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This Document Contains Chapters 9 to 10 Chapter 9: Inequalities of Gender and Sexual Orientation MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The systematic murder of newborn baby girls is called __________. A) misogyny B) gender accomplishment C) female infanticide D) machismo Answer: C 2. Carl believes that men are innately superior to women. This is an example of __________. A) sexism B) misogyny C) female infanticide D) machismo Answer: A 3. Which country exhibits the most political equality between the sexes? A) The United States B) India C) Rwanda D) Canada Answer: C 4. In the United States, firefighting, building construction, and engineering are typically associated with men, while nursing, teaching, and hair styling are typically associated with women. This illustrates work that is __________. A) patriarchal B) sex-typed C) narrative D) matriarchal Answer: B 5. In health class, Mr. Riggins will teach the 5th grade students about the different biological equipment of males and females. Mr. Riggins will be discussing __________. A) sex B) gender C) testosterone D) homosexuality Answer: A 6. The process of being socialized into gender roles begins __________. A) before birth B) at birth C) in the toddler years D) in the adolescent years Answer: A 7. __________ defines the attitudes and behaviors expected of boys and girls. A) Sex-typed B) Homosexuality C) Sexual harassment D) Gender roles Answer: D 8. A __________ cuts across all other identities in life. A) master trait B) narrative C) suffragist D) civil union Answer: A 9. Marlene expects her son to be hyper and aggressive, but her daughter to be passive and soft-spoken. This reflects __________. A) sex-typed B) homosexuality C) sexual harassment D) gender roles Answer: D 10. Goldberg and Lewis’s research focuses on how parents subconsciously teach gender roles. As such, this research is in line with __________. A) conflict theory B) symbolic interactionism C) functionalism D) suffragist Answer: B 11. According to Marvin Harris, why is male dominance universal? A) Women’s brains are less advanced than men’s. B) The glass ceiling will never be broken. C) It’s based on two universal conditions. D) Men have always been in charge. Answer: C 12. __________ suggest that the origin of male domination is rooted in biological and social factors. A) Conflict theorists B) Symbolic interactionists C) Functionalists D) Suffragists Answer: C 13. Buzz believes that males dominate females because of biological differences. Buzz’s views are in line with __________. A) conflict theory B) symbolic interactionism C) functionalism D) suffragist Answer: C 14. In India, the men rule over the women. As such, India is __________. A) matriarchal B) suffragist C) misogynist D) patriarchal Answer: D 15. Susan B. Anthony traveled around the United States giving 75 to 100 speeches per year on women’s rights. As an advocate for a woman’s right to vote, Ms. Anthony was __________. A) matriarchal B) a suffragist C) a misogynist D) patriarchal Answer: B 16. Since the company’s beginning, no woman has ever moved beyond the position of director. All of the presidents, vice presidents, chief executive officers, and chief operating officers are men. This illustrates the __________. A) master trait B) suffragist C) glass ceiling D) gender role Answer: C 17. __________ suggest that men cultivate images of female inferiority to justify their greater privilege, and use economic and legal weapons against women. A) Conflict theorists B) Symbolic interactionists C) Functionalists D) Suffragists Answer: A 18. __________ highlight discrimination and class bias in the workplace. A) Feminist theorists B) Symbolic interactionists C) Functionalists D) Suffragists Answer: A 19. Nona wrote an article suggesting that Hollywood producers cultivate negative images of females to justify the greater privileges of men. Nona’s views are in line with __________. A) conflict theory B) symbolic interactionism C) functionalism D) suffragist Answer: A 20. The Khasi in India trace their lineage through the women in the family. They are __________. A) patriarchal B) matrilineal C) misogynist D) sex-typed Answer: B 21. In the United States, women hold the highest percentage of state offices in the __________. A) north B) south C) east D) west Answer: D 22. Women’s earnings are typically __________. A) equal to what men earn B) 7% more than what men earn C) 50% of what men earn D) 72% of what men earn Answer: D 23. The continent on which girls are least likely to receive an education is __________. A) Europe B) Asia C) Africa D) Australia Answer: C 24. The hormone produced by the testicles that stimulates primary and secondary sex traits in men is called __________. A) misogyny B) machismo C) sexism D) testosterone Answer: D 25. An unsolicited sexual advance made by a person in power is called __________. A) sexism B) misogyny C) the glass ceiling D) sexual harassment Answer: D 26. Researchers who study the role of media on gender inequality note that __________ out of 10 women on primetime are below the age of 46. A) 1 B) 3 C) 6 D) 9 Answer: A 27. The clustering of women and men in different educational specialties is called __________. A) misogyny B) gender tracking C) the glass ceiling D) scholastic achievement test Answer: B 28. Abraham touched the breast of Margaret, his secretary. This unsolicited sexual act by Margaret’s supervisor is a form of __________. A) sexism B) misogyny C) the glass ceiling D) sexual harassment Answer: D 29. Herbert and Miranda recently discussed the nature versus nurture debate on gender differences in men and women. Herbert supported the nature side of the debate. This means that Herbert supports __________. A) environmental explanations B) biological explanations C) religious explanations D) psychological explanations Answer: B 30. Miranda and Herbert recently discussed the nature versus nurture debate on gender differences in men and women. Miranda supported the nurture side of the debate. This means that Miranda supports __________. A) environmental explanations B) biological explanations C) religious explanations D) psychological explanations Answer: A 31. Which of the following is believed to encourage sexual harassment? A) Most women occupy an inferior status in boss–worker relations. B) The emphasis on women as sex objects. C) More women are becoming bosses. D) More women are getting divorced. Answer: A 32. Which group is more tolerant of homosexuality? A) Men B) Women C) They are equally as tolerant. D) Tolerance is impossible to measure. Answer: B 33. The first country to recognize same-sex marriage was __________. A) The United States B) England C) Spain D) China Answer: D 34. What did Laud Humphreys learn when doing his research on tearooms? A) That anonymous surveys are the best way to conduct research. B) That homosexual men enjoyed having afternoon tea as a part of their daily routine. C) That about 38% of the participants were heterosexual men. D) That men felt that their emotional commitment to their wives were threatened. Answer: C 35. When homosexuals publicly assert their private homosexual identity, this is called __________. A) don’t ask, don’t tell B) the glass ceiling C) coming out of the closet D) a defense of marriage act Answer: C 36. __________ are those whose internal gender identity does not match the gender role assigned to them by society. A) Sex-typed persons B) Homosexuals C) Transgendered persons D) Bisexuals Answer: C 37. Lawrence is a man. He is attracted to and prefers men. This reflects __________. A) homosexuality B) heterosexuality C) homosexual behavior D) gender roles Answer: A 38. Tereen is a woman. She is attracted to and prefers men. This reflects __________. A) homosexuality B) heterosexuality C) homosexual behavior D) gender roles Answer: B 39. The Defense of Marriage Act __________. A) denies federal benefits to married people of the same sex B) allows same sex marriages in the United States C) provides federal and state benefits to those in domestic partnerships D) prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation Answer: A 40. Queens, punks, and wolves are labels used to describe those in __________. A) boarding schools B) prisons C) the military D) hospitals Answer: B 41. A __________ refers to a compromise some states have made between legalizing marriage between same-sex partners and denying them all benefits. A) common law marriage B) domestic partnership C) same-sex marriage D) misogyny Answer: B 42. Lois and Eileen are lesbians whose relationship is legally recognized in some states. This reflects a(n) __________. A) common law marriage B) domestic partnership C) outside marriage D) misogyny Answer: B 43. When members of a football team found out that the quarterback was a homosexual, they assaulted him. This is an example of a __________. A) hate crime B) civil union C) domestic partnership D) suffragist Answer: A 44. Alton is a heterosexual man in prison. While he would prefer to have sex with a woman, he engages in sexual acts with other male prisoners because no women are available. This illustrates __________. A) situational homosexual behavior B) sexual harassment C) misogyny D) patriarchy Answer: A 45. The typical victims of violence are __________. A) boys B) homosexuals C) women D) men Answer: C 46. __________ suggests that violence against women is an expression of power. A) Symbolic interactionism B) Conflict theory C) Functionalism D) Suffragists Answer: B 47. __________ suggests that violence is encouraged by aggressive video games. A) Symbolic interactionism B) Conflict theory C) Functionalism D) Suffragists Answer: A 48. __________ insist that society is so discriminatory that it must be restructured. A) Suffragists B) Misogynists C) Radical extremists D) Conservative extremists Answer: C 49. __________ forbids discrimination on the basis of sex. A) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 B) The Equal Pay Act of 1963 C) The Fourteenth Amendment D) The Defense of Marriage Act Answer: A 50. __________ forbids discrimination in salaries. A) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 B) The Equal Pay Act of 1963 C) The Fourteenth Amendment D) The Defense of Marriage Act Answer: B FILL IN THE BLANK 51. The different biological equipment of males and females is called __________. Answer: sex 52. Goldberg and Lewis found in their research that mothers rewarded their daughters for being __________. Answer: passive 53. __________ suggest that gender differences are learned. Answer: Symbolic interactionists 54. The invisible blockade keeping women from achieving greater success in the workplace is called the __________. Answer: glass ceiling 55. A society in which men rule over the women is __________. Answer: patriarchal 56. The Khasi in India are __________. Answer: matrilineal 57. Sexual relations between people of the same sex is called __________. Answer: homosexual behavior 58. __________ refers to the legally sanctioned marriage of two same-sex people. Answer: Same-sex marriage 59. __________ believe that heterosexual gender distinctions are natural and desirable. Answer: Conservative extremists 60. __________ forbids discrimination in salaries. Answer: The Equal Pay Act of 1963 TRUE/FALSE 61. Sex is the major sorting device in every society in the world. Answer: True 62. Biology determines occupational destiny. Answer: False 63. Men’s activities are always given greater prestige than women’s activities. Answer: True 64. Most female circumcisions are performed by medical personnel in hospitals. Answer: False 65. Boys consistently outperform girls in math. Answer: True 66. Men currently outnumber women in college. Answer: False 67. The average man is paid more than the average woman. Answer: True 68. According to the EEOC, the offender in cases of sexual harassment is between a boss and an employee. Answer: False 69. Brian is not subject to sexual harassment laws for his treatment of male co-workers. Answer: False 70. Most Americans think that homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal. Answer: True SHORT ANSWER 71. Discuss Hacker’s findings on discrimination against women. What has changed and what remains the same? Answer: Hacker's findings on discrimination against women highlight both progress and persistent challenges. Over time, significant strides have been made in areas such as legal protections, educational opportunities, and workforce participation. Laws prohibiting discrimination and promoting gender equality have been enacted, and more women now hold positions of influence in various fields. However, despite these advancements, many barriers persist. Women still face wage gaps, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and systemic biases in hiring and promotion. Cultural norms and stereotypes continue to shape expectations and limit opportunities for women, particularly in male-dominated industries. The #MeToo movement has shed light on pervasive issues of sexual harassment and assault, indicating ongoing challenges in workplace culture. In essence, while there have been positive changes, the journey towards true gender equality remains unfinished, requiring continued efforts in policy reform, cultural shifts, and systemic change. 72. Explain the symbolic interactionist understanding of sex and gender. Answer: Symbolic interactionism offers an understanding of sex and gender that emphasizes the role of social interactions and symbols in shaping individuals' identities and behaviors. According to this perspective: 1. Sex: Refers to the biological characteristics that distinguish males and females. These are typically understood through physical attributes such as anatomy and genetics. 2. Gender: Unlike sex, gender is socially constructed and encompasses the roles, behaviors, and expectations that societies attribute to males and females. It includes norms for masculinity and femininity, which are learned through social interactions and reinforced through symbols like clothing, language, and gestures. Symbolic interactionists argue that gender identity is not innate but developed through ongoing social interactions where individuals learn and internalize societal norms and expectations related to gender roles. This perspective highlights how individuals actively negotiate and construct their gender identities through everyday interactions, adapting to social contexts and responding to feedback from others. In summary, symbolic interactionism views sex as a biological fact and gender as a socially constructed concept shaped by interpersonal communication, cultural norms, and symbolic meanings assigned to behaviors and identities. 73. List the four principles of conflict theory concerning power. Answer: Conflict theory outlines four principles concerning power: 1. Power is Unevenly Distributed: Conflict theorists argue that power is not evenly distributed in society but is concentrated among a few individuals or groups who control valuable resources and influence. 2. Power Creates Social Inequality: The unequal distribution of power leads to social inequality, where those with power can maintain and perpetuate their advantages while limiting opportunities for others. 3. Conflict Over Power: Conflict theorists posit that society is characterized by constant struggle and conflict over power and resources. This conflict can manifest in various forms, such as class struggles, gender conflicts, or racial tensions. 4. Social Change Through Conflict: Conflict theory suggests that social change occurs through these conflicts as oppressed groups challenge the status quo, seek greater power and influence, and strive for more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. These principles highlight how power dynamics shape social structures and interactions, contributing to the persistence of inequalities and driving societal change through ongoing conflicts and struggles. 74. Discuss the cultural factors that explain why girls outperform boys on the verbal portion of the SAT. Answer: Girls' outperformance on the verbal portion of the SAT can be attributed to several cultural factors: 1. Educational Emphasis: Cultural norms often encourage girls to excel in verbal skills from a young age. This emphasis may result in girls receiving more support and encouragement in language development, reading comprehension, and verbal reasoning skills compared to boys. 2. Socialization Patterns: Girls are often socialized to be more verbally expressive and articulate. They may engage in more conversations, read more literature, and participate in activities that enhance their verbal abilities, which are directly relevant to the verbal section of the SAT. 3. Academic Aspirations: Cultural expectations and societal norms may steer girls towards academic success and higher education. As a result, girls may invest more time and effort in preparing for standardized tests like the SAT, including the verbal section. 4. Gender Stereotypes: Stereotypes about gender and academic performance can influence girls' and boys' self-perceptions and aspirations. Girls may feel more pressure or motivation to excel in verbal skills due to cultural stereotypes associating femininity with verbal proficiency. 5. Testing Format Alignment: The verbal section of the SAT often includes reading comprehension and writing tasks that may align more closely with educational practices and skills emphasized in schools, where girls tend to perform well. In conclusion, girls' outperformance on the verbal portion of the SAT reflects a combination of cultural factors, including educational emphasis, socialization patterns, academic aspirations, gender stereotypes, and alignment with testing formats. These factors contribute to girls' stronger performance in verbal skills compared to boys. 75. Explain why there is a gender gap in pay. Answer: The gender gap in pay persists due to several factors: 1. Discrimination: Direct discrimination based on gender remains a significant factor. Women often receive lower wages for the same work or face barriers to advancement compared to men in similar positions. 2. Occupational Segregation: Women are often concentrated in lower-paying industries and occupations, such as caregiving, education, and administrative roles, compared to higher-paying fields dominated by men, such as technology and finance. 3. Motherhood Penalty: Women who become mothers often experience reduced wages and career advancement due to biases that assume they will prioritize caregiving responsibilities over work commitment. 4. Negotiation and Advocacy: Cultural norms and socialization may lead women to negotiate for lower salaries or benefits compared to men, who may be more assertive in salary negotiations. 5. Structural Barriers: Lack of supportive policies such as paid parental leave, flexible work arrangements, and affordable childcare disproportionately affects women's ability to maintain career continuity and earn higher wages. 6. Unconscious Bias: Implicit biases against women in hiring, promotion, and performance evaluations can contribute to disparities in pay and opportunities for career advancement. Overall, addressing the gender pay gap requires addressing these complex interrelated factors through policy changes, cultural shifts, and organizational practices that promote equity and fairness in compensation and career opportunities. ESSAY 76. What are the two functionalist perspectives on gender stratification? How can they be applied to the wage gap, changing gender roles, or other contemporary issues? Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Outline the “rewards for warriors” perspective. • Outline the “human reproduction idea.” • Apply both of these perspectives to a contemporary example. Sample Answer: Two functionalist perspectives on gender stratification are: 1. Complementary Roles: Functionalists argue that traditional gender roles are complementary and contribute to social stability. They posit that men and women perform different but equally important roles in society, such as breadwinning and caregiving, which are necessary for social cohesion. This perspective can be applied to contemporary issues like the wage gap by suggesting that men and women may naturally gravitate towards different roles due to their inherent differences and preferences. 2. Socialization and Social Order: Functionalists view gender roles as learned through socialization processes that maintain social order. They argue that societal expectations and norms guide individuals into appropriate gender roles, ensuring smooth functioning of institutions like the family and economy. This perspective can explain changing gender roles by emphasizing the gradual evolution of norms and expectations as society adapts to new economic realities and cultural shifts. In the context of the wage gap, functionalist perspectives might emphasize the importance of stable family units where men specialize in higher-paying careers while women focus on nurturing and supporting roles. However, critics argue that these perspectives can reinforce traditional inequalities and overlook structural barriers and discrimination that contribute to disparities in pay and opportunities between genders. 77. Discuss the practice of female circumcision, the rationale for it as well as the complications. Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Describe the practice of female circumcision. • Explain the cultural rationale behind the practice. • Note the physical difficulties with the practice and the social issues it raises. Sample Answer: Female circumcision, also known as female genital cutting or female genital mutilation (FGM), involves the partial or complete removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. Here are key points regarding its practice and consequences: 1. Rationale: The practice is often justified based on cultural, religious, or social beliefs, including preservation of chastity, initiation into womanhood, and adherence to perceived hygiene or aesthetic norms within certain communities. 2. Complications: FGM can lead to severe health consequences, including: • Immediate complications such as severe pain, bleeding, shock, and infection. • Long-term health issues like urinary problems, cysts, complications in childbirth, and psychological trauma. • Violation of human rights and ethical concerns due to the irreversible nature of the procedure and its impact on physical and mental well-being. Efforts to eradicate FGM focus on education, legal reforms, and community engagement to promote safer alternatives and protect the health and rights of girls and women. 78. Analyze the issue of homosexuality from functionalist and conflict perspectives. Which do you think explains the current situation? Use examples to support your claims. Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Outline the conflict perspective in general. • Outline the functionalist perspective in general. • Apply the tenets of these perspectives to homosexuality in the United States. • Use examples to argue for the utility of one perspective over the other. Sample Answer: From a functionalist perspective, homosexuality may be viewed as challenging social norms and stability due to its deviation from traditional family structures and reproductive norms. Functionalists might argue that heterosexuality promotes social cohesion by facilitating reproduction and family roles that contribute to societal stability. For example, Emile Durkheim's functionalist perspective would emphasize the importance of shared norms and values that support social order, with deviations potentially seen as disrupting this equilibrium. On the other hand, conflict theorists would view homosexuality through the lens of power dynamics and social inequality. They might argue that societal norms around heterosexuality are enforced through power structures that marginalize non-conforming sexual orientations. Conflict theory highlights how sexual minorities face discrimination, legal barriers, and social stigma due to dominant groups' efforts to maintain control over societal norms and institutions. For instance, conflict theorists would point to historical and ongoing struggles for LGBTQ+ rights and recognition as evidence of systemic discrimination and inequality. In explaining the current situation, conflict theory provides a more robust framework for understanding the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in achieving equality and acceptance. It acknowledges the power dynamics and structural inequalities that perpetuate discrimination and marginalization, whereas functionalist perspectives may overlook or minimize these social injustices in favor of maintaining societal stability and traditional norms. 79. Compare and contrast same-sex marriage with civil unions, and domestic partnerships. Which one is the most legitimate? Use functionalism and conflict theory to explain why our government does not simply issue domestic partnerships to all couples, heterosexual or homosexual. Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Identify and explain why civil unions and domestic partnerships are seen as a compromise. • Make an argument for which is the most culturally and legally legitimate version. • Apply theory to explain the lack of a universal designation. Sample Answer: Comparison and Contrast: 1. Same-Sex Marriage: Same-sex marriage is a legal union between two individuals of the same sex, granting them the same legal rights and responsibilities as heterosexual couples in terms of inheritance, taxes, and other legal matters. 2. Civil Unions: Civil unions are legal partnerships similar to marriage but typically without the title of "marriage." They provide some, but not all, of the legal protections and benefits of marriage. Civil unions were initially created as an alternative to marriage for same-sex couples when marriage was not legally recognized for them. 3. Domestic Partnerships: Domestic partnerships vary by jurisdiction but generally provide legal recognition of a committed relationship between two individuals, regardless of sexual orientation. They often grant some rights similar to marriage, such as health insurance coverage and visitation rights in hospitals. Legitimacy: • Functionalism: Functionalists may argue that same-sex marriage is the most legitimate because it promotes social stability and reinforces societal norms of commitment and family cohesion. By granting equal legal rights and protections, same-sex marriage integrates diverse family structures into mainstream society, enhancing social cohesion. • Conflict Theory: Conflict theorists might view domestic partnerships as a compromise that perpetuates inequality. They argue that by offering separate legal statuses for same-sex couples (like civil unions or domestic partnerships), the government reinforces discriminatory practices and maintains a hierarchy where heterosexual marriage holds greater legitimacy and benefits. This approach perpetuates social divisions and undermines efforts towards true equality. Government Approach: • The government does not simply issue domestic partnerships to all couples, heterosexual or homosexual, due to the influence of both functionalist and conflict perspectives. Functionalist concerns about maintaining social norms and stability through traditional marriage and family structures influence policies that prioritize heterosexual marriage as the ideal. Conflict theory highlights how power dynamics and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals lead to unequal treatment and barriers to achieving equal legal recognition through marriage. Therefore, while domestic partnerships may offer some benefits, they are often seen as insufficient in addressing the broader issues of equality and social justice. 80. Compare and contrast radical extremists and conservative extremists. How do these groups affect social policy decisions? Use an example to illustrate your point. Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Outline the views of radical extremists. • Outline the views of conservative extremists. • Analyze the two groups for key points of departure. • Discuss the impact of one of these groups being offended with any policy. • Apply an example to the above discussion with regard to gender discrimination. Sample Answer: Comparison and Contrast: 1. Radical Extremists: Advocate for drastic societal change through aggressive and sometimes violent means, aiming to revolutionize existing systems. 2. Conservative Extremists: Resist change and seek to preserve traditional values and institutions, viewing progressive reforms as threats to stability. Impact on Social Policy Decisions: • Radical Extremists: Influence policy by pushing marginalized issues into public discourse, leading to significant legislative changes despite opposition. • Conservative Extremists: Impact policy by opposing progressive reforms, often delaying or preventing inclusive legislation that challenges traditional norms. Chapter 10: Medical Care: Physical and Mental Illness MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. When Vondalyn arrived in the emergency room reporting chest pains, the attending physician administered a drug that interacted negatively with the insulin that Vondalyn takes every day. Consequently, Vondalyn had a heart attack. This is an example of __________. A) iatrogenesis B) psychoanalysis C) euthanasia D) domiciliary Answer: A 2. Over the years, medical costs have __________. A) remained the same B) risen dramatically C) declined slightly D) fluctuated constantly Answer: B 3. Kate Gosselin’s sextuplets were delivered through an abdominal surgery. This surgery is called __________. A) iatrogenesis B) electroconvulsive therapy C) a cesarean section D) euthanasia Answer: C 4. Dr. Hunt is a medical doctor. She collects payment for each service that she performs. This reflects __________. A) fee for service B) a lay referral network C) managed care D) home health care system Answer: A 5. Shayla does not have health insurance. When she is ill, she goes to the free health clinic and waits for hours to see a physician. Maria, on the other hand, has health insurance. When she gets sick, she calls her primary care physician and goes in for a visit. This illustrates __________. A) domiciliary care B) a lay referral network C) a two-tier system of medical care D) the home health care system Answer: C 6. Those born today in the United States can expect to live __________. A) 65-71 years B) 76-81 years C) 85-91 years D) 95-101 years Answer: B 7. Overall, the life expectancy of Americans has __________. A) declined B) increased C) remained the same D) fluctuated constantly Answer: B 8. Which racial-ethnic group has the shortest life expectancy in the United States? A) African Americans B) Asian Americans C) Latinos D) Native Americans Answer: D 9. Which racial-ethnic group has the longest life expectancy in the United States? A) African Americans B) Asian Americans C) Latinos D) Native Americans Answer: B 10. The __________ represents the number of babies who die before 1 year of age, per 1,000 live births. A) infant mortality rate B) conversion rate C) domiciliary rate D) tertiary rate Answer: A 11. The major cause of health and illness is __________. A) income B) environment C) education D) lifestyle Answer: D 12. Cancer and heart disease are examples of __________. A) iatrogenesis B) chronic illnesses C) acute illnesses D) tertiary Answer: B 13. The flu is an example of __________. A) iatrogenesis B) a chronic illness C) an acute illness D) tertiary Answer: C 14. Since 1960, suicide rates have __________. A) declined B) improved C) remained the same D) fluctuated constantly Answer: C 15. __________ is the release of hospitalized mental patients into the community. A) Depersonalization B) Deinstitutionalization C) Domiciliary care D) Tertiary prevention Answer: B 16. Ami has been experiencing a thinning of her hair and dark splotches on her skin. She talks about these conditions with her mother, her sister, and her best friend. These people make up Ami’s __________. A) managed care system B) lay referral network C) two-tier system of medical care D) home health care system Answer: B 17. Dr. Diekow is an obstetrician. Before prescribing a medication, he checks with a few other physicians and medical professionals. These people make up Dr. Diekow’s __________. A) professional referral network B) lay referral network C) two-tier system of medical care D) home health care system Answer: A 18. Clyde’s research focuses on how men and women interpret symptoms of illness differently. Clyde’s research is in line with __________. A) functionalism B) symbolic interactionism C) conflict theory D) feminist theory Answer: B 19. When Mrs. Harrison learned that her son Trey was homosexual, she sought the help of a psychiatrist to help change her son into a heterosexual. Mrs. Harrison requested __________. A) talk therapy B) group therapy C) short-term directive therapy D) conversion therapy Answer: D 20. Dr. Ndao tells the nurse in the emergency room that “There is a broken arm in room 4” instead of saying “Mrs. Chancellor is in room 4.” By referring to the patient as a thing and not a person, this illustrates __________. A) defensive medicine B) managed care C) depersonalization D) deinstitutionalization Answer: C 21. Fearful of lawsuits, Dr. Wang Lee gives her patients all available tests to ensure that an identifiable illness is not overlooked. This is an example of __________. A) defensive medicine B) managed care C) depersonalization D) deinstitutionalization Answer: A 22. Felipe believes that the poor are sick more often than the middle class because they lack sufficient income, high-quality education, food, housing, jobs, and medical services. Felipe’s beliefs are in line with __________. A) functionalists B) symbolic interactionists C) conflict theorists D) feminist theorists Answer: C 23. The leading cause of death in the United States is __________. A) diabetes B) heart disease C) stroke D) cancer Answer: B 24. Which group accounts for almost half of all HIV/AIDS cases? A) African Americans B) Asian Americans C) Latinos D) Native Americans Answer: A 25. The psychotherapy pioneered by Sigmund Freud is called __________. A) group therapy B) euthanasia C) short-term directive therapy D) psychoanalysis Answer: D 26. When experiencing emotional problems, the poor are more likely to experience __________. A) psychoanalysis B) group therapy C) drug therapy D) electroconvulsive therapy Answer: C 27. __________ halt(s) the progression of AIDS. A) Talk therapy B) Electroconvulsive therapy C) Antiretroviral drugs D) Iatrogenesis Answer: C 28. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in __________. A) 2000 B) 2003 C) 2007 D) 2010 Answer: D 29. Each week, Dr. Bob Newhart meets with six widows. The widows, with the guidance of Dr. Newhart, help each other cope with the grief of recent widowhood. This is an example of __________. A) group therapy B) euthanasia C) short-term directive therapy D) psychoanalysis Answer: A 30. Because of long-term exposure to various particles in the mines, coal miners often get black lung. As such, black lung is a(n) __________. A) domiciliary illness B) acute illness C) occupational disease D) iatrogenesis Answer: C 31. While in the state mental institution, Angelina received treatment for her depression. The treatment involved a wire attached to either side of her skull to allow low-voltage electric shocks to be sent repeatedly through her brain. This is an example of __________. A) individual psychotherapy B) drug therapy C) electroconvulsive therapy D) group therapy Answer: C 32. Dong Uk Yi is conducting research on how a large proportion of people with schizophrenia tend to live in homeless shelters. His research is in line with __________. A) drift hypothesis B) genetic hypothesis C) environmental hypothesis D) socialization hypothesis Answer: A 33. While interviewing her new client, the social worker learned that Manuel had been raised by a mentally ill father who did not have appropriate coping skills. The social worker concluded that Manuel never learned the proper mechanisms for adapting to undesirable social situations. The social worker’s conclusion is in line with ___________. A) drift hypothesis B) genetic hypothesis C) environmental hypothesis D) socialization hypothesis Answer: A 34. Lisa Winn is a therapist who listens to and tries to guide her patient toward a resolution of emotional problems. Winn offers __________. A) individual psychotherapy B) drug therapy C) electroconvulsive therapy D) group therapy Answer: A 35. Niles Crane is a counselor. His patients tell him about their current situations and he helps them understand their problems. Crane is involved in __________. A) iatrogenesis B) euthanasia C) short-term directive therapy D) psychoanalysis Answer: C 36. For the past 12 years, Terri Flynn’s physician has been prescribing antidepressants to help Terri cope with life. This is an example of __________. A) individual psychotherapy B) drug therapy C) electroconvulsive therapy D) group therapy Answer: B 37. People’s emotional well-being __________ with __________ in social class. A) decreases; decreases B) increases; decreases C) decreases; increases D) increases; increases Answer: A 38. Bill believes that he inherited his manic depression from his mother, who inherited it from her father. Bill’s beliefs are in line with __________. A) social class hypothesis B) genetic hypothesis C) environmental hypothesis D) socialization hypothesis Answer: B 39. Akara works as a temporary employee, makes minimum wage, and has several past due bills. These conditions negatively impact Akara’s emotional well-being. This illustrates __________. A) drift hypothesis B) genetic hypothesis C) environmental hypothesis D) socialization hypothesis Answer: C 40. Renee has a good job and good health insurance. When she is feeling down she is likely to receive __________. A) talk therapy B) drug therapy C) electroconvulsive therapy D) sociological therapy Answer: A 41. Over the past 20 years, the number of medical school graduates has __________. A) declined B) remained the same C) increased D) fluctuated wildly Answer: A 42. What number of those ages 45 to 64 in the United States are overweight? A) One in four B) Two in three C) Three in four D) Three in five Answer: C 43. Rhonda brushes her teeth to avoid cavities. This is an example of __________. A) primary prevention B) secondary prevention C) tertiary prevention D) paranoia Answer: A 44. Once a month, Ms. Patel does a breast self-exam to detect lumps. This is an example of __________. A) primary prevention B) secondary prevention C) tertiary prevention D) overmedication Answer: B 45. James was given an anti-clotting medication to prevent the reoccurrence of a heart attack. This is an example of __________. A) primary prevention B) secondary prevention C) tertiary prevention D) overmedication Answer: C 46. __________ are often purchased as a contractual package by employers in an effort to reduce the cost of providing health insurance to their employees. A) Professional referral networks B) Tertiary care plans C) Lay referral networks D) Managed care plans Answer: D 47. Medical training needs to stress the inherent ___________ of patients. A) goodness B) worth C) social needs D) medical needs Answer: B 48. Immunizing children is effective __________ prevention. A) primary B) secondary C) tertiary D) passive Answer: A 49. Pauline Beatty is a 98-year-old diabetic who lives in her own home. Each day, a nurse visits Pauline to assess her sugar level and to provide wound care. This is an example of __________. A) tertiary prevention B) managed care C) a health maintenance organization D) domiciliary care Answer: D 50. In the 1970s, __________ said a more complex and stressful society was on its way. A) Rick Carlson B) James DePaul C) Lois Goodman Emily St. Clair Answer: A FILL IN THE BLANK 51. When there is some medical care for those who can afford insurance and other medical care for those who cannot, this is called the __________. Answer: two-tier system of medical care 52. __________ provides health care for the poor. Answer: Medicaid 53. __________ suggest that profits, not health care, drive the US health care system. Answer: Functionalists 54. __________ suggest that American patterns of illness and health care are the outcome of clashes between interest groups. Answer: Conflict theorists 55. The use of tranquilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotic drugs to relieve people’s problems and help them cope with life is called __________. Answer: drug therapy 56. The __________ hypothesis suggests that people with emotional difficulties tend to be less successful in life, so they flow from higher-income families down into the lower classes. Answer: drift 57. The _________ hypothesis suggests that different social class environments contribute to or restrict mental illness. Answer: environmental 58. Psychotherapy and group therapy are forms of __________. Answer: talk therapy 59. People who have been trained to assist doctors in caring for patients are __________. Answer: physician extenders 60. __________ involves detecting a disease before it comes to the attention of a physician. Answer: Secondary prevention TRUE/FALSE 61. There is primarily a biological component to illness. Answer: False 62. Medical costs have increased because of more elderly people in the population. Answer: True 63. The APA currently classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder. Answer: False 64. Most hysterectomies performed each year in the United States. are unnecessary. Answer: True 65. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States. Answer: False 66. Antiretroviral drugs prevent people from infecting others with HIV. Answer: False 67. The type of treatment that a person receives depends on the person’s ability to pay. Answer: True 68. Home health care is more expensive than nursing home and hospital care. Answer: False 69. Using physician extenders increases the cost of health care. Answer: False 70. Psychoanalysis is more effective than drug therapy. Answer: False SHORT ANSWER 71. Explain the explosion in medical costs. Answer: Medical costs have risen sharply due to technological advancements, an aging population requiring more care, high administrative expenses, expensive pharmaceuticals, the prevalence of chronic diseases, and increasing patient expectations for advanced treatments. 72. What are the social dynamics that contribute to the suicide rate in the United States? Answer: Several social dynamics contribute to the suicide rate in the United States: 1. Social Isolation: Feelings of loneliness and lack of social support can increase vulnerability to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. 2. Stigma and Mental Health: Stigma surrounding mental illness can prevent individuals from seeking help, leading to untreated mental health issues that increase suicide risk. 3. Access to Firearms: Easy access to firearms is linked to higher rates of completed suicides, as firearms are a highly lethal method of suicide. 4. Substance Abuse: Alcohol and drug abuse can exacerbate mental health issues and impulsivity, increasing the risk of suicide. 5. Economic Factors: Financial stressors, unemployment, and socioeconomic disparities can contribute to feelings of hopelessness and despair. 6. Media Coverage and Influence: Sensationalized media coverage of suicides can contribute to suicidal behavior through contagion effects. Addressing these social dynamics requires comprehensive strategies that promote mental health awareness, reduce stigma, enhance social support systems, and implement effective suicide prevention measures. 73. Explain the decline in infectious illnesses over the last century. Answer: The decline in infectious illnesses over the last century is primarily due to advancements in vaccination programs, improved sanitation and hygiene practices, the development of antibiotics and antimicrobial treatments, effective public health measures, advances in medical technology, global health initiatives, and increased education and awareness about disease prevention. 74. Compare and contrast the various types of therapy. Answer: 1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors through practical strategies. 2. Psychodynamic Therapy: Explores unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts to gain insight and alleviate symptoms. 3. Humanistic Therapy: Emphasizes personal growth and self-actualization through empathetic support. 4. Existential Therapy: Addresses existential concerns like meaning and freedom to foster authenticity and purpose. 5. Behavioral Therapy: Targets specific behaviors using reinforcement and conditioning techniques. 6. Family Therapy: Improves familial relationships and communication through systemic interventions. 7. Group Therapy: Provides support and interpersonal learning in a group setting with shared challenges. 75. Compare and contrast the main explanations of why the poor suffer more mental disorders than people in other classes. Answer: • Poor Socioeconomic Conditions: Higher stress levels, limited access to healthcare, and adverse living conditions contribute to higher rates of mental disorders among the poor. • Higher Socioeconomic Classes: Generally experience lower stress, better access to healthcare, stronger social support networks, and healthier environments, reducing their risk of mental health issues. ESSAY 76. Discuss cesarean births and the risks involved. Use your main theories to explain why they have increased in the United States. Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Describe a cesarean birth. • Explain the risks involved and why they are still used anyway. • Apply functionalism or conflict theory to explain the rise of C-sections. Sample Answer: Cesarean births, while sometimes necessary for medical reasons, carry increased risks compared to vaginal births. These risks include infection, blood loss, longer recovery times, and potential complications in future pregnancies. The rise in cesarean rates in the US can be attributed to several factors: 1. Medicalization of Birth: Increased reliance on medical interventions and technology in childbirth. 2. Maternal Request: Some mothers opt for cesareans due to convenience or perceived safety. 3. Malpractice Concerns: Doctors may opt for cesareans to avoid potential litigation. 4. Obesity and Age: Higher rates of obesity and older maternal age increase risks that may prompt cesareans. 77. What factors contribute to the scope of the health problems in the United States? What policy lessons can we learn from other countries to help improve our health? What keeps us from implementing these strategies? Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Note the lifestyle and structural factors that contribute to impacting health factors. • Demonstrate knowledge of key indicators such as life expectancy. • Compare US health rates to other countries. • Compare US health care policies to other countries. Sample Answer: Several factors contribute to health problems in the United States, including lifestyle choices (e.g., diet, exercise), healthcare access disparities, socioeconomic inequalities, and policy decisions affecting public health initiatives. Policy lessons from other countries emphasize universal healthcare coverage, preventive care focus, and social determinants of health integration. Challenges to implementing these strategies in the US include political divides, vested interests, and complex healthcare system dynamics that resist change. 78. Explain the conflict perspective on the doctor-patient relationship. Why is this relationship problematic in the current institutional arrangement? Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Outline the conflict perspective. • Explain the nature of the doctor-patient relationship. • Analyze this relationship from the conflict perspective. • Note how the current structure of health care in the United States problematizes this relationship. Sample Answer: The conflict perspective on the doctor-patient relationship highlights power imbalances and economic interests influencing healthcare delivery. In current institutional arrangements, issues like profit-driven healthcare systems, unequal access to care, and prioritization of financial outcomes over patient well-being contribute to the problematic nature of this relationship. These dynamics can lead to distrust, inadequate care, and disparities in health outcomes based on socioeconomic status. 79. Discuss the role of physician extenders and the challenges that they face. What role do they play from a functionalist perspective? Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Describe the duties of a physician extender. • Explain why physician extenders exist. • Apply the functionalist perspective to explain their role. Sample Answer: Physician extenders, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, play crucial roles in healthcare by providing primary and specialty care services. From a functionalist perspective, they help alleviate physician shortages, improve access to care, and enhance healthcare efficiency. However, they face challenges such as scope of practice limitations, varying state regulations, and integration into healthcare teams. 80. Explain how HMOs work and explain the advantages and disadvantages of such plans. Do you think managed care is more or less effective for the United States than universal health care would be? Ideal Answer: The ideal answer should include: • Outline the components of HMOs and managed care in general. • Explain how the HMO affects doctors, hospitals, and patients. • Compare and contrast managed care with universal care. Sample Answer: HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) work by requiring members to choose a primary care physician who coordinates their healthcare and approves referrals to specialists. Advantages include cost control through preventive care and lower out-of-pocket expenses. Disadvantages include restricted provider choices and potential for limited coverage outside the network. Whether managed care (like HMOs) or universal healthcare is more effective for the US depends on perspectives. Managed care can control costs and streamline care, but universal healthcare might offer broader coverage and address disparities more comprehensively. Effectiveness depends on balancing cost control with access and quality of care. Test Bank for Social Problems: A Down-to-Earth Approach James M. Henslin 9780205968848, 9781292039862, 9780205965120, 9780205004164, 9780135164709

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