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This Document Contains Chapters 1 to 4 CHAPTER 1: THE ESSENTIALS OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following statements is true of communication? A) The more you communicate the better communicator you will be. B) Good communicators are born, not made. C) Fear of speaking in public is detrimental and should be eliminated. D) None of the above. Answer: D 2) E-mail, blogging, Google+, and Facebook are all examples of ____________ communication. A) computer-mediated B) small group C) public D) intrapersonal Answer: A 3) During a video-conference job interview for an entry-level position with a large fast-food chain, Melkamzer answers a series of questions posed by Annie, a regional manager. What type of communication did they both engage in? A) small group communication B) intrapersonal communication C) computer-mediated communication D) public speaking Answer: C 4) ____________ communication is the general term used to describe communication from one source to many receivers who may be scattered throughout the world. A) Mass B) Intrapersonal C) Public D) Computer-mediated Answer: A 5) Which of the following myths of communication is identified in your book? A) The more you communicate, the better your communication skills will be. B) Once you start communicating effectively, you will always be effective. C) Communication skills are learned. D) Knowing your audience is very helpful in order to be effective. Answer: A 6) The transactional view is more satisfying than the linear view because the process A) is simpler. B) allows each person to serve as both speaker and listener. C) demonstrates that speaking and listening take place at different times. D) explains everything about media communication. Answer: B 7) The linear model of communication is analogous with a(n) A) arrow hitting or missing a target. B) tennis game. C) circus. D) person solving a puzzle. Answer: B 8) When Henri wants to share information with Chantal but not with others in a room, he switches from speaking English to speaking French, which Chantal understands. Which of the following best describes what Henri does to keep his comments to Chantal private? A) He decodes his message in a way he thinks only Chantal will understand. B) He changes the cultural context of the message in a way he thinks only Chantal will understand. C) He changes the temporal context of the message in a way he thinks only Chantal will understand. D) He encodes his message in a way he thinks only Chantal will understand. Answer: D 9) Before launching into her presentation to the board of directors, Sandra circulates through the room making small talk about the weather, the results of last night’s ball game, etc. Sandra is engaging in A) phatic communication. B) meta messaging. C) feedback. D) back-channeling. Answer: A 10) The information on the cover that entices the reader to buy a magazine would be an example of A) feedback. B) phatic communication. C) informativeness. D) feedforward. Answer: D 11) The statement, “I may be wrong about this but...,” best illustrates the element of communication known as A) feedforward. B) punctuation. C) displacement. D) immediacy. Answer: A 12) Phatic communication is also referred to as A) message overload. B) more efficient. C) small talk. D) neutral communication. Answer: C 13) The news of Tom’s promotion started spreading around the company well before the official announcement was made. The news of Tom’s promotion is an example of ____________ communication. A) upward B) downward C) lateral D) grapevine Answer: D 14) The temporal dimension of context can consist of A) the sequence of the message. B) a message’s position within a sequence of events. C) the tangible environment in which the communication takes place. D) culture. Answer: B 15) Which of the following is true of communication contexts? A) Contexts have at least four aspects. B) Context has little bearing on how messages are conveyed. C) Context is simply the physical environment in which communication takes place. D) Context is the same as the content dimension of communication. Answer: A 16) Before going to a reception at the university president’s house, Abby reminds her date, Homer, not to act like he’s at a fraternity party. Abby wants Homer to be most aware of the ____________ context. A) physical B) cultural C) social-psychological D) temporal Answer: C 17) “Do you understand what I’ve just asked you to do?” is an example of a(n) A) paradigm. B) paraverbal. C) anomaly. D) metamessage. Answer: D 18) When someone sends a message in response to your initial message, such as laughing at your joke, they are sending A) feedback. B) feedforward. C) a metamessage. D) Para messages. Answer: A 19) The vehicle through which we send messages is referred to as the A) channel. B) sender. C) receiver. D) metamessage. Answer: A 20) Biases or prejudices of the sender–receiver are examples of what kind of noise? A) physical B) psychological C) semantic D) channel Answer: B 21) During a department meeting, Antonio’s boss was discussing the new software that will be implemented in the department. Anthony was daydreaming about his upcoming vacation. We can assume that Anthony’s boss’s message to Anthony was distorted by ____________ noise. A) physical B) psychological C) semantic D) physiological Answer: B 22) Christina and DeAnna were having a quiet conversation over drinks before the band started to play, but now they have to shout and even then can’t really hear what the other is saying. We can assume that once the band started to play, the signal-to-noise ratio in this scenario A) went from high signal/low noise to low signal/high noise. B) went from low signal/high noise to high signal/low noise. C) went from low signal/low noise to high signal/high noise. D) didn’t change and had nothing to do with the communication problems they experienced. Answer: A 23) Bobby: “I got a new bat!” Jan: “That’s great. I can’t wait to see you swing it at the game next Saturday.” Bobby: “Not that kind of bat! His name is Del and he’s my new pet.” This exchange between Bobby and Jan best illustrates which principle of communication? A) Communication is ambiguous. B) Communication is a package of signals. C) Communication is punctuated. D) Communication is purposeful. Answer: A 24) The tendency to divide the various communication transactions into sequences of stimuli and responses is referred to as A) compartmentalization. B) departmentalization. C) punctuation. D) sequentization. Answer: C 25) “You cannot not respond to the messages of others” expresses which principle of communication? A) Communication is inevitable. B) Communication is irreversible. C) Communication is purposeful. D) Communication involves content and relationship dimensions. Answer: A 26) Dong-Sun and Chris had a very serious argument during which Dong-Sun said some very hurtful things to Chris. After the argument, he tried to apologize to for what was said during the argument. Dong- Sun’s later behavior best reflects which principle of communication? A) Communication is a package of signals. B) Communication is punctuated. C) Communication is transactional. D) Communication is irreversible. Answer: D 27) Mario has a deep commitment to the identity and beliefs of his Puerto Rican-American culture, following customs, and embracing specific artifacts. This is Mario’s A) ethnocentrism. B) stereotypes. C) ethnic identity. D) social-psychological context. Answer: C 28) Ethnic identity refers to A) one’s commitment to the beliefs and philosophy of one’s own culture. B) the tendency to judge other cultures based on one’s own culture. C) the ability to take the perspectives of people of other cultures. D) adapting to the communicative style of people from other cultures. Answer: A 29) According to your book, competent communicators A) are born, not made. B) think critically and mindfully. C) do not consider power important in the communication process. D) constantly change their ethics based the context. Answer: B 30) Individualistic cultures put more emphasis on self-reliance, A) independence and individual achievement. B) Independence and group achievement. C) independence and social bonds. D) social bonds and conformity to the larger social group. Answer: A True/False Questions 1) With advances in technology, few differences exist between face-to-face and computer-mediated communication. Answer: False 2) Sunglasses may be regarded as communication noise. Answer: True 3) Daydreaming is an example of psychological noise. Answer: True 4) Some communication has no effect on those involved in the process. Answer: False 5) Ambiguity is tolerated more in low-uncertainty-avoidance cultures than in high-uncertainty-avoidance cultures. Answer: True 6) All messages involve content and relationship dimensions. Answer: True 7) Choice points are moments when you have to make choices regarding your communication. Answer: True 8) The punctuation of communication is the segmenting of the continuous stream of communication into smaller pieces. Answer: True 9) The process of communication is reversible and erasable. Answer: False 10) Competence refers to your interpersonal communication abilities rather than to small group or public speaking abilities. Answer: False 11) People are either ethnocentric or not ethnocentric. Answer: False Completion Questions 1) ____________ is a form of interpersonal communication that proceeds by questions and answer. Answer: Interviewing 2) The communication ____________ is the vehicle or medium through which messages pass. Answer: channel 3) The concept of ____________ suggests communication has consequences for those involved in the process. Answer: effects 4) ____________ is anything that interferes with your receiving a message. Answer: Noise 5) Some motivation leads people to communicate; this is the same as the principle that ____________. Answer: communication is purposeful 6) The ____________ context has to do with the status relationships among speakers. Answer: social-psychological 7) Lecia had a great conversation with Brad at a party the first time they met, but subsequent conversations have not been as good. This illustrates that communication is ____________. Answer: unrepeatable 8) ____________ refers to the degree to which a culture values predictability. Answer: Uncertainty avoidance 9) People with high ethnocentrism view different cultures as ____________ to their own culture. Answer: inferior Matching Sequence Match the perception scenario with the power 1) Kalya perceives Sachit as powerful because he knows how to prepare income tax forms. A) legitimate power 2) Andy perceives Siobhan as powerful because she is the CEO of a company. B) referent power 3) Rebecca perceives Angel as powerful because Angel can help her get a promotion at work. C) reward power 4) Yebin perceives Amanda as powerful because she is the class bully. D) coercive power 5) Perfecto perceives his big brother Larmar as powerful because he wants to be just like him when he gets older. E) expert power Answers: 1. E; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B CHAPTER 2: PERCEPTION OF SELF AND OTHERS Multiple Choice Questions 1) The concept of the looking-glass self suggests that we A) develop our self-concepts by attending to how others communicate with us. B) want to be seen by others as we see ourselves. C) mirror the behavior of others to build relationships. D) All of the above. Answer: A 2) Which of the following is true about self-concept? A) Gender roles generally are learned through cultural teachings. B) Self-evaluations are more important in developing self-concept than our interactions with others. C) We generally do not compare ourselves with others in developing our self-concepts. D) All of the above. Answer: A 3) Self-awareness may be defined as A) how you perceive yourself. B) when you examine aspects of yourself as they might appear to others as well as to you. C) revealing information about yourself. D) the measure of how valuable you think you are. Answer: B 4) Which of the following is NOT a way to increase self-awareness? A) Listen to others. B) Seek information about yourself. C) Dialogue with yourself. D) Increase your self-esteem. Answer: D 5) Betty’s friends know she is stingy but Betty doesn’t know it herself. We can assume Betty’s stinginess is part of her ____________ self. A) unknown B) blind C) hidden D) open Answer: B 6) Which of the following statement is true of the blind area? A) Communication is generally improved as the blind area becomes smaller. B) People should be made to see themselves as we (and others) see them, so the blind area may be made smaller. C) A large blind area indicates high self-esteem. D) Communication is hindered by the very existence of the blind areas. Answer: A 7) John has never told anyone about his fear of spiders. We can assume this fear is part of John’s ____________ self. A) open B) blind C) hidden D) unknown Answer: C 8) Self-esteem is defined as A) our view of our self. B) how aware we are of ourselves and others’ views of us. C) a measure of how valuable we think we are. D) how large our open self is. Answer: C 9) We can seek the services of a hypnotist or psychotherapist to discover our ____________ self. A) open B) blind C) hidden D) unknown Answer: D 10) Pat has a habit of surrounding herself with people who are extremely critical and find fault with everything. Pat’s choice in friends may A) improve her self-esteem. B) be detrimental to her self-esteem. C) increase her self-awareness. D) help her self-disclose. Answer: B 11) Which of the following actions is an example of securing affirmation? A) being aware of other’s successes B) seeking out people who may disagree with you C) interacting with people who don’t know you D) interacting with people who are positive. Answer: D 12) Which of the following statements is an example of self-disclosure? A) “Do I look fat in this outfit?” B) “I’ve never told anyone this, but I’m afraid to go to parties alone.” C) “Everybody knows that Angela is my sister.” D) “Don’t go over to his house tonight.” Answer: B 13) Which of the following is a danger of self-disclosing? A) self-knowledge B) seeing problems dispassionately C) understanding the messages of others D) relationship risks Answer: D 14) Self-disclosure refers to all of the following EXCEPT A) a type of communication that reveals information about oneself. B) slips of the tongue. C) a public confession. D) an intrapersonal process. Answer: D 15) Which reward to self-disclosure is met when you talk about yourself and listen to the reactions of others? A) increased self-knowledge B) improved coping abilities C) more meaningful relationships D) communication enhancement Answer: A 16) When Bill first began working at his new job, he began to disclose highly personal information to others almost immediately, often making others uncomfortable. Which guideline for self-disclosure was Bill unaware of? A) Consider the motivation. B) Consider the appropriateness. C) Consider the disclosures of the other person. D) Consider any possible burdens. Answer: B 17) When you hear a new song played on the radio, the ____________ stage of the perception process has just occurred. A) stimulation B) interaction C) organization D) interpretation–evaluation Answer: A 18) The process by which you become aware of objects, events, and people by using your senses as well as your previous experiences, desires, needs, wants, and loves is called A) self-awareness. B) perception. C) infatuation. D) observation. Answer: B 19) Hans only watches Fox News because the reporters and commentators reinforce his existing beliefs and attitudes. Hans is engaging in A) selective exposure. B) organization by rules. C) the process of perception. D) peer pressure. Answer: A 20) Several students sitting together in a student lounge studying for an exam may BEST be defined as a study group based on which organizational rule? A) rule of similarity B) rule of contrast C) rule of proximity D) rule of context Answer: C 21) Rosa judges everything Serena does based on the fact that Serena is an only child. Rosa is engaging in which attribution error? A) self-serving bias B) over attribution C) fundamental attribution error D) primary error Answer: B 22) Artie believes Asian people are more intelligent than other people. Artie is engaging in which perceptual process? A) stereotyping B) fundamental attribution error C) self-fulfilling prophecy D) recency effect Answer: A 23) Joe always told himself that he was lousy at athletics. When he tried to play soccer, he was not very adept at it. This may be a result of the A) self-fulfilling prophecy. B) dyadic effect. C) primacy-recency effect. D) fundamental attribution error. Answer: A 24) The process by which you focus on explaining why someone behaved as he or she did is called A) attribution of control. B) organization by schemata. C) the primacy effect. D) selective attention Answer: A True/False Questions 1) The looking-glass self is based on the idea of how you see yourself directly. Answer: False 2) Your ability to achieve what your culture defines as success will contribute to a positive self-concept. Answer: True 3) Self-awareness is basic to all communication. Answer: True 4) No one should hesitate to self-disclose information about himself or herself regardless of the immediate audience. Answer: False 5) One recommended way to resist the pressure to self-disclose is to be indirect and change the topic. Answer: True 6) The Johari window focuses on the various ways to self-disclose for the purpose of increasing self- esteem. Answer: False 7) “Work on projects that will result in success” is one of the ways to improve the self-esteem. Answer: True 8) It’s frequently recommended that you remind yourself of your successes by using affirmations. Answer: True 9) Annie said the movie was great even though she thought the beginning was boring. Annie experienced the recency effect. Answer: True 10) One way to increase accuracy in perception is to reduce your uncertainty. Answer: True 11) The self-serving bias is when you take responsibility for the negative and give others credit for the positive. Answer: False 12) The last stage of the perception process is memory. Answer: False Completion Questions 1) One way to increase self-esteem is to attack ____________ and seek out nourishing people. Answer: self-destructive beliefs 2) The ____________ represents all the information, behaviors, attitudes, and feelings about yourself that you, and also others, know. Answer: open self 3) The information known to others but unknown to yourself is in the ____________ self. Answer: blind 4) When Ron comments that Kyle and Chloe must be related because they look so much alike, he has engaged in the organizational rule of ____________. Answer: similarity 5) Self-concept develops through attending to the ways others communicate with us, comparing ourselves to others, our own interpretations and evaluations, and ____________. Answer: cultural teachings 6) Dangers of self-disclosure include personal, relationship, and ____________ risks. Answer: professional 7) Being willing to ____________ and keeping self-disclosure ____________ are two guidelines for facilitating and responding to others’ self-disclosures. Answer: reciprocate; confidential 8) While driving across Kentucky, Christina notices only the billboards that advertise fast food and gas. Christina’s perception is stimulated by ____________. Answer: selective attention 9) The tendency to single out one or two obvious characteristics of a person and attribute everything that person does to these characteristics is called ____________. Answer: over attribution 10) Recognizing your own role in the perceptions, avoiding early conclusions, and being aware of the “just world hypothesis” are suggestions for ____________. Answer: analyzing impressions Matching Sequence Match the communication example to the term related to the self or perception. 1) Linda looks at herself in the mirror and says, “I am a good person who cares for others.” A) dangers of self-disclosure 2) Johnny tells Yolanda, “This has been a good year. The last few months were hard, but it started out great.” B) securing affirmation 3) “Aren’t all Asians taking honors classes?” C) self-disclosure 4) Pat takes Chris’s hand and says, “I’ve never told you this before, but I love you.” D) stereotyping 5) Dana is afraid to tell her parents she is gay for fear they will reject her. E) primacy effect Answers: 1. B; 2. E; 3. D; 4. C; 5. A CHAPTER 3: LISTENING IN HUMAN COMMUNICATION Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following statements about listening is true? A) Hearing and listening are essentially the same. B) Listening is a simple process. C) The process of listening is circular. D) All of the above. Answer: C 2) The understanding stage in the listening process involves A) decoding a message exactly the same way as it was encoded by the speaker. B) grasping both the thoughts that were expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them. C) anticipating what the speaker will say next. D) tuning out the emotional element of the message and focusing only on the content of what is being said. Answer: B 3) Effective listeners are more likely to A) emerge as group leaders. B) be more aggressive communicators. C) read less than poor listeners. D) be good managers but poor salespeople. Answer: A 4) Which of the following is recommended to help when receiving messages? A) Focus your attention on the speaker’s nonverbal messages alone. B) Avoid assuming you know what the speaker will say next. C) Organize what you hear. D) Relate the speaker’s message to what you already know. Answer: B 5) Which of the following is a suggestion for facilitating the passage of information from short-term memory to long-term memory? A) Focus your attention on the minor details. B) Write down every word that the speaker says. C) Organize what you hear in an easy-to-retain way. D) Evaluate what you hear. Answer: C 6) Matthew is sitting in communications class while the instructor is lecturing, but his mind keeps wandering to his upcoming vacation. Matthew is experiencing which type of listening barrier? A) physical distractions B) mental distractions C) biases D) prejudices Answer: B 7) In adjusting your empathic and objective listening focus, all of the following are recommendations EXCEPT: A) Punctuate from the speaker’s point of view. B) Engage in equal, two-way communication. C) Seek to understand the speaker’s thoughts only. D) Avoid “offensive” listening. Answer: C 8) At the evaluation stage of the listening process, one should A) evaluate the speaker’s point of view immediately. B) assume the speaker is not a person of goodwill. C) avoid giving the speaker the benefit of any doubt. D) identify any biases, self-interests, or prejudices that the speaker may have. Answer: D 9) While listening to Ella talk about her accident, Melvin nods his head and says, “Uh-huh” and “I see.” Melvin is engaging in A) backchanneling cues. B) paraphrasing. C) objective listening. D) punctuating. Answer: A 10) Listening with empathy involves all of the following except A) expressing an understanding of what the person means. B) expressing your ability to feel what the other person is feeling. C) trying to see the world as the speaker sees it. D) striving to be objective Answer: D 11) Shabria tends to listen to bits and pieces of information that will enable her to attack the speaker when it is her turn to talk. Shabria engages in what types of listening? A) offensive B) defensive C) critical D) surface Answer: A 12) Lately Evan has been voicing his belief to Elise that all of his teachers, his parents, and most of his friends are “out to get him.” In this situation, it’s best if Elise engages in ____________ listening. A) objective B) empathic C) inactive D) critical Answer: A 13) To get the most out of a lecture on the principles of communication, you should engage in listening. A) empathic B) nonjudgmental C) depth-level D) subjective Answer: B 14) Kimberly asks Doreen, “Do I look fat in this outfit?” An appropriate response from Doreen would be to engage in ____________ listening. A) depth B) inactive C) objective D) surface Answer: A 15) Which of the following is true about the relationship between culture and listening? A) Standards for appropriate feedback are basically the same across cultures. B) Listening in any culture requires attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues. C) Nonverbal cues tend to have the same meaning across cultures. D) Speakers from different cultures tend to have the same display rules. Answer: B 16) Which of the following would be an appropriate active listening response to the statement: “This has been about the worst day of my life!” A) “This is about the worst day of your life, huh?” B) “You think you’ve had a bad day; let me tell you about mine!” C) “You seem really upset. What made your day so bad?” D) “Awe, sorry… but I have a meeting to go to.” Answer: C 17) Which of the following statements about active listening is true? A) It enables you to check your perception of what the speaker said. B) It enables the listener to express an evaluation of what the speaker said. C) It inhibits the speaker from further exploring his or her feelings and thoughts. D) It discourages the speaker from solving his or her problems. Answer: A 18) The text defines display rules as A) cultural rules that govern which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate and which are inappropriate in a public setting. B) culture rules that govern when to offer feedback and when not to offer feedback. C) social rules that emerge as people listen actively to others. D) social rules that govern how people should express empathy in private settings. Answer: A 19) In terms of the relationship between listening and culture, which of the following is true concerning feedback? A) Positive feedback is generally preferable to negative feedback regardless of culture. B) People from high-context cultures (such as Japan and Korea) generally appreciate honest, open feedback. C) Perceptions of appropriate feedback vary from culture to culture. D) Some cultures prefer no feedback whatsoever. Answer: C 20) According to Deborah Tannen, a linguistic scholar and author, which of the following is true concerning the relationship between listening and gender? A) Women are more apt than men to give listening cues than men. B) Men tend to use listening to establish closer relationships. C) Women play up their expertise and use it to dominate the interaction. D) Men are more likely than women to offer constructive criticism. Answer: A True/False Questions 1) Hearing and listening are essentially the same process. Answer: False 2) Understanding means grasping both the thoughts that are expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them. Answer: True 3) One way to ensure effectiveness in the understanding stage of the listening process is to paraphrase the speaker’s ideas. Answer: True 4) The evaluation stage of listening can be made more effective by resisting evaluation until you fully understand the speaker’s viewpoint. Answer: True 5) The responding stage of the listening process can be improved through the use of I-messages. Answer: True 6) Generally, effective listeners are effective managers. Answer: True 7) Politeness in communication is the exclusive function of the speaker. Answer: False 8) Empathic listening is preferable to objective listening no matter what the context or the speaker’s state of mind is. Answer: False 9) Through active listening, we express understanding of the speaker’s feelings. Answer: True 10) Researchers disagree concerning the significance and extent of gender differences in listening. Answer: True Completion Questions 1) Listening can be described as a series of five steps: receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and ____________. Answer: responding 2) Listening is a ____________ process. Answer: circular 3) When you dismiss someone’s argument as invalid based solely on their affectional orientation, it is an example of a ____________ or ____________. Answer: bias; prejudice 4) Responding occurs in two phases: (1) responses you make ____________ the speaker is talking and (2) responses you make ____________ the speaker has stopped talking. Answer: while; after 5) Perhaps the most important thing to remember about memory is that what you remember is NOT what was ____________ but what you ____________ was said. Answer: said, remember 6) According to your text, if you are listening for understanding without a need to evaluate what you hear, you should engage in ____________ listening. Answer: nonjudgmental 7) The fact that would be appropriate to use the “okay” sign (forming a circle with your thumb and forefinger) in the U.S. but not appropriate in Tunisia is an example of differences in ____________ rules between cultures. Answer: display 8) Succeeding at active listening may be accomplished by using three simple techniques: 1) ____________ the speaker’s meaning, 2) expressing ____________ of the speaker’s feelings, and 3) ____________. Answer: paraphrasing; understanding; asking questions 9) During conversation, responses like “I see,” “yes,” and “uh-huh” are what nonverbal researchers call ____________ cues. Answer: backchanneling 10) Generally, women learn to use ____________ listening cues than men. Answer: more Matching Sequence Match the listening style with its description. 1) listening for understanding A) empathic feeling listening 2) attempting to feel what another person feels B) objective listening 3) detaching yourself from the interests of the other person when you listen C) nonjudgmental listening 4) listening to the literal meaning of what you hear D) critical listening 5) listening with a view toward making some kind of evaluation E) surface listening 6) listening to the deeper or hidden meaning of what you hear F) depth listening Answers: 1.C; 2. A; 3. B; 4. E; 5. D; 6. F CHAPTER 4: VERBAL MESSAGES Multiple Choice Questions 1) The denotative meaning of a word A) is subjective. B) is found in a dictionary. C) includes the word’s emotional meaning. D) is the meaning a speaker gives to the word. Answer: B 2) The statement, “Anderson is such a jerk! I hate him.” contains A) a snarl word. B) a purr word. C) metacommunication. D) disconfirmation. Answer: A 3) Of the following terms, which is the highest in abstraction? A) chairs B) furniture C) things to sit on D) the wing chair in Sandra’s living room Answer: C 4) Of the following terms, which is the lowest in abstraction? A) cats B) my orange tabby, Murray C) animals D) carnivores Answer: B 5) Which of the following statements is true of direct and indirect speech? A) Direct messages are typically less polite than indirect messages. B) ”Do my laundry!” is an example of an indirect message. C) Direct messages allow you to express a desire without insulting or offending anyone D) Indirect messages do not cause miscommunication. Answer: A 6) Which of the following is the BEST example of an indirect response to “What’s for dinner, Honey”? A) “I’m not cooking tonight. I ordered Chinese take-out.” B) “Why do you always ask me that as soon as I get home from work?” C) “Tommy said that the new Mexican place down the street is great and they deliver.” D) “Fish.” Answer: C 7) The principle of cooperation assumes that A) keeping peace in a relationship takes precedence over disagreement. B) communicators should avoid embarrassing others, especially in public. C) communicators should help people understand each other. D) direct communication is preferable to indirect communication. Answer: C 8) This type of deception is used to make oneself look good: A) pro-social B) self-enhancement C) selfish-deception D) antisocial deception Answer: B 9) Which statement is an example of nonsexist language? A) The average student is worried about his grades. B) The competent student knows her limitations. C) The first-year students may require extra attention. D) The fireman climbed the tree to rescue the cat. Answer: C 10) In communicating with others verbally, Mariam tries not to say anything that might shed negative light on the person she is communicating with. According to your text, Mariam’s guiding cultural principle in verbal communication is A) face-saving. B) peaceful relations. C) cooperation. D) directness. Answer: B 11) Arellia believes that people should tell it like it is when communicating with others because being up- front saves time and energy in the long run. Arellia’s guiding principle in verbal communication is A) directness. B) face-saving. C) peaceful relations. D) self-denigration. Answer: A 12) When Nancy told Philip, “I’m so stoked! I got an A on my chemistry midterm,” and Philip replies with , “I’m hungry. Let’s get some lunch,” Philip engaged in A) confirmation. B) disconfirmation. C) rejection. D) indiscrimination. Answer: B 13) The local newspaper used to solicit readers to submit their comments about articles in the online edition of the newspaper. Readers did not have to give their name, and many of the comments were extreme. This is an example of ____________ messages. A) onymous B) anonymous C) connotative D) denotative Answer: B 14) When Brad told Jeremy, “I’m going to study really hard for that history test,” and Jeremy replied, “I know you will. You have a real drive to do well in school. I admire you.” Jeremy engaged in A) confirmation. B) disconfirmation. C) rejection. D) allness. Answer: A 15) When editing the company newsletter, Janet includes the anniversaries of all the traditionally married couples, but omits the anniversaries of the office’s same-sex couples’ commitment ceremonies. Janet’s behavior can be described as A) sexist. B) racist. C) heterosexist. D) ageist. Answer: C 16) When Lilly confided to Meisha that she was a lesbian, Meisha replied with, “Gosh, Lilly, you don’t look gay.” Meisha’s reply was A) appropriate. B) heterosexist. C) confirming. D) disconfirming. Answer: B 17) Which of the following is an appropriate way to avoid ageism? A) Assume older people aren’t interested in the world around them. B) Talk louder and slower to older people regardless of whether they appear to be hard of hearing. C) Remember to refresh older people’s memories every time you see them. D) Engage older people in conversation as you would wish to be engaged. Answer: D 18) Ali is engaging in ____________ when he retains a judgment of a close friend, despite the inevitable changes in the friend. A) static evaluation B) symbolic language C) the principle of peaceful relations D) evaluative language Answer: A 19) When Don, who is an openly gay man, meets Mehmet, Mehmet automatically assumes that Don must also know Rick, Mehmet’s gay residence-hall director. Mehmet’s tendency to assume that Don and Rick would probably know each other can be described as A) sexist. B) polarization. C) non-evaluative language. D) heterosexist. Answer: D 20) Intensional orientation refers to the tendency to A) view people how they are labeled rather than how they actually exist. B) respond to things as they are rather than as they are labeled or talked about. C) see the middle ground as well as the extremes. D) group unlike things together and to assume that because they have the same label, they are all alike. Answer: A 21) Using “etc.” helps speakers to avoid A) fact-inference confusion. B) allness. C) bypassing. D) indiscrimination. Answer: B 22) Which is the BEST example of a factual statement? A) Paula is unreasonably angry. B) Lene harbors resentment. C) Marwan is driving a green Jeep. D) Francois seems to prefer Jeeps. Answer: C 23) A good way to guard against a static evaluation is to use A) a date subscript. B) polarization. C) fact-inference confusion. D) intentional orientation. Answer: A 24) When we focus on classes of individuals or objects or events and fail to see that each is unique, we have the misevaluation of A) static evaluation. B) polarization. C) indiscrimination. D) fact-inference confusion. Answer: C 25) Mandatory retirement laws and age restrictions in certain occupations can be referred to as A) ageism. B) allness. C) institutional ageism. D) bypassing. Answer: C True/False Questions 1) Connotations of words are found in dictionaries. Answer: False 2) “Mankind will soon walk on Mars” is an example of sexist language. Answer: True 3) Using indirect language allows people to express a desire without insulting or offending others. Answer: True 4) The principle of cooperation and the principle of peaceful relations are compatible with one another. Answer: False 5) Once you have established your own connotations for expressions such as “I love you,” they rarely change throughout your lifetime. Answer: False 6) “Gay men have such good fashion sense” is a heterosexist statement. Answer: True 7) The fact that same-sex marriage is illegal in many states is an example of institutional heterosexism. Answer: True 8) Companies’ reluctance to hire members of minority groups is an example of individual racism. Answer: False 9) “The governor is either with us or against us” is an example of polarization. Answer: True 10) It is best to use cultural identifiers that are recognized and used by cultural groups themselves. Answer: True Completion Questions 1) Instead of saying, “I’m bored with this conversation,” you say, “It’s getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow.” The second statement, which allows you to express a desire without offending someone, is a(n) ____________ message. Answer: indirect 2) One of the principles of verbal messages is that message meanings are in ____________. Answer: people 3) Terms such as “policeman,” “fireman,” and “salesman” are examples of ____________ language. Answer: sexist 4) If a person is described as a “gay athlete” or “lesbian doctor,” the description illustrates the linguistic prejudice of ____________. Answer: heterosexism 5) A useful extensional device that can help you avoid ____________ is to end each statement, sometimes verbally, but always mentally, with an et cetera (etc.) Answer: allness 6) Maris sees Hallon playing cards in the student center. Maris tells Sam, “I see Hallon over there playing cards.” Sam replies, “Hallon will probably win.” Maris’s utterance is a statement of ____________. Sam’s utterance is a statement of ____________. Answer: fact; inference 7) When you talk down to people who are older, you are engaging in ____________. Answer: ageism 8) Using terms preferred by members of different cultures to talk to and about them requires using appropriate ____________. Answer: cultural identifiers 9) There are two types of meanings: ____________ and ____________. Answer: connotative; denotative 10) If you avoid immediately labeling people, objects, and events and instead focus on how you actually see them, you are engaging in ____________ orientation. Answer: extensional Matching Sequence Match the term with the statement, which that best represents the definition of the term. 1) polarization A) “John is very different today than he was in high school.” 2) allness B) “Helena is such an angel.” 3) racist language C) “European settlers came to the United States to better their economic conditions.” 4) dating D) “You're either with us or against us.” 5) purr words E) “After three minutes into the date, I knew he was a bore.” 6) snarl words F) “The average homemaker does her grocery shopping once a week.” 7) connotative word G) “Marcos Alaban, the Hispanic judge, abstained.” 8) indiscrimination H) “He’s an idiot.” 9) sexist language I) “Grandpa, how do you know who the hottest hip hop star is? We all know you’re stuck back in the ‘60s.” 10) ageist language J) “These fundraising dinners are all the same.” Answers: 1. D; 2. E; 3. G; 4. A; 5. B; 6. H; 7. C; 8. J; 9. F; 10. I Test Bank for Essentials of Human Communication Joseph A. DeVito 9780205940882, 9780134890388, 9780134877426, 9780134202457

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