either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access. 23) Which of the following shows the correct sequence of steps for creating a pie chart in Microsoft Excel? A) Add → Charts → Pie B) Insert → Illustrations → Pie C) Diagrams → Illustrations → Pie D) Insert → Charts → Pie Answer: D 24) Which of the following Microsoft Excel diagrams is the best to compare performance data over many years of different employees? A) pie charts B) column charts C) doughnut charts D) Venn diagrams Answer: B 25) Which of the following tabs in Microsoft Excel contains the option to create a column chart? A) Data B) Home C) Insert D) Tools Answer: C 26) Which of the following shows the correct sequence of steps for creating a column chart in Microsoft Excel? A) Diagrams → Illustrations → Column B) Add-Ins → Charts → Column C) Insert → Illustrations → Column D) Insert → Charts → Column Answer: D 27) Microsoft Excel includes comprehensive tools for graphing data. Answer: True 28) A pie chart can be created by selecting the Charts option from the Data tab in Microsoft Excel. Answer: False 29) A pie chart can be used to compare results of various data for two years or more. Answer: False 30) If a user clicks on a graph in Microsoft Excel, it will show a special tab called Chart Tools that can be used to customize the graph. Answer: True 31) To create a column chart, the data is highlighted and the Column option in the Charts section of the Insert tab is selected. Answer: True 32) Explain the procedure for creating graphs in Microsoft Excel. Answer: Microsoft Excel includes comprehensive tools for graphing data. It can be used to construct column and bar charts, pie charts, line and scatter plots, and others graphs. Graphs can be created by clicking the Insert tab in the ribbon, selecting the Charts section of that ribbon, and selecting the required graph from the dropdowns. For example, to create a pie chart, we must highlight the cells that have the required data, click the Insert tab in the ribbon, and in the Charts section of that ribbon select the Pie icon. Excel can create several different versions of pie charts. Excel provides many different tools to customize a graph. To access them, click the graph you want to change. Excel will show a special tab called Chart Tools at the top of the window. Click Chart Tools to make them available. 33) In Microsoft Access, the Totals button is present in the ___________ section of the Design tab. A) Import/Export B) Show/Hide C) Query Type D) Query Setup Answer: B 34) An organization stores the details of its employees using Microsoft Access. The Employee table has EmployeeName, EmployeeID, Department, and Salary columns. Which of the following statements is true? A) To view the average salary drawn by the employees of each department, the Group By option should be selected in the Total row under Salary. B) To count the number of employees in each department, the Group By option should be selected under EmployeeID, and the Count option under Department. C) To find the sum of salaries drawn by the employees of each department, the Group By option should be selected under Department and Sum under Salary. D) To count the number of employees having the same salary, the Group By option should be selected under EmployeeID, and Count under Salary. Answer: C 35) A school stores attendance records of its students in a Microsoft Access database. The Attendance table has StudentName, StudentID, Grade, and DateAbsent columns. Each time a student is absent, an entry is made into the database. Which of the following statements is true? A) To find the average number of days students of each grade are absent, Group By should be selected under Grade and Avg under StudentID. B) To find the number of days each student is absent, Group By should be selected for StudentID, and Count for DateAbsent. C) To see which students were absent on a particular day, Group By should be selected for StudentName. D) To see the number of students absent in a particular grade on a given day, Group By should be selected for both DateAbsent and StudentID. Answer: B 36) Which of the following statements is true of queries? A) In Microsoft Access, a query can be based on the results of other queries that have been saved. B) To inform Microsoft Access that the fields of two tables are the same, select the Group By option for both fields. C) The Group By option becomes available when Append is clicked under the Design tab. D) When the results of a query are imported by Microsoft Excel, they cannot be operated on. Answer: A 37) The Totals button is present in the Results section of the Design tab. Answer: False 38) The Average function and Group By cannot be used in the same query. Answer: False 39) How are group totals created in Microsoft Access? Answer: Open the relevant database, click the Create tab, click Query Design, and then select a table for the query. After adding a table, click Close. Now add the fields to the query contents table by double-clicking on them in the table diagram. Click the Totals button in the Show/Hide section of the Design tab. In response, Microsoft Access adds a row labeled Total to the query contents table. To group the rows by a particular field, select the keyword Group By in the Total row under that field in the query contents table. To find the total of a field, select the keyword Sum under the appropriate column. Run the query by clicking the large exclamation point in the Results section of the Design ribbon. 40) How can Microsoft Excel be used to graph Microsoft Access data? Answer: Microsoft Access data, including queries, can be imported to Microsoft Excel to display the results with the help of Excel's graphing capabilities. To import data into Excel, open Excel, click the Data tab in the ribbon and then, in the Get External Data section, select From Access option. Excel will query Access to determine the tables and queries that exist in the chosen database. Next, Excel will ask the user on how the data should be displayed. Choose Table and Existing worksheet, and enter an absolute address for the top, left-hand corner of the table. Use the displayed data to create graphs in Excel. 41) Which of the following shows the correct sequence of steps for formatting currency values in Microsoft Excel? A) Home → Number → Currency B) Data → Number → Currency C) Home → Editing → Currency D) Data → Editing → Currency Answer: A 42) Microsoft Access queries can be imported into Microsoft Excel. Answer: True 43) Importing data from Microsoft Access to Microsoft Excel is easily achieved by clicking the Data tab and directing Excel to get the external data from Access. Answer: True 44) A ___________, which is a subset of the cells in a worksheet that has a unique name, enables data to be transferred from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Access. A) specified label B) consolidation table C) named range D) calculated column Answer: C 45) Which of the following procedures must be used to create a named range for data in Microsoft Excel? A) highlight the required data → click the Formulas tab → click Define Name in the Defined Names section → enter a suitable name B) highlight the required data → click the Home tab → click Insert Name in the Cells section → enter a suitable name C) highlight the required data → click the Data tab → click Connections in the Connections section → enter a suitable name D) highlight the required data → click the Design tab → click Property Sheet in the Show/Hide section → enter a suitable name Answer: A 46) A user can produce two different reports from a single set of Microsoft Excel data, by importing this data into Microsoft Access and using the Access report generator. Answer: True 47) A data table is a subset of the cells in a worksheet that has a unique name and is used to transfer data from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Access. Answer: False 48) In Microsoft Excel, a single space is used to separate the words in range names. Answer: False 49) Microsoft Excel cannot be used to perform calculations on data imported from Microsoft Access. Answer: False 50) Sum and average functions cannot be used in Microsoft Excel on imported data that have been created using group totals in Microsoft Access. Answer: False Test Bank for Experiencing MIS David Kroenke, Randall Boyle 9780133939132, 9781292107707, 9780134773636, 9780136509868, 9780136078685, 9781486019281, 9780132157940

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