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Chapter 9 - Digital Marketing and Social Networking 1. Describe the opportunities that have evolved in marketing due to the use of digital media. Answer: Digital media are electronic media that function using digital codes—when we refer to digital media, we are referring to media available via computers, mobile devices, and other digital devices that have been released in recent years. Marketers can use a number of digital media sites, including YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and Flickr, to promote products and create company awareness. The phenomenal growth of the Internet has provided unprecedented opportunities for marketers to forge interactive relationships with consumers. Digital media have made it possible to target markets more precisely and reach markets that were previously inaccessible. One of the most important benefits of e-marketing is the ability of marketers and customers to share information. Today’s marketers can use the Internet to form relationships with a variety of stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers. 2. Define the characteristics that distinguish e-marketing from traditional marketing. Answer: The characteristics that distinguish e-marketing from traditional marketing are as follows: Addressability: It is the ability of the marketer to identify customers before they make a purchase. Interactivity: It is the ability of customers to express their needs and wants directly to the firm in response to its marketing communications. Accessibility: It is the ability for marketers to obtain digital information. Connectivity: It is the ability for consumers to be connected with marketers along with other consumers. Control: It is the customer’s ability to regulate the information they view as well as the rate and exposure to that information. 3. Explain how consumer-generated content on digital media can be useful to marketers. Answer: Positive customer feedback is free publicity that often helps the company more than corporate messages do. Since consumer-generated content appears more authentic than corporate messages, it can go far in increasing a company’s credibility. 4. List the various types of digital media and technologies that are available for the marketer to use in reaching consumers. Answer: The types of digital media and technologies that are available for the marketer to use in reaching consumers are social networking sites, blogs, wikis, media-sharing sites, virtual reality sites, mobile devices, applications, and widgets. 5. In what ways can a company use YouTube to its advantage? Answer: Video-sharing sites, like YouTube, give companies the opportunity to upload ads and informational videos about their products. A few videos become viral at any given time, and although many of these gain popularity because they embarrass the subject in some way, others reach viral status because people find them entertaining. Marketers are seizing upon opportunities to utilize this viral nature to promote awareness of their companies. Marketers believe consumer videos appear more authentic and create enthusiasm for the product among consumer participants. 6. Describe the seven segments included in the Social Technographics Profile. Answer: The Social Technographics Profile developed by Forrester Research groups the online community into seven segments according to how they interact with new digital media. It is important to note that these segments overlap; many online consumers may belong to multiple segments simultaneously. Creators are those consumers who create their own media outlets, such as blogs, podcasts, consumer-generated videos, and wikis. Conversationalists regularly update their Twitter feeds or status updates on social networking sites. Although they are less involved than creators, conversationalists spend time at least once a week (and often more) on digital media sites posting updates. The third category is critics. Critics are people who comment on blogs or post ratings and reviews. Collectors are perhaps the least recognized group of the seven. Collectors gather information and organize content generated by critics and creators. Another Technographic segment, known as joiners, is growing dramatically. Anyone who becomes a member of Twitter, Facebook, or other social networking sites is a joiner. Inactives are online users who do not participate in any digital online media, but as more and more people begin to use computers as a resource, this number is dwindling. Spectators are those consumers who read what other consumers produce but do not create any content themselves. 7. Explain how digital marketing can help increase the efficiency of a company's distribution process. Answer: The role of distribution is to make products available at the right time, at the right place, and in the right quantities. Digital marketing can be viewed as a new distribution channel that helps businesses increase efficiency. The ability to process orders electronically and increase the speed of communications via the Internet reduces inefficiencies, costs, and redundancies while increasing speed throughout the marketing channel. Shipping times and costs have become an important consideration in attracting consumers, prompting many companies to offer consumers low shipping costs or next-day delivery. 8. Explain the concept "push-pull" when referring to digital marketing as a new distribution channel. Answer: In a push–pull dynamic, the firm that provides a product will push to get that product in front of the consumer, while at the same time connectivity aids those channel members that desire to find each other. This is the pull side of the dynamic. On the other hand, a blog or Twitter feed can help a marketer communicate the availability of products and how and when they can be purchased. This process can help push products through the marketing channel to consumers or enable customers to pull products through the marketing channel. 9. Explain the ethical issues associated with digital media. Answer: Some of the ethical issues associated with digital media are personal privacy, fraud, and misappropriation of copyrighted intellectual property. Privacy: One of the most significant privacy issues involves the use of personal information that companies collect from website visitors in their efforts to foster long-term relationships with customers. Some people fear that the collection of personal information from website users may violate users’ privacy, especially when it is done without their knowledge. Hackers may break into websites and steal users’ personal information, enabling them to commit identity theft. Online Fraud: Online fraud includes any attempt to conduct dishonest activities online. Online fraud includes, among other things, attempts to deceive consumers into releasing personal information. Intellectual Property: The Internet has also created issues associated with intellectual property, the copyrighted or trademarked ideas and creative materials developed to solve problems, carry out applications, and educate and entertain others. The software industry is particularly hard-hit when it comes to the pirating of materials and illegal file sharing. Consumers view illegal downloading in different ways, depending on the motivation for the behavior. If the motivation is primarily utilitarian, or for personal gain, then the act is viewed as less ethically acceptable than if it is for a hedonistic reason, or just for fun. 10. Electronic media that function using digital codes are called: A. digital marketing. B. digital media. C. electronic marketing. D. digital electronics. E. e-marketing Answer: B 11. ________ uses the Internet, mobile, and interactive channels to develop communication and exchanges with customers. A. Digital marketing B. Digital media C. Electronic marketing D. Digital electronics E. E-marketing Answer: A 12. Which of the following refers to the strategic process of distributing, promoting, pricing products, and discovering the desires of customers using digital marketing? A. Digital orientation B. Digital media C. Electronic marketing D. Digital electronics E. Electronic processing Answer: C 13. As digital communication technologies have advanced, marketers tend to: A. have less control over their product's positioning. B. have more control over the processing of information. C. have less control over people's perceptions of their business. D. be more selective on news releases regarding their company. E. reach markets that were previously inaccessible. Answer: E 14. JC Penney's website encourages visitors to register in order to maximize their use of the site. By gathering information about a consumer before a purchase is made, JC Penney is practicing: A. addressability. B. social networking. C. interactivity. D. accessibility. E. control. Answer: A 15. The ability of a marketer to identify customers before they make a purchase is called: A. connectivity. B. addressability. C. interactivity. D. accessibility. E. control. Answer: B 16. The ability to obtain digital information is referred to as: A. accessibility. B. addressability. C. interactivity. D. connectivity. E. control. Answer: A 17. ________ is a characteristic of online media that provides linkages between information providers or marketers and users or customers. A. Accessibility B. Addressability C. Interactivity D. Connectivity E. Control Answer: D 18. ________ bridges customers with marketers as well as other customers. A. Accessibility B. Addressability C. Interactivity D. Connectivity E. Control Answer: D 19. ________ refers to customers' ability to regulate the information they view and the rate and sequence of their exposure to that information. A. Accessibility B. Addressability C. Interactivity D. Connectivity E. Control Answer: E 20. Coca Cola Company entices consumers to its website through contests and games, but it cannot force people to visit the website due to the ________ characteristic of online media. A. accessibility B. control C. interactivity D. addressability E. connectivity Answer: B 21. Sam's Club has developed a website that allows employees to create a profile and connect with co-workers for the purpose of getting acquainted and building a work-related network. This is an example of a(n): A. virtual reality. B. podcast. C. recruiting tool. D. social network. E. employment opportunity. Answer: D 22. Home Depot has developed software for iPhones that will allow users to match colors in photographs with the store's selection of carpets. This is an example of a(n): A. application (app). B. keypad function. C. voice-activated system. D. digital system. E. interactivity. Answer: A 23. Smartphones contain ________ that help consumers access more information about businesses. A. treatments B. digits C. modulars D. actions E. applications Answer: E 24. Which of the following types of media is most consumer-driven? A. Television commercials B. Radio spots C. Print ads D. Social media E. Billboard advertisements Answer: D 25. One trend that has caused consumer-generated information to gain importance is: A. the recession. B. the globalization of companies. C. the increase in store brands. D. the increase of consumers using digital media to publicize their own product reviews. E. the increase in consumer buying power. Answer: D 26. One trend that has caused consumer-generated information to gain importance is: A. an increase in mobile digital technology. B. consumers' tendencies to trust other consumers over corporations. C. the cultural trend of consumers being influenced by the "village." D. the increase in adults other than parents influencing children. E. a reduction in advertising expenditures. Answer: B 27. Two trends that have caused consumer-generated information to gain importance are: A. the recession and a reduction of advertising expenditures. B. globalization and the cultural trend of consumers being influenced by the "village." C. the increase of consumers sharing their opinions through digital media and the consumer's mistrust of information from corporations. D. an increase in mobile digital technology and store brands. E. an increase in children's influence over the purchasing decision and the fact that adults other than parents influence children. Answer: C 28. Kyle is a new marketing manager for Anthropologie Inc. He believes that if Anthropologie Inc. wants to grow and connect with its customers, then there is no better way than to use Facebook. As a result, marketers should: A. establish a Facebook page. B. avoid recommendations from customers via Facebook. C. ignore the advice of customers on Facebook. D. use multiple Facebook pages. E. maintain strict control of consumers’ comments on Facebook. Answer: A 29. Sonic Inc. communicates with its customers through ________, which is the most popular social networking site in the world. A. MySpace B. Twitter C. LinkedIn D. Facebook E. Blogs Answer: D 30. IHOP is active on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in order to communicate with its customers, conduct a video contest, and generally find out the customers’ likes and dislikes. IHOP, in this example, is engaging in ________ marketing. A. distance B. relationship C. multiple-phase D. experiential E. community Answer: B 31. ________ are web-based journals in which writers can editorialize and interact with other Internet users. A. Memes B. Tweets C. Blogs D. Podcasts E. Wikis Answer: C 32. Papa Johns received negative publicity concerning the quality of the contents used in making their pizza. The information in the news report was incorrect, and was corrected on the next newscast. However, Papa Johns wanted to go further and respond to the issue by creating a web-based journal that gives accurate information about Papa John’s and the ingredients they use. This journal is an example of: A. a meme. B. a wiki. C. a blog. D. a podcast. E. a tweet. Answer: C 33. A ________ is a type of software that creates an interface that enables users to add or edit the content of some types of websites. A. meme B. digital diary C. blog D. podcast E. wiki Answer: E 34. Some companies use ________ as internal tools for teams working on a project requiring lots of documentation. A. Facebook pages B. Fan Pages C. Bings D. wikis E. Notebook pages Answer: D 35. ________ is a popular photosharing site on the Internet. A. LinkedIn B. YouTube C. Sound Cloud D. Scribd E. Flickr Answer: E 36. A furniture manufacturing firm is most likely to use ________ to market themselves visually by displaying snapshots of company events, staff, and products. A. Scribd B. LinkedIn C. Skyrockt D. Flickr E. East of the Web Answer: D 37. The most popular video-sharing website is: A. Flickr. B. Instagram. C. YouTube. D. Wikis. E. QQ. Answer: C 38. Telluride Ski Resort in Telluride, Colorado is a world-class ski destination. Taylor is a newly-hired manager of digital media and electronic marketing for Telluride. Taylor remembers reading about a new trend in video marketing using ________ to engage and create a community of customers. A. blogs B. amateur filmmakers C. Twitter announcements D. advertising firms to develop videos E. virtual realities Answer: B 39. ________ are audio or video files that can be downloaded from the Internet with a subscription that automatically delivers new content to listening devices or personal computers. A. Wikis B. Blogs C. Podcasts D. Memes E. Tweets Answer: C 40. Due to increasing consumer demand, many television networks are creating ________ of their shows. A. podcasts B. wikis C. virtual realities D. digital characters E. imitations Answer: A 41. ________ are user-created, three-dimensional worlds that have their own economies and currencies, lands, and residents who come in every shape and size. A. Wikis B. Virtual realities C. Podcasts D. Blogs E. Photo-sharing Answer: B 42. If a DVD rental shop has established outlets in the simulated environment of Second Life, the ________ of a person will be able to rent a movie from the shop. A. clone B. avatar C. pet D. Q E. dynasty Answer: B 43. The Internet can be referred to as a ________ medium because users determine which websites they are going to view. A. selective B. discriminating C. pull D. push E. monopolistic Answer: C 44. Hobby Lobby Inc. encourages customers to visit its website and “like” its Facebook page. It also enlists customers to post feedback on the company, refer articles of interest to other Hobby Lobby customers, and offer suggestions for future electronic communication. Hobby Lobby is using a positive marketing strategy for its Facebook page and company website because customer-generated content appears: A. more authentic than company-generated content. B. more interesting than company-generated content C. more approving than company-generated content D. more current than company-generated content E. more flattering than company-generated content Answer: A 45. Verizon encourages customers to post reviews on its company website or Facebook page in the hopes of receiving positive reviews, which would increase the company's: A. target market. B. credibility. C. size. D. website size. E. image. Answer: B 46. A board game manufacturing company has posted online cash rewards for consumer reviews of their games. In doing so, the company is striving to utilize: A. electronic media. B. a test market. C. consumer-generated marketing. D. new concept viewing. E. Fan Pages. Answer: C 47. The attrition rate for digital media channels is: A. non-existent. B. diminutive. C. low. D. about the same as traditional businesses. E. very high. Answer: E 48. ________ are those consumers who construct their own media outlets, such as blogs, podcasts, consumer-generated videos, and wikis. A. Creators B. Critics C. Collectors D. Joiners E. Spectators Answer: A 49. Consumers who act as ________ are becoming increasingly important to online marketers as a conduit for addressing consumers directly. A. creators B. critics C. collectors D. joiners E. spectators Answer: A 50. Red Bull Inc. has started introducing new products. It provides information regarding its new products to bloggers in the hope that they will pass the information on to their online followers. In this case, the bloggers are called: A. collectors. B. spectators. C. joiners. D. creators. E. critics. Answer: D 51. Zipcar is a group of individuals who share a car’s services in order to save money and keep the environment green. Zipcar encourages its users to go to a blog and make comments or post ratings and reviews. These people would be called ________ with reference to the blog. A. collectors B. spectators C. joiners D. creators E. critics Answer: E 52. ________ are people who gather information and organize content generated by critics and creators. A. Collectors B. Spectators C. Joiners D. Creators E. Critics Answer: A 53. According to The Social Technographics Profile, the largest group in most countries is: A. creators. B. critics. C. collectors. D. joiners. E. spectators. Answer: E 54. ________ usually constitute a smaller part of the online population than the other groups. A. Collectors B. Spectators C. Joiners D. Creators E. Critics Answer: A 55. Anyone who becomes a member of MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, or other social networking sites is a: A. collector. B. spectator. C. joiner. D. creator. E. critic. Answer: C 56. Julie likes to read the blog connected to the fashion editors at Vogue Magazine. While Julie likes to read the blog, she does not actually create any content herself. Julie would be called a(n)________ with regard to the Vogue blog. A. collector B. spectator C. inactive D. creator E. critic Answer: B 57. ________ are online users who do not participate in any digital online media. A. Collectors B. Spectators C. Inactives D. Creators E. Critics Answer: C 58. Ralph Lauren, an apparel store realized that spectators make up the majority of its online followers. The spectators are interested in reading about the latest fashions but don’t typically create and add their own content. The apparel store wants to match its marketing efforts for its upcoming spring collection with the characteristics of the population. Which of the following should the apparel store do? A. Have a contest to gather consumer-generated content. B. Ignore comments from Critics. C. Create a Fan Page and invite consumers to post their thoughts. D. Post its own promotional messages on blogs and websites. E. Stick to traditional promotions rather than social networking. Answer: D 59. Pizza Hut, a popular pizza joint, has outlets in India where joiners make up the majority of the online population. To match their marketing efforts with the characteristics of the population, Pizza Hut should: A. have a contest to gather consumer-generated content. B. ignore comments from critics. C. create a Fan Page and invite consumers to post their thoughts. D. post its own promotional messages on blogs and websites. E. stick to traditional promotions rather than social networking. Answer: C 60. A popular restaurant chain, Eats, has introduced restaurants in Mexico where inactives make up the majority of the online population. To match their marketing efforts with the characteristics of the population, Eats should: A. have a contest to gather consumer-generated content. B. ignore comments from critics. C. create a Fan Page and invite consumers to post their thoughts. D. post its own promotional messages on blogs and websites. E. focus more on traditional promotions rather than social networking. Answer: E 61. Dion is a marketing communications consultant who specializes in the strategic use of social networking sites. Which of the following types of companies can use Dion’s services? A. Any sized company B. Only large to medium sized companies C. Only companies with a specialized target market D. Only companies with a unique product E. Only companies whose target customer is mainly women Answer: A 62. Barnes and Noble Corp. sells online through its website, while also selling through physical store locations. This type of retailing is referred to as: A. bricks-and-clicks. B. side-by-side. C. bricks-and-mortar. D. online-specialty. E. web-only. Answer: A 63. The ability to process orders electronically and increase the speed of communications via the Internet reduces: A. customer satisfaction due to lack of human involvement. B. customer satisfaction due to hard-to-navigate websites. C. cognitive dissonance. D. distribution costs. E. customer involvement. Answer: D 64. Consumers can order a bathroom vanity through Lowe’s website and pick up the vanity at the store. This type of delivery is called: A. click and brick. B. site to store. C. bricks and mortar. D. digital to domestic. E. nontraditional. Answer: B 65. ________ relates to perceptions of value and is the most flexible element of the marketing mix. A. Distribution B. Pricing C. Store location D. Product mix E. Promotion Answer: B 66. Baby Products Corp. wants to learn about consumer needs by understanding the environment in which a product is used and the different applications of the product. For this purpose, it creates a twitter account. The company is using ________ as a research tool to gain this information. A. futurism B. social networking C. give-aways D. promotional events E. sponsorship Answer: B 67. Due to consumer concerns over privacy, the ________ is considering developing regulations that would limit the amount of consumer information that marketers can gather online. A. Internet Protection Agency B. Consumer Protection Agency C. Federal Trade Commission D. Better Business Bureau E. technology division of the federal government Answer: C 68. ________ includes any attempt to intentionally conduct dishonest activities online. A. Racketeering B. Online spam C. Digital identity theft D. Online fraud E. Online bribery Answer: D 69. ________ monitors social networks for fraudulent accounts and assists their clients in removing the deceptive accounts. A. A brand-protection firm B. The Federal Trade Commission C. An Internet-protection agency D. The Better Business Bureau E. An online-police agency Answer: A Scenario 9.1 Use the following to answer the questions. The Walt Disney Company is a master at incorporating all the unique characteristics of digital media into its website. It knows how to appeal to all types of consumers and utilize the full potential of digital media. The Disney website immediately catches your attention with sights and sounds that come alive. Not only can you catch a glimpse of an upcoming movie, but also connect with your favorite characters from movies in the past. The website offers age-appropriate games and activities, including the ability to create a fairy-tale cottage. The Disney Parks have their own links of course, along with Radio Disney, the Disney Store, family vacation packages, and an educator's corner. An adult or child can enjoy navigating through the electronic marketing of Disney. 70. Refer to Scenario 9.1. The Disney website has a special link for educators that allows them to download educational videos pertaining to various subjects and grade levels. Educators are asked to register online with further information about their needs. This is an example of: A. addressability. B. interactivity. C. accessibility. D. connectivity. E. control. Answer: A 71. Refer to Scenario 9.1. The Disney website is missing ________, because the website does not offer the opportunity for customers to directly communicate with Disney employees. Customers cannot express their needs and wants directly to the company. A. addressability B. interactivity C. accessibility D. connectivity E. control Answer: B 72. Refer to Scenario 9.1. Visitors to the Disney website have the ability to regulate the information they view and the activities they participate in. This is an example of: A. addressability. B. interactivity. C. accessibility. D. connectivity. E. control. Answer: E 73. Refer to Scenario 9.1. Disney's Fan Page on Facebook allows people to link with other Disney enthusiasts. This is an example of: A. addressability. B. interactivity. C. accessibility. D. connectivity. E. control. Answer: D 74. Refer to Scenario 9.1. The Disney website offers users the ability to create a character or a comic. Users have the option of allowing other people to view and comment on their new creation. Which characteristic of e-marketing has been implemented by Disney? A. Addressability B. Interactivity C. Accessibility D. Connectivity E. Control Answer: D Scenario 9.2 Use the following to answer the questions. Regardless of their age, income, or gender, an increasing number of people are turning to the Internet to search for information, products, people, news, maps, entertainment, and whatever else you can think of. At the forefront of this massive search is Google; accompanying Google are social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Google has developed methods for making information useful to all types of Internet users. Some users want to critique the information, some just want to read the information, and some want to be the information writers. Facebook, originally used as a social networking application, is now picked up by retailers, brands, celebrities, churches, political campaigns, and non-profit agencies who are designing Fan Pages. Twitter is a more real-time site and, as is Pinterest, a more personally-affiliated medium. 75. Refer to Scenario 9.2. Google can give instructions on how to construct almost anything, from a house to a science experiment. As for online applications, you can learn anything from developing your own website to starring in a video. Google's "how to" features would most likely appeal to: A. creators. B. critics. C. collectors. D. joiners. E. spectators. Answer: A 76. Refer to Scenario 9.2. Which of the media below would be best for the American Red Cross to use in developing relationships with blood donors, and in soliciting funds for storm-ravaged communities as a result of floods and fires? A. Google B. TV C. Wikipedia D. Facebook E. Yahoo Answer: D 77. Refer to Scenario 9.2. Political parties are also utilizing social media to connect with voters and to keep individuals informed about the up-to-the-minute activities in the political campaigns. If the politicians wanted to involve the potential voters in the campaign, they could utilize ________, a new trend in video marketing, and create input for their Facebook Fan Pages. A. spectators B. avatars C. virtual realities D. amateur filmmakers E. specialized video producers Answer: D 78. Refer to Scenario 9.2. Politicians could use ________, the ultimate type of social media for reaching those potential voters who want to stay connected to the latest information. A. Bing B. Facebook C. Yahoo D. Pinterest E. Google Answer: C 79. Refer to Scenario 9.2. If the Morningside Church wants to provide its members with a venue to read what other people think about its ideas, worship style, and community services, and to share their own ideas, it could use ________. Those who would most likely want to simply read the opinions of others are ________, while those who would like to also share their own ideas, are ________. A. Twitter; creators; critics B. Twitter; creators; spectators C. Twitter account; inactive; creators D. a blog; joiners; creators E. a blog; spectators; creators Answer: E 80. Digital marketing uses all digital media to develop communication and exchanges with customers. A. True B. False Answer: True 81. Digital marketing is a term used for any electronic media that functions using digital codes. A. True B. False Answer: False 82. Digital media refers to the strategic process of distributing, promoting, pricing products, and discovering the desires of customers using digital marketing. A. True B. False Answer: False 83. E-marketing includes the use of mobile phones, but not digital outdoor marketing devices. A. True B. False Answer: False 84. Despite emerging technologies, consumers are unchanging in their traditional information searches and consumption behaviours. A. True B. False Answer: False 85. As the Internet and digital communication technologies have advanced, marketers are able to target markets more precisely. A. True B. False Answer: True 86. To communicate with their employees, companies may use wikis and podcasts. A. True B. False Answer: True 87. Small businesses can use digital media to develop strategies to reach new markets and access inexpensive communication channels. A. True B. False Answer: True 88. Traditional advertising is unlimited in terms of interactivity. A. True B. False Answer: False 89. Addressability allows customers to respond to a company's marketing communications by expressing their reactions and desires directly to the company. A. True B. False Answer: False 90. Interactivity allows customers to express their needs and wants directly to the firm in response to its marketing communications. A. True B. False Answer: True 91. Connectivity refers to a customer's ability to regulate the information that is viewed. A. True B. False Answer: False 92. Connectivity is the use of digital networks to provide linkages between information providers and users. A. True B. False Answer: True 93. Control refers to customers' ability to regulate the information they view and the rate and sequence of their exposure to that information. A. True B. False Answer: True 94. Control refers to the customer's ability to access information on the Internet with simple clicks on a keyboard. A. True B. False Answer: False 95. One of the fastest-growing areas in mobile technology is the creation of applications. A. True B. False Answer: True 96. Besides Facebook and MySpace, many foreign countries have their own social networking sites. A. True B. False Answer: True 97. While social networks can be used to target customers, it is still easier to target precise consumer groups using traditional marketing media. A. True B. False Answer: False 98. Traditional marketing media are more consumer-driven than digital media. A. True B. False Answer: False 99. Marketers can use digital media to promote their companies, but marketers should not use this medium to address problems. A. True B. False Answer: False 100. The increase of consumers who publish their own thoughts and product reviews through digital media has caused consumer-generated information to be less important because some of the information is false. A. True B. False Answer: False 101. Many people now seek recommendations from social media friends before conducting other kinds of searches. A. True B. False Answer: True 102. So far, social networking has gained popularity only in America. A. True B. False Answer: False 103. Twitter is useful for communications between friends, but not for communications between businesses and customers. A. True B. False Answer: False 104. Before posting information on a blog, the blogger must make certain that the information is accurate. A. True B. False Answer: False 105. Bloggers can post whatever opinions they like about a company or its products, regardless of whether or not the blog's content is factually accurate. A. True B. False Answer: True 106. Companies use wikis as internal tools for teams working on projects requiring lots of documentation. A. True B. False Answer: True 107. Companies use photosharing sites in order to add a personal touch to their businesses. A. True B. False Answer: True 108. A new trend in video marketing is the use of amateur filmmakers. A. True B. False Answer: True 109. Podcast listeners have the ability to send comments to the podcaster regarding the material presented in a podcast. A. True B. False Answer: True 110. Real businesses can have a store in a virtual reality environment, but they must use a fictional name. A. True B. False Answer: False 111. When consumers conduct an online product information search, corporate-generated content appears more credible than consumer messages. A. True B. False Answer: False 112. While consumers can use websites to access more information, marketers can also use the same sites to get information on the consumer. A. True B. False Answer: True 113. Initiators are those consumers who generate their own media outlets, such as blogs and wikis. A. True B. False Answer: False 114. Someone who generates his or her own media outlets, such as podcasts and blogs, is known as a Creator. A. True B. False Answer: True 115. Commentators are people who comment on blogs or post ratings and reviews. A. True B. False Answer: False 116. People who comment on blogs or post ratings and reviews are known as critics. A. True B. False Answer: True 117. The majority of online shoppers read ratings and reviews to aid in their purchasing decisions. A. True B. False Answer: True 118. It is unusual for consumers to be members of several social networking sites at once. A. True B. False Answer: False 119. Creators gather information and organize content generated by critics and others. A. True B. False Answer: False 120. Collectors gather information and organize content generated by critics and others. A. True B. False Answer: True 121. Anyone who becomes a member of social networking sites is a Collector. A. True B. False Answer: False 122. It is not unusual for Joiners to be members of several social networking sites at once. A. True B. False Answer: True 123. Joiners are those consumers who read what other consumers write, but do not produce any content themselves. A. True B. False Answer: False 124. Spectators like to read what other people write and produce online, but do not produce any content themselves. A. True B. False Answer: True 125. Positive and negative online reviews act as reputation enhancers. A. True B. False Answer: False 126. Social networking sites are useful for large business, but are not financially feasible for small businesses. A. True B. False Answer: False 127. Digital marketing can be viewed as a new distribution channel that helps businesses increase efficiency. A. True B. False Answer: True 128. Almost any traditional promotional event can be enhanced or replaced by digital media. A. True B. False Answer: True 129. Digital online media marketing facilitates both price and non-price competition. A. True B. False Answer: True 130. Rather than wait for legislation to be passed regarding Internet rules, many web advertisers attempt self-regulation to govern how consumer information is collected and used online. A. True B. False Answer: True 131. Attempts to deceive consumers into releasing personal information online are referred to as online fraud. A. True B. False Answer: True 132. Online fraud includes any attempt to conduct dishonest activities online, with the exception of tricking consumers into releasing personal information. A. True B. False Answer: False 133. Consumers view the illegal downloading of copyrighted materials as more unethical if the person's motivation is primarily utilitarian, than if it is for a hedonistic reason. A. True B. False Answer: True 134. Consumers view the illegal downloading of copyrighted materials as more unethical if the person's motivation is primarily for fun, then if it is for personal gain. A. True B. False Answer: False Test Bank for Foundations of Marketing William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell 9781285429779, 9781439039441

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