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This Document Contains Chapters 1 to 5 Technology Now Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Hardware A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual: We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary. This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in orange that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): The Bottom Line which summarizes the main points in the section, Lecture Notes providing key section highlights, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software. In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources also include PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience. For your students: Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mobile devices. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Table of Contents
In this Chapter
1-2: Computers in History
1-4: Types of Computers
1-6: Input Devices
1-9: Using the Keyboard
1-10: Using Pointing Devices
1-12: Output Devices
1-14: Central Processing Unit
1-16: Digital Data Representation
1-17: Memory
1-19: Storage
1-22: End of Chapter Material
In This Chapter Computers in History Types of Computers Input Devices Using the Keyboard Using Pointing Devices Output Devices Central Processing Unit Digital Data Representation Memory Storage Computers in History THE BOTTOM LINE Computing has progressed from manual counting tools and mechanical calculators to several generations of electronic devices. The trend in computer hardware innovation is to make each new generation of computers more powerful, smaller, and faster than the last. LECTURE NOTES Review the history of early computing devices, including the abacus, slide rule, Analytical Engine, and Herman Hollerith's tabulating machine. Discuss the path of development in early computer technology, from vacuum tubes to transistors in the first and second generations of computers. Explain that the development of integrated circuits in the 1960s led to the modern generation of computer technology, including the invention of the microprocessor and personal computer. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The first commercially successful electronic computer was ____, a huge, expensive computer used for large-scale projects such as the U.S. Census. (UNIVAC) 2) In 1956, second-generation computers replaced vacuum tubes with ____, which were smaller, cheaper, and more reliable. (transistors) 3) In 1971, Ted Hoff moved computer technology to the fourth generation by developing the ____, which was even faster, smaller, and less expensive than earlier technology. (microprocessor) 4) The birth of the gaming industry took place in 1962 with a game called ____, developed by Steve Russell at MIT. (Spacewar) Types of Computers THE BOTTOM LINE Personal computers can be classified according to many criteria, but typical general categories are desktop computers, all-in-one computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices such as smartphones. Computers span a wide range of functions and formats including e-book readers, portable music players, and global positioning system (GPS) devices. LECTURE NOTES Provide an overview of the common types of computers and the features that make each unique, including desktops, all-in-one desktops, laptops, subnotebooks, tablets, slates, mobile devices, and smartphones. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The first type of personal computer was the ____ computer, which consists of a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. (desktop) 2) A(n) ____ is a small, flat computer with a touch-sensitive screen that accepts input from a digital pen, a stylus, or your fingertips. (tablet) 3) A(n) ____ device is a portable computer that weighs up to 2 pounds. (mobile) 4) The ____ tablet display is attached by a hinge and can be opened like a laptop or used flat like a slate. (convertible) Input Devices THE BOTTOM LINE For many types of computers, a mouse and keyboard are the most common input devices. A mouse is an example of a pointing device, which moves the onscreen pointer. Instead of a pointing device, mobile computers such as tablets and smartphones use a touch screen, which accepts input from fingertips or a stylus. Computers of all sizes include microphones to accept voice commands as input. LECTURE NOTES Define input device as a device that allows a user to communicate instructions and commands to a computer. Define keyboard as an input device you use by pressing keys for letters, numbers, and symbols to enter data into the computer, and review variations in keyboards for different types of device. Provide an overview of common pointing devices, including the mouse, trackball, touchpad, and pointing stick. Discuss other common input devices, such as pen input devices, touch screens, Web cams, scanners, microphones, and game controllers. Explain special types of input device, including voice input, speech recognition software, and biometric input devices. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ is a pointing device with a ball anchored inside a casing. (trackball) 2) A(n) ____ is a flat surface often found on laptop computers, used as an input device. (touchpad) 3) An input device called a(n) ____ converts printed material into digital format. (scanner) 4) ____ technology analyzes a person’s unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or voice patterns, to confirm identity and grant access to restricted spaces or computer systems. (Biometric) Using the Keyboard THE BOTTOM LINE You can use a keyboard to enter letters, numbers, symbols, and key combinations, which involve pressing more than one key at a time to enter data and issue commands. Keyboard designs vary, but the basic layout of the keys has been standardized so users can easily work on different keyboards. LECTURE NOTES Review the parts of a keyboard, including the typing, navigation, and numeric keypads, and the function, Internet control, and media control keys. Discuss typing on keyboards, including the role of special keys such as SPACEBAR, ENTER, SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT. Describe mobile device keyboards, including the unique challenges of implementing a keyboard on a small touchscreen. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The ____ keypad includes numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and symbols such as $ or %. (typing) 2) The ____ keypad lets you move around a document and scroll up and down. (navigation) 3) When you press the NUMLOCK key on some keyboards, the navigation keypad functions as the ____ keypad, which includes keys for numbers and symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. (numeric) 4) On a keyboard, ____ control keys let you play, pause, stop, rewind, and fast forward through digital music or video. (media) Using Pointing Devices THE BOTTOM LINE Pointing devices include the mouse, pointing stick, touchpad, joystick, and trackball. A touch screen is also a pointing device when used with a digital pen, a stylus, or your fingertips. Pointing device actions include clicking, double-clicking, right-clicking, selecting, scrolling, dragging, and dropping. LECTURE NOTES Review the function of the mouse as the most common pointing device, including variations such as the mechanical, optical, and laser mouse. Provide an overview of mouse actions, including moving, clicking, double-clicking, dragging, and right-clicking. Discuss the use of gestures as fulfilling the pointing function on touch screens, including an overview of specific gestures such as the tap, double-tap, press and hold, drag, swipe, pinch, and stretch. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ mouse has moving parts, such as a roller ball on the bottom. (mechanical) 2) A(n) ____ mouse uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to detect movement. (optical) 3) Using a pointing device to move an object on the screen is called ____. (dragging) 4) Any finger motion you perform on a touch screen is called a(n) ____. (gesture) Output Devices THE BOTTOM LINE An output device conveys information from the computer to its user, or performs an action based on a command. Output can take many forms: the image displayed or projected onto a screen, the page that comes out of a printer, or the sound that comes out of the speakers. LECTURE NOTES Explain that all personal computers have a display device that shows text and images as computer output on a screen. These include touch screens, plasma screens, and LCD and LED displays. Provide an overview of the common types of printers, including ink-jet, laser, multifunction, and mobile printers. Describe other common output devices, including speakers, projectors, voice synthesizers, and text-to-speech technology. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) ____ printers print by spraying small dots of colored ink onto paper. (Ink-jet) 2) ____ is a fine powder that is sealed when heated on the page. (Toner) 3) Some large-format printers called ____use charged wires to produce high-quality drawings for professional applications such as architectural blueprints. (plotters) 4) A(n) ____ is an audio output device that converts text to speech. (voice synthesizer) Central Processing Unit THE BOTTOM LINE The CPU processes all instructions that make it possible for you to operate a computer. The performance of a CPU is determined by many factors, including clock speed, bus speed, and cache. LECTURE NOTES Define central processing unit (CPU) as the brain of a computer, often called a microprocessor or a processor. Discuss the key elements of the functioning of a CPU, including the control unit, arithmetic logic unit, and registers. Explain that a CPU has a processor clock that sets the speed at which the CPU exeecutres instructions, with a clock speed measured in megahertz or gigahertz. Review the parameters that determine CPU performance, including bus width, word size, and cache. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The CPU is built into the ____, which is the main circuit board that houses much of a computer’s electronics. (motherboard) 2) Processor performance is determined in part by the number of ____, or processor units, on a CPU. (cores) 3) The ALU temporarily holds data, such as two numbers to add, in ____, or small storage locations within the CPU. (registers) 4) Every instruction to the computer goes through a four-step process in the CPU called the ____: fetch, decode, execute, and store. (machine cycle) Digital Data Representation THE BOTTOM LINE Computers are digital devices, meaning they can work only with separate, individual digits such as 0 and 1. When you digitize data, you convert it from human-recognizable forms to forms that computers and other digital devices can use. Groups of binary digits (bits) carry the instructions your computer needs to function and to represent all kinds of data, including text, pictures, music, and video. LECTURE NOTES Explain that computers are binary machines that process all information at a basic level using the binary number system, which consists of only two digits: 0 and 1. Define a bit as the smallest unit of information handled by a computer and the basis of computer processing. Explain that coding schemes such as ASCII and Unicode are used to translate digital data into the text characters familiar to humans, while other schemes have been developed to interpret sounds and images as digital data for computer processing and storage. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The ____ number system consists of only two digits: 0 and 1. (binary) 2) ____ is short for “binary digit,” the smallest unit of information handled by a computer and the basis of today’s computer process. (Bit) 3) ____ is an 8-bit coding scheme, with different binary codes representing each uppercase letter, lowercase letter, mathematical operator, and logical operation. (ASCII) 4) ____, a 16-bit coding scheme, is an extension of ASCII that can create over 65,000 symbols and characters in many languages. (Unicode) Memory THE BOTTOM LINE Some memory is volatile, which means that when the computer is shut down, the information in volatile memory is erased. Other memory is nonvolatile. It stores data even when a computer has been powered off. Memory types include random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), virtual memory, and programmable memory. LECTURE NOTES Explain that computer memory holds data and programs as they are being processed by the CPU, and is commonly referred to as random access memory (RAM). Distinguish between volatile memory such as RAM that is erased when power to the computer is removed, and nonvolatile memory such as ROM and BIOS, that hold their contents when the computer is turned off. Review that when an operating system uses virtual memory, it swaps files between RAM and the hard disk to avoid running out of RAM, and the part of the hard disk used by virtual memory is called a swap file. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) Most RAM is ____. That is, if your computer loses power, any data stored in RAM is lost. (volatile) 2) Instructions on a ROM chip are called ____. (firmware) 3) When an operating system uses ____, it swaps files between RAM and the hard disk to avoid running out of RAM. (virtual memory) 4) The part of the hard disk used by virtual memory is called a(n) ____. (swap file) Storage THE BOTTOM LINE Storage devices include hard drives, tape drives, optical drives, memory cards, and flash drives. Storage media use one of three storage technologies: magnetic, optical, or solid state. When selecting a storage medium, consider factors such as portability, speed, durability, capacity, and cost. LECTURE NOTES Explain that the magnetic hard drive is the most common computer storage device, and is made up of disks called platters that use magnetized particles to store data as bits. Provide an overview of other data storage devices, including external hard drives, tape storage, solid state drives, and optical media such as CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. Explain that cloud storage lets you store your data remotely over the Internet, and cloud storage providers save clients’ information and programs on servers. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The main storage medium on a personal computer is the ____. (hard disk) 2) A magnetic hard drive is made up of one or more disks called ____ that spin on a spindle, and read/write heads that move over the surface of the disks to save and retrieve data. (platters) 3) ____ media include CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs (BDs), though their use as storage media is declining. (Optical) 4) ____ storage lets you store your data remotely over the Internet. (Cloud) End of Chapter Material Chapter Review: Focused questions prompting review of each chapter section. Test Your Knowledge Now: Multiple choice questions spanning chapter topics. Try This Now: Activities designed to allow application of chapter content using real-world tools. Critical Thinking Now: Scenarios written to encourage independent thought and debate on subjects covered in the chapter. Ethical Issues Now: Exercise offering opportunity to explore ethical issues related to chapter content. Team Up Now: Exercise designed to encourage group work exploring a subject covered in the chapter. Top of Document Technology Now Chapter 2: Introduction to Software and Apps A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual: We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary. This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in orange that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): The Bottom Line which summarizes the main points in the section, Lecture Notes providing key section highlights, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software. In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources also include PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience. For your students: Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mobile devices. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Table of Contents
In this Chapter
2-2: What is Software?
2-5: Software Development
2-8: Types of Software
2-11: Purchasing Software
2-14: Licensing Software
2-16: Software Problems
2-20: End of Chapter Material
In This Chapter What is Software? Software Development Types of Software Purchasing Software Licensing Software Software Problems What is Software? THE BOTTOM LINE You use system and application software to interact with your computer and to perform tasks. Some software programs are preinstalled on your computer; others you install. You can update software to improve performance, and upgrade software to obtain new features. LECTURE NOTES Describe the relationship between hardware (the physical components of a computer) and software (the programmed instructions that tell a computer what to do, how to do it, and where to send the output). Explain the difference between preinstalled software, installed software, and Web apps. Review the common software management tasks of updating and uninstalling software. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. Software is written by _____ using computer-readable code. (software developers, programmers) 2. When you run a program or app, your computer or mobile device _____, or reads and transfers it, into memory so that you can use it. (loads) 3. In addition to updates, software publishers periodically introduce new versions, or _____, of their software products with new features. (upgrades) 4. Computers come with _____, software that is already on the machine. (preinstalled software) Software Development THE BOTTOM LINE Computer programmers write software code using programming languages. Programmers use multiple programming tools to write, document, and test program code. LECTURE NOTES Review the general steps in the software development process. Figure 2-7 provides a visual translation of the process. Describe the difference between low-level and high-level programming languages, and provide examples of each. Define a software development methodology, and compare the predictive and adaptive methodologies. Describe the commonly used programming tools and explain where each would fit in the software development process. Explain the importance of testing and documentation in producing reliable, useful software. TEACHER TIP Understanding the differences between the types of programming tools may be difficult for students with little programming experience. Consider spending more time clarifying the process of working from an application concept to a finished program, including some examples of the tools and processes involved. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Project: Algorithms, which are step-by-step procedures for solving specific problems, are the foundations of all software programs. Ask students to consider an everyday task, then to break it down into a step-by-step algorithm. Examples might include getting ready in the morning, doing a load of laundry, preparing a pot of chicken soup, or driving to the closest hospital. Have students share their algorithm with a partner, then offer suggestions for how it might be streamlined, clarified, or improved. Types of Software THE BOTTOM LINE Software is classified into several types, depending on its purpose, location, and use. Software is already installed on some devices when you buy them; for other devices, you can choose to install software for a particular purpose. LECTURE NOTES Explain that computer software encompasses a very broad spectrum of functions, and can range from very small, single-function embedded programs to the comprehensive, robust functionality of a network operating system. Review that there are two general types of software: system software and application software. Discuss the two main types of system software: operating systems and utility programs. Describe application software, and review the most common types of application software. Review mobile apps, and describe the differences between native and Web apps. Review the concept of malware, including the different types of malware and the consequences of malware downloaded to a computer. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Class Discussion: Many students likely have been affected by malware in the past. Ask students to share information about times they had a computer affected by a virus, Trojan horse, worm, or adware. What computer behavior led them to realize there was a problem? How did they identify the specific type of malware involved? Were they able to successfully eradicate the problem on their own? What tools or professional services were required to resolve the problem? Discuss strategies for preventing malware infection. Quick Quiz True or False: 1) Application software is a utility program that controls a peripheral device. (False) 2) Widgets are utility programs that appear on the desktop and display small pieces of information. (True) 3) Vertical market software performs tasks that are common across industries. (False) Purchasing Software THE BOTTOM LINE Purchased software can be packaged (see Figure 2-14 on the next page), downloaded from the Internet, or obtained by subscriptions on the Web. Custom software is specially developed for a company's specific needs, but can be expensive. Proprietary software can be open source, shareware, or freeware. LECTURE NOTES Review that common software programs are sold as packaged software available from retail stores, catalogs, or Web sites, while apps are downloaded directly to a device from an online store. Explain that unlike packaged software, custom software is designed to meet the unique needs of an organization or business. Describe Web apps as applications you access over the Internet using any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. Define open source software as copyrighted software whose source code is "open" or available to the public. Review other types of software such as freeware, shareware, and public domain software. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Project: Ask students to choose a common packaged software product such as Microsoft Office or the Adobe Creative Suite. Have them explore a variety of options for purchasing the software, such as the manufacturer's Web site, physical stores, auction sites, online stores, and subscription services. Encourage students to determine and report back on the differences between each purchasing option with regard to price, product components offered, support provided, etc. Licensing Software THE BOTTOM LINE Copyrighted software belongs to the author or publisher; when you buy copyrighted software, you can use it, but cannot copy, change, or distribute it. Software is protected by license agreements that specify how it can be used. Software publishers protect their products against piracy, or unauthorized use, by authentication, encryption, digital watermarks, and copy protection. LECTURE NOTES Define intellectual property as the legal term for ownership of intangible assets such as ideas, art, movies, and software. Define copyright as the legal right to copy, distribute, modify, and sell an original work, including computer software. Review the concept of computer licenses, and provide an overview of the different types of licenses. Discuss the concept of Digital Rights Management (DRM), and review the different strategies used by software manufacturers to implement DRM. TEACHER TIP Copyright violation and piracy can have grave direct legal and financial consequences for those caught and prosecuted (in addition to the general hazards outlined in the text). Consider exploring examples of individuals who were prosecuted for violating these laws in some detail to allow students to consider the potential personal hazards of such actions that may otherwise seem common. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) _____ technologies require users to log in with a valid user ID and password to access Web-based content. (Authentication) 2) Packaged software programs often include _____ with validation codes that users must input during the installation process. (Certificates of Authenticity) 3) _____ makes digital content unreadable unless viewed with a valid key or authorized hardware device. (Encryption) 4) A(n) _____ is a hidden pattern or signal inserted into digital content to identify the copyright holder. (digital watermark) Software Problems THE BOTTOM LINE To learn how to use software and to solve problems, you can use a user manual, onscreen help, or Web-based help (see Figure 2-20). Software publishers fix software bugs by issuing patches and service packs. You can protect your computer from malware using several types of security software. If your computer stops working, you can recover by rebooting it. LECTURE NOTES Review the concept of Application help and provide an overview of the common types of application help (user manual, onscreen help, Web-based Help). Define and compare the roles of patches, updates, service packs, and updates in maintaining software and avoiding problems. Explain the different types of security software and their role in preventing problems with both software and hardware. Describe common strategies for recovering from a software problem such as a crash or freeze. Review the five steps to the Troubleshooting process outlined in the chapter: Stop and think, Save and backup, Gather information, Research possible solutions, and Call for help. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Critical Thinking: Review the five steps to the Troubleshooting process outlined in the chapter. Why do you think the steps are presented in this order? What might be the consequences of performing the steps out of order? Ask students to propose a software problem they have encountered, then explore possible undesirable consequences of performing the steps out of order in that example. End of Chapter Material Chapter Review: Focused questions prompting review of each chapter section. Test Your Knowledge Now: Multiple choice questions spanning chapter topics. Try This Now: Activities designed to allow application of chapter content using real-world tools. Critical Thinking Now: Scenarios written to encourage independent thought and debate on subjects covered in the chapter. Ethical Issues Now: Exercise offering opportunity to explore ethical issues related to chapter content. Team Up Now: Exercise designed to encourage group work exploring a subject covered in the chapter. Top of Document Technology Now Chapter 3: System Software A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual: We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary. This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in orange that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): The Bottom Line which summarizes the main points in the section, Lecture Notes providing key section highlights, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software. In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources also include PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience. For your students: Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mobile devices. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Table of Contents
In this Chapter
3-2 Introduction to System Software
3-4 Operating Systems
3-7 Common Operating System Tasks
3-10 Managing Your Computer's Windows
3-13 Common Operating System Features
3-15 Comparing PC Operating Systems
3-18 Comparing Mobile Operating Systems
3-21 File Basics
3-24 Working with Folders and Libraries
3-26 File Management
3-30 Customizing Microsoft Windows
End of Chapter Material
In This Chapter Introduction to System Software Operating Systems Common Operating System Tasks Managing Your Computer's Windows Common Operating System Features Comparing PC Operating Systems Comparing Mobile Operating Systems File Basics Working with Folders and Libraries File Management Customizing Microsoft Windows Introduction to System Software THE BOTTOM LINE System software is the software that runs on a computer, and includes operating systems and utility programs. You need to keep your operating system up to date to keep your computer system running smoothly and to protect against security threats. LECTURE NOTES Review that system software includes the operating system and utility software, and is the software that makes it possible for a person to interact with and utilize the hardware of a computer. Explain that early operating systems such as DOS used a command-line interface that required extensive knowledge of typed commands to accomplish all computer tasks. Review the development of graphical user interfaces, pioneered in the consumer market by Apple's Mac OS, and later joined by Windows and Linux. Discuss the roles and types of utility software including file management, search, disk cleanup, and file compression programs. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. A collection of major updates is sometimes called a(n) ____. (service pack) 2. ____ programs help you find files stored on the computer. (Search) 3. ____ software deletes unnecessary files. (Disk cleanup) 4. ____ programs such as File Explorer (for Windows 8) and Finder (for Mac OS X) let you copy, move, rename, and delete files and folders. (File management) LAB ACTIVITIES Encourage students to explore using the command-line interface. In Windows 8, press the Windows key to switch to the Start screen, type "comm" to highlight "Command Prompt" in the Search pane, then press the Enter key to open a Command Prompt window. This is the command-line interface used by early operating systems such as DOS or UNIX. Instruct students to type the command "help" at the command line, then press Enter. This will display a long list of commands. Read the descriptions and test out some common useful commands such as ver, dir, cd, and tasklist. Exit the Command Prompt window by clicking the Close button in the title bar or by typing "exit" then pressing Enter. Operating Systems THE BOTTOM LINE The operating system is the most essential software on your computer. Operating systems process data, manage memory, control hardware, and provide a user interface. Personal computers, mobile devices, and servers run different types of operating systems. LECTURE NOTES Provide an overview of the basic operating system functions including managing the boot process, providing a user interface, and memory management. Define processing techniques including multitasking, multithreading, multiprocessing, and parallel processing. Distinguish between the operating system types: personal computer (PC), server or network, mobile, and embedded. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. The OS is loaded into memory during the ____. (boot process) 2. Operating systems take advantage of ____, which uses part of the computer's hard drive as additional RAM. (virtual memory) 3. Operating systems may use ____ to divide one task among many processors so that parts of the task are completed simultaneously. (parallel processing) 4. An OS may use ____ to perform many tasks simultaneously, such as running two or more programs. (multitasking) Common Operating System Tasks THE BOTTOM LINE The OS controls a computer from soon after you start it up until you shut it down. During that time, the OS manages resources including the processor, memory, storage space, and connected devices. The OS also provides the user interface so you can perform tasks. LECTURE NOTES Provide an overview of the computer startup process, from power on to display of the main user interface. Describe the role of the OS in managing hardware resources, including the processor, RAM, storage space, and peripheral devices. Explain the role of the OS in providing a user interface to allow a user-friendly way for a person to accomplish tasks using a computer. Review the role of the OS in safely ending processes and shutting down a computer. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. The ____ is the core of an operating system. (kernel) 2. Placing data in a buffer so it can be retrieved later is called ____. (spooling) 3. To control a hardware resource, the OS communicates with a(n) ____. (device driver) 4. A(n) ____ is a graphic that you click to make a selection. (button) Managing Your Computer's Windows THE BOTTOM LINE Manage windows by switching from one to another, opening and closing them, and arranging them on the desktop. Resize windows to make them larger or smaller, revealing less or more of the desktop. LECTURE NOTES Describe the role of windows as a central tool in any graphical user interface, including common window components. Explain how to manipulate windows including switching between, opening, arranging, resizing, and manipulating windows. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. A(n) ____ is a rectangular area of the screen that displays the contents of a program, file, or, folder. (window) 2. The foreground window is the ____ window. (active) 3. In Windows, you can use ____ to minimize all open windows except one. (Shake) 4. To return a maximized window to its original size, click the ____ button. (Restore Down) Common Operating System Features THE BOTTOM LINE Operating systems with graphical user interfaces have many features in common, including the desktop, menus, icons, and dialog boxes. PC operating systems provide tools that help you maintain computer disks and manage files. LECTURE NOTES Review common OS features including desktops, menus, dialog boxes, icons, and buttons. Describe common utility programs including disk and file utilities. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. At the bottom of the Windows desktop is the ____, which contains buttons for running programs, viewing folders, and opening files. (taskbar) 2. Click a round ____ to select one option from a group of options in a dialog box. (option button) 3. A(n) ____ is a graphic representing a program, file, or hardware device. (icon) 4. When you save data on a disk, the OS places it in an available storage area, or ____. (sector) Comparing PC Operating Systems THE BOTTOM LINE Because an OS comes installed on new computers, you should know the strengths and weaknesses of the popular PC OSs. The OS determines how easy it is to use and upgrade your computer, so consider the user interface and flexibility as two of the most important criteria when comparing PS OSs. LECTURE NOTES Define PC operating system as an OS developed to run on a desktop computer, a laptop, and in some cases, a tablet. Provide an overview of the four most popular PC operating systems: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Chrome. Use Table 3-5 to provide a side-by-side comparison of the four most popular PC operating systems. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. ____ is a PC operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. (Windows) 2. In Mac OS X, the ____ contains icons for accessing files and apps. (Dock) 3. Linux is available in versions called ____. (distributions) 4. ____ is a PC operating system developed by Google to work with Google Web applications. (Chrome OS) Comparing Mobile Operating Systems THE BOTTOM LINE A mobile operating system has features similar to those of a PC operating system, but has a simpler user interface designed for touch interactions. Mobile operating systems are developed to fit onto the limited memory of mobile devices and work well with mobile hardware features such as touchscreens and voice recognition. LECTURE NOTES Define a mobile operating system as an OS developed to run on a tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device. Provide an overview of the four most popular mobile operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. Use Table 3-6 to provide a side-by-side comparison of the four most popular mobile operating systems. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. Developed by Google, ____ is a mobile OS based on Linux. (Android) 2. Developed by Apple, ____ runs only on Apple mobile devices. (iOS) 3. ____ is the mobile OS from Microsoft intended to run on certain brands of smartphones. (Windows Phone) 4. The Blackberry interface uses ____, which are similar to the live tiles in Windows Phone. (active frames) File Basics THE BOTTOM LINE To save a file, you must give it a name and choose where you want to store it on your computer. To understand how to use a file, you explore its properties and identify its format. To protect your files, you back them up. LECTURE NOTES Define a file as a named collection of data on a storage medium such as a hard disk or USB flash drive. Review the two main categories of files: executable files and data files. Explain basic file management concept such as naming files, storing files, file properties, file formats, selecting and copying files, compressing and uncompressing files, and backing up files. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. ____ files are programs containing instructions that tell your computer how to perform specific tasks. (Executable) 2. ____ files contain data such as words, numbers, and pictures that you can manipulate. (Data) 3. Most filenames include a(n) ____, or short identifier separated from the main part of the filename by a dot. (extension) 4. To indicate a file's location, you use a file specification, or ____. (path) Working with Folders and Libraries THE BOTTOM LINE You can store hundreds or even thousands of files on your computer's hard drive, online on a cloud storage site, or on another storage medium. You should master file management so that after you store, copy, move, and rename files, you can find them easily again. LECTURE NOTES Review the central role of folders in organizing files on a computer. Describe the role of libraries in Windows OS, which allow a user to create a central location that can display folders and files from multiple locations. Discuss basic folder management skills such as navigating, creating, renaming, expanding and collapsing, and moving, copying, and deleting folders. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. Windows includes ____, which display folders and files from multiple locations. (libraries) 2. You can click a folder name in the path shown in the ____ to open the folder. (Address bar) 3. In Windows, you can rename a folder by ____ the folder name and then clicking Rename on the shortcut menu. (right-clicking) 4. In Windows, if you delete a folder by mistake, you can undo the deletion by pressing ____. (CTRL+Z) File Management THE BOTTOM LINE Save your files on your hard drive, flash drive, or to the cloud so you can easily access them later. You should know how to navigate your computer so you can find and open files you've saved. LECTURE NOTES Explain that file management rules apply to all types of files, whether they are spreadsheets, photographs, or documents. Review basic file management tasks such as using Save and Save As, saving a file to a location on a hard drive, saving a file to a Flash drive, saving a file to OneDrive or another cloud storage service, and opening a saved file. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. The first time you select a command to save a file on a PC, the operating system displays the ____ dialog box. (Save As) 2. To save a file to a flash drive, first place the drive in a(n) ____ on your computer. (USB port) 3. Besides saving files on your hard drive or a flash drive attached to your computer, you can save them in the ____. (cloud) 4. You can ____ a file to open it in the same application used to create, edit, or save the file. (double-click) Customizing Microsoft Windows THE BOTTOM LINE Learn how to customize Windows to suit your taste and computing habits. Be familiar with changing display settings, changing hardware settings, and adding and changing user accounts. LECTURE NOTES Explain that Microsoft Windows provides many tools you can use to customize the operating system settings and appearance to best match an individual's work style and habits. Discuss commonly customized operating system settings, such as the desktop, Control Panel, Display Settings, screen savers and sounds, the taskbar, and the keyboard and mouse. Review the role of user accounts, and explain the differences between the three types of user accounts available in Windows: Administrator, Standard, and Guest. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1. When you start working with a new computer, you use its ____ settings. (default) 2. One type of icon you can add to the desktop is a(n) ____ icon, which is indicated by a small arrow next to an icon that illustrates the program. (shortcut) 3. A quick way to customize many settings at the same time is to select a desktop ____, which is a predefined set of elements such as background images and colors. (theme) 4. A(n) ____ item is an icon that always appears on the taskbar. (pinned) End of Chapter Material Chapter Review: Focused questions prompting review of each chapter section. Test Your Knowledge Now: Multiple choice questions spanning chapter topics. Try This Now: Activities designed to allow application of chapter content using real-world tools. Critical Thinking Now: Scenarios written to encourage independent thought and debate on subjects covered in the chapter. Ethical Issues Now: Exercise offering opportunity to explore ethical issues related to chapter content. Team Up Now: Exercise designed to encourage group work exploring a subject covered in the chapter. Top of Document Technology Now Chapter 4: Application Software A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual: We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary. This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in orange that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): The Bottom Line which summarizes the main points in the section, Lecture Notes providing key section highlights, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software. In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources also include PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience. For your students: Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mobile devices. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Table of Contents
In this Chapter
4-2: Introduction to Application Software
4-4: Word Processing
4-8: Spreadsheets
4-11: Presentation Software
4-14: Databases
4-17: Graphics Software
4-20: Mobile Applications
4-23: End of Chapter Material
In This Chapter Introduction to Application Software Word Processing Spreadsheets Presentation Software Databases Graphics Software Mobile Applications Introduction to Application Software THE BOTTOM LINE Application software can enhance, manage, and simplify your personal and professional life. Application software programs can be installed locally on your computer’s hard drive, on a portable storage device, on the Web, or on a mobile device. LECTURE NOTES Define application software programs as software that helps you perform a task when you are using a computer or smartphone. Review the categories of application software programs based on the device they are used on: local, portable, Web-based, and mobile applications. Describe the popular application software types presented in this chapter: word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, and mobile apps. Explain the trend toward convergence in application software, where the distinction between categories of application software is becoming more blurred, and computing is becoming increasingly mobile. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) ____ applications are installed on your computer's hard drive. (Local) 2) ____ applications are stored on and run from portable removable storage devices. (Portable) 3) ____ applications are programs that you access over the Internet in a browser. (Web-based) 4) ____ applications work on your smartphone or tablet. (Mobile) Word Processing THE BOTTOM LINE Creating documents electronically allows you to create, edit, format, and manage your work easily. Word processors have text and document formatting options as well as document management tools. LECTURE NOTES Explain that word processing software is one of the most widely used types of application, and review common types of documents that can be created using word processing. Review text formatting options, including font type, font size, font style, and font color. Review document formatting options, including indents, tabs, alignment, line spacing, paragraph spacing, margins, and bullets. Describe the use of templates to create many types of pre-formatted document types. Review advanced word processing features, including spelling- and grammar-checking tools, research tools, language tools, tables, graphics, headers and footers, reference features, and hyperlinks. Discuss programs related to word processors, including Desktop publishing software, Web development software, and Speech recognition software. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Class Discussion: Word Processing Word processing is probably the type of application software students have the longest and closest familiarity with. Ask students to share examples of documents they've created in their academic, business, and personal lives. Have students share their favorite word processing shortcuts, secrets, and tools. Are there any skills or commands mentioned that some students had not encountered previously? Spreadsheets THE BOTTOM LINE Spreadsheet software is used to track sales, calculate payroll, create marketing projections, create budgets, calculate loan payments, maintain grade books, and conduct research Spreadsheet software creates worksheets, which are made up of rows and columns that form a grid; data is entered in cells. Worksheets contain labels, values, formulas, and functions to calculate and analyze numeric data. LECTURE NOTES Define spreadsheet as a file used to manipulate numbers and display numerical data. Review the common features of spreadsheet software, including workbooks, worksheets, cells, values, and labels. Describe the use of formulas and functions for performing calculations in spreadsheets, including the use of arguments, operators, absolute references, and relative references. Review common tools used in spreadsheet data analysis, including filters, What-if analysis, pivot tables, macros, and charts. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ is a group of cells. (cell range) 2) A collection of worksheets is a(n) ____. (workbook) 3) A(n) ____ is a predefined calculation such as SUM or AVERAGE. (function) 4) A(n) ____ reference refers to a fixed cell location that never changes. (fixed) Presentation Software THE BOTTOM LINE Slides in presentations contain graphics, text, video, and other media; slides are enhanced with transitions and animations. Presentation software is sued to supplement lectures, classroom projects, and public meetings. Presentations are an essential tool for businesses and educators, and can create award certificates, cards, and invitations. LECTURE NOTES Explain that presentation software lets you create electronic slides for slide shows that can be viewed on a single computer, on a projection device, or over the Internet. Review the variety of content types that can be placed on a slide, including text, graphics, audio, video, and links. Describe the process of designing and presenting a presentation and review the core guidelines to follow to create an effective presentation. Discuss the use of advanced formatting tools used to enhance a presentation, including slide masters, transitions, and animation. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) You can liven up a presentation using ____, which adds movement to an object or text. (animation) 2) ____ are actions that occur as you move from slide to slide in a presentation. (Transitions) 3) A(n) ____ automatically applies any new formatting to all slides in your presentation. (slide master) 4) In some presentation views, you can drag ____, small versions of each slide, to change the order of slides in the presentation. (thumbnails) Databases THE BOTTOM LINE Personal computer database software is designed for small businesses and individuals, and some database software programs are designed for large, commercial databases, such as online retail sites or airline reservation systems. Database software stores data in tables in fields as records. Forms, queries, and reports, as well as filtering and sorting features in database software, are used to organize, analyze, access, and view data. LECTURE NOTES Define a database as a collection of data, organized and stored electronically. Review the key components of a database, including records, tables, forms, queries, and reports. Explain that each piece of data is stored in a field, which is assigned a field name and is defined by a data type. Data fields describing one object or person are called a record, and a collection of records is a table. Discuss the use of sorting and filters as tools to help display and present data in meaningful, useful ways. Review the role of a database administrator and the list of core responsibilities in managing and maintaining a large database. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz: True or False 1) The field name determines how the software stores and uses the data in a field. (False, data type) 2) Fields have properties, which are characteristics that define the field. (True) 3) A field is the set of values for a single entity like a customer or an order. (False, record) 4) A form is a database screen primarily used for data entry. (True) Graphics Software THE BOTTOM LINE Digital images can include photographs, drawings, clip art, diagrams, icons, and other graphics. Graphics software creates banners, flyers, newsletters, and company logos and includes paint software, drawing programs, and photo editing software. Graphics software tools include filters, cropping tools, paint brushes, and color palettes to change the size, color, shape, effects, and rotation of an image. LECTURE NOTES Explain that graphics software is used to create, view, manipulate, and print many types of digital images. Describe the difference between bitmap images (based on colored square pixels) and vector images (created using mathematical formulas). Review the key features of graphics software programs, including freehand drawing, shape tools, color tools, filters and effects, and text tools. Provide an overview of the key features of the main types of graphics software, including paint programs, drawing programs, and photo editing software. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) ____ lets you remove parts of the image deleting unwanted objects or people from your photo. (Cropping) 2) Graphics created with ____ programs tend to look flat and almost cartoon-like. (drawing) 3) The term ____ is short for "picture elements". (pixel) 4) ____ graphics use mathematical formulas instead of pixels to define their appearance. (Vector) Mobile Applications THE BOTTOM LINE Mobile apps let you use your mobile device as an extension of your desktop computer – without being tied to your desk. Mobile apps are software programs that run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps can be native or Web based; each type has its features and drawbacks. LECTURE NOTES Explain that the growth of mobile computing with smartphones and tablets has spawned a new category of application software called mobile applications, also called mobile apps. Discuss the limitations of mobile apps, related to the smaller screen size, limited keyboard functionality, and less robust processor and memory components. Review the difference between a native application (designed to run on a specific mobile operating system) and a Web application (which is accessed and run through a Web browser). Provide an overview of the common types of applications for mobile devices, including email, contact management, calendar, Web browsing, news, media player, GPS, and location-sharing. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ app is a program that has been designed to run on a specific operating system. (native) 2) A(n) ____ app is not installed on a user's device; instead, it resides on a server on the Internet. 3) The majority of mobile apps are downloaded by users from manufacturer or third-party Web sites, sometimes called ____. (app stores) 4) Most mobile apps are ____; an app designed for an Apple iPhone will not work on an Android phone, and vice versa. (platform-specific) End of Chapter Material Chapter Review: Focused questions prompting review of each chapter section. Test Your Knowledge Now: Multiple choice questions spanning chapter topics. Try This Now: Activities designed to allow application of chapter content using real-world tools. Critical Thinking Now: Scenarios written to encourage independent thought and debate on subjects covered in the chapter. Ethical Issues Now: Exercise offering opportunity to explore ethical issues related to chapter content. Team Up Now: Exercise designed to encourage group work exploring a subject covered in the chapter. Top of Document Technology Now Chapter 5: The World Wide Web A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual: We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary. This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in orange that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): The Bottom Line which summarizes the main points in the section, Lecture Notes providing key section highlights, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software. In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources also include PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience. For your students: Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mobile devices. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast. Table of Contents
In this Chapter
5-2: What is the Web?
5-5: The Browser
5-9: Web Page Development
5-11: Using the Web to Find Information
5-14: Web Site Structure
5-17: Types of Web Sites
5-19: Web Applications
5-21: Electronic Commerce
5-24: The Internet of Things
5-26: End of Chapter Material
In This Chapter What is the Web? The Browser Web Page Development Using the Web to Find Information Web Site Structure Types of Web Sites Web Applications Electronic Commerce The Internet of Things What Is the Web? THE BOTTOM LINE The Internet is the physical network that transmits data and helps us access the wealth of information on the Web. The Internet is the largest computer network in the world and is composed of millions of interconnected computer networks, devices, and cables around the globe. The Web consists of millions of Web sites made up of trillions of Web pages. The Internet is the network that transmits Web pages. LECTURE NOTES Review the development of the Internet from a project of the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s to a global public network twenty years later. Describe the development of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 as the global collection of Web pages that led to increased global use of the Internet by personal computer users. Explain that the WWW is composed primarily of Web pages created using the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and composed of HTML tags that define the Web page. Discuss that there is no single organization that manages the Internet and WWW, but one of the leading organizations that sets guidelines for the Web is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Review the commonly used resources on the WWW, including Web pages, podcasts, social networks, streaming video, and online games. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) ____, the first graphical Web browser, was released in 1993. (Mosaic) 2) ____ user interfaces require that a user use a keyboard to type a command or series of commands to interact with a computer. (Command-line) 3) ____ are codes that define a Web page. (HTML tags) 4) ____ is available on most cellular phones so you can add video, picture, and sound to messages. (Multimedia Message Service (MMS)) The Browser THE BOTTOM LINE Browsers let you view, or browse, Web pages and navigate Web sites using controls and menus. Browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, have many common features including tabs, search bars, and other tools to help you find information on the Web. Microbrowsers are browsers designed for mobile devices such as smartphones. LECTURE NOTES Define browser as an application that helps you communicate, access, and share information on the Web. Review the common features of Web browsers, including the address bar, navigation bar, bookmarks, tabbed browsing, history list, pop-up blocking, and private browsing. Discuss Internet security and safety, including the specific risks from phishing and pharming. Provide an overview and comparison of the most popular Web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. Explain the features and limitations of microbrowsers used on mobile devices. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) The page that appears when you open a browser is called the ____. (home page, start page) 2) All browsers have a(n) ____ to let you know where you are on the Web. (address bar) 3) ____ is the use of emails that look legitimate - but aren't - to get sensitive data. (Phishing) 4) ____ is a scam in which a server is hacked and used to re-route traffic to a fake Web site to obtain personal information. (Pharming) Web Page Development THE BOTTOM LINE Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a communications protocol that transports data over the Web. Uniform resource locators (URLs) create a unique address for each Web page so it can be found by any browser on the Internet. Scripting further enhances the Web experience with small programs that work across several Web pages in the same way. LECTURE NOTES Review that Web pages are created using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), containing HTML tags that control how the document is displayed on the Web page. Explain that many large, busy Web sites organize information using Web databases, and use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as a tool to classify and organize that data. Discuss the difference between static Web publishing, which produces a fixed, unchanging Web page, and dynamic Web publishing, which retrieves the most current data at the time a Web page is requested. Explain that many web sites enhance functionality and interactivity using scripts, and distinguish between server-side scripts and client-side scripts. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) ____ provides a way to classify the contents of the Web page, making it easier to organize. (XML, Extensible Markup Language) 2) With ____ Web publishing, the HTML document is a fixed snapshot of the data. (static) 3) A(n) ____ is a set of program instructions that make Web pages interactive. (script) 4) Web pages created using server-side scripts are commonly called ____ Web pages. (dynamic) Using the Web to Find Information THE BOTTOM LINE You can enter criteria on a search site to perform your search or simply enter keywords into the search box found on most Web pages. When you perform a search, a search engine returns a list of results, typically with excerpts from each Web site that meets your criteria. You can click any item in the results list to view that Web page. LECTURE NOTES Explain that search engines are the primary tool on the WWW used to find information. Review that search engines use four components to perform their role: a Web crawler, an indexer, a database, and a query processor. Discuss search basics, including the use of keywords, search phrases, wildcard characters, Boolean operators, and advanced searches. Explain that Web masters extend significant effort to place their sites near the top hits in search results, using search engine optimization tools and meta keywords. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ receives data from a Web crawler and then compiles the collected data into an organized list of key words and URLs. (indexing utility) 2) A(n) ____ looks for your search criteria in the indexed database and the displays the list of results as URLs. (query processor) 3) Multiple keywords are called a(n) ____. (search phrase) 4) You can create better search criteria by using a search operator, also called a(n) ____. (Boolean operator) Web Site Structure THE BOTTOM LINE Web site designers use various tools to create secure sites. Components such as graphics, video, audio, and text come in various file formats. Helper applications such as plug-ins and players handle some formats. Hyperlinks, whether text or graphic, are essential to navigating Web pages and can provide instant access to related information. Web sites are often funded through advertising in the forms of banners and pop-up ads. LECTURE NOTES Explain that each Web page on the WWW is identified by a unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which provides information about the page’s location, type, and security. Review that Web page security is achieved through a combination of encryption, the Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and digital certificates. Discuss the common components of Web pages, including links, bitmap graphics, vector graphics, audio, and video. Explain that many Web sites generate revenue through placement of advertisements, and review the concepts of banner ads, pop-up ads, click-through rate, and cookies. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ identifies a unique Web page on the Internet. (uniform resource locator (URL)) 2) ____ is the process of temporarily scrambling data so it is not readable until it is unconverted. (Encryption) 3) Secure Web sites use a(n) ____ to verify the identity of a person or an organization. (digital certificate) 4) A(n) ____ is an advertisement that appears in a Web page, typically near the top or at the side or bottom margins. (banner ad) Types of Web Sites THE BOTTOM LINE Every Web site has a unique IP address and a corresponding unique domain name. The domain name helps identify the type of Web site. Top-level domains (TLDs) help identify the type of Web site. Web sites with user-supplied content comprise a large part of the Web. LECTURE NOTES Review that Web sites are identified on the WWW by a unique domain name and Internet Protocol (IP) address. Explain that domain names are tracked globally using the Domain Name System (DNS), and maintained through a distributed system of domain name servers. Discuss the role of top-level domains (TLDs) in identifying the type of Web site represented, including the core original TLDs and the expanded more recent list of TLDs. Provide an overview of the common unique types of Web sites including content aggregators, Webmail, Web applications, wikis, blogs, social networks, and file-sharing sites. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ site such as mDigger or Google News gathers, organizes, and then distributes Web content. (content aggregator) 2) A(n) ____ is a collaborative Web site where you and your colleagues can modify content on a Web page, and then publish it just by clicking a button. (wiki) 3) ____ sites such as YouTube and Flickr let you post and share photos, music, and other media. (File-sharing) 4) The ____ is a world-wide database storing every domain name and its corresponding IP address. (Domain Name System (DNS)) Web Applications THE BOTTOM LINE Web apps run in a browser, so they are accessible from most any device with Internet access. Web apps are not typically stored on your computer or other device, though some host Web sites such as Google Earth may require you to download additional software. Web app advantages include being able to access files and features while on the go and sharing information seamlessly with others; disadvantages include needing Internet access to get at your files and programs. LECTURE NOTES Define Web apps as applications that reside on a server on the Internet, rather than a user’s device, and are run by a user through a Web browser. Explain that Web apps are offered by Application service providers (ASPs) and delivered using technology called Software as a Service (SaaS). Provide an overview of common types of Web apps, including online cloud storage, productivity applications, and online Web applications. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ is an application that resides on a server on the Internet and is run through a Web browser. (Web application, Web app) 2) Running software directly from the Internet is called ____. (Software as a Service (SaaS) 3) ____ provide software-based services of the Internet. (Application service providers, ASPs) 4) The term ____ is often used to describe remote storage on the Internet. (cloud storage, online storage) Electronic Commerce THE BOTTOM LINE E-commerce allows businesses to reduce operating costs, reach a wider consumer audience, and offer more goods than in a brick-and-mortar store. As a consumer, you benefit from e-commerce because you can bank or shop online in the comfort of your home at any time. Cookies help online merchants track customer data, monitor electronic payment systems, and facilitate transactions. LECTURE NOTES Define e-commerce as the purchase of physical products, intangible products, and services, over the Internet. Provide an overview of the main types of e-commerce, including business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-business. Discuss the technologies used to provide security in e-commerce transactions, including Secure Electronic Transaction (SET), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), S-HTTP, and electronic wallets. Review the common technologies that are unique to e-commerce, including online investing, aggregate sites, online advertising, digital gift certificates, and digital gift cards. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) A(n) ____ is a small file generated by a Web server that acts like a storage bin for the items you place in your shopping cart. (cookie) 2) ____ is a standard protocol for securing credit card transactions over the Internet. (Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)) 3) Web sites such as BizRate, NexTag, and PriceGrabber are called ____ sites because they specialize in collecting and organizing data from other consumer Web sites. (aggregate) 4) A(n) ____is software that stores the payment information you enter when you finalize an online purchase. (electronic wallet, digital wallet) The Internet of Things THE BOTTOM LINE Barcodes and QR codes can be scanned or clicked to access databases or Web sites on the Internet. RFID and NFC technologies make it possible to scan and transmit data just by having a transponder nearby an object that has a chip. Businesses can use RFID and NFC technologies to manage and analyze sales, control and track inventory, and optimize the flow of goods. LECTURE NOTES Explain that the Internet of Things refers to the use of the Internet and tracking technologies with objects to transmit data to and from computers through the Internet automatically, without any human intervention. Discuss the role of identification and tracking technologies in the Internet of Things, including barcodes, QR codes, near field communication (NFC), and radio frequency identification (RFID). Provide an overview of the current uses of the Internet of Things, including use in inventory and tracking, traffic monitoring, medical monitoring and management, and home monitoring systems. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Quick Quiz 1) ____ are printed codes that look like a series of stacked bars. (Barcodes) 2) ____ look like squares with square pattern blocks inside the main square object. (QR codes) 3) ____ contain an antenna for transmitting data and a memory chip that stores data. (RDID tags) 4) ____ work with special readers installed on smartphones to provide two-way communication at very short ranges. (NFC chips) End of Chapter Material Chapter Review: Focused questions prompting review of each chapter section. Test Your Knowledge Now: Multiple choice questions spanning chapter topics. Try This Now: Activities designed to allow application of chapter content using real-world tools. Critical Thinking Now: Scenarios written to encourage independent thought and debate on subjects covered in the chapter. Ethical Issues Now: Exercise offering opportunity to explore ethical issues related to chapter content. Team Up Now: Exercise designed to encourage group work exploring a subject covered in the chapter. Top of Document Instructor Manual for Technology Now: Your Companion to SAM Computer Concepts Corinne Hoisington 9781305110144

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