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Building Successful Information Systems End of Chapter Solutions Reviews and Discussions 1. What are the two major activities during the planning phase of the SDLC? Formation of the task force and conducting a feasibility study are the two major activities during the planning phase of the SDLC. 2. Why must the planning phase of the SDLC be done first? During the planning phase, which is one of the most crucial phases of the SDLC model, the systems designer must define the problem the organization faces, taking care not to define symptoms rather than the underlying problem. If this phase is not done correctly, resources could be wasted. 3. What are the five major dimensions of a feasibility study? The five major dimensions of a feasibility study are economic, technical, operational, scheduling, and legal. 4. What is the outcome of the design phase of the SDLC? During the design phase, analysts choose the solution that is the most realistic and offers the highest payoff for the organization. Details of the proposed solution are outlined, and the output of this phase is a document with exact specifications for implementing the system, including files and databases, forms and reports, documentation, procedures, hardware and software, networking components, and general system specifications. 5. What is an alternative to an RFP? An alternative to an RFP is a request for information (RFI), a screening document for gathering vendor information and narrowing the list of potential vendors. 6. What are the two major types of prototypes? The two major types of prototypes are proof-of-concept prototype and selling prototype. 7. What are the four types of conversion methods during the SDLC? The four types of conversion methods during the SDLC are—parallel conversion, phased-in-phased-out conversion, plunge (direct cutover) conversion, and pilot conversion. 8. What are two differences between XP and agile as systems development methodologies? Extreme programming (XP) is a method for developing software applications and information system projects in which the project is divided into smaller functions and developers cannot go on to the next phase until the current phase is finished. Each function of the overall project is developed in a step-by-step fashion. Agile methodology is similar to XP in focusing on an incremental development process and timely delivery of working software. However, there is less emphasis on team coding and more emphasis on limiting the project’s scope. Projects 1. A startup Internet company has generated the following cash balance for the first six years of its IS projects: -$250,000, -$180,000, $225,000, $340,000, $410,000, and $425,000. Using the NPV function in Excel, calculate the net present value of this project at an 8.5 percent interest rate. What is the IRR of this project? If a bank is willing to give the company a loan at 15 percent to implement these projects, should the company accept the loan (assuming there are no other conditions)? Why or why not? NPV=$571,343.17 IRR=45% Yes, because this project will be acceptable all the way until a 45% rate. At that point it will beat a break-even point. 2. The CTO of the company mentioned in Project 1 has decided to acquire a CASE tool to help expedite and better document the Web site that is being designed for his company’s e-commerce operations. The CTO has narrowed these choices to CAER win Process Modeler and Oracle Designer. Based on the information provided in this chapter and other sources, which tool would you recommend? What are the three major factors behind your recommendation? Based on the information provided in the chapter and other sources, I would recommend CAER win Process Modeler for the company's e-commerce operations. My recommendation is based on three major factors: 1. User-Friendliness and Ease of Adoption: CAER win Process Modeler is known for its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, making it easier for team members to adopt and use effectively. Since the company is embarking on a web design project, having a tool that can be easily understood and utilized by both technical and non-technical stakeholders is crucial for project success. Oracle Designer, although powerful, might have a steeper learning curve, potentially causing delays in the project timeline as team members become proficient with the tool. 2. Compatibility and Integration: CAER win Process Modeler offers robust compatibility and integration capabilities with various databases and development environments. This is particularly important for an e-commerce operation where interoperability with existing systems and technologies is essential. By choosing CAER win, the company can ensure seamless integration with their current infrastructure, minimizing disruptions and enhancing overall system efficiency. 3. Comprehensive Feature Set: CAER win Process Modeler provides a comprehensive set of features tailored for modeling and documenting business processes, data structures, and system architectures. These features include visualization tools, collaboration capabilities, and reporting functionalities, all of which are critical for effectively managing and communicating project requirements and progress. While Oracle Designer may offer similar features, CAER win's reputation for reliability and performance in similar projects makes it a more favorable choice for this particular endeavor. In conclusion, considering the user-friendliness, compatibility, and comprehensive feature set, CAER win Process Modeler emerges as the preferred choice for the company's e-commerce web design project. This tool not only facilitates efficient documentation and expedited development but also aligns well with the company's objectives and operational requirements. 3. The CTO of the company mentioned in Project 1 also wants to invest in project management software. The choices have been narrowed to Microsoft Project and Micro Planning International’s Micro Planner. Based on the information provided in this chapter and other sources, which software would you recommend? What are the three major factors behind your recommendation? What are three tasks performed by a typical project management software? Based on the information provided in the chapter and other sources, I would recommend Microsoft Project for the company's project management needs. This recommendation is supported by three major factors: • Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Microsoft Project offers seamless integration with other Microsoft Office applications such as Excel, Word, and Outlook, which are commonly used in business environments. Since the company is already likely using Microsoft Office tools, adopting Microsoft Project would ensure compatibility and ease of use for employees. This integration can streamline communication, data sharing, and reporting across different departments and project teams. • User-Friendly Interface and Familiarity: Microsoft Project features a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Its layout and functionality are often familiar to users who are accustomed to Microsoft Office products, minimizing the learning curve for new users. This familiarity can contribute to faster adoption and increased productivity as employees can quickly grasp how to use the software for managing projects effectively. • Robust Feature Set and Flexibility: Microsoft Project offers a comprehensive set of features for project planning, scheduling, resource management, and tracking. It supports various project management methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, and Hybrid, catering to the diverse needs of different projects within the company. Additionally, Microsoft Project provides flexibility in customizing project templates, workflows, and reporting tools to align with the company's specific requirements and project objectives. Three tasks typically performed by a project management software like Microsoft Project include: • Project Planning and Scheduling: Project management software facilitates the creation of project plans by defining tasks, assigning resources, estimating durations, and establishing dependencies. It enables users to create project schedules with timelines, milestones, and critical paths to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. • Resource Allocation and Management: Project management software helps in managing resources efficiently by assigning tasks to team members based on their availability, skills, and workload. It provides visibility into resource utilization, allowing project managers to optimize resource allocation and avoid overallocation or conflicts. This ensures that the right resources are assigned to the right tasks at the right time. • Progress Tracking and Reporting: Project management software enables real-time monitoring of project progress by tracking task completion, milestones achieved, and overall project status. It generates various reports and dashboards to communicate project performance metrics, risks, and issues to stakeholders. This visibility helps in making informed decisions, identifying potential bottlenecks, and taking corrective actions to keep projects on track. 4. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that identifies two companies (in addition to those mentioned in this book) that have been using SOA as a systems development methodology. What specific advantages has SOA offered these companies? In recent years, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has gained significant traction as a systems development methodology due to its flexibility, scalability, and ability to align IT resources with business objectives. Two companies that have successfully implemented SOA and reaped its benefits are Netflix and Amazon. Netflix: Netflix, a leading streaming service provider, adopted SOA to enhance its platform's agility and scalability. By breaking down its monolithic architecture into smaller, modular services, Netflix was able to deploy updates and new features more rapidly, responding swiftly to market demands and user preferences. SOA allowed Netflix to decouple its various components, enabling independent development, testing, and deployment cycles. As a result, Netflix could innovate at a faster pace, improving user experience and staying ahead of competitors. Moreover, SOA facilitated seamless integration with third-party services and devices, expanding Netflix's reach and ecosystem. Advantages of SOA for Netflix: • Agility and Innovation: SOA enabled Netflix to iterate and innovate quickly, introducing new features and enhancements to its platform in response to market dynamics and user feedback. • Scalability and Performance: By adopting a service-oriented approach, Netflix could scale its infrastructure dynamically to accommodate growing user demands, ensuring uninterrupted streaming experiences even during peak usage periods. • Ecosystem Expansion: SOA facilitated integration with external services and devices, allowing Netflix to expand its ecosystem and reach new audiences through partnerships and collaborations. Amazon: Amazon, a global e-commerce giant, embraced SOA to power its extensive array of services and functionalities, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its e-commerce platform. Through SOA, Amazon was able to modularize its systems, creating reusable components that could be leveraged across multiple applications and services. This approach not only enhanced development efficiency but also improved system reliability and maintainability. Additionally, SOA enabled Amazon to scale its infrastructure elastically, efficiently handling fluctuating workloads and accommodating rapid growth in its customer base and service offerings. Advantages of SOA for Amazon: • Reusability and Efficiency: SOA allowed Amazon to create reusable components, reducing development time and effort for new features and applications. • Reliability and Maintainability: By breaking down its systems into smaller, manageable services, Amazon improved system reliability and ease of maintenance, minimizing downtime and enhancing overall service quality. • Elasticity and Scalability: SOA empowered Amazon to scale its infrastructure dynamically in response to changing demands, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization across its diverse range of services and products. In conclusion, companies like Netflix and Amazon have leveraged SOA to achieve agility, scalability, and innovation in their systems development processes, enabling them to stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. The modular, service-oriented approach offered by SOA has proven instrumental in driving business success and delivering value to customers. 5. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that identifies two companies (in addition to those mentioned in this book) that have been using crowdsourcing as an alternative to a traditional systems development approach. What are two advantages of using crowdsourcing for developing a system or application? What are two disadvantages? Advantages of using crowdsourcing for Wikipedia: 1. Diverse Expertise: Crowdsourcing allows Wikipedia to tap into a diverse pool of contributors with varying backgrounds and expertise, ensuring a wide range of perspectives and insights on various topics. 2. Scalability and Timeliness: With crowdsourcing, Wikipedia can rapidly scale its content creation efforts to cover a vast array of subjects, and updates can be made in real-time, keeping the information current and relevant. Disadvantages of using crowdsourcing for Wikipedia: 1. Quality Control: Maintaining quality and accuracy can be challenging when relying on contributions from a large and diverse group of individuals. Wikipedia must implement rigorous review processes and mechanisms to address inaccuracies, bias, and vandalism. 2. Coordination and Consistency: Coordinating contributions from numerous volunteers can lead to inconsistencies in writing style, tone, and coverage. Wikipedia must invest resources in managing and aligning contributions to maintain coherence across articles. Threadless: Threadless, an online community-driven apparel company, leverages crowdsourcing to solicit designs for its clothing products. Instead of employing in-house designers, Threadless invites artists and designers from around the world to submit their designs, which are then voted on by the community. The most popular designs are selected for production, and the designers receive royalties for their work. Advantages of using crowdsourcing for Threadless: 1. Creativity and Innovation: Crowdsourcing allows Threadless to access a vast pool of creative talent, resulting in a diverse range of unique and innovative designs that resonate with customers. 2. Customer Engagement and Loyalty: Involving customers in the design selection process fosters a sense of community and ownership, leading to increased engagement and loyalty among Threadless customers. Disadvantages of using crowdsourcing for Threadless: 1. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality and commercial viability of submitted designs can be challenging, as not all contributions may meet Threadless' standards or market demands. 2. Intellectual Property Issues: Crowdsourcing design submissions may raise concerns regarding intellectual property rights and ownership, necessitating clear agreements and policies to protect both the designers and the company. In conclusion, while crowdsourcing offers significant advantages such as tapping into diverse expertise and fostering innovation, it also presents challenges related to quality control, coordination, and intellectual property management. Companies like Wikipedia and Threadless have successfully navigated these complexities to harness the collective power of crowdsourcing in their systems development and design processes. 6. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper describing three countries that are prime candidates for offshore outsourcing for systems development projects. What are the three main criteria that should be considered in choosing a suitable candidate? Why has India become a top choice for IT outsourcing? Three countries that are prime candidates for offshore outsourcing for systems development projects are India, the Philippines, and Ukraine. India: India has emerged as a top choice for IT outsourcing due to several factors. Firstly, India boasts a large pool of highly skilled and technically proficient IT professionals, including software engineers, developers, and project managers. The country's robust education system produces a significant number of graduates in STEM fields each year, providing a steady supply of talent to the IT industry. Additionally, India offers cost-effective labor rates compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive destination for outsourcing. Furthermore, India has a favorable business environment with supportive government policies and infrastructure conducive to IT development and outsourcing activities. The three main criteria to consider when choosing a suitable candidate for offshore outsourcing are: 1. Skill and Talent Pool: The availability of a skilled workforce with the necessary technical expertise is crucial for the success of systems development projects. Countries with a large pool of qualified professionals in fields such as software engineering, programming, and project management are preferable outsourcing destinations. Assessing the quality of education, certification programs, and industry experience of the workforce is essential in selecting the right partner for outsourcing. 2. Cost-Effectiveness: Cost considerations play a significant role in outsourcing decisions. Companies often seek destinations where labor costs are lower without compromising quality. Factors such as wage rates, infrastructure costs, and tax incentives should be evaluated to determine the overall cost-effectiveness of outsourcing to a particular country. Additionally, currency exchange rates and geopolitical stability may impact the cost dynamics and should be taken into account. 3. Business Environment and Infrastructure: A conducive business environment with supportive government policies, regulatory frameworks, and infrastructure is essential for successful outsourcing partnerships. Countries with stable political systems, reliable telecommunications networks, modern facilities, and access to necessary resources (such as high-speed internet and technological infrastructure) are preferable for systems development projects. Additionally, factors like language proficiency, cultural compatibility, and time zone differences should also be considered to facilitate effective communication and collaboration between outsourcing partners. In conclusion, India, the Philippines, and Ukraine are prime candidates for offshore outsourcing for systems development projects due to their skilled workforce, cost-effectiveness, and favorable business environments. Among these, India stands out as a top choice for IT outsourcing, thanks to its abundant talent pool, competitive pricing, and supportive ecosystem for IT development and outsourcing activities. Are You Ready to Move On? 1. The last phase of the SDLC is maintenance. Answer: True 2. A prototype that determines a system’s technical feasibility is called a selling prototype. Answer: False 3. Pair programming is where two programmers participate in one development effort at one workstation. Answer: True 4. Which of the following is not among the dimensions of a feasibility study? a. Economic b. Technical c. Schedule d. Programming Answer: d 5. Which of the following is not an example of a modeling tool? a. Agile b. DFD c. Flowchart d. Context diagram Answer: a 6. All of the following are among the new trends in systems analysis and design except: a. RAD b. SOA c. XP d. SDLC Answer: d Case Studies Case Study 10-1: Systems Development at SEB Latvia 1. What processes did the Lotus platform automate and streamline? Most manual systems were automated. The Lotus system now provides centralized information access via a Web interface that all decision makers can use. 2. What are some benefits of the new Web interface? One benefit is being platform independent. Any user with any device and any operating system will be able to access the system. 3. Which of the development methods discussed in this chapter would be most suitable at SEB Latvia? Based on the information provided, the SDLC would be the most suitable approach for this organization. Case Study 10-2: Crowdsourcing Pays Off 1. What are some typical applications of crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing, the practice of obtaining input or services from a large group of people, typically via the internet, finds applications across various fields. Some typical applications include: • Data Collection and Analysis: Crowdsourcing can be used to collect and analyze vast amounts of data, such as in scientific research, market research, or social sciences. Projects like citizen science initiatives or data annotation tasks often rely on crowdsourcing. • Content Creation: Platforms like Wikipedia rely on crowdsourcing for content creation and editing. Similarly, news organizations or media outlets may use crowdsourcing for gathering information or user-generated content. • Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo allow individuals or businesses to raise funds for projects by soliciting contributions from a large number of people. • Problem Solving: Companies and organizations may use crowdsourcing to tackle complex problems or challenges by soliciting ideas or solutions from a diverse group of individuals. • Quality Assurance: Crowdsourcing can be employed for tasks such as beta testing software, proofreading documents, or verifying the accuracy of information. • Design and Innovation: Platforms like Threadless or 99designs utilize crowdsourcing for designing products, logos, or graphics by sourcing ideas and designs from a community of creatives. • Mapping and Localization: Crowdsourcing platforms like OpenStreetMap rely on contributions from volunteers to map and update geographic data, while services like Google Maps use crowdsourcing to improve location accuracy and provide localized information. • Transcription and Translation: Projects requiring transcription of audio or video files, or translation of text into multiple languages, often leverage crowdsourcing to efficiently complete these tasks. • Customer Feedback and Support: Companies may use crowdsourcing to gather feedback from customers, answer support queries, or improve products and services based on user suggestions. • Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid: Crowdsourcing platforms like Ushahidi have been used for disaster response, crisis mapping, and coordinating humanitarian aid efforts by collecting and visualizing real-time data from affected areas. 2. What are some advantages of crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing offers several advantages across various contexts: • Access to Diverse Expertise: Crowdsourcing allows organizations to tap into a diverse pool of talent and expertise from around the world. This diversity can lead to a wide range of perspectives and innovative solutions to complex problems. • Cost-Effectiveness: Crowdsourcing can often be more cost-effective than traditional methods of completing tasks or projects. By leveraging a distributed network of contributors, organizations can reduce labor costs and overhead expenses associated with in-house teams or outsourcing to specialized firms. • Scalability: Crowdsourcing offers scalability, allowing organizations to quickly scale up or down based on the demands of a project. Whether it's collecting data, generating ideas, or completing tasks, crowdsourcing platforms can easily accommodate large volumes of work by harnessing the power of many contributors. • Speed and Efficiency: With crowdsourcing, tasks can be completed rapidly due to the simultaneous efforts of multiple contributors. This increased speed and efficiency can be particularly beneficial for time-sensitive projects or those requiring quick turnaround times. • Innovation and Creativity: Crowdsourcing fosters innovation and creativity by bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. This collaborative environment often leads to novel ideas, solutions, and approaches that may not have been possible with a limited internal team. • Flexibility and Adaptability: Crowdsourcing provides organizations with flexibility and adaptability to tackle a wide range of tasks and projects. Whether it's data collection, content creation, problem-solving, or design, crowdsourcing can be applied across various domains and industries. • Engagement and Community Building: Crowdsourcing platforms can help organizations build a community of engaged contributors who are passionate about the mission or goals of the project. This sense of belonging and involvement can foster long-term relationships and encourage continued participation. • Quality Assurance and Feedback: Crowdsourcing allows for continuous quality assurance and feedback loops by leveraging the collective intelligence of contributors. Through peer review, voting mechanisms, or feedback mechanisms, crowdsourcing platforms can ensure the accuracy, reliability, and relevance of the output. • Global Reach and Accessibility: Crowdsourcing enables organizations to reach a global audience and access talent from diverse geographic locations. This global reach enhances cultural diversity, facilitates multilingual projects, and expands the potential pool of contributors. • Community Empowerment: Crowdsourcing empowers individuals to contribute their skills, knowledge, and expertise to projects that align with their interests or passions. This sense of empowerment can lead to increased motivation, satisfaction, and fulfillment among contributors. 3. How could crowdsourcing reduce the systems design cost? Crowdsourcing can significantly reduce systems design costs through various mechanisms: • Access to Specialized Skills: Crowdsourcing allows organizations to tap into a global pool of specialized skills and expertise without the need to hire full-time employees or engage expensive consultants. This access to a diverse range of talents can reduce the overall cost of design by avoiding high salaries or consulting fees. • Cost-Effective Prototyping: Crowdsourcing platforms enable organizations to quickly and cost-effectively prototype designs by leveraging the contributions of a distributed network of designers, engineers, and other professionals. This rapid prototyping process can help identify potential design flaws or improvements early on, ultimately saving time and resources in the long run. • Reduced Overhead: By outsourcing design tasks to a crowdsourced workforce, organizations can reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining an in-house design team. This includes expenses such as salaries, benefits, office space, equipment, and training. • Scalability: Crowdsourcing allows organizations to scale their design efforts up or down based on project demands, without the need to hire additional full-time employees or invest in expensive infrastructure. This flexibility can result in significant cost savings by only paying for design services when needed. • Competitive Bidding: Crowdsourcing platforms often enable organizations to solicit design proposals through competitive bidding processes, where designers compete to win projects by offering competitive pricing. This competitive environment can drive down design costs by encouraging designers to submit cost-effective proposals. • Global Talent Pool: Crowdsourcing provides access to a global talent pool, allowing organizations to source design services from regions with lower labor costs without sacrificing quality. This can result in substantial cost savings compared to hiring local designers or design firms with higher rates. • Feedback and Iteration: Crowdsourcing facilitates iterative design processes by allowing organizations to gather feedback from a large and diverse audience. This feedback loop can help refine and improve designs over time, leading to more cost-effective solutions by reducing the need for extensive redesigns or revisions later in the process. • Outsourcing Non-Core Activities: Crowdsourcing enables organizations to focus their internal resources on core activities while outsourcing non-core design tasks to external contributors. This strategic allocation of resources can lead to cost savings by maximizing internal efficiency and productivity. Solution Manual for MIS Hossein Bidgoli 9781305632004, 9781337625999, 9781337625982, 9781337406925

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