Chapter 1 The Systems Development Environment 1) The analysis and design of information systems is driven from a technical perspective. Answer: False 2) Information systems analysis and design is an organizational improvement process. Answer: True 3) An important result of systems analysis and design is application software. Answer: True 4) A methodology adopted by an organization will be consistent with its general management style. Answer: True 5) Techniques are comprehensive, multiple-step approaches to systems development that guide an analyst's work and influence the quality of the final product. Answer: False 6) Tools are typically computer programs that make it easy to use and benefit from techniques and to faithfully follow the guidelines of the overall development methodology. Answer: True 7) A knowledge engineer is the organizational role most responsible for the analysis and design of information systems. Answer: False 8) Microcomputers were not used in organizations until the early 1990s. Answer: False 9) The systems development environment in the late 1990s focused on systems integration. Answer: True 10) In many cases, organizations do not run applications in-house, choosing instead to use an application on a per-use basis by accessing through an application service provider. Answer: True 11) A systems development methodology is a standard process followed in an organization to conduct all the steps necessary to analyze, design, implement, and maintain information systems. Answer: True 12) The systems development life cycle is the traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems. Answer: True 13) The systems development life cycle is a sequentially ordered set of phases. Answer: False 14) In the systems development life cycle, it is possible to complete some activities in one phase in parallel with some activities of another phase. Answer: True 15) Sometimes the systems development life cycle is iterative. Answer: True 16) The skills required of a systems analyst apply to only some of the life-cycle models. Answer: False 17) Every medium to large corporation and every custom software producer will have its own specific life cycle or systems development methodology in place. Answer: True 18) The first phase in the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is planning. Answer: True 19) During the analysis phase, someone identifies the need for a new or enhanced system. Answer: False 20) During the design phase, analysts convert the description of the recommended alternative solution into logical and physical system specifications. Answer: True 21) The second subphase in systems analysis is to investigate the system and determine the proposed system's scope. Answer: False 22) Design is the second phase of the SDLC in which the current system is studied and alternative replacement systems are proposed. Answer: False 23) Often the choices of language, database, and platform are already decided by the organization or by the client, and these information technologies must be taken into account in the physical design of the system. Answer: False 24) Logical design is tied to a specific hardware and software platform. Answer: False 25) During physical design, the logical specifications of the system from the logical design are transformed into technology-specific details from which all programming and system construction can be accomplished. Answer: True 26) Implementation is the fourth phase of the SDLC in which the information system is coded, tested, installed, and supported in the organization. Answer: True 27) Documentation is not considered to be part of the implementation phase. Answer: False 28) During installation, the new system becomes part of the daily activities of the organization. Answer: True 29) Documentation and training programs are finalized during the physical design phase. Answer: False 30) The maintenance phase often resembles the life cycle itself. Answer: True 31) The amount of time and effort devoted to maintenance depends a great deal on the performance of the previous phases of the life cycle. Answer: True 32) A description of the current system identifying where problems or opportunities are with a general recommendation on how to fix, enhance, or replace the current system is a product of the design phase. Answer: False 33) Maintenance is the final phase of the SDLC in which an information system is systematically repaired and improved. Answer: True 34) Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle is an example of a specialized SDLC. Answer: True 35) Current practice keeps all phases of the SDLC as discrete activities. Answer: False 36) Extreme Programming is an example of Rapid Application Development (RAD). Answer: True 37) The traditional waterfall SDLC narrowly defines the end user or customer's role. Answer: True 38) One of the criticisms of the traditional SDLC is that it focuses on milestone deadlines, leading to too little focus on doing good analysis and design. Answer: True 39) A criticism of the traditional SDLC is that the role of system users or customers is too broadly defined. Answer: False 40) Suitcase tools provide automated support for some portions of the SDLC. Answer: False 41) CASE refers to software tools that provide automated support for some portion of the systems development process. Answer: True 42) CASE tools are built around a central repository for system descriptions and specifications. Answer: True 43) CASE Analysis tools help to prototype how systems will look and feel. Answer: False 44) CASE helps programmers and analysts do their jobs more efficiently and effectively. Answer: True 45) The ready availability of increasingly powerful software tools created to support RAD decreased interest in this approach. Answer: False 46) RAD is becoming less and less a legitimate way to develop information systems. Answer: False 47) Joint Application Development is a systems development methodology created to radically decrease the time needed to design and implement information systems. Answer: False 48) RAD follows the traditional SDLC phases, but the phases are shortened and combined with each other to produce a more streamlined development technique. Answer: True 49) Involving the end user in analysis and design is a key advantage to the prototyping technique. Answer: True 50) Planning for cutover must begin early because the RAD approach is so fast. Answer: True 51) One of the primary disadvantages of RAD is longer development time. Answer: False 52) The three key principles of Agile Methodologies include a focus on adaptive rather than predictive methodologies, a focus on people rather than roles, and a focus on self-adaptive processes. Answer: True 53) Proponents of the Agile Methodology state that techniques that work well for stable projects, such as building a bridge, work well for software projects. Answer: False 54) Iterative development focuses on the frequent production of working versions of a system that have a subset of the total number of required features. Answer: True 55) The Agile Methodologies promote a self-reflective software development process. Answer: False 56) Agile Methodologies work well for projects with unpredictable or dynamic requirements. Answer: True 57) eXtreme Programming is not one of the Agile Methodologies. Answer: False 58) eXtreme Programming is distinguished by its short cycles, incremental planning approach, focus on automated tests and a reliance on an evolutionary approach to development. Answer: True 59) eXtreme Programming always involves developers working by themselves. Answer: False 60) Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is becoming less popular. Answer: False 61) The object-oriented approach combines data and processes into single entities called objects. Answer: True 62) In OOAD, objects are organized into object courses. Answer: False 63) The goal of OOAD is to make system elements more reusable. Answer: True 64) The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an object-oriented methodology that establishes four phases of development. Answer: True 65) Destruction is the third phase of RUP. Answer: False 66) During the inception phase of RUP, the scope and feasibility of the project is determined. Answer: True 67) The transition phase of RUP involves only coding of the project. Answer: False 68) The complex organizational process through which computer-based information systems are developed and maintained best defines: A) information systems analysis and design B) joint application design C) prototyping D) none of the above Answer: A 69) Software designed to support the payroll function would best be classified as: A) application software B) system software C) design software D) analysis software Answer: A 70) Computer software designed to support organizational functions or processes best defines: A) system software B) application software C) design software D) analysis software Answer: B 71) Comprehensive, multiple-step approaches to systems development that will guide your work and influence the quality of your final product defines: A) techniques B) tools C) methodologies D) data flows Answer: C 72) The particular processes that an analyst will follow to help ensure that his work is complete, well-done, and understood by project team members best defines: A) techniques B) tools C) methodologies D) data flows Answer: A 73) The person in an organization who has the primary responsibility for systems analysis and design is the: A) systems analyst B) end user C) internal auditor D) business manager Answer: A 74) Large, complex systems that consist of a series of independent system modules best describes: A) transaction processing systems B) customer relationship management systems C) supply chain management systems D) enterprisewide systems Answer: D 75) Which of the following are true statements regarding today's analysis and design of information systems? A) More and more systems implementation involves a three-tier design. B) There is a movement to wireless system components. C) There is a continued focus on developing systems for the Internet and for firms' intranets and extranets. D) All of the above. Answer: D 76) The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems best defines: A) SDLC B) RAD C) OOAD D) prototyping Answer: A 77) Which of the following is a true statement regarding the SDLC phases? A) The life cycle is a sequentially ordered set of phases. B) It is not possible to complete some activities in one phase in parallel with those of another phase. C) The SDLC is not iterative. D) The life cycle can be thought of as a circular process in which the end of the useful life of one system leads to the beginning of another project to develop a new version of or replace an existing system. Answer: D 78) During the SDLC planning phase, which of the following activities is undertaken? A) New system requirements are identified. B) A formal, preliminary investigation is undertaken. C) A presentation of why the system should or should not be developed by the organization is given. D) Both B and C. Answer: D 79) The second phase of the SDLC in which system requirements are studied and structured best defines: A) planning B) analysis C) design D) implementation Answer: B 80) The output for the analysis phase is the: A) description of the alternative solution B) physical system specifications C) work plan for the project D) priorities for systems and projects proposal Answer: A 81) Analysts convert the description of the recommended alternative solution into logical and then physical system specifications during: A) planning B) implementation C) analysis D) design Answer: D 82) The part of the design phase of the SDLC in which the logical specifications of the system from logical design are transformed into technology-specific details from which all programming and system construction can be accomplished best describes: A) implementation B) object modeling C) physical design D) logical design Answer: C 83) Which of the following is a true statement regarding logical design? A) Logical design is tied to a specific hardware and software platform. B) Logical design does not concentrate on the business aspects of the system. C) Technical specifications are developed. D) All functional features of the system chosen for development in analysis are described independently of any computer platform. Answer: D 84) Turning system specifications into a working system that is tested and then put into use describes: A) implementation B) physical design C) maintenance D) analysis Answer: A 85) The phase of the SDLC in which an information system is systematically repaired and improved is referred to as: A) analysis B) implementation C) maintenance D) physical repair Answer: C 86) Which of the following are deliverables for the planning phase? A) functional, detailed specifications of all system elements B) priorities for systems and projects; an architecture for data, networks, and selection hardware, and IS management are the result of associated systems C) description of current system and where problems and opportunities are with a general recommendation on how to fix, enhance, or replace current system D) code, documentation, training procedures, and support capabilities Answer: B 87) Which of the following are deliverables for the analysis phase? A) functional, detailed specifications of all system elements B) priorities for systems and projects; an architecture for data, networks, and selection hardware, and IS management are the result of associated systems C) description of current system and where problems and opportunities are with a general recommendation on how to fix, enhance, or replace current system D) code, documentation, training procedures, and support capabilities Answer: C 88) Which of the following are deliverables for the implementation phase? A) functional, detailed specifications of all system elements B) priorities for systems and projects; an architecture for data, networks, and selection hardware, and IS management are the result of associated systems C) description of current system and where problems and opportunities are with a general recommendation on how to fix, enhance, or replace current system D) code, documentation, training procedures, and support capabilities Answer: D 89) All of the following are true about the SDLC EXCEPT: A) the different phases are clearly defined B) it is a rapid method to prototype and develop an application C) the relationships between phases are well specified D) the sequencing of phases has a compelling logic Answer: B 90) One criticism of the traditional waterfall SDLC approach is that: A) it is too short of a process B) the process is too chaotic C) users are locked into requirements D) there are no criticisms Answer: C 91) A specialized systems development life cycle is useful for : A) all organizations B) an organization that does not need all phases of the systems development life cycle or needs to modify phases C) an organization that needs only one phase of the SDLC D) none of the above Answer: B 92) All of the following are criticisms of the traditional waterfall SDLC EXCEPT: A) users are locked into requirements B) prototypes do not work properly C) the role of customers is narrowly defined D) intangible processes are given hard and fast dates Answer: B 93) An integrated and standard database used in CASE to provide product and tool integration is called a: A) Transaction Processing System B) Data Mart C) Repository D) Armory Answer: C 94) All of the following are types of CASE tools EXCEPT: A) Diagramming Tools B) Display and Report Generators C) Debuggers D) Analysis Tools Answer: C 95) Which type of CASE tool is used for the analysis phase of the SDLC? A) Documentation generators B) Form generators C) Report generators D) Diagramming Answer: D 96) Which of the following is a true statement about RAD? A) The focus of RAD is on system integration. B) The bulk of the work in RAD takes place in the requirements planning phase. C) RAD requires moderate user involvement. D) The emphasis in RAD is generally less on the sequence and structure of processes in the life cycle and more on doing different tasks in parallel with each other and on using prototyping extensively. Answer: D 97) Which of the following grew out of the convergence of the increased speed and turbulence of doing business in the late 1980s and early 1990s and the ready availability of high-powered, computer-based tools to support systems development and easy maintenance? A) JAD B) RAD C) Object-oriented programming D) CASE Answer: B 98) Which of the following is a systems development methodology created to radically decrease the time needed to design and implement information systems? A) eXtreme Programming B) OOAD C) RAD D) JAD Answer: C 99) The three key principles shared by the Agile Methodologies include: A) a focus on predictive methodologies B) a focus on roles C) a focus on self-adaptive processes D) all of the above Answer: C 100) Principles identified in the Agile Manifesto include: A) our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software B) welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage C) deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale D) all of the above Answer: D 101) Fowler recommends using an agile process when your project involves: A) unpredictable or dynamic requirements B) responsible and motivated developers C) customers who understand the process and will get involved D) all of the above Answer: D 102) Critical factors that distinguish Agile and traditional approaches to the systems development life cycle include: A) size B) dynamism C) personnel D) all of the above Answer: D 103) Which of the following is a true statement about eXtreme Programming? A) eXtreme Programming's overall philosophy is that code will be integrated into the system it is being developed for and tested within a few hours after it has been written. B) eXtreme Programming minimizes customer involvement during each of its phases. C) eXtreme Programming distinguishes and separates the planning, analysis, design, and construction phases. D) eXtreme Programming uses an approach similar to the traditional SDLC for capturing and presenting system requirements and design specifications. Answer: A 104) All of the following are advantages of eXtreme Programming EXCEPT: A) more communication among the developers B) higher levels of productivity C) reinforcement of the code-and-test discipline D) lower quality code Answer: D 105) Systems development methodologies and techniques based on objects rather than data or processes best defines: A) objects B) participatory design C) object-oriented analysis and design D) entity analysis and design Answer: C 106) Which of the following is a structure that encapsulates attributes and methods that operate on those attributes? A) module B) object C) container D) case Answer: B 107) A logical grouping of objects that have the same attributes and behaviors best defines: A) attribute B) module C) object class D) object Answer: C 108) The property that occurs when entity types or object classes are arranged in a hierarchy and each entity type or object class assumes the attributes and methods of its ancestors best defines: A) inheritance B) polymorphism C) aggregation D) generalization Answer: A 109) Which of the following is based on an iterative, incremental approach to systems development and has inception, elaboration, construction, and transition phases? A) JAD B) RAD C) RUP D) eXtreme Programming Answer: C 110) Which of the following programming languages could be used for OOAD? A) Java B) C++ C) FORTRAN D) both A and B Answer: D 111) During which of the following RUP phases will analysts define the scope, determine the feasibility of the project, understand user requirements, and prepare a software development plan? A) transition B) construction C) elaboration D) inception Answer: D 112) Which of the following RUP phases provides an architecture for the project at the end of its phase? A) elaboration B) transition C) inception D) construction Answer: A 113) Which of the following RUP phases involves correcting problems, beta testing, user training, and conversion of the project? A) elaboration B) transition C) inception D) construction Answer: B 114) ________ is the complex organizational process whereby computer-based information systems are developed and maintained. Answer: Information systems analysis and design 115) ________ is computer software designed to support organizational functions or processes. Answer: Application software 116) ________ is the organizational role most responsible for the analysis and design of information systems. Answer: Systems analyst 117) A ________ is a standard process followed in an organization to conduct all the steps necessary to analyze, design, implement, and maintain information systems. Answer: systems development methodology 118) The ________ is the traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems. Answer: systems development life cycle 119) ________ is the first phase of the SDLC in which an organization's total information system needs are identified, analyzed, prioritized, and arranged. Answer: Planning 120) ________ is the second phase of the SDLC in which system requirements are studied and structured. Answer: Analysis 121) ________ is the third phase of the SDLC in which the description of the recommended solution is converted into logical and then physical system specifications. Answer: Design 122) ________ is the part of the design phase of the SDLC in which all functional features of the system chosen for development in analysis are described independently of any computer platform. Answer: Logical design 123) ________ is the part of the design phase of the SDLC in which the logical specifications of the system from logical design are transformed into technology-specific details from which all programming and system construction can be accomplished. Answer: Physical design 124) ________ is the fourth phase of the SDLC in which the information system is coded, tested, installed, and supported in the organization. Answer: Implementation 125) ________ is the final phase of the SDLC in which an information system is systematically repaired and improved. Answer: Maintenance 126) Applying the SDLC to very specific aspects of the process is called a ________. Answer: Specialized Systems Development Life Cycle 127) The traditional waterfall life cycle locked users into ________ that had been previously determined. Answer: requirements 128) One criticism of the traditional waterfall SDLC is that the role of ________ was narrowly defined. Answer: customers 129) ________ are software tools that provide automated support for some portion of the systems development process. Answer: Computer-aided software engineering tools 130) ________ tools enable system process, data and control structures to be represented graphically. Answer: Diagramming 131) Computer display and report generators help prototype how systems ________ and ________. Answer: look, feel 132) A central ________ enables the integrated storage of specifications, diagrams, reports and project management information. Answer: repository 133) ________ is an approach to develop information systems that promises better and cheaper systems as well as rapid deployment. Answer: Rapid Application Development 134) RAD depends on extensive ________ involvement. Answer: user 135) The Agile Methodologies focus on ________ rather than predictive methodologies. Answer: adaptive 136) The Agile Methodologies focus on people rather than ________. Answer: roles 137) Agile Methodologies are recommended for a project if it has responsible and motivated ________. Answer: developers 138) eXtreme Programming involves programmers working in ________. Answer: pairs 139) One of the advantages of eXtreme programming is higher levels of ________. Answer: productivity 140) ________ refers to systems development methodologies and techniques based on objects rather than data or processes. Answer: Object-oriented analysis and design 141) An ________ is a structure that encapsulates attributes and methods that operate on those attributes. Answer: object 142) ________ is the property that occurs when entity types or object classes are arranged in a hierarchy and each entity type or object class assumes the attributes and methods of its ancestors. Answer: Inheritance 143) An ________ is a logical grouping of objects that have the same (or similar) attributes and behaviors (methods). Answer: object class 144) The ________ is an object-oriented systems development methodology; it establishes four phases of development. Answer: Rational Unified Process 145) During the ________ of RUP, analysts define the scope, determine the feasibility of the project, understand user requirements, and prepare a software development plan. Answer: inception phase 146) During the ________ phase of RUP, the software is actually coded, tested, and documented. Answer: construction 147) During the ________ phase of RUP, analysts detail user requirements and develop a baseline architecture. Answer: elaboration 148) The four phases of RUP include ________, ________, ________, and ________. Answer: inception, elaboration, construction, transition. 149) List and define the five major SDLC phases. Answer: The major SDLC phases include planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. Planning is the first phase of the SDLC in which an organization's total information system needs are identified, analyzed, prioritized, and arranged. Analysis is the second phase of the SDLC in which system requirements are studied and structured. During the third phase, the design phase, a description of the recommended solution is converted into logical and then physical system specifications. Implementation is the fourth phase of the SDLC in which the information system is coded, tested, installed, and supported in the organization. Maintenance is the fifth and final phase of the SDLC in which an information system is systematically repaired and improved. 150) What are methodologies, techniques, and tools? Answer: Methodologies are comprehensive, multiple-step approaches to systems development. Techniques are particular processes that you follow to help ensure that your work is complete, well done, and understood by others. Tools are typically computer programs that make it easier to use and benefit from techniques and to follow faithfully the guidelines of the overall development methodology. The techniques and tools should support the chosen methodology. Methodologies, techniques, and tools work together to form an organizational approach to systems analysis and design. 151) Identify the products of the SDLC phases. Answer: Products for the planning phase include priorities for systems and projects; an architecture for data, networks, and selection hardware, and IS management are the result of associated systems; detailed steps, or work plan, for the project; specification of system scope and high-level system requirements or features; assignment of team members and other resources; and the system justification or business case. The products for the analysis phase include a description of the current system and where problems or opportunities are with a general recommendation on how to fix, enhance, or replace the current system; and an explanation of alternative systems and justification. The design phase provides functional detailed specifications of all system elements and technical, detailed specifications of all systems elements; and an acquisition plan for new technology. Implementation provides code, documentation, training procedures, and support capabilities. Maintenance products include new versions or releases of software with associated updates to documentation, training, and support. 152) What is RAD? Compare and contrast RAD to the traditional SDLC. Answer: Rapid application development is a systems development methodology created to radically decrease the time needed to design and implement information systems. RAD phases are shortened, more streamlined, and carried out in parallel. The planning and design phases focus on system function and user interface requirements. RAD tends to examine the system in isolation from other systems and limits iteration to the design and development phases. 153) What is meant by Agile Methodologies? Identify the three key principles that the Agile Methodologies share. Answer: The Agile Methodologies are a response to the problems associated with the traditional SDLC methodology. The three key principles are a focus on adaptive rather than predictive methodologies, a focus on people rather than roles, and a focus on a self-adaptive process. 154) What is object-oriented analysis and design? Answer: Object-oriented analysis and design refers to systems development methodologies and techniques based on objects rather than data or processes. The goal of OOAD is to make systems elements reusable. 155) Identify and briefly describe the four RUP phases. Answer: Inception, elaboration, construction, and transition are the four RUP phases. During the inception phase, analysts define the scope, determine the feasibility of the project, understand user requirements, and prepare a software development plan. During the elaboration phase, analysts detail user requirements and develop a baseline architecture. During the construction phase, the software is coded, tested, and documented. During the transition phase, the system is deployed and the users are trained and supported. Test Bank for Modern Systems Analysis and Design Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey George, Joseph S. Valacich, Joe Valacich, Jeffrey Slater 9780132991308, 9780134204925, 9780135172759, 9780136088219