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Chapter 19 Organic Compounds
19.1 Hydrocarbons
1) What is an organic compound?
A) any molecule that is made mostly of carbon with no metals in it
B) compound grown with organic farming methods
C) any compound isolated from living organisms
D) any compound where there are metals bound to other types of atoms
E) anything that is a salt obtained from organic creatures
Answer: A
2) What is a hydrocarbon?
A) It is a molecule composed of carbon and hydrogen only.
B) It is a wet carbon atom
C) It is any organic molecule.
D) It is a molecule derived from hydrogen synthesis.
E) none of the above
Answer: A
3) Which of the following is the simplest possible hydrocarbon?
A) CH4
B) H2
D) H2C
E) C2H6


Answer: A
4) What determines the chemical and physical properties of hydrocarbons?
A) the way the atoms are connected together
B) the number of carbon and hydrogens
C) the elements it is composed of
D) the number of oxygen
E) both A and B
Answer: E
5) Which of the following stick structures could describe pentane (C5H12)?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) none of the above
Answer: A
6) What would the formula be for the following stick model?

A) C6H12

B) C5H5
C) C6H10
D) C5H10
E) none of the above
Answer: A
7) What would the formula be for the following stick model?

A) C4H10
B) C3H3
C) C3H6
D) C3H8
E) C4H8
Answer: A
8) Which of the following molecules is not a straight-chain hydrocarbon?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) All of the above are straight-chain hydrocarbons.

E) None of the above are straight-chain hydrocarbons.
Answer: A
9) Which of the following molecules is a branched hydrocarbon?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) All of the above are branched hydrocarbons.
E) only a and b
Answer: D
10) Which of the following two stick structures are structural isomers?

A) a and b
B) a and c
C) b and c
D) b and d
E) none of the above
Answer: E

11) Which of the following molecules could be a structural isomer for the underlined molecule

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Answer: C
12) Which of the following molecules could be a different conformation of the underlined
molecule below?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Answer: E
13) Which of the following statements best describes the concept of structural conformation?

A) rearranging the shape of a molecule by rotating around bonds
B) rearranging the shape of a molecule by changing the arrangement of bonds
C) changing the structure by adding or subtracting bonds
D) arranging the atom into the best conformation for the given structure
E) changing the conformation to generate a new molecule with different chemical properties
Answer: A
14) Which of the following molecules could be a different conformation of the underlined
molecule below?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Answer: E
15) Which of the following two stick structures are different conformations of the same

A) a and c

B) b and c
C) a and d
D) b and d
E) none of the above
Answer: B
16) How does fractional distillation work?
A) It takes advantage of the different boiling points of molecules to separate them.
B) It takes advantage of the different weight of molecules to separate them.
C) It uses the fraction of carbon in the isomers to separate the molecules.
D) It takes advantage of the different melting points to separate molecules.
E) none of the above
Answer: A
17) Which of the following molecules would probably be isolated closest to the top of a
fractionating tower at a refinery?
A) C4H10
B) C8H18
C) C10H22
D) C20H42
E) C40H82
Answer: A
18) Which of the following molecules would probably be isolated closest to the bottom of a
fractionating tower at a refinery?

A) C4H10
B) C8H18
C) C10H22
D) C20H42
E) C40H82
Answer: E
19) Where would you expect to isolate molecules in a fractionating tower that have a large
number of interatomic forces?
A) near the bottom
B) near the top
C) near the middle
D) Fractional distillation takes advantage of molecular weight.
E) Fractional distillation takes advantage of the number of isomers.
Answer: A
20) Where would you expect to isolate molecules in a fractionating tower that have very few
interatomic attractions?
A) near the bottom
B) near the top
C) near the middle
D) Fractional distillation takes advantage of molecular weight.
E) Fractional distillation takes advantage of the number of isomers.
Answer: B

21) What is indicated by a gasoline's octane rating?
A) the degree of branching in the gasoline hydrocarbons
B) the degree at which the compound ignites
C) the percentage of octane in the mixture
D) a measure of how many degrees it takes to ignite a mixture of octane
E) none of the above
Answer: A
22) What property of carbon allows for the formation of so many different organic molecules?
A) Carbon forms three different isotopes which allows for the formation of many more
molecules than other elements.
B) Carbon atoms are unique in their ability to form strong chemical bonds repeatedly with other
carbon atoms, which permits the formation of countless possible structures.
C) Carbon atoms uniquely contain exactly the same number (six) of protons, neutrons and
electrons in their atomic structure.
D) Carbon resides in the exact middle of the periodic table, from left to right, with exactly the
same number of reactive elements on either side of it. It can therefore react with the maximum
number of elements.
Answer: B
23) Why does the melting point of hydrocarbons increase as the number of carbon atoms per
molecule increases?
A) An increase in the number of carbon atoms per molecules also means an increase in the
density of the hydrocarbon.
B) because of greater induced dipole-induced dipole molecular attractions
C) Larger hydrocarbon chains tend to be branched.

D) The molecular mass also increases.
Answer: B
24) How many structural isomers are shown here?

A) one
B) two
C) three
D) four
Answer: B
25) Which two of these four structures are of the same structural isomer?

A) upper right and lower left
B) upper left and lower right
C) lower left and upper right
D) lower right and upper right

Answer: A
26) In a fractionating tower, the crude oil vapors pass from a pipe still into the column. Tar and
lubricating stock are the first components to be pulled off at the bottom. Nearer the top kerosene
is pulled off followed by gasoline and finally natural gas at the very top. From this information,
which has a higher boiling point, gasoline or kerosine?
A) Gasoline has the higher boiling point.
B) Kerosene has the higher boiling point.
C) Their boiling points are the same, but kerosene has the greater density.
D) Fractional distillation components are pulled off based on molecular weight, so it is not
possible to know which has the higher boiling point from the information given.
Answer: B
27) The temperatures in a fractionating tower at an oil refinery are important, but so are the
pressures. Where might the pressure in a fractional distillation tower be greatest, at the bottom or
at the top? Defend your answer.
A) The pressure is greatest at the bottom because the higher temperature means a greater number
of vaporized molecules.
B) The pressure is greatest at the top because the higher temperature means a greater number of
vaporized molecules.
C) The pressure is greatest at the bottom because the lower temperature means a greater number
of vaporized molecules.
D) The pressure is greatest at the top because the lower temperature means a greater number of
vaporized molecules.
Answer: A
28) What is the chemical formula for the following structure?

A) C6H10
B) C6H9
C) C7H12
D) C7H11
Answer: C
19.2 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
1) Which of the following is the hallmark of a saturated hydrocarbon?
A) a hydrocarbon where carbon has only a single bond to two or more other carbons
B) a hydrocarbon that is completely dissolved in water
C) a hydrocarbon where carbon has multiple bonds to one or more other carbons
D) any molecule that is completely dissolved in a hydrocarbon solvent
E) none of the above
Answer: A
2) Which of the following does not describe the number of other atoms a carbon atom can be
bonded to?
A) only 2
B) only 3
C) only 4
D) only 5
Answer: D

3) Which of the following is a saturated molecule?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) none of the above
Answer: E
4) Which of the following is not an unsaturated molecule?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) All of the above are unsaturated.
Answer: D
5) Which of the following is an aromatic molecule?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) all of the above
Answer: A

6) Which of the above sections of this molecule would be considered a saturated portion of the
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) a and b
E) all of the above
Answer: C
7) Which of the above sections of this molecule would be considered an unsaturated portion of
the molecule?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) a and b
E) all of the above
Answer: D
8) Which of the above sections of this molecule would be considered to be the aromatic portion
of the molecule?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) a and b
E) all of the above
Answer: A
9) Carbon-carbon single bonds can rotate while carbon-carbon double bonds cannot rotate. How
many different structures are shown below.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Answer: C

19.3 Functional Groups
1) Which of the following is a heteroatom?
A) O
B) C
C) H
D) A and B
E) all of the above
Answer: A
2) Which of the following is not a heteroatom?
A) O
B) N
C) P
D) A and B
E) All of the above are heteroatoms.
Answer: E
3) Which of the following statements best describes the effect of heteroatoms on hydrocarbons?
A) Heteroatoms greatly alter the chemical and physical properties of a hydrocarbon.
B) Heteroatoms have little effect on the chemical and physical properties of a hydrocarbon.
C) Heteroatoms have very similar properties to hydrocarbons.
D) The properties of the heteroatom compounds depend only on the atom, not how it is bonded
to the hydrocarbon.
E) none of the above

Answer: A
4) What is a functional group?
A) a set of atoms bonded together that give molecules containing them similar properties
B) a group that adds function
C) a group of hydrocarbons that can be used to make new materials
D) a set of molecules that are grouped together to form a functional material
E) none of the above
Answer: A
5) List the following compounds in order of least oxidized to most oxidized

A) a < b < c < d
B) b < a < c < d
C) c < d < a < b
D) b < a < d < c
Answer: D
6) Heteroatoms make a difference in the physical and chemical properties of an organic molecule
A) they add extra mass to the hydrocarbon structure.
B) each heteroatom has its own characteristic chemistry.
C) they can enhance the polarity of the organic molecule.
D) all of the above

Answer: D
7) Correctly identify the following functional groups in this organic molecule—amide, ester,
ketone, ether, alcohol, aldehyde, amine.

A) 1 = ether, 3 = ester, 6 = aldehyde, 9 = alcohol
B) 2 = amide, 4 = ester, 7 = amine, 8 = ether
C) 1 = ester, 5 = alcohol, 8 = ether, 9 = ketone
D) 2 = amide, 6 = aldehyde, 7 = amine, 8 = ether
Answer: D
19.4 Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
1) Formaldehyde is a toxic preservative with the following chemical formula: H 2C O
Which of the following compounds would best serve as a starting point for its production?
B) H2C CH2
C) H2O
E) none of the above
Answer: A

2) If an alcoholic beverage has a proof of 151, what is the percentage of alcohol in the beverage?
A) 75.5 percent
B) 151 percent
C) 15.1 percent
D) Proof is a measure of flammability.
E) Proof is a measure of the age of a fermented beverage.
Answer: A
3) If an alcoholic beverage is 20 percent alcohol by volume, what is its proof?
A) 40 proof
B) 20 proof
C) 10 proof
D) Proof is a measure of flammability.
E) Proof is a measure of the age of a fermented beverage.
Answer: A
4) If champagne has a proof of 28, how many milliliters of alcohol are in 250 mL of champagne?
A) 35
B) 38
C) 28
D) 3.8
E) 200
Answer: A
5) Which of the following compounds is likely to have the best water solubility?

Answer: A
6) Why is a phenol more acidic than a regular alcohol?
A) Phenols have the ability to spread the negative charge that forms.
B) Phenols have the ability to readily accept the positive charge of the proton.
C) The negative charge is very concentrated on the oxygen ring of the phenol.
D) The phenol has more negative charge and therefore is more stable.
E) Phenols are not more acidic than a regular alcohol.
Answer: A
The following picture shows an organic molecule:

7) Which region (a-b-c) is a phenolic functional group?
A) a
B) b
C) c

D) b or c
E) b and c
Answer: E
8) Why do ethers have lower boiling points than that of an alcohol of the same molecular
A) Ethers cannot hydrogen bond to other ethers.
B) Ethers do not have hydrogens.
C) Ethers are more flammable and vaporize more easily.
D) Ethers have higher boiling points than alcohols.
E) all of the above
Answer: A
9) Which of the following ethers has the highest boiling point?

Answer: D
10) Why might a high-formula-mass alcohol be insoluble in water?
A) A high formula mass alcohol would be too attracted to itself to be soluble in water.
B) The bulk of a high formula mass alcohol likely consists of nonpolar hydrocarbons.
C) Such an alcohol would likely be in a solid phase.
D) In order for two substance to be soluble in each other their molecules need to be of
comparable mass.
Answer: B

11) What is the percent volume of water in 80-proof vodka?
A) 80 percent
B) 60 percent
C) 40 percent
D) 20 percent
Answer: B
12) How does ingested methanol lead to the damaging of a person's eyes?
A) Eye tissues are soluble in methanol.
B) The methanol is metabolized into formaldehyde, which is toxic to most living tissue.
C) Methanol is very volatile. When brought close to the eyes, its vapors can harm the eyes.
D) The methanol, once in the eyes, forms a crystalline precipitate that accumulates within the
Answer: B
13) One of the skin-irritating components of poison oak is tetrahydrourushiol:

The long, nonpolar hydrocarbon tail embeds itself in a person's oily skin, where the molecule
initiates an allergic response. Scratching the itch spreads tetrahydrourushiol molecules over a
greater surface area, causing the zone of irritation to grow. Is this compound an alcohol or a
A) an alcohol because of the hydroxyl groups it contains
B) both a phenol and an alcohol because of the hydroxyl groups it contains

C) a phenol because of the hydroxyl groups attached to the benzene ring
D) neither an alcohol or phenol because it contains two hydroxyl groups instead of one
Answer: C
14) Why is 2,4,5-trifluorophenol much more acidic than phenol?

A) The fluorines adjacent to the OH group are large and shield the hydroxl group from making
the solution basic.
B) The fluorines de-stabilize the benzene ring and thus give the structure more acidic
C) The fluorines have high electronegativities and help to stabilize the negative charges, which
makes it even easier for the hydrogen to be lost.
D) False! 2,4,5-trifluorophenol is actually not more acidic than phenol.
Answer: C
15) Which of the following molecules contains a phenol?

A) a
B) b

C) c
D) b and c
E) all of them
Answer: D
19.5 Amines and Alkaloids
1) Which of the following compounds is an amine?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) all of the above
E) only b and c
Answer: D

2) An amine can often form R-NH3 (where R- can stand for anything) by reacting with water.
What is happening?

A) The amine is accepting a proton from the water molecule, forming OH .
B) Amines are basic.
C) Amines are acidic.

D) Amines can form H3O in water by donating a proton from the polar portion of the molecule.
E) none of the above

Answer: A
3) Rank the following compounds by solubility in water, from most soluble to least.

A) 1, 3, 2
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 3, 2, 1
D) 3, 1, 2
E) 2, 1, 3
Answer: A
4) Rank the following compounds by solubility in acidic water, from most soluble to least.

A) 1, 3, 2
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 3, 2, 1
D) 3, 1, 2
E) 2, 1, 3
Answer: D
5) Which of the following commonly acts as a base in chemical reactions?
A) carboxylic acid
B) alcohol
C) ketone

D) amine
E) hydrocarbon
Answer: D
6) A common inactive ingredient in products such as sunscreen lotions and shampoo is triethyl
amine, also known as TEA. Which of the following is the chemical structure for this compound?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
Answer: A
7) The phosphoric acid salt of caffeine has the structure

This molecule behaves as an acid in that it can donate a hydrogen ion, created from the hydrogen
atom bonded to the positively charged nitrogen atom. What salt is formed when 1 mole of this
salt reacts with 1 mole of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, a strong base?
A) Salts can't react to form salts, rather they only arise from the reaction of an acid and a base.
B) H3O+H2PO4-


C) Na HPO4



D) Na H2PO4Answer: D
8) The solvent diethyl ether can be mixed with water but only by shaking the two liquids
together. After the shaking is stopped, the liquids separate into two layers, much like oil and
vinegar. The free-base form of the alkaloid caffeine is readily soluble in diethyl ether but not in
water. Suggest what might happen to the caffeine of a caffeinated beverage if the beverage was
first made alkaline with sodium hydroxide and then shaken with some diethyl ether.
A) The water layer would turn a pink color indicating an alkaline pH.
B) The caffeine would transform into the free base and transfer into the diethyl ether.
C) The caffeine would transform into the free acid and transfer into the diethyl ether.
D) The diethyl ether and water would mix into one layer.
Answer: B
9) Alkaloid salts are not very soluble in the organic solvent diethyl ether. What might happen to
the free-base form of caffeine dissolved in diethyl ether if gaseous hydrogen chloride, HCl, were
bubbled into the solution?

A) A second layer of water would form.
B) Nothing, and the HCl gas would merely bubble out of solution.
C) The diethyl ether insoluble caffeine salt would form as a white precipitate.

D) The acid/base reaction would release heat, which would cause the diethyl ether to start
Answer: C
10) How many structural isomers are there for a compound having the molecular formula
A) one
B) two
C) three
D) four
Answer: D
11) In water, does the molecule lysergic acid diethylamide act as an acid, a base, neither or both?

A) acid
B) base
C) neither an acid or a base
D) both as an acid and as a base
Answer: B

12) If you saw the label "phenylephrine HCl" on a decongestant, would you worry that
consuming it would expose you to the strong acid hydrochloric acid, HCl?

A) No, because it is balanced by the phenylephrine.
B) No, because the drug is in the solid phase.
C) No, because this is a salt made using hydrogen chloride, but it is in no way hydrogen chloride.
D) Yes, because of the hydrochloric acid it contains.
Answer: C
13) The amino acid lysine is shown below. What functional group must be removed in order to
produce cadaverine (1,5-pentanediamine)

A) One amino group must be removed and replaced with a hydrogen.
B) The carboxyl group must be removed and replaced with a hydrogen.
C) The hydrogen (shown) must be removed and replaced with an amino (NH2) group.
D) Lysine is 1, 5-pentanediamine. Nothing has to be removed.
Answer: B
19.6 Carbonyl Compounds

1) Which of the above molecules contains a carbonyl group?
A) a
B) all but a
C) all but b
D) c
E) all but d
Answer: B
2) Which of the above molecules is a ketone?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) none of the above
Answer: B
3) Which of the above molecules is a phenol?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d

E) a and d
Answer: A
4) Which of the above molecules is an aldehyde?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) none of the above
Answer: C
5) Which of the above molecules is a carboxylic acid?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) none of the above
Answer: D
6) Which of the above molecules would be acidic?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) a or d

Answer: E
7) Which of the above molecules would most likely have a strong, distinct smell?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) a or d
Answer: C

8) Explain why caprylic acid, CH3 (CH2) COOH, dissolves in a 5 percent aqueous solution of

sodium hydroxide but caprylaldehyde, CH3 (CH2) CHO, does not.
A) With two oxygens the caprylic acid is about twice as polar the caprylaldehyde.
B) The caprylaldehyde is a gas at room temperature.
C) The caprylaldehyde behaves as a reducing agent, which neutralizes the sodium hydroxide.
D) The caprylic acid reacts to form the water soluble salt.
Answer: D
9) Suggest an explanation for why aspirin has a sour taste.
A) It is the acidic nature of aspirin that gives rise to its sour taste.
B) The sour flavor is added to help prevent overdosing.
C) Aspirin is made sour as a mandated child safety feature.
D) It is the basic nature of aspirin that gives rise to its sour taste.
Answer: A

10) An amino acid is an organic molecule that contains both an amine group and a carboxyl
group. At an acidic pH, which structure is most likely:

A) Structure (a)
B) Structure (b)
C) Structure (c)
D) All three structures are equally possible.
Answer: C
11) An amino acid is an organic molecule that contains both an amine group and a carboxyl
group. At neutral pH, which structure is most likely:

A) structure (a)
B) structure (b)
C) neither structure
D) both structures
Answer: B
12) Which of the following molecules contains a ketone?

A) a
B) b
C) c
D) a or b
E) all of the above
Answer: A
19.7 Polymers
1) How are monomers and polymers related?
A) A monomer is a small, repeating unit that makes up a polymer.
B) A monomer is one strand of a polymer.
C) A monomer is made when you condense a polymer through polymerization.
D) A polymer is chemically identical to a monomer, only larger.
E) none of the above
Answer: A
2) What is one thing that all monomers of addition polymers have in common?
A) The monomer has to have at least one double bond.
B) The monomer has to have at least two functional groups (though they can be the same).
C) The monomer has to have at least two functional groups (though they must be the different).
D) The monomer has to be very small.

E) The monomer has to have a number of polymer components.
Answer: A
3) What is the main difference between High Density PolyEtyhlene (HDPE) and Low Density
A) HDPE has very long chains packed close together; LDPE has long chains that are branched
and do not pack together well.
B) One is made from high density ethylene, the other from low density ethylene.
C) HDPE has very long chains packed close together; LDPE has short chains that do not pack
together well.
D) HDPE is more useful than LDPE.
E) LDPE is more useful than HDPE.
Answer: A
4) Which of the monomers below would be used to make the following polymer?

B) H2C—CH2—CH3
D) H2C CH2
E) none of the above
Answer: A
5) What is the main difference between condensation polymers and addition polymers?

A) The condensation polymer has less atoms in it than the sum of the starting monomers because
a small molecule is lost during condensation.
B) The number of atoms incorporated into the addition polymer increases compared to the
starting monomers.
C) The number of atoms incorporated into the condensation polymer increases compared to the
starting monomers.
D) Condensation polymers all lose water molecules when they form.
E) All of the above are true.
Answer: A
6) The following reaction is used to make the polymer described below. What is the other
starting material?

B) H2O
D) H2C CH2
Answer: A
7) What happens when you use a monomer with more than two functional groups?
A) The polymer cannot be remelted.
B) The polymer does not form.
C) The polymer has a lower molecular weight.

D) The polymer is softer and more flexible.
Answer: A
8) Would you expect polypropylene to be denser or less dense than low-density polyethylene?
A) Polypropylene should be more dense because because it has a greater molecular mass.
B) Polyproylene should be more dense because its molecules are able to pack more closely
C) Polyproylene should be less dense because its molecules are not able to pack together as
D) Polypropylene should be more dense given that the polyethylene is already known to be of
low density.
Answer: C
9) One solution to the problem of our overflowing landfills is to burn plastic objects instead of
burying them. What would be some of the advantages and disadvantages of this practice?
A) disadvantage: toxic air pollutants; advantage: reduced landfill volume
B) disadvantage: loss of vital petroleum-based resource; advantage: generation of electricity
C) disadvantage: discourages recycling; advantage: provides new jobs
D) all of the above
Answer: D
10) Which would you expect to be more viscous, a polymer made of long molecular strands or
one made of short molecular strands? Why?
A) short molecular strands because of a greater density
B) long molecular strands because they tend to tangle among themselves
C) short molecular strands because their ends are typically polar

D) long molecular strands because of a greater molecular mass
Answer: B
11) Hydrocarbons release a lot of energy when ignited. Where does this energy ultimately come
A) the breaking of chemical bonds
B) the formation of chemical bonds
C) photosynthesis
D) nuclear fusion in the sun
Answer: D
12) What type of polymer would be best to use in the manufacture of stain-resistant carpets?
A) cellulose
B) nylon
C) Melmac
D) Teflon
Answer: D
13) The compound 6-aminohexanoic acid is used to make the condensation polymer nylon-6.
Polymerization is not always successful, however, because of a competing side reaction. What is
this side reaction?
A) One 6-aminohexanoic acid reacts with another and this reaction is favored in dilute solutions.
B) One 6-aminohexanoic acid reacts with another and this reaction is favored in concentrated
C) One end of the 6-aminohexanoic acid reacts with the other and this reaction is favored in
dilute solutions.

D) One end of the 6-aminohexanoic acid reacts with the other and this reaction is favored in
concentrated solutions.
Answer: C
14) The copolymer styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), shown below, is used for making tires as
well as bubble gum. Is it an addition polymer or a condensation polymer?

A) SBR is an addition polymer.
B) SBR is an condensation polymer.
C) SBR is neither an addition nor a condensation polymer.
D) SBR is both an addition and a condensation polymer.
Answer: A

Test Bank for Conceptual Physical Science
Paul Hewitt, John Suchocki, Leslie Hewitt
9780321752932, 9780134060491

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