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8. COMMUNICATION REVIEW QUESTIONS: Suggested answers What different components of a person's perceptual screens may distort communication? Answer: Perceptual screens are composed of the personal factors each person brings to interpersonal communication, such as age, gender, values, beliefs, past experiences, cultural influences, and individual needs. What are the three defining features of reflective listening? Answer: Reflecting listening can be characterized as personal, feeling-oriented, and responsive. What are the four levels of verbal response in reflective listening? Answer: They include affirming contact, paraphrasing expressed thoughts and feelings, clarifying implicit thoughts and feelings, and reflecting “core” feelings not fully expressed. Compare one-way communication and two-way communication. Answer: With one-way communication, a message is sent to the receiver, soliciting no feedback, questions or interaction. Two-way communication is more time consuming, and requests interaction from the recipient of the message. In general, we prefer two-way communication because it allows for feedback and verification of intent. What are the five communication skills of effective supervisors and managers? Answer: The skills include expressive speaking, empathetic listening, persuasive leading, sensitivity to feelings, and informative managing. Describe incivility in terms of defensive communication. Describe civility in terms of nondefensive communication. Answer: Incivility is a form of defensive communication that destroys interpersonal relationships. Dominant defensive communication is characterized by active, aggressive, attacking behavior, and expresses the psychological attitude, “I am right, and you are wrong." Subordinate defensive communication is characterized by passive, submissive, withdrawing behavior. The psychological attitude is "you are right, and I am wrong." Civility is a form of nondefensive communication that is assertive and leads to clarity. Nondefensive communication is centered, assertive, and honest. It demonstrates self-control without rejecting the listener. What four kinds of nonverbal communication are important in interpersonal relationships? Answer: Proxemics, which is the perception and use of space, is a major indicator for comfort in communication. In addition, kinesics refers to the meaningfulness of gestures. Facial expressions, eye behavior, and paralanguage are also part of nonverbal communication. The four key types of nonverbal communication important in interpersonal relationships are: 1. Facial Expressions: Convey emotions and reactions, providing cues to feelings and attitudes. 2. Body Language: Includes posture and gestures, indicating openness, confidence, or discomfort. 3. Eye Contact: Reflects engagement, honesty, and interest, influencing trust and connection. 4. Tone of Voice: Conveys emotions and intent, affecting how messages are interpreted and understood. What are helpful nonverbal behaviors in the communication process? Unhelpful behaviors? Answer: Gestures, facial expressions, and body postures have different meanings in different cultures. Helpful behaviors include eye contact, nodding, and other affirmative behaviors. Unhelpful behaviors include looking away when talking, failing to acknowledge greetings, glares, rolling of the eyes, sighing, crossing arms and leaning way, peering over glasses, and continuing to read while someone is speaking. What is communicative disease? Answer: Communicative disease is the absence of heartfelt communication in human relationship. It can lead to loneliness and social isolation, and ultimately to death. Positive, healthy communication involves emotional competence and cooperative work behaviors based on trust and truthfulness, and it is the antidote to communicative disease. Describe at least five new communication technologies in terms of data richness. Answer: Informational databases provide very high data capacity, but low information richness. E-mail provides moderate information richness with moderate data capacity. Voice mail offers moderate-to-high information richness, but low data capacity. Similarly, cell phones offer high information richness, but low data capacity. Videophones offer the highest information richness other than face-to-face communication, but coupled with the low data capacity of face-to-face communication and telephones. DISCUSSION AND COMMUNICATION QUESTIONS: suggested answers Who is the best communicator you know? Why do you consider that person to be so? Answer: Many students will name a prominent figure because they can more readily express why they think the person is a good communicator. Others will identify individuals they actually know. The difficult aspect of this question is to get them to analyze why those individuals are good communicators. The best communicator I know is [Name], due to their ability to listen actively and convey ideas clearly and empathetically. They excel in tailoring their message to the audience, using appropriate body language and tone to enhance understanding. Their openness and respect in conversations foster trust and effective dialogue. Their skill in navigating complex topics with clarity makes them an exceptional communicator. Who is the best listener you have ever known? Describe what that person does that makes him or her so good at listening. Answer: Most often this will be a family member, and the most typical response is someone who is skilled at reflective listening, especially as an empathetic listener. Be sure to point out to students that two-way communication is an important element of this question. The best listener I have ever known is [Name], who excels by giving their full attention during conversations. They make eye contact, nod to show understanding, and avoid interrupting, allowing the speaker to express themselves fully. They ask clarifying questions and provide thoughtful feedback, demonstrating genuine interest and empathy. Their active listening fosters a deeper connection and ensures that the speaker feels heard and valued. What methods have you found most helpful in overcoming barriers to communication that are physical? Status based? Cultural? Linguistic? Answer: This question provides an excellent opportunity for international students to contribute to class discussions. To overcome physical barriers, using clear and accessible technology, like hearing aids or visual aids, has been effective. For status-based barriers, fostering an inclusive environment and encouraging open dialogue helps bridge gaps. Addressing cultural barriers involves educating oneself about diverse backgrounds and practicing cultural sensitivity. Overcoming linguistic barriers can be achieved through language training and using translation tools or services to facilitate understanding. Who makes you the most defensive when you talk with that person? What does the person do that makes you so defensive or uncomfortable? Answer: Ask students to characterize the individual, rather than naming the individual. Some students might be bold enough to mention professors. Encourage students to focus on specific behaviors rather than personalities. The person who makes me the most defensive is [Name], due to their tendency to interrupt frequently and dismiss my viewpoints. They often challenge my opinions aggressively without allowing me to fully explain my perspective. This confrontational approach makes me feel invalidated and defensive. Their communication style creates a tense environment, making it difficult for me to engage openly. With whom are you the most comfortable and nondefensive in conversation? What does the person do that makes you so comfortable or nondefensive? Answer: Typical answers are friends and partners. Mentors should have these characteristics as well. As in the previous question, encourage students to focus on specific behaviors rather than personalities. I am most comfortable and nondefensive in conversation with [Name], who actively listens and validates my opinions. They ask thoughtful questions and provide supportive feedback, creating a safe space for open dialogue. Their respectful and empathetic approach fosters trust and reduces defensiveness. Their genuine interest and understanding make discussions feel collaborative and reassuring. Have you ever been the object of incivility? Describe how it made you feel and how you reacted. Answer: Personal descriptions of how it feels to be the object of incivility may help students who exhibit incivility to understand how their incivility impacts others. Consider having students share their answers to this question with the rest of the class. Yes, I have been the object of incivility, such as being spoken to rudely or dismissed in a meeting. It made me feel disrespected and frustrated, impacting my confidence and willingness to contribute. I initially responded with calmness, trying to address the issue diplomatically, but later sought support from a supervisor to resolve the situation and improve communication dynamics. What nonverbal behaviors do you find most helpful in others when you are attempting to talk with them? When you try to listen to them? Answer: You could have students tell you what nonverbal clues you send while lecturing. Are there annoying habits that get in the way of your information (i.e., twisting a paper clip, the inflection in your voice, etc.)? When talking with others, I find eye contact, nodding, and open body language most helpful, as they show attentiveness and engagement. When listening, I appreciate when others maintain eye contact, use affirming gestures like nodding, and exhibit a relaxed posture, signaling their focus and understanding. These nonverbal cues make interactions more effective and foster a positive communication environment. Identify a person at work or at school who is difficult to talk to and arrange an interview in which you practice good reflective listening skills. Ask the person questions about a topic you think may interest her or him. Pay particular attention to being patient, calm, and nonreactive. After the interview, summarize what you learned. Answer: Have the students share what they learned from this interview in class. Following are some questions that will help stimulate class discussion. What were the difficulties they encountered using reflective listening skills? How did this conversation compare with previous conversations the student had with this person? What reflective listening skills were most difficult to use and why? I interviewed [Name], who is known to be difficult to talk to, practicing reflective listening by remaining patient, calm, and nonreactive. I asked about their recent project, which I knew was of interest to them. I used reflective statements to ensure understanding and validate their feelings. From the interview, I learned that they value recognition for their contributions and feel frustrated when not acknowledged. This insight highlights the importance of effective communication and recognition in their work experience. Go to the library and read about communication problems and barriers. Write a memo categorizing the problems and barriers you find in the current literature (last five years). What changes do organizations or people need to make to solve these problems? Answer: In addition to enhancing students’ skills at memo writing, this activity highlights for students the most current communication problems. In identifying solutions to these problems, encourage students to move beyond the suggestions in the textbook and to think creatively about their solutions. Memo To: [Recipient] From: [Your Name] Date: [Date] Subject: Communication Problems and Barriers Current literature identifies several communication problems and barriers: 1. Technological Disruptions, which create misunderstandings; 2. Cultural Differences, leading to misinterpretations; 3. Status and Power Imbalances, causing ineffective communication; 4. Information Overload, resulting in reduced clarity. To address these issues, organizations and individuals should implement clearer communication protocols, provide cultural competency training, foster open and equitable dialogue, and streamline information dissemination to ensure effective communication and understanding. Develop a role-playing activity for class that demonstrates defensive (dominant or subordinate) and nondefensive communication. Write brief role descriptions that classmates can act out. Answer: Not only does this activity enhance understanding of defensive and non-defensive communication, but it also can be a lot of fun and a good way to get to know class members. Role-Playing Activity: Defensive vs. Nondefensive Communication Scenario: A team meeting discussing a project’s progress. 1. Defensive Communication (Dominant): [Person A] criticizes the team’s work harshly, interrupts others, and dismisses suggestions. 2. Defensive Communication (Subordinate): [Person B] responds with submissive agreement, avoids eye contact, and hesitates to share their own views. 3. Nondefensive Communication: [Person C] listens actively, acknowledges others' input, and provides constructive feedback in a respectful manner. Objective: Demonstrate how defensive and nondefensive behaviors impact team dynamics and effective communication. Read everything you can find in the library about a new communication technology. Write a two-page memo summarizing what you have learned and the conclusions you draw about the new technology’s advantages and disadvantages. Answer: Take time in class for several students to share the information they gathered on a new communication technology. You can also discuss the environments in which each new communication technology might be most/least effective. Memo To: [Recipient] From: [Your Name] Date: [Date] Subject: Summary of [New Communication Technology] The new communication technology, [Technology Name], offers several advantages, including enhanced connectivity, real-time collaboration, and increased accessibility through its user-friendly interface. However, disadvantages include potential security vulnerabilities, integration challenges with existing systems, and the risk of digital fatigue from constant notifications. Balancing these pros and cons, [Technology Name] can significantly improve communication efficiency if managed with appropriate security measures and user training. ETHICAL DILEMMA Dan’s options are to keep Kyle on his team and continue to devote the necessary time to making sure Kyle understands things correctly or to move Kyle into a job on Ken’s team knowing that Ken is unlikely to take extra time with Kyle to be sure he understands things correctly. Using consequential, rule-based, and character theories, evaluate Dan’s options. Answer: Consequential – If Dan keeps Kyle on his team, he will have to continue spending extra time with Kyle to be sure he understands everything correctly, but he will have more control over Kyle’s potential for errors. If Dan moves Kyle to Ken’s team, he will have more time to devote to other things, but will also have less control over Kyle’s potential for errors and will be increasing the likelihood that those errors will occur since Ken is unlikely to take the time to ensure Kyle understands correctly. Rule-based – Dan’s obligation in this situation is to protect the company and the other workers from any injuries that might result from Kyle’s improper understanding of what is being communicated to him. Character – Dan seems to care a great deal about communication, as evidenced by his extensive efforts to ensure that his team clearly and accurately understands what he is trying to communicate to them. Moreover, he has been willing thus far to devote whatever extra time is necessary to ensure that Kyle does not misunderstand or misinterpret his communications. Keeping Kyle on his team would be in line with this character trait, whereas moving him to Ken’s team would contradict this trait. What should Dan do? Why? Answer: According to the rule-based and character theories, Dan should keep Kyle on his team rather than move him to Ken’s team. While moving Kyle would free up some of Dan’s time and remove Kyle as a source of frustration, doing so would also jeopardize Dan’s obligation to protect the company and other workers from the possibility of harm caused by Kyle’s misunderstandings or misinterpretations, and would also contradict Dan’s character in that he would no longer be ensuring that Kyle accurately understands what is being communicated to him. EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISES 8.1 Communicate, Listen, Understand One of the biggest barriers to effective communication between people is the natural tendency to judge or evaluate the communication before it is fully understood. This especially happens during times of conflict, opposition, disagreement, boredom, or extreme agreement. More effective communication will result if a clear message is sent and the other person really listens and understands the message as it is intended to be understood. One way you can be sure that you understand the other person as he or she intends for you to understand is to make a listening check. A listening check is merely a summary in your own words of what you understand the other person to have said. If you have misunderstood the message, it gives you the opportunity to hear it again and really gain an understanding before moving on in the conversation. The ability to skillfully make listening checks is crucial in all human interactions and especially crucial when you are in a managerial role. To gain skills in utilizing listening checks, there will be three rounds of conversations. During each round, two people will have a conversation while the other person acts as an observer. One of the two people will initiate the conversation. However, it is two-way conversation. Introduce the activity by saying, “since the management process is performed through communicating with others, our focus in this session will be on communication skill building. We are going to do a skill-building exercise in groups of threes, triads. Letter off A, B, and C and go to an area of the room in which you can carry on a private conversation.” Each round of conversation will last 5-8 minutes. Call time at the end of each round, reminding students about switching roles. Following round three, give students time to respond to the questions listed in Step 5 of the textbook exercise. Have each group share its responses to the questions with the class. More detailed descriptions of each round follow. Round 1. In this round, A picks one of the controversial topics that are posted and initiates a conversation with B. A and B carry on a two-way conversation while observing the following rule. Before either A or B may speak, they must summarize to the other what the person has just said to the satisfaction of the speaker. If they summarize back to the other one and it does not satisfy the other, they must hear the statement or comment again and keep summarizing until it meets the satisfaction of the one who spoke last. No new statement or any other response may be given until the last person who spoke is satisfied that the other person has understood what was said. Again, it is to be a two-way conversation, but you must summarize back to the last person what they just said to their satisfaction before you can add any new information. Once you have summarized it, you can make some statements about your position on the topic, then the other person must summarize back to your satisfaction, before she or he can add any new information. During this round, C is the observer. As the observer, you are to referee and enforce the ground rules. If A or B interrupt each other and start talking before they have summarized, you stop them and remind them that they must summarize what the last person said before they can make their own statement. Round 2. During this round, B and C will have a discussion. B will pick a topic off the list posted and begin the conversation with C. It is a two-way conversation, but the only free statement is the first statement. After that, the other person must make a listening check before any new information can be added. A will be the observer, so enforce the ground rules. Round 3. During this round, C will start the conversation with A, and B will be the observer. It is important that the observer enforce the ground rules of requiring a listening check before adding information. Potential list of controversial topics: gun control background checks on airline passengers assisted suicide restrictions on tobacco advertising abortion provision of welfare benefits to illegal aliens affirmative action programs add your own topics of special interest to your university or community 8.2 Preparing for an Employment Selection Interview According to David A. Whetten and Kim S. Cameron (Developing Management Sills: Applied Communication Skills. New York: HarperCollins, 1993), the employment-selection interview is one of three important organizational interviews in which applied communication skills are essential. The other two types of interviews are the information-gathering interview and the performance-appraisal interview. Whetten and Cameron suggest that the supervisor use a PEOPLE-Oriented Process in preparing for and conducting the employment-selection interview. There are six guidelines for the supervisor in conducting the interview using this process. P-Prepare: The supervisor should review the person’s application, resume, transcripts, and other background information. Using these materials, along with the company’s job description and performance evaluation form(s), the supervisor should prepare both general and individually-specific questions. Finally, prepare the physical setting in a suitable and professional manner. E-Establish Rapport: It is important for the supervisor to help the applicant feel comfortable and to communicate a genuine interest in the candidate. The supervisor should create a supportive attitude through both verbal and nonverbal communication. O-Obtain Information: Asking questions and probing, without prying, for information is important. It is equally important to listen attentively and carefully to what the applicant has to say. The supervisor should also observe the applicant’s dress, mannerism, and body language. P-Provide Information: Remember that the interview is two-way communication. The supervisor should describe current and future job opportunities, present the organization in a positive light, and respond to the applicant’s questions. L-Lead to Close: The supervisor should clarify any responses from the applicant and close by explaining what happens next in the overall process. E-Evaluate: The supervisor should evaluate the match between the applicant’s technical qualifications and the job requirements. The supervisor should probably judge the applicant’s personal qualities, such as maturity and leadership, before making a final recommendation on the candidate. If the supervisor uses the PEOPLE approach to the employment-selection interview, the applicant or candidate can use the PPOE approach to this interview. There are four guidelines for the applicant to achieve a successful interview. P-Prepare: The applicant should talk with people familiar with the organization and conduct library research on the organization, if possible. The applicant should be an informed interviewee and have questions prepared based on this background investigation. Finally, the applicant should dress in a suitable manner for the interview. P-Provide Information: The interviewer in the organization will probably ask questions first, so the applicant should be prepared to answer questions about his or her application and résumé. It is important to be nondefensive and forthright during this part of the interview. O-Obtain Information: The applicant should be assertive in asking questions that have emerged from the preparation for the interview. The applicant should make sure that his or her key questions are answered. E-Evaluate: The applicant should assess the degree of fit between the organization and his or her skills, abilities, values and interests. The applicant should determine whether he or she wants any additional information. Alternative Experiential Exercise Degrees of Truth in Feedback Instructor's Notes: The following incident is an avoidance situation between car pooling work colleagues. The students are asked to decide how to respond to a direct question about Rachel's potential as a manager. Jack runs through the possible answers mentally. Students are asked to provide the answer they believe is most appropriate, as well as why the rejected answers would not be adequate. The guidelines below allow specific criticism for the rejected options available to Frank. Giving Useful Feedback: Give feedback with a constructive intent. Don't punish in the name of feedback. If you want to be helpful, do so in a way that seems likely to work, but do not assume responsibility for how the receiver uses the feedback, nor for his or her feelings. Offer feedback as your gift that the receiver must accept, use, or ignore, as he or she prefers. Be descriptive rather than judgmental. Feedback is a chance to see yourself or your behavior through another’s eyes. Say, for example, "your illustration was very concrete" rather than "that was a great illustration." Be specific rather than general. "When you said you were upset, I was surprised" is more specific than "I never know where you are coming from." When you are specific the other person knows how to "do it again" if they so choose. Give feedback in terms of your own perspective rather than an "absolute truth." "I was pleased when you commented on my presentation", and "I" statement, is more accurate than the generalization "we all like to get comments on our presentations." Give feedback as close as possible to the time the behavior takes place. If you believe it is necessary, let the receiver "cool off" a bit first. But remember that it is difficult to recall and reconstruct events, feelings, motives, etc., that occurred long ago. Give feedback when it is desired. Don't waste feedback on people who are bent on resisting it. If you want to take care of yourself, confront the person instead. Give feedback on things that can be changed. Don't waste time and emotional energy on things the person cannot change. * SOURCE: Conrad Jackson, The University of Alabama, Huntsville. Degrees of Truth in Feedback For the scenario described below, consider the appropriateness of the feedback examples provided. Jack and Rachel have been car pooling for about a year. Though they do not socialize much outside of work (nor interact much at work), they have a very friendly relationship during the half hour or so they are together each morning and each evening. Jack thinks of Rachel as a friend, and apparently Rachel feels the say way, as they often share insights about how they feel about their jobs, families, etc. Jack sees Rachel as a nice person, though perhaps overly rigid about how other people look at the world. Rachel has often said that she feels that her boss "doesn't treat her like someone who is being considered for promotion to a supervisory job.” She asks Jack "do you see me as supervisor material?" Critique each of the following responses Jack might give in terms of the guidelines for useful interaction: a. "Hey, I think you would make a great supervisor. I'm sure it would be a challenge to anyone, but you'd do just fine. Why don't you go in there and tell your boss that you want to know when you are going to be promoted?" b. "I really don't know. If you're not happy now, you should certainly give it a try. But don't worry about it until you have to cross that bridge, though." c. "Look, Rachel, I'm your friend, so I'll tell you straight. You're too neurotic about things. People don't like the way you come on strong all the time. Nobody's going to understand where you're coming from like I do because they don't spend the time with you that I do." d. "I think I would feel comfortable working for you. Just this afternoon I've given my opinion about the merger and about the NAFTA decision, and you didn't try to tell me I was wrong about either, even though you obviously disagree. But I must admit that you didn't ask for my opinion about either one." e. "Well, I think you sometimes seem a bit opinionated. Of course everyone usually has opinions, and yours are probably as good as anyone's. But maybe you'd be better off if on occasion you would ask for other people's opinions more." EXTRA EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISES The following exercises to supplement the material in the textbook can be obtained from: Marcic, Dorothy, Seltzer, Joseph, & Vaill, Peter. Organizational Behavior: Experiences and Cases, 6th Ed. South-Western College Publishing Company, 2001. Poor Listening Habits: Identifying and Improving Them. p. 165-168. Time: 50-80 minutes. Purpose: To help participants to identify their poor listening habits and to practice effective listening skills. Feedback: Interpersonal Relationships in Groups. p. 169-170. Time: 50 minutes. Purpose: To learn effective methods of interpersonal feedback in order to develop a cohesive group. Fandt, Patricia M. Management Skills: Practice and Experience, West Publishing Company, 1994. In-Basket Exercise 1-5: Practicing Effective Oral Communication. p. 165-181. TAKE 2 BIZ FLIX: Friday Night Lights (II) PPT Slide 29 Organizations Discussed: Permian High School The Odessa, Texas passion for Friday night high school football (Permian High Panthers) comes through clearly in this cinematic treatment of H. G. (Buzz) Bissinger’s well-regarded book of the same title. Coach Gary Gaines (Billy Bob Thornton) leads them to the 1988 semifinals where they must compete against a team of much larger players. Fast-moving pace in the football sequences and a slower pace in the serious, introspective sequences give this film many fine moments. Communication: Half-Time This sequence begins with a shot of Coach Gaines and the team gathered around him during the half-time break. He starts his speech to the team by saying, “Well, it’s real simple. You got two more quarters and that’s it.” It ends after Gaines says, “Boys, my heart is full. My heart’s full.” He calls to Ivory Christian (Lee Jackson) to begin the team prayer. What to Watch for and Ask Yourself PPT Slide 38 This chapter defines communication as creating “a shared or common meaning in another person.” Do you perceive Coach Gaines as having reached that communication goal? Why or why not? Answer: Coach Gaines clearly is the sender in the film sequence. No one else speaks. The team members and Assistant Coaches are receivers. The sequence shows verbal communication with Gaines’ clear message of wanting to win. It is an inspirational speech in which he emphasizes that playing is not about winning. It includes caring about self and others—family, friends, and teammates. He closes his speech by saying, “Boys, my heart is full. My heart’s full.” The chapter described an Interpersonal Communication Model. What are examples from this film sequence of each part of the model? Answer: The film sequence offers an excellent example of communication that is focused on a specific purpose—winning the game (message). Coach Gaines (communicator) directs the team’s attention toward performing at a high level during the game’s second half. He focuses team members (receivers) by saying, “Put each other in your hearts forever.” and closes by focusing the team on injured player Boobie Miles (Derek Luke). Assess the effectiveness of this communication event. How do you expect team members and the assistant coaches to react in the second half of the game? Answer: None of the communication barriers discussed in the chapter appear in this communication event. Coach Gaines uses simple language that is well understood by everyone present. No physical noise appears; the quiet room lets Coach Gaines communicate quickly and clearly. His limited nonverbal behavior does not distract from the clarity of his message. Although an unusual communication event because of its one-sided quality, Coach Gaines focuses the team on playing well and hard in the second half. They react with well-focused behavior and extraordinary energy to try to win the game. The result, sadly, was a loss. The following year, the team had a perfect season and won the Texas State Championship. The effectiveness of the communication event hinges on clarity and motivation provided in the initial half. If the communication was clear and inspiring, team members and assistant coaches are likely to exhibit increased energy, focus, and cohesion in the second half. Positive reactions may include improved teamwork, strategic adjustments, and heightened enthusiasm. Conversely, if the communication lacked impact, reactions might include confusion or disengagement. The effectiveness will directly influence their performance and overall game outcome. WORKPLACE VIDEO: Plant Fantasies Video Case Synopsis Can companies really Twitter their way to profits? Is Facebook replacing face-to-face meetings? Do personal hand-written business letters have any place in the digital age? If Plant Fantasies is any indication, reports concerning the death of traditional business communication are greatly exaggerated. “Facebook and tweeting—I don’t do it,” says Plant Fantasies owner Teresa Carleo. “I feel it’s more significant and meaningful to make a connection with somebody.”
It’s hard to argue with success. Since founding Plant Fantasies in 1987, Carleo has become gardener to some of New York City’s most prestigious property owners, including Donald Trump. The Manhattan-based company manages landscapes for such A-list properties as World-wide Holdings Corporation, The Trump Organization, and Jack Resnick & Sons. At first glance, Carleo’s preference for traditional communication methods seems out of touch with twenty-first century trends. However, leaders at Plant Fantasies desire communication that works, and that means matching the right communication channel with the right business situations. Some tasks at Plant Fantasies involve installing and maintaining gardens; other situations require collaboration with landscape designers or speaking with clients. Not all communication channels are equally suited for each situation. According to Steve Martucci, sales director for Plant Fantasies, nothing beats a personal meeting with clients. “When there’s time, I think it’s a great idea to always do face-to-face—it’s good for the customer.” Martucci wants clients to see and remember him. “You want them to see that you took the time to come there, and that you didn’t just shoot them an e-mail in a cab going somewhere else.” Despite the many advanced communication technologies that are available to today’s business leaders, Teresa Carleo insists that making a personal connection with customers is more important than speed and convenience. After a friend’s personal hand-written note recently touched her in a unique way, the Plant Fantasies founder decided to launch a personal letter writing campaign to clients. “I think I have a better chance of my customers opening that envelope than opening an e-blast,” Carleo remarks. “Maybe I’m archaic, but that’s my belief. My clients aren’t 20.” Discussion Questions and Solutions Using the concept of information richness, explain why leaders at Plant Fantasies place a high value on face-to-face communication. Answer: Channel richness is the ability of a medium or channel to elicit or evoke meaning in the receiver. Different communication channels differ in their level of richness. Face-to-face discussion is considered the richest communication channel because it permits direct experience, multiple information cues, immediate feedback, and personal focus. In the video, the executive-level managers at Plant Fantasies discuss communication methods in the context of building customer relationships. In these business situations, low-richness channels such as e-mail, Twitter, or texting are too impersonal or one-way to enable relationships to be established and strengthened. Relationship building requires a rich medium. As seen in the video, Plant Fantasies reserves e-mail and texting for more routine situations and messages, such as coordinating daily itineraries for delivery trucks and laborers. What impact might gender have on the communication styles of Teresa Carleo and Steve Martucci? Give examples. Answer: Research has shown that gender sometimes create barriers to effective communication. In particular, gender has been linked to differences in conversational styles, and different conversation styles can lead to communication failures. Communication by women generally tends to focus on connection and the feeling of relative closeness. For women, conversation is a way to establish meaningful contact and to negotiate relationships—which may explain why Teresa Carleo prefers direct face-to-face communication. In the video, while commenting on Sales Director Steve Martucci, Carleo emphasizes the relational connection: “He knows me, knows what’s important to me—we’re good together.” Later in the video, Carleo relays a story about using hand-written letters to make personal connections with customers. In contrast, men tend to use verbal language to exhibit knowledge, pass on information, or assert power. When contrasting his own communication style with that of Teresa Carleo, Steve Martucci says that Carleo “tends to get into the relationship,” whereas he’s
more into the specifics.” Martucci adds that the two “listen differently” and even form different perceptions of the same meeting. To prevent gender-related miscommunication, managers should develop an awareness of gender-specific differences in conversational style. In addition, they should seek clarification of the person’s meaning rather than interpreting meaning from their own frames of reference. Although leaders at Plant Fantasies prefer face-to-face interaction, they use digital communication technologies in some situations. Which situations at Plant Fantasies require digital communication technology and why? Answer: Although face-to-face interaction is preferred at Plant Fantasies, electronic communication is part of the company’s overall communication strategy. Plant Fantasies uses electronic communication for coordinating routine labor-oriented tasks that are easily assigned and understood without the aid of nonverbal cues, reflective listening, persuasion, or sensitivity to feelings. For instance, if the company has 15 gardening jobs to fulfill in a given day, each job will require coordination of trucks, tools, plants, equipment, and laborers. To set the daily schedule, Teresa Carleo sends a batch of e-mail messages first thing in the morning. Then, as needed, landscape workers use cell phones and text messaging to address issues on site. CASE SOLUTION: Smart Phones: Promoting Communication Connectedness or Disconnectedness Linkage of Case to Chapter Material This case focuses on the impact that Smart Phones are having on interpersonal communications throughout the general population. Increasingly, people from all walks of life, young and old, all socio-economic strata, etc. have embraced the potential of Smart Phones for communicating with others, searching for information, doing work, playing games, and a myriad other applications. Particular emphasis is placed on how business people and college students use Smart Phones, and the positive and negative effects of such usage. The case ties into chapter material regarding interpersonal communication and communicating through new technologies. Technology is viewed as a facilitator of interpersonal communication, but it still has disadvantages as well as advantages. Suggested Answers for Discussion Questions Can the basic interpersonal communication model be used as an aid in understanding the impact of Smart Phone usage? If so, how? Answer: The interpersonal communications model shown in Chapter 8 has several components that are relevant to Smart Phone usage: the communicator, the receiver, the message, and feedback. The communicator is the person originating the message. The receiver is the person receiving the message. The message contains the thoughts and feelings that the communicator intends to evoke in the receiver. Feedback occurs when the receiver provides a response to the communicator’s message. Smart Phones can be conceptualized as a technological device that facilitates interpersonal communication through e-mail capabilities, texting, access to social networking sites, and the ability to search for and transfer information, documents and photographs. Messages are transmitted from the communicator to the receiver through this technology. Each message contains information that the communicator wishes to share with the receiver. Feedback occurs through the receiver’s response to the communicator. How have Smart Phones transformed the way in which business people communicate with regard to fulfilling their job responsibilities? Answer: Smart Phones have transformed the way people communicate within the workplace by shifting from heavy reliance on face-to-face communication to greater reliance on communications based on modern communication technologies. Gone are the days when communication was primarily in person, by land lines, or through what is now called “snail mail.” In vogue are e-mail communication and instant messaging 24 hours a day, seven days a week around the globe; company and personal Websites that invite communications from others; social networking Web sites; intranets to facilitate communication among employees; extranets to support communication with customers and suppliers; and online forums, blogs, and chat rooms where people can communicate with anyone who chooses to log on (and which can be done with impunity and anonymity). Nick Wingfield, writing in The Wall Street Journal, notes that “mobile workers have been ditching their desktop computers for laptops that they can take wherever they go. Now road warriors are starting to realize that they can get even more portabilityand lots of computing punchfrom Smart Phones.” Many business “travelers are now using Smart Phones the way they once used laptopsand laptops the way they once used desktop computers,” and some traveling business people are even “ditching their laptops entirely and doing all their mobile work from Smart Phones.” How have Smart Phones transformed the way in which college students communicate? Answer: Among college students, Smart phones have taken over the communication landscape. For example, texting is a dominant form of communicationand as most any college student knows, texting goes on at inappropriate times. Texting during classeven when it’s not allowedis an all-too-common occurrence. The rapidly expanding use of Smart Phones among college students has been accompanied by a decline in civility and empathy in interpersonal communication. “Recent research has shown a marked decline in empathyA new University of Michigan study finds that empathy among college students has declined 40 percent in the past two decades. Researchers say one factor may be our reliance on social media. We’re more apt to be empathetic when we communicate face to face.” Do you think that as people become more connected technologically they become less connected interpersonally? Why or why not? Answer: Smart Phones, despite all they can do to facilitate communications, have undermined verbal communication and promoted incivility in the communications process. Texting reigns supreme! As Joseph De Avila, reporting for The Wall Street, observes: “Friends hardly call each other. People resist protocols that call for verbal communicationPeople don’t like using their phones to make calls or listen to voice mails.” De Avila also notes there is a pervasive expectation that people have instant access to e-mail; rapid replies to one’s messages are expected too. Another reporter indicates that “people calling, texting and responding to e-mails at inappropriate times and places have become an issue in both a professional and business context.” However, some business people are rebelling against the intrusiveness of Smart Phones. Some executives eschew the short attention span that comes with instantly and continuously being “plugged in” through technology. “They have assistants that handle all their communication, prefer reading printed out e-mails, and don’t dip their toes in any social media.” Still, in today’s business culture these executives need to learn when to connect and when to disconnect. SOURCE: This case solution was written by Michael K. McCuddy, The Louis S. and Mary L. Morgal Chair of Christian Business Ethics and Professor of Management, College of Business, Valparaiso University. Solution Manual for Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World, and You Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick 9781111825867

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