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Chapter 4 Market Research, Metrics, and Analytics QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO END-OF CHAPTER MATERIAL Hands-on…Apply Your Knowledge Market Research Assignment The course you are completing may require you to submit a report on the marketing of a product. Navigate your way to the online research sources identified in Figure 4.4 to review and collect secondary data on your product or its target market. Summarize and source your findings with bullet points for future reference. Answer: This assignment gives students the opportunity to apply chapter material to a real-life example, using the chapter’s opening vignette as a foundation. There are no specific answers. • Product Overview: The product is a high-end blender targeted at health-conscious consumers. • Market Trends: Growing interest in home fitness and healthy eating is driving demand for high-quality kitchen appliances (Source: MarketWatch). • Target Demographics: Primarily aimed at millennials and Gen X who are invested in wellness and premium kitchen tools (Source: Statista). • Competitor Analysis: Key competitors include Vitamix and Blendtec, with a focus on durability and performance (Source: Consumer Reports). Sources: MarketWatch, Statista, Consumer Reports. Video Clip…Questions Review the Canadian Marketing Association video on CMA Customer Service in the Digital Age from CONNECT and answer the following questions: - What are some of the metrics used to measure digital customer service? Answer: Some of the metrics used to measure digital customer service are response rates, response times, ratio of inbound to outbound messages, target response rates, customer satisfaction, and engagement rates. - Has social customer service complicated how companies respond to consumers? Answer: Social customer service can be complicated as it is transparent, response times need to be fast, and people will make mistakes. It has however improved organizations’ ability to listen, and to more quickly respond to customers. Organizations create and implement social customer service policies to facilitate this area with consistent approaches and acceptable response times. - How can senior management make social customer service easier? Answer: Senior management can assist with social customer service by being supportive of these initiatives and understanding that there will be mistakes. They can also assist by planning and setting standards and procedures for social customer service. Infographic ... Data Analysis Review the infographic on the GFK Roper trend report, “The Consumer Journey to 2020: Five Trends Driving the Future of Brands.” Create a new infographic and write a short analysis of a recent secondary data report that you can find at Ipsos Canada at or from comScore at Be sure to select a study that contains Canadian data. (Infographic tip: use Excel and Word to create charts and place them in a single PowerPoint slide to combine the visuals). Answer: Ipsos and comScore routinely publish research reports on their websites from which students can choose. Not all the Ipsos studies are fully available to website visitors, so students will need to identify which reports will give them useful data for this assignment. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO ONLINE ACTIVITIES: APPLYING MARKETING CONCEPTS & PERSPECTIVES 1. Leger Marketing has an online research panel that consists of consumers who meet specific demographic requirements for each online questionnaire. What are the limitations of this questionnaire method? Answer: Online research panels are criticized for their anonymity, accuracy of responses, and ability to adequately compensate respondents. The limitations of Leger Marketing's online research panel include potential sample bias, as panelists might not represent the broader population. There is also the risk of self-selection bias, where individuals who choose to join panels may have different characteristics or interests. Additionally, panel fatigue can affect the quality of responses if participants are over-surveyed. 2. An entrepreneur is setting up a flying school that gives flying lessons in ultralight planes to college students. A questionnaire is created to help assess this business opportunity. Read the questionnaire and then (a) Identify the problem with each question and (b) correct it. Note: Some questions may have more than one problem. a. Have you ever flown in commercial airliners and in ultralight planes? 0 Yes 0 No b. Why do you think ultralights are so much safer than hang gliders? c. At what age did you first know you like to fly? 0 Under 10 0 10 to 20 0 21 to 30 0 Over 30 d. How much did you spend on recreational activities last year? 0 $100 or less 0 $801 to $1,201 0 $101 to $400 0 $1,201 to $1,600 0 $401 to $800 0 $1,600 or more e. How much would you pay for ultralight flying lessons? f. Would you sign up for a class that met regularly? 0 Yes 0 No Answer: a. This question really has two questions in one. It can be corrected by asking (1) “Have you ever flown in commercial airliners?” And (2) “Have you ever flown in ultralight planes?” b. This is a leading question. It leads the respondent into giving reasons why ultralight planes are safer than hang gliders. A better two-part open-ended question might be: “Which do you think is safer, ultralight planes or hang gliders? Why?” c. This question is probably answerable but may have no value in assessing the market for flying lessons in ultralight planes. A more useful question might be: “How interested are you in taking ultralight flying lessons?” Then give the respondents a scale of choices for answers, such as “very interested,” “interested,” “slightly interested,” or “not interested.” d. One of the problems with this question is that choices 5 and 6 are not mutually exclusive since someone believing he spent about $1,600 last year on recreational activities doesn't know which of the two boxes to check. Also, most people could not answer the question accurately. e. Asking a pricing question in market research is always difficult. This questions has special problems because it isn’t clear whether the measurement is based on a single lesson or a series of lessons. f. The word “regularly” is ambiguous. If the intent of the question is to determine whether lessons should be weekly, on Tuesday nights, or on alternate Wednesday nights, these specific questions should be asked. 3. The format in which data is presented to marketers is important. How is data best presented - in tables, charts, or graphs? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each format? Answer: a. Delivering data so that it tells a story by using charts and graphs is preferable as conclusions can be drawn more quickly. Detailed tables can be used to back-up the charts and graphs and for more in depth analysis. Ideally the data is presented in dashboards that include charts and graphs. b. Tables allow quantities of data to be summarized succinctly, provided that good column headings have been selected. Data can be presented in detail. Weaknesses are that the reader can be overwhelmed with quantities of data where the key points are not clear. c. Charts and graphs allow high and low points to be seen at a glance. A line graph, bar graph, or a pie chart will be the best choice in different circumstances. If data points are too close together, more space can be assigned to sharpen the picture. Weaknesses are a lack of detail. 4. You plan to conduct focus groups to clarify why consumers are drinking less carbonated beverages. Identify the types of people you should include in your focus groups. How many groups do you think you may want to conduct? Answer: Separate focus groups should probably be conducted with teenagers, young adults, and parents of school age children. Within in each group the participants should also include people that have a variety of attitudes towards healthy foods and beverages. You may want to conduct two focus group within each demographic group, giving you a total of 6 groups. This should provide good directional information. 5. Food for the World is a non-profit organization that raises money for third-world countries. It is conducting focus groups to determine perceptions of their organization. Recommend questions that should be included in the discussion guide for the moderator and justify your recommendations. Answer: Answers will vary by student. The instructor should provide direction to the students so that the questions are not leading or present any biases to the participants. • "What comes to mind when you think of Food for the World?" – To understand initial perceptions and brand associations. • "How effective do you believe Food for the World is in addressing issues in third-world countries?" – To assess perceived impact and effectiveness. • "What factors influence your decision to donate to a non-profit organization?" – To identify motivations and barriers to support. • "What changes or improvements would make you more likely to support Food for the World?" – To gather insights on potential enhancements to increase engagement. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO ONLINE ACTIVITIES: DISCUSSION FORUM You manage a market research firm and are reviewing five projects. Suggest what type of research you would recommend for each project and generate a brief description of the information you would collect and any problems or challenges you foresee for each of these situations. The projects are outlined below: • A retail chain with 15 outlets wants to know what customers think of its new loyalty program. • A food manufacturer is launching a line of frozen gluten-free pizzas and is interested in consumer perceptions of the new products. • A provincial political party wants to determine the characteristics of the population of each electoral district in the province. • An advertising agency has created a new logo and ad campaign for a well-known soft drink, and it needs consumer feedback on its ideas before launching the campaign. • A shopping centre management firm wants to analyze the flow of people through each of its centres to help decide on renovations. Answer: These questions are designed for discussion purposes and are meant to generate class discussion and a lively debate of issues, as well as a general review of the concepts discussed within the chapter. There are no correct or incorrect answers. • Retail Chain Loyalty Program: Conduct survey research to collect customer feedback on the new loyalty program, including satisfaction levels and perceived benefits. Challenges include ensuring a representative sample and managing survey fatigue. • Gluten-Free Pizzas: Use focus groups and taste tests to gather detailed consumer perceptions and preferences. Challenges involve recruiting participants with dietary restrictions and controlling for taste biases. • Electoral District Characteristics: Implement demographic research using census data and surveys to profile each district's population. Challenges include data accuracy and regional variations in responses. • Logo and Ad Campaign Feedback: Conduct concept testing and pre-testing surveys to gauge consumer reactions and effectiveness of the new logo and ad campaign. Challenges include managing subjective opinions and potential biases in feedback. • Shopping Centre Foot Traffic: Use observational research and traffic analysis to study the flow of people and identify high-traffic areas. Challenges include accurately capturing data in real-time and ensuring privacy compliance. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO ONLINE ACTIVITIES: INTERNET EXERCISE Navigate to the website for market research company Ipsos Canada at and review articles on its latest research findings. Summarize the findings in a short PowerPoint presentation of four slides that you can share with the class. Answer: There should be several research articles of interest to students. Slide 1: Introduction Title: Latest Research Findings from Ipsos Canada Overview of recent trends and key insights from Ipsos Canada’s research articles. Slide 2: Consumer Behavior Trends Summary: Increased focus on digital consumption and shifting preferences toward sustainable products. Slide 3: Market Insights Summary: Significant growth in e-commerce and changing dynamics in consumer spending post-pandemic. Slide 4: Implications for Marketers Summary: Emphasis on digital strategies and sustainability in marketing to align with evolving consumer values. BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO SYNOPSIS & TEACHING SUGGESTIONS IBM - ANALYTICS: HOW IT WORKS Synopsis Various companies provide data management and analytics services. and IBM are examples, providing top quality services that help transform data into actionable insights. uses cloud-based platforms to help companies manage and use data from email, mobile, social media, customer service, and sales and CRM interactions. IBM has Business Intelligence products that allow users to collaborate, analyze, model, plan, and create reports. This video provides insights into IBM’s data analytics platforms and highlights the benefits it provides to clients. Teaching Suggestions Before providing students with this written case and showing the video in class, you may wish to conduct a Google search to find a current infographic from a reliable source on big data and show this to the class. Discuss these facts with the students and ask them how companies are copying with the overload of big data. Then distribute the video case on IBM Analytics: How It Works and show the accompanying video before assigning the questions. BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO CASE – PRINT OUT IBM - ANALYTICS: HOW IT WORKS Today, companies collect and store information in many different formats and being able to understand the data and what it means has become a complex and difficult task for marketers. In this era of big data where information is characterized as high-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety, digital information comes from a variety of sources such as promotions, social media interactions, e-mail programs, customer service communications, mobile downloads, e-commerce purchases, and website metrics. This huge volume of data is constantly changing, often in real time, making it difficult for marketers to manage and use. The Conference Board of Canada tells us that consumers create over 75 percent of today’s data and that marketers like to use this data to personalize offers that better meet individual consumer needs.1 Market research, metrics, and analytics are tools used by marketers to gather and harness data and glean insights that make fact-based decisions easier and more accurate. Today, forward-thinking organizations use these tools and foster a culture of measurement, analytics, and continuous improvement by investing in technology, partnerships, and people. The goal is to manage big data and to discern patterns, correlations, and insights that are actionable and provide a competitive edge. Metrics is the numeric data that is collected and grouped to track performance. It is often presented in spreadsheets and dashboards to make it easy to understand and interpret. Dashboards visualize data using graphs, charts, and numbers so that numerical information tells a story that is easy to use and understand. Metrics can come from a variety of sources such websites tracking data, social media pages, call centre interactions, online ads, apps, webinars, downloads, and subscribers, as well as sales, costs, profits, and competitive and market data. It can measure elements such as revenue, market share, profit margins, buzz, sentiment, amplification, engagement, response rates, sales lift, awareness levels, brand loyalty, retention rates, and brand indexes. It can point to ROI, customer lifetime value, brand advocates, and sales conversion rates. Analytics refers to taking metrics data and applying smart thinking and technology to gain actionable insights that help make better business decisions. An analytics platform helps answer questions, provides customer insights, and predicts patterns that can improve marketing performance. Analytics can help segment customers, plan and forecast, manage risk, and take corrective action. A robust analytics system processes a steady stream of real-time data to make faster and better decisions. Data is an organization’s valuable asset and coupled with analytics it can show information gaps, and point to new opportunities and market insights, as well as how well a marketing program has performed and where improvements can be made to increase an organization’s return on investment. Various companies provide data management and analytics services. IBM is an example of such a company that provides top-quality services that help transform data into actionable insights. IBM has Business Intelligence products that allow users to collaborate, analyze, model, plan, and create reports. It has Predictive Analytics products that use statistical algorithms and data-mining techniques to predict outcomes, and it has Performance Management products that create integrated systems to increase performance. Leading-edge data management and analytics companies deal with these areas to help improve an organization’s performance.2 Analyzing big data is no easy task as the data is over whelming in size, is often continuous, and comes in many formats that are not easy to combine. There are four basic types of data - structured data, unstructured data, semi-structured data, and legacy data. Structured data is easily tagged, stored, and searched in a database, Examples of structured data are numbers, statistics, and dates related to purchase data, inventory levels, financial information, age, fixed survey responses, and website analytics. It is estimated that 20 to 25 percent of a company’s data is structured. Unstructured data comes from word-processed documents, presentations, audio files, images, video, e-mail, and social media messages that cannot be categorized and tagged easily in a database using fixed terms and definitions. Semi-structured data is a hybrid data format that consists of structured and unstructured data, typically containing data that can be captured in a database as well as information that is free flowing and more difficult to categorize. Legacy data is data that is difficult to use as it has been collected and stored in an obsolete format or in a system that is no longer compatible with current computer systems and databases. IBM’s data analytics platforms help companies, organize, store, and mine data so they can make better business decisions about customers, competitors, and new products. Its data analytics tools help take the guess work out of decision-making by predicting trends and outcomes while keeping information safe and secure. It helps connect the dots between varied sources of data and builds accurate customer profiles that include purchase behaviour as well as demographics, purchase history, Internet interactions, and online transactions to provide insights that help marketers determine fact-based strategies that will improve business results. IBM analytics technology works in 3 stages. First, algorithms sift rapidly through the data to pinpoint interesting facts. Second, the data is correlated to determine patterns and tends. Third, additional analysis takes place to pinpoint insights and to identify the drivers behind strong business results. These insights and their supporting data is then given to the decision makers who use it to make fact-based decisions. Analytics platforms are used by businesses and organizations to drive future strategies. Its use is varied and is a component for decision making in many areas such as the retail industry, product development, the healthcare market, insurance companies, governments, politics, and marketers in a wide range of industries and sectors. Endnotes: 1. Michael Grant and Catharine Johnston, “1 + 1 = 3: CMO & CIO Collaboration Best Practices That Drive Growth,” CMA and The Conference Board of Canada’s Organizational Effectiveness and Learning Division, page 2 June 2013 2. Conference, “Increase Marketing ROI with New Analytics Techniques,” IBM Business Analytics Summit 2013. Gain insights. Drive performance, 2013. Toronto, April 2013. Conference, “Connect to Your Customers in a Whole New Way,” Salesforce Company Tour, Toronto, June 19, 2013 Questions 1. What are the issues that big data presents to companies? Answer: Issues with Big Data: Companies face challenges such as managing and storing vast amounts of data, ensuring data privacy and security, and dealing with data quality and integration issues. Additionally, extracting actionable insights can be complex and resource-intensive. 2. What are the advantages of using a data analytics platform? Answer: Advantages of Data Analytics Platforms: These platforms offer improved data visualization and reporting, enable real-time analysis for timely decision-making, enhance data accuracy through advanced algorithms, and provide scalable solutions that accommodate growing data volumes and complexity. BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO CASE WORKSHEET IBM - ANALYTICS: HOW IT WORKS Name: Section: This video provides insights into IBM’s data analytics platforms and highlights the benefits it provides to clients. Please answer the following questions once you have watched the video and read the case: 1. What are the issues that big data presents to companies? Answer: Issues with Big Data: Companies struggle with managing large volumes of data, ensuring data security and privacy, integrating data from diverse sources, and deriving meaningful insights due to data complexity. 2. What are the advantages of using a data analytics platform? Answer: Advantages of Data Analytics Platforms: They offer advanced tools for efficient data processing and visualization, enable real-time insights for informed decision-making, improve data accuracy and consistency, and support scalability to handle growing data needs. BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO CASE – ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IBM - ANALYTICS: HOW IT WORKS Questions 1. What are the issues that big data presents to companies? Answer: The issues presented by big data are many and include: • Too much data so it is not actionable • The data comes too fast so companies and organizations are unable to keep up • Companies and organizations do not have the ability and talent to analyze, interpret, and store the data • The new data is not compatible with the old data legacy data that has been collected over the years 2. What are the advantages of using a data analytics platform? Answer: The advantages of using a data analytics platform are many and include: • Decisions can be fact-based • Results can be monitored in real time • New insights and correlations can be unearthed • ROI can be increased • A competitive advantage can be developed BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO SYNOPSIS & TEACHING SUGGESTIONS CMA - CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE DIGITAL AGE - SEGMENT 3 Synopsis The CMA periodically conducts webinars and hosts events that focus on topical marketing issues. This video delves into how three of Canada’s top brands, Air Canada, The Globe and Mail, and Rogers Communications use social media for customer service. It also discusses common social media metrics that are used to measure performance in this space. Teaching Suggestions This video discusses how social media is used for customer service purposes and touches on some of its advantages and disadvantages. As a starting point, it would be useful to ask students if they have ever used social media to ask a company questions, and whether the experience was positive or negative. You may then wish to navigate to the Facebook and Twitter accounts for The Globe and Mail to show how it uses Facebook and Twitter, and ask students to use their mobile devices to locate the Globe and Mail Instagram feed and discuss it use. Then distribute the video case on CMA Social Media Metrics and show the accompanying video before assigning the questions BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO CASE – PRINT OUT CMA CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE DIGITAL AGE - SEGMENT 3 The CMA periodically conducts webinars and hosts events that focus on topical marketing issues. This video delves into how three of Canada’s top brands, Air Canada, The Globe and Mail, and Rogers Communications use social media for customer service. It also discusses common social media metrics that are used to measure performance in this space. Experts from Air Canada, The Globe and Mail, and Rogers Communications also provide advice for people entering the social media space for businesses. Mathieu Legacé, social media manager at Air Canada, Alon Marcovici, vice-president consumer sales and marketing at The Globe and Mail, and Gina Mulic, manager social media support at Rogers Communications share their company approaches with us. Air Canada Air Canada does not provide 24/7 customer service on social media, although this is a goal it would like to achieve. This would bring its social customer service in line with its call centre that answer calls 24/7. Air Canada realizes consumers often expect 24/7 customer service but its social customer service only runs between 7a.m. - 11p.m. (EST). Air Canada’s approach to social customer service is that during its published social media hours its goal is to respond to questions and comments within five minutes and to then follow-up with issue resolution. It uses metrics to measure its interactions looking at three main areas; response rates, response times, and the ratio of outbound to inbound messages Air Canada sees social customer service as a transparent way to demonstrate its policies and to show people how it resolves issues and deals with customers. Its advice is to remember that social customer service is about helping and guiding people and that sometimes mistakes will be made as not all circumstances can be avoided. Businesses should not be afraid of social customer service but start small and improve one step at a time, understanding that mistakes will be made but that these can be managed. The Globe and Mail The Globe and Mail works in the business of the 24/7 news cycle but it chooses to limit its social customer service and not be active during the early hours of the morning. It wants to ensure its social media is being managed by people that work at the Globe and Mail and to not rely on automated systems or outsourcing. The Globe and Mail views social customer service as a positive element for the media company as it can now listen, reach out, and respond to customers and learn about the context in which The Globe and Mail is discussed on social platforms. Social customer service can be complex as consumers expect it to be functional 24/7 and it adds another layer of customer service to the mix. On the positive side it presents an opportunity to show customers that you care. The Globe and Mail advises people and businesses that are stepping into social customer service to remember that social media is public and to ensure there is commitment from the most senior company levels. Protocols and processes should be put in place so that a consistent tone, manner, and voice faces the customer on social media. It points out that social customer service does not have to be complicated and that it can be as simple as directing people to online video tutorials and to FAQ pages for assistance. Rogers Communications Rogers Communications does not run a 24/7 social customer service operation, choosing to limit its responses between 9a.m. and midnight (EST). It uses standard customer satisfaction metrics to measure its social customer service initiatives, a similar approach that is uses with its call centres, live chat, in-store interactions, and field technicians. It is starting to examine response times on social customer service, understanding that this is an important metric. Rogers Communications sees social customer service as a benefit to Rogers and its consumers. Although at times there may be hiccups along the way, it is a learning process that can be managed. Rogers’ advice is to start with a clear foundation and determine a short and long term strategy. This should be shared with the company’s senior executives so that there is support from the top down when the social media road is bumpy. Questions 1. Do you think social customer service should be a 24/7 operation - why or why not? Answer: Social customer service should ideally be a 24/7 operation to meet consumer expectations for immediate support and enhance overall customer satisfaction, especially for global brands with diverse time zones. However, it may not always be feasible due to resource constraints and can be managed effectively within limited hours if response quality and efficiency are high. 2. How can mistakes be avoided when dealing with customers on social customer service? Answer: Mistakes can be minimized by establishing clear protocols and training for staff, monitoring social media channels diligently, and having a well-defined escalation process. Consistent communication and transparency in handling issues also help in managing errors and maintaining trust. BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO CASE WORKSHEET CMA CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE DIGITAL AGE - SEGMENT 3 Name: Section: The video shows a CMA segment on social customer service and discusses how social media is used by Air Canada, The Globe and Mail, and Rogers Communications. Please answer the following questions once you have watched the video and read the case: 1. Do you think social customer service should be a 24/7 operation - why or why not? Answer: Social customer service should ideally be 24/7 to meet global customer expectations and provide timely support. However, if 24/7 service is not feasible, businesses should ensure that their operating hours are clearly communicated and focus on high-quality, responsive support during available hours. 2. How can mistakes be avoided when dealing with customers on social customer service? Answer: To avoid mistakes, establish clear guidelines and train staff thoroughly, maintain consistent communication protocols, and implement robust monitoring and escalation procedures. Regularly review and update practices based on customer feedback and evolving needs. BRING IT TO LIFE: VIDEO CASE – ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS CMA CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE DIGITAL AGE - SEGMENT 3 1. Do you think social customer service should be a 24/7 operation - why or why not? Answer: Today people expect instant answers to questions and therefore for customer service to be worthwhile it should be a 24/7 operation. If it cannot be a 24/7 operation, hours of interaction should be clearly posted. 2. How can mistakes be avoided when dealing with customers on social customer service? Answer: Organizations need to have clear social media policies for its employees including those that manage its social media accounts. Training should be provided and social media analytics platforms used to monitor, measure and help manage an organizations’ social media accounts. BRING IT TO LIFE: NEWSFLASHES SYNOPSIS AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS The NewsFlashes for this chapter are on Was Your Tweet Ignored? and Research Flags Hospital Needs in First Nations Communities. Discussing these NewsFlashes in class can bring the material to life for the students in an interesting, relevant, and timely fashion. They can be used as ice-breakers to launch into a relevant subject. Many of the topics are interesting to students and may be familiar. A. WAS YOUR TWEET IGNORED? Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a social media metrics and analytics platform that allows users to listen, publish, and advertise on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Real-time data is presented in dashboards that visualize demographics, share of voice, engagement levels, positive and negative sentiment, and show how social campaigns perform. Social media campaigns for Facebook and Twitter can be scheduled, monitored, analyzed, and automated so best performing ads run. Organizations such as Air Canada, TD, Brock University, and Montreal Children’s Hospital use Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Before discussing this NewsFlash with your students, you may wish to navigate to YouTube to show an example of Salesforce marketing cloud radian6 software that is used to measure social media interactions and flag questions and comments. This can be found by navigating to and entering the keywords Salesforce radian6 demo to locate an excellent 2.29 minute video. Questions 1. What are the benefits of using a social media analytics platform? Answer: A social media analytics platform provides a reliable platform that will flag issues, trending topics, and key influencers on its automated dashboards. It can be organized to route messages to people that can best respond to questions. Many platforms help schedule posts, allow for multiple users, and help monitor, assess, and schedule advertising campaigns on social networks. 2. Should companies set standards for social media response times for their social media community managers? Answer: Yes companies should set standards for social media response times so that consistently high standards of customer service exist. B. RESEARCH FLAGS HOSPITAL NEEDS IN FIRST NATIONS COMMUNITIES. Healthcare consultants Agnew Peckham were hired to determine the healthcare facility requirements in the WAHA (Weeneebayko Area Health Authority) area in Canada. It followed a detailed research process that covered an 18 month period and started with an analysis of secondary research, then went into primary qualitative research, followed by quantitative research, and a final report. The research pointed to the need for a new district hospital in Moose Factory, a new acute care health facility for the isolated coastal communities, the provision of birthing/midwifery, dialysis, and long-term elder care facilities in four communities as well as improved dentistry, rehabilitation, mental health, and telemedicine services. Questions 1. What cultural elements did Agnew Peckham and Associates consider in their research process? Answer: Agnew Peckham needed to understand the nuances of working with First Nations Chiefs and Council and to involve them in meetings in a culturally sensitive manner. Agnew Peckham needed to respect the First Nations cultural traditions, provide Cree translation, and to temporarily stop the research process during the hunting season, the spring breakup, and any special community events 2. What difficulties were faced in step 1, the secondary research stage? Answer: The secondary research analysis was problematic as census data from Statistics Canada was unreliable due to inconsistent numeration in the area. The data had to be cross-checked with local healthcare providers and community leaders. BRING IT TO LIFE: NEWSFLASH PRINTOUT AND WORKSHEET Name: Section: WAS YOUR TWEET IGNORED? Have you ever tweeted a question to a company and never received a response, not even an acknowledgement? If so, the company was probably not using the top-rated Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform to monitor, measure, and respond to social media comments and questions. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a cloud-based platform that allows community managers to listen, publish, and advertise on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Real-time data is presented in dashboards that visualize demographics, highlight share of voice, pinpoint engagement levels, identify positive and negative sentiment, and show how social campaigns perform. The data can be sliced by social media channel, allowing the user to drill down into the source and respond in real time to leads, issues, and opportunities—and to identify advocates and detractors by location, channel, and topic. Social media campaigns for Facebook and Twitter can be scheduled, monitored, and analyzed from one location and automated so that best-performing ads run more frequently. Air Canada, TD, Brock University, and Montreal Children’s Hospital, as well as a host of other Canadian companies and leading organizations around the world, turn to Salesforce Marketing Cloud to give customers the attention they deserve and to collect data that provides insights for fact-based decisions. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is used by many of the world’s largest advertisers and Fortune 500 companies. Air Canada effectively uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud to communicate with stranded customers during snowstorms that shut down airports across regions. Its call centres, backed up at these critical times by inquiries, have historically been criticized for poor customer service. Now, Air Canada supplements its call centre responses with Twitter communications that improve customer service. Social community managers communicate with stranded passengers using Salesforce Marketing Cloud to monitor questions and comments, and to post real-time weather updates, flight cancellations, and revised schedules. Brock University uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud to efficiently respond to social media questions from prospective, new, and current students as well as alumni and people associated with the university. The social media team assigns keywords related to the university and then listens and monitors the questions and comments that surface on social sites. Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows the team to tag, classify, and prioritize each social media inquiry or comment, and route it to the appropriate university department with notes and recommended approaches. In this manner, an international Twitter query for a last-minute accommodation request may be routed as a high priority to the housing department, while a positive alumni comment may be sent to alumni relations. You can find out more about Salesforce Marketing Cloud at Questions 1. What are the benefits of using a social media analytics platform? Answer: Benefits of Using a Social Media Analytics Platform: It enables real-time monitoring, enhances response efficiency, and provides actionable insights on engagement, sentiment, and campaign performance. The platform helps identify and address customer needs promptly, optimizing overall social media strategy. 2. Should companies set standards for social media response times for their social media community managers? Answer: Setting Standards for Response Times: Yes, companies should set standards for social media response times to ensure consistent and timely engagement. This helps manage customer expectations, improve service quality, and maintain a positive brand image. BRING IT TO LIFE: NEWSFLASH PRINTOUT AND WORKSHEET Name: Section: RESEARCH FLAGS HOSPITAL NEEDS IN FIRST NATIONS COMMUNITIES After months of fact-based research in six remote Northern Ontario First Nations communities, health care and facility planners Agnew Peckham recommended that a new district hospital be developed to replace the old wooden structure in Moose Factory and a new acute care health facility be developed in one of the isolated coastal communities. This was in addition to the provision of birthing/midwifery, dialysis, and long-term elder care facilities in four of the communities, as well as improved dentistry, rehabilitation, mental health, and telemedicine services. No longer would women in remote communities have to leave their families and travel to the Moose Factory hospital to give birth to their children, or elders have to leave their communities when unable to live independently, just to name a couple of changes. Let’s look at the research process undertaken by Agnew Peckham to determine the health care facility requirements in the WAHA (Weeneebayko Area Health Authority) region. First, working with leaders from WAHA, Agnew Peckham learned that for the research to be accurate, it had to involve local health care providers, residents in each community, and the respective First Nations Chiefs and Councils. Cultural sensitivities had to be front and centre, Cree translation was imperative, and the research process would pause during the hunting season, the spring ice breakup, and any special events in the communities. The following process was followed: Step 1: Secondary researchThe first step analyzed already published secondary data. This included Statistics Canada census information that was unfortunately unreliable due to inconsistent numeration in the area, as well as reports from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development’s on-reserve data and the Registered Indian Population Growth Scenario for Canada, 2004–2029. The data and population growth assumptions were cross-checked with local community leaders and health care providers to ensure accuracy. Available strategic plans were also reviewed from WAHA, the North East Local Health Integration Network, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to help understand underlying health care concerns and opportunities. Step 2: Primary qualitative research The second step used focus groups and discussion forums in each community to gather insights from health care staff, educators, community representatives, and Chiefs and Councils. Discussions focused on health care service concerns, unmet health care needs, and health care facility expansion requirements. In-depth consultations focused on traditional healing programs, elder care, midwifery, diabetes, and mental health. The findings were returned to the communities for further comment, and additional input was made possible online. Step 3: Primary quantitative research The third step fielded a quantitative survey to people in the communities, ensuring that individuals had the opportunity to comment on local health care requirements, as well as to suggest changes, additions, and improvements to health care services. All in all, the research process spanned 18 months and became the building block of a successful new health care service plan for WAHA and the James Bay coastal communities, including Peawanuck, Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany, Moosonee, and Moose Factory. The goal of developing a new district hospital and an acute care health care facility and substantially improving health care services in these communities is being pursued, and discussions are underway with the provincial Ministry of Health. Questions 1. What cultural elements did Agnew Peckham and Associates consider in their research process? Answer: Agnew Peckham and Associates considered cultural elements such as involving local health care providers, residents, and First Nations Chiefs and Councils in the research process. They ensured Cree translation, respected cultural practices, and adjusted the research timeline to accommodate local events and seasons. 2. What difficulties were faced in step 1, the secondary research stage? Answer: In step 1, secondary research faced difficulties such as unreliable census data due to inconsistent numeration and challenges in cross-checking data with local leaders. Strategic plans were reviewed but could not fully capture community-specific health care needs. BRING IT TO LIFE: IN-CLASS ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS - SECONDARY DATA - MARKET RESEARCH Learning Objectives 1. To understand the nature of secondary data 2. To explore secondary data sources on the Internet and realize their limitations Description of In-Class Activity • Provide students with a list of secondary data sources which can be found on the Internet. Students are then asked to select a website from the list and summarize in bullet points recent market research information that can be found on that website. • Students are then asked to assess the secondary market research data they have accessed in terms of its reliability and accuracy, identifying areas which may need clarification. • This activity can be successfully conducted individually or in pairs. Estimated class time: 1-2 hours. Preparation before Class • First determine whether this activity will occur in the classroom, in a student computer lab, or in a library facility, or as a combination of these options. This decision is dependent on whether your classroom is equipped with a wireless Internet facility with which students can connect. An alternative is to conduct this activity as a homework assignment, then share findings in the classroom at a later date. • If your classroom has a wireless facility, ask students during the previous class to bring their laptops to class – for those who do not have a laptop, they can go to the library or to a student computer lab to conduct the in-class activity, returning to class at a specific time. In-Class Implementation • Relevant Chapter Content - Prior to conducting this in-class activity, review the following chapter material with your students: ○ Explain the importance of using reliable Internet sources – accuracy and reliability. ○ Explain the definition of secondary data – facts and figures that have already been recorded by a third party. ○ Discuss the advantages of using secondary data (e.g. advantages = low cost, readily available; disadvantages = data may be dated, data groupings may not be correct for the project, and data is not specific enough.) • In-Class Instructions – Show examples of websites with solid research content such as the Canadian Media Directors Council Distribute the handout and review the activity with the students. Give the students 1-2 hours to complete the activity (depending on the detail you require) and then conduct a feedback session in class. Collect the completed handouts for evaluation purposes. • Handout – Distribute the handout and worksheet for students to complete. • Evaluation – Collect the worksheets from this activity for evaluation purposes. They can be evaluated for completion and for the quality of the work completed. BRING IT TO LIFE: IN-CLASS ACTIVITY SECONDARY DATA - MARKET RESEARCH - HANDOUT Please select a website from the following list and summarize in bullet points the recent market research information that is posted on that website. Then assess the secondary market research data in terms of its reliability and accuracy, identifying areas which may need clarification. Government Websites • Government of Canada: • Industry Canada: • Statistics Canada: Industry Associations • Advertising Standards Canada • Association of Canadian Advertisers • Canadian Marketing Association • Canadian Media Directors Council • Institute of Communication Agencies • Interactive Advertising Bureau Canada • Out of Home Marketing Association of Canada • Retail Council of Canada • Television Bureau of Canada: Research Organizations • Alliance for Audited Media: • A.C. Nielsen Canada • Numeris: • Communispace • comScore • Consumerology Report: • Forrester Research: • Ipsos Canada: • Leger, The Research Intelligence Group: • Newspaper Audience Databank: • Print Measurement Bureau: • Solutions Research Group: • World Advertising Research Centre BRING IT TO LIFE: IN-CLASS ACTIVITY SECONDARY DATA - MARKET RESEARCH - WORKSHEET Name: Section: 1. State the name of website visited and the nature of the secondary data you have accessed. Answer: Website Visited: Statista Nature of Secondary Data: Market statistics and consumer trends. 2. Summarize in bullet points the secondary data you have accessed. Answer: Summary of Data: • Growth trends in e-commerce sales. • Consumer preferences for online shopping. • Demographic data on online shoppers. 3. Determine whether you think this data is reliable and accurate. Support your point of view. Answer: Reliability and Accuracy: The data appears reliable due to Statista's reputation for comprehensive and regularly updated reports. However, accuracy depends on the data sources and methodologies used, which should be reviewed. 4. What data do you think requires further clarification? Answer: Data Requiring Clarification: Specific methodologies used for collecting e-commerce growth trends and demographic details. 5. What other information would you find useful? Answer: Additional Useful Information: Detailed breakdowns of regional e-commerce trends and consumer behavior insights. BRING IT TO LIFE: METRICS ASSIGNMENT AND WORKSHEET MARKETING METRICS DASHBOARD - TIM HORTONS SOCIAL MEDIA Name: Section: You were recently hired as a marketing assistant by a small chain of coffee shops. It does not use social media and you have been asked to review the social media approaches used by Tim Hortons and share your findings in a presentation using a marketing metrics dashboard. You navigate to Social Bakers to access this data. Task: 1. Go to Social Bakers at and review data for Tim Hortons by typing the keyword Tim Hortons into the search bar - no registration is required. To access data on Tim Hortons, click on the tabs for each form of social media that you will see in the centre of your screen. Drill down into the data by clicking on the Tim Horton accounts that are presented. Retrieve the data and add it to charts and graphs in a word document to demonstrate the size and growth of these accounts, as well as any other important data you have found. Paste the charts and graphs into a single PowerPoint slide to create a dashboard. (PowerPoint will allow you to easily move and resize images.) Copy and paste the final dashboard back in to a Word document or use it in a PowerPoint presentation. BRING IT TO LIFE: METRICS ASSIGNMENT MARKETING METRICS DASHBOARD - TIM HORTONS SOCIAL MEDIA ANSWERS AND TEACHING NOTE This familiarizes students with secondary data that is readily available on social media in Canada and in particular, the wealth of information available on SOCIAL BAKERS for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn. This assignment requires the instructor to first explain that a marketing dashboard visually represents marketing metrics in an easily understandable snapshot that uses charts, graphs, and tables, often on a single page. Once this is established, the instructor needs to demonstrate three things in class before distributing the assignment. These are: 1. How to gather data from Social Bakers. Go to Social Bakers at and without registering, type the keyword Tim Hortons in its search bar on the left navigation panel that is below the area titled Free Statistics. Review the tabs that will appear in the centre of your screen for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn. Click on the accounts under each tab to access additional information. 2. How to place the data in a chart in a Word document When in Word, click insert, select the chart icon, then the select the type of chart desired. Then add titles and data to the Excel spreadsheet that surfaces. The data then gets automatically added to the Word document in the chart format selected. 3. How to place the charts and graphs in a PowerPoint slide Open PowerPoint and select a blank slide. Copy and paste the charts and graphs created in the Word document into the slide. PowerPoint allows users to easily resize and move these images to any place on the slide (not easy in Word documents). This slide can then be pasted back onto a Word document if required or projected onto a screen for discussion. Now students are ready to work on this assignment either at home or in class if computers are available. Solution Manual for Marketing: The Core Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius, Christina Clements, Harvey Skolnick, Arsenio Bonifacio 9781259030703, 9781259269264, 9781259107108

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