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PART FIVE EMPLOYEE RELATIONS CHAPTER Sixteen Employee Safety And Health 16 Lecture Outline Strategic Overview Safety and the Manager Why Safety is Important Management’s Role in Safety What Top Management Can Do The Supervisor’s Role in Safety Occupational Safety Law OSHA Standards and Record Keeping Inspections and Citations Responsibilities and Rights of Employers/Employees What Causes Accidents? What Causes Unsafe Conditions and Other Work- Related Safety Problems What Causes Unsafe Acts? How to Prevent Accidents Reducing Unsafe Conditions Reducing Unsafe Acts Reducing Unsafe Acts Through Selection/Placement Reducing Unsafe Acts Through Training Reducing Unsafe Acts Through Motivation Reducing Unsafe Acts Through Behavior-Based Safety Reducing Unsafe Acts Through Employee Participation Reducing Unsafe Acts by Conduct Safety and Health Audits and Inspections Controlling Workers’ Compensation Costs Workplace Health Hazards: Problems and Remedies The Basic Industrial Hygiene Program Asbestos Exposure at Work Infectious Diseases Air Quality Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Stress, Burnout, and Depression Solving Computer-Related Ergonomic Problems Repetitive Motion Disorders Workplace Smoking Violence at Work Workplace Violence Supervisory Training Occupational Security and Safety Basic Prerequisites for a Crime Prevention Plan Setting up a Basic Security Plan Evacuation Plans Company Security and Employee Privacy In Brief: This chapter outlines occupational safety laws, and then discusses causes of accidents and how to prevent them. There is also a section devoted to employee health, stress, company security, and employee privacy. Interesting Issues: The role of OSHA is somewhat controversial in today's society. Some feel it is an intrusion by a bungling governmental bureaucracy that doesn't really understand the nature of work and jobs, while others view it as the only check and balance available to help save employees' lives and limbs. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Explain the supervisor’s role in safety. 2. Explain the basic facts about safety law and OSHA. 3. Answer the question, “What causes accidents?” 4. List and explain five ways to prevent accidents. 5. Minimize unsafe acts by employees. 6. List five workplace health hazards and how to deal with them. 7. Discuss the prerequisites for a security plan and how to set up a basic security program. ANNOTATED OUTLINE I. Safety and the Manager A. Why is Safety Important? Safety and accident prevention concern managers for several reasons, one of which is the staggering number of workplace accidents. B. Management’s Role in Safety – Reducing accidents often boils down to reducing accident-causing conditions and accident-causing acts. Most safety experts would agree that safety should start at the top. C. What Top Management Can Do – The employer should institutionalize top management’s commitment with a safety policy and promote it. D. The Supervisor’s Role in Safety – Safety inspections should always be part of the supervisor’s daily routine. II. Occupational Safety Law The Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed in 1970 to preserve the nation’s human resources by assuring as much as possible that every worker has safe and healthy working conditions. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (within the Department of Labor, which enforces the standards) administers the act, sets and enforces the safety and health standards, and has inspectors working out of branch offices throughout the country to ensure compliance. A. OSHA Standards and Record Keeping 1. Figure 16-1 provides an example of OSHA Standards. 2. Under OSHA, employers with 11 or more employees must maintain records of, and report occupational injuries and occupational illnesses, which areany abnormal conditions or disorders caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. Figure 16-2 shows what accidents must be reported under OSHA. B. Inspections and citations are how OSHA enforces its standards. The agency has limited funds so it tries to encourage cooperative safety programs as well. 1. Inspection Priorities – Inspections in order of priority are: 1) imminent danger situations; 2) catastrophies, fatalities, and accidents that have already occurred (employers must report within 48 hours); 3) valid employee complaints of alleged violation of standards; 4) periodic special-emphasis inspections aimed at high-hazard industries, occupations, or substances; and 5) random inspections and re-inspections. OSHA conducts an inspection within 24 hours for immediate danger complaints, and within 3 working days when a serious hazard exists. OSHA responds within 20 working days for a non-serious complaint filed in writing by a worker or union. 2. The Inspection – An authorized employee representative can accompany the officer during the inspection, during which time the inspector can question workers about safety and health conditions. The inspector holds a closing conference with the employer’s representatives to discuss apparent violations for which OSHA may issue or recommend a citation and penalty. The area director determines what citations, if any, to issue. Citations inform the employer and employees of the regulations and standards that the employer violated. The employer must post these citations at or near the place where the violation occurred. 3. Penalties – OSHA usually imposes penalties ranging from $5,000 up to $150,000 for willful or repeated serious violations, although in practice the penalties can be far higher. 4. Managers’ inspection guidelines fall into three categories: initial contact, opening conference, and walk-around inspection. C. Responsibilities and Rights of Employers and Employees – Employers are responsible for providing a hazard-free workplace, being familiar with mandatory OSHA standards, and examining workplace conditions to make sure they conform to applicable standards. Employers have the right to seek advice and off-site consultation from OSHA, request and receive proper identification of the OSHA compliance officer before inspection, and be advised by the compliance officer of the reason for an inspection. OSHA can’t cite employees for violations of their responsibilities. Employees are responsible for complying with all applicable OSHA standards, for following all employer safety and health rules and regulations, and for reporting hazardous conditions to the supervisor. Employees have a right to demand safety and health on the job without fear of punishment. The act forbids employers from punishing or discriminating against workers who complain to OSHA about job safety and health hazards. 1. Dealing with Employee Resistance – In most cases, the employer remains liable for any penalties associated with employees’ noncompliance with OSHA standards. It is possible for employers to reduce their liability. * NOTES Educational Materials to Use III. What Causes Accidents? A. What Causes Unsafe Conditions and Other Work-Related Safety Problems – Unsafe conditions are one main cause of accidents. Three other work-related accident factors are the job itself, the work schedule, and the psychological climate of the workplace. B. What Causes Unsafe Acts (A Second Basic Cause of Accidents) – Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to the question of what causes unsafe acts. The consensus is that accident proneness is situational. Some accident repeaters are just unlucky, or they may be more meticulous about reporting. Certain traits have been identified with accident proneness. * NOTES Educational Materials to Use IV. How to Prevent Accidents A. Reducing unsafe conditions is always an employer’s first line of defense. Safety engineers should design jobs to remove hazards, and supervisors and managers should help identify and remove potential hazards. B. Reducing Unsafe Acts – It’s the supervisor’s responsibility to set the tone so subordinates want to work safely. C. Reducing Unsafe Acts through Selection and Placement – Screening is another way to reduce unsafe acts. The basic aim is to isolate the trait that might predict accidents on the job in question, and then screen candidates for this trait. Studies suggest that the Employee Reliability Inventory (ERI), which measures emotional maturity, conscientiousness, safe job performance, and courteous job performance, can help employers reduce unsafe acts at work. The ADA has particular relevance for safety-related screening decisions. D. Reducing Unsafe Acts through Training – Training is especially appropriate for new employees. OSHA has published two booklets: “Training Requirements under OSHA” and “Teaching Safety and Health in the Workplace.” E. Reducing Unsafe Acts Through Motivation: Posters, Incentives, and Positive Reinforcement – Motivational tools have been successful at reducing workplace injuries. 1. Research Insight: Positive Reinforcement – Many employers stress positive reinforcement to improve safety. This segment discusses the experience of a wholesale bakery. The firm set and communicated a reasonable goal; trained the employees; then posted a graph with their pre-training safety record plotted and a list of safety rules. Observers walked through collecting safety data to provide workers with feedback on their safety performance as a form of positive reinforcement. F. Reducing Unsafe Acts through Behavior-Based Safety – This involves identifying the worker behaviors that contribute to accidents and then training workers to avoid these behaviors. G. Reducing Unsafe Acts through Employee Participation – There are at least two reasons to get the employees involved in designing the safety program. First, those actually doing the jobs are often management’s best source of ideas about what the potential problems are and how to solve them. Second, it is generally easier to get employees to accept and enthusiastically follow the safety program when they’ve had a hand in designing it. H. Reducing Unsafe Acts by Conducting Safety and Health Audits and Inspections – Managers should inspect all premises for possible safety and health problems, using checklists as aids. All accidents and near misses should be investigated. A system should be in place for employees to notify management about hazardous conditions. I. Controlling Workers’ Compensation Costs can affect what a firm pays in workers’ compensation insurance premiums. 1. Before the Accident – Costs can be controlled before the accident by removing unsafe conditions discussed above. 2. After the Accident – Employers should provide first aid and make sure the worker gets quick medical attention; document the accident; file required accident reports; and encourage a speedy return to work. * NOTES Educational Materials to Use Vl. Workplace Health Hazards: Problems and Remedies A. The Basic Industrial Hygiene Program – First, the facility’s health and safety officers must recognize possible exposure hazards. The evaluation phase involves determining how severe the hazard is. Finally, the hazard control phase involves taking steps to eliminate or reduce the hazard so that it no longer ranks as dangerous. B. Asbestos Exposure at Work – There are four major sources of occupational respiratory diseases: asbestos, silica, lead, and carbon dioxide. Of these, asbestos has become a major concern. C. Infectious Diseases: The Case of SARS – With many employees traveling to and from international destinations, monitoring and controlling infectious diseases like Ebola and SARS has become an important safety issue. Obviously, employers must make provisions for ensuring that a returning employee does not inadvertently infect one or more colleagues. Employers can take a number of steps to prevent the entry or spread of infectious diseases like SARS into their workplaces. D. Air Quality – “Green” office buildings produce illnesses such as itchy eyes and troubled breathing. The solution is to monitor the air quality. E. Alcoholism and substance abuse are serious and widespread problems at work because they usually lead to declines in the quality and quantity of work. 1. Effects of Alcohol Abuse –The quality and quantity of the work decline due to alcohol abuse. The alcoholic’s on-the-job accidents usually don’t increase significantly, apparently, because he or she becomes much more cautious. However, the off-the-job accident rate is higher. Morale of other workers drops, as they have to shoulder the alcoholic’s burdens. 2. Supervisor Training – Guidelines supervisor should follow include: If an employee appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, ask how the employee feels and look for signs of impairment such as slurred speech; send an employee judged unfit home; make a written record of your observations and follow up each incident; inform workers of the number of warnings the company will tolerate before requiring termination; and refer troubled employees to the company’s employee assistance program. 3. Dealing With Substance Abuse – Various techniques can be used to deal with these problems, which start with testing, and include disciplining, discharge, in-house counseling, and referral to an outside agency. 4. Substance Abuse Policies – Employers must establish a policy that states management’s position on substance abuse. F. Stress, burnout, and depression can sometimes lead to alcoholism and drug abuse, which are problematic for the employee and employer. A variety of external environmental factors can lead to job stress. Personal factors also influence stress – no two people react to the same job in the very same way. Human consequences of stress include anxiety, depression, anger, and various physical consequences. Organizational consequences include reductions in the quantity and quality of job performance, increased absenteeism and turnover, increased grievances, and increased health care costs. Stress is not necessarily dysfunctional; it can lead some people to be more productive and/or creative. 1. Reducing Job Stress – Employees can reduce stress by getting more sleep, eating better, and negotiating with managers for realistic deadlines on important projects. The three-step stress-reduction technique involves developing awareness, adjusting attitudes, and taking action. The HR department can take a positive role in reducing stress. 2. Burnout is the total depletion of physical and mental resources caused by excessive striving to reach an unrealistic work-related goal. Some suggestions for alleviating burnout include breaking your patterns; getting away from it all periodically; reassessing your goals in terms of their intrinsic worth; and thinking about your work. 3. Research Insight – One study found that burnout can be reduced by removing the stressors that caused it in the first place, but without other changes, the burnout will quickly return once the vacation is over. 4. Employee Depression – Organizations must ensure that depressed employees use available support services. G. Solving Computer-Related Ergonomic Problems – Short-term eye problems (like burning, itching, tearing, eyestrain, and eye soreness), backaches, and neck-aches are common complaints among video display operators. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has several recommendations for reducing these problems. H. Repetitive Motion Disorders – Such disorders include carpal tunnel syndrome. Employees can reduce the issue if the pace of work is altered. I. Workplace Smoking – The nature of the problem is serious for employees and employers. Smokers have significantly greater risk of occupational accidents and higher absenteeism rates than nonsmokers. Smokers increase the cost of health and fire insurance. 1. What You Can and Cannot Do – It depends on the state in which you are located, whether or not your firm is unionized, and the details of the situation. A Michigan firm gave employees warning, offered smoking cessation programs, and then fired those who still smoked, even in the privacy of their own homes. 2. Wellness programs are part of a safety and health initiative that encourages employees to eat healthy and make good food choices. I. Violence at Work – Violence against employees, including homicide and robbery, has become an enormous problem at work. 1. Who Is at Risk? Some jobs are more likely to encounter violence at work. Those that involve physical care of others, handling guns, etc are at more risk. 2. Heightened Security Measures – Employers often improve external lighting; use drop safes to minimize cash on hand, and post signs noting that only a limited amount of cash is on hand; install silent alarms and surveillance cameras; increase the number of staff on duty; provide staff training in conflict resolution and nonviolent response; close establishments during high-risk hours late at night and early in the morning; and issue weapons policy. 3. Improved Employee Screening – of potentially explosive employees and applicants by instituting a rigorous pre-employment investigation is a line of defense. J. Workplace Violence Supervisory Training – Training should supplement enhanced security and screening. It should include typical profiles, verbal threats, potential verbal threats, and several other topics. 1. Organizational Justice – A related step is to create a workplace culture emphasizing mutual respect, justice, and civility. Of course, this is easier said than done. In general, management should emphasize by word and deed that it believes deeply in and demands civility. 2. Dealing with Angry Employees – Effective methods include making eye contact; stopping what you are doing and giving your full attention; speaking in a calm voice and creating a relaxed environment; being open and honest; letting the person have his/her say; asking for specific examples of what the person is upset about; being careful to define the problem; asking open-ended questions and exploring all sides of the issue; and listening. 3. Dismissing Violent Employees – Use caution when firing or disciplining potentially violent employees. Analyze and anticipate their behavior. Have a security guard or a violence expert present when the dismissal takes place. 4. Legal Issues in Reducing Workplace Violence – Most states have policies that encourage the employment and rehabilitation of ex-offenders, thus limiting the use of criminal records in hiring decisions. * NOTES Educational Materials to Use VIl. Occupational Security and Safety A. Basic Prerequisites for a Crime Prevention Plan – Ideally, a comprehensive corporate security program should start with the following prerequisites: 1. Company philosophy and policy on crime—In particular, make sure employees understand that no crime is acceptable and that the employer has a zero tolerance policy with respect to workers who commit crimes. 2. Investigations of job applicants—Make sure to conduct a full background check as part of your selection process for every position. 3. Crime awareness training—Make it clear, during training and orientation programs, that the employer takes a tough approach to workplace crime. 4. Crisis management—Establish and communicate the procedures employees should follow in the event of a terrorist threat, bomb threat, fire, or other emergency. B. Setting Up a Basic Security Plan – In simplest terms, instituting a basic security program requires four steps: analyzing the current level of risk, and then installing mechanical, natural, and organizational security systems. C. Evacuation Plans – Evacuation plans should contain several elements. These include early detection of a problem, methods for communicating the emergency externally, and communications plans for initiating an evacuation and for providing information to those the employer wants to evacuate. D. Company Security and Employee Privacy – Employers must consider employee privacy when using monitoring to investigate possible employee security breaches. * NOTES Educational Materials to Use DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Explain how to reduce the occurrence of unsafe acts on the part of your employees. Answer: The text lists 10 different ways to help reduce unsafe acts. Answers should reflect at least a majority of these. To reduce unsafe acts by employees, implement the following strategies: 1. Provide Comprehensive Training: • Safety Training: Conduct regular, detailed training sessions on safety procedures, proper equipment use, and emergency protocols. • Refresher Courses: Offer periodic refresher courses to keep safety knowledge up-to-date. 2. Foster a Safety Culture: • Leadership Commitment: Ensure that management visibly supports and prioritizes safety, setting an example for employees. • Encourage Reporting: Create a non-punitive environment where employees feel comfortable reporting unsafe conditions or behaviors. 3. Implement Clear Safety Procedures: • Develop Policies: Establish and communicate clear safety policies and procedures. • Standard Operating Procedures: Document and standardize safety practices for various tasks and operations. 4. Conduct Regular Inspections and Audits: • Safety Audits: Perform regular safety audits to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with safety standards. • Workplace Inspections: Conduct frequent inspections of equipment and work areas to address safety issues promptly. 5. Involve Employees in Safety Programs: • Safety Committees: Form safety committees involving employees to review and improve safety practices. • Feedback Mechanisms: Solicit employee feedback on safety measures and involve them in developing solutions. 6. Use Positive Reinforcement: • Recognition Programs: Implement programs to recognize and reward employees who consistently follow safety procedures. • Incentives: Offer incentives for achieving safety milestones or maintaining a record of safe behavior. By focusing on training, culture, procedures, inspections, involvement, and positive reinforcement, you can significantly reduce unsafe acts and create a safer work environment. 2. Discuss the basic facts about OSHA – its purpose, standards, inspection, and rights and responsibilities. Answer: The purpose of OSHA is "to assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources." The basic purpose of OSHA is to set safety and health standards and to ensure compliance through inspections and reporting. The standards are contained in five volumes covering general industry standards, maritime standards, construction standards, other regulations and procedures, and a field operations manual. The standards are very complete and seem to cover just about any hazard one could think of. Standards are enforced through a series of inspections and, if necessary, citations. OSHA may not conduct warrantless inspections without an employer's consent. It may inspect after acquiring a search warrant. An authorized employee representative must be given the opportunity to accompany the officer during the inspection. Employees are protected under the act from discrimination for exercising their disclosure rights. Employers are responsible for being familiar with OSHA standards and for bringing conditions into compliance. 3. Explain the supervisor's role in safety. Answer: Beyond trying to make the workplace safe, the basic aim of the supervisor is to instill in workers the desire to work safely. Then, when needed, enforce safety rules. Supervisors play a critical role in safety by: 1. Enforcing Safety Policies: Ensuring adherence to safety procedures and protocols. 2. Providing Training: Delivering or facilitating safety training for employees. 3. Monitoring Compliance: Observing work practices and identifying unsafe behaviors. 4. Addressing Hazards: Reporting and mitigating potential safety hazards promptly. 5. Promoting Safety Culture: Encouraging a proactive attitude towards safety and leading by example. 4. Explain what causes unsafe acts. Answer: People are the main cause of unsafe acts. Some researchers say that certain personal characteristics are the basis for behavioral tendencies that result in unsafe acts. There are several human traits that contribute to accident proneness, and they are listed in the chapter. There is also a list of some examples of unsafe acts. 5. Describe at least five techniques for reducing accidents. Answer: The text lists 10 techniques: 1) selection and placement; 2) posters and other propaganda; 3) training; 4) incentive programs and positive reinforcement; 5) top-management commitment; 6) emphasizing safety; 7) establishing a safety policy; 8) setting specific loss control goals; 9) conducting safety and health inspections; 10) monitoring work overload and stress. These are detailed in the chapter. 6. Explain how you would reduce stress at work. Answer: Both environmental and personal factors can lead to job stress. If individuals are feeling dysfunctional levels of stress, the work schedule, pace of work, job security, and number or nature of clients, modifications in these factors should be made. Because personal factors influence stress, health and exercise programs can be promoted. Sometimes counseling should be offered, especially through an EAP, or a job more suitable to the individual should be found. Supervisors should monitor performance to identify symptoms of stress, and inform the employee of organizational remedies that may be available, such as job transfers or counseling. 7. Describe the steps employers can take to reduce workplace violence. Answer: Some of the steps employers can take to reduce workplace violence include heightening security measures, improving employee screening, providing training on workplace violence, enhancing attention given to employee retention and dismissal of violent employees, instituting proactive measures for dealing with angry employees, and being aware of the legal constraints associated with workplace violence. INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ACTIVITIES 1. Working individually or in groups, answer the question, "Is there such a thing as an accident-prone person?" Develop your answer using examples of actual people you know who seemed to be accident-prone on some endeavor. Answer: Yes and No. While most psychologists agree that accident proneness is not universal, most do agree that accident proneness is situational. For example, personality traits may distinguish accident-prone workers on jobs involving risk, and lack of motor skills may distinguish accident-prone workers on jobs involving coordination. Many human traits have been found to be related to accident repetition in specific situations. 2. Working individually or in groups, compile a list of the factors at work or in school that create dysfunctional stress for you. What methods do you use for dealing with the stress? Answer: The students should refer to the section of the chapter on reducing job stress to compile their lists of stress factors and methods for dealing with the stress, and to also find out more about some specific types of jobs in which they may have an interest. Factors Creating Dysfunctional Stress: 1. Heavy Workload: Overwhelming assignments or projects with tight deadlines. 2. Lack of Control: Feeling powerless in decision-making processes or workload management. 3. Poor Time Management: Difficulty balancing multiple responsibilities effectively. 4. Conflicting Demands: Competing priorities or expectations from different sources. 5. Unclear Expectations: Ambiguity regarding job or academic expectations and goals. Methods for Dealing with Stress: 1. Prioritization: Organizing tasks by importance and deadline to manage workload efficiently. 2. Time Management: Creating a structured schedule and using tools like calendars and to-do lists. 3. Seeking Support: Discussing stressors with mentors, supervisors, or peers for guidance and assistance. 4. Relaxation Techniques: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises to reduce stress. 5. Regular Exercise: Engaging in physical activity to improve overall well-being and manage stress. 3. The HRCI “Test Specifications” appendix at the end of this book lists the knowledge someone studying for the HRCI certification exam needs to have in each area of human resource management (such as in Strategic Management, Workforce Planning, and Human Resource Development). In groups of four to five students, do four things: (1) review that appendix now; (2) identify the material in this chapter that relates to the required knowledge the appendix lists; (3) write four multiple-choice exam questions on this material that you believe would be suitable for inclusion in the HRCI exam; and (4) if time permits, have someone from your team post your team’s questions in front of the class, so the students in other teams can take each others’ exam questions. Answer: The sections of material that relate to the HRCI test would include: Occupational Safety Law, Management Commitment and Safety, What Causes Accidents, How to Prevent Accidents, Workplace Health Hazards: Problems and Remedies, and Occupational Security, Safety, and Health in a Post 9/11 World. In short, virtually the entire chapter is applicable to the test. 4. A safety journal presented some information about what happens when OSHA refers criminal complaints about willful violations of OSHA standards to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). In one 20 year period, OSHA referred 119 fatal cases allegedly involving willful violations of OSHA to DOJ for criminal prosecution. The DOJ declined to pursue 57% of them, and some were dropped for other reasons. Of the remaining 51 cases, the DOJ settled 63% with pretrial settlements involving no prison time. So, counting acquittals, of the 119 cases OSHA referred to the DOJ, only nine resulted in prison time for at least one of the defendants. “The Department of Justice is a disgrace,” charged the founder of an organization for family members of workers killed on the job. One possible explanation for this low conviction rate is that the crime in cases like these is generally a misdemeanor, not a felony, and the DOJ generally tries to focus its attention on felony cases. Given this information, what implications do you think this has for how employers and their managers should manage their safety programs, and why do you take that position? Answer: Hopefully students will understand that it really should not have any implication as to how they should manage their safety programs. Just as was discussed in Chapter 14 on Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment, the legal implications should be the least of the motivations for doing what is right. Just because the penalties may not be severe is not a reason to allow unsafe conditions to exist. Given the low conviction rate for criminal safety violations, employers and managers should: 1. Prioritize Safety Compliance: Ensure rigorous adherence to OSHA standards to avoid violations, regardless of enforcement outcomes. 2. Implement Robust Safety Programs: Develop comprehensive safety programs with regular training and proactive hazard management to minimize risks. 3. Document Safety Measures: Maintain thorough records of safety procedures and compliance efforts to demonstrate commitment and protect against potential liabilities. 4. Promote a Safety Culture: Foster a workplace culture that emphasizes the importance of safety and encourages employees to report hazards and unsafe practices. These steps help minimize the likelihood of violations and protect employees, enhancing overall workplace safety and reducing potential legal and financial risks. 5. A 315-foot-tall, 2-million-pound erection crane collapsed on a construction site in East Toledo, Ohio, killing four ironworkers. Do you think catastrophic failures like this are avoidable? If so, what steps would you suggest the general contractor take to avoid a disaster like this? Answer: Without knowing the specifics, the likelihood is that the failure was avoidable. Most such failures are the result of someone working outside of known safety parameters, or not following (or having established) safety procedures that assure that things are done correctly Yes, catastrophic failures like crane collapses are generally avoidable. To prevent such disasters, the general contractor should: 1. Conduct Thorough Inspections: Regularly inspect cranes and equipment for maintenance needs, structural integrity, and compliance with safety standards. 2. Ensure Proper Training: Provide comprehensive training for operators and maintenance personnel on safe crane operation and emergency procedures. 3. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Adhere to the manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines for crane use, load limits, and maintenance. 4. Implement Safety Protocols: Establish and enforce strict safety protocols, including load testing, weather conditions assessments, and emergency response plans. 5. Monitor Worksite Conditions: Regularly assess the construction site for potential hazards, including ground stability and load-bearing capacity, to ensure a safe working environment. By taking these proactive measures, the likelihood of catastrophic failures can be significantly reduced. EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISES & CASES Experiential Exercise: How Safe is My University? This is a great opportunity for the students to actually use the information they have learned in the chapter to identify unsafe conditions. Application Case: The New Safety and Health Program 1. Based upon your knowledge of health and safety matters and your actual observations of operations that are similar to theirs, make a list of the potential hazardous conditions employees and others face at What should they do to reduce the potential severity of the top five hazards? Answer: Tripping, ergonomic, and electrical hazards top the list (with several specific items in each). There are many techniques and products available to help reduce all these hazards. Safety procedures are also needed (not working on any electrical item such as computers while they are plugged in). 2. Would it be advisable for them to set up a procedure for screening out stress-prone or accident-prone individuals? Why or why not? If so, how should they screen them? Answer: There are a number of issues here. One likely question from students is whether accident-prone behavior can change with training or incentives. In most cases, training and incentives can resolve the problem. Some students may argue that screening out employees who are accident-prone raises ethical issues. 3. Write a short position paper on the subject, “What should we do to get all our employees to behave more safely at work?” Answer: The paper should include insights gained from this paper and/or work experiences they have. Look for reasonableness and the likelihood of adoption in real life. Position Paper: Enhancing Safe Behavior in the Workplace Introduction Ensuring a safe work environment is paramount for employee well-being and organizational success. Unsafe behavior can lead to accidents, injuries, and increased costs. To cultivate a culture of safety and encourage all employees to adopt safer work practices, we need a multi-faceted approach that integrates training, accountability, and engagement. 1. Comprehensive Safety Training Effective safety training is the foundation of a safe work environment. All employees should receive initial training on safety procedures relevant to their roles and periodic refresher courses. Training should cover: • Risk Identification: Understanding potential hazards in the workplace. • Safe Practices: Implementing safety measures and using protective equipment correctly. • Emergency Procedures: Knowing how to respond to emergencies and accidents. 2. Establish Clear Safety Policies Clear, well-communicated safety policies are essential. Policies should outline: • Expectations: Detailed descriptions of safe and unsafe behaviors. • Procedures: Steps for reporting hazards and unsafe conditions. • Consequences: Disciplinary actions for non-compliance with safety protocols. 3. Foster a Safety Culture Building a strong safety culture involves: • Leadership Commitment: Managers and supervisors should model safe behavior and demonstrate a commitment to safety. • Employee Involvement: Engage employees in safety programs and encourage them to take ownership of their safety and that of their colleagues. • Recognition Programs: Implement programs to reward employees who consistently follow safety protocols and contribute to a safer work environment. 4. Regular Safety Audits and Inspections Conducting regular safety audits and inspections helps identify and address potential hazards before they lead to incidents. This process includes: • Routine Checks: Regular inspections of equipment, facilities, and work practices. • Feedback Mechanisms: Providing a system for employees to report safety concerns anonymously if needed. 5. Continuous Improvement Safety is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement. Organizations should: • Review and Revise: Regularly update safety policies and procedures based on feedback, incidents, and industry best practices. • Invest in Technology: Utilize new safety technologies and tools to enhance safety measures. Conclusion Getting all employees to behave more safely at work requires a concerted effort to integrate training, clear policies, cultural commitment, and continuous improvement. By fostering a proactive safety culture and ensuring that safety is a shared responsibility, organizations can significantly reduce workplace accidents and create a safer, more productive environment for everyone. 4. Based on what you know and on what other dot-coms are doing, write a short position paper on the subject, “What can we do to reduce the potential problems of stress and burnout in our company?” Answer: The long hours and high pressure need to be reduced, or at least offset in some ways. Look for creative ways to accomplish this. Position Paper: Reducing Stress and Burnout in the Workplace Introduction Stress and burnout are significant challenges in today’s fast-paced work environments, particularly in dot-com companies where high demands and rapid change are common. Addressing these issues proactively is crucial for maintaining employee well-being and organizational productivity. Here are key strategies to mitigate stress and burnout in our company. 1. Promote Work-Life Balance Encouraging a healthy work-life balance helps employees manage stress and avoid burnout. Strategies include: • Flexible Work Hours: Allow employees to adjust their work schedules to accommodate personal responsibilities and reduce stress. • Remote Work Options: Offer telecommuting opportunities to help employees balance work with home life. • Encourage Time Off: Promote the use of vacation days and ensure employees take breaks to recharge. 2. Implement Supportive Work Environment Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment can alleviate stress. This involves: • Mental Health Resources: Provide access to counseling services and mental health resources. • Supportive Leadership: Train managers to recognize signs of stress and burnout, and to provide support and resources. • Healthy Workplace Culture: Foster an environment where open communication is encouraged, and employees feel valued and heard. 3. Manage Workload and Expectations Overwhelming workloads and unrealistic expectations can lead to burnout. To address this: • Set Realistic Goals: Ensure that project deadlines and goals are achievable and consider employee feedback on workload. • Regular Check-Ins: Conduct regular one-on-one meetings to discuss workload and address any concerns. • Delegate Effectively: Distribute tasks fairly and provide the necessary resources and support for completion. 4. Encourage Professional Development Investing in employees' growth can enhance job satisfaction and reduce burnout. This includes: • Training and Development: Offer opportunities for skill development and career advancement. • Career Pathing: Work with employees to develop clear career paths and set achievable goals. 5. Promote Health and Well-being Supporting overall health and well-being helps mitigate stress. Implement: • Wellness Programs: Offer wellness programs that include fitness classes, stress management workshops, and healthy eating options. • Healthy Workspaces: Create ergonomic workspaces and provide amenities that contribute to physical comfort and health. 6. Foster Team Collaboration and Support Strong team dynamics can help reduce stress. Encourage: • Team Building Activities: Organize activities that build team cohesion and provide a break from routine work. • Peer Support Networks: Develop peer support systems where employees can share experiences and strategies for managing stress. Conclusion Reducing stress and burnout requires a comprehensive approach that addresses work-life balance, supportive environments, workload management, professional development, health promotion, and team dynamics. By implementing these strategies, our company can foster a healthier, more productive workplace where employees feel supported and valued. Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Company – The New Safety Program 1. How should the firm go about identifying hazardous conditions that should be rectified? Use checklists such as Figures 16-5 and 16-8 to list at least 10 possible dry-cleaning store hazardous conditions. Answer: Using the information provide in the case, Internet research, and their personal knowledge, the students should be able to list at least ten potential hazards in a dry-cleaning store, if not more. This hazard should not be limited to chemical, but should include physical, mechanical, and electrical hazards as well To identify hazardous conditions in a dry-cleaning store, the firm should conduct thorough inspections using checklists that highlight common safety concerns. Here are ten possible hazardous conditions specific to a dry-cleaning store: 1. Chemical Storage: Inadequate storage of hazardous chemicals (e.g., solvents) that could lead to spills or exposure. 2. Ventilation: Poor ventilation in areas where chemicals are used or stored, increasing the risk of inhalation of fumes. 3. Spill Containment: Lack of proper spill containment measures for chemical spills, leading to potential contamination and slipping hazards. 4. Fire Safety: Absence of or malfunctioning fire extinguishers, alarms, or sprinkler systems in areas where flammable materials are present. 5. Equipment Maintenance: Inadequate maintenance of machinery (e.g., dry-cleaning machines, pressing equipment) leading to potential mechanical failures or safety hazards. 6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Lack of PPE (e.g., gloves, goggles) for employees handling hazardous materials or operating machinery. 7. Floor Conditions: Slippery or uneven floors, especially in areas where spills might occur, creating slipping hazards. 8. Electrical Safety: Exposed or faulty electrical wiring and outlets near water or chemical storage areas, posing electrocution risks. 9. Waste Disposal: Improper disposal of hazardous waste, including chemicals and contaminated materials, which can lead to environmental contamination. 10. Emergency Procedures: Inadequate or unclear emergency procedures and exit routes, which could hinder evacuation in case of an incident. By regularly using checklists and conducting safety audits, the firm can identify and rectify these hazardous conditions to ensure a safer work environment. 2. Would it be advisable for the firm to set up a procedure for screening out accident-prone individuals? How should they do so? Answer: There are a number of issues here. One likely question from students is whether accident-prone behavior can change with training or incentives. In most cases, training and incentives can resolve the problem. Some students may argue that screening out employees who are accident-prone raises ethical issues. Setting up a procedure for screening out accident-prone individuals can be a controversial and challenging approach. It’s important to carefully consider both the ethical implications and the effectiveness of such a procedure. Here’s an overview of whether it’s advisable and how it might be done: Advisability Pros: • Reduced Incidents: Identifying individuals who have a higher propensity for accidents could potentially reduce workplace accidents and improve overall safety. • Targeted Training: Helps in providing additional training and support to individuals who may need it. Cons: • Ethical Concerns: Screening out individuals based on perceived risk may lead to discrimination and bias. It could also potentially violate employment laws and fairness principles. • Effectiveness: Accidents can be influenced by various factors beyond individual behavior, such as equipment condition, safety protocols, and work environment. How to Implement If the firm decides to implement such a procedure, it should be done with caution and fairness: 1. Develop Clear Criteria: • Establish objective criteria for assessing risk, such as performance metrics, safety training completion, and accident history. • Ensure that these criteria are directly related to safety performance and are not discriminatory. 2. Use Safety Records and Performance Data: • Analyze historical data to identify patterns or trends associated with accidents. • Consider using incident reports and safety audits to assess individual performance. 3. Implement Comprehensive Training: • Offer additional training and support for individuals identified as having higher accident risks. • Focus on enhancing skills, knowledge, and safety awareness rather than punitive measures. 4. Monitor and Review: • Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the screening procedure and make adjustments as needed. • Regularly review safety performance data and gather feedback from employees. 5. Promote a Safety Culture: • Encourage a culture of safety that involves all employees in identifying hazards and promoting safe practices. • Provide resources and support for all employees to improve safety, rather than focusing solely on screening out individuals. Conclusion Screening out accident-prone individuals should be approached with caution due to ethical concerns and potential legal implications. Instead, focus on improving overall safety practices, offering comprehensive training, and fostering a safety-oriented culture. This approach not only helps address safety issues but also supports all employees in achieving better safety performance. 3. How would you suggest the Carters get all employees to behave more safely at work? Also how would you advise them to get those who should be wearing goggles to do so? Answer: The student should suggest that Carter’s management contact OSHA for assistance in developing safety policies and procedures on the job, along with including suggestions discussed in the chapter. They should also make it clear that those who violate the policies will be disciplined, and then follow up by doing it. If employees see that management is serious about it and that they will be disciplined, or even lose their jobs, they will begin to use them. To encourage all employees at Carter Cleaning Centers to behave more safely at work and ensure compliance with safety equipment usage, such as wearing goggles, consider the following strategies: Improving Overall Safety Behavior 1. Implement Comprehensive Safety Training: • Provide regular and engaging safety training sessions that cover the importance of safe work practices and the consequences of not following them. • Use interactive methods, such as simulations or role-playing, to make the training more effective. 2. Develop Clear Safety Policies: • Establish and communicate clear safety policies and procedures. Ensure all employees understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a safe work environment. • Post safety guidelines in visible areas to reinforce their importance. 3. Foster a Safety Culture: • Encourage a safety-conscious culture where employees feel responsible for their own safety and that of their colleagues. Recognize and reward safe behavior to motivate others. • Involve employees in safety meetings and discussions to give them a sense of ownership and accountability. 4. Conduct Regular Safety Audits: • Perform routine safety inspections to identify and address potential hazards. Involve employees in the audit process to increase their awareness and engagement. • Follow up on audit findings with corrective actions and feedback to prevent future issues. 5. Provide Adequate Safety Equipment: • Ensure that all necessary safety equipment is readily available and in good condition. Regularly inspect and maintain equipment to ensure its effectiveness. Ensuring Compliance with Goggles Use 1. Make Goggles Accessible and Comfortable: • Provide high-quality goggles that are comfortable and fit well. Ensure they are easily accessible at workstations to encourage consistent use. • Offer various sizes or styles to accommodate different preferences and needs. 2. Incorporate Goggles Use into Job Descriptions and Safety Protocols: • Clearly include the requirement to wear goggles in job descriptions and safety protocols. Emphasize the importance of compliance during safety training and orientation. 3. Enforce a Clear Policy: • Establish and enforce a strict policy regarding the use of safety goggles. Implement a disciplinary procedure for non-compliance to underscore the seriousness of the requirement. • Communicate the policy clearly and consistently to all employees. 4. Monitor and Provide Feedback: • Regularly monitor employees to ensure they are wearing goggles as required. Provide immediate feedback and reminders if they are not. • Use safety performance data to identify areas where compliance may be lacking and address them promptly. 5. Lead by Example: • Ensure that supervisors and managers consistently wear goggles and adhere to safety protocols. Their behavior sets a standard for all employees to follow. By implementing these strategies, Carter Cleaning Centers can create a safer work environment and increase compliance with safety equipment usage, ultimately improving overall safety and reducing the risk of accidents. Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case: The Hotel Paris The New Safety and Health Program – In this case, Lisa Cruz, the HR manager, finds that the hotel’s safety record compares unfavorably with the industry statistics. She is intent on developing a safety program. 1. Based on what you read in this chapter, what’s the first step the Hotel Paris should take as part of its new safety and health program, and why? Answer: According to the text, reducing unsafe conditions is always an employer’s first line of defense. Lisa should work on designing jobs to remove hazards and supervisors, and managers should help identify and remove potential hazards immediately. They can then focus on other aspects of safety awareness and training. 2. List ten specific high-risk areas in a typical hotel you believe Lisa and her team should look at first, including examples of the safety or health hazards they should look for there. Answer: Answers will vary. The case notes several areas, including the pool, the valet parking area, and chemical storage areas. Additionally, guest areas like bathtubs will be of concern. Here are ten high-risk areas in a typical hotel, along with examples of safety or health hazards that Lisa and her team should focus on: 1. Kitchen and Food Preparation Areas: • Hazards: Slip and fall risks due to wet floors, burns from hot surfaces or liquids, cuts from sharp knives. • Safety Measures: Proper floor matting, accessible fire extinguishers, regular training on safe handling of kitchen equipment. 2. Guest Room Cleaning: • Hazards: Exposure to cleaning chemicals, slip and fall risks from wet floors, ergonomic issues from repetitive motions. • Safety Measures: Use of safety gloves and goggles, clearly marked wet floor signs, proper lifting techniques training. 3. Laundry Rooms: • Hazards: Burns from hot laundry equipment, injuries from moving heavy loads, exposure to chemical detergents. • Safety Measures: Regular maintenance of equipment, proper ventilation, and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). 4. Elevators and Staircases: • Hazards: Slip and fall risks, malfunctioning elevators, inadequate handrails. • Safety Measures: Regular inspection and maintenance of elevators, slip-resistant stair treads, and secure handrails. 5. Swimming Pools and Spas: • Hazards: Drowning risks, slip and fall hazards around the pool area, exposure to pool chemicals. • Safety Measures: Lifeguards or trained staff, non-slip pool deck surfaces, proper storage and handling of chemicals. 6. Maintenance and Utility Rooms: • Hazards: Exposure to hazardous materials (e.g., asbestos, cleaning agents), slip and fall risks, injuries from tools. • Safety Measures: Proper labeling and storage of hazardous materials, secure storage of tools, regular safety inspections. 7. Front Desk and Lobby Areas: • Hazards: Slip and fall risks from spilled beverages or wet floors, security risks, ergonomic issues from desk work. • Safety Measures: Regular cleaning and maintenance, security training for staff, ergonomic workstation adjustments. 8. Parking Lots and Garages: • Hazards: Slip and fall risks, vehicle-related accidents, poor lighting. • Safety Measures: Regular upkeep of parking surfaces, adequate lighting, and clear signage. 9. Event and Conference Rooms: • Hazards: Trip hazards from cables or furniture, overcrowding, inadequate emergency exits. • Safety Measures: Clear arrangement of furniture, emergency evacuation plans, and regular safety drills. 10. Staff Break Rooms: • Hazards: Burns from hot appliances, slip and fall risks from spills, potential for violence or altercations. • Safety Measures: Proper use and maintenance of appliances, clean-up protocols, and conflict resolution training. By addressing these high-risk areas and implementing effective safety measures, Lisa and her team can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and improve overall safety in the hotel. 3. Give three specific examples of how Hotel Paris can measure the results of its safety efforts. Answer: Workers’ compensation costs have been high, so Lisa can measure a reduction in the number of claims, or in total claim costs, lost time injuries, etc. The hotel can also measure the number and severity of violations that are found on internal safety inspections. 4. Write a one-page summary addressing the topic, "How improving safety and health at the Hotel Paris will contribute to us achieving our strategic goals.” Answer: This summary should include reduced costs, employee satisfaction and safety, guest safety and health, and increased revenues. How Improving Safety and Health at the Hotel Paris Will Contribute to Achieving Our Strategic Goals Improving safety and health at Hotel Paris is crucial to achieving our strategic goals, which include enhancing guest satisfaction, increasing operational efficiency, and maintaining a positive workplace culture. Prioritizing safety and health aligns with these objectives in several key ways. 1. Enhancing Guest Satisfaction: A safe and healthy environment directly impacts guest experiences. By reducing accidents and maintaining high hygiene standards, we ensure that guests have a comfortable and worry-free stay. This leads to positive reviews, repeat business, and a strong reputation in the hospitality industry. For instance, minimizing slip and fall accidents and ensuring cleanliness in all areas will enhance the overall guest experience and drive customer loyalty. 2. Increasing Operational Efficiency: Addressing safety and health issues helps streamline operations by reducing the frequency of workplace accidents and related disruptions. Fewer accidents mean less downtime, lower medical and compensation costs, and fewer legal issues. Implementing proactive safety measures, such as regular inspections and staff training, minimizes interruptions and keeps operations running smoothly, thereby improving overall productivity and profitability. 3. Maintaining a Positive Workplace Culture: A commitment to safety and health fosters a positive work environment, which is essential for employee morale and retention. When employees feel safe and valued, they are more engaged and motivated. This leads to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and a more cohesive team. Regular safety training and clear communication about health policies also contribute to a culture of trust and respect, making Hotel Paris an attractive employer. 4. Compliance and Risk Management: Adhering to safety and health regulations is not only a legal requirement but also a proactive approach to risk management. Ensuring compliance with OSHA standards and other regulatory requirements mitigates the risk of legal penalties and enhances the hotel's credibility. This proactive stance also demonstrates a commitment to ethical practices and corporate responsibility, which can positively influence stakeholders and investors. 5. Competitive Advantage: In a competitive hospitality market, differentiating our hotel through superior safety and health standards can be a significant advantage. By showcasing our commitment to a safe and healthy environment, we attract discerning guests who prioritize their well-being and that of their families. This competitive edge can help us stand out in the market and attract a loyal customer base. In summary, improving safety and health at Hotel Paris is integral to achieving our strategic goals. It enhances guest satisfaction, increases operational efficiency, maintains a positive workplace culture, ensures regulatory compliance, and provides a competitive advantage. By investing in safety and health initiatives, we set a foundation for sustainable success and growth. Solution Manual for Human Resource Management Gary Dessler 9780132668217, 9780134235455, 9780135172780

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