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This Document Contains Chapters 5 to 6 Technology Now Chapter 5: The World Wide Web Chapter Review WHAT IS THE WEB? 1. List three early inventions that led to the development of the World Wide Web. Answer: In 1969 the Department of Defense connected four computers to create a network called ARPANET. In 1968, Douglas Engelbart demonstrated several experimental technologies to the public, including the mouse, video conferencing, word processing, and a hypertext interface. In 1989, researcher Tim Berners-Lee proposed that the Internet be organized into “pages” of related information. He wanted to link the pages using clickable text and images. He called this design the World Wide Web. 2. For what purposes did scientists and universities start using the early Web? Answer: ARPANET’s first job was to send email, which was much faster than using telephones or sending letters. The benefits of email became readily apparent, and soon other universities and government agencies wanted to connect their computers to the new network, too. THE BROWSER 3. List four common features of all browsers. Answer: Most Web browsers include common features, so if you have used one browser, you won’t have trouble learning another. Some of these features are as follows: • Favorites, or bookmarks, which are saved shortcuts to Web pages. • Tabbed browsing to access several Web pages in the same browser window. • A history list of the Web pages you visit for a day, a week, a month, and so on. • Pop-up blocking in your browser to prevent pop-up ads, or advertisements that appear in separate windows when you connect to a Web page. • Private browsing mode, which lets you surf the Web without leaving history, temporary Internet files, or small text files called “cookies” that Web pages store on your computer’s hard drive to identify you when you visit their site. 4. Name three current browsers and describe one feature of each browser. Answer: Two popular browsers are Internet Explorer (IE) and Google Chrome, which can enhance your search or browsing experience by allowing you to do the following: • Select a word on a Web page, click the button or menu that opens, and select services such as mapping, translation, and searching. • Receive warnings of suspected phishing or malware while you browse. • Remove unnecessary security warnings for downloads from reputable sites using an Application Reputation feature (Internet Explorer). • Connect to your cloud storage using the browser. • Use a combined search and Address bar, where you can type in searches as well as Web addresses. Another popular browser, Mozilla Firefox, also offers helpful features: • An App Tab, which lets you pin any Web site’s icon so the Web site is always available. The App Tab displays a blue highlight when the corresponding site changes. App Tabs have no Close button, so you cannot accidentally close them. When you reopen Firefox, App Tabs open automatically for convenience. • A sync feature connects your desktop and mobile Firefox devices so you can access your browsing history, passwords, and bookmarks on all your devices. Safari, the default browser for Mac and iOs, is the first browser to comply with all standards from the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the leading organization for setting Web standards. Safari features include the following: • Built-in support for Apple’s VoiceOver screen reader. VoiceOver describes aloud what appears on the screen and reads the text and links of Websites, making the Web accessible to people with visual impairments. • Enhanced keyboard navigation for navigating the Web without a mouse, as well as multi-touch gestures—such as double-tapping the trackpad with two fingers to magnify part of a Web page. • A Privacy pane, which displays information such as tracking data left by Web sites you visit so you can remove the data and protect your privacy. 5. List and explain two of the challenges of microbrowsers. Answer: Microbrowsers must display content on small screens. Some microbrowsers, such as Opera and Safari Mobile for iPhone, render Web pages as they would appear on your computer. Microbrowsers need to accommodate the low memory capacity and low bandwidth of wireless handheld devices. WEB PAGE DEVELOPMENT 6. Explain why a URL is important and how it is used in Web page development. Answer: Uniform resource locators (URLs) create a unique address for each Web page so it can be found by any browser on the Internet. 7. Give an example of how you can identify a secure Web site and what types of sites might be secured. Answer: Secure Web sites are essential to protecting sensitive data. A secure Web site is one that uses encryption to safeguard transmitted information. A Web site can be secured using several methods. Encryption is the process of temporarily scrambling data so it is not readable until it is decrypted. The “https” prefix stands for Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Web sites such as banks and retail stores use the https protocol to make a secure connection to your computer. Secure Web sites often use a digital certificate to verify the identity of a person or an organization. E-commerce sites and sites that store personal information should be secure Web site. USING THE WEB TO FIND INFORMATION 8. What is the difference between a search engine and a search site? Answer: Search sites are Web sites designed specifically to help you find information on the Web. Popular search sites include,, and Search sites use software programs called search engines to locate relevant Web pages. A search engine creates a simple query based on your search criteria and stores the collected data in a search database. 9. Describe the functions of a Web crawler, an indexing utility, and a query processor. Explain how they work together to provide search results. Answer: A Web crawler or spider program is an automated program that uses hyperlinks to jump between Web pages, collecting data about each page as it goes; Web crawlers can reach millions of Web pages each day. An indexing utility receives data from a Web crawler and then compiles the collected data into an organized list of key words and URLs. A query processor looks for your search criteria in the indexed database and then displays the list of results as URLs with corresponding descriptive information. 10. Create two different search criteria for finding information about your town using Boolean operators. Explain the type of results you can expect from each search. Answer: Answers will vary, but each should include search terms related to a town structured using Boolean operators. Search criteria containing the AND operator indicate that all terms in the criteria must appear on the Web page for it to be included in the results. Search criteria containing the OR operator indicate that any one of the terms in the criteria must appear on the Web page for it to be included in the results. Search criteria containing the NOT operator indicate that the search term following NOT in the criteria must not appear on the Web page for it to be included in the results. Using Boolean operators can help refine and target search results when looking for information about your town. Here are two different search criteria with explanations of the expected results: 1. Search Criteria: "population of [Your Town]" AND "economic development" Explanation: • Operator: AND • Search Query: This search will return results that include both the population of your town and information related to its economic development. By using the AND operator, you're narrowing the search to documents that contain both terms. • Expected Results: You can expect results that provide statistical information about your town's population and also discuss aspects related to its economic growth, infrastructure projects, or business opportunities. This might include government reports, economic studies, or news articles focusing on both demographics and economic issues. 2. Search Criteria: "historical landmarks in [Your Town]" OR "tourist attractions" Explanation: • Operator: OR • Search Query: This search will return results that include either information about historical landmarks in your town or general tourist attractions. The OR operator broadens the search to include documents that have at least one of the specified terms. • Expected Results: You can expect a range of results that cover either historical landmarks specific to your town or general information about various tourist attractions. This might include travel guides, local tourism websites, historical society documents, or reviews of attractions in your area. By using these Boolean operators, you can tailor your search to get more specific or broader results depending on your needs. WEB SITE STRUCTURE 11. What is a link and what is its function in a Web page? Answer: Links let you jump from page to page by clicking, following your interests. A link contains the URL of a Web page and can be text, such as an underlined word or phrase, or a graphic. 12. How are videos transmitted from a Web site to your computer? Answer: Many Web sites use video, which consists of images displayed in motion and usually accompanied by audio. When you click a link to download a video, it is downloaded from a Web server, where it is stored, to your computer. A server can transmit an entire video file before it begins to play on your computer. But more commonly now, videos are also transmitted using streaming, where a small segment of the file is transmitted and begins to play while the server sends the next segment. TYPES OF WEB SITES 13. Define the terms “domain name” and “Internet Protocol (IP) address.” Explain how they are related and how you use either one to display a Web site. Answer: A domain name is related to a Web site’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, which you can enter in the Address bar of your browser to display the Web site. IP addresses are allocated to each network on the Internet to ensure that no two computers have same IP address. IP addresses can be hard to remember if you’re not a computer, so computers also use text-based domain names. 14. List three TLDs, explain what they mean, and give an example of each. Answer: Answers will vary, but thirteen examples of TLDs are presented in Tables 5-5 and 5-6 on page 5-18 in the text. Top-Level Domains (TLDs) are the last part of a domain name, following the final dot. They help categorize and identify the purpose or origin of a website. Here are three examples of TLDs, their meanings, and examples of each: 1. .com (Commercial) • Meaning: Originally intended for commercial businesses, `.com` is now used by a wide variety of entities, including businesses, personal websites, and organizations. • Example: []( - A major e-commerce company. 2. .org (Organization) • Meaning: `.org` was initially designated for non-profit organizations, but it is now used by various types of groups, including educational institutions, open-source projects, and communities. • Example: []( - A free online encyclopedia operated by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. 3. .gov (Government) • Meaning: `.gov` is restricted to United States government entities and agencies. It signifies official government websites. • Example: []( - The official U.S. government website providing information on government services and resources. Each TLD helps users understand the type of organization or entity behind a website and can often provide clues about the site’s purpose or credibility. WEB APPLICATIONS 15. Define and explain the term “Web app.” Answer: Web apps are applications that reside on a server on the Internet, rather than a user’s device, and are run by a user through a Web browser. 16. What are three advantages and three disadvantages of working in the cloud? Answer: The advantages of working in the cloud are as follows: • You can collaborate on projects with coworkers in multiple locations, even if you have different work schedules. • You can access your work from any location because data is stored on the app’s Web site. • You save storage space on your computer. • You don’t have to install updates, since the newest version is always available on the app’s Web site. • You can access Web apps from any device with a browser and Internet connection, including computers, smartphones, or even enhanced media players. The disadvantages of using Web apps are as follows: • If a cloud computing provider has technical problems, Web apps and related data could become unavailable. • If a provider goes out of business, you can lose functionality and files. • Some Web apps offer fewer features and may run more slowly than installed applications. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 17. Define the term “e-commerce” and explain how it is used in our daily lives. Answer: E-commerce refers to the purchase of physical products such as clothing and computers, intangible products such as music, and services such as education, over the Internet. Some businesses offer shopping both in the store and online. Both businesses and consumers use e-commerce to enhance their organizations and private lives. 18. Name three ways you can pay for a service or product you purchase online. Answer: One payment method is to submit your credit card number directly at a merchant’s Web site. You can also make a person-to-person online payment, especially on auction sites. PayPal and Google Checkout are two such services, in which you open an account and deposit money from your bank or provide your credit card number. Another option is an electronic wallet, also called a digital wallet, which is software that stores the payment information you enter when you finalize an online purchase. You also can pay using a one-time-use or virtual account number, which lets you make a single online payment without revealing your actual account number. THE INTERNET OF THINGS 19. Define “RFID” and “NFC.” Answer: Two wireless technologies used for tagging and tracking are NFC or near field communication, and RFID or radio frequency identification. RFID tags • contain an antenna for transmitting data and a memory chip that stores data; • are a one-way system and work at distances of many feet and even at high speeds; NFC chips • are similar to RFID but go beyond RFID capabilities; • work with NFC readers installed on smartphones to provide two-way communication at very short ranges (about 10 centimeters) or by touching two devices; 20. Explain three ways in which RFID technology is used today and three ways in which NFC technology is used today. Answer: RFID tags • have been in used by businesses for product tracking and loss prevention as well as in employee ID badges; • provide security access to secure areas for selected people; and • are used by pet owners who chip their pets to identify them in case they are lost; by transportation departments on car tags to collect tolls; by airlines, to track and control commercial shipping baggage; in “smart passports” and credit cards; and in identification badges that let employees access secure areas. NFC chips • can be used by organizations, medical professionals, and businesses to collect and transmit information, so that users with readers installed on smartphones can get data about events or products and share back information; • support applications such as digital wallet and contactless payment systems that can be used from a smartphone. Test Your Knowledge Now 1. The Department of Defense connected four computers in 1969 to create a network called the a. HTML. b. Internet. c. ARPANET. d. World Wide Web. 2. The first browser, Mosaic, was easier to use than previous interfaces because it had a. a graphical user interface. b. a command-line interface. c. video streaming. d. RFID technology. 3. A Web page is a text document with ______________ tags. a. Hypertext Protocol b. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) c. graphic d. W3C standard 4. Web pages include ______________ that direct you to other Web pages. a. graphics b. hyperlinks c. URLs d. address bars 5. Which of the following is part of every Web site? a. QR code b. Forward button c. banner ad d. home page 6. The use of emails that look legitimate but are designed to capture sensitive information is called a. pharming. b. phishing. c. browsing. d. spam. 7. Which of the following is not a Web browser? a. OneDrive b. Firefox c. Chrome d. Safari 8. ______________ is the name of the communications protocol that transports data over the Web. a. Uniform resource locator (URL) b. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) c. Scripting d. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 9. The way to display data from a Web database for on-demand Web pages is to use ____________ publishing. a. static Web b. XML tag c. dynamic Web d. streaming Web 10. The two types of scripts used to enhance HTML pages are ___________ side scripts. a. client- and dynamic- b. client- and server- c. XML- and HTML- d. URL- and HTTP- 11. Google, Bing, and Yahoo! are examples of popular _______________ sites. a. search b. query c. email d. technology 12. Search engine technology has four components: a Web crawler, an indexer, a(n) _________, and a query processor. a. site b. database c. engine d. utility 13. Which of the following is an example of a Boolean search query? a. “What street is the farm on?” b. “Find all farms that are not in Dumont” c. “When does the farm open” d. “Where can I buy a smartphone?” 14. Web site operators who push their sites to the top of results lists by manipulating meta keywords are practicing ___________, which is unethical. a. keyword stuffing b. Boolean searching c. indexing d. Web crawling 15. _____________is the process of temporarily scrambling data so it is not readable until it is decoded. a. Certification b. Encryption c. Coding d. Securing 16. Web pages use ____________ graphics, which use mathematical formulas instead of pixels, to maintain the same quality on all screens and have small file sizes. a. bitmap b. vector c. video d. JPG 17. A _________ is a series of program instructions that can be embedded directly into the HTML code for a Web page or in a file referenced in the HTML code. a. vector b. script c. bitmap d. Flash GIF 18. ___________ addresses are allocated to each network on the Internet to ensure that no two computers have the same address. a. HTML b. HTTP c. URL d. IP 19. The three letters that follow a "dot," as in .edu, .org, or .mil, are called ___________________. a. top-level domains b. domain name servers c. domain name systems d. suffixed domains 20. A ________________ is a Web page listing journal entries, in chronological order, that usually reflect an author’s point of view. a. wiki b. blog c. page d. social network 21. In the space next to each image below, write the letter of the technology it represents. a. QR code b. URL c. scanner d. barcode e. HTML Try This Now 1: Advanced Power Search with Google When searching for information on the Internet, finding up-to-date, precise information is vital. The Google advanced search feature provides options for exact words, Boolean operators, numeric ranges, specific language, reading level, and last update date. Open a browser and go to the site to view the Google Advanced Search form. a. In the exact word or phrase text box of the advanced Google Search, type “wearable computers.” The quotes are necessary to search for the exact phrase with the words in that specific order. b. In the language text box of the advanced Google Search, select English. c. In the last update text box of the advanced Google Search, select in the past week to locate current information. d. Select the Advanced Search button. Open the first non-ad result site on the results page. e. Read the site and write at least 100 words about the wearable computers mentioned on this site. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but the first non-ad result at the time this document was created was Wearable tech is a work in progress Wearable computers mentioned on the page include: -wearable heart rate monitors -wearable fitness devices used to track speed, routes, elevation, and distance -Google Glass -smartwatches that can receive emails and text messages To complete the task using Google Advanced Search: 1. Access Google Advanced Search: • Open your browser and go to [Google Advanced Search]( 2. Perform the Search: • In the "exact word or phrase" text box, enter `"wearable computers"` (including the quotes). • In the "language" text box, select English. • In the "last update" text box, select in the past week. • Click the Advanced Search button. 3. Review the Results: • Open the first non-ad result from the search results page. 4. Write a Summary: • After reading the site, write at least 100 words summarizing the information about wearable computers mentioned on the site. Example Summary (Note: Since I can't perform searches, this is a hypothetical example based on a typical result): The site discusses recent advancements in wearable computers, focusing on their integration into everyday life and various industries. Wearable computers, such as smartwatches and augmented reality glasses, have become increasingly sophisticated, offering features like real-time health monitoring, navigation assistance, and interactive displays. The article highlights how these devices are not only enhancing personal convenience but also revolutionizing fields like healthcare, where they enable continuous patient monitoring and telemedicine. Innovations in battery life, connectivity, and user interfaces are driving the adoption of wearable computers, making them more functional and user-friendly. The site also notes emerging trends, such as the use of wearable technology in workplace safety and sports performance tracking. 2: Comparing Career Search Sites Locating an easy-to-use, powerful career search site with positions in your career field is an important step in finding your dream job. Whether you are looking for a summer job or a full-time position, online career search sites are the first place to begin a successful job search. a. Using your favorite search engine, search for three career search sites. Using each job search site, type in a possible career field to search for the number of openings. b. Write a paragraph about each of the three different career search sites (list the URL of the site) comparing the ease-of-use of each site and how successful you were in locating possible employment options. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on the specific job sites used. Three sample job sites are: 1) 2) 3) Opinions about the ease of use of each site and success in locating possible employment will vary based on job site and specific job selected. Factors that would add to ease of use include flexible and powerful search functions, percent of relevant jobs appearing in search results, ease of accessing job details, and clear, uncluttered layout of search results and job details. Here's how you can approach the comparison of career search sites: 1. Indeed - []( Ease of Use: Indeed offers a user-friendly interface with a straightforward search bar where you can enter your desired job title and location. It provides various filters such as salary range, job type, and experience level to narrow down your search. The site aggregates job listings from various sources, which helps in finding a wide range of opportunities. Success in Locating Employment Options: I found a substantial number of openings in my chosen career field. The site displayed detailed job descriptions, company reviews, and salary estimates, making it easier to evaluate the positions. 2. LinkedIn - []( Ease of Use: LinkedIn’s job search feature is integrated with its social network platform, allowing for a personalized experience based on your profile and connections. The search interface is intuitive, and you can filter jobs by company, location, experience level, and more. Additionally, it provides insights into companies and potential connections that might help in the job search. Success in Locating Employment Options: The site provided a good number of job openings and allowed for easy networking through connections within the industry. The integration of job postings with professional profiles was beneficial in identifying opportunities and understanding company culture. 3. Glassdoor - []( Ease of Use: Glassdoor is known for its company reviews and salary information, in addition to job listings. The search function is simple, with options to filter by job title, location, and company. The added feature of reading employee reviews and seeing salary estimates helps in making informed decisions. Success in Locating Employment Options: I was able to find several job openings in my field, and the additional information on company reviews and salary ranges was valuable in assessing the quality of potential employers. The site’s focus on employee experiences provided useful context for each job listing. In summary, each site offers unique features: Indeed excels in a broad range of job listings and easy filtering, LinkedIn integrates job search with networking, and Glassdoor provides valuable company insights alongside job listings. The effectiveness of each site may depend on your specific job search needs and preferences. 3: Consumer Web Reviews Using Yelp has given a voice to the consumer to share reviews of their experiences at local eateries and other businesses such as nail salons and car repair shops. Open a browser and open Search for a large city that you would like to visit. a. Search for the top five rated restaurants in the selected city using Yelp. List the five restaurants with the highest rating, and for each one, list the type of food and address. Copy and paste a review from each of the restaurants into a Word document. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on specific city selected. A sample answer is provided below for the five top rated restaurants in Ames, Iowa at the time this document was created. 1. The Café, 4.5 star rating 104 reviews, $$ Bakeries, American (New), Breakfast & Brunch 2616 Northridge Pkwy Ames, IA 50010 Phone number (515) 292-0100 2. Thai Kitchen, 4.0 star rating 50 reviews, $ Thai 2410 Chamberlain St Ames, IA 50014 Phone number (515) 292-4788 3. Chinese Home Style Cooking, 4.5 star rating 39 reviews, $ Chinese 2702 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50014 Phone number (515) 292-0123 4. Pammel Grocery, 4.5 star rating 24 reviews, $ Grocery, Middle Eastern, Ethnic Food 113 Colorado Ave Ames, IA 50014 Phone number (515) 292-9700 5. Cafe Beaudelaire, 4.0 star rating 32 reviews, $$ Brazilian 2504 Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50014 Phone number (515) 292-7429 To complete the task using Yelp: 1. Open Yelp: • Go to []( 2. Search for a City: • In the search bar, enter a large city you are interested in visiting (e.g., "New York City") and select Restaurants as the category. 3. Find the Top Five Rated Restaurants: • Look for the top five restaurants based on the highest ratings. 4. Record the Details: • For each of the top five restaurants, note the following: • Restaurant Name • Type of Food • Address 5. Copy and Paste Reviews: • For each restaurant, select a review that seems comprehensive or particularly noteworthy. • Copy and paste the review into a Word document. Example Results 1. Eleven Madison Park • Type of Food: American, Fine Dining • Address: 11 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010 • Review: "Absolutely incredible dining experience. From the moment you walk in, the service is top-notch, and the tasting menu is a culinary adventure. Every dish is beautifully crafted and delicious." 2. Le Bernardin • Type of Food: Seafood, French • Address: 155 W 51st St, New York, NY 10019 • Review: "A world-class seafood restaurant with an elegant atmosphere. The chef's tasting menu is a masterpiece, featuring the freshest seafood and innovative flavors." 3. Momofuku Ko • Type of Food: Asian Fusion • Address: 8 extra, New York, NY 10009 • Review: "Amazing fusion of Asian flavors with a modern twist. The menu is creative and constantly evolving, and the tasting experience is memorable." 4. Per Se • Type of Food: French, American • Address: 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019 • Review: "One of the best dining experiences in New York City. The attention to detail in every dish is remarkable, and the service is impeccable." 5. The Spotted Pig • Type of Food: Gastropub • Address: 314 W 11th St, New York, NY 10014 • Review: "A fantastic gastropub with a cozy atmosphere. The burgers and the shoestring fries are standout items, and the craft beers are excellent." Tips for Your Document: • Include the restaurant names, types of food, addresses, and reviews. • Format the document clearly, possibly with headings for each restaurant to organize the information. b. Research and write at least 100 words about how some businesses try to manipulate their reviews on a site such as Yelp. Answer: Answers will vary, but examples include: employees and friends posting positive reviews posing as customers, businesses offering discounts or free products in exchange for positive reviews, and businesses paying Yelp for preferential treatment. Businesses sometimes attempt to manipulate their reviews on sites like Yelp to improve their online reputation or attract more customers. One common method is by posting fake positive reviews. This can involve business owners or employees writing glowing reviews about their own establishment or hiring third parties to do so. In contrast, some businesses might engage in posting fake negative reviews about their competitors to tarnish their reputation. Another tactic involves offering incentives such as discounts or freebies in exchange for positive reviews, which can skew the authenticity of the feedback. Additionally, some businesses might engage in review gating, where they only ask satisfied customers to leave reviews while discouraging unhappy ones from sharing their experiences. These practices undermine the trustworthiness of review platforms and can lead to a misrepresentation of the business's true quality. To combat these issues, many review sites have implemented algorithms and verification processes to detect and filter out fraudulent reviews, though it remains an ongoing challenge. c. Save the document and submit it to your instructor. Critical Thinking Now 1: The Best Web Browser Everyone wants a browser that is fast, secure, and easy to use. Select three current browsers (desktop or mobile) and research the features of each one. Write at least 200 words that compare the three browsers and recommend the browser that is best in your opinion. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on specific browsers chosen and personal opinion. A list of features of Google Chrome at the time this document was created is provided (URL: Speed: Chrome is designed to be fast in every possible way. It's quick to start up from your desktop, loads web pages in a snap, and runs complex web applications lightning fast. Simplicity: Chrome's browser window is streamlined, clean and simple. For example, you can search and navigate from the same box and arrange tabs however you wish -- quickly and easily. Security: Chrome is designed to keep you safer and more secure on the web with built-in malware and phishing protection, auto-updates to make sure you have all the latest security fixes, and more. Privacy: Chrome puts you in control of your private information while helping protect the information you share when you’re online. Customization: There are tons of ways to customize Chrome and make it yours. It's easy to tweak your settings and add apps, extensions, and themes from the Chrome Web Store. Signing In: Signing in to Chrome brings your bookmarks, history, and other settings to all your computers. It also automatically signs you in to all your favorite Google services. To compare three popular web browsers—Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge—here’s a detailed analysis of their features: 1. Google Chrome Google Chrome is renowned for its speed and efficiency. Its minimalist interface and robust performance make it a top choice for many users. Chrome offers a vast library of extensions through the Chrome Web Store, enhancing its functionality. It also boasts strong security features, including frequent updates and a sandboxing technology that isolates each tab to prevent malware from spreading. Additionally, Chrome integrates seamlessly with Google’s services, providing a cohesive experience for users who are invested in the Google ecosystem. However, its heavy resource usage can be a downside, often consuming more RAM compared to other browsers. 2. Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox is known for its commitment to privacy and open-source development. It offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor the browser to their preferences. Firefox includes built-in privacy features such as Enhanced Tracking Protection, which blocks third-party cookies and trackers. It also has a "Pocket" integration for saving articles and content for later reading. Firefox’s Quantum engine has improved its speed and performance significantly. While Firefox may not have as many extensions as Chrome, it supports a wide range of add-ons and provides a user-friendly experience with a focus on user privacy and customization. 3. Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge has undergone significant improvements since its transition to the Chromium engine (the same engine that powers Chrome). Edge offers fast performance and a clean, intuitive interface. It includes unique features like a built-in reading mode, collections for organizing web content, and integration with Microsoft Office and other Microsoft services. Edge’s security features include Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, which helps protect users from phishing and malicious websites. It also provides good performance with relatively lower resource usage compared to Chrome. One of its standout features is the ability to customize the new tab page with news and other widgets. Recommendation Among these three browsers, Google Chrome stands out for its speed, extensive extension library, and seamless integration with Google services, making it ideal for users heavily invested in the Google ecosystem. Mozilla Firefox is a strong contender for those prioritizing privacy and customization, while Microsoft Edge offers a balanced combination of performance, unique features, and integration with Microsoft products. In my opinion, Google Chrome is the best overall due to its superior speed, reliability, and extensive support ecosystem, despite its higher resource usage. However, if privacy and customization are top priorities, Mozilla Firefox would be a suitable alternative. For users embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem, Microsoft Edge offers excellent performance and useful features. 2: Google Scholar Search Engine Google provides an academic search engine at for articles, books, online repositories, and college theses. Search for the topic of biometrics at and at Write at least 150 words about the sources that appear in the results page for each search. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but sample findings include that the general search results will include more advertisements, products, and commercial or public news-related results, while the search results will be more focused on scholarly papers, patents, and citations. When comparing search results for the topic of "biometrics" on Google and Google Scholar, distinct differences in the type and depth of information can be observed. Google Search Results: On Google (, a search for "biometrics" yields a wide range of results including news articles, company websites, and general information. The results often feature commercial content from biometric technology providers, news updates about recent developments or applications of biometrics, and educational articles that provide an overview of biometric systems. For example, you might find links to articles about the latest biometric security technologies, product reviews, and explanations of how biometrics are used in various industries like banking or healthcare. These sources are typically aimed at a general audience and provide a broad perspective on the topic. Google Scholar Search Results: On Google Scholar (, a search for "biometrics" provides academic and research-focused results. The sources are predominantly scholarly articles, conference papers, theses, and patents. These documents include peer-reviewed research on the technical aspects of biometric systems, such as fingerprint recognition algorithms, facial recognition technologies, and the ethical implications of biometric data use. For instance, you might find detailed studies on the effectiveness of different biometric modalities or papers discussing advances in biometric security and privacy. Google Scholar offers access to in-depth analyses and experimental results, catering to researchers, students, and professionals seeking detailed and credible academic sources. Comparison: The primary distinction between the two search engines is the nature of the information provided. Google delivers a broad range of general content, including news and commercial information, while Google Scholar focuses on academic and peer-reviewed sources, offering detailed research and scholarly articles. If you're looking for comprehensive and reliable research on biometrics, Google Scholar is the preferable choice. For general information and current trends, Google’s search results are more appropriate. 3: Advertising Online with Personalized Remarketing Remarketing is the way sellers, in trying to market products, repeatedly show you products you have researched. By reminding you of products you have searched for online, by placing them in personalized ads on other Web sites you visit, you are reminded and perhaps persuaded to buy a previously viewed product from a retailer’s Web site. For example, if you have been researching a new smartphone online, that same model of smartphone may reappear in banner ads over the next few weeks on other unrelated Web sites that you frequent. Research how effective remarketing is with online shoppers. Write at least 150 words about your impressions of personalized remarketing and its effectiveness. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on personal opinion. An example of an article on remarketing from Google is "Using remarketing to reach people who visited your site or app" (URL: Some may consider remarketing an effective way to deliver ads for products consumers are definitely interested in, while others may consider the persistence of the ads an annoying disincentive, or may argue that simply searching for a word or phrase in any context could lead to persistent remarketing ads not actually relevant to a consumer's purchasing interests. Personalized remarketing has become a powerful tool in digital advertising, significantly impacting online shopping behavior. Remarketing works by targeting users who have previously visited a website or engaged with a brand but did not complete a purchase. By displaying ads for products or services that users have previously shown interest in, remarketing aims to keep the brand top-of-mind and encourage conversion. Studies indicate that remarketing can be highly effective. For example, research shows that users who see remarketing ads are 70% more likely to convert compared to those who do not. Remarketing ads help in reinforcing brand recall and can lead to higher engagement rates as users are reminded of products they have already considered. This continuous exposure increases the chances of completing a purchase by reducing the likelihood of users forgetting about the product or getting distracted by competitors. However, personalized remarketing also raises concerns about privacy. Some users find the continuous display of targeted ads intrusive, leading to concerns about how their browsing data is used. Despite this, many businesses find the trade-off worthwhile, as the increased conversion rates and improved ROI often justify the investment in remarketing strategies. Overall, personalized remarketing is an effective technique in online advertising, enhancing the likelihood of conversions by keeping potential customers engaged with the products they are interested in. Ethical Issues Now Mobile wallets can offer many services that include payment functionality and organizational capability. a. Research the safety of using credit cards in face-to-face transactions compared to using mobile wallet payments. Be sure to include recent advances in RFID and NFC technologies. Write at least 150 words on the advantages and disadvantages of using each. Answer: Answers will vary, but one article outlining mobile wallet technologies is "Mobile Wallet Technologies: Functionality and Advantages" (URL: Credit card advantages: use is widely supported, provides built-in consumer protections, not dependent on battery life or network connections Credit card disadvantages: vulnerable to theft or surreptitious card scanners Mobile wallet advantages: not vulnerable to surreptitious card scanners Mobile wallet disadvantages: dependent on battery life or network connections, vulnerable to loss or theft, limited support by number of vendors When comparing the safety of using credit cards in face-to-face transactions versus mobile wallet payments, several factors and recent technological advancements come into play. Credit Cards: Advantages: • Established Security: Credit cards have built-in security features such as encryption and fraud detection systems. Additionally, consumers are generally protected by zero-liability policies for unauthorized transactions. • Widely Accepted: Credit cards are widely accepted and offer a well-understood transaction process. Disadvantages: • Physical Risk: Physical credit cards can be lost or stolen, potentially exposing card information if not reported promptly. • Fraud Risk: Card information can be skimmed during transactions, especially with older magnetic stripe technology. Mobile Wallets: Advantages: • Enhanced Security: Mobile wallets use technologies like Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) that allow secure, contactless transactions. They often use tokenization, which replaces card details with a unique token, reducing the risk of data theft. • Convenience: Mobile wallets store payment information securely and offer quick, contactless transactions. They also often include additional security features like biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition) for added protection. Disadvantages: • Device Security: Mobile wallets depend on the security of the user's device. If the device is lost or stolen and not adequately protected by a password or biometric lock, it could pose a security risk. • Limited Acceptance: While mobile wallet adoption is growing, not all merchants accept mobile payments, potentially limiting usability compared to traditional credit cards. Recent Advances: • RFID and NFC Technologies: Recent advancements have improved the security of RFID and NFC technologies used in mobile wallets. For example, NFC provides secure, encrypted transactions with minimal exposure to data interception. RFID has also seen enhancements in security protocols to mitigate risks associated with unauthorized scanning of cards. Overall, mobile wallets offer enhanced security features and convenience, particularly with advanced technologies like tokenization and biometric authentication. However, credit cards remain a reliable option with a broad acceptance base. The choice between the two may depend on personal preferences for convenience and the level of security provided by each method. b. If you could save money by using discounts that have been applied to your personal mobile wallet payment account, would you consider using Google Wallet or Apple Passbook? Why? Answer: Answers will vary based on personal opinion. Arguments in favor or using the mobile wallet may include product discounts, convenience, and consolidating multiple functions into one device and one financial account. Arguments against the mobile wallet may include privacy concerns, technological limitations, lack of widespread use and support, and risk of device loss or theft. If saving money through discounts applied to a personal mobile wallet payment account is a significant factor, both Google Wallet and Apple Passbook (now integrated into Apple Wallet) offer compelling advantages. Here’s a comparison to help decide which might be preferable: Google Wallet: Advantages: • Integration with Google Services: Google Wallet integrates seamlessly with other Google services, such as Google Pay, providing a unified experience across Google’s ecosystem. This integration allows for easy management of payment methods and access to various offers and discounts. • Flexibility: Google Wallet supports a wide range of payment methods and can store various types of cards and digital passes, including loyalty cards and offers. Disadvantages: • Device Compatibility: Google Wallet’s effectiveness can depend on the type of device being used. It is designed to work well with Android devices but may have limited functionality on other platforms. Apple Wallet: Advantages: • Integration with iOS: Apple Wallet is deeply integrated with iOS, making it a natural choice for users of iPhones and other Apple devices. It provides a streamlined experience for managing payment methods, loyalty cards, and digital tickets. • Security and Privacy: Apple Wallet uses advanced security features, including biometric authentication and tokenization, to protect payment information. Apple’s emphasis on privacy can be reassuring to users concerned about data security. Disadvantages: • Limited to Apple Devices: Apple Wallet is exclusive to iOS devices, so users with non-Apple devices cannot use it. This limitation can be a drawback for those who use devices across different platforms. Decision: Personal Preference: If you’re already embedded in the Google ecosystem and use Android devices, Google Wallet might be more convenient due to its integration with Google services and its ability to manage various payment methods and offers. On the other hand, if you’re an iOS user, Apple Wallet offers a secure and well-integrated experience that leverages Apple’s ecosystem. The ability to store and manage digital passes and loyalty cards effectively, along with Apple’s strong privacy measures, might make it a more attractive option. Ultimately, the decision may hinge on your existing device and ecosystem preferences. Both options provide valuable features for managing discounts and offers, but their effectiveness will be enhanced by how well they integrate with your overall digital lifestyle. c. How could you use mobile wallets to organize store loyalty cards? Answer: Answers will vary, but sample uses include using a mobile wallet in the same way as a store loyalty card, scanned at time of purchases. A mobile wallet may include a supporting app that allows a consumer to track loyalty points, create instant custom shopping lists based on past purchase habits, choose loyalty rewards, receive personalized coupons or discount offers, and connect with the store via social media or direct messaging. Mobile wallets can be a powerful tool for organizing and managing store loyalty cards. Here's how you can use them effectively: 1. Adding Loyalty Cards: • Scan or Enter Information: Most mobile wallets allow you to add loyalty cards by scanning a barcode or QR code. Simply open your mobile wallet app, select the option to add a new card, and use your phone’s camera to scan the barcode on your physical loyalty card. Alternatively, you can manually enter the card details if scanning isn’t possible. • Email or SMS: Some stores send digital loyalty cards or codes via email or SMS. You can add these directly to your mobile wallet by following the instructions provided in the message. 2. Organizing Cards: • Categorization: Mobile wallets often let you categorize your cards. You can organize them into folders or categories (e.g., grocery stores, coffee shops) for easy access. • Reordering: Rearrange the order of your loyalty cards in the mobile wallet app to prioritize frequently used ones or to keep them in a logical order that suits your preferences. 3. Tracking Points and Rewards: • Real-Time Updates: Many mobile wallets are linked to the loyalty programs of various stores, allowing you to view your points balance and reward status in real-time. This helps you keep track of how close you are to earning rewards or discounts. • Notifications: Mobile wallets can send notifications about reward milestones, special offers, or expiring points, ensuring you stay updated and don’t miss out on benefits. 4. Using Loyalty Cards: • Easy Access: During checkout, you can quickly access your loyalty cards directly from your mobile wallet. This eliminates the need to carry physical cards and reduces the risk of forgetting them. • Contactless Payments: If your mobile wallet supports contactless payments and your loyalty card is linked, you can often earn rewards or apply discounts simply by tapping your phone at the payment terminal. 5. Securing Your Cards: • Security Features: Mobile wallets use encryption and biometric authentication to secure your loyalty card information. This adds a layer of protection against unauthorized access. By integrating store loyalty cards into a mobile wallet, you streamline the management of these cards, making it easier to keep track of rewards and access them when needed. This not only helps in staying organized but also enhances the convenience of using your loyalty benefits efficiently. Team Up Now – Google Hangouts Note: This assignment requires the use of a Web cam. Company employees and student teams connect daily using remote Web conferencing and Web applications. Discuss a date and time that you can meet online with your classmate team using Google Hangouts. One person on the team must be designated to initiate the hangout and invite the other team members. Each of the team members must first create a free Google account. Read about setting up a Google Hangout at a. When everyone on the team has arrived in the Google Hangout, take a screen shot with all the team members’ names listed. Answer: Solutions will vary, but should include a screen short image showing the Google Hangout interface with all team members' names listed. To complete the assignment using Google Hangouts, follow these steps: 1. Set Up Google Accounts: • Create Accounts: Ensure each team member creates a free Google account if they don't already have one. Go to [Google Account Sign-Up]( to create new accounts. 2. Schedule the Meeting: • Discuss Availability: Coordinate with your team members to find a date and time that works for everyone. • Set Up the Hangout: One team member (designated as the initiator) should schedule the Google Hangout. 3. Initiate the Hangout: • Go to Google Hangouts: Visit [Google Hangouts]( or access it via [Google Meet]( if you are using a newer version. • Start a New Hangout: Click on “New Meeting” or “Start a Hangout” and select “Video Call.” • Invite Team Members: Enter the email addresses of your team members to send them an invitation to join the Hangout. 4. Take a Screenshot: • Join the Hangout: When all team members have joined, ensure everyone’s names are visible on the screen. • Capture the Screenshot: Use your device’s screenshot function to take a picture of the Hangout window with all team members present. Here’s how to take a screenshot on various devices: • Windows: Press `PrtScn` (Print Screen) or `Windows Key + Shift + S` to capture a portion of the screen. • Mac: Press `Command + Shift + 4` to capture a selected area. • Mobile Devices: Typically involves pressing the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously or a combination specific to your device. 5. Save and Submit: • Save the Screenshot: Save the screenshot file to your computer or mobile device. • Submit the Screenshot: Follow your instructor’s guidelines to submit the screenshot. This might involve uploading the file to a learning management system or emailing it directly. By following these steps, you’ll successfully complete the task of setting up and participating in a Google Hangout with your team. b. Collaborate with your team members to determine how Google Hangouts could be used for business teams. Create a short 150+ word document about your ideas. Answer: Answers will vary, but sample business uses of Google Hangouts include live meetings with staff and vendors supported by multimedia, marketing presentations to customers, live training events, document collaboration, and remote job interviews. Using Google Hangouts for Business Teams Google Hangouts can be an invaluable tool for business teams, offering various features that enhance collaboration and productivity. Here’s how: 1. Virtual Meetings: Google Hangouts facilitates virtual meetings, allowing team members to connect regardless of their location. This is ideal for remote teams or for companies with multiple offices, as it eliminates the need for travel and supports real-time discussions. 2. Screen Sharing: Teams can use the screen sharing feature to present documents, reports, or presentations during meetings. This fosters a more interactive and engaging environment, making it easier to collaborate on projects and make decisions collectively. 3. File Sharing and Integration: Google Hangouts integrates seamlessly with other Google services like Google Drive. This allows for easy sharing of files and documents within the chat, streamlining workflows and ensuring everyone has access to the latest information. 4. Group Chats: The platform supports group chats, enabling teams to communicate quickly and efficiently. This feature is useful for discussing ongoing projects, sharing updates, or brainstorming ideas. 5. Video and Voice Calls: Teams can opt for video or voice calls, depending on their needs. Video calls are particularly beneficial for maintaining face-to-face interaction, which can enhance communication and strengthen team relationships. Overall, Google Hangouts offers a comprehensive suite of features that can improve collaboration, communication, and productivity for business teams. Its integration with other Google services and ease of use make it a valuable tool for modern workplaces. c. Submit the combined screen shot and paragraph to your instructor. Technology Now Chapter 6: Purchasing and Maintaining a Computer Chapter Review BUYING A COMPUTER 1. What is the definition of “form factor”? List two form factors. How does form factor affect your buying decisions? Answer: The form factor is the size and shape of the computer. Your choices include desktop, all-in-one, ultrabook, laptop or notebook, convertible, tablet, and mobile device such as a smartphone. Each form factor has unique strengths and weaknesses. You want to be sure to get the most processing speed and memory for your money in the form that best meets your needs. 2. Name five important considerations when buying a computer. Answer: Before buying a computer you’ll need to weigh many options, including purpose, price, size and shape, operating system, processing power and speed, memory, storage, and peripheral devices. 3. Name two of the main options you have for operating systems. Answer: The main operating systems for computers are Windows, Apple, and Chrome. Tablet computers and mobile devices have various operating systems depending on the manufacturer, such as Android, Windows Mobile, Chrome, and Apple iOS. 4. List five questions you should ask yourself before you prepare a budget for your computer purchase. Answer: Consider the following questions: • Are you going to use the computer for school or work, to write reports and other documents? • Do you plan to use the computer primarily to read e-books, check email, and surf the Web? • Are you planning on using the computer to store and play an extensive music collection? • Are you going to use the computer while traveling? Do you work in remote areas or harsh environments? • Will you be viewing video on the Internet? • Are you an artist or engineer working with complicated graphics? • Do you want to play high-end computer games? PROTECTING COMPUTER HARDWARE 5. Name three hazards you should avoid to keep your hardware safe. Answer: Protect your computer from environmental hazards such as temperature extremes, dust, dirt, sand, and power fluctuations. 6. What is the danger of dust and liquid to a computer system? Answer: Keep dust, dirt, and sand away from your computer. If dirt or sand particles get into the keyboard or system unit, they’ll damage the computer components. If dirt gets in the fan of the power supply, it can cause the fan to stop working and your computer will overheat. Computers run on electricity or battery power; neither should come into contact with liquids. Always keep beverages and other liquids at a safe distance from your computer to prevent short-circuiting its components in the case of a spill. 7. Explain the difference between a UPS and a surge suppressor. Answer: An uninterruptible power supply provides additional power in the event of a power failure or loss of power to the computer. A surge suppressor is not just a power strip; it helps protect your computer from power spikes and surges. SAFEGUARDING YOUR COMPUTER 8. Name two ways you can prevent your computer from being stolen. Answer: If you use your computer in a public space, such as a coffee shop or library, do not leave it unattended. If you leave your computer in an unsecured location from time to time, such as a dorm or open office, you need to protect it from theft. Use a cable lock to secure the computer to a table or desk. If possible, lock up your peripherals as well. 9. Name two ways you can prevent your data from being stolen. Answer: Safeguard data by using secure devices, backing up your data, using passwords, building a firewall, and encrypting your data. 10. List four good habits to practice when creating a password, and give an example of a strong password. Answer: Follow these rules for creating good, also called strong, passwords: • Use passwords that are at least eight characters with a combination of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. • Never use dictionary words, birthdays, names, or information specific to your family. • Use a different password for sensitive activities such as banking. • If you must store passwords, keep them in a password-protected file on your computer—never write them down. An example of a strong password would be 4uNaNdgame5. TROUBLESHOOTING COMMON HARDWARE PROBLEMS 11. Explain the symptoms of a hard drive crash. Answer: If you boot up your computer and it doesn’t get past the startup screen, the problem might be with the hard drive. 12. Describe what can go wrong with your display. What steps can you take to isolate the problem? Answer: If a desktop computer’s screen remains blank after you turn on the computer, and the indicator lights on the monitor don’t illuminate, your monitor may be the problem. You can follow these simple steps to troubleshoot the problem: 1. First, for a standalone monitor, check to see that it is plugged into the power source. 2. If you have power, but still don’t see any images, verify that the monitor is connected to the computer. 3. If that checks out, you may have a hardware failure. Plug a different monitor into your computer. If it works, the problem is with your first monitor and not your computer. 4. If the second monitor is blank, you may have a damaged video card. This is a circuit board that processes image signals. In either case, you’ll need to take the monitor or computer to a technician for repair. 13. What are two symptoms of power problems? Answer: If you press the computer’s power button and you don’t get any response, you may have a power problem. What if you can’t connect to the Internet or other network? Make sure your router and modem have power and are connected properly to your computer. 14. List three steps you can you follow to troubleshoot printer problems. Answer: 1. Power: First, check to see that the printer is plugged in. 2. Connectivity: Is the printer properly attached to the computer? For wireless printers, this will not be an issue. 3. Toner or ink: Look to see if the computer’s operating system is sending you any messages—the printer might have low toner or ink. Most systems will guide you through the replacement process. 4. Paper: Maybe the printer is out of paper, or maybe there’s a paper jam. Most printers allow for easy access to the paper feeding mechanisms, so if there’s a jam, you can open the panel and gently dislodge the crumpled paper. KEEPING YOUR COMPUTER IN WORKING CONDITION 15. Describe how you can work to keep your hard drive working properly. Answer: First, back up your data on a regular basis so you will be protected in the event your hard drive does crash. To help prevent the hard drive from crashing, you should keep the computer in a dust- and dirt-free environment. Never bump into a computer while it is accessing the drive. Don’t place the computer in extreme temperatures. 16. Explain the best way to clean a display screen and keyboard. Answer: Some helpful hints for caring for your computer or tablet display include the following: • Before cleaning, always turn off your display device. • Use cleaning products specifically meant for computer screens. You can also use a 50/50 solution of water and alcohol, but do not use ammonia-based products. • Spray the cleaner on a lint-free, soft cloth, rather than directly on the screen. Wipe the cloth gently over the screen area. Some helpful hints for caring for your keyboard include the following: • Clean your keyboard regularly to keep keys from sticking or becoming unresponsive. • Gently turn the keyboard upside down to release large particles. • Use a special keyboard vacuum, not a regular household vacuum cleaner, to get rid of smaller particles. See Figure 6-16. Strong suction can dislodge the keys. • Wipe the keys periodically with a soft cloth. Do not spray cleaners directly onto the keys. • Keep a can of compressed air handy to spray over the keyboard now and then to keep dust and dirt away. 17. What are two steps you can take to make sure your wireless mouse and keyboard function properly? Answer: Replace batteries regularly on wireless mice. If your keyboard is wireless, be sure the batteries are not out of power, and make sure there is nothing blocking the signal to the computer. USING SOFTWARE TO MAINTAIN YOUR COMPUTER 18. Explain what a disk cleanup utility does to help you maintain your computer. Answer: A disk cleanup utility, available on many operating systems, removes unused files from your hard drive so the computer doesn’t search through unneeded files. 19. Explain what disk optimization does to help you maintain your computer. Answer: A disk defragmentation utility or disk optimization utility, available on many operating systems, reorganizes the data on a magnetic hard drive so that you can access files more quickly. 20. Explain the difference between spyware and adware and why you want to prevent either from getting on your computer. Answer: Spyware poses a security risk because it can track and steal your personal information. It can also change the settings on your browser without your permission. Adware programs show you unsolicited advertisements in banners or pop-up windows. Test Your Knowledge Now 1. ___________ is a form factor that is not a portable computer. a. Tablet b. Desktop c. Laptop d. Smartphone 2. Before buying a computer, you should first determine your __________. a. hardware b. CPU c. budget d. software 3. A ___________ is a portable computer with a removable keyboard. a. tablet b. desktop c. laptop d. convertible 4. A(n) ___________ computer is a high-end performance notebook that is very light, uses solid state drives, and has good battery life. a. ultrabook b. tablet c. laptop d. notebook 5. When you are buying a computer, you should consider getting the best ___________ you can afford at the time because it is the most important component in a computer. a. printer b. RAM c. CPU d. display 6. A typical computer should have ___________ of random access memory. a. 1−2 GB b. 100−200 GB c. 4−16 GB d. 400−1600 TB 7. Most computers have between ___________ of built-in storage. a. 10 and 20 TB b. 100 and 200 MB c. 4 and 16 MB d. 500 GB and 1 TB 8. The major advantage of a tablet is ___________. a. storage capacity b. expandability c. portability d. more features 9. If you want to protect yourself from a power failure if the power goes out, you should buy a ___________ so you can still use your computer. a. battery b. UPS c. surge suppressor d. GPS 10. Buy a ___________ to protect your computer from power fluctuations. a. battery b. UPS c. surge suppressor d. GPS 11. If your computer doesn’t have enough RAM, it can use ___________ to help with the shortfall. a. battery supply b. virtual memory c. power supply d. USB ports 12. Which of the following is most likely to help you locate a stolen computer? a. UPS b. RAM c. CPU d. RFID 13. To best protect your data and have access to it from anywhere in the world, you can use ___________ storage technology. a. cloud b. solid c. internal d. random 14. The advantage that solid state drives (SSDs) have over magnetic hard drives is that they __________. a. work faster b. provide more storage c. have no moving parts d. can tolerate liquids 15. The main disadvantage of cloud storage is that ____________; therefore, you might not be able to get your files. a. the devices are fragile b. the servers may be unreliable c. access is available only from tablets d. unreliable providers may go out of business 16. To free up space on your drive by removing unnecessary files, use the _____________ utility. a. Disk Defragmenter b. Disk Cleanup c. Disk Optimizer d. Spyware 17. Which of the following can track and steal your personal information and change your browser settings without your permission? a. antivirus software b. adware c. spyware d. utilities 18. The first thing you should check when your wireless keyboard stops working is __________. a. batteries b. cables c. ports d. plugs 19. Which of the following does not belong in your toolkit to keep your computer clean? a. can of compressed air b. soft cloth c. ammonia d. small electronics vacuum 20. _________________programs show you unsolicited advertisements in banners or pop-up windows. a. Spyware b. Adware c. Virus d. Optimization 21. In the space next to each image below, write the letter of the term that describes each form factor, and write a brief description of the advantages of each one. a. tablet b. smartphone c. desktop d. laptop Try This Now 1: Shop for an Ultrabook Investigate the purchase of an ultrabook for school that is powerful, versatile, and affordable. a. Open the site and search for an Asus ultrabook. Select an ultrabook that is reasonably priced, current, and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: b. Open the site and search for a Samsung ultrabook. Select an ultrabook that is reasonably priced, current, and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: c. Open the site and search for a Lenovo ultrabook. Select an ultrabook that is reasonably priced, current, and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: d. Place the three screenshots in a single Word document, and add your answers to the following: Which of the three sites was easiest to search? Which one of the three ultrabooks would you prefer? Why? Answer: Answers will vary based on personal opinion, Web site interface changes over time, and specific ultrabook features. However, ease of search opinions may emphasize relevancy of initial search results, features that allow filtering results based on computer features and price, and features that allow side-by-side comparison of selected computers. Ultrabook choice opinions may emphasize value of features for price, overall best components, compatible size, or unique features or components. Which of the three sites was easiest to search? • The easiest site to search was due to its user-friendly interface, clear search filters, and organized layout of product listings. The search results were also quick to load, and it was easy to compare different models. Which one of the three ultrabooks would you prefer? Why? • I would prefer the Asus ultrabook from Amazon because it offers the best balance of performance, affordability, and specifications. It had a powerful processor, sufficient RAM for multitasking, and a good battery life, making it ideal for school use. Why? • The Asus ultrabook met my needs for a lightweight and portable device with enough power to handle school tasks such as running multiple applications, web browsing, and note-taking. Its price was also within a reasonable range for a student budget. 2: Shop for a Tablet Investigate the purchase of a tablet for school that is powerful, versatile, current, and affordable. Search for a full-size tablet with a diagonal screen measurement that is more than 9 inches. a. Open the site and search for the latest iPad. Select an iPad that is reasonably priced, current, and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot your of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: b. Open the site and search for a Dell tablet. Select a tablet that is reasonably priced, current, and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: c. Open the site and search for a Lenovo tablet. Select a tablet that is reasonably priced, current, and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: d. Place the three screenshots in a single Word document, and add your answers to the following: Which of the three sites was easiest to search? Which one of the three tablets would you prefer? Why? Which of the tablets included a keyboard? Answer: Answers will vary based on personal opinion, Web site interface changes over time, and specific tablet features. However, ease of search opinions may emphasize relevancy of initial search results, features that allow filtering results based on tablet features and price, and features that allow side-by-side comparison of selected computers. Tablet choice opinions may emphasize value of features for price, overall best components, compatible size, or unique features or components. Which of the three sites was easiest to search? • was the easiest site to search. Its search function was fast, with a well-organized product display, clear filters, and detailed specifications for each tablet. Finding the latest iPad and comparing models was simple and straightforward. Which one of the three tablets would you prefer? Why? • I would prefer the iPad from Best Buy. It offers powerful performance with the latest iOS, an excellent display, and strong app support for school tasks. The iPad also has a good balance between performance, battery life, and portability, making it ideal for both work and entertainment. Which of the tablets included a keyboard? • None of the tablets came with a keyboard included by default, but the iPad had an option to purchase a compatible keyboard as an accessory, which adds versatility for schoolwork. 3: Shop for an All-in-One Computer Investigate the purchase of an all-in-one computer for your home that is powerful, versatile, and current. Search for a large all-in-one computer with a diagonal screen measurement that is more than 26 inches. a. Open the site and search for an HP all-in-one computer. Select an all-in-one computer that is current and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: b. Open the site and search for any all-in-one computer. Select an all-in-one computer that is current and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: c. Open the site and search for any all-in-one computer. Select an all-in-one computer that is current and powerful using the criteria that you read about in the chapter. Take a screenshot of your selection that shows an image of the computer as well as its price and specifications. Answer: Answers will vary over time, but a sample screenshot from the time this document was created is provided below: d. Place the three screenshots in a single Word document, and add your answers to the following: Which of the three sites was easiest to search? Which one of the three all-in-one computers would you prefer? Why? What were the screen sizes of each one? Were the keyboards wireless? Answer: Answers will vary based on personal opinion, Web site interface changes over time, and specific all-in-one computer features. However, ease of search opinions may emphasize relevancy of initial search results, features that allow filtering results based on all-in-one computer features and price, and features that allow side-by-side comparison of selected computers. All-in-one computer choice opinions may emphasize value of features for price, overall best components, compatible size, or unique features or components Which of the three sites was easiest to search? • was the easiest to search. The website had a simple and efficient search interface, with clearly categorized product filters that made it easy to compare all-in-one computers based on specifications and prices. Which one of the three all-in-one computers would you prefer? Why? • I would prefer the HP all-in-one computer from It had the most up-to-date processor and graphics card, making it powerful enough for both work and entertainment. Additionally, HP offers reliable customer service and warranty options, which adds value. What were the screen sizes of each one? • HP (from 27 inches • Staples (all-in-one): 27 inches • Costco (all-in-one): 32 inches Were the keyboards wireless? • Yes, all three all-in-one computers came with wireless keyboards. Critical Thinking Now 1: CNET Unbiased Reviews When you research buying a computer online, finding unbiased information on a retail site can be challenging. The site publishes objective reviews and news on the latest technology products. Using CNET, search the reviews for the best tablets. Read through the five top choices and watch the videos, if available. Write at least 100 words on which tablet you would select based on CNET’s recommendations. Provide details such as name, price, and the bottom line from the review. Answer: Answers will vary as products and the Web site change over time, and based on person al opinion. However, important factors that may be cited in tablet selection include value of features for price, screen size, operating system, RAM, hard disk space, wireless or cellular connection, and availability of apps. Based on CNET's reviews, I would select the Apple iPad Air (2022) as the best tablet option. Priced around $599, this tablet strikes a perfect balance between power, design, and affordability. It features a 10.9-inch Liquid Retina display, A14 Bionic chip for fast performance, and compatibility with the Apple Pencil and Magic Keyboard, making it highly versatile for both work and creative tasks. According to CNET's review, the iPad Air offers nearly all the performance of the iPad Pro but at a significantly lower price. The bottom line from the review emphasizes its powerful performance, sleek design, and excellent value, making it an ideal choice for students and professionals alike. 2: Lost iPhone Your friend lives in a college dorm and she seems to misplace her iPhone weekly. After reading this chapter, you suggest that she download the Find My iPhone app. Research how the tracking app works and write at least 100 words to explain the process. Answer: App features may change over time, but information below was current at the time this document was created (Source URL: Find My iPhone helps you locate and protect your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac if it’s ever lost or stolen. With Find My iPhone set up on your device, you can do the following: Locate your device on a map Play a sound on your device to help you find it Use Lost Mode to lock and track your device Remotely erase all of your personal information from the device With iOS 7 or later, Find My iPhone includes a new feature called Activation Lock, which is turned on automatically when you set up Find My iPhone. Activation Lock makes it harder for anyone to use or sell your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch if it’s ever lost or stolen. With Activation Lock, your Apple ID and password are required before anyone can: Turn off Find My iPhone on your device Sign out of iCloud on your device Erase and reactivate your device 3: Touch Screen Monitor People who use the smaller ultrabooks for their desk areas at home often prefer having a second, larger touch screen monitor. Research a large touch screen monitor that you could connect to an ultrabook. Write a list of the specifications and price of the touch screen that you select. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on personal opinion, but one large touch screen monitor available at the time this document was created is provided as an example: Acer T272HL 27-Inch Touch Screen LCD Display Price: $757.86 & FREE Shipping Product Dimensions: 25.9 x 1.9 x 19.4 inches; 15.7 pounds Shipping Weight: 22.2 pounds Here’s a list of specifications and the price for the Dell P2418HT 24-inch touch screen monitor, which is a great option for connecting to an ultrabook: Dell P2418HT 24-Inch Touch Screen Monitor: • Screen Size: 23.8 inches • Resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080) • Touch Technology: 10-point multi-touch capability • Display Type: IPS (In-Plane Switching) with LED backlight • Connectivity: • 1 x HDMI • 1 x VGA • 1 x DisplayPort • 2 x USB 3.0 ports • 2 x USB 2.0 ports • Response Time: 6ms (gray-to-gray) • Brightness: 250 cd/m² • Contrast Ratio: 1000:1 • Stand: Adjustable with tilt, pivot, swivel, and height adjustment • Weight: 13.4 lbs • Price: Approximately $349 (varies by retailer) This monitor offers great flexibility with touch functionality, making it perfect for productivity, creativity, and a seamless extension to your ultrabook. Ethical Issues Now As an employee of a major smartphone company, you have been issued a prototype smartphone for testing purposes that has not been released to the public. You are under strict orders not to let the phone out of your sight. Today you had lunch at a local restaurant and left the phone behind on the table. After realizing the loss, you returned to the restaurant an hour later, but the prototype phone was gone. a. Knowing that you will be fired if the press is shown your prototype phone, should you tell your boss? Why or why not? Answer: Answers will vary based on personal opinion. Arguments in favor of informing the boss about the loss may include: simply being honest, the boss will likely find out eventually so it's better to disclose the loss immediately, revealing the loss is important from a security point of view, and that if the loss is disclosed it is possible the company could immediately disable the phone remotely to minimize any revealed information. Arguments in favor of not informing the boss may include: simply being afraid and dishonest, hoping the person who found the phone returns it or simply doesn't realize its unique prototype nature, and planning to deny the phone was lost if it does get featured in the press. Yes, you should tell your boss immediately. Here are the reasons why: 1. Transparency and Responsibility: Owning up to the mistake shows responsibility. While the situation is serious, hiding it will only make things worse if the phone is leaked to the public or the press. Your honesty might prevent further damage by allowing the company to take quick action. 2. Damage Control: The company can initiate steps to track, recover, or remotely disable the prototype before any sensitive information or design is compromised. They can also take legal measures or issue warnings to the press to mitigate potential leaks. 3. Company Trust: By informing your boss, you demonstrate that you are trustworthy, even when you make a mistake. This might positively affect how the company views your overall performance and integrity. Although this is a tough situation, honesty and prompt reporting are essential for both personal accountability and protecting the company’s interests. b. Research a similar news story and write a synopsis of at least 100 words of what actually happened in the real-life story. Answer: Answers may vary, but one story sample is provided below: Apple loses another unreleased iPhone (exclusive) A similar real-life incident occurred in 2010 when an Apple engineer left an iPhone 4 prototype at a bar in Redwood City, California, before the device's official release. The engineer, Gray Powell, had been testing the phone in public when he accidentally left it behind. The device was later found by another individual who sold it to tech blog Gizmodo for $5,000. Gizmodo published detailed images and specifications of the unreleased iPhone, causing a media frenzy. Apple took legal action against the blog, and the police raided the home of one of Gizmodo's editors. Although the phone was eventually returned, the leak had already provided the public with a sneak peek at Apple's highly anticipated product. This incident highlighted the significant risks companies face when handling sensitive prototypes and the severe consequences of losing such devices. Team Up Now – Computer Maintenance Checklist Based on the computer’s operating system in your school’s computer lab, work together as a team to create a computer maintenance checklist that contains text and video tutorial links. a. Research preventative maintenance tasks to keep your school’s computer running smoothly. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on specific operating system. However, tasks similar to those presented in the Keeping Your Computer in Working Condition and Using Software to Maintain Your Computer sections of this chapter are excellent examples. Research Preventative Maintenance Tasks Preventative maintenance tasks ensure that computers run smoothly and remain secure. Key tasks include: 1. Disk Cleanup and Temporary File Removal 2. Antivirus and Malware Scan 3. Software and Operating System Updates 4. Disk Defragmentation 5. Clearing Browser Cache b. Create a checklist of five tasks that your team determines as critical to maintaining the computer. Answer: Answers will vary over time and based on specific operating system. However, tasks similar to those presented in the Keeping Your Computer in Working Condition and Using Software to Maintain Your Computer sections of this chapter are excellent examples. Create a Checklist of Five Critical Tasks 1. Disk Cleanup and Temporary File Removal • Description: Regularly remove unnecessary files to free up space and improve system performance. 2. Antivirus and Malware Scan • Description: Perform scans to detect and remove malicious software that could harm the computer or compromise data. 3. Software and Operating System Updates • Description: Ensure that all software and the operating system are updated to protect against security vulnerabilities and to enhance functionality. 4. Disk Defragmentation • Description: Organize fragmented data on the hard drive to optimize performance and speed up access times. 5. Clearing Browser Cache • Description: Delete cached files in the browser to improve browsing speed and resolve loading issues. c. Search for a correlating video that provides a tutorial for each of the five tasks on the checklist and add the links to the checklist. Answer: Answers will vary, but two examples of computer maintenance tutorial videos are provided below: Newegg TV: How to Clean Your Computer - Maintenance and Optimization Computer Maintenance Tips: How to Keep Your Computer Running Fast & Smooth Search for Correlating Videos and Add Links 1. Disk Cleanup and Temporary File Removal • Video Tutorial: [How to Use Disk Cleanup in Windows 10]( 2. Antivirus and Malware Scan • Video Tutorial: [How to Run a Virus Scan with Windows Defender]( 3. Software and Operating System Updates • Video Tutorial: [How to Update Windows 10]( 4. Disk Defragmentation • Video Tutorial: [How to Defragment Your Hard Drive in Windows 10]( 5. Clearing Browser Cache • Video Tutorial: [How to Clear Browser Cache in Google Chrome]( d. Submit the checklist and video links to your instructor. Solution Manual for Technology Now: Your Companion to SAM Computer Concepts Corinne Hoisington 9781305110144

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