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Chapter 7 Physical Development in Early Childhood 7.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1. On average, how much do children grow per year in early childhood? A) 2 to 3 inches B) 4 to 5 inches C) 6 to 7 inches D) more than 8 inches Answer: A) 2 to 3 inches 2. What is the typical weight gain per year during early childhood? A) 2 1/2 lbs. B) 4 lbs. C) 5 1/2 lbs. D) 7 lbs. Answer: C) 5 1/2 lbs. 3. By age 6, children have achieved what percentage of their adult height? A) 50% B) 70% C) 80% D) 90% Answer: B) 70% 4. Ahmed is 6 years old. If he is average, what proportion of his adult weight is he? A) 1/2 B) 1/4 C) 2/3 D) 1/3 Answer: D) 1/3. By the time children are 6 years old, they have already gained about 70% of their adult height but only about one-third of their adult weight. 5. During early childhood, body proportions change. Children's ________ and ________ become longer. A) face and neck B) chest and legs C) face and legs D) neck and arms Answer: B) chest and legs 6. At age 6, gender differences in growth are A) minimal. B) noticeable. C) very apparent. D) signifiant. Answer: A) minimal. Gender differences in growth are minimal. 7. In early childhood, children's bones become A) thinner. B) more breakable. C) thicker. D) less dense. Answer: C) thicker. 8. Typical height and weight charts show the variation in growth we expect for the middle _____ percent of children. A) 30 B) 50 C) 80 D) 90 Answer: C) 80 9. Boys and girls are physically very similar in early childhood EXCEPT A) boys have slightly more muscle. B) girls have thicker bones. C) girls have more muscle mass. D) girls are taller. Answer: A) boys have slightly more muscle. 10. By the time children enter _____ their body proportions look like those seen in older children. A) preschool B) kindergarten C) first grade D) third grade Answer: C) first grade 11. Which one of the following is considered a basic need for children? A) sunshine B) vacations C) attention of parents D) their own room Answer: C) attention of parents They need proper nutrition and exercise, basic health care, and the love and attention of parents and other caregivers. 12. Jennifer is 6. What nutrients does she need to support new growth in the body? A) proteins B) fats C) minerals D) carbohydrates Answer: A) proteins. Proteins provide our bodies with amino acids, the essential “building blocks” of growth. Proteins are necessary to support new growth in the body. 13. A good source of protein is A) bread B) fish C) spinach D) Apple Answer: B) fish. Good sources of protein include meats, fish, cheese, and legumes. 14. Carlos is 4. What nutrients does he need to provide energy for muscle and brain activity and for body heat? A) proteins B) fats C) minerals D) carbohydrates Answer: D) carbohydrates Carbohydrates provide energy for muscle activity, the generation of body heat, and the enormous energy demands of the brain and nervous system. 15 A good source of carbohydrates is A) bread. B) fish. C) spinach. D) cheese. Answer: A) bread. Breads, pasta, rice, and fruits are rich in carbohydrates. 16. Ian is 5. What nutrients does he need to insulate his body from fluctuations in environmental temperature? A) proteins B) fats C) minerals D) carbohydrates Answer: B) fats Fats provide a store of energy, and body fat helps insulate the body from fluctuations in environmental temperature 17. A good source of fat is A) sugar. B) candy. C) honey. D) vegetable oil. Answer: D) vegetable oil. Vegetable oils are important sources of poly- and monounsaturated fat. 18. The body produces cholesterol and requires it for many body functions, including A) enabling muscles to contract. B) synthesis of sex hormones. C) storing energy. D) balancing key nutrients. Answer: B) synthesis of sex hormones. The body actually produces cholesterol and requires it for many bodily functions, including the synthesis of sex hormones. 19. Isabella is 4. What nutrients does she need to help maintain normal body growth and functions? A) proteins B) fats C) minerals D) carbohydrates Answer: C) minerals Vitamins and minerals help maintain normal body growth and functions. 20. A good source of minerals is A) bread. B) fish. C) spinach. D) cheese. Answer: D) cheese. Dairy products are a good source of minerals. 21. In the United States, _____ percent of all households do not have the quantity or quality of food that they need for healthy nutrition. A) 9 B) 14.5 C) 17.5 D) 20 Answer: B) 14.5 22. In a United States survey, which ethnic group was found to be most likely to have food insufficiency? A) Native Americans B) Hispanics C) Caucasians D) Asians Answer: B) Hispanics 23. According to "A Professional Perspective," if children are picky eaters, their parents should A) not give the children new foods. B) force children to eat something from all the food groups. C) not give in to everything the child wants. D) force them to eat what they are given. Answer: C) not give in to everything the child wants. Parents must be consistent and not give in to a child’s every request. 24. The family nutrition counselor in "A Professional Perspective" recommends that during early childhood youngsters have A) three meals a day plus two snacks. B) only three meals a day. C) no snacks except before bed. D) five meals a day but no snacks. Answer: A) three meals a day plus two snacks. I discuss using a schedule with three meals plus a morning and afternoon snack. 25. One out of every four _____ households in the United States does not have enough to eat. A) Native American B) African American C) Caucasian D) Asian Answer: B) African American One out of every four black and Hispanic households do not have enough to eat. 26. Of the following, which is an effect of malnutrition? A) stunted growth B) higher intelligence C) better physical fitness D) better school performance Answer: A) stunted growth Children who lack adequate nutrition tend to show stunted growth. 27. Developing countries in which of the following regions have the largest number of seriously malnourished children? A) south Asia B) north Africa C) South America D) the Pacific Islands Answer: A) south Asia 28. Children who _____ tend to show stunted growth. A) lack adequate nutrition B) have inadequate calories C) lack a balanced diet D) are malnourished Answer: A) lack adequate nutrition Children who lack adequate nutrition tend to show stunted growth. 29. Children who _____ may have lowered intelligence. A) lack adequate nutrition B) have too many calories C) lack a balanced diet D) are malnourished Answer: C) lack a balanced diet Inadequate calories or lack of a balanced diet can cause lowered intelligence. 30. Children who _____ tend to perform less well in school. A) lack adequate nutrition B) have inadequate calories C) lack a balanced diet D) are malnourished Answer: D) are malnourished Malnourished children perform less well in school. 31. According to a nationwide survey, ____percent of families who are headed by single women do not have enough food. A) 25 B) 35 C) 45 D) 55 Answer: B) 35 32. After proper nutrition is restored, the rate of growth of malnourished children ___ catches up. A) never B) always C) sometimes, but not always D) always, but sometimes never Answer: C) sometimes, but not always. 33. Approximately _____ million children under the age of 5 are seriously malnourished worldwide. A) 330 B) 440 C) 550 D) 660 Answer: A) 330 34. Besides malnutrition, the other serious nutrition problem in children is A) high levels of vitamins. B) obesity. C) synaptic pruning. D) kwashiorkor. Answer: B) obesity. Obesity problems have risen to epidemic proportions in the United States and elsewhere. 35. Which of the following is TRUE about brain growth? A) The brain grows in spurts. B) Brain growth is slow and even throughout childhood. C) Neurons are not formed until after the child is born. D) Synaptic pruning causes mental retardation. Answer: A) The brain grows in spurts. 36. The largest amount of brain growth occurs between A) 0 and 3 months. B) 12 and 14 months. C) 3 and 18 months. D) 2 and 3 years. Answer: C) 3 and 18 months. 37. Between 3 and 18 months of age, the brain's weight increases by what percent? A) 20% B) 30% C) 40% D) 50% Answer: B) 30% 38. Periods of brain growth roughly correspond to the stages of cognitive development proposed by A) Erikson. B) Piaget. C) Freud. D) Kwashiorkor. Answer: B) Piaget. These age periods correspond roughly with the stages of cognitive development Jean Piaget proposed several decades ago. 39. When are neurons (nerve cells) formed? A) at 6 months old B) at the beginning of the pregnancy C) by 3 months old D) midway through the pregnancy Answer: D) midway through the pregnancy 40. The brain growth that occurs in postnatal growth spurts is mostly due to A) absence of the myelin sheath. B) proliferation of glial cells. C) decreases in the blood vessels to the brain. D) uninsulated axons. Answer: B) proliferation of glial cells. 41. Specialized cells that support the neurons are called A) glial cells. B) occipital cells. C) pruning cells. D) parietal cells. Answer: A) glial cells. 42. Which of the following is a function of glial cells? A) holding neurons apart B) synaptic pruning C) removing waste products from the cell D) shrinking synapses Answer: C) removing waste products from the cell. They provide structural support and nourishment, remove waste products, occupy injured sites in the nervous system, and form the myelin sheaths that insulate axons. 43. Synaptogenesis leads to A) synaptic pruning. B) formation of the myelin sheath. C) an overproduction of synapses. D) development of glial cells. Answer: C) an overproduction of synapses. 44. Synaptic pruning involves A) trimming of glial cells. B) loss of unused synapses. C) growth of the myelin sheath. D) loss of glial cells. Answer: B) loss of unused synapses. Synaptic pruning is the process in which unused synapses are lost. 45. During childhood as many as 100,000 synapses can be lost every _____. A) second B) minute C) hour D) day Answer: A) second 46. About _____ percent of the synapses that existed at 2 years of age are lost by adulthood. A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40 Answer: D) 40 47. When extra synapses form in the brain so that the child is ready to learn new skills, it is called A) experience-expectant development. B) experience-dependent development. C) fragile X syndrome. D) infantile amnesia. Answer: A) experience-expectant development. 48. When a baby is born, its brain does not know what skills it will need to learn in its culture and environment. Extra synapses are formed just in case they are needed. This is referred to as A) synaptic pruning. B) experience-dependent development. C) glial cell production. D) experience-expectant development. Answer: D) experience-expectant development. The development of universal skills in which excess synapses form and are pruned according to experience. 49. When new synapses are formed in the brain because of experiences a child has, it is called A) experience-expectant development. B) experience-dependent development. C) synaptic pruning. D) temporal lobe growth. Answer: B) experience-dependent development. 50. Maya was born in China. Her parents were very poor and left her in an orphanage. She was adopted at 18 months by an American couple and came to the United States to live. When she was in the orphanage, Maya started learning to speak in Chinese. When she came to the United States with her adoptive parents, she learned English. New synapses formed in her brain as she learned English. This is an example of A) synaptic pruning. B) experience-expectant development. C) experience-dependent development. D) infantile amnesia. Answer: C) experience-dependent development. Experience-dependent development occurs throughout the life span, giving us the potential for lifelong learning and the retention of individualized skills, facts, and knowledge. 51. Experience-dependent brain development leads to A) synaptic pruning. B) growth of new synapses. C) clumsy motor movements. D) developing the same set of basic skills Answer: B) growth of new synapses. Experience-dependent development is the development of specific skills (such as riding a skateboard) in which new synapses form to code the experience. 52. In recent studies of children with fragile X syndrome, the reason for the disorder seems to be A) lack of synaptic pruning. B) too much synaptic pruning. C) exposure to an overly stimulating environment. D) problems in the visual-motor cortex. Answer: A) lack of synaptic pruning. In this syndrome, a defective gene suppresses the normal production of a protein that is important for synaptic pruning. 53. The visual area of the brain is located in which lobe of the cerebral cortex? A) temporal lobe B) occipital lobe C) parietal lobe D) frontal lobe Answer: B) occipital lobe 54. Which lobe of the brain is associated with language development? A) parietal B) frontal C) temporal D) occipital Answer: C) temporal 55. The visual area reaches its peak in synapse density within _____ months after birth. A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D) 12 Answer: B) 4 56. Synapse density decreases to adult levels by approximately _____ years of age. A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 16 Answer: C) 10 57. After the age of _____ plasticity in the visual area decreases. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Answer: D) 4 58. Olivia is a college student. She can remember her first day of kindergarten and getting a puppy when she was 5. Olivia can't really remember anything that happened before she was 4. This is an example of A) infantile amnesia. B) synaptic pruning. C) experience-expectant development. D) experience-dependent development. Answer: A) infantile amnesia. Infantile amnesia is the inability to remember things and events occurring before the age of 3 or 4. 59. Improved communication between Wernicke’s area in the temporal lobe and _____ area in the frontal lobe helps children transform the language they hear into a language that they can speak and produce themselves. A) the visual B) the olfactory C) the auditory D) Broca’s Answer: D) Broca’s Improved communication between Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area in the frontal lobe helps children transform the language they hear into a language that they can speak and produce themselves. 60. Heavy growth in the frontal lobe occurs between the ages of _____ years. A) 1 to 2 B) 2 to 4 C) 3 to 6 D) 5 to 10 Answer: C) 3 to 6 61. Infantile amnesia is believed to be related to immaturities in the _____ and other structures related to memory. A) dendrites B) synapses C) neurotransmitters D) hippocampus Answer: D) hippocampus 62. Which of the following is a locomotor skill? A) eating B) turning the pages of a book C) running up a hill D) sitting on a jungle gym Answer: C) running up a hill Locomotor skills are skills used to move around, such as walking, running, and climbing. 63. Three-year-old Junko has physically developed in a normal fashion. Which of the following activities should she be expected to accomplish? A) pedal a tricycle B) balance on 1 foot for several seconds C) hop 8 to 10 times on 1 foot D) walk a short distance on a balance beam alternating feet Answer: A) pedal a tricycle By age 3, children have enough leg strength to pedal a tricycle, but it will be another few years before they typically have the balance and coordination to master a two-wheeled bicycle. 64. Regarding gross motor skills, children in early childhood improve their ability in A) drawing. B) singing. C) catching. D) eating. Answer: C) catching. In the gross-motor area, children also improve their ability to manipulate large objects with actions such as throwing, catching, and kicking. 65. Most _____ year-olds can hold their balance on one foot for several seconds. A) 4- B) 5- C) 6- D) 7- Answer: B) 5- 66. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) Children vary in their rate of motor development. B) Instruction from adults and older children influences young children's rate of motor development. C) Opportunities to practice motor skills have no effect of the rate of development. D) The rate of physical development and coordination is partly controlled by genetics. Answer: C) Opportunities to practice motor skills have no effect of the rate of development. Motor development is influenced by instruction and encouragement from adults and other children and by the opportunities that children have to practice particular motor skills. 67. Sean, a 4-year-old, is able to throw and catch a ball well. He is not as developed in his ability to kick a ball or jump, however. Most likely, Sean A) has cerebral palsy. B) has fine motor delays. C) has fragile X Syndrome. D) is normal. Answer: D) is normal. One child may jump and skip with ease but be uncoordinated in throwing and catching. Another child may show the reverse pattern. 68. Which of the following children would be considered to be normally developing? A) 6-year-old Devon, who often spills food when eating B) 4-year-old Camille, who can put on her pants and shirt by herself C) 5-year-old Emma, who can tie her own shoes D) 7-year-old Justin, who writes with a palmar grasp Answer: C) 5-year-old Emma, who can tie her own shoes Tying shoes is an example of a skill that requires considerable control over the fine-motor movements in the fingers and hands. By 5 and 6 years of age most children can tie their shoes. 69. The proximodistal pattern of development refers to A) the center of the body developing before the extremities. B) development of motor skills starting at the head and progressing down the body. C) development of fine motor skills before gross motor skills. D) development of motor skills in the legs before the arms. Answer: A) the center of the body developing before the extremities. Coordination is spreading from the middle of their bodies outward into the extremities in a proximodistal pattern. 70. From the examples below, choose the illustration of a fine motor skill. A) kicking a soccer ball B) pedaling a tricycle C) buttoning a coat D) throwing a football Answer: C) buttoning a coat By 5 and 6 years of age most children can tie their shoes and work smaller buttons and zippers. 71. At age 2, children typically hold a pencil in the palm of their hand and move their whole arm to draw. This is called the A) tripod grasp. B) mature grasp. C) palmar grasp. D) locomotor grasp. Answer: C) palmar grasp. The palmar grasp is an immature grasp, holding the pencil in the palm and moving the whole arm to draw. 72. At what age does the mature tripod grasp generally appear? A) age 2 B) age 4 C) age 6 D) age 8 Answer: B) age 4 73. In the development of writing, children learn to transfer the control from the larger muscles of the arm to the smaller muscles of the hand and fingers. This demonstrates A) proximodistal development. B) cephalocaudal development. C) palmar development. D) locomotor development. Answer: A) proximodistal development. They have gradually transferred the control of writing and drawing from the larger muscles in the upper arm to the smaller muscles in the hand and fingers. 74. Practice of motor skills helps the brain A) grow extra synapses in the occipital lobe. B) prune ineffective synapses. C) overcome infantile amnesia. D) develop compulsive compliance. Answer: B) prune ineffective synapses. Motor practice is important in helping the brain prune out ineffective synapses. 75. Why is physical activity important in early childhood? A) Children learn to stick up for themselves. B) Children need less sleep if they are active. C) It strengthens children’s heart and lungs. D) It inspires a love of reading in children. Answer: C) It strengthens children’s heart and lungs. Physical activity provides the exercise children need to strengthen their cardiovascular systems. 76. How much physical activity each day is recommended for young children? A) 30 minutes of structured activity B) 30 minutes of free play C) 60 minutes each of structured activity and free play D) 60 minutes of either structured activity or free play Answer: C) 60 minutes each of structured activity and free play 77. Stephan is 5. In the summer he swims for an hour every morning with the neighborhood swim team and he spends an hour in the evening playing with his friends. They like to play tag and kickball, or swing on the playground. What would health officials say about Stephan's activities? A) It is the right amount. B) He needs to get more physical activity. C) He is doing too much physical activity. D) His free play is good, but he should not participate in structured physical activity at his age. Answer: A) It is the right amount. Health officials recommend that children have at least 60 minutes each day in structured or organized play and accumulate at least another 60 minutes of free play sometime during the day. 78. Evidence of moderate to vigorous physical activity is defined as activity in which the children’s heart rates were _____ or more beats per minute. A) 60 B) 80 C) 100 D) 130 Answer: D)130 79. Overall, about _____ percent of children’s activities fall into the moderate to vigorous category. A) 10 B) 20 C) 40 D) 50 Answer: B) 20 80. Overall, children spent _____ percent of their time indoors. A) 25 B) 50 C) 75 D) 90 Answer: C) 75 81. In a recent study of the physical activity of children 3 to 5 years old, it was found that A) children were most active on Saturdays. B) children were more active on weekdays than weekends. C) almost all of children's vigorous activity lasted for more than 30 minutes. D) children spent the majority of their time in moderate to vigorous activities. Answer: B) children were more active on weekdays than weekends. 82. With respect to physical activity, parents should keep in mind that young children A) expend their energy slowly. B) need frequent rest breaks. C) pace themselves well. D) never get tired. Answer: B) need frequent rest breaks. Young children tend to expend their energy very quickly and then need frequent breaks to rest. 83. Rev. Johnson's church is planning to start a preschool program. What should the church provide to meet the children's needs for physical activity? A) arts and crafts B) board games C) jungle gyms D) musical instruments Answer: C) jungle gyms. Research shows that children played more at parks and on swings, slides, jungle gyms, and in games with other children that involved running and chasing. 84. One study showed that only ____% of the time spent by 3 to 5- year-olds was in more vigorous types of activities. A) 20 B) 15 C) 12 D) 3 Diff: 2 Answer: D) 3 85. Carmen is a new preschool teacher. She wants to motivate her students to do more physical activities. What could she add to the physical education curriculum? A) music B) art C) organized sports D) fitness training Answer: A) music. One study showed that adding music and rhythmic movement exercises to young children’s physical education classes helped them. 86. One study showed that 3- to 5-year-olds spent _____ percent of their time at preschool in sedentary or low-energy play. A) 67 B) 77 C) 87 D) 97 Answer: D) 97 87. One of the most serious disorders of motor development is A) autism. B) cerebral palsy. C) fragile X Syndrome. D) Kwashiorkor. Answer: B) cerebral palsy. 88. Cerebral palsy can be caused by A) damage to areas of the brain that control thought. B) improper formation of areas of the brain during adolescence. C) brain damage during the birth process. D) smoking during pregnancy. Answer: C) brain damage during the birth process. 89. Which of the following activities would typically be difficult for a child with cerebral palsy? A) hearing B) seeing C) speaking D) smelling Answer: C) speaking CP is a serious disorder caused by damage to one or more areas of the brain that control muscle movement and coordination such as required for speaking. 90. Which of the following statements about cerebral palsy is FALSE? A) Children with cerebral palsy often also have learning impairments. B) Symptoms of cerebral palsy vary from child to child. C) Cerebral palsy is curable when diagnosed early. D) The main problems of cerebral palsy are muscle weakness and lack of muscle control. Answer: C) Cerebral palsy is curable when diagnosed early. 91. Raychelle has cerebral palsy. Of the following symptoms, which would she most likely have? A) difficulty seeing B) uncontrolled movements C) difficulty hearing D) difficulty smelling Answer: B) uncontrolled movements Symptoms of CP can include uncontrolled movements of the arms, legs, or other parts of the body. 92. The majority of cases of cerebral palsy are caused by A) lack of oxygen to the brain during birth. B) problems in brain development during the prenatal period. C) head injuries from accidents before age 1. D) a virus passed from the mother to the child. Answer: B) problems in brain development during the prenatal period. 93. In the United States, approximately _____ new cases of CP are diagnosed in infants and young children each year. A) 1,000 B) 10,000 C) 100,000 D) 200,000 Answer: B) 10,000 94. In about _____ percent of CP cases, the brain damage occurs during prenatal development. A) 10 B) 20 C) 50 D) 70 Answer: D) 70 95. In about _____ percent of CP cases, the brain damage occurs during the process of birth. A) 10 B) 20 C) 50 D) 70 Answer: B) 20 96. In about _____ percent of CP cases, the brain damage occurs during the first months or years after birth. A) 10 B) 20 C) 50 D) 70 Answer: A) 10 97. What is IDEA? A) a federal law requiring services for all disabled children B) a special school for children with motor disabilities C) a type of experience-expectant development D) a sub-type of cerebral palsy Answer: A) a federal law requiring services for all disabled children 98. Luis has cerebral palsy due to a lack of oxygen to his brain during his birth. According to Federal law, he is A) entitled to free college tuition at a state university. B) allowed to sue the doctor who delivered him. C) required to go to a special school for disabled children. D) entitled to special services in school. Answer: D) entitled to special services in school. Federal law requires that services be provided to assist all children with disabilities. 99. In "A Personal Perspective: Living with Cerebral Palsy," what advice does the mother of a child with cerebral palsy give to other parents? A) Allow the school to be an advocate for your child. B) Start a support group for other parents. C) Enjoy them as children. D) Trust the professionals who work with your child to know him/her best. Answer: C) Enjoy them as children 100. The most common cause of death in infants under 1 in the United States is A) diseases and illnesses. B) child abuse. C) prenatal or birthing problems. D) motor vehicle accidents. Answer: C) prenatal or birthing problems. 101. The leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year-olds is A) homicide. B) motor vehicle accidents. C) suicide. D) cancer. Answer: B) motor vehicle accidents. 102. Regarding death rates of children in the United States, A) there is a significant drop after age 1. B) the rates drop significantly after age 14. C) the highest rates are for 1- to 4-year-olds. D) there is a significant increase in the death rate for 2- to 10-year-olds. Answer: A) there is a significant drop after age 1. 103. Each year, more than _____ young people die in the United States. A) 10,000 B) 50,000 C) 60,000 D) 90,000 Answer: C) 70,000 104. Death from other types of accidents and from homicides and suicides rise sharply after age _____ A) 5 B) 7 C) 10 D) 14 Answer: D) 14 105. Between ages 1 and 4, the most common cause of death is A) motor vehicle accidents. B) diseases such as cancer and pneumonia. C) child abuse. D) poisoning and drowning accidents. Answer: D) poisoning and drowning accidents. 106. For children 5 to 14 years old in the United States, which of the following statements is TRUE? A) Death rates are higher for 5- to 14-year-olds than for infants. B) The leading cause of death is from child abuse. C) A large number of 5- to 14-year-olds die from suicide. D) Very few children die from chromosomal or genetic defects. Answer: D) Very few children die from chromosomal or genetic defects. 107. Sanjay is 4. Which of the following precautions should his parents take to protect his safety? A) give him playtime in the bathtub B) keep him right next to you in the car C) keep him up to date on vaccinations D) teach him to be nice to strangers Answer: C) keep him up to date on vaccinations. Protect children against diseases by making sure they have proper immunizations. 108. The leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 is _____ A) diseases and illness. B) accidents, including falls and drowning. C) prenatal or birthing problems. D) motor vehicle accidents. Answer: B) accidents, including falls and drowning. 109. From ages 1 to 4, the lowest cause of deaths is_____ A) diseases and illness. B) accidents. C) prenatal or birthing problems. D) homicide. Answer: D) homicide. 110. Which of the following is one of the safety precautions that need to be taken by parents of young children? A) Never leave the child with a babysitter. B) Keep windows and screens on upper levels of home unlocked in case of fire. C) Teach them about "stranger dangers." D) Make sure children are in the front seat when riding in cars. Answer: C) Teach them about "stranger dangers." It’s a good idea to talk with young children about “stranger dangers.” 111. What is the rate of sexual abuse during childhood in the United States? A) 5% B) 9% C) 15% D) 19% Answer: B) 9% 112. A national survey of parents found what percentage used objects to hit or spank their children? A) 10% B) 28% C) 38% D) 50% Answer: B) 28% 113. A national survey of parents found what percentage said they physically shake their toddlers? A) 10% B) 13% C) 16% D) 19% Answer: B) 13% 114. The name for all situations in which a parent or caregiver harms or neglects a child is A) child maltreatment. B) psychological abuse. C) perpetrated abuse. D) compulsive compliance. Answer: A) child maltreatment. 115. Mandy, age 5, has been hit in the face by her mother. She has also been beaten with an electrical cord. Mandy has been subjected to A) neglect. B) psychological abuse. C) compulsive compliance. D) physical abuse. Answer: D) physical abuse. Physical abuse is any abuse that causes physical harm to a child. 116. Which of the following is a type of child maltreatment? A) spanking B) giving too many snacks C) compulsive compliance D) neglect Answer: D) neglect Neglect is failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, educational, or psychological needs. 117. Which type of child maltreatment includes verbal put-downs? A) physical abuse B) neglect C) sexual abuse D) psychological abuse Answer: D) psychological abuse 118. Which type of child maltreatment includes exposing the child to indecent acts? A) physical abuse B) neglect C) sexual abuse D) psychological abuse Answer: C) sexual abuse 119. Which type of child maltreatment includes physical punishment that got out of hand? A) physical abuse B) neglect C) sexual abuse D) psychological abuse Answer: A) physical abuse 120. Which type of child maltreatment is exposing the child to spousal conflict? A) physical abuse B) neglect C) sexual abuse D) psychological abuse Answer: B) neglect 121. Tyrone's mother is always putting him down and saying he is just like his "no good father." He suffers from A) physical abuse. B) neglect. C) infantile amnesia. D) psychological abuse. Answer: D) psychological abuse. Psychological abuse includes verbal put-downs. 122. In the United States, laws requiring reporting of suspected child maltreatment apply to A) office secretaries. B) bus drivers. C) artists. D) restaurant employees. Answer: B) bus drivers. 123. Some degree of _____ abuse is present with every case of the other 3 types. A) physical abuse B) neglect C) sexual abuse D) psychological abuse Answer: D) psychological abuse. Some degree of psychological abuse exists with every case of neglect or physical or sexual abuse. 124. The textbook reports that in 2007 there were approximately how many reports of abuse or neglect? A) 1.3 million B) 2.3 million C) 3.3 million D) 5.3 million Answer: C) 3.3 million 125. Although it is not usually reported, researchers believe the most frequent type of abuse is A) psychological. B) physical. C) sexual. D) neglect. Answer: A) psychological. Some degree of psychological abuse exists with every case of neglect or physical or sexual abuse. 126. Which of the types of maltreatment is the most commonly reported? A) physical abuse B) neglect C) sexual abuse D) psychological abuse Answer: B) neglect. Neglect is by far the most frequently reported type of maltreatment. 127. Overall maltreatment rates are highest for which age groups? A) teens B) 5- to 10-year-olds C) infants under 1 D) children 1 to 4 years Answer: C) infants under 1 128. Brandon is an abused child. According to statistics, who is most likely to be his abuser? A) his father B) his mother C) his older sister D) his older brother Answer: B) his mother Mothers commit many more acts of physical abuse and neglect than do fathers. 129. What is the rate of physical abuse in the United States? A) 8% B) 18% C) 28% D) 38% Answer: B) 18% 130. Of the different forms of maltreatment, which is the most likely to be committed by fathers? A) sexual abuse B) physical abuse C) neglect D) Psychologica abuse Answer: C) neglect 131. U.S. statistics from 2010 show how many deaths from child maltreatment? A) 500 B) approximately 1,000 C) over 1,500 D) 2,000 Answer: C) over 1,500 132. What percentage of childhood deaths due to maltreatment occurred in children under 4? A) 20% B) 40% C) 60% D) 80% Answer: D) 80% 133. Which ethnic group in the United States has the highest rate of reported child maltreatment? A) Hispanic B) Caucasian C) Native American D) African American Answer: D) African American 134. Which ethnic group in the United States has the lowest reported rate of child maltreatment? A) Hispanic B) African American C) Caucasian D) Asian Answer: B) African American 135. Parents commit _____ percent of all acts of child abuse or neglect. A) 50 B) 60 C) 70 D) 80 Answer: D) 80 136. Although she is only 1-year-old, Tonya has been abused by her mother since she came home from the hospital. What are the likely effects of the abuse on Tonya? A) physical effects, but no lasting psychological effects B) temporary effects on brain development C) developmental delays in language D) insecure attachment to her mother Answer: D) insecure attachment to her mother. Between 70% and 100% of abused infants show insecure attachments with their caregivers. 137. Which of the following is a typical psychological effect of child abuse? A) lower risk of suicide B) growing up to be an abusive parent C) fear and anxiety D) better impulse control Answer: C) fear and anxiety. When children are abused, the experience can cause physical pain, fear, and anxiety. 138. Colin has suffered from physical abuse by his mother. What are the likely effects? A) He will be more sympathetic to others. B) He will avoid violence and conflict. C) He will have problems with aggression and hostility. D) He is less likely to have delinquent behavior as a teen. Answer: C) He will have problems with aggression and hostility. Outcomes associated with physical abuse and neglect includes increased aggression and hostility. 139. Choose the FALSE statement from the ones below. A) Approximately 70% of abused children become abusive parents. B) Abused children are more sensitive to other people's anger. C) Abused children are at higher risk for depression and suicide. D) Studies show abuse affects boys and girls differently. Answer: A) Approximately 70% of abused children become abusive parents. Only about 30% of physically abused or neglected children grow up to abuse or neglect their own children. 140. Jill is 2 1/2. She has been physically abused at home by her parents. Unlike most children her age, she exhibits no signs of the "terrible twos." Jill tries very hard to be good and doesn't say no to her parents or refuse to obey them. Jill's behavior is called A) relational aggression. B) experience-dependent development. C) Kwashiorkor. D) compulsive compliance. Answer: D) compulsive compliance Researchers report that this pattern is most noticeable in 1- to 3-year-olds. 141. What is one common effect of abuse on a child's development? A) language delays B) higher academic performance C) higher IQ D) better impulse control Answer: A) language delays One of the outcomes associated with physical abuse and neglect is language delays. 142. Which of the following problems are associated with child neglect? A) better impulse control B) independence from teachers C) social withdrawal D) higher academic performance Answer: C) social withdrawal. Outcomes associated with neglect include more passive, shy, and socially withdrawn children. 143. Why is it hard to determine the effects of maltreatment on a particular child? A) Each child develops in such a unique way that there is little in common with other children. B) It depends on whether the child was taken away from the parent(s) due to the abuse. C) Professionals can't distinguish the effects of abuse from the impact of other factors common to abused families. D) The child usually won’t cooperate. Answer: C) Professionals can't distinguish the effects of abuse from the impact of other factors common to abused families. When a child experiences both physical abuse and neglect, any negative effects could result from the physical abuse alone, the neglect alone, the unique combination of both types of maltreatment, or other factors. 144. The typical child protection worker has at least _____ families to work with. A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40 Answer: C) 30 145. A successful program in preventing child maltreatment offers preschool education for low-income children and services for their whole family. This program is called A) Title I Child-Parent Center. B) Head Start. C) Compulsive Compliance Program. D) Abecedarian Project. Answer: A) Title I Child-Parent Center. 146. In the Title I Child-Parent Center program the services are continued until A) preschool. B) first grade. C) second or third grade. D) middle school. Answer: C) second or third grade. 147. The rate of child maltreatment is about _____ percent lower for children in the Title I Child-Parent Center program than in similar families not in the program. A) 10 B) 25 C) 50 D) 90 Answer: C) 50 148. One of the major practical issues in child protection is A) who is required by law to report abuse. B) whether or not to remove a child from a home. C) whether to file criminal charges against the abuser. D) to determine if the child requires psychological services. Answer: B) whether or not to remove a child from a home. One of the difficult decisions child protection authorities often must make is how severe the abuse or neglect needs to be before they remove children from their homes. 149. Early childhood is an important time for brain development. Axons are A) myelinating. B) proliferating. C) being pruned. D) being shaped. Answer: A) myelinating. Axons are myelinating and glial cells are proliferating in the brain. 150. Malnutrition can result if the diet lacks enough _____ or nutrients for proper growth. A) vitamins B) calories C) minerals D) protein Answer: B) calories 7.2 True/False Questions 1 By the time children enter first grade, their body proportions resemble those of older children. Answer: True 2 In early childhood, gender differences in growth are minimal. Answer: True 3. Children's bodies produce cholesterol regardless of their diet. Answer: True 4. The World Health Organization found that of children under 5 who are malnourished, the largest percentage lived in South Africa. Answer: False 5. In the mature brain, there are more glial cells than neurons. Answer: True 6. Although the brain gains weight during childhood and adolescence, it is also shrinking. Answer: True 7. Children vary in their rate of gross motor development. Answer: True 8. Genetics does play a role in how fast children develop physically or in their coordination. Answer: True 9 Children usually have very consistent development across different motor tasks. Answer: False 10. Fine motor development lags behind gross motor development during early childhood. Answer: True 11. Health officials recommend that young children need more than 90 minutes per day of physical activity. Answer: True 12. Recent research on 3- to 5-year-olds has found they are more active on weekdays than weekends. Answer: True 13. The symptoms of cerebral palsy are the same for all children with the disorder. Answer: False 14. Cerebral palsy is a contagious disease. Answer: False 15. Between ages 1 and 4, the highest cause of deaths in the United States was accidents, including falls, drowning, and poisoning. Answer: True 16. The early childhood years are the time parents should start teaching children about "stranger dangers." Answer: True 17. Some degree of psychological abuse is present with every case of neglect or physical or sexual abuse. Answer: True 18. Physical abuse is the most frequently reported type of child maltreatment. Answer: False 19. Most abused children grow up to be abusive parents themselves. Answer: False 7.3 Short Answer Questions 1. In terms of growth, ________% of children falls between the 10th and 90th percentiles. Answer: 80 2. During early childhood, children's body proportions change. Their heads become ________ compared to the rest of their bodies. Answer: smaller 3. Chantelle is 3 1/2. She needs sufficient calcium in her diet for growth of ________ and ________. Answer: teeth, bones 4. ________ occurs when children do not get adequate calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Answer: Malnutrition 5. The effect that experience has on the brain depends on the ________ of the individual. Answer: age 6. The ________ lobes of the brain are responsible for organizing and planning behavior. Answer: frontal 7. Darnell is 4 and is developing his motor skills. Opportunity to ________ his motor skills are very important. Answer: practice 8. By the time children are _____, they are usually riding bicycles, scooters, and skateboards. Answer: 5 or 6 9. Most of children's physical activity occurs during their ________. Answer: play 10. In comparison to infancy and to the teen years, death rates are relatively ________ during early and middle childhood. Answer: low 11. Rates of child maltreatment tend to ________ as children grow older. Answer: decline 12. Over 80% of all abuse and neglect is committed by the child's ________. Answer: parents 7.4 Essay Questions 1. Your sister tells you that her son, who is 3, is "driving her crazy" with his eating habits. From Chapter 7, what could you tell her about the nutrition needs of your nephew, and how can she handle a "picky eater" at his age? Answer: • A balanced diet includes protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, and vitamins. • Children need nutrition for the growth and activity levels of early childhood. • Many children at this age are "picky" eaters. • Parents should set good examples for their children's eating habits. • Parents should offer new foods along with small amounts of foods the child likes. • Parents should not always give in to a child's food requests. • Fun-looking meals will help some kids try new things. • Three meals plus a morning and an afternoon snack is recommended for this age group. 2. Explain experience-expectant and experience-dependent development. In your explanation, be sure to include the role of synaptic pruning and synaptic growth, as well as the role of stimulation for the development of the young brain. Answer: • Experience-expectant development is development of universal skills in which excess synapses form and are pruned according to experience. • Experience-dependent development is the development of specific skills in which new synapses form to code the experience. • Stimulation from the environment has different effects depending on age, and can lead to either synaptic pruning or synaptic growth. 3. Describe the development of the four lobes of the brain, including which lobe develops first and which develops last. Include the main function of each lobe. Answer: • First lobe to develop: Occipital; function is visual processing • Temporal lobe; function is language • Parietal lobe; function is eye-hand coordination • Last lobe to develop is the frontal. Its functions are planning and organization. 4. What patterns are seen in young children's gross and fine motor development? What factors are important to facilitate motor development? Answer: • Proximodistal pattern of development is development of motor skills at the center of the body and progressing out to the limbs. • Cephalocaudal development is when motor skills develop at the head and progress down the body. • Facilitators of motor development: • Exercise • Opportunity to practice 5. Describe cerebral palsy. How is it caused? Can it be cured? Answer: • Cerebral palsy is a serious disorder caused by damage to 1 or more brain areas that control muscle movement and coordination. • Causes are prenatal brain damage, damage at birth, and injuries or infections of the brain after the child is born. • Cerebral palsy can be treated but not cured. 6. Jacques and Madeleine are parents of a 2-year-old. What are some of the most important things they can do to ensure the health and safety of their child? Answer: Students may include the following points: • immunizations • check-ups with pediatrician • secure the child properly in her car seat • never leave her unattended around water • keep matches and lighters out of reach • keep dangerous objects away • teach her about "stranger dangers" Jacques and Madeleine can ensure the health and safety of their 2-year-old by: 1. Providing a Balanced Diet: Ensure the child eats a variety of nutritious foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. 2. Regular Pediatric Check-Ups: Schedule regular visits to the pediatrician for vaccinations and health screenings. 3. Childproofing the Home: Secure furniture, cover electrical outlets, and keep hazardous substances out of reach to prevent accidents. 4. Supervising Playtime: Always supervise play, especially around water, and ensure toys are age-appropriate and safe. 5. Promoting Good Hygiene: Teach and reinforce handwashing and other hygiene practices to prevent infections. 6. Encouraging Physical Activity: Provide plenty of opportunities for active play to support physical development. 7. Ensuring Adequate Sleep: Maintain a consistent bedtime routine to ensure the child gets enough rest. 8. Practicing Safety in Transportation: Use an appropriate car seat and ensure it is correctly installed for all car rides. 7. Describe the four main types of maltreatment. Why do you think rates of maltreatment are highest for children under 1? The graph in your textbook shows the highest reported rates among Native Americans and African Americans. Give two reasons why these ethnic differences may occur. Be sure to keep in mind that not all maltreatment is reported. Answer: Include explanations of the following forms of maltreatment: • physical is abuse that causes physical harm to a child • neglect is failure to provide for a child's basic physical, education, or psychological needs • sexual is abuse that includes fondling a child's genitals or breasts, intercourse or other sexual acts, exposing the child to indecent acts or involving the child in pornography • psychological is abuse that includes verbal putdowns and other behavior that terrorizes, threatens, rejects or isolates the child Why is maltreatment highest in infants? • stress of being a new parent • infants require more care than older children • other people may be more likely to report maltreatment in infants than in older children Why are there ethnic differences? • higher levels of stress in minorities • minorities experience more poverty and lack of support • cultural traditions in some ethnic groups of physical punishment • professionals who work with children may be more likely to report abuse in minority families 8. What are the effects of physical abuse and neglect on children's development? Describe three characteristics of a typical abusive family. Answer: Effects of physical abuse: • language delays in young children • below-average academic performance • low self-esteem, depression, self-destructive behavior, suicide • unsympathetic to others • use violence to deal with conflict • aggressive/hostile • abused infants have insecure attachment • teens have twice the rates of criminal offenses Effects of neglect: • decreased academic achievement • language delays • lower IQ • poor impulse control • withdrawn Characteristics of abusive families: • poverty • isolated • move frequently • children witness domestic violence • overcrowded home • chaotic, unpredictable home life 7.5 MyDevelopmentLab Questions 1. After watching the video “Audrey and Mom,” review page 211 in your textbook and discuss all the ways Mom stimulated Audrey and provided an enriched environment. Answer: Answers will vary but should include the vocal interactions, frequent touching, and the use of an interesting toy. However, based on typical principles of child development and enriched environments described in textbooks: 1. Verbal Stimulation: Mom likely engaged Audrey in conversations, describing objects and actions, and responding to Audrey's vocalizations to promote language development. 2. Physical Interaction: Mom may have provided physical affection through hugs, cuddling, and play, which fosters emotional bonding and social development. 3. Cognitive Stimulation: Mom might have introduced toys, books, and activities that encourage exploration, problem-solving, and creativity, stimulating Audrey's cognitive development. 4. Social Interaction: Mom likely facilitated interactions with other children and adults, promoting social skills, empathy, and understanding of social norms. 5. Environmental Enrichment: Mom may have created a stimulating environment at home with age-appropriate toys, books, and activities that support Audrey's curiosity and learning. These practices help create an enriched environment that supports overall development, including cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical skills in children. 2. After watching the video “Piano Lessons and Development,” discuss how playing the piano improved spatial reasoning test scores by 46%. Answer: The piano lessons are an example of experience-dependent development. As we learn to ride a bicycle, for example, new synapses form to code the motor movements required for this activity. Playing the piano can improve spatial reasoning test scores by 46% because it engages various cognitive functions crucial for spatial reasoning. These include: 1. Hand-Eye Coordination: Piano playing requires precise coordination between visual, motor, and auditory systems, enhancing spatial awareness and accuracy in movements. 2. Pattern Recognition: Reading music and playing piano involve recognizing patterns, sequences, and spatial relationships on the keyboard, which strengthens spatial reasoning abilities. 3. Multi-Modal Integration: The brain integrates visual cues (reading sheet music), tactile feedback (playing keys), and auditory processing (hearing music), which enhances overall spatial cognition. 4. Practice and Training: Regular practice on the piano stimulates neural pathways associated with spatial reasoning, improving skills like mental rotation, visualization, and understanding spatial relationships. These cognitive benefits contribute to the significant improvement observed in spatial reasoning test scores among individuals who regularly engage in piano playing. 3. After watching the video “Child Sexual Abuse,” discuss how the abuse experienced as a child has impacted Melanie as a young adult. Answer: Comments should include flashbacks, trouble sleeping, terrified of dead people, angry with her mom, and terrified of her wedding night. Other answers are also acceptable. It's crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity and care. Without specific details from the video, generally speaking: Experiencing child sexual abuse can have profound and long-lasting impacts on individuals like Melanie as they transition into young adulthood. These impacts may include: 1. Psychological Effects: Melanie may struggle with emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These conditions can affect her relationships, academic or work performance, and overall well-being. 2. Behavioral Patterns: She might exhibit behaviors such as self-harm, substance abuse, or difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships. These behaviors can stem from attempts to cope with trauma or feelings of shame and guilt. 3. Social and Interpersonal Challenges: Melanie might find it challenging to trust others, form intimate relationships, or feel safe in various social situations. This could lead to isolation or difficulty in expressing her emotions and needs. 4. Physical Health: There may be physical health consequences related to stress and trauma, such as sleep disturbances, eating disorders, or chronic pain. 5. Impact on Future Goals: The trauma of childhood sexual abuse can impact Melanie's ability to pursue her goals and aspirations, affecting her academic or career path. Supportive therapy and counseling can play a crucial role in helping Melanie navigate these challenges, heal from the trauma, and rebuild a sense of safety, trust, and resilience as she progresses into adulthood. Test Bank for The World of Children Joan Littlefield Cook, Greg Cook 9780205953738

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