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Chapter 13 Physical Development In Adolescence 13.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1. One of the most recognized landmarks of adolescent development is _________, the process of physical maturation that leads to the capability to reproduce. A) menarche B) gonorrhea C) puberty D) androgen Answer: C) puberty 2. All of the following are secondary sex characteristics EXCEPT A) body growth. B) appearance of body hair. C) changes in the voice. D) production of sperm and eggs. Answer: D) production of sperm and eggs. 3. The ____________ include the testicles and ovaries, that is, organs that are needed for reproduction. A) primary sex characteristics B) secondary sex characteristics C) tertiary sex characteristics D) all of the above Answer: A) primary sex characteristics 4. Which of the following is an example of maturation of a primary sex characteristic? A) Victor has begun to develop facial hair. B) Christine notices new hair in her underarms. C) Simon’s voice is becoming deeper. D) Jennifer experiences her first menstrual cycle. Answer: D) Jennifer experiences her first menstrual cycle. 5. Alexandro is 14 years old and beginning to experience the physical changes of puberty. He is a little embarrassed because he has rapidly outgrown his clothes, his voice sometimes breaks or cracks, and he has new hair appearing on his chin and face. These features are all A) secondary sex characteristics. B) estrogens. C) gateway drugs. D) STDs. Answer: A) secondary sex characteristics. Secondary sex characteristics are physical features that do not involve sexual reproduction, such as facial and body hair, voice, and muscles. 6. The HPG axis includes the _________, the pituitary gland, and the gonads. A) hippocampus B) hypothalamus C) human papillomavirus D) histological factors Answer: B) hypothalamus 7. What are the primary factors responsible for the onset of puberty? A) sex hormones and brain chemicals B) sex hormones and genetics C) brain chemicals and genetics D) gonads and sex hormones Answer: B) sex hormones and genetics 8. There are two types of sex hormones: male hormones called ________ and female hormones called ________. A) androgens, estrogens B) estrogens, androgens C) testosterone, androgens D) estradiol, estrogens Answer: A) androgens, estrogens 9. There is evidence that the protein ________ may play a role in initiating puberty. A) estradiol B) testosterone C) leptin D) androgen Answer: C) leptin 10. The HPG axis refers to the feedback loop from the hypothalamus to the ________ and the ________ and back to the hypothalamus. A) pituitary gland; gonads B) gonads; pituitary gland C) adrenal gland; gonads D) pituitary gland; adrenal gland Answer: A) pituitary gland; gonads. The HPG axis includes the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the gonads. 11. In males, what is the first noticeable change during puberty? A) muscles become larger B) testicles increase in size C) voice deepens D) sperm production begins Answer: B) testicles increase in size 12. Because adrenarche occurs about two years earlier than gonadarche, increased sexual attraction and subtle changes in secondary sex characteristics begin happening much earlier than people think—around ________ years of age in both males and females. A) 4 B) 5 C) 7 D) 11 Answer: C) 7 13. Sexual maturation for human males typically proceeds in a certain manner. Which of the following typically occurs last (i.e., Stage 5)? A) Sperm production begins. B) Hormone production begins. C) Scrotum becomes darker in color. D) Growth of facial and chest hair begins. Answer: D) Growth of facial and chest hair begins. 14. In females, what is the first noticeable change during puberty? A) Breasts begin to enlarge. B) Pubic hair appears. C) Hips enlarge. D) First menstruation occurs. Answer: A) Breasts begin to enlarge. 15. ____________ involves the HPG axis and leads to the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics. A) Menarche B) Gonadarche C) Adrenarche D) Pubarche Answer: B) Gonadarche 16. _____________ occurs before gonadarche and results in the development of secondary sex characteristics and increased sexual attraction. A) Adrenarche B) Delayed phase preference C) Binge drinking D) Chlamydia Answer: A) Adrenarche 17. Increased sexual attraction and subtle changes in secondary sex characteristics occur at approximately what age? A) 7 years B) 9 years C) 11 years D) 13 years Answer: A) 7 years 18. What is the average age at menarche in the United States today? A) 10 years B) 12 years C) 14 years D) 16 years Answer: B) 12 years 19. Which ethnic group tends to start menstruation earlier than other ethnicities? A) Hispanic B) Asian American C) non-Hispanic white D) African American Answer: D) African American 20. The average age at menarche has ________ since the 1920s. A) decreased B) increased slightly C) increased drastically D) stayed the same Answer: A) decreased 21. The development of primary sex characteristics (egg maturation and sperm production) are found on which side of the HPG axis? A) adrenarche B) gonadarche C) menarche D) the adrenal gland Answer: B) gonadarche 22. What two factors are thought to relate to the secular trend? A) increased prevalence of eating disorders; access to medicine B) overall health; access to medicine C) improved nutrition; increased prevalence of eating disorders D) improved nutrition; overall health Answer: D) improved nutrition; overall health. The secular trend—a decrease in the age of sexual maturation in males and females—may be due to cultural changes including better nutrition and health in industrialized countries. 23. The adolescent growth spurt peaks around age ________ for girls and ________ for boys. A) 10 years; 14 years B) 14 years; 12 years C) 12 years; 14 years D) 12 years; 10 years Answer: C) 12 years; 14 years 24. Patrick is 16 years old and beginning to experience his first growth spurt as an adolescent. This means he is A) experiencing late maturation. B) more popular than most of his peers. C) at risk for developing substance abuse. D) more likely to contract an STD. Answer: A) experiencing late maturation. Boys typically experience their adolescent growth spurt at age 14; Patrick is two years beyond the normal age for boys. 25. Who is most likely to be going through their peak growth spurt? A) 14-year-old Margaret B) 12-year-old Lily C) 12-year-old Robert D) 16-year-old Carl Answer: B) 12-year-old Lily Girls typically experience their growth spurt at 12, approximately 2 years earlier than boys. 26. Because puberty leads to a number of rapid physical changes, it also may also influence a teen’s body image. In particular, _________ tend to add muscle mass and height and become more satisfied with their bodies, while ________ tend to add more fat tissue and become less satisfied with their bodies. A) boys; girls B) younger teens; older teens C) girls; boys D) older teens; younger teens Answer: A) boys; girls 27. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning early-maturing girls? A) They tend to have older friends. B) They tend to have a higher incidence of depression. C) They tend to engage in more delinquent acts. D) They tend to do well in school. Answer: D) They tend to do well in school. Early-maturing girls tend to have older friends, engage in more delinquency, have more problems in school, begin dating at a younger age, and have more problems with depression and substance abuse. 28. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning early-maturing boys? A) They have an advantage in sports. B) They often affiliate with younger adolescents. C) They tend to engage in more delinquent acts. D) They tend to be perceived by others as attractive. Answer: B) They often affiliate with younger adolescents. Early-maturing boys tend to engage in more delinquent behavior and feel more hostile and distressed than do boys who mature later. Being larger and stronger than most of their peers, these boys often affiliate with older adolescents. 29. It is becoming more and more noticeable to Dierdre's sixth-grade class that she is entering puberty at an earlier age than most of her age mates. Based on research examining early maturation, Dierdre may be likely to A) have younger friends. B) feel satisfied with her body. C) do well in school. D) have an increased risk for substance abuse. Answer: D) have an increased risk for substance abuse. Early-maturing girls tend to have older friends, engage in more delinquency, have more problems in school, begin dating at a younger age, and have more problems with depression and substance abuse. 30. Tomek seems to be gaining muscle and going through puberty at an earlier age than most of the other boys in his sixth-grade class. Based on research examining early maturation, Tomek may be likely to A) have younger friends. B) feel hostility and distress. C) be dissatisfied with his body. D) have a disadvantage in sports. Answer: B) feel hostility and distress. Early-maturing boys tend to engage in more delinquent behavior and feel more hostile and distressed than do boys who mature later. Being larger and stronger than most of their peers, these boys often affiliate with older adolescents. 31. The process in which fatty deposits in the brain insulate axons is called A) synaptic pruning. B) synaptogenesis. C) myelination. D) maturation. Answer: C) myelination. 32. Which of the following biological changes occurs in the brain during adolescence? A) synaptogenesis B) myelination C) synaptic pruning D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 33. As with other aspects of physical development, _________ tend to show decreases in gray matter (due to synaptic pruning) earlier than _________. A) girls; boys B) axons; dendrites C) teens with siblings; teens without siblings D) androgens; estrogens Answer: A) girls; boys 34. The processes of myelination, synaptogenesis, and synaptic pruning are especially evident in which area of the brain? A) occipital lobe B) amygdala C) hypothalamus D) prefrontal cortex Answer: D) prefrontal cortex 35. Baird and colleagues’ (1999) study examining facial expressions and emotions found that A) adults had more activity in their frontal lobes and adolescents had more activity in their amygdalas. B) adolescents were just as accurate as adults in identifying emotions. C) compared to adults, adolescents had more activity in their frontal lobes. D) adolescents used rational thought when trying to identify emotions. Answer: A) adults had more activity in their frontal lobes and adolescents had more activity in their amygdalas. 36. The amygdala is the area of the brain associated with ________, and the frontal lobe is the area of brain associated with ________. A) language; processing of emotions B) rational thinking; analysis of sound C) processing of emotions; rational thinking D) language; analysis of sound Answer: C) processing of emotions; rational thinking 37. In addition to the prefrontal cortex and amygdala, there is also evidence that new neurons are formed throughout adolescence and into adulthood in areas such as the ___________, which is heavily involved in storing memory of facts and relations between places and events. A) hypothalamus B) hippocampus C) visual cortex D) parietal lobe Answer: B) hippocampus 38. During adolescence, changes in the levels of dopamine make adolescents less responsive to rewards. As a result, they may A) increase their risk-taking behavior as a way to seek more novel and engaging stimuli. B) improve their ability to concentrate and remember new information. C) become less influenced by pressure from their peers. D) increase the number of hours spent sleeping each night. Answer: A) increase their risk-taking behavior as a way to seek more novel and engaging stimuli. 39. Which of the following brain changes contributes to an increase in impulsive behavior during adolescence? A) immaturity of the prefrontal cortex B) weak connections between prefrontal cortex and the limbic system C) changing neurotransmitter levels D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 40. Data from national surveys indicate that nearly ________ of adolescents have had sex by high school graduation. A) one-third B) two-thirds C) one-half D) one-fourth Answer: B) two-thirds 41. Which ethnic group is the most likely to engage in sexual intercourse during adolescence? A) African American B) Asian C) Caucasian D) Hispanic Answer: A) African American 42. Among 9th through 12th graders, A) Hispanic students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are African American students. B) African American students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are Hispanic students. C) Caucasian students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are African American students. D) Caucasian students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are Hispanic students. Answer: B) African American students are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse than are Hispanic students. 43. A nationwide survey of male and female high school students by Eaton et al. (2012) found that the percentage of adolescents who report having sex ___________ between 9th and 12th grade. A) increases from approximately 30% to 60% B) remains stable at approximately 20% C) declines from 50% to less than 10% D) increases or decreases, depending on the gender of the respondent Answer: A) increases from approximately 30% to 60% 44. Approximately ________ of 12- to 15-year-olds report that they have engaged in oral sex at least once. A) 9 to 18% B) 20 to 30% C) 40 to 50% D) 60 to 70% Answer: A) 9 to 18% 45. Nora has decided to wait until after she graduates from high school to have her first sexual experience. In particular, she has chosen to be abstinent because of her concerns about STDs, or A) severe temporary disorders. B) surface timing delays. C) sexually transmitted diseases. D) simplified tactile displacements. Answer: C) sexually transmitted diseases. STDs or sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. 46. The major reasons adolescents report for being sexually active includes all of the following EXCEPT A) peer pressure. B) feeling ready. C) curiosity. D) everyone does it. Answer: B) feeling ready. 47. The majority of adolescents who abstain from sex report that they abstained because they A) feared pregnancy. B) feared their parents. C) feared they would lose their social reputation. D) feared sexually transmitted diseases. Answer: D) feared sexually transmitted diseases. 48. All of the following are factors related to earlier sexual activity during adolescence EXCEPT A) higher income. B) poor impulse control. C) poor parental monitoring. D) living in a single-parent home. Answer: A) higher income. 49. All of the following are factors related to later sexual activity during adolescence EXCEPT A) good parental monitoring. B) higher income. C) religious affiliation. D) living in a single-parent home. Answer: D) living in a single-parent home. 50. Who is at the highest risk for having early sexual activity? A) Mark, who lives with both of his parents and has a close relationship with both. B) Beth, who is involved in a number of church activities. C) Liza, who lives with her single mother and does not do well in school. D) Leon, whose parents express their disapproval of early sexual activity. Answer: C) Liza, who lives with her single mother and does not do well in school. Risk factors for earlier sexual activity include single-parent households and poor school performance. 51. Which of the following parenting practices in Vincenzo’s family is associated with the prediction that he is likely to become sexually active later than his peers? A) lower income B) poor parental monitoring C) parental approval of early sexual activity D) good relationship with parents Answer: D) good relationship with parents Risk factors for later sexual activity include good relationships with parents and better impulse control. 52. Teens tend to ________ the incidence of sexual activity among their peers. A) underestimate B) overestimate C) correctly estimate D) not even worry about Answer: B) overestimate 53. In a study of more than 1,000 African American 9- to 12-year-olds, those who believed their peers were not sexually active A) were less likely to be sexually active themselves. B) felt increased pressure to be sexually active. C) wanted to be the first to have a sexual experience. D) were more likely to experience late maturation. Answer: A) were less likely to be sexually active themselves. 54. Which of the following statements regarding sexual activity and parental supervision is FALSE? A) The majority of high school students report the most frequent place they had sex was in their home. B) Very few high school students report having sex at home after school. C) Increased parental supervision has been associated with adolescents having a lower incidence of STDs. D) Increased parental supervision has been associated with adolescents having fewer sexual partners. Answer: B) Very few high school students report having sex at home after school. 55. Who is the most likely to use contraception? A) 18-year-old Carolyn, who has numerous fights with her parents over curfews, chores etc. B) 18-year-old Simon, who has spoken to his sexual partner about contraception C) 15-year-old Alex, who reports being afraid that his parents will find a condom in his room D) 15-year-old Tiffany, who reports not having sex frequently Answer: B) 18-year-old Simon, who has spoken to his sexual partner about contraception Teens who are able to talk with their partners about contraception and their intent to use it are more likely to do so; however, many teens have trouble showing this level of maturity, planning, and reasoned decision making about sex. 56. A recent survey found that ________ of girls younger than 16 years of age did not use any contraception the first time they had sexual intercourse. A) 5% B) 25% C) 45% D) 75% Answer: C) 45% 57. Surveys indicate that the use of contraception has ____ among 15- to 19-year-olds since 1988. A) increased B) decreased C) stayed the same D) survey results are contradictory. Answer: A) increased 58. While many teens who are sexually active report using contraception at last intercourse, it is difficult to tell A) from where they are purchasing the contraception. B) who has taught them to use the contraception. C) if they switch forms of contraception over time. D) whether they use contraception consistently and correctly. Answer: D) whether they use contraception consistently and correctly. More teens who consider themselves to be sexually active report using contraception at last intercourse—83% of females and 91% of males used some method. However, it is difficult to tell from these surveys whether sexually active teens always use some form of contraception and whether they correctly use contraceptives; several studies indicate that they do not. 59. Since the 1980s U.S. schools overall have shifted toward the ___________ approach to sex education. A) parent-centered B) comprehensive C) abstinence-only D) pro-contraceptive Answer: C) abstinence-only 60. In contrast to abstinence-only sex education programs, ___________ programs include discussion of abstinence as well as condom use, birth control, abortion, and disease prevention. A) comprehensive B) conservative C) abstinence-plus D) religion-based Answer: A) comprehensive 61. Which of the following statements regarding sex education programs is FALSE? A) Some people worry that teaching teens about contraception will give the message that premarital sex is acceptable. B) Boys are more likely than girls to report that they have received formal education about contraception before their first intercourse. C) Programs that teach about contraception and abstinence have been associated with slight delays in the onset of sexual activity. D) Abstinence-only programs can only discuss how contraception can fail in preventing STDs or pregnancies. Answer: B) Boys are more likely than girls to report that they have received formal education about contraception before their first intercourse. 62. The teenage pregnancy rate has ________ since the 1990s. A) increased drastically B) stayed the same C) decreased D) increased slightly Answer: C) decreased 63. Which of the following statements regarding adolescent contraceptive use is FALSE? A) Some teens believe that they do not need contraceptives if they do not have sex frequently. B) Most teens report that they know where to get contraceptives and that they are easily available. C) The best predictor of contraceptive use is age—older teens are more likely to use contraception. D) Some teens do not use contraception because they are afraid that their parents will find out. Answer: B) Most teens report that they know where to get contraceptives and that they are easily available. 64. Many teens perceive themselves as special and invincible. This belief is a _____________ that contributes to poor decision-making and increased risk-taking behavior. A) personal fable B) prefrontal cortex fallacy C) invincibility hypothesis D) secular trend Answer: A) personal fable The belief that one is special and invincible is called the personal fable and is related to cognitive development during adolescence. 65. Harry's seventh-grade sex education teacher showed them a condom last week in class. They spent the class time discussing how often condoms break and listing statistics of the failure rates of different types of contraception. Harry's sex education program is most likely a(n) A) contraceptive discussion program. B) abstinence-only program. C) comprehensive sex education program. D) dual-issue sex education program. Answer: B) abstinence-only program. Abstinence-only programs condemn all sex outside of marriage (for people of any age), and they completely prohibit any positive discussion of contraception. Abstinence-only programs may discuss condoms and other contraceptive methods only in order to explain how often they fail in preventing pregnancy and disease in adolescents 66. While an early study found that high school students had an average score of 42% on an assessment of sexual knowledge, later studies have found that teens have better knowledge of A) how to prevent pregnancy. B) the options available for an unplanned pregnancy. C) the actual rates of sexual activity among their peers. D) what STDs are, how they are spread, and how to prevent them. Answer: A) how to prevent pregnancy. 67. Even though adolescents make up only 25 percent of the population of individuals who are sexually active, they account for ________ of all new cases of STDs each year. A) 30 percent B) 50 percent C) 75 percent D) 90 percent Answer: B) 50 percent 68. One recent national study found that __________ teen girls have an STD. A) one in four B) two in five C) one in ten D) three in twenty Answer: A) one in four 69. Gonorrhea A) is caused by a virus. B) is more commonly diagnosed in women than men. C) is often known as the silent disease because there are no symptoms. D) can lead to infertility in both men and women. Answer: D) can lead to infertility in both men and women. 70. Sixteen-year-old Bill was diagnosed and treated a few months ago for a kidney infection; however, he is still having painful symptoms. Bill may have been misdiagnosed and, in fact, have the sexually transmitted disease called A) chlamydia. B) HIV. C) gonorrhea. D) HPV. Answer: C) gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is also caused by a bacteria spread by vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Symptoms are often mild and mistaken for kidney or bladder infections and include pain or burning during urination, a discharge, bleeding, or a sore throat. 71. 12-year-old Hannah went to the doctor last week. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for Hannah, who most likely has A) chlamydia. B) HIV. C) gonorrhea. D) pelvic inflammatory disease. Answer: C) gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can be easily cured with antibiotics, but treatment does not reverse any damage that is done before the treatment begins. 72. Data from CDC surveys of 2011 indicate that 69% of the reported cases of gonorrhea occurred in A) Hispanics. B) Asians. C) African Americans. D) Caucasians. Answer: C) African Americans. 73. Women with STDs are also at increased risk of A) infertility. B) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). C) HIV. D) HPV. Answer: B) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). 74. Which of the following statements regarding STDs is FALSE? A) Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics. B) Rates for most STDs are higher in minority populations. C) Many STDs have few or no symptoms. D) We have yet to find a vaccination for any STD. Answer: D) We have yet to find a vaccination for any STD. 75. The concentration of HIV in semen is __________ in men who have both gonorrhea and HIV, compared to men who have only HIV. A) significantly lower B) up to 10 times higher C) difficult to measure D) about the same Answer: B) up to 10 times higher 76. Each year, almost ____________ U.S. teenage girls become pregnant. A) 750,000 B) 50,000 C) 2,000,000 D) 120,000 Answer: A) 750,000 77. What percentage of adolescent girls in the United States will become pregnant at least once before they are 20 years of age? A) 6% B) 18% C) 30% D) 49% Answer: C) 30% 78. Which of the following countries has the highest teenage pregnancy rate? A) Japan B) England C) Canada D) United States Answer: D) United States 79. What is the biggest risk factor for teenage pregnancy? A) living in poverty B) decreased religious affiliation C) having no sex education D) lower academic achievement Answer: A) living in poverty 80. Who has the highest risk for becoming pregnant? A) Olivia, who has aspirations to someday be a surgeon B) Hannah, whose parents make sure that they know where she is going at all times C) Elizabeth, who is a virgin at the age of 17 D) Alison, who is living in a very poor neighborhood Answer: D) Alison, who is living in a very poor neighborhood Poverty is associated with many factors related to teen pregnancy including poorer educational systems, lack of educational and job opportunities, family instability, less parental monitoring, and early age of first intercourse. 81. A nationwide survey conducted by Ventura et al. (2008) measured pregnancy rates and pregnancy outcomes among teens 15 to 19 years old. A major finding from this study is that A) abortions are more common in younger teens (15 to 17) than older teens (18 to 19). B) the highest rate of live births in the sample was among white teen women. C) most adolescent pregnancies result in live births. D) pregnancy rates were not associated with race/ethnicity in younger teens (15 to 17). Answer: C) most adolescent pregnancies result in live births. 82. One study found that by eighth grade, young women who would later become pregnant showed ____________. In essence, these teens seem to suffer from the belief that they were less able to achieve their goals. A) lower self-efficacy B) higher internal locus of control C) higher expectations regarding educational achievement D) all of the above Answer: A) lower self-efficacy 83. Which risk factors are associated with becoming a teen father? A) poverty B) poor academic achievement (including dropping out) C) drug use and delinquent activities D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 84. For teen mothers who have one baby, the probability of having an additional baby (i.e., repeat birth) as a teen is approximately A) 5%. B) 20%. C) 50%. D) 80%. Answer: B) 20%. 85. Which of the following statements regarding teenage pregnancy is FALSE? A) Teen mothers and fathers finish fewer years of school compared to their peers. B) Teen mothers seem to mature quickly, understanding that they need to put the needs of their infant before their own needs. C) Teen pregnancy limits the development of autonomy because many teenagers become dependent on their parents for help. D) Teen pregnancy limits the exploration of different identities. Answer: B) Teen mothers seem to mature quickly, understanding that they need to put the needs of their infant before their own needs. The parenting skills of teen parents are often not well developed, and their children are at increased risk for accidents, illnesses, child abuse, and neglect. Adolescent mothers are more likely to show an unresponsive parenting style and they tend to have unrealistic expectations of their children. 86. Teenage parents are likely to A) exhibit a supportive and caring parenting style. B) provide stimulating environments for their infants. C) be empathetic and patient with their infants. D) have unrealistic expectations for their infants. Answer: D) have unrealistic expectations for their infants. The parenting skills of teen parents are often not well developed, and their children are at increased risk for accidents, illnesses, child abuse, and neglect. Adolescent mothers are more likely to show an unresponsive parenting style, and they tend to have unrealistic expectations of their children. 87. Katrina and Steven are teen parents with a new infant. Which factor is likely to contribute to a positive outcome for this family? A) delaying their education until their child is older B) having no more than two additional children C) maintaining a stable marriage D) avoiding contact with other teen-parent families Answer: C) maintaining a stable marriage Many teen parents eventually achieve stability, especially if they are able to continue their education and delay having subsequent children. A stable marriage can contribute to better outcomes, but unstable relationships are associated with worse outcomes. 88. Which of the following terms refers to sexual intercourse as a result of physical force or psychological coercion? A) sexual assault B) sexual harassment C) rape D) STD Answer: C) rape Rape refers to sexual intercourse as a result of physical force or psychological coercion, while sexual assault refers to sexual contact due to physical force or psychological coercion that may or may not involve penetration. 89. Studies estimate that as many as _____________ of adolescents will suffer acquaintance or date rape (in which the victim knows, or is on a date with, the perpetrator). A) 12% B) 25% C) 40% D) 68% Answer: D) 68% 90. Which of the following statements regarding rape and sexual assault is FALSE? A) Individuals often place blame on the perpetrator of the assault. B) The use of alcohol has been associated with increased risk for rape and sexual assault. C) One of the best predictors of being a victim of a sexual assault is being raped during childhood. D) The adolescent age group has the highest risk of being raped or sexually assaulted. Answer: A) Individuals often place blame on the perpetrator of the assault. Rape-tolerant attitudes may play an important role in the risk for rape. In some studies, date and acquaintance rape were not considered to be rape at all or there was a stronger tendency in these situations to blame the victim. 91. Tina hates to walk past the senior hallway after lunch because she has to pass a group of guys who are always taunting her, trying to grab her, and making very explicit sexual requests of her. Tina is most likely experiencing A) sexual assault. B) sexual harassment. C) a gender disparity. D) peer victimization. Answer: B) sexual harassment. Sexual harassment refers to any sort of unwanted behavior of a sexual nature and includes unwelcome sexual requests, demands, rumors, jokes, taunts, or other actions that create a hostile or offensive environment. 92. Who has the highest risk for being raped or sexually assaulted? A) 18-year-old Ben, who is drinking at a fraternity party B) 25-year-old Sarah, who is hanging out with a guy in one of her classes C) 16-year-old Dee, who is drinking at a party with a classmate D) 21-year-old Towanda, who is watching a movie at home with her boyfriend Answer: C) 16-year-old Dee, who is drinking at a party with a classmate Drug use, particularly use of alcohol, is also associated with sexual assault for adolescents. For perpetrators of sexual violence, drug and alcohol use increases the chance of misinterpreting cues from the victim as sexual invitations. In addition, others may not hold perpetrators as responsible for their behavior if they were intoxicated; ironically, victims who are intoxicated may be viewed as more to blame. 93. Sexual contact due to physical force of psychological coercion that may or may not involve penetration is known as A) rape. B) sexual assault. C) sexual harassment. D) date rape. Answer: B) sexual assault. 94. Which of the following is one of the psychological consequences of forced sexual activity? A) Victims report feeling afraid, anxious, sad, and hopeless. B) Feelings of depression are common for both males and females. C) Victims experience problems with academic achievement. D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 95. Which of the following has helped to promote the prevention of sexual assault? A) increasing knowledge of strategies for preventing rape B) increasing awareness of sexual harassment and assault C) publishing guidelines to help schools develop policies for reporting unwanted sexual activity D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 96. What is the leading cause of death during adolescence? A) motor vehicle accidents B) suicide C) homicide D) drug overdose Answer: A) motor vehicle accidents 97. Recent surveys have found that for any given category in the USDA’s Food Pyramid, ____________ the teens surveyed ate the recommended number of servings. A) nearly all of B) fewer than half C) two-thirds of D) approximately 90% Answer: B) fewer than half 98. Research has shown that, on average, ________ of adolescents skip breakfast and ________ skip lunch. A) 60%; 10% B) 60%; 50% C) 50%; 50% D) 5%; 2% Answer: B) 60%; 50% 99. One of the increased risks of skipping meals is that adolescents may eat more snacks. In particular, A) snack choices are often as bad or worse than meal choices. B) adolescents may supplement missed meals with healthy snacks. C) excessive money may be spent on snacks at school. D) eating during study times may interfere with academic performance. Answer: A) snack choices are often as bad or worse than meal choices. 100. Which of the following is true regarding teens who are more physically active? A) They see themselves as less healthy. B) The have a less positive body image. C) They have healthier overall lifestyles. D) They are more likely to use gateway drugs. Answer: C) They have healthier overall lifestyles. 101. Which of the following statements regarding physical activity during adolescence is FALSE? A) Minority female teens engage in physical activity less compared to Caucasians. B) Teens report that they would exercise regularly if they have a friend to exercise with. C) Teens whose parents support regular physical activity are more active. D) Teens whose neighborhoods are perceived as being less safe are highly physically active. Answer: D) Teens whose neighborhoods are perceived as being less safe are highly physically active. 102. Who is most likely to engage in regular physical activity? A) Susan, who runs track—but absolutely hates it B) Harry, who has basketball games with his friends C) Cori, who goes to the gym at her school D) Mike, whose friends rarely exercise Answer: B) Harry, who has basketball games with his friends Both teen boys and girls report that they are more likely to exercise regularly when they have a friend to exercise with, when they like the activity they engage in, and when they think of exercise as something that is typical among their friend. 103. The main distinction between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is that individuals with anorexia ________ and individuals with bulimia ________. A) feel that they can control food; don't try to control their weight B) do not purge; purge C) consume small quantities of food; consume large quantities of food D) have a distorted body image; do not have a distorted body image Answer: C) consume small quantities of food; consume large quantities of food Due to a distorted body image, individuals with anorexia typically consume small amounts of food, while individuals with bulimia consume large amounts of food (binge) and then purge, fast, or exercise afterwards as a means to compensate for overeating. 104. In comparing anorexia nervosa to bulimia nervosa, research shows that A) anorexia is most common among females and bulimia is most common among males. B) three times as many people suffer from anorexia as suffer from bulimia. C) anorexia usually appears between the ages of 14 and 18, whereas bulimia emerges in later adolescence. D) anorexia is highly linked to genetics, but bulimia rarely runs in families. Answer: C) anorexia usually appears between the ages of 14 and 18, whereas bulimia emerges in later adolescence. 105. Eating disorders A) do not have a genetic link. B) appear between the ages of 19 to 25. C) are becoming less common among adolescents. D) have a higher death rate than any other psychiatric disorder. Answer: D) have a higher death rate than any other psychiatric disorder. 106. Yvonne's parents are becoming concerned. She picks through most of her food at dinner and moves it around on her plate but eats very little. She is also starting to run several miles each morning and refuses to miss a workout. It is most likely that Yvonne has A) anorexia nervosa. B) a substance abuse problem. C) depression. D) bulimia nervosa. Answer: A) anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa involves a distorted body image, an intense fear of gaining weight, and the refusal to maintain a minimally healthy body weight. 107. Sandy is starting to become concerned about her friend, Annie. Whenever they go out for pizza or hamburgers, Annie seems to eat more than anyone. However, after they eat she either excuses herself to go to the bathroom or takes off saying that she needs to go to the gym (where she spends 3 to 4 hours working out). It is most likely that Annie has A) anorexia nervosa. B) a substance abuse problem. C) depression. D) bulimia nervosa. Answer: D) bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa, or bulimia, is a related condition that involves cycles of binge eating (consumption of huge amounts of food) followed by purging, fasting, or excessive exercise as a means to compensate for overeating. 108. What percentage of adolescent girls diet to control their weight? A) 20% B) 40% C) 60% D) 80% Answer: C) 60% 109. In “Career Focus: Meet an Eating Disorders Counselor,” Dr. Douglas Bunnell discusses the impact of eating disorders on teens and their families. What risk factors does he describe as contributing to developing an eating disorder? A) dieting by restricting food intake B) cultural messages about the importance of being thin C) anxiety or depression D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 110. According to Dr. Bunnell, which of the following is an effective prevention method for teens at risk for developing an eating disorder? A) teaching children to ignore cultural messages about body image B) identifying early warning signs, like body image distress C) providing encouragement for dieting, even when there is no need to lose weight D) supporting ritualized eating habits Answer: B) identifying early warning signs, like body image distress 111. In cases of severe eating disorders, hospitalization may be used to A) force weight gain. B) treat suicidal behavior. C) treat depression. D) all of the above. Answer: D) all of the above. 112. In contrast to substance abuse, ___________ refers to ingesting any legal or illegal substance that alters psychological functioning on more than a few occasions. A) drug addiction B) alcoholism C) substance use D) binge drinking Answer: C) substance use The distinction between substance use and abuse involves the frequency of consumption and the severity of its influence. In particular, substance abuse refers to the use of a substance (legal or illegal) to the extent that it creates difficulties in day-to-day life. 113. As Veronica has begun smoking marijuana a few times a week, she has become less interested in school, and her grades have started to suffer. The fact that her smoking has created difficulties in doing her schoolwork suggests that Veronica has developed a _____________ problem. A) body image B) menarche C) gateway drug D) substance abuse Answer: D) substance abuse Substance abuse refers to the use of a substance (legal or illegal) to the extent that it creates difficulties in day-to-day life. 114. Among ninth graders who use alcohol and drugs, the preferred substances in rank order from "used the most" to "used the least" are A) alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and inhalants. B) alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, and cocaine. C) marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, and inhalants. D) marijuana, alcohol, inhalants, and cocaine. Answer: B) alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, and cocaine. 115. The number of adolescents using the substances ________ has increased in recent years. A) inhalants and tobacco B) cocaine and tobacco C) heroine and cocaine D) inhalants and OxyContin Answer: D) inhalants and OxyContin 116. Compared to Hispanic and non-Hispanic white high school students, use of __________ is lower among African Americans. A) alcohol B) tobacco C) cocaine D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 117. Simon goes out occasionally with his friends. Most of the time they play drinking games in which they have more than five drinks at one time. This is called A) delayed phase drinking. B) substance abuse. C) binge drinking. D) delinquency. Answer: C) binge drinking. Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion. 118. Which is the most commonly used substance during high school? A) alcohol B) tobacco C) marijuana D) inhalants Answer: A) alcohol 119. Which factor has helped promote a decline in cigarette smoking since the mid-1990s? A) Teens tend to hold more positive attitudes toward smoking. B) There is more cigarette advertising that targets teens. C) There is more antismoking advertising. D) Cigarette prices have declined. Answer: C) There is more antismoking advertising. 120. What is the most frequently used illegal drug during adolescence? A) inhalants B) cocaine C) ecstasy D) marijuana Answer: D) marijuana 121. Which of the following statements is true about the gateway theory of drug use? A) Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are typically used after harder drugs like cocaine. B) Early/frequent use of gateway drugs is associated with using harder illegal drugs. C) The progression from legal-for-adult drugs (e.g., alcohol) to harder drugs is inevitable. D) Most who use alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana go on to harder drug use. Answer: B) Early/frequent use of gateway drugs is associated with using harder illegal drugs. 122. All of the following are considered gateway drugs EXCEPT A) alcohol. B) inhalants. C) tobacco. D) marijuana. Answer: B) inhalants. 123. 18-year-old Sam has experimented with drugs throughout high school. He has now begun to use inhalants and take the prescription drug OxyContin. Which statement is most likely to be true? A) He has a good relationship with his parents. B) He gets more than 9 hours of sleep a night. C) He has also used marijuana in the past. D) He gets good grades in school. Answer: C) He has also used marijuana in the past. Substance use usually starts during adolescence, and it usually begins with legal-for-adults drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. If it progresses, marijuana is typically used next, then other illegal drugs. 124. What percentage of adolescents who use illegal drugs have used marijuana in the past? A) 10% B) 25% C) 70% D) 90% Answer: D) 90% 125. Early onset of drug use is associated with A) increasing use over time. B) greater risk for alcohol disorders. C) greater risk for drug disorders. D) all of the above. Answer: D) all of the above. 126. Adolescents are less likely to use substances if they A) are impulsive. B) describe themselves as being religious. C) experience a high level of stress. D) have difficulty organizing and planning. Answer: B) describe themselves as being religious. Teens’ beliefs, values, and experiences also play a role in whether they use alcohol and drugs. Those who believe that alcohol and drugs are a threat to their health or their future goals are less likely to use them, while those who think of drug use as less risky and more fun are at increased risk. Teens who describe themselves as more religious are less likely to try alcohol or drugs. 127. Who is the least likely to use substances? A) Bobby, who has difficulty organizing everything he needs for school B) Maggie, whose future goals are to get into college and become a teacher C) Charlie, who loves to play extreme sports D) Nellie, who often acts out during class Answer: B) Maggie, whose future goals are to get into college and become a teacher Teens’ beliefs, values, and experiences also play a role in whether they use alcohol and drugs. Those who believe that alcohol and drugs are a threat to their health or their future goals are less likely to use them, while those who think of drug use as less risky and more fun are at increased risk. Teens who describe themselves as more religious are less likely to try alcohol or drugs. 128. Adolescents are more likely to use substances if they A) have permissive parents. B) have a close relationship with their parents. C) are closely monitored by their parents. D) have discussed substance use with their parents. Answer: A) have permissive parents. Harsh, inconsistent, or permissive discipline is associated with higher levels of substance use. Not surprisingly, poor parental monitoring increases the risk as well because these parents have less knowledge of what their teens are doing and who they’re with. 129. Who is most likely to use substances? A) Dan, whose parents are harsh in their discipline of him B) Pam, who has a close relationship with her parents C) Cam, who is closely monitored by his parents D) Ben, who has discussed substance use with his parents Answer: A) Dan, whose parents are harsh in their discipline of him Harsh, inconsistent, or permissive discipline is associated with higher levels of substance use. Not surprisingly, poor parental monitoring increases the risk as well because these parents have less knowledge of what their teens are doing and who they’re with. 130. What factor is the strongest predictor of teenage substance use? A) whether or not your parents use substances B) having friends who use substances C) doing poorly in school D) having a sensation-seeking personality Answer: B) having friends who use substances Having friends who use alcohol and other drugs is consistently found to be one of the strongest predictors of teen substance use. Friends who use provide a model of substance use, opportunity to engage in substance use, access to the substances, and reinforcement for using. 131. Approximately how many hours of sleep does the average adolescent need per night in order to be alert and function well during the day? A) 7 hours B) 8 hours C) 9 hours D) 10 hours Answer: C) 9 hours 132. Lack of sleep is associated with A) greater levels of depression and anxiety. B) better grades in school. C) faster cognitive and motor reactions. D) decreased risk of accidents. Answer: A) greater levels of depression and anxiety. 133. Why do adolescents get less sleep than they need? A) They help their parents with domestic chores. B) They look after their siblings when their parents are at work. C) They look after their elderly grandparents after school. D) academics and extracurricular activities Answer: D) academics and extracurricular activities 134. Adolescents’ circadian rhythms are in a A) early wake phase. B) delayed phase preference. C) lack of sleep preference. D) decreased alertness phase. Answer: B) delayed phase preference. 135. Sixteen-year-old Johnny is having difficulty getting to sleep at night. He tries to fall asleep but doesn't feel tired. This is most likely an example of A) an early wake phase. B) a decreased alertness phase. C) a lack of sleep preference. D) a delayed phase preference. Answer: D) a delayed phase preference. As adolescents go through puberty, circadian rhythms that help regulate many of the body’s systems (including the sleep/wake cycle) change to a delayed phase preference—so teens simply aren’t sleepy until later at night. 136. Sleep deprivation in adolescents can affect the development of the A) hypothalmus. B) prefrontal cortex. C) amygdala. D) cerebellum. Answer: B) prefrontal cortex. 137. The criteria for clinical depression includes all of the following EXCEPT A) changes in appetite. B) sleep problems. C) increased interest in activities. D) feelings of worthlessness. Answer: C) increased interest in activities. 138. Keri's boyfriend broke up with her about a year ago. Her mother has been concerned for a few months now—Keri reports that she doesn't have an appetite, she sleeps about 12 hours a night, and she has dropped out of all of the after school activities she used to be involved in. Keri most likely would be diagnosed with A) a substance abuse problem. B) clinical depression. C) an anxiety disorder. D) bulimia nervosa. Answer: B) clinical depression. Clinical depression refers to a constellation of symptoms that can include sadness, loss of interest in activities, feelings of worthlessness, sleep problems, and changes in appetite. The symptoms are prolonged, lasting longer than normal for periods of grief or loss. 139. Adolescents who are depressed A) tend to have happy marriages in adulthood. B) usually have an average status among their peers. C) do well in school. D) tend to have low self-esteem. Answer: D) tend to have low self-esteem. 140. Which of the following statements concerning depression is FALSE? A) Depression during adolescence is more common among boys than among girls. B) The rates of depression are increasing. C) Clinical depression tends to run in families. D) Depressed adolescents are less popular among their peers. Answer: A) Depression during adolescence is more common among boys than among girls. 141. Which of the following statements regarding the treatment of depression is FALSE? A) Psychotherapy is very successful in the adolescent population. B) Psychotherapy is effective when techniques for relaxation are included. C) Antidepressant medications do not cause any serious side effects in adolescents. D) Psychotherapy is effective when it aims at enhancing social skills. Answer: C) Antidepressant medications work well for adolescents. 142. Many depressed adolescents A) benefit from treatment for depression. B) overcome depression with time and hence do not require any treatment. C) do not receive any kind of treatment. D) recover from depression when they talk to their peers. Answer: A) benefit from treatment for depression. 143. What percentage of fatal crashes involve teenagers? A) 2% B) 8% C) 12% D) 20% Answer: C) 12% 144. Accidents involving teenagers are more likely in all of the following conditions EXCEPT A) when driving by themselves. B) when driving at night. C) during the first six months after obtaining a license. D) when drinking alcohol. Answer: A) when driving by themselves. 145. What laws have been enacted to try to reduce the frequency of accidents involving teenagers? A) curfew laws B) graduate driver licensing laws C) young driver laws D) restricted licensing laws Answer: B) graduate driver licensing laws 146. While GDL laws have been enacted to reduce the frequency of teen vehicle accidents, it is still up to ____________ to monitor teen driving skills and enforce restrictions in accordance with appropriate driving behaviors. A) driving instructors B) older siblings C) parents D) friends Answer: C) parents. States vary in how strictly they enforce GDL laws, and the accident rate for teens is still higher than for older drivers even in states where these laws are enforced. Experts point out that “parents remain the true enforcers of driving privileges among teenagers because parents can control access to the car.” 147. Lewinsohn and colleagues (1994) interviewed a representative sample of adolescents in Oregon and found that nearly ________ of the adolescents had attempted suicide within a year. A) 2% B) 8% C) 16% D) 22% Answer: A) 2% 148. Which of the following statements regarding teen suicide is FALSE? A) Suicide rates among Latino-American adolescents are higher than African American adolescents. B) Adolescents who live in single-parent homes are at a greater risk for suicide. C) Adolescents who have a friend who attempted suicide are at higher risk for attempting suicide. D) Males are three times more likely than females to attempt suicide. Answer: D) Males are three times more likely than females to attempt suicide. 149. All of the following are risk factors for committing suicide during adolescence EXCEPT A) having a friend who attempted suicide. B) having a two-parent household. C) being male. D) having low self-esteem. Answer: B) having a two-parent household. Evidence indicates that adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide when they live in single-parent homes, their parents have less education, they lack support from family and friends, and they show problems with appetite. 150. The rates of teenage suicide has ________ since the 1960s. A) increased significantly B) decreased significantly C) decreased slightly D) remained the same Answer: A) increased significantly 13.2 True/False Questions 1. Increased levels of the protein leptin have been hypothesized to play a role in initiating puberty. Answer: True 2. Sexual maturation occurs approximately four years earlier in boys than in girls. Answer: False 3. Girls in the United States have always reached menarche earlier than girls in any other country in the world. Answer: True 4. During puberty, girls become more satisfied with their bodies, whereas boys become less satisfied with their bodies. Answer: False 5. Myelination and synaptogenesis are complete before adolescence. Answer: False 6. Compared to adults, adolescents have more activity in their amygdala when asked to process emotional information. Answer: True 7. Heavy alcohol consumption may have a greater impact on the adolescent brain than it does on the adult brain. Answer: True 8. The percentage of teen girls having sexual intercourse has recently declined. Answer: True 9. Teens are often quite good at estimating the number of their peers who are engaging in sexual activities. Answer: False 10. Poor relationship with parents is associated with earlier sexual activity among teens. Answer: True 11. In 2001, the surgeon general recommended that sex education programs include both information on abstinence and information about how to prevent STDs and pregnancies. Answer: True 12. Since the 1980s, sex education programs have shifted from the abstinence-only approach to mainly teaching about contraception. Answer: False 13. In 2004, the majority of cases of gonorrhea occurred in the Caucasian population. Answer: False 14. The United States has a lower teenage pregnancy rate than England and Canada. Answer: False 15. Lack of parental supervision has been found to increase the risk for a teenager becoming pregnant. Answer: True 16. Young adults are at risk for rape and sexual assault more so than any other age group. Answer: False 17. There are higher numbers of individuals diagnosed with anorexia compared to bulimia. Answer: False 18. Eating disorders have a higher mortality rate than any other psychiatric illness. Answer: True 19. Antidepressant medications have been found to be highly effective in treating adolescent depression. Answer: False 20. Graduated driver licensing laws have been effective in reducing the number of motor vehicle accidents in the teenage population. Answer: True 13.3 Short Answer Questions 1. Physical indicators of sexual maturation that do not involve sex organs are called ________. Answer: secondary sex characteristics 2. The feedback loop from the hypothalamus, to the pituitary gland, to the gonads and back to the hypothalamus is called the ________. Answer: HPG axis 3. When the pituitary gland stimulates the adrenal gland, it is called ________. Answer: adrenarche 4. A rapid increase in the number of neural connections during adolescence is called ________. Answer: synaptogenesis 5. The methods used to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are called ________. Answer: contraception 6. Sex education programs that only discuss contraceptive methods in order to explain how they can fail in preventing STDs and pregnancy are called ________. Answer: abstinence-only programs 7. ________, caused by bacteria, is one of the most common reported diseases in the United States. Answer: Chlamydia 8. Sexual contact due to physical force or psychological coercion that does not necessarily involve penetration is referred to as ________. Answer: sexual assault 9. The condition where individuals have a distorted body image, an intense fear of gaining weight, and a refusal to maintain a healthy body weight is called ________. Answer: anorexia nervosa 10. The substances alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are often referred to as ________. Answer: gateway drugs 11. Approximately how many hours of sleep per night should adolescents get in order to be alert and function well during the day? Answer: 9 hours of sleep 12. What is the leading cause of death during adolescence? Answer: unintentional injury (particularly motor vehicle accidents) 13.4 Essay Questions 1. What are the factors that have been associated with earlier and later sexual activity among adolescents? Answer: Students could answer any of the factors listed in Table 13.1 for earlier and later sexual activity. Factors associated with earlier sexual activity among adolescents include: Peer influence: Having friends who are sexually active. Media exposure: High consumption of sexual content in media. Family structure: Less parental supervision, single-parent households. Socioeconomic status: Lower socioeconomic status. Early puberty: Early physical maturation. Factors associated with later sexual activity among adolescents include: Parental involvement: High levels of parental monitoring and communication. Religious beliefs: Strong religious or moral values. Educational aspirations: High educational goals and academic performance. Participation in extracurricular activities: Involvement in structured activities. Stable family environment: Supportive and cohesive family dynamics. 2. What are the reasons why adolescents often do not consistently use contraception? Answer: Student answers could include any of the following reasons: teenagers are not mature enough to admit to themselves that they are sexually active; using contraception requires planning, which is inconsistent with many adolescents’ view of sex as spontaneous; some are afraid their parents will discover that they are sexually active; some teens say that contraceptives are not easily available; some teens still hold misconceptions regarding sex such as the belief that you cannot get pregnant unless you have sex frequently or that taking a single birth control pill shortly before or after having sex will protect from pregnancy; and many teens have a personal fable believing that pregnancy and STDs happen to other people but would never happen to them. Adolescents often do not consistently use contraception due to: 1. Lack of knowledge: Inadequate understanding of contraception methods and their use. 2. Perceived invulnerability: Belief that they are not at risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections. 3. Embarrassment: Feeling awkward about obtaining or discussing contraception. 4. Impulsivity: Engaging in spontaneous sexual activity without planning. 5. Partner influence: Pressure from partners or assumptions about partners' preferences. 6. Access issues: Difficulty accessing contraception due to cost, availability, or lack of transportation. 7. Myths and misinformation: Belief in false information about contraception and its effects. 3. What are the risk factors for teenage pregnancy in girls? Answer: Student answers could include any of the following factors: living in poverty, family instability, less parental monitoring, early age of first sexual intercourse, lack of education and job opportunities, poor educational systems, lower self-efficacy, higher external locus of control, perception that they have few educational and career options in their lives, increased risk-taking, and already having had a baby. Risk factors for teenage pregnancy in girls include: 1. Low socioeconomic status: Limited financial resources and opportunities. 2. Lack of parental supervision: Inadequate monitoring and guidance from parents. 3. Low educational aspirations: Poor academic performance and low educational goals. 4. Early sexual activity: Initiating sexual activity at a young age. 5. Peer influence: Friends who are sexually active or have children. 6. Substance abuse: Use of alcohol or drugs. 7. History of sexual abuse: Previous experiences of sexual trauma or abuse. 8. Limited access to contraception: Difficulty obtaining or using birth control methods. 9. Family history: Having family members who were teenage parents. 10. Mental health issues: Conditions such as depression or low self-esteem. 4. Describe three social, psychological, or biological factors known to be correlated with teen pregnancy. Then, discuss how these factors may interrelate with one another in influencing prenatal care. Answer: Students' responses to this essay could focus on a number of factors, including low income, poor education, social isolation, drug and alcohol use, and lack of early prenatal care. Students may also include the concern that young women may not be biologically ready to carry a pregnancy to full term because they have only recently started menstruating. After identifying three factors that are correlated with teen pregnancy, the students should briefly discuss examples of how these factors may interrelate. One example may include how a lack of education may influence both the level of poverty and a teenager's understanding of the need for good prenatal care. A second example could include how social isolation may be related to drug and alcohol abuse, which may be related to employment. Factors correlated with teen pregnancy: 1. Low socioeconomic status: Limited financial resources and support. 2. Lack of parental supervision: Insufficient monitoring and guidance from parents. 3. Mental health issues: Conditions such as depression or low self-esteem. Interrelation and influence on prenatal care: • Low socioeconomic status can lead to inadequate access to healthcare, including prenatal care, due to financial constraints and lack of transportation. • Lack of parental supervision may result in teens not receiving necessary guidance to seek prenatal care or understanding its importance. • Mental health issues can reduce motivation and the ability to seek and follow through with prenatal care appointments, exacerbating the negative effects of low socioeconomic status and lack of supervision. These factors together can result in poorer prenatal care and outcomes for both the teen and the baby. 5. What are the potential outcomes for the mothers, fathers, and children of teenage pregnancies? Answer: Both mother and fathers may have poorer educational achievement—finishing fewer years of school compared to their peers. The majority will live in poverty. Teenage pregnancy also impacts mothers' and fathers' emotional development. They may not be able to fully explore their identities, may have difficulty developing autonomy (considering most teen mothers live with their parents), may become resentful of their babies, and may have difficulty putting the babies' needs in front of their own. Because young mothers often do not receive prenatal care, babies are sometimes born preterm or with low birth weight (both related to higher infant mortality). Adolescent parents may have unresponsive parenting styles with unrealistic expectations of their children. They also tend to be less patient, less verbal, and provide a lower-stimulation environment for their babies. 6. You have been asked to design a program that can help teenagers after a pregnancy. Based on past research, what would you include in your program? Answer: Research indicates that effective programs will have the following components: an emphasis on correct and consistent use of contraceptives in order to prevent another pregnancy, support for educational and occupational goals, encourage family support, provide community help when needed, provide training in parenting skills and information about child development, and have staff to help them to develop a strong sense of self-esteem. A program to help teenagers after a pregnancy should include: 1. Comprehensive healthcare: Access to prenatal and postnatal medical care for both mother and baby. 2. Educational support: Continuation of schooling through flexible schedules, tutoring, and childcare services. 3. Parenting classes: Training on child development, parenting skills, and effective caregiving. 4. Mental health services: Counseling and support groups to address emotional and psychological needs. 5. Economic assistance: Help with accessing financial aid, housing, and employment opportunities. 6. Peer support networks: Establishing peer groups for shared experiences and mutual support. 7. Life skills training: Workshops on budgeting, time management, and goal setting. 8. Sex education: Comprehensive sex education to prevent subsequent pregnancies. 7. Why are adolescents at a higher risk for rape and sexual assault than any other age group? Answer: Adolescents are at a higher risk for rape and sexual assault than any other age group because they often have more freedom then younger age groups, they want to explore new behaviors and environments, they are not yet skilled in reading warning signs that may indicate potentially dangerous situations, and they are in close contact with a number of other adolescents every day during the school year. 8. What are the major risk factors for drug use during adolescence? Answer: Student answers could include any of the following risk factors: age; a sensation-seeking personality; aggressiveness; impulsivity; poor behavioral control; problems with self-regulation, planning, organizing, and selective attention; a history of antisocial behavior and conduct problems; high levels of stress; having experienced physical or sexual abuse in childhood; witness to family or neighborhood violence; a family history of substance abuse; harsh parenting and/or permissive discipline from parents; poor parental monitoring; and having friends who use substances. Major risk factors for drug use during adolescence include: 1. Peer pressure: Influence from friends who use drugs. 2. Family history: Presence of substance abuse in the family. 3. Mental health issues: Conditions like depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem. 4. Low academic achievement: Poor performance in school or lack of interest in academics. 5. Early exposure: Experimentation with drugs at a young age. 6. Socioeconomic status: Low socioeconomic status and associated stressors. 7. Trauma or abuse: History of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. 8. Lack of supervision: Inadequate parental monitoring and guidance. 9. Substance availability: Easy access to drugs within the community. 13.5 MyDevelopmentLab Questions 1. Briefly describe the physical effects of eating disorders. What are some of the signs of anorexia and bulimia? Answer: Eating disorders take a toll on the body, including malnutrition and dehydration. There may also be long-term damage to the liver, kidneys, and heart. For example, while a normal heart is covered in a thin layer of fat, a heart from an anorexic patient has no outer fat, and it is significantly smaller in comparison to a normal heart. Symptoms of anorexia include (1) either refusing to eat or consuming small portions, (2) a fear of gaining weight, and (3) abnormal weight loss. Symptoms of bulimia include (1) overeating (binging) and purging and (2) use of laxatives or diet pills after large amounts of food are consumed. 2. Which of the following is a sexually transmitted disease? A) HPV B) HIV C) gonorrhea D) all of the above Answer: D) all of the above 3. A benefit of condom use is that they help to prevent not only pregnancies but also A) many sexually transmitted diseases. B) eating disorders. C) depression. D) substance abuse. Answer: A) many sexually transmitted diseases. 4. Discuss the phenomenon of teenage drinking, including associated risk factors and methods for reducing those risks. Answer: Alcohol is the most commonly abused drug consumed by U.S. teens, among not only non-Hispanic white high school students but also Hispanic and African American students. Major risk factors include (1) a tendency toward risk-taking behavior, (2) impulsivity, and (3) exposure to and consumption of alcohol at an early age (e.g., 10 or 11 years). Parental supervision and close relationships between parents and children may reduce the likelihood of alcohol abuse. In addition, avoiding associating with other teens who consume alcohol may also reduce the risk. Test Bank for The World of Children Joan Littlefield Cook, Greg Cook 9780205953738

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