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Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following organizations provides an example of the globalization of markets?
a. United Nations
b. European Union
c. Doctors Without Borders
d. World Health Organization
Answer: b
2. In the past 30 years, the percentage of the U.S. population that is foreign born has
a. declined by 10%
b. stayed the same
c. doubled
d. tripled
Answer: c
3. The text notes that Americans even outsource some religious rituals. To which type of
transaction is the text referring?
a. Priests in India conduct masses by e-mail request.
b. Buddhist monks are paid to chant for world peace.
c. Materials for religious services, such as communion wafers, are manufactured in Taiwan.
d. Many priests are Mexican-born immigrants to the U.S.
Answer: a
4. What role did the IT community have in resolving the 2002 conflict between India and
a. They used their power to withhold funds from the Indian army.
b. They funded U.S. and European peacekeeping forces.
c. They convinced the governments to stand down, to prevent a disruption of the global
d. They applied economic sanctions on India and Pakistan until the two governments came to
a peace agreement.
Answer: c
5. Which of the following statements is the most accurate description of cultural
a. It looks for shared features, while also documenting variation among cultures.

b. It encourages the advancement of primitive cultures through globalization.
c. It attempts to preserve cultures in their current state by eliminating diffusion.
d. It aims to develop a single, homogenous world culture.
Answer: a
6. Which of the following research methods is a core concept in cultural anthropology?
a. statistical modeling
b. laboratory analysis
c. excavation
d. participant observation
Answer: d
7. Describing other cultures in terms of the categories, concepts, and perceptions of the
people being studied is known as the:
a. emic approach
b. etic approach
c. formic approach
d. faltic approach
Answer: a
8. Anthropologists known as __________ work inside many of the leading manufacturing
and service companies around the world.
a. linguistic and symbolic anthropologists
b. business and organizational anthropologists
c. forensic and biomedical anthropologists
d. international and domestic anthropologists
Answer: b
9. Why do international businesspeople need to study culture?
a. because investors respect a well-rounded education
b. to prepare themselves for work in a new social environment
c. because there are no cultural universals to help understand a new market
d. to better understand buying habits of people in the past
Answer: b
10. What is a miniculture?
a. a culture that emerges in rebellion to the standard culture
b. a group composed of people who have no traditional culture of their own

c. a culture that has a very small population but maintains distinct traditions
d. a group composed of people with different roles, statuses, and value systems
Answer: d
11. What important information does participant observation provide the business
a. It creates unusual marketing campaigns to use in other cultures.
b. It gathers statistics through the use of detailed interview methods.
c. It reveals what people actually do, in contrast to what they say they do.
d. It explains why people purchase the things they do.
Answer: c
12. Market research provides information on __________, which is often lacking when
American companies move abroad.
a. values, attitudes, and buying practices
b. income and savings
c. employment and education
d. kinship and marital status
Answer: a
13. Which of the following is NOT a major component of all cultures, as defined by
a. material objects
b. fine arts and philosophy
c. ideas, values, and attitudes
d. normative patterns of behavior
Answer: b
14. How do we know that culture is learned, not biological?
a. Culture is too complex to be biological.
b. There are too many different cultures for them to be passed down genetically.
c. Children have the same culture as their parents.
d. A child adopted into a new country can easily learn the family’s culture.
Answer: d
15. Which of the following best represents the relationship between biology and culture?
a. Culture determines human biology.
b. Biology determines human culture.

c. All humans have basic biological needs, but culture determines the varied ways we meet
those needs.
d. All humans have basic cultural needs, but biology determines the varied ways we meet
those needs.
Answer: c
16. Which of the following is NOT an example of a universal cultural pattern?
a. taxation laws
b. educational system
c. marriage customs
d. supernatural beliefs
Answer: a
17. Which of the following components of American culture best illustrates the concept of
a. iPods
b. jazz music
c. Hollywood
d. burritos
Answer: d
18. When items or ideas are borrowed from other cultures, they are frequently __________.
a. used in the same manner they are currently used in the original culture
b. modified to better suit the recipient culture
c. used according to their traditional use in the original culture
d. modified so much that they are essentially a new invention
Answer: b
19. Which of the following situations is an example of a planned cultural change?
a. French and Italian fashions quickly appear in New York City shops.
b. Hispanic students in Texas speak English at school and Spanish at home.
c. A nonprofit organization implements a program to improve child nutrition.
d. Traditional Scots-Irish music influences Appalachian folk music.
Answer: c
20. The tendency to evaluate a foreigner’s behavior by the standards of your own culture is
known as __________.
a. ethnoprimism

b. ethnocentrism
c. cultural relativism
d. cultural exclusionism
Answer: a
21. What is meant by the statement “culture is an integrated system”?
a. The culture is an amalgam of many cultures that came before it.
b. The culture has remained intact throughout history, with little to no diffusion.
c. The components of the culture are a random collection.
d. The components of the culture are interrelated into an organized system.
Answer: d
22. What features are characteristic of corporate cultures?
a. morals, symbols, and legends
b. symbols, legends, and heroes
c. legends, heroes, and morals
d. heroes, morals, and symbols
Answer: b
23. Why was Wal-Mart’s “ten foot rule” not appropriate for its stores in Germany?
a. German stores are smaller than American ones.
b. German customers value privacy while shopping.
c. German employees are less outgoing than Americans.
d. German law mandates certain patterns of behavior in shopping centers.
Answer: b
24. __________ is when people from two different cultures work together cooperatively,
creating a better outcome than either group would have independently.
a. community engagement
b. corporate cooperation
c. organizational synergy
d. cross-cultural dynamics
Answer: c
25. Why should cultural diversity be viewed as an asset rather than a liability?
a. Diverse groups create a friendlier work environment.
b. Diverse groups attract the highest profile employees.
c. Diverse groups are more motivated to succeed.

d. Diverse groups outperform less diverse groups in creative tasks.
Answer: d

Test Bank for Cultural Dimension of Global Business
Gary Ferraro, Elizabeth K. Briody

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