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Chapter 7 Electronic Media 1) Email can be used for external communication A) regularly, although it is replaced in many cases by other tools. B) only for formal documents that you need to keep a record of. C) in response to letters your customers have sent. D) only if a superior approves the message. Answer: A Explanation: A) For some, communication via instant messaging is more immediate and less troublesome than email, with all of its spam and other security problems. That said, email is still the primary way a vast number of people communicate with one another. 2) Compared to email, instant messaging (IM) A) is slower and more complicated to use. B) has not caught on in the business community. C) is much faster, but more costly as well. D) offers greater speed and is less susceptible to privacy problems. Answer: D Explanation: D) Instant messaging is better suited for real-time conversations than email, which requires the user to open individual messages. IM also avoids the security problems that have plagued email. 3) Which of the following is not true of instant messaging? A) It allows a rapid response to urgent messages. B) It is less susceptible to security and privacy problems. C) It costs more than phone calls or email. D) It is widely utilized in business. Answer: C Explanation: C) IM actually costs less than a phone call and about the same as email. 4) When it comes to writing messages in today's business environment, A) printed messages are obsolete. B) printed messages are still preferred for formal correspondence or a court of law. C) email has completely replaced printed messages for all internal communication. D) hard-copy messages are used primarily for delivering negative news. Answer: B Explanation: B) In formal or legal situations, or if you need a permanent, hard-copy record of your correspondence, printed messages are still useful and, in some situations, required. 5) Despite your numerous emails and voicemail messages, a normally dependable vendor has not responded to your important question. Which of the following would be a sensible next step? A) Consider sending a printed message. B) Broadcast "high-priority" or "urgent" emails at ten-minute intervals. C) Use social media to vent your frustrations with the vendor. D) Use IM to bombard the vendor until he responds. Answer: A Explanation: A) In some instances, a hardcopy letter can capture the attention of your audience. It shows that the issue was important enough to you to print out a document and mail it with a stamp in the conventional manner. 6) Using "teasers" in electronic media as a way to pull readers or listeners into a story or other document is A) unethical and should always be avoided. B) appropriate only when large purchases are not involved. C) acceptable, as long as the payoff is valuable and legitimate. D) never appropriate for microblogging sites. Answer: C Explanation: C) Teasers are a form of advertising in electronic media. Typically, a teaser makes some kind of promise, then withholds key information to motivate users to click a URL for more information. 7) When you're posting comments on social media, A) don't worry about the details of spelling and punctuation. B) exercise your free-speech rights by ranting and raving at length. C) promote your products and services aggressively. D) provide short "chunks" of information that can help others who visit the site. Answer: D Explanation: D) To be an effective commenter, focus on short chunks of information that a broad spectrum of site visitors will find helpful. 8) Many companies have formal email policies that include restrictions on sending A) personal messages via corporate email. B) confidential or proprietary information. C) material that might be objectionable or offensive to others. D) all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) Many employers have formal restrictions on emailing personal messages, confidential information, or objectionable material. 9) Thanks to Facebook, you've recently connected with an old friend who lives in another state. She emails you frequently at work, often sharing racially charged jokes that you find offensive. Concerned about what would happen if your boss or coworkers saw her emails, you should A) loosen up, since no one at your company has the right to read your email. B) politely ask her to stop sending the jokes, and tell your boss about the problem and how you have addressed it. C) simply delete her email messages from your computer so no one will ever know about them. D) do none of the above. Answer: B Explanation: B) Since correspondence at work may be the property of the company, the company may have the right to monitor your correspondence. The only way to make sure the situation doesn't turn into anything damaging is to tell your boss about it. 10) Email hygiene refers to A) the absence of slang and informal language in email messages. B) a nationwide movement to do away with information overload. C) all the efforts companies make to keep email clean and safe. D) refraining from using foul language in email. Answer: C Explanation: C) Email hygiene includes blocking spam and protecting the system against virus and hacking attacks. 11) Overusing the "cc" function when sending email A) is no longer a big deal since very few people pay attention to these messages. B) is a violation of email hygiene. C) can waste a great deal of time by generating more reply messages than necessary. D) is a good way to protect yourself in a hostile work environment. Answer: C Explanation: C) A single email message with five cc's can generate a dozen or more additional emails as recipients feel the need to respond for something that may or may not concern them. Therefore, send emails only to those for whom the information you're sending is essential. 12) All of the following except ________ will help you plan effective email messages. A) making sure every email you send is necessary B) following company email policy C) ignoring the chain of command D) keeping virus protection up to date Answer: C Explanation: C) It is now easy for employees at any level to contact top executives in the company at any time. While you could email your CEO, you should reserve that right for only the critical situations. In all other situations, follow the chain of command and contact the person you normally report to. 13) Email messages A) generally require less care than other messages, since email is temporary and easily deleted. B) should be written with the assumption that they will be stored forever. C) should always be less formal in business than messages in other media. D) none of the above. Answer: B Explanation: B) Most emails can be retrieved with a simple search. Almost no emails are beyond the reach of a skilled technician. So once an email is written, consider it to be permanent. 14) The subject line of an email message A) is rarely read by the recipient. B) helps recipients decide whether or not to read the message. C) should describe only the general topic of the message. D) does all of the above. Answer: B Explanation: B) Subject lines are like headings in a document. They provide a strong clue of what the email contains. Well written subject lines make email searches simple. 15) Which of the following is the best example of an effective email subject line? A) Website redesign is on schedule B) Status Report C) Employee Parking D) Read This! Answer: A Explanation: A) The "Website redesign is on schedule" subject line gives the reader a clear picture of the situation at a glance. If the reader needs to know details, he or she can open the email. Otherwise, the reader can carry on and feel fully informed of the situation at hand even without opening the message. 16) Because many email programs display the first few words or lines of incoming messages, you should A) be vague in your first sentence, to entice the reader to open the message. B) leave several blank lines at the beginning of each message. C) treat the first sentence of the message as an extension of your subject line. D) use phrases such as "MUST READ" in your first sentence. Answer: C Explanation: C) A well written first line of the email adds to the subject line. It informs the reader of the state of affairs and allows the reader to decide whether or not to look into the situation further. 17) When you're writing email messages in the workplace, remember that business emails A) require a higher level of quality than personal emails. B) should never be shorter than one screen. C) do not need to be proofread for grammar and spelling errors. D) are the best medium for internal messages, regardless of their content. Answer: A Explanation: A) The expectations of writing quality for business email are higher than for personal email, and the consequences of bad writing or poor judgment can be much more serious. 18) To make everyday email more readable, you should do all of the following except: A) write the subject line and first line of your message all in caps. B) keep your message simple and easy to understand. C) pay attention to grammar, spelling, and usage. D) observe email etiquette. Answer: A Explanation: A) Writing in caps should generally be avoided in everyday, non-urgent emails. It alarms the reader and causes resentment when the reader realizes that your situation is not desperate. 19) Which of the following is an example of an effective subject line for an email requesting information about the August inventory for bananas? A) Information needed B) Banana inventories C) Banana information needed D) Please send August banana inventory Answer: D Explanation: D) Subject lines should contain as much information as possible. In this case, the reader gets a clear view of the message just from the subject line. "Please send August banana inventory" not only informs the reader of the topic, it also conveys a call for action: to send the banana inventory. 20) For years email has been the primary communication medium at your company. However, many of your employees now use IM daily for personal messages, and they've come to you asking your approval to begin using it to communicate with clients and vendors. Your greatest concern is likely to be A) incompatibility between your company's IM system and those your vendors and clients use. B) the need for users to learn complicated software that may take years to learn. C) the ability to use it only on expensive, highly specialized devices. D) the high cost. Answer: A Explanation: A) Your company's IM system may not be compatible with all other systems. Therefore, it would be wise to check with vendors to make sure that their systems work well with your system. If you do find IM system conflicts with vendors, you may need to return to an email based system. 21) Advantages of using IM rather than email include its A) ability to completely eliminate the equivalent of "junk mail." B) availability on cell phones but not computers. C) ability to hold real-time text conversations. D) all of the above. Answer: C Explanation: C) The primary advantage of IM is its ability to mimic an actual conversation in real time. With email, in contrast, responses often take hours and even days to appear. With IM, responses are instantaneous; therefore, communication issues get resolved quickly. 22) In the middle of an important meeting, you receive an unsolicited IM from a company informing you of their great rates on vacations in Hawaii. This is an example of A) spam. B) a computer virus. C) spim. D) viral marketing. Answer: C Explanation: C) In email, unwanted advertising messages are called spam. The counterpart of these unwanted messages in the IM medium is called spim. As IM messaging grows in popularity, spim is increasing in frequency. 23) Professional website designers often use the term ________ to describe the content structure, labeling, and navigational flow of all website elements. A) user experience B) relational superstructure C) information architecture D) inverted paradigm Answer: C Explanation: C) The term information architecture describes the content structure, labeling, and navigational flow of all parts of a website. 24) Podcasts are A) great for entertainment, but not useful in business. B) helpful for training in business, but not much else. C) too technical to be practical for business use. D) none of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) Podcasts generally perform the function of a video or audio message. For example, to show customers how to use your company's espresso machine, you can post a podcast that takes them through a step by step process. 25) Compared to blogs, podcasts are A) much easier to edit. B) more difficult to edit. C) equally challenging when it comes to editing. D) used only by high-tech companies. Answer: B Explanation: B) Podcasts are more difficult to edit than blogs because they involve video or audio information. If you want to change the script of an already recorded podcast, for example, you need to re-record the scene that you are replacing. 26) In terms of the three-step writing process, podcasts differ mostly from written messages in the ________ step. A) planning B) writing C) completing D) finishing Answer: C Explanation: C) In the writing process, text can be edited and revised in simple, easy steps using a word processing program. For an audio or video podcast, the editing and revising stage involves rewriting and re-recording the scene that is being changed. 27) One of the greatest drawbacks to using podcasts in business is the A) costly equipment you'll need, regardless of the production quality you want. B) intimidation factor of online audio and video. C) difficulty of scanning back and forth to find specific parts of the message. D) high distribution costs associated with them. Answer: C Explanation: C) In a text, users can navigate through a document almost effortlessly. The same ease of navigation is not available in podcasts. Users must often guess the exact locations of key moments in a podcast, a process that can be frustrating and time-consuming. 28) When you're drafting website content, ________ will help visitors find what they want fast and encourage them to return to your site for more information. A) breaking your information into small, self-contained "chunks" B) presenting your information in a concise, skimmable format C) structuring your content according to the inverted pyramid style D) all of the above Answer: D Explanation: D) You can help website readers find what they want quickly, if you write in the inverted pyramid style, break information into small, self-contained "chunks," and present the information in a concise, skimmable format. 29) Website designers start developing the information architecture for a website by A) giving visitors options for finding what they want. B) creating consistent labels for hyperlinks. C) brainstorming how all potential visitors will want to use the site. D) outlining all pathways between entry points and target information. Answer: C Explanation: C) Start developing your website's information architecture by brainstorming all likely usage scenarios (how all potential visitors will want to use the site). 30) You can plan for important business exchanges via IM by viewing them as A) invitations to discuss personal matters. B) conversations with specific goals in mind. C) opportunities to save time by multitasking. D) routine events that don't require formalities. Answer: B Explanation: B) Plan for important IM exchanges by viewing them as conversations with specific goals in mind. 31) Which of the following is not a compelling advantage of email in the workplace? A) Email is universal. B) Email closely resembles one-on-one conversations. C) Email is an effective medium for private, short-to-medium length messages. D) Email allows senders to write messages and recipients to read them, according to their schedules. Answer: B Explanation: B) IM can mimic conversation more closely than email can. 32) The web is a ________ medium. A) linear B) unilateral C) nonlinear D) tripartite Answer: C Explanation: C) The web is a nonlinear medium in which readers can jump from location to location. 33) The ability to update content quickly and easily makes ________ a natural medium when communicators want to get messages out in a hurry. A) websites B) podcasting channels C) blogs or microblogs D) user-generated content sites Answer: C Explanation: C) Blogs and microblogs are great resources for sending messages quickly and easily. 34) The collaborative nature of wikis makes them suitable for A) getting messages out in a hurry. B) aggregating "crowd knowledge." C) replicating radio or video broadcasts. D) distributing discount coupons. Answer: B Explanation: B) The collaborative nature of wikis makes them a natural medium for aggregating "crowd knowledge." 35) Businesspeople can use text messaging for A) marketing. B) customer service. C) crisis management. D) all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) Text messaging has a number of business applications, such as marketing, customer service, crisis management, security, and process monitoring. 36) Using the "return receipt requested" feature when you send an email A) announces that your message is urgent. B) asks the person who receives your email to fill out a questionnaire. C) triggers a message back to you when the recipient receives or opens your email. D) plays a short audio file when the receiver opens your message. Answer: C Explanation: C) The "return receipt requested" feature triggers a message back to you whenever someone receives or opens your message. 37) In order to use instant messaging (IM) productively in the workplace, A) maintain your IM presence 24-7. B) don't worry about IM etiquette during short exchanges. C) treat IM as a professional communication medium. D) use IM to send confidential, complex, and personal messages. Answer: C Explanation: C) Treat IM as a professional communication medium, not as an informal, personal tool. 38) Which one of the following is a planning step in creating effective email messages? A) Following company email guidelines and policies B) Double-checking your recipient list before sending your message C) Creating informative subject lines that clarify the purpose of your message D) Deciding whether to mark your message as "urgent" Answer: A Explanation: A) Use the planning step to make sure that you understand the restrictions your company places on email usage. 39) If you're a frequent user of social media, much of what you write will involve A) orientations. B) narratives. C) reference materials. D) status updates and announcements. Answer: D Explanation: D) If you use social media frequently, much of your writing will involve status updates and announcements. 40) When a summary appears at the beginning of an article or webpage, A) it distributes how-to advice to visitors. B) it offers helpful tips and insightful commentary. C) it presents the document's key points. D) it includes updates and announcements. Answer: C Explanation: C) A summary at the beginning of an article or website gives readers all the key points of the document, while skipping over the details. 41) When you're using an inverted pyramid style to write content for the web, A) put the least important information at the top of the message. B) put the most important information at the top of the message. C) put the least important information in the middle of the message. D) put the most important information at the bottom of the message. Answer: B Explanation: B) The inverted pyramid writing style puts the most important information at the top; and then, the remaining information follows in order of importance, with the least important at the bottom. 42) When you're creating a website, think of it as ________ that visitors must learn how to operate before they can use it efficiently. A) a data-driven dynamo B) a panorama of possibilities C) a modular multimedia matrix D) an information-delivery machine Answer: D Explanation: D) By making your website an easy-to-use information-delivery machine, you'll help visitors find what they want quickly and encourage them to come back for more. 43) The information architecture of a website is a three-dimensional outline of the site that shows A) the vertical hierarchy of pages from the homepage down to the lower levels. B) the horizontal division of pages across the various sections of the site. C) the links that connect the site's pages, internally and externally. D) all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) The information architecture of a website is a three-dimensional outline of the site that shows the vertical hierarchy of the site's pages, the horizontal division of the site's pages, and the links that connect the site's pages, internally and externally. 44) The ________ of websites makes them more difficult to plan and organize than virtually any other type of communication. A) linear nature B) versatility C) objectivity D) narrow scope Answer: B Explanation: B) The versatility of websites can make them a challenge to organize because different visitors want different types of information. 45) The term ________ signifies a plan that reveals how a website's content is organized and shows the navigational linkages that let users map individual pathways through the site. A) web-path interchange B) virtual superstructure C) information architecture D) media scaffolding Answer: C Explanation: C) A website's information architecture is a plan that reveals how its content is organized and shows the navigational linkages that let individual users map their own path through the site. 46) Sites such as Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube are valuable for social communication, but not for business. Answer: False Explanation: Many of the most prominent businesses in the United States see social networking sites as a key part of their marketing strategy. 47) In business communication, email is often being replaced by other tools that provide better support for instant communication and real-time collaboration. Answer: True Explanation: Social networks such as Facebook are replacing email in some instances for business. Even more popular are instant messaging programs that allow instant, real-time conversations between two or more individuals. 48) If you want to create a podcasting channel, plan on using a wide variety of topics and themes to keep the audience guessing and coming back for more. Answer: False Explanation: If you intend to create a podcasting channel, consider the range of topics you want to address over time to verify that you have a sustainable purpose. If you bounce from one theme to another, you risk losing your audience. 49) Printed, hard-copy documents have no place in a court of law. Answer: False Explanation: Many legal documents are required to be printed in hard-copy form. 50) Because each electronic medium has unique requirements, basic communication skills do not usually transfer from one system to another. Answer: False Explanation: The key to using any and all electronic communication media is to have strong basic communication skills—reading, writing, reasoning, and being able to organize information. 51) Writing "teasers" on microblogging sites can be effective, as long as the payoffs to which they lead are valuable and legitimate. Answer: True Explanation: Teasers that entice users to look further are only as effective as your credibility. If you make outlandish promises that don't pay off, your teasers will quickly be ignored. If your pay-offs have value for users, teasers can be successful for you. 52) In a court of law, email messages and other electronic documents can have the same weight as printed documents. Answer: True Explanation: An email communication is considered just as valid as a printed communication in legal and official proceedings. For that reason, you should be especially careful when dealing with sensitive or controversial company business and stick strictly to facts. 53) Due to budget constraints, very few employers now monitor employee email. Answer: False Explanation: The monitoring of employee email has become much more prevalent in recent years. Some companies use automatic programs to monitor email activity, raising a red flag if a correspondence pattern features too much non-business related activity. Other companies use security staff to monitor activity. 54) It is illegal for your company to open and read email you send and receive at work. Answer: False Explanation: Email that is sent or received on company devices using company screen names and servers is considered the property of the company. Therefore, the company has the right to read any email that is sent or received under these conditions. 55) In email, "cc" stands for "confidential copy." Answer: False Explanation: In email and standard business letters, a "courtesy copy" is sent to people who are not directly addressed in the email but may have an interest in its topic. 56) In business-related email messages, it is a good idea to make frequent use of background colors and colored type to add visual appeal to the text. Answer: False Explanation: Overuse of colors, decoration, and ornate lettering tends to be a distraction to email audiences, not a positive feature. 57) Respecting the chain of command is an important element of effective email messages. Answer: True Explanation: Though you may have the ability to fire off an email to the president of your company, it is usually a bad idea. If you have a complaint or suggestion, respect the chain of command and send it to the person you normally report to. 58) Leaving the subject line out on important email messages will spark your readers' curiosity and increase their desire to read your email. Answer: False Explanation: The subject line is usually one of the most important parts of your email. It informs the reader of what the contents of your message are, and how to prioritize your message with respect to time: is your issue something urgent, or can it wait until they have time to consider the matter carefully? 59) An effective email subject line is very short and describes only the general topic of the message. Answer: False Explanation: An effective subject line identifies not only the general topic of the message, but also says something about action taken or needed. For example, a subject line that says "Inventory information" merely identifies the general topic. "Inventory down, need resupply" not only identifies the topic, it also tells the reader what happened in the past, and what needs to take place in the future. 60) Spelling, punctuation, and grammar do not matter in email; getting your message out quickly should be your only concern. Answer: False Explanation: Poor spelling, punctuation, and grammar are typically a sign of one of two things: either you are ignorant of the rules of spelling, punctuation, and grammar, or you are deliberately being disrespectful to your reader by not cleaning up your message. Either alternative is unacceptable. 61) Mistakenly clicking "reply all" when sending an email can be career threatening in today's technology-driven economy. Answer: True Explanation: Watch what you email carefully! To avoid this kind of a threat, always double-check both your message and your audience before clicking on the "Send" button. 62) If you are frustrated that virtually no one responds to your emails, you should set the message priority to "High" for all the messages you send. Answer: False Explanation: People quickly catch on to false "High" priority settings and learn to ignore them. If you want your emails to be noticed: (1) send only meaningful emails that are (2) well written and (3) be sure to include excellent subject lines. 63) Instant messaging is a faster communication tool than email. Answer: True Explanation: IM allows for actual real-time conversation between individuals. You type a message and get a response within a few seconds. With email, responses can take hours and even days. 64) "Spim" is the term used to describe the IM version of email spam. Answer: True Explanation: Like spam, spim consists of unwanted advertisements from mass senders who hope to convince you to buy a dubious product. 65) Website designers use the term informative nomenclature to describe the content, structure, labeling, and navigational flow of all the parts of a website. Answer: False Explanation: Website designers use the term information architecture to describe the content, structure, labeling, and navigational flow of all the parts of a website. 66) Unlike other business presentations, podcasts require little planning and are most effective when delivered impromptu. Answer: False Explanation: Podcasts require a great deal of planning. To be successful, a podcast should be outlined and planned out ahead of time to be sure that the recording runs smoothly. 67) Always read from a prepared script when creating podcasts for business. Answer: False Explanation: One of the attractions of podcasting is the conversational, person-to-person feel of the recordings, so unless you need to capture exact wording, speak from an outline or notes rather than a script. 68) One of the best ways to distribute podcasts is to use a blog that provides supporting information. Answer: True Explanation: A blog with a high readership is a superb way to launch a podcast. In fact, some people go to blogs just so they can access the podcasts that are featured. 69) Using iTunes to distribute podcasts is unrealistic for most organizations. Answer: False Explanation: iTunes is a viable option for the distribution of business podcasts. A popular option is to have a blog, Facebook, or Twitter refer users to iTunes, where they can obtain the podcast. 70) The completing step is where podcasting differs most dramatically from written communication. Answer: True Explanation: For written communication, the completing step involves straight-forward evaluation and editing of text. A podcast features the same steps, but because the medium is video or audio, the editing process is much more complicated, requiring the re-recording of parts of the podcast. 71) Website authors use the ________ style to cover the most important information briefly at first and then gradually reveal successive layers of detail. Answer: inverted pyramid Explanation: With the inverted pyramid style, you summarize key points at the beginning of a webpage, and then move on to provide details. 72) Professional website designers use ________ to create a rewarding experience for all website visitors. Answer: information architecture Explanation: Professional website designers often use the term information architecture to describe the content, structure, labeling, and navigation flow of all the parts of a website. 73) An ________ includes items such as your name, title, company, and contact information at the end of your email messages. Answer: email signature Explanation: An email signature is a small file that automatically includes items such as your full name, title, company, and contact information at the end of your email messages. 74) Some email users employ ________ to express emotional nuances in casual or informal email messages. Answer: emoticons Explanation: For many years, users of email have included emoticons in informal messages to express a variety of emotions. However, think carefully before you include one in a workplace message. 75) A potential drawback of instant messaging involves ________ or making sure that online correspondents are really who they appear to be. Answer: user authentication Explanation: The need for user authentication (making sure that online correspondents are who they appear to be) is a potential downside of instant messaging. 76) Marketers use microblogging systems to send ________ that withhold key information, in order to attract the attention of current and prospective customers. Answer: teasers Explanation: Teasers intentionally withhold key information as a way to pull readers or listeners into a story or other element. 77) A(n) ________ is the online equivalent of recorded radio or video broadcasts. Answer: podcast Explanation: Where companies twenty years ago might have included a DVD in the box showing how to use their product, they now are more likely to refer new customers to a podcast. 78) ________ systems such as Twitter are being used widely in business for everything from research to customer service to live backchannels during presentations and conferences. Answer: Microblogging Explanation: A microblog is a site that allows "diary style" entries like an ordinary blog, but puts a limit on space. Twitter, for example, restricts all entries to 140 characters or less. 79) Compositional ________ for electronic media include (among others) conversations, comments and critiques, orientations, summaries, and narratives. Answer: modes Explanation: Electronic media are rich in different formats for content. On the Internet you can obtain virtually every mode of human communication, from highly technical academic lectures to extremely silly talking cartoon figures—and everything in between. 80) The ________ of an email is important because it helps readers decide whether to read the message or delete it. Answer: subject line Explanation: A well written subject line previews the message and gives the reader enough information to determine how to deal with the message—whether to open it now or wait until later. 81) In an email message, "cc" refers to not only to the term carbon copy but also to ________________. Answer: courtesy copy Explanation: A courtesy copy of an email sends the email to readers who may have an interest in the topic but are not immediately involved in its resolution. 82) The ________ feature of instant messaging enables users to see which people are at their desks and available to IM. Answer: presence awareness Explanation: This feature saves users the time of preparing a message if they know its intended recipient is not available. 83) Compared to email, ________ is faster, simpler to operate, and offers fewer problems with unwanted messages or security and privacy problems. Answer: instant messaging Explanation: At this point, there are few drawbacks to IM. However, as IM becomes more successful, security problems may arise. Also, when a real-time conversation is not needed, email gives users the luxury of waiting to respond to a message when they are ready. 84) The IM version of email spam is known as ________. Answer: spim Explanation: Spim is exactly like spam—an annoying, usually unappealing, un-asked-for Internet ad—except you see it in IM rather than email. 85) A podcasting ________ offers regular recordings on a consistent theme, designed for a wide public audience. Answer: channel Explanation: A podcasting channel might feature videos about dogs, how to train dogs, how to take care dogs, what to feed dogs, and so on. 86) List at least five media that are popular for sending brief business messages. Answer: Popular media for sending brief business messages include email, instant messaging, text messaging, podcasting, blogging and microblogging, and online video. 87) List at least three general situations in which you would send a printed version of a business message instead of using an electronic medium. Answer: A printed message is especially appropriate (1) when you want to make a formal impression, (2) when you are legally required to provide information in printed form, (3) when you want to stand out from the flood of electronic messages your audience receives, and (4) when you need a permanent, unchangeable, or secure record. 88) Briefly explain the role of compositional modes as they apply to electronic media in the workplace. Answer: Communicating successfully with electronic media requires a wide range of writing approaches. Fortunately, you can write successful messages in virtually all electronic media by using one of the following compositional modes: conversations, comments and critiques, orientations, summaries, reference materials, narratives, teasers, status updates and announcements, and tutorials. 89) What are the characteristics of an effective email subject line? Answer: An effective subject line is both informative and compelling, and captures the audience's attention. It does more than just describe or classify message content, and it builds interest with key words, quotations, directions, or questions. 90) Write an informative subject line for the following email: From July 6-9 the employee cafeteria will be closed in order to update the electrical system in the kitchen. Employees may bring their own food and eat in the cafeteria, but no food will be served on those dates. Answer: Subject Line: "Cafeteria Closure Notice: July 6-9 for Electrical Upgrades – No Food Service Available" 91) List at least three drawbacks of using instant messaging in business. Answer: Potential disadvantages of using IM in business include (1) security problems such as computer viruses, network infiltration, and intercepted messages; (2) the need for user authentication; (3) the challenge of logging messages for later review and archiving; and (4) spim (unsolicited commercial messages, similar to email spam). 92) Give at least three examples of how podcasts could replace more traditional message formats in business. Answer: (Answers may vary.) Real estate agents could record audio podcasts that potential homebuyers could listen to while walking through homes. Marketing departments could replace expensive printed brochures with video podcasts that demonstrate new products in action. Human resource departments could use podcasts to offer video tours of their companies to entice new recruits. Podcasts can replace more traditional message formats in business in several ways: 1. Internal Communications and Announcements: • Example: Instead of sending lengthy email newsletters or holding regular all-hands meetings, companies can create internal podcasts to share updates, announcements, and company news. This allows employees to listen at their convenience, making it easier to stay informed without disrupting their work schedules. 2. Training and Development: • Example: Traditional training sessions often require in-person attendance or long video modules. By producing training podcasts, companies can provide employees with on-the-go learning opportunities. These podcasts can cover topics such as new software tutorials, industry trends, and professional development tips, enabling employees to learn while commuting or during breaks. 3. Client and Stakeholder Communication: • Example: Instead of sending detailed reports or conducting frequent meetings, businesses can create podcasts to update clients and stakeholders on project progress, market insights, and company initiatives. This approach can make the information more engaging and accessible, fostering better understanding and stronger relationships. Podcasts offer a flexible and engaging medium for delivering content, catering to the evolving preferences of modern employees and stakeholders. 93) When creating podcasts for business, should you script them entirely and read them word-for-word? Briefly explain your answer. Answer: In podcasts, it is generally best to speak from an outline and notes rather than from a script. One of the attractions of podcasting is the conversational, person-to-person feel of the recordings, and a scripted performance can reduce or eliminate these characteristics. 94) Explain how inappropriate use of email at work can lead to legal problems. Answer: The consequences of bad writing or poor judgment in email can be even more serious than those associated with personal email. In numerous instances in recent years, email and other electronic message forms have been used as evidence in lawsuits and criminal investigations involving everything from sexual harassment to financial fraud. 95) Explain how to apply the three-step writing process to instant messages. Answer: Although instant messages are often conceived, written, and sent within a matter of seconds, the principles of the three-step process still apply. In planning instant messages, view every IM exchange as a conversation and take a moment to plan the overall exchange. Think through the specific needs of your audience, and try to deliver information in a coherent, complete way that minimizes the number of individual messages required. When writing instant messages, remember that the appropriate writing style for business IM is more formal than the style you may be accustomed to with personal IM or text messaging. Avoid IM acronyms except when communicating with close colleagues. The completing phase is easy when it comes to IM. Once you've selected some basic font settings that apply to all your messages, you generally don't need to do anything in terms of producing each message, and distributing is as simple as clicking the "send" button. However, don't skip over the revising and proofreading tasks and make sure your message contains all the necessary information. 96) Explain how information architecture functions as an outline for web design. Answer: In essence, information architecture is a three-dimensional outline of a website. As such, it shows the following: (1) the vertical hierarchy of pages from the homepage down to the lower level, (2) the horizontal division of pages across the various sections of the site, and (3) the links that tie all these pages together, both internally (between various pages on the site) and externally (between your site and other websites). 97) What is the difference between locating information on a website and finding information in a report or an email? Answer: Unlike reports, email messages, and other linear media, the web is a nonlinear medium in which readers can jump from location to location: forwards, backwards, and sideways. Traditional media rely on a beginning-middle-end model to present information that moves from point A to point B, page-by-page. In contrast, websites promote flexibility, so readers can choose their own paths to get the specific information they need. 98) When you're writing for the web, what can you do to improve the readability of your online content? Answer: You can improve the readability of your online content by making sure that readers can "skim" it for the information they need. First, use the inverted pyramid style of writing; that is, cover the most important information briefly at first and then gradually reveal successive layers of detail. That way, readers can choose to see those additional layers if they want to. Next, help readers absorb information by breaking it into small, self-contained, easily readable "chunks" that are linked together logically. In addition, use lists, color and boldface, informative headings, and helpful summaries to present your information in a concise, skimmable format. Finally, label all hyperlinks clearly and concisely to support site navigation and content skimming. 99) What are emoticons? Why are they controversial in business communication? Answer: Email is a lean medium, so expressing emotional nuances in an email message will challenge even experienced communicators. Therefore, users of email (IM and texting too) have developed emoticons to express emotions in casual communication. Over the years, using emoticons in business communication has been widely regarded as unprofessional. Recently, though, more professionals seem to be using them, particularly for communication with close colleagues, even as other professionals still view them as evidence of lazy or immature writing. Given these conflicting perspectives, think carefully before including an emoticon in a workplace email. As a rule, avoid emoticons for all types of external communication and for formal internal communication, and avoid those bright yellow graphical emoticons in all business communication. 100) What opportunities and challenges are associated with the use of instant messaging in the workplace? Answer: The benefits of using IM in the workplace include rapid response to urgent messages, lower cost than phone calls, ability to mimic conversation more closely than email, and availability on a wide range of devices and systems. In addition, because it resembles one-on-one conversation, IM's harder to misuse as a one-to-many broadcast method. However, IM is not without its drawbacks. IT departments that maintain IM platforms are challenged by security issues, user authentication, logging and archiving messages, incompatible IM platforms, and spim. Finally, because IM is a lean medium, it lacks nonverbal cues, which increases the chances of miscommunication. Test Bank for Business Communication Today Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill 9780132971294, 9780134562186, 9780135900239, 9780132539555

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