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This Document Contains Chapters 1 to 3 Chapter Extension 1 Collaboration Information Systems for Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Project Management 1) ___________ is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal via a process of feedback and iteration. A) Abstract reasoning B) Systems thinking C) Collaboration D) Dissolution Answer: C 2) Which of the following should be followed for an effective collaboration? A) Iterations should be avoided for the smooth functioning of a collaborative process. B) Group members should not review each other's work negatively. C) Multiple iterations and feedback should be used to improve collaboration. D) Collaboration should take place at the final stage of a project to be more effective. Answer: C 3) In collaboration, the work proceeds in a series of steps in which one person produces something, others criticize it, and then a revised version is produced. These steps are known as ___________. A) iterations B) alternatives C) redundancies D) strategies Answer: A 4) How do group iterations and feedback provide better results than those provided by a single individual? A) They motivate the members of a group to work on individual goals. B) They allow individuals to put forth different perspectives. C) They encourage the members of a group to share ideas and collaborate at the end of a project. D) They restrict individuals from criticizing one another's perspectives. Answer: B 5) Which of the following is necessary for a collaboration to be successful? A) Members should resist putting forward unpopular ideas. B) Members should avoid entering into difficult conversations. C) Members should provide and receive critical feedback. D) Members should be very polite and not say anything critical. Answer: C 6) Which of the following should be avoided for a collaboration to be successful? A) replying to the criticisms offered by different members in the group B) giving different perceptions of the topics under discussion C) giving critical feedback against other members of a group D) giving critical feedback that leads to distrust among group members Answer: D 7) Listed below are perspectives of different people working as a team. Which of the following approaches to teamwork will provide the best results? A) Sarah disagrees with the project plan but does not voice her opinion because she doesn't want to disrupt the functioning of the team. B) Andrew believes that conflict is healthy for teamwork and doesn't hesitate to criticize the shortcomings of his coworkers' perceptions. C) Caleb and Adam hold opposing political views but do not discuss their opinions while working so that other team members aren't distracted. D) Daniel is the team leader and discourages disagreements among team members so that the project can proceed faster. Answer: B 8) Which of the following guidelines must be followed to provide and receive critical feedback? A) Make personal comments. B) Give specific details. C) Avoid suggestions. D) Dominate the group. Answer: B 9) A cooperative result is usually better in quality than the result of someone working alone. Answer: False 10) Multiple versions of a document are created when a group of people collaboratively work on it to achieve a common goal. Answer: True 11) An extremely critical group cannot collaborate effectively. Answer: True 12) It is important for team members to have different ideas and opinions and to express them to each other. Answer: True 13) Differentiate between cooperation and collaboration with examples. Answer: Cooperation is defined as a group of people working together, all doing essentially the same type of work, to accomplish a job. Collaboration is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal via a process of feedback and iteration. For example, when a group of five students is given an assignment, they will break it up into five pieces, work to accomplish their piece independently, and then merge their independent work for grading by the professor. Using this practice, the students work cooperatively as a group. In contrast, when students work collaboratively, they set forth an initial idea or work product, provide feedback to one another on those ideas or products, and then revise in accordance with feedback. 14) Which of the following is a primary criterion for judging team success? A) changes in organizational structure B) growth in team capacity C) working in a series of stages D) meaningful and satisfying experience Answer: D 15) Business professionals are primarily concerned about the successful outcome of collaboration. Answer: True 16) Explain the three primary criteria for successful collaboration. Answer: The three primary criteria for successful collaboration are: 1. Successful outcome: Most students are primarily concerned with this criterion. They want to achieve a good outcome, measured by their grade, or they want to get a project done with an acceptable grade while minimizing the effort required. For business professionals, teams need to accomplish their goals. 2. Growth in team capability: Most student teams are short-lived. But, in business, teams often last months or years. With experience, teams can become more effective. Activities are combined or eliminated. Teams also get better as individuals improve at their tasks. Part of that improvement is the learning curve; as someone does something over and over, he or she gets better at it. Team members teach task skills and impart knowledge to one another. Team members also provide perspectives that other team members need. 3. Meaningful and satisfying experience: The nature of team goals is a major factor in making work meaningful. If an individual's work is not only perceived as important, but the person doing that work is also given credit for it, then the experience will be perceived as meaningful. So, recognition for work well done is vitally important for a meaningful work experience. 17) ___________ is the first and most fundamental collaboration purpose. A) Decision making B) Informing C) Managing projects D) Experimenting Answer: B 18) Being informed is considered the most fundamental collaboration purpose because ___________. A) individuals can construct different perceptions of the same data B) all the members of a team usually perceive information in the same way C) members will be able to avoid critical feedbacks D) conflicting ideas can be eliminated Answer: A 19) ___________ decisions are those that support day-to-day activities, such as the number of widgets to order from a particular vendor. A) Managerial B) Tactical C) Strategic D) Operational Answer: D 20) ___________ decisions are decisions about the allocation and utilization of resources. A) Behavioral B) Operational C) Managerial D) Strategic Answer: C 21) ___________ decisions are those that support broad-scope, organizational issues. A) Strategic B) Behavioral C) Operational D) Managerial Answer: A 22) Which of the following statements is true of a structured decision process? A) There is an understood and accepted method for making such a decision. B) Collaboration is often required in this process. C) The nature of an underlying problem is given more importance in this type of decision-making process. D) The decisions taken depend largely on the manner in which managers make assessments. Answer: A 23) Which of the following statements is true of an unstructured decision process? A) Collaboration is seldom required in this process. B) Individuals use a standardized decision process to assess a situation. C) Individuals vary in the manner in which they make decisions in this process. D) There is an understood and accepted method for making decisions. Answer: C 24) In project management, setting the ground rules for a project and its team is the fundamental purpose of the ___________ phase. A) finalizing B) starting C) executing D) planning Answer: B 25) Which of the following tasks is performed during the starting phase of project management? A) preparing archival documents B) managing tasks and budget C) establishing team rules D) determining project schedule Answer: C 26) Based on the phases of project management, the ___________ stage is characterized by defining activities, assigning personnel and budget to those activities, and determining project schedule. A) finalizing B) starting C) doing D) planning Answer: D 27) Hanna, a project manager at Rinehart Inc., adds additional resources to a new project that has insufficient resources to meet its tight schedules. In this case, Hanna is in the ___________ phase of project management. A) planning B) starting C) doing D) finalizing Answer: C 28) In project management, accomplishing tasks on time is the objective of the ___________ phase. A) finalizing B) starting C) doing D) planning Answer: C 29) Rochelle, a senior program analyst in Levy Inc., reschedules various tasks assigned to her subordinates in order to meet a project's new guidelines. In this case, Rochelle is in the ___________ phase of project management. A) starting B) doing C) planning D) finalizing Answer: B 30) The ___________ phase of project management requires a team to document its results, document information for future teams, close down the project, and disband the team. A) finalizing B) starting C) doing D) planning Answer: A 31) Which of the following tasks is performed during the finalizing phase of project management? A) solving problems B) documenting and reporting project progress C) revising budget D) preparing archival documents Answer: D 32) Operational decisions are always collaborative. Answer: False 33) Strategic decisions are almost always collaborative. Answer: True 34) Decisions at the operational level tend to be unstructured. Answer: False 35) Different people usually perceive a problem in the same way. Answer: False 36) The first and most important task for a problem-solving collaborative group is to define the problem. Answer: True 37) Team roles, responsibilities, and authorities are established during the planning phase of project management. Answer: False 38) What are the three levels of decision making? Answer: Decisions are made at three levels: 1. Operational decisions: Decisions that support operational, day-to-day activities are called operational decisions. Typical operational decisions are: How many widgets should we order from vendor A? Should we extend credit to vendor B? In almost all cases, operational decisions need not involve collaboration. 2. Managerial decisions: Decisions that deal with the allocation and utilization of resources are called managerial decisions. Typical managerial decisions are: How much should we budget for computer hardware and programs for department A next year? How many engineers should we assign to project B? In general, if a managerial decision requires consideration of different perspectives, then it will benefit from collaboration. 3. Strategic decisions: Decisions that support broad-scope, organizational issues are called strategic decisions. Typical strategic decisions at the strategic level are: Should we start a new product line? Should we open a centralized warehouse in Tennessee? Should we acquire company A? Strategic decisions are almost always collaborative. 39) Explain the four phases of project management. Answer: The four phases of project management are: 1. Starting phase: The fundamental purpose of the starting phase is to set the ground rules for the project and the team. Other tasks during the starting phase are to set the scope of the project and to establish an initial budget. 2. Planning phase: The purpose of the planning phase is to determine "who will do what and by when." Work activities are defined, and resources such as personnel, budget, and equipment are assigned to them. Tasks often depend on one other. The project budget is usually revised during the planning phase as well. 3. Doing phase: Project tasks are accomplished during the doing phase. The key management challenge here is to ensure that tasks are accomplished on time, and, if not, to identify schedule problems as early as possible. As work progresses, additional trade-offs must be made, and often it is necessary to add or delete tasks, change task assignments, add or remove task labor or other resources, and so forth. Another important task is to document and report project progress. 4. Finalizing phase: In this phase, the team needs to document its results, document information for future teams, close down the project, and disband the team. 40) Which of the following statements is true of project data? A) It is a part of the collaboration's work product. B) It is data that is used to manage the project. C) It includes schedules, tasks, budgets, and other related data about a project. D) It is not subject to iteration and feedback. Answer: A 41) Which of the following collaborative activities requires tracking many versions of many documents and other work products? A) increase in team satisfaction B) feedback C) promotion of team growth D) iteration Answer: D 42) Which of the following collaborative activities requires providing easy-to-use and readily available multiparty communication? A) promotion of team growth B) feedback C) accomplishment of task within time and budget D) iteration Answer: B 43) Most collaboration systems are hosted on client computers. Answer: False 44) Schedules, tasks, budgets, and other managerial data are examples of project metadata. Answer: True 45) The primary function of a collaboration information system is information security. Answer: False 46) Differentiate between project data and project metadata. Answer: Project data is data that is part of the collaboration's work product. For example, for a team that is designing a new product, design documents are examples of project data. A document that describes a recommended solution is project data for a problem-solving project. Project metadata is data that is used to manage the project. Schedules, tasks, budgets, and other managerial data are examples of project metadata. Both types of data are subject to iteration and feedback. Chapter Extension 2 Collaborative Information Systems for Student Projects 1) ___________ are useful when a team needs to meet on some topic but everyone cannot meet at the same time. A) Blogs B) Discussion forums C) Wikis D) Surveys Answer: B 2) Discussion forums are one of the nice-to-have features in a collaboration tool. Answer: True 3) Why should a team choose to use a collaboration information system? Answer: Collaboration is critical in business, and numerous software vendors and open source developers have created computer programs to facilitate various collaborative tasks. Once a team learns how to use the tools and has developed procedures for using them, teamwork will be easier. The team will no longer need to get everyone together face-to-face. It will no longer lose documents; it will be able to determine who is contributing and who is not. Another reason for using collaboration tools is that it will create better results. Such systems facilitate feedback and iteration. Each team member can produce documents, and others can comment and make revisions to them. 4) Synchronous communication is said to occur if ___________. A) communication occurs between people in different time zones B) there is a flow of communication according to the hierarchical structure C) members of various teams work on the same task D) all members of a team meet at the same time Answer: D 5) Which of the following is an example of synchronous communication? A) email B) team survey C) multiparty text chat D) discussion forum Answer: C 6) ___________ communication occurs when team members do not meet at the same time. A) Asynchronous B) Synchronous C) Procedural D) Nonprocedural Answer: A 7) Which of the following is an example of asynchronous communication? A) multiparty text chat B) videoconferencing C) email D) webinar Answer: C 8) If participants do not meet in the same place, and possibly not at the same time, it can be regarded as a ___________ meeting. A) concurrent B) parallel C) synchronous D) virtual Answer: D 9) If a virtual meeting is synchronous, participants can interact with each other through ___________. A) discussion forums B) videoconferencing C) email D) team surveys Answer: B 10) ___________ are virtual meetings in which attendees view one of the attendees' computer screens for formal and organized presentations. A) Discussion forums B) Screen-sharing applications C) Conference calls D) Webinars Answer: D 11) ___________ is a type of asynchronous communication in which a group member can post an entry, an idea, a comment, or a question, and other group members respond to it later, at their convenience. A) Multiparty text chat B) Videoconferencing C) Webinar D) Discussion forum Answer: D 12) ___________ is a type of asynchronous communication where one person creates a list of questions to which other users respond. A) Multiparty text chat B) Team survey C) Webinar D) Whiteboard Answer: B 13) Asynchronous communication occurs when team members do not meet at the same time. Answer: True 14) A face-to-face meeting is an example of asynchronous communication. Answer: False 15) Virtual meetings can be synchronous or asynchronous. Answer: True 16) Wikis are a virtual meeting in which attendees view one of the attendees' computer screens for a more formal and organized presentation. Answer: False 17) Videoconferencing is likely to be less intrusive than text chat. Answer: False 18) Email is a tool used for synchronous communication. Answer: False 19) In team surveys, one team member creates a list of questions and the other team members respond. Answer: True 20) Explain synchronous and asynchronous communications in organizations with examples. Answer: Synchronous communication occurs when all team members meet at the same time. Face-to-face meetings and conference calls are examples of synchronous communication. Asynchronous communication occurs when team members do not meet at the same time. Email, discussion forums, and team surveys are examples of asynchronous communication. Virtual meetings in which participants do not meet in the same place and possibly not at the same time can be both synchronous and asynchronous. If the virtual meeting is synchronous (all meet at the same time), participants can use conference calls, webinars, or multiparty text chat. A webinar is a virtual meeting in which attendees view one of the attendees' computer screens for a more formal and organized presentation. Videoconferencing is another synchronous method. When a team must meet asynchronously, most members try to communicate via email. 21) Which of the following is a content sharing technique which is least effective for collaborations in which there are many document versions or for which there is a desire for content control? A) email with attachments B) Microsoft SharePoint C) Google Docs D) file server Answer: A 22) Which of the following statements is true of shared content with version management? A) Content sharing methods that provide version management cannot accommodate concurrent work. B) Version management systems provide version control. C) Version management makes it impossible to know when and by whom the document was changed. D) Content sharing systems that provide version management can track changes to documents. Answer: D 23) Which of the following tools helps share content with version management features? A) Skype B) Google Docs C) emails with attachments D) file server Answer: B 24) Which of the following statements is true of Google Drive? A) Users receive an email when a document is made available to them. B) Documents are stored on the Google Drive server. C) Document revisions are tracked with extensive details of changes made. D) Microsoft Excel documents cannot be uploaded to Google Drive. Answer: A 25) Which of the following systems provides version control while sharing content? A) Microsoft SharePoint B) LinkedIn C) emails with attachments D) locked files hard disks Answer: A 26) In version control systems, shared documents are placed into shared directories called ___________. A) vaults B) libraries C) workspaces D) records Answer: B 27) Which of the following statements is true of Microsoft SharePoint? A) It does not facilitate permission-limited activity. B) It converts shared documents to the Google Docs format. C) It facilitates the continuation of workflow defined for a document even when any of its members disapproves the document. D) It does not allow users to edit a document if it has been checked out by another user. Answer: D 28) The degree of version management is very high in email with attachments. Answer: False 29) Storing documents on servers is better than using email attachments because documents have a single storage location. Answer: True 30) Version management systems facilitate tracking changes to documents and provide features and functions to accommodate concurrent work. Answer: True 31) A Google account or a Gmail account is not essential to access Google Drive. Answer: False 32) Version management systems provide version control. Answer: False 33) In version control systems, shared documents are placed in shared directories, sometimes called libraries. Answer: True 34) The document checkout feature in SharePoint allows users to simultaneously edit documents. Answer: False 35) Workflows cannot be defined on Microsoft SharePoint for multistage business processes. Answer: False 36) What is version management and why is it important? Answer: Every collaborative project involves sharing of content. Although email is simple, easy, and readily available, it will not suffice for collaborations in which there are many document versions or for which there is a desire for content control. Storing documents on servers is better than using email attachments because documents have a single storage location. They are not scattered in different team members' email boxes. However, without any version management it will be impossible to know who changed the document and when. Version management is a technique used for sharing electronic content. Systems that provide version management track changes to documents and provide features and functions to accommodate concurrent work. Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive are examples of systems that provide version management. 37) Explain version control with a simple example. Answer: Version control is the process of limiting the actions that can be taken by a particular user on shared documents. Version management systems improve the tracking of shared content and potentially eliminate problems caused by concurrent document access. They do not, however, provide version control. With version control systems, each team member is given an account with a set of permissions. Shared documents are placed into shared directories, which are sometimes called libraries. Furthermore, document directories can be set up so that users are required to check out documents before they can modify them. When a document is checked out, no other user can obtain it for the purpose of editing it. Once the document has been checked in, other users can obtain it for editing. Microsoft SharePoint is the most popular version control application for general business. 38) Which of the following statements is true of collaboration tools? A) Team members cannot request SharePoint to send emails when certain events occur. B) Google Grid permits only the uploader to make changes to a task list and does not allow simultaneous edits. C) The standard task list in SharePoint can readily be modified to include user-customized columns using SharePoint. D) Google Grid allows only one user to edit a document at a time. Answer: C 39) Which of the following statements is true of Google Grid? A) It restricts the edit permission on documents to the creator of tasks. B) It does not allow simultaneous edits. C) It deals with video and audio files. D) It provides version history showing the changes made by users to task lists. Answer: D 40) The alerts feature in SharePoint ___________. A) sends a team member an email whenever a task is assigned to him or her B) requires team members to check the task list for new tasks every hour C) does not support customization of email requests D) can send emails only when an existing task is deleted Answer: A 41) SharePoint can be configured to send email alerts when certain events occur. Answer: True 42) SharePoint includes a built-in content type for managing task lists that provides robust and powerful features. Answer: True 43) Explain the importance of Microsoft SharePoint in task management. Answer: Microsoft SharePoint has a robust task management capability. It contains a built-in content type for managing task lists that provides powerful features. The standard task list stores data such as title, assigned to, due date, status, predecessors, and other useful task data. Users can also add their own data to the default format of the task list. With SharePoint, it is possible to filter task lists to show only incomplete tasks, or only tasks that have been completed. Alerts are a feature in SharePoint task lists that can send emails to a team member when certain events occur. If a task is assigned to a person, alerts can send an email. This feature means that team members need not continually check the task list for new tasks. 44) With the ___________ collaboration tool set, a participant should be able to collaborate with his or her team, though he or she will get little support from the software. A) Minimal B) Optimal C) Good D) Comprehensive Answer: A 45) With the ___________ collaboration tool set, participants have the ability to conduct multiparty audio and video virtual meetings and the support for concurrent access to document, spreadsheet, and presentation files, but they will have to rely on third-party tools to use surveys, wikis, and blogs. A) Minimal B) Optimal C) Good D) Comprehensive Answer: C 46) The ___________ collaboration tool set has a large set of features, including content management and control, workflow control, online meetings in which participants can view shared whiteboards, applications, and monitors. A) Minimal B) Basic C) Good D) Comprehensive Answer: D 47) Which of the following statements is true of collaboration tool sets? A) The Good collaboration tool set has built-in discussion boards. B) The Comprehensive collaboration tool set takes the longest time to learn. C) The Good collaboration tool set includes workflow control as an inbuilt feature. D) The Minimal collaboration tool set allows sharing of video files. Answer: B 48) Which of the following statements is true of a product power curve for collaborative tool sets? A) A flat line on a power curve means the user is increasing the utility gained from the product. B) At time zero, the ideal power curve is at zero. C) The power curve of a Minimal collaboration tool set rises steadily with time. D) The power curve of a Comprehensive collaboration tool set has a longer flat spot in the beginning. Answer: D 49) With the Minimal collaboration tool set, a participant should be able to collaborate with his or her team, though he or she will get little support from the software. Answer: True 50) The Good collaboration tool set includes content management and control, workflow control, online meetings in which participants can view shared whiteboards, applications, and monitors. Answer: False 51) In the product power curve, the Minimal product set has some power at time zero. Answer: True 52) While using the Minimal collaboration tool set, it must be ensured that one user's work does not conflict with another's. Answer: True 53) What are the three sets of collaboration tools? Answer: The three sets of collaboration tools are the Minimal, Good, and Comprehensive tool sets. Their features are as follows: 1. The Minimal collaboration tool set has the minimum possible set of tools. With this set, a participant should be able to collaborate with his or her team, though he or she will get little support from the software. 2. With the Good collaboration tool set, a participant will have the ability to conduct multiparty audio and video virtual meetings, and he or she will also have support for concurrent access to document, spreadsheet, and presentation files. 3. The Comprehensive collaboration tool set has a full set of features, including content management and control, workflow control, online meetings in which participants can view shared whiteboards, applications, and monitors. Chapter Extension 3 Mobile Systems 1) ___________ systems are information systems that support users in motion. A) Data B) Mobile C) Remote D) Web-based Answer: B 2) Which of the following is a major element of mobile systems? A) wired connectivity B) users in specific location C) cloud-based resources D) stationary devices Answer: C 3) Which of the following is a characteristic of a mobile device? A) It restricts data entry. B) It is a high power-consuming computing device. C) It is not capable of wireless connectivity. D) It is a small and lightweight device. Answer: D 4) Mobile systems are information systems that support users in motion. Answer: True 5) Mobile systems users only move geographically, not from device to device. Answer: False 6) A mobile device is a small, lightweight, power-conserving computing device that is capable of wireless connectivity. Answer: True 7) What are mobile systems? Answer: Mobile systems are information systems that support users in motion. Mobile systems users access the system from any place—at home, at work, while traveling—using any smart device, such as smartphone, tablet, or PC. Mobile systems users move not only geographically, they also move from device to device. The major elements in a mobile system are users in motion, mobile devices, wireless connectivity, and cloud-based resources. 8) In the context of industry changes, which of the following statements is true of mobile systems? A) They consist of data that create a premium on the ability to memorize vast quantities of product data. B) The scope of advertising is high. C) The usage of mobile systems results in organizations being effective with part-time employees and independent contractors. D) They consist of data that remove the premium for the ability to access, query, and present the data. Answer: C 9) Which of the following is true about the impact of mobile systems on data usage in information systems? A) More advertisements can be shown. B) Less device real estate C) Quantity of data available has been reduced. D) Organizations' data is securely stored. Answer: B 10) The impact of the growth of mobile systems led to greater sales of mobile devices with compact interface and new technology. Answer: True 11) Briefly describe the mobile system effect for each of the five components of an information system. Answer: The five components of an information system are: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. The impact of mobile system growth on each of these components is as follows: Hardware: The increasing demand of mobile systems means sales of many more mobile devices, at the expense of PC sales. Software: The reduced size of mobile devices requires the invention of new, innovative, and compact interfaces. Applications will need to scale with the invention of new technology for active users. Data: Many more mobile systems mean an incredible amount of new data used to create much more information. Mobile systems can cause organizations to lose control over their data. Data leakage is inevitable. Procedures: Mobile systems are always on, and people who use mobile systems are equally always at work. Employee lifestyle becomes a hybrid of personal and professional. People: Mobile systems increase the speed of business, giving an advantage to those who can nimbly respond to changing conditions and succeed with the unexpected. Ability to thrive in a dynamic environment is more important. 12) A ___________ application is a thick-client application that is designed to work with a particular operating system, and sometimes only with a particular mobile device that runs that operating system. A) native B) virtual C) remote D) browser-based Answer: A 13) In a ___________ application, the browser provides a relatively consistent platform for the application. A) virtual B) native C) thick-client D) Web Answer: D 14) ___________ languages can be used to create difficult, complex applications, and, if used properly, will result in high-performance code that is easy to alter when requirements change. A) Assembly B) Data-oriented C) Object-oriented D) Hardware description Answer: C 15) Which of the following statements about native applications is true? A) They are developed by amateur programmers and business professionals. B) They use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript as development languages. C) They only run on the operating system for which they are programmed. D) They are dependent on platforms provided by browsers. Answer: C 16) Web applications can be developed by less-skilled, lesser-paid employees; they are considerably cheaper to develop than ___________ applications. A) thin-client B) user-code C) remote D) native Answer: D 17) Web mobile applications ___________. A) are limited by the capabilities of the browser B) are developed by professional programmers only C) run only on the operating system for which they are programmed D) are usually developed using Objective-C, Java, or VB.Net Answer: A 18) Which of the following development languages is used in web mobile applications? A) VB.Net B) HTML5 C) C++ D) Objective-C Answer: B 19) Which of the following statements is true of Web applications developed for mobile systems? A) They can be developed by professional programmers and technically oriented Web developers or business professionals. B) They are more expensive than native applications of equivalent complexity. C) It is easier to earn money from a thin-client application. D) Thin-client applications require multiple versions. Answer: A 20) A browser provides a more-or-less consistent environment for a Web application when it is developed to be run outside the browser. Answer: False 21) The cost of native applications is very low when compared to Web applications. Answer: False 22) A native application is a thick-client application that is designed to work with a particular operating system. Answer: True 23) Native mobile applications only run on the operating system for which they are programmed. Answer: True 24) Native mobile applications can be developed by technically oriented Web developers and business professionals. Answer: False 25) Professional programming languages such as Objective-C and VB.Net are preferred to develop Web mobile applications. Answer: False 26) The advantages of using the HTML5 version of Web application are the support for graphics, animation, 2D animations, and other sophisticated user experiences. Answer: True 27) Web applications are limited by the capabilities of the browser. Answer: True 28) The major advantage of native applications over Web applications is that they will run on any operating system and mobile device. Answer: False 29) Unlike native applications, Web applications have one code base and one development team. Answer: True 30) Differentiate between native and Web mobile applications. Answer: Native mobile applications are developed using serious, heavy-duty, professional programming languages such as Objective-C, Java, and VB.Net. All of these languages are object-oriented, which means they can be used to create difficult, complex applications, and, if used properly, will result in high-performance code that is easy to alter when requirements change. Object-oriented languages can only be used by professional programmers who have devoted years to learning object-oriented design and coding skills. The downside of native applications is that they only run on the operating system for which they are programmed. As a general rule, the cost of native applications is high. Web development languages are HTML5, CSS3, and Java Script. Web applications can be written by professional programmers. However, it is possible for technically oriented Web developers and business professionals to develop them as well. Web applications are limited by the capabilities of the browser. While browsers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, they cannot offer the full capabilities of the underlying operating system and hardware. The major advantage of webs over native applications is that they will run on any operating system and mobile device. 31) Which of the following is true of quality mobile user experiences? A) Users' content must occupy limited display space on mobile systems. B) Use of content to drive application behavior is called indirect interaction. C) Applications must be designed to one scale, so that they fit one particular display appropriately. D) Power usage on mobile devices can be minimized by moving complex code to cloud servers. Answer: D 32) ___________ is a term that refers to the visual overhead in a computer display. A) Refresh rate B) Indirect interaction C) Chrome D) Cloud server Answer: C 33) Some mobile applications provide ___________ chrome, which pops up in the display when appropriate. A) context-sensitive B) time-oriented C) data-sensitive D) object-oriented Answer: A 34) ___________ occurs when users move their activities, especially long-running transactions, across devices. A) Cloud computing B) Roaming C) Direct interaction D) Interfacing Answer: B 35) ___________ data is data that the server sends to the device. A) Nonlinear B) Linear C) Pull D) Push Answer: D 36) ___________ data is data that the device requests from the server. A) Nonlinear B) Linear C) Pull D) Push Answer: C 37) Chrome is a term that refers to the visual overhead in a computer display. Answer: True 38) Direct interaction is the usage of content to drive application behavior. Answer: True 39) Context-sensitive chrome pops up in the display when appropriate. Answer: True 40) Charms refers to the ability to move activities, especially long-running transactions, across devices. Answer: False 41) Push data is data that the device requests from the server. Answer: False 42) When some applications move complex code onto powered and powerful cloud servers, it improves the security. Answer: True 43) Explain the role of feature content in a quality mobile application. Answer: Quality mobile user interfaces should place the primary emphasis on users' content, giving such content as much of the display as possible. Rather than show menus, toolbars, and heavy window borders, the content should be shown cleanly and in center stage. Chrome is a term that refers to the visual overhead in a computer display. It is the windows, the menus, and other apparatus that drive the application. Because mobile screen size is often limited, modern mobile applications eliminate it as much as possible. The use of content to drive application behavior is called direct interaction. 44) State the primary characteristics of a quality mobile application. Answer: The primary characteristics of a quality mobile application are: 1. Feature content and supporting direct interaction 2. Using context-sensitive chrome when needed 3. Providing animation and lively behavior 4. Designing to scale and share (display and data) 5. Using the cloud 45) What is roaming? What are its applications? Answer: Roaming occurs when users move their activities, especially long-running transactions (reading a book, for example) across devices. The best mobile applications do this transparently; the user need take no action. Kindle apps inform iPad users about the most recently viewed page of a book when they open it on an iPhone. This is done entirely automatically. Roaming can achieve greater power when mobile applications allow roaming for other long-running transactions as well; editing a document, spreadsheet, or other Office documents are examples. At some point, applications like CRM and ERP may support roaming as well. In this context, push data is data that the server sends to or pushes onto the device whereas pull data is data that the device requests from the server. 46) Which of the following is an advantage of employees using their mobile systems at work? A) cost savings B) no risk of infection C) lower compatibility problems D) no real danger of lost or damaged data Answer: A 47) Which of the following is a disadvantage of employees using their mobile systems at work? A) limited productivity B) lower employee satisfaction C) greater need for training D) greater support costs Answer: D 48) The advantages of employees using their mobile systems at work include cost savings and greater employee satisfaction. Answer: True 49) The disadvantages of employees using mobile systems at work include a greater need for training. Answer: False 50) State the advantages and disadvantages of employee use of mobile systems at work. Answer: The advantages of employee use of mobile systems at work include cost savings. It also leads to greater employee satisfaction of using devices that employees chose according to their own preferences rather than organization-supplied PCs. Because employees are already using these devices for their own purposes, they need less training and can be more productive. This implies reduced support costs. On the other hand, employee use of mobile devices has significant disadvantages. There is the real danger of lost or damaged data. When data is brought into employee-owned computing devices, the organization loses control over where it goes or what happens to it. Organizations also lose control over the updating of software and the applications that users employ. This control loss leads to compatibility problems as well. Possibly the greatest disadvantage of employee use of their own devices is the risk of infection. Test Bank for Experiencing MIS David Kroenke, Randall Boyle 9780133939132, 9781292107707, 9780134773636, 9780136509868, 9780136078685, 9781486019281, 9780132157940

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