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Chapter Sixteen: Social and Mobile Marketing TOOLS FOR INSTRUCTORS • Learning Objectives • Annotated Chapter Outline with Instructor’s Notes/Teaching Tips • Answers to End of Chapter Learning Aids Concept Review Marketing Application Questions Net Savvy • Chapter Case Study • Video Activities Learning Objectives 1. Describe the 4E framework of social media marketing. 2. Understand the types of social media. 3. Understand the types of mobile applications. 4. Recognize and understand the three components of a social media strategy. 5. Understand the ¬methods for marketing yourself using ¬social media. Annotated Chapter Outline PowerPoint Slides Instructor’s Notes Chapter 16 will focus on Social and Mobile Marketing. These questions are the learning objectives guiding the chapter and will be explored in more detail in the following slides. Opening Vignette: Checkout 51 CO51 is a mobile app that showcases new coupon offers each week. When consumers make a qualifying purchase at any Canadian retailer, they can use their phone to snap a picture of their receipt and upload it. Coupon redemptions are stored until the customer requests payout. No more fumbling with coupons at the cash register. Plus, consumers have the coupons in-store while they shop. Ask students how many of them use Checkout 51 or some other app while shopping. Technology Evolution over the Life of the Social Web Explain that the diffusion of technology used to bring us social media has been accelerating since the Internet came on the scene in the mid- to late-1990s. Ask students to share their own experiences on how technology has changed their lives. LO1: The 4E Framework for Social Media • Excite the Customer • Educate the Customer • Experience the Product or Service • Engage the Customer This is an overview of the 4E’s which will be discussed in greater depth. Ask students to choose a product and ask them to describe the 4E’s for this product. Excite the Customer To excite customers, an offer must be relevant to its targeted customer. Relevancy can be achieved by providing personalized offers, which are determined through insights and information obtained from customer relationship management and/or loyalty programs. Ask students what do social networks like Facebook or Google+ do to excite them. How is it important to them? Educate the Customer Marketers must take advantage of the opportunity to educate potential customers about its value proposition and communicate the offered benefits. Social media marketing needs to be well-designed to ensure that this happens. Well-designed social media marketing offers must have a clear call to action: to draw customers through their computers, tablets & mobile devices into online websites or traditional retail stores. Marketers then have a great opportunity to educate them about the value proposition & communicate the offered benefits. This is a great method to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Tools to help marketers educate customers include: WordPress, Twitter, HubSpot, YouTube, Google+, Roost & Schedulicity See link in the slide to HubSpot Experience the Product or Service One of a website’s most useful contributions may be the vivid information it provides about a firm’s goods and services - how they work, how to use them, and where they can be obtained. Many videos on YouTube are funny, silly & entertaining. However, they also provide very vivid information about a firm’s goods & services. You can see how they work, how to use them, & where to find them. These sites can help a consumer to visualize & to simulate a real-life experience Engage the Customer By encouraging the use of social media tools such as blogging and micro-blogging, firms ensure that customers actively engage with the firm’s products, services, and their own social networks. Positively engaged consumers tend to be more profitable consumers, purchasing 20 to 40 percent more than less engaged customers. Dave Carroll, a traveling musician whose guitar was roughly handled by United baggage handlers, was also closely engaged (in a negative manner) with the company and other users. The most important element is to engage the customer. With engagement comes action, the potential for a relationship, & possibly even loyalty & commitment. Through social medial tools such as blogging & microblogging, customers actively engage with firms & their own social networks. Positively engaged customers tend to be more profitable consumers, purchasing 20 to 40 percent more than less engaged customers. Answer: B; see page 505 LO2: Categories of Social Media • Social Network Sites • Media-Sharing Sites • Thought-Sharing Sites The audience for marketers could be bigger on social media sites than through other, more traditional forms of media. Ask students are all your real-life friends your online friends too? Ask students do they actually know all the friends registered on their online sites? Social Network Sites Social networks are used by different types of consumers based on their motivations and habits. Social networks are used by different types of consumers based on their motivations and habits. Ask students which social networker type do they believe they represent? Media-Sharing Sites Media-sharing sites explicitly rely on the capability of the WWW to connect people more easily and in more ways than have ever. By using media-sharing sites users are able to share content they have generated, from videos on YouTube to pictures on Flickr. Home Shopping Network marketers can use the information gathered from YouTube to target its direct mail campaigns. Media sharing sites enable users to share content they have generated, from videos on YouTube, Vimeo and Vine to pictures on Flickr, Picasa & Instagram. Companies use these sites to highlight how consumers can experience their goods & services, as well as encourage consumers to engage with the firm, its other social media outlets, & other consumers. Thought-Sharing Sites As the name implies, a microblog differs from a traditional blog in size - short sentences, short videos, or individual images. Twitter provides another option for companies to educate their customers by providing corporate and product information and to engage them by providing a platform for two-way communications. Ask students would you like to receive a targeted promotion each day based on where you are checking in on Foursquare and what you are tweeting? Ask students why is Local Response leveraging Twitter so well? Paid, Owned, Earned Media Marketers use a combination of media in their IMC plans. • Paid media - tv, print, radio or display ads is used to reach mass markets. Paid media is created and controlled by the advertiser. • Owned media, e.g. website, is also controlled by the advertiser. Other forms of owned media include a company’s blog, YouTube channel or Facebook fan page. While there are costs associated with these media, they are less expensive than paid media. • Earned media comes as a result of word-of-mouth, buzz, or publicity. Customers, the public or the press become the media channel. Brand mentions are given voluntarily by customers, the public, or the press, and so the company “earns” the visibility. Marketers must use a combination of media when implementing their IMC plans. As shown in the slide, they use paid media such as TV, print, radio or display ads to reach mass markets. Paid media is created & controlled by the advertiser. Owned media such as a website, is also controlled by the advertiser. This may include a company’s blog, YouTube channel or Facebook fan page. The costs are usually less expensive than paid media. Earned media comes as a result of word of mouth buzz, or publicity. Brand mentions are given voluntarily by customers and so the company earns the visibility. Answer: A; see page 515 LO3: Understanding Mobile Applications More than 100 million North Americans have smartphones and approximately half of them make purchases on these devices. Several types of applications have been developed to better market goods and services to these consumers. • Fashion Apps • Location-Based “Gamified” Apps • Price Check Apps 100 million people have smartphones in North America. Approximately half of them make purchases on them. This is a huge market. Consumers are generally younger & wealthier than others who own older model mobile phones or none at all. Mobile marketing is great at creating excitement with consumers at the time of sale. Several apps have been developed to better market goods/services to attract consumers. These include the app categories as noted in the slide. Entrepreneurial Marketing 16.1 Pumped-up on Social Media Pump-up is a mobile fitness app that lets people easily incorporate well designed fitness routines into their busy lives without having to hire an expensive personal trainer. Pump-up is sold via iTunes and has been almost exclusively promoted using social media. Over one million consumers have downloaded the application. Ask students to watch CBC’s Dragons’ Den video. Ask how many of them use fitness apps now. Ask them how well they think the Pump-up app will do long term. Note: as of late July 2014, almost 2 million users have downloaded this app. Pump-up received $2.4 million in venture funding in July 2014 as well. LO4: Engaging Customers Using Social Media It is important to determine how firms should go about engaging customers through social and mobile media. There is a three-stage process that states that firms should listen to what customers have to say, analyze the information available through various touch points, and finally implement (or do) social media tactics to excite customers. It is important to determine how firms should go about engaging customers through social & mobile media. The three-stage process is to listen to what customers have to say, analyze the information available through various touch points, & implement social media tactics to excite customers. Let’s explore each one. Listen Scouring millions of sites with sentiment analysis techniques provides new insights into what consumers really think. Ask students what do they think marketers can discover about their attitudes and preferences if they search their personal social media sites? Analyze There are three main categories of analysis used for understanding data collected from social media: 1. Determine the amount of traffic using their sites, visiting blogs or tweeting 2. Learn who the visitors are, what they are doing, and what engages and excites them 3. Analyze data that comes from other sites Google Analytics track many elements and is highly customizable. Analytic tools are available to assess what customers are saying about the firm & its competitors. There are three main categories of analysis used for understanding data collected from social media as noted in the slide. These analyses require well-trained marketing managers, marketing analytic software & perhaps some help from consulting specialists (e.g.. IBM, SAS) But almost everyone seems to be turning to Google Analytics. It offers a sophisticated, in-depth form of analysis, all for free. Google Analytics tracks the elements as shown in the next slide. It is also highly customizable. Do A well-developed marketing strategy involves a host of social and mobile tools, working in conjunction with the firm’s traditional IMC tactics, to move the consumer up the purchase decision hierarchy from awareness to purchase to loyalty. These are the steps involved in developing and implementing a Facebook marketing campaign. 1. Identify strategy and goals 2. Identify target market 3. Develop campaign 4. Develop budget 5. Monitor and change Facebook enables the marketer to perform targeting that is based on location, language, education, gender, profession, age, relationship status, likes/dislikes, and friends or connections. The marketer wants to target a sufficient audience that is fine-tuned and does not unnecessarily appeal to consumers too far away for the target audience. Answer: D; see page 522 LO5: Managing Your Brand in a Social Media World Social influence can be measured by much do the people in a person’s network read that person’s content. Klout metrics combines these three elements - social reach, influence, and extended network - to define a Klout score that can range from 0 to 100. Ask students how many friends, followers, and professional contacts do they have on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other social media services? Individual Brand Management. Measures of individual social media effectiveness or equity use metrics such as social reach: the number of people a person influences, and Influence: the extent to which a person influences others; Extended network: the influence of a person’s extended network. Different metrics have been developed to assess a person’s social impact such as Klout, Peer Index, Twitalyzer, Kred. To visit Peer Index - - click on the link in the slide. Types of jobs available in Social Media. A student who graduates with a marketing degree, likely has a good foundation for one of the jobs in social media as noted in the slide. Social media jobs are increasing. Go to the link in the slide for, to do a search of various examples of social media jobs. What does personal branding really mean? Getting one of the jobs noted in the previous slide implies that candidates truly have influence, & these social media impact scores offer some ideas about what personal branding really means. Three key things to focus on are noted in the slide. Ethical Considerations. Personal branding needs to take ethical considerations into account. We need to think carefully about the spread of metrics especially with reports about the ways these metrics are being used – especially if being used without knowledge or content. The importance of social media scores also implies the potential for abuse. If firms ‘game’ the system, in that they only search engines results based upon paid followers to tweet about the offering, this is misleading to the consumer. Sites such as Facebook that post personal information & pictures, can be detrimental to a future career since HR managers search these sites to gain insight into potential candidates. One must always remember to be vigilant in everything that is done online since it can also have legal implications. Answer D; see page 523 Concept Review Generally, the concept questions are designed to achieve a single purpose – to encourage students to test their knowledge and understanding of the theoretical content of the chapter. These questions encourage recall and reflection, which will better prepare students to answer the marketing applications questions based on their understanding of the theory. 1. What are the 4 Es? Example Answer: Excite the Customer, Educate the Customer, Experience the Product or Service, and Engage the Customer. The 4 Es are: 1. Engage 2. Educate 3. Entertain 4. Empower 2. What social media elements work best for each of the 4 Es? Example Answer: Best social media elements: • Excite the Customer - social networks like Facebook and Google + • Educate the Customer - blogs and blogging tools (e.g., Wordpress and Twitter), HubSpot (all-in-one marketing software), YouTube and Google +, • Experience the Product or Service – YouTube, blogs and retailer’s website, • Engage the Customer - blogging and micro-blogging. 1. Engage: Interactive posts (polls, quizzes) 2. Educate: Informative infographics, how-to videos 3. Entertain: Memes, entertaining videos 4. Empower: User-generated content, actionable tips 3. What is an example of a social network, a media-sharing site, a thought-sharing site, and a mobile application? Example Answer: • Social network - Facebook • Media-sharing site – YouTube, Flickr • Thought-sharing site – blogs, Twitter • Mobile application – Pump-up, Checkout 51 • Social Network: Facebook • Media-Sharing Site: Instagram • Thought-Sharing Site: LinkedIn • Mobile Application: WhatsApp 4. On which of the 4E dimensions do social networks, media-sharing sites, thought-sharing sites, and mobile applications excel? Example Answer: • Social network sites are an excellent way for marketers to create excitement. • Media-sharing sites are a great way to provide customers visual experiences of others who are using these goods and services. • Thought-sharing sites are excellent for providing customer education. • Mobile marketing is particularly useful for creating excitement with consumers at the time of sale. • Social Networks: Engage • Media-Sharing Sites: Entertain • Thought-Sharing Sites: Educate • Mobile Applications: Empower 5. What are the three steps in developing social media engagement strategies? Example Answer: Listen, Analyze, and Do. 1. Set Objectives 2. Define Target Audience 3. Create and Share Content 6. How do firms examine customer sentiments? Example Answer: Marketers can analyze the content found on sites like Facebook, Twitter, online blogs and reviews to assess the favourable or unfavourable nature of the sentiments, using a technique known as sentiment analysis. Firms examine customer sentiments through social media monitoring, sentiment analysis tools, and customer feedback surveys. 7. What are the steps in developing a social media campaign? Example Answer: • Identify strategy and goals • Identify target market • Develop campaign • Develop budget • Monitor and change 1. Define Goals 2. Identify Target Audience 3. Choose Platforms 4. Create Content 5. Set Budget and Timeline 6. Launch Campaign 7. Monitor and Analyze Performance 8. Why might it be important to develop a personal social media presence? Example Answer: Social influence can have significant effects on elements of a person’s life, such as hiring success. Developing a personal social media presence can enhance professional networking, personal branding, and career opportunities. Marketing Applications 1. Evaluate Dell’s social media strategy using the 4E framework. Example Answer: The four E’s are: excite customers with relevant offers, educate them about the offering, help them experience products (directly or indirectly), and give customers an opportunity to engage with the company and the company’s social network. Dell uses social media to excite customers about new products and unique product offerings. To educate customers, Dell offers online support forums which allow customers immediate answers to product questions or concerns. Customers can engage with Dell with instant chat and real-time conversation through Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, and Google+. Customers can engage with the brand through all of these media as well. The new media allows Dell to monitor and learn from user conversations. Dell’s social media strategy excels in: 1. Engage: Active interaction with customers through responses and discussions. 2. Educate: Sharing informative content about products and technology. 3. Entertain: Using engaging and creative content like videos and graphics. 4. Empower: Providing resources and tools to help users make informed decisions. 2. Using the components of the 4E framework, outline how an entrepreneur marketing T-shirts can augment or enhance his or her marketing mix efforts. Example Answer: An entrepreneur marketing t-shirts probably has a limited promotional budget and should use social media to interact with customers. The t-shirt manufacturer should use the 4E’s to support his/her marketing efforts. • Excite customers- The t-shirt manufacturer can offer its Facebook fans or Twitter followers special offers or discounts. • Educate customers- The t-shirt manufacturer can use social media to educate customers about the unique materials or production practices the manufacturer uses. • Experience products- The t-shirt manufacturer can set up pop-up shops with its t-shirts and use social media to alert customers about the location of the pop-up shop. • Engage customers- The t-shirt manufacturer can have customers upload videos and pictures of themselves wearing the t-shirts. 1. Engage: Use interactive posts and polls on social media to involve customers. 2. Educate: Share content about the quality, design process, and unique features of the T-shirts. 3. Entertain: Create engaging visuals, memes, or videos featuring the T-shirts in various settings. 4. Empower: Encourage user-generated content and reviews, offering tools or incentives for customers to share their own photos and experiences. 3. Suppose DAVIDs TEA introduced a new product called mint-enhanced tea—mint and lemon herbal tea. How should it go about creating excitement using various social and mobile media tools? Example Answer: Students’ answers may vary. The DAVIDs TEA could use social media to alert customers about product launch events to create excitement about the product. The company could also use social media to build excitement about the launch of the product in advance of its introduction. Social media can be used in numerous ways to create excitement about a new product. DAVIDs TEA can create excitement by: 1. Social Media: Launch a teaser campaign with engaging posts, behind-the-scenes content, and interactive polls about the new mint-enhanced tea. 2. Mobile Media: Use push notifications and SMS promotions to alert subscribers about the new product and offer exclusive discounts. 3. Influencers: Partner with influencers to review and showcase the tea. 4. Contests: Run a contest encouraging users to share their favorite tea recipes or experiences. 4. If you were marketing a new sneaker, what sort of mobile applications might enhance your marketing efforts? Example Answer: Students will have a variety of answers. A new sneaker company could look at the mobile applications of Reebok, adidas, Nike, and UnderArmour to build its own mobile applications. One potential mobile application could provide training programs and workout regimens for customers who download the app and use the sneaker. 1. Fitness Apps: Integrate with apps like Strava or Fitbit for tracking runs. 2. Photo Editing Apps: Use apps like Instagram or Snapseed for creating and sharing stylish photos. 3. Shopping Apps: Utilize apps like Shopbop or ASOS for easy purchasing and promotions. 4. Augmented Reality Apps: Implement AR apps for virtual try-ons. 5. Assume you work for a large consumer packaged goods firm which has discovered that its latest line of snack foods is moving very slowly off store shelves. Recommend a strategy for listening to what consumers are saying on blogs, review sites, and the firm’s website. Describe how your strategy might provide insights into consumers’ sentiments about the new product line. Example Answer: The CPG (consumer packaged goods) firm should use an analytics tool to track its online presence, like Radian6. These analytics can track online comments and categorize them, making them easy for the CPG firm to interpret and analyze. Using an analytics tool will help the firm understand customers’ feelings about products, and can be used to understand new product lines. 1. Monitor and Analyze: Use tools to track mentions of the snack line on blogs, review sites, and the firm’s website. 2. Categorize Feedback: Identify common themes or issues in consumer comments and reviews. 3. Engage with Customers: Respond to feedback to gain deeper insights and show responsiveness. This strategy helps understand consumer sentiments by revealing specific concerns, preferences, and areas for improvement. 6. If you were assessing the effectiveness of your social media marketing campaign, would sentiment analysis be helpful? Example Answer: Social media can be assessed using simple measures like the number of fans or followers. In addition, firms can evaluate whether they have gained market share since starting their social media campaign. Using listening tools, firms can evaluate what customers are saying about their products and gauge responses to new product introductions, events, and promotional campaigns. Sentiment analysis helps firms understand public sentiments about their products. This would be helpful, especially when trying to recruit investors, as the chapter indicates. Yes, sentiment analysis would be helpful to gauge overall consumer feelings and reactions toward the campaign. 7. As an intern for Tim Hortons, you have been asked to develop a social media campaign for a new glazed muffin. The objective of the campaign is to increase awareness and trial of the new line of muffins. How would you go about putting such a campaign together? Example Answer: Students’ answers will vary. When trying to increase awareness about a product, Tim Hortons should use thought sharing sights to educate customers about the product and encourage customer dialogue about the new product. Tim Hortons should also use social networking sites and mobile applications to excite customers about the new muffin. 1. Define Goals: Increase awareness and trial of the new glazed muffin. 2. Identify Audience: Target muffin lovers and Tim Hortons customers. 3. Choose Platforms: Use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. 4. Create Content: Share enticing images, behind-the-scenes videos, and customer testimonials. 5. Run Promotions: Offer limited-time discounts or free samples. 6. Engage Users: Run interactive contests or polls. 7. Track Performance: Monitor engagement and sales metrics to adjust the campaign. 8. What is your Klout score? Do you believe it is “high enough” for what you are planning to do after graduation? How would you go about increasing your score? Example Answer: Students’ answers will vary, but should include an outline of how they would build their presence online. A social media marketing analyst would be expected to have a significant online, social-media presence. Students seeking this position should use as many social networking tools as possible, including: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. For each of these tools, the student should make sure that his/her online presence is professional and should avoid embarrassing or compromising photos and should also avoid making disparaging remarks about other people or companies. Students should also set up Tumblr or Flickr accounts with photos of things that interest them or places that they have been so potential employers can get a feel for what the candidate is like. Klout assesses three elements of social media influence: true reach, amplification, and network impact. Students attempting to use social media for professional networking should probably determine their Klout score to see if they are actually using the social media tools to help themselves get a job, and if they are using social media in a positive way. I don’t have a Klout score. To increase it, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content, interacting with your audience, and expanding your network. Net Savvy 1. Go to and learn about how to build pages, ads, sponsored stories, and take advantage of mobile applications. What are some of the steps that Facebook suggests a person consider when marketing using ads? Example answers: Facebook outlines a step-by-step process for customers using Facebook ads. The steps are: 1- Decide what to Promote; 2- Target the Right People; 3- Design an Engaging Ad; 4- 4-Manage your Budget; 5- 5- Review and Improve. Facebook suggests: 1. Define Your Goals: Set clear objectives for your ads. 2. Target Your Audience: Use detailed targeting options to reach specific groups. 3. Create Compelling Content: Design engaging ad visuals and copy. 4. Set Your Budget: Determine how much you want to spend and schedule your ads. 5. Track Performance: Monitor ad metrics and adjust strategies based on results. 2. Go to and check out its top case studies. How do these case studies provide insights into how listening and analytic systems can help firms improve their social media marketing? Example answers: Some of the companies that Radian6 has helped include universities, non-profit organizations, airline companies, retailers, public relation firms, and travel agencies. Radian6 works with these companies to engage in Social Media Monitoring. Social Media Monitoring involves helping companies learn what is being said about their brand, the industry, and competitors. Students should examine how Radian6 worked with brands to monitor their online, social media presence. Radian6’s case studies show how listening and analytic systems can help firms by: 1. Identifying Trends: Recognizing emerging patterns and consumer preferences. 2. Monitoring Brand Sentiment: Assessing public perception and responding proactively. 3. Optimizing Campaigns: Refining strategies based on real-time feedback and performance data. 4. Enhancing Engagement: Tailoring interactions and content to better meet audience needs. End-of-Chapter Case Social Media Give Dell a Direct Connection to its Customers Questions 1. What social and mobile media tools are Dell’s people using? Example answers: Dell uses its website to offer product support, technical assistance, downloads, and online forums to help build relationships with customers. Dell uses Facebook and has multiple pages to reach multiple market segments including home users, small and medium businesses, and large corporate users. Some Facebook pages that Dell has created include: The Buzz Room, The Dell Wall, The Lounge, and The Social Dell Shop. Dell also uses a live streaming Twitter feed to announce product launches and give consumers product news. Dell also uses blogs to facilitate dialogues with customers. Dell also uses Google + to engage with customers. Dell's team uses: 1. Social Media Tools: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn 2. Mobile Media Tools: Mobile apps for customer support and engagement, mobile-optimized content 2. Evaluate Dell’s social media marketing strategy using the 4E framework. Example answers: The four E’s are: excite customers with relevant offers, educate them about the offering, help them experience products (directly or indirectly), give customers an opportunity to engage with the company and the company’s social network. Dell uses social media to excite customers about new products and unique product offerings. To educate customers, Dell offers online support forums which allow customers immediate answers to product questions or concerns. Customers can engage with Dell with instant chat and real-time conversation through Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, and Google+. Customers can engage with the brand through all of these media as well. The new media allows Dell to monitor and learn from user conversations. Dell’s social media marketing strategy excels in: 1. Engage: Active customer interaction and support. 2. Educate: Sharing valuable tech insights and product information. 3. Entertain: Creative and engaging content, including videos and posts. 4. Empower: Providing tools and resources for informed decision-making. 3. Assess their listening capabilities and how they respond to insights gained by their social media command centre. Example answers: Dell is very active in social media and uses it effectively to engage with customers. According to the case, Dell has a corporate culture that is driven by engaging with customers and social media connectivity. Dell is using the information from customers that it receives via social media to improve products and services, retain loyal customers, and ultimately increase revenues. Dell’s social media command center effectively listens to customer feedback and market trends, allowing them to: 1. Monitor: Track brand mentions and customer sentiment. 2. Analyze: Gain insights into customer needs and issues. 3. Respond: Address concerns and adapt strategies based on real-time data. ADDITIONAL TEACHING TIPS This chapter explores how social and mobile marketing have revolutionized how companies communicate with, listen to, and learn from their customers. Listening and analysis - or social media monitoring- is key, enabling companies to identify salient customer input and trends. Students will be familiar with the latest software and hardware. This will generate a good deal of interest. It is important to teach students that social media is becoming an integral component of any integrated marketing communications strategy. The changing role of traditional media, sales promotions, and retail, coupled with the new media of social, mobile, and online, has led to a different way of thinking about the objectives of marketing communications using the 4E framework. It is important that instructors stress that the framework includes: Exciting customers with relevant offers, Educating them about the offering, help them Experience products, whether directly or indirectly, and giving them an opportunity to Engage with their social network. 97 percent of consumers access social media through their computers, 37 percent access these media via their mobile phones, 3 percent through iPads, and 2 percent through e-readers. Students need to understand that these numbers are constantly changing. Video Activities Video: Pump Up (CBC’s Dragons’ Den) Learning Objective: LO2, LO3 Description: This video provides a real world pitch by two young grads, Phil Jacobson and Garrett Gottleib, on CBC’s Dragons’ Den. They developed a mobile fitness app which quickly rose to the top 3 in iTunes Health and Fitness apps. While the Dragons did not end up offering Pump-up a deal, the company has been tremendously successful without their help. Through social media efforts, they built a huge following not only in North America but also in Australia. They’ve surpassed 2 million downloads and received $2.4 million in venture funding since being on the show. Key Words: social media, mobile apps Activity: Ask students how many apps they have on their phones right now. How many of them have a fitness app on their phone or have ever used a fitness app? Were the fitness apps fee or free? More importantly, regardless of whether they paid for the apps or not, did they continue to use them or did they lose interest very quickly? The Pump-up model depends on converting users to subscribers so ask how much people would be willing to pay for an app like this. Solution Manual for Marketing Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy, Shirley Lichti, Ajax Persaud 9781259030659, 9781259104312

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