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Chapter 11 Middle Adulthood Section 1 Physical Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. What continues to increase in prevalence partly due to a biological tendency toward increasing body fat and losing muscle mass in middle adulthood? A. obesity B. joint problems C. athletic injuries D. hair loss Answer: A 2. What enlarges and becomes less flexible and less transparent, making it more difficult to perceive images in sharp focus and to see in dim light? A. retina B. iris C. cornea D. lens Answer: D. lens Correct: The lens enlarges and becomes less transparent. A. retina Incorrect: The lens enlarges and becomes less transparent. The retina contains the photoreceptors. It does change as a function of aging, but it does not enlarge. 3. By age 60, the rod and cone receptors diminish by what percentage? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 4. The changes that occur in vision during middle adulthood make it necessary that most adults _______________. A. take the visual test each time they renew their licenses B. get reading glasses C. never drive at night D. watch movies and television on large-screen television sets Answer: B 5. You have noticed that whenever you and your mother are at a bookstore, she needs to hold the book that she is reading about an arm’s length away from her face. Is she just trying to embarrass you? A. Yes, middle adults have really good vision. B. No, she needs to get reading glasses. C. No, she probably has macular degeneration and needs to see an ophthalmologist. D. Yes, although there are minor visual changes, she is obviously just playing them up. Answer: B. No, she needs to get reading glasses. Correct: It is common that adults who are in middle adulthood have visual changes that require reading glasses. C. No, she probably has macular degeneration and needs to see an ophthalmologist. Incorrect: It is common that adults who are in middle adulthood have visual changes that require reading glasses. 6. A few years ago Robert noticed a few gray hairs. A little frustrated, he was able to isolate and pluck them out one by one; however, recently his gray hairs have become overwhelming in number and he has more gray hairs than brunette. Which of the following best describes the development of time period Robert is in? A. emerging adulthood B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C. middle adulthood Correct: A few gray hairs begin to develop in early adulthood and become more pronounced if not overwhelming in middle adulthood. D. late adulthood Incorrect: A common misconception of aging 7. For most men of European descent hair turning gray begins in _______________, but by _______________ most people have turned mostly or all gray. A. late teens; young adulthood B. young adulthood; middle adulthood C. late teens; middle adulthood D. middle adulthood; late adulthood Answer: B 8. During middle adulthood, which of the following is more likely to experience hair thinning and baldness? A. a male of European descent B. a female of European descent C. a male of Asian descent D. a female of Asian descent Answer: A 9. During middle adulthood, which of the following best explains why skin begins to wrinkle and becomes saggy? A. Skin begins to lose its fat content and the three layers of skin begin to adhere to each other less firmly. B. The body retains less water; therefore, skin begins to wrinkle and becomes less pliable. C. White blood cells begin to decrease in number and skin cells are indirectly affected. D. The nuclei of skin cells begin to shrink, which in turn affects skin elasticity. Answer: A 10. During _______________ vision and hearing both decline, although the decline is greater for _______________. A. young adulthood; vision B. young adulthood; hearing C. middle age; vision D. middle age; hearing Answer: C 11. Which of the following best explains why visual acuity during middle age declines? A. The lens of the eye enlarges and becomes less flexible and less transparent. B. The occipital lobe, the area of the brain that controls vision, becomes less efficient. C. The retina of the eye becomes less pliable and malleable, therefore affecting acuity. D. The phenomenon known as binocular vision becomes less efficient and slowly disappears. Answer: A 12. When are individuals likely to notice that it is more difficult to perceive images in sharp focus and to see in dim light? A. late teens B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C. middle adulthood Correct: Visual acuity and the ability to focus declines in middle adulthood due to enlargement of the lens, which makes it less flexible and transparent. D. late adulthood Incorrect: Visual acuity continues to decline in late adulthood; however, it is first noticed in middle adulthood. 13. In regards to photoreceptors of the eye, rods are _______________ and cones are _______________. A. light receptors; color receptors B. color receptors; light receptors C. monocular depth cues; binocular depth cues D. binocular depth cues; monocular depth cues Answer: A 14. During middle adulthood the number of rods and cones of the retina decline dramatically. By age 60, an individual has lost about _______________ of their rods and cones. A. 1/3 B. 1/4 C. 1/2 D. 2/3 Answer: C 15. Which the following best describes the number of people who need glasses for reading by age 60? A. a small handful of people B. about a third of people C. about half of people D. most people Answer: D. most people Correct: Even if they needed visual assistance to perceive distant objects clearly; by age 60, most people need glasses for reading even if they had never needed visual assistance before. C. about half of people Incorrect: Even if they needed visual assistance to perceive distant objects clearly; by age 60, most people need glasses for reading even if they had never needed visual assistance before. 16. What is a surgical technique that can be used to help those who have difficulties seeing distant objects? A. lens ablation B. retinal surgery C. mono-chromal adjustment D. Lasik Answer: D 17. Your father, who is a high school English teacher, is having some difficulty reading, which is causing him considerable frustration. He has a pair of reading glasses, but loses them constantly because he is not really used to needing glasses. What is something that you could suggest to him that might be helpful? What type of surgery could he have? A. monovision correction B. regular Lasik C. binocular adjustment procedure D. retinal replacement Answer: A. monovision correction Correct: A monovision correction fixes one eye for near vision and one eye for distance vision. B. regular Lasik Incorrect: Standard Lasik surgery would not help with reading difficulties because this is the surgery that helps individuals see distant objects better. 18. Hearing declines in midlife for about 13% of adults in developed countries, especially for _______________. A. speech sounds B. low-pitched sounds C. high-pitched sounds D. bone-conducted sound Answer: C. high-pitched sounds Correct: Hearing decline generally proceeds from a loss in high-pitch sounds and then many years later progresses to lower-pitched sounds. B. low-pitched sounds Incorrect: Hearing decline generally proceeds from a loss in high-pitch sounds and then many years later progresses to lower-pitched sounds. 19. When you were in high school, your friends had “mosquito” ring tones on your cell phones, which were very high-pitched (17kHz) tones. What did your 45-year-old teachers think of it? A. Some of the teachers thought that there was an invasion of mosquitoes at your school. B. Most the time the ring tones were very quiet and the teachers seemed to like them. C. They found the high-pitched noise to be very irritating. D. Most never heard it. Answer: D. Most never heard it. Correct: The high-pitch tone was above the teachers’ hearing thresholds. They could not hear those tones. B. Most the time the ring tones were very quiet and the teachers seemed to like them. Incorrect: The high-pitch tone was above the teachers’ hearing thresholds. They could not hear those tones. 20. What are the tiny hairs in the inner ear known as? A. tympanic hairs B. incus, stapes, and malleus C. cilia D. hearing hairs Answer: C 21. What happens to the eardrum and other structures of the inner ear during middle adulthood? They become _______________. A. less flexible and more sensitive to sound B. less flexible and less sensitive to sound C. more flexible and less sensitive to sound D. basically unchanged during this time Answer: B 22. Why are men more likely to experience great hearing loss than women in middle adulthood? They are more likely to _______________. A. listen to very loud music which causes damage to the inner ear B. be employed in places where there would be chronic exposure to loud noises C. smoke, which causes irreversible harm to the outer and middle ear D. not spend as much time trying to listen to what other people are saying Answer: B. be employed in places where there would be chronic exposure to loud noises Correct: Exposure to loud noises causes the inner ear to become less flexible, resulting in less sensitivity to sound. A. listen to very loud music which causes damage to the inner ear Incorrect: The eardrum and other structures of the inner ear do become less flexible, but that results in less efficiency and, therefore, less sensitivity to sound. 23. Why do tribal Africans in middle adulthood show less decline in hearing than people in developed countries do? A. They are exposed to less noise in their daily lives. B. They must make loud noises to keep away predators, so they are used to loud noise. C. They are genetically better at hearing. D. Their diets have been shown to support hearing. Answer: A. They are exposed to less noise in their daily lives. Correct: They experience less hearing loss because they are exposed to less noise on a daily basis than individuals in developed countries. B. They must make loud noises to keep away predators, so they are used to loud noise. Incorrect: They experience less hearing loss because they are exposed to less noise on a daily basis than individuals in developed countries. 24. What describes the most important physical changes of midlife in terms of the reproductive system as fertility declines in males and females? A. menopause B. climacteric C. infertility D. erectile dysfunction Answer: B 25. What is the term that is used to describe the end of monthly ovulation and menstruation? A. menopause B. climacteric C. infertility D. ovarian blockage Answer: A 26. At what age do men stop producing sperm? A. 50 years B. 60 years C. 70 years D. never Answer: D 27. At what age does menopause usually occur? A. between 20 and 30 years of age B. between 30 and 40 years of age C. between 40 and 50 years of age D. between 50 and 60 years of age Answer: C 28. What is the time preceding menopause known as? A. premenopause B. perimenopause C. pseudomenopause D. postmenopause Answer: B 29. Menopause tends to occur earlier among women if they _______________. A. abuse alcohol B. smoke C. are obese D. live in poverty Answer: B 30. Your mother has exercised regularly throughout her entire life. She is very fit, and she has never smoked. Relative to most women, when is menopause likely to occur for her? A. earlier than most women B. Exercise has no affect on menopause. C. later than most women D. Women who exercise generally do not menstruate. Answer: C. later than most women Correct: Menopause occurs later in women who exercise. A. earlier than most women Incorrect: Menopause occurs later in women who exercise. 31. Your mother has been experiencing some of the symptoms of menopause and has been asking her mother about her own experiences with menopause, specifically, when it stopped. Although you are a woman who is still in her early 20s, why is this information important for you and your mother alike? A. just for information B. The beginning and end of menopause is influenced by genetics. C. The end of menopause has a lot to do with generational attitudes. D. Menopause is completely different for each person and there is no genetic or environmental influence. Answer: B. The beginning and end of menopause is influenced by genetics. Correct: The beginning and end of menopause is genetic, so knowing when your grandmother finished menopause will let your mother know when, approximately, menopause will be over for her, and likely for you as well. A. just for information Incorrect: The beginning and end of menopause is genetic, so knowing when your grandmother finished menopause will let your mother know when, approximately, menopause will be over for her, and likely for you as well. 32. Lasik is a type of surgery that corrects _______________. A. visual problems B. auditory problems C. tactile problems D. olfactory problems Answer: A 33. In regards to Lasik monovision correction, one eye is corrected for near vision and one eye is corrected for distance vision. It is possible for an individual to see both near and far away because _______________. A. the brain automatically figures out which eye to rely on most, depending on whether near vision would distance vision is necessary. B. human beings only rely on one eye at any given time, a phenomenon known as monocular vision. C. binocular vision is seldom used and human beings rely on one eye, his or her dominant eye, the majority of the time. D. of the photoreceptors—cones are located in the left eye and rods are located in the right eye and it is these photoreceptors that help to determine distance Answer: A 34. The tiny hairs in the inner ear that transmit sounds to the brain and make it possible for an individual to hear are known as _______________. A. cilia B. malleus C. eardrum D. incus Answer: A 35. Which of the following is a neurological explanation of why auditory acuity declines during midlife? A. The eardrum and other structures in the inner ear become less flexible. B. The auditory cortex in the brain becomes less efficient in processing information from the inner ear. C. The cilia in the inner ear begin to thin making more difficult to hear. D. The pinna and external auditory canal become less flexible and pliable, therefore making it more difficult to capture environmental sounds. Answer: B. The auditory cortex in the brain becomes less efficient in processing information from the inner ear. Correct: The decline in acuity is a result of the auditory cortex’s becoming less efficient. A. The eardrum and other structures in the inner ear become less flexible. Incorrect: The inner ear becoming less flexible is a possible cause; however, this is physiological and not specifically a neurological cause. 36. Which of the following is an environmental cause for decreased auditory acuity during middle adulthood? A. The eardrum and other structures in the inner ear become less flexible. B. In the brain, the auditory cortex becomes less efficient in processing information from the inner ear. C. The cilia in the inner ear begin to thin making more difficult to hear. D. Having a history of working within a factory or a job that exposes a person to chronically loud noises. Answer: D. Having a history of working within a factory or a job that exposes a person to chronically loud noises. Correct: A factory or job is environmental. B. In the brain, the auditory cortex becomes less efficient in processing information from the inner ear. Incorrect: This would be a possible neurological explanation; the most likely environmental cause would be prolonged exposure to a loud work environment, such as a factory. 37. One of the most important physical changes of midlife occurs in the reproductive system as fertility declines, a change known as the _______________. A. cacography B. cochlea C. climatology D. climacteric Answer: D 38. _______________ is the end of monthly ovulation and menstruation. A. Menstruation B. Menstrual cycle C. Menopause D. Menarche Answer: C 39. Which of the following best describes the phenomenon known as menopause? A. The end of monthly ovulation and menstruation. B. The first menstrual period; the establishment of menstruation. C. The first male climax and the releasing of sperm. D. The end of sperm production and fertility. Answer: A 40. Menopause usually takes place in the _______________, but there is a wide range of individual variations, from the _______________. A. late 30 or early 40s; early 20s to the late 40s B. late 40s or early 50s; early 30s to the late 50s C. late 50s or early 60s; early 40s to the late 60s D. late 60s or early 70s; early 50s to the late 70s Answer: B 41. Which of the following is a known factor that contributes to an earlier onset of menopause? A. an increase in estrogen B. having never given birth C. regular exercise D. a decrease in testosterone Answer: B. having never given birth Correct: Having never giving birth and smoking are two known contributor factors for an earlier onset of menopause. A. an increase in estrogen Incorrect: A decrease in estrogen is a contributing factor to earlier onset. 42. Which of the following provides support for a genetic influence for the timing of menopause? A. research studies that show a correlation of the timing of menopause between mothers and daughters and identical twins B. research studies that show a correlation of the timing of menopause between biologically unrelated women who live in the same environment, sharing a house or an apartment C. research studies that show a correlation of the timing of menopause for women who live within the same geographical region or country D. research studies that show a correlation of the timing of menopause for mothers and their adopted daughters Answer: A. research studies that show a correlation of the timing of menopause between mothers and daughters and identical twins Correct: Mothers and daughters have a 50% genetic similarity; monozygotic twins have a 100% genetic similarity; this provides support for a genetic basis. B. research studies that show a correlation of the timing of menopause between biologically unrelated women who live in the same environment, sharing a house or an apartment Incorrect: Genetics are not involved in the case of biologically unrelated women who share a living environment and who experience the onset of menopause at similar times. 43. What is a very common symptom of menopause? A. cravings for carbohydrates B. sleeping constantly C. hot flashes D. rashes Answer: C 44. When are the drops in estrogen and progesterone levels associated with menopause the most severe? A. at the very beginning B. during the entire time menopause is occurring C. at the very beginning and after the end of menopause D. after the end of menopause Answer: C. at the very beginning and after the end of menopause Correct: The steep drops in estrogen and progesterone occur at the very beginning and after the end of menopause. B. during the entire time menopause is occurring Incorrect: Actually, the steep drops in estrogen and progesterone occur at the very beginning and after the end of menopause. 45. Women from what world region have the highest rate of hot flashes at 80%? A. Africa B. Japan C. United States D. India Answer: A 46. Your aunt is beginning menopause and was discussing her feelings about it with you. She was wondering if you knew of anything “natural” that might help relieve her symptoms. What is one thing that might help? A. taking daily naps in the afternoon B. drinking large amounts of caffeine C. eating soybean-based foods D. living in a very warm climate Answer: C. eating soybean-based foods Correct: Soybeans contain estrogen. D. living in a very warm climate Incorrect: Climate does not help with menopausal symptoms. 47. For women who are experiencing severe symptoms during menopause, what is a strategy that can alleviate their distress? A. chiropractic massage B. hormone replacement therapy C. eating soy-bean based foods D. frequent intercourse Answer: B 48. What is a positive result of HRT in menopausal women? It helps to _______________. A. increase bone density B. decreases the likelihood of stroke C. reduce the symptoms of menopause D. improves sexual functioning Answer: C. reduce the symptoms of menopause Correct: HRT lessens the severity of menopause symptoms. B. decreases the likelihood of stroke Incorrect: HRT actually increases the likelihood of stroke. 49. Your 45-year-old neighbor knows that you are taking a developmental course. She is experiencing some severe symptoms of menopause and was interested in your thoughts on hormone replacement therapy. What would you tell her? HRT is _______________. A. effective, but there are serious potential side effects B. effective and completely safe C. not effective and carries many potential side effects D. not effective, but there are no severe risks Answer: A. effective, but there are serious potential side effects Correct: HRT can be effective, but there can be serious side effects like increasing the risk of stroke, heart attacks, and breast cancer. B. effective and completely safe Incorrect: HRT can be effective, but there can be serious side effects like increasing the risk of stroke, heart attacks, and breast cancer. 50. Your grandmother is 62 years old, is a breast cancer survivor, and is experiencing very strong menopausal symptoms. A friend of hers has suggested that hormone replacement therapy would probably help her with her symptoms. Given her background, what would be your advice? She should _______________. A. definitely not use HRT B. try HRT cautiously and have frequent checkups C. alternate HRT weekly D. definitely use HRT; there are no reasons not to do so Answer: A. definitely not use HRT Correct: HRT is not advised for women older than 60 particularly if they have had breast cancer. B. try HRT cautiously and have frequent checkups Incorrect: HRT is not advised for women older than 60 particularly if they have had breast cancer. 51. Generally speaking, how do women across cultures view menopause? A. fear it in that it signifies the end of reproduction B. generally welcome the end of their reproductive years. C. dislike it in that they feel less attractive D. are typically completely ambivalent Answer: B. generally welcome the end of their reproductive years. Correct: Women generally welcome the end of their reproductive years. A. fear it in that it signifies the end of reproduction Incorrect: Women generally welcome the end of their reproductive years. 52. A common symptom of menopause is _______________. A. hot flashes B. anemia C. dementia D. jaundice Answer: A. hot flashes Correct: Hot flashes are a common symptom of menopause; additionally women may experience mood fluctuations, headaches, dizziness, and heart palpitations. D. jaundice Incorrect: Jaundice is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin related to medical conditions such as hepatitis and liver cancer and is not related to menopause. 53. About _______________ of women experience symptoms of menopause extreme enough to cause severe distress. A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20% Answer: B 54. Sichhun is a 50-year-old female whose hormone levels have dropped. Her menstrual cycle has ceased and she has begun to experience hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, and heart palpitations on a frequent basis. Which of the following best explains Sichhun's condition? A. menopause B. jaundice C. anemia D. dementia Answer: A 55. All women experience _______________ and the end of menstruation that constitute menopause, but women vary widely in how they experience the _______________. A. spiritual decline, physiological and psychological effects B. emotional decline; physiological and social effects C. cognitive decline; social and psychological effects D. hormonal declines; physiological and psychological effects Answer: D 56. Which of the following American ethnic groups report the highest rate of hot flashes as a result of menopause? A. women of African descent B. women of Asian descent C. women of European descent D. women of South American descent Answer: A 57. For women who experience severe symptoms during menopause, _______________ is sometimes used to alleviate their distress. A. chiropractic and acupuncture therapy B. cognitive behavioral therapy C. hormone replacement therapy D. psychoanalytic therapy Answer: C. hormone replacement therapy Correct: Hormone replacement therapy is the most common treatment for the symptoms of menopause. B. cognitive behavioral therapy Incorrect: Cognitive behavioral therapy is a goal-oriented psychotherapeutic approach to solving emotional and behavioral problems. 58. A possible explanation of why women in Japan experience a lower rate of hot flashes during menopause is that _______________. A. cultural forces have dictated that hot flashes are inappropriate and Japanese women unconsciously suppress them B. soybean is a large part of their diet and it contains plant estrogen C. ginger root is commonly consumed and it has been proven to suppress hot flashes D. fish is a large part of their diet and vitamin B12 is known to minimize hot flashes Answer: B. soybean is a large part of their diet and it contains plant estrogen Correct: It is known that soybean contains plant estrogen and it is believed that this supplements human estrogen decline in Japanese women. D. fish is a large part of their diet and vitamin B12 is known to minimize hot flashes Incorrect: Fish does contain vitamin B12; however, it is not correlated with hot flashes. 59. At what rate do testosterone levels decline during midlife? A. 1% per year B. 6% per year C. 12% per year D. 18% per year Answer: A 60. Your father, who is 45 years old, has recently been discussing the desire to father another child. He is worried that he will not able to do so even though he and your mother are strongly considering it. What would you tell him regarding his ability to father another child? He should A. probably get started, sperm quality and mobility begin to decline at his age B. give up on the idea, his sperm count is probably too low C. he should have a fertility check since most males have little to no sperm at age 45 years D. think carefully about fathering a child; the child has no chance of being born healthy Answer: A. probably get started, sperm quality and mobility begin to decline at his age Correct: Sperm quality and mobility decline steadily but slowly. He has the ability to father a child. B. give up on the idea, his sperm count is probably too low Incorrect: Sperm quality and mobility decline steadily but slowly. He has the ability to father a child. 61. What is unique to human females during midlife that does not happen to any other primate species? A. lifetime pair bonding B. menopause C. midlife crisis D. second families Answer: B 62. By age 40 years, many individuals in midlife experience sleep problems. What are the consequences? Adults in midlife are _______________. A. less likely to experience the deepest type of sleep B. more likely to have nightmares C. more likely to fall asleep on the job D. less likely to have appropriate bone density Answer: A. less likely to experience the deepest type of sleep Correct: Sleep problems are likely to result in a lack of the deepest type of sleep. As a result, the person does not feel as rested upon waking. B. more likely to have nightmares Incorrect: Sleep problems are likely to result in a lack of the deepest type of sleep. As a result, the person does not feel as rested upon waking. 63. During middle adulthood, which of the following are factors related to sleep disturbances and sleep disorders? A. obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression B. arthritis, jaundice, and diabetes C. restless legs syndrome, myopic vision, and hypertension D. anxiety, eczema, and psoriasis Answer: A. obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression Correct: Both physical and psychological factors relate to sleep disturbances and sleep disorders; the most common are obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression. D. anxiety, eczema, and psoriasis Incorrect: Anxiety is a common psychological cause for sleep disturbances and disorders; however, eczema and psoriasis are dermatological conditions and are not related. 64. Medical authorities recommend _______________ of sleep per night as optimal, but among midlife adults in the United States more than _______________ report receiving less than 7 hours of sleep at least occasionally. A. 5–7 hours; three-quarters B. 6–8 hours; two-thirds C. 7–9 hours; one-fourth D. 9–11 hours; one-half Answer: C 65. _______________ is a condition in which the bones become thin and brittle as a result of rapid calcium depletion. A. Scoliosis B. Jaundice C. Diabetes D. Osteoporosis Answer: D 66. Eighty percent of people who are diagnosed with osteoporosis are women. The simple explanation for this phenomenon is _______________. A. During menopause women lose estrogen and this puts women at a greater risk for the development of osteoporosis. B. Women have two X chromosomes and it’s known that an inoculating factor for the development of osteoporosis is the Y chromosome. C. Men have higher levels of testosterone and higher levels of testosterone to combat the development of osteoporosis. D. Women often live a lifestyle that puts them at greater risk for the development of osteoporosis as compared to men. Answer: A. During menopause women lose estrogen and this puts women at a greater risk for the development of osteoporosis. Correct: Estrogen loss is one of the greater known factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis. C. Men have higher levels of testosterone and higher levels of testosterone to combat the development of osteoporosis. Incorrect: Men do have higher levels of testosterone; however, this has not been correlated with the development of osteoporosis. 67. Which of the following pairs of individuals have a higher concordance rate of osteoporosis than the rest? A. monozygotic twins B. dizygotic twins C. biological sisters D. adopted sisters Answer: A. monozygotic twins Correct: As support for the genetic basis of osteoporosis, monozygotic twins, who have a 100% genetic similarity, have a higher concordance rate of osteoporosis than dizygotic twins, who have a 50% genetic similarity. D. adopted sisters Incorrect: Genetic factors contribute to the risk of developing osteoporosis, so monozygotic twins who have a 100% genetic similarity would have the highest concordance rate of osteoporosis. 68. Which of the following is the leading cause of death for adults worldwide? A. heart disease B. starvation C. war D. cancer Answer: A 69. Ed is a middle-aged male who is a high-risk candidate for coronary heart disease. Which of the following are recommendations to help Ed lower his risk? A. establish a healthy diet, increase exercise, and quit smoking B. get more sleep, get more sun, and get more potassium C. increase calcium, folic acid and B12, but decrease iron D. start a multivitamin regimen, decrease stress, and limit the consumption of high fructose corn syrup Answer: A 70. Over the years plaque builds up on the coronary arteries, a condition called _______________, causing the passage of blood through the arteries to become constricted. A. cystic fibrosis B. multiple sclerosis C. amniocentesis D. atherosclerosis Answer: D 71. What is a problem that is commonly experienced by individuals in midlife who are obese, have cardiovascular disease, or who are depressed? A. heart palpitations B. snoring C. sleep problems D. low levels of dopamine Answer: C. sleep problems Correct: Although people who are obese are likely to snore, to the problems that these three categories most often have in common are sleep problems. B. snoring Incorrect: Although people who are obese are likely to snore, to the problems that these three categories most often have in common are sleep problems. 72. Your 46-year-old uncle is about 60 pounds overweight and is having difficulty sleeping at night. What advice would you give him? You could tell him that _______________. A. most people his age have difficulty sleeping and not to worry about it B. he should probably consider trying to lose weight. That should help improve his sleeping C. he is probably depressed and that is why he is having sleeping problems D. he should see his doctor, he has probably had a small heart attack Answer: B. he should probably consider trying to lose weight. That should help improve his sleeping Correct: It is true that many people his age have sleep problems, but he is more likely to have sleep problems because he is likely obese. A. most people his age have difficulty sleeping and not to worry about it Incorrect: It is true that many people his age have sleep problems, but he is more likely to have sleep problems because he is likely obese. 73. How many hours of sleep do medical authorities recommend getting a night? A. 5 to 6 hours B. 7 to 9 hours C. 10 to 11 hours D. 12 hours Answer: B 74. What is the condition called in which the bones become thin and brittle as a result of rapid calcium depletion? A. osteoporosis B. calciumemia C. ossicle depletion D. phosphoritis Answer: A 75. From middle adulthood onward, women lose about what percentage of their bone mass? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 76. Your 59-year-old uncle is convinced that he will have osteoporosis. He is in good health and is quite active. What would you tell him? A. It is not very likely. Only 20% of persons with osteoporosis are male. B. He is probably correct, about 80% of males have osteoporosis. C. It is not likely if he drinks a lot of milk. D. He is probably correct, very active adults are more prone to osteoporosis. Answer: A. It is not very likely. Only 20% of persons with osteoporosis are male. Correct: Females make up 80% of person with osteoporosis. B. He is probably correct, about 80% of males have osteoporosis. Incorrect: 80% of persons with osteoporosis are female; it is much less common in men. 77. What is a risk factor for osteoporosis? A. eating soy-based foods B. smoking C. too much exercising D. obesity Answer: B 78. How often do health authorities recommend that women over 50 have their bone density checked? A. every six months B. every year C. every two years D. every five years Answer: B 79. Your grandmother is a 56-year-old smoker and just read an article discussing osteoporosis. The article did not really cover much, just stated that the likelihood of osteoporosis increases with age. What would you say to her about her risk factor? She should _______________. A. not worry about osteoporosis, you are sure that she will not have trouble B. get yearly bone density checks and quit smoking! C. drink a lot of milk D. start an exercise routine Answer: B. get yearly bone density checks and quit smoking! Correct: The first bit of advice would be to quit smoking, followed by getting yearly bone density checks. C. drink a lot of milk Incorrect: The first bit of advice would be to quit smoking, followed by getting yearly bone density checks. 80. What is the term that describes the building up of plaque in the arteries? A. pulmonary disease B. coronary disease C. high blood pressure D. atherosclerosis Answer: D 81. Why is cardiovascular disease so high in countries like Russia? A. the severe stress to which Russians are exposed B. extreme weather conditions C. a high rate of smoking D. large consumption of fatty foods Answer: C. a high rate of smoking Correct: The rate of smoking is very high in Russia and smoking is extremely damaging to the cardiovascular system. D. large consumption of fatty foods Incorrect: The rate of smoking is very high in Russia and smoking is extremely damaging to the cardiovascular system. 82. _______________ cancer is the most common type of cancer among men (and rare among women), whereas _______________ cancer is the most common type among women (and rare among men) A. Breast; lung B. Lung; colon C. Prostate; breast D. Colon; prostate Answer: C 83. Across countries, men are at such a higher risk than women for cardiovascular disease because they are more likely to _______________. A. smoke B. have high-stress jobs C. have a lower educational level D. work in polluted environments Answer: A. smoke Correct: The higher rate of cardiovascular disease in men across countries is due to the higher rate of smoking in men. C. have a lower educational level Incorrect: The higher rate of cardiovascular disease in men across countries is due to the higher rate of smoking in men. 84. In a study that examined women who experienced a severely stressful event and were screened for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), what did the authors find when the women were re-evaluated 14 years later? A. Women who went to therapy were actually more likely to have coronary heart disease. B. Women who exhibited five or more symptoms of PTSD were three times more likely to have coronary heart disease. C. Women who took antidepressants were more likely not to have coronary heart disease. D. Women who were not married were eight times more likely to have coronary heart disease. Answer: B. Women who exhibited five or more symptoms of PTSD were three times more likely to have coronary heart disease. Correct: The study discovered that the more symptoms of PTSD the greater the likelihood of coronary heart disease. C. Women who took antidepressants were more likely not to have coronary heart disease. Incorrect: The study discovered that the more symptoms of PTSD the greater the likelihood of coronary heart disease. 85. In a study examining treatment approaches for individuals who had heart disease (Blumenthal et al., 2005), which group exhibited better cardiovascular functioning as well as lower levels of distress and depression? A. the routine care group B. the music therapy group C. the movie-watching group D. the stress management and exercise groups Answer: D. the stress management and exercise groups Correct: The exercise and stress management groups did the best. C. the movie-watching group Incorrect: There was no movie-watching group in Blumenthal’s study. The exercise and stress management groups did the best. 86. In what procedure for cardiovascular disease does a surgeon insert a tube into a blocked artery and inflate a tiny balloon that flattens the fatty deposits against the wall and allows blood to flow more freely? A. angioplasty B. open heart surgery C. stents D. pacemaker Answer: A. angioplasty Correct: The procedure that uses a tiny balloon is angioplasty. C. stents Incorrect: Stents are similar, but the procedure that uses a tiny balloon is angioplasty. 87. Worldwide, what is the second leading cause of death among adults? A. cardiovascular disease B. cancer C. accidents D. suicide Answer: B 88. What is the most common type of cancer among men? A. breast cancer B. prostate cancer C. skin cancer D. lung cancer Answer: B 89. What is the most common type of cancer among women? A. breast cancer B. prostate cancer C. skin cancer D. lung cancer Answer: A 90. Your mother has breast cancer and went through a very difficult treatment program, but is doing well now. You are a young woman who smokes; what can you do to ensure that you lower your risks of breast cancer? A. Stop smoking immediately! B. Perform self-exams monthly. C. Start an exercise program. D. Eat soy-based foods. Answer: A. Stop smoking immediately! Correct: Quitting smoking would be the best strategy. B. Perform self-exams monthly. Incorrect: Self-exams are worthwhile, but quitting smoking would be the best strategy. 91. _______________ involves subjecting the cancerous part of the body to toxic substances intended to poison the cancer cells. A. Chemotherapy B. Radiation therapy C. Angiogenesis inhibitors therapy D. Gene therapy Answer: A 92. Ralph was given good news and bad news by his physician. The bad news is that he has cancer; the good news is that the survival rate for the type of cancer that he has is above 85%. Which of the following types of cancer does Ralph most likely have? A. prostate or skin B. throat or rectal C. kidney or lung D. pancreas or liver Answer: A. prostate or skin Correct: Prostate cancer has a 96% survival rate and skin cancer has a 92% survival rate. C. kidney or lung Incorrect: Lung cancer only has a 15% survival rate. 93. Which of the following cancers have the lowest five-year survival rate? A. prostate and skin B. breast and rectal C. kidney and liver D. pancreas and lung Answer: D 94. In a study conducted by Coleman and colleagues (2008) _______________ of the American women aged 50–64 reported receiving regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer, compared to _______________ of the British women. A. over 90%; about 70% B. over 80%; about 60% C. over 70%; about 50% D. over 60%; about 40% Answer: B. over 80%; about 60% Correct: 84% of the American women in the study aged 50–64 reported receiving regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer, compared to 63% of the British women. A. over 90%; about 70% Incorrect: This estimate is too high, only 84% of the American women in the study aged 50–64 reported receiving regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer, compared to 63% of the British women. 95. What is the type of cancer with the lowest universal survival rate? A. pancreatic B. lung C. breast D. skin Answer: A 96. Your 46-year-old neighbor just learned that he has pancreatic cancer. What are your thoughts about this? A. It is very sad since pancreatic can has the lowest survival rate at 5%. B. It should be fine, the survival rate for pancreatic cancer is quite good at 67%. C. If he eats a nutritious diet, his chances of survival are fairly good at 55%. D. With a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the survival rate is nearly 80%, so he should be fine. Answer: A. It is very sad since pancreatic can has the lowest survival rate at 5%. Correct: Pancreatic cancer has a very low survival rate at 5%. B. It should be fine, the survival rate for pancreatic cancer is quite good at 67%. Incorrect: Pancreatic cancer has a very low survival rate at 5%. 97. Your mother is 52 years old and has only had one mammogram in the last 10 years because she hates having them done. What can you tell her that might help her get her next mammogram? The survival rate of women who have _______________. A. breast cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms B. colon cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms C. prostate cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms D. pancreatic cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms Answer: A. breast cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms Correct: Mammograms help detect breast cancer. B. colon cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms Incorrect: Mammograms help detect breast cancer not colon cancer. 98. What is the best way to avoid death from cancer? A. prevention B. surgery C. chemotherapy D. radiation therapy Answer: A. prevention Correct: Preventing cancer is the best way. B. surgery Incorrect: Actually, prevention is much better. 99. Researcher George Vaillant combined samples from three studies: male Harvard graduates, boys from low-income urban families, and women with high IQs. Each of the studies began in the early decades of the 20th century and followed their samples with assessments every year or two from childhood or emerging adulthood into late adulthood. Vaillant conducted which of the following research designs? A. a longitudinal study B. a cross-sectional study C. a quasi-experiment D. a case study Answer: A. a longitudinal study Correct: Vaillant followed a large group of subjects for a lengthy period of time. D. a case study Incorrect: A case study is an intensive analysis of an individual person or community. 100. In Vaillant’s original study, subjects who were heavy smokers, alcohol abusers, and overweight at age 50, were more likely to be dead by 75–80 and those who were still alive were likely to be classified as _______________. A. happy-well B. sad-sick C. depressed-morbid D. joyful-elated Answer: B. sad-sick Correct: Vaillan’s to classifications were happy-well and sad-sick; the sad-sick had these traits. C. depressed-morbid Incorrect: Depressed-morbid was not a classification Vaillant used. 101. In Vaillant’s original study, which of the following variables are characteristics of subjects who were classified as happy-well? A. years of education and marriage stability B. an easygoing temperament and strong cognitive skills C. authoritative parental upbringing and low social problem-solving D. years of prosocial behavior and high altruism Answer: A. years of education and marriage stability Correct: In contrast to individuals who were classified as sad-sick, years of education and marriage stability were strong predictors of being happy-well in later adulthood. B. an easygoing temperament and strong cognitive skills Incorrect: These are known psychological traits; however, they were not discussed by George Vaillant in his original study. 102. The Americans’ Changing Lives (ACL) study followed a nationally representative sample of Americans ages 25 and older for 15 years beginning in 1986 and ending in 2001, assessing their physical health at four times during the 15-year period (House et al., 2005). The main finding of the study was that _______________. A. educational attainment relates to one’s physical health B. genetic lineage predicts life-expectancy C. coping skills and the strength of one’s social network relates to life satisfaction D. sex is a correlating factor to health consciousness Answer: A. educational attainment relates to one’s physical health Correct: The main finding of the study was that the relation between educational attainment and health was strong at all ages and became stronger from young adulthood to middle adulthood, then remained strong in the early part of late adulthood. D. sex is a correlating factor to health consciousness Incorrect: Women tend to be more health-conscious; however, this is not discussed in the chapter. 103. What is it called when a mammogram indicates that a patient has cancer when in fact she does not? A. a false positive B. a false negative C. a false diagnosis D. a false reading Answer: A. a false positive Correct: A false positive is when a diagnosis is made when there is actually no cancer. B. a false negative Incorrect: A false positive is when a diagnosis is made when there is actually no cancer. 104. What were the results of the study (House et al., 2005) that examined the relationship between educational attainment and health? A. There was no relationship between educational attainment and health. B. There was a very weak relationship between educational attainment and health. C. There was a moderate relationship between educational attainment and health. D. There was a very strong relationship between educational attainment and health. Answer: D. There was a very strong relationship between educational attainment and health. Correct: There is a strong relationship between educational attainment and health. B. There was a very weak relationship between educational attainment and health. Incorrect: There is a strong relationship between educational attainment and health. Short Answer Questions 105. Discuss two variables that influence the timing of menopause. Answer: Smoking causes an earlier onset of menopause. Women who have not had children and women who regularly exercise experience menopause later. Genetics are also involved: there is similar timing of menopause between generations, as well as among identical twins. 106. In what country is koneki experienced? Explain. Answer: Koneki is similar to the Western conception of menopause. It is experienced around age 50 by women in Japan. It is similar to menopause in the sense that menstruation ceases. However, it is different in a couple of ways: women do not get hot flashes; they get headaches and shoulder stiffness instead. Another difference is that it is thought to be caused by loss of the social role of motherhood rather than physiological changes. 107. Discuss one health problem that is more likely to occur in middle adulthood than in early points in the life span. Is there anything that can be done to prevent it? Explain. Answer: Sleep problems, heart disease, and cancer are most likely to occur in middle adulthood. Sleep problems are correlated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression. Better diet and more exercise, as well as seeking therapy for depression, could help prevent this problem. 108. What are two risk factors for osteoporosis? Answer: Being small and thin as well as having a relative with this disease increases risk. African Americans are less at risk. 109. What is the #1 cause of death for adults worldwide? Discuss two risk factors. Answer: Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death. Risk factors include a high-fat diet and stress. A large study of Japanese men living in California, Honolulu, and Japan found that rates were lowest in Japan where diets were lowest in fat, highest in CA where diets were high in fat, and in the middle for those in Honolulu whose diets were also in the middle of these two. Chronic and acute stresses are also risk factors. Essay Questions 110. Imagine that your 40-year-old friend, Shulamit, tells you that breast cancer runs in her family. Her grandmother, aunt and her mother have all died from the disease. She goes on to say, “There’s nothing I can do about it: it’s all in the genes.” What would your response be (making use of research evidence)? Answer: You can take steps to reduce one’s risk of breast cancer, even if you are more at risk due to genetics. Beginning at age 40, women should get annual mammograms. Five-year survival rates have been shown to be highest in the wealthiest developed countries. This could be due to higher rates of screening in addition to better treatments. A healthy diet, exercise and not smoking are a few lifestyle choices that decrease risk. 111. Discuss the main findings of Vaillant’s research on the participants he classified as happy-well and sad-sick. Be sure to specify the research design in your response. Answer: In a longitudinal study, Vaillant described these two groups based on their physical and psychological health. Their health status in middle-age was predicted by a number of variables earlier in their lives. The happy-well were more well-educated and more likely to be married than the sad-sick. The sad-sick group was more likely to have smoked, abused alcohol and were overweight. The happy-well were also more likely to be forgiving and future-oriented. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. Across the lifespan, the rod and cone receptors change. By age 60 years, the rod and cone receptors have diminished by what percentage? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 2. By age 60, an individual has lost about what percent of his or her rods and cones? A. 25% B. 33% C. 50% D. 66% Answer: C 3. The end of monthly ovulation and menstruation is known as _______________. A. climacteric B. menopause C. infertility D. ovarian blockage Answer: B 4. Auditory acuity declines during midlife. Which of the following is a neurological explanation of why this happens? A. The auditory cortex in the brain becomes less efficient in processing information from the inner ear. B. The eardrum and other structures in the inner ear become less flexible. C. The cilia in the inner ear begin to thin making more difficult to hear. D. The pinna and external auditory canal become less flexible and pliable, therefore making it more difficult to capture environmental sounds. Answer: A 5. Over the course of a woman's life, when are the decreases in estrogen and progesterone levels the most severe? A. for the duration of menopause B. after the end of menopause C. at the beginning of menopause D. at the beginning and end of menopause Answer: D 6. Menopause can be a very challenging time. What percentage of women experience symptoms of menopause extreme enough to cause severe distress? A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20% Answer: B 7. Your mother and stepfather are interested in having another child. He is 44 years old. What would be your advice to him regarding his ability to father a child? He should _______________. A. probably get started, sperm quality and mobility begin to decline at his age B. give up on the idea, his sperm count is probably too low C. he should have a fertility check since most males have little to no sperm at age 45 years D. think carefully about fathering a child, the child has no chance of being born healthy Answer: A 8. Your grandfather has been a bit of a hypochondriac most of his life and is now convinced that he will have osteoporosis. What should you tell him? A. He is probably correct, about 80% of males have osteoporosis. B. It is not very likely. Only 20% of people with osteoporosis are male. C. It is not likely; he drinks a lot of milk. D. He is probably correct, very active adults are more prone to osteoporosis. Answer: B 9. Research has examined the effectiveness of various treatment approaches for individuals who have had heart disease. The results of one study (Blumenthal et al., 2005) found one strategy produced not only better cardiovascular functioning, but also lower levels of distress and depression. Which group(s) in the study showed the best outcomes? A. the stress management and exercise groups B. the routine care group C. the music therapy group D. he movie watching group Answer: A 10. You are very concerned about breast cancer since it is fairly common in your family. As a result, you have examined a fair amount of research. You have also been a smoker since you were 17 years old. According to the research findings, what is a lifestyle factor you can change to help decrease your chances of developing breast cancer? A. perform self-examinations monthly B. start eating soy-based foods C. stop smoking immediately D. start an exercise program Answer: C Post-Test 1. Across the lifespan, what enlarges and becomes less flexible and less transparent, making it more difficult to perceive images in sharp focus and to see in dim light? A. retina B. iris C. lens D. cornea Answer: C 2. Developmentally speaking, when are individuals likely to notice that it is more difficult to perceive images in sharp focus and to see in dim light? A. emerging adulthood B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C 3. Men are more likely to experience greater hearing loss than women in middle adulthood. This is because men are more likely to _______________. A. listen to very loud music, which causes damage to the inner ear B. be employed in places where there would be chronic exposure to loud noises C. smoke, which causes irreversible harm to the outer and middle ear D. not spend as much time trying to listen to what other people are saying Answer: B 4. What does Lasik surgery correct? A. visual problems B. auditory problems C. tactile problems D. olfactory problems Answer: A 5. There is a wide range of individual variation for menopause ranging from the _______________. A. early 50s to late 70s B. early 20s to late 40s C. early 40s to late 60s D. early 30s to late 50s Answer: D 6. Your grandmother is experiencing very strong menopausal symptoms. She is 62 years old and is a breast cancer survivor. You know that hormone replacement therapy can help with severe menopausal symptoms. What would be your advice? She should _______________. A. try HRT cautiously and have frequent checkups B. definitely not use HRT C. alternate HRT weekly D. definitely use HRT, there are no reasons not to do so Answer: B 7. Testosterone levels decline during midlife at what rate? A. 1% per year B. 6% per year C. 12% per year D. 18% per year Answer: A 8. Your father is having difficulties staying asleep at night. He is 53 years old and is 55 pounds overweight. As far as advice for how get a better night's sleep, you could tell him that _______________. A. he should probably consider trying to lose weight B. most people his age have difficulty sleeping and not to worry about it C. he is probably depressed and that is why he is having sleeping problems D. he should see his doctor, he has probably had a small heart attack Answer: B 9. Among adults worldwide, what is the leading cause of death? A. cardiovascular disease B. accidents C. cancer D. suicide Answer: A 10. You have been very interested in the potential link between stress and health issues. After reading a considerable amount of research in the area, you found several studies examining post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You have concluded that there appears to be a very strong link between stress and negative physical outcome. In fact, in one study found that women who _______________. A. went to therapy were actually more likely to have coronary heart disease B. took antidepressants were more likely not to have coronary heart disease C. exhibited five or more symptoms of PTSD were three times more likely to have coronary heart disease D. were not married were eight times more likely to have coronary heart disease Answer: C Chapter Exam 1. Because there is a biological tendency toward increasing body fat and losing muscle mass in middle adulthood, what continues to increase in prevalence? A. athletic injuries B. joint problems C. obesity D. hair loss Answer: C 2. Which of the following best explains why skin begins to wrinkle and becomes saggy during middle adulthood? A. The body retains less water therefore skin begins to wrinkle and becomes less pliable. B. White blood cells begin to decrease in number and skin cells are indirectly affected. C. Skin begins to lose its fat content and the three layers of skin begin to adhere to each other less firmly. D. The nuclei of skin cells begin to shrink which in turn effects skin elasticity. Answer: C 3. When an individual has difficulties seeing distant objects, what surgical technique can be used to help? A. monochromal adjustment B. Lasik C. lens ablation D. retinal surgery Answer: B 4. Tribal people in middle adulthood show less decline in hearing than people in developed countries. Why? A. They are exposed to less noise in their daily lives. B. They must make loud noises to keep away predators, so they are used to loud noise. C. They are genetically better at hearing. D. Their diets have been shown to support hearing. Answer: A 5. Many of your friends' mothers are beginning to experience menopause. Your mother has exercised regularly throughout her entire life and is very fit. When is menopause likely to occur for her? A. Exercise has no effect on menopause. B. Women who exercise generally do not menstruate. C. earlier than most women D. later than most women Answer: D 6. What is the physical change that occurs in midlife regarding the reproductive system as fertility declines? A. cacography B. climacteric C. climatology D. cochlea Answer: B 7. Which of the following is a very common symptom of menopause? A. hot flashes B. cravings for carbohydrates C. sleeping constantly D. rashes Answer: A 8. Your 45-year-old neighbor is experiencing some severe symptoms of menopause and is interested in your thoughts on hormone replacement treatment. What would you tell her? HRT is _______________. A. effective and completely safe B. effective, but there are serious potential side effects C. not effective and carries many potential side effects D. not effective, but there are no severe risks Answer: B 9. In terms of American ethnic groups, women of _______________ report the highest rate of hot flashes as a result of menopause? A. African descent B. Asian descent C. European descent D. Latin descent Answer: A 10. Which of the following are factors related to sleep disturbances and sleep disorders during middle adulthood? A. arthritis, jaundice, and diabetes B. restless legs syndrome, myopic vision, and hypertension C. obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression D. anxiety, eczema, and psoriasis Answer: C 11. What is the condition in which plaque builds up on the coronary arteries causing the passage of blood through the arteries to become constricted? A. atherosclerosis B. cystic fibrosis C. multiple sclerosis D. amniocentesis Answer: A 12. Which of the following is a risk factor for osteoporosis? A. eating soy-based foods B. obesity C. smoking D. too much exercising Answer: C 13. Regardless of country, why are men at such higher risks than women for cardiovascular disease? Because men are more likely to _______________. A. have a lower educational level B. have high-stress jobs C. smoke D. work in polluted environments Answer: C 14. What involves subjecting the cancerous part of the body to toxic substances intended to poison the cancer cells? A. radiation therapy B. chemotherapy C. angiogenesis inhibitor therapy D. gene therapy Answer: B 15. Your 58-year-old grandmother hates having mammograms. What can you tell her that might help her get her next mammogram? The survival rate of women who have _______________. A. breast cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms B. colon cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms C. prostate cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms D. pancreatic cancer is much better if detected early with regular mammograms Answer: A Quick Review 1. There are several changes that occur in the visual system during middle adulthood. What is a fairly common strategy to help with these changes in vision? A. watch movies and television on large-screen television sets B. stay indoors when the sun is the brightest C. get reading glasses D. never drive at night Answer: C 2. What sounds are especially likely to be difficult for middle adults to hear? A. speech sounds B. bone-conducted sounds C. high-pitched sounds D. how-pitched sounds Answer: C 3. When do men stop producing sperm? A. never B. 70 years C. 60 years D. 50 years Answer: A 4. In the inner ear there are very small hairs that transmit sounds to the brain and make it possible for an individual to hear. What is the name of these hairs? A. cilia B. malleus C. eardrum D. incus Answer: A 5. There are several disadvantages of using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat the symptoms of menopause. What is one positive result of HRT in menopausal women? A. It improves sexual functioning. B. It decreases the likelihood of stroke. C. It decreases the risk of breast cancer. D. It strengthens the bones. Answer: D 6. Japanese women experience a lower rate of hot flashes during menopause than other women. Why? A. Cultural forces have dictated that hot flashes are inappropriate and Japanese women unconsciously suppress them. B. Soybean is a large part of their diet and it contains plant estrogen. C. Ginger root is commonly consumed and it has been proven to suppress hot flashes. D. Fish is a large part of their diet and vitamin B12 is known to minimize hot flashes. Answer: B 7. Although it is recommended that adults should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, what percentage of middle adults report sleeping less than 7 hours a night at least occasionally? A. 25% B. 45% C. 65% D. 85% Answer: A 8. What percentage of their bone mass do women lose from middle adulthood onward? A. 70% B. 50% C. 30% D. 10% Answer: B 9. When a surgeon inserts a tube into a blocked artery and inflates a tiny balloon that flattens fatty deposits against the arterial wall and allows blood to flow more freely, what procedure is being done? A. angioplasty B. open heart surgery C. stents D. pacemaker Answer: A 10. House et al. (2005) examined the relationship between educational attainment and health. What were the results? A. There was no relationship between educational attainment and health. B. There was a very weak relationship between educational attainment and health. C. There was a very strong relationship between educational attainment and health. D. There was a moderate relationship between educational attainment and health. Answer: C Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. Compare and contrast the diet and lifestyles of at least two individuals interviewed in this video. Answer: Two individuals in the video may differ in their diet and lifestyles; one might emphasize traditional, home-cooked meals with a focus on family gatherings, while another could prioritize convenience and fast food due to busy schedules or personal preferences for modern dining options. Understanding these differences sheds light on varying cultural and personal approaches to food and lifestyle choices. 2. The standard pattern of work in the United States during the middle adult years typically interferes with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. List at least three ways that these adults could incorporate healthy habits into their busy lives. Answer: Middle-aged adults in the U.S. can incorporate healthy habits by scheduling regular exercise breaks during work hours, preparing nutritious meals in advance, and prioritizing adequate sleep and stress management techniques like mindfulness or yoga. 3. The narrator lists several factors that lead to obesity. List those factors mentioned in the video and add at least one more factor. Answer: The narrator of this video explains that there are biological as well as lifestyle factors that contribute to obesity. Some of the factors that contribute to obesity include eating foods that are high in sugar and fat. Metabolism declines in Middle Adulthood and therefore it is easier to gain weight. Additional causes of obesity could include the lack of exercise as well as consuming too much food/calories, among other unhealthy factors. Multiple Choice Questions 1. According to the narrator of this video, health problems become _______________________ in Middle Adulthood. A. more important B. less risky C. less prevalent D. more common Answer: D 2. The woman from Botswana interviewed in this video gets her daily exercise from _______________. A. her daily activities B. working out at a gym C. the personal trainer who comes to her home D. jogging with her son Answer: A 3. The US woman interviewed in this video blames many of her health issues on _______________. A. her poor eating habits B. her genetics C. stress D. chemicals she was exposed to at work Answer: C Section 2 Cognitive Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. Who was the theorist who first described fluid and crystallized intelligence? A. Raymond Cattell B. Jean Piaget C. Alfred Binet D. Robert Sternberg Answer: A 2. What type of intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information? A. verbal intelligence B. performance intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. crystallized intelligence Answer: C. fluid intelligence Correct: Fluid intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information D. crystallized intelligence Incorrect: Crystallized intelligence involves the accumulation of a person’s culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social conventions. 3. In Cattell’s theory what type of intelligence is a biologically based quality of the neurological system and cannot be trained or taught? A. verbal intelligence B. performance intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. crystallized intelligence Answer: C. fluid intelligence Correct: Fluid intelligence is a biologically based quality of the neurological system. D. crystallized intelligence Incorrect: Crystallized intelligence involves the accumulation of a person’s culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social conventions. 4. What type of intelligence represents the accumulation of a person’s culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social convention? A. verbal intelligence B. performance intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. crystallized intelligence Answer: D. crystallized intelligence Correct: Crystallized intelligence is the accumulation of a person’s culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social conventions. C. fluid intelligence Incorrect: Fluid intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information. 5. What type of intelligence includes the person’s vocabulary, cultural information stored in long-term memory, and logical reasoning abilities? A. verbal intelligence B. performance intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. crystallized intelligence Answer: D. crystallized intelligence Correct: Crystallized intelligence includes the person’s vocabulary, cultural information stored in long-term memory, and logical reasoning abilities. C. fluid intelligence Incorrect: Fluid intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information. 6. You notice that you are very quick to respond to the changing conditions in a new video game that you just bought. In fact, you are better at responding and adapting to the scenery and demands of the game than your friends who bought and started playing the game two weeks ago. What type of intelligence are you tapping into? A. verbal intelligence B. performance intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. crystallized intelligence Answer: C. fluid intelligence Correct: Fluid intelligence involves information processing abilities and speed of synthesizing new information, which is what is demanded for this game. D. crystallized intelligence Incorrect: Fluid intelligence involves information processing abilities and speed of synthesizing new information, which is what is demanded for this game. 7. What study began with a sample of over 5,000 young and middle adults in 1956 and continues to this day? A. Terman’s Longitudinal Study B. Seattle Longitudinal Study C. New York Longitudinal Study D. Binet’s Longitudinal Study Answer: B 8. Which of the following individuals is in a job that requires having high fluid intelligence? A. an Air Force pilot B. a school librarian C. a plumber D. a professor of psychology Answer: A. an Air Force pilot Correct: Someone who flies high-speed jets would exhibit abilities consistent with fluid intelligence. D. a professor of psychology Incorrect: A psychology professor is more likely to rely on crystallized intelligence to succeed at his or her job. 9. In Cattell’s theory, fluid intelligence is a _______________ quality of the nervous system and cannot be trained or taught. A. psychologically based B. socially based C. environmentally based D. biologically based Answer: D 10. _______________ represents the accumulation of a person’s culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social conventions. A. G-intelligence B. Crystallized intelligence C. Fluid intelligence D. Multiple intelligence Answer: B 11. _______________ is the type of intelligence that involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information, whereas _______________ represents the accumulation of a person’s culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social conventions. A. Fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence B. Crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence C. Multiple intelligence; G intelligence D. G intelligence; multiple intelligence Answer: A 12. A person’s vocabulary, cultural information stored in long-term memory, and logical reasoning abilities are examples of _______________. A. fluid intelligence B. crystallized intelligence C. cognitive overload D. CPU speed Answer: B 13. Your grandmother is constantly telling you stories of her life. She recalls her 16th birthday, the birth of her first child, and even the day you were born. Your grandmother's recollections are examples of her _______________. A. fluid intelligence B. crystallized intelligence C. cognitive overload D. CPU speed Answer: B 14. Fluid intelligence is proposed to be based upon one's _______________, whereas crystallize intelligence is proposed to be based upon one's _______________. A. biology; culture B. culture; biology C. self-concept; self-worth D. self-worth; self-concept Answer: A. biology; culture Correct: Although Cattell found that biologically based abilities also contribute to crystallized intelligence, crystallized intelligence depends on learning and exposure to cultural knowledge more than fluid intelligence does. B. culture; biology Incorrect: Although Cattell found that biologically based abilities also contribute to crystallized intelligence, crystallized intelligence depends on learning and exposure to cultural knowledge more than fluid intelligence does. 15. When does crystallized intelligence peak? A. adolescence B. emerging adulthood C. middle adulthood D. older adults Answer: C 16. Which of the three measures of fluid intelligence decline steeply throughout adulthood? A. perceptual speed B. numeric ability C. spatial orientation D. vocabulary Answer: A. perceptual speed Correct: Perceptual speed declines steeply throughout adulthood. B. numeric ability Incorrect: Numeric ability holds steady during adulthood and then declines sharply in late adulthood. 17. According to the text, the best information on the course of fluid and crystallized intelligence through adulthood comes from the _______________. A. University of Rochester Hepatitis Study B. Seattle Longitudinal Study C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory D. Stroop Test Answer: B 18. The Seattle Longitudinal Study that focused on crystallized and fluid intelligence assessed subjects in which of the following areas of cognitive ability? A. sensory motor skills, the law of conservation, A not B error B. cognitive load, cognitive overload, and cognitive underload C. creative analysis, hypothetical deductive reasoning, and visual spatial tasks D. verbal ability, inductive reasoning, and verbal memory Answer: D 19. In the Seattle Longitudinal Study that focused on crystallized and fluid intelligence it was clear that perceptual speed _______________. A. remained consistent with crystallized intelligence B. leveled off and maintained throughout the adult years C. increased steeply throughout the adult years D. declined steeply throughout the adult years Answer: D 20. The results of the Seattle Longitudinal Study indicate that _______________ is a period when many aspects of intelligence reach their peak. A. early adulthood B. young adulthood C. midlife D. late life Answer: C 21. According to the Seattle Longitudinal Study, when does crystallized intelligence reach its peak? A. early adulthood B. young adulthood C. midlife D. late life Answer: C 22. You were playing a speed-based card game with your 64-year-old grandfather. The object is to get rid of your cards as fast as you can. Once the first card is turned over, each player tries to play by deciding which pile to play his or her card. When you were younger your grandfather always beat you in this game. Now, you always beat him. What is probably happening? Your grandfather is experiencing a slight decline in _______________. A. perceptual speed B. numeric ability C. spatial orientation D. crystallized intelligence Answer: A. perceptual speed Correct: Perceptual speed steadily declines during adulthood. The grandfather’s perceptual processing speed has slowed enough that the young adult can now beat him. C. spatial orientation Incorrect: Perceptual speed steadily declines during adulthood. The grandfather’s perceptual processing speed has slowed enough that the young adult can now beat him. 23. What term do developmentalists use to refer to the knowledge and experience in a specific domain? A. fluidity B. intelligence C. wisdom D. expertise Answer: D 24. Your 43-year-old uncle has his own automobile repair shop. Whenever you have car problems all you have to do is describe the noise that your car is making and he can accurately diagnosis the problem on the phone. Psychologists would argue that this is an example of his _______________. A. expertise B. fluid intelligence C. wisdom D. advanced spatial orientation Answer: A. expertise Correct: Knowledge and experience in a specific domain is expertise. C. wisdom Incorrect: Knowledge and experience in a specific domain is expertise. 25. _______________ is knowledge and experience in a specific domain. A. Accommodation B. Assimilation C. Narcissism D. Expertise Answer: D 26. By middle adulthood a nurse who has been in the field for 18 years has far more _______________ than someone who has just completed nursing school, and so would be more likely to be selected to head a nursing staff in a hospital. A. accommodation B. assimilation C. narcissism D. expertise Answer: D. expertise Correct: Expertise is knowledge and experience in a specific domain. A. accommodation Incorrect: Expertise is knowledge and experience in a specific domain. 27. Expertise is a form of _______________, as it consists of accumulated knowledge and reasoning in a culturally valued area. A. crystallized intelligence B. fluid intelligence C. hypothetical-deductive intelligence D. creative intelligence Answer: A 28. As discussed in the text, cognitively, individuals with expertise differ from novices in that _______________. A. they process information more quickly and efficiently B. they are more motivated to perform the cognitive skills necessary C. they have advanced development of the frontal cortex D. they are more skilled at hypothetical deductive reasoning Answer: A. they process information more quickly and efficiently Correct: Cognitively, expertise allows people to process information more quickly and efficiently than novices can. B. they are more motivated to perform the cognitive skills necessary Incorrect: Motivation is not discussed within the chapter. 29. It is clear that experts have a wealth of crystallized intelligence for a particular area. This accumulated knowledge allows them to _______________. A. become distracted by availability and representative heuristics B. focus on aspects of the problem that are more likely to hold the solution C. use more of their parietal lobe of the cortex in problem-solving D. become more motivated in problem-solving Answer: B. focus on aspects of the problem that are more likely to hold the solution Correct: Their store of knowledge and experience means that when faced with a problem or issue there is a good chance they will have faced something similar in the past. This allows them to focus on the aspects of a problem that are most likely to hold the solution and ignore irrelevant information. A. become distracted by availability and representative heuristics Incorrect: Their store of knowledge and experience means that when faced with a problem or issue there is a good chance they will have faced something similar in the past. 30. According to research (Arts, Gijselaers, and Boshuizen, 2006) experts are not only more automatic in their problem-solving than novices, they are also _______________. A. less formal and strategic B. less cautious and conservative C. more flexible and creative D. more knowledgeable and contemplative Answer: C. more flexible and creative Correct: Experts are more flexible and creative. D. more knowledgeable and contemplative Incorrect: Experts are more flexible and creative. 31. What is known as the ability to respond quickly and accurately to sensory stimuli? A. reaction time B. perceptual speed C. information processing D. mental agility Answer: B 32. What is defined as the amount of time it takes and individual to respond to a stimulus? A. reaction time B. stimulus discrimination C. information processing D. target acquisition Answer: A 33. You are teasing your 53-year-old father that he is slower than you are in responding to a visual stimulus. He rightfully argues that _______________. A. the difference is generally only found in laboratory settings B. if the difference were age-graded, he would be faster than you C. you should be more respectful D. research does not show a difference between young and middle adults in regards to reaction times Answer: A. the difference is generally only found in laboratory settings Correct: There are reaction time differences but they are small—only a few milliseconds—and are only noticeable in lab settings. B. if the difference were age-graded, he would be faster than you Incorrect: There are reaction time differences but they are small—only a few milliseconds—and are only noticeable in lab settings. 34. In regards to cognitive development in mid-adulthood, with enough expertise a substantial part of problem-solving becomes _______________. A. cortical B. automatic C. conscious D. cerebral Answer: B 35. A mechanic who does not have to think through the various possible sources of the sounds in a pair of brakes, but rather hears the sound and immediately knows the problem, is an example of someone who has a high degree of _______________. A. expertise B. motivation C. parietal knowledge D. fluid intelligence Answer: A. expertise Correct: Automaticity is a result of expertise, which makes problem-solving fast and efficient. D. fluid intelligence Incorrect: Automaticity is a result of expertise, which makes problem-solving fast and efficient. 36. In regards to cognitive processing in mid-adulthood, automaticity makes problem-solving fast and efficient, and _______________ do not have to sort consciously through every alternative but are very quick to problem-solve. A. novices B. beginners C. experts D. greenhorns Answer: C 37. In regards to cognitive processing in middle adulthood, which of the following individuals is more likely to process problems with a high degree of automaticity and develop solutions that are fast and efficient? A. novice B. beginners C. experts D. greenhorns Answer: C. experts Correct: Experts have a higher degree of crystallized intelligence in a particular area and are more likely to process problems with higher automaticity. A. novice Incorrect: Experts have a higher degree of crystallized intelligence in a particular area and are more likely to process problems with higher automaticity. 38. In the Seattle Longitudinal Study, the one test that showed an unmistakable decline from young to middle adulthood was the test of _______________. A. creativity B. hypothetical deductive intelligence C. crystallized intelligence D. perceptual speed Answer: D 39. As illustrated by the results of the Seattle Longitudinal Study, which of the following would be predicted to decline from young adulthood to middle adulthood? A. creativity B. hypothetical deductive intelligence C. crystallized intelligence D. perceptual speed Answer: D. perceptual speed Correct: In the Seattle Longitudinal Study, the one test that showed an unmistakable decline from young to middle adulthood was the test of perceptual speed. C. crystallized intelligence Incorrect: The results of this longitudinal study illustrate that crystallized intelligence increases with age. 40. Cognitively speaking, perceptual speed can be predicted to decline from _______________. A. young adulthood to middle adulthood B. middle adulthood to late adulthood C. infancy to middle childhood D. middle childhood to adolescence Answer: B 41. Which of the following is a measure of an individual’s perceptual speed? A. pressing a button in response to a sound B. recalling one’s 16th birthday C. reciting the Gettysburg address D. completing a crossword puzzle Answer: A. pressing a button in response to a sound Correct: One’s reaction time in pressing a button in response to a sound is an example of perceptual speed. B. recalling one’s 16th birthday Incorrect: This is an example of crystallized intelligence. 42. You do not like to drive with your 54-year-old uncle. He prides himself on being a great driver, but you think that he gets too close behind other drivers. Relative to your uncle’s age, why does this concern you? You think that you might get into an accident because, as a middle adult, _______________. A. his vision has been reduced significantly B. he is less able to multitask C. he is forgetful and reckless D. his reaction time is slower Answer: D. his reaction time is slower Correct: You might be concerned that his reaction time is slowing as he proceeds through middle adulthood. B. he is less able to multitask Incorrect: You might be concerned that his reaction time is slowing as he proceeds through middle adulthood. 43. In terms of attention, with age people seem to become less able to _______________. A. inhibit a response to irrelevant information B. pay attention to relevant information C. remember important information D. withhold a response when angered Answer: A. inhibit a response to irrelevant information Correct: As people age they are able to maintain focus, but are less able to inhibit a response to irrelevant information. B. pay attention to relevant information Incorrect: As people age they are able to maintain focus, but are less able to inhibit a response to irrelevant information. 44. You and your 51-year-old mother are playing a speed-based computer game. The point of the game is to respond as quickly as possible to a set of three letters, while disregarding other letters that appear. Your mother is getting frustrated because she keeps _______________. A. pushing the button on the controller for the wrong letters B. getting beat by you even though she is correct in her responding C. forgetting which button to push D. falling asleep because she thinks the game is boring Answer: A. pushing the button on the controller for the wrong letters Correct: She is more likely to respond to irrelevant stimuli than you are. B. getting beat by you even though she is correct in her responding Incorrect: She is more likely to respond to irrelevant stimuli than you are. 45. What is the ability to maintain attention to two or more information sources simultaneously and switch back and forth between them? A. information processing B. divided attention C. perceptual attention D. multi-attention Answer: B. divided attention Correct: Maintaining attention on two or more information sources and switching between them is divided attention. C. perceptual attention Incorrect: Maintaining attention on two or more information sources and switching between them is divided attention. 46. In terms of memory, what differences are there between young and middle adulthood? A. considerable differences with middle adults performing significantly worse than young adults B. very little differences between young and middle adults C. slight differences in which middle adults outperform young adults D. considerable differences with middle adults performing better than young adults Answer: B 47. _______________ is the amount of time it takes the person to respond to a stimulus. A. Crystallized intelligence B. Reaction time C. Creativity D. Temporal lobe processing speed Answer: B 48. In the Seattle Longitudinal Study, fluid intelligence was assessed by means of perceptual speed, whereas prior research studies assessed fluid intelligence by measuring _______________. A. crystallized intelligence B. reaction time C. the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus D. temporal lobe processing speed Answer: B 49. The reaction time of midlife adults is typically a few _______________ longer than for young adults in laboratory tasks involving lights and sounds and pressing button. A. milliseconds B. seconds C. minutes D. hours Answer: A 50. Which of the following individuals is more likely to win in a videogame that is filled with continuous action and requires rapid reaction times? A. an individual in young adulthood B. an individual in middle adulthood C. an individual in late adulthood D. an individual in later-late adulthood Answer: A. an individual in young adulthood Correct: Few people in middle adulthood can compete with foes from adolescence to young adulthood in computer games that reward rapid reaction times. B. an individual in middle adulthood Incorrect: The chapter focuses on middle adulthood which may lead some students the wrong answer. 51. _______________ adults may also be slower than _______________ adults to respond to a driving situation that requires an immediate reaction, such as braking quickly when another driver stops unexpectedly. A. Middle; younger B. Middle; older C. Younger; middle D. Younger; older Answer: A 52. Which of the following is likely to decline in middle adulthood? A. the ability to focus one’s attention B. crystallized intelligence and long-term memory C. episodic and autobiographical memories D. an individual’s creative potential Answer: A. the ability to focus one’s attention Correct: The ability to focus one’s attention on only relevant stimuli declines in some respects in middle adulthood. B. crystallized intelligence and long-term memory Incorrect: Crystallized intelligence is likely to increase; the ability to focus one’s attention is likely to decrease. 53. Attention is the ability to focus on relevant information while _______________. A. being distracted by environmental stimuli B. ignoring irrelevant environmental information C. summing external cues into one large distracter D. multiplying sensory–memory input Answer: B 54. In regards to inhibiting irrelevant information as a means to focus attention, in an experiment where participants were asked to press a bar only in response to certain visual stimuli, midlife adult subjects were _______________ younger adults to press the bar in response to the _______________. A. far less likely than; right combinations B. equally as likely as; right combinations C. less likely than; wrong combinations D. more likely than; wrong combinations Answer: D 55. As illustrated by research, not only does attention decline in midlife but one can also predict that __________ will decline. A. divided attention B. subtracted attention C. multiplied attention D. added attention Answer: A. divided attention Correct: Another aspect of attention that appears to decline with age is the ability for divided attention. D. added attention Incorrect: Another aspect of attention that appears to decline with age is the ability for divided attention. 56. _______________ is the ability to maintain attention on two or more information sources simultaneously and switch back and forth between them. A. Divided attention B. Subtracted attention C. Multiplied attention D. Added attention Answer: A 57. Which of the following is an example of divided attention? A. talking on phone while playing a computer game B. typing a term paper on a computer C. driving a car in the morning D. swimming laps in an Olympic-size swimming pool Answer: A. talking on phone while playing a computer game Correct: Divided attention is the ability to maintain attention on two or more information sources simultaneously and switch back and forth between them. B. typing a term paper on a computer Incorrect: Typing a term paper is only one cognitive task. 58. Divided attention is most closely related to _______________. A. multitasking B. cognitive underload C. creativity D. cognitive assimilation Answer: A. multitasking Correct: Both work and leisure in the modern world often require and reward multitasking—answering email messages during a meeting, or making dinner while supervising a child’s homework. D. cognitive assimilation Incorrect: Both work and leisure in the modern world often require and reward multitasking—answering email messages during a meeting, or making dinner while supervising a child’s homework. 59. Which of the following is an example of multitasking? A. making dinner while supervising a child’s homework B. typing a term paper on a computer C. playing catch with your dog D. swimming laps in an Olympic-size swimming pool Answer: A. making dinner while supervising a child’s homework Correct: In this scenario the individual is performing two separate cognitive tasks simultaneously. B. typing a term paper on a computer Incorrect: Typing a term paper is only one cognitive task. 60. For subjects who are in middle adulthood, research has shown a slight decline in _______________. A. crystallized memory B. long-term memory C. short-term memory D. autobiographical memory Answer: C 61. For subjects in middle adulthood, the Seattle Longitudinal Study demonstrated that long-term memory _______________ for most. A. continues to increase B. continues to decrease C. levels off or plateaus D. remained unchanged Answer: A Short Answer Questions 62. Based on research from the Seattle Longitudinal Study, which type of intelligence was found to peak in middle adulthood before declining in late adulthood? Answer: Crystallized intelligence peaks in middle adulthood. It is the ability to remember culturally based knowledge, vocabulary, and logical reasoning. 63. Define attrition and practice effects. Why are these important to take into account? Answer: Attrition refers to people dropping out of a study; practice effects refer to people doing better on tasks simply because they have taken the same or similar tests in the past and therefore becoming familiar with the items or even remembering the answers. These are problems associated with longitudinal research. 64. Would you expect to see differences in reaction time between emerging adults and middle-age adults? Explain using a specific example. Answer: Reaction time increases in middle adulthood, and if you conducted an experiment with individuals in these two age groups, you would see that middle-age individuals tend to be slower. For example, if you asked them to push the letter “L” when they saw a particular stimulus on the screen and an “R” when they saw a different stimulus, the older participants would take longer. However, if you observed them in routine tasks, you would not be as likely to observe age differences. 65. How might you explain the discrepancy in cross-sectional research finding a decline in memory for lists of words, but longitudinal research showing an increase in factual knowledge and procedural knowledge? Answer: It could be that people do better on every day tasks that are meaningful and they may not even give their best effort in lab tasks that require what may seem to them to be trivial tasks. 66. Does research show age-related changes in divided attention in middle adulthood? Answer: Yes, this ability declines, but it may be due to a cohort effect and it may depend on the types of tasks that people are being asked to multi-task (real world demands vs. lab tasks). Essay Questions 67. As Arnett states, “Longitudinal studies are generally considered more valid tests of age differences than cross-sectional studies are.” Explain why. Answer: Longitudinal studies avoid the problem of the cohort effect--differences due to something about people born in a certain historical period rather than universal differences in development. 68. Two people were finalists for the lengthy job search for a college president at State College. Candidate A was in her early 30s, from Harvard, and world-renowned in her field. Candidate B was 50 and also highly respected in her field. Although Candidate B had fewer publications, unlike candidate A, she has successful track record in a variety of administrative positions at two different institutions before applying for this position. According to the research, which finalist should be chosen? Answer: Candidate B is the safer bet because she has more knowledge experience with the kinds of tasks she is likely to encounter. This greater level of expertise allows more quick and efficient problem solving because the person can draw upon similar problems that they handled in the past without having to consider every possibility. They are likely able to be more flexible and creative. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. What type of intelligence, according to Cattell, is a biologically based quality of the neurological system and cannot be trained or taught? A. verbal intelligence B. crystallized intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. performance intelligence Answer: C 2. Which of the following individuals should have high fluid intelligence to perform his or her job? A. school librarian B. Air Force pilot C. plumber D. professor Answer: B 3. Crystallized intelligence is based on _______________ while fluid intelligence is based on _______________. A. biology; culture B. culture; biology C. self-concept; self-worth D. self-worth; self-concept Answer: A 4. Based on the results of the Seattle Longitudinal Study, when do many aspects of intelligence reach their peak? A. middle adulthood B. young adulthood C. emerging adulthood D. adolescence Answer: A 5. You have been renovating your older house. Whenever you have a problem with the electrical aspect of the renovation, you call your friend. She is a master electrician and can tell you the proper wire size for any situation in your house. Your friend has _______________ in the field of electrical engineering. A. fluid intelligence B. wisdom C. advanced spatial orientation D. expertise Answer: D 6. The length of time that it takes an individual to respond to a stimulus is defined as _______________. A. stimulus discrimination B. reaction time C. information processing D. target acquisition Answer: B 7. Based on the results of the Seattle Longitudinal Study, what would be predicted to decline from young adulthood to middle adulthood? A. perceptual speed B. creativity C. hypothetical reasoning D. crystallized intelligence Answer: A 8. One way to assess fluid intelligence is by measuring _______________. A. the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus B. reaction time C. temporal lobe processing speed D. crystallized intelligence Answer: B 9. Attention does not just involve the ability to focus on relevant information, it also involves _______________. A. ignoring irrelevant environmental information B. being distracted by environmental stimuli C. summing external cues into one large distracter D. multiplying sensory- memory input Answer: A 10. You have noticed that your mother's mind seems to wander during your conversations and you have even asked her if she is actually listening to you. As a result, you have been examining the various components of the information processing models and have determined that your mother is showing some age-related changes in _______________. A. crystallized intelligence B. long-term memory C. attention D. autobiographical memory Answer: C Post-Test 1. Cattell suggested that there are different types of intelligence. What type of intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information? A. verbal intelligence B. crystallized intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. performance intelligence Answer: C 2. A study that began in 1956 that examined 5,000 young and middle adults and continues to this day is the _______________. A. Terman longitudinal Study B. Seattle Longitudinal Study C. New York Longitudinal Study D. Binet Longitudinal Study Answer: B 3. Your grandfather is 82 years old and has a very good memory. One of your favorite memories that he tells you concerns the day you were born. These recollections are examples of his _______________. A. crystallized intelligence B. fluid intelligence C. cognitive overload D. CPU speed Answer: A 4. During a person's lifetime, what happens to perceptual speed? A. It declines steeply throughout the adult years. B. It remains consistent with crystallized intelligence. C. It levels off and maintains throughout the adult years. D. It increases steeply throughout the adult years. Answer: A 5. What is defined as knowledge and experience in a specific domain? A. narcissim B. assimilation C. accommodation D. expertise Answer: D 6. Research by Arts et al. (2006) has determined that experts are not only more automatic in their problem-solving than novices, they are also _______________. A. less formal and strategic B. more flexible and creative C. less cautious and conservative D. more knowledgeable and contemplative Answer: B 7. Who, during middle adulthood, is more likely to process problems with a high degree of automaticity and develop solutions that are fast and efficient? A. experts B. novices C. beginners D. greenhorns Answer: A 8. You have been very interested in the driving abilities of adults who are in middle adulthood. You are fascinated by males who drive very fast and get very close behind other drivers thinking that they are incredible drivers and will be able to make driving changes very rapidly. After an extensive review of the literature, what have you found regarding the safety of adults in middle adulthood? They should probably not drive so erratically because _______________. A. their auditory abilities are likely diminished so that they will not hear an emergency B. their reaction time is slower C. their vision is likely reduced D. they are is likely to forget what they are doing Answer: B 9. In middle adulthood, what ability is likely to decline? A. the ability to focus one's attention B. crystallized intelligence and long-term memory C. episodic and autobiographical memories D. an individual's creative potential Answer: A 10. Research has determined that there is a slight decline in what ability during middle adulthood? A. crystallized intelligence B. long-term memory C. short-term memory D. autobiographical memory Answer: C Chapter Exam 1. Fluid and crystallized intelligence were first described by what theorist? A. Jean Piaget B. Alfred Binet C. Raymond Cattell D. Robert Sternberg Answer: C 2. A person's vocabulary, cultural information stored in long-term memory, and logical reasoning abilities are known as what type of intelligence? A. verbal intelligence B. performance intelligence C. crystallized intelligence D. fluid intelligence Answer: C 3. Fluid intelligence cannot be trained or taught and is a _______________ quality of the nervous system. A. psychologically based B. biologically based C. environmentally based D. socially based Answer: B 4. Crystallized intelligence peaks during what period of life? A. middle adulthood B. late adulthood C. emerging adulthood D. adolescence Answer: A 5. Crystallized and fluid intelligence were studied in the Seattle Longitudinal Study and it was found that perceptual speed _______________. A. increased steeply through the adult years B. remained consistent with crystallized intelligence C. leveled off and maintained throughout the adult years D. declined steeply throughout the adult years Answer: D 6. Developmentalists refer to the knowledge and experience in a specific domain as _______________. A. fluidity B. expertise C. wisdom D. intelligence Answer: B 7. A person who has what attribute is more likely to be selected to head a department? A. expertise B. narcissism C. assimilation D. accommodation Answer: A 8. What ability shows an unmistakable decline from young to middle adulthood? A. vocabulary B. perceptual speed C. information processing D. mental agility Answer: B 9. In middle adulthood, automaticity makes problem solving fast and efficient. As a result, _______________ do not have to consciously sort through every alternative and are very quick to solve problems. A. experts B. novices C. beginners D. greenhorns Answer: A 10. An example of how perceptual speed can be assessed would be _______________. A. completing a crossword puzzle B. reciting the Gettysburg address C. pressing a button in response to a sound D. Recalling one's 16th birthday Answer: C 11. The ability to maintain attention on two or more information sources simultaneously and switch back and forth between them is known as _______________. A. divided attention B. information processing C. perceptual attention D. multi-attention Answer: A 12. Middle adults take a few _______________ longer than younger adults to respond by pressing a button in a laboratory task involving lights and sounds A. milliseconds B. seconds C. minutes D. hours Answer: A 13. Individuals in young and middle adulthood were compared on their ability to inhibit responding to irrelevant information. Midlife adults were more likely than younger adults to press the bar in response to the _______________. A. slowly presented items B. quickly presented items C. wrong combinations D. correct combinations Answer: C 14. An example of divided attention would be _______________. A. typing a term paper on a computer B. talking on the phone while playing a computer game C. driving a car in the morning D. swimming laps in an Olympic-sized swimming pool Answer: B 15. An example of multitasking would be _______________. A. Answering e-mail messages during a meeting B. playing catch with your dog C. watching television D. running laps on a track Answer: A Quick Review 1. The type of intelligence that represents the accumulation of a person's culturally based knowledge, language, and understanding of social convention is _______________. A. verbal intelligence B. crystallized intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. performance intelligence Answer: B 2. What type of intelligence involves information processing abilities such as short-term memory, ability to discern relations between visual stimuli, and speed of synthesizing new information? A. verbal intelligence B. crystallized intelligence C. fluid intelligence D. performance intelligence Answer: C 3. What aspect of fluid intelligence declines steeply throughout adulthood? A. perceptual speed B. numeric ability C. spatial orientation D. vocabulary Answer: A 4. By middle adulthood a doctor who has been in the field for 15 years has far more _______________ than someone who has just completed medical school. A. expertise B. assimilation C. narcissism D. accommodation Answer: A 5. The ability to respond quickly and accurately to sensory stimuli is referred to as _______________. A. information processing B. mental agility C. reaction time D. perceptual speed Answer: D 6. The ability that showed an unmistakable decline from young to middle adulthood, as assessed during the Seattle Longitudinal Study, was _______________. A. creativity B. perceptual speed C. hypothetical deductive intelligence D. crystallized intelligence Answer: B 7. The amount of time that it takes a person to respond to a stimulus is referred to as _______________. A. reaction time B. crystallized intelligence C. creativity D. temporal lobe speed Answer: A 8. What is an example of divided attention? A. typing a term paper on a computer B. talking on a cell phone while playing a computer game C. driving a car in the morning D. swimming laps in an Olympic-sized swimming pool Answer: B 9. Multitasking is most closely related to _______________. A. divided attention B. cognitive underload C. creativity D. cognitive assimilation Answer: A 10. When one reaches middle adulthood, what information processing ability is likely to have declined? A. crystallized memory B. long-term memory C. short-term memory D. autobiographical memory Answer: C Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. Looking to the future, how can the findings of the study described in this video help us understand more about hormones and how they impact many areas of our bodies? Answer: As we gain more information and with technological advances we may be able to study these impacts in humans. We can potentially use the findings to research new medications and understandings to benefit the aging human population. 2. It is mentioned that the study was conducted on laboratory rats. List at least three questions you would want answered if you were able to perform a similar study on human subjects. Answer: If conducting a similar study on human subjects, key questions would include: 1. How does the observed behavior or effect translate to human physiology and behavior? 2. What are the potential long-term health implications for humans exposed to similar conditions? 3. How do genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors influence the observed outcomes in human subjects? 3. The video mentions that the information could be helpful in the development of hormone replacement therapy and new drugs. If you could develop a new drug for aging women, what would it treat and why? Answer: I would develop a drug aimed at alleviating symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and osteoporosis, to improve quality of life and overall health for aging women. This would address common issues associated with hormonal changes during menopause, enhancing well-being and longevity. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Neuroscientists say that the decline in estrogen as women age is a problem because it also affects _________________. A. eye-sight B. hearing C. the heart D. the brain Answer: D 2. According to this video, what are the nerve cell connections called? A. dendrites B. spines C. cells D. fingers Answer: A 3. Having poorly formed nerve spines is associated with __________________. A. enhanced neurologic sensations B. a heightened sense of hearing C. neurologic disorders and disease D. greater memory function Answer: C Section 3 Emotional and Social Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. At what period in the lifespan is contentment with the self the highest? A. emerging adulthood B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C 2. Your 56-year-old teacher seems very comfortable with herself. If she does not know the answer to a student’s question she simply states that she does not know and will try to find the answer. Is she an unusual person for her age? A. No, self-contentment is at its peak during middle adulthood. B. No, women of all ages have high self-contentment. C. Yes, self-contentment is generally the highest during emerging adulthood. D. Yes, more middle adults have poor self-contentment. Answer: A. No, self-contentment is at its peak during middle adulthood. Correct: Self-contentment is the highest during middle adulthood regardless of gender. B. No, women of all ages have high self-contentment. Incorrect: Self-contentment is the highest during middle adulthood regardless of gender. 3. When asked about their goals in life, midlife adults tend to mention _______________. A. that they already fulfilled all of their goals B. that they have no goals and are content with having no goals C. fulfilling the roles they currently have D. very lofty philosophic goals that they are committed to attaining Answer: C. fulfilling the roles they currently have Correct: Midlife adults generally have goals that relate to fulfilling the roles they current have such as parent, spouse, and friend. D. very lofty philosophic goals that they are committed to attaining Incorrect: Midlife adults generally have goals that relate to fulfilling the roles they current have such as parent, spouse, and friend. 4. According to the text, an individual's self-concept tends to be highest during _______________. A. late teens B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C 5. As discussed in the text, which of the following is consistent with an individual who possesses a high self-concept? A. unstable B. shaky C. volatile D. content Answer: D. content Correct: Adulthood is a period when self-development peaks in a variety of ways and contentment with the self is highest. B. shaky Incorrect: Individuals with a very high self-concept tend to be very stable and not shaky. 6. More than in earlier stages of life, most _______________ appear to be at peace with themselves, no longer striving to be something different than they are. A. young adult B. midlife adults C. late-life adults D. emerging adults Answer: B 7. In comparison to later adulthood, most midlife adults have not yet had to confron _______________. A. a global decrease in cognitive functioning due to synaptic pruning, neural plaque, and neurological death as a natural result of aging B. the stressors of parenthood, job loss, depression, and other psychological disorders C. the loss of meaningful roles or serious impairments in their physical health and functioning D. a shaky self-worth due to changes in career, the economy, and global progress Answer: C 8. When individuals have an awareness of both their good and bad characteristics and overall feel more positive about themselves and their lives, what do they have? A. positive self-acceptance B. a sense of autonomy C. positive environmental mastery D. a strong sense of individualism Answer: A. positive self-acceptance Correct: Feeling positive about one’s life and knowing one’s good and bad characteristics is self-acceptance. B. a sense of autonomy Incorrect: Feeling positive about one’s life and knowing one’s good and bad characteristics is self-acceptance. 9. You have noticed that your 55-year-old father does not seem to be overly concerned about what others think about him. He likes who he is and accepts who he is. According to the text, he has _______________. A. positive regard B. self-acceptance C. positive enmeshment D. autonomy Answer: D. autonomy Correct: Autonomy increases adults’ inclination to assess themselves according to self-defined standards. B. self-acceptance Incorrect: Feeling positive about one’s life and knowing one’s good and bad characteristics is self-acceptance. 10. What is the term used to indicate when individuals see themselves as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively? A. positive regard B. self-acceptance C. environmental mastery D. autonomy Answer: C. environmental mastery Correct: Viewing one’s self as able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively is referred to as environmental mastery. B. self-acceptance Incorrect: Viewing one’s self as able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively is referred to as environmental mastery. 11. According to Buddhist philosophy, being involved in _______________ a way to remove one’s self from the demands of everyday life while cultivating personal discipline and escaping the world of desire. A. parenting B. yoga C. the arts D. volunteering Answer: C. the arts Correct: Buddhists believe that a way to remove one’s self from everyday life is art. B. yoga Incorrect: Buddhists believe that a way to remove one’s self from everyday life is art. 12. In a study examining Americans and South Koreans in midlife, South Koreans placed more emphasis on _______________. A. close ties to others, especially family members B. self-acceptance C. autonomy D. engaging in self-improvement Answer: A 13. A cross-sectional study of American adults from their late teens to their seventies found similar enhancements in self-development in middle adulthood. Which of the following are qualities of self that increased with age? A. self compliance, self-mastery, and the empathetic self B. self acceptance, economy, and environmental mastery C. the self as man, the self as a woman, and the self as androgynous D. the I-self, the me-self, and the we-self Answer: B 14. In regard to self-concept, which of the following is most consistent with an individual who possesses a high degree of self-acceptance? A. an individual with a single dimensional self who lacks an appreciation or knowledge of who they really are B. an individual who is less concerned with other’s assessments of them than when they were younger and who is more inclined to assess him- or herself according to self-defined standards C. an individual who sees him- or herself as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively D. Aa individual who is aware and accepting of having a mix of good and bad characteristics, but overall feels more positive Answer: D. Aa individual who is aware and accepting of having a mix of good and bad characteristics, but overall feels more positive Correct: An individual with a high self-concept acknowledges their strengths and limitations and has come to terms with them. C. an individual who sees him- or herself as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively Incorrect: This description is more consistent with the concept of environmental mastery. 15. In regard to self-concept, which of the following is most consistent with an individual who possesses a high degree of autonomy? A. an individual with a single dimensional self who lacks an appreciation or knowledge of who they really are B. an individual who is less concerned with other’s assessments of them than when they were younger and who is more inclined to assess him- or herself according to self-defined standards C. an individual who sees him- or herself as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively D. an individual who is aware and accepting of having a mix of good and bad characteristics, but overall feels more positive Answer: B. an individual who is less concerned with other’s assessments of them than when they were younger and who is more inclined to assess him- or herself according to self-defined standards Correct: From a Rogerian perspective, an individual with a high self-worth is not controlled by environmental factors. Their self-concept is a barrier between themselves and their environment. A high self-worth creates consistency and autonomy. C. an individual who sees him- or herself as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively Incorrect: This description is more consistent with the concept of environmental mastery. 16. Self-efficacy is a belief that an individual can successfully accomplish a task that he or she set out to accomplish. Which of the following qualities of self-concept, during middle adulthood, is consistent with this definition? A. self acceptance B. self autonomy C. environmental mastery D. the self as a success Answer: C. environmental mastery Correct: Environmental mastery means that individuals see themselves as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively. D. the self as a success Incorrect: Environmental mastery means that individuals see themselves as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively. 17. Who first claimed that people experience a midlife crisis? A. Jean Piaget B. Erik Erikson C. Carl Jung D. Sigmund Freud Answer: C 18. What is the term for the concept that people in middle adulthood agonize over the meaning of life and make radical and reckless changes in order to avoid living a life of quiet desperation? A. midlife destitution B. midlife crisis C. midlife avoidance D. midlife confusion Answer: B 19. What percentage of men in midlife did Daniel Levinson (1978) find had feelings of meaninglessness, turmoil and confusion, dissatisfaction and disappointment with work and family life, and fear of aging and death? A. 100% B. 75% C. 50% D. 25% Answer: B 20. What is a major criticism of Daniel Levinson’s (1978) work that found midlife men had feelings of meaninglessness, turmoil and confusion, dissatisfaction and disappointment with work and family life, and fear of aging and death? A. He failed to provide informed consent before administering his study. B. He had too many women in the study. C. The sample size was too large to handle. D. Generalizing results from a study of 40 men is not acceptable. Answer: D 21. In a national study of more than 3,000 Americans aged 25 through 72 (Brim, 1999), it was found that those in midlife (ages 40 to 60) were _______________. A. not more likely to be experiencing a crisis than at other ages B. more likely to be experiencing a crisis than at other ages C. more likely to be experiencing a crisis than at younger ages D. less like to be experiencing a crisis than older adults and more likely to be experiencing a crisis than younger adults Answer: A 22. Your mother is worried that since your father has just turned 40 years old, he is going to have an affair or buy a fancy new sports car. What would you tell your mother? A. She has no reason to be worried, very few males have midlife crises. B. She has reason to be worried, most males have midlife crises. C. She has no reason to be worried, females are much more likely to have midlife crises. D. She has reason to be worried, married men are much more likely to have a midlife crisis. Answer: A. She has no reason to be worried, very few males have midlife crises. Correct: Most individuals in midlife are no more likely to have crises than adults of other ages. D. She has reason to be worried, married men are much more likely to have a midlife crisis. Incorrect: Most individuals in midlife are no more likely to have crises than adults of other ages. 23. What is the overall conclusion regarding a “universal” midlife crisis? A. There really is no evidence for a universal midlife crisis. B. Only individuals older than 40, but younger than 45, are likely to have a midlife crises. C. Only individuals older than 45, but younger than 50, are likely to have a midlife crises. D. Only individuals older than 50 are likely to have a midlife crisis. Answer: A. There really is no evidence for a universal midlife crisis. Correct: The “universal” midlife crisis is not supported by research. D. Only individuals older than 50 are likely to have a midlife crisis. Incorrect: The “universal” midlife crisis is not supported by research. 24. During the 1930s, which of the following psychologist coined the term midlife crisis? A. Anna Freud B. Carl Jung C. Carl Rogers D. Ivan Pavlov Answer: B 25. As described in the text, the common perception of _______________ is as a time of agonizing over the meaning of life and making radical and reckless changes in order to avoid living a life of quiet desperation. A. schizoid type episodes B. enduring depression C. perpetual mistrust D. a midlife crisis Answer: D 26. In support of the frequency and commonality of a midlife crisis, Daniel Levinson (1978), claimed to have spotted it in _______________ of the men he interviewed. A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. 3/4 D. 98% Answer: C 27. Based upon contemporary research, the claim of a “universal” midlife crisis is _______________. A. inevitable B. unavoidable C. true. D. false. Answer: D. false. Correct: The misconceptions of Jung and Levinson still taint the perceptions of the public; current research has illustrated that most individuals in middle adulthood possess a strong self-concept and a high self-worth. B. unavoidable Incorrect: The misconceptions of Jung and Levinson still taint the perceptions of the public; current research has illustrated that most individuals in middle adulthood possess a strong self-concept and a high self-worth. 28. As discussed in the text, which of the following is strongly related to the probability of experiencing a midlife crisis in middle adulthood? A. maintaining a low false-self B. maintaining a high concept C. experiencing positive life events D. experiencing negative life events Answer: D 29. What is the challenge that Erik Erikson believes occurs for individuals in their midlife? A. autonomy vs. shame and doubt B. generativity vs. stagnation C. intimacy vs. isolation D. integrity vs. despair Answer: B. generativity vs. stagnation Correct: According to Erikson, generativity versus stagnation is the challenge that midlife adults face. C. intimacy vs. isolation Incorrect: According to Erikson, generativity versus stagnation is the challenge that midlife adults face. 30. You noticed that your 41-year-old uncle has become very interested in helping in his daughter’s Girl Scout troop and coaching his son’s soccer team. According to Erikson, what is your uncle displaying? A. generativity B. intimacy C. integrity D. altruism Answer: A. generativity Correct: According to Erikson, the concept that explains your uncle’s behavior would be generativity. C. integrity Incorrect: According to Erikson, the concept that explains your uncle’s behavior would be generativity. 31. Erik Erikson described _______________ as when an individual possesses the motivation to contribute to the well-being of the generations to come. A. generativity B. stagnation C. industry D. integrity Answer: A 32. According to Erikson which of the following is the major crisis for middle adulthood? A. trust vs. mistrust B. identity vs. confusion C. generativity vs. stagnation D. integrity vs. despair Answer: C 33. According to Erikson, an individual who is in middle adulthood is experiencing a crisis of _______________. A. trust vs. mistrust B. identity vs. confusion C. generativity vs. stagnation D. integrity vs. despair Answer: C. generativity vs. stagnation Correct: Generativity vs. stagnation is a major crisis for middle adulthood. A. trust vs. mistrust Incorrect: Generativity vs. stagnation is a major crisis for middle adulthood. 34. From an Eriksonian perspective, the desire to “live on” after we have died and to help those younger than ourselves so that the effects of our time on earth will be evident when we are gone best describes the psychosocial crisis of _______________. A. trust vs. mistrust B. identity vs. confusion. C. generativity vs. stagnation. D. integrity vs. despair Answer: C. generativity vs. stagnation. Correct: Entering midlife and reflecting upon on one's mortality creates a degree of generativity. A. trust vs. mistrust Incorrect: Entering midlife and reflecting upon on one's mortality creates a degree of generativity. 35. What happens for women in many cultures during midlife? There is a rise in _______________. A. freedom, authority and well-being B. family responsibilities and generativity C. depression and isolation D. frustrations and suicidal thoughts Answer: A 36. What is prauda in Indian culture _______________. A. mature adulthood B. motherhood C. young adulthood D. pregnancy Answer: A 37. Usha Menon interviewed women in India aged 19 through 78 years. When did most Indian women believe was the best time in life? A. early 20s B. late 20s to early 30s C. late 30s and early 50s D. mid to late 50s Answer: C 38. What happens to women in many cultures during midlife? A. They are ignored. B. They are ridiculed. C. They flourish. D. They become depressed. Answer: C 39. A popular saying in India describing women by age 40 says, “her face caves in and her teeth jut out,” which is the translation of _______________. A. chakkikotha chankaran B. someshwari C. teesi-kheesi D. satha-patha Answer: C 40. A popular saying in India describes men as having “virile youth” until age 60, which is the translation of _______________. A. chakkikotha chankaran B. someshwari C. teesi-kheesi D. satha-patha Answer: D 41. In general, _______________ become(s) _______________ restrictive in midlife than they had been in previous stages of development. A. gender identity; more B. gender identity; less C. gender roles; less D. gender roles; more Answer: C 42. The Indian term prauda refers to _______________. A. an aging adult B. a successful young adult C. an adolescent with potential D. mature adulthood Answer: D 43. Based upon the cultural perspective provided by the author, young adulthood for women in India can be best described as a time of _______________. A. free will and relaxation B. stress and obedience C. enlightenment and cognitive pursuits D. happiness and delight Answer: B. stress and obedience Correct: Young adulthood is not a happy time for a woman in India. She has many daily tasks to carry out, including cleaning, caring for the family cows, etc. D. happiness and delight Incorrect: From a Western perspective, young adulthood is a time of happiness for many, but in India a woman has many daily chores to carry out. 44. “She must perform daily rituals of respect to her husband’s parents, including massaging their feet, eating only after they have eaten, and drinking the water used in the ceremonial washing of her in-laws’ feet before meals.” This is a description of a woman _______________. A. in young adulthood from Canada B. in late adulthood from Spain C. in early childhood from America D. in young adulthood from India Answer: D. in young adulthood from India Correct: According to research by Usha Menon, young adulthood in India is a time of suffering and obedience for most women. B. in late adulthood from Spain Incorrect: Spain tends to be more industrialized and there’s a greater degree of equality for women than what is described. 45. Which the following best describes the transition from young adulthood to middle adulthood for a traditional woman from the country of India? A. from enlightenment and nirvana to authority and power B. from happiness and delight to stress and obedience C. from free will and relaxation to stress and obedience D. from stress and obedience to authority and power Answer: D. from stress and obedience to authority and power Correct: In young adulthood many Indian women have to obey the authority of their mother-in-law; however, in middle adulthood when her son becomes married she now receives her new daughter-in-law into their home and becomes “top dog.” B. from happiness and delight to stress and obedience Incorrect: It is a misconception that young Indian women are happy and delighted; rather, this time period is often marked by stress and obedience. 46. What country or countries have the highest scores on the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)? A. European countries B. African countries C. Japan D. South Korea Answer: A 47. How likely is it for an ambitious woman to find a man who is willing to serve a supportive, family-oriented role and take the main responsibility for caring for children and running the household? A. extremely common B. somewhat common C. somewhat unlikely D. rare Answer: D. rare Correct: It is rare for a woman to find such a man. C. somewhat unlikely Incorrect: It is rare for a woman to find such a man. 48. Your sister just graduated with an MBA. She is planning to pursue a career and find a husband who will take care of their children and household. How likely do you think she will be in finding such a partner? A. extremely likely B. somewhat likely C. somewhat unlikely D. extremely unlikely Answer: D. extremely unlikely Correct: It is rare for a woman to find such a man. C. somewhat unlikely Incorrect: It is rare for a woman to find such a man. 49. According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett (2003), what percentage of high-achieving women in their midlife are childless? A. 17% B. 33% C. 50% D. 67% Answer: B 50. According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett (2003), what percentage of high-achieving women in their midlife are unmarried? A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80% Answer: B 51. According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett (2003), what percentage of female business executives earning $100,000 or more per year are childless? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 52. According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett (2003), what percentage of male business executives earning $100,000 or more per year are childless? A. 9% B. 19% C. 29% D. 39 Answer: B 53. Your sister has a high-paying position as an executive in a national company. Her salary is $140,000 plus bonuses. She will be 40 on her next birthday. She has been thinking about having a child. How likely is this to happen? A. very likely, 75% of high-earning businesswomen have children B. somewhat likely, 65% of high-earning businesswomen have children C. somewhat unlikely, only 50% of high-earning businesswomen have children D. very unlikely, only 25% of high-earning businesswomen have children Answer: C. somewhat unlikely, only 50% of high-earning businesswomen have children Correct: Only 50% of such women have children. D. very unlikely, only 25% of high-earning businesswomen have children Incorrect: Only 50% of such women have children. 54. An American longitudinal study that followed adults through their fifties and sixties found that women were initially very involved with their grandchildren. What about men? A. They were not ever involved. B. They were initially not involved, but were much more involved by age 60. C. They were initially very involved, but lost interest. D. They were very involved. Answer: B. They were initially not involved, but were much more involved by age 60. Correct: They were initially not as involved, but were similar to women by age 60. D. They were very involved. Incorrect: They were initially not as involved, but were similar to women by age 60. 55. In Hewlett’s (2003) study, what percentage of men had primary responsibility for daily meal preparation? A. 9% B. 19% C. 29% D. 39% Answer: A 56. Midlife parents are most likely to have children who are in _______________. A. early childhood B. middle childhood C. adolescence D. emerging adulthood Answer: D 57. Historically, what is the most common practice after a couple marries? A. They move in with the bride’s family. B. They move in with the groom’s family. C. They make a home by themselves. D. They spend a year traveling to become more worldly. Answer: B 58. From a global perspective, during middle adulthood, a critical determinant of the relations that parents have with their children is _______________. A. whether or not their children live with them B. the temperament of both the parents and the child C. the wishes of the children’s in-laws D. the laws and codes of the country where they live Answer: A 59. In which the following geographical regions would a young son and his family be most likely to live with his parents, who are in middle adulthood? A. the North Atlantic B. North America C. Western Europe D. Asia Answer: D. Asia Correct: This is historically the most common pattern in Asia. C. Western Europe Incorrect: Western Europe tends to be industrialized and individualistic; extended families are not likely to dwell in the same location. 60. Today in many parts of the world, young people remain home with their parents, who are in middle adulthood. According to the text, many of these single young adults who are living with the parents are located in _______________. A. southern Europe and Japan B. Southeast Asia and the North Atlantic C. the South Pacific and the eastern Mediterranean D. northern Russia and western Australia Answer: A 61. In northern Europe and in countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada, the dominant cultural pattern is that children _______________ when they reach emerging adulthood. A. leave home B. remain home C. join the military D. travel abroad Answer: A 62. Which of the following best describes the emotions felt by many middle adults living in northern Europe and the United States when their young adult children move out of their house? A. empty nest syndrome B. loss and liberation C. depression and anxiety D. jubilation and “good riddance” Answer: B. loss and liberation Correct: Empty nest syndrome is a common misconception; most parents experience a mix of loss and liberation. A. empty nest syndrome Incorrect: Empty nest syndrome is a common misconception; most parents experience a mix of loss and liberation. 63. Cultures that place a strong emphasis on _______________ are more likely to have parents who encourage their young adult children to move out of the home and become more autonomous. A. independence B. interdependence C. dependence D. overdependence Answer: A. independence Correct: In northern Europe, and in countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada, there is higher degree of autonomy and independence is a desirable trait. B. interdependence Incorrect: In countries with a greater degree of interdependence, one is more likely to see a greater degree of cohabitation between middle life adult parents and their young adult children. 64. You are a Japanese person in emerging adulthood. You are thinking about getting your own apartment to be closer to your work. How is your family likely to respond? A. They will be happy because individuals in Japan are encouraged to leave home at this time. B. They will be happy because it indicates self-sufficiency for the emerging adult. C. They will not be happy because when an emerging adult leaves home it is a sign of troubled family relations. D. They will not be happy because emerging adults are to take care of the grandparents. Answer: C. They will not be happy because when an emerging adult leaves home it is a sign of troubled family relations. Correct: In Japanese culture, when emerging adults leave home it is a sign of troubled family relations. A. They will be happy because individuals in Japan are encouraged to leave home at this time. Incorrect: In Japanese culture, when emerging adults leave home it is a sign of troubled family relations. 65. In northern Europe and in countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada, when do children generally leave home? A. At the end of adolescence B. At the beginning of emerging adulthood C. At the end of emerging adulthood D. At the beginning of young adulthood Answer: B. At the beginning of emerging adulthood Correct: In these cultures, children leave home when they reach emerging adulthood. C. At the end of emerging adulthood Incorrect: In these cultures, children leave home when they reach emerging adulthood. 66. You are a Canadian who has just graduated from secondary school and will be starting college next year. You live with your parents, with whom you have a generally positive relationship. Based on your country’s cultural norms, when are you expected to leave home? A. at the end of adolescence B. at the beginning of emerging adulthood C. at the end of emerging adulthood D. at the beginning of young adulthood Answer: B. at the beginning of emerging adulthood Correct: In these cultures, children leave home when they reach emerging adulthood. C. at the end of emerging adulthood Incorrect: In these cultures, children leave home when they reach emerging adulthood. 67. You are the youngest child in an American family that generally gets along well. Your older siblings have apartments of their own, and you just left for college. In regards to their new living situation, your parents are probably feeling a mixture of _______________. A. great loss and remorse B. happiness and euphoria C. sadness and depression D. loss and liberation Answer: D. loss and liberation Correct: Generally parents feel a blend of loss and liberation when their children move out of the family home. C. sadness and depression Incorrect: Generally parents feel a blend of loss and liberation when their children move out of the family home. 68. In the Unites States many emerging adults remain home into their early twenties, which is especially common among members of ethnic minorities. Why do African Americans in emerging adulthood generally stay at home? A. for economic reasons B. for culturally reasons C. their parents request that they stay at home D. they are not prepared to leave home Answer: A 69. You are an Asian American living at home, which is fairly common for many minority individuals in the Unites States. Why are you living at home? A. for economic reasons B. for cultural reasons C. their parents request that they stay at home D. they are not prepared to leave home Answer: B. for cultural reasons Correct: Asian Americans in emerging adulthood generally stay at home for cultural reasons. A. for economic reasons Incorrect: Asian Americans in emerging adulthood generally stay at home for cultural reasons. 70. What percentage of American emerging adults return home after moving out, usually for a transitional period of no more than a year? A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80% Answer: B 71. What percentage of American emerging adults in their early 20s in the United States receive some level of financial support from their parents? A. 20% B. 44% C. 66% D. 88% Answer: C 72. You are in young adulthood and your parents do not like your boyfriend, who you have been cohabiting with for five years. How does this affect your relationship with your parents? A. It’s just as good as always. B. It’s very good since your parents think that you might be getting married. C. It’s pretty good since you are having problems with your boyfriend and they hope that you will break up with him. D. It’s very strained. Answer: D. It’s very strained. Correct: If parents do not like their child’s partner, the parent–child relationship is likely strained. A. It’s just as good as always. Incorrect: If parents do not like their child’s partner, the parent–child relationship is likely strained. 73. Until about a century ago, it was quite rare for people in middle adulthood to have _______________. A. children who were married B. parents who were still alive C. a good and loving marriage D. any wealth Answer: B 74. In 1900 in the United States what percentage of persons in middle adulthood had at least one parent who was still alive? A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% Answer: A 75. In 2000 in the United States what percentage of persons in middle adulthood had at least one parent who was still alive? A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: C 76. What percentage of Americans aged 42 to 61 years have a parent living in their household? A. 8% B. 16% C. 24% D. 32% Answer: A 77. One study comparing 11 European countries found that in the more individualistic north, care for elderly parents was provided mainly by _______________. A. children B. siblings C. the government D. hospice volunteers Answer: C 78. Relations with parents in midlife tend to be _______________. A. contentious B. harmonious C. mutually supportive D. unidirectional, in which midlife adults help their parents Answer: C. mutually supportive Correct: Relations with parents tends to be mutually supportive—sometimes midlife adults help their parents and sometimes their parents help them. B. harmonious Incorrect: Relations with parents tends to be mutually supportive—sometimes midlife adults help their parents and sometimes their parents help them. 79. Your grandfather is a widower and has cancer. He is living with your parents and they are providing most of his care with the help of a home nurse. You notice that your parents’ emotions and energy levels are different now. In what ways? They are more _______________. A. energetic and happy B. exhausted and depressed C. angry and have poor attention spans D. neurotic and stressed Answer: B. exhausted and depressed Correct: Your parents are most likely feeling more exhaustion and depression. C. angry and have poor attention spans Incorrect: Your parents are most likely feeling more exhaustion and depression. 80. You are a woman in midlife and have two brothers, one younger and one older. You and your brothers agree to rotate the responsibilities of caring for your elderly parents. As it turns out, the care is mainly being provided by _______________. A. your aunt B. your youngest brother C. you, the female sibling D. your oldest brother Answer: C. you, the female sibling Correct: Your parents are most likely being cared for by you, the female sibling. D. your oldest brother Incorrect: Your parents are most likely being cared for by you, the female sibling. 81. In developing countries, at what age do individuals typically become grandparents? A. age 30 years B. age 40 years C. age 50 years D. age 60 years Answer: B 82. In developed countries, at what age do individuals typically become grandparents? A. age 30 years B. age 40 years C. age 50 years D. age 60 years Answer: C 83. Why are children more likely to have grandparents as part of their lives today than in the past? A. Parents are on good terms with the child’s grandparents and allow them to be part of their children’s lives. B. People are having children at much younger ages. C. Families are living closer today than in the past. D. Increased life expectancy. Answer: D 84. African American grandmothers more frequently involved in daily child care because nearly _______________ of children in African American families are born to single mothers. A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% Answer: C 85. Although the birth rate of African Americans is similar to Whites in the United States, African Americans are more likely to have their first child as _______________. A. adolescents B. emerging adults C. young adults D. midlife adults Answer: A. adolescents Correct: African Americans are more likely to have their first child as adolescents. B. emerging adults Incorrect: African Americans are more likely to have their first child as adolescents. 86. An important influence on grandparents’ involvement with their grandchildren is how well they get along with their _______________. A. son B. daughter C. child’s in-laws D. daughter-in-law Answer: D. daughter-in-law Correct: The most important relationship in this regard is the daughter-in-law. B. daughter Incorrect: The most important relationship in this regard is the daughter-in-law. 87. You are a grandparent and your son and daughter-in-law are about to get divorced. What is likely to happen with regard to your involvement with your grandchildren? A. It will not change. B. You will see your grandchildren more frequently. C. You will see your grandchildren much less frequently. D. You will never see your grandchildren again. Answer: C. You will see your grandchildren much less frequently. Correct: In this situation the grandparents are likely to see their grandchildren much less frequently. B. You will see your grandchildren more frequently. Incorrect: In this situation the grandparents are likely to see their grandchildren much less frequently. 88. You are a grandparent and your daughter and son-in-law are about to get divorced. What is likely to happen with regard to your involvement with your grandchildren? A. It will not change. B. You will see your grandchildren more frequently. C. You will see your grandchildren much less frequently. D. You will never see your grandchildren again. Answer: B. You will see your grandchildren more frequently. Correct: In this situation the grandparents are likely to see their grandchildren much more frequently. C. You will see your grandchildren much less frequently. Incorrect: In this situation the grandparents are likely to see their grandchildren much more frequently. 89. Decades of research have shown that marital satisfaction follows a _______________. A. Z-shaped pattern B. Y-shaped pattern C. U-shaped pattern D. X-shaped pattern Answer: C 90. When is marriage satisfaction at its highest? A. during the first year B. during the second year C. during child raising D. when the last child has left Answer: A 91. When is marriage satisfaction at its lowest? A. during the first year B. during the second year C. during child raising D. when the last child has left Answer: C 92. You have been married for 12 years and have two children aged six and eight years. There are many stresses in your marriage and you are wondering if it will ever get any better because your satisfaction with your marriage is pretty low right now. Is it likely to get better? A. No, marriage satisfaction is highest after a decade of marriage. B. No, marriage satisfaction is highest while caring for your young children. C. Yes, marriage satisfaction will sharply rise when your children reach emerging adulthood. D. Yes, marriage satisfaction rises when you have grandchildren. Answer: C. Yes, marriage satisfaction will sharply rise when your children reach emerging adulthood. Correct: Marriage satisfaction rises when children reach emerging adulthood. D. Yes, marriage satisfaction rises when you have grandchildren. Incorrect: Marriage satisfaction rises when children reach emerging adulthood. 93. Your aunt and uncle have been married for 21 years and have not been very happy in their marriage for as long as you can remember. Your aunt has resisted getting separated because she thinks that she will be even unhappier as a divorced woman. From your knowledge of development, relative to marital status, who are the most unhappy people? A. divorced people B. unhappily married people C. single people D. married couples raising young children Answer: B. unhappily married people Correct: Unhappily married people are the most unhappy. C. single people Incorrect: Unhappily married people are the most unhappy. 94. In an American study (Brim, 1999) involving over 2,000 midlife adults aged 40 to 59, what percentage described their marriage as “excellent” or “very good?” A. 75% B. 65% C. 55% D. 45% Answer: A 95. Your parents have been married for 32 years and have a very good marriage. They both have close friendships with former high school classmates and enjoy socializing with colleagues from work. They also both have older siblings with whom they enjoy close relationships. They have many friends with whom they do many things (e.g., camping, going to movies, etc.). When you ask your father who his best friend is, what does he say? A. his business partner B. his long-time friend from high school C. your mother D. his older brother Answer: C. your mother Correct: People in midlife with strong marriages are likely to say that their spouses are their best friends. B. his long-time friend from high school Incorrect: People in midlife with strong marriages are likely to say that their spouses are their best friends. 96. In the United States and Canada, when do most divorces occur? A. during first 10 years of marriage B. between the 11th and 15th years of marriage C. between the 16th and 20th years of marriage D. after the 20th year of marriage or later Answer: A 97. Which of the following best describes the lifecycle of marital satisfaction? A. high satisfaction in the first year of marriage, reaching a low point while caring for young children and remaining low until the children enter emerging adulthood, and a rebound of satisfaction at midlife and beyond B. highest satisfaction in the first few years of marriage, lower satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and even lower satisfaction for midlife and beyond C. low satisfaction for the first few years of marriage, higher satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and the highest satisfaction for midlife and beyond D. high satisfaction for the first few years of marriage, increasing satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, then plummeting to all-time low satisfaction for midlife and beyond Answer: A. high satisfaction in the first year of marriage, reaching a low point while caring for young children and remaining low until the children enter emerging adulthood, and a rebound of satisfaction at midlife and beyond Correct: Marital satisfaction is described as an inverted U; higher degrees of satisfaction are at the beginning and end of the lifecycle. B. highest satisfaction in the first few years of marriage, lower satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and even lower satisfaction for midlife and beyond Incorrect: Marital satisfaction tends to be highest in the first year of marriage, and then steadily declines until midlife, which usually marks the beginning of the most satisfying period of marriage. 98. Your cousin Frank just got married and he and his wife would like to start a family within a few years. Based upon the research, which of the following time periods is most likely to be the most stressful for his marriage? A. the time period of child rearing B. the time period of retirement C. the time period of prosperity D. the time period of grandparenthood Answer: A. the time period of child rearing Correct: The first year or two of marriage is usually very happy; however, higher marital stress occurs during childrearing. B. the time period of retirement Incorrect: Retirement can be stressful during times of low economic prosperity, but this is generally a very satisfying time period on most marriages. 99. Some researchers have proposed that during middle adulthood many married couples maintain a relationship of companionate love. According to Sternberg's theory, companionate love is best described as a relationship that is _______________. A. high in intimacy and commitment, and low in passion B. low in intimacy and commitment, and high in passion C. high in intimacy, low in commitment, and high in passion D. low in passion, high in commitment, and low in intimacy Answer: A. high in intimacy and commitment, and low in passion Correct: Companionate love is high in intimacy and commitment but low in passion; this is the stereotypical notion of marriage in middle and later adulthood. B. low in intimacy and commitment, and high in passion Incorrect: This describes infatuation; high passion, low intimacy, low commitment. 100. Most divorces take place within the first ten years of marriage, but about _______________ of divorces in the U.S. and Canada occur after 20 or more years of marriage. A. 5% B. 10% C. 20% D. 40% Answer: B 101. Divorces in young adulthood tended to be full of anger and conflict, with each partner bitterly blaming the other for the failure of the marriage. In contrast, the midlife divorces tended to be between couples whose _______________. A. career goals have become incompatible B. love had gone cold C. political views have separated D. choice of soul mates has changed Answer: B. love had gone cold Correct: Some have proposed that the “passion"” that decreases in Sternberg's theory is the factor that leads to divorce in middle adulthood. D. choice of soul mates has changed Incorrect: This may be a reason cited by those who are younger but is very seldom seen in middle adulthood. 102. For Americans who experience a divorce sometime in their forties, fifties, and sixties, the most common cited reason, for men is _______________. A. “different values/lifestyles” B. “verbal or physical abuse” C. “infidelity” D. “fell out of love” Answer: D 103. For Americans who experience a divorce some time in their forties, fifties, and sixties, the most common cited reason, for women is _______________. A. “different values/lifestyles” B. “verbal or physical abuse” C. “infidelity” D. “fell out of love” Answer: B 104. _______________ of both men and women who divorce during middle adulthood feel they have made the right decision. A. One-quarter B. One-half C. Three-fourths D. Nine out of ten Answer: C 105. In the United States and Canada, what percentage of marriages end in divorce after 20 or more years of marriage? A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% Answer: A 106. You recently saw your best friend from high school and asked how her parents are doing. She told you that they are healthy, but that they do not really enjoy each other’s company and that the passion that they once had is gone. They are not very committed to each other and share very little intimacy. According to Sternberg, what type of love are they experiencing? A. consummate love B. liking/friendship C. infatuated love D. empty love Answer: D. empty love Correct: Her parents are experiencing “empty love.” The love that they once had has deteriorated. B. liking/friendship Incorrect: Her parents are experiencing “empty love.” The love that they once had has deteriorated. 107. What percentage of men and women who divorced in their forties, fifties, or sixties believed that they had made the right decision by getting a divorce from their spouse? A. 45% B. 55% C. 65% D. 75% Answer: D 108. Your mother and father just divorced. You talk to your mother frequently and she has indicated to you that she is worried that she will live the rest of her life alone, after all, she’ll be 50 soon. Are her concerns well founded? A. Yes, only 33% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. B. Yes, only 10% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. C. No, 66% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. D. No, 90% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. Answer: A. Yes, only 33% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. Correct: Only 33% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. C. No, 66% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. Incorrect: Only 33% of women who get divorced after age 40 remarry. 109. In a study of over 1,000 divorced adults, 44% of women indicated that they were having financial problems after they were divorced. What percentage of men were having financial difficulties? A. 44% B. 33% C. 22% D. 11% Answer: D 110. A midlife man in India reaches the stage of vanaprastha (“forest dweller“) when his first grandson is born. As a vanaprastha, a person is supposed to _______________. A. give all of his belongings to the poor B. devote his life to the grandchildren C. search for higher spiritual life which includes renunciation of sexuality D. live alone in the wilderness for the next 10 years Answer: C 111. According to the Sex in America study which examined sexuality in 18- to 59-year-olds, what was discovered regarding Americans in their forties and fifties? A. They rarely had sexual intercourse. B. They had sexual intercourse as frequently as emerging adults did. C. They had sexual intercourse, but less frequently than emerging adults. D. They rarely had sexual intercourse, but were very interested in sexuality. Answer: C. They had sexual intercourse, but less frequently than emerging adults. Correct: Americans in their forties and fifties had sexual relations, but less frequently than emerging adults. B. They had sexual intercourse as frequently as emerging adults did. Incorrect: Americans in their forties and fifties had sexual relations, but less frequently than emerging adults. 112. During middle adulthood, for many, job satisfaction is _______________. A. at its all-time high B. at its all-time low C. the same as it was during young adulthood D. is nonexistent, because many are retired Answer: A. at its all-time high Correct: For many, middle adulthood is a time when job satisfaction peaks as they continue to develop expertise within their field. B. at its all-time low Incorrect: This is a misconception for middle adulthood; many are very satisfied with their career during this time. 113. What percentage of women in their fifties who had a partner responded on a national survey that they were sexually active within the past six months? A. 88% B. 68% C. 48% D. 28% Answer: A 114. Your uncle is 54 years old and is overweight, smokes, and does not exercise. He is likely to have what type of difficulty with regard to sexual behavior? A. finding an interested woman B. erectile dysfunction C. lack of libido D. lack of interest Answer: B. erectile dysfunction Correct: He is likely to have erectile dysfunction. A. finding an interested woman Incorrect: He is likely to have erectile dysfunction. 115. What percentage of men report having difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection by age 60? A. 90% B. 70% C. 50% D. 30% Answer: C 116. What is the success rate for men who use medication for difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection? A. 60 to 80% B. 40 to 59% C. 20 to 39% D. 10 to 19% Answer: A 117. A variety of American studies have found that job satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood, particularly in the _______________. A. 40s B. 50s C. 60s D. 70s Answer: B. 50s Correct: Job satisfaction particularly peaks in the 50s. A. 40s Incorrect: Job satisfaction particularly peaks in the 50s. 118. The main reason given for job satisfaction in midlife is _______________. A. salary B. enjoyment of the work itself C. the prestige D. the fringe benefits Answer: B. enjoyment of the work itself Correct: Job satisfaction in midlife is related to enjoyment of the work. A. salary Incorrect: Job satisfaction in midlife is related to enjoyment of the work. 119. Some midlife adults quit their jobs because they become disillusioned, frustrated, and tired of their jobs. What is this phenomenon? A. retirement B. burnout C. termination D. job depression Answer: B. burnout Correct: When employees become disillusioned, frustrated, or tired of their jobs, burnout has occurred. A. retirement Incorrect: When employees become disillusioned, frustrated, or tired of their jobs, burnout has occurred. 120. What would a person in the protean career path do? A. remain in the company for many years B. train for a career, but then never pursue any jobs related to that training C. retire early D. change jobs frequently Answer: D. change jobs frequently Correct: The protean career path is flexible, changeable, and idiosyncratic. A. remain in the company for many years Incorrect: The protean career path is flexible, changeable, and idiosyncratic. 121. The _______________ is a social phenomenon that limits women’s advancements in the workforce due to gender discrimination. A. glass tower B. glass elevator C. glass escalator D. glass ceiling Answer: D 122. Samantha is the best middle manager the company has. She constantly puts countless hours into her job and is one of the best and brightest around. Samantha has not received a raise or promotion for many years and believes it is because she is a woman experiencing unseen discrimination. It is clear that Samantha is feeling the effects of a _______________. A. glass tower B. glass elevator C. glass escalator D. glass ceiling Answer: D. glass ceiling Correct: The glass ceiling limits women’s advancement due to gender discrimination. B. glass elevator Incorrect: An elevator would bring a person up or down; Samantha remains steady in her location. 123. Some midlife adults quit their jobs because they become disillusioned, frustrated, and tired of their jobs, a phenomenon called _______________. A. empathy B. posttraumatic stress disorder C. glass ceiling D. burnout Answer: D 124. Community involvement in middle adulthood is related to the Eriksonian concept of _______________. A. despair B. generativity C. stagnation D. mistrust Answer: B. generativity Correct: Those who maintain a high degree of generativity may have a desire to nurture future generations and this may take place through community involvement. D. mistrust Incorrect: Mistrusting adults would likely possess a higher degree of stagnation for the time period of middle adulthood. An adult who embraced community involvement is experiencing generativity. 125. For Americans aged 30 to 59 year of age, what percentage are involved in civic engagement? A. 12% B. 22% C. 32% D. 42% Answer: D 126. In the United States, Canada, and Turkey, what percentage of 50 to 54 year olds work 40 or more hours per week? A. 50% B. 60% C. 70% D. 80% Answer: D 127. Which of the following is the most common form of leisure for individuals who are in middle adulthood? A. watching television B. sports and outdoor activities C. board games and crossword puzzles D. video games Answer: A 128. In one study of over 12,000 men aged 35 to 57, vacation time was assessed over a five-year period, then medical records were tracked for the next nine years. What did this research find? A. Vacation and health were not related. B. Men who took annual vacations were 33% less likely to die from coronary heart disease. C. Taking vacations for men was very stressful. D. The health of men who took annual vacations was worse than those who did not. Answer: B Short Answer Questions 129. In what developmental time period would you be most likely to hear someone say, “For the first time in my life, I’m okay with the way I look”? Use research to support your answer. Answer: This statement would most likely be uttered by a person in middle adulthood. At this time self-acceptance increases, due in part to having achieved their identity. Autonomy increases, making people less concerned about what others think. They also have a heightened sense of mastery, perhaps due to varied life experiences. 130. What are two critiques of Levinson’s research on mid-life crisis? Answer: He based his conclusion that a crisis at this time is normative on a very small sample of highly educated men, which was hardly a diverse sample. 131. Discuss two ways that a person could achieve a sense of generativity. Answer: They might do volunteer work for an organization, such as Habitat for Humanity. They might serve as a mentor in a work or volunteer setting. Anyone in a teaching role may achieve generativity by passing along knowledge and skills. 132. Describe the cultural beliefs regarding sexuality for Indians during mid-life. Answer: In the Hindu religion, people start relinquishing their ties to material possessions and they also abstain from sexual activity as a means of attaining spiritual purity. 133. If Arjan, age 29, and Vijay, age 53, were to lose their jobs, who would be more likely to remain unemployed longer? Explain. Answer: Vijay would be likely to be out of work longer for a number of reasons: ageism, less ability to move due to family ties, and higher salary requirements due to children being in college. Essay Questions 134. How does marital satisfaction in mid-life compare to marital satisfaction in earlier parts of adulthood in Western countries? Answer: Marital satisfaction reaches a peak in mid-life because children have left the house and there are less financial and interpersonal stressors associated with childrearing. Income tends to be higher and those people who were unhappy were likely to have parted ways before, leaving those who are more satisfied to be the ones still married. 135. Today, all developed countries except the U.S. guarantee some paid vacation to employees. How could you make the argument that investing in even a few days of paid vacation would be worth it in the long-term? Cite research to support your answer. Answer: Physical health is better among those who take vacations; this would reduce health care costs. Productivity and work satisfaction are higher among those who take vacations compared to those who do not and this could translate into more profit. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. What do midlife adults tend to mention when asked about their goals in life? A. that they have no goals and are content with having no goals B. that they already fulfilled all of their goals C. fulfilling the roles they currently have D. very lofty philosophic goals that they are committed to attaining Answer: C 2. Which of the following are qualities of self that appear to increase with age? A. self-compliance, self-mastery, and the empathetic self B. the self as man, the self as a woman, and the self as androgynous C. self-acceptance, autonomy, and environmental mastery D. the I-self, the me-self, and the we-self Answer: C 3. Your neighbor is worried that her husband who just turned 40 is going to have an affair or want to do what she thinks are "crazy things" like bungee jumping. What should you tell her? A. She has reason to be worried, most males have midlife crises. B. She has no reason to be worried, the concept of the midlife crisis is largely a myth. C. She has no reason to be worried, females are much more likely to have midlife crises. D. She has reason to be worried, married men are much more likely to have a midlife crisis. Answer: B 4. When an individual possesses the motivation to contribute to the well-being of the next generation, what would Erikson say is happening? A. generativity B. intimacy C. integrity D. altruism Answer: A 5. India describes men as having "virile youth" which is the translation of what popular saying? A. chakkikotha chankaran B. someshwari C. teesi-kheesi D. satha-patha Answer: D 6. What percentage of female business executives earning $100,000 or more per year are childless (Hewlett, 2003)? A. 70% B. 50% C. 30% D. 10% Answer: B 7. How do middle adults living in northern Europe and the United States feel when their young adult children move out of their homes? A. empty nest syndrome B. a blend of loss and liberation C. depression and anxiety D. jubilation and "good riddance" Answer: B 8. For the past four years your older sister has been cohabiting with her boyfriend, who your parents do not like. How is her relationship with your parents likely to be affected? A. It is pretty good since she is having problems with her boyfriend and they hope that she will break up with him. B. It is very strained. C. It is very good since your parents think that she might be getting married soon. D. It is just as good as always. Answer: B 9. You are very interested in marital satisfaction. You have been married for 16 years and have three children aged 14, 11, and 8. This seems to be a very stressful time in your marriage and marital satisfaction is quite low. You have examining the research literature for Answers to your questions. Is your marital satisfaction likely to get better? A. Yes, marriage satisfaction rises sharply when children reach emerging adulthood. B. Yes, marriage satisfaction rises when couples have grandchildren. C. No, marriage satisfaction is highest after a decade of marriage. D. No, marriage satisfaction is highest while caring for young children. Answer: A 10. When people get divorced during middle adulthood, what is generally the major difficulty? A. differences in political views cause problems B. career goals have become incompatible C. love has gone cold D. choice of soul mate has changed Answer: C Post-Test 1. The instructor for your developmental course is a 55-year-old professor. She seems very comfortable with herself. If she does not know the Answer to a student's question she simply states that she does not know and will try to find the Answer. Is her level of comfort with her knowledge and lack thereof unusual for a person of her age? A. No, women of all ages have high self-contentment. B. Yes, self-contentment is generally the highest during emerging adulthood. C. No, self-contentment is at its peak during middle adulthood. D. Yes, most middle adults have poor self-contentment. Answer: C 2. Comparing Americans and South Koreans in middle adulthood, South Koreans place more emphasis on _______________. A. self-acceptance B. autonomy C. close ties to others, especially family members D. engaging in self-improvement Answer: C 3. Brim (1999) studied more than 3,000 Americans aged 25 through 72 and found that those in midlife (ages 40 to 60) were _______________. A. more likely to be experiencing a crisis than other ages B. not more likely to be experiencing a crisis than other ages C. more likely to be experiencing a crisis than younger ages D. less like to be experiencing a crisis that older adults and more likely to be experiencing a crisis than younger adults Answer: B 4. Your 40-year-old neighbor has become very interested in helping in his son's Cub Scout den and coaching his daughter's soccer team. According to Erikson, what is happening? A. generativity B. intimacy C. integrity D. altruism Answer: A 5. The transition from young adulthood to middle adulthood for a traditional woman from India is best described as progressing from _______________. A. enlightenment and nirvana to authority and power B. happiness and delight to stress and obedience C. free will and relaxation to stress and obedience D. stress and obedience to authority and power Answer: D 6. What percentage of high-achieving women in their midlife are childless (Hewlett, 2003)? A. 17% B. 33% C. 50% D. 67% Answer: B 7. The Social and Cultural Contexts of Development: If a young married son and his family are living with his parents, who are in middle adulthood, in which of the following geographical regions are they most likely to live? A. Asia B. the North Atlantic C. North America D. western Europe Answer: A 8. The Social and Cultural Contexts of Development: In the United States, what percentage of emerging adults receive some level of financial support from their middle adulthood parents? A. 88% B. 66% C. 44% D. 22% Answer: B 9. You have noticed that many families today are able to include grandparents at nearly all of their family gatherings. This has not always been the case. After extensive review of the literature, you find that the reason that so many families have close ties to grandparents is because _______________. A. of increased life expectancy B. families are living geographically closer today than in the past C. people are having children at much younger ages D. parents are on good terms with the child's grandparents and allow them to be part of their children's lives Answer: A 10. During middle adulthood, some individuals will quit their jobs because they become disillusioned, frustrated, and tired of their jobs. What is this phenomenon? A. retirement B. termination C. burnout D. job depression Answer: C Chapter Exam 1. When in the lifespan is contentment with the "self" the highest? A. emerging adulthood B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C 2. When individuals see themselves as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively, they have _______________. A. positive regard B. self-acceptance C. environmental mastery D. autonomy Answer: C 3. When a person in middle adulthood agonizes over the meaning of life and makes radical and reckless changes in order to avoid living a life of quiet desperation, what is the popular conception of what is happening? A. midlife destitution B. midlife crisis C. midlife avoidance D. midlife confusion Answer: B 4. What is the current thought regarding the concept of "midlife crisis?" It is _______________. A. false B. true C. inevitable D. a health risk Answer: A 5. What is the Ericksonian crisis in which individuals have the desire to "live on" after we have died and to help those younger than ourselves so that the effects of our time on earth will be evident when we are gone? A. trust vs. mistrust B. integrity vs. despair C. identity vs. confusion D. generativity vs. stagnation Answer: D 6. Young adulthood for women in India can be best described as a time of _______________. A. free will and relaxation B. stress and obedience C. enlightenment and cognitive pursuits D. happiness and delight Answer: B 7. What percentage of male business executives earning $100,000 or more per year are childless (Hewlett, 2003)? A. 19% B. 29% C. 39% D. 49% Answer: A 8. When do individuals typically leave home in northern Europe and in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada? A. when they marry B. during emerging adulthood C. when they military D. when they travel abroad Answer: B 9. For a transitional period generally no longer than a year, what percentage of American emerging adults return home after moving out? A. 40% B. 50% C. 60% D. 70% Answer: A 10. After your grandmother died of cancer, your parents convinced your grandfather to come live with them. He has to take a fair number of medications and he was not doing so on a regular basis. Your parents thought that it would be best if he lived with them so that they could provide him with assistance. It has been a few years and it appears that your parents' energy levels and emotions are different now. They are more _______________. A. angry and have poor attention spans B. energetic and happy C. exhausted and depressed D. neurotic and stressed Answer: C 11. Your grandparents are concerned because your sister is getting divorced. What is probably going to happen with regard to their involvement with their grandchildren? A. They will see their grandchildren more frequently. B. It will not change. C. They will see their grandchildren much less frequently. D. They will never see their grandchildren again. Answer: A 12. In terms of marital satisfaction, which of the following best describes how marital satisfaction changes over the lifespan? A. high satisfaction for the first few years of marriage, increasing satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and then plummeting to an all-time low satisfaction for midlife and beyond B. highest satisfaction in the first few years of marriage, lower satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and even lower satisfaction for midlife and beyond C. low satisfaction for the first few years of marriage, higher satisfaction while children are in emerging adulthood and young adulthood, and the highest satisfaction for midlife and beyond D. high satisfaction in the first few years of marriage, reaching a low point while caring for young children and remaining low until the children enter emerging adulthood, and a rebound of satisfaction at midlife and beyond. Answer: D 13. After a divorce, what percentage of men and women believe that they made the correct decision? A. 55% B. 65% C. 75% D. 85% Answer: C 14. Job satisfaction peaks during middle adulthood, particularly at what age? A. in the 40s B. in the 50s C. in the 60s D. in the 70s Answer: B 15. What is the most common form of leisure for individuals who are in middle adulthood? A. watching television B. sports and outdoor activities C. board games and crossword puzzles D. video games Answer: A Quick Review 1. An individual's self-concept tends to be highest during what time? A. adolescence B. young adulthood C. middle adulthood D. late adulthood Answer: C 2. Which of the following statements is most consistent with an individual who has a high degree of self-acceptance? A. an individual with a one-dimensional self who lacking an appreciation or acknowledgment of who they really are B. an individual who is less concerned with other's assessments of themselves than when they were younger and who is more inclined to assess themselves according to self-defined standards C. an individual who is aware and accepting of having a mix of good and bad characteristics, but overall feels more positive D. an individual who sees him- or herself as being able to handle a variety of roles and responsibilities effectively Answer: C 3. Which of the following is strongly related to the probability of experiencing a midlife crisis in middle adulthood? A. maintaining a low false-self B. experiencing negative life events C. experiencing positive life events D. maintaining a high self-concept Answer: B 4. Women aged 19 through 78 years in India were interviewed by Usha Menon. When did Indian women believe was the best time in life? A. late 30s to early 50s B. late 20s to early 30s C. before age 20 D. after age 60 Answer: A 5. The highest scores on the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) are obtained by what countries? A. South American countries B. Asian countries C. African countries D. European countries Answer: D 6. Parents from cultures that place a strong emphasis on _______________ are more likely to encourage their young adult children to move out of the home and become autonomous. A. overdependence B. independence C. interdependence D. dependence Answer: B 7. People in middle adulthood tend to have what type of relationship with their parents? A. mutually supportive B. contentious C. harmonious D. unidirectional, in which midlife adults help their parents Answer: A 8. How much grandparents get involved with their grandchildren depends, to some extent, on how well they get along with their _____________ A. son B. daughter-in-law C. daughter D. child's in-laws Answer: B 9. With regard to sexuality, American adults in their forties and fifties _______________. A. have sexual intercourse, but less frequently than emerging adults do B. rarely have sexual intercourse C. rarely have sexual intercourse, but are very interested in sexuality D. had sexual intercourse as frequently as when they were emerging adults Answer: A 10. In a study comparing the relationship between vacations and health, the number of vacations taken was counted over a five-year period and then medical records were tracked for the next nine years. What did this research find? A. Vacations and health were not related. B. Taking vacations for men was very stressful. C. Men who took annual vacations were 33% less likely to die from coronary heart disease. D. The health of men who took annual vacations was worse than those who did not. Answer: C Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. The mother from the Mayan village discusses the gender split among her children. Her daughter works with her and her son works with his father. Discuss your thoughts on this concept. Answer: This concept reflects traditional gender roles within the family and community structure, which can foster cultural continuity and skills transfer but may also limit individual opportunities for gender equality and career choice based on personal interest and aptitude. 2. The mother from Botswana discusses her children in this video. Compare and contrast the descriptions of her children to the typical U.S. children of the same age groups. Answer: It is typical of U.S. children to move out of the home and on their own, and the mother from Botswana discusses that this is the way her living arrangements are as well. The mother discusses that her son returns home to eat dinner every night with her, which may or may not be the case with U.S. families. She describes a very good relationship with her children, which tends to be the case in many U.S. families. The mother states that her daughter comes home weekly to do the laundry and cleaning, however in the average U.S. family most would likely state that the children bring the laundry home for the parent to wash. 3. The idea of adults caring for their aging parents while still caring for their children is typically known as the “sandwich generation.” List and describe at least two ways to ease the stress this could place on these relationships in middle adulthood. Answer: Middle-aged adults managing the "sandwich generation" stress can ease relationships by establishing clear communication channels among family members and seeking outside support through community resources or professional caregiving services to share responsibilities effectively Multiple Choice Questions 1. The male from the U.S. describes his father's current state as __________________. A. a very strong man B. an average man in strength C. mentally unstable D. a shell of his former self Answer: D 2. According to this video, in Mayan Mexico elders tend to live the last part of their lives __________________. A. with their oldest child B. with their youngest child C. in nursing homes D. with friends Answer: A 3. The woman from Botswana comments that her daughter comes home once per week to __________________. A. meet with her old friends B. take a much deserved break from her studies C. clean the house and do the laundry D. cook meals that she will be able to use during the upcoming week Answer: C Practice Test Questions from the Textbook 1. With regard to hearing during midlife, the ability that declines most significantly is the ability to A. interpret a whisper. B. hear high-frequency tones. C. follow a conversation. D. hear a voice over the telephone. Answer: B 2. Which of the following statements about menopause is true? A. Women’s hormone levels remain unchanged until menopause, at which point they drop dramatically. B. After menopause, estrogen levels rise. C. Menopause tends to occur later among women who smoke or who have not given birth. D. Research has consistently shown that Japanese women experience less extreme menopausal symptoms than those in other ethnic groups. Answer: D 3. ______________ is/are the leading cause(s) of death worldwide. A. Breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men B. Diabetes C. Cardiovascular disease D. Lung cancer Answer: C 4. Which of the following is most accurate regarding research on predictors of health in middle adulthood and later adulthood? A. There has been no longitudinal research to address this question, therefore, researchers have been unable to draw any definitive conclusions. B. Education predicted health from middle to late adulthood more strongly than did income. C. Alcohol use, but not smoking, has been shown to correlate with later health and mortality. D. Health habits predict later physical and mental health, but personality characteristics do not predict these aspects of health. Answer: B 5. Crystallized intelligence represents a person’s A. pure ability. B. adaptability. C. decision-making power. D. culturally based knowledge. Answer: D 6. Experts A. are more creative, but less flexible than are novices. B. process information more slowly than novices because they are more systematic in their reasoning. C. tend to reach the top of their field due to increases in physical strength and skill compared to their younger counterparts. D. are more automatic in their problem solving than are novices. Answer: D 7. Reaction time A. in the Seattle Longitudinal Study, held steady until late adulthood when it became slower as people reached their seventies. B. refers to the how people respond to emotionally laden events. C. decrements in midlife are significant enough to cause impairment in most activities of daily living. D. is typically longer for midlife adults than it is for young adults in laboratory settings. Answer: D 8. Which of the following decreases for most people through middle adulthood? A. long-term memory stores B. procedural knowledge C. ability for divided attention D. factual knowledge Answer: C 9. Which of the following is most accurate regarding research on self-development in middle adulthood? A. Enhanced self-development is most likely among those who have the best physical health and social relationships. B. There is no evidence of self-development among middle-aged people living in collectivistic cultures. C. Across cultures during middle adulthood, contentment with the self shows a small but significant decline as people confront a number of physiological changes. D. Middle-aged adults’ enhanced self-development makes them less likely to adapt to new situations or to be flexible in their goals. Answer: A 10. We may not be able to generalize the findings of Daniel Levinson, the researcher who studied the midlife crisis in the 1970s, to the population at large because his initial observations were based on A. a questionnaire survey of 400 men. B. an intensive study of only 40 men. C. a cross-sectional questionnaire study of men and women in several age groups. D. a study of poorly educated men from three different countries. Answer: B 11. Research on generativity A. has focused almost exclusively on Asian countries. B. has shown that significantly more women than men achieve a sense of generativity during midlife. C. has shown that there are a variety of ways an adult can be generative. D. has shown a peak during emerging adulthood, followed by a plateau in middle adulthood among Americans and Canadians. Answer: C 12. During middle adulthood, women in India A. gain the authority that once belonged to their mother-in-law. B. generally experience a decrease in happiness as a result of the many tasks they have to carry out. C. experience a sharp increase in divorce. D. experience an increase in psychological disorders because of the cumulative trauma they have faced in their subordinate position within the family. Answer: A 13. Which of the following is true of grandparents in developed countries? A. Grandfathers participate more than grandmothers in recreational and family activities. B. European American grandmothers are more likely to be involved in the daily care of their grandchildren compared to other ethnic groups because they have the resources to do so. C. Grandparents’ involvement with their grandchildren depends partly on their relationship with their children and sons- and daughters-in-law. D. Grandparents’ involvement with their grandchildren is usually based on a sense of duty or obligation. Answer: C 14. Research on marriage in the United States has shown that by midlife A. most marriage partners have less time to spend as a couple than they did earlier in their marriage because of increased job demands. B. the correlation between marriage and mental health is weaker than it was earlier in the life span. C. nearly three-fourths of adults describe their marriage as “excellent” or “very good.” D. marital satisfaction stays relatively low until the early seventies when most people are retired. Answer: C 15. Midlife adults A. stay unemployed longer than young adults after experiencing a job loss. B. tend to get a job of higher status and higher pay when they get a new job after being unemployed. C. have higher absenteeism rates than young adults due to a weakened immune system with advancing age. D. are less satisfied with their jobs than are younger adults. Answer: A 16. Which of the following statements about work and leisure is the most accurate? A. Among middle adults across the world, the most popular leisure activity is visiting friends and relatives. B. The United States is the only developed country that guarantees workers vacation time. C. Work satisfaction is higher among those who receive vacation time, but productivity and physical health is much lower. D. There is great variation in the number of hours per week that people work in developed countries. Answer: D Test Bank for Human Development: A Cultural Approach Jeffrey J. Arnett 9780205987887, 9780134641348

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