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CHAPTER 1 – The Anatomy of Medical Terms The Foundation of Medical Language Chapter 1 Teaching Overview Your students need to understand the basics of medical terminology, including word elements such as roots and combining forms, suffixes and prefixes. Students need to understand what a combining vowel is and situations in which a combining vowel is necessary. Suffixes and prefixes drastically change the meaning of words. Some suffixes, for example, exist mostly to turn nouns into adjectives, but others help to build words that are symptoms, signs, diagnoses, procedures, or diagnostic tests. Likewise, some prefixes define positions, numbers, and directions. There are unique medical terms which do not deconstruct as well as medical terms which sound alike but have very different meanings. Give students plenty of encouragement and support in these first few lessons. The better they grasp the concepts and skills in Chapter 1, the better they will do in all the chapters that follow. As with all lessons in this Lesson Planning Guide, you can and should modify them to best meet the needs of your students, your schedule, and your curricula. Teacher to Teacher: • Color-coding word elements reinforces how the word parts combine to create meaning. Have students practice writing medical terms with colored markers, pencils, or crayons to emphasize the use of the word parts. • Instruct students to make color-coded flashcards for word elements. • Whenever you see a medical term used incorrectly in print, photocopy or print the error and bring it in to share with students. Discuss the cost and safety risks associated with misuse of medical terminology so students truly understand the importance of precision when using medical language. • Ask students why medical terminology is important; what would happen if there wasn’t a standardized medical language. Chapter 1: Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the lessons in this chapter, your students will . . . 1.1 Recognize the logic of the language of medicine in individual medical terms. 1.2 Identify the roots and combining forms of medical terms. 1.3 Demonstrate the importance of suffixes and prefixes in forming medical terms. 1.4 Identify medical terms taken directly from Greek, Latin or Old English words. 1.5 Differentiate between medical terms that are spelled and/or pronounced similarly. Note: These lessons are designed with ultimate flexibility in mind. When customizing the lessons for your own class, always choose activities that are most relevant to your curriculum, your students, and your teaching goals—especially if you do not have time to implement all the provided activities into your class period. Lesson 1.1: The Construction of Medical Words Total Time: 95 Minutes Lesson 1.1 Lesson Objectives: Your teaching objective for this lesson is to help your students accomplish these learning objectives: 1.1.1 Build and construct medical terms using their elements 1.1.2 Select and identify the meaning of essential medical term roots. 1.1.3 Define the elements combining vowel and combining form. 1.1.4 Identify the combining vowel and combining form of essential medical terms 1.1.5 Define the elements suffix and prefix 1.1.6 Select and identify the meaning of the suffixes and prefixes of essential medical terms Prepare Your Materials: • Dry erase board (or chalkboard or butcher’s block paper) • Lessons 1.1 and 1.2 PowerPoint® presentations – Found with the Instructor Resources that can be accessed through the “Library” tab of Connect, and then under “Instructor Resources.” • Lessons 1.1and 1.2 Student Note-taking Handouts – Create by selecting the “Handouts” option when printing the PowerPoint presentation; select 3 slides per page to print slides with blank lines to the right where students can take notes. • Lesson 1.1 Handouts and Instructor Answer Keys: Roots and Combining Vowels; Suffixes; Prefixes – Found at the end of this Instructor Manual. Instructor Lesson Plan Date: _________________ Chapter 1 – Lessons 1.1 TIME ACTIVITY & INSTRUCTIONS MATERIALS LESSON OBJECTIVES Warm-up & Introduction 10 min Activity Description: Students read Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 in Textbook Step 1: Write the following words on the board: brontosaurus, brachiosaurus, tyrannosaurus and stegosaurus. Step 2: Ask students what these words represent – response should be ―dinosaurs). Step 3: Ask students how they know these are types of dinosaurs. If they have trouble explaining how they know, ask them to look at the words and identify what each word has in common: (saurus). Saurus (meaning lizard) is the root of all those words. Step 4: Now, write the following words on the board: maxisaurus, minisaurus, aquasaurus, nonsaurus, and octosaurus. Step 5: Tell students that these are nonsense words but ask them to try to predict what the meaning of each word might be. Suggestions: • Maxisaurus = full-size dinosaur • Minisaurus = small dinosaur • Aquasaurus = dinosaur of the water • Nonsaurus = not a dinosaur • Octosaurus = dinosaur with eight of something (arms, legs, heads) Step 6: Help students see that by knowing the root, they can understand words that have additional parts added to them. Dry-erase board 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Lecture 5 min Lesson 1.1 Lecture/Discussion Reference the Speaker Notes for each slide to assist you in discussing the talking points. You can view or print “Notes Pages” to use during the lecture for easy reference (in PowerPoint, select “View”, then “Notes Page”). • Define a Root • Define a Combining Vowel • Define a Combining Form Lesson 1.1 PowerPoint Presentation 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Active Learning & Practice 7 min Step 1: Distribute Lesson 1.1 Roots and Combining Vowels Handout found at the end of this instructor manual. *Answers to Roots and Combining Vowels Handout found at the end of this instructor manual. Step 2: Read over the instructions and have students complete the handout alone, in pairs, or in small groups. Step 3: As a group, go over the answers, explaining any items that were difficult or misunderstood. Lesson 1.1 Roots and Combining Vowels Handout 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Review 3 min Step 1: Go through Lesson 1.1 exercises. Explain or clarify anything that is difficult for students. Textbook, Lesson 1.1 exercises 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Homework Assignment Ask students to bring in five medical terms of their choice and label the roots and combining vowels of each term. Students may use the Internet or other sources to assist them. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Warm-up & Introduction 5 min Activity Description: Lesson 1.1 Students read Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 in Textbook Lesson on Suffixes Step 1: Write the following words on the board: baker, bakery, demonstrate, demonstration, fearful, and fearless. Step 2: Ask students to isolate the element of each word that creates the difference in meaning (e.g., “-er,” “-ery,” “-ate,” “-tion,” “-full,” and “-less”). Step 3: Direct students to define each word element. Suggestions: -er – person who does -ery – place that does -ate – cause to be -tion – action of doing -ful – full of -less – without Step 4: Tell students that these word elements located after, and adding meaning to, root words are called suffixes. Ask students to brainstorm other words that use these same suffixes and to explain their meaning in those words. Suggestions: -er – singer, driver, computer -ery – refinery, eatery, distillery -ate – liquidate, alleviate, duplicate -tion – resolution, junction, alteration -ful – beautiful, thoughtful, watchful -less – careless, faultless, merciless Dry-erase board 1.1.5 1.1.6 Lecture 10 min Lesson 1.1 Lecture/Discussion Reference the Speaker Notes for each slide to assist you in discussing the talking points. You can view or print “Notes Pages” to use during the lecture for easy reference (in PowerPoint, select “View”, then “Notes Page”). • What is a suffix • Classification of suffixes diagnostic surgical pathologic adjectival noun Textbook, Lesson 1.1 Lesson 1.1 PowerPoint Presentation 1.1.5 1.1.6 Active Learning & Practice 7 min Step 1: Distribute Lesson 1.1 Suffixes handout found at the end of this instructor manual. *Answers to Suffixes Handout found at the end of this instructor manual. Step 2: Read over the instructions and have students complete the handout alone, in pairs, or in small groups. Step 3: Go over the answers as a group to ensure everyone understands them. Lesson 1.1 Suffixes Handout 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 Review 3 min Step 1: Have students review Lesson 1.1 exercises, discussing the lesson in pairs. Step 2: When students are finished, ask questions based on Lesson 1.1 PowerPoint presentation. Reinforce correct pronunciation while going over the questions and answers. Textbook, Lesson 1.1 exercises 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 Homework Assignment Tell students to bring in five medical terms of their choice and to label the suffix, root(s)/combining form(s) of each term. Students may use the Internet or other sources to assist them. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 Warm-up & Introduction 5 min Activity Description: Students read Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 in Textbook Lesson on Prefixes Step 1: Write the following words on the board: maxisaurus, minisaurus, aquasaurus, nonsaurus, and octosaurus. Connection Point: The meaning of the root “saurus” is lizard. One can predict the meaning of a word if one knows the meaning of the root word. Step 2: Remind students that although these are nonsense words, they can make logical predictions about what the words mean. Suggestions: • Maxisaurus = Full-size dinosaur • Minisaurus = small dinosaur • Aquasaurus = dinosaur of the water • Nonsaurus = something that is not a dinosaur • Octosaurus = dinosaur with eight of something (arms, legs, heads) Dry-erase board 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 Step 3: Ask students to isolate the element in each word that creates the difference in meaning (“maxi,” “mini, “aqua,” “non,” “octo”). Step 4: Direct students to define what each of those word elements means. Suggestions: • Maxi = full, large • Mini = small, tiny, little • Aqua = of or pertaining to water • Non = not having, not being, etc. • Octo = eight Step 5: Tell students that these word elements located before, and adding meaning to, root words are called prefixes. Ask students to brainstorm other words that use these same prefixes and to explain their meaning in those words. Suggestions: • Maximum, maximize • Miniscule, miniskirt, miniseries • Aquarium, aquatic, aquanaut • Nondairy, nonfiction, nonsense • Octopus, octagon, octuplet Step 6: Emphasize that each prefix has its own meaning that clarifies or further describes the root word with which it is used. Lecture 10 min Lesson 1.1 Lecture/Discussion Reference the Speaker Notes for each slide to assist you in discussing the talking points. You can view or print “Notes Pages” to use during the lecture for easy reference (in PowerPoint, select “View”, then “Notes Page”). • What is a prefix • Classification of prefixes position numbers and measurements directions and locations Textbook, Lesson 1.1 Lesson 1.1 PowerPoint Presentation Active Learning & Practice 7 min Step 1: Distribute Lesson 1.1 Prefixes handout found at the end of this instructor manual. *Answers to Prefixes Handout found at the end of this instructor manual. Step 2: Read over the instructions and have students complete the handout alone, in pairs, or in small groups. Step 3: Go over the answers as a group to ensure everyone understands them. Lesson 1.1 Prefixes Handout 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 Review 3 min Step 1: Have students review Lesson 1.1 exercises, discussing the lesson in pairs. Step 2: When students are finished, ask questions based on Lesson 1.1 PowerPoint presentation. Reinforce correct pronunciation while going over the questions and answers. Textbook Lesson 1.1 exercises Homework Assignment Tell students to bring in five medical terms of their choice, and to label the suffix, root(s)/combining form(s) and prefixes of each. Students may use the Internet or other sources to assist them. Textbook, Lesson 1.1 Lesson 1.1 PowerPoint Presentation 1.1.5 1.1.6 Lesson 1.2 Lesson Objectives: Your teaching objective for this lesson is to help your students accomplish these learning objectives: 1.2.1 Identify medical terms that cannot be broken down into elements. 1.2.2 Differentiate medical terms that sound alike. Prepare Your Materials: • Dry erase board (or chalkboard or butcher’s block paper) • Lessons 1.1 and 1.2 PowerPoint® presentations – Found with the Instructor Resources that can be accessed through the “Library” tab of Connect, and then under “Instructor Resources.” • Lessons 1.1and 1.2 Student Note-taking Handouts – Create by selecting the “Handouts” option when printing the PowerPoint presentation; select 3 slides per page to print slides with blank lines to the right where students can take notes. • Lesson 1.1 Handouts and Instructor Answer Keys: Roots and Combining Vowels; Suffixes; Prefixes – Found at the end of this Instructor Manual. Instructor Lesson Plan Chapter 1 – Lesson 1.2 Instructor Lesson Plan Chapter 1 – Lesson 1.2 TIME ACTIVITY & INSTRUCTIONS MATERIALS LESSON OBJECTIVES Lecture 5 min Lesson 1.2 Lecture/Discussion Students read Chapter 1, Lesson 1.2 in Textbook Reference the Speaker Notes for each slide to assist you in discussing the talking points. You can view or print “Notes Pages” to use during the lecture for easy reference (in PowerPoint, select “View”, then “Notes Page”). • Greek, Latin, and Old English Words Textbook, Chapter 1, Lesson 1.2.1 Lesson 1.2 PowerPoint Presentation 1.2.1 Active Learning & Practice 7 min Ask students to list 5 terms that do not deconstruct Ask students to identify whether the terms are from Latin, Greek or Old English origin Dictate 5 sentences containing terms from the list of terms that are alike. Ask students to write the correct terms that that were used in the sentences on a dry erase board. Ask students to hold the boards up so instructor can identify incorrect responses. Dry-erase board Lecture 3 min Lesson 1.2 Lecture/Discussion Students read Chapter 1, Lesson 1.2 in Textbook Reference the Speaker Notes for each slide to assist you in discussing the talking points. You can view or print “Notes Pages” to use during the lecture for easy reference (in PowerPoint, select “View,” then “Notes Page”). • Terms that are Alike Textbook, Chapter 1, Lesson 1.2.2 Lesson 1.2 PowerPoint Presentation 1.2.2 Active Learning & Practice 2 min Ask students to give examples of words from the English language that sound the same but have different meanings. Review 3 min Step 1: Have students review Lesson 1.2 exercises, discussing the lesson in pairs. Step 2: When students are finished, ask questions based on Lesson 1.2 PowerPoint presentation. Reinforce correct pronunciation while going over the questions and answers. Textbook Lesson 1.2 Exercises 1.2.1 1.2.2 Homework Assignment Ask students to complete Chapter 1 Review exercises. Review answers next class period to ensure that every student understands the rationale for each answer. Textbook Chapter 1 Review Exercises 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.2.1 1.2.2 Lesson 1.1 Masters • Lesson 1.1 Roots and Combining Vowels Handout • Lesson 1.1 Suffixes Handout • Lesson 1.1 Prefixes Handout Answers to Lesson 1.1 Masters • Lesson 1.1 Roots and Combining Vowels Handout Answer Key • Lesson 1.1 Suffixes Handout Answer Key • Lesson 1.1 Prefixes Handout Answer Key Roots and Combining Vowels Handout: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Directions: For each medical term listed below, put a box around the root word (s) and underline the combining vowel (s). Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the roots and write the definition on the line below each word. 1. A R T H R O S C O P Y Meaning: _____________________________________________________________ 2. T R A C H E O T O M Y Meaning: ______________________________________________________________ 3. P U L M O N O L O G Y Meaning: ______________________________________________________________ 4. H E M O R R H A G E Meaning: ______________________________________________________________ 5. N E U R O P A T H Y Meaning: ______________________________________________________________ 6. D E R M A T O L O G I S T Meaning: ______________________________________________________________ 7. O S T E O G E N E S I S Meaning: ______________________________________________________________ 8. C A R D I O G R A M Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________ 9. H E M O P N E U M O T H O R A X Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________ 10. R H I N O P L A S T Y Meaning: _____________________________________________________________________ Instructor Answers: Roots and Combining Vowels: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Directions: For each medical term listed below, put a box around the root words and underline the combining vowels. Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the roots and write the definition on the line below each word. 1. A R T H R O S C O P Y Meaning: Visual examination of a joint 2. T R A C H E O T O M Y Meaning: Surgical incision into the trachea 3. P U L M O N O L O G Y Meaning: The study of the lungs. 4. H E M O R R H A G E Meaning: To bleed profusely. 5. N E U R O P A T H Y Meaning: Disease of nerves and the nervous system. 6. D E R M A T O L O G I S T Meaning: One who studies the skin, specialist in dermatology. 7. O S T E O G E N E S I S Meaning: Formation of new bone. 8. C A R D I O G R A M Meaning: A record of the heart’s electrical activity. 9. H E M O P N E U M O T H O R A X Meaning: Blood and air in the space that surrounds the lungs in the chest. 10. R H I N O P L A S T Y Meaning: Surgical repair of the nose. Suffixes Handout: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Directions: For each medical term below, put a box around the suffix. Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the complete term, and then predict the meaning of the suffix based on this definition. 1. A R T H R O C E N T E S I S Meaning of the term: Suffix Meaning: 2. C Y A N O S I S Meaning of the term: Suffix Meaning: 3. T R A C H E O S T O M Y Meaning of the term: Suffix Meaning: 4. E N D O C A R D I T I S Meaning of the term: Suffix Meaning: 5. D E R M A T O L O G Y Meaning of the term: Suffix Meaning: Instructor Answers: Suffixes: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Directions: For each medical term below, underline the suffix. Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the complete term, and then predict the meaning of the suffix based on this definition. 1. A R T H R O C E N T E S I S Meaning of the term: surgical puncture of a joint space Suffix Meaning: surgical puncture 2. C Y A N O S I S Meaning of the term: abnormal condition of blue skin due to lack of oxygen Suffix Meaning: abnormal condition 3. T R A C H E O S T O M Y Meaning of the term: surgical formation of an opening into the trachea Suffix Meaning: surgical formation of an opening 4. E N D O C A R D I T I S Meaning of the term: Inflammation of the lining of the heart Suffix Meaning: Inflammation 5. D E R M A T O L O G Y Meaning of the term: the study of the skin Suffix Meaning: the study of Prefixes Handout: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Directions: For each medical term below, underline the prefix. Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the complete term, and then predict the meaning of the prefix based on this definition. 1. E P I D E R M I S Meaning of the term: ____________________________________________ Prefix Meaning: _________________________________________________ 2. B R A D Y C A R D I A Meaning of the term: _____________________________________________ Prefix Meaning: _________________________________________________ 3. P O L Y U R I A Meaning of the term: ____________________________________________ Prefix Meaning: ________________________________________________ 4. H Y P E R T R O P H Y Meaning of the term: ___________________________________________ Prefix Meaning: ________________________________________________ 5. I N T E R C O S T A L Meaning of the term: ____________________________________________ Prefix Meaning: ________________________________________________ Instructor Answers: Prefixes Handout: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Directions: For each medical term below, underline the prefix. Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the complete term, and then predict the meaning of the prefix based on this definition. 1. E P I D E R M I S Meaning of the term: the top layer of the skin____________ Prefix Meaning: above, over, upon _________ 2. B R A D Y C A R D I A Meaning of the term: slow heart rate condition_________________________ Prefix Meaning: slow________________________________________ 3. P O L Y U R I A Meaning of the term: excessive production of urine condition____________ Prefix Meaning: excessive ____________________________ 4. H Y P E R T R O P H Y Meaning of the term: increase in size _______________________________ Prefix Meaning: above, excessive _____________________________ 5. I N T E R C O S T A L Meaning of the term: pertaining to between two ribs_________________ Prefix Meaning: between____________________________ End of Chapter Answer Exercises Page 5 A. Ans 1: suffix Ans 2: combining vowel Ans 3: prefix Ans 4: combining form B. Ans 1: B: pneumon- Ans 2: B: pulmon- Ans 3: A: -a- Exercises Page 9 A. Ans 1: True Ans 2: False Ans 3: True Ans 4: True B. Ans 1: C: dentist Ans 2: A: agoraphobia Ans 3: E: biology Ans 4: B: pneumonectomy Ans 5: D: dermatitis Exercises Page 11 A. Ans 1: C: suprapubic Ans 2: A: through the skin Ans 3: C: after delivery Ans 4: C: tilted backward B. Ans 1: True Ans 2: True Ans 3: False Ans 4: True Ans 5: True Exercises Page 13 A. Ans 1: C: apex Ans 2: D: breech Ans 3: E: toxin Ans 4: B: mucus Ans 5: A: patent B. Ans 1: B: urethra Ans 2: D: neurology Ans 3: C: trapezius Ans 4: D: malleus Chapter 1 Review A. Ans 1: False Ans 2: True Ans 3: False Ans 4: True B. Ans 1: C: stomach Ans 2: A: nerve Ans 3: B: skin Ans 4: D: heart Ans 5: B: joints Ans 6: C: red Ans 7: C: bronchus Ans 8: A: blood C. Ans 1: J: air, lung Ans 2: I: blood Ans 3: K: clear spring water Ans 4: F: chest Ans 5: H: joint Ans 6: A: to breathe Ans 7: C: clear, sticky secretion Ans 8: B: open Ans 9: L: poison Ans 10: D: tip or summit Ans 11: G: skin Ans 12: E: buttocks D. Ans 1: A: ileum Ans 2: B: respiratory Ans 3: B: carditis Ans 4: C: trapezius Ans 5: C: malleolus E. Ans 1: A: dermatologist Ans 2: A: gastroenterology Ans 3: C: respiratory Ans 4: A: gastritis Ans 5: B: arthritis F. Ans 1: cardiologist Ans 2: ureter Ans 3: bladder and kidney Ans 4: ileum Ans 5: breech Ans 6: urethra Ans 7: lymph Ans 8: trapezium Ans 9: malleolus Ans 10: ilium G. Ans 1: dermatitis Ans 2: gastroenterologic Ans 3: arthroscopy Ans 4: No Ans 5: No H. Ans 1: B: visual examination Ans 2: C: surgical fixation Ans 3: A: surgical repair Ans 4: arthroscopy Ans 5: arthrodesis Ans 6: arthroplasty Instructor Manual for Medical Language for Modern Health Care David M. Allan, Rachel C. Basco 9780077820725, 9781260084931

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