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Chapter 13 System Implementation 1) After maintenance, the implementation phase of the systems development life cycle is the most expensive and time-consuming phase of the entire life cycle. Answer: True 2) Documentation is one of the six major activities associated with systems implementation. Answer: True 3) Test planning is often done during systems design. Answer: False 4) The development of a new version of the software and new versions of all design documents are the major deliverables associated with the coding, testing, and installation stage. Answer: False 5) The systems administration plan answers such questions as when and where the new system will be installed, what people and resources are required, which data will be converted and cleansed, and how long the installation process will take. Answer: False 6) Information systems personnel and end users are the two audiences for the final systems documentation. Answer: True 7) System and user documentation, a user training plan, user training modules, and a user support plan are deliverables for documenting the system, training, and supporting users. Answer: True 8) A master test plan is developed during design. Answer: False 9) Testing managers are responsible for developing test plans, establishing testing standards, integrating testing and development activities in the life cycle, and ensuring that test plans are completed. Answer: True 10) During an inspection test, exactly what the code does is investigated. Answer: False 11) The purpose of a walkthrough is to detect and correct errors. Answer: False 12) Walkthroughs are a very effective method for identifying errors in code. Answer: True 13) Desk checking is a testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer. Answer: True 14) Unit testing does not require automated code execution. Answer: False 15) A systems analyst or programmer typically does syntax checking. Answer: False 16) System testing is the process of bringing together all of the modules that a program comprises for testing purposes. Answer: False 17) Integration testing brings together all of the programs that a system comprises for testing purposes. Answer: False 18) Unit testing is a technique used in testing modules, especially where modules are written and tested in a top-down fashion, where a few lines of code are used to substitute for subordinate modules. Answer: False 19) System testing is intended to demonstrate whether a system meets its requirements. Answer: False 20) The focus of integration testing is on the interrelationships among modules. Answer: True 21) A test case is a specific scenario of transactions, queries, or navigation paths that represent a typical, critical, or abnormal use of the system. Answer: True 22) The people who create the test cases should be the same people who have coded and will test the system. Answer: False 23) A symbolic debugger allows a program to be run online, allowing the programmer to observe how different areas of data are affected as the instructions are executed. Answer: True 24) Software testing tools can compare the results of one test run with those from prior test cases to identify errors or to highlight the results of new features. Answer: True 25) During alpha testing users test a completed information system using simulated data. Answer: True 26) Automated testing can improve the quality of software testing and reduce the time for software testing by allowing unattended, or repeated, script playing to simulate high-volume or stress situations. Answer: True 27) During beta testing, users test a completed information system using real data in the real user environment. Answer: True 28) During recovery testing, the analysts try to break the system. Answer: False 29) During stress testing, the analysts try to determine how the system performs on the range of possible environments on which it may be used. Answer: False 30) The purpose of system testing is to determine whether the software, documentation, technical support, and training activities work as intended. Answer: False 31) Installation is the organizational process of changing over from the current information system to a new one. Answer: True 32) The coexistence of the old and new systems is characteristic of the parallel installation approach. Answer: True 33) The key advantage of a direct installation is that it limits potential damage and potential cost by limiting the effects to a single site. Answer: False 34) A positive aspect of the direct installation approach is that there is a high interest in making installation a success. Answer: True 35) A positive aspect of the phased installation approach is that learning can occur and problems can be fixed by concentrating on one site. Answer: False 36) A positive aspect of the phased installation approach is that it limits potential harm and costs from system error or failure to certain business activities or functions. Answer: True 37) Installation is an organizational change process. Answer: True 38) According to Bell and Evans, the resource requirement specification is finalized during systems development phase. Answer: False 39) According to Bell and Evans, the release description is finalized during the detailed design and implementation stage of the systems development generic life cycle phase. Answer: False 40) System documentation is the detailed information about a system's design specifications, its internal workings, and its functionality. Answer: True 41) Internal documentation is system documentation that includes the outcome of structured diagramming techniques such as data flow and entity-relationship diagrams. Answer: False 42) A system administrator's guide is an example of external system documentation. Answer: False 43) A release description is an example of user documentation. Answer: True 44) The purpose of a user's guide is to provide information on how users can use computer systems to perform specific tasks. Answer: True 45) An acceptance sign-off allows users to test for proper system installation and then signify their acceptance of the new system with their signatures. Answer: True 46) Many organizations tend to underinvest in computing skills training. Answer: True 47) The extent to which a system is used and the user's satisfaction with the system are two ways to determine if implementation has been successful. Answer: True 48) User demographics, performance, and satisfaction are factors that influence the extent to which a system is used. Answer: True 49) After maintenance, which of the following is the most expensive and most time consuming phase of the entire life cycle? A) implementation B) physical design C) logical design D) analysis. Answer: A 50) Which of the following affect the implementation process? A) the work habits of an organization's members B) the personal goals of an organization's members C) the beliefs of an organization's members D) all of the above Answer: D 51) The purpose of coding, testing, and installation is to: A) transform the logical specifications of the system into technology specific details from which all programming and system construction can be done B) convert the physical system specifications into working and reliable software and hardware, document the work that has been done, and provide help for current and future users and caretakers of the system C) systematically repair and improve the information system D) study and propose alternative replacement systems Answer: B 52) Who is responsible for ensuring that coding, testing, and installation are properly planned and executed? A) programmers B) management C) systems analysts D) end-users Answer: C 53) The process whereby the physical design specifications created by the analysis team is turned into working computer code is referred to as: A) coding B) testing C) implementation D) analysis Answer: A 54) Which of the following statements is true regarding testing? A) The coding process should be completed, and then the testing process can begin. B) Once coding has begun, the testing process can begin and proceed in parallel. C) The testing process is performed first, then the coding process begins. D) None of the above. Answer: B 55) The process in which the current system is replaced by the new system best describes: A) the systems development life cycle B) installation C) physical design D) set-up Answer: B 56) The deliverables for coding, testing, and installation are: A) the creation of a document that will consolidate the information that must be considered when implementing a physically distributed systems design B) structured descriptions and diagrams that outline the logic contained within each DFD process C) the code, program documentation, test scenarios and test data, results of program and system testing, user guides, user training plan, and an installation and conversion plan D) a system service request, a statement of work, and a baseline project plan Answer: C 57) A strategy for training users so they can quickly learn the new system is a(n): A) training plan B) installation plan C) user guide D) training curriculum Answer: A 58) Training on the use of the system begins during the early stages of the: A) analysis phase B) logical design phase C) implementation phase D) project initiation and planning phase Answer: C 59) This plan lays out a strategy for moving from the old system to the new, from the beginning to end of the process: A) baseline project plan B) installation plan C) training plan D) testing plan Answer: B 60) A master test plan is developed during: A) implementation B) analysis C) logical design D) physical design Answer: B 61) Which of the following are testing managers responsible for? A) developing testing plans B) integrating testing and development activities in the life cycle C) establishing testing standards D) all of the above Answer: D 62) The type of testing that does not execute the code is called: A) static testing B) dynamic testing C) referential testing D) manual testing Answer: A 63) The results of running the code are not an issue for this particular type of test: A) static testing B) dynamic testing C) referential testing D) none of the above Answer: A 64) The type of testing that involves the execution of code is called: A) code testing B) static testing C) dynamic testing D) execution testing Answer: C 65) A testing technique in which participants examine program code for predictable language-specific errors defines: A) walkthrough B) inspections C) desk checking D) syntax checking Answer: B 66) The type of testing responsible for determining what the code does is: A) walkthrough B) inspection C) system testing D) syntax checking Answer: A 67) A testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer is referred to as: A) inspection B) system testing C) desk checking D) syntax checking Answer: C 68) Testing each module alone in an attempt to discover any errors that may exist in the module's code is referred to as: A) unit testing B) system testing C) stub testing D) singular testing Answer: A 69) The process of bringing together all of the modules that comprise a program for testing purposes is referred to as: A) unity testing B) integration testing C) system testing D) implementation Answer: B 70) The bringing together of all the programs that comprise a system for testing describes: A) unity testing B) integration testing C) system testing D) implementation Answer: C 71) A technique used in testing modules, especially where modules are written and tested in a top-down fashion, where a few lines of code are used to substitute for subordinate modules describes: A) module testing B) unit testing C) top-down testing D) stub testing Answer: D 72) The purpose of acceptance testing is to: A) determine if new requirements must be added to the newly completed system B) determine if the system meets user requirements C) determine if the system meets its objectives D) none of the above Answer: B 73) The most complete acceptance testing will include: A) alpha testing B) beta testing C) a system audit D) all of the above Answer: D 74) The process whereby actual users test a completed information system, the end result of which is the users' acceptance of it, best describes: A) acceptance testing B) alpha testing C) beta testing D) system testing Answer: A 75) User testing of a completed information system using simulated data refers to: A) acceptance testing B) alpha testing C) beta testing D) system testing Answer: B 76) User testing of a completed information system using real data in the real user environment refers to: A) acceptance testing B) alpha testing C) beta testing D) system testing Answer: C 77) Which of the following are designed during alpha testing and try to break the system? A) stress tests B) performance tests C) recovery tests D) security tests Answer: A 78) The organizational process of changing over from the current information system to a new one best defines: A) reorganization B) physical design C) installation D) replacement Answer: C 79) Changing over from the old information system to a new one by turning off the old system as the new one is turned on best describes: A) phased installation B) single location installation C) parallel installation D) direct installation Answer: D 80) Running the old information system and the new one at the same time until management decides the old system can be turned off best describes: A) parallel installation B) single-location installation C) phased installation D) direct cutover installation Answer: A 81) During which of the following generic life-cycle phases would a user's guide be produced? A) requirements specification B) project control structuring C) system development D) system delivery Answer: D 82) During which of the following generic life-cycle phases would a management plan be produced? A) requirements specification B) project control structuring C) system development D) system delivery Answer: B 83) All of the following are types of user documentation except: A) release description B) reference guide C) acceptance sign-off D) management plan Answer: D 84) System documentation is intended primarily for: A) maintenance programmers B) end users C) systems analysts D) system operators Answer: A 85) Written or other visual information about an application system, how it works, and how to use it best defines: A) system documentation B) user documentation C) internal documentation D) external documentation Answer: B 86) System documentation that is part of the program source code or is generated at compile time best defines: A) program statements B) user documentation C) internal documentation D) external documentation Answer: C 87) System documentation that includes the outcome of structured diagramming techniques such as data flow and entity-relationship diagrams best defines: A) system documentation B) user documentation C) internal documentation D) external documentation Answer: D 88) Which of the following is an exhaustive list of the system's functions and commands, usually in alphabetical order? A) reference guide B) user's guide C) release description D) system administrator's guide Answer: A 89) This type of user documentation contains information about a new system release, including a list of complete documentation for the new release, features and enhancements, known problems and how they have been dealt with in the new release, and information about installation: A) reference guide B) user's manual C) release description D) system administrator's guide Answer: C 90) This type of user documentation is intended primarily for those who will install and administer a new system and contains information about the network on which the system will run, software interfaces for peripherals such as printers, troubleshooting, and setting up user accounts: A) external documentation B) user's manual C) system documentation D) system administrator's guide Answer: D 91) This type of user documentation allows users to test for proper system installation and then signify their acceptance of the new system with their signatures: A) acceptance sign-off B) user contract C) RFP D) system verification Answer: A 92) Most user documentation is now delivered: A) on-line, in hypertext format B) through paper manuals C) by calling technical support numbers D) through help desks Answer: A 93) Which of the following statements is true about intermittent users? A) Support mechanisms are a good way to provide training for intermittent users of a system. B) Intermittent users are not interested in, nor would they profit from, typical user training methods. C) Intermittent users must be provided "point of need support." D) All of the above. Answer: D 94) Potential topics that will determine if training will be useful include the following except for: A) system documentation B) general computer concepts C) information system concepts D) system management Answer: A 95) Potential topics that will determine if training will be useful include: A) use of the system B) general computer concepts C) information system concepts D) all of the above Answer: D 96) A component of a software package or application in which training and educational information is embedded best defines: A) resident expert B) computer-aided instruction C) electronic tutorial D) electronic performance support system Answer: D 97) ________ are a testing technique in which participants examine program code for predictable language-specific errors. Answer: Inspections 98) ________ is a testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer. Answer: Desk checking 99) ________ is a technique used in testing modules, especially where modules are written and tested in a top-down fashion, where a few lines of code are used to substitute for subordinate modules. Answer: Stub testing 100) In ________, each module is tested alone in an attempt to discover any errors in its code. Answer: unit testing 101) ________ is the process of bringing together all of the modules that a program comprises for testing purposes; the modules are typically integrated in a top-down, incremental fashion. Answer: Integration testing 102) ________ is the process of bringing together all of the programs that a system comprises for testing purposes; programs are typically integrated in a top-down, incremental fashion. Answer: System testing 103) ________ is the process whereby actual users test a completed information system, the end result of which is the user's acceptance of it. Answer: Acceptance testing 104) ________ refers to user testing of a completed information system using simulated data. Answer: Alpha testing 105) ________ refers to user testing of a completed information system using real data in the real user environment. Answer: Beta testing 106) ________ is the organizational process of changing over from the current information system to a new one. Answer: Installation 107) ________, ________, ________, and ________ are the four approaches to installation. Answer: Direct, parallel, single location, phased 108) ________ refers to changing over from the old information system to a new one by turning off the old system when the new one is turned on. Answer: Direct installation 109) ________ refers to running the old information system and the new one at the same time until management decides the old system can be turned off. Answer: Parallel installation 110) ________ refers to trying out a new information system at one site and using the experience to decide if and how the new system should be deployed throughout the organization. Answer: Single location installation 111) ________ refers to changing from the old information system to the new one incrementally, starting with one or a few functional components and then gradually extending the installation to cover the whole new system. Answer: Phased installation 112) ________ and user documentation are the two basic types of documentation. Answer: System documentation 113) ________ is the detailed information about a system's design specifications, its internal workings, and its functionality. Answer: System documentation 114) ________ is system documentation that is part of the program source code or is generated at compile time. Answer: Internal documentation 115) ________ is system documentation that includes the outcome of structured diagramming techniques such as data flow and entity-relationship diagrams. Answer: External documentation 116) ________ is written or other visual information about an application system, how it works, and how to use it. Answer: User documentation 117) ________ refers to providing ongoing educational and problem-solving assistance to information system users. Answer: Support 118) An ________ is a component of a software package or application in which training and educational information is embedded. Answer: electronic performance support system 119) A ________ is a single point of contact for all user inquiries and problems about a particular information system or for all users in a particular department. Answer: help desk 120) The basis for ________ is that individuals who work in an organization have their own self-interested goals. Answer: Political factors 121) Briefly identify the four types of installation. Answer: The four types of installation are: direct, parallel, single location, and phased. Changing over from the old information system to a new one by turning off the old system as the new one is turned on is called direct installation. Parallel installation involves running the old information system and the new one at the same time until management decides the old system can be turned off. Single location installation involves trying out a new information system at one site and using the experience to decide if and how the new system should be deployed throughout the organization. Changing over from the old information system to a new one incrementally, starting with one or a few functional components and then gradually extending the installation to cover the whole new system is commonly called phased installation. 122) Briefly identify and categorize the seven different types of tests as proposed by Mosley. Answer: Software application testing includes several different types of tests. As indicated in the text, Mosley (1993) classifies the techniques based on whether they use static or dynamic techniques, and whether the test is automated or manual. While static means the code being tested is not executed, dynamic does involve the execution of code. Automation indicates that the computer performs the testing; manual means that people perform the testing. Four distinct categories are identified: (1) static, manual, (2) static, automated, (3) dynamic, manual, and (4) dynamic, automated. The first category contains inspections; the second category contains syntax checking. The third category contains walkthroughs and desk checking; the fourth category contains unit test, integration test, and system test. 123) Define system documentation, user documentation, internal documentation, and external documentation. Answer: System documentation is detailed information about a system's design specifications, its internal workings, and its functionality. Internal documentation and external documentation are two types of system documentation. Internal documentation is system documentation that is part of the program source code or is generated at compile time. External documentation is system documentation that includes the outcome of such structured diagramming techniques as data flow and entity-relationship diagrams. User documentation refers to written or other visual information about an application system, how it works, and how to use it. 124) Identify several types of user documentation. Answer: The text identified several types of user documentation. These types include a reference guide, a user's guide, a release description, a systems administrator's guide, and an acceptance sign-off. A reference guide consists of an exhaustive list of the system's functions and commands and is usually in alphabetical order. This purpose of the user's guide is to provide information on how users can use computer systems to perform specific tasks. A release description provides information about a new system release, including a list of complete documentation for the new release, features and enhancements, known problems and how they have been dealt with in the new release, and information about installation. The systems administrator's guide is intended for individuals who will install and administer the system. It contains information about the network on which the system will run, software interfaces for peripherals, troubleshooting, and setting up user accounts. Users demonstrate their approval by recording their signatures on an acceptance sign-off. 125) Briefly identify the tasks associated with closing down the project. Answer: The first task encompasses many activities. These activities include team member evaluations, team member reassignments, and notifying affected parties of the project ending. The second task encompasses postproject reviews with both management and customers; its purpose is to critique the project, its methods, its deliverables, and its management. The third task involves closing out the customer contract. 126) What are the six factors, identified by Lucas, that influence the extent to which a system is used? Answer: Lucas identified user's personal stake, system characteristics, user demographics, organization support, performance, and satisfaction. 127) What is a help desk? What are the top two valued skills help desk personnel should have? Answer: A help desk is a single point-of-contact for all user inquiries and problems about a particular information system or for all users in a particular department. The top two valued skills are related to communication and customer service. 128) What is an electronic performance support system? What forms might this system take? Answer: An electronic performance support system is a component of a software package or application in which training and educational information is embedded. An EPSS can be implemented as a tutorial, expert system shell, or hypertext jumps to reference material. 129) What factors influence implementation success? Answer: While management support and user involvement impact the successful implementation of a new system, other factors play a part. Commitment to the project, commitment to change, the extent of project definition, user expectations, and political environment impact the implementation process. Additionally, Lucas identified six factors that influence the extent to which a system is used; these include user's personal stake, system characteristics, user demographics, organization support, performance, and satisfaction. 130) How can you support intermittent users of a system? Answer: Intermittent system users require "point-of-need support." Their needs can be addressed through the system interface and online help facilities. Test Bank for Modern Systems Analysis and Design Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey George, Joseph S. Valacich, Joe Valacich, Jeffrey Slater 9780132991308, 9780134204925, 9780135172759, 9780136088219

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