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Chapter 7 Middle Childhood Section 1 Physical Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. During middle childhood, children become _______________ susceptible to disease, _______________ vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition, and _______________ likely to have accidents that result in injury or death. A. less; less; less B. less; less; more C. less; more; more D. more; more; more Answer: A. less; less; less Correct: Globally speaking, middle childhood is a time of greater physical stability and individuals during this time period are less likely to die due to malnutrition disease and accidents. B. less; less; more Incorrect: Middle childhood is an exceptionally healthy time of life, as children become less susceptible to disease, less vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition, and less likely to have accidents that result in injury or death. 2. In middle childhood physical growth continues at a slow but steady pace. How many inches per year does the average child gain in height during this time? A. 2 to 3 inches B. 5 to 6 inches C. 8 to 9 inches D. 11 to 12 inches Answer: A 3. In middle childhood physical growth continues at a slow but steady pace. How many pounds per year does the average child gain in weight during this time? A. 2 to 4 pounds B. 5 to 7 pounds C. 7 to 9 pounds D. 10 to 12 pounds Answer: B 4. During which of the following time periods of life are boys and girls most likely to be the slimmest? A. infancy B. middle childhood C. adolescents D. late childhood Answer: B 5. What is the measure of the ratio of weight to height called? A. growth index B. body fat index C. body mass index D. W-H index Answer: C 6. _______________ is a measure of the ratio of weight to height. A. Body growth scale B. Body mass index C. Progressive development index D. Physiological rating Answer: B 7. Children during middle childhood can run faster and longer. What allows children to achieve these results during this time in the lifespan? A. The heart grows 80% larger during this time. B. Competition leads to increased willingness to put forth more effort. C. Cognitive desire increases. D. Lung capacity expands. Answer: D. Lung capacity expands. Correct: Lung capacity leads to better endurance during this time in the lifespan. A. The heart grows 80% larger during this time. Incorrect: Lung capacity leads to better endurance during this time in the lifespan. 8. When he was 6 years old, Perry used to chase his older brother, Marcus, in the backyard, but got winded sooner than Marcus did. Now that Perry is a 9-year-old, he can run faster and longer than ever before and has less trouble keeping up with Marcus’s pace. This is a result of increased _______________ in middle childhood. A. lung capacity B. fine motor movement C. flexibility D. myopic vision Answer: A. lung capacity Correct: Beyond physical and neurological growth, increased lung capacity helps Perry to run faster. B. fine motor movement Incorrect: Children run faster and longer over the course of middle childhood, as lung capacity expands. 9. From ages 6 to 12 years, how many primary teeth do children lose? A. a quarter of them B. half of them C. three-quarters D. all of them Answer: D 10. How many primary teeth do children have? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 Answer: B 11. Your sister has an 8-year-old who seems to be losing his teeth at a rapid pace. This is her first child and she is concerned. What would you tell her? From age 6 to 12 years, children _______________. A. lose all of their primary teeth—this is normal B. lose some of their teeth, but at a very slow rate C. do not lose any teeth—she needs to consult a dentist immediately D. only lose the front few teeth Answer: A. lose all of their primary teeth—this is normal Correct: From age 6 to 12, children lose all 20 of their primary teeth and new, permanent teeth replace them. C. do not lose any teeth—she needs to consult a dentist immediately Incorrect: From age 6 to 12, children lose all 20 of their primary teeth and new, permanent teeth replace them. 12. Hearing improves in middle childhood because the tube in the inner ear that is often the site of ear infections in toddlerhood and early childhood has now matured to be longer and narrower than it was before. How does this help with ear infections? A. The tympanic membrane becomes less permeable. B. It allows the immune system to concentrate its efforts on this area. C. Children develop immunity to the bacteria that cause ear infections during this time. D. Less bacteria-containing fluid flows from the mouth to the ear. Answer: D. Less bacteria-containing fluid flows from the mouth to the ear. Correct: Because the tube in the inner ear is longer and narrower than it was before, less fluid containing bacteria is transferred from the mouth to the ear, which in turn makes inner ear infections less likely. C. Children develop immunity to the bacteria that cause ear infections during this time. Incorrect: Because the tube in the inner ear is longer and narrower than it was before, less fluid containing bacteria is transferred from the mouth to the ear, which in turn makes inner ear infections less likely. 13. Your 4-year-old niece has inner ear infections fairly often. What is a bit of good news that you could tell her mother? In middle childhood _______________. A. she will have more ear infections, but the infections build a stronger immune system B. she will have fewer ear infections, and the earlier infections might lead to improved hearing later C. changes in the ear will help children become better listeners D. changes in the ear will result in fewer ear infections Answer: D. changes in the ear will result in fewer ear infections Correct: Because the tube in the inner ear is longer and narrower than it was before, less fluid containing bacteria is transferred from the mouth to the ear, which in turn makes inner ear infections less likely. C. changes in the ear will help children become better listeners Incorrect: Because the tube in the inner ear is longer and narrower than it was before, less fluid containing bacteria is transferred from the mouth to the ear, which in turn makes inner ear infections less likely. 14. What terms describes nearsightedness? A. myopia B. presbyscusis C. hyperopia D. protanopia Answer: A 15. Myopia is also known as _______________. A. farsightedness B. nearsightedness C. binocular vision D. monocular vision Answer: B 16. Your sister came home from a pediatrician’s visit with your 9-year-old nephew and was very worried because the doctor told her that your nephew has myopia. She was also very unhappy because the pediatrician failed to give her medication to treat it. What would you tell her about myopia? A. It simply means nearsightedness. B. It is an intense fungal infection of the sclera. C. It results in permanent retinal damage. D. It is a disease of the eye that occurs only in children with cancer. Answer: A. It simply means nearsightedness. Correct: Myopia is nearsightedness. C. It results in permanent retinal damage. Incorrect: Myopia is nearsightedness. 17. What is a factor that can lead to children developing nearsightedness? A. reading B. watching movies C. bird watching D. batting at the batting cage Answer: A. reading Correct: Reading, writing, and using computers often are factors that can lead to children developing myopia. B. watching movies Incorrect: Reading, writing, and using computers often are factors that can lead to children developing myopia. 18. Your sister is happy that your niece loves to read and she reads constantly. What is a potential problem that can occur as a function of reading? A. hyperopia B. protanopia C. myopia D. retinopathy Answer: C. myopia Correct: Reading is associated with nearsightedness—myopia. A. hyperopia Incorrect: Reading is associated with nearsightedness—myopia. 19. Myopia is more likely to occur in _______________ as it is positively correlated with _______________. A. developed countries; reading, writing, and using computers B. developing countries; reading, writing, and using computers C. developed countries; hunting, farming, and gathering D. developing countries; hunting, farming, and gathering Answer: A. developed countries; reading, writing, and using computers Correct: The rate of nearsightedness is higher in developed countries, and the problem is more likely to occur when the rate of reading, writing, and the use of computers increases. B. developing countries; reading, writing, and using computers Incorrect: Myopia is a problem that is more likely to occur in developed countries than in developing countries. The more children read, write, and use computers, the more likely they are to develop myopia. 20. Which of the following pairs has the highest concordance rate for myopia? A. monozygotic twins in a developed nation B. monozygotic twins in a developing nation C. dizygotic twins in a developed nation D. dizygotic twins in a developing nation Answer: A. monozygotic twins in a developed nation Correct: Myopia being partly genetic and partly environmental, monozygotic twins in a developed nation are more likely to have a closer concordance rate. D. dizygotic twins in a developing nation Incorrect: Myopia is a problem that is more likely to occur in developing countries than in developing countries, and in MZ twins more than DZ twins since it is also partly genetic. 21. According to Mutti et al. (2002), what percentage of children in developed countries need glasses by the end of middle childhood? A. 15% B. 25% C. 35% D. 45% Answer: B 22. When are children less vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition? A. infancy B. early childhood C. middle childhood D. adolescence Answer: C 23. As compared to earlier times, physical development during middle childhood is best described as _______________. A. “Bodies are stronger and immune systems are better developed.” B. “Bodies are much more susceptible to disease and illness.” C. “Bodies are much pudgier with a higher body mass index.” D. “Bodies are much weaker and immune systems are stressed and taxed.” Answer: A. “Bodies are stronger and immune systems are better developed.” Correct: Body strength and a better developed immune system contribute to a higher rate of survival during middle childhood. D. “Bodies are much weaker and immune systems are stressed and taxed.” Incorrect: In middle childhood, bodies are stronger and more resilient, and immune systems are better developed. 24. Barrett and Frank (1987) studied children from Guatemala who were classified as having high nutrient levels or low nutrient levels. Compared to children with low nutrient levels, children with high nutrient levels were _______________. A. more likely to persist in a frustrating situation B. likely to cling to their mothers more C. significantly more anxious D. less likely to be energetic Answer: A. more likely to persist in a frustrating situation Correct: Children who were classified in early childhood as having high nutrient levels were more likely than children with low nutrient levels to explore new environments in middle childhood and to persist in a frustrating situation. They were also more energetic, less anxious, and showed more positive emotion. B. likely to cling to their mothers more Incorrect: Children who were classified in early childhood as having high nutrient levels were more likely than children with low nutrient levels to explore new environments in middle childhood and to persist in a frustrating situation. They were also more energetic, less anxious, and showed more positive emotion. 25. In a Guatemalan study that examined nutrition and development, children who were classified as having _______________ were more likely than children with _______________ to explore new environments in middle childhood and persist in a frustrating situation. A. low body mass index; high body mass index B. high body mass index; low body mass index C. low nutrient levels; high nutrient levels D. high nutrient levels; low nutrient levels Answer: D. high nutrient levels; low nutrient levels Correct: From this study it was clear that higher nutritional levels led to a greater degree of exploration and positive emotions; physiological development correlates to stronger cognitive and social measures. B. high body mass index; low body mass index Incorrect: Children who were classified in early childhood as having high nutrient levels were more likely than children with low nutrient levels to explore new environments in middle childhood and to persist in a frustrating situation. 26. Internationally, children aged 6 to 10 years are considered to be overweight if _______________. A. they eat more than 2,000 calories a day B. fail to exercise for more than 30 minutes per day C. have a BMI that exceeds 18 D. have 20% or more body fat Answer: C 27. Internationally, children aged 6 to 10 years are considered to be obese if _______________. A. they eat more than 4,000 calories a day B. fail to exercise for more than 10 minutes per day C. have a BMI that exceeds 21 D. have 40% or more body fat Answer: C 28. Your little brother, who is 8 years old, has gained a lot of weight over the past couple of years and your parents are concerned. At his annual physical exam, the doctor indicated that he had a BMI of 23. This means that your brother _______________. A. is obese B. is overweight C. is of normal weight D. is actually underweight for his age Answer: A. is obese Correct: A BMI of 23 for children this age indicates obesity. B. is overweight Incorrect: A BMI of 23 for children this age indicates obesity. 29. Internationally, children ages 6 to 10 are considered to be _______________ if their BMI exceeds 18 and _______________ if their BMI exceeds 21. A. overweight; obese B. obese; overweight C. underweight; emaciated D. emaciated; underweight Answer: A 30. Across countries, rates of overweight and obesity are highest in the most _______________ regions and lowest in the _______________ regions. A. affluent; poorest B. poorest; affluent C. largest; smallest D. smallest; largest Answer: A 31. In the U.S., rates of overweight and obesity are higher in _______________. A. ethnic minority groups B. high income families C. first-generation families D. White American families Answer: A 32. Which of the following changes is the largest contributor to the increased rate of overweight and obese children? A. dietary change B. genetic change C. chromosomal change D. biological change Answer: A 33. You are a single parent of two children who are 7 and 9 years old. You have noticed that both of them are starting to look like they are gaining weight. According to the text, what is the most important thing that you can do to insure that they will not become overweight or obese? A. prepare healthy foods for meals B. never let them eat desserts C. increase their activity levels D. allow them to snack while playing video games Answer: A. prepare healthy foods for meals Correct: Rates of overweight and obesity are rising because more and more parents have become less likely to prepare meals at home and more likely to buy meals away from home, especially “fast foods” that are high in fat content. B. never let them eat desserts Incorrect: Rates of overweight and obesity are rising because more and more parents have become less likely to prepare meals at home and more likely to buy meals away from home, especially “fast foods” that are high in fat content. 34. As a contributor to the _______________ rate of obesity, over recent decades people have become _______________ likely to prepare meals at home and _______________ likely to buy meals away from home. A. increased; less; more B. increased; more; less C. decreased; less; more D. decreased; more; less Answer: A. increased; less; more Correct: The rate of obesity has increased; dietary behaviors such as eating out have been isolated as a contributing factor B. increased; more; less Incorrect: The most important contribution to the rise in childhood obesity is the change in diets. Over recent decades people have become less likely to prepare meals at home and more likely to buy meals away from home, especially “fast foods” that are high in fat content. 35. Why are the rates of overweight and obese children in developing countries rising? A. There is a worldwide shortage of protein. B. Their children are becoming lazy. C. Their diets are becoming more like the diets of developed countries. D. They are also acquiring the technology to play games on the Internet for hours. Answer: C. Their diets are becoming more like the diets of developed countries. Correct: Rates of overweight and obesity are rising in the populations of developing countries in part because their diets are becoming more like the diets of people in developed countries—fewer healthy, home-cooked meals and more “fast foods” that are high in fat content. A. There is a worldwide shortage of protein. Incorrect: Rates of overweight and obesity are rising in the populations of developing countries in part because their diets are becoming more like the diets of people in developed countries—fewer healthy, home-cooked meals and more “fast foods” that are high in fat content. 36. Your roommate and you are having a discussion of the “Westernization” of many developing countries. You are concerned about the ill effects of some of Western culture. In terms of healthy weight of children in developing countries, why would you be concerned about the potential changes in their diets that can come with Westernization? Children in developing countries _______________. A. can now get pre-packaged Western foods that contain precisely the nutrients that they require B. require that their diets contain fluoride because of the great risk of tooth decay C. need extra calories to be healthy and Western diets are not sufficient D. are eating more unhealthy foods as a result of Western diets Answer: D. are eating more unhealthy foods as a result of Western diets Correct: Rates of overweight and obesity are rising in the populations of developing countries in part because their diets are becoming more like the diets of people in developed countries—fewer healthy, home-cooked meals and more “fast foods” high in fat content. A. can now get pre-packaged Western foods that contain precisely the nutrients that they require Incorrect: Rates of overweight and obesity are rising in the populations of developing countries in part because their diets are becoming more like the diets of people in developed countries—fewer healthy, home-cooked meals and more “fast foods” high in fat content. 37. In a longitudinal study that followed a sample of American children from age 4 to 11, TV-watching predicted gains in _______________. A. body fat B. academic scores C. cognitive ability D. socioemotional maturity Answer: A 38. In a longitudinal study, Proctor et al. (2003) found that children who watched at least three hours of television a day _______________. A. gained 40% more body fat than those who watched less than 1.5 hours a day B. earned better grades than those who watched less than 1.5 hours a day C. increased their reaction time scores by 35% compared to children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day D. were more likely to develop Type II diabetes than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day Answer: A. gained 40% more body fat than those who watched less than 1.5 hours a day Correct: The study found that children who watched at least three hours of television a day gained 40% more body fat than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day. B. earned better grades than those who watched less than 1.5 hours a day Incorrect: The study found that children who watched at least three hours of television a day gained 40% more body fat than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day. 39. Your brother was happy to report to you that your 7-year-old niece and 8-year-old nephew both watch about three hours of educational television per day. He is convinced that this is a great way for his children to learn additional information that is not presented in school. What do you think? Your niece and nephew are likely to _______________. A. develop technical skills that other children their ages do not possess B. skip a grade level soon C. be on their way to becoming overweight or obese D. be two of the smartest children at their schools Answer: C. be on their way to becoming overweight or obese Correct: Proctor et al. found that children who watched at least three hours of television a day gained 40% more body fat than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day. B. skip a grade level soon Incorrect: Proctor et al. found that children who watched at least three hours of television a day gained 40% more body fat than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day. 40. In a longitudinal study that followed a sample of American children from age 4 to 11, TV watching predicted gains in body fat. The study found that these were _______________. A. positively correlated—as TV consumption increased, body fat increased B. negatively correlated—as TV consumption increased, body fat decreased C. uncorrelated—there is no relationship between TV consumption and body fat D. neutrally correlated—as TV consumption increased, body fat remained the same Answer: A. positively correlated—as TV consumption increased, body fat increased Correct: The longitudinal study by Roberts and Foehr, 2004 illustrated a positive correlation between TV consumption and body fat. D. neutrally correlated—as TV consumption increased, body fat remained the same Incorrect: The study showed that children who watched at least 3 hours of TV a day gained 40% more body fat than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day. 41. As children spend more time watching TV they are more likely to be _______________ and spend less time _______________. A. overweight or obese; exercising B. underweight or thin; using a computer C. of average weight; reading D. overweight or underweight; in school Answer: A. overweight or obese; exercising Correct: TV consumption is negatively correlated with exercise. C. of average weight; reading Incorrect: Studies have shown that the amount of television watching is positively correlated to childhood obesity and negatively correlated with the amount of time spent in physical exercise. 42. Why are rates of overweight and obese children especially high among African American and Latino children? A. they have no place to play outside B. they are genetically more likely to become overweight and obese C. their mothers are less likely to prepare nutritious meals D. they tend to watch the most television per day Answer: C. their mothers are less likely to prepare nutritious meals Correct: These children watch more television than other groups. Amount of time viewing television is related to gaining body fat. B. they are genetically more likely to become overweight and obese Incorrect: These children watch more television than other groups. Amount of time viewing television is related to gaining body fat. 43. What has research discovered regarding childhood obesity in children who were adopted? Adopted children _______________. A. have BMIs that are more similar to their adoptive parents B. are likely to have the same interest in sedentary games as their biological parents C. crave sweets and fats like their biological parents D. have BMIs that are closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents Answer: D. have BMIs that are closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents Correct: Adopted children tend to have BMIs that are closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents. B. are likely to have the same interest in sedentary games as their biological parents Incorrect: Adopted children tend to have BMIs that are closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents. 44. Adopted children tend to have a _______________ that is closer to their _______________ than to their _______________. A. BMI; biological parents; adoptive parents B. BMI; adoptive parents; biological parents C. blood glucose level; biological parents; adoptive parents D. blood glucose level; adoptive parents; biological parents Answer: A. BMI; biological parents; adoptive parents Correct: Genetics has been shown to be contributor to obesity; the closer the genetic relationship, the greater the similarity. B. BMI; adoptive parents; biological parents Incorrect: Genetics make a contribution to obesity, as adopted children tend to have BMIs that are closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents. 45. What can be said regarding the relationship between genetics and obesity? A. Genetics provides only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. B. Genetics is destiny. If an individual has the FTO gene, he or she will become obese. C. There really is no genetic relationship, only environment. D. Eating sweets and carbs changes chromosome so that the individual’s offspring will have difficulties with obesity. Answer: A. Genetics provides only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. Correct: Genetics cannot explain recent rises in obesity rates, as genetics provide only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. B. Genetics is destiny. If an individual has the FTO gene, he or she will become obese. Incorrect: Genetics cannot explain recent rises in obesity rates, as genetics provide only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. 46. You have a friend whose parents are obese. Since he graduated from college he has devoted a significant amount of his efforts to doing well in his new job, leaving him with less time to exercise and prepare healthy meals. Consequently, he has gained weight. He is concerned that since he must have the FTO gene, that he is doomed to be obese like his parents are. What would you tell him? A. Genetics provides only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. If he eats nutritious meals and begins to exercise, he should lose the weight. B. Genetics is destiny. He might as well not worry about becoming obese since he is definitely going to be obese no matter what he does. C. His weight gain has nothing to do with his parents. There really is no genetic relationship. D. His parents must have eaten quite a bit of sweets and carbs before he was conceived and he now has the genes for obesity. Answer: A. Genetics provides only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. If he eats nutritious meals and begins to exercise, he should lose the weight. Correct: Recent research has identified a specific gene, called FTO, that sharply increases children’s risk for obesity. However, genetics provide only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. B. Genetics is destiny. He might as well not worry about becoming obese since he is definitely going to be obese no matter what he does. Incorrect: Recent research has identified a specific gene, called FTO, that sharply increases children’s risk for obesity. However, genetics provide only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. 48. A compelling study of the Pima Indians in Arizona and Mexico was conducted. The Pima Indians who live in Mexico continue to eat a diet that is high in vegetables and low in fat and sugars, while the Pima Indians who live in Arizona eat more like mainstream Americans. Which of the following best describes the result of this study? A. The Mexican Pima Indians have a BMI that is 80% higher than the American Pima Indians. B. The Mexican and American Pima Indians have equal BMIs. C. The American Pima Indians have an average BMI that is 50% higher than the Mexican Pima Indians. D. The study was a hoax to argue that eating a traditional diet was healthier, which is not true. Answer: C. The American Pima Indians have an average BMI that is 50% higher than the Mexican Pima Indians. Correct: The American Pima Indians have an average BMI that is 50% higher than their counterparts in Mexico. A. The Mexican Pima Indians have a BMI that is 80% higher than the American Pima Indians. Incorrect: The American Pima Indians have an average BMI that is 50% higher than their counterparts in Mexico. 49. Socially, being obese _______________ the likelihood that a child will be socially _______________ and the object of _______________ by peers. A. decreases; accepted; envy B. decreases; rejected; ridicule C. increases; included; envy D. increases; excluded; ridicule Answer: D. increases; excluded; ridicule Correct: Obese children tend to have a lower self-worth and more often are the target of other children's teasing. A. decreases; accepted; envy Incorrect: Being obese increases the likelihood that a child will be socially excluded and the object of ridicule by peers. 49. By middle childhood, obesity is a risk factor for _______________. A. not being popular in middle school B. ADHD, primarily hyperactivity-impulsivity type C. schizophrenia D. a variety of emotional and behavior problems Answer: D 50. Your roommate believes that overweight children are happy children. What is the truth about this myth? A. Not only are they the happiest, they have the most friends. B. Obese children, not overweight children, are the happiest children in most cultures. C. Overweight children are at risk for a variety of emotional and behavior problems. D. Although overweight children tend to be happier compared to their peers, this is only true in adolescence, not earlier in childhood. Answer: C. Overweight children are at risk for a variety of emotional and behavior problems. Correct: Being obese increases the likelihood that a child will be socially excluded and the object of ridicule by peers. By middle childhood obesity is a risk factor for a variety of emotional and behavioral problems. A. Not only are they the happiest, they have the most friends. Incorrect: Being obese increases the likelihood that a child will be socially excluded and the object of ridicule by peers. By middle childhood obesity is a risk factor for a variety of emotional and behavioral problems. 51. Even in middle childhood, obesity can result in _______________. A. diabetes B. nephrosis C. stroke D. cardiac arrest Answer: A 52. What percentage of children remain obese in adulthood? A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80% Answer: D 53. What are some of the health problems that obese adults have? A. high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer B. insomnia, incontinence, and bowel obstruction C. halitosis, male pattern baldness, and trichophyton D. chronic fever, hunger, and flatulence Answer: A 54. Your brother and sister-in-law do not like to cook and neither one of them seems to have a very good understanding of nutrition. Their 9-year-old son has a BMI of 24, but they are not concerned because they feel that he will simply outgrow being overweight. Why should they be more concerned? As adults, overweight and obese individuals _______________. A. spend a considerable amount of their budget on fast food B. are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer C. are more likely to have ADHD D. to be married to their jobs and ignore their families Answer: B. are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer Correct: The major risk factors for adults who are overweight or obese are high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer. C. are more likely to have ADHD Incorrect: The major risk factors for adults who are overweight or obese are high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer. 55. _______________ of parents of obese children view their children as overweight. A. 90 to 95% B. 80 to 85% C. 70 to 75% D. Less than 50% Answer: D 56. In developed and developing countries, middle childhood is _______________. A. the most dangerous period of life B. the safest and healthiest time of life C. a time when there is a spike in injury due to accidents D. equal in safety to infancy and early childhood Answer: B 57. Your sister constantly worries about your nephew, who is currently a toddler. She knows that this is a time of important physical and behavioral development and worries that every bump, bruise, or sniffle could negatively affect his future health and well being. What can you tell her as your nephew approaches middle childhood? A. It is the safest and healthiest time of life. B. She needs to be very careful because there is a spike in injury rates during this time. C. More children get sick and injured during this time than when they were younger. D. Most children suffer no illnesses or injuries during this time. Answer: A. It is the safest and healthiest time of life. Correct: Middle childhood is in many ways the safest, healthiest time of life. C. More children get sick and injured during this time than when they were younger. Incorrect: Middle childhood is in many ways the safest, healthiest time of life. 58. Which of the following stages of life has the lowest death rate? A. infancy B. late toddlerhood C. middle childhood D. early adolescence Answer: C 59. During middle toddlerhood more children have received _______________ and their _______________ stronger, which contributes to a lower death rate. A. vitamin B; lungs are B. calcium; heart is C. immunizations; immune system is D. viral infections; muscles are Answer: C. immunizations; immune system is Correct: In both developed and developing countries, by middle childhood a great proportion of children have received vaccinations against diseases. Even children who have not received vaccinations are less susceptible to fatal diseases in middle childhood than they were earlier in their development because their natural immune systems have become stronger. B. calcium; heart is Incorrect: In both developed and developing countries, by middle childhood a great proportion of children have received vaccinations against diseases. Even children who have not received vaccinations are less susceptible to fatal diseases in middle childhood than they were earlier in their development because their natural immune systems have become stronger. 60. In 1978 nearly 30% of children aged 5 to 10 years had dangerously elevated levels of lead in their blood, which can cause brain damage. What was the rate in 2001? A. 1% B. 11% C. 21% D. 31% Answer: A 61. According to national U.S. studies, in 1978 nearly _______________ of children ages 5-10 had dangerously elevated levels of lead in their blood, which can cause brain damage; by 2001, the rate had fallen to _______________. A. 30%; 1% B. 40%; 5% C. 50%; 10% D. 60%; 15% Answer: A 62. _______________ is a chronic illness of the lungs characterized by wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. A. Asthma B. Eczema C. Allergies D. Psoriasis Answer: A 63. An asthma attack can be triggered by ___________ A. an immunization B. exercise or emotional stress C. high levels of lead in gasoline D. a genetic predisposition to heart disease Answer: D 64. When are the rates of asthma the highest? A. infancy B. early childhood C. middle childhood D. adolescence Answer: C 65. Your family has a history of asthma and allergies. Your brother is a smoker and he and his wife have a 6-year-old son. What do you need to tell him regarding smoking and asthma? A. If he wants his child to have asthma, keep smoking. B. Smoking will reduce the likelihood that his child will have asthma. C. Although many people think that there is a link between smoking and asthma, there is not. D. Children of smoking parents have been found to have unusually strong lung capacities. Answer: A. If he wants his child to have asthma, keep smoking. Correct: Having a parent who smokes is a risk factor for a child to develop asthma. D. Children of smoking parents have been found to have unusually strong lung capacities. Incorrect: Having a parent who smokes is a risk factor for a child to develop asthma. 66. What is a risk factor associated with childhood asthma? A. postmaturity at birth B. high SES status C. parental smoking D. a BMI that is too low Answer: C 67. Why are there higher rates of asthma in developing countries than there used to be? A. air pollution B. poor water quality C. increased number of fast-food restaurants D. living in close proximity to animals in rural areas Answer: A. air pollution Correct: In developing countries, air pollution has become worse as a result of increased industrialization, and air pollution can trigger asthma. B. poor water quality Incorrect: In developing countries, air pollution has become worse as a result of increased industrialization, and air pollution can trigger asthma. 68. What ethnic group is especially likely to have childhood asthma? A. Asian Americans B. African Americans C. Hispanic Americans D. White Americans Answer: B 69. What is the most common cause of injury in middle childhood? A. sports-related injuries B. accidental poisoning C. bicycle accidents D. automobile accidents Answer: D 70. Improvements in _______________ in middle childhood allow a child to stay steady on a bike without training wheels or walk on a board across a river. A. balance B. strength C. hand-eye coordination D. reaction time Answer: A. balance Correct: Improved balance is 1 of many physical abilities that further develop during middle childhood. C. hand-eye coordination Incorrect: From early to middle childhood, children’s balance improves, allowing them to stay steady on a bike without training wheels or walk on a board across a river. 71. Agility is _______________. A. synchronization of different body parts B. moving quickly and precisely C. a response to changing information D. the ability to manage equilibrium Answer: B 72. At age 7, Felix is a much better soccer player than he was at age 4. Not only is he a fast runner but he can dribble the soccer ball down the field by alternating right-foot, left-foot kicks. He can also fake out defenders by pretending to kick the ball with his right foot but actually using his left foot. Felix’s improvement in soccer illustrates growth in which of the following areas? A. balance B. agility C. reaction time D. strength Answer: B. agility Correct: Agility is the ability to move quickly and precisely. C. reaction time Incorrect: Agility is the ability to move quickly and precisely. 73. Development in what allows children in middle childhood to respond rapidly to changing information, like hitting a tennis ball or catching a baseball? A. reaction time B. eye-hand coordination C. myelination D. muscular virility Answer: A. reaction time Correct: Improvements in reaction time allow children to respond rapidly to changing information, for example when hitting a tennis ball over the net or when catching or hitting a baseball. B. eye-hand coordination Incorrect: Improvements in reaction time allow children to respond rapidly to changing information, for example when hitting a tennis ball over the net or when catching or hitting a baseball. 74. _______________ is the ability to move quickly and precisely, whereas _______________ is the response to changing information. A. Agility; reaction time B. Reaction time; agility C. Coordination; strength D. Strength; coordination Answer: A 75. In the United States and Canada, what percentage of children between the ages of 5 and 14 are involved in organized sports? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 76. In _______________, about _______________ of children are involved in organized sports at least once between the ages of 5 and 14. A. China and Taiwan; 1/4 B. the U.S. and Canada; 1/2 C. India and Pakistan; 3/4 D. Nicaragua and Colombia; 1/2 Answer: B 77. What percentage of American middle school children in 1969 participated in daily physical education? A. 80% B. 60% C. 40% D. 20% Answer: A 78. In the United States in 1969, 80% of children were involved in daily physical education programs. What was the percentage in 2005? A. 8% B. 24% C. 56% D. 80% Answer: A 79. In the U.S., the percentage of children involved in daily physical education programs during middle childhood decreased from _______________ in 1969 to just _______________ in 2005. A. 80%; 8% B. 70%; 7% C. 60%; 6% D. 50%; 5% Answer: A 80. Not many 3- or 4-year-olds can _______________ successfully, but nearly all ____-year-olds can. A. tie their shoe; 8–9 B. kick a ball; 5–6 C. pet a dog; 8–9 D. run and jump; 6-7 Answer: A 81. In many developing countries, children become valuable as factory workers in middle childhood because of their _______________. A. abilities to perform gross motor tasks such threading a needle on a sewing machine B. cognitive abilities to perform complex conceptual tasks such as designing products C. emotional stability because some adult factory employees are hot-tempered D. abilities to perform intricate fine motor tasks such as weaving rugs Answer: D. abilities to perform intricate fine motor tasks such as weaving rugs Correct: Smaller, agile, and nimble fingers tend to be beneficial in the factories of developing nations. A. abilities to perform gross motor tasks such threading a needle on a sewing machine Incorrect: In many developing countries, children become valuable as factory workers in middle childhood because of their abilities to perform intricate fine motor skills such as weaving rugs. 82. Across cultures, advances in fine motor development are especially evident in two areas—what are they? A. throwing and catching B. drawing and writing C. jumping and hopping D. walking backwards and rolling Answer: B 83. Which of the following fine motor tasks is within the appropriate developmental age range for a 6-year-old? A. writing the letters of the alphabet, their name, and numbers from 1 to 10 B. writing complete sentences, reading a 2nd-grade level book, and spelling words such as “hippopotamus” C. running a 4-minute mile, jumping over hurdles, and dribbling a soccer ball D. writing in cursive, drawing in three-dimensional shapes, and using symbolism in storytelling Answer: A. writing the letters of the alphabet, their name, and numbers from 1 to 10 Correct: Fine motor skills of a 6-year-old have developed to a point to where they can write the alphabet, their name, and 1-10. D. writing in cursive, drawing in three-dimensional shapes, and using symbolism in storytelling Incorrect: By age 6 most children are able to write the letters of the alphabet, their own names, and numbers from 1 to 10. 84. 6-year-olds can _______________, whereas 8-year-olds can _______________. A. divide numbers in their head; add numbers in their head B. add numbers in their head; divide numbers in their head C. write in cursive; write letters of the alphabet D. write letters of the alphabet; write in cursive Answer: D. write letters of the alphabet; write in cursive Correct: Fine motor skills have developed to a point to where they can a can write the alphabet; by age 8 it has developed to where they can write in cursive. C. write in cursive; write letters of the alphabet Incorrect: By age 6 most children are able to write the letters of the alphabet, their own names, and numbers from 1 to 10. By age 8 or 9 most children can learn to write in cursive. 85. By the end of middle childhood what abilities have nearly reached adult maturity? A. gross motor skills B. psycho-motor skills C. vestibular-motor skills D. fine motor skills Answer: D. fine motor skills Correct: By the end of middle childhood fine motor abilities have nearly reached adult maturity, whereas gross motor development will continue to advance for many years to come. A. gross motor skills Incorrect: By the end of middle childhood fine motor abilities have nearly reached adult maturity, whereas gross motor development will continue to advance for many years to come. 86. Your brother was an All-American baseball shortstop. His 8-year-old son is not nearly as good at catching a baseball as your brother would like. He was hoping that your nephew would also be interested in and good at baseball. Although you think that your brother should support his son’s interests rather than have your nephew pursue what your brother wants him to do, what can you tell your brother about his son’s athletic abilities? A. Gross motor skills continue to develop for quite a while, he should be patient. B. His son is probably not going to be athletic. He is too clumsy. C. Perhaps your brother should enroll his son in gymnastics to help him improve his coordination. D. His son’s chance of being a great baseball player are doomed. Your nephew’s fine motor skills seem to be abnormal. Answer: A. Gross motor skills continue to develop for quite a while, he should be patient. Correct: Gross motor development continues to advance for many years to come after middle childhood. B. His son is probably not going to be athletic. He is too clumsy. Incorrect: Gross motor development continues to advance for many years to come after middle childhood. 87. Generally, by the end of middle childhood the fine motor abilities have _______________, whereas gross motor development _______________. A. remained the same; has grown exponentially B. reached their pinnacle; grew very little C. nearly reached adult maturity; will continue to advance for many years to come D. tripled in strength; has declined rapidly. Answer: C. nearly reached adult maturity; will continue to advance for many years to come Correct: By the end of middle childhood fine motor abilities have nearly reached adult maturity, whereas gross motor development will continue to advance for many years to come. B. reached their pinnacle; grew very little Incorrect: By the end of middle childhood fine motor abilities have nearly reached adult maturity, whereas gross motor development will continue to advance for many years to come. Short Answer Questions 88. What is myopia and what is one reason that it increases in middle childhood? Answer: Myopia is nearsightedness. It is more common in developed countries and can be caused by tasks that require perceiving details up close, such as reading (on a computer and in books) and writing. 89. Based on research, is there a sensitive period for long-term effects of malnutrition? Provide an example to support your response. Answer: Yes, the sensitive period seems to be between the second trimester of pregnancy through age 3. This is based on findings in poor countries comparing those who were malnourished in early childhood to those who were not. The malnourished children scored lower on cognitive tests and were higher in anxiety. 90. There are many obvious environmental influences on obesity; is there any evidence for a genetic/biological explanation? Use research evidence to support your answer. Answer: Yes, genetics plays a role. MZ twins show higher concordance rates for obesity than do DZ twins. Children who were adopted are more like their biological parent in weight than their adoptive parents. There is evidence for a specific gene that increases risk of obesity. 91. What are two risk factors for Asthma? Answer: Being male, low birth weight, having a parent who smokes, obesity, African American heritage are risk factors. 92. Explain why rates have continued to rise over time in developed and developing countries? Answer: The hygiene hypothesis, being so clean that the immune system does not develop properly, is one explanation for increases in developed countries. The rise in pollution as a result of modernization is an explanation for the rise in developing countries. Essay Questions 93. Overall, how would researchers characterize the period of middle childhood in terms of health and safety? Explain, using at least one example to address illness and one to address injuries. Answer: Middle childhood is considered the healthiest and safest time of life and mortality rates are lowest during this developmental period. In both developed and developing countries, rates of illness are lower due to stronger immune systems, even among those who are not vaccinated. Injury rates are also lower than they were earlier because of better motor skills and better judgment that comes with more sophisticated cognitive development. They are also less likely to get involved in risky situations than they will in adolescence because they have less freedom than they will in their teen years. 94. Imagine that you asked a 3-year-old and a 7-year-old from a developed country to draw a picture of herself. Besides the older child being neater, what are three differences you would see? Answer: The older child will draw with greater detail (showing facial features, multiple colored clothing, various items in the background), the proportions will be more accurate, and sand depth cues will be used. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. When are boys and girls most likely to be the slimmest? A. infancy B. middle childhood C. adolescence D. late childhood Answer: B 2. What is the medical term for nearsightedness? A. prebyscusis B. hyperopia C. myopia D. Pretanopia Answer: C 3. Children participating in a study in Guatemala were classified into high nutrient level or low nutrient level groups (Barrett and Frank, 1987). Compared to children with low nutrient levels, children with high nutrient levels _______________. A. clinged to their mothers more B. were more likely to persist in a frustrating situation C. were significantly more anxious D. were less likely to be energetic Answer: B 4. Why are rates of overweight and obese children rising in developing countries? A. Their diets are becoming more like the diets in developed countries. B. There is a worldwide shortage of protein. C. Their children are becoming lazy. D. They are also acquiring the technology to play games on the Internet for hours. Answer: A 5. What is the current understanding of how genetics influences obesity? A. Genetics can explain recent rises in obesity rates and this mystery is now solved. B. Genetics only explains obesity with regard to females. C. Genetics is a good explanation for recent rises in obesity rates during childhood; however it does little to explain the rates of obesity for adulthood. D. Genetics cannot explain recent rises in obesity rates. Genetics provide only a risk for overweight and obesity, not a definite destiny. Answer: D 6. Your neighbors eat out quite a bit and most of it is fast food. Their 8-year-old daughter has a BMI of 24, but they are not concerned because they feel that she will simply outgrow being overweight. Why should they be more concerned? As adults, overweight and obese individuals _______________. A. tend to spend a considerable amount of their budget on fast food B. are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart attacks, and cancer C. are more likely to have ADHD D. are more likely to be married to their jobs and ignore their families Answer: B 7. In 1978 what percentage of children aged 5 through 10 years had dangerously elevated levels of lead in their blood? A. 30% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60% Answer: A 8. Your 9-year-old niece is a much better soccer play than she was at age 4. She is a lot faster and has much better ball control. Her improvement in her soccer skills illustrates growth in _______________. A. balance B. agility C. reaction time D. strength Answer: B 9. Your sister-in-law has been frustrated with your 6-year-old nephew's writing skills and development. He is able to write the letters of the alphabet, but cannot write in cursive. She believes that she was able to do so by her son's age. Given your evaluation of the situation, what do you think? A. He is doing fine for a 6-year-old. He should not be able to write in cursive for another two years. B. He probably needs more practice with fine motor skills because he is delayed in his development. C. He probably has no desire to please his mother and do what she requests. D. Inability to write in cursive is a symptom of a serious developmental disorder. Answer: A 10. By the end of middle childhood, gross motor development will _______________. A. nearly reach adult maturity B. begin to plateau C. continue to advance for many years yet D. accelerate in development and then fade Answer: C Post-Test 1. How many pounds per year does the average child gain in weight during middle childhood? A. 2 to 4 pounds B. 5 to 7 pounds C. 7 to 9 pounds D. 10 to 12 pounds Answer: B 2. Your neighbor's daughter had quite a few ear infections during early childhood. What could you tell her about her daughter, middle childhood, and ear infections? A. She will have more ear infections, but the infections build a stronger immune system. B. She will have fewer ear infections, but the earlier infections might have caused permanent hearing loss. C. Changes in the ear will result in fewer ear infections during middle childhood. D. Changes in the ear will help children become better listeners. Answer: C 3. During middle childhood physical development is best described as _______________. A. bodies are much pudgier with a higher body mass index B. bodies are stronger and the immune systems are better developed C. bodies are much more susceptible to disease and illness D. bodies are much weaker and immune systems are stressed and taxed Answer: B 4. Your 7-year-old niece and 9-year-old nephew are starting to look like they are gaining weight. According to the text, what is the most important thing that you can do to insure that they will not become overweight or obese? A. prepare healthy foods for meals B. never let them eat desserts C. increase their activity levels D. allow them to snack while playing video games Answer: A 5. The rates of overweight and obese children are especially high among African American and Latino children. Why? A. They have no place to play outside. B. They are genetically more likely to become overweight and obese. C. Their mothers are less likely to prepare nutritious meals. D. They tend to watch the most television per day. Answer: D 6. What medical condition can occur in middle childhood as a result of obesity? A. nephrosis B. diabetes C. stroke D. cardiac arrest Answer: B 7. What percentage of children aged 5 to 10 years in 2001 had dangerously elevated levels of lead in their blood? A. 1% B. 11% C. 21% D. 31% Answer: A 8. During middle childhood, what is the most common cause of injury? A. sports-related injuries B. automobile accidents C. accidental poisoning D. bicycle accidents Answer: B 9. Children from developing countries become valuable as factory workers in middle childhood because of their _______________. A. abilities to perform intricate fine motor tasks such as weaving rugs B. emotional stability because some adult factory employees are quick-tempered C. cognitive abilities to perform complex conceptual tasks such as designing products D. abilities to perform gross motor tasks such threading a needle on a sewing machine Answer: A 10. Your neighbor's daughter can write the letters of the alphabet, her name, and the numbers from one to ten. However, her mother is upset that her daughter is not performing at what she believes to be at a gifted level. In terms of development during middle childhood, what evaluation of the situation do you have? Your neighbor's daughter is _______________. A. probably not going to be gifted based on your observations B. that the mother is probably helping her child's efforts to be gifted by worrying about her performance C. doing exactly what she should be doing and that her mother needs to relax D. likely developmentally delayed Answer: C Chapter Exam 1. How many inches per year does the average child gain in height during middle childhood? A. 2 to 3" B. 5 to 6" C. 8 to 9" D. 11 to 12" Answer: A 2. Because of an increase in _______________, middle childhood children can run faster than they could in early childhood. A. fine motor movement B. flexibility C. lung capacity D. visual acuity Answer: C 3. What is the technical term for near sightedness? A. presbyscusis B. myopia C. hyperopia D. pretanopia Answer: B 4. What type of twins have the highest concordance rate for myopia? A. monozygotic twins in a developed country B. monozygotic twins in a developing country C. dizygotic twins in a developed country D. dizygotic twins in a developing country Answer: A 5. Children aged 6 to 10 years of age are considered to be overweight if they _______________. A. eat more than 2,000 calories a day B. fail to exercise for more than 30 minutes per day C. have 20% or more body fat D. have a BMI that exceeds 18 Answer: D 6. What is the major contributor to the increase of overweight and obese individuals? A. genetic changes B. dietary changes C. chromosomal changes D. biological changes Answer: B 7. In a study that assessed American children aged 4 to 11 years of age, watching television predicted gains in _______________. A. body fat B. academic scores C. cognitive ability D. socio-emotional maturity Answer: A 8. In terms of childhood obesity, adopted children _______________. A. crave sweets and fats like their biological parents B. have BMIs that are closer to their biological parents than to the adoptive parents C. have BMIs that are more similar to their adoptive parents D. are likely to have the same interest in sedentary games as their biological parents Answer: B 9. Beginning in middle childhood, obesity is a risk factor for _______________. A. a variety of emotional and behavioral problems B. not being popular in school C. ADHD, primarily hyperactivity-impulsivity type D. schizophrenia Answer: A 10. Obese adults are more likely to have what health problems? A. insomnia, incontinence, and bowel obstruction B. halitosis, male pattern baldness, and trichophyton C. high blood pressure, heart attack, and cancer D. chronic fever, hunger, and flatulence Answer: C 11. What is a chronic illness of the lungs characterized by wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath? A. eczema B. allergies C. asthma D. psoriasis Answer: C 12. How does the text define agility? A. synchronization of different body parts B. response to changing information C. moving quickly and precisely D. ability to manage equilibrium Answer: C 13. In the United States and Canada, what percentage of children between the ages of 5 and 14 years are involved in organized sports? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 14. For a 6-year-old, which of the following fine motor tasks is developmentally appropriate? A. writing complete sentences, reading a 2nd-grade level book, and spelling words such as "hippopotamus" B. running a 4-minute mile, jumping over hurdles, and dribbling a soccer ball C. writing the letters of the alphabet, their name, and numbers from 1 to 10 D. writing in cursive, drawing in three-dimensional shapes, and using symbolism in storytelling Answer: C 15. By the time that a child has reached the end of middle childhood, what abilities are close to adult mastery? A. fine motor skills B. gross motor skills C. psycho-motor skills D. vestibular-motor skills Answer: A Quick Review 1. What is the ratio of body weight to height referred to as? A. growth index B. body mass index C. boy fat index D. W-H index Answer: B 2. Myopia is also known as _______________. A. binocular vision B. farsightedness C. nearsightedness D. monocular vision Answer: C 3. Children between 6 and 10 years of age are considered to be overweight if they _______________. A. eat more than 2,000 calories a day B. have a BMI that exceeds 18 C. fail to exercise for more than 30 minutes per day D. has 20% or more body fat Answer: B 4. Proctor et al. (2003) found that children who watched at least three hours of television a day _______________. A. gained 40% more body fat than those who watched less than 1.5 hours a day B. earned better grades than those who watched less than 1.5 hours a day C. increased their reaction time by 35% compared to children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day D. were more likely to develop Type II diabetes than children who watched less than 1.5 hours a day Answer: A 5. What is the most accurate statement regarding the relationship between genetics and obesity? A. Genetics is destiny. If an individual has the FTO gene, they will become obese. B. There really is no genetic relationship, only an environmental one. C. Eating sweets and carbs changes chromosomes so that the individual's offspring will have difficulties with obesity. D. Genetics provides a risk for being overweight and obese, but genetics does not equate to destiny. Answer: D 6. The death rate during middle childhood is lower than it was in earlier eras to _______________. A. vitamins B. immunizations C. calcium D. exercise Answer: B 7. Why are there higher rates of asthma in developing countries today than in the past? A. air pollution B. poor water quality C. increased number of fast-food restaurant D. living in close proximity to animals in rural areas Answer: A 8. Development in what allows children in middle childhood to respond rapidly enough to changing information to catch a football or to hit a tennis ball? A. eye-hand coordination B. reaction time C. myelination D. muscular virility Answer: B 9. Eighty percent of children in middle childhood in 1969 were involved in physical education programs. What was the percentage in 2005? A. 8% B. 24% C. 56% D. 80% Answer: A 10. During middle childhood, advances in fine motor development are especially evident in what two areas? A. drawing and writing B. throwing and catching C. jumping and hopping D. walking backward and rolling Answer: A Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. According to this video, what are some of the benefits of sports camps to children? Answer: There are several benefits of attending a sports camp. Some of these benefits include cardiovascular endurance, social skills, increasing coordination, the opportunity to practice skills, strengthening of muscles, team building and increasing comfort with their peers. 2. The person interviewed in this video discusses playing tennis versus video games. Compare and contrast these two activities. The world of gaming has changed considerably since this video was filmed; do you feel that video gaming is still a detriment to the physical health of children of this age? Answer: Playing tennis and playing video games differ in physical activity levels and social interaction. Tennis involves physical exertion, promotes cardiovascular fitness, and offers social engagement if played with others. Video games, while offering mental stimulation and hand-eye coordination, can be sedentary and solitary unless played socially online. Regarding physical health, modern video games now include active gaming options (e.g., motion-controlled games) that can mitigate concerns about sedentary behavior, making gaming potentially less of a detriment to physical health compared to earlier perceptions. 3. What were some of the reasons mentioned in this video why some children are better at certain sports than others? Answer: Between the ages of 9 through 13 children grow a considerable amount. The difference in their strength, flexibility, and how often they have the opportunity to practice skills all can impact why one child might be better at a sport than another child. Multiple Choice Questions 1. At times during the video, Joan and Bill have moments of life review, a term given to a process in which people who are getting older __________________. A. have a midlife crisis B. go through periods of denial, anger, and acceptance C. decide to stop worrying about unfinished business and just forget it D. look back on their lives to review decisions and transitions Answer: D 2. Joan says that a 70-year-old can decide to feel young and act young, but “if you’re 50 and you think you’re old, you’re old.” Bill says, “I’m 71 years old but I don’t feel 71 years old.” Which concept, mentioned by both of them separately in this video, seems to be a basis for these philosophies? A. attitude B. illusion C. learning D. mood Answer: A Section 2 Cognitive Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. In Piaget’s view, children ages 2–6 are most notable cognitively for what they cannot do such as _______________. A. coordinating senses with motor activities B. using language to assist with thoughts C. performing mental operations D. using images to create mental representations Answer: C. performing mental operations Correct: Hence the name preoperational, children cannot perform mental operations B. using language to assist with thoughts Incorrect: Children ages 2–6 cannot perform mental operations. 2. Around _______________, children make an important cognitive advance toward becoming more systematic and logical thinkers. A. age 5 B. age 7 C. age 9 D. age 11 Answer: B 3. Piaget termed the cognitive stage from age 7 to 11 the stage of concrete operations. During this stage children become capable of _______________. A. object permanence B. thinking abstractly and hypothetically C. using mental operations D. examining the world scientifically Answer: C. using mental operations Correct: Age 7 is the beginning stage of concrete operations. B. thinking abstractly and hypothetically Incorrect: During the concrete operations stage, children become capable of using mental operations. 4. During this stage, Piaget proposes, children become capable of using mental operations, which allow them to organize and manipulate information mentally instead of relying on physical and sensory associations. A. sensorimotor B. preoperations C. concrete operations D. formal operations Answer: C. concrete operations Correct: Mental operations are the hallmark of stage 3, concrete operations. D. formal operations Incorrect: During the concrete operations stage, children become capable of using mental operations, which allow them to organize and manipulate information mentally instead of relying on physical and sensory associations. 5. According to Piaget, the advances of concrete operations are evident in new abilities for performing tasks of _______________. A. the development of motor skills and hand-eye coordination B. egocentrism, animism, and language development C. conservation, classification, and seriation D. hypothetical, deductive reasoning, and hypothesis testing Answer: C 6. Ashton is shown two round balls of clay equal in size. He watches as the experimenter rolls one ball into a long sausage shape and asks which of the shapes has more clay. If Ashton is in Piaget’s preoperational stage he will reply, _______________. A. “the long one” B. “they are both the same” C. “the ball” D. “I can’t tell” Answer: A. “the long one” Correct: At the preoperational stage the child is still centered and lack reversibility; therefore, they fail the law of conservation task. B. “they are both the same” Incorrect: The properational child usually answers “the long one,” mistaking a change in shape for a change in quantity because they lack the ability to perform decentering and reversibility. 7. Lorenzo is shown two round balls of clay equal in size. He watches as the experimenter rolls one ball into a long sausage shape and asks which of the shapes has more clay. If Lorenzo is in Piaget’s concrete operations stage he will reply, _______________. A. “the long one” B. “they are both the same” C. “the ball” D. “I can’t tell” Answer: B. “they are both the same” Correct: The child that is in concrete operations is decentered and can perform reversibility; therefore, they pass a law of conservation task. A. “the long one” Incorrect: The preoperational child usually answers “the long one,” mistaking a change in shape for a change in quantity, whereas by age 7 or 8 most children will answer “the same,” realizing that the quantity remains the same even if the shape changes. 8. Piaget’s cognitive task where individuals can take more than one aspect of a problem into account is _______________. A. decentering B. reversibility C. egocentrism D. animism Answer: A 9. According to Piaget a child fails the conservation task because their thoughts are _______________. A. centered and lack reversibility B. decentered and possess reversibility C. egocentric and animated D. too hypothetical and possess deductive reasoning Answer: A. centered and lack reversibility Correct: During preoperational thought the child's mental process are centered and lack reversibility; therefore, they cannot accomplish the conservation task B. decentered and possess reversibility Incorrect: In the preoperational stage children are centered on one obvious problem. The preoperational child also cannot perform the mental operation of reversibility. 10. What Piagetian concept describes the ability of children to understand that the quantity of an object has not changed although its shape has? A. concept shifting B. critical thinking C. reversibility D. decentering Answer: C 11. You are watching your two nephews, ages 7 and 4, play with a ball of clay. Your older nephew is getting very frustrated because even though he is using the same ball of clay, his younger brother thinks that when it is a ball there is less of it than when he rolls it out into a longer shape. What Piagetian concept is your younger nephew lacking the ability to perform? A. concept shifting B. critical thinking C. reversibility D. decentering Answer: C. reversibility Correct: The preoperational child cannot perform the mental operation of reversibility to confirm that the quantity has not changed even though the shape has. D. decentering Incorrect: The preoperational child cannot perform the mental operation of reversibility to confirm that the quantity has not changed even though the shape has. 12. Which conservation ability occurs first? A. matter and liquid B. number and length C. area and volume D. centering and decentering Answer: A. matter and liquid Correct: Conservation of matter and liquid are attained by most children by age 7 or 8, with conservation of length, area, weight, and volume following over the next few years. C. area and volume Incorrect: Conservation of matter and liquid are attained by most children by age 7 or 8, with conservation of length, area, weight, and volume following over the next few years. 13. _______________ is the ability to sort objects or events that share common characteristics into the same class. A. Decentering B. Reversibility C. Classification D. Seriation Answer: C 14. What is the ability to arrange things in a logical order called? A. parallelism B. seriation C. conservation D. decentering Answer: B 15. If Julia is taller than Anna and Anna is taller than Lynn, then Julia must be taller than Lynn. According to Piaget, what concept does this question illustrate? A. parallelism B. seriation C. conservation D. transitive inference Answer: D. transitive inference Correct: To get this right, the child has to be able to order the heights mentally from tallest to shortest. Transitive inference is the mental ability to place objects in a logical order. C. conservation Incorrect: To get this right, the child has to be able to order the heights mentally from tallest to shortest. Transitive inference is the mental ability to place objects in a logical order. 16. What two advances occur during middle childhood in information processing abilities? A. visual scanning and search routines B. attention and memory C. motivation and diligence D. decentering and critical processing Answer: B 17. Your sister-in-law is amazed at her 9-year-old son. She can remember when her son was not able to sit and listen to a story for very long and now he is able to listen intently and remember the story in very good detail. What two advances occur during middle childhood in information processing abilities that assist with his newly developed abilities? A. visual scanning and search routines B. attention and memory C. motivation and diligence D. decentering and critical processing Answer: B. attention and memory Correct: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant. Children’s working memory also enlarges. C. motivation and diligence Incorrect: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant. Children’s working memory also enlarges. 18. _______________, individuals become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant. A. In early childhood B. In middle childhood C. In early teenage years D. In late teenage years Answer: B. In middle childhood Correct: As they enter formal school, attention becomes especially important. C. In early teenage years Incorrect: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant, an ability termed selective attention. 19. In middle childhood children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and _______________. A. disregarding what is irrelevant B. listening to teachers C. critical processing D. processing information at the sublimal level Answer: A. disregarding what is irrelevant Correct: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant, an ability termed selective attention. B. listening to teachers Incorrect: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant, an ability termed selective attention. 20. You are in your first year of teaching fourth grade. There is quite a bit of remodeling going on at your school, which creates a fair amount of noise. You are amazed at how well your students are able to pay attention to what you are saying. You remember your developmental course and recall that children in middle childhood more capable of focusing their attention because they are able to _______________. A. disregard what is irrelevant B. get distracted easier C. be more critical processing information D. process information at the sublimal level Answer: A. disregard what is irrelevant Correct: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant, an ability termed selective attention. C. be more critical processing information Incorrect: In middle childhood, children become more capable of focusing their attention on relevant information and disregarding what is irrelevant, an ability termed selective attention. 21. Why is the ability to maintain attention especially important in middle childhood? Because _______________. A. the environment becomes more dangerous B. parents expect their children to be able to understand and accomplish simple directions and tasks C. that is when children enter school D. they are able to leave their yards and must remember how to return back home Answer: C. that is when children enter school Correct: Being able to maintain attention becomes especially important once children enter school at about age 6 or 7, because the school setting requires children to pay attention to their teachers’ instructions. B. parents expect their children to be able to understand and accomplish simple directions and tasks Incorrect: Being able to maintain attention becomes especially important once children enter school at about age 6 or 7, because the school setting requires children to pay attention to their teachers’ instructions. 22. What is the disorder referred to when individuals have difficulties in maintaining attention? A. attention persistence disorder B. attention deficit disorder C. attention control disorder D. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Answer: D 23. Children with especially notable difficulties in maintaining attention may be diagnosed with _______________, which includes problems of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. A. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) B. attention deficit disorder (ADD) C. attention displacement disorder (ADD) D. attention hypertensive disorder (AHD) Answer: A 24. What percentage of children have ADHD? A. 3–7% B. 10–14% C. 17–21% D. 24–28% Answer: A 25. What is the ratio of boys to girls who have ADHD? A. 1 to 4 B. 2 to 4 C. 4 to 1 D. 6 to 1 Answer: C 26. In the U.S., it is estimated that _______________ of children are diagnosed with ADHD. Boys are about _______________ more likely than girls to have ADHD. A. 3–7%; 4 times B. 1–2%; 2 times C. 6–10%; 3 times D. 10–15%; 6 times Answer: A 27. A child’s _______________ usually makes the diagnosis of ADHD. A. parent B. pediatrician C. teacher D. school counselor or psychologist Answer: B 28. When is ADHD usually diagnosed? A. toddlerhood B. early childhood C. middle childhood D. adolescence Answer: C. middle childhood Correct: ADHD is usually first diagnosed in middle childhood, once children enter school and are required to sit still for much of the day. B. early childhood Incorrect: ADHD is usually first diagnosed in middle childhood, once children enter school and are required to sit still for much of the day. 29. The causes of ADHD are unclear; however, it appears to be at least partly due to _______________. A. genetics B. childhood illnesses C. poor instruction D. poor parenting Answer: A. genetics Correct: The causes of ADHD are unclear, but it appears to be at least partly inherited, as nearly 50% of children and adolescents with ADHD also have a sibling or parent with the disorder and MZ twins are more likely than DZ twins to be concordant for it. B. childhood illnesses Incorrect: The causes of ADHD are unclear, but it appears to be at least partly inherited, as nearly 50% of children and adolescents with ADHD also have a sibling or parent with the disorder and MZ twins are more likely than DZ twins to be concordant for it. 30. Your neighbor is a 36-year-old male who has struggled with ADHD his entire life. His wife is pregnant and ultrasound has determined that they are going to have a boy. He is very concerned that his son might have ADHD too. What would you tell him? A. He is probably correct to worry, there is a genetic link for ADHD and boys are more likely to have it. B. He should worry, almost all children have ADHD today. C. He does not need to worry, ADHD skips a generation. D. Since his wife does not have ADHD the baby probably will not either. Answer: A. He is probably correct to worry, there is a genetic link for ADHD and boys are more likely to have it. Correct: The cause of ADHD are unclear, but it appears to be at least partly inherited, as nearly 50% of children and adolescents with ADHD also have a sibling or parent with the disorder. Also, boys are about four times more likely than girls to have ADHD. D. Since his wife does not have ADHD the baby probably will not either. Incorrect: The cause of ADHD are unclear, but it appears to be at least partly inherited, as nearly 50% of children and adolescents with ADHD also have a sibling or parent with the disorder. Also, boys are about four times more likely than girls to have ADHD. 31. Prenatal exposure to teratogens such as _______________ are risk factors associated with ADHD. A. caffeine and loud noises B. rubella and meningitis C. toxoplasmosis and toxemia D. alcohol and tobacco Answer: D 32. How are the brains of children who have ADHD different than the brains of children who do not have ADHD? The brains of children with ADHD _______________. A. have a larger corpus collosum B. are slightly smaller and grow more slowly C. have a right hemisphere that is noticeably larger than the left hemisphere D. have neurofibulary tangling and plaques Answer: B. are slightly smaller and grow more slowly Correct: The brains of children with ADHD are slightly smaller and grow more slowly, compared to other children’s brains. A. have a larger corpus collosum Incorrect: The brains of children with ADHD are slightly smaller and grow more slowly, compared to other children’s brains. 33. Studies using fMRI have discovered that the brains of children with ADHD have _______________. A. restricted blood flow to the frontal cortex B. small abnormalities in the occipital lobe area C. larger than average ventricles D. little functioning in the temporal lobe area Answer: A. restricted blood flow to the frontal cortex Correct: Studies using fMRI techniques have found abnormalities in the brain functioning of children with ADHD, including restricted blood flow to the frontal cortex, which controls attention and inhibits behavior. B. small abnormalities in the occipital lobe area Incorrect: Studies using fMRI techniques have found abnormalities in the brain functioning of children with ADHD, including restricted blood flow to the frontal cortex, which controls attention and inhibits behavior. 34. In the United States nearly _______________ of 10 children and adolescents with ADHD receive Ritalin or other medications to reduce their ADHD symptoms. A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 Answer: D 35. You are talking to your mother and she is telling you about a neighbor who has a daughter with ADHD. She tells you that the neighbor is extremely upset because her daughter’s pediatrician has suggested medication to treat her ADHD. She thinks that is very unusual and thinks that there might be something else wrong with her daughter that the pediatrician is not telling her. What would you tell your mother to tell the neighbor? A. That the neighbor is correct, there must be something else going on too. Medication is not the treatment of choice in the United States. B. That the neighbor is correct, the treatment of choice in the United States is relaxation therapy. C. It is very common in the United States for physicians to misdiagnose ADHD. D. It is very common in the United States to treat ADHD with medication. About 90% of children with ADHD receive medication. Answer: D. It is very common in the United States to treat ADHD with medication. About 90% of children with ADHD receive medication. Correct: In the United States, nearly 9 of 10 children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD receive Ritalin or other medications to suppress their hyperactivity and help them concentrate better. A. That the neighbor is correct, there must be something else going on too. Medication is not the treatment of choice in the United States. Incorrect: In the United States, nearly 9 of 10 children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD receive Ritalin or other medications to suppress their hyperactivity and help them concentrate better. 36. Which of the following is a prescription medication that is used to help children with ADHD? A. Ritalin B. Accutane C. acetaminophen D. ibuprofen Answer: A 37. What percentage of students taking medications for their ADHD show improvements in academic performance and peer relation? A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% Answer: C 38. What are the negative side effects of using medication for the treatment of ADHD? A. slower physical growth and higher risk of depression B. lethargy and a larger appetite that increases the likelihood of obesity C. decreased intelligence and delayed cognitive development D. loss of bone density and delayed motor coordination Answer: A 39. A friend of yours has a son with ADHD who is being treated with medication. She told you that her son is paying attention in school much better, is getting better grades, and has more friends. She is still concerned about the potential side effects of the medication. What negative side effects would you tell her to look for that might be related to taking the mediation? A. slower physical growth and higher risk of depression B. lethargy and a larger appetite that increases the likelihood of obesity C. decreased intelligence and delayed cognitive development D. loss of bone density and delayed motor coordination Answer: A. slower physical growth and higher risk of depression Correct: Side effects include slower physical growth and higher risk of depression. B. lethargy and a larger appetite that increases the likelihood of obesity Incorrect: Side effects include slower physical growth and higher risk of depression. 40. A very large-scale study of ADHD in Europe determined that the symptoms between boys and girls were similar, but that girls were more likely to have _______________. A. other neurological difficulties in addition to ADHD B. delays in physical development which included secondary sexual development later C. emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers D. serious delays in social development Answer: C. emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers Correct: The ADORE study found that symptoms of ADHD were similar among boys and girls, but girls with ADHD were more likely than boys to have additional emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers, whereas ADHD boys were more likely than girls to have conduct problems. B. delays in physical development which included secondary sexual development later Incorrect: The ADORE study found that symptoms of ADHD were similar among boys and girls, but girls with ADHD were more likely than boys to have additional emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers, whereas ADHD boys were more likely than girls to have conduct problems. 41. A very large-scale study of ADHD in Europe determined that the symptoms between boys and girls were similar, but that boys were more likely to have _______________. A. additional conduct disorders B. delays in physical development which included secondary sexual development later C. emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers D. minor delays in social development Answer: A. additional conduct disorders Correct: The ADORE study found that symptoms of ADHD were similar among boys and girls, but girls with ADHD were more likely than boys to have additional emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers, whereas ADHD boys were more likely than girls to have conduct problems. B. delays in physical development which included secondary sexual development later Incorrect: The ADORE study found that symptoms of ADHD were similar among boys and girls, but girls with ADHD were more likely than boys to have additional emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers, whereas ADHD boys were more likely than girls to have conduct problems. 42. What is the percentage of children with ADHD who are medicated in Europe? A. 25% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% Answer: A 43. At what age do children perform on memory tests for sequences of numbers similarly to adults? A. 8 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14 Answer: C 44. Rehearsal is _______________. A. repeating information over and over B. placing things into meaningful categories C. an understanding of how memory works D. a measurement of intelligence Answer: A 45. What memory strategy involves repeating the information to be learned over and over? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: A 46. Your daughter borrowed $4.73 from you while you were shopping so she could purchase a doll that she didn’t have enough money for. When you get home, you tell your daughter how much she owes you so that she can pay you back. She keeps repeating 4, 7, 3 over and over as she walks to her room to get the money. What memory strategy is she using? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: A. rehearsal Correct: Rehearsal involves repeating the information over and over. C. repetition Incorrect: Rehearsal involves repeating the information over and over. 47. Your new friend just told you her cell number so you can enter it in your phone. However, you left your cell phone in your dorm room. You keep repeating the number over and over in your head so that you will be able to enter the number in your cell phone once you get to it. What memory strategy are you using? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: A. rehearsal Correct: Rehearsal involves repeating the information over and over. C. repetition Incorrect: Rehearsal involves repeating the information over and over. 48. What memory strategy involves placing items into meaningful categories? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: B 49. You are going to go grocery shopping. To help you remember the items that you need to purchase, you put those items into clusters or categories that are similar. What memory strategy are you using? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: B. organization Correct: Organization involves placing things into meaningful categories. C. repetition Incorrect: Organization involves placing things into meaningful categories. 50. What memory strategy involves transforming bits of information in a way that connects them and hence makes them easier to remember? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: D 51. When you were learning to play the piano, you used EGBDF: Every Good Boy Does Fine to remember the lines of the treble clef. What memory strategy is this? A. rehearsal B. organization C. repetition D. elaboration Answer: D. elaboration Correct: Elaboration involves transforming bits of information in a way that connects them and hence makes them easier to remember. C. repetition Incorrect: Elaboration involves transforming bits of information in a way that connects them and hence makes them easier to remember. 52. Another reason that memory improves from early childhood to middle childhood is that children’s _______________. A. brains get bigger B. knowledge base gets larger C. strategies become more elaborate and purposeful D. families help them remember Answer: B. knowledge base gets larger Correct: Another reason why memory improves from early childhood to middle childhood is that children’s knowledge base expands, and the more you know, the easier it is to remember new information that is related to what you know. C. strategies become more elaborate and purposeful Incorrect: Another reason why memory improves from early childhood to middle childhood is that children’s knowledge base expands, and the more you know, the easier it is to remember new information that is related to what you know. 53. Chi (1978) did a very interesting study in which she asked 10-year-old children who were chess experts to remember the position of chess pieces on the board. How did they do? A. as well as college students who were chess novices B. as well as college students who were chess experts C. not nearly as well as adults in general, chess experts or novices D. better than college students who were chess novices Answer: D. better than college students who were chess novices Correct: The 10-year-old chess masters performed far better than the college student novices. C. not nearly as well as adults in general, chess experts or novices Incorrect: The 10-year-old chess masters performed far better than the college student novices. 54. What is the term that the textbook defines as an understanding of how memory works? A. metaconfiguration B. metamemory C. metaprocessing D. metacognition Answer: B 55. One aspect of children’s memory during middle childhood is that they ___. A. develop more accurate assessments of their memory skills B. generally revert back to a more immature way of remembering information C. become fearful of applying their strategies at school D. become anxious regarding their memory performance Answer: A. develop more accurate assessments of their memory skills Correct: In the course of middle childhood, children develop more accurate assessments of their memory abilities. D. become anxious regarding their memory performance Incorrect: In the course of middle childhood, children develop more accurate assessments of their memory abilities. 56. When do individual differences in cognitive development become more evident and more important? A. infancy B. toddlerhood C. early childhood D. middle childhood Answer: D. middle childhood Correct: Individual differences become more evident and more important in middle childhood, when children enter formal schooling and begin to be tested and evaluated by their teachers on a regular basis. C. early childhood Incorrect: Individual differences become more evident and more important in middle childhood, when children enter formal schooling and begin to be tested and evaluated by their teachers on a regular basis. 57. _______________ is a person’s capacity for acquiring knowledge, reasoning, and solving problems. A. Intelligence B. Personality C. Temperament D. Attachment Answer: A 58. What is the most widely used IQ test? A. Stanford-Binet B. Wechsler scales C. Kaufman D. Wide Range Achievement Test Answer: B 59. Your daughter’s teacher thinks that your daughter should be in the gifted program at school. The school psychologist will be using an IQ test to determine if she qualifies. What IQ test is the school psychologist likely to use? A. Stanford-Binet B. Wechsler scales C. Kaufman D. Wide Range Achievement Test Answer: B. Wechsler scales Correct: The most widely used intelligence tests are the Wechsler scales. C. Kaufman Incorrect: The most widely used intelligence tests are the Wechsler scales. 60. The Wechsler scales consist of 11 subtests, of which six are _______________ subtests and five are _______________ subtests. A. verbal; performance B. visual; perceptual C. emotional stability; personality D. applied; conceptual Answer: A 61. What does IQ represent? A. individual difference quotient B. individual quotient C. intelligence quotient D. interpersonal quotient Answer: C 62. Lynn and Mikk (2007) performed a study that included 46 countries. They found that IQ scores were highly correlated with _______________. A. school achievement B. years of education C. mother’s age when the child was born D. musical ability Answer: A. school achievement Correct: Lynn and Mikk’s study found that across 46 countries, IQ scores and school achievement scores were highly correlated. C. mother’s age when the child was born Incorrect: Lynn and Mikk’s study found that across 46 countries, IQ scores and school achievement scores were highly correlated. 63. What is one of the major criticisms of intelligence tests? A. they’re not accurate B. they’re not relevant to academic or professional behavior C. they’re culturally biased D. they’re too difficult for most people Answer: C. they’re culturally biased Correct: IQ tests have been attacked as culturally biased, because some of the vocabulary and general knowledge items would be more familiar to someone who was part of the middle-class culture. D. they’re too difficult for most people Incorrect: IQ tests have been attacked as culturally biased, because some of the vocabulary and general knowledge items would be more familiar to someone who was part of the middle-class culture. 64. IQ scores for a population-based sample usually fall into a _______________ or _______________ curve, in which most people fall near the middle and the proportions decrease at the low and high extremes. A. normal distribution; bell B. camelback; double hill C. inverted-U; inverted-V D. variance from the mean; absolute value Answer: A 65. In terms of intellectual development, one important conclusion from adoption and twin studies is that the more two people in a family are alike genetically, _______________. A. the higher the correlation in their IQ scores B. the less correlated their IQ scores are C. the greater the diversity in subskills on an intelligence test D. the greater the likelihood that there will be children with very low IQ scores in the family Answer: A. the higher the correlation in their IQ scores Correct: One important conclusion from adoption and twin studies is that the more two people in a family are alike genetically, the higher the correlation in their IQs. C. the greater the diversity in subskills on an intelligence test Incorrect: One important conclusion from adoption and twin studies is that the more two people in a family are alike genetically, the higher the correlation in their IQs. 66. What is the correlation coefficient for IQ scores of adopted siblings who have none of their genotype in common? A. .10 B. .24 C. .38 D. .52 Answer: B 67. What is the correlation in IQ scores for monozygotic (MZ) twins? A. .55 B. .65 C. .75 D. .85 Answer: D 68. Which of the following pairs would have the strongest correlation for IQ scores? A. monozygotic twins reared in different environments B. dizygotic twins reared in the same environment C. biological siblings reared in different environments D. adopted siblings in the same environment Answer: A. monozygotic twins reared in different environments Correct: The highest IQ correlation of all, about .85, is among MZ twins. Even when they are adopted by separate families and raised apart, the correlations in IQ scores of MZ twins are about .75. B. dizygotic twins reared in the same environment Incorrect: Even when they are adopted by separate families and raised apart, the correlation in IQ scores of MZ twins is about .75. 69. The median population IQ is _______________. A. 85 B. 100 C. 115 D. 130 Answer: B 70. Every child has a genetically based _______________ for intelligence, meaning a range of possible developmental paths. A. reaction range B. heritability ratio C. standard deviation D. variance from the mean Answer: A 71. What is the name of the phenomenon in which IQ scores in Western countries rose dramatically in the course of the 20th century? A. breast-feeding effect B. academic effect C. butterfly effect D. Flynn effect Answer: D 72. The Flynn effect, which is the raising of the median IQ score in Western countries in the course of the 20th century, is explained by _______________. A. evolution B. neurological development C. genetics D. environment Answer: D. environment Correct: Several factors have contributed to the increase of IQ: prenatal care, educational system, television, the decline of infectious diseases, etc. C. genetics Incorrect: The causes must be environmental, rather than genetic; the genes of the human population could not have changed so dramatically in such a short time. 73. Christopher Eppig and his colleagues found that the brain requires a great deal of the body’s physical energy. What percentage of this energy is required for brain development in newborns? A. 87% B. 67% C. 47% D. 27% Answer: A 74. Christopher Eppig and his colleagues found that there was a significant relationship between a country’s median IQ score and that country’s _______________. A. average age B. educational attainment C. median income D. infectious disease burden Answer: D. infectious disease burden Correct: This particular study found that infectious disease was related to intelligence. The higher a country’s infectious disease burden, the lower the country’s median IQ. B. educational attainment Incorrect: This particular study found that infectious disease was related to intelligence. The higher a country’s infectious disease burden, the lower the country’s median IQ. 75. Who developed the concept of multiple intelligences? A. Robert Sternberg B. Howard Gardner C. David Wechsler D. Alfred Binet Answer: B 76. In Gardner’s view, only two types of intelligence are measured by traditional intelligence tests: _______________. A. linguistic and logical–mathematical B. musical and bodily–kinesthetic C. spatial and naturalistic D. interpersonal and intrapersonal Answer: A 77. Morris is an engineer. He has always been especially skilled at looking at a two-dimensional blueprint of a building and visualizing that image as it relates into a three-dimensional structure in the real world. According to Gardner, Morris possesses _______________. A. musical intelligence B. bodily–kinesthetic intelligence C. spatial intelligence D. intrapersonal intelligence Answer: C. spatial intelligence Correct: Spatial intelligence is ability to think in 3-dimension. B. bodily–kinesthetic intelligence Incorrect: Spatial intelligence is the ability to think three-dimensionally. 78. Which of the following types of intelligence is consistent with the understanding of self? A. linguistic B. musical C. intrapersonal D. interpersonal Answer: C 79. Who developed the triarchic theory of intelligence? A. Robert Sternberg B. Howard Gardner C. David Wechsler D. Alfred Binet Answer: A 80. Sternberg’s model includes _______________ distinct but related forms of intelligence. A. 3 B. 4 C. 8 D. 10 Answer: A 81. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences includes _______________ types of intelligence and Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence theory includes _______________. A. 4; 1 B. 6; 2 C. 8; 3 D. 10; 4 Answer: C 82. Great inventors such as Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Graham Bell all possess which of Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence? A. creative intelligence B. practical intelligence C. analytical intelligence D. logical–mathematical intelligence Answer: A. creative intelligence Correct: Creative intelligence involves the ability to combine information in original ways to produce new insights, ideas, and problem-solving strategies. C. analytical intelligence Incorrect: Creative intelligence involves the ability to combine information in original ways to produce new insights, ideas, and problem-solving strategies. 83. Which of the following makeup Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence? A. analytical, creative, and practical intelligence B. sensorimotor, preoperational, and concrete operations C. linguistic, musical, and bodily–kinesthetic D. intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic Answer: A 84. Until approximately 200 years ago, how many adults were illiterate? A. all B. most C. half D. a quarter Answer: B 85. Children almost everywhere learn to read, usually beginning around age _______________, when they enter school. A. 2 or 3 B. 4 or 5 C. 6 or 7 D. 8 or 9 Answer: C 86. In order to read, you have to recognize that letters are _______________, and match a ________ to each letter or letter combination. A. preoperational; schema B. concrete; symbol C. endless; perception D. symbols of sounds; speech sound Answer: D. symbols of sounds; speech sound Correct: Letters and words are symbolic representations of speech sounds; the larger word is a symbol which relates to an idea. A. preoperational; schema Incorrect: In order to read, you have to recognize that letters are symbols of sounds, and then match a speech sound to each letter or letter combination. 87. What approach to teaching reading advocates teaching children by breaking down words into their component sounds and then putting the sounds together into words? A. linguistic processing B. spot and dot C. whole language D. phonics Answer: D 88. The phonics approach advocates _______________. A. that schemas are changed through assimilation and accommodation B. teaching children by breaking down words into their component sounds and then putting the sounds together into words C. emphasizes the meaning of written words in whole passages D. allowing a child to explore their world as a means of cognitive growth Answer: B 89. Ms. Silman proposes that children learn how to read best when they are taught to examine the overall meaning of words, rather than breaking down each word into its smallest component. She encourages her students to guess at the meaning of words they do not know, based on the context of the word within the poem or story. Which of the following does Ms. Silman practice in her classroom? A. phonics-based reading B. a whole-language approach to reading C. sight words–based reading D. literacy-based rating Answer: B. a whole-language approach to reading Correct: Whole language proposes that what really must take place within the context is a high emphasis on the overall picture. A. phonics-based reading Incorrect: The whole-language approach to teaching reading emphasizes the meaning of written language in whole passages, rather than breaking down words to their smallest components. It advocates teaching children to read using complete written material, such as poems or stories, and children are encouraged to guess at the meaning of words they do not know based on the context of the word within the written material. 90. What condition that interferes with learning to read includes difficulty sounding out letters, difficulty learning to spell words, and a tendency to misperceive the order of letters in words? A. dyscalculia B. dyslexia C. dysgraphia D. dysfunctional Answer: B 91. What is the term that refers to an individual’s ability to understand the meaning of numbers? A. literacy B. arithmetic C. numerology D. numeracy Answer: D 92. From toddlerhood through middle childhood, the development of math skills follows a path parallel to the development of _______________ and _______________. A. language; reading skills B. sensation; perception C. the preoperational stage; concrete operations D. hypothetical reasoning; deductive reasoning Answer: A 93. How many words does an average 10 or 11 year old know? A. 10,000 B. 20,000 C. 30,000 D. 40,000 Answer: D 94. At age 6 the average child knows about _______________ words, but by age 10 or 11 this sum has increased fourfold, to about _______________. A. 1,000; 4,000 B. 5,000; 20,000 C. 10,000; 40,000 D. 15,000; 60,000 Answer: C 95. What aspect of language refers to the social context and conventions of language? A. phonics B. pragmatics C. grammar D. vocabulary Answer: B 96. When an individual can speak two languages fluently they are _______________. A. bilingual B. multilingual C. dilingual D. linguistic Answer: A 97. Which of the following are two main reasons why bilingualism has increased? A. greater migration and the growth of a global economy B. greater egocentrism and egotism C. decreased migration and greater homogeneous populations D. decreased ethnocentrism and capitalism Answer: A. greater migration and the growth of a global economy Correct: Migration and global interdependency has both increased in recent times. B. greater egocentrism and egotism Incorrect: There are two reasons bilingualism has increased. First, with increased migration between countries, children are more likely to be exposed early to other languages, one spoken at home and one spoken with friends, teachers, and others outside the home. Second, school systems increasingly seek to teach children a second language to enhance their ability to participate in the global economy. 98. Which of the following is the most common second language for children around the world? A. English B. Spanish C. Chinese D. Russian Answer: A 99. For the most part, becoming bilingual is _______________ to language development and learning a secondary language _______________ with mastering the primary language. A. detrimental; interferes B. stifling; does not interfere C. unfavorable; interferes D. favorable; does not interfere Answer: D. favorable; does not interfere Correct: For the most part, becoming bilingual is favorable to language development. Learning a secondary language does not interfere with mastering the primary language. A. detrimental; interferes Incorrect: For the most part, becoming bilingual is favorable to language development. Learning a secondary language does not interfere with mastering the primary language. 100. Assume that you have a friend who is bilingual and is contemplating whether or not to teach her child both English and Spanish. Based on the research, which of the following should be your response? A. “It is generally not recommended to teach bilingualism as it is too much for the child to handle. Their brains are just not ready for it.” B. “If you want your son to be bilingual it is recommended that you wait until he is at least 14 to teach the second language. The brain is further developed at a later age.” C. “Most of the research for bilingualism is positive. Sometimes children have difficulty with syntax; however, it is better to learn a second language sooner than later.” D. “If you teach your child both English and Spanish his teacher will become frustrated and take it out on his grades. It is generally not recommended.” Answer: C. “Most of the research for bilingualism is positive. Sometimes children have difficulty with syntax; however, it is better to learn a second language sooner than later.” Correct: There is overwhelming support that the overall affect of bilingualism is positive and children learn and better at a younger age. D. “If you teach your child both English and Spanish his teacher will become frustrated and take it out on his grades. It is generally not recommended.” Incorrect: For the most part, becoming bilingual is favorable to language development. One minor problem that does arise is that in early childhood there is sometimes a tendency to intermix the syntax of the two languages. Even so, learning a second language comes much easier in early and middle childhood than it does at later ages. 101. _______________ are an awareness of the underlying structure of language. A. Mesolinguistic skills B. Metalinguistic skills C. Megalinguistic skills D. Mesalinguistic skills Answer: B 102. When an individual can speak three or more languages fluently they are _______________. A. bilingual B. multilingual C. dilingual D. linguistic Answer: B 103. A child who can speak two languages is considered _______________, whereas a child who can speak more than two is considered _______________. A. bilingual; multilingual B. trilingual; polylingual C. unilingual; quadralingual D. monolingual; dyslingual Answer: A 104. In India many children are fluent in which of the following languages? A. Hindi, Pakistani, and French B. their local language, Hindi, and English C. Pakistani, Portuguese, and Spanish D. their local language, Hindi, and Chinese Answer: B Short Answer Questions 105. What are two possible causes of ADHD? Answer: Genetics, abnormal brain functioning, or exposure to prenatal teratogens. Two possible causes of ADHD are genetic factors, as the disorder often runs in families, and environmental factors, such as exposure to lead or prenatal exposure to tobacco and alcohol. 106. Would you say that the Attention-deficit-hyperactivity Disorder Observational Research in Europe (ADORE) study made a significant contribution to this area of research? Why or why not? What was one finding? Answer: Yes, because most of the research in this area has been conducted in the U.S. It was also a large study involving many countries carried out over two years. The finding was that there were higher rates of boys with this disorder than in the U.S. 107. Metamemory advances significantly in middle childhood, however, children as young as 5 or 6 have some rudimentary grasp of metamemory. Give an example of what a middle-school child would knows about it versus what a first grader knows. Answer: A young child could tell you that a short list is easier to remember than a long list or that they would be more likely to remember something yesterday than something years ago. However, older children would be able to tell you the various steps they took to solve a problem and they would be more realistic in appraising their own memory abilities. 108. You overhear two parents talking about the different approaches to teaching reading used by the first grade teachers in your child’s school. You hear one of them complaining that her child is going to be behind if she stays in a particular teacher’s classroom. What are the two approaches and is there an advantage to using one over the other? Answer: The two approaches are phonics (breaking words down to sound them out) and the whole word method (teaching the meaning of words by encouraging students to use the context of whole passages to figure it out). Phonics works best with those who are just learning to read, but for more advanced readers, a combination of both approaches is effective 109. What is the Flynn effect and what is its cause? Answer: The Flynn effect refers to the rise in median IQ in Western countries over the past century. It is caused by environmental changes, such as improved medical care, lower rates of infectious diseases, smaller families, more years of education starting in preschool, more exposure to information via various forms of media Essay Questions 110. A 9-year-old would be in what Piagetian stage? Describe two tasks that they would be able to do that they could not do at the previous stage. Answer: The child is in concrete operations. They can now master all conservation tasks because they no longer centrate and they have a better understanding of language. They can classify and can seriate items in terms of length, width, and color. 111. Shani, a 12-year-old, is able to remember a lot more details of the family’s vacation to Philadelphia a year later when recommending it as a destination to their friends compared to her 7-year-old brother. When they left, she packed everything she needed, unlike her sister who would have forgotten many things, even everyday items, such as her toothbrush, if her father had not checked her bag. Shani even reminded her parents of the exit number where they had talked about stopping on the way to eat. Referring to the information above, describe two changes in memory that play a role in Shani’s superior memory. Answer: Individuals in middle childhood experience an increased capacity of working memory, more use of mnemonics, better organization, more elaboration, and increased metamemory. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. According to Piaget, children become capable of what cognitive abilities during concrete operations? A. using mental operations B. object permanence C. thinking abstractly and hypothetically D. examining the world scientifically Answer: A 2. In terms of the Piagetian concept of "conservation," which ability occurs first? A. number and length B. area and volume C. matter and liquid D. entering and decentering Answer: C 3. Theories of Cognitive Development: When individuals have great difficulties maintaining attention, what disorder do they have? A. attention persistence disorder B. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder C. attention control disorder D. attention deficit disorder Answer: B 4. Theories of Cognitive Development: In what ways are the brains of children with ADHD different than the brains of children who do not have ADHD? The brains of children with ADHD _______________. A. are slightly smaller and grow more slowly B. have a larger corpus collosum C. have a right hemisphere that is noticeably larger than the left hemisphere D. have neurofibulary tangling and plaques Answer: A 5. Theories of Cognitive Development: In Europe, what percentage of children with ADHD are medicated? A. 99% B. 75% C. 50% D. 25% Answer: D 6. Theories of Cognitive Development: Many people use the memory strategy of EGBDF: Every Good Boy Does Fine when learning the lines of the treble clef. What is the name of this strategy? A. rehearsal B. elaboration C. repetition D. organization Answer: B 7. Theories of Cognitive Development: The abbreviation IQ stands for _______________. A. intelligence quotient B. individual difference quotient C. individual quotient D. interpersonal quotient Answer: A 8. Your mother is an architect. She has always been very skilled at examining and understanding two-dimensional blueprints and can easily visualize those images as a three-dimensional structure. According to Gardner, your mother possess _______________. A. musical intelligence B. spatial intelligence C. intrapersonal intelligence D. bodily kinesthetic intelligence Answer: B 9. You have been very interested in determining the best method to teach reading. There are several techniques that exist, only some of which are actually supported by science as appropriate methods. You have examined all of the techniques and have determined, based on substantial evidence, that which approach is the most beneficial to young children beginning to learn to read? A. phonics-based instruction B. whole language-based instruction C. sight word-based instruction D. literacy-based instruction Answer: A 10. The average 6-year-old has a vocabulary of how many words? A. 1,000 B. 5,000 C. 10,000 D. 15,000 Answer: C Post-Test 1. Theories of Cognitive Development: According to Piaget, at what age do children make an important cognitive advance toward becoming more systematic and logical thinkers? A. 7 years B. 8 years C. 9 years D. 10 years Answer: A 2. Theories of Cognitive Development: You are watching two children playing. The 7-year-old is getting very frustrated because even though he is using the same ball of clay, his 4-year-old brother thinks that when it is a ball there is less of it than when the older child rolls it out into a longer shape. What Piagetian concept describes the younger child's lack of ability? A. concept shifting B. critical thinking C. reversibility D. decentering Answer: C 3. Theories of Cognitive Development: You are a 4th-grade teacher. There is quite a bit of remodeling going on at your school, which creates a fair amount of noise. You are amazed at how well your students are able to pay attention to what you are saying. You remember your developmental course and recall that children in middle childhood are more capable of focusing their attention because they are able to _______________. A. get distracted easier B. disregard what is irrelevant C. be more critical about processing information D. process information at the subliminal level Answer: B 4. Theories of Cognitive Development: Which prenatal teratogens are risk factors for ADHD? A. alcohol and tobacco B. caffeine and loud noises C. rubella and meningitis D. toxoplasmosis and toxemia Answer: A 5. Theories of Cognitive Development: In Europe a very large-scale study of ADHD was conducted. The results indicated that the symptoms between boys and girls were similar, but that girls were more likely to have _______________. A. other neurological difficulties in addition to ADHD B. delays in physical development, which included later secondary sex characteristic development C. serious delays in social development D. emotional problems and to be bullied by their peers Answer: D 6. Theories of Cognitive Development: Which of the following memory strategies involves transforming bits of information in a way that connects them and hence makes them easier to remember? A. rehearsal B. elaboration C. organization D. repetition Answer: B 7. Theories of Cognitive Development There are 11 subtests for the Wechsler scales. They consist of six _______________ subtests and five _______________ subtests. A. verbal; performance B. visual; perceptual C. emotional stability; personality D. applied; conceptual Answer: A 8. Theories of Cognitive Development: The rising of the median IQ score in Western countries in the course of the 20th century, known as the Flynn effect, is explained by _______________. A. evolution B. environment C. neurological development D. genetics Answer: B 9. Theories of Cognitive Development: Learning to read requires that a person recognize that letters are _______________, and then match a ____________ to each letter or letter combination. A. symbols of sounds; speech sound B. preoperational; schema C. concrete; symbol D. endless, perception Answer: A 10. Language Development: Across the world, bilingualism has increased quite a bit. You have been very curious why this is the case and have generated a few hypotheses. What have you determined to be the most logical explanation? A. greater egocentrism and egotism B. decreased migration and great homogeneous populations C. greater migration and the growth of the global economy D. decreased ethnocentrism and capitalism Answer: C Chapter Exam 1. According to Piaget, children aged 2 to 6 year of age are most notable cognitively for what they cannot do, such as _______________. A. perform mental operations B. coordinate senses with motor activities C. use language to assist with thoughts D. use images to create mental representations Answer: A 2. A child in Piaget's concrete operational stage is shown two round balls of clay that are equal in size. He watches as the experimenter rolls one ball into a long sausage shape and then asks which has more clay. The child will likely reply _______________. A. the long one B. the ball C. They are both the same. D. I do not know. Answer: C 3. Theories of Cognitive Development: The ability to arrange things into a logical order is called _______________. A. parallelism B. seriation C. conservation D. decentering Answer: B 4. Theories of Cognitive Development: During middle childhood it is very important that children be able to maintain attention. Why? A. That is when children enter school. B. The environment becomes more dangerous. C. Parents expect their children to be able to understand and accomplish simple directions and tasks. D. They are able to leave their yards and must remember how to return back home. Answer: A 5. ADHD appears to be at least partly due to _______________. A. childhood illnesses B. poor instruction C. poor parenting D. genetics Answer: D 6. Theories of Cognitive Development prescription listed below is likely to be used to treat ADHD? A. Accutane B. Ritalin C. acetaminophen D. ibuprofen Answer: B 7. Theories of Cognitive Development: In terms of memory, what is "rehearsal"? A. repeating information over and over B. placing things into meaningful categories C. an understanding of how memory works D. a measurement of intelligence Answer: A 8. What is a reason that memory improves from early childhood to middle childhood? A. Children's brains get bigger. B. Children's knowledge base gets larger. C. Children’s strategies become more elaborate and purposeful D. Children's families help them remember. Answer: B 9. Your neighbor's son is very intelligent. His teacher has suggested that he be tested to determine if he will qualify for the gifted program. With what intelligence test is he likely to be assessed? A. the Wechsler scales B. the Stanford-Binet test C. the Kaufman scales D. the Wide Range Achievement Test Answer: A 10. For monozygotic (MZ) twins, what is the correlation between their IQ scores? A. .64 B. .45 C. .75 D. .95 Answer: C 11. What is the name of the psychologist who developed the concept of multiple intelligences? A. Robert Sternberg B. David Wechsler C. Howard Gardner D. Alfred Binet Answer: C 12. In terms of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, great inventors such as Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Graham Bell all possess _______________. A. analytical intelligence B. practical intelligence C. creative intelligence D. logical-mathematical intelligence Answer: C 13. When individuals have difficulty learning to read because of difficulties in sounding out letters, and learning to spell words, and a tendency to misperceive the order of letters in words, they have _______________. A. dyscalclia B. dysgraphia C. dyslexia D. dysfunctional Answer: C 14. What is the most common second language for children around the world? A. Spanish B. Chinese C. English D. russian Answer: C 15. Children from India are often fluent in which of the following languages? A. the local language, Hindi, and English B. Hindi, Pakistani, and French C. Pakistani, Portuguese, and Spanish D. the local language, Hindi, and Chinese Answer: A Quick Review 1. According to Piaget, during this stage children become capable of using mental operations, which allow them to organize and manipulate information mentally instead of relying on physical and sensory associations. A. concrete operations B. sensori-motor C. preoperations D. formal operations Answer: A 2. What is the ability to sort objects or events that share common characteristics into the same class? A. decentering B. reversibility C. classification D. seriation Answer: C 3. Individuals who have great difficulties maintaining attention, which might include problems of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, might be diagnosed with what disorder? A. attention persistence disorder B. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder C. attention control disorder D. attention deficit disorder Answer: B 4. Research using fMRI to examine the brains of children who have ADHD have discovered that _______________. A. There is restricted blood flow to the frontal cortex in children with ADHD. B. There are small abnormalities in the occipital lobe area in children with ADHD. C. Children with ADHD have larger-than-average ventricles. D. Children with ADHD have little functioning in the temporal lobe area. Answer: A 5. At what age do children perform similarly to adults on memory tasks for sequences of numbers? A. 6 years of age B. 8 years of age C. 10 years of age D. 12 years of age Answer: D 6. Ten-year-old children who were chess experts were asked to remember the position of chess pieces on the board (Chi, 1987). How did they do compared to older study participants? A. as well as college students who were chess novices B. better than college students who were chess novices C. as well as college students who were chess experts D. not nearly as well as adults in general, chess experts or novices Answer: B 7. A study that included 46 countries (Lynn & Mikk, 2007) indicated that IQ scores were highly correlated with _______________. A. school achievement B. years of education C. mother's age when the child was born D. musical ability Answer: A 8. Eppig et al. (2001) discovered that the brain requires a great deal of the body's physical energy. What percentage of this energy is required for brain development in newborns? A. 97% B. 87% C. 77% D. 67% Answer: B 9. The social context and conventions of language is referred to as _______________. A. pragmatics B. phonics C. grammar D. vocabulary Answer: A 10. Becoming bilingual is _______________ to language development and learning a secondary language _______________ with mastering the primary language. A. favorable; interferes B. unfavorable; does not interfere C. favorable; does not interfere D. unfavorable; interferes Answer: C Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. What common educational threads do you see among the individuals in this video? Answer: The common educational threads that we see among the individuals in this video segment are that education is valued, balance is necessary, they see education as a path toward a better future, they see a link between education and learning manners and respect, and that through education they will gain more experiences and will be exposed to things that they would not commonly be able to experience at home. 2. If you did not know that the teacher in this video was from Africa, would you think (based on her responses) that she could have been discussing teaching in the U.S.? Answer: Yes, the teacher's responses indicate that the challenges and experiences she discusses, such as classroom management, student engagement, and resource limitations, are universal in the teaching profession. Her insights into educational practices, teacher-student interactions, and the importance of adapting teaching methods could easily apply to the U.S. educational context. The themes she addresses are common across different educational systems, making her perspective relevant beyond Africa. 3. What are your thoughts on the American mother’s comments that it “takes a village” to raise a child? Answer: The American mother's comment that "it takes a village" to raise a child highlights the importance of community support in child-rearing. It underscores the idea that parents, teachers, neighbors, and other community members all play crucial roles in a child's development. This collective effort fosters a nurturing environment, ensuring children receive diverse guidance and care. Such a perspective emphasizes the value of shared responsibility in fostering well-rounded, resilient individuals. Multiple Choice Questions 1. According to this video, what becomes the main focus of life in Middle Childhood? A. sports activities B. family C. friendships D. education Answer: D 2. According to this video, education in Middle Childhood focuses on __________________. A. skills B. demonstrations C. memorization D. application Answer: A 3. Based on what we see in this video, there are common educational threads across the cultures. Which of the following do the cultures share regarding education? A. It does not lead to a better future. B. It is unnecessary. C. It is highly valued. D. It encourages poor manners. Answer: C Section 3 Emotional and Social Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following best describes the overall emotional state for individuals in middle childhood? A. storm and stress B. emotionally absent C. high well-being and low volatility D. explosive shock and awe Answer: C. high well-being and low volatility Correct: As compared to earlier times, middle childhood tends to be emotionally stable with low volatility. D. explosive shock and awe Incorrect: Middle childhood is in some ways a golden age emotionally, a time of high well-being and relatively low volatility. 2. Outbursts of crying and anger are fairly _______________ in the early years of life; by middle childhood the frequency of such emotions has _______________. A. universal; grown exponentially B. unusual; disappeared C. rare; increased substantially D. frequent; declined substantially Answer: D. frequent; declined substantially Correct: Crying and outbursts during infancy is fairly common; children in middle childhood tend to be more emotionally stable. A. universal; grown exponentially Incorrect: Outbursts of crying and anger are fairly frequent in the early years of life, but by middle childhood the frequency of such negative emotions has declined substantially. 3. Outbursts of crying and anger are fairly frequent in the early years of life. What happens to these behaviors by middle childhood? A. they decline substantially B. they decline slightly C. they increase slightly D. they increase substantially Answer: A. they decline substantially Correct: By middle childhood the frequency of such negative emotions has declined substantially. B. they decline slightly Incorrect: Outbursts of crying and anger are fairly frequent in the early years of life, but by middle childhood the frequency of such negative emotions has declined substantially. 4. The Experience Sampling Method (ESM) involves having people carry wristwatch beepers and then beeping them randomly during the day so that they can record their _______________. A. thoughts, feelings, and behaviors B. heart rate, pressure, and respirations C. emotional stability and behavioral rating scale D. social readjustment rating scale and behavioral activity Answer: A. thoughts, feelings, and behaviors Correct: The ESM involves having people wear wristwatch beepers that randomly beep during the day so that people can record their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. C. emotional stability and behavioral rating scale Incorrect: The ESM involves having people wear wristwatch beepers that randomly beep during the day so that people can record their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 5. Reed Larson pioneered a research technique in which people carried wristwatch beepers. When the beepers went off at various random times during the day, the participant had to record his or her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that were occurring at the time. What was the name of this research technique? A. Random Thought Method B. Experience Sampling Method C. Wrist-Beeper Plan D. Random Recording Technique Answer: B 6. The overall conclusion of the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) research with regard to middle childhood is that it is a time of remarkable _______________. A. contentment and emotional stability B. agitation and feelings of being tense C. unhappiness and emotional instability D. depression and anxiety Answer: A. contentment and emotional stability Correct: The overall conclusion of ESM research with regard to middle childhood is that it is a time of remarkable contentment and emotional stability. C. unhappiness and emotional instability Incorrect: The overall conclusion of ESM research with regard to middle childhood is that it is a time of remarkable contentment and emotional stability. 7. In regards to middle childhood, the overall finding of the research that used the wristwatch beepers was that middle childhood is a time of _______________. A. great turbulence B. remarkable contentment and emotional stability C. considerable shifting of emotions and feelings D. general unhappiness due to lack of the independence that most children believed they deserved Answer: B. remarkable contentment and emotional stability Correct: The overall conclusion of ESM research with regard to middle childhood is that it is a time of remarkable contentment and emotional stability. A. great turbulence Incorrect: The overall conclusion of ESM research with regard to middle childhood is that it is a time of remarkable contentment and emotional stability. 8. Children in middle childhood report being “very happy” _______________ of the time, a far higher percentage than for _______________. A. 8%; infants and children B. 28%; adolescents or adults C. 42%; young adults D. 60%; individuals in late adulthood Answer: B 9. You have a daughter who is in middle childhood. You overheard her saying that she was very unhappy. That really concerned you until you remembered your development class. Why are children in middle childhood unhappy or sad? A. serious difficulties with depression B. an unresolved conflict with a sibling C. considerable variability in hormonal stages D. something concrete and immediate like getting scolded by a parent Answer: D. something concrete and immediate like getting scolded by a parent Correct: Children in middle childhood are sad or angry occasionally, but it is almost due to something concrete and immediate such as getting scolded by a parent or losing a game. A. serious difficulties with depression Incorrect: Children in middle childhood are sad or angry occasionally, but it is almost due to something concrete and immediate such as getting scolded by a parent or losing a game. 10. In part, why do children in middle childhood improve their emotional self-regulation? A. Neurologically they are more mature. B. They are severely punished if they act emotionally immature. C. Their environment requires it. D. Their hormone levels are completely stable at this time in development. Answer: C. Their environment requires it. Correct: Emotional self-regulation improves from early childhood to middle childhood in part because the environment requires it. A. Neurologically they are more mature. Incorrect: Emotional self-regulation improves from early childhood to middle childhood in part because the environment requires it. 11. Children improve in their emotional self-regulation in part because their _______________ requires it. A. phenotype B. environment C. biology D. genotype Answer: B 12. Emotional understanding advances from early to middle childhood because children _______________. A. become able to understand not only their own emotions, but also the emotions of others B. have formal training in school regarding emotions C. are able to play sports and to be involved in athletics which helps them appreciate their emotions and the emotions of others D. they become intensely interested in making a good impression on members of the opposite sex Answer: A. become able to understand not only their own emotions, but also the emotions of others Correct: Children are cognitively able during this time to understand their and others emotions. B. have formal training in school regarding emotions Incorrect: Children are cognitively able during this time to understand their and others emotions. 13. You picked up your daughter who is 9 years old from soccer practice after a difficult day at work. She asks you if you are OK and says that you seem to be unhappy with something. Is this perceptiveness in a child her age unusual? A. Yes, she must be very in tune with you. She should consider a career in counseling or psychotherapy. B. Yes, she must simply be acting out something that she saw on television. C. No, children have actually been able to appreciate the emotions of others since toddlerhood. D. No, children in middle childhood become more aware of not only their emotions, but also the emotions of others. Answer: D. No, children in middle childhood become more aware of not only their emotions, but also the emotions of others. Correct: Children are able during this time to understand their and others emotions. B. Yes, she must simply be acting out something that she saw on television. Incorrect: Children are able during this time to understand their and others emotions. 14. The emotional state of experiencing two contradictory emotions at once is known as _______________. A. emotional self-regulation B. emotional stability C. ambivalence D. self-concept Answer: C 15. Ambivalence is _______________. A. two ends of one extreme B. experiencing two contradictory emotions at once C. an unexpected and undesirable emotional state D. a happy but unexpected surprise Answer: B 16. Your son, who is in middle childhood, made it to the next round of the annual spelling bee even though his best friend who studied with him did not. What is his likely response? A. He would be enormously happy that he made it. He worked hard to get to the next round. B. He would be enormously sad that his study partner did not make it to the next round and would not be able to find any joy in making it himself. C. He would have mixed emotions. He would be happy that he made it, but also sad that his study partner did not. D. He would probably not express much in the way of emotions, as children in middle childhood are not very emotionally mature or responsive. Answer: C. He would have mixed emotions. He would be happy that he made it, but also sad that his study partner did not. Correct: During middle childhood, children become aware that they can experience two contradictory emotions at once. Therefore, he is likely to feel sad that his friend did not make it to the next round, but happy that he did. B. He would be enormously sad that his study partner did not make it to the next round and would not be able to find any joy in making it himself. Incorrect: During middle childhood, children become aware that they can experience two contradictory emotions at once. Therefore, he is likely to feel sad that his friend did not make it to the next round, but happy that he did. 17. You told your parents that your 8-year-old son really wants a particular video game for his birthday. When he opens their gift you realize that they must have forgotten because they gave him a new pair of sneakers instead. Based on what you know of emotional regulation in middle childhood, what is your son’s likely response? A. He conceals his true feelings of disappointment because he does not want to hurt his grandparents’ feelings. B. He begins to cry in disappointment, which makes your parents feel horrible. C. He reacts angrily and throws the gift down and runs to his room. D. He laughs and yells out, “You are kidding, right?” Answer: A. He conceals his true feelings of disappointment because he does not want to hurt his grandparents’ feelings. Correct: Children in middle childhood can conceal their emotions. He is likely to act happy in their gift even though he is disappointed. B. He begins to cry in disappointment, which makes your parents feel horrible. Incorrect: Children in middle childhood can conceal their emotions. He is likely to act happy in their gift even though he is disappointed. 18. Who made the distinction between the “I-self” and the “me-self”? A. Jean Piaget B. William James C. George Herbert Mead D. Robert Sternberg Answer: C 19. _______________ is how we view and evaluate ourselves. A. Self-concept B. Self-individualism C. Self-esteem D. Self as we Answer: A 20. What is the term that is used to describe a person’s perception and evaluation of him- or herself? A. self-concept B. self-esteem C. self-evidence D. self-comparison Answer: A 21. How would a child in middle childhood describe him- or herself? A. I am 10 years old. B. My favorite color is blue. C. I am not very good at hitting the ball in baseball. D. I have a little brother. Answer: C. I am not very good at hitting the ball in baseball. Correct: In the course of middle childhood, children add more internal, psychological, personality-related traits to their self-descriptions. They may also mention characteristics that are “not me.” B. My favorite color is blue. Incorrect: In the course of middle childhood, children add more internal, psychological, personality-related traits to their self-descriptions. They may also mention characteristics that are “not me.” 22. You are impressed with the social development of your son, who is in middle childhood. The way that he describes his positive and less strong attributes is noticeably different than the way he discussed himself when he was in early childhood. What is a likely comment that your son would say at this time? A. I really love playing soccer, but I have a little difficulty shooting. B. I like my soccer ball. C. I wish that I could play soccer all day long! D. My soccer team is 4 and 1for the season. Answer: A. I really love playing soccer, but I have a little difficulty shooting. Correct: In the course of middle childhood, children add more internal, psychological, personality-related traits to their self-descriptions. They may also mention characteristics that are “not me.” B. I like my soccer ball. Incorrect: In the course of middle childhood, children add more internal, psychological, personality-related traits to their self-descriptions. They may also mention characteristics that are “not me.” 23. What is the term that is used to describe how persons view themselves in relation to others with regard to status, abilities, or achievements? A. social skills B. social relations C. social template D. social comparison Answer: D 24. _______________ is how persons view themselves in relation to others with regard to status, abilities, or achievements. A. Animism B. Assimilation C. Social comparison D. Self-concept Answer: C 25. Which of the following statements is an accurate portrayal of a 10-year-old social comparison? A. “I’m a fast runner and I like soccer.” B. “I’m really good at math.” C. “Johnny pushed me and then took my toy truck” D. “I’m good at spelling but there are three kids in my class who are better than me.” Answer: D. “I’m good at spelling but there are three kids in my class who are better than me.” Correct: By age 10, children can compare themselves to others. C. “Johnny pushed me and then took my toy truck” Incorrect: Social comparison is how persons view themselves in relation to others with regard to status, abilities, or achievements. 26. Social comparisons reflect advances in the cognitive ability of _______________;they learn to _______________ themselves more accurately in abilities relative to other children. A. a feared self; describe B. ethnocentrism; picture C. animism; express D. seriation; rank Answer: D. seriation; rank Correct: Social comparisons reflect advances in the cognitive ability of seriation. Children learn to rank themselves more accurately in abilities relative to other children. B. ethnocentrism; picture Incorrect: Social comparisons reflect advances in the cognitive ability of seriation. Children learn to rank themselves more accurately in abilities relative to other children. 27. What is the term that is used to describe a person’s overall sense of worth and well-being? A. self-concept B. self-esteem C. self-evidence D. self-comparison Answer: B 28. _______________ is a person’s overall sense of worth and well-being. A. Self-esteem B. Self-concept C. Self-efficacy D. Self as an individual Answer: A 29. In what culture is self-criticism a virtue and high self-esteem a character fault? A. current American culture B. traditional Japanese culture C. traditional Eastern European D. Hispanic culture Answer: B 30. Self-esteem _______________ in the transition from early childhood to middle childhood. A. dramatically drops B. remains constant C. increases steadily D. declines slightly Answer: D. declines slightly Correct: Self-esteem declines slightly in the transition from early childhood to middle childhood, as children enter a school environment in which social comparisons are a daily experience. C. increases steadily Incorrect: Self-esteem declines slightly in the transition from early childhood to middle childhood, as children enter a school environment in which social comparisons are a daily experience. 31. For middle childhood, overall self-esteem is _______________ for most children, reflecting generally _______________ emotional states. A. low; positive B. high; negative C. low; negative D. high; positive Answer: D. high; positive Correct: For middle childhood, overall self-esteem is high for most children, reflecting generally positive emotional states. B. high; negative Incorrect: For middle childhood, overall self-esteem is high for most children, reflecting generally positive emotional states. 32. In Western cultures low self-esteem is associated with _______________. A. cooperation and happiness B. anxiety, depression and antisocial behavior C. euphoria, social effectiveness and popularity D. bullying, suicidal and substance abuse Answer: B 33. You are worried about your daughter. She loves to watch all kinds of sports on television and in person, but she is not coordinated and definitely not very good at playing sports. What is the likelihood of her self-esteem being affected by these factors? As much as she loves sports _______________. A. her self-esteem is probably very low B. she is probably extremely depressed; you should get her a personal coach C. her self-esteem might be affected, but she might also be interested in watching sports and not necessarily playing sports D. there is absolutely no relationship between her interest in sports, her lack of athletic ability, and self-esteem Answer: C. her self-esteem might be affected, but she might also be interested in watching sports and not necessarily playing sports Correct: Her self-esteem is only going to be affected if she believes that she should be good at sports rather than just enjoying watching them. B. she is probably extremely depressed; you should get her a personal coach Incorrect: Her self-esteem is only going to be affected if she believes that she should be good at sports rather than just enjoying watching them. 34. What is the type of self that is promoted by individualistic cultures? A. intergenerational self B. interdependent self C. ego-driven self D. independent self Answer: D 35. What is the type of self that is promoted by collectivistic cultures? A. intergenerational self B. interdependent self C. ego-driven self D. independent self Answer: B 36. In discussing cultural differences in conceptions of the self, scholars typically distinguish between the _______________ promoted by individualistic cultures and the _______________ promoted by collectivistic cultures. A. independent self; interdependent self B. interdependent self; independent self C. self as an object; self as a being D. self as a being; self as an object Answer: A 37. Collectivistic cultures promote _______________, whereas individualistic cultures promote _______________. A. an independent self; an interdependent self B. an interdependent self; an independent self C. the self as an object; the self as a being D. the self as a being; the self as an object Answer: B 38. Who was the individual who first coined the term “self-esteem?” A. Eric Erikson B. Jean Piaget C. William James D. Sigmund Freud Answer: C 39. Which of the following terms was coined by William James in the late 19th century? A. self-esteem B. self-efficacy C. social comparison D. self-concept Answer: A 40. In collectivistic cultures the emphasis is placed on _______________. A. the success of the individual, their career, and their income B. me, myself, and I C. the sole person and individual successes D. family, the kinship group, and the ethnic group Answer: D. family, the kinship group, and the ethnic group Correct: In collectivistic cultures, the interests of the group—the family, the kinship group, the ethnic group, the nation, the religious institution—are supposed to come first, before the needs of the individual. B. me, myself, and I Incorrect: In collectivistic cultures, the interests of the group—the family, the kinship group, the ethnic group, the nation, the religious institution—are supposed to come first, before the needs of the individual. 41. Globally, parents in most places and times have been more worried that their children would become too _______________ than that they would have _______________ self-esteem, and have _______________ self-inflation as part of family socialization. A. independent; high; encouraged B. selfish; low; discouraged C. independent; low; discouraged D. selfish; high; encouraged Answer: B 42. American children who are exposed to parenting that is critical and negative show what types of effects? A. depression and poor academic performance B. good self-esteem and high performance academically C. euphoria and moderately good academic performance D. a great work ethic and tremendous success Answer: A. depression and poor academic performance Correct: Children within the American majority culture who are exposed to parenting that is critical and negative show negative effects such as depression and poor academic performance. B. good self-esteem and high performance academically Incorrect: Children within the American majority culture who are exposed to parenting that is critical and negative show negative effects such as depression and poor academic performance. 43. Most cultures’ gender roles become more _______________ during middle childhood. A. nurturing B. flexible C. divided D. inconsistent Answer: C 44. In the past and in many developing countries today, men have been responsible for _______________, whereas women have been responsible for _______________. A. hunting, fishing, and caring for domestic animals; caring for young children, tending the crops, and running the household B. caring for young children, tending the crops, and running the household; hunting, fishing, and caring for domestic animals C. food preparation, seeding the fields, and gathering wild edibles; fighting off animal and human attackers D. nursing children, tending to the elderly, and caring for children; clearing the forest, gathering wild edibles, and teaching boys how to hunt Answer: A. hunting, fishing, and caring for domestic animals; caring for young children, tending the crops, and running the household Correct: In the human past, and still today in many developing countries, men have been responsible for hunting, fishing, caring for domestic animals, and fighting off animal and human attackers. Women have been responsible for caring for young children, tending the crops, food preparation, and running the household. B. caring for young children, tending the crops, and running the household; hunting, fishing, and caring for domestic animals Incorrect: In the human past, and still today in many developing countries, men have been responsible for hunting, fishing, caring for domestic animals, and fighting off animal and human attackers. Women have been responsible for caring for young children, tending the crops, food preparation, and running the household. 45. In an early study of 110 traditional cultures (Barry et al., 1957) and more recent analyses of gender socialization in traditional cultures (Banerjee, 2005; LeVine, 2008) boys were socialized to develop _______________. A. interdependence and a strong sense of community B. nurturance and compliance C. independence and toughness D. warmth and gentleness Answer: C 46. In an early study of 110 traditional cultures (Barry et al., 1957) and more recent analyses of gender socialization in traditional cultures (Banerjee, 2005; LeVine, 2008) girls were socialized to develop _______________. A. interdependence and a strong sense of community B. nurturance and compliance C. independence and toughness D. warmth and gentleness Answer: B 47. In modern developed countries, children’s gender attitudes and behavior during middle childhood _______________. A. become more stereotyped B. are heavily influenced by their parents C. become more rigid and less flexible D. are very accepting and integrated Answer: A. become more stereotyped Correct: In modern developed countries, children’s gender attitudes and behavior become more stereotyped in middle childhood. B. are heavily influenced by their parents Incorrect: In modern developed countries, children’s gender attitudes and behavior become more stereotyped in middle childhood. 48. In traditional cultures, gender-segregated play is a consequence of _______________. A. differential brain development for boys and girls B. estrogen and testosterone within the bloodstream C. the X and Y chromosomes imposing on the child D. the gender-specific work of boys and girls Answer: D. the gender-specific work of boys and girls Correct: From early childhood, children learn the rules that males and females have as a part of their daily duties. C. the X and Y chromosomes imposing on the child Incorrect: In traditional cultures, gender-segregated play is a consequence of the gender-specific work boys and girls are each doing by middle childhood. 49. In a study that examined gender roles in 12 traditional cultures, same-gender play groups occurred in about 30 to 40% of 2- to 3-year-olds, but occurred in what percentage in middle childhood? A. 12% B. remained the same at 30 to 40% C. 72% D. 94% Answer: D 50. Your 8 year-old daughter came home singing, “Girls go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.” You thought that this was pretty funny, but did not say so. From your development course, you know that this behavior occurs _______________. A. as your daughter attempts to gain dominance over boys B. because there is a deep-seeded hatred for the opposite sex during this age C. as a tentative first step toward romantic relationships that will occur later in adolescence D. because there is a great sense of natural competition between girls and boys Answer: C. as a tentative first step toward romantic relationships that will occur later in adolescence Correct: Thorne (1986) calls this “border work” and sees its function as clarifying gender boundaries during middle childhood. B. because there is a deep-seeded hatred for the opposite sex during this age Incorrect: Thorne (1986) calls this “border work” and sees its function as clarifying gender boundaries during middle childhood. It can also be seen as the first tentative step toward the romantic relations that will develop in adolescence. 51. Girls who are in middle childhood become more likely to define themselves in “feminine” terms such as “warm” and “compassionate,” but they become no less likely to add “masculine” traits to their self-perceptions. How else might they describe themselves? A. pretty and soft B. submissive and passive C. emotional and sensitive D. forceful and self-reliant Answer: D 52. What is the term used to describe the situation in which parents provide broad guidelines for behavior, but children themselves provide a substantial amount of independent, self-directed behavior? A. coregulation B. cohabitation C. coparenting D. comorbidity Answer: A 53. In middle childhood, children become more capable of going about their daily activities without constant monitoring and control by others. They are better at functioning independently, with a little guidance from others, also called _______________. A. independent regulation B. coregulation C. unilateral regulation D. we-regulation Answer: B 54. Sibling conflict _______________ in middle childhood. A. peaks B. is nonexistent C. slowly declines D. plateaus Answer: A 55. When does sibling conflict peak? A. Early childhood B. Middle childhood C. Adolescence D. adulthood Answer: B 56. You come from a large family in which you and your siblings get along very well. Your neighbor knows you well and has two sons aged 8 and 10 years. She tells you that she is concerned because her boys “fight and bicker constantly.” What would you tell her? A. Sibling conflict reaches its peak in middle childhood. B. She should probably seek counseling for her boys. They are doomed to have serious conflict their entire lives. C. Sibling conflict is much worse with girls; she should count herself lucky. D. Children rarely fight in middle childhood; she must be imagining it. Answer: A. Sibling conflict reaches its peak in middle childhood. Correct: Sibling conflict peaks at middle childhood and will diminish thereafter. B. She should probably seek counseling for her boys. They are doomed to have serious conflict their entire lives. Incorrect: Sibling conflict peaks in middle childhood. 57. Kramer et al. (1999) examined sibling conflict and found that the average frequency of conflict was once every _______________. A. 10 minutes they were together B. 20 minutes they were together C. 45 minutes they were together D. 60 minutes they were together Answer: B 58. Sibling conflicts are the highest when one sibling perceives the other as _______________. A. thinking he or she is smarter and cooler because he or she is older B. receiving more affection and material resources from the parents C. having better looks and intelligence D. being more popular at school and having more friends Answer: B. receiving more affection and material resources from the parents Correct: Sibling conflict occurs at its highest when one child believes that he or she is not receiving equal affection and material resources from the parent(s). C. having better looks and intelligence Incorrect: Sibling conflict occurs at its highest when one child believes that he or she is not receiving equal affection and material resources from the parent(s). 59. About how many children in the United States and Canada will experience their parents’ divorce in middle childhood? A. a quarter (25%) B. nearly half (50%) C. almost three quarters (75%) D. nearly all (92%) Answer: B 60. Children who display impulsive or unruly behavior and experience high conflict with others are showing _______________. A. internalizing problems B. externalizing problems C. existential problems D. incomplete dominance problems Answer: B. externalizing problems Correct: Unruly behavior and conflict with mothers, siblings, peers, and teachers are examples of externalizing problems. A. internalizing problems Incorrect: Unruly behavior and conflict with mothers, siblings, peers, and teachers are examples of externalizing problems. 61. When divorce occurs in early childhood, children blame themselves. What about middle childhood? Children in middle childhood _______________. A. also blame themselves B. understand that there are other reasons that their parents divorced that have nothing to do with them C. are at a time in their development when they do not really care that their parents divorce D. are so successful at adapting to changes that is has little effect upon them Answer: B. understand that there are other reasons that their parents divorced that have nothing to do with them Correct: Children in middle childhood definitely care about their parents’ divorce, but also understand that they are not the reason. C. are at a time in their development when they do not really care that their parents divorce Incorrect: By middle childhood, most children are less egocentric and more capable of understanding that their parents may have reasons for divorcing that have nothing to do with them. 62. Hetherington and Kelly (2002) classified _______________ of the children in divorced families as having severe emotional or behavioral problems, compared to _______________ of children in two-parent non-divorced families. A. 25%; 10% B. 45%; 5% C. 10%; 25% D. 5%; 45% Answer: A 63. When is the worst time for children who have experienced divorce? A. the first two months B. one year later C. two years later D. when the children enter college Answer: B 64. Caleb’s parents are in the process of divorce. Every so often he will get into arguments with his mom where he in turn responds more harshly than he normally would because of the added stress. As an individual in middle childhood, Caleb does not understand what his mother is going through, but responds with greater resistance and more defiant behaviors. From both Caleb’s and his mother’s perspective their battle continues to escalate. Which of the following best describes the scenario? A. coercive cycle B. escalation effect C. the Cold War phenomenon D. mitigating forces Answer: A. coercive cycle Correct: The added stress of the divorce process intensifies an individual’s response to situations. B. escalation effect Incorrect: A coercive cycle is a pattern in relations between parents and children in which children’s disobedient behavior evokes harsh responses from parents, which in turn makes children even more resistant to parental control, evoking even harsher responses. 65. What percentage of mothers retain custody of their children after divorce? A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% Answer: D 66. In about _______________ of cases, the _______________ retains custody of the children, so the _______________ leaves the household and the children no longer see that parent on a daily basis. A. 90%; mother; father B. 90%; father; mother C. 50%; mother; father D. 50%; father; mother Answer: A 67. Within a few years after divorce, what percentage of mother-custody children see their fathers on a weekly basis? A. 15 to 20% B. 35 to 40% C. 55 to 60% D. 75 to 80% Answer: B 68. When the father remarries, as most do, his contact with children from the first marriage _______________. A. declines steeply B. declines slowly C. increases steeply D. increases slowly Answer: A 69. When a professional mediator meets with divorcing parents to help them negotiate an agreement that both will find acceptable, this is _______________. A. divorce mediation B. divorce reconciliation C. divorce child rearing D. divorce co-counseling Answer: A 70. Your friend is confiding in you that he is getting a divorce from his wife of 10 years. They have two children aged 6 and 8 years. He knows that he is unlikely to get custody and is afraid that he will not see his children as much as he would like. What suggestions do you have for him? What would you recommend? A. Find a divorce mediator. B. Hire an attorney who will be extremely forceful. C. Give up and be resigned that he will never see his children again. D. Kidnap his children. You know that they would be better off with him. Answer: A. Find a divorce mediator. Correct: A divorce mediator is the best bet since they help to negotiate an agreement that both parents will find acceptable. B. Hire an attorney who will be extremely forceful. Incorrect: A divorce mediator is the best bet since they help to negotiate an agreement that both parents will find acceptable. 71. What happens when a stepfather enters the family? A. The psychological health of the family improves dramatically. B. There is essentially no difference in family relations. Whether the family was operating at a low or high level, it continues to do so. C. Often the children in the family begin having serious issues including lower self-esteem and great behavior problems. D. The mother’s happiness increases, which is then followed by an increase in the children’s happiness. Answer: C. Often the children in the family begin having serious issues including lower self-esteem and great behavior problems. Correct: Frequently, children take a turn for the worse once a stepfather enters the family. B. There is essentially no difference in family relations. Whether the family was operating at a low or high level, it continues to do so. Incorrect: Frequently, children take a turn for the worse once a stepfather enters the family. 72. According to one estimate, about _______________ of children in stepfamilies have serious problems in at least one aspect of functioning in middle childhood, compared to _______________ of their peers in non-divorced families. A. 40%; 30% B. 30%; 20% C. 20%; 10% D. 10%; 5% Answer: C 73. Your brother just remarried a woman who has been divorced for a year. He is now the stepfather of three children ranging in ages from 2 to 7 years. He is trying to do his best and support his new wife with parenting duties and to show her children that he cares for them. He called last night and was very upset. He found a picture that his oldest stepchild drew and it did not include him. What would you tell him? A. The biological father probably told the children to draw pictures of the family with him omitted to purposefully hurt his feelings. B. Not to worry. This picture was probably drawn before he was part of the family C. You have no idea why his stepchild did this. The stepchild was probably confused. D. This is typical. There is quite a bit of disruption when a divorce occurs and children typically resent their stepfathers. Answer: D. This is typical. There is quite a bit of disruption when a divorce occurs and children typically resent their stepfathers. Correct: Many children refuse to regard their stepfather as a “real” father and may in fact regard him as taking their biological father’s rightful place. In fact, when asked to draw a picture of their families, many children in stepfamilies literally leave their stepfathers out of the picture (Stafford, 2004). B. Not to worry. This picture was probably drawn before he was part of the family Incorrect: Many children refuse to regard their stepfather as a “real” father and may in fact regard him as taking their biological father’s rightful place. In fact, when asked to draw a picture of their families, many children in stepfamilies literally leave their stepfathers out of the picture (Stafford, 2004). 74. Many stepfathers and stepchildren eventually form harmonious, close relationships. How does this happen? A. The stepfather brings home gifts frequently and establishes weekly allowances. B. The stepfather completely ignores his stepchildren until they are ready to approach him. C. The stepfather acts warmly and openly to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority. D. The stepfathers assert themselves immediately so that the stepchildren know who the disciplinarian is. Answer: C. The stepfather acts warmly and openly to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority. Correct: Many stepfathers and stepchildren form harmonious, close relationships if the stepfather is warm and open to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority. B. The stepfather completely ignores his stepchildren until they are ready to approach him. Incorrect: Many stepfathers and stepchildren form harmonious, close relationships if the stepfather is warm and open to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority. 75. What is the main basis of friendship, not just during middle childhood but at all ages? A. frequency of interaction B. social economic status C. proximity D. similarity Answer: D 76. People tend to prefer being around others who are like themselves, a principle called _______________. A. matching hypothesis B. selective segregation C. selective association D. psychosocial discretion Answer: C 77. Salima is in 2nd grade, does well in school, plays youth soccer, attends a Catholic church, and gets along with others. Based upon selective association principles, Salima will most likely be friends with _______________. A. Heidi, who is in Salima’s class, plays on her soccer team, and attends the church B. Tom, who attends Salima’s church but is in a different class and plays youth football C. Barbara, who is friends with Salima’s older brother and lives in the same neighborhood D. Gary, who was in Salima’s first grade class, invited her to his birthday party, and does poorly in school. Answer: A. Heidi, who is in Salima’s class, plays on her soccer team, and attends the church Correct: Heidi holds the most similar traits to Salima therefore she is the one that Salima will most likely be friends with. C. Barbara, who is friends with Salima’s older brother and lives in the same neighborhood Incorrect: Heidi holds the most similar traits to Salima; therefore, she is the one that Salima would most likely be friends with. 78. In middle childhood what becomes very important for friendships? A. shared activities B. shared interests C. trust D. a sense of belonging Answer: C. trust Correct: All of these attributes of a friendship are important, but trust becomes very important. A. shared activities Incorrect: In middle childhood, shared activities are still an important part of friendships, but now trust, too, becomes important. 79. In middle childhood what is one of the main reasons for ending a friendship? A. differences in interests B. a betrayal of trust C. moving away from the neighborhood D. fighting or bickering over a member of the opposite sex Answer: B. a betrayal of trust Correct: As trust becomes more important to friendships in middle childhood, breaches of trust also become the main reason for ending friendships. C. moving away from the neighborhood Incorrect: As trust becomes more important to friendships in middle childhood, breaches of trust also become the main reason for ending friendships. 80. Your 10-year-old daughter and her best friend just ended their nearly four-year-long friendship. Your daughter will not tell you why. Thinking about middle childhood from your development class, what is probably the reason? A. Her friend betrayed her trust. B. Her friend probably showed interest in a boy that your daughter likes. C. They probably just have different interests now. D. Her friend probably told her that she is moving to a new school. Answer: A. Her friend betrayed her trust. Correct: As trust becomes more important to friendships in middle childhood, breaches of trust also become the main reason for ending friendships. B. Her friend probably showed interest in a boy that your daughter likes. Incorrect: As trust becomes more important to friendships in middle childhood, breaches of trust also become the main reason for ending friendships. 81. Play in middle childhood becomes _______________. A. less socially based and more rigid B. less complex and more aggressive C. more complex and more rule-based D. more simplistic and less socially based Answer: C. more complex and more rule-based Correct: Due to cognitive growth and peer relations, play in middle childhood becomes more complex and more rule-based. B. less complex and more aggressive Incorrect: Play in middle childhood becomes more complex and more rule-based. 82. According to cross-cultural studies, what games are popular all over the world in middle childhood? A. tag and hide-and-seek B. “king of the hill” and soccer C. hopscotch and capture the flag D. four square and baseball Answer: A 83. Age is a key determinant of _______________, in that older children tend to have more authority than younger children. A. social knowledge B. social status C. social with-it-ness D. social construct Answer: B 84. Based on children’s ratings of who they like or dislike among their peers, researchers have described four categories of social status _______________. A. socially isolated, hostile, preppy, and smart children B. sub-average, average, above average, and three-deviations-from-the-mean children C. popular, rejected, neglected, and controversial children D. social, accepted, rejected, and unpopular Answer: C 85. Researchers have described four categories of social status. Which children were the ones who most often were rated as “liked” and rarely rated as “disliked”? A. popular B. rejected C. neglected D. controversial Answer: A. popular Correct: Popular children are the ones who most often rated as “liked” and rarely rated as “disliked.” D. controversial Incorrect: Popular children are the ones who most often rated as “liked” and rarely rated as “disliked.” 86. Researchers have described four categories of social status. Which children were the ones who were the most often “disliked” and rarely “liked”? A. popular B. rejected C. neglected D. controversial Answer: B. rejected Correct: Rejected children are most often “disliked” and rarely “liked” by other children, mainly being disliked for being overly aggressive. D. controversial Incorrect: Rejected children are most often “disliked” and rarely “liked” by other children, mainly being disliked for being overly aggressive. 87. Which of the following best describes rejected children? A. rarely mentioned as either liked or disliked; other children have trouble remembering who they are B. the ones who are most often rated as “liked” and rarely rated as “disliked” C. most often disliked and rarely liked by other children D. liked by some children but disliked by others; they may be aggressive at times but are friendly at other times Answer: C. most often disliked and rarely liked by other children Correct: Rejected children are most often “disliked” and rarely “liked” by other children, mainly being disliked for being overly aggressive. D. liked by some children but disliked by others; they may be aggressive at times but are friendly at other times Incorrect: Rejected children are most often “disliked” and rarely “liked” by other children, mainly being disliked for being overly aggressive. 88. Researchers have described four categories of social status. Which children were rarely mentioned as either “liked” or “disliked”? A. popular B. rejected C. neglected D. controversial Answer: C. neglected Correct: Neglected children are rarely mentioned as either “liked” or “disliked”; other children have trouble remembering who they are. D. controversial Incorrect: Neglected children are rarely mentioned as either “liked” or “disliked”; other children have trouble remembering who they are. 89. Miriam is in 2nd grade. When her classmates are asked who she is they have difficulty remembering her and find it hard describing her. She is neither liked nor disliked by her classmates, but for the most part, goes unnoticed. From the four categories of social status, Miriam would fall into the category of _______________. A. popular B. rejected C. controversial D. neglected Answer: D. neglected Correct: The key phrase is that she is neither liked nor disliked and goes unnoticed. B. rejected Incorrect: Neglected children are rarely mentioned as either “liked” or “disliked”; other children have trouble remembering who they are. 90. Researchers have described four categories of social status. Which children were “liked” by some children but “disliked” by others? A. popular B. rejected C. neglected D. controversial Answer: D. controversial Correct: Controversial children are “liked” by some children but “disliked” by others. They may be aggressive at times but are friendly at other times. C. neglected Incorrect: Controversial children are “liked” by some children but “disliked” by others. They may be aggressive at times but are friendly at other times. 91. Your nephew is extremely intelligent. Your family jokes with him that he is a giant nerd not just because he is very intelligent, but because he also likes to learn and studies quite a bit. He has great social skills and enjoys the joking around. What would you guess about his popularity at school? A. Intelligence enhances popularity in middle school for those with good social skills, so he probably is quite popular. B. Since he is “nerdish” he probably has very few, if any, friends. C. Since other students are jealous of his intelligence, he is probably not very popular. D. He is probably very popular since students really respect intelligence regardless of how good his social skills are. Answer: A. Intelligence enhances popularity in middle school for those with good social skills, so he probably is quite popular. Correct: Abundant research indicates that the strongest influence on popularity is social skills. Also, despite the popular idea of the “nerd” or “geek” as a kid who is unpopular for being smart, in general, intelligence enhances popularity in middle childhood. B. Since he is “nerdish” he probably has very few, if any, friends. Incorrect: Abundant research indicates that the strongest influence on popularity is social skills. Also, despite the popular idea of the “nerd” or “geek” as a kid who is unpopular for being smart, in general, intelligence enhances popularity in middle childhood. 92. Bullying is defined by _______________. A. aggression, reputation, and power imbalance B. high self-worth, internal aggression, and power imbalance C. passiveness, external aggression, and depression D. submissiveness, power imbalance, and low self-worth Answer: A 93. Researchers have identified three components of bullying; aggression, repetition, and _______________. A. anger and hostility toward others B. power imbalance C. larger physical size D. low self-esteem Answer: B 94. The prevalence of bullying _____________ through middle childhood and _______________ in early adolescence, then _______________ substantially by late adolescence. A. declines; rises; declines B. rises; declines; rises C. declines; plateaus; rises D. rises; peaks; declines Answer: D 95. Victims of bullying are most often _______________ children who are _______________ and _______________. A. controversial; high in self-esteem; low social skills B. neglected; low in self-esteem; high in social skills C. popular; high in self-esteem; high in social skills D. rejected-withdrawn; low in self-esteem; low in social skills Answer: D. rejected-withdrawn; low in self-esteem; low in social skills Correct: Victims of bullying are most often rejected-withdrawn children who are low in self-esteem and social skills. B. neglected; low in self-esteem; high in social skills Incorrect: Victims of bullying are most often rejected-withdrawn children who are low in self-esteem and social skills. 96. Prior to 1800, approximately how many children in the United States attended school? A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% Answer: B 97. In the U.S it is estimated that prior to 1800 only about _______________ of children attended school, and for those who did, it lasted _______________ years. A. 95%; 12 B. 1/2; only a few C. 1/4; 6 D. 2/3; 9 years Answer: B 98. In Africa and South Asia, _______________ of children ages 6–10 are not enrolled in primary school. A. 10–20% B. 20–40% C. 40–60% D. 60–90% Answer: B 99. Overall, in developing countries approximately what percentage of children do not attend primary school? A. 10% B. 25% C. 40% D. 55% Answer: B 100. Which of the following best describes the attendance rate of children in school for developing nations? A. about 1/4 of children do not attend primary school B. about 1/2 of children do not attend primary school C. about 2/3 of children do not attend primary school D. nearly all children do not attend primary school Answer: A 101. In many Asian countries it is believed that educational success is derived mainly from ______________; in contrast, American culture tend to believe that educational success is due mainly to _______________. A. genetic forces; IQ B. IQ; genetic forces C. hard work; innate ability D. innate ability; hard work Answer: C. hard work; innate ability Correct: People in Asian countries believe that educational success is derived mainly from hard work and any child can succeed who tries hard enough. In contrast, Americans tend to believe that educational success is due mainly to innate ability, so when a child does poorly they tend to believe there is not much that can be done. B. IQ; genetic forces Incorrect: People in Asian countries believe that educational success is derived mainly from hard work and any child can succeed who tries hard enough. In contrast, Americans tend to believe that educational success is due mainly to innate ability, so when a child does poorly they tend to believe there is not much that can be done. 102. Which of the following best reflects collectivistic cultural beliefs in education? A. Children often work in groups, with children who have mastered the concept instructing those who have not grasped it just yet. B. Children often work individually attempting to do their best so they are the ones to receive the praise of their teacher. C. Children are often encouraged to do their best, to meet their own goals, and not be concerned with the goals of others. D. Children often study and practice with a friend but take their exams independently and are often encouraged to outperform the rest of the class. Answer: A. Children often work in groups, with children who have mastered the concept instructing those who have not grasped it just yet. Correct: Beyond working groups, children also wear uniforms, and it is common practice for them to clean the school before they leave. D. Children often study and practice with a friend but take their exams independently and are often encouraged to outperform the rest of the class. Incorrect: Children in collectivistic cultures are required to wear uniforms, are required to help with school maintenance, and often work in groups, with students who have mastered a concept instructing those who have yet to grasp it. 103. How many more days a year do Japanese, Korean, and Chinese children spend in school compared to children in the United States? A. 10 B. 30 C. 50 D. 70 Answer: C 104. The International Labor Organization has estimated that about 200 million children and adolescents are employed worldwide. What percentage of these children and adolescents are employed in developing countries? A. 35% B. 55% C. 75% D. 95% Answer: D 105. The International Labor Organization (ILO) has estimated that about _______________ children and adolescents are employed worldwide, and that _______________ of them are in developing countries. A. 200 million; 95% B. 400 million; 75% C. 600 million; 55% D. 800 million; 35% Answer: A 106. What is the most common form of childhood employment in developing nations? A. making clothes B. agriculture C. factory work D. begging on the streets Answer: B 107. Sefu is a 7-year-old boy living in a developing nation. His country does not have child labor laws and his family has an expectation that he earns his keep and helps support the family. In which of the following locations would Sefu most likely work? A. a small farm B. a textile factory C. a mine D. a commercial fishing boat Answer: A. a small farm Correct: Agricultural work is by far the most common form of employment for children in developing nations. B. a textile factory Incorrect: Agricultural work is the most common form of child employment in developing countries. 108. How many hours of television per day does the average American in middle childhood watch? A. 1 hours B. 2 hours C. 3 hours D. 4 hours Answer: C 109. Television watching varies widely across countries, but in most countries children watch television for at least _______________ a day. A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. 6 hours D. 8 hours Answer: A 110. Your sister called last evening complaining that her 10-year-old daughter is frequently playing video games while watching television, which your sister thinks is a ridiculous amount of “media multitasking.” She is wondering if her daughter has an attention problem. What would you tell her? A. Many children this age engage in media multitasking. B. Your niece probably does have some attention problems. This behavior is quite unusual. C. Only children with attention problems engage in media multitasking. D. Engaging in too much media multitasking will lead to dementia. Answer: A. Many children this age engage in media multitasking. Correct: By middle childhood about one-fourth of children’s media use involves media multitasking. B. Your niece probably does have some attention problems. This behavior is quite unusual. Incorrect: By middle childhood about one-fourth of children’s media use involves media multitasking. 111. _______________ is the simultaneous use of more than one media form, such as playing an electronic game while watching TV. A. Media multitasking B. Unconscious attention by multimedia C. Multimedia applications D. Cognitive overload by multimedia Answer: A 112. Thirty-four studies found that prosocial content in children’s television shows had positive effects on four areas: _______________. A. civil service, apathy, prosocial behaviors, and internal aggression B. altruism, positive social interactions, self-control, and combating negative stereotypes C. empathy, social problem-solving, internal anxiety, and combating discrimination D. self-efficacy, self-worth, self-esteem, and self recognition Answer: B 113. The average child in the United States witnesses how many acts of violence on television by age 18? A. 200 B. 2,000 C. 20,000 D. 200,000 Answer: D 114. Your older brother watches R-rated movies that include considerable violence with his 9-year-old son. He believes that since he and his son are watching the movies together, it is not posing a problem. What do you think? A. Your brother is correct. The fact that they are watching the movies together eliminates the potential problems. B. There is irrefutable evidence that exposure to violent media increases aggression. So, regardless of whether he watches these movies with his son, it is not really a good idea C. Watching violent movies actually reduces aggression in males. D. There has been very little research on the topic, so no one knows. Answer: B. There is irrefutable evidence that exposure to violent media increases aggression. So, regardless of whether he watches these movies with his son, it is not really a good idea Correct: Several studies have shown that watching high amounts of violent television in middle childhood predicts aggressive behavior at later life stages. C. Watching violent movies actually reduces aggression in males. Incorrect: Several studies have shown that watching high amounts of violent television in middle childhood predicts aggressive behavior at later life stages. Short Answer Questions 115. Finish the sentence below as if you were a 6-year-old boy and again as if you were a 12-year-old boy: “I am…” Answer: 6-year-old: I am tall, a boy, and a fast runner. 12-year-old: I am athletic, really nice, good at science, but bad at math. 116. Why does self-esteem decrease from early childhood to middle childhood? Answer: Increases in social comparison lead to more realistic appraisals. 117. Imagine you observe the play of children in middle childhood in either a developed or developing country. Give an example of what you might see and mention how it compares to the play you would see in early childhood. Be sure to include whether it is a developed or a developing country. Answer: In both types of countries there is more gender segregation than there was at earlier points in development. In a developed country you might see boys playing football with girls occasionally coming over and making a comment to get their attention. 118. You overhear two people talking after they see two gay parents attending their adopted child’s “back to school night.” One says, “I feel really sorry for their daughter; she would be better off being raised in a single-parent family with no father in the picture rather than in a family with two fathers.” The other agrees and adds, “She is going to be all screwed up.” Is there research evidence to support any of their claims? Answer: Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian couples are similar to children raised in heterosexual families in many ways. Later on, children whose parents are gay are no more likely to be heterosexual, suggesting that they do not learn sexual orientation via modeling. Given the many stressors that single parents face and the risk factors for children in terms of poorer academic achievement and behavior problems, gay parents may be able to provide a more stable home. If the father has disappeared in a single parent family, the child has to cope with feelings of rejection and anger. 119. How are friendships different in middle childhood compared to early childhood? Answer: Trust becomes an important component of friendships in middle childhood. 120. Provide a scenario for two first graders and two fifth graders that explains why they are no longer friends. Answer: In early childhood, a girl and a boy who played together as neighbors might no longer be friends because they have different interests and prefer friends of the same sex. In middle childhood, a person may not want to be friends with a person because he insulted him at school several times in front of his other friends. Essay Questions 121. Describe a study that would benefit from using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM method). Be sure to include the definition of this term, the research question under investigation, and the reason this method would be advantageous. Answer: The beeper method requires participants to fill out questionnaires at various times throughout their day when they are paged. It avoids problems of retrospective recall. A research question might be: Are adolescents more moody than adults or children? 122. Describe one important determinant of whether children respond positively or negatively after their parents’ divorce? How long does it take for things to “get back to normal?” Are there sex difference? Why? Answer: Level of conflict between the mother and father has a significant impact on the psychological adjustment of their children. Couples with lower conflict (or at least the ability to control it and/or keep the children out of it) have children who adjust better. After about a year, children usually seem to get back to their previous level of functioning, however, boys have more difficulty adjusting than girls. This may be because they often live with their mothers, so they lose the same-sex role model and they may challenge her authority. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. During the early years of life, outbursts of crying and anger are fairly frequent. By middle childhood these behaviors _______________. A. decline substantially B. decline slightly C. increase slightly D. increase substantially Answer: A 2. You have been thinking about work as you drive to pick up your 10-year-old son from soccer practice. When he gets into the car, he asks if you are OK because it seems like you are unhappy. Is this unusual? A. No, children in middle childhood become more aware of not only their emotions, but other's emotions as well. B. Yes, he must be very in tune with you. She should consider a career in counseling or psychotherapy C. Yes, he must simply be acting out something that he saw on television. D. No, children have actually been able to appreciate the emotions of others since toddlerhood. Answer: A 3. How persons view themselves in relation to others with regard to status, , or achievements is _______________. A. social skills B. social comparison C. social relations D. social template Answer: B 4. You are concerned about your daughter. She loves dancing and watching movies about dancing. Unfortunately, she is not very coordinated and definitely has a difficult time with rhythm and movement. What is the likelihood that her self-esteem will be affected? A. Her self-esteem might be affected, but she might also be interested in other aspects of dance and not necessarily interested in dancing herself. B. Her self-esteem is probably very low. C. She is probably extremely depressed; you should get her a dance coach. D. There is absolutely no relationship between her interest in sport, her lack of athletic ability, and her self-esteem. Answer: A 5. In many developing countries today, men have been responsible for _______________, whereas women have been responsible for _______________. A. caring for young children, tending the crops, and running the household; hunting, fishing, and caring for domestic animals B. food preparation, seeding the fields, and gathering wild edibles; fighting off animal and human attackers C. nursing children, tending to the elderly, and caring for children; clearing the forest, gathering wild edibles, and teaching boys how to hunt D. hunting, fishing, and caring for domestic animals; caring for young children, tending the crops, and running the household Answer: D 6. The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle Childhood. What happens to sibling conflict in middle childhood? A. It is nonexistent. B. It peaks. C. It slowly declines. D. It plateaus. Answer: B 7. The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle Childhood. Since your parents divorced when you were 10 years old, you have been very interested in the research examining divorce. You remember that when your parents were in the process of divorce you might get into an argument with your mother, who would respond more harshly than she normally would and then you would react very harshly too. From your reading on the subject, which of the following best describes the scenario? A. escalation effect B. coercive cycle C. mitigating forces D. the Cold-War phenomenon Answer: B 8. In terms of research examining social status, which group of children are never mentioned as either "liked" or "disliked?" A. popular B. neglected C. rejected D. controversial Answer: B 9. What percentage of children aged 6 through 10 years of age in Africa and South Asia are not enrolled in primary school? A. 20 to 40% B. 45 to 55% C. 60 to 70% D. 75 to 85% Answer: A 10. It has been estimated by the International Labor Organization that about 200 million children and adolescents are employed worldwide. What percentage of these children and adolescents are employed in developing countries? A. 35% B. 55% C. 75% D. 95% Answer: D Post-Test 1. In the early years of life, outbursts of crying and anger are fairly frequent. By middle childhood the frequency of such emotions has _______________. A. declined substantially B. increased substantially C. disappeared D. grown exponentially Answer: A 2. From early to middle childhood, emotional understanding advances because children _______________. A. have formal training in school regarding emotions B. are able to play sports and to be involved in athletics, which helps them appreciate their emotions and the emotions of others C. become able to understand not only their own emotions, but the emotions of others D. become intensely interested in making a good impression on members of the opposite sex Answer: C 3. The way that your son, who is in middle childhood, describes his positive less-strong attributes is considerably different than the way he described himself when he was in early childhood. What is a comment that he is likely to make at this time? A. "I like my soccer ball." B. "I really love playing soccer, but I have a little difficulty shooting." C. "I wish that I could play soccer all day long!" D. "My soccer team is 4 and 1." Answer: B 4. Low self-esteem in Western cultures is associated with _______________. A. anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior B. cooperation and happiness C. euphoria, social effectiveness, and popularity D. bullying, suicide, and substance abuse Answer: A 5. During middle childhood in most cultures, gender roles become more _______________. A. nurturing B. flexible C. inconsistent D. divided Answer: D 6. Your sister has two daughters aged 9 and 10 years. She is concerned because they fight and bicker constantly. What would you tell her? She should probably seek counseling for her girls. They are doomed to have serious conflict their entire lives. A. Sibling conflict is a normal part of growing up and can help children develop important social skills. B. Sibling conflict reaches its peak in middle childhood. C. Sibling conflict is much worse with boys, she should count herself lucky. D. Children rarely fight in middle childhood; she must be imagining it. Answer: B 7. What percentage of mother-custody children see their fathers on a weekly basis within a few years after the divorce? A. 15 to 20% B. 35 to 40% C. 55 to 60% D. 75 to 80% Answer: B 8. You have been very interested in the aftereffects of divorce and have carefully evaluated the various situations regarding divorce. In your study of divorce, what have you discovered that leads to stepfathers and stepchildren forming harmonious and close relationships? The stepfather _______________. A. asserts himself immediately so that the stepchildren know who the disciplinarian is B. acts warmly and openly to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority C. brings home gifts frequently and establish weekly allowances D. completely ignores his stepchildren until they are ready to approach him Answer: B 9. What are the four categories of social status in middle childhood that researchers have described? A. popular, rejected, neglected, and controversial children B. socially isolated, hostile, preppy, and smart children C. sub-average, average, above average, and three-deviations-from-the-mean children D. social, accepted, rejected, and unpopular Answer: A 10. Asians believe that educational success is derived mainly from _______________ while Americans tend to believe that educational success is due mainly to __________? A. genetic forces; IQ B. IQ; genetic forces C. hard work; innate ability D. innate ability; hard work Answer: C Chapter Exam 1. What statement describes the overall emotional state for individuals in middle childhood? A. high well-being and low volatility B. storm and stress C. emotionally absent D. explosive, shock and awe Answer: A 2. Your son is in middle childhood. You can see that he is very unhappy at the moment. Why are children this age generally unhappy? A. an unresolved conflict with a sibling B. considerable variability in hormonal stages C. something concrete and immediate like getting disciplined at school D. serious difficulties with depression Answer: C 3. Your daughter is on a soccer team that was playing to get into the championship round. Her team lost and they did not make it in. Since she is in middle childhood, what is her likely reaction? A. She begins to cry in disappointment. B. She conceals her true feelings of disappointment because she does not want to upset her teammates. C. She reacts angrily and has a melt down in the drive home. D. She taunts her teammates for not playing better. Answer: B 4. Children in middle childhood make social comparisons. Which of the following statements best reflects a 10-year-old's social comparisons? A. "I'm good at spelling but there are three kids in my class who are better than me." B. "I'm a fast runner and I like soccer." C. "I'm really good at math." D. "Johnny pushed me and then took my toy truck!" Answer: A 5. Your 10-year-old son loves to watch basketball. It does not matter if it is professional, amateur, college, or high school-he loves to watch it all. However, he is really horrible when playing it himself. You are worried that his lack of athletic skill will be depressing for him. What is the most accurate statement as far as the relationship between his self-concept and self-esteem? A. His self-esteem will probably suffer. B. He is probably severely depressed and in need of professional help. C. His self-esteem might be affected, but he is also interested in other things too. D. There is not necessarily any relationship between his interests in sports, his lack of athletic abilities, and his self-esteem. Answer: D 6. American children who are exposed to parenting that is critical and negative show what types of effects? A. good self-esteem and high performance academically B. depression and poor academic performance C. euphoria and moderately good academic performance D. a great work ethic and tremendous success Answer: D 7. Same-gender play groups occur in about 30 to 40% of 2- to 3-year-olds. What percentage of same-gender play groups are present during middle childhood? A. 94% B. 72% C. 30 to 40% D. 12% Answer: A 8. When sibling conflict has been studied (e.g., Kramer et al., 1999), what was found? Sibling conflict occurred once every _______________. A. 10 minutes they were together B. 20 minutes they were together C. 45 minutes they were together D. 60 minutes they were together Answer: B 9. After a divorce, what percentage of mothers retain custody? A. 90% B. 70% C. 50% D. 30% Answer: A 10. What percentage of children in stepfamilies have serious problems in at least one aspect of functioning in middle childhood compared to non-divorced families? A. 45%; 30% B. 30%; 20% C. 25%; 10% D. 10%; 5% Answer: C 11. For children in middle childhood, what becomes very important in friendships? A. shared activities B. shared interests C. trust D. a sense of belonging Answer: C 12. There appears to be four categories of social status. Which category of children were the ones who were the most often "disliked" and rarely "liked?" A. popular B. rejected C. rejected D. controversial Answer: C 13. What are the three components of bullying that researchers have identified: aggression, repetition and ______________? A. anger and hostility toward others B. larger physical size C. power imbalance D. low self-esteem Answer: C 14. What percentage of children do not attend primary school in developing countries? A. 55% B. 40% C. 25% D. 10% Answer: C 15. In developing nations, what is the most common form of childhood employment? A. agriculture B. making clothes C. factory work D. begging in the streets Answer: A Quick Review 1. The ESM (Experience Sampling Method) involves having people carry wristwatch beepers and then beeping them randomly during the day so that they can record their _______________. A. thoughts, feelings, and behaviors B. heart rate, pressure, and respirations C. emotional stability and behavioral rating scale D. social readjustment rating scale and behavioral activity Answer: A 2. What is it referred to when a person experiences two contradictory emotions at once? A. emotional self-regulation B. emotional stability C. ambivalence D. self-concept Answer: C 3. What term do theorists use to describe a person's overall sense of worth well being? A. self-concept B. self-esteem C. self-evidence D. self-comparison Answer: B 4. Who coined the term self-esteem? A. William James B. Erick Erikson C. Jean Piaget D. Sigmund Freud Answer: A 5. Children's gender attitudes and behavior during middle childhood in modern developed countries _______________. A. are very accepting and integrated B. become more rigid and less flexible C. are heavily influence by their parents D. become more stereotyped Answer: D 6. 6Sibling conflict is the highest when one sibling perceives the other as _______________. A. thinking that he or she is smarter and cooler because he or she is older B. receiving more affection and material resources from the parents C. having better looks and intelligence D. being more popular at school and having more friends Answer: B 7. When a stepfather enters the family, what happens? A. The psychological health of the family improves dramatically. B. The children in the family often begin having serious issues including lower self-esteem and greater behavior problems. C. There is essentially no difference in family relations. Whether the family was operating at a low or high level, it continues to do so. D. The mother's happiness increases, which is then followed by an increase in the children's happiness. Answer: B 8. Rejected children are best described as children who _______________. A. are rarely mentioned as either liked or disliked; other children have trouble remembering who they are B. are most often disliked and rarely liked by other children C. are the ones who are most often rated as "liked" and rarely rated as "disliked" D. are liked by some children but disliked by others. They may be aggressive at times but are friendly at other times Answer: B 9. Approximately what percentage of children in developing countries do not attend primary school? A. 25% B. 35% C. 45% D. 55% Answer: A 10. How many fewer days a year do children in the United States spend in school compared to children in Japan, Korea, and China? A. 10 B. 30 C. 50 D. 70 Answer: C Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. What contributes to the increase in friendships during the middle children years? Answer: Friendships increase during the middle childhood years because there is more socialization that takes place with other children of similar ages. They spend more time at school and at activities that allow for the friendships to unfold. 2. Many of those interviewed discuss how friendships in middle childhood are often same gender. Why do you feel this self-segregation takes place? Answer: Self-segregation by gender during middle childhood often occurs due to socialization processes where children learn and internalize gender roles and expectations. Additionally, shared interests and activities tend to align more closely within the same gender, reinforcing these bonds. Peer group influences and cultural norms also play significant roles in promoting same-gender friendships. This behavior helps children navigate their identities and social structures during a formative period. 3. The American mother presents a very chaotic and rough and tumble environment regarding her three boys, do you think it is a typical situation among other U.S. homes with only boys? Answer: Yes, the chaotic and rough-and-tumble environment described by the American mother is typical in many U.S. homes with boys. Boys often engage in more physical play and energetic activities, which can lead to a more dynamic household atmosphere. This behavior is generally considered normal and is a common aspect of boys' development and interaction. Multiple Choice Questions 1. According to this video, friendships are based on selective association of which _______________ is a big factor. A. family B. age C. ethnicity D. gender Answer: D 2. According to this video, what contributes to the increase in friendships in the Middle Childhood years? A. more socialization at school with other children B. increase in family functions C. increase in the number of activities outside of school D. longer summer breaks from school Answer: A 3. According to this video, what type of play do girls in Middle Childhood tend to spend the most time? A. quieter, more independent play B. high energy, more aggressive play C. quieter, more cooperative play D. high energy, cooperative play Answer: C Practice Test Questions from the Textbook 1. In middle childhood A. girls are usually taller and heavier than boys because they are about 2 years ahead in physical development. B. the incidence of myopia increases. C. ear infections are more likely than they were earlier in infancy and childhood. D. the average girl is stronger than the average boy. Answer: B 2. Rates of overweight and obesity A. are rising worldwide. B. are lowest among African American females compared to all other ethnic groups in the United States. C. are lower among Latinos and Native Americans than among European Americans. D. are lowest in the most affluent regions of the world, such as North America and Europe. Answer: A 3. In developed countries A. rates of lead poisoning in children have fallen over the last several decades. B. middle childhood is one of the least safe and healthy times of life because of children’s increased need for independence. C. the most common cause of injury is poisoning. D. asthma rates are at their lowest point in decades. Answer: A 4. In middle childhood, A. girls are more likely than their male counterparts to be involved be on a sports team because they are more collaborative. B. children are more likely to be involved in organized sports than they were when they were younger. C. children are less coordinated than they were in early childhood because they are going through an awkward phase. D. children have a slower reaction time than they did early in childhood because they are less impulsive. Answer: B 5. By the end of middle childhood A. fine motor development has nearly reached adult maturity. B. children’s drawings look about the same as they did in early childhood in terms of level of detail. C. improvements in fine motor skills are seen primarily among children who were educated in a formal school setting. D. most children are just beginning to learn to tie their shoes. Answer: A 6. When capable of concrete operational thought, children A. still have great difficulty with seriation tasks, such as arranging items from shortest to longest. B. can organize and manipulate information mentally. C. can reason about abstractions. D. are likely to be misled by appearances. Answer: B 7. Research on ADHD A. indicates that it is more prevalent among girls than boys. B. has shown that there is no genetic basis to this disorder. C. has shown that symptoms cannot be controlled by medication. D. has shown abnormalities in brain functioning among those with the disorder. Answer: D 8. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) A. is the most widely used intelligence test for children. B. has been criticized for focusing too much on creativity and not enough on core skills of reading and writing. C. has both math and performance subtests. D. has only been predictive of the future outcomes of gifted children. Answer: A 9. Research on reading and math skills A. has only been conducted in the United States and Canada. B. has shown that girls are more likely to be diagnosed with dyslexia than are boys. C. has shown that the whole-language approach is more effective than the phonics approach for children who are first learning to read. D. has found that even some nonhuman animals have a primitive awareness of numeracy. Answer: D 10. Compared to younger children, those in middle childhood A. use less complex grammar, but longer sentences. B. are more serious and therefore have more difficulty understanding the punch lines in jokes. C. are more likely to realize that what people say is not always what they mean. D. are less likely to use conditional sentences (e.g., If you do this, I will do that…) because they know that it may be interpreted negatively. Answer: C 11. Children who are bilingual A. are behind their single-language counterparts in metalinguistic skills. B. take longer to master the second language when they learn it after becoming fluent in the first language. C. learn the second language better after age 12 because they have a more sophisticated understanding of syntax by this point in development. D. score lower on general measures of cognitive ability than single-language children because of language confusion. Answer: B 12. During middle childhood, A. children are aware that they can experience two contradictory emotions at once. B. children tend to be less happy than they were in early childhood because they engage in more social comparison. C. children experience less emotional stability than they did at early stages in development because they are changing social contexts more often. D. children’s emotions become more intense, so they are not yet able to conceal their true feelings. Answer: A 13. A 9-year-old boy from a collectivistic culture such as China would be most likely to answer the fill-in-the-blank question, “I am ______________” with which of the following? A. really good at math B. shy C. a son D. funny Answer: C 14. During middle childhood A. both boys and girls come to see occupations they associate with men as having higher status than occupations they associate with women. B. play groups in traditional cultures become less gendersegregated than they were in early childhood. C. boys feel less competent than their female counterparts in math and science even when they have equal abilities in these areas based on their grades. D. gender segregation is unique to play groups in the United States. Answer: A 15. Which of the following best illustrates coregulation? A. Siblings negotiate a conflict without resorting to physical aggression. B. A child takes it upon himself to set the table for dinner while his parents are in the other room. C. A child counts to three and tells himself to calm down after getting angry at his brother. D. A child describes himself in relation to others. Answer: B 16. Sam is unpopular and has trouble making friends. He is aggressive and just last week started a fight by punching the boy in front of him. Which of the following is most likely the case? Sam is a(n) ______________________ child. A. neglected B. rejected C. controversial D. average Answer: B 17. Compared to Asian students, American schoolchildren A. spend more time studying art and music. B. work in groups and help teach one another difficult concepts. C. have a longer school year. D. care more about the maintenance of their schools. Answer: A 18. Child labor A. has declined worldwide in the last decade. B. is greatest in Mexico and Hawaii. C. is considered legal in most countries. D. statistics are not able to be monitored because no international labor organizations exist. Answer: A 19. Media use in middle childhood A. has not been associated with any positive outcomes. B. has only been studied with male participants. C. has been associated with a number of negative outcomes later in development. D. has been linked with aggression only in the United States Answer: C Test Bank for Human Development: A Cultural Approach Jeffrey J. Arnett 9780205987887, 9780134641348

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