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This Document Contains Chapters 1 to 6 Chapter 1: The Nature of Intercultural Communication True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. International business is decreasing in the United States. 2. Diffusion is the process by which two cultures learn from each other and adopt practices of the other culture. 3. Globalization refers to the interpenetration of the local and global. 4. The Statue of Liberty is considered a U.S. cultural symbol. 5. Cultural synergy is the merging of cultures to form a common culture. 6. The terms intercultural and international can be used interchangeably. 7. Ethnocentrists believe that their cultural background is the correct way to analyze problems. 8. The term "American" refers exclusively to someone who considers his or her home country the United States. 9. A stereotype of Latin Americans is that they are polite and soft spoken. 10. A typical stereotype of U.S. people is that they place great importance on the family. 11. Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities. 12. Backstage culture is information you are willing to share with outsiders. 13. Assimilation is a dimension of enculturation. 14. The terms subculture and subgroup may be used interchangeably. 15. Cultural intelligence is the ability to exhibit behaviors that are culturally tuned to the attitudes and values of others. 16. Physical barriers to communication include personal feelings of the listener. 17. Corporate leaders need a global mindset to be successful in the international workplace. 18. Businesspeople with a domestic mindset are open to surprises. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 19. Which of the following multinational management orientations considers the culture of the country in which the firm is located without a common corporate framework? A. ethnocentric B. polycentric C. geocentric D. regiocentric 20. In a geocentric multinational management practice A. all capital investments are in one country. B. the dominant cultural group is considered. C. there is a common framework with regional control. D. facilities are run differently by region. 21. A business is globalized when it A. sells in another country. B. has a distributor in another country C. can market its product anywhere in the world. D. produces in another country. 22. Which of the following are examples of subgroups? A. Jews, Christians, and Muslims. B. Youth gangs, prostitutes, and drug addicts. C. Senior citizens, teenagers, and babies. D. Latin Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans. 23. Norms are A. learned through enculturation. B. clarifications of rules. C. behavioral expectations of a group. D. unusual group behaviors. 24. Judy was telling all her friends about what happened at the conference; however, she did not tell them about the job offer she received at the conference. A. It was wrong of Judy to not share the job information. B. Information that Judy was willing to share with friends was hidden from their view. C. What Judy was telling her friends was an example of frontstage culture; however, the job offer is an example of backstage culture. D. Judy thought her friends would not want to know about the job offer. 25. Which of the following communication barriers is due to a lack of similar life happenings? A. cultural B. emotional C. experiential D. perceptual 26. Which of the following is NOT a recognized area of cultural intelligence? A. interpersonal intelligence B. linguistic intelligence C. spatial intelligence D. synergistic intelligence 27. An acculturated person A. has become part of the melting pot. B. has become socioculturally assimilated. C. understands his or her own culture. D. accepts another culture’s ideas. 28. Successful corporations have found that the values, beliefs, and behaviors of the parent corporation A. do not need to be the beliefs, values, and behaviors of their offices in other cultures. B. should be the beliefs, values, and behaviors of their offices in other cultures. C. are the most important variables for success. D. are unimportant variables for success. 29. The primary dimensions of culture include A. language, physical, and knowledge. B. language, physical, and psychological. C. physical, environment, and nonverbal. D. human behavior, environment, and processes. 30. A stereotype is A. a particular definitive description of a culture. B. invariant across all cultures. C. a perception about a particular group. D. not culturally based. 31. According to Axtell's research, U.S. persons have certain stereotypes of people of other nationalities. Which of the following stereotypes is INACCURATE? A. The French are rude and chauvinistic. B. Asians are xenophobic. C. Italians are demonstrative and talkative. D. The English are friendly and informal. 32. Which of the following does NOT fit the typical stereotype of persons in the United States? A. friendly B. hard working C. monolingual D. stingy 33. Rules are formed to A. clarify cloudy areas of norms. B. identify culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors. C. clarify behavioral expectations of positions within a culture. D. provide a means of exchanging information and assistance. True-False Answer 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. False 11. True 12. False 13. True 14. False 15. True 16. False 17. True 18. False Multiple Choice Answer 19. B 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. D 33. A Chapter 2: Universal Systems True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. The U.S. economic system is capitalistic with socialistic overtones. 2. Mexico's economy is very similar to that of England. 3. Unemployment is lower in Japan than in France. 4. Both Canada and Japan have strong economies worldwide. 5. Inherited rule will be eliminated in Saudi Arabia after the current crown prince serves. 6. The political systems of England and Japan are quite different. 7. Educational systems in the United States and Japan provide for open access for all children. 8. Japan, Canada, and France have a literacy rate of about 99 percent. 9. The literacy rate for Germany and Saudi Arabia is about the same. 10. Cultures that place more emphasis on informal education include Gambia and Bangladesh. 11. The family systems in the United States and Saudi Arabia are quite similar. 12. The family system in Germany is matriarchal. 13. Social reciprocity is very important to both the people of Saudi Arabia and Japan. 14. All cultures have punishments that are administered when cultural norms are violated. 15. Although people of the United States do not use intermediaries, the Japanese do use them. 16. Brazil’s literacy rate is not as high as the literacy rate of South Korea. 17. Family ties are more important in Mexico than in the United States. 18. Separation of classes is uncommon in Brazil. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 19. Which of the following statements related to economic systems is incorrect? A. Cuba's system involves distributing goods based on the capacity to pay. B. Mexico's economy is dependent on other countries. C. Japan imports over half of its food supply. D. Canada's economy is capitalistic with socialistic controls in health care and the retirement system. 20. Which of the following statements related to political systems is incorrect? A. Both the United States and Mexico have a federal government. B. Canadians elect a prime minister and parliament. C. Japan's political system is a constitutional monarchy. D. Morocco is ruled by religious leaders. 21. Which of the following countries has the lowest literacy rate? A. Canada B. England C. Iran D. Gambia 22. Which of the following statements related to educational systems is incorrect? A. The educational systems of England and Canada are similar. B. In Iran secular instruction receives more support than religious instruction. C. People in Germany must determine their careers early in life. D. In Britain your position in society determines your education. 23. Which of the following statements comparing the educational systems of Japan and the United States is incorrect? A. The educational system of Japan is more competitive than in the United States. B. The United States and Japan both have open access to the educational system for all children. C. In both Japan and the United States, the heavy intellectual demand on students is during the secondary years rather than the college years. D. The university from which a person graduates is more important in Japan than in the United States. 24. Which of the following statements related to marriage and family systems is incorrect? A. The word family has different connotations in different cultures. B. The concept of family in the United States includes second- and third-generation relationships. C. In Israel, many children are reared and taught communally. D. Family affiliation is extremely important in Italy. 25. Which of the following would be included in the definition of nuclear family? A. grandparents B. uncles and aunts C. father and mother D. cousins 26. The family system that refers to one man with many wives is known as A. monogamy. B. polyandry. C. polygyny. D. serial monogamy. 27. In which of the following countries is polyandry practiced? A. Arab countries B. Polynesian countries C. South American countries D. African countries 28. Which of the following families tend to be matriarchal? A. Canadian families B. Spanish families C. Islamic believers D. Jewish families 29. Which of the following statements related to the Japanese family system is incorrect? A. The father is the bread winner, but the mother runs the home. B. The divorce rate is low. C. Marriages are mainly monogamous. D. Most marriages are arranged. 30. Which of the following statements related to how property is viewed is incorrect? A. Communist countries in the past had community property. B. Mexicans view property ownership in a utilitarian way. C. The Japanese consider property as unimportant. D. People in the United States are possessive of property. 31. Which of the following cultures would be considered the most formal? A. Canada B. Japan C. Mexico D. United States 32. In which of the following cultures is social reciprocity least important? A. Japan B. Mexico C. Saudi Arabia D. United States 33. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. Personal privacy is relatively unimportant to people of Saudi Arabia. B. Friendships are taken seriously by the Japanese; they are made for life. C. People of Mexico involve religion in their social interactions. D. Etiquette is very important to people of Canada. True-False Answer 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 11. False 12. False 13. True 14. True 15. True 16. True 17. True 18. False Multiple Choice Answer 19. B 20. D 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. B 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. A Chapter 3: Contrasting Cultural Values True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. People in the United States are more formal when compared to people of other cultures. 2. In some countries, using gifts to assure success in sealing an agreement is an accepted way of doing business. 3. The United States ranks first in collectivism when compared to other countries. 4. Some countries with weak uncertainty avoidance exhibit religious and political fundamentalism and intolerance. 5. In fundamental Islamic cultures, women are allowed to work only with other women. 6. People in the United States value time. 7. People from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance are more likely to have shorter employment time with employers. 8. People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change as compared with people of Asian and Latin cultures. 9. Attribution is the ability to look at social behavior from another culture's view. 10. Semantics involves the way behavior is influenced by words and nonverbal means used to communicate. 11. Perceptions involve recalling an old reaction to a new stimulus. 12. Some countries officially recognize religious rituals that affect business encounters. 13. People in the United States do not measure success by job titles or earnings. 14. U.S. Americans are not action oriented. 15. Collectivism emphasizes common interests, conformity, and independence. 16. An example of ethical relativism is the UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 17. The U.S. macroculture establishes standards of ethical/unethical behavior. 18. Attitudes toward honesty and truth telling are culture specific. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 19. Which statement about values is incorrect? A. Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. B. Values are learned by contacts with family members, teachers, and religious leaders. C. Values will be influenced by what is seen on television or read in newspapers. D. People in various cultures have basically similar values. 20. Which statement least represents U.S. values? A. U.S. Americans value directness over indirectness. B. U.S. Americans value time management over leisure. C. U.S. Americans value history over planning for the future. D. U.S. Americans value equality over inequality. 21. Which statement concerning semantics is incorrect? A. Words in the English language may have multiple or contradictory meanings. B. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. C. Differences in the meanings of words are often lost in translation. D. All words in the English language have counterparts in other languages. 22. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? A. One group's truth should not be imposed on others. B. Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends. C. Citizen protest should be repressed. D. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people. 23. Which of the following statements related to the uncertainty-reduction theory is incorrect? A. The uncertainty-reduction theory involves the creation of proactive predictions about our own behavior. B. The uncertainty-reduction theory involves the creation of retroactive explanations about our beliefs and attitudes. C. Increasing uncertainty and reducing predictability will lessen anxiety when relating to someone in an unfamiliar culture. D. Interaction and observation can reduce uncertainty about other people. 24. Which of the following statements related to attitudes toward women in society is incorrect? A. In Kenya women are viewed as subordinate to men. B. In fundamental Islamic cultures, women are permitted to work only with other women. C. In the U.S. macroculture, women may choose to work or stay home to care for the family. D. Women in France hold a larger percentage of top management positions than do women in China. 25. Which statement related to work attitudes is incorrect? A. U.S. attitudes toward work are more relaxed than those in Europe. B. In the United States, hard work is applauded and often rewarded. C. The Japanese attitude toward work is very group oriented. D. In the United States, the attitude toward work is ingrained from an early age. 26. Guidelines established to convey what is perceived to be correct or incorrect by most people in a society refer to A. collectivism. B. perception. C. ethical standards. D. semantic differences. 27. Which of the following countries ranks the lowest on individualism? A. Australia B. Canada C. Guatemala D. United States 28. Which of the following statements related to religious influences is incorrect? A. The United States has never had an official state church. B. The best time to conduct business with the Muslims is during Ramadan. C. When conducting business with the people of Zaire, it may be a wise to change the sales and marketing techniques you would ordinarily use. D. When having a business meal with the Hindus, it is best to avoid serving beef. 29. Which of the following statements concerning ethics is correct? A. Backdoor connections are common in the United States. B. “A card laid is a card played to the Chinese.” C. Business ethics are not universal throughout the world. D. Taking a customer on a yachting trip is appropriate during negotiations. 30. What is the official religion of Saudi Arabia? A. Orthodox Judaism B. Roman Catholicism C. Hinduism D. Islam 31. The success of the fast-food industry in the United States is directly related to A. the fact that people of the United States are rather informal when compared to people of other countries. B. semantic differences of the United States compared to other cultures. C. the value U.S. Americans place on time. D. the attitude U.S. Americans have toward work. 32. General Motor's Nova automobile was translated into Spanish as A. "come alive." B. "fast car." C. "doesn’t go." D. "ugly old woman." 33. A criticism of the individualistic/collectivistic paradigm is which of the following? A. It is not applied equally to all cultures. B. It does not allow for both individualistic and collectivistic values to coexist in the same culture. C. It only measures qualitative variables. D. Quantitative variables are only allowed for the individualistic cultures. True-False Answer 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. True 11. False 12. True 13. False 14. False 15. False 16. False 17. True 18. True Multiple Choice Answer 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. C 33. B Chapter 4: Cultural Shock True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. People who experience cultural shock can become homesick and even develop physical ailments. 2. According to Engholm, people of the United States often label Asians as dishonest because they say one thing and do another. 3. For U. S. students who have traveled abroad, standards of cleanliness are a source of major cultural shock. 4. The early return rate of U.S. expatriate managers drops significantly when proper predeparture training is given. 5. All employees have an equal chance for a successful business venture abroad. 6. The ability to see the environment from the perspective of the host nationals is an indication of empathy. 7. The cultural awareness training model affords participants an opportunity to experience the culture through field trips or simulations. 8. Bafa, Bafa is a simulation sometimes used with the intellectual training model. 9. The evaluation criteria for global managers would vary depending upon the expectations of the assignment. 10. Reward systems for global managers should take into account the idea of equity. 11. The W-curve theory explains cultural shock experienced when initially adjusting to a new culture. 12. The U-curve theory is associated with reentry shock. 13. Counseling may be recommended for repatriated children as they are usually three to four years retarded socially. 14. In some cultures, such as the Japanese, the private self is relatively small, while the public self is relatively large. 15. Returning to the home country, even after an extended stay abroad, is the easiest phase for most people and usually does not require any adjustment. 16. Breaking all ties with the home culture often cushions cultural shock and makes reentry shock virtually nonexistent. 17. Differences between the extent to which persons in the host and home cultures reveal their private self may contribute to cultural shock. 18. The Johari Window is a method of considering a person’s inner world. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 19. The term sojourners refers to A. people who are sent to work in foreign countries but return early. B. people who go through training programs before they enter another country. C. people who visit or reside temporarily in another country. D. groups of people who commiserate about the difficulty of doing business in Asia. 20. Which stage of cultural shock is often referred to as the "honeymoon" stage? A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 21. Which statement regarding the acceptance phase of cultural shock is incorrect? A. You feel at home in the new culture. B. You cultivate friendships among the nationals. C. You adapt to and become involved in activities of the culture. D. You respect their customs but realize you will forget about them as soon as you return to your home country. 22. The "fight back" technique refers to A. learning to cope with the lack of things you are accustomed to such as central heating or air conditioning. B. making disparaging remarks about the culture you are visiting during the second stage of cultural shock. C. developing behaviors of drinking or drug use during the second stage of cultural shock. D. the third phase of cultural shock when you begin to accept the new culture. 23. Bennett's Platinum Rule states: A. do unto others as you would have them do unto you. B. do unto others as they would have done unto them. C. do unto others before they do unto you. D. he who holds the gold makes the rules. 24. Which training model combines cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspect of training? A. area training model B. cultural awareness model C. interaction approach D. multidimensional approach 25. Which statement about social class is incorrect? A. While visiting most cultures, U.S. persons are forced into the lower class of the culture and feel ill at ease in this role. B. Many U.S. citizens prefer to believe that no social class exists in the United States. C. The obvious existence of social class in other societies makes most U.S. Americans quite uncomfortable. D. In many cultures, distinctions are made between acceptable and unacceptable friends. 26. Which statement comparing U.S. and Asian cultures is not true with regard to the Johari Window dimensions? A. U.S. citizens reveal their attitudes and opinions to a larger extent than do persons from the Asian culture. B. Japanese people have more rigid boundaries between the public and private self than do U.S. Americans. C. The Japanese use more nonverbal communication such as touch than do people of the United States D. U.S. Americans should avoid prying questions when communicating with the Japanese. 27. Which statement regarding reentry shock is incorrect? A. This phase may also be called reverse cultural shock. B. Reentry shock is typically shorter than cultural shock, but may vary depending on the adjustment made in the foreign country. C. For the expatriates, transition to home culture is short and usually problem-free. D. Children of expatriates may encounter readjustment problems when they find that the education they received abroad is not comparable to that of U.S. schools. 28. Engholm defines Asia Shock as including all of the following except A. racism, including the unflattering labeling of Asians as Japs. B. intermingling with the people of the culture in order to understand customs. C. unwillingness to understand the rationale behind local ways of doing things. D. forming foreign clubs to commiserate about the difficulty of doing business in Asia. 29. Which intercultural training approach includes a comparison of values and behaviors of people in the home country and the host country? A. information or fact-oriented training B. attribution training C. cultural awareness approach D. interaction approach 30. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated by A. sending only top executives abroad. B. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments. C. testing associates to see who is most qualified. D. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qualifications. 31. Some international firms spend much time in college recruiting because A. they are looking for candidates who already have such qualifications as language proficiency and overseas experience. B. they are looking for young, naive individuals who are less likely to experience stress when leaving their home country. C. college students are more likely to have characteristics such as adaptability, flexibility and empathy than older persons. D. students lack negative experiences that would influence their decisions about going abroad for business. 32. Which statement about the "fable of equality" in the United States is incorrect? A. Some believe class in the United States is related to money. B. Some believe that class is related to education. C. Some believe class is indicated by one’s values, style, and behavior. D. U.S. Americans readily accept the obvious existence of social class in other societies. 33. When selecting persons for overseas assignments, which attribute is least desired? A. flexibility B. apathy C. tolerance of ambiguity D. high self-esteem True-False Answer 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. True 11. False 12. False 13. True 14. False 15. False 16. False 17. True 18. True Multiple Choice Answer 19. C 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. B Chapter 5: Language True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. Language holds us together as groups and differentiates us into groups. 2. Number usage problems in global written communications include the use of decimal points. 3. Men and women in the United States have different modes of discourse. 4. People in the United States with good educational backgrounds speak in a similar manner regardless of the region of the country. 5. Verbal dueling can be mistaken for an argumentative and disagreeable situation. 6. The Japanese language teaches people to think in a linear mode. 7. Repartee is a favorite form of interaction for Arabs. 8. Learning a second language does not distort or change a person's perspective. 9. Low-context languages tend to be very indirect and nonverbal. 10. Subjective interpretation is learned through enculturation. 11. Linear language is circular, subjective, and tradition oriented. 12. The Chinese language poses special difficulties when it comes to homonyms. 13. A conversation taboo in Germany is politics. 14. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is associated with linguistic determination. 15. Linguistic relativity is the idea of language shaping what people consider to be reality. 16. Parables and proverbs deal with truths simply and concretely and teach the listener a lesson. 17. The primary difference between an argot and a foreign language is the relationship between the implied and the unimplied meanings. 18. Bernstein's Hypothesis involves restricted and elaborated codes. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 19. Language is important because it A. helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how we perceive others. B. allows us to be understood by foreigners. C. is determined by colonialism. D. is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity. 20. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? A. Canada B. Germany C. Japan D. United States 21. Which of the following terms regarding subjective interpretation is incorrect? A. It is influenced by personal judgment, state of mind, or temperament of the person. B. It is not influenced by cultural contact. C. We perceive what is relevant to our physical and social survival. D. Relevant information is categorized, sorted, and stored for future use. 22. The term "jargon" refers to A. inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensive words. B. competitive conversations that are generally in jest. C. technical terminology used within specialized groups. D. nonverbal signals that are believed over what is actually said. 23. Slang is generally A. understood by everyone. B. spoken by the masses. C. easily translated. D. used by subgroups. 24. Red tape is an example of A. slang. B. an acronym. C. a homonym. D. an idiom. 25. Another word for gamesmanship would be A. idiom. B. verbal dueling. C. argument. D. repartee. 26. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the button causing it not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a A. linear explanation. B. verbose explanation. C. nonlinear explanation. D. why explanation. 27. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? A. Using the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation. B. Qualifying slang terms. C. Not translating conversation taboos. D. Using a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the second language. 28. A Group Decision Support System is a A. software package used for group meetings and allows multilingual communication. B. management program for distribution control. C. pocket translator. D. probability package used by managers to determine the best possible decision alternative. 29. A good interpreter will be A. bilingual, familiar with both business cultures, and employed by one of the businesses. B. bicultural, bilingual, and familiar with both business cultures. C. bicultural and an employee of the visiting business. D. bicultural, bilingual, and employed by the host business. 30. Which of the following topics would be considered a conversation taboo in Mexico? A. history B. family C. politics D. social concerns 31. Which of the following is an example of argot? A. bloke (meaning man) B. smoky (meaning highway patrol) C. bad (meaning the best) D. lifeboat (meaning a pardon) 32. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is that A. language is just a device for reporting a person's experience. B. two languages can represent the same social reality. C. the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak the language. D. language functions as a way of shaping a person's experience. 33. According to the Bernstein Hypothesis, all of the following statements are true except: A. Culture, subculture, social context, and social system are all a part of the social structure. B. Speech emerges in one of two codes. C. Elaborated codes include highly predictable messages. D. Communication transmission channels used in the restricted code would be oral, nonverbal, and paralinguistic. True-False Answer 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. False 9. False 10. True 11. False 12. True 13. False 14. True 15. True 16. True 17. False 18. True Multiple Choice Answer 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. C Chapter 6: Oral and Nonverbal Communication Patterns True-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. Most people in the United States use the indirect method of reasoning to solve problems. 2. Making quick decisions is the sign of an effective manager in Japan while it is often viewed as impulsive in the United States. 3. Paralanguage conveys emotions. 4. Chronemics is the intentional or unintentional implied meaning of a message. 5. The United States is a culture that follows the monochronic time system. 6. Reading a journal during a meeting in cultures which follow a polychronic time system is considered rude. 7. People of the United States tend to need less space than do those of the Greek or Latin American cultures. 8. Arab cultures have a casual attitude toward time; they believe God decides when things get accomplished. 9. The Chinese prefer face-to-face seating arrangements when conversing. 10. In the Middle East, prolonged eye contact with women is considered inappropriate. 11. In the United States, eye contact is a sign of respect and attentiveness. 12. Nonverbal leakage often occurs in the legs and feet as these areas are more difficult to control. 13. Placing a hand on the back of an Asian worker's chair is appropriate. 14. The use of the hands and arms are the most expressive types of body language. 15. U.S. businessmen use silence as a bargaining tool when negotiating with the Japanese. 16. While black symbolizes mourning in the United States, white is often worn to Japanese funerals. 17. Such objects as clothing are more important nonverbal communicators within one’s culture than between cultures. 18. Signs are usually simpler than symbols. 19. Most symbols are widely recognized by people of both a country’s macroculture and microcultures. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. 20. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? A. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning. B. Thought patterns impact oral communication. C. When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goes to generalizations. D. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with different cultures. 21. Which term refers to rate, volume, and quality that interrupts or temporarily takes the place of speech and affects the meaning of a message? A. chronemics B. oculesics C. proxemics D. paralanguage 22. Which statement does not reflect the intimate zone? A. the most formal zone B. less than 18 inches C. reserved for very close friends D. entered when shaking hands 23. People from cultures that follow the monochronic time system tend to A. do one thing at a time. B. be committed to people. C. borrow and lend things often. D. build lifetime relationships. 24. Nonverbal communication does not include A. chromatics. B. chronemics. C. haptics. D. semantics. 25. Which term refers to gaze and eye contact? A. chronemics B. monochronic C. oculesics D. olfactics 26. Which term refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact? A. kinesics B. haptics C. olfactics D. proxemics 27. Which of the following does not belong in the "don't touch" category? A. England B. Japan C. Middle East countries D. United States 28. Which of the following statements related to space is incorrect? A. In the United States, the social zone is used for interacting impersonally in business situations. B. In the United States, offices on the fourth floor have more status than those on the first floor. C. French top-level executives have private offices. D. The Japanese do not consider private offices appropriate. 29. Which statement regarding oculesics is incorrect? A. People in the United States do not favor direct eye contact. B. People in China lower their eyes as a sign of respect. C. The Japanese direct their gaze below the chin. D. Eye contact is very intense in the Middle East. 30. Which statement concerning haptics is incorrect? A. Touching may be interpreted as a form of sexual harassment. B. Some cultures are more comfortable with bodily contact than others. C. Japan is considered a "touch" culture. D. In the Middle East, avoid touching someone with your left hand. 31. Which statement relating to chromatics is incorrect? A. Chromatics can have negative and positive connotations. B. Americans and Japanese both wear black to funerals. C. Brides in India often wear red or yellow. D. In China, a green hat signifies that your wife or sister is a prostitute. 32. Which statement is incorrect? A. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of another culture's nonverbal communication patterns. B. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures. C. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages in intercultural encounters. D. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch the behavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style. 33. Which statement is incorrect? A. Knowing cultural variations in the use of silence is helpful when conversing with persons in another culture. B. Determining cultural meanings associated with various colors is advised to assure that nonverbal messages associated with color are positive ones. C. Good advice when communicating with persons in other cultures is to keep gestures to a minimum. D. Although oral communication varies from culture to culture, nonverbal communication is almost always interpreted the same in each culture. True-False Answer 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. True 11. True 12. True 13. False 14. False 15. False 16. True 17. False 18. True Multiple Choice Answer 19. False 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. B 33. A Test Bank for Intercultural Business Communication Lillian Chaney, Jeanette Martin 9780132971270

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