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ATI Pharmacology Made Easy 3.0 The Hematologic System Challenge
Questions with Solutions 2023.
HCP caring for pt who is about to begin taking altepase (Activase) to treat acute myocardial
infarction. The HCP should understand the drug is most effect when the pt receives it
Answer: within 3 hr of symptom onset.
pt about to take filgrastim (Neupogen) to treat neutropenia. The HCP should assess the pt for
which of the following adverse effects?
Answer: Enlarged spleen
with long term use, filgrastim, a leukopoietic growth factor, can cause an enlarged spleen. HCP
should tell pt taking the drug to monitor and report abd pain or fullness.
Answer: With long-term use, filgrastim can cause an enlarged spleen; patients should report any
abdominal pain or fullness.
HCP is preparing to admin filgrastim (Neupogen) to a pt. The pt lab results indicate that the pt
has a WBC count of 12,000/mm 3. Which of the following actions should the HCP take?
Answer: Clarify the prescription with the provider
HCP administers eopoetin alfa (Epogen) SC to a pt who has renal failure. The HCP should
monitor the pt for which of the following adverse effects?
Answer: Hypertension
Epoetin alfa, an erythropoietic growth factor, can cause hypertension. The HCP should monitor
BP and regulate it prior to initiating epoetin alfa; then monitor it during. For elevations,
recommend a reduced dosage or anti-hypertensive drug
Answer: Epoetin alfa can cause hypertension; monitor blood pressure before and during
treatment, adjusting dosage or adding antihypertensive medication as needed.
pt is about to begin taking oprelvekin (Neumega). The HCP should explain to the pt that the drug
has which of the following effects? Answer: Increases platelet production

Oprelvekin, a thrombopoietic growth factor, increases platelet production. It treats
thrombocytopenia that is associated with myelosuppression.
Answer: Oprelvekin increases platelet production and is used to treat thrombocytopenia
associated with myelosuppression.
pt is about to begin taking warfarin (Coumadin). The HCP should caution the pt about taking
which of the following OTC drugs?
Answer: Ibuprofen (Motrin)
HCP is caring for a pt who is about to begin taking oprelvekin (Neumega) to treat
thrombocytopenia. The HCP should tell the pt to report which indication of an adverse rxn?
Answer: 1. Conjunctivitis / blurred vision / papiledema / eye redness
2. Swollen ankles monitor pt I & O and pt should report edema or difficulty breathing
3. Palpitations or dizziness
a thrombopoietic growth factor can cause cardiac dysrhythmias
Answer: A thrombopoietic growth factor can cause cardiac dysrhythmias.
HCP is administering epoetin alfa (Epogen) SC to a pt who has renal failure. The HCP should
take which of the following actions?
Answer: Insert the needle into the vial once
HCP is caring for a pt who has mild hemophilia A and is about to begin taking a desmopressin
(DDAVP) to prevent bleeding. The HCP should monitor for which of the following adverse
Answer: Edema
Desmopressin, an anti-diuretic hormone, can cause fluid retention and edema. HCP should
monitor I & O for pt receiving the drug therapy.
Answer: Desmopressin can cause fluid retention and edema; healthcare providers should
monitor the patient's intake and output.
HCP is caring for a pt who is about to begin altepase (Activase) therapy. The HCP should
monitor the pt for which of the following indications of a possible adverse effect?

Answer: Headache
HCP is caring for a pt who is about to begin taking aspirin (Ecotrin) to reduce the risk of a
cardiovascular event. The HCP should understand that the drug inhibits platelet aggregation by
which of the following mechanisms?
Answer: Inhibiting cyclooxygenase action platelets
HCP is caring for a pt who is about to begin taking ferrous sulfate (Feosol) to treat irondeficiency anemia. When taking with the pt about the drug, the HCP should include which of the
following instructions?
Answer: 1. Eat iron-enriched foods (egg, yolk, wheat germ, meat, and fish to supplement ferrous
2. Spread the dosage across each day (Allows the bone marrow to maximize the production of
3. Take the drug on an empty stomach ( Food reduces the absorption of ferrous sulfate)
4. Increase dietary fiber intake (Ferrous sulfate can cause constipation)
pt is taking ferrous sulfate (Feosol) to treat iron-deficiency anemia develops severe nausea and
vomiting due to iron toxicity. Which of the following drugs should the HCP use to treat this
Answer: Deferoxamine (Desferal)
pt is about to begin taking clopidogrel (Plavix) to prevent stent stenosis. The HCP should
monitor the pt for which of the following adverse rxns?
Answer: Thrombocytopenia
clopidogrel, an anti-platelet drug, can cause thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. The HCP
should monitor platelet count, bruising, bleeding gums, and petechiae.
Answer: Clopidogrel can cause thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; healthcare providers
should monitor platelet count, bruising, bleeding gums, and petechiae.
pt is about to begin therapy with recombinant factor XI (BeneFix) to treat hemophilia B. The pt
asks the HCP about the risks of the disease with recombinant factor IX, as compared with plasma

derived factor IX. The HCP should explain that recombinant factor IX eliminates the risk for
which of the following?
Answer: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
pt is about to begin taking folic acid to treat megaloblastic anemia. The HCP should monitor
which of the following lab values?
Answer: Reticulocyte count
pt is about to begin factor VII (Advate) therapy to treat hemophilla A. When administering factor
VII, which of the following actions should the HCP take?
Answer: Have emergency equipment ready.
pt is taking warfarin (Coumadin) arrives at the ER dept and reports rectal bleeding. which of the
following drugs should the HCP have available?
Answer: Vitamin K
pt about to begin altepase (Activase) therapy to treat pulmonary embolism. Which of the
following drugs should the HCP have available in the event of a severe adverse rxn?
Answer: Aminocrproic (Amicar)
pt has a known sensitivity to Escherichia coli-derived proteins. This sensitivity is a
contraindication for which of the following drugs? Answer: Filgrastim (Neupogen)
assess a pt who has megaloblastic anemia for indications of which of the following vitamin
Answer: Vitamin B12
pt undergoing bone marrow transplant following high-dose chemotherapy. which of the
following drugs should the health care professional expect the primary care provider to prescribe
to reduce the patients risk of infection?
Answer: Filgrastim (Neupogen)

Pt is about to begin taking clopidogrel (Plavix) to prevent thrombus formation. HCP should
question the use of clopidogrel by a pt who has which of the following?
Answer: Peptic ulcer disease
pts who have peptic ulcer disease should not take clopidogrel b/c it can cause gastric bleeding
Answer: Patients with peptic ulcer disease should not take clopidogrel because it can cause
gastric bleeding.
A HCP is caring for a pt who is about to begin taking epoetin alfa (Epogen). Which of the
following laboratory values should increase with effective therapy?
Answer: Hgb
epoetin alfa, an erythropoietic growth factor, increases the production of RBCs for pts who have
anemia due to chronic renal failure or chemotherapy. Hgb and Hct should increases with
effective therapy.
Answer: Epoetin alfa increases RBC production in patients with anemia due to chronic renal
failure or chemotherapy; effective therapy should raise Hgb and Hct levels.
HCP administering epoetin alfa (Epogen) SC to a pt who has renal failure. The HCP should take
which of the following actions?
Answer: Insert the needle into the vial once

Document Details

  • Subject: Nursing
  • Exam Authority: ATI
  • Semester/Year: 2023

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