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Chapter 10 Writing Routine and Positive Messages 1) When making a routine request, you should begin with A) an indication of the importance of your request. B) a statement of who you are. C) a clear statement of the main idea or request. D) a question. Answer: C Explanation: C) A routine request opens by explaining what you are requesting, followed by justification for your request, then a brief closing. 2) In the closing section of a routine request, ________ would be out of place. A) asking a series of questions B) requesting some specific action C) expressing your goodwill and appreciation D) providing your contact information Answer: A Explanation: A) Close routine requests with a request for some specific action, information about how you may be reached, and an expression of appreciation. 3) When making a routine request, you should A) use the inductive plan. B) assume that the audience is willing to comply. C) demand immediate action. D) explain the consequences of failing to comply. Answer: B Explanation: B) What makes a routine request "routine" is that the matter is fairly simple and straight-forward and you anticipate no resistance from your audience. If you conclude that your audience is resistant, you need to recognize that your request is not routine and you will need to take special measures in order to secure compliance. 4) Which of the following would be the best opening for a routine request? A) Please send me a summary of last month's east region sales data. B) As soon as you get this, send me last month's sales data. C) I know you may not want to, but send me last month's sales data. D) I am very sorry to ask you to do this. Answer: A Explanation: A) The first response is best because it is simple, direct, and specific. Note that the tone is polite and includes the word Please, making sure that the request does not come out sounding like a demand. Note also that it is a mistake to apologize—routine requests are usually expected by your audience so an apology is unnecessary. 5) In the body of a routine request, you should A) beg the reader to grant your request. B) explain and justify your request. C) give your sales pitch. D) explain what will happen if the audience does not do what you are asking. Answer: B Explanation: B) The opening of the request is used to state specifically what you are requesting. This is followed by the body, which provides reasons to justify why you are making the request. In a routine request, justification typically consists of a few simple and straight-forward sentences. 6) When asking questions in a request message A) begin with the least important question and work your way up to the most important. B) avoid any open-ended questions. C) begin with the most important question. D) weave your questions into the rest of the content of your message. Answer: C Explanation: C) Your most important question should always come first, followed by any additional information you might seek. Make sure you include only relevant questions, and limit each question to one topic only. 7) When closing a direct request, you should be sure to include A) an apology for taking up the reader's time. B) a mention of your own qualifications or status. C) the time limits involved in your request. D) an indication of the consequences of a failure to reply. Answer: C Explanation: C) The closing should repeat what is being requested and precisely when a response is required. Failing to be precise about time leaves open all sorts of possibility for misunderstanding and confusion. 8) In requesting a sales report from a co-worker, you should A) use the indirect approach. B) get straight to the point. C) maintain a formal style and tone. D) do all of the above. Answer: B Explanation: B) Assuming getting you the sales report is a routine matter that the co-worker should have no problem delivering, there is no need to launch into elaborate introductions or explanations for why you are making the request. Simply make the request as directly and briefly as possible using a polite tone. Make sure that you include all of the information your co-worker needs to fulfill the request. 9) Most simple requests can be handled by explaining A) what you want to know or want the reader to do. B) why you're making the request. C) why it may be in your reader's interest to comply. D) all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) Most simple requests can be handled with three message points: what you want to know or want your audience to do, why you're making the request, and what's in it for your readers if they help you. 10) A claim is ________; an adjustment is ________. A) a goodwill message; a means to an end B) an emotional reaction; a calculated response C) a formal complaint; a settlement of a claim D) an informal complaint; an emotional reaction Answer: C Explanation: C) If you're dissatisfied with a company's product or service, you can opt to make a claim (a formal complaint) or request an adjustment (a settlement of a claim). 11) Before volunteering someone's name as a reference, always A) assume you have permission to do so. B) ask that person's permission. C) describe your relationship with that person. D) list that person's address and phone number for ease of contact. Answer: B Explanation: B) Some people do not want to be listed as references for privacy reasons. Others do not want to be surprised by the request or burdened by the responsibility of supplying a recommendation for you. Still others may feel that they do not know you well enough to be listed as a reference, or they may even feel that they cannot recommend you. For all these reasons, ask people ahead of time if you can use them as a reference. 12) If you request a recommendation from a person you haven't had contact with recently, you should A) use the opening of your letter to refresh the person's memory. B) enclose a stamped, preaddressed envelope. C) use the persuasive approach. D) use the bad-news approach. Answer: A Explanation: A) An old college professor, for example, may have taught hundreds of students since he or she last saw you. For that reason it is important to identify yourself by supplying some of the details of your last encounter with the recommender, to make sure he or she has a clear idea of who you are. 13) The opening of a request for a recommendation should include A) a buffer. B) a statement implying that you're applying for a position. C) a statement on why the recommendation is needed. D) an apology for bothering the reader. Answer: C Explanation: C) A clear statement of why the recommendation is needed is what the reader needs to know first. For example, you may state that the recommendation is for a job, an application for graduate school, an internship, or membership in some kind of organization. 14) In closing a request for a recommendation, you should include A) an expression of appreciation. B) an indication that you've enclosed a stamped, preaddressed envelope. C) the full name and address of the person to whom the letter should be sent. D) all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) In some cases, electronic submissions of recommendations are required, so an envelope is not needed. In addition to a statement of appreciation and information about where to send the recommendation, be sure to include information about when the recommendation is needed, including deadline dates. 15) When making claims or requesting adjustments, you should begin by A) complimenting the company for past service. B) providing a detailed description of the faulty merchandise. C) providing a straightforward explanation of what the problem is. D) threatening legal action if you do not receive a favorable adjustment. Answer: C Explanation: C) Begin your claim request by stating the problem in clear and precise language. Include all relevant facts, figures, and dates, and assume that your audience will give you a fair and reasonable hearing. Keep your opening simple. You can go into the details of the case in a following paragraph. 16) When making a claim or requesting an adjustment, your close should A) clearly state how angry and disappointed you are. B) explain the specific details of the problem. C) request the specific action required to resolve the problem. D) explain that you are planning to seek legal counsel. Answer: C Explanation: C) It is important to close by saying exactly what you require of your reader. Repeat yourself if necessary, but make sure you state your request completely. For example, you might write: "As stated above, I am asking for full compensation for my lawn mower that you lost at your service center, an amount of $269." 17) Routine, positive messages should do all of the following except A) leave your reader with a good impression. B) use an indirect approach. C) provide all required details. D) communicate the information or positive news. Answer: B Explanation: B) With a routine message you expect full compliance from your reader. Therefore, there is no need to adopt an indirect approach to your message. 18) When you're writing a routine reply to a positive message, your readers will generally be ________ what you have to say, so. you can use the ________ in your reply. A) interested in; direct approach B) resistant to; indirect approach C) disinterested in; direct approach D) in tune with; indirect approach Answer: A Explanation: A) Because readers will generally be interested in what you have to say, you can usually use the direct approach with routine replies and positive messages. 19) In a positive message, present the main idea A) in the first sentence of the middle paragraph. B) at the end of the middle paragraph. C) right at the beginning of the letter. D) in the last sentence of the letter. Answer: C Explanation: C) The strategy for a positive message is simple: first, state the main idea. Then give necessary details. Finally, close with a cordial request for specific action. 20) In a positive message, you should explain your point completely in the A) introduction. B) body. C) close. D) None—all parts are usually the same length. Answer: B Explanation: B) In a positive message your first paragraph should be devoted to expressing your main idea. Any relevant details, complications, or considerations should be provided in the body of the message, fully explaining your point. 21) If you have mildly disappointing information to deliver as part of a positive message, you should A) put the negative information in a favorable context. B) just leave it out. C) put the negative information first. D) put the negative information last. Answer: A Explanation: A) A favorable context should not mislead or obfuscate. Simply express the negative news in the most positive possible manner. For example, rather than tell a customer only that he can't purchase his favorite tennis discontinued racket, be sure to tell him that he can purchase a new model that you think is even better than the original. 22) If you have strongly negative information to deliver as part of a positive message, you should A) open with the negative information. B) use the indirect approach. C) put the negative information in a separate message. D) apologize for having to spoil the moment. Answer: B Explanation: B) When you don't think there is a simple way to satisfy your reader after you deliver negative news, it is best to resort to an indirect approach of delivering your message. 23) In corresponding with customers, making statements such as, "Thank you for purchasing the most durable notebook computer you can buy" is A) to be avoided in routine positive messages. B) a good way to build customer relationships. C) an important part of all negative responses to claim letters. D) all of the above. Answer: B Explanation: B) Reinforcing the idea that the customer made a wise decision in purchasing your product is an example of resale. Resale helps make customers feel good about their purchase, and develop a positive relationship with your company. 24) The close of a routine reply or positive message should A) clearly state who will do what next. B) explain the reasons for any negative information you have included. C) offer an explanation for why this decision was made. D) create some ambiguity, so the audience will be more likely to contact you. Answer: A Explanation: A) If additional action is required on the part of the reader or yourself, make that action clear in the close. Include times, dates, addresses, and other information to make sure that the action can be easily accomplished by your audience. 25) The closing section of a positive message A) highlights a benefit to the audience or expresses goodwill. B) states the main idea. C) is the longest part. D) provides resale information. Answer: A Explanation: A) The closing section should reassure the reader that he or she is in good hands and compliance will result in the best possible resolution of the issue. The close should also express goodwill toward the audience to make sure that your overall interaction is a positive one. 26) The categories of routine replies and positive messages include all of the following except A) answering requests for information and action. B) granting claims and adjustments. C) refusing applicants' resumes. D) sending goodwill messages. Answer: C Explanation: C) Routine and positive messages fall into six main categories: requests for information, claim grants and requests for adjustment, recommendations, routine information, good-news announcements, and goodwill messages. 27) Which of the following will not help you write routine messages that promote goodwill? A) Providing information your readers may find helpful B) Using content and tone to provide an element of entertainment C) Including a sales pitch with every routine message D) Making sure that the content and tone of the message are appropriate Answer: C Explanation: C) Routine messages can build goodwill by sharing helpful information and providing an element of entertainment. 28) When you're writing a message of appreciation, A) keep it brief and superficial. B) avoid drawing attention to specific circumstances. C) mention the names of those whom you want to acknowledge. D) give yourself a "pat on the back" for taking the time to recognize a job well done. Answer: C Explanation: C) Because a message of appreciation may become an important part of someone's personnel file, try to specifically mention the person or people you want to praise. 29) Since a social media release emphasizes bullet-point content over narrative paragraphs, bloggers, editors, and others A) are hesitant to accept the accuracy of the content. B) can assemble their own stories, rather than having to rewrite the material. C) don't feel obligated to acknowledge the source of the release. D) rarely take such material seriously. Answer: B Explanation: B) Social media releases emphasize bullet-point content over narrative paragraphs; so, bloggers, editors, and others can assemble their own stories, rather than having to rewrite the material in a traditional release. 30) Direct-to-consumer news releases are A) specialized documents used to share relevant information with the news media. B) compliance documents written for governmental regulatory agencies. C) financial statements intended for the use of top corporate managers. D) general purpose tools for communicating directly with customers and other audiences. Answer: D Explanation: D) A direct-to-consumer news release is a general-purpose tool for communicating directly with customers and other audiences. 31) When you're responding to a complaint from a customer and your company is at fault, A) deflect the blame up the supply chain. B) maintain a professional demeanor. C) counter the complaint with logical arguments. D) remember that the best defense is a good offense. Answer: B Explanation: B) Maintain a sincere, professional demeanor when responding to a complaint. 32) When answering requests and a potential sale is involved, one important goal is to A) leave your audience with a good impression of you and your firm. B) provide negative information about any possible competitors. C) use hard sell techniques to pressure the reader into making the purchase. D) none of the above. Answer: A Explanation: A) Even when a sale is not imminent, one of your goals is always to leave your audience with a favorable view of you and your company. If the interaction that your reader has is a positive one, he or she will feel better about you and your company, and be more likely to do business with you in the future. 33) Most routine informative messages are A) positive. B) intuitive. C) neutral. D) enigmatic. Answer: C Explanation: C) Most routine communications are neutral; that is, they stimulate neither a positive nor a negative response from readers. 34) When responding to a customer's request for an adjustment, it is usually sensible to assume that A) if you handle the situation well, the customer will be even more loyal than before. B) the customer's account of the situation is exaggerated. C) the customer is hostile. D) the customer is trying to pull a fast one. Answer: A Explanation: A) A truly helpful and positive interaction with a company can do wonders for a customer relationship. Individuals who have experienced excellent service, even with a troublesome issue, tend to have the experience "imprinted" in their memory and often become extremely loyal customers from that point on. 35) When responding to a customer's complaint about one of your company's services, you should A) soften the situation with excuses such as "Nobody's perfect" or "Mistakes will happen." B) use a generous, grudging tone. C) use a standard form letter, with blanks left for filling in unique information in neat handwriting. D) avoid blaming anyone in your organization by name. Answer: D Explanation: D) Making excessive apologies or blaming a fellow employee can cause legal and/or ethical problems in the future. Instead, simply acknowledge the complaint and show sympathy without placing blame. Then clearly demonstrate that you are taking constructive steps to get the issue resolved. 36) When responding to a claim when your company is at fault, it is best to A) avoid sympathizing with the customer, since it can lead to lawsuits. B) do all you can to discourage any need for follow-up. C) take (or assign) personal responsibility for setting matters straight. D) be vague about when the claim may be resolved. Answer: C Explanation: C) Assuming responsibility for the problem is the best thing you can do, even if you weren't personally involved in the problem originally. You want to convey the idea that as a representative of the company you are responsible for doing whatever it takes to make the situation right. 37) If you plan to grant a claim made by a customer who's clearly at fault, A) pinpoint the customer's shortcomings to discourage future mistakes. B) discourage future mistakes without insulting the customer. C) scold the customer to discourage future mistakes. D) post the situation on social media to discourage future mistakes. Answer: B Explanation: B) When you're granting a claim and the customer is at fault, try to discourage future mistakes without insulting the customer. 38) When responding to a request for adjustment when a third party is at fault, the best approach is to A) refuse the claim and suggest that the customer sue the third party. B) refuse the claim but forward the paperwork to the third party. C) respond promptly, explaining how the problem will be solved. D) honor the claim but explain that your company was not at fault. Answer: C Explanation: C) Blame is secondary in this situation to the customer being able to resolve the situation successfully. So the best approach is to focus on steps to resolve the problem. 39) If you decide to write a letter of recommendation about a job candidate, your goal should be to A) remain neutral about the candidate's suitability for the job. B) boost the job candidate's sense of self-worth and well-being. C) explain why you're qualified to access the candidate. D) convince readers that the candidate has the characteristics necessary for the job. Answer: D Explanation: D) If you decide to write a letter of recommendation about a job candidate, your goal is to convince the employer that the person you're recommending has the characteristics necessary for the job. 40) If you have serious concerns about the qualifications of a job candidate who has asked you for a written recommendation, you should A) avoid mentioning them in the letter of reference. B) include allegations of misconduct in reference letter. C) elect not to write the recommendation. D) express your concerns via social media. Answer: C Explanation: C) Any refusal to write the letter should be done politely and as kindly as possible. Unless your relationship with the person warrants an explanation, simply suggest that someone else might be in a better position to provide a recommendation. 41) Your comments about a job candidate could be considered defamatory if A) your comments are restricted to job titles and dates of employment. B) you omit important negative information about the candidate in a recommendation letter. C) you decline to provide a recommendation because of "company policy." D) you cannot prove that those comments are true. Answer: D Explanation: D) Do not write negative things about a candidate if you cannot show proof that they are true. If you can't categorically prove your charges, it is best to keep your comments on an unspecific, generic level. 42) Excluding important negative information about a candidate in a recommendation letter A) is expected—otherwise no one would be able to get a good job. B) has led some employers to sue after hiring the candidate and discovering problems. C) is the only way to prevent the candidate from suing you. D) is okay, as long as you explain to the candidate that you are doing it. Answer: B Explanation: B) Failing to warn future employers about criminal or unethical behavior on the part of candidate can result in legal problems. For example, if you fail to reveal that a candidate was guilty of sexual harassment while he worked for you, the person's employer may take action against you for being less than forthcoming. 43) If you are sending an informative memo to employees about policy statements or procedural changes, you should A) assume that employees will have a neutral response. B) use the indirect approach. C) use the body of the message to provide all the necessary details. D) do all of the above. Answer: C Explanation: C) The body of the message should include all times, dates, data, and specifications that are needed for fully responding or complying with the policy changes. 44) When offering compliments in a goodwill message, you should A) feel free to exaggerate. B) keep them broad and general. C) back them up with specific points. D) temper them with comments on areas for improvement. Answer: C Explanation: C) Compliments have a lot more impact when they refer to specific accomplishments. 45) Condolence messages should A) focus on your own sense of loss. B) avoid referring to the deceased. C) be short, simple, and sincere. D) always be sent via electronic media. Answer: C Explanation: C) Condolences are the most personal business messages you may ever have to write, so they require the utmost in care and respect for your reader. Keeping the message simple, short, and sincere will help you achieve the right tone. 46) In most cases, when making routine requests you should assume that the audience will not comply. Answer: False Explanation: Routine messages are considered routine because there appear to be no obstacles to compliance. Therefore, you should always assume that your audience will have no problem complying. 47) When making a direct request, you should state what you want in the first sentence or two and then follow with an explanation. Answer: True Explanation: Your first paragraph should specify exactly what you need. Details and justification for your request should be reserved for the paragraph that follows. 48) Because routine messages are so common in business, it is not necessary to pay attention to your tone when writing them. Answer: False Explanation: Tone is important in all business correspondence. For a simple message, your tone should be polite, friendly, and respectful. Never use a tone that makes your request sound like a demand. 49) As you explain and justify your request, you should try to point out how complying with the request could benefit the reader. Answer: True Explanation: Pointing out the benefit to the reader in complying with the message helps motivate the reader to take action. 50) If the middle section of your request letter contains a series of questions, the most important question should be saved for last. Answer: False Explanation: If there are questions to be asked in a request letter, the most important questions should come first. 51) In the final section of a request message, you should omit stating specific deadlines to avoid putting too much pressure on your reader. Answer: False Explanation: It is important to give your reader as much information as possible, including any dates or deadlines that are relevant to the request. How can you hope to get a timely response if you don't set a deadline for action on your request? 52) Requests sent to individuals outside your organization should be more formal than those sent internally. Answer: True Explanation: You can be less formal when you are dealing with people you know. Outsiders are unfamiliar with the ways your organization does business, so keep communication with outsiders at a formal level to decrease the possibility of misunderstanding. 53) It is not necessary to ask someone's permission before listing his or her name as a job reference. Answer: False Explanation: You should never list someone as a reference without getting his or her permission first. Even if someone has recommended you in the past, it is still a good idea to make sure that the current recommendation is something that he or she feels comfortable doing before listing the referral. 54) Due to potential legal problems, many companies have a policy that prevents employees from providing recommendation letters. Answer: True Explanation: Some recommenders work for companies that forbid the writing of recommendations. Therefore, you should check about providing a recommendation even with someone you know well and are in frequent contact with. 55) If you are writing to someone to request a recommendation letter for a job or scholarship, you should include a stamped, preaddressed envelope for mailing. Answer: True Explanation: Keep in mind, however, that many job and scholarship positions now can be applied for electronically, so be sure to include all links and URLs the person needs to provide the recommendation. 56) When making a claim or requesting an adjustment from a company, you should document your initial complaint and every correspondence after that. Answer: True Explanation: It is critical to have an accurate record of your interaction with the company. This avoids disputes about "who said what and when" later on in the process. If you have a disagreement about facts, you can simply go to the record and reconstruct what happened. Note that you should save both the documents that you write and the documents that were written to you. 57) When writing a claim letter, you should assume that you will receive a fair adjustment. Answer: True Explanation: Start with the default presumption that your are dealing with fair and honorable people. If your correspondent begins to behave in ways that are less than fair and honorable, you can adjust your attitude accordingly. 58) When responding to claim letters, companies usually accept the customer's explanation of the problem. Answer: True Explanation: The company will tend to contest your version of the facts only if you have misrepresented them in some way. So be sure to give an honest and fair retelling of the situation in the beginning of your message. It can save you a lot of trouble as the process continues. 59) It's best to back up all claims and requests for adjustments with invoices, sales receipts, and so on and to send copies to the company and keep the originals. Answer: True Explanation: Documentation of your version of the facts using official sales items is often critical to your case. Keep in mind that if, for example, you are missing a receipt you can often produce a credit card statement of the purchase to back up your claim. 60) The best opening for a positive message includes the single most important information you need to give the audience. Answer: True Explanation: In a positive message, include your main idea right up front. There is nothing to be gained by being indirect. 61) A routine positive message should never include negative information. Answer: False Explanation: Routine messages can be both positive and negative. For example, in a routine message you may need to state that you will not be able to attend a future meeting. This may be unfortunate, but your audience will appreciate your informing them of the situation so they can make alternate plans. 62) Even when you grant a dissatisfied customer's request for adjustment, he or she will most likely not return to your business. Answer: False Explanation: Resolving problems fairly can often cause a dissatisfied customer to become a loyal customer. A positive experience does wonders in creating customer loyalty. 63) In a letter agreeing to make an adjustment even though the buyer technically was at fault, a courteous tone is less important. Answer: False Explanation: A courteous tone is required for all company correspondence, no matter who was at fault. Any rudeness on your part can be reported by the customer to friends, family, social networks, etc. and end up giving your company a bad name. 64) When a third party is at fault in a claim, the best approach is always to refer the customer to that party to resolve the problem. Answer: False Explanation: Your response to a third party causing a problem varies on business agreements your company has with that third party. Assure the customer that you will do your best to resolve the problem, whether it involves a referral to the third party or not. 65) Recommendation letters have created so many legal problems that many companies no longer allow employees to write them. Answer: True Explanation: Some companies prohibit their employees from writing recommendations. This absolves the companies of the legal problems that can come from recommendations that (a) make unjustified claims about a candidate, or (b) recommendations that fail to disclose criminal or ethical problems of candidates. 66) Because informative messages such as meeting announcements and reminder notices are generally neutral, it is not necessary to worry too much about the reader's attitude toward the information. Answer: True Explanation: The reader can interpret the message in any way that he or she likes. That said, be sure that all announcements are given in courteous language and show respect to all that are involved. 67) Goodwill messages were once common in business, but are now mostly regarded as a waste of time. Answer: False Explanation: Goodwill messages can be critical for building relationships in the future. If a person has a positive feeling about your company, he or she will be much more likely to do business with it in the future. 68) A new co-worker recently won a prestigious award for her work on green technologies. Since you do not know her well, you should not send a note to congratulate her on the achievement. Answer: False Explanation: A letter of congratulation is always appreciated, even by those whom you don't know well. A thoughtful note also can help initiate a relationship that might prove to be beneficial to both parties. 69) A message of appreciation can become an important part of someone's personnel file. Answer: True Explanation: When employees come up for evaluation, one of the best things they can have in their personnel file is a letter of appreciation. A letter of appreciation shows that someone cared enough about the person to take the trouble to write. 70) Timing and media choice are important considerations with condolence letters. Answer: True Explanation: The sooner your message is received, the more comforting it will be, so don't delay. And unless circumstances absolutely leave you no choice, do not use electronic media. 71) In a routine request, the ________ of the message should contain an explanation of what you are asking the audience to do. Answer: body Explanation: The opening should specify what you want the audience to do. The body that follows should explain why the action needs to be carried out. 72) Most routine requests in business should be organized using the ________ approach, with the main idea at the beginning of the message. Answer: direct Explanation: By nature, routine requests are simple and uncomplicated and usually do not require anything more than a direct approach. 73) You may need to obtain a letter of recommendation for a new job, a promotion, a scholarship, or ________ from a bank. Answer: letter of credit Explanation: When businesses need to borrow money, banks require a recommendation letter to vouch for the borrower. 74) Customers who are dissatisfied with a company's product or service make a(n) ________, or formal complaint. Answer: claim Explanation: A claim against a company is a formal complaint of something that went wrong or something that was not handled correctly. 75) Dissatisfied customers can request a(n) ________, or claim settlement. Answer: adjustment Explanation: Once a claim is made, it may or may not be judged to be credible by the company involved. An adjustment is a settlement of the claim, marking that the issue has been resolved. 76) If your routine message must convey some mildly disappointing information, put the negative portion into as ________ a context as possible. Answer: favorable Explanation: To soften the impact of negative information, it is best to frame it in the most positive light possible. Make sure that the negative information is fully communicated. It is also important to emphasize positive factors that impact the situation. 77) The body of a positive message is a good place to use ________, assuring the customer of the wisdom of his or her purchase selection. Answer: resale Explanation: Resale is an approach that tends to promote customer loyalty by making the customer feel good about a purchase. The body of a message is a good place to position resale comments, praising the customer for a choice well made. 78) Businesses often receive requests for claims and adjustments when a ________ is at fault, and neither the company nor the customer is to blame. Answer: third party Explanation: Third party situations can be complicated. In some cases, the best thing to do when a third party problem arises is to refer the customer directly to the third party. In other cases, your company may assume responsibility to resolve third party problems. What you do typically depends on the policy your company has with respect to the third party you are dealing with. 79) Writing letters of recommendation can lead to serious legal problems, including charges of ________ against employers who share negative information about candidates. Answer: defamation Explanation: Charges of defamation can be leveled if the person writing a letter of recommendation states negative things about a candidate that are unfounded. For this reason, make sure that you have documented proof about anything negative you say about a candidate in a letter of recommendation. 80) A(n) ________ is a specialized document used to share relevant information with the local or national news media. Answer: press release Explanation: Companies often issue a press release when they have good news to announce. For example, when a tech company comes out with a new device, it issues a press release to let the media and the public know about the device. 81) Unlike a traditional press release, a(n) ________ release emphasizes bullet-point content over narrative paragraphs so that bloggers and others can assemble their own stories. Answer: social media Explanation: Bloggers who rely on social media for information typically like to put their own slant on a story. So it is best to focus on a bare-bones, bullet-point features in a social media release to let bloggers and others draw their own conclusions. 82) Thanks to the Internet and social media, many companies now rely on ________ news releases, in which they communicate directly with customers and other audiences instead of going through the media. Answer: direct-to-consumer Explanation: The proliferation of social media has empowered the general public to do its own evaluation of new items directly, rather than relying on the media to interpret the release for them. 83) Friendly notes with no direct business purpose, such as those conveying congratulations or thanks, are called ________ messages. Answer: goodwill Explanation: Goodwill messages are intended to build relationships for the future rather than focus on some specific current transaction or business opportunity. 84) Messages of ________ recognize the contributions of employees or business associates. Answer: appreciation Explanation: One of the best things you can do for a person you have done business with is write a letter of appreciation, describing how the person helped you. Appreciation letters are looked at as strong references for any person being evaluated. 85) Messages of ________ need not be poetic to express sympathy. Answer: condolence Explanation: The important thing with a condolence letter is to show that you care. The style and content of a condolence letter is not important as long as it is sincere and heartfelt. 86) List four guidelines to follow in preparing the opening of a routine request in the direct format. Answer: In preparing the opening of a routine request in the direct format, it is important to pay attention to tone and to avoid demanding action. You should also assume that your audience will comply, and be specific about what you want. 87) In emailing a vendor for an update on the ship date of your order, what elements should you include in the closing of your request? Answer: The closing for an effective routine request should request specific action, provide contact information, and express appreciation and goodwill. 88) List the three major categories of common routine requests. Answer: The three major types of routine requests are (1) requesting information and action, (2) asking for recommendations, and (3) making claims and requesting adjustments. 89) Describe the three-step strategy for requesting information and action. Answer: Start with a clear statement of your reason for writing. Then provide whatever explanation is needed to justify your request. Finally, close with a specific account of what you expect, and include a deadline if appropriate. 90) You're preparing an internal blog posting providing information on this year's annual company picnic. The message is generally positive, but you need to say that—unlike past picnics—the event will not be catered. What approach is best for conveying mildly disappointing information such as this in the context of a positive message? Answer: In a generally positive routine message, mildly disappointing information should be placed in as favorable a context as possible. 91) What three goals should you have when answering routine requests and a potential sale is involved? Answer: Your goals should be: (1) to respond to the inquiry and answer all questions, (2) to leave your reader with a good impression of you and your firm, and (3) to encourage the future sale. 92) In responding favorably to a claim even though the customer was at fault, what should you try to accomplish in the body of your message? Answer: In the body of the message, you want to discourage such claims in the future by steering the customer in the right direction. Also, you don't want to imply that you will grant similar claims in the future. The challenge is to diplomatically remind the customer of proper usage without being condescending or preachy. 93) Briefly explain how the Internet and social media have changed the nature of the news release. Answer: Whereas companies once wrote news releases to provide information to reporters, many organizations now create direct-to-consumer news releases in which they communicate directly with customers and other audiences. Social media releases are also more popular, and offer several advantages over traditional news releases. 94) What potential legal problem can result from writing a critical recommendation letter? Answer: Negative letters of recommendation have led to many successful defamation lawsuits by former employees. The problem has become so complex that many companies now prohibit employees from providing recommendations. 95) What should you keep in mind when you're deciding what to include in a message of condolence? Answer: As you decide what to include in the message, keep the following points in mind. First, make it a personal expression of sympathy, but don't make the whole message about you and your sense of loss. Second, don't offer "life advice," and don't include trite sayings that you may have heard or read. At this point, soon after the loss, the recipient doesn't want your advice, only your sympathy. Finally, don't bring religion into the discussion unless you have a close personal relationship with the recipient and religion is already a part of your relationship. 96) Many routine requests have several parts. What guidelines should you keep in mind when your request contains a series of questions? Answer: It is important to ask the most important questions first and to ask only relevant questions. Both of these strategies usually expedite the handling of your request. Finally, it is helpful to deal with only one topic per question, rather than confuse the reader by asking too much at once. If you have an unusual or complex request, it is best to break it down into specific, individual questions so that the reader can address each one separately. This shows respect for your audience's time but also gets a more accurate answer in less time. 97) Explain what you should do when replying to a claim when the customer is at fault. Answer: First you must decide whether the cost of making the adjustment outweighs the cost of losing this customer's future business. You can refuse the claim and explain your refusal, but remember that refusal will most likely cost you this customer and perhaps the business of many of the customer's friends who will hear only one side of the argument. If you grant the claim, open with the good news. In the body, tactfully educate the customer on how to prevent this situation from occurring again. Be careful not to offend the person by being condescending or preachy. 98) Explain what you should include in an effective recommendation letter. Answer: A successful recommendation letter includes (1) the candidate's full name, (2) the position or other objective the candidate seeks, (3) the nature of your relationship with the candidate, (4) facts and evidence relevant to the candidate and the opportunity, (5) a comparison of this candidate's potential with that of peers, and (6) your overall evaluation of the candidate's suitability for the opportunity. 99) Explain why goodwill messages are important, then describe at least two characteristics of effective goodwill messages. Answer: Goodwill messages can improve your relationships with customers, colleagues, and other businesspersons. They should be sincere and honest—otherwise the writer appears interested only in personal gain. Avoid exaggeration, back up compliments with specific points, and be restrained but sincere in your praise. Saying things like, "You're terrific!" will detract from your credibility in these messages. 100) Why are appreciation messages important? What should they include? Answer: It is important to recognize the contributions of employees, colleagues, suppliers, and other associates. Your praise will make the person feel good and encourage further excellence. These messages can also become part of an employee's personnel file. The message should specifically mention the person or persons you want to praise, and documents the person's contributions. Test Bank for Business Communication Today Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill 9780132971294, 9780134562186, 9780135900239, 9780132539555

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