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This Document Contains Chapters 11 to 12 Chapter 11: Sexuality 11.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1. What is true about sex differences? A. Women are more likely to misinterpret sexual overtures. B. Men are more sexually aggressive than women. C. Women fantasize about having sex with strangers more than men. D. Men enjoy sex more than women. Answer: B 2. Which is true of sexual media? A. Sex and romance are rarely written about in magazines read by teenage girls. B. More than 60 percent of 16- to 17-year-olds regularly view sexually explicit content online. C. Between 44 and 81 percent of music videos involve sexual content. D. About 40 percent of the top 20 shows popular with adolescents average nearly seven scenes of sexual content per hour. Answer: C 3. Which statement regarding adolescent sexuality is false? A. Youth report learning more about sexuality from the media than from their parents. B. 63 percent of twelfth graders report having sexual intercourse at least once. C. More than 50 percent of adolescents have engaged in oral sex by the time they graduate high school. D. Youth who partake in less sexual media are just as likely to engage in sexual intercourse as heavy viewers. Answer: D 4. According to the text, the most important part of sexual communication is A. talking about sex immediately before or after B. the attitude you and your partner have toward each other C. the use of simple yes-or-no questions D. avoiding all criticism of your partner Answer: B 5. Insults used to denigrate a partner’s sexuality are called A. criticism B. contempt C. withdrawal D. defensiveness Answer: B 6. When Lucy is unhappy with Aaron’s advances, she stays focused on reading a book, ignoring him. This is an example of A. criticism B. contempt C. withdrawal D. defensiveness Answer: C 7. David and Lisa agree that their sex life is very enjoyable. If they are like most partners with a satisfactory sex life, the initiative for sexual intercourse is A. taken mostly by Lisa B. usually taken by David C. shared equally by David and Lisa D. mostly used as a way to bargain for other needs Answer: C 8. People who ask about their partner’s sexual history are A. more likely to be abandoned by their partner B. more likely to use contraception C. usually inspired by drugs and alcohol use D. less willing to stay in a committed relationship Answer: B 9. What is the correct sequence of stages in the sexual response cycle? A. desire, plateau, excitement, orgasm, resolution B. transition, excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution C. transition, orgasm, excitement, plateau, resolution D. transition, excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution Answer: D 10. The first stage of in the sexual response cycle is A. excitement B. transition C. resolution D. plateau Answer: B 11. The heightening of sexual desire through mental and sensory stimulation characteristically occurs in which phase of the sexual response cycle? A. excitement B. orgasm C. resolution D. plateau Answer: A 12. Which statement about gender differences in fantasies is false? A. Men fantasize about women’s bodies. B. Women fantasize about their own attractiveness to men. C. Men are likely to fantasize about being dominant. D. Men are more likely to fantasize than women. Answer: D 13. The phase of the sexual response cycle in which the usual signs of sexual arousal become more pronounced as the partners approach climax is called A. orgasm B. plateau C. excitement D. resolution Answer: B 14. Which is experienced by men but not women? A. All stages in the sexual response cycle are experienced by both sexes. B. orgasm C. plateau D. refractory period Answer: D 15. Much of the difference in sexual activity between the sexes may be due to A. cultural factors, such as the double standard in sex B. the fact that women can become pregnant and men cannot C. the fact that male and female sexuality tends to change across the life span D. all of the above are factors Answer: D 16. Compared to men, women have A. greater orgasmic variation B. only one orgasm per sexual episode C. an easier time becoming intensely aroused D. a longer refractory period Answer: A 17. Love based on a loving, practical, but not necessarily sexual relationship is known as ______ love. A. companionate B. romantic C. consummate D. dependent Answer: A 18. According to the text, the ideal type of love in the U.S. is A. passionate love B. intimate love C. companionate love D. consummate love Answer: D 19. People who believe they were born into the body of the wrong sex are A. homosexual B. transgendered C. hermaphrodites D. transvestites Answer: B 20. People who are born with chromosomal or hormonal birth defects so they do not really fit into “male” or “female” categories are A. transvestites B. intersexed C. transgendered D. autoerotic Answer: B 21. What is the most significant life stressor for homosexuals? A. discovering their homosexual orientation B. telling friends and family about their sexual orientation C. having their first homosexual encounter D. all of these are equally stressful according to the literature Answer: A 22. John hates "fags," as he calls homosexuals, and would not only never enter a gay bar, he would just as soon beat up any "faggots" he meets. John is A. homoerotic B. transsexual C. homophobic D. bisexual Answer: C 23. Aversion to sex A. is equally common among men and women B. can be overcome by repeated attempt to please a sexual partner C. is not caused be conflicts in one’s sexual identity D. can be a result of a history of childhood abuse Answer: D 24. Which of the following is NOT a cause of erectile inhibition? A. physiological factors such as diabetes and the effect of certain drugs B. stress C. judging one’s own performance D. excessive masturbation Answer: D 25. Which term below does NOT signal a sexual dysfunction? A. refractory period B. erectile inhibition C. premature ejaculation D. female orgasmic disorder Answer: A 26. For men, the most common dysfunction in the orgasmic phase is A. orgasm without ejaculation B. erectile inhibition C. premature ejaculation D. inhibited sexual desire Answer: C 27. The most common sexual dysfunction for women is A. inhibited vaginal lubrication B. premature orgasm C. inhibited sexual desire D. inability to reach orgasm Answer: D 28. About _______ of women experience orgasm regularly through intercourse. A. one-fourth B. one-third C. one-half D. two-thirds Answer: C 29. Nearly _______ percent of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned. A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 Answer: D 30. The incidence of STD is highest among which age group? A. 15- to 19-year-olds B. 20- to 24-year-olds C. 25- to 29-year-olds D. 30- to 34-year-olds Answer: B 31. Which STD if left untreated can cause brain damage, blindness, or paralysis? A. syphilis B. chlamydia C. genital herpes D. all three of these Answer: A 32. Which is true of the AIDS virus? A. Once infected, blood tests will always show a positive result. B. Symptoms always occur quickly upon becoming infected. C. The virus can only be spread when the carrier is symptomatic. D. Common infections can become lethal to a person living with AIDS. Answer: D 33. AIDS is communicated primarily through A. any physical contact between people, including skin touching B. blood or body fluids C. contact with a male homosexual D. people donating blood Answer: B 34. Which statement about AIDS is true? A. You can tell by looking that someone has the AIDS virus. B. It’s possible to get the AIDS virus from hugging, kissing, or from a toilet seat. C. The AIDS virus may be spread through sneezing and coughing. D. None of these statements is true. Answer: D 35. Which is NOT a strategy to reduce the risk of getting AIDS? A. Avoid oral contact with semen. B. Use latex condoms. C. Use spermicide when having sex. D. Ask your partner about their sexual history. Answer: C 36. Victims of child sexual abuse are most likely to be A. males under 5 years of age B. males or females 3 to 8 years of age C. males and females 9 to 12 years of age D. males 13 to 16 years of age Answer: C 37. Which statement about child pornography is false? A. It has been around for centuries. B. It mostly involves young boys. C. Most viewers are men. D. The Internet has increased its distribution. Answer: B 38. Almost half of all sexual assault victims are A. females between 11 and 18 years of age B. younger than 18 years of age C. male inmates older than 18 years of age D. anyone older than 25 years of age Answer: B 39. Nearly two-thirds of sexual assaults are committed by A. drunken boyfriends B. a psychopathic stranger C. someone known to the victim D. a husband or ex-husband Answer: C 40. Which statement about sexual assault is true? A. Victims provoke sexual assault when they dress provocatively. B. If a woman goes to someone’s room, she assumes the risk of sexual assault. C. It’s only rape if the victim puts up a fight and resists. D. None of these statements are true. Answer: D 11.2 True/False Questions 1. Adults using a condom for intercourse were just as likely to rate the experience positively as when having intercourse without one. Answer: True 2. Men enjoy sex more than women. Answer: False 3. Youth report learning more about sexuality from media than from their parents. Answer: True 4. More than 50 percent of adolescents have engaged in oral sex by the time they graduate high school. Answer: True 5. It is better to ignore your partner than to give an excuse not to have sex. Answer: False 6. Women find visual images more sexually arousing than do men. Answer: False 7. Men and women both experience a refractory period after orgasm. Answer: False 8. Multiple orgasms are more common among men than women. Answer: False 9. Sexual orientation may be fluid (in flux). Answer: True 10. The groups of teens that is most likely to be bullied are those who are LGB or thought to be LGB. Answer: True 11. The incidence of hypoactive sexual desire is higher in men than women. Answer: False 12. Only about one-half of women experience orgasm regularly through intercourse. Answer: True 13. About one-quarter of pregnancies are unplanned. Answer: False 14. Condoms only exist for men to wear. Answer: False 15. Gonorrhea has no physical symptoms. Answer: False 16. About 10 percent of all college students are infected with chlamydia. Answer: True 17. Nearly 50 percent of sexually active individuals will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives. Answer: True 18. People cannot become infected with the HIV virus by donating blood. Answer: True 19. Only women fall victim to sexual assault. Answer: False 20. Victims provoke sexual assaults when they dress provocatively or act in a promiscuous manner. Answer: False 11.3 Short Answer Questions 1. Describe at least three gender stereotypes. Answer: 1. Women are Emotional: Stereotype that women are more emotional and sensitive compared to men, leading to the belief that they may be less rational or logical in decision-making. 2. Men are Aggressive: Stereotype that men are naturally more aggressive and assertive, which can lead to expectations of dominant behavior in professional and personal settings. 3. Women are Caregivers: Stereotype that women are inherently nurturing and better suited for caregiving roles, such as parenting or eldercare, than men. 2. Identify three destructive patterns of communicating about sex. Answer: 1. Criticism: Criticizing or blaming one's partner for sexual issues or preferences, which can lead to defensiveness and resentment. 2. Defensiveness: Becoming defensive or dismissive when discussing sexual needs or concerns, hindering open communication and problem-solving. 3. Stonewalling: Shutting down or refusing to engage in conversations about sex, which prevents addressing issues and can lead to emotional distance. 3. Discuss gender differences in regard to multiple orgasms. Answer: Women are generally more capable of experiencing multiple orgasms compared to men due to physiological differences: Women: Women often have the ability to have sequential orgasms without a refractory period, allowing for multiple orgasms during a single sexual encounter. Men: Men typically experience a refractory period after orgasm, during which arousal and the ability to achieve another orgasm are significantly reduced. These differences highlight variations in sexual response and physiology between genders. 4. Describe consummate love. Why is it considered the ideal type of love? Answer: Consummate love is characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment, representing the ideal type of love: • Definition: It combines emotional intimacy, sexual passion, and long-term commitment in a balanced and harmonious relationship. • Ideal Type: Considered ideal because it encompasses all aspects of love (intimacy, passion, commitment), fostering deep emotional connection and long-term satisfaction. 5. What is homophobia? Answer: Homophobia refers to: • Definition: Fear, prejudice, or discrimination against individuals who are homosexual or who are perceived to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. • Impact: It manifests through negative attitudes, stereotypes, and discriminatory behaviors towards LGBTQ+ individuals, often rooted in societal norms and prejudices. 6. Discuss the common reasons for developing aversion to sex. Answer: Common reasons for developing aversion to sex include: • Psychological Factors: Past trauma, negative experiences, or anxiety related to sex. • Physical Issues: Painful intercourse (dyspareunia), hormonal imbalances, or medical conditions affecting sexual desire. • Relationship Problems: Lack of emotional intimacy, communication issues, or unresolved conflicts affecting sexual attraction. 7. List three effective means of birth control. Answer: 1. Contraceptive Pills: Hormonal pills that prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. 2. Condoms: Barrier method that prevents sperm from reaching the egg and protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 3. Intrauterine Device (IUD): Small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy for several years, depending on the type. 8. Describe the typical victims and typical perpetrators of child sexual abuse. Answer: Typical Victims: Children of Both Genders: Predominantly girls but also boys, often between ages 7 and 13, vulnerable due to trust in perpetrators. Typical Perpetrators: Known Adults: Often family members, teachers, or authority figures with access and authority over children. 11.4 Essay Questions 1. How do gender stereotypes affect sexuality? Answer: Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Sexuality Gender stereotypes influence sexuality in several ways: • Roles and Expectations: Dictate expected behaviors and roles in sexual relationships, influencing how individuals express desires and preferences. • Norms and Taboos: Shape societal norms around sexual behavior, defining what is considered acceptable or taboo based on gender. • Self-Perception: Influence self-image and sexual identity, impacting how individuals perceive and navigate their own desires and attractions. • Power Dynamics: Contribute to unequal power dynamics in relationships, affecting consent, communication, and sexual agency. 2. What are the four destructive ways of communicating sexual feelings to one’s partner? How can this be prevented? Answer: Destructive Ways of Communicating Sexual Feelings Four destructive ways include: • Criticism: Blaming or shaming a partner for sexual preferences or performance. • Defensiveness: Becoming defensive or dismissive when discussing sexual needs or concerns. • Stonewalling: Shutting down communication about sex, leading to unresolved issues. • Contempt: Showing disrespect or disdain towards a partner's sexual desires or boundaries. Prevention: Practice open communication, active listening, empathy, and mutual respect to foster a healthy and supportive sexual relationship. 3. Describe the five phases of the sexual response cycle for males and females. Answer: Phases of the Sexual Response Cycle Males: 1. Excitement: Arousal begins, marked by erection and increased heart rate. 2. Plateau: Heightened arousal continues, preparing for orgasm. 3. Orgasm: Peak of sexual pleasure, ejaculation occurs. 4. Resolution: Relaxation and return to normal state. Females: 1. Excitement: Arousal starts, characterized by increased blood flow to genitals. 2. Plateau: Continuation of arousal, with increased vaginal lubrication. 3. Orgasm: Peak of sexual pleasure, characterized by rhythmic muscle contractions. 4. Resolution: Relaxation and return to normal state, although some women may experience multiple orgasms. Understanding these phases helps individuals navigate and enhance their sexual experiences while promoting mutual satisfaction and well-being in relationships. 4. Discuss some of the challenges faced by homosexual individuals in our society. Answer: Challenges Faced by Homosexual Individuals in Society Homosexual individuals often face: • Discrimination: Legal, social, and institutional discrimination based on sexual orientation. • Stigma and Prejudice: Negative societal attitudes and stereotypes leading to marginalization. • Lack of Legal Protections: Limited legal recognition of relationships, affecting rights such as marriage, adoption, and inheritance. • Health Disparities: Higher rates of mental health issues, substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS due to societal pressures and discrimination. • Family Rejection: Potential estrangement from family members due to non-conformity to heterosexual norms. 5. Name and describe five sexual dysfunctions. Answer: Sexual Dysfunctions 1. Erectile Dysfunction: Inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. 2. Premature Ejaculation: Ejaculation occurring too quickly, often before or shortly after penetration. 3. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: Persistently low or absent sexual desire, causing distress or relationship problems. 4. Delayed Ejaculation: Delay or inability to achieve ejaculation, despite adequate sexual stimulation. 5. Orgasmic Disorder: Difficulty achieving orgasm or significantly delayed orgasm, despite adequate sexual arousal. 6. What are five methods of birth control? Describe how each is used and provide a description of the general effectiveness of each. Answer: Methods of Birth Control 1. Contraceptive Pills: • Description: Hormonal pills taken daily to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. • Effectiveness: Highly effective with perfect use (over 99%), but typical use effectiveness is around 91%. 2. Condoms: • Description: Barrier method that prevents sperm from entering the uterus and protects against STIs. • Effectiveness: Typical use effectiveness is around 85%. 3. Intrauterine Device (IUD): • Description: Small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal IUDs release hormones to prevent ovulation, while copper IUDs prevent fertilization. • Effectiveness: Highly effective with effectiveness rates over 99%. 4. Birth Control Implant: • Description: Small rod inserted under the skin that releases hormones to prevent ovulation. • Effectiveness: Over 99% effective. 5. Sterilization (Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy): • Description: Permanent surgical procedures to block fallopian tubes (tubal ligation) or vas deferens (vasectomy) to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. • Effectiveness: Highly effective with effectiveness rates over 99%. Understanding these methods helps individuals make informed decisions about contraception based on their health, lifestyle, and reproductive goals. 7. What are five sexually transmitted diseases? Describe the symptoms and a preventive method for each. Answer: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) 1. HIV/AIDS: • Symptoms: Flu-like symptoms, weakened immune system, opportunistic infections. • Preventive Method: Safe sex practices, including condom use and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). 2. Chlamydia: • Symptoms: Often asymptomatic; may include abnormal discharge, burning sensation during urination. • Preventive Method: Safe sex practices, regular screening, and treatment of infected partners. 3. Gonorrhea: • Symptoms: Painful urination, abnormal discharge, pelvic pain. • Preventive Method: Safe sex practices, regular screening, and treatment of infected partners. 4. Genital Herpes: • Symptoms: Painful sores or blisters around genital or anal area, flu-like symptoms. • Preventive Method: Safe sex practices, including condom use, avoiding sexual contact during outbreaks. 5. HPV (Human Papillomavirus): • Symptoms: Often asymptomatic; can cause genital warts or lead to cervical cancer. • Preventive Method: HPV vaccination, safe sex practices, regular Pap smears for early detection. 8. Discuss the occurrence of child sexual abuse in terms of what it is, its frequency, and its causes. Answer: Child Sexual Abuse • Definition: Involves sexual exploitation or molestation of a child by an adult or older adolescent. • Frequency: Estimated rates vary, often underreported; impacts include emotional and psychological trauma. • Causes: Rooted in power dynamics, psychological issues, and societal factors; prevention involves education, awareness, and support for victims. 9. Discuss the occurrence of sexual assault in American society, including the typical age at which this occurs and the relationship of the victim to the perpetrator. Also, include the typical victim’s reactions. Answer: Sexual Assault in American Society • Occurrence: Typically affects young adults; victims often know perpetrators (acquaintance or intimate partner). • Age: Commonly occurs in late teens to early adulthood. • Victim Reactions: Vary widely, including shock, denial, guilt, and PTSD; recovery involves support, counseling, and legal recourse. 10. For each of the following terms, provide a definition: erectile dysfunction, bisexuality, plateau phase, companionate love, and transgendered persons. Answer: Definitions 1. Erectile Dysfunction: Inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. 2. Bisexuality: Sexual attraction, romantic attraction, or sexual behavior towards both males and females. 3. Plateau Phase: Stage in the sexual response cycle characterized by sustained sexual arousal before orgasm. 4. Companionate Love: Affection and intimacy in a long-term relationship without intense passion or sexual desire. 5. Transgender: Individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. Chapter 12: Love and Commitment 12.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1. Sternberg's triangular view of love includes three components of love: intimacy, passion, and A. commitment B. friendship C. romance D. compatibility Answer: A 2. _______ is the emotional component of the triangular theory of love that includes closeness, sharing, communication, and support. A. Intimacy B. Passion C. Commitment D. There is no emotional aspect of love in this theory. Answer: A 3. In the triangular theory of love, _____ is the motivational aspect, that involves arousal and a desire to be united with the loved one. A. passion B. commitment C. romance D. intimacy Answer: A 4. In the triangular theory of love, commitment is the ________ aspect of love. A. motivational B. cognitive C. emotional D. spiritual Answer: B 5. Based on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, “romantic” love involves A. passion + commitment B. commitment only C. intimacy + passion + commitment D. intimacy + passion Answer: D 6. Based on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, “companionate” love involves A. intimacy + commitment B. intimacy only C. intimacy + passion + commitment D. passion + commitment Answer: A 7. Research about attachment style shows that A. we do not attach to our romantic partner as we did to our parents B. people with an avoidant style are very attracted to each other C. parents influence the style of romantic attachments their children form D. early attachment styles only affect negative attachments later in life Answer: C 8. ______ individuals report happy and trusting relationships. A. Securely attached B. Avoidant C. Anxious D. Ambivalent Answer: A 9. According to studies comparing people's current romantic relationships with their childhood attachment styles, individuals who exhibit the "avoidant attachment" pattern A. fall in love easily, but rarely find true love B. desire a high level of closeness that many partners aren’t willing to give C. report their romances last the longest D. are the most prone to jealousy Answer: D 10. Currently, around __________ percent of Americans report meeting their partners online. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 Answer: B 11. Which of the following is NOT a guideline you should follow when considering online dating? A. You can feel comfortable that once you delete information that you have posted, it can no longer be accessed by others. B. Make sure your screen name doesn’t say too much about you. C. Because some people lie about who they really are, you never really know who you are dealing with. D. Consider not posting your photo. Answer: A 12. Which statement about cohabitation is true? A. Couples that like together prior to marriage are less likely to get divorced that those who don’t. B. The number of cohabitating couples has remained stable since 1990. C. Cohabitation is often driven by economics. D. Fewer than 50 percent of couples live together prior to marriage. Answer: C 13. Which statement about marriage in the U.S. is true? A. People are getting married later in life. B. Most couples believe in voluntary marriage. C. Intercultural marriages are more conflict-prone but not more divorce-prone. D. All of these are true. Answer: D 14. Lisa and Bill have promised that they will stay married only as long as they remain in love, a view that is known as A. companionate love B. voluntary marriage C. romantic love D. trial marriage Answer: B 15. Which statement about marriage is true? A. Marriage should always be a 50-50 partnership. B. Extramarital affairs will destroy a marriage. C. Children are more damaged by a legal divorce than by remaining in an intact but unhappy home. D. Most divorces are initiated by women Answer: D 16. Which statement about marriage is false? A. More than 7 out of 10 Americans will eventually marry. B. Husbands and wives should be best friends. C. Differences and incompatibilities between partners are the major causes of marital dissatisfaction. D. Married people are happier and healthier than single individuals. Answer: C 17. Which statements about marriage is true? A. Intercultural marriages are more prone to divorce. B. Countries than do not emphasize romance in mate selection have lower divorce rates. C. Only about 7 percent of recent marriages occurred between partners of different races or ethnicities. D. Those from individualistic cultures place less emphasis on love as a basis for establishing a marriage than people from collective societies. Answer: B 18. What contributes most to keeping love alive? A. having fun together B. sharing household tasks equally C. joint problem solving D. becoming more attitudinally similar Answer: D 19. When women work outside of the home A. they still do most of the housework B. the couple is less satisfied C. the husbands usually do half of all housework D. they do less housework than men Answer: A 20. How do homosexual couples distribute housework? A. Work is fairly equally distributed. B. Work is distributed about the same as heterosexual couples. C. The more masculine partner does the most. D. The more masculine partner does the least. Answer: A 21. The most common problem reported by married couples is A. family finances and budgeting B. interference by in-laws C. communication problems D. child-rearing issues Answer: C 23. Which is not one of the emotions and style of interaction that Gottman refers to as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?” A. contempt B. stonewalling C. criticism D. anger Answer: D 22. One in ________ U.S. women is estimated to experience domestic violence in her lifetime. A. three B. four C. five D. six Answer: B 24. Which statement about partner abuse is false? A. Women comprise 85 percent of all victims. B. Over 75 percent of all women murdered are killed by their significant others. C. One-third of all men murdered are killed by their significant others. D. Intimate partner violence makes up about 20 percent of all nonfatal violent crimes experienced by women. Answer: B 25. An overview of numerous marital studies reported in the text indicated that a major factor related to marital satisfaction is A. joint problem-solving ability B. wanting the relationship to succeed C. a satisfying sex life D. financial security Answer: A 26. Which of the following is NOT related to marital success? A. the quality of the couple’s communication B. fun, humor, and playfulness C. a satisfying sexual relationship D. spending significant amounts of time together Answer: D 27. Which of the following is not recommended to improve relationships? A. Seek outside help only when a problem has progressed significantly. B. Don’t say every critical thing that comes to mind. C. Don’t accept hurtful behavior from your partner. D. Bring up problematic topics gently and without blame. Answer: A 28. EFT is a technique used to A. aid in sexual dysfunction B. intervene in disputes C. change thought and emotional patterns D. handle family budgets Answer: C 29. The success rate for emotion focused therapy is A. 50 to 55 percent B. 60 to 65 percent C. 70 to 75 percent D. 80 to 85 percent Answer: C 30. The longer a couple live together or are married, the A. less they value the quality of their sex life B. less they value sexual monogamy C. less frequently they have sexual intercourse D. less they value sex and monogamy Answer: C 31. Which of the following is NOT true of infidelity in the U.S.? A. Between 20 to 50 percent of women have engaged in extramarital sex. B. Between 30 to 60 percent of men have engaged in extramarital sex. C. 74 percent of men say they would have an affair if they knew they wouldn’t get caught. D. 48 percent of men say they would have an affair if they knew they wouldn’t get caught. Answer: D 32. Studies of divorce indicate that A. men and women are equally involved in initiating divorce B. most divorces are initiated by women C. men initiate most divorces D. meddling in-laws induce divorce Answer: B 33. It takes most people ________ to recover fully from the distress of divorce. A. six months B. one year C. two or three years D. more than three years Answer: C 34. Studies show that parental discord before and after a divorce A. surprisingly has little impact on children’s adjustment B. has an impact on children’s adjustment only after the divorce is finalized C. influences children’s adjustment more powerfully than the divorce itself D. makes the divorce less shocking for children and leads to better adjustment Answer: C 35. Studies of divorced people have shown that A. most remarry in the first year after their divorce B. most divorced people marry another divorced person C. few of them are willing ever to marry again D. none of these is true Answer: B 36. About ________ percent of divorced people remarry within one year of their divorce. A. 10 B. 25 C. 40 D. 55 Answer: B 37. Statistically, second marriages are A. more likely to end in divorce than first marriages B. likely to last as long as first marriages C. more likely to be cross-racial D. none of these is true Answer: A 38. What percentage of first marriages end in divorce? A. 35 B. 43 C. 51 D. 65 Answer: B 39. What percentage of remarriages end in divorce? A. 35 B. 43 C. 51 D. 65 Answer: D 40. Families that contain stepparents and stepchildren are known as ________ families. A. remarried B. remixed C. blended D. accessioned Answer: C 12.2 True/False Questions 1. According to Sternberg’s triangular theory, the three aspects of love are intimacy, passion, and commitment. Answer: True 2. In Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, intimacy is the cognitive aspect. Answer: False 3. In the triangular theory of love, companionate love is made up of intimacy + commitment. Answer: True 4. According to the triangular theory of love, romantic love is the “ideal love.” Answer: False 5. Childhood attachment to parents appears to influence adult attachment style to romantic partners. Answer: True 6. Around 40 percent of Americans report meeting their partners online. Answer: False 7. Computer matchmaking services at better at producing successful long-term relationships than traditional ways of meeting people. Answer: False 8. High self-disclosure leads to the development of good relationship quality. Answer: True 9. Fewer than 60 percent of couples live together prior to marriage. Answer: False 10. The median age for first time marriage is 23 years for brides. Answer: False 11. Partners who live together before marriage are less apt to get divorced than those who do not do so. Answer: False 12. Married people are happier and healthier than single individuals. Answer: True 13. Nearly 15 percent of recent marriages occurred between partners of different races or ethnicities. Answer: True 14. Countries that do not emphasize romance in mate selection have lower divorce rates. Answer: True 15. When women work outside the home, the housework is most often split evenly between men and women. Answer: False 16. Men initiate discussions about relationship issues about 80 percent of the time. Answer: False 17. Fewer than 50 percent of men and women would have an affair if they knew they wouldn’t get caught. Answer: False 18. Approximately 6 out of every 10 marriages ends in divorce. Answer: False 19. It takes most people six months to recover fully from the distress of divorce. Answer: False 20. One-quarter of divorced people remarry within one year of the divorce. Answer: True 12.3 Short Answer Questions 1. List the three components of love according to the triangular theory of love. Answer: According to the Triangular Theory of Love by Robert Sternberg, love consists of: • Intimacy: Emotional closeness, warmth, and bonding between partners. • Passion: Physical attraction, desire, and romantic arousal. • Commitment: Decision to maintain the relationship, including long-term plans and mutual dedication. 2. Define and differentiate companionate love from other forms of love. Answer: Companionate Love: • Definition: Affectionate, deep attachment characterized by intimacy and commitment, but without intense passion. • Differentiation: Contrasts with passionate love (intense romantic attraction) and consummate love (combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment). 3. Describe the avoidant attachment style and the way in which it affects later attachments. Answer: • Description: Characterized by discomfort with intimacy, reluctance to trust others, and a desire for independence. • Effect: Can lead to challenges in forming and maintaining close relationships, affecting emotional intimacy and communication patterns in later attachments. 4. List three useful guidelines for online dating. Answer: 1. Safety First: Use reputable dating platforms, protect personal information, and meet in public places. 2. Honesty and Clarity: Be honest in your profile and communications about intentions, interests, and expectations. 3. Take Your Time: Get to know potential matches gradually, ask questions, and assess compatibility before committing to offline meetings. 5. List Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”: the emotions and styles of interaction that prove toxic for marriages. Answer: Gottman’s "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" These are toxic interactions in marriages: • Criticism: Attacking a partner's character or personality. • Contempt: Disrespect, mocking, or belittling behaviors. • Defensiveness: Denying responsibility, making excuses, or counter-attacking. • Stonewalling: Withdrawing from communication or shutting down emotionally. 6. List several of the effects of being battered. Answer: Effects of Being Battered • Physical Injuries: Bruises, broken bones, and long-term health problems. • Emotional Trauma: Anxiety, depression, and PTSD. • Social Isolation: Withdrawal from relationships and support networks. 7. Discuss the reasons for the dramatic rise in the divorce rate in America. Answer: Reasons for the Rise in Divorce Rate in America • Changing Social Norms: Increased acceptance of divorce as a solution to marital problems. • Financial Independence: Both partners often have careers, reducing economic dependency. • Legal Reforms: Simplified divorce procedures and no-fault divorce laws. • Individualism: Focus on personal happiness and fulfillment over marital stability. 8. What, in brief, is the impact the custodial parent’s remarriage has on children? Answer: Impact of Custodial Parent's Remarriage on Children • Adjustment Challenges: Children may experience initial resistance, confusion, or jealousy. • Emotional Reactions: Mixed feelings, loyalty conflicts, and adjustment to new family dynamics. 12.4 Essay Questions 1. What is Sternberg’s triangular theory of love? What are the three components? Answer: Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love Theory: Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love describes love as having three main components: • Intimacy: Emotional closeness, connectedness, and warmth shared between partners. • Passion: Physical attraction, desire, and romantic arousal experienced in the relationship. • Commitment: Decision to maintain the relationship, including long-term plans and mutual dedication. Combination: Different combinations of these components result in different types of love (e.g., romantic love, companionate love, consummate love). 2. How do early attachments influence attachment to our romantic partners? Include the three attachment styles in your discussion. Answer: Influence of Early Attachments on Romantic Relationships Attachment Theory: Early attachments influence adult romantic relationships through three primary styles: • Secure Attachment: Trusting, comfortable with intimacy, and seek close relationships. • Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment: Overly dependent, seek excessive reassurance, and fear abandonment. • Avoidant Attachment: Discomfort with intimacy, value independence, and may avoid closeness. Impact: These attachment styles shape expectations, behaviors, and communication patterns in adult relationships, influencing relationship satisfaction and stability. 3. What are typical issues over which families experience conflict? List the factors that place a marriage in jeopardy. Answer: Typical Family Conflicts and Factors Jeopardizing Marriage Family Conflict Issues: • Communication: Misunderstandings, disagreements, and ineffective communication. • Parenting: Differences in parenting styles, discipline, and child-rearing decisions. • Financial Stress: Money management, spending habits, and financial responsibilities. • In-Laws: Conflicts related to extended family dynamics, expectations, and involvement. Marriage Jeopardy Factors: • Lack of Communication: Poor communication or inability to resolve conflicts. • Infidelity: Emotional or physical affairs that breach trust and commitment. • Financial Strain: Stress related to financial instability or mismanagement. • Incompatibility: Fundamental differences in values, goals, or lifestyle preferences. 4. Explain what characterizes long-term, satisfying marriages? Answer: Characteristics of Long-Term, Satisfying Marriages Key Traits: • Communication: Open, respectful, and effective communication. • Commitment: Mutual dedication, trust, and willingness to work through challenges. • Intimacy: Emotional connection, shared experiences, and physical affection. • Conflict Resolution: Ability to manage conflicts constructively and compromise. • Shared Values: Similar goals, values, and priorities that align over time. Support Systems: Strong social support, coping strategies, and resilience contribute to enduring marital satisfaction and longevity. 5. Discuss the use and effectiveness of emotion focused therapy. Answer: Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) Use: Emotion-Focused Therapy focuses on emotional processing and transformation to facilitate change and improve mental health. Effectiveness: Effective for treating depression, anxiety, and relationship issues by addressing underlying emotions and promoting emotional awareness and regulation. 6. Discuss the effects of parental divorce on children. Answer: Effects of Parental Divorce on Children Impact: • Emotional Distress: Anxiety, sadness, and confusion about family changes. • Behavioral Issues: Aggression, withdrawal, or academic difficulties. • Long-Term Effects: Potential for lower self-esteem, relationship difficulties, and increased risk of mental health issues. 7. How successful are second marriages? Base your answer on known statistics. Answer: Success of Second Marriages Statistics: Second marriages have a higher divorce rate compared to first marriages, with approximately 60% ending in divorce. 8. Provide a definition and concrete example for the following terms: blended family, companionate love, anxious attachment style, and emotion-focused therapy.. Answer: Definitions and Examples 1. Blended Family: • Definition: Family unit consisting of a couple and their children from previous relationships. • Example: A household where one parent remarries and integrates their children with their new spouse's children. 2. Companionate Love: • Definition: Affectionate, deep attachment characterized by intimacy and commitment, without intense passion. • Example: Long-term married couples who share emotional closeness and support each other's goals and aspirations. 3. Anxious Attachment Style: • Definition: Attachment style characterized by fear of abandonment, seeking excessive reassurance, and difficulty trusting others. • Example: Individuals who feel anxious and insecure in relationships, often worrying about rejection or being unloved. 4. Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT): • Definition: Therapeutic approach focusing on emotions to help individuals understand and regulate their feelings, promoting personal growth and relationship improvement. • Example: A therapist using EFT techniques to help a couple explore and express underlying emotions to strengthen their bond and resolve conflicts. Test Bank for Psychology for Living: Adjustment, Growth, and Behavior Today Steven J. Kirsh, Karen Grover Duffy, Eastwood Atwater 9780205961627

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