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This Document Contains Chapters 11 to 12 Technology Now Chapter 11: Intro to Media Chapter Review GRAPHICS 1. Name three graphic file formats that can produce large file sizes. Answer: BMP (.bmp), JPEG (.jpeg or .jpg), TIF (.tif or .tiff) 2. Name the four main ways you can create a graphic yourself. Answer: Digital camera, Scanner, Graphics software, and Graphics tablet are all used to create graphics. 3. What kind of software lets scientists and engineers create highly detailed and technically accurate drawings? Answer: computer-aided design (CAD) software AUDIO 4. What does MIDI stand for? Briefly describe it use. Answer: The term MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) refers to a system for creating and storing synthesized music. MIDI files do not contain sound; rather, they contain instructions for generating specific sounds, including pitch, volume, and note duration. 5. Briefly describe how a speech synthesizer works. Answer: Speech synthesizers break words into individual sound units, called phonemes. Synthesizers string these phonemes together to create words and phrases. Text-to-speech software then generates the corresponding sounds from the phoneme sequences to create synthesized speech. Synthesized speech is widely used in mobile communications and call centers. To make computers accessible to the visually impaired, synthesized speech reads aloud from the screen. 6. What kind of software is Apple GarageBand, and why would you use it? Answer: Music production software such as Apple GarageBand lets you record, compose, mix (combine), and edit music and sounds. You can create sounds of multiple instruments, change tempos, add notes, or rearrange a score to produce a unique arrangement. VIDEO 7. What kind of digital video camera captures video and sends it directly to a computer? Answer: A Web cam is a digital video camera that captures video and sends it directly to a computer. Web cams are often built into laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They can also be attached to any computer through a USB or FireWire port. 8. What hardware and software does your computer need to play video? Answer: To watch video on a computer, you need special hardware and software. The hardware is built into computers, tablets, or smartphones and includes a video card—a circuit board that lets your computer process video—screen, and speakers. You also need software called a media player. With a Windows computer, you can use Windows Movie Maker, which lets you edit videos as well as watch them. Most tablets and smartphones also include the software to display video. 9. Name two kinds of streaming media, and give an example of the kind of program you might view with each one. Answer: Streaming video and streaming audio are two kinds of streaming media. Examples of on-demand content include Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and Pandora Internet Radio. 10. Name two programs you might use for video conferencing and the type of hardware that is compatible with each one. Answer: Microsoft Lync lets users stay in audio and video contact using Windows computers as well as Windows, iOS, and Android smartphones. With Google Hangouts, you can have group conversations with live video calls using computers as well as Apple and Android devices. ANIMATION 11. What kind of animation is useful for training and teaching, particularly when learning can be dangerous or difficult? Answer: Simulations are sophisticated computer animations that are useful for training and teaching in many fields, particularly in areas in which learning can be dangerous or difficult. 12. Briefly describe in-betweening and how it is used in animation. Answer: Animation is created using a sequence of bitmap images in which one or more objects are changed slightly between each image. Not surprisingly, this technique is called in-betweening. You can create the in-between bitmaps manually or let a computer create them. 13. Name three software products that let you create animations. Answer: Animation software includes Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Flash, and Microsoft Silverlight. Professional-level animation software such as Autodesk Maya and NewTek LightWave is expensive and has a steep learning curve. GAMING 14. Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii are examples of what kind of hardware? Answer: game console 15. Name three types of input devices used to control movement and player actions in computer games. Answer: keyboard, mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen 16. In virtual world software, what do you call an imaginary identity you can use for role-playing? Answer: avatar SOCIAL MEDIA 17. Name three ways that social media differs from traditional communications, and give examples of each one. Answer: 1. Immediate: Traditional forms of personal and business communication take time: Letters have to travel through the mail; newspapers and books have to be published, distributed, and sold. Communication using social media can take place almost immediately: a Facebook update can prompt reactions within seconds. 2. Widespread: Since their beginnings in the 1990s, social media Web sites have exploded in popularity worldwide. According to a recent estimate, one in four people around the world uses social networking—more than 1.7 billion users. In the United States alone, over 70 percent of computer users participate in social networking. 3. Interactive: Traditional media outlets such as television, newspaper, and radio are “one-way streets,” with little opportunity for users to respond. With social media, interactivity is common and expected. A user posts a photo or a video on a sharing site hoping to get a response from others. In fact, almost all traditional media outlets, such as TV and radio, have social media sites where users can post reactions and contribute content. 18. On what type of social media site would you maintain a personal journal to share with others? Answer: blog, microblog or blogging, microblogging 19. Give two examples of file sharing sites. Answer: Egnyte, ShareFile, Hightail, Dropbox, WeTransfer 20. If you wanted to raise funds online for a new business you plan to start, what type of site would you use? Answer: Crowdfunding Test Your Knowledge Now 1. Which of the following is a highly compressed bitmap graphic format used for Web graphics? a. PNG b. BMP c. TIF d. GIF 2. _______ is a photo-editing software product you can use to correct red-eye. a. Microsoft Paint b. Adobe Photoshop c. CorelDRAW d. Microsoft Office 3. What type of graphic keeps its quality as its size increases? a. Bitmap b. JPEG c. BMP d. Vector 4. Which of the following is a copy-protected audio file format used by Apple iTunes? a. WAV b. WMA c. RA d. MP4 5. What converts analog sound waves into digital sound? a. Sound recorder software b. Sampling software c. A synthesizer d. An audio input device 6. Which of the following converts speech into text on a computer screen? a. Text-to-speech software b. Speech recognition software c. Speech synthesizer d. MIDI files 7. To edit videos, you can use video-editing software such as: a. Vimeo. b. YouTube. c. Apple iMovie. d. Apple GarageBand. 8. To convert a video to another format to reduce its file size, you would use a: a. camcorder. b. media player. c. plug-in. d. codec. 9. A _________ lets you view Internet content on your television. a. media player b. codec c. set-top box d. video card 10. A series of image frames displayed quickly enough for us to perceive them as continuous motion is called: a. digital audio. b. skins. c. streaming video. d. digital video. 11. How many frames per second (fps) does a typical 3-D computer game use? a. 24 b. 30 c. 60 d. 200 12. Animation in 3-D computer games is created: a. in “real time,” as you're playing. b. during the production phase. c. using PowerPoint transitions. d. using simulations. 13 A series of slightly different bitmap images displayed in sequence on the Web is called a(n): a. wireframe drawing. b. rendering. c. animated GIF. d. simulation. 14. Which of the following is an example of a game console? a. Second Life. b. Halo c. Xbox 360 d. SDK 15. Which of the following is used to help stroke and injury victims recover faster? a. SDKs. b. Second Life c. Nintendo Wii d. OLED technology 16. Which of the following is an example of Virtual World software? a. Nintendo Wii b. Second Life c. Angry Birds d. EverQuest 17. Which of the following is a large-scale multiplayer game? a. Middle Earth b. Sony PlayStation 4 c. Avatar d. Autodesk Maya 18. Which type of social media site would you use to share ideas, photos, videos, and opinions? a. Collaborative projects b. Social bookmarking c. File sharing d. Social networking 19. Which of the following is not a feature of social media? a. Immediate b. Interactive c. Solitary d. Widespread 20. What type of social media site would you use gather volunteers for a town cleanup project? a. Crowdfunding b. File sharing c. Blogging d. Crowdsourcing Screen Labeling 21. In the space next to each image below, write the letter of the phrase that describes it: a. Set-top box b. Digital sound c. Gaming input device d. Analog sound e. Sound card Try This Now 1: Professional Graphics Design Presentation with Canva Creating a professional-looking document online can be very simple using a Web site named This free site provides designs for Web and print, flyers, Facebook covers, and blog graphics. Open a browser (preferably the free Chrome browser) and then open to begin designing a professional presentation. a. Create a free account at so you can save the graphics and documents you create. Next, start a new design based on the Presentation design. Select any layout for your presentation in the left column. b. Using the built-in design layout, create a three-page presentation about what you can do with designs in your personal and business life. Hint: To add a new page, select the + Add a new page button. c. After adding text and images to your three-page presentation, select Link & Publish. Submit the link of your completed presentation to your instructor. Answer: Student answers will vary, but they should similar to one of the Canva presentation templates below and include three pages. 2: Infographics at Infographics arrange and organize graphics and text so you can see patterns and trends at a glance. Open a browser and open the site (The .ly is the extension of the Web site.) a. Search for a keyword such as Internet, technology, graphics, audio, or social networking in the Search text box (select the magnifying glass icon to open the Search box). b. Open and examine three Infographics displayed in the search results. c. Copy and paste each of the three Infographics into a Word document that identifies your search term. Write a paragraph to explain what information is explained within each graphic. Submit the document to your instructor. Answer: Student answers will vary but should include similar Infographics from (keyword “technology”): 3: Professional LinkedIn Social Presence The professional social media site LinkedIn is helpful for career networking. LinkedIn allows you to search for volunteer positions in addition to paid jobs. Open a browser and then open the site Create a professional profile to begin making connections with people that can recommend you for a position. a. Create a professional profile that includes your career interests. List your education, job experience, skills, and expertise. b. After you complete your profile, share it with your instructor by adding a connection. Answer: Student profiles will vary and current tips can be found at ( Below is a sample: Critical Thinking Now 1: Professional Design with ColorHunter Creating a professionally designed color palette can give a polished look to a Web page, Word document, or PowerPoint presentation. Search for a colorful picture online at or using the image search feature, and then download the image to your local computer. Open the site and upload the image to create a free color palette based on the hues and tones of the image. In a Word document, display the picture and a screenshot of the palette from Color Hunter. Answer: Student answers will vary but should include similar to the following: Image uploaded (Fenway Park) custom color palette for Fenway Park photo. Write a paragraph of at least 100 words on the topic of how a color palette based on a company’s logo could be used within professional documents. Answer: Student answers will vary but should touch on the following: Using a color palette, from hues in the logo, is important to maintain the consistency of the brand identity. Colors will evoke certain emotions and feelings towards the brand so it is vital to choose colors that will represent the company’s identity effectively. Color hues from the palette can be used in fonts, headings, titles, page themes, and page design to maintain brand throughout the document. A color palette based on a company’s logo is a powerful tool for maintaining brand consistency across professional documents. By using the colors from the logo, businesses can ensure that all materials, including Web pages, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations, reflect a cohesive brand identity. This consistency helps reinforce the company's visual identity and enhances recognition among clients and stakeholders. For example, incorporating the palette into a presentation can make slides look more polished and aligned with the company’s branding, while using the colors in a Word document can help create a professional and visually appealing layout. Additionally, applying the same palette across various platforms helps build a unified brand image, fostering trust and professionalism in all business communications. 2: Most Popular Video Games Gaming is a massive economic market for both console computer games and mobile game apps. Research current information from the current calendar year to answer the following questions. a. What are the five most popular console games? Explain the topic of each game. Answer: Current top 5 and a short description can be found below or at ( b. What are the five most popular games for the iPhone platform? Explain the topic of each game. Answer: Student answers will vary, but should include current games found in the Game Center within iTunes application. Topics of each current game can be found by clicking the title. For example, the topic of Real Racing 3 is “Mobile Racing” detailed below: c. What are the five most popular games for the Android platform? Explain the topic of each game. Answer: Top games can be found at the Google play web site for the Android platform. Below is a screen shot of the current Top games. Additional information can be found clicking on each item. For example, Candy Crush Saga is a casual, addictive puzzle adventure, shown below: 3: Social Networking Security Best Practices In business, creating a social profile with a networking site such as LinkedIn is important to meet and stay in touch with your colleagues. Most businesses rely heavily on effective networking practices to connect with clients and potential employees. Research the best practices for business social networking. In your own words, list the 10 best practices for social networking in the business world. Answer: Student answers will vary, but could include any of the following ( 1. Understand Company Policy, Best Practices and Culture 2. Company Communities Evolve Best Practices and Policies 3. Mixing Personal and Professional 4. Public vs. Private Spaces 5. Be Mindful in Private 6. The New York Times Test 7. Become an Expert 8. Respect Privacy 9. Remember the Golden Rule Here are 10 best practices for social networking in the business world: 1. Use Professional Profiles: • Ensure your profile is complete, up-to-date, and reflects a professional image, including a high-quality photo and a well-crafted summary. 2. Build a Relevant Network: • Connect with individuals who are relevant to your industry or profession, including colleagues, clients, and potential partners. 3. Engage Regularly: • Participate actively by sharing updates, commenting on posts, and engaging in discussions to stay visible and relevant in your network. 4. Share Valuable Content: • Post content that is informative, relevant, and valuable to your audience, such as industry news, insights, and thought leadership articles. 5. Maintain Privacy Settings: • Review and adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your information and posts, ensuring you protect sensitive data. 6. Be Authentic: • Communicate authentically and professionally to build trust and credibility with your connections. Avoid overly promotional or insincere content. 7. Monitor Your Online Reputation: • Regularly check your profile and activity to manage your online reputation and address any negative or inaccurate information. 8. Network Strategically: • Approach networking with clear goals in mind, such as finding new business opportunities or connecting with industry experts, and tailor your outreach accordingly. 9. Follow Up and Maintain Relationships: • After making new connections, follow up with personalized messages and maintain ongoing interactions to strengthen relationships over time. 10. Stay Informed About Platform Changes: • Keep up with updates and changes to social networking platforms to leverage new features and best practices effectively. These practices will help you leverage social networking effectively for professional growth and business success. Ethical Issues Now YouTube and the Ethics of Copyright The Digital Millennium Copyright Act covers many of the copyright laws for Internet postings. The most common infraction of this set of laws is the posting of other people’s movies and music on sites such as a. Research the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In at least 100 of your own words, briefly explain what this set of laws covers. Answer: Student answers will vary, but should hit on the Wiki on DCMA ( Also a good summary can be found at ( The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures (commonly known as digital rights management or DRM) that control access to copyrighted works. It also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself. In addition, the DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright infringement on the Internet. Passed on October 12, 1998, by a unanimous vote in the United States Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on October 28, 1998, the DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of on-line services for copyright infringement by their users. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), enacted in 1998, is a U.S. law that addresses copyright issues related to digital media and the Internet. The DMCA aims to protect the rights of copyright holders while promoting the growth of the digital economy. It includes provisions to combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, such as movies, music, and software, by making it illegal to circumvent digital rights management (DRM) technologies or to distribute tools that enable such circumvention. The Act also establishes a safe harbor provision, which protects online service providers from liability for infringing content uploaded by users, provided they act promptly to remove such content upon receiving a valid takedown notice. Overall, the DMCA balances the interests of copyright owners with the need to foster innovation and free expression in the digital realm. b. Research the Terms of Service for In at least 100 of your own words, briefly explain what the Web site allows when you post a video to YouTube. Answer: Current YouTube Terms of Service can be found at The YouTube video-sharing website offers people around the world a place to upload and watch videos of all kinds, from home movies and amateur films to video blogs. On the open range of video sharing, however, there are rules that YouTube community members must obey so as to avoid being flagged or permanently losing their accounts. Does not allow: Copyrighted Material YouTube does not allow you to upload copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or have the express permission of the copyright owner. This includes video clips from a commercial film or television episode; music, including the use of a song as background to your video; and images. YouTube suggests that if you are not sure whether something you want to upload will violate someone else's copyright, your best bet is to start over and create something completely original. Inappropriate Video YouTube is a community-driven service viewable by a wide range of people. Community guidelines discourage uploading videos that exhibit activities such as drug abuse, animal abuse and bomb-making. Likewise, videos featuring people being physically hurt or humiliated, featuring threats or harassment and demonstrating hate speech against a specific race or group of people will be removed if they are flagged. Do not upload a video that depicts a readily identifiable person who did not give consent for recording, involves children in sexually suggestive situations or depicts violence. YouTube suggests that you make private any video you upload of your children or family so that only those with whom you share the link can view it. Age Restriction While YouTube is not tailored for pornography, sometimes a video might not violate YouTube's community guidelines but still be inappropriate for people under the age of 18. Should a YouTube user flag your video and a YouTube staffer review it and deem it to be within the guidelines but inappropriate for all ages, the staffer will mark your video as age restricted. People who wish to view the video will need to log in with their account and verify that they are over the age of 18. Enforcement YouTube staff members review videos all the time, especially when community members flag those videos for containing copyrighted or inappropriate content. If you find a video that you consider offensive or suspect violates copyright law, you can click the "Flag as inappropriate" button beneath the video and then specify a reason. General flagging categories include "Sexual Content," "Violent or Repulsive Content," "Hateful or Abusive Content," "Harmful Dangerous Acts," "Child Abuse," "Spam" and "Infringes My Rights." If your video is flagged and deemed inappropriate, a YouTube staffer will remove the video or apply an age restriction. With repeated violations of the community guidelines, you might find your account terminated and you may be unable to create a new account. From eHow ( c. If you own copyright to your own video and post it to, people can legally watch this video as many times as they want. Would it be legal for your audience to download your YouTube video to watch later if they have a very slow Internet connection in their apartment? What do the YouTube Terms of Service say about this action? Answer: If there is an authorized “download” or similar link by YouTube, it is the only time it is legal to download YouTube video. The YouTube Terms of Service 5.B on states: You shall not download any Content unless you see a “download” or similar link displayed by YouTube on the Service for that Content. You shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any Content for any other purposes without the prior written consent of YouTube or the respective licensors of the Content. Team Up Now – Record a Podcast (Audio Blog) Note: This assignment requires the use of a headset or built-in microphone for audio recording. Many companies create free audio and video podcasts about new products to post on Web sites or to make available for download. Search YouTube videos about the latest Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas and find a new technology product that interests your team. You may use any audio recording technology for this assignment on a computer or smartphone. If you do not have audio recording software, download a free copy of Audacity for a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer at the site a. Before you record a podcast, it is best to write a script. As a team, research a technology product from the latest Consumer Electronics Show (CES), an international trade show featuring innovative electronics and technology. Write a script of at least 250 words about this product. b. Split up the script in equal parts by topic and record the audio for your commercial podcast about the new technology product. c. Save the audio file in the format requested by your instructor. Submit the script and audio podcast to your instructor. Answer: Student podcasts will vary, but audio script and podcast should sound similar to the latest Engadget CES podcast: a. Script for Podcast on a New Technology Product from CES Introduction: "Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the latest innovations from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to [Product Name], an innovative technology that’s making waves this year." Product Overview: "[Product Name] is a cutting-edge [type of product] that combines [key feature 1], [key feature 2], and [key feature 3] to deliver a revolutionary experience. This product stands out with its [unique feature], which sets it apart from competitors." Key Features: "One of the standout features of [Product Name] is its [feature], which allows users to [describe functionality]. Another impressive aspect is its [feature], providing [benefit]. Lastly, the [feature] offers [advantage], making it a must-have for [target audience]." Benefits and Use Cases: "[Product Name] is ideal for [target audience], offering [specific benefits]. Whether you’re [use case 1] or [use case 2], this product enhances your experience with its [advantage]." Conclusion: "That wraps up our overview of [Product Name]. Stay tuned for more updates from CES, and be sure to visit [website/link] for more information. Thanks for listening!" b. Recording and Submission 1. Script Distribution: • Divide the script among team members based on topic sections. 2. Recording: • Use Audacity or any other audio recording software to record each part of the script. 3. Saving and Submitting: • Save the audio file in the format requested by your instructor (e.g., MP3 or WAV). • Submit both the script and the audio file to your instructor. Technology Now Chapter 12: A Changing World Chapter Review EMBEDDED COMPUTERS 1. What is an embedded computer? Give two examples of embedded computers. Answer: An embedded computer is a tiny special-purpose computer included as a component in a larger product. For example, they manage transactions in ATMs and monitor the temperature in programmable home thermostats. 2. Describe a benefit of adaptive systems in an automotive vehicle. Answer: Adaptive systems can detect if your car is following another car too closely and adjust the speed to maintain a safe distance. Airbag sensors can detect the severity of a collision and inflate the airbag accordingly, which reduces airbag injuries. 3. How are embedded computers used in home appliances, public transportation, and supermarkets? Answer: In some home appliances, an embedded computer controls how much energy the appliance is using. You can even set the machine to run when electricity rates are at their lowest. Other appliances can send messages to your mobile device. For example, they can alert you when a dryer’s cycle is complete. You also can use a mobile device to control appliances, such as setting an oven’s temperature. On smart buses, drivers use touchscreens to check traffic, communicate with people waiting for rides, collect fares, and provide travel information to riders waiting for the bus. In addition, mass transit systems use smart cards instead of tickets or tokens. If a grocer includes an RFID tag next to a product on the shelves, you can hold your smartphone near the tag to send a coupon or detailed nutritional information to your phone. Another shopping technology uses a robot-controlled grocery cart that stores your shopping list, tracks your purchases, and helps you find items anywhere in the store. CONNECTED HOMES 4. What is e-learning? In what circumstances might you use e-learning? Answer: Suppose you want to enroll in a career-training program, but your current job or family responsibilities prevent you from enrolling in traditional classes. A popular solution is online education, is also called e-learning, short for “electronic learning.” E-learning involves formal education in which students connect to instructors, information, and other students using a computer and the Internet. 5. How has delivering information online changed the news industry? Answer: • Type of information: The Web has changed the kind of information provided in news reports. TV newscasts feature amateur videos from video-sharing sites to cover events such as weather disasters. Newspapers quote blog members who post eyewitness accounts of events, an activity called live blogging. • Access to information: As a news consumer, you can use the Web to access almost every newspaper and magazine in the world. If you run across an article you find important or funny, you can share it with your friends on social networks. In fact, referrals from social networks are the fastest-growing source of traffic for news Web sites. • Contribute to information: On hybrid Web sites that combine news and blogging, you can develop and refine news reports by commenting on them and posting contributions. 6. What is m-commerce and what advantages does it offer? Answer: Another shopping trend is mobile commerce (m-commerce), which involves using wireless mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to make retail purchases. You can use mobile devices to purchase almost any product or service. Instead of carrying cash or even bank cards, you can use your mobile device to scan a graphic code and then authorize a payment from a connected account. INTELLIGENT WORKPLACES AND CLASSROOMS 7. What is a social enterprise and why might businesses want to use it? Answer: To make that communication easy and familiar, businesses are developing the social enterprise, which uses short blog posts and collaboration tools instead of email and in-person meetings. 8. How do manufacturing companies use computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)? Answer: Manufacturers use CAM to streamline production and ship products out the door more quickly. With CAM, robots perform work that is too dangerous, detailed, or monotonous for people. Computers on the shop floor also make it possible to order parts and materials from the warehouse just in time to assemble a custom product according to the customer’s specifications. 9. How do doctors, nurses, and patients participate in mHealth? Answer: Doctors and nurses typically use smartphones and tablets to access electronic patient records. Patients also can use mHealth devices to monitor their conditions and treatments, reducing their dependence on overburdened healthcare systems. For example, one mHealth application tracks Prescription information and reminds patients to take medications by sending text messages to their mobile devices. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 10. Give an example of conventional AI and of computational AI. Answer: Conventional AI Example: Search engine suggesting a search term after you enter a few letters Computational AI Example: Financial system that helps investors select the best stocks or bonds 11. What is robotics? Give an example of how robotics is used today. Answer: Robots seem to be everywhere: on the factory floor, in the operating room, and even collecting soil samples on Mars. Robotics is the area of AI that focuses on practical uses for robots, which are machines that can move automatically. 12. How does speech recognition software use AI? Answer: Speech recognition software uses AI to gather the sounds of your speech, compare them to a large library of words, phrases, and sentences, and then make a best guess about what you said. 13. How do science and medicine use VR? Answer: Science and medicine use VR for training and research. For example, medical students can use VR to practice their emergency medical skills. NASA uses VR to simulate space flight and the environment of other planets. NASA also uses VR along with AI to train a robot that performs repairs, for example. In fact, VR is most helpful exploring outer space, the depths of the oceans, and other hard-to-reach places. A HELPING HAND 14. Name five examples of assistive technology. Answer: AT includes technologies to provide assistance to those with visual, audio, motor, and educational disabilities. Closed captions, tablets, touch-based programs with audio feedback, accessibility features on the computer, screen readers, personal listening assistants are all examples of AT. 15. How do mobile devices with touch screens help people with disabilities? Answer: Tablets are a boon to people with fine motor disabilities because they demand less fine motor control than laptop or desktop computers. Users can touch a tablet’s large icons, type using the onscreen keyboard, and navigate Web pages by swiping. GREEN COMPUTING 16. What are vampire devices and how should you deal with them? Answer: You can help reduce energy consumption by unplugging vampire devices, which are those that draw power even when they are turned off or in standby mode, such as computers, chargers, and home electronics. 17. Describe three ways you can recycle electronic equipment. Answer: • Recycling centers: Some community and private recycling centers accept electronic equipment, but many charge a fee because they must safely extract the hazardous materials the equipment contains. • Device manufacturers: The companies that manufacture electronic equipment often collect and recycle their products, and some reclaim parts that they can use to refurbish other products. • Creative reuse: People make mobiles and wind chimes from old CDs, mosaics from keyboard keys, and clocks from hard drives. 18. What should you do before donating a computer to an organization? Answer: Before donating a computer, protect yourself from identity theft by wiping the hard disk to remove all of its data. Deleting files does not thoroughly remove data. Use a special disk-wiping program to make sure the job gets done properly. CAREERS 19. What types of responsibilities do employees in IT departments have? Answer: To manage computer systems and their software, medium and large businesses usually have an information technology (IT) department. As a member of an IT department, you might set up computer equipment, design and maintain systems, train and assist other employees, or develop security practices. 20. What is certification and why might you want to earn it? Answer: To stand out from other job seekers, you can earn certification in a particular area, such as software, hardware, operating systems, networking, or databases. To become certified, you demonstrate your mastery of technology skills and knowledge by taking and passing an exam. A certification exam is an objective test offered by an authorized testing company. Most people prepare for a certification exam through self-study, online classes, or instructor-led training. Certification can improve your chances for employment, enhance your position in the workplace, and increase your salary potential. Test Your Knowledge Now 1. A(n) ___________ monitors engine emissions in your car and adjusts settings such as idle speed to keep the emissions as low as possible. a. virtual reality chip b. near field communications (NFC) device c. automotive robot d. embedded computer 2. A washing machine that launders clothes using the most efficient amount of electricity and water and an oven you can turn off from a smartphone are part of the ___________. a. Web of things b. Internet of things c. Internet of appliances d. world of AI 3. Mass transit systems can use __________ instead of tickets or tokens. a. ATM cards b. smart cards c. smart drivers d. cash 4. ____________ is a short-range wireless technology that works with smartphones so that you can receive detailed nutritional information about products in a supermarket, for example. a. near field communications (NFC) b. computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) c. computer-aided shopping (CAS) d. short-range communications (SRC) 5. When you connect to educational content such as recorded demonstrations and lectures and learn at your own pace, you are participating in _______________. a. an asynchronous course b. telematics c. m-learning d. artificial intelligence 6. Blog members who post eyewitness accounts of live events are ____________. a. virtual editors b. witness blogging c. live blogging d. synchronous bloggers 7. _______________ is popular because you can view or listen to it at any time rather than according to a set schedule. a. Live blogging b. The Internet of music c. Telemusic d. On-demand media 8. Employees who need flexible work schedules can ________, an arrangement that lets them work from home and conduct business using the phone and the Internet. a. telecommute b. data mine c. go on sabbatical d. use synchronous learning 9. Using ______________ communications, a company’s computers can monitor assembly lines and equipment to keep them running safely and efficiently. a. robot b. asynchronous c. machine-to-machine (M2M) d. radio frequency identification (RFID) 10. If you live in a remote area and need to see a specialist, your doctor might use _____________ to confer with the specialist during a video conference. a. telecommuting b. mobile medicine (mMedicine) c. computer-aided medicine (CAM) d. telemedicine 11. The gap between those who can access digital information, especially on the Internet, and those who cannot is called the _____________. a. Internet gap b. digital divide c. information rift d. vampire portal 12. Video game controls that recognize human motion and talking smartphones that carry out your requests are examples of ____________. a. learning management systems b. artificial intelligence c. adaptive systems d. smart cards 13. A system that performs cycles of tasks and learns from each cycle is using ____________. a. conventional AI b. computational AI c. assistive technology d. e-learning 14. Expert systems use heuristics, which are _____________, to solve problems. a. types of databases b. computer-to-computer communications c. opinions d. rules of thumb 15. ____________ language processing is a type of AI that computers can use to understand human languages. a. Foreign b. English c. Machine d. Natural 16. ____________ includes devices and software designed to help people with disabilities. a. Disabled technology b. Assistive technology c. Help features d. Green computing 17. Computers and chargers that draw power even when they are turned off or in standby mode are examples of ____________ devices. a. vampire b. power c. neural d. green 18. Eliminating printed receipts is part of a larger move toward a(n) _____________, which provides and stores information electronically. a. social enterprise b. electronic revolution c. paperless society d. refurbished society 19. To manage computer systems and their software, medium and large businesses usually have a(n) _______________ department. a. enterprise b. green computing c. social networking d. information technology 20. To ____________ in a technology field, you take and pass an objective exam offered by an authorized testing company. a. create a resume b. apply for a job c. avoid formal education d. earn certification 21. In the space next to each term below, write the letter of the phrase that defines it: a. embedded computer b. home automation c. neural d. e-writer e. e-learning Try This Now 1: Internet of Things The Internet of Things is the latest buzzword that describes the embedded sensors and communication technology in everyday devices. The Internet of Things is growing quickly and changing our kitchens, lighting, heating, and other systems in our lives. a. Search YouTube for a current video about the Nest home thermostat. In a Word document, insert the URL of the video and then write an overview of the video in your own words in paragraph format. Answer: Answers will vary but should touch on the following. The Nest Learning Thermostat learns what temperatures you like, turns itself down when you're away and can be controlled from anywhere over Wi-Fi. Simply connect the Nest Learning Thermostat to your home Wi-Fi to control it from a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Change the temperature, view and adjust your schedule or settings, and see exactly how much energy you're using. Detailed Energy History is available on the Mobile and Web app for the last 10 days. Your Nest Thermostat also sends you an energy summary every month with tips to help you save more. The Nest Learning Thermostat is secure, private, and reliable. Nest supports HTTPS, SSL and 128-bit encryption. To complete the assignment, follow these steps: 1. Search for the Video: • Go to YouTube and search for a current video about the Nest home thermostat. For example, you can search "Nest home thermostat review" or "Nest thermostat features." 2. Insert the URL: • Copy the URL of the video and paste it into your Word document. 3. Write the Overview: • Watch the video and summarize its content in your own words. Here’s an example overview you might write: Video URL: [Insert URL here] Overview: The video provides an in-depth review of the Nest home thermostat, highlighting its advanced features and user-friendly design. The Nest thermostat is praised for its sleek, modern appearance and intuitive interface, which allows users to easily control their home's temperature via a smartphone app or directly on the device. The video emphasizes the thermostat's ability to learn user preferences over time and automatically adjust settings for optimal comfort and energy efficiency. It also discusses the integration of the Nest thermostat with other smart home devices, enhancing its functionality. The reviewer demonstrates the setup process and provides insights into how the thermostat can help reduce energy bills by optimizing heating and cooling schedules based on usage patterns. Replace the placeholder URL with the actual video link and adjust the overview based on the specific details from the video you watched. b. Search YouTube for a current video about a smart refrigerator. In the same Word document, insert the URL of the video and then write an overview of the video in your own words in paragraph format. Answer: Answers will vary but should touch on the following.[WRL767SIAM]-1021393/WRL767SIAM/ Always stay connected to your Whirlpool® 26 cu. ft. side-by-side refrigerator featuring 6th Sense Live™ technology. Use Smart Assistant features like Vacation Assistant to activate specific options when you're not at home. Smart Stats put product information in the palm of your hand, while Smart Energy features like the Energy Advisor tracks how much energy your appliance is using. You can even take pleasure in knowing everything is running smoothly at home with Smart Nudges and Alerts. The Smart Store's Filter Assistant keeps your appliance working great by letting you know when it's time to replace this useful accessory. This model pairs this exciting new technology with the exceptional features you expect, including the Accu-Chill™ temperature management system and an ENERGY STAR® qualification. Video URL: [Insert URL here] Overview: The video showcases the latest features of a smart refrigerator, emphasizing its innovative technology and convenience. The smart refrigerator is equipped with a touch screen that allows users to view and manage contents, create shopping lists, and access recipes. It also features internal cameras that provide real-time visibility of the fridge’s contents via a smartphone app, making it easier to check what’s inside while grocery shopping. The video highlights the refrigerator’s integration with voice assistants, enabling users to control it using voice commands. Additionally, it covers the appliance's energy-saving features and its ability to sync with other smart home devices for a more connected and efficient kitchen experience. c. Search YouTube for a current video about smart parking meters. In the same Word document, insert the URL of the video and then write an overview of the video in your own words in paragraph format. Answer: Answers will vary but should touch on the following. The new meters allow credit card payments and will soon be linked to your smartphone. Video URL: [Insert URL here] Overview: The video explores the features and benefits of modern smart parking meters, showcasing their advanced technology and user-friendly design. Smart parking meters are highlighted for their ability to accept multiple forms of payment, including mobile apps, credit cards, and contactless payments, making it easier for users to pay for parking without needing coins. The video demonstrates how these meters provide real-time updates on parking availability and allow users to extend their parking sessions remotely through a smartphone app. Additionally, it covers the meters' integration with city management systems to optimize parking space usage and improve revenue collection. The video also discusses the environmental benefits, such as reducing the need for physical tickets and promoting efficient parking practices. 2: Educational Sites Whether you want to supplement course information or spark your intellectual curiosity, educational sites provide an excellent resource for learning. Open a browser and then open the site a. Investigate the Academic Earth site. Name five major universities that contribute lectures to Academic Earth. Answer: As of writing, Harvard University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, MIT, and NYU are all contributors. is the current list with many more. b. Name any five online courses that you can view in Academic Earth. Answer: There are over 500 online courses. The current list can be viewed at c. Watch one of the video elective or course videos. Create a document that contains the video title and a list of 10 topics discussed within the video. Answer: is a collective list of videos and topics for Computer Science 188 from UC Berkeley. Student answers will vary. 3: Online Job Search Years ago, job searches were conducted primarily with the Help Wanted ads in a newspaper. Today, posting your resume online, searching jobs sites, and online networking connects an employee to an employer. a. Identify five online job search engines. Search each of the five job sites for openings in a position that interests you. Take a screenshot of the search results page from each of the five job sites. Answer:,,, and are all current job search engines. b. Place the screenshots in a single Word document. After each screenshot, write a paragraph about each online job search engine for a total of five paragraphs. Compare the ease of use, results, and layout of the site. Answer: Student paragraphs will vary depending on what they choose. Results should look similar to examples shown above. c. Save the document and submit it to your instructor. Critical Thinking Now 1: Home Automation Apps With your smartphone and the right app, you can control the lights, appliances, thermostat, audio and video equipment, window coverings, and security cameras in your home. Search for a smartphone app that is designed to automate your home. In a Word document of at least 150 words, discuss the app and the total cost for setting up an automated home, and then submit the document to your instructor. Answer: ADT Pulse Automation app ( Student answers will vary but should touch on: ADT Pulse ® Interactive Solutions is the technologically advanced service from ADT that can help you manage and protect your home or business, even when you’re away. With the accompanying app for your iPhone® mobile digital device, the ADT Pulse ® system helps you keep a close watch on the people and things that matter most to you. Download the ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions app to: - Remotely arm and disarm your home’s security system - Receive text message and email alerts about important ADT Pulse-related events - View live video of your home or business from your iPhone® mobile digital device -Automate your home or business – and make it more energy efficient – by controlling and monitoring any thermostats and lights you have connected to the ADT Pulse system When it comes to ADT and affordability, the two are like twins. ADT offers some of the best pricing for home security along with great service. All security systems are professionally installed with costs starting at $99 to $199 depending on the amount of sensors and monitoring option chosen. The equipment is provided free of charge. ADT offers phone line monitoring, broadband monitoring and cellular monitoring with prices starting at $36.99 and topping out around $47.99 unless additional features are packaged like home automation or online access. Perhaps the best thing about ADT is how quickly they install your new system once your purchase. ADT now offers same day installation but is flexible given your schedule offering next day installation or setting up a time convenient for you. Ok, we may have jumped the gun here, the best thing about ADT might be that they don’t charge anything for equipment as it’s provided 100% free of charge with your security system installation purchase. Need a security system installed today? You can get it with ADT – at no extra cost to you. ( 2: Virtual Reality in Real Estate Virtual reality and augmented reality are becoming the new standards in viewing real estate locations. Open a browser and then open Search for “augmented reality real estate” and watch at least five videos on the topic. In a Word document, insert the URLs of the five videos and then write a short paragraph providing an overview for each video. Answer: Student paragraphs will vary depending on videos used. Here’s a brief overview of each video related to augmented reality in real estate: 1. [Video 1: Augmented Reality in Real Estate]( This video demonstrates how augmented reality (AR) is transforming real estate by allowing potential buyers to visualize properties in a more interactive and immersive way. It showcases AR applications that overlay virtual furniture and decor onto real-world spaces, helping clients imagine how they might furnish and decorate a property. 2. [Video 2: Future of Real Estate with Augmented Reality]( The video explores the future trends of AR in real estate, focusing on how it enhances property viewing experiences. It highlights advancements such as virtual property tours and interactive floor plans that provide buyers with a more comprehensive understanding of the space without physically visiting the site. 3. [Video 3: AR Tools for Real Estate Agents]( This video targets real estate professionals, showcasing AR tools designed to streamline the buying and selling process. It covers features like AR-based property staging and interactive client presentations, which help agents provide a more engaging and efficient service. 4. [Video 4: Augmented Reality Property Tours]( The focus of this video is on AR property tours, demonstrating how buyers can use AR to virtually walk through homes and commercial spaces. It emphasizes the convenience and effectiveness of virtual tours in helping clients explore properties from anywhere in the world. 5. [Video 5: Enhancing Real Estate Listings with Augmented Reality]( This video highlights how AR can enhance real estate listings by adding interactive elements and detailed information to property advertisements. It showcases examples of AR-enhanced listings that provide viewers with a richer, more informative experience compared to traditional listings. 3: Technology Jobs Every job uses technology to some extent, but fields that are dedicated to technology are booming. Research the fastest-growing technology jobs. Locate the five technology jobs with the most growth potential and then rank them in a list. Write five paragraphs that explain each job. Answer: Student paragraphs will vary but should be similar to the following from ( Within the economy's science and technology sectors are the jobs with the most growth potential in the current marketplace, as our society becomes more and more dependent on the latest technologies. Biomedical Engineers---the people who use their engineering skills to help us live longer (coming up with medical devices from pacemakers to corrective lenses)---see their career at the top of this list and it's projected to stay there for several years. The median income for a Biomedical Engineer can range from about $48,000 to $122,000 per year. Other jobs in these sectors include computer software engineer, systems analyst, computer programmer, statistician, environmental science technician, civil engineer, and even meteorologist. Here’s an overview of five of the fastest-growing technology jobs, ranked by their growth potential: 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer Overview: Artificial Intelligence Engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and implementing AI models and systems. This role involves working with machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and data analysis to create intelligent systems that can automate tasks, enhance decision-making, and provide personalized experiences. With the increasing adoption of AI across various industries, including healthcare, finance, and automotive, AI Engineers are in high demand. Their expertise in building AI solutions helps businesses leverage data to drive innovation and improve efficiency. 2. Cybersecurity Analyst Overview: Cybersecurity Analysts focus on protecting an organization's IT infrastructure from cyber threats and attacks. They monitor network activity, analyze security breaches, and implement measures to safeguard sensitive information. As cyber threats become more sophisticated and frequent, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals grows. Cybersecurity Analysts play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of data, making them essential in today’s digital landscape where data breaches can have severe consequences. 3. Data Scientist Overview: Data Scientists analyze and interpret complex data to help organizations make informed decisions. They use statistical methods, machine learning, and data visualization tools to uncover patterns and insights from large datasets. The increasing volume of data generated by businesses and the need for data-driven strategies contribute to the high demand for Data Scientists. They are instrumental in areas such as customer analytics, predictive modeling, and business intelligence, driving growth and competitive advantage. 4. Cloud Computing Specialist Overview: Cloud Computing Specialists manage and optimize cloud-based services and infrastructure for organizations. They work with cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud to deploy, manage, and scale cloud applications. The shift towards cloud computing for its scalability, cost-efficiency, and flexibility drives the demand for professionals who can ensure the effective use of cloud resources. Cloud Computing Specialists are key to helping businesses transition to cloud solutions and maximize their benefits. 5. DevOps Engineer Overview: DevOps Engineers focus on the integration of development and operations to streamline software development processes and improve deployment efficiency. They work on automating workflows, managing infrastructure, and enhancing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. The rise of agile methodologies and the need for rapid, reliable software releases contribute to the growing need for DevOps Engineers. Their role is critical in fostering collaboration between development and operations teams, ensuring faster and more stable software deployments. These technology jobs are experiencing significant growth due to advancements in technology and increasing reliance on digital solutions across various sectors. Ethical Issues Now Recently, Moshe Vardi, a computational engineering professor at Rice University, predicted that computer intelligence was growing so quickly that most human jobs would be automated by 2045. Research the topic of artificial intelligence and the workforce. a. If software could wipe out most of the job market overnight, how would this affect our lives? Write at least 100 words expressing your reaction in a Word document. Answer: Student answers will vary greatly. Impact of Widespread Job Automation on Our Lives If software could wipe out most of the job market overnight, the effects on our lives would be profound and multifaceted. The immediate consequence would be widespread unemployment, leading to economic instability and financial hardship for millions. With significant portions of the workforce displaced, we would face a crisis of income inequality, as those without jobs struggle to meet basic needs. The shift could also erode the sense of purpose and identity that work provides, leading to social and psychological challenges. Additionally, the rapid displacement might outpace the development of new job opportunities, exacerbating the divide between those with advanced skills and those left behind. To mitigate these effects, society would need to invest in retraining programs, explore new economic models such as universal basic income, and ensure that the benefits of automation are distributed equitably. The transition to a more automated future would require careful planning and innovative policies to safeguard both economic stability and human well-being. b. If artificial intelligence can mimic a text-to-speech engine that replaces most customer service agents, should a company’s ethics board consider not using the software because of the effects on the work force? Write at least 100 words expressing your opinion in a Word document. Answer: Student answers will vary greatly. Ethical Considerations for Using AI in Customer Service If artificial intelligence can effectively replace most customer service agents with a text-to-speech engine, a company's ethics board should indeed consider the broader implications of using such software. While AI can enhance efficiency and reduce costs, it also poses significant ethical challenges related to workforce displacement. Replacing human workers with AI can lead to job losses and economic hardship for individuals who rely on these positions for their livelihood. An ethical approach would involve balancing the benefits of AI with its social impact. The company should consider implementing retraining programs to help displaced workers transition to new roles, explore ways to create new job opportunities, and ensure that AI adoption does not solely prioritize financial gain over human welfare. Ethical decision-making in this context requires a commitment to responsible technology use that supports both innovation and the well-being of employees. Team Up Now – Your Digital Footprint Employers that encourage employees to work from home are considered telecommuting friendly. Each team member should use the term “telecommuting friendly companies” in a search engine. Based on your team’s findings, assign each person to research a specific field that has expanded telecommuting opportunities. Each team member should write a paragraph about his or her findings. As a team, research five positive aspects and five negative aspects of telecommuting. Next, research Marissa Mayer’s opinion of telecommuting. Write a paragraph on whether your team agrees or disagrees with Ms. Mayer. Share your results with your team and submit the combined information to your instructor. Answer: Answers regarding Ms. Mayer will vary. Sample of positive and negative aspects of telecommuting are below: From Negative aspects: Client Contact If your clients are accustomed to a high level of face-to-face contact with the employees that handle their business, a move to telecommuting can reduce in-person interactions. For some companies, less contact might not be an issue, but clients that require more hand-holding might feel neglected. To solve the problem, implement technological solutions that will promote collaboration and regular review over the Internet: Screen-sharing programs or video conferencing can allow dispersed employees to interact with a client to go over projects in real time. Non-Telecommuting Workload When a portion of the workforce moves out of the office, it can increase the stress for non-telecommuting workers. The employees that remain in the office can feel left out of the telecommuting benefits, like flexible hours, and resent that their co-workers have the option to work in a more comfortable location. Also, if the company's communication systems are not updated to reflect a dispersed workforce, the office staff can experience an increased workload and the bulk of the client communication burden. Prevent that sense of imbalance by requiring telecommuters to have some in-office time or by giving your office staff more autonomy. Teamwork For companies that rely on strong team collaboration to complete client projects, telecommuting can damage teamwork. Employees who are used to working together in person will need to find new ways to review and present work, especially on an informal level. As a result, there may be a dip in productivity while the team learns to work within the new framework. To make the process easier, you can implement strategies like instant messaging, web meetings, regular morning phone sessions, or a company intraweb; the ease of informal communications can facilitate the maintenance of a team atmosphere. Staff Relationships Staff who communicate only online and by phone may have a harder time retaining and building relationships with their colleagues, which can sabotage overall productivity and job satisfaction. Because relationships often lead to trust and effective collaboration, telecommuting can weaken the overall atmosphere. To keep your staff connected, plan retreats, meetings, or social events and require in-person attendance. If possible, require that all staff be in the office at least one or two days each week to maintain regular contact. From Positive aspects: Employees are more satisfied Avoiding traffic, not having someone hovering over your shoulder (whether they are micro-managing your or not), and having the ability to walk away from a project for a few hours and come back refreshed and ready to complete it equates to employees who are more satisfied with not only their jobs but also the work they are producing. Appeals to a broader range of people Some people just aren’t cut out for an office job, no matter how much more qualified for a position they are than their counterpart who doesn’t mind being in an office. Allowing employees to work from home means you have a broader range of people to pick from – and when they’re happy with their work situation they are less likely to leave for another, more appealing work setting. Sometimes a work environment makes all the difference in whether an employee wants to stay with a company or not. Less expensive all around By allowing people to telecommute to their jobs the employer or corporation has lower business costs because they aren’t worried about paying to house employees for their work days. The money saved can be put into bettering the company and expanding it instead of making sure that the employee has a desk to sit at all day. Employees have higher productivity Sitting in an office all day hampers a lot of employees’ morale and actually has a negative impact on productivity. When employees feel forced to be at the office for the designated 8 hours they in turn only do the bare minimum to get by. However when they are rewarded based on their product and not their time spent at an office they usually respond with higher productivity and a higher quality product. Helps the environment By allowing employees to work from home they minimize the amount of driving back and forth that they do, thus minimizing the amount of toxins their cars emit into their air. Cleaner air means a cleaner environment, which is something that benefits everyone. Telecommuting is the way of the future for jobs. It has positive impacts for not only the employee, but also the employer and the environment, making it an overall win-win situation. Solution Manual for Technology Now: Your Companion to SAM Computer Concepts Corinne Hoisington 9781305110144

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