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This Document Contains Chapters 7 and Appendix A to D Chapter 7 Structuring System Process Requirements 1) A data flow diagram is a graphical tool that allows analysts to illustrate the flow of data in an information system. Answer: True 2) Logic modeling graphically represents the processes that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute data between a system and its environment and among components within a system. Answer: False 3) A primitive level data flow diagram is the first deliverable produced during requirements structuring. Answer: False 4) Data flow diagrams evolve from the more general to the more detailed as current and replacement systems are better understood. Answer: True 5) A data flow represents data in motion, moving from one place in the system to another. Answer: True 6) On a data flow diagram, a paycheck is represented as a data store. Answer: False 7) A customer order is represented on a data flow diagram as a data flow. Answer: True 8) Assume shipment data is entered into a logbook once shipments are received at the company's warehouse; the logbook is represented on a data flow diagram as a sink. Answer: False 9) Assume your local veterinarian records information about each of his patients on patient medical history forms; the collection of medical history forms is represented on a data flow diagram as a data store. Answer: True 10) The calculation of a student's grade is represented on a data flow diagram as a data flow. Answer: False 11) The determination of which items are low in stock is represented on a data flow diagram as a process. Answer: True 12) Sources and sinks are internal to the system. Answer: False 13) When constructing data flow diagrams, you should show the interactions that occur between sources and sinks. Answer: False 14) The data a sink receives and often what data a source provides are fixed. Answer: True 15) A Web site's customer is represented as a source on a data flow diagram. Answer: True 16) On a data flow diagram, an arrow represents an action, such as calculating an employee's pay. Answer: False 17) On a data flow diagram, a diamond represents a process. Answer: False 18) On a data flow diagram in the DeMarco and Yourdon model, two parallel lines represent a data store. Answer: True 19) A context diagram shows the scope of the organizational system, system boundaries, external entities that interact with the system, and major information flows between entities and the system. Answer: True 20) Context diagrams have only one process labeled "P-1." Answer: False 21) Because the system's data stores are conceptually inside one process, no data stores appear on a context diagram. Answer: True 22) A level-0 diagram is a data flow diagram that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail. Answer: True 23) Assume Process 7.4 produces a data flow and that Process 7.2 must be ready to accept it; we would say that these processes are physically linked to each other. Answer: False 24) Assume we have placed a data store between Process 5.1 and Process 5.5; we would say that these processes are decoupled. Answer: True 25) Because data flow names represent a specific set of data, another data flow that has even one more or one less piece of data must be given a different unique name. Answer: True 26) Functional decomposition is an iterative process of breaking the description of a system down into finer and finer detail. Answer: True 27) A data flow can go directly back to the same process it leaves. Answer: False 28) A fork in a data flow means that exactly the same data go from a common location to two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks. Answer: True 29) A data flow to a data store means update. Answer: True 30) Data cannot move directly from a source to a sink. Answer: True 31) More than one data flow noun phrase can appear on a single arrow as long as all of the flows on the same arrow move together as one package. Answer: True 32) A process has a verb phrase label. Answer: True 33) Double-ended arrows are used to represent data flowing in both directions. Answer: False 34) The lowest-level data flow diagrams are called level-0 diagrams. Answer: False 35) The decomposition of Process 1.1 is shown on a level-1 diagram. Answer: False 36) As a rule of thumb, no data flow diagram should have more than about seven processes on it, because the diagram would be too crowded and difficult to understand. Answer: True 37) The decomposition of Process is shown on a level-4 diagram. Answer: True 38) Coupling is the conservation of inputs and outputs to a data flow diagram process when that process is decomposed to a lower level. Answer: False 39) To keep a data flow diagram uncluttered, you may repeat data stores, sinks/sources, and processes. Answer: False 40) A composite data flow on one level can be split into component data flows at the next level, but no new data can be added and all data in the composite must be accounted for in one or more subflows. Answer: True 41) Completeness, consistency, timing, iterative development, and primitive DFDs are guidelines for drawing DFDs. Answer: True 42) DFD cohesion means your DFDs include all of the necessary components for the system you are modeling. Answer: False 43) A data flow repository entry would include the composition or list of data elements contained in the data flow. Answer: True 44) A gross violation of DFD consistency would be a level-1 diagram with no level-0 diagram. Answer: True 45) One of the primary purposes of a DFD is to represent time, giving a good indication of whether data flows occur constantly in real time, once a day, or once a year. Answer: False 46) Structured analysis is the process of discovering discrepancies between two or more sets of data flow diagrams or discrepancies within a single DFD. Answer: False 47) To date, data flow diagrams have not been useful tools for modeling processes in business process reengineering. Answer: False 48) The principle of balancing and the goal of keeping a DFD as simple as possible led to four additional, advanced rules for drawing DFDs. Answer: True 49) Inefficiencies cannot be identified by studying DFDs. Answer: False 50) Data flow diagrams aren't versatile enough to be used as tools for process modeling. Answer: False 51) Decision tables allow you to represent a set of conditions and the actions that follow from them in a tabular format. Answer: True 52) Make the decision table as simple as possible by removing any rules with impossible actions. Answer: True 53) A decision table is a matrix representation of the logic of a decision, which specifies the possible conditions for the decision and the resulting actions. Answer: True 54) Condition stubs are that part of a decision table that lists the actions that result for a given set of conditions. Answer: False 55) Action stubs are that part of a decision table that lists the conditions relevant to the decision. Answer: False 56) Referencing a decision table, specific combinations of conditions trigger specific actions. Answer: True 57) Rules are that part of the decision table that specify which actions are to be followed for a given set of conditions. Answer: True 58) Assume condition one has three values, condition two has four values, and condition three has two values; the number of rules required for the decision table is nine. Answer: False 59) Assume condition one has two values, condition two has five values, condition three has three values, and condition four has two values; the number of rules required for the decision table is sixty. Answer: True 60) An insignificant condition is a condition in a decision table whose value does not affect which actions are taken for two or more rules. Answer: False 61) In a decision table, an indifferent condition is represented by an asterisk. Answer: False 62) If the different values for the employee type condition do not affect the action taken, then employee type is an indifferent condition. Answer: True 63) Referencing a decision table, a limited entry occurs when a condition has only two possible values. Answer: True 64) Referencing a decision table, an employee condition that has only two possible values is considered a limited entry. Answer: True 65) If an inventory item is either perishable or nonperishable, its condition is classified as an extended entry. Answer: False 66) Referencing a decision table, every possible combination of conditions must be represented. Answer: True 67) Referencing a decision table, an action is provided for each rule. Answer: True 68) Decision tables support nested conditions. Answer: True 69) Data flow diagrams that concentrate on the movement of data between processes are referred to as: A) process models B) data models C) flow models D) flow charts Answer: A 70) Graphically representing the functions, or processes, which capture, manipulate, store, and distribute data between a system and its environment and between components within a system refers to: A) data modeling B) flow charting C) process modeling D) transition modeling Answer: C 71) The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating what elements are inside and which are outside the system, is called a: A) context diagram B) level-2 diagram C) referencing diagram D) representative diagram Answer: A 72) Which of the following is not one of the primary deliverables resulting from studying and documenting a system's processes? A) context data flow diagram (DFD) B) thorough descriptions of each DFD component C) DFDs of the current logical system D) state-transition diagram Answer: D 73) The deliverables of process modeling state: A) how you should develop the system during physical design B) what you learned during requirements determination C) how you should implement the new system during implementation D) what you learned during project planning Answer: B 74) Student data contained on an enrollment form is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) data flow C) source D) data store Answer: B 75) Data in motion, moving from one place in a system to another, defines: A) data store B) process C) source D) data flow Answer: D 76) Data at rest, which may take the form of many different physical representations, defines: A) source B) data store C) data flow D) process Answer: B 77) A file folder containing orders is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) source C) data flow D) data store Answer: D 78) A computer-based file containing employee information is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) data flow B) source C) data store D) process Answer: C 79) Calculating an employee's salary is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) data flow B) source C) data store D) process Answer: D 80) Recording a customer's payment is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) source C) data flow D) data store Answer: A 81) A supplier of auto parts to our company is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) source C) data flow D) data store Answer: B 82) Which of the following is considered when diagramming? A) the interactions occurring between sources and sinks B) how to provide sources and sinks direct access to stored data C) how to control or redesign a source or sink D) none of the above Answer: D 83) The work or actions performed on data so that they are transformed, stored, or distributed defines: A) source/sink B) data store C) data flow D) process Answer: D 84) The origin and/or destination of data, sometimes referred to as external entities defines: A) source/sink B) data store C) data flow D) process Answer: A 85) An arrow on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink Answer: B 86) A square on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink Answer: D 87) In the Gane and Sarson model, a rectangle with rounded corners on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink Answer: C 88) In the Gane and Sarson model, a rectangle that is missing its right vertical sides on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink Answer: A 89) Which of the following is a true statement regarding sources/sinks? A) Sources/sinks are always outside the information system and define the boundaries of the system. B) Data must originate outside a system from one or more sources. C) The system must produce information to one or more sinks. D) All of the above. Answer: D 90) A data flow diagram that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail refers to: A) context diagram B) level-1 diagram C) level-0 diagram D) level-00 diagram Answer: C 91) If two processes are connected by a data flow, they are said to: A) share the same timing effects B) share the same data C) be coupled to each other D) be strapped to each other Answer: C 92) By placing a data store between two processes, this: A) decouples the processes B) enables store and forward capabilities C) enhances the flow of data between the processes D) structures the processes Answer: A 93) The act of going from a single system to several component processes refers to: A) structuring B) balancing C) functional decomposition D) formatting Answer: C 94) A miracle process is one that: A) has only inputs B) has only outputs C) cannot be exploded further D) has insufficient inputs to produce the associated processes Answer: B 95) A black hole is one that: A) has only inputs B) has only outputs C) has not been exploded to show enough detail D) has insufficient inputs to produce the associated processes Answer: A 96) Which of the following is a true statement regarding a data store? A) Data can move directly from one data store to another data store. B) Data can move directly from a sink to a data store. C) A data store has a noun phrase label. D) Data can move from an outside source to a data store. Answer: C 97) Which of the following is a true statement regarding data flows? A) A data flow may have multiple directions between symbols. B) A data flow to a data store means retrieve or use. C) A data flow from a data store means update. D) A join in a data flow means that exactly the same data comes from any of two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks to a common location. Answer: D 98) Which of the following is not a true statement regarding data flows? A) A fork in a data flow means that exactly the same data goes from a common location to two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks. B) A data flow can go directly back to the same process it leaves. C) A data flow has a noun phrase label. D) A data flow has only one direction of flow between symbols. Answer: B 99) On a data flow diagram, you may: A) repeat data stores B) repeat sources/sinks C) repeat processes D) both A and B Answer: D 100) The lowest level of DFDs is called: A) level-0 diagrams B) context diagrams C) level-1 diagrams D) primitive data flow diagrams Answer: D 101) A DFD that is a result of three nested decompositions of a series of subprocesses from a process on a level-0 diagram defines a: A) level-3 diagram B) level-1 diagram C) level-2 diagram D) primitive diagram Answer: A 102) The conservation of inputs and outputs to a data flow diagram process when that process is decomposed to a lower level defines: A) decomposition B) balancing C) conservation D) data flow structuring Answer: B 103) If a data flow appears on the context diagram and is also represented at level-0, this would be referred to as: A) leveling B) flow conservation C) balancing D) matching Answer: C 104) If an input from a source appears at level-0, it must: A) appear on the context diagram B) be connected to a data flow C) be connected to a sink D) be connected to a data store Answer: A 105) Which of the following is not an advanced rule governing data flow diagramming? A) To avoid having data flow lines cross each other, data stores may be repeated on a DFD. B) At the lowest level of DFDs, new data flows may be added to represent data that are transmitted under exceptional conditions. C) Composite data flows on one level cannot be split into component data flows at the next level. D) The inputs to a process must be sufficient to produce the outputs from the process. Answer: C 106) If your DFD contains data flows that do not lead anywhere, it is not: A) gap proof B) a primitive diagram C) complete D) consistent Answer: C 107) The extent to which all necessary components of a data flow diagram have been included and fully described refers to: A) DFD consistency B) DFD completeness C) DFD gap proofing D) DFD flexibility Answer: B 108) Having a level-1 diagram with no level-0 diagram is an example of a: A) violation of completeness B) violation of consistency C) gap D) structuring violation Answer: B 109) The extent to which information contained on one level of a set of nested data flow diagrams is also included on other levels refers to: A) DFD consistency B) DFD completeness C) DFD gap proofing D) DFD flexibility Answer: A 110) When you believe that you have shown each business form or transaction, computer screen, and report as a single data flow, you have probably reached the: A) level-0 diagrams B) level-1 diagrams C) primitive data flow diagrams D) level-3 diagrams Answer: C 111) The lowest level of decomposition for a data flow diagram is called the: A) context diagram B) level-0 diagram C) level-1 diagram D) primitive diagram Answer: D 112) The process in analysis in which the analyst tries to discover discrepancies between two or more sets of data flow diagrams, representing two or more states of an information system, or discrepancies within a single DFD, is referred to as: A) double checking B) sequencing C) referencing D) gap analysis Answer: D 113) Guidelines for drawing DFDs include the following except for: A) completeness B) consistency C) numbering considerations D) timing considerations Answer: C 114) A DFD that is the result of n nested decompositions from a process on a level-0 diagram, is called: A) primitive diagram B) level-0 diagram C) context diagram D) level-n diagram Answer: D 115) A process has a: A) pronoun label B) adjective label C) verb phrase label D) noun phrase label Answer: C 116) A modeling technique that allows you to represent a set of conditions and the actions that follow from them in a tabular format best describes: A) data flow diagram B) decision table C) flowchart D) Structured English Answer: B 117) A decision table does not include: A) statements B) condition stubs C) action stubs D) rules Answer: A 118) The part of a decision table that links conditions to actions is the section that contains the: A) action statements B) rules C) condition statements D) decision stubs Answer: B 119) A matrix representation of the logic of a decision, which specifies the possible conditions for the decision and the resulting actions, defines a: A) structure chart B) state transition diagram C) decision table D) sequence diagram Answer: C 120) The part of a decision table that lists the actions that result for a given set of conditions is called: A) action stubs B) condition stubs C) rule section D) condition execution Answer: A 121) The part of a decision table that lists the conditions relevant to the decision is called: A) action stubs B) condition stubs C) condition list D) condition execution Answer: B 122) The part of a decision table that specifies which actions are to be followed for a given set of conditions refers to: A) action stubs B) condition list C) rules D) decision list Answer: C 123) In a decision table, a condition whose value does not affect which actions are taken for two or more rules is referred to as a(n): A) indifferent condition B) static condition C) fixed condition D) flexible condition Answer: A 124) If Rules 2, 4, and 6 are indifferent conditions, then: A) Rules 2, 4, and 6 are eliminated from the matrix B) the number of rules is reduced by condensing Rules 2, 4, and 6 into one rule C) Rules 2, 4, and 6 will result in at least two additional rules being included in the matrix D) Rules 2, 4, and 6 have no impact on the interpretation of the matrix Answer: B 125) An indifferent condition is represented by a(n): A) dash (-) B) asterisk (*) C) exclamation point (!) D) pound sign (#) Answer: A 126) Basic procedures for constructing a decision table do not include: A) listing all possible rules B) naming the conditions and the values each condition can assume C) identifying selection criteria D) simplifying the decision table Answer: C 127) When condition values are either "yes" or "no", these values are called a(n): A) extended entry B) simple entry C) complex entry D) limited entry Answer: D 128) A condition that has more than two values is a(n): A) extended entry B) simple entry C) complex entry D) limited entry Answer: A 129) To determine the number of rules required for the decision table, you would: A) add the number of values for each condition to the number of values for every other condition B) multiply the number of conditions by two C) add the number of values for each condition to the number of values for every other condition, then subtract 1 D) multiply the number of values for each condition by the number of values for every other condition Answer: D 130) Assume we have three conditions. Condition one has two values; condition two has three values; condition three has three values. How many rules are needed? A) 8 B) 6 C) 5 D) 18 Answer: D 131) Assume the first condition has two values; the second condition has two values; the third condition has three values. How many rules will there be? A) 7 B) 12 C) 6 D) 11 Answer: B 132) Assume the first condition has four values; the second condition has two values; the third condition has two values. How many rules will there be? A) 8 B) 7 C) 16 D) 24 Answer: C 133) A decision table is simplified by: A) removing extended entries B) removing any rules with impossible actions C) removing simple entries D) removing any rules with static actions Answer: B 134) Removing any rules with impossible actions to make which of the following simple as possible? A) activity diagram B) decision table C) structure chart D) hierarchical chart Answer: B 135) A ________ represents data at rest, which may take the form of many different physical representations. Answer: data store 136) On a data flow diagram, supplier information kept in a notebook is represented as a ________. Answer: data store 137) ________ are the works or actions performed on data so that they are transformed, stored, or distributed. Answer: Processes 138) Determining an employee's schedule is an example of a ________. Answer: process 139) ________ is the origin and/or destination of data. Answer: Source/sink 140) An ________ represents a data flow. Answer: arrow 141) In the DeMarco and Yourdon model, the symbol for a data store is ________. Answer: two parallel lines 142) The symbol for sources/sinks is a ________. Answer: square 143) A ________ is a data flow diagram of the scope of an organizational system that shows the system boundaries, external entities that interact with a system, and the major information flows between entities and the system. Answer: context diagram 144) A ________ is a data flow diagram that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail. Answer: level-0 diagram 145) A ________ is a picture of the movement of data between external entities and the processes and the data stores within a system. Answer: data flow diagram 146) ________ is an iterative process of breaking the description of a system down into finer and finer detail, which creates a set of charts in which one process on a given chart is explained in greater detail on another chart. Answer: Functional decomposition 147) A ________ is a DFD that is the result of n nested decomposition of a series of subprocesses from a process on a level-0 diagram. Answer: level-n diagram 148) ________ is the conservation of inputs and outputs to a data flow diagram process when that process is decomposed to a lower level. Answer: Balancing 149) ________ is the extent to which all necessary components of a data flow diagram have been included and fully described. Answer: DFD completeness 150) If your DFD contains data flows that do not lead anywhere, then your DFD violates the ________ guideline. Answer: DFD completeness 151) The five guidelines for drawing DFDs include ________, ________, ________, the ________, and ________. Answer: completeness, consistency, timing considerations, iterative nature of drawing DFDs, drawing primitive DFDs 152) ________ is the extent to which information contained on one level of a set of nested data flow diagrams is also included on other levels. Answer: DFD consistency 153) If a data flow appears on a higher-level DFD but not on lower levels, this situation violates the ________ guideline. Answer: DFD consistency 154) A ________ is the lowest level of decomposition for a data flow diagram. Answer: primitive DFD 155) ________ is the process of discovering discrepancies between two or more sets of data flow diagrams or discrepancies within a single DFD. Answer: Gap analysis 156) Data flow diagrams are useful for modeling processes in ________. Answer: business process reengineering (BPR) 157) Learning the mechanics of drawing ________ is important. Answer: data flow diagrams 158) ________ on a DFD have unique names. Answer: Objects 159) The ________ to a process are different from the outputs of that process. Answer: inputs 160) A ________ is a matrix representation of the logic of a decision, which specifies the possible conditions for the decision and the resulting actions. Answer: decision table 161) ________ are the part of a decision table that lists the conditions relevant to the decision. Answer: Condition stubs 162) ________ are the part of a decision table that lists the actions that result for a given set of conditions. Answer: Action stubs 163) ________ are the part of a decision table that specifies which actions are to be followed for a given set of conditions. Answer: Rules 164) The three parts of a decision table are ________, ________, and ________. Answer: condition stubs, action stubs, rules 165) The ________ section is the part of the decision table that link the conditions to actions. Answer: rules 166) An ________ is a condition in a decision table whose value does not affect which actions are taken for two or more rules. Answer: indifferent condition 167) In a decision table, an indifferent condition is represented with a ________. Answer: dash 168) If condition one has four values, condition two has five values, condition three has two values, and condition four has three values, then the number of rules required for the decision table is ________. Answer: 120 169) When you first create a ________, you have to create an exhaustive set of rules. Answer: decision table 170) When constructing a ________, you usually follow a set of basic procedures. Answer: decision table 171) Discuss the guidelines for drawing a DFD. Answer: The guidelines for constructing DFDs are completeness, consistency, timing considerations, the iterative nature of drawing DFDs, and drawing primitive DFDs. Completeness refers to the extent to which all necessary components of a data flow diagram have been included and fully described. Consistency refers to the extent to which information contained on one level of a set of nested data flow diagrams is also included on other levels. Timing is not indicated on DFDs. Iterative development recognizes that requirements determination and requirements structuring are interacting analysis subphases. Primitive DFDs are the lowest level of decomposition for a data flow diagram. The analyst must make a determination of when he/she has reached the primitive level DFDs. 172) Briefly describe the data flow diagramming symbols. Provide one example of each. Answer: A process is the work or action performed on data and is represented by a circle. A data store represents data at rest and is represented by two parallel lines. A data flow represents data in motion and is represented by an arrow. A source/sink is the origin or destination of data. Sources and sinks are identified by square symbols. Computing a grade point average is an example of a process. A file folder containing orders is an example of a data store. An enrollment form being routed through the enrollment center is representative of a data flow. A student enrolling in school is representative of a source/sink. 173) Briefly discuss how DFDs can be used as analysis tools. Answer: Data flow diagrams are used to model both the physical and logical systems. DFDs are analyzed to identify possible inconsistencies that exist between two sets of diagrams or within a single DFD. Redundant data flows, procedural redundancies, and inefficiencies are identified by studying data flow diagrams. 174) What is meant by DFD completeness? What is meant by DFD consistency? Answer: DFD completeness is the extent to which all necessary components of a data flow diagram have been included and fully described. DFD consistency is the extent to which information contained on one level of a set of nested data flow diagrams is also included on other levels. 175) What is gap analysis? Why is gap analysis useful? Answer: Gap analysis is the process of discovering discrepancies between two or more sets of data flow diagrams or discrepancies within a single DFD. Gap analysis is used to identify inconsistencies with DFDs, determine which processes should be added or revised, and compare alternative logical DFDs. 176) What is process modeling? Identify three types of process models. Answer: Process modeling involves graphically representing the functions that capture, transform, store, and distribute data. Data flow diagramming, functional hierarchy modeling, and Oracle's process modeler are three types of process models. 177) Identify six concrete rules for stopping the decomposition process. Answer: The rules include: (1) when you have reduced each process to a single decision or calculation or to a single database operation; (2) when each data store represents data about a single entity; (3) when the system user does not care to see any more detail or when you and other analysts have documented sufficient detail to do subsequent systems development tasks; (4) when every data flow does not need to be split further to show that different data are handled in different ways; (5) when you believe that you have shown each business form or transaction, computer online display, and report as a single data flow; and (6) when you believe there is a separate process for each choice on all lowest-level menu options for the system. 178) Identify the deliverables for process modeling. Answer: The deliverables include a context data flow diagram, DFDs for the current physical system, DFDs for the current logical system, DFDs for the proposed logical system, and thorough descriptions of each DFD component. 179) For the following situation, draw a context-level diagram and a level-0 data flow diagram. Kellogg State Bank provides car and home loans to its banking customers. Initially, a potential loan customer meets with a Kellogg loan officer, requests a loan for a certain amount and time frame, and completes a loan application. Next, the loan officer determines the customer's credit standing, the type of loan required, and available interest rates. While the loan officer can authorize car loans for credit worthy customers, a loan committee must approve all home loans. Answer: A suggested context-level data flow diagram is provided below. A suggested level-0 data flow diagram is provided below. To illustrate the given situation with context-level and level-0 data flow diagrams (DFDs) for the Kellogg State Bank's loan processing system, we'll follow these steps: 1. Context-Level Diagram: This shows the system as a single process and its interactions with external entities. 2. Level-0 Data Flow Diagram: This breaks down the single process in the context-level diagram into sub-processes, showing data flows between them. Context-Level Diagram The context-level diagram represents the entire loan processing system as a single process. Here, the external entities are the potential loan customer and the loan committee. Entities: • Potential Loan Customer: Interacts with the loan officer to request a loan and complete the loan application. • Loan Committee: Reviews and approves home loan applications. Data Flows: • Loan Request and Application Data: Sent from the potential loan customer to the loan processing system. • Loan Approval/Disapproval Decision: Sent from the loan processing system to the potential loan customer and loan committee. Diagram: Level-0 Data Flow Diagram The level-0 DFD breaks down the loan processing system into more detailed processes, data stores, and data flows. Processes: 1. Receive Loan Request 2. Determine Credit Standing 3. Determine Loan Type and Interest Rates 4. Authorize Car Loan 5. Submit Home Loan for Approval Data Stores: • Loan Application Data Store: Stores completed loan applications. • Credit Standing Data Store: Stores credit information of customers. • Loan Approval Data Store: Stores the results of loan approvals. Data Flows: • Loan Request and Application Data: From potential loan customer to process 1. • Credit Standing Information: From data store to process 2. • Loan Type and Interest Rates Information: From process 3 to process 4 and 5. • Car Loan Authorization: From process 4 to potential loan customer. • Home Loan Approval Request: From process 5 to loan committee. • Home Loan Approval Decision: From loan committee to process 5. Diagram: Detailed Steps in the Level-0 Diagram: 1. Receive Loan Request: • Receives loan request and application from the potential loan customer. • Stores the loan application in the Loan Application Data Store. 2. Determine Credit Standing: • Retrieves the customer's credit standing from the Credit Standing Data Store. 3. Determine Loan Type and Interest Rates: • Determines the type of loan (car or home) and the applicable interest rates. 4. Authorize Car Loan: • Authorizes car loans for creditworthy customers. • Sends car loan authorization to the potential loan customer. 5. Submit Home Loan for Approval: • Submits home loan applications to the loan committee for approval. • Receives approval decision from the loan committee. • Stores the approval decision in the Loan Approval Data Store. • Communicates the decision to the potential loan customer. These diagrams help visualize the overall process and the detailed interactions within the Kellogg State Bank's loan processing system. 180) Briefly discuss modeling logic with decision tables. Answer: A decision table is a matrix representation of the logic of a decision and specifies the possible conditions for the decision and the resulting actions. Decision tables facilitate the diagramming of process logic when the logic is reasonably complicated. Decision tables consist of three parts: condition stubs, action stubs, and rules. Condition stubs list the conditions relevant to the decision. Action stubs list the actions that result for a given set of conditions. Rules specify which actions are to be followed for a given set of conditions. 181) Identify the five basic procedures to follow when constructing a decision table. Answer: The five basic procedures are (1) name the conditions and the values each condition can assume, (2) name all possible actions that can occur, (3) list all possible rules, (4) define the actions for each rule, and (5) simplify the decision table. 182) An individual wishes to withdraw cash from an ATM machine. Prepare a decision table to represent this situation. Please note any assumptions that you make. Answer: A suggested answer is provided below. To create a decision table for withdrawing cash from an ATM, we'll identify the different conditions that could influence the transaction and the resulting actions that should be taken based on those conditions. Here's a simplified decision table with some assumptions: Assumptions: 1. The ATM card is valid and not expired. 2. The ATM has sufficient funds. 3. The account associated with the ATM card has sufficient funds. 4. The correct PIN is entered. Explanation: 1. Rule 1: All conditions are met, so cash is dispensed. 2. Rule 2: Insufficient funds in the account, so an insufficient funds message is displayed. 3. Rule 3: ATM is out of funds, so an out-of-funds message is displayed. 4. Rule 4: Both ATM and account have insufficient funds, so an out-of-funds message is displayed. 5. Rule 5: Incorrect PIN, so an incorrect PIN message is displayed. 6. Rule 6: Incorrect PIN and insufficient account funds, so an incorrect PIN message is displayed first. 7. Rule 7: Incorrect PIN and ATM out of funds, so an incorrect PIN message is displayed first. 8. Rule 8: Incorrect PIN, ATM out of funds, and insufficient account funds, so an incorrect PIN message is displayed first. This decision table helps in understanding the various scenarios that can occur during an ATM cash withdrawal and the corresponding actions to be taken. Chapter 7A Appendix: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Use Cases 1) A use case is a depiction of a system's behavior or functionality under various conditions as the system responds to requests from users. Answer: True 2) An actor is a specific instance of a user class playing the user's role. Answer: False 3) The Process boundary is represented as a box that includes all of the relevant use cases. Answer: False 4) Level has to do with the level of detail at which a use case is being written. Answer: True 5) There are 4 different levels of detail. Answer: False 6) Both the white and kite levels provide a summary of the use case goals. Answer: True 7) Use cases written at the fish level focus on user goals. Answer: False 8) White level use cases might serve as an enterprise goal whereas kite level use cases might serve as a goal for one business unit. Answer: True 9) A stakeholder is a person who has a vested interest in the system being developed. Answer: True 10) Postconditions are things that must be true before a use case can start. Answer: False 11) The least amount promised to a stakeholder by a use case is called the minimal guarantee. Answer: True 12) An extension initiates a use case. Answer: False 13) A picture showing system behavior along with the key actors that interact with the system best describes a(n): A) entity relationship diagram B) state transition diagram C) use case diagram D) object diagram Answer: C 14) An association between two use cases where one adds new behaviors or actions to the other best describes: A) the external relationship B) the inclusive relationship C) the include relationship D) the extend relationship Answer: D 15) An association between two use cases where one use case uses the functionality contained in the other best describes: A) the external relationship B) the inclusive relationship C) the include relationship D) the extend relationship Answer: C 16) All of the following are Use Case levels of detail except: A) blue B) white C) kite D) sand Answer: D 17) Which of the following defines a set of behaviors or functions in a use case that follow exceptions to the main success scenario? A) Success Guarantee B) Extension C) Exemption D) Preconditions Answer: B 18) Preconditions are things that must be true before a use case can: A) end B) be written C) start D) be shown to the user Answer: C 19) The least amount promised to the stakeholder by a use case is called a: A) minimal guarantee B) bottom line C) baseline project plan D) none of the above Answer: A 20) A ________ is a depiction of a system's behavior or functionality under various conditions as the system responds to requests from users. Answer: use case 21) A ________ is a picture showing system behavior along with the key actors that interact with the system. Answer: use case diagram 22) An ________ is an association between two use cases where one adds new behaviors or actions to the other. Answer: extend relationship 23) An ________ is an association between two use cases where one use case uses the functionality contained in the other. Answer: include relationship 24) Both the ________ and ________ levels provide a summary of the use case goals. Answer: white, kite 25) Summary use cases do not include ________. Answer: functional requirements 26) Use cases written at the blue, or sea, level focus on ________ goals. Answer: user 27) The fish and black levels are sometimes referred to as the ________ level. Answer: clam 28) People who have a vested interest in the system being developed are called ________. Answer: stakeholders 29) Things that must be true before a use case can start are called ________. Answer: preconditions 30) ________ is the least amount promised to a stakeholder by a use case. Answer: Minimal guarantee 31) Rolling back a transaction to its original starting place is an example of a ________. Answer: minimal guarantee 32) A use case is considered successful if it functioned correctly and achieved its ________. Answer: goals 33) What a use case must do effectively in order to satisfy stakeholders is called a ________. Answer: success guarantee 34) A use case is initiated by a ________. Answer: trigger 35) An extension is invoked only if its ________ condition is encountered. Answer: associated 36) The set of functions or behaviors in a use case that follow exceptions to the main success scenario are called ________. Answer: extensions 37) What is a use case diagram? Identify the key symbols that appear on a use case diagram. Answer: A use case diagram is a picture showing system behavior along with the key actors that interact with the system. The key symbols are actor, use case, system boundary, connections, extend relationships, and include relationships. 38) What are the five different levels of detail suggested by Cockburn? Describe each one and how it is used. Answer: The five levels of detail suggested by Cockburn are as follows: White, as seen from the clouds as if you are flying at 35,000 feet. Kite, which provides more detail than at cloud level. Blue, also known as sea level. Fish, below sea level with a lot of detail which increases as you go further down. Black, which is the bottom where the maximum detail is provided. The white and kite levels provide a summary of use case goals. and are sometimes called summary use cases. A use case written at the blue level focus on user goals. Subfunction goals are the focus of use case written at the fish and black levels. These levels are sometimes referred to as the clam level. Chapter 7B Appendix: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Activity Diagrams 1) In an activity diagram, the fast lane represents the organizational unit responsible for a certain action. Answer: False 2) An activity diagram clearly shows parallel and alternative behaviors. Answer: True 3) An activity diagram cannot be used to show the logic of a use case. Answer: False 4) An activity diagram shows the conditional logic for the sequence of system activities needed to accomplish a business process. Answer: True 5) An activity diagram should only be used when it adds value to the project. Answer: True 6) An activity diagram can be used for all of the following except: A) to show the links between objects B) to depict the flow of control from activity to activity C) model work flow and business processes D) help in use case analysis Answer: A 7) A(n) ________ clearly shows parallel and alternative behaviors. Answer: activity diagram 8) A(n) ________ shows the conditional logic for the sequence of system activities needed to accomplish a business process. Answer: activity diagram 9) Discuss when it is appropriate to use activity diagrams in a project. Answer: Activity diagrams can be used at a high level of abstraction as well as at a low level of abstraction. It should be used only when it adds value to a project and should be used sparingly. Chapter 7C Appendix: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Sequence Diagrams 1) Sequence diagrams show the static structure of data and the operations that act on the data. Answer: False 2) Sequence diagrams represent dynamic models of interactions between objects. Answer: True 3) Sequence diagrams represent dynamic models of how objects change their states in response to events. Answer: False 4) Sequence is a type of interaction diagrams. Answer: True 5) A sequence diagram depicts the interactions among objects during a certain period of time. Answer: True 6) A simple message is a message in which the sender does not have to wait for the recipient to handle the message. Answer: False 7) On a sequence diagram, a synchronous message is shown as a half arrowhead. Answer: False 8) Objects communicate with one another by sending messages. Answer: True 9) Which of the following represent dynamic models of interactions between objects? A) use cases B) class diagrams C) state diagrams D) sequence diagrams Answer: D 10) Types of interaction diagrams include: A) state diagrams B) sequence diagrams C) data flow diagrams D) component diagrams Answer: B 11) Which of the following depicts the interactions among objects during a certain period of time? A) class diagrams B) data flow diagrams C) sequence diagrams D) collaboration diagrams Answer: C 12) Which of the following shows the time period during which an object performs an operation, either directly or through a call to some subordinate operation? A) asynchronous message B) activation C) critical path D) simple message Answer: B 13) A message that transfers control from the sender to the recipient without describing the details of the communication best describes: A) predetermined message B) implicit message C) simple message D) flag Answer: C 14) A message in which the sender does not have to wait for the recipient to handle the message best describes: A) synchronous message B) simple message C) asynchronous message D) half-duplex message Answer: C 15) A type of message in which the caller has to wait for the receiving object to finish executing the called operation before it can resume execution itself is a(n): A) synchronous message B) simple message C) asynchronous message D) half-duplex message Answer: A 16) On a sequence diagram, the destruction of an object is shown as a: A) wavy line B) large X C) transverse tick mark D) filled in circle Answer: B 17) When an operation calls upon another operation within the same object, this is known as: A) a recursive join B) a nested operation C) self-delegation D) a nested state Answer: C 18) Sequence diagrams can be presented in: A) instance or generic form B) logical or physical form C) sequential or nonsequential form D) specific or nonspecific form Answer: A 19) In UML, a ________ represents dynamic models of interactions between objects. Answer: sequence diagram 20) ________ is a type of interaction diagrams. Answer: Sequence 21) A ________ depicts the interactions among objects during a certain period of time. Answer: sequence diagram 22) An object is ________ at the point marked by X. Answer: destroyed 23) ________ is the time period during which an object performs an operation. Answer: Activation 24) A ________ is a type of message in which the caller has to wait for the receiving object to finish executing the called operation before it can resume execution itself. Answer: synchronous message 25) A ________ is a message that transfers control from the sender to the recipient without describing the details of the communication. Answer: simple message 26) When an operation calls another operation within the same object, this is referred to as ________. Answer: self-delegation 27) Briefly define a type of interaction diagrams. Answer: A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagrams that is mentioned in the textbook. A sequence diagram depicts the interactions among objects during a certain period of time. 28) What is meant by activation? How is it shown on a sequence diagram? Answer: Activation is the time period during which an object performs an operation. Activation is shown by superimposing a thin rectangle on the object's lifeline. 29) What is a synchronous message? Asynchronous message? How are each of these messages shown on a sequence diagram? Answer: A synchronous message is a type of message in which the caller has to wait for the receiving object to finish executing the called operation before it can resume execution itself. A synchronous message is shown as a full, solid arrowhead. An asynchronous message is a message in which the sender does not have to wait for the recipient to handle the message. An asynchronous message is shown as a half arrowhead. 30) Define sequence diagram. Answer: A sequence diagram represents dynamic models of interactions between objects. Chapter 7D Appendix Business Process Modeling 1) A business process can only come from certain business functions. Answer: False 2) The more complex a business process is, the harder it is to automate. Answer: True 3) Business Process Modeling Notation is much more simple than data flow diagrams. Answer: False 4) In Business Process Modeling Notation, a gateway is represented by a diamond. Answer: True 5) An event is a trigger that starts a process in business process modeling. Answer: True 6) In business process modeling, an action that may take place is called an activity. Answer: False 7) In business process modeling, a gateway is a decision point. Answer: True 8) A gateway can be exclusive or inclusive. Answer: True 9) If a gateway is inclusive, the downstream activities that follow it must also be followed by a congregated gateway. Answer: False 10) A swimlane is a way to visually encapsulate a process. Answer: True 11) All of the following are symbols used in business process modeling EXCEPT: A) decision B) gateway C) event D) activity Answer: A 12) All business processes begin and end with a(n): A) starting and termination points B) event C) activity D) gateway Answer: B 13) The symbol for an activity is: A) a square B) a circle C) an arrow D) a rectangle with rounded edges Answer: D 14) In business process modeling, a decision point is called a(n): A) activity B) gateway C) terminal D) loop Answer: B 15) In business process modeling, a way to encapsulate a process is called a(n): A) swimlane B) fastlane C) lane D) none of the above Answer: A 16) Business process modeling is much more ________ than data flow diagram notation. Answer: complicated 17) In business process modeling, a trigger that initiates the start of a project is called an ________. Answer: event. 18) In business process modeling, an action that must take place for a process to be completed is called an ________. Answer: activity. 19) A flow shows the ________ of action in a process. Answer: sequence 20) Gateways are typically ________. Answer: exclusive Test Bank for Modern Systems Analysis and Design Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey George, Joseph S. Valacich, Joe Valacich, Jeffrey Slater 9780132991308, 9780134204925, 9780135172759, 9780136088219

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