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This Document Contains Chapters 1 to 8 Chapter 1 The Psychological Contract and Commitment Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. The psychological contract is _____. a. a written notarized document b. an individual’s beliefs regarding the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between individuals and their organization c. irrevocable d. individuals’ beliefs about what their employer owes them e. unchanging over time 2. Which two classes of decisions do individuals make when approaching a new organization? a. the decision to join and the decision to participate b. the decision to be socialized and the decision to participate c. the decision to join and the decision to cooperate d. the decision to join and the decision to be socialized e. none of the above 3. Which of the following is not an aspect of the current psychological contract? a. long-term employment b. employment determined by business needs c. employee rewards for skills and performance d. employee responsibility for maintaining their employability e. none of the above 4. Which of the following is an advantage of employee commitment? a. lower job satisfaction b. higher absenteeism c. longer job tenure d. lower performance e. less ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances 5. Which of the following is not one of the ways that psychological contracts vary internationally? a. different role expectations for bosses b. self-fulfilling prophecy plays out differently c. Promises mean different things in different cultures. d. The zone of negotiability about which employment conditions are under negotiation varies from country to country. e. Trust takes different forms and is earned differently in different cultures. This affects the types of promises that are made and fulfilled in the workplace. 6. Which of the following is not an advantage of committed employees? a. have better attendance records b. adapt better to unforeseen circumstances c. work harder at their jobs d. have closer ties to the community e. perform better 7. How can managers increase employee commitment? a. paying higher than market wages b. using teams to build social relationships c. creating a sense of community d. supporting employee development e. guaranteeing organizational justice 8. Which of the following is not one of the external influences and changing expectations that have influenced psychological contracts in the last decade? a. rapid rate of change in the business environment b. global economy c. more uncertainty and decreased job security for workers d. more full-time jobs and core employees and less contingent and temporary employment for peripheral employees e. changing economic conditions 9. Which of the following is not one of the external influences and changing expectations that have influenced psychological contracts in the last decade? a. downsizing b. relatively high union representation c. reengineering d. mergers and acquisitions e. outsourcing and subcontracting of work 10. Which of the following is not a consequence of workplace incivility? a. decreased work effort b. decreased productivity c. decreased motivation d. decreased creativity e. all of the above 11. Which answer best describes social exchange theory? a. People enter into relationships in which not only economic, but also social obligations play a role. b. People enter into relationships that are primarily based on economic obligations. c. people are most comfortable when the exchange is balanced d. answer choices a and c e. none of the above 12. Which of the following is not a component of the definition of organizational commitment? a. strong desire to lead the organization b. emotional attachment to, involvement in and identification with the organization c. strong belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values d. willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization e. strong desire to remain in the organization 13. Which description best describes the youngest generation in the U.S. workplace, Gen Y? a. prefer fun environment and teamwork; flexible work hours; looking for work with significance; idealistic b. interested in self-fulfillment at work and having a voice in work decisions; fought against hierarchical authority; work is central to lives; significant loyalty to corporate employers c. work is less central; family and non-work activities more important; identity less tied to work; less expectations of organizations and career stability d. answer choices b and c e. none of the above 14. Which of the following is not a reason why psychological contracts are important? a. they link individuals to organizations b. they let people know where they stand c. they reflect the trust that is a fundamental feature of the employment relationship d. they motivate individuals to fulfill their obligations e. none of the above 15. What is the impact of broken psychological contracts? a. loss of trust and good faith in the employee-employer relationship, disillusionment b. lower employee satisfaction c. lower productivity d. increased desire to leave the company e. all of the above True or False Questions 16. Supervisors and managers who have high expectations of their employees will be more likely to be disappointed. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Due to the self-fulfilling prophecy, supervisors and managers will be more likely to have their expectations met. Employees will live up to these expectations 17. Committed workers have higher performance but they exhibit less organizational citizenship behavior. _____True or _____ False? Why? False. They have higher performance and exhibit more organizational citizenship behavior. 18. Violations of the psychological contract cause less damage to the employee-employer relationship if employees believe that employers were unwilling, rather than unable, to keep a promise. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. This sentence would be true if employees believed employers were unable, rather than unwilling, to keep a promise. Short Answer Questions 19. _____ is defined as low-intensity deviant behavior that violates workplace norms for mutual respect. Workplace incivility 20. The _____ describes the process by which psychological contracts are established, disrupted, and renegotiated. pinch model 21. _____ refers to discretionary contributions that are organizationally related, but are neither explicitly required nor contractually rewarded by the organization, yet nevertheless contribute to its effective functioning. Organizational citizenship behavior 22. Our images, assumptions and stories about every aspect of the world are called _____. mental maps 23. _____ are a recruitment technique that gives accurate information about job duties, and especially about the major sources of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction prior to organizational entry. Realistic job previews 24. Match these groups with their predicted percentage of the U.S. population in the Year 2012. Place the group’s letter in the blank provided below: a. Asian ____12 percent (d) b. White non-Hispanic ____ 6 percent (a) c. Hispanic ____65 percent (b) d. African American ____15 percent (c) 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c Essay Questions 25. What impact do broken psychological contracts have? When psychological contracts are violated, people respond emotionally with moral outrage, shock, indignation, betrayal, resentment, and anger. Violated contracts also result in decreased employee satisfaction, performance, commitment, discretionary behavior to help the organization, and intentions to remain with the organization. 26. What's the difference between a psychological contract and an employment contract? Psychological contracts, unlike employment contracts, are usually not written and are often not even explicit. Psychological contracts focus on a dynamic relationship that defines the employee's psychological involvement with their employer. Employment contracts usually specify the hours and type of work to be done in return for compensation and benefits. 27. Draw the pinch model. Pinch Model: The Pinch Model is often depicted as a graph with two curves: • X-axis: Represents time or stages of the relationship. • Y-axis: Represents perceived contributions and rewards. Initially, contributions and rewards are balanced. Over time, a "pinch" occurs when expectations exceed actual rewards or contributions, leading to tension or dissatisfaction. The model typically shows a drop in satisfaction and potential conflict as discrepancies widen. 28. Give an example of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Example: A teacher who expects a student to perform poorly may give that student less attention and fewer resources. Consequently, the student may struggle and perform poorly, reinforcing the teacher's initial belief and perpetuating the cycle of low expectations and underperformance. 29. Write an essay explaining how can managers successfully manage the psychological contract? Essay on Managing the Psychological Contract: Effective management of the psychological contract involves clear communication, acknowledgment, and support. Managers should clearly articulate expectations and changes to avoid misunderstandings. Recognizing and rewarding contributions reinforces employees' value, while transparency builds trust. Providing ongoing support and development opportunities ensures alignment with employees’ expectations. Addressing concerns promptly helps prevent dissatisfaction and maintains a positive working relationship, fostering a healthy and productive work environment. Chapter 2 Theories of Managing People Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Taylor’s scientific management theory focused on _____. a. maximizing efficiency through enhancing employee participation b. maximizing efficiency by matching the capacities of workers to specific, standardized jobs c. maximizing efficiency by following proven management principles d. maximizing efficiency by employing rational decision making e. none of the above 2. The 1920s solution to the nepotism, favoritism, and unprofessional behavior found in organizations at the time was _____. a. systems theory b. span of control c. scientific management d. bureaucracy e. all of the above 3. Which of these was not one of the functions of a manager as defined by Fayol? a. planning b. organizing c. motivating d. controlling e. commanding 4. The socio-historical context of a strong union movement, distrust for businesspeople, decreased immigration, and scarce labor served as the backdrop for _____. a. scientific management b. human relations school c. administrative theory d. open systems theory e. theory x and theory y 5. The contention that our decisions are limited by the amount of variables our brains can handle, the time available, and our reasoning powers is know as _____. a. maximization b. bounded rationality c. entropy d. interdependence e. none of the above 6. Open systems theory maintains that all of an organization’s “parts” are _____. a. independent b. complex c. internally focused d. interdependent e. none of the above True or False Questions 7. Managers with high cognitive complexity can perceive how various management theories apply to situations and can, therefore, choose those that make the most sense in a given situation. _____ True or _____ False? Why? True. Managers with high cognitive complexity develop more elaborate theories and mental models. 8. According to the competing values framework, an effective manager understands the interdependence among different parts of systems and recognizes that organizations are embedded within the larger environment. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Open systems theory. 9. According to Theory X, people appreciate being treated with courtesy. _____ True or _____ False? False. This is a component of Theory Y. Short Answer Questions 10. How did the Hawthorne studies affect management theory? They contributed the idea that output was affected by numerous variables that had been previously ignored. These included worker’s feelings and attitudes about their work co-workers and boss; how workers were treated; and what happened to them outside of work. This led to the development of the human relations theory of managing. It also led to the understanding that attention and observation can change workers’ behavior. 11. When productivity is improved due to attention to the worker, this phenomenon is known as the _____ effect. Hawthorne 12. What is the basic premise of contingency theory? There is no one best way to manage in every situation. Managers must find the appropriate method to match a given situation. 13. Successful organizations are characterized by good _____ among their strategy, structure, systems, staff, style, skills, and super-ordinate goals. fit 14. In Quinn’s competing values framework, master managers _____ the competing values of the rational goal, internal process, human relations, and open systems management models. balance Essay Questions 15. Discuss the concept of the open system. • Popular during the rapidly changing environment of the mid-1960s • Different parts of the systems are interdependent • Organizations are embedded in the larger environment • Organizations take in resources and transform them into a service or product that is purchased or utilized by a larger system • A crucial role for managers is dealing with external entities • Three major factors affect organizational effectiveness: individuals in the organization, the organization itself, and the larger environment • Organizational success requires the effective management of the interfaces between the individual and the organization, and the organization and the environment 16. Which management concept could you use to explain to Joe what’s going on here? Your friend Joe works at a grocery store; he’s been complaining bitterly about his job and his boss. Because he knows you are becoming an expert on organization behavior, he has come to you for advice. He tells you that his boss is constantly looking over his shoulder and telling him what to do next, even when it’s obvious. The boss threatens all the employees that he will fire them if they do anything wrong, and he’s always sneaking around trying to catch them in the act. Joe asked if he could learn how to do some of the ordering for his department; his boss replied that Joe is paid good money to do the job he already has and that should be good enough. Joe was excited about a new customer service program that corporate headquarters wanted to implement. However, he overheard the boss tell his supervisor they could forget implementing this program in Joe’s store because the employees were lazy and incapable of adapting to change. Joe sees himself as highly responsible and dedicated and wishes the boss trusted him more. Boss has a Theory X orientation whereas Joe has Theory Y values. 17. Contrast the assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y. Give an example of a management practice based on each theory. Theory X is based on the assumption that humans are inherently lazy, dislike responsibility and prefer to be led. In contrast, Theory Y is based on the opposite assumptions—that humans are responsible, motivated to work hard and develop skills, and capable of self-direction. An example of Theory X is the time clock. An example of Theory Y is comp time. 18. What do great managers do? • Select for talent • Define outcomes when setting expectations, not the steps to achieve the goal • Focus on enhancing strengths, not fixing weaknesses • Find the right job that fits the individual employee 19. What are the four activities that all managers engage in? • Traditional management activities like planning, budgeting, and decision-making • Communication • Human resource development • Networking 20. Using Quinn’s theory of competing values, which management theory does each person in the following example hold? There is a problem at the factory. The production figures are way down and employees are grumbling. You have been asked to attend a problem-solving meeting with the managers. Ellen thinks the best solution is to set clear production goals and carefully delegate tasks. Carlos thinks management should talk to employees to find out what is bothering them and then do team building with the key employees. Anna suggests that it’s time to put their house in order by coming up with tighter procedures and information systems. Sung Wu is advocating an expansion program because he thinks the market is favorable and the challenge will pull everyone together. Ellen = rational goal Carlos = human relations Anna = internal process Sung Wu = open systems Chapter 3 Individual and Organizational Learning Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of these is not a skill of a learning organization? a. transferring knowledge b. acquiring knowledge c. departmentalizing knowledge d. modifying behavior based on new knowledge e. all of the above 2. The four styles in Kolb’s learning model are known as _____. a. concrete, complex, creative, and reflective b. accommodation, divergence, convergence, and assimilation c. situational, problem oriented, solution oriented, implementation oriented d. incubation, prioritization, implementation, evaluation e. none of the above 3. Learning communities and organizations profit from having members with different learning styles because _____. a. life consists of concrete, abstract, active, and reflective dimensions b. diversity provides a greater variety of organization knowledge c. each style has its particular strengths and weaknesses d. all of the above e. none of the above 4. Defensive routines prevent people from questioning their _____. a. assumptions b. values c. self-concept d. learning style e. all of the above 5. To create a learning organization, managers should do all of the following, except: _____. a. make time to reflect on work events b. reward generative thinking c. develop an elite group to handle decision making d. treat failure as a natural part of learning e. none of the above True or False Questions 6. Managers who train others often have a tendency to assume that everyone learns the same way they do. _____ True or _____ False? True. People tend to assume others learn the same way they do before they learn that there are different learning styles. 7. Learning should be an explicit objective that is pursued consciously and deliberately in organizations. _____ True or _____ False? Why? True. Learning is a business issue because organizational success and survival depends on learning. 8. In assimilation, the dominant learning abilities are abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. _____ True or _____ False? True. 9. An orientation toward reflective observation focuses on actively influencing people and changing situations. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. This orientation is known as active experimentation. Short Answer Questions 10. Identify the modes, not the styles, of the adult learning cycle that are used in the Learning Style Inventory. The four modes of the adult learning cycle are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. 11. A learning orientation toward _____ focuses on understanding the meaning of ideas and situations by carefully observing and impartially describing them. reflective observation 12. A learning orientation toward _____ focuses on using logic, ideas, and concepts. abstract conceptualization 13. Terry’s boss, Maria, is good at inductive reasoning, creating theoretical models, and planning. Therefore, you think that her learning style is the _____ style. assimilator 14. The strengths of Terry’s learning style are learning by trial and error, getting things done, and risk taking. He has the _____ style. accommodator 15. Why should managers be aware of their personal learning style? To better understand how they approach work issues, how they learn best, and why they differ from others with different styles. 16. Given their different learning styles, what difficulties might Terry and Maria have in working together? Maria may want to take more time planning whereas Terry may want to leap into action and prefer a trial-and-error method. Maria may find Terry to be too pushy. Terry may be uncomfortable if Maria focuses more on ideas than on people issues, and vice versa. 17. Argyris claims we have two types of theories. What are they and how are they different? “Espoused theories” are ones we profess to believe. “Theories in action” are theories that actually guide our behavior. 18. _____ are part of the organization that operate alongside the normal bureaucracy with the purpose in increasing organizational learning by creating and/or implementing new thoughts and behaviors. Parallel learning structures Essay Questions 19. Explain the difference between adaptive (single-loop) learning and generative (double-loop) learning. Adaptive learning has a coping orientation and focuses on solving problems by using or refining the prevailing mental model or way of doing things. Generative learning, on the other hand, has a creative orientation and involves surfacing and reviewing the underlying assumptions about the prevailing mental model or way of doing things. It involves continuous experimentation and feedback in an ongoing analysis of how problems are defined and solved. 20. Identify a specific task or job (such as entering data in a spreadsheet or serving a meal to a restaurant customer). Use Kolb’s model of learning to discuss how you would train a new employee to effectively accomplish the task. Students should be able to articulate the four stages of the learning process and discuss how they would accommodate each stage. They should also make mention of the learning style of the trainee and discuss how they would adapt their training to that style. Task: Entering Data in a Spreadsheet Using Kolb’s model of learning: 1. Concrete Experience: Provide hands-on training where the new employee practices entering data in a spreadsheet under supervision. 2. Reflective Observation: Have the employee review and discuss their work, noting any challenges or mistakes. 3. Abstract Conceptualization: Teach the employee spreadsheet functions and best practices, explaining the principles behind data entry and error checking. 4. Active Experimentation: Allow the employee to apply their new knowledge by working on real data, making corrections, and improving efficiency. This cycle ensures the employee gains practical experience, reflects on their performance, learns theoretical concepts, and applies them effectively. Chapter 4 Decoding Human Behavior and Personality Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Behavior is influenced by which of the following? a. individual characteristics b. the job c. the organization d. the work group e. all of the above 2. The Big Five Model (also known as the Five-Factor Model) is composed of which of the following traits? a. optimism, conscientiousness, extroversion, assertiveness, and neuroticism b. openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, assertiveness, and negativity c. openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism d. openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, assertiveness, and negativity e. none of the above 3. Which of the following are dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)? a. thinking/feeling; extroversion/introversion; sensing/intuiting; judging/perceiving b. thinking/feeling; extroversion/introversion; seeing/issuing; judging/perceiving c. thinking/feeling; extroversion/introversion; sensing/intuiting; justifying/propagating d. thinking/feeling; endomorphism/inductivism; sensing/intuiting; judging/perceiving e. none of the above 4. Petra believes that the ends justify the means and that manipulation is an acceptable way to influence people. Petra is most likely high on which of the following traits _____. a. locus of control b. agreeableness c. Machiavellianism d. openness e. low self esteem 5. Jo has a strong disposition toward fear of failure. According to the conditional reasoning approach, Jo would be most likely to _____. a. seek out new and challenging opportunities to demonstrate skill b. take initiative to overcome any new obstacles and challenges c. avoid challenging situations d. find challenging opportunities pleasant and exciting e. none of the above 6. Which of the following are components of the cognitive-affective processing system of personality? a. psychological features of situations b. if-then behavior profiles c. behavioral consequences d. biological history e. all of the above 7. How should difficult people be handled? a. create a rich picture of the problem person b. reframe your goals c. stage the encounter d. follow up and monitor progress e. all of the above 8. The Sensing/Intuiting dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator refers to how the individual _____. a. collects information b. interacts socially c. evaluates information d. makes decisions e. none of the above 9. The Thinking/Feeling dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator refers to how the individual _____. a. collects information b. interacts socially c. evaluates information d. makes decisions e. none of the above 10. The Extroversion/Introversion dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator refers to how the individual _____. a. collects information b. interacts socially c. evaluates information d. makes decisions e. none of the above 11. One way to effectively deal with a difficult person is to _____. a. keep the focus solely on the difficult person because that person is clearly causing his/her own behavior b. communicate via e-mail rather than face-to-face so that the discussion does not get emotional c. describe the problem behavior in factual terms d. avoid the situation completely e. all of the above 12. The conditional reasoning approach to personality suggests that individuals _____. a. all perceive the same situation in the same way b. interpret what happens in their social environment based on their individual dispositions and these differences result in different behavior c. differ in their motives, but their behavior is not affected by those differences d. behavior is best predicted by traits alone e. none of the above 13. Hahn has an internal locus of control. Hahn would be most likely to believe which of the following? a. behavior is caused by fate b. behavior is caused by an individual’s skill and motivation c. luck determines a person’s outcomes d. answer choices a and c e. answer choices a, b and c 14. The Judging/Perceiving dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator refers to how the individual _____. a. collects information b. interacts socially c. evaluates information d. makes decisions e. none of the above 15. Individuals ______ tend to be more satisfied in their jobs than people without this personality trait. a. high in Machiavellianism b. low in Machiavellianism c. high in self esteem d. low in self esteem e. who have external locus of control True or False Questions 16. Personality can change a great deal over time. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Personality traits are relatively stable. 17. Interactionist theories emphasize the importance of the characteristics of the individual as well as the situation in understanding and predicting behavior. _____ True ¬or _____ False? Why? True. Their name comes from the interaction between the individual and their environment. 18. Managers should be persistent in selling their own viewpoint to difficult people. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Selling their viewpoint is not effective. 19. One’s personality is determined at birth. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Personality development is a combination of genetic (nature) and environmental origins (nurture). 20. Trait theories highlight the role the situation or environment. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. They focus on personality components to the exclusion of the situation or environment. Short Answer Questions 21. _____ is defined as the individual’s relatively stable characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, and the psychological mechanisms that support and drive those patterns. Personality 22. The _____ contends that personality is comprised of mental representations that are interpretations of people, situations, goals, expectancies, and feelings. People with different mental representations interpret situations differently and thus act differently in those situations. cognitive-affective processing system 23. In the interactionist approaches to personality, an individual’s _____ of key features of situations affects their behavior. interpretation 24. _____ are broad, relatively regular dimensions of individual behavior such as extroversion and conscientiousness. traits 25. _____ are mental representations defined as interpretations of people and situations, goals, expectancies, memories, and feelings. Cognitive-affective units or CAUs Essay Questions 26. Describe an instance of another person’s behavior that you found puzzling or intriguing. Use one of the personality theories discussed in the chapter to analyze the causes of that behavior. Analyzing Puzzling Behavior: A coworker often volunteers for challenging tasks but then struggles to meet deadlines. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, this behavior might reflect an individual's pursuit of self-actualization. They might be seeking personal growth and recognition but are not yet achieving it due to unmet basic needs like stability or support. 27. Compare and contrast the trait and interactionist models of personality. Trait vs. Interactionist Models: Trait Model: Focuses on stable personality traits that influence behavior consistently across situations. Interactionist Model: Emphasizes how personality traits interact with situational factors to shape behavior, suggesting that both stable traits and context matter. Comparison: Both models recognize personality's role in behavior but differ in their emphasis on the influence of situational context versus stable traits. 28. What are the limitations of the trait approach to personality? Limitations of the Trait Approach: The trait approach can be criticized for its lack of consideration of situational factors, oversimplification of personality traits, and difficulty in predicting behavior across different contexts. It often fails to account for the dynamic nature of personality and changes over time. Chapter 5 Individual and Organizational Motivation Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Motivation is _____. a. an external force that directs individuals toward certain goals b. an internal state that directs individuals toward certain goals c. activated by the same need profile for everyone d. activated solely by the valence of one’s ability e. none of the above 2. Which of the following is not one of the needs identified by Maslow? a. security needs b. social belonging needs c. physiological needs d. self-realization needs e. self-esteem needs 3. McClelland’s theory of motivation focuses on three needs that are learned from one’s culture and family. They are _____. a. affiliation, achievement, and power b. affiliation, challenge, and achievement c. self-esteem, self-actualization, and power d. security, affiliation, and self-esteem e. none of the above 4. Which of the following is incorrect? a. In addition to internal need states, motivation is also affected by the environment. b. Equity theory maintains that employee motivation is affected by the perceived fairness of what people contribute and receive. c. Social reinforcement theory maintains that people learn to use behaviors that are rewarded and to suppress behaviors that are punished or ignored. d. When it comes to goal achievement, it makes no difference whether goals are publicly stated or kept private. e. none of the above 5. According to McClelland, a high need for achievement seems absolutely necessary for _____. a. managers b. social workers c. supervisors d. entrepreneurs e. all of the above 6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of high need for achievement? a. like to set their own goals b. like to own prestige belongings c. tend to avoid either extremely difficult or extremely easy goals d. prefer tasks that provide immediate feedback on their performance e. none of the above 7. To motivate employees, managers should _____. a. link rewards to performance even though rewards may not be equitably distributed b. reward employees for behaviors that promote the organization’s goals c. be sure that the reward is one that the organization deems valuable and rewarding d. answer choices a and c e. none of the above 8. The manager’s job is to _____, _____ and _____ employee motivation. Which of the following answers is incorrect? a. channel b. manipulate c. understand d. direct e. none of the above 9. If a politician wants to run for office because she is motivated by a need to have a positive impact on government and influence her environment, which of McClelland’s needs best describes what is motivating her? a. physiological b. affiliation c. achievement d. security e. power 10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a motivating job? a. job feedback b. job valence c. skill variety d. autonomy e. task identity 11. Which of the following is a method of job enrichment? a. increase task identity b. create feedback systems c. increase discretion or autonomy d. answer choices a, b and c e. none of the above 12. If an assembly line worker’s job is expanded horizontally from doing the same small task over and over to doing ten different tasks, what type of job redesign is this? a. job enlargement b. job enrichment c. self-managed work teams d. job rotation e. socio-technical systems 13. Goals result in higher performance when they are _____. a. general rather than specific b. accepted by employees c. kept private d. not accompanied by feedback e. all of the above 14. According to equity theory, people who feel they are being treated inequitably due to being under-rewarded would be most likely to _____. a. increase their productivity b. decrease their absenteeism c. ask for additional vacation days d. answer choices a and b e. none of the above 15. According to expectancy theory, which of the following is a reason why an employee may be performing poorly? a. she does not believe that rewards are tied to performance b. she values the rewards she receives but a coworker gets more than she does c. she sets goals that are too difficult to measure d. she is not motivated by achievement e. none of the above True or False Questions 16. Human needs exist in a hierarchy, and lower order needs have to be satisfied before higher order needs motivate behavior. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Subsequent research has not supported the existence of a need hierarchy. Short Answer Questions 17. People motivated by _____ demonstrate an un-socialized concern for personal dominance. personalized power 18. A concern for interpersonal relationships, but not at the expense of goal-oriented behavior, is referred to as _____. affiliative interest 19. The source of _____ motivation results in behavior that is performed because of the consequences it brings. extrinsic 20. Match up these types of job redesign with the definitions below: 1. employee groups are responsible for deciding how they will accomplish work goals a. job enlargement 2. vertical job leading, which increases job scope by including planning and control functions 3. switching different jobs b. job enrichment 4. integration of the needs of both people and technology c. self-managed work teams d. job rotation 5. horizontal job loading, which combines related tasks e. socio-technical systems 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. e 5. a 21. If a person is motivated because they enjoy the work itself, what source of motivation is this? Intrinsic behavior is performed for its own sake. The work itself is pleasurable, and we see examples of this in people who love the work they do. Essay Questions 22. What is the difference between the positive (socialized) and negative (personalized) need for power? Discuss these different faces of power and provide examples of both faces. People motivated by the positive need for power (socialized power) use it for the good of others—to make their organizations better. They are hesitant to use power to manipulate others. People with this need are less defensive and selfish and work to empower others. An example is a coach. People motivated by the negative need for power (personalized power) use it to dominate others. They have little inhibition or self-control and they exercise power impulsively. They tend to exploit and manipulate others and often satisfy their needs vicariously. An example is a dictator. 23. What is the difference between the positive and negative faces of a need for affiliation? The positive face of affiliation (affiliative interest) is a concern for interpersonal relationships but not at any expense. Although people with this need value and work at maintaining good relationships, this doesn’t prevent them from giving negative feedback or making tough decisions. However, the negative face of affiliation (affiliative assurance) makes people look for assurance about the security and strength of their relationships and avoid rejection. They seek approval from others and avoid issues and conflicts that might threaten relationships. 24. You have acquired a company that has a poorly motivated workforce. Describe what actions you would take to improve motivation and achieve a high-performance workplace. • Determine what motivates employees by learning about their non-work activities and what type of work or projects they enjoy. Check your assumptions. • Set challenging but attainable goals, establish clear work objectives and standards of good performance, and provide feedback to encourage achievement • Link rewards to performance and distribute equitably. Reward employees for behaviors that promote the organization’s goals. Be sure the individual employees find the rewards valuable and motivating. • Match people to jobs they find rewarding and recognize their contributions. • Remove de-motivators such as politics and favoritism, unproductive meetings, withholding information, etc. • Practice gain-sharing. • Make sure pay and security needs are satisfied. Students could consider the person/job design/leadership/organization framework and apply relevant theories. 25. List and describe the 5 task characteristics that are components of the Job Characteristics Model. • Skill Variety - requires a range of personal competencies and abilities • Task Identity - requires completion of a “whole” and identifiable piece of work • Task Significance - employees perceive job as having a substantial impact on others’ lives • Autonomy - employees have freedom, independence, and discretion to plan and carry out their task • Job Feedback - employees receive direct, clear information on their performance Chapter 6 Values and Workplace Ethics Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is known as _____. a. the caring ethic b. eco-futurism c. sustainability d. the Natural Step e. none of the above 2. The Natural Step program has helped companies to achieve all the following benefits except: _____. a. reduce operating costs b. comply with existing regulations c. enhance the organization’s standing among stakeholder groups d. build brand image e. all of the above 3. Which of the following is a characteristic of companies in which unethical practices are likely? a. sole focus on profit and intense competition b. top management talks about ethical behavior but does little else c. indifference to customer’s best interests d. intense internal and external competition e. all of the above 4. Which of the following is an ethical value, as opposed to a non-ethical value? a. responsibility b. money c. fame d. personal fulfillment e. status 5. Which of the following is not an example of instrumental values? a. honest b. freedom c. polite d. intellectual e. cheerful 6. Companies that want to encourage moral behavior _____. a. communicate their expectation that employees will behave ethically and define what that means b. hire top executives who are leaders in their churches c. ignore unethical behavior and reward ethical behavior d. discourage the discussion of ethical issues because it leads to rationalizing e. encourage employees to send management an anonymous memo to report any unethical behavior they observe 7. According to Rokeach, terminal values _____. a. fall into two categories: moral and competence b. are preferable modes of behavior c. are the means to achieving one’s instrumental values d. are desirable end states of existence or the goals people want to accomplish in their lifetime e. all of the above 8. A disadvantage of utilitarian ethics is that it _____. a. engenders a self-centered, legalistic viewpoint b. encourages a sense of entitlement c. values the environment over people d. can overlook the rights of minorities e. all of the above 9. The Ethics Warning System uses all of the following except _____. a. golden rule—“are you treating others as you would want to be treated?” b. instrumental vs. terminal values—“which type of values are you using?” c. publicity— “would you be comfortable if your reasoning and decision were to be publicized?” d. kid on your shoulder— “would you be comfortable if your children were observing you?” e. none of the above 10. According to Schwartz and Bilsky, which of the following is (are) universal human value(s) that motivate behavior? a. prosocial b. restrictive conformity c. achievement d. security e. all of the above 11. Whistleblowing is legitimate when _____. a. the revelation is general b. the revelation benefits the company, but not the public interest c. the whistleblower is above reproach and has no personal gain in revealing the information d. this is the first attempt the whistleblower has made to stop the unethical behavior e. all of the above True or False Questions 12. Non-ethical values should always trump ethical values. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. We can make unethical decisions if we let non-ethical values trump ethical values. The sentence should read “ethical values should always trump non-ethical values.” 13. Corporate social responsibility does not pay off financially, but it makes people feel good about themselves. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. It gives firms a competitive advantage and helps them attract and retain employees and increases their reputations Short Answer Questions 14. _____ refers to standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues arising from principles about right and wrong. Ethics 15. Why do ethical practices pay off in the long run? Because trusting relationships and well-satisfied customers are the basis of repeat business. 16. _____ are core beliefs or desires that guide or motivate attitudes and actions. Values 17. If a person believes you should not cheat on income taxes solely because you might be put in jail, this is moral reasoning at the _____ level, according to Kohlberg. self-centered or pre-conventional 18. _____ is defined as the abuse of public power for private gain. Corruption 19. _____ is an ethical framework that holds that a moral act produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism 20. _____ is defined as a company’s commitment and contribution to the quality of life of employees, their families and the local community and society overall to support sustainable economic development. Corporate social responsibility Essay Questions 21. Describe 4 questions that can be used to examine the ethics of a business decision. • Have you defined the problem accurately? What are the factual implications of the situation rather than a biased perspective that reflects your loyalties? • How would you define the problem if you stood on the other side of the fence? • How did this situation occur in the first place? What is the historical background of events leading up to this situation? • To whom and to what do you give your loyalty as a person and as a member of the corporation? • What do you want to accomplish in making this decision? • How does this intention compare with the probable results? • Whom could your decision or action injure? • Can you discuss the problem with the affected parties before you make your decision? • Are you confident that your position will be as valid over a long period of time as it seems now? • Could you disclose without qualms your decision or action to your boss, your CEO, the board of directors, your family, and society as a whole? • What would this decision symbolize for others if they interpret it correctly? What could it symbolize if the decision is misinterpreted by others? • Under what conditions would you allow exceptions to your stand? 22. All business people engage in unethical practices. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Support your argument with good critical thinking. I disagree with the statement that all business people engage in unethical practices. While some may engage in unethical behavior, it is not accurate to generalize this to all individuals in business. Many business professionals adhere to strong ethical standards and strive to conduct themselves with integrity. Ethics in business are guided by personal values, organizational policies, and legal frameworks, which can vary widely. Acknowledging the diversity in ethical practices helps promote a more nuanced understanding of business behavior. 23. Briefly explain Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. The theory consists of three levels: self-centered, conformity, and principled. Individuals move through these stages from a self-centered conception of right and wrong to an understanding of social contracts and finally, internalized principles of justice and rights. 24. There are five basic ethical models or approaches that people use to make decisions. Identify and briefly describe each. Utilitarian ethics judge in terms of the welfare of everyone—what does the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Approaches based on rights and duties emphasize the personal entitlements of individuals. Approaches based on justice are guided by fairness, equity, and impartiality. Approaches based on caring focus on the well-being of other people. Approaches based on environmentalism extend to consideration of the person-land relationship and are concerned with being a good steward of the earth’s resources and sustainability. 25. If you had been hired to replace Kenneth Lay at Enron (before the firm actually went bankrupt) and were charged with transforming it into an ethical company, what steps would you have taken? Apply as many chapter lessons as possible and give your rationale for taking these steps. Steps to Transform Enron: 1. Implement Ethical Training: Establish comprehensive ethics training programs for all employees to promote a culture of integrity. 2. Revise Policies: Update the code of conduct and enforce strict policies on transparency and accountability. 3. Create a Whistleblower System: Implement confidential reporting mechanisms for ethical concerns and ensure protection for whistleblowers. 4. Enhance Oversight: Strengthen internal controls and establish an independent ethics committee to oversee compliance. 5. Foster Open Communication: Encourage a culture of openness where ethical concerns can be discussed freely without fear of retaliation. 26. What is your personal position on corporate social responsibility? Defend your position with good critical thinking and when, possible, factual evidence. I support CSR, believing that businesses have a duty to contribute positively to society beyond profit generation. Ethical practices and community involvement not only enhance corporate reputation but also foster long-term sustainability. For instance, companies like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry's have demonstrated that integrating social responsibility into business models can drive both success and societal impact. CSR aligns business interests with societal needs, creating value for all stakeholders. Chapter 7 Personal Growth and Work Stress Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Levinson refers to the pattern of a person’s life as _____. a. life lines b. life structures c. life stages d. life challenges e. life processes 2. According to Levinson, major life transitions occur about the ages of _____. a. 21, 35, and 50 b. 18, 28, and 38 c. 10, 20, and 30 d. 30, 40, and 50 e. 15, 30, and 45 3. Which of the following is not a career anchor? a. service b. managerial competence c. social competence d. technical/functional competence e. creativity/entrepreneurship 4. Which of the following is not a strategy for managing dual careers? a. subordinating one career to the other b. taking turns c. participating in independent ventures d. limiting the impact of family on work e. all of the above 5. Which of the following statements about stress is incorrect? a. stress is defined as the nonspecific response of an organism to demands that tax or exceed its resistance. b. there are three types of coping mechanisms: direct action, cognitive reappraisal, and symptom management. c. people who receive social support from their supervisors, coworkers, or families are somewhat buffered from the effects of stress. d. individual characteristics that are related to greater susceptibility to stress are hostile type b behavior and internal locus of control. e. none of the above 6. Which of these is not a career function of mentoring? a. role modeling b. coaching c. exposure and visibility d. protection e. challenging assignment 7. Which of the following is not a psychosocial function of mentoring? a. acceptance b. counseling c. friendship d. sponsorship e. none of the above 8. Jerry has had many different jobs in many different fields, with no obvious connections among them. Which type of career does he have? a. spiral b. transitory c. linear d. steady-state or expert e. none of the above 9. According to Hall, the “protean” career is _____. a. self-directed b. organization directed c. negotiated and documented d. all of the above e. none of the above True or False Questions 10. Stress is always bad. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Some types of stress are “good” whereas others are “bad.” Examples of bad stress are office politics and bureaucratic red tape. Examples of good stress are challenges that accompany increased job responsibility, high-quality assignments, and reasonable time pressure 11. All Type A personalities are more likely candidates for stress-related heart disease than Type B personalities. _____ True or _____ False? Why? False. Only if the Type A personality is also hostile (quick to anger, mistrustful, and suspicious of others). Short Answer Questions 12. A _____ is a senior person within the organization who assumes responsibility for a junior person. mentor 13. _____ are motivational, attitudinal, and values syndromes formed early in life that function to guide and constrain people’s careers. Career anchors 14. The disequilibrium of adult development results from new psychological issues that arise from new _____ forces and/or _____ demands or pressures. internal; external 15. According to research, what are the advantages to being mentored? More promotions, higher pay, higher job satisfaction. 16. Why is it so important to set career goals? Those who set goals are more likely to achieve them. 17. Why should managers try to help employees reach their career goals? They are usually rewarded with the employee’s loyalty and commitment. 18. _____ is the means by which individuals and organizations manage internal or external demands that tax or exceed their resources. Coping 19. In _____ careers, people progress through a series of jobs that increase in authority and responsibility. linear 20. In _____ careers, people move across disciplines, moving from one field to a related one. spiral Essay Questions 21. Discuss the career anchor that appears most appropriate for you. Describe its characteristics and the typical career paths associated with it. Career Anchor: The "Autonomy/Independence" anchor resonates with me. This anchor is characterized by a strong desire for freedom, self-direction, and control over one’s work. Individuals with this anchor prefer roles that allow them to make their own decisions and avoid rigid structures. Typical career paths include entrepreneurship, consulting, and roles in creative or research fields where independence is valued. 22. Describe the transactional model of career stress. • Stressor situation • Cognitions • Stress reactions • Coping mechanisms • Individual characteristics Transactional Model of Career Stress: • Stressor Situation: Events or conditions that trigger stress, such as high workload or job insecurity. • Cognitions: Personal interpretations and evaluations of the stressor, like perceiving a situation as overwhelming. • Stress Reactions: Emotional and physiological responses, such as anxiety or fatigue. • Coping Mechanisms: Strategies to manage stress, including problem-solving or seeking support. • Individual Characteristics: Personal attributes that affect stress perception and management, such as resilience or coping skills. Chapter 8 Interpersonal Communication Workbook Exam and Review Questions Multiple Choice Questions 1. Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between communicators with the goal of _____. a. influence b. interpretation c. decoding d. sending one’s message e. mutual understanding 2. Which of the following is not a type of noise that interferes with intended communication? a. emotional b. social c. physiological d. environmental e. all of the above 3. As partial misunderstanding is a fact of most communication attempts, two ways to improve communication are _____. a. feedback and active listening b. defensive and one-up communication c. feedback and defensive communication d. active listening and gender-neutral communication e. none of the above 4. There are five response styles. Which one is the most common? a. supportive b. evaluative c. interpretive d. understanding e. probing 5. The components of active listening include _____. a. being non-evaluative, paraphrasing, and reflecting implications b. reflecting underlying feelings, inviting further contributions, and using nonverbal responses c. a and b d. being defensive and using criticism e. none of the above 6. Which of these are not characteristic of Latin American communication patterns? a. politeness b. direct language c. frequent gesturing d. expressive use of language e. none of the above 7. Email is an effective communication method for _____. a. making decisions b. resolving conflicts c. generating ideas d. establishing trust e. none of the above True or False Questions 8. Meaning lies in people, not in words. _____ True or _____ False? Why? True. The potential for distortion in communication is very large because encoding and decoding are heavily influenced by personal factors such as education, personality, socioeconomic levels, family, culture, experience, etc. It is a fact of communication that people perceive messages differently, thus meaning lies in people, rather than in words. Short Answer Questions 9. _____ is one of the most common barriers to communication because people get too caught up in protecting or justifying themselves to pay attention to the message. defensiveness 10. “So you think your job is on the line and you’re pretty upset about it” is an example of the _____ response style. understanding 11. “Why exactly do you think you’re going to be fired?” is an example of the _____ response style. probing 12. “You’re just saying that because you lost the account and have low self esteem” is an example of the _____ response style. interpretive 13. “What a great report” is an example of an _____ response style. evaluative 14. _____ is the ability to communicate clearly and directly what you need or want from another person in a way that does not deny or infringe upon the other's rights. assertiveness 15. Contrast nonassertive, assertive, and aggressive communication in terms of verbal and nonverbal elements. Nonassertive Communication: • Verbal Elements: Nonassertive communication involves weak, hesitant, or submissive language. Phrases like "I guess," "Maybe," or "I'm not sure" are common, and the speaker may avoid expressing their needs or opinions clearly. • Nonverbal Elements: Body language often includes a lack of eye contact, slouched posture, or fidgeting. The speaker may appear unsure or passive, reinforcing a lack of confidence and assertiveness. Assertive Communication: • Verbal Elements: Assertive communication is characterized by clear, direct, and respectful language. The speaker uses statements like "I feel," "I need," or "I would like" to express their thoughts or needs confidently and honestly. • Nonverbal Elements: Body language includes steady eye contact, an open posture, and a calm, steady voice. The speaker maintains a confident demeanor without being confrontational. Aggressive Communication: • Verbal Elements: Aggressive communication features confrontational, hostile, or disrespectful language. The speaker might use forceful, demanding statements like "You must" or "You always," often blaming or criticizing others. • Nonverbal Elements: Body language includes intense eye contact, hostile gestures, or an intimidating posture. The speaker’s tone may be harsh, and their physical presence can be aggressive or threatening. Essay Questions 16. Describe the transactional model of communication. Use a diagram if helpful. This model describes two communicators who participate equally and often simultaneously in the communication process. Communication occurs within a social system, and each communicator has a personal context or field of experience through which they interpret messages. Mutual understanding is more likely when these fields of experience are shared. The communication relationship and the communicators’ field of experience may change over time. Noise can interfere with intended communication. 17. One of the members of your study group, Joshua, is constantly goofing off and interrupting you to make wisecracks, which is impeding your group’s ability to get work done. Write an I-statement that would give Joshua feedback on the situation. Label the three components of your statement. Sample When you goof off and interrupt me during our group meetings, (behavior) I get off track and it takes me time to get refocused (effects), which makes me resentful (feelings). "I feel frustrated (feeling) when you make wisecracks and interrupt us (behavior) because it disrupts our group's ability to focus and complete the work effectively (effect)." 18. Give an active listening response, using as many components as possible, to your harried-looking, tense fellow employee Katherine when she bursts into your office saying, “I didn’t get the bid in on time! think I’ve ruined our chances of getting the Nike account and I’ll probably lose my job.” Answer should include: being non-evaluative, paraphrasing, reflecting implications, reflecting underlying feelings, inviting further contributions, and using nonverbal responses. "I understand you're feeling overwhelmed right now. It sounds like you're worried about the missed bid impacting our chance with Nike and your job security. Let's discuss what happened and see how we can address this together." 19. How can managers become effective communicators? • Give other people confirmation or validation by acknowledging their presence and indicating acceptance of them and their ideas. • Do not exclude others or resort to in-group talk. • Avoid talking about themselves too much, do not “monologue,” and try to listen as much as they talk. • Avoid both excessive criticism and undeserved praise in favor of honest appraisals given in a gentle manner. • Use language that neither offends nor demeans other people. 20. List the barriers to communication. Lack of clarity, poor relationships, individual differences in encoding and decoding, gender, culture, misinterpretation of nonverbal communication, defensiveness, lack of feedback and clarification, poor listening skills Test Bank for Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin, Marlene E. Turner 9780131441514, 9780138961923

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