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Chapter 10 Young Adulthood Section 1 Physical Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. At what age do most people in most cultures feel like they are adults? A. late adolescence B. early twenties C. late twenties D. early thirties Answer: C 2. For individuals in developed countries what is the most important marker of the transition to adulthood? A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. getting married C. having children D. graduating from college Answer: A. accepting responsibility for oneself Correct: In developing countries most individuals feel that accepting responsibility for oneself is the most important factor. B. getting married Incorrect: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. 3. Jefferson was late to work, speeding, and was pulled over and given a ticket. Without too much fuss he reluctantly paid the fine knowing full well he should not have been speeding. Which of the following characteristics of adulthood most closely resembles Jefferson’s attitude? A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. making independent decisions C. becoming financially independent D. possessing emotional stability Answer: A. accepting responsibility for oneself Correct: It is clear that Jefferson is accepting responsibility for his action when he pays for his fine. B. making independent decisions Incorrect: It is clear that Jefferson is accepting responsibility for his actions when he pays the fine. 4. From a meta-analysis of young people from their early teens to their late twenties, which of the following is the second most important marker of the transition to adulthood? A. possessing emotional stability B. accepting responsibility for oneself C. becoming financially independent D. making independent decisions Answer: D. making independent decisions Correct: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. C. becoming financially independent Incorrect: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. 5. From a meta-analysis, young people from their early teens to their late 20s agreed that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are _______________. A. making independent decisions, living independently, and being emotionally stable B. becoming emotionally stable, possessing behavioral control, and having cognitive maturity C. accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent D. possessing cognitive with-it-ness, accepting responsibility for oneself, and living independently Answer: C. accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent Correct: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. B. becoming emotionally stable, possessing behavioral control, and having cognitive maturity Incorrect: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. 6. From a meta-analysis of young people from their early teens to their late twenties, which of the following is a correct order of the three major markers of adulthood? A. accepting responsibility for oneself, becoming financially independent, and making independent decisions B. becoming financially independent, making independent decisions, and accepting responsibility for oneself C. making independent decisions, accepting responsibility for oneself, and becoming financially independent D. accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent Answer: D. accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent Correct: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. A. accepting responsibility for oneself, becoming financially independent, and making independent decisions Incorrect: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. 7. From a meta-analysis of young people from their early teens to their late twenties, which of the following is the third most important marker of the transition to adulthood? A. becoming financially independent B. accepting responsibility for oneself C. making independent decisions D. possessing the ability to self-regulate one’s emotions Answer: A. becoming financially independent Correct: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. C. making independent decisions Incorrect: Studies have shown that young people from their early teens to their late twenties agree that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are (1) accepting responsibility for oneself, (2) making independent decisions, and (3) becoming financially independent, in that order. 8. Britney is 23 years old and has been working full-time for the past two years. She has her own apartment, a balanced checkbook, and a substantial savings account. This is not by chance, because Britney’s parents instilled that wise financial decisions are important in life. The way things are headed it looks as if Britney will be able to purchase her own house in a few years. Which of the following markers of adulthood has Brittany achieved? A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. making independent decisions C. becoming financially independent D. possessing emotional stability Answer: C. becoming financially independent Correct: It is clear that by having her own apartment, a balanced checkbook, a substantial savings account, and the prospect of purchasing her own house that Britney is financially independent. A. accepting responsibility for oneself Incorrect: It is clear that by having her own apartment, a balanced checkbook, a substantial savings account, and the prospect of purchasing her own house that Britney is financially independent. 9. If a culture were to promote individualism, it would emphasize the importance of _______________. A. family unity and societal cohesiveness B. learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person C. altruistic behaviors and prosocial engagement D. cooperative learning and group cohesion Answer: B 10. What do young Israelis view as the most important criterion that signals adulthood? A. completing military service B. supporting a spouse and child financially C. being able to support their parents financially D. emotional self-control Answer: A 11. What do young Argentines view as the most important criterion that signals adulthood? A. completing military service B. supporting a family financially C. being able to support their parents financially D. emotional self-control Answer: B 12. What do emerging adults in Korea and China view as the most important criterion that signals adulthood? A. completing military service B. supporting a family financially C. being able to support their parents financially D. emotional self-control Answer: C 13. Which of the following markers of adulthood is more similar to the beliefs of a collective culture? A. living independently in one’s house or apartment B. having graduated from high school and college C. being financially independent and self-sufficient D. being able to support one’s parents financially Answer: D. being able to support one’s parents financially Correct: Being able to support one’s parents financially reflects the collectivistic value of obligation to parents in Asian societies, such as Korea and China. C. being financially independent and self-sufficient Incorrect: Being able to support one’s parents financially reflects the collectivistic value of obligation to parents in Asian societies, such as Korea and China. 14. What do emerging adults in India view as the most important criterion that signals adulthood? A. completing military service B. supporting a family financially C. being able to support their parents financially D. emotional self-control Answer: D 15. Your roommate and you are discussing what you believe to be the most important aspect of what defines adulthood. Your roommate is arguing that emotional self-control is the most important criterion for adulthood. Based on the text, she is likely from what country? A. Argentina B. Israel C. Korea D. India Answer: D. India Correct: In India, emotional self-control is one of the top criteria for adulthood. A. Argentina Incorrect: In India, emotional self-control is one of the top criteria for adulthood. 16. Anthropologists have found that in virtually all _______________, the transition to adulthood is clearly and explicitly marked by marriage. A. modern individualistic cultures B. non-traditional, Western cultures C. traditional, non-Western cultures D. historical developed nations Answer: C 17. Anthropologists have found that in virtually all traditional, non-Western cultures, the transition to adulthood is clearly and explicitly marked by _______________. A. leaving the parental household B. completing secondary education C. marriage D. the birth of first child Answer: C 18. In developed countries how many young people believe that marriage is an important marker of the transition into adulthood? A. very few B. some C. most D. nearly all Answer: A. very few Correct: In developed countries, very few young people view marriage as an important marker of the transition to adulthood. B. some Incorrect: In developed countries, very few young people view marriage as an important marker of the transition to adulthood. 19. Your brother met many new friends while he was in the Peace Corps. One of them, who is from a small village in Central Africa, is visiting and you are having a discussion regarding when adulthood begins. He argues that you are officially an adult when you get married. As an American, what is your opinion most likely to be? A. You agree, adulthood begins with marriage. B. You are not sure, but all of your friends believe that marriage marks the beginning of adulthood. C. You argue that people from his village get married too young. D. You disagree with him, but realize that your opinions reflect cultural differences. Answer: D. You disagree with him, but realize that your opinions reflect cultural differences. Correct: In developed countries, very few young people view marriage as an important marker of the transition to adulthood. B. You are not sure, but all of your friends believe that marriage marks the beginning of adulthood. Incorrect: In developed countries, very few young people view marriage as an important marker of the transition to adulthood. 20. In industrialized societies, where does marriage rank in surveys of possible criteria for adult status? A. near the bottom B. toward the middle C. near the top D. at the very top Answer: A. near the bottom Correct: In developed countries, marriage ranks near the bottom in surveys of possible criteria for adult status. B. toward the middle Incorrect: In developed countries, marriage ranks near the bottom in surveys of possible criteria for adult status. 21. What do traditional cultures value as the key transition to adulthood because they prize the collectivistic value of interdependence more highly than the individualistic value of independence? A. financially supporting siblings, parents, and grandparents B. remaining in the parental house C. marriage D. having a large family Answer: C. marriage Correct: Traditional cultures elevate marriage as the key transition to adulthood because they prize the collectivistic value of interdependence more highly than the individualistic value of independence, and marriage signifies that a person is taking on new interdependent relationships outside the family of origin. B. remaining in the parental house Incorrect: Traditional cultures elevate marriage as the key transition to adulthood because they prize the collectivistic value of interdependence more highly than the individualistic value of independence, and marriage signifies that a person is taking on new interdependent relationships outside the family of origin. 22. Which of the following personal characteristics is highly prized in collective cultures? A. interdependence B. independence C. self-promotion D. assertiveness Answer: A 23. Which of the following personal characteristics is highly prized in individualistic cultures? A. interdependence B. independence C. group cohesion D. conformity Answer: B 24. In traditional cultures the collectivistic value of _______________ is more highly prized than the individualistic value of _______________. A. self-promotion; assertiveness B. assertiveness; self-promotion C. independence; interdependence D. interdependence; independence Answer: D 25. Davis and Davis (2007) asked young Moroccans how they knew they were grown up. What did they emphasize? A. completion of formal education B. chronological age or physical development C. the religious ceremony that marked adulthood D. marriage Answer: B 26. For most people how much physical decline occurs through the thirties? A. little B. some C. none D. quite a lot Answer: A. little Correct: For ordinary people who are not athletes, little decline in physical functioning takes place through the thirties in most respects. B. some Incorrect: For ordinary people who are not athletes, little decline in physical functioning takes place through the thirties in most respects. 27. What is the most obvious indicator that aging begins in young adulthood? A. thinning skin B. graying hair C. decrease in bone density D. cataracts Answer: B 28. Your 32-year-old sister noticed a couple of gray hairs and is now worried that she is aging prematurely What do you tell her? A. She is aging prematurely! Hardly anyone in young adulthood has any gray hair B. The beginning of gray hair occurs for many individuals during young adulthood so she should not be worried. C. Developmentalist do not consider gray hair as a sign of aging. D. She probably did not actually see any gray hair. It would be rare to find a gray hair in young adulthood. Answer: B. The beginning of gray hair occurs for many individuals during young adulthood so she should not be worried. Correct: Perhaps the most obvious indicator that aging begins in young adulthood is graying hair, as for most people their first gray hairs appear in their thirties. A. She is aging prematurely! Hardly anyone in young adulthood has any gray hair Incorrect: Perhaps the most obvious indicator that aging begins in young adulthood is graying hair, as for most people their first gray hairs appear in their thirties. 29. At what age do people generally find their first gray hair? A. 20s B. 30s C. 40s D. 50s Answer: B 30. For most individuals signs of aging, such as having gray hair, appear in their _______________. A. 20s B. 30s C. 40s D. 50s Answer: B 31. About _______________ of men of European descent experience substantial hair loss by age 40. A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 2/3 D. 3/4 Answer: B 32. Frank is of European descent and about 10 years ago he noticed his first gray hair. At first he wasn’t bothered; however, now his gray hairs are getting more numerous and his hairline has begun to recede. Based upon the information provided what is Frank’s estimated age? A. Frank is in his 20s. B. Frank is in his 30s. C. Frank is in his 40s. D. Frank is in his 50s. Answer: C. Frank is in his 40s. Correct: Those of European descent can expect gray hairs in their 30s and a receding hairline in their 40s. D. Frank is in his 50s. Incorrect: Young adulthood is the life stage when gray hairs first appear. It is also the life stage when the hair begins to thin and the hairline begins to recede for many men, especially men with a European heritage. Since it was 10 years ago when Frank discovered his first gray hair, it is safe to assume that Frank is now in his forties. 33. It is estimated that _______________ of adult women in the West and in Asia color their hair, in part to conceal gray hairs and maintain a youthful appearance. A. 1/8 to 1/4 B. 1/3 to 1/2 C. 2/3 to 3/4 D. nearly all Answer: B 34. What do about 30 to 50% of Western and Asian women do to their hair during young adulthood? A. cut it very short for convenience B. color or dye it C. replace it with wigs and hair pieces D. nothing Answer: B 35. Which of the following is why the skin becomes looser and why muscle mass decreases during young adulthood and beyond? A. there is an increase in white blood cells B. there is an increase in the production of vitamin D C. there is a substantial decrease in iron D. there is a decrease in growth hormones Answer: D. there is a decrease in growth hormones Correct: Levels of human growth hormone gradually decline in young adulthood and beyond, causing the skin to become looser and the amount of muscle mass to decrease. A. there is an increase in white blood cells Incorrect: Levels of human growth hormone gradually decline in young adulthood and beyond, causing the skin to become looser and the amount of muscle mass to decrease. 36. People who have what color skin generally experience skin aging sooner? A. black B. brown C. yellow D. white Answer: D 37. Your 35-year-old roommate has very white skin and likes to have a tan for the summer. She is also very concerned about looking as young as possible. What would be the best advice that you could give her regarding her skin? A. Keep on tanning, it makes her look beautiful. B. Make sure to only use SPF 10 sunscreen so that she can get the darkest tan. C. Exposing her skin to direct sunlight will prematurely age her skin. D. Not to worry, people who are white have skin that ages the slowest. Answer: C. Exposing her skin to direct sunlight will prematurely age her skin. Correct: People with white skin tend to exhibit skin aging earlier than people with yellow, brown, red, or black skin, especially if their skin has often been exposed to direct sunlight in their younger years. D. Not to worry, people who are white have skin that ages the slowest. Incorrect: People with white skin tend to exhibit skin aging earlier than people with yellow, brown, red, or black skin, especially if their skin has often been exposed to direct sunlight in their younger years. 38. During young adulthood what age-related change occurs to the heart muscle? A. It becomes more rigid. B. nothing C. It becomes stronger, which aids in endurance training. D. It becomes more elastic, aiding in oxygen delivery to muscles during intense exercise. Answer: A 39. During young adulthood the heart muscle starts to become _______________, but this is not noticeable except during times of _______________. A. more pliable; deep relaxation B. more rigid; intense physical activity C. more pliable; intense physical activity D. more rigid; deep relaxation Answer: B 40. In terms of the respiratory system, vital capacity is the maximum _______________. A. speed with which a person can exhale one breath of air B. amount of air that can be contained in the lungs C. number of inhalations per minute during intense exercise D. amount of carbon dioxide that can be exhaled during intense exercise Answer: B 41. During young adulthood rigidity gradually develops in the tendons and muscles of the lungs, chest, and ribs, which leads to a decrease in vital capacity, defined as _______________. A. the maximum amount of air that can be contained in the lungs B. the minimum amount of air needed to sustain life C. the maximum amount carbon dioxide needed to avoid death D. the minimum amount of pressure the diaphragm needs to exert to expand the lungs Answer: A 42. At what age does vital capacity begin to decrease? A. 25 B. 30 C. 35 D. 40 Answer: A 43. Your 27-year-old brother and you decide to get in shape and start running. After the first run of 3 miles, your brother is winded and tired. He is surprised because he was a cross-country runner in high school. What would you tell him? A. He is experiencing a normal decline in vital capacity. B. He really needs to go to the doctor, that there must be something wrong with him C. He is simply too old to run any longer. D. After years of a sedentary lifestyle, he is probably at risk of a heart attack. Answer: A. He is experiencing a normal decline in vital capacity. Correct: Vital capacity (the maximum amount of air that can be contained in the lungs) generally begins to decrease at age 25, which is what he is experiencing. B. He really needs to go to the doctor, that there must be something wrong with him Incorrect: Vital capacity (the maximum amount of air that can be contained in the lungs) generally begins to decrease at age 25, which is what he is experiencing. 44. The _______________ is a gland in the upper part of the chest that is responsible for the production of disease-fighting T cells. A. thymus B. hippocampus C. thyroid D. hypothalamus Answer: A 45. During young adulthood, the thymus gradually reduces its production of _______________. A. T cells B. B cells C. Y cells D. H cells Answer: A 46. During young adulthood the immune system experiences a decrease in effectiveness because _______________ A. the production of T cells and B cells declines B. the production of white blood cells and red blood cells increase C. the production of melatonin and vitamin D decreases D. the speed of the central nervous system and the frontal lobe decreases Answer: A. the production of T cells and B cells declines Correct: During young adulthood, the immune system declines because the thymus, a gland in the upper part of the chest, gradually reduces its production of disease-fighting T cells, and production of B cells that produce antibodies to destroy bacteria and viruses also declines. B. the production of white blood cells and red blood cells increase Incorrect: During young adulthood, the immune system declines because the thymus, a gland in the upper part of the chest, gradually reduces its production of disease-fighting T cells, and production of B cells that produce antibodies to destroy bacteria and viruses also declines. 47. BMI is calculated by examining a person’s: A. heart rate after 1 minute of intense exercise B. skin fold thickness C. ratio of height to weight D. maximum carbon dioxide replacement Answer: C 48. A person’s body mass index (BMI) is his or her _______________. A. ratio of height to weight B. percentage of body fat C. weight as compared to age D. the type of body style a person possesses Answer: A 49. Becky is an adult with a BMI of 27. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Becky would be classified as _______________. A. underweight B. average in weight C. overweight D. obese Answer: C. overweight Correct: An adult with a BMI of over 25 is classified as overweight. D. obese Incorrect: An adult with a BMI of over 25 is classified as overweight. 50. George is a young adult with a BMI of 32. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, George would be classified as _______________. A. underweight B. average in weight C. overweight D. obese Answer: D. obese Correct: An adult with a BMI over 30 is obese. C. overweight Incorrect: An adult with a BMI over 30 is obese. 51. For adults, having a BMI of more than what defines being obese? A. 10 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 Answer: D 52. Your father has been steadily getting heavier. You would like for him to begin exercising to help reduce his weight. He thinks that he is doing really well in terms of his weight for his age. After visiting the doctor, he still thinks that he is doing well even though he has a BMI of 34. What would you tell him? His BMI _______________. A. indicates that he is doing very well for his age B. indicates that he is obese and definitely needs to lose weight C. indicates that he is very strong and muscular D. is actually lower than most people his age Answer: B. indicates that he is obese and definitely needs to lose weight Correct: An adult with a BMI of over 30 is obese. A. indicates that he is doing very well for his age Incorrect: An adult with a BMI of over 30 is obese. 53. For adults, a person with a BMI of over ______________ is classified as overweight, and a person with a BMI over _______________ is obese. A. 15; 20 B. 20; 25 C. 25; 30 D. 30; 35 Answer: C 54. _______________ is the amount of energy the body uses when at rest. A. Basal metabolic rate B. Body mass index C. Set-point metabolism D. Glucose consumption index Answer: A 55. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy the body uses when _______________. A. at rest B. working at peak performance C. it repairs itself D. fighting an infection Answer: A 56. What happens to the basal metabolic rate (BMR) between ages 25 and 50 years? A. it increases B. it declines C. it remains consistently the same D. it increases until age 40 and then decreases Answer: B 57. Your 42-year-old uncle has been very health-conscious for many years. He runs and exercises with weights and thinks that he can eat like he always has. What would you tell him with regard to BMR? A. BMR declines as a function of exercise. B. BMR does not play a role in weight gain. C. BMR naturally increases so he is correct. What he eats will be burned quickly. D. BMR naturally decreases beginning at age 25 and he will likely be gaining weight if he does not reduce his intake of calories. Answer: D. BMR naturally decreases beginning at age 25 and he will likely be gaining weight if he does not reduce his intake of calories. Correct: From age 25 to 50 the average person’s BMR declines as a natural part of the aging process. This change makes it easier to accumulate weight, because the body no longer burns as many calories when resting. C. BMR naturally increases so he is correct. What he eats will be burned quickly. Incorrect: From age 25 to 50 the average person’s BMR declines as a natural part of the aging process. This change makes it easier to accumulate weight, because the body no longer burns as many calories when resting. 58. Your friend, who is 29 years old, has steadily gained weight since graduating from high school. What would be the best advice you could give her with regard to losing weight? A. Due to increased BMR, she will need to do very little to lose weight. She just needs to stop overeating. B. Due to increased BMR, she will need to begin exercising and/or eating more. C. Due to decreased BMR, she will need to eat less. D. Due to decreased BMR, she will need to begin exercising and/or eating less. Answer: D. Due to decreased BMR, she will need to begin exercising and/or eating less. Correct: From age 25 to 50 the average person’s BMR declines as a natural part of the aging process. This change makes it easier to accumulate weight, because the body no longer burns as many calories when resting. Therefore, to maintain the same weight from the late twenties through the thirties, a young adult would have to eat less and/or exercise more with each year. B. Due to increased BMR, she will need to begin exercising and/or eating more. Incorrect: From age 25 to 50 the average person’s BMR declines as a natural part of the aging process. This change makes it easier to accumulate weight, because the body no longer burns as many calories when resting. Therefore, to maintain the same weight from the late twenties through the thirties, a young adult would have to eat less and/or exercise more with each year. 59. The National Study of Adolescent Health followed teens until they were young adults. Over that time period obesity rates increased from 13% among adolescents to what rate in young adults? A. 20% B. 28% C. 36% D. 44% Answer: C 60. In a national longitudinal study on weight and obesity, it was found that _______________ had the largest increase of obesity from the time period of adolescence into young adulthood. A. Latino American men B. Asian American women C. White American men D. African American women Answer: D 61. Who has the highest rate of obesity in young adulthood? A. Native American men B. African American women C. Caucasian American men D. Asian American men Answer: B 62. Which of the following is more likely to be similar in weight? A. monozygotic twins reared in different environments B. dizygotic twins reared in the same environment C. siblings reared in different environments D. cousins reared in the same environment Answer: A. monozygotic twins reared in different environments Correct: Studies have shown that weights are more similar in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins, even when the twins grow up in different families, due to genetics being a biological contributor to weight. B. dizygotic twins reared in the same environment Incorrect: Studies have shown that weights are more similar in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins, even when the twins grow up in different families, due to genetics being a biological contributor to weight. 63. What is released by fat cells to signal that the body has had enough to eat and influences BMR? A. insulin B. thyroid stimulating hormone C. dopamine D. leptin Answer: D 64. _______________ is released by fat cells to signal that the body has had enough to eat, and it also influences basal metabolic rate (BMR). A. Acetylcholine B. Serotonin C. Melatonin D. Leptin Answer: D 65. What countries have the highest obesity rates? A. wealthy countries B. poor countries C. countries in the northern hemisphere D. landed-locked countries Answer: A. wealthy countries Correct: The countries with the highest obesity rates are the wealthiest countries because unhealthy foods are cheap and people in the lowest socioeconomic classes tend to eat unhealthy foods. B. poor countries Incorrect: The countries with the highest obesity rates are the wealthiest countries because unhealthy foods are cheap and people in the lowest socioeconomic classes tend to eat unhealthy foods. 66. What is a major contributor to the increasing obesity rates in developing countries? A. the adoption of Western foods B. eating foods low in sugar and fat C. the desire to look more “American” by gaining weight D. the sedentary lifestyles that most people in developing countries have Answer: A. the adoption of Western foods Correct: A contributor to obesity in developing countries is the adoption of Western foods containing unhealthy levels of fats and sugars. B. eating foods low in sugar and fat Incorrect: A contributor to obesity in developing countries is the adoption of Western foods containing unhealthy levels of fats and sugars. 67. Brianna is a 30-year-old woman who lives in a very low SES neighborhood and raises her two children alone. Within a mile of her apartment, there are several fast food restaurants and some convenience stores. Like many of her neighbors, Brianna is obese and her children are overweight. What makes Brianna and her children typical among low-SES families? A. Her neighborhood is not characteristic of lower SES families, as this portion of the population is most likely to embrace the values of a healthy lifestyle. B. She is actually atypical. Lower SES individuals have the lowest rates of obesity. C. Many lower SES families grow their own vegetables, and the surplus of food means that they frequently overeat. D. Unhealthy foods are the most convenient and least inexpensive to purchase Answer: D. Unhealthy foods are the most convenient and least inexpensive to purchase Correct: In developed countries, unhealthy foods are the cheapest and easiest to purchase, and people at lower SES levels are the least likely to embrace the values of a healthy lifestyle, Also, fast foods are a frequent option for single working parents who have less time to prepare nightly meals. B. She is actually atypical. Lower SES individuals have the lowest rates of obesity. Incorrect: Lower SES individuals are not able to afford the highly nutritious foods that do not contain high levels of sugar and fats that increase caloric intake. 68. Jameson has just graduated from college and is starting to look for work. He’s just as concerned about gaining weight as he is about being able to find a job. What makes these concerns related? A. He will probably have to accept a job that will include high levels of manual labor. B. He is likely to find a job that involves sedentary work. C. The only jobs available will be in the fast-food industry and he will get free meals. D. He will be exercising so much that he might overeat because he will be hungrier. Answer: B. He is likely to find a job that involves sedentary work. Correct: With a decrease in manufacturing jobs and an increase in jobs related to information and technology, more jobs involve sedentary work. A. He will probably have to accept a job that will include high levels of manual labor. Incorrect: With a decrease in manufacturing jobs and an increase in jobs related to information and technology, more jobs involve sedentary work. 69. What is related to high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, and digestive problems? A. depression B. poor socioeconomic status C. obesity D. low self-esteem Answer: C 70. Which the following are commonly known problems associated with obesity in young adulthood? A. high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, and digestive problems B. eczema, allergies, influenza, and psoriasis C. hypersomnia, low blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, and jaundice D. near sightedness, tachycardia, hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias Answer: A 71. Your 29-year-old aunt is obese. She has not been out on a date in a very long time and she is very depressed. What advice should you give her? A. Being obese has nothing to do with depression. B. She should try an online dating service. C. She should join a women’s-only group. D. Obesity is related to depression in young adult women. She would probably feel better if she lost weight. Answer: D. Obesity is related to depression in young adult women. She would probably feel better if she lost weight. Correct: People who are obese have more difficulty than others in finding a romantic partner in young adulthood, and young adult women who are obese are more likely than other women to be depressed. A. Being obese has nothing to do with depression. Incorrect: People who are obese have more difficulty than others in finding a romantic partner in young adulthood, and young adult women who are obese are more likely than other women to be depressed. 72. What happens to most people who embrace a strategy to lose weight? A. They end up gaining that weight back and generally gain more weight. B. They are likely to keep that excess weight off permanently. C. They are not likely to ever lose any weight D. They might lose weight if they are paid to do so. Answer: A. They end up gaining that weight back and generally gain more weight. Correct: Most people who embrace a strategy to lose weight end up at their original weight or even heavier within two years. B. They are likely to keep that excess weight off permanently. Incorrect: Most people who embrace a strategy to lose weight end up at their original weight or even heavier within two years. 73. What happens to physical activity through the twenties and thirties across developed countries? A. Because of starting families, young adults are more physically active because they are likely playing with their children. B. Due to starting careers, physical activity increases tremendously. C. Physical activity continuously drops. D. Since most jobs require considerable physical activity, young adults engage in increasingly more physical activity. Answer: C. Physical activity continuously drops. Correct: Physical activity continues to decline after adolescence. B. Due to starting careers, physical activity increases tremendously. Incorrect: Physical activity continues to decline after adolescence. 74. Aerobic exercise is best described as exercise that _______________. A. feels good and has a calming effect that occurs within 30 seconds B. triggers a fight or flight response within one minute C. is conducted with a group of people to rhythmic music D. triggers a substantial elevation in heart rate for at least 30 minutes Answer: D 75. Activities such as running and swimming are known as _______________. A. anaerobic exercise B. aerobic exercise C. endurance exercise D. kinisi exercise Answer: B 76. Which of the following is an example of aerobic exercise? A. playing the piano for 10 minutes B. playing soccer for 45 minutes C. playing video games for 60 minutes D. lifting weights for 20 minutes Answer: B. playing soccer for 45 minutes Correct: Aerobic exercise elevates the heart rate, and is most beneficial when done for at least 30 minutes. It includes activities such as running, swimming, and aerobic dancing, as well as a wide range of sports such as soccer and basketball. D. lifting weights for 20 minutes Incorrect: Aerobic exercise elevates the heart rate, and is most beneficial when done for at least 30 minutes. It includes activities such as running, swimming, and aerobic dancing, as well as a wide range of sports such as soccer and basketball. 77. Other than reducing body fat, aerobic exercise has also been shown to _______________. A. increase metabolic rate B. increase hypotension C. decrease white blood cells D. decrease levels of serotonin Answer: A 78. What reduces the risk of a variety of illnesses and diseases in middle adulthood including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancers? A. taking vitamin supplements B. exercising C. laughing to reduce stress D. completing a degree in higher education and getting a high-paying job Answer: B 79. Regular exercise in young adulthood reduces the risk of a variety of illnesses and diseases in middle adulthood, including _______________. A. farsightedness, diabetes, and jaundice B. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer C. near sightedness, hemophilia, and dementia D. eczema, psoriasis, and various allergies Answer: B 80. What does the text define as a brain chemical that provides a pleasurable feeling and increase well-being? A. morpheme B. endorphins C. adrenaline D. gonadotropin Answer: B 81. Exercise generates brain chemicals called _______________ that provide a pleasurable feeling and increase well-being. A. endorphins B. epinephrine C. dopamine D. adrenaline Answer: A 82. Thomas has just finished the Boston Marathon and is feeling great. His blood pressure is high, his respirations are high, and he is extremely sweaty, but he feels elated to be alive. He’s experiencing a “runner’s high.” Which of the following is primarily responsible for this pleasurable feeling? A. endorphins B. melatonin C. dopamine D. testosterone Answer: A. endorphins Correct: Endorphins are brain chemicals that provide a pleasurable feeling and increase well-being after exercising. C. dopamine Incorrect: Endorphins are brain chemicals that provide a pleasurable feeling and increase well-being after exercising. 83. For those in the United States and Canada, health authorities recommend aerobic exercise for _______________. A. at least 40 minutes a day, 2 days a week B. a minimum of 1 hour a day, 7 days a week C. at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week D. a minimum of 40 minutes a day, 6 days a week Answer: C 84. Health authorities recommend aerobic exercise at a moderate-to-vigorous level for at least 20 minutes at least five days a week. About what percent of Americans and Canadians actually practice this advice? A. 20% B. 35% C. 50% D. 70% Answer: A 85. Which of the following individuals is likely to spend the least amount of time exercising? A. Jerome who is of high SES and male B. Tammy who is of low SES and female C. Mike who is of low SES and male D. Ramona who is of middle SES and female Answer: B. Tammy who is of low SES and female Correct: Females of low SES have the lowest rate of exercise. C. Mike who is of low SES and male Incorrect: Females of low SES have the lowest rate of exercise. 86. You are a single mother in young adulthood living in a developed country. How likely do you think that it is that you will be exercising on a regular basis? A. You are very likely to exercise on a regular basis. B. You do not even need to exercise, but find many ways to do so. C. You are generally too tired after working and taking care of your family to even think about exercising. D. Your BMR is so high that simply doing your daily routine is equivalent to intense exercise Answer: C. You are generally too tired after working and taking care of your family to even think about exercising. Correct: Given the situation, it is unlikely that a single mother will have much energy or time left to exercise after working all day and then having to bear all the household responsibilities (cooking dinner, bathing children, helping with homework, etc.) once she gets home. D. Your BMR is so high that simply doing your daily routine is equivalent to intense exercise Incorrect: Given the situation, it is unlikely that a single mother will have much energy or time left to exercise after working all day and then having to bear all the household responsibilities (cooking dinner, bathing children, helping with homework, etc.) once she gets home. Short Answer Questions 87. Describe two of the three markers of the transition to adulthood. Do you think these will change in future cohorts? Why? Answer: Accepting responsibility for self, being financially independent, and making independent decisions mark the transition to adulthood. 88. In non-Western traditional cultures, what marks the transition to adulthood? Explain. Answer: Marriage marks the transition to adulthood in traditional cultures; one reason that it is so significant may be the value of collectivism. 89. Are there changes in immune function during young adulthood? Explain. Answer: There is decreased production of T-cells and B-cells. T-cells are produced in the thymus gland and B-cells are produced in the bone marrow. These changes are subtle, but it may take longer to recover from illness or injury than it did at earlier ages. 90. Describe one obvious and one less obvious physical change of emerging adulthood. Answer: Graying of the hair is the most obvious change, but there are also changes in heart muscle (increased rigidity) that make it more difficult to do vigorous exercise than when the person was younger. Muscle mass also decreases. 91. Why is the BMI considered only an indirect measure of body fat? In other words, why is this not always considered a 100% accurate measure of overweight and obesity? Answer: It doesn’t take into account that athletes may have high BMI because they have a high proportion of muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. In addition, for people of different ethnic backgrounds, different cut-off scores may be necessary. This is because Asians tend to have a higher proportion of body fat than non-Asians. Essay Questions 92. Why are rates of obesity increasing among young adults in Western countries when this is still a relatively healthy part of the life-span? In addition, discuss two of the following variables that have been linked with obesity: gender, ethnicity, and SES. Answer: During young adulthood, basal metabolism rate declines. Females tend to exercise less than their male counterparts, perhaps because they are more burdened with multiple responsibilities of childcare, working, and housework, and their jobs may be more sedentary. Latino and African Americans have higher rates of obesity than European Americans. African American females have the highest rate of all. This could be due, in part, to different standards or acceptable weight among African American women as well as SES. Lower SES is correlated with obesity because high fat, sugary foods are cheaper and less access to health facilities. 93. Imagine that you ask your friend to come with you to the gym. What would you say if her response was “I don’t need to go to the gym. I’m not overweight, nobody in my family is, and I don’t have time.”? Answer: There are a number of health benefits of aerobic exercise: lower rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a number of cancers. It also decreases anxiety and depression. The time invested now will likely add years to one’s life. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. Most individuals feel like an adult by the time they reach their _______________. A. late 20s B. early 20s C. late teens D. early 30s Answer: A 2. _______________ is a personal characteristic that is highly prized in individualistic cultures. A. Independence B. Interdependence C. Group cohesion D. Conformity Answer: A 3. According to the text, at age _______________ vital capacity begins to decrease. A. 25 B. 30 C. 35 D. 40 Answer: A 4. Which of the following best describes body mass index (BMI)? A. ratio of height to weight B. percentage of body fat C. weight as compared to age D. the type of body style a person possesses Answer: A 5. In regards to body mass index and a person's size, which of the following is more likely to be similar in weight? A. monozygotic twins reared in different environments B. dizygotic twins reared in the same environment C. siblings reared in different environments D. cousins reared in the same environment Answer: A 6. Most people who attempt to lose weight _______________. A. end up gaining what they lost back, and generally gain more weight B. are likely to keep excess weight off permanently C. are not likely to ever lose any weight D. might lose weight if they are paid to do so Answer: A 7. For many individuals who live in developed nations, _______________ is the most important marker of the transition into adulthood. A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. getting married C. having children D. graduating from college Answer: A 9. Your 30-year-old roommate has a very pale complexion and likes to have a tan for the summer. What would be the best advice that you could give her regarding her skin? A. Exposing her skin to direct sunlight will prematurely age her skin. B. Make sure to only use SPF-10 so that she can get the darkest tan. C. Keep on tanning, it makes her look beautiful. D. Not to worry, people who are white have skin that ages the slowest. Answer: A 10. You and your older brother, who is 27 years old, decide to get in shape and start running. After the first run of 3 miles, your brother is winded and tired. He is surprised because he was a cross-country runner in high school and is not completely out of shape now. He still plays basketball every so often and will run to his car when it is raining. According to his physician, he is 10 pounds overweight and his cholesterol is a little higher than average. His doctor is not concerned, because the problems that he does have can be addressed by changing his diet and increasing exercise. What would you tell him in regards to feeling winded and tired after a 3-mile run? A. He is experiencing a normal decline in vital capacity. B. He really needs to go back to the doctor; there must be something wrong with him. C. He is simply too old to run any longer. D. After years of a sedentary lifestyle, he is probably at risk of a heart attack. Answer: A Post-Test 1. Beyond reducing body fat, aerobic exercise has also been shown to _______________. A. increase metabolic rate B. increase hypertension C. decrease white blood cells D. decrease levels of serotonin Answer: A 2. _______________ is/are (a) brain chemical(s) that provide(s) pleasurable feelings and increased well-being. A. endorphins B. adrenaline C. gonadotropin D. testosterone Answer: A 3. According to the text, young Argentines view _______________ as the most important criterion that signals adulthood. A. supporting a family financially B. being able to support their parents financially C. emotional self-control D. completing military service Answer: A 4. Vital capacity is the maximum _______________. A. amount of air that can be contained in the lungs B. speed with which a person can exhale one breath of air C. number of inhalations per minute of intense exercise D. amount of carbon dioxide that can be exhaled during intense exercise Answer: A 5. Which of the following is a major contributor to the increasing obesity rates in developing countries? A. the adoption of Western foods B. eating foods low in sugar and fat C. the desire to look more "American" by gaining weight D. the sedentary lifestyles that most people in developing countries have Answer: A 6. Based upon a meta-analysis, young people from their early teens to their late twenties indicated the most important marker of the transition to adulthood is _______________. A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. making independent decisions C. becoming financially independent D. possessing emotional stability Answer: A 7. Skin becomes looser and muscle mass decreases during young adulthood and beyond because _______________. A. there is a decrease in growth hormones B. there is a substantial decrease in iron C. there is an increase in the production of vitamin D D. there is an increase in white blood cells Answer: A 8. Alfred was late to school, was speeding, and was pulled over and given a ticket. Without too much fuss he paid the fine knowing full well he should not have been speeding. Which of the following characteristics of adulthood most closely resembles Alfred's attitude? A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. making independent decisions C. becoming financially independent D. possessing emotional stability Answer: A 9. There are many variables that correlate to physical health and exercise. Which of the following individuals is likely to spend the least amount of time exercising? A. Tammy who is of low SES and female B. Jerome who is of high SES and male C. Mike who is of low SES and male D. Ramona who is of middle SES and female Answer: A 10. Britney is 23 years old and has been working full-time for the past two years. She has her own apartment, a balanced checkbook, and a substantial savings account. This is not by chance because Britney's parents instilled the belief that wise financial decisions are important in life. Britney has investigated the pros and cons of home ownership and has decided that she really wants to own. She knows that she should not settle for a house that she is not in love with, and can wait until the right one comes up. She is not overly excited or anxious about buying a home, and does realize that it will be stressful but it's something she can manage. The way things are headed, Britney should be able to purchase her own house in a few years. Britney's calm and cool emotional state is an indicator of which criteria of adulthood? A. possessing emotional stability and maturity B. accepting responsibility for oneself C. making independent decisions D. becoming financially independent Answer: A Chapter Exam 1. Based upon the text, what happens to physical activity through the twenties and thirties across developed countries? A. It continuously drops. B. Because of starting families, young adults are more physically active because they are likely playing with their children. C. Due to starting careers, physical activity increases tremendously. D. Since most jobs require considerable physical activity, young adults engage in increasingly more physical activity. Answer: A 2. Based on research that asked young people from their early teens to their late twenties to rank markers of adulthood, which of the following is a correct order of the three major markers of adulthood? A. accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent B. making independent decisions, accepting responsibility for oneself, and becoming financially independent C. becoming financially independent, making independent decisions, and accepting responsibility for oneself D. accepting responsibility for oneself, becoming financially independent, and making independent decisions Answer: A 4. It is improper to use a person's weight as the sole indicator of physical well-being; it is more appropriate to look at an individual's body mass index (BMI). Which of the following is calculated to determine a person's BMI? A. ratio of height to weight B. maximum carbon dioxide replacement C. skin fold thickness D. heart rate after 1 minute of intense exercise Answer: A 5. Amity is an adult with a BMI of 27. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, she would be classified as _______________. A. overweight B. average in weight C. underweight D. obese Answer: A 6. Which of the following markers of adulthood is the most consistent with the beliefs and values of individuals who live in collective cultures? A. being able to support one's parents financially B. being financially independent and self-sufficient C. having graduated from high school and college D. living independently in one's house or apartment Answer: A 7. You and your classmate are discussing what you believe to be the most important aspect that defines adulthood. Your classmate is arguing that emotional self-control is the most important criterion for adulthood. He is likely from which of the following countries? A. India B. Korea C. Israel D. Argentina Answer: A 8. _______________ is/are the most obvious indicator(s) that aging begins in young adulthood. A. Graying hair B. Thinning skin C. Decrease in bone density D. Cataracts Answer: A 9. Vincent is of European descent and about 10 years ago he noticed his first gray hair. At first he wasn't bothered; however, now his gray hairs are getting more numerous and his hairline has begun to recede. Based upon the information provided what is Vincent's estimated age? A. 40s B. 30s C. 20s D. 50s Answer: B 10. Due to the natural aging process, during adulthood the heart muscle starts to become _______________, but this is not noticeable except during times of _______________. A. more rigid; intense physical activity B. more pliable; deep relaxation C. more pliable; intense physical activity D. more rigid; deep relaxation Answer: A 11. Your mother has been steadily getting heavier. You would like for her to begin exercising to help reduce her weight. She thinks that she is doing really well in terms of her weight for her age. After visiting the doctor, she still thinks that she is doing well even though she has a BMI of 34. What would you tell her? Her BMI _______________. A. indicates that she is obese and definitely needs to lose weight B. indicates that she is doing very well for her age C. indicates that she is very strong and muscular D. is actually lower than most people her age Answer: A 12. Between the ages of 25 and 50 an individual's basal metabolic rate _______________. A. increases B. declines C. remains consistently the same D. increases until age 40 and then declines Answer: A 13. Which of the following best describes how many young people in developed countries believe that marriage is an important marker of the transition into adulthood? A. very few B. some C. most D. nearly all Answer: A 14. You live in a very low SES neighborhood and notice that many of your neighbors are overweight or obese. What is a likely reason for this to be the case? A. Unhealthy foods are inexpensive to purchase and this affects many members of your neighborhood. B. Your neighborhood is not characteristic of lower SES families. C. Your observations are inaccurate. Lower SES individuals have the lowest rates of obesity. D. Your observations are inaccurate. There is no relationship between socioeconomic status and being overweight or obese. Answer: A 15. _______________ are commonly known problems associated with obesity in young adulthood. A. high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, and digestive problems B. eczema, allergies, influenza, and psoriasis C. hypersomnia, low blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, and jaundice D. nearsightedness, tachycardia, hypotension, and cardiac arrhythmias Answer: A Quick Review 1. If a culture were to promote individualism, it would emphasize _______________. A. learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person B. altruistic behaviors and prosocial engagement C. family unity and societal cohesiveness D. cooperative learning and group cohesion Answer: A 3. During early adulthood which of the following is an age-related change that occurs to the heart muscle? A. It becomes more rigid. B. Nothing changes to the heart muscle during this time. C. It becomes stronger, which aids in endurance training. D. It becomes more elastic, aiding in oxygen delivery to muscles during intense exercise. Answer: A 4. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy the body uses when _______________. A. at rest B. working at peak performance C. it repairs itself D. fighting an infection Answer: A 5. According to the text, which of the following best relates to high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, and digestive problems? A. obesity B. cancer C. psoriasis D. endometriosis Answer: A 6. As described by the author, young people from their early teens to their late 20s who live in developed nations agreed that the most important markers of the transition to adulthood are _______________. A. accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent B. possessing cognitive with-it-ness, accepting responsibility for oneself, and living independently C. becoming emotionally stable, possessing behavioral control, and having cognitive maturity D. making independent decisions, living independently, and being emotionally stable Answer: A 7. Most individuals will experience _______________ physical decline through the early 30s. A. little B. some C. quite a bit D. quite a lot Answer: A 8. The immune system experiences a little decrease in effectiveness during young adulthood because _______________. A. the production of T cells and B cells declines B. the production of white blood cells and red blood cells increases C. the production of melatonin and vitamin D decreases D. the speed of the central nervous system and the frontal lobe decreases Answer: A 9. Which of the following have the highest rate of obesity? A. wealthy countries B. poor countries C. countries in the northern hemisphere D. landlocked countries Answer: A 10. _______________ is an example of aerobic exercise. A. playing soccer for 45 minutes B. playing piano for 10 minutes C. flying a remote control helicopter for 60 minutes D. driving a car for 3 hours Answer: A Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. Can you identify with any of the topics that Gary discussed in this interview? If so, which topics, and why? Answer: As an AI, I don't have personal experiences, but I can understand common themes discussed by individuals. Gary's discussion on coping with grief and finding meaning in loss resonates with many who have faced similar challenges, highlighting universal themes of resilience and personal growth. 2. Do you feel that Gary’s thoughts are typical of many college students when he states that it is a “big wakeup call” regarding what he is doing now impacting his future? Answer: Yes, Gary's thoughts are typical of many college students. College often brings the realization that academic performance, choices, and actions significantly influence future career opportunities and life paths. This awareness can be a profound and motivating experience for students. It highlights the transition from adolescence to adulthood and the importance of responsibility. 3. Gary states that he meditates and prays to reduce stress. In what ways do you reduce stress in your life? Answer: I reduce stress through regular exercise, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and practicing mindfulness and deep-breathing techniques. Additionally, engaging in hobbies like reading and listening to music helps me unwind and recharge. Connecting with friends and family also provides emotional support and relaxation. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Gary talks about taking care of his family no matter what, while respecting and honoring their opinions. In this way he is acting in on his collectivist background, which he identifies when explaining that he is focusing on _______________. A. “doing what’s good for the whole” B. “doing something I love” C. “enjoying what you can because you only live once” D. “building up for that American dream” Answer: A 2. Gary talks about the need to bridge “familial expectations,” an issue that he says he shares, quite typically, with his _______________ classmates. A. bilingual B. Buddhist C. male D. bicultural Answer: D 3. Despite family expectations for his financial help, Gary quitting his job and returning to academia. He wants to enjoy his twenties, but he worries about “all this time wasted at school.” He knows he is taking a chance, but he hopes to be a pioneer as “one of the few Vietnamese getting a doctorate.” He refers to all of these thoughts as “looking _______________ at what I’m doing.” A. psychoanalytically B. realistically C. behaviorally D. holistically Answer: D Section 2 Cognitive Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between intelligence and academic success? A. intelligence tests are in no way correlated with school success B. intelligence tests administered at any time are weak predictors of school success C. intelligence tests administered during infancy and childhood are strongly correlated with academic success D. intelligence tests administered during childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success Answer: D. intelligence tests administered during childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success Correct: Intelligence tests administered in childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success, and they are often used in school settings to identify children and adolescents who have learning disabilities. C. intelligence tests administered during infancy and childhood are strongly correlated with academic success Incorrect: Intelligence tests administered in childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success, and they are often used in school settings to identify children and adolescents who have learning disabilities. 2. IQ tests are often used to help identify _______________. A. children who might have learning disabilities B. a child’s temperament C. an adolescent’s attachment style D. the amount of cognitive load exerted during school hours Answer: A. children who might have learning disabilities Correct: Intelligence tests are often used in school settings to identify children and adolescents who have learning disabilities. B. a child’s temperament Incorrect: Intelligence tests are often used in school settings to identify children and adolescents who have learning disabilities. 3. A meta-analysis (Strenze, 2007) of longitudinal studies examining adult intelligence found that IQ was a powerful predictor of _______________. A. income and occupational status B. happiness and well-being C. length of marriage if the partners were close in IQ D. cardiovascular fitness Answer: A. income and occupational status Correct: Strenze found that adults who score in the lowest 25% of the distribution on IQ tests are likely to have trouble performing most kinds of adult work successfully, especially work that involves the use of information and technology. Adults who score in the highest 25% of the IQ distribution often do well in their careers, in terms of income, advancement, and awards. B. happiness and well-being Incorrect: Strenze found that adults who score in the lowest 25% of the distribution on IQ tests are likely to have trouble performing most kinds of adult work successfully, especially work that involves the use of information and technology. Adults who score in the highest 25% of the IQ distribution often do well in their careers, in terms of income, advancement, and awards. 4. IQ tests are powerful predictors of _______________. A. a person’s temperament and their predisposition to respond to their environment B. an individual’s personality type C. an individual’s rating on his or her sociometric scale D. income and occupational status in adulthood Answer: D. income and occupational status in adulthood Correct: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on intelligence found that scores on IQ tests in childhood were a powerful predictor of income and occupational status in adulthood. A. a person’s temperament and their predisposition to respond to their environment Incorrect: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on intelligence found that scores on IQ tests in childhood were a powerful predictor of income and occupational status in adulthood. 5. Adults who score in the highest 25% of the IQ distribution _______________. A. often do well in their careers in terms of income, achievement, and awards B. often are diagnosed with mental retardation and need assistance with life skills C. are average and generally go unnoticed D. are often diagnosed as gifted and have deficiencies in social skills Answer: A. often do well in their careers in terms of income, achievement, and awards Correct: Individuals who score at the 75th percentile generally have an IQ of 110 or higher; there is a positive correlation between IQ and occupational success. D. are often diagnosed as gifted and have deficiencies in social skills Incorrect: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on intelligence found that adults who score in the highest 25% of the IQ distribution often do well in their careers, in terms of income, advancement, and awards. 6. Your best friend who has a very high IQ just began a new job that seems to be a perfect fit for her. However, she has been stressed about how she will perform. What could you tell her? A. She should be nervous, high IQ employees generally have very high turnover. B. She has good reason to be worried. People in the highest 10% of IQ are usually made fun of by other employees for being “nerds.” C. She is likely to succeed. Research has found that people in the highest 25% in IQ will do well in their careers. D. There is no relationship between IQ and career success. She will just need to work very hard. Answer: C. She is likely to succeed. Research has found that people in the highest 25% in IQ will do well in their careers. Correct: People in the highest 25% of IQ do well in their careers in terms of income, advancement and awards. B. She has good reason to be worried. People in the highest 10% of IQ are usually made fun of by other employees for being “nerds.” Incorrect: A meta-analysis by Strenze showed that adults who score in the highest 25% of the IQ distribution often do well in their careers, in terms of income, advancement, and awards. 7. What have the results of longitudinal studies examining children with high IQ scores discovered? IQ is strongly and positively related to _______________. A. adult success B. marriage failure C. children with behavior problems D. having few adult friends, just like during childhood Answer: A. adult success Correct: Longitudinal studies of children with high IQs show that IQ is a strong predictor of adult success. B. marriage failure Incorrect: Longitudinal studies of children with high IQs show that IQ is a strong predictor of adult success. 8. Longitudinal studies of children with high IQs show that IQ is a _______________. A. weak predictor of academic success B. strong predictor of adult success C. strong predictor of temperament D. weak predictor of career and financial success Answer: B. strong predictor of adult success Correct: Longitudinal studies of children with high IQs show that IQ is a strong predictor of adult success. C. strong predictor of temperament Incorrect: Longitudinal studies of children with high IQs show that IQ is a strong predictor of adult success. 9. Louis Terman was _______________. A. the developer of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) B. the father of psychoanalysis and the developer of psychoanalytic therapy C. one of the original developers of the Stanford Binet test D. the co-author of the book The Origin of Species Answer: C 10. Louis Terman, one of the original developers of the Stanford Binet test, began a study in the 1920s of 1,500 children with exceptionally high IQ scores, _______________ or higher. A. 120 B. 130 C. 140 D. 150 Answer: C 11. What were the children with exceptionally high IQs (140 or higher) called who participated in Louis Termin’s study that followed them into adulthood? A. Lifers B. Geniuses C. Geeks D. Termites Answer: D 12. What was one of the results that was found in the Termin longitudinal study that examined children who had exceptionally high IQ scores (IQs of 140 or higher)? The high IQ children _______________. A. had very difficult childhoods in that other children constantly made fun of them B. had dozens of patents, hundreds of books written, and many other achievements C. were more likely to be severely depressed D. likely to be in childless marriages Answer: B. had dozens of patents, hundreds of books written, and many other achievements Correct: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” had a great deal of educational and occupational success, with dozens of patents, hundreds of books, and many other achievements to their credit. A. had very difficult childhoods in that other children constantly made fun of them Incorrect: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” had a great deal of educational and occupational success, with dozens of patents, hundreds of books, and many other achievements to their credit. 13. Louis Terman, one of the original developers of the Stanford Binet test, began a study in the 1920s of 1,500 children with exceptionally high IQ scores and as compared to the control group, his subjects _______________. A. had a great deal of personal distress and were often depressed, anxious, and manifested high hostility towards others B. had a great deal of educational and occupational success, with dozens of patents and hundreds of books C. had a higher rate of alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders D. were similar in few ways, illustrating that IQ has very little predictive value Answer: B. had a great deal of educational and occupational success, with dozens of patents and hundreds of books Correct: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” had a great deal of educational and occupational success, with dozens of patents, hundreds of books, and many other achievements to their credit. D. were similar in few ways, illustrating that IQ has very little predictive value Incorrect: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” had a great deal of educational and occupational success, with dozens of patents, hundreds of books, and many other achievements to their credit. 14. What was one of the results that was found in the Termin longitudinal study that examined children who had exceptionally high IQ scores (IQs of 140 or higher)? The high IQ children _______________. A. were less likely to have a strong circle of friends B. were more likely to have mental disorders C. were less likely to have personal problems D. were more likely to be alcoholics Answer: C. were less likely to have personal problems Correct: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” were less likely than the persons in the comparison group to have personal problems in adulthood, including alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders. B. were more likely to have mental disorders Incorrect: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” were less likely than the persons in the comparison group to have personal problems in adulthood, including alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders. 15. Louis Terman, one of the original developers of the Stanford Binet test, began a study in the 1920s of 1,500 children with exceptionally high IQ scores and as compared to the control group, his subjects were _______________. A. less likely to have personal problems such as alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders B. more likely to have personal problems such as anxiety, depression, and alcoholism C. more likely to experience career failure and financial ruin D. less likely to experience educational and occupational success Answer: A. less likely to have personal problems such as alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders Correct: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” were less likely than the persons in the comparison group to have personal problems in adulthood, including alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders. B. more likely to have personal problems such as anxiety, depression, and alcoholism Incorrect: Terman’s study found that, as a group, the “Termites” were less likely than the persons in the comparison group to have personal problems in adulthood, including alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders. 16. It is difficult to say that IQ tests predict career success in a definitive way because _______________. A. most real world problems are often complicated and do not have the kind of simple, definite solutions IQ tests reward B. IQ exams lack the ability to measure a person’s working memory and intellectual quotient accurately C. most IQ questions are too complex and cannot be applied to everyday situations D. most IQ tests are given in a group format and this does not lend itself to measuring a person’s ability to manage his or her social environment Answer: A. most real world problems are often complicated and do not have the kind of simple, definite solutions IQ tests reward Correct: The kinds of problems encountered by adults in their work—or their personal relationships—rarely have the kind of simple, definite solutions IQ tests reward. The problems adults confront are often complicated, and require the ability to make decisions despite having insufficient or ambiguous information. C. most IQ questions are too complex and cannot be applied to everyday situations Incorrect: The kinds of problems encountered by adults in their work—or their personal relationships—rarely have the kind of simple, definite solutions IQ tests reward. The problems adults confront are often complicated, and require the ability to make decisions despite having insufficient or ambiguous information. 17. Although the body of research on IQ showing a relation between IQ and adult career success is large, nearly all of it is concentrated _______________. A. in developed countries B. in non-Western countries C. solely in the United States D. exclusively outside of the United States Answer: A 18. What IQ scholar has asserted that people in non-Western cultures may have quite different ideas about what constitutes intelligence than people in Western cultures? A. Alfred Binet B. Louis Termin C. Robert Sternberg D. Jean Piaget Answer: C 19. In what culture is there a common theme that intelligence includes humility, self-knowledge, and freedom from conventional standards of judgment? A. Chinese B. Kenyan C. American D. Icelandic Answer: A 20. Among Chinese adults, one is considered highly intelligent if he or she possesses _______________. A. high levels of humility, self-knowledge, and freedom from conventional standards of judgment B. high school and college degrees, and a high-paying corporate job C. high analytical intelligence, low practical intelligence, and a moderate level of creative intelligence D. low analytical intelligence, but measures high on interpersonal and body-kinesthetic intelligences Answer: A 21. In what cultures is there a common theme that intelligence includes skills that help promote group harmony and social responsibility? A. Asian B. African C. American D. European Answer: B 22. Peter is from an African country that emphasizes cooperativeness and obedience as qualities of intelligence. According to the text, Peter is most likely from _______________. A. Zimbabwe B. Zambia C. Kenya D. Oman Answer: B. Zambia Correct: Adults in Zambia emphasize cooperativeness and obedience as qualities of intelligence. C. Kenya Incorrect: Adults in Zambia emphasize cooperativeness and obedience as qualities of intelligence. 23. Which of the following countries is more likely to view participation in family and social life as important aspects of intelligence? A. the United States B. Denmark C. Russia D. Kenya Answer: D 24. In Zimbabwe, the word for intelligence, ngware, actually means _______________. A. a person who is outspoken and self-confident B. to be adventurous and high in sensation seeking activities C. a person who possesses many belongings D. to be prudent and cautious, especially in social relations Answer: D 25. In both _______________ and _______________ cultures, a common theme among conceptions of intelligence is that it includes social elements as well as cognitive elements such as knowledge. A. Asian; African B. North American; South American C. Middle Eastern; European D. European; North American Answer: A 26. For Piaget, the culmination of cognitive maturation is the attainment of formal operations around age _______________. A. 11 B. 18 C. 20 D. 25 Answer: C 27. Which of the following are two aspects of cognitive development that occur during young adulthood? A. the acquisition of expertise and creativity B. decentration and the conception of false beliefs C. egocentrism and an imaginary audience D. reversibility and personal fables Answer: A 28. Expertise is defined as _______________. A. losing knowledge or skills in only one specific field B. developing knowledge and skills in all specific fields C. lacking knowledge or skills in any specific field D. extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field Answer: D 29. What is the term used to define “extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field?” A. business savvy B. experience C. field knowledge D. expertise Answer: D 30. An individual who maintains a(n) _______________ status is one who possesses an extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field. A. freshman B. expert C. greenhorn D. rookie Answer: B 31. According to scholars of expertise, how long does it take in most fields to attain expertise? A. 5 years B. 10 years C. 15 years D. 20 years Answer: B 32. It takes about _______________ years for an individual to develop expertise in most fields. A. 2 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15 Answer: C 33. Adam is a landscape architect and has a thriving business. By many, he is considered the best, an expert in the field. Leaving high school at the age of 18, he enrolled at Cornell University, and earned his bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture at the age of 22. Knowing how long it takes to develop an expertise in any given field, what is the minimum age Adam is likely to be? A. 28 years old B. 32 years old C. 36 years old D. 44 years old Answer: B. 32 years old Correct: According to scholars, it takes about 10 years of study or practice in most fields to attain expertise. Since Adam was 22 when he graduated with his degree in landscape architect, the minimum age he could be is 32 years old. A. 28 years old Incorrect: According to scholars, it takes about 10 years of study or practice in most fields to attain expertise. Since Adam was 22 when he graduated with his degree in landscape architect, the minimum age he could be is 32 years old. 34. Frankie trained as a mechanic while she was in high school. As part of her schedule she spent the morning completing her academic coursework and then spent the afternoon at a vocational training center learning from a master mechanic. Upon high school graduation she was hired by an auto repair shop. After years of working, Frankie is considered one of the best and an expert in auto repair. Based upon how long it takes to develop expertise in any particular field, in this scenario what is Frankie’s likely minimum age? A. 22 B. 25 C. 28 D. 32 Answer: C. 28 Correct: According to scholars, it takes about 10 years of study or practice in most fields to attain expertise. Since Frankie most likely graduated high school at age 18, her minimum age to be considered an expert would have to be 28. A. 22 Incorrect: According to scholars, it takes about 10 years of study or practice in most fields to attain expertise. Since Frankie most likely graduated high school at age 18, her minimum age to be considered an expert would have to be 28. 35. As compared to novices, experts tend to be _______________. A. more laid back and engage in greater degree of social loafing B. quicker and more efficient in solving problems C. more patient and meticulous at problem solving D. consciousness and diligent in problem solving Answer: B. quicker and more efficient in solving problems Correct: Gaining expertise allows people to address problems and tasks in their field more quickly and efficiently. C. more patient and meticulous at problem solving Incorrect: Gaining expertise allows people to address problems and tasks in their field more quickly and efficiently. 36. Your cousin, who is in his early thirties, owns his own Internet marketing company. Before starting the Internet marketing company, he ran another Internet startup for eight years before selling it. Whenever any problems arise with the company, he draws from his wide range of knowledge and experience with similar problems in the past in order to devise an effective solution. What would experts say your cousin has? A. experience B. a successful business C. expertise D. problem solving skills Answer: C. expertise Correct: He has expertise, or extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field. His expertise allows him to draw from a wide range of knowledge and experience with similar problems in the past in order to devise a solution that is likely to be effective. A. experience Incorrect: He has expertise, or extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field. His expertise allows him to draw from a wide range of knowledge and experience with similar problems in the past in order to devise a solution that is likely to be effective. 37. A burst of brain development takes place during _______________ as dendritic connections between neurons multiply vastly. A. late childhood B. adolescence C. young adulthood D. middle adulthood Answer: B 38. Which of the following best describes when dendritic connections between neurons multiply vastly? A. overproduction B. sprouting C. anchoring D. over stimulization Answer: A 39. Dendritic connections between neurons are pared down through synaptic _______________. A. pruning B. cutting C. rooting D. under regulation Answer: A 40. When does synaptic pruning no longer take place at a high rate? A. by the late twenties B. at the end of adolescence C. by early adolescence D. by the end of middle childhood Answer: A 41. The maturity of what brain area promotes the kind of focused attention and goal-directed behavior that leads to expertise? A. auditory cortex B. occipital cortex C. frontal cortex D. parietal cortex Answer: C 42. Researchers believe that continued maturity of the _______________ lobe during young adulthood is responsible for cognitive changes such as focusing attention and goal-directed behaviors that lead to expertise. A. frontal B. parietal C. occipital D. temporal Answer: A 43. What do experts call a person who is able to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways? A. intelligent B. an idea person C. a problem-solver D. creative Answer: D 44. Minke has an antique restoration business and has a great ability to envision a piece of junk as a restored final masterpiece. Throughout his life he has always tinkered with innovative ideas and has always invented new products. It is clear that Minke possesses high _______________. A. concreteness B. objectiveness C. congestion D. creativity Answer: D. creativity Correct: As an innovator and inventor, Minke is exhibiting creativity or the ability to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways. A. concreteness Incorrect: As an innovator and inventor, Minke is exhibiting creativity or the ability to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways. 45. Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison were all great American inventors. It is clear that these individuals were highly _______________. A. creative B. operationalized C. conceptual D. concrete Answer: A. creative Correct: A person who invents something is exhibiting creativity or the ability to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways. D. concrete Incorrect: A person who invents something is exhibiting creativity or the ability to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways. 46. It is difficult to measure creativity objectively because _______________. A. creative answers are ones that no one else has thought of before B. it is too challenging to ask subjects to problem solve in creative ways C. it is difficult to operationalize a formal definition of creativity D. creativity is intuitive, and therefore, difficult to conceptualize Answer: A. creative answers are ones that no one else has thought of before Correct: Because creativity involves coming up with something new, it is difficult to derive a test for it. Tests are scored for “right answers,” and creativity involves coming up with answers that no one had thought of before. D. creativity is intuitive, and therefore, difficult to conceptualize Incorrect: Because creativity involves coming up with something new, it is difficult to derive a test for it. Tests are scored for “right answers,” and creativity involves coming up with answers that no one had thought of before. 47. A number of studies of persons with outstanding accomplishments have found that their creative achievements rise during young adulthood and peak in the _______________ then gradually decline. A. 30s and early 40s B. 40s and early 50s C. 50s and early 60s D. 60s and early 70s Answer: A 48. Jackson has been a software developer for his entire career. He found early success with an application he designed during his free time in college, and has been able to expand on that success as the head of a successful software company. He is considered an expert among his peers, and his innovative solutions have helped his company become profitable. He is at his creative peak. Based upon cited research studies, how old is Jackson most likely to be at this point in his career? A. 18 years old B. 27 years old C. 39 years old D. 62 years old Answer: C. 39 years old Correct: A number of studies of persons with outstanding accomplishments have found that their creative achievements rise during young adulthood and peak in the late thirties and early forties. B. 27 years old Incorrect: A number of studies of persons with outstanding accomplishments have found that their creative achievements rise during young adulthood and peak in the late thirties and early forties. 49. Creativity gradually declines throughout _______________. A. young adulthood B. young and middle adulthood C. middle and later adulthood D. later adulthood Answer: C 50. According to scholars, when are people capable of producing creative work? A. after expertise has been established B. after receiving post-secondary education C. after working in an area for 12 years D. after completing formal operations Answer: A. after expertise has been established Correct: According to scholars of creativity, it is only after expertise is established in a field that people are capable of producing creative work. B. after receiving post-secondary education Incorrect: According to scholars of creativity, it is only after expertise is established in a field that people are capable of producing creative work. 51. Gaining _______________ allows an individual to solve problems, whereas _______________ allows an individual to find problems to solve. A. a hypothesis; speculation B. speculation; a hypothesis C. creativity; expertise D. expertise; creativity Answer: D. expertise; creativity Correct: Gaining expertise enables people to move from problem solving to problem finding, as they use their acquired knowledge and skills to think in new ways. C. creativity; expertise Incorrect: Gaining expertise enables people to move from problem solving to problem finding, as they use their acquired knowledge and skills to think in new ways. 52. An expertise is analogous with _______________, whereas creativity is analogous with _______________. A. problem solving; problem finding B. problem solving; problem awareness C. problem cognition; problem solving D. problem subconsciousness; problem solving Answer: A. problem solving; problem finding Correct: Developing an expertise (problem-solving) is the catalyst for creativity and (problem finding). C. problem cognition; problem solving Incorrect: Gaining expertise enables people to move from problem solving to problem finding, as they use their acquired knowledge and skills to think in new ways. 53. Problem solving is to _______________ as problem finding is to _______________. A. creativity; expertise B. expertise; creativity C. cognition; subconscious D. subconscious; cognition Answer: B. expertise; creativity Correct: Gaining expertise enables people to move from problem solving to problem finding, as they use their acquired and knowledge and skills to think in new ways. A. creativity; expertise Incorrect: Developing an expertise allows an individual to problem solve; whereas creativity allows an individual to find problems to solve. 54. When are artists, musicians, inventors, mathematicians, and physicists the most creative? A. in their 70s B. in their 60s C. in their 40s and 50s D. in their 20s and 30s Answer: D 55. When are novelists the most creative? A. in their 80s B. in their 70s C. in their 50s and 60s D. in their 30s and 40s Answer: C Short Answer Questions 57. Should “folk knowledge” count as a type of intelligence? Provide a rationale to explain your answer. Answer: In traditional cultures where knowledge is passed down from one generation to the next and may be needed for survival, knowing this information could be considered to make a person more intelligent because they are more likely to adapt and survive in their particular environment. 58. Why is problem finding considered a more advanced ability than problem solving? Explain. Alternative: What is problem finding and when does it emerge? (same as below, but include young adulthood/after the formal operations stage). Answer: When problem finding, a person anticipates something that might go wrong and proactively figures out a way to prevent the problem. It requires acquired knowledge and skills as well as creativity. This often requires years of experience and is often the basis of inventions. The steps involved in problem finding, such as taking risks, seeing things in completely different ways, are considered. Essay Questions 59. Who are the Termites? What did researchers learn about them? Answer: The Termites was the name Terman gave to his gifted subjects who he studied longitudinally. Compared to their counterparts with average IQs, these individuals went on to have tremendous educational and occupational success. They were also less likely to suffer from a number of problems, such as alcoholism, divorce and mental illness. 60. According to the definition used by researchers, can adolescents attain expertise in a specific field? What if their area of expertise is video gaming? Could these adolescents be considered an exception? Answer: The definition of expertise is that a person has extensive knowledge and skills and that usually take about a decade to acquire. Usually, researchers study individuals in a particular career field, so adolescents are not usually to be considered experts. Answers may vary. 61. According to researchers, why does creativity tend to peak in young adulthood rather than continuing to increase throughout the lifespan? Answer: Creativity peaks in young adulthood because this is a time in life when they are in the beginning of their careers and have more energy and perhaps even more enthusiasm because of the novelty of the work. It may be that it is harder to approach tasks differently or with a fresh perspective once a person has established a particular way of doing things. MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. The relationship between intelligence tests and academic success is best summarized by which of the following statements? A. Intelligence tests administered during childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success. B. Intelligence tests administered during infancy and childhood are strongly correlated with academic success. C. Intelligence tests administered at any time are weak predictors of school success. D. Intelligence tests are in no way correlated with school success. Answer: A 2. _______________ are two aspects of cognitive development that occur during early adulthood. A. The acquisition of expertise and creativity B. Decentration and the conception of false beliefs C. Egocentrism and an imaginary audience D. Reversibility and personal fables Answer: A 3. Experts tend to be _______________ as compared to novices. A. quicker and more efficient in solving problems B. more laid back and engage in greater degree of social loafing C. more patient and meticulous at problem-solving D. conscientious and diligent in problem-solving Answer: A 4. According to the text, _______________ synaptic pruning slows down from a feverish pace. A. by the late twenties B. at the end of adolescence C. by early adolescence D. by the end of middle childhood Answer: A 5. A person who is high in _______________ is able to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways. A. creativity B. mathematical ability C. reasoning D. kinesthetic intelligence Answer: A 6. Creativity is analogous with _______________, whereas expertise is analogous with _______________. A. problem-finding; problem-solving B. problem-solving; problem awareness C. problem cognition; problem-solving D. problem subconsciousness; problem-solving Answer: A 7. Which of the following is a common use for an IQ test? A. identifying children who might have learning disabilities B. assessing a child's temperament C. appraising an adolescent's attachment style D. determining the amount of cognitive load exerted during a school hour Answer: A 8. Adam is an engineer and has a thriving business. Many consider him the best, an expert in the field. Leaving high school at the age of 18, he enrolled at Princeton University, and earned his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at the age of 22. Upon graduation, he started his own engineering firm and has been working steadily ever since. Knowing how long it takes to develop an expertise in any given field, what is the minimum age Adam can be? A. 32 years old B. 28 years old C. 36 years old D. 44 years old Answer: A 9. Geraldo has an antique restoration business and has a great ability to envision a piece of junk as a restored final masterpiece. Throughout his life he has always tinkered with innovative ideas and has always invented new products. It is clear that Geraldo possesses high _______________. A. creativity B. congestion C. objectiveness D. concreteness Answer: A 10. Your cousin is in his early thirties owns his own Internet marketing company. Before starting the company, he ran another Internet startup for 8 years before selling it. During childhood he brainstormed countless ways he could become a successful entrepreneur. It was not until he saw huge advancements in personal computers that he knew exactly what he was going to do. In preparing for his adventure, he enrolled at the community college to learn as much about computer programming and marketing as he could. In managing his company he does very well with his employees. It is clear that he has a keen ability to read and respond to various situations, and he responds to the social cues of others well. Whenever any problems arise with the company, he draws from his wide range of knowledge and experience with similar problems in the past in order to devise an effective solution. In regards to Internet marketing, which of the following best describes your cousin's wide range of knowledge? A. expertise B. intelligence quotient C. emotional quotient D. creativity Answer: A Post-Test 1. According to the text, intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are powerful predictors of _______________. A. income and occupational status in adulthood B. an individual's rating on his or her sociometric scale C. an individual's personality type D. a person's temperament and their predisposition to respond to their environment Answer: A 2. _______________ asserted that people in non-Western cultures may have quite different ideas about what constitutes intelligence than people in Western cultures. A. Robert Sternberg B. Jean Piaget C. Louis Termin D. Alfred Binet Answer: A 3. Sam is from an African country that emphasizes obedience and cooperativeness as qualities of intelligence. Sam is most likely from the country of _______________. A. Zambia B. Liberia C. Kenya D. Oman Answer: A 4. Which of the following is a term used to define "extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field"? A. expertise B. business savvy C. experience D. field knowledge Answer: A 5. According to Piaget, the culmination of cognitive maturation is the attainment of formal operations that occurs around age _______________. A. 20 B. 25 C. 15 D. 30 Answer: A 6. Isaac Newton, George Washington Carver, and Thomas Edison were all great inventors. It is clear that these individuals were highly: A. creative B. operationalized C. formalized D. conceptual Answer: A 7. According to scholars, it is not until an individual's _______________ that he or she is capable of producing creative work. A. expertise has been established B. post-secondary education is complete C. work has been in one area for 12 years D. completion of formal operations Answer: A 8. Your sister has a very high intelligence quotient (IQ) and just began a new job. It is a perfect fit for her; however, she has been stressed about how she will perform. What could you tell her to reassure her? A. She has no reason to worry. Research has found that people in the highest 25% in IQ will do well in their careers. B. She has good reason to be worried. People in the highest 10% of IQ are usually made fun of by other employees for being nerds. C. She has good reason to worry. Research has found that people in the highest 25% in IQ will flounder in their careers. D. There is no relationship between IQ and career success. She will just need to work very hard. Answer: A 9. Paul has a custom car fabrication business and has a great ability to envision old junky cars as a customized masterpiece. Throughout his life he has always tinkered with innovative ideas and always has new designs for cars. It is clear that Paul possesses high _______________. A. creativity B. congestion C. objectiveness D. concreteness Answer: A 10. Sara trained as a mechanic while she was in high school. As part of her schedule she spent the morning completing her academic coursework and then spent the afternoon at a vocational training center learning from a master mechanic. Upon high school graduation she was hired by an auto repair shop. After years of important training, Sara is considered one of the best and an expert in auto repair. Based upon how long it takes to develop expertise in any particular field, in this scenario, what is Sara's minimum age? A. 28 B. 25 C. 32 D. 22 Answer: A Chapter Exam 1. Ryan is an aircraft mechanic for a large airline company and is very successful in his career. By many, he is considered the best, an expert in the field. Leaving high school at the age of 18, he enlisted in the US Air Force and fixed aircraft until he was 28 years old. Knowing how long it takes to develop an expertise in any given field, what is the minimum age Ryan can be? A. 32 years old B. 28 years old C. 36 years old D. 44 years old Answer: B 2. Several longitudinal studies that examined children with high IQ scores have concluded that IQ is strongly correlated to _______________. A. adult success B. marriage failure C. children with behavior problems D. having few adult friends, just like during childhood Answer: A 3. Louis Terman, one of the original developers of the Stanford Binet test, conducted a study in the 1920s with 1,500 children who had IQ scores of _______________ or higher. A. 140 B. 130 C. 120 D. 150 Answer: A 4. In Zimbabwe, the word for intelligence, ngware, literally means _______________. A. "to be prudent and cautious, especially in social relations" B. "a person who possesses many belongings" C. "to be adventurous and high in sensation seeking activities" D. "a person who is outspoken and self-confident" Answer: A 5. Compared to novices, experts tend to be _______________. A. quicker and more efficient in solving problems B. more laid back and engage in greater degree of social loafing C. more patient and meticulous at problem-solving D. conscientious and diligent in problem-solving Answer: A 6. During _______________ there is a burst of neurological development that takes place in the brain in which dendritic connections between neurons multiply. A. adolescence B. late childhood C. young adulthood D. middle adulthood Answer: A 7. Dendritic connections between neurons are pared down through a process called synaptic _______________. A. pruning B. cutting C. weeding D. rooting Answer: A 8. Scholars believe that continued maturity of the _______________ lobe during young adulthood is responsible for the cognitive changes, such as focusing attention and goal-directed behavior, that lead to expertise. A. frontal B. parietal C. occipital D. temporal Answer: A 9. Nathan has an antique restoration business and has a great ability to envision a piece of junk as a restored final masterpiece. Throughout his life he has always tinkered with innovative ideas and has always invented new products. It is clear that Nathan possesses high _______________. A. creativity B. deductive skills C. social with-it-ness D. concreteness Answer: A 10. According to the text, gaining _______________ allows an individual to problem-solve. A. expertise B. creativity C. speculation D. a hypothesis Answer: A 11. As discussed by the author, _______________ allows an individual to find problems to solve. A. creativity B. speculation C. a hypothesis D. speculation Answer: A 12. Artists, musicians, inventors, mathematicians, and physicists tend to be most creative during their _______________. A. 20s and 30s B. 30s and 40s C. 40s and 50s D. 50s and 60s Answer: A 13. Louis Terman's subjects, who had exceptionally high IQ scores, _______________. A. had dozens of patents, hundreds of books written, and many other achievements B. were likely to be in childless marriages C. were more likely to be severely depressed D. had very difficult childhoods in that other children constantly made fun of them Answer: A 14. It is a challenge to definitively say that intelligence quotient (IQ) scores predict career success because ___________________. A. most real-world problems are often complicated and do not have the kind of simple, definite solutions that IQ tests reward B. IQ exams lack the ability to measure a person’s working memory and intellectual quotient accurately C. most IQ tests are given in a group format and this does not measure a person’s ability to manage his or her social environment D. most IQ questions are too complex and cannot be applied to everyday situations Answer: A 15. In China, an adult is considered highly intelligent if he or she possesses _______________. A. high levels of humility, self-knowledge, and freedom from conventional standards of judgment B. high school and college degrees, and a high-paying corporate job C. high analytical intelligence, low practical intelligence, and a moderate level of creative intelligence D. low analytical intelligence, but measures high on interpersonal and body-kinesthetic intelligences Answer: A Quick Review 1. Intelligence quotient (IQ) exams are useful in helping to identify _______________. A. children who might have learning disabilities B. a child's temperament C. an adolescent's attachment style D. the right therapeutic approach to take for a child with depression Answer: A 2. The great majority of the research that has been conducted on intelligence quotient (IQ) and its relation to an adult's career have been conducted _______________. A. in developed countries B. in non-Western countries C. solely in the United States D. exclusively outside of the United States Answer: A 3. Which of the following is the definition for expertise? A. extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field B. lacking knowledge or skills in any specific field C. developing knowledge and skills in all fields D. losing knowledge or skills in only one specific field Answer: A 4. According to the text, when are artists, musicians, inventors, mathematicians and physicists the most creative? A. 20s and 30s B. 40s and 50s C. 60s D. 70s Answer: A 5. It is the _______________ cortex that is responsible for the focused attention and goal-directed behaviors of experts. A. frontal B. parietal C. occipital D. auditory Answer: A 6. Which of the following individuals was one of the original developers of the Stanford Binet test? A. Lewis Terman B. Jean Piaget C. Lawrence Kohlberg D. Erik Erikson Answer: A 7. Creativity is difficult to measure because _______________. A. creative Answers are ones that no one else has thought of before B. it is too challenging to ask subjects to problem-solve in creative ways C. it is difficult to operationalize a formal definition of creativity D. creativity is intuitive, and therefore difficult to conceptualize Answer: A 8. Problem solving is to _______________, as problem finding is to _______________. A. expertise; creativity B. creativity; expertise C. cognition; subconscious D. subconscious; cognition Answer: A 9. By conducting a meta-analysis of many longitudinal studies that examined adult intelligence, Strenze (2007) found intelligence quotient (IQ) was a strong predictor of _______________. A. income and occupational status B. happiness and well-being C. length of marriage if the partners were close in IQ D. cardiovascular fitness Answer: A 10. Termin's longitudinal study that examined 1,500 children who had exceptionally high IQ scores (IQs of 140 or higher) found that high-IQ children _______________. A. had dozens of patents, hundreds of books written, and many other achievements in adulthood B. were more likely to be severely depressed C. were likely to be in childless marriages D. had very difficult childhoods in that other children constantly made fun of them Answer: A Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. Sternberg tells us that the meaning of intelligence varies among cultures. Do you feel that it could even vary within a society such as the United States? Describe how this might be true. Answer: Yes, the meaning of intelligence can vary within a society like the United States. Different communities and subcultures may value various types of intelligence, such as academic, practical, emotional, or social intelligence. For example, some might prioritize technical skills and logical reasoning, while others emphasize creativity, interpersonal abilities, or street smarts. These variations reflect diverse life experiences and societal roles. 2. In this video, Sternberg uses the term “dynamic instruction.” Define this term and produce an example of it. Answer: Dynamic testing refers to instructing the individuals about the test at the time of the testing. An example of this would vary but could include: If researchers set out to test intelligence based on a scenario, they would first fully explain the scenario as well as what they were about to assess and how the assessment would progress. 3. Within the interviews, Sternberg discusses skills for survival along with intelligence. How are these terms related? Answer: Knowing how to care about one's self can be very meaningful and important knowledge. In developing countries survival skills can be considered very valuable knowledge. Multiple Choice Questions 1. The concept of intelligence _______________ across cultures. A. is the same B. has never been researched C. means academic knowledge D. varies Answer: D 2. In his opening statements of this video, Robert Sternberg discusses that he has had research conducted on every continent of the world except for _______________. A. Antarctica B. Africa C. Asia D. South America Answer: A 3. Instructing participants at the time of their test about what is expected of them is referred to as _______________. A. enhanced testing B. systematic testing C. dynamic testing D. expectation testing Answer: C Section 3 Emotional and Social Development Test Item File Multiple Choice Questions 1. In Erik Erikson’s theory of the lifespan, what is the central emotional and psychosocial issue of young adulthood? A. identity vs. role confusion B. intimacy vs. isolation C. generativity vs. stagnation D. ego-integrity vs. despair Answer: B. intimacy vs. isolation Correct: This stage occurs during young adulthood (generally from about 19 to 40 years old). Erikson posited that the primary task during this period is to form intimate, loving relationships with other people. Intimacy, in this context, refers to the ability to relate to others in a deep and meaningful way, to make commitments to others, and to develop close relationships. If individuals successfully navigate this stage, they can form healthy relationships based on mutual love, care, and commitment. Failure to establish intimate relationships may lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. C. generativity vs. stagnation Incorrect: In Erik Erikson’s theory of the life span, intimacy versus isolation is the central emotional and psychosocial issue of young adulthood. 2. According to Erikson, before an individual can establish intimacy with another, he or she must successfully establish his or her _______________. A. identity in love, work, and ideology B. congruency between real, ideal, and feared selves C. sense of righteousness and that the world is just D. sense of integrity knowing that their life, thus far, has been satisfying Answer: A. identity in love, work, and ideology Correct: In order to successfully accomplish the issue of intimacy vs. isolation, one must establish a positive self identity during adolescence. D. sense of integrity knowing that their life, thus far, has been satisfying Incorrect: Before intimacy can be established, one must form an identity in love, work, and ideology during adolescence and emerging adulthood. 3. Which of the following best describes Erik Erikson’s notion of intimacy? A. when an individual becomes cognizant of their private and public selves, blends them, and creates a shared self to present to another person within a relationship B. when the ego works in conjunction with the superego to satisfy the desires of the id in a socially acceptable way C. the uniting one’s newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed intimate relationship D. when an individual develops the skills necessary for a relationship by modeling it after what he or she has observed from the environment Answer: C. the uniting one’s newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed intimate relationship Correct: According to Erikson, establishing intimacy means uniting your newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed intimate relationship. A. when an individual becomes cognizant of their private and public selves, blends them, and creates a shared self to present to another person within a relationship Incorrect: According to Erikson, establishing intimacy means uniting your newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed intimate relationship. 4. Your roommate has a new significant other. All he can do is talk about her and plan when he will see her next. He is totally devoted to her and is willing to do whatever she wishes to do without even considering his wants and desires. What is wrong with the way your roommate is acting? A. Nothing. This is the way intimacy develops. B. He needs to spend more time with her rather than just thinking about being with her. C. He is “losing himself” in devotion to her which is not healthy intimacy. D. He needs to lose his identity and reinvent a new identity that is defined by the relationship. Answer: C. He is “losing himself” in devotion to her which is not healthy intimacy. Correct: Intimacy should occur without emerging oneself totally into the relationship. D. He needs to lose his identity and reinvent a new identity that is defined by the relationship. Incorrect: He is “losing himself” in devotion to her, which is not healthy intimacy. 5. Healthy intimacy means having a strong enough identity to become emotionally close to someone _______________. A. without submerging oneself into the relationship B. while emerging oneself into the relationship C. while totally losing oneself in total devotion to the other person D. without sacrificing or compromising in any way Answer: A. without submerging oneself into the relationship Correct: Healthy intimacy does not mean “losing yourself” in devotion to another person; on the contrary, it means having a strong enough identity to become emotionally close to someone without submerging yourself. C. while totally losing oneself in total devotion to the other person Incorrect: Healthy intimacy does not mean “losing yourself” in devotion to another person; on the contrary, it means having a strong enough identity to become emotionally close to someone without submerging yourself. 6. Who developed the triangular theory of love? A. Jean Piaget B. Robert Sternberg C. Alfred Binet D. Erik Erikson Answer: B 7. What type of love involves physical attraction and sexual desire? A. intimacy B. commitment C. passion D. desire Answer: C 8. From the triangular theory of love, intimacy is best described as _______________. A. the feelings of closeness and emotional attachment B. the pledge to love someone over a lengthy period of time C. a physical attraction and sexual desire for another person D. a psychological attraction for another based upon the physical characteristics Answer: A 9. What type of love involves feelings of closeness and emotional attachment? A. intimacy B. commitment C. passion D. desire Answer: A 10. From the triangular theory of love, _______________ involves physical attraction and sexual desire, whereas _______________ is a feeling of closeness and emotional attachment. A. passion; intimacy B. intimacy; passion C. commitment; intimacy D. passion; commitment Answer: A 11. What type of love involves the pledge to love someone over the long run, through the ups and downs that are often part of love? A. intimacy B. commitment C. passion D. desire Answer: B 12. What type of love characterizes most friendships and involves intimacy without passion or commitment? A. liking B. infatuation C. empty love D. romantic love Answer: A 13. What type of love involves a heightened level of sexual desire, but without emotional closeness or an enduring commitment? A. friendship B. infatuation C. empty love D. romantic love Answer: B 14. What type of love involves commitment alone without passion or intimacy and applies to a couple who have been married for many years, and who have lost the passion and intimacy in their relationship, but remain together? A. friendship B. infatuation C. empty love D. romantic love Answer: C 15. Your parents have been married for 30 years, but they really do not do much together any more. You can tell that they like each other, but the romance seems to be gone. According to Sternberg, what type of love do you think they are experiencing at this time? A. romantic love B. companionate love C. fatuous love D. empty love Answer: D. empty love Correct: Empty love is commitment alone, without passion or intimacy. A. romantic love Incorrect: Empty love is commitment alone, without passion or intimacy. It sometimes applies to couples who have been married for many years and have lost the passion and intimacy in the relationship but nevertheless remain together. 16. What type of love involves passion and intimacy but not commitment? This is the kind of love people mean when they talk about being “in love.” A. friendship B. infatuation C. empty love D. romantic love Answer: D 17. What type of love combines intimacy and commitment, but without passion? This type of love also applies to unusually close friendships as well as close family relationships. A. romantic love B. companionate love C. fatuous love D. consummate love Answer: B 18. What type of love involves passion and commitment, but without intimacy? This type of love would apply to a “whirlwind” courtship where two people meet, fall passionately in love, and get married, all within a few weeks before they even have time to know each other well. A. romantic love B. companionate love C. fatuous love D. consummate love Answer: C 19. Your younger brother is absolutely crazy about his new girlfriend. They have been together for about two weeks and they are inseparable. He is already talking about a permanent situation with her. According to Sternberg, what type of love is he experiencing? A. romantic love B. companionate love C. fatuous love D. empty love Answer: C. fatuous love Correct: Your brother is experiencing fatuous love, which involves passion and commitment without intimacy. A. romantic love Incorrect: Your brother is experiencing fatuous love, which involves passion and commitment without intimacy. He and his new girlfriend are passionately in love and it appears that your brother is thinking about commitment, but after only two weeks of dating they still do not know each other well. 20. What type of love integrates passion, intimacy, and commitment? This type of love represents the ideal for many people. A. romantic love B. companionate love C. fatuous love D. consummate love Answer: D 21. Your grandparents have been married for 50 years. They go everywhere together. You have caught them kissing when they thought they were alone and they hold hands quite a bit in public. They rarely make a move without asking the other his or her opinion. You hope to have that type of relationship some day. According to Sternberg, what type of love do you think they are experiencing? A. romantic love B. companionate love C. fatuous love D. consummate love Answer: D. consummate love Correct: Your grandparents have consummate love, which integrates all three aspects of love—passion, intimacy, and commitment—into what many consider the ideal love relationship. A. romantic love Incorrect: Your grandparents have consummate love, which integrates all three aspects of love—passion, intimacy, and commitment—into what many consider the ideal love relationship. 22. What aspect of love fades fairly quickly in most relationships as partners become used to each other and the stresses and conflicts of daily life accumulate? A. intimacy B. passion C. commitment D. stability Answer: B. passion Correct: Passion fades fairly quickly in most relationships, as partners become used to each other and the stresses and conflicts of daily life accumulate. In contrast, intimacy and commitment begin more slowly than passion and take longer to develop, but they also endure longer. A. intimacy Incorrect: Passion fades fairly quickly in most relationships, as partners become used to each other and the stresses and conflicts of daily life accumulate. In contrast, intimacy and commitment begin more slowly than passion and take longer to develop, but they also endure longer. 23. What aspects of love begin more slowly and take longer to develop, but endure longest? A. intimacy and passion B. intimacy and commitment C. passion and commitment D. stability and commitment Answer: B. intimacy and commitment Correct: Intimacy and commitment begin more slowly than passion and take longer to develop, but they also endure longer. D. stability and commitment Incorrect: Passion fades fairly quickly in most relationships, as partners become used to each other and the stresses and conflicts of daily life accumulate. In contrast, intimacy and commitment begin more slowly than passion and take longer to develop, but they also endure longer. 24. What percentage of people in most societies eventually marry or form another kind of long-term romantic partnership? A. 60% B. 70% C. 80% D. 90% Answer: D 25. David Buss (1990 and 2003) conducted a massive study of over 10,000 young people in 37 countries. What ranked as the first criterion for marriage? A. bride’s/groom’s family income B. mutual attraction and love C. likelihood of becoming a good mother/father D. sexual ability Answer: B 26. According to David Buss (2003), _______________ ranked first among marriage criteria across countries. A. a pleasing predisposition B. emotional stability and maturity C. dependable character D. mutual attraction and love Answer: D 27. In Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures, what was rated as highly important in a marriage partner? A. chastity B. pleasing personality C. emotional stability and maturity D. sense of humor Answer: A 28. Research has shown that while it is clear that both males and females prize _______________, men prize it more highly than women. In contrast, women are more likely to be attracted to _______________. A. a strong sense of humor; overall personality B. overall personality; a strong sense of humor C. ambition and financial; physical attractiveness D. physical attractiveness; ambition and financial success Answer: D 29. What percentage of marriages in a cross-cultural survey of over 100 cultures found that romantic love was present? A. 22% B. 44% C. 66% D. 88% Answer: D 30. According to the text, marriage has more often been seen by cultures as _______________. A. a way to increase the likelihood of survival B. a mechanism to create more children C. a uniting of two individuals D. an alliance between two families Answer: D. an alliance between two families Correct: Marriage has more often been seen by cultures as an alliance between two families, rather than as the uniting of two individuals. C. a uniting of two individuals Incorrect: Marriage has more often been seen by cultures as an alliance between two families, rather than as the uniting of two individuals. 31. When do people in cultures with arranged marriages believe love develops? A. it never develops B. before the marriage C. after the marriage D. during the marriage after the first child is born Answer: C. after the marriage Correct: People in cultures with arranged marriages often believe that love develops after marriage, not before. Since they know their spouse little or not at all prior to the wedding, love could not develop before the marriage. However, once they are married and get to know each other, love may grow. B. before the marriage Incorrect: People in cultures with arranged marriages often believe that love develops after marriage, not before. Since they know their spouse little or not at all prior to the wedding, love could not develop before the marriage. However, once they are married and get to know each other, love may grow. 32. In terms of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, what is the perceived order of love for people in cultures with arranged marriages? A. passion followed by commitment and intimacy B. intimacy followed by commitment and then passion C. passion followed by intimacy and later commitment D. commitment followed by passion and intimacy Answer: D. commitment followed by passion and intimacy Correct: People who live in cultures with arranged marriages believe that commitment comes first followed by passion and intimacy later. C. passion followed by intimacy and later commitment Incorrect: People who live in cultures with arranged marriages believe that commitment comes first followed by passion and intimacy later. 33. In terms of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, what is the perceived order of love for people in Western cultures? A. passion followed by commitment and later intimacy B. intimacy followed by commitment and then passion C. passion followed by intimacy and later commitment D. commitment followed by passion and intimacy Answer: C. passion followed by intimacy and later commitment Correct: In Western cultures, people believe that passion comes first and then intimacy followed by commitment later. A. passion followed by commitment and later intimacy Incorrect: In Western cultures, people believe that passion comes first and then intimacy followed by commitment later. 34. In terms of Sternberg’s theory, people in cultures with arranged marriages tend to view _______________, in contrast to the Western view _______________. A. compliance as coming first, then passion, with commitment last; of commitment as coming first, then followed by intimacy and passion B. commitment as coming first, then followed by intimacy and passion; of compliance as coming first, then passion, with commitment last C. passion coming first, then intimacy, with commitment last; of commitment as coming first, followed by passion and intimacy D. commitment as coming first, followed by passion and intimacy; of passion coming first, then intimacy, with commitment last Answer: D. commitment as coming first, followed by passion and intimacy; of passion coming first, then intimacy, with commitment last Correct: In terms of Sternberg’s theory, people in cultures with arranged marriages tend to view commitment as coming first, followed by passion and intimacy, in contrast to the Western view that passion comes first, then intimacy, and commitment last. C. passion coming first, then intimacy, with commitment last; of commitment as coming first, followed by passion and intimacy Incorrect: In terms of Sternberg’s theory, people in cultures with arranged marriages tend to view commitment as coming first, followed by passion and intimacy, in contrast to the Western view that passion comes first, then intimacy, and commitment last. 35. For how many years has India practiced arranged marriages? A. 6,000 years B. 2,000 years C. 1,000 years D. 600 years Answer: A 36. What percentage of young adults living in India intend to choose their own mates? A. over 20% B. nearly 40% C. 60% D. over 80% Answer: B 37. In most Eastern cultures today, what is the most common type of marriage? A. semi-arranged B. arranged C. self-selected D. divorced Answer: A 38. Which of the following best describes a “semi-arranged marriage”? A. Parents introduce a potential mate to their child. If the young person has a favorable impression of the potential mate, they date a few times. If they agree that they are compatible, they marry. B. Parents screen applicants as a potential mate; they convene and discuss the characteristics of applicants with other high status family members, interview top candidates, and select the best one for their child. C. Parents allow their children to date freely and as their child introduces them to a potential mate, parents screen and interview. After this process, parents provide their child with an official recommendation of who to marry. D. Parents use the Internet to screen and select potential mates for their child. After creating a pool of applicants, parents then facilitate an Internet relationship between potential mates and their child. Based upon the development of relationships that develop, parents select the best mate for their child. Answer: A. Parents introduce a potential mate to their child. If the young person has a favorable impression of the potential mate, they date a few times. If they agree that they are compatible, they marry. Correct: One variation of a semi-arranged marriage is that parents may introduce a potential mate to their child. If the young person has a favorable impression of the potential mate, they date a few times. If they agree that they are compatible, they marry. C. Parents allow their children to date freely and as their child introduces them to a potential mate, parents screen and interview. After this process, parents provide their child with an official recommendation of who to marry. Incorrect: One variation of a semi-arranged marriage is that parents may introduce a potential mate to their child. If the young person has a favorable impression of the potential mate, they date a few times. If they agree that they are compatible, they marry. 39. From anthropological studies, about _______________ of cultures have some kind of explicit economic transaction as a part of the marriage process. A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 95% Answer: C 40. What is the term used to describe a substantial gift of money or property from the groom and his kin to the bride and her kin? A. bride service B. dowry C. bride price D. bride gift Answer: C 41. A bride price is best described as _______________. A. a substantial gift of money or property from the groom and his kin to the bride and her kin B. an arrangement in which the groom is obligated to work for the bride’s family for a designated period before and/or after the marriage C. a transfer of money or property from the bride’s family to the groom and his family upon marriage D. the custom of the bride’s family paying for the wedding reception Answer: A 42. A bride service is best described as _______________. A. a substantial gift of money or property from the groom and his kin to the bride and her kin B. an arrangement in which the groom is obligated to work for the bride’s family for a designated period before and/or after the marriage C. a transfer of money or property from the bride’s family to the groom and his family upon marriage D. the custom of the bride’s family paying for the wedding reception Answer: B 43. A dowry is best described as _______________. A. a substantial gift of money or property from the groom and his kin to the bride and her kin B. an arrangement in which the groom is obligated to work for the bride’s family for a designated period before and/or after the marriage C. the transfer of money or property from the bride’s family to the groom and his family upon marriage D. the custom of the bride’s family paying for the wedding reception Answer: C 44. According to research, marital satisfaction tends to be the highest _______________. A. in the first year B. in the third and fourth years C. in the fifth to eighth year D. after 10 years Answer: A. in the first year Correct: For most American couples marital satisfaction is higher in the first year than it ever will be again. D. after 10 years Incorrect: For most American couples marital satisfaction is higher in the first year than it ever will be again. 45. There is a steady decline in marital satisfaction in the first few years, followed by a _______________. A. plateau and then another decline after nine or 10 years of marriage B. plateau and then a steady increase after the fifth year of marriage C. steady increase for the remainder of the marriage D. steady increase until year 10, then a steady decline Answer: A. plateau and then another decline after nine or 10 years of marriage Correct: There is a steady decline in marital satisfaction in the first few years, followed by a plateau and then another decline after nine or 10 years of marriage. C. steady increase for the remainder of the marriage Incorrect: There is a steady decline in marital satisfaction in the first few years, followed by a plateau and then another decline after nine or 10 years of marriage. 46. Albert is engaged and is looking forward to starting a new chapter of his life with his wife-to-be. He knows that many marriages end in divorce, and wants to do everything he can to ensure that he and his wife remain happy together for their entire lives. What is one of the most important things Albert can do in his marriage to ensure that he stays married? A. have a large salary B. make sure that he contribute to family duties C. insist that his wife perform all of the “woman’s” duties while he performs the “man’s” duties D. require that his wife stay home and raise their children Answer: B. make sure that he contribute to family duties Correct: Marital satisfaction in women is especially influenced by their spouses’ contribution to family duties. C. insist that his wife perform all of the “woman’s” duties while he performs the “man’s” duties Incorrect: Marital satisfaction in women is especially influenced by their spouses’ contribution to family duties. 47. Which of the following are factors related to marital satisfaction? A. shared responsibilities, high emotional literacy, high cognitive stability, and temperament B. emotional literacy, financial stability, cognitive ability, and attachment style C. realistic expectations, shared interests, shared roles and responsibilities, and shared power D. high job satisfaction, an easy temperament, high emotional stability, and good coping skills Answer: C 48. According to sociologist Barbara Whitehead, people in the West today expect marriage to fulfill their emotional needs for love and intimacy, and if it ceases to do so, they often seek to leave the marriage, or seek what she has coined _______________. A. bilateral divorce B. implied divorce C. expressive divorce D. implicit divorce Answer: C 49. Which of the following areas of the world has the highest divorce rate? A. Asia B. Africa C. the Middle East D. Eastern Europe Answer: D 50. What country has the highest divorce rate in the world? A. New Zealand B. Australia C. the United States D. Canada Answer: C 51. What percentage of Americans believe that parents in an unhappy marriage should stay together for the sake of the children? A. 55% B. 45% C. 35% D. 25% Answer: D 52. Divorce risk peaks in young adulthood after about how many years of marriage? A. 1 to 4 years B. 5 to 10 years C. 11 to 14 years D. 16 to 20 years Answer: B 53. In the United States, the divorce risk peaks in young adulthood, 5–10 years after marriage, which suggests that _______________. A. the self-concepts of each partner become established and are incongruent B. the financial strain has become too unbearable C. the strains of caring for young children may make maintaining marital intimacy more problematic D. the careers of each partner begin to interfere with the amount of time they have to spend with each other Answer: C. the strains of caring for young children may make maintaining marital intimacy more problematic Correct: Divorce peaks in young adulthood, 5–10 years after marriage, which suggests that the strains of caring for young children may make maintaining marital intimacy more problematic. D. the careers of each partner begin to interfere with the amount of time they have to spend with each other Incorrect: Divorce peaks in young adulthood, 5–10 years after marriage, which suggests that the strains of caring for young children may make maintaining marital intimacy more problematic. 54. What is the five-year divorce rate for American couples who both have less than a high school education? A. 13% B. 20% C. 27% D. 33% Answer: D 55. Your cousin and her fiancé are planning on marrying. Both of them dropped out of school before completing high school. What is the likelihood that they will get divorced during the first five years of marriage? A. 13% B. 20% C. 27% D. 33% Answer: D. 33% Correct: Among American partners who both have less than a high school degree, one-third of marriages end in divorce within five years. C. 27% Incorrect: Among American partners who both have less than a high school degree, one-third of marriages end in divorce within five years. 56. What is the five-year divorce rate for American couples who both have four-year college degrees? A. 6% B. 13% C. 20% D. 27% Answer: B 57. What percentage of African Americans get divorced? A. 70% B. 50% C. 30% D. 10% Answer: A 58. What percentage of White Americans get divorced? A. 67% B. 47% C. 27% D. 7% Answer: B 59. Your best friend, who is 29 years old, just divorced after five years of marriage. She had a steady boyfriend in high school and married her college sweetheart. She is very concerned that she will never find another person with whom to have a romantic relationship. What do you tell her? A. Most people who divorce in young adulthood remarry within five years. B. Since she really has never been single, she better get used to it because that is the way that she is likely to remain. C. Divorced people are usually not interested in remarrying and stay single the rest of their lives. D. Usually couples are court-ordered not to remarry until after 10 years after the divorce. Answer: A. Most people who divorce in young adulthood remarry within five years. Correct: Most Americans who divorce in young adulthood remarry within five years. C. Divorced people are usually not interested in remarrying and stay single the rest of their lives. Incorrect: Most Americans who divorce in young adulthood remarry within five years. 60. Across countries, the proportion of young adults who have neither married nor had a long-term cohabiting relationship by age 40 is usually around _______________. A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 20% Answer: B 61. What is the term suggesting that people who do not have a serious coupled relationship and are stereotyped, discriminated against, and treat dismissively? A. relationshipism B. soloism C. singlism D. unism Answer: C 62. At age 40, which of the following groups has the highest rate of individuals who have never been married? A. African Americans B. Latinos C. White Americans D. Native Americans Answer: A 63. At age 40, which of the following groups has the lowest rate of individuals who have never been married? A. African Americans B. Latinos C. White Americans D. Native Americans Answer: C 64. In Japan, what term has been used to describe young adults who remain single into their thirties, implying that they are selfish and immature? A. parasite singles B. gay singles C. mother’s boy single D. loser single Answer: A 65. Gay and lesbian couples are _______________. A. more concerned about the difficulty in having children than heterosexual couples B. more likely to break up than heterosexual couples C. like heterosexual couples in most ways D. considerably different in their relationships compared to heterosexuals Answer: C. like heterosexual couples in most ways Correct: Gay and lesbian couples are very much like heterosexual couples in most ways. B. more likely to break up than heterosexual couples Incorrect: Gay and lesbian couples are very much like heterosexual couples in most ways. 66. Alicia and Avada are a lesbian couple who have been together for a few years, just as long as their friends Caitlin and Justin, a heterosexual couple. All four are out for dinner, discussing the things that cause conflict in their relationships. Listening in on the conversation, what is a likely conclusion one can draw about homosexual relationships versus heterosexual relationships? A. Heterosexual relationships are much simpler. B. Heterosexual relationships are considerably more complex. C. Couples experience similar areas of conflict regardless of whether they are gay or straight. D. Lesbian relationships are more complicated than gay relationships. Answer: C. Couples experience similar areas of conflict regardless of whether they are gay or straight. Correct: Gay and lesbian couples are like heterosexual couples in most ways, as similar areas of conflict are common in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. D. Lesbian relationships are more complicated than gay relationships. Incorrect: Gay and lesbian couples are like heterosexual couples in most ways, as similar areas of conflict are common in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. 67. Pat and Terry are in an emotionally close relationship with a high degree of commitment to each other. They each are tolerant of the other having sexual episodes with another person and do not view this as damaging or destructive to their relationship. Based on the text, which of the following best describes Pat and Terry? A. two males in a homosexual relationship B. two females in a homosexual relationship C. a male and a female in a heterosexual relationship D. one cannot predict what type of relationship Answer: A. two males in a homosexual relationship Correct: Gay men are more likely to be tolerant of sexual episodes that his partner may engage in. B. two females in a homosexual relationship Incorrect: About half of gay couples have an “open relationship” that allows partners to have sexual episodes (but not loving relationships) with others, whereas lesbian and heterosexual couples nearly always place a high value on sexual fidelity. 68. What percentage of 18- to 30-year-old Americans support homosexual marriage? A. 30% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60% Answer: C 69. What percentage of Americans aged 65 and older support homosexual marriage? A. 4% B. 14% C. 24% D. 34% Answer: C 70. _______________ of 18- to 30-year-old Americans support homosexual marriage, compared to only _______________ of persons 65 and older. A. 50%, 24% B. 60%, 18% C. 70%, 12% D. 80%, 6% Answer: A 71. In what stage of life does sexual activity peak in nearly all cultures? A. adolescence B. emerging adulthood C. young adulthood D. middle adulthood Answer: C 72. In many cultures young adult couples are encouraged to have frequent sexual intercourse so that they _______________. A. will produce children B. maintain a happy and satisfying relationship C. nurture a healthy libido D. satisfy the unconscious id Answer: A. will produce children Correct: In most cultures, producing children is typically considered an essential part of married life, and parents in most cultures want their children to have children, in order to continue the family into the next generation. B. maintain a happy and satisfying relationship Incorrect: In most cultures, producing children is typically considered an essential part of married life, and parents in most cultures want their children to have children, in order to continue the family into the next generation. Consequently, young adult couples are encouraged to have frequent sexual intercourse so that they will reproduce. 73. In the West, sexual activity in young adulthood is considered to be important in promoting _______________. A. the cultural norms, values, and standards of the larger mainstream group B. a healthy balance between an individual’s id, ego, and superego C. reproductive behavior and procreation of the next generation D. the intimacy of the couple’s relationship as well as their mutual enjoyment and pleasure Answer: D. the intimacy of the couple’s relationship as well as their mutual enjoyment and pleasure Correct: In the West, sexual activity in young adulthood is less focused on reproduction and considered more important for promoting the intimacy of the couple’s relationship as well as their mutual enjoyment and pleasure. C. reproductive behavior and procreation of the next generation Incorrect: In the West, sexual activity in young adulthood is less focused on reproduction and considered more important for promoting the intimacy of the couple’s relationship as well as their mutual enjoyment and pleasure. 74. When does masturbation peak for women? A. in their 20s B. in their 30s C. in their 40s D. in their 50s Answer: B 75. What percentage of men in their thirties and forties report that they always experience orgasm during sex with their primary partner? A. 65% B. 75% C. 85% D. 100% Answer: B 76. What percentage of women in their thirties and forties report that they always experience orgasm during sex with their primary partner? A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% Answer: C 77. Your friend is discussing his sex life with you. He is a little worried that his wife rarely experiences orgasm when they engage in sexual activity. What would you tell him? A. Only 30% of women report always experiencing orgasm during intercourse, so his wife’s experience is typical. B. 44% of women never orgasm, so he should be somewhat worried. C. 99% of women always orgasm during sexual activity, so there is definitely a problem. D. 70% of women report always experiencing orgasm, so there might be a problem. Answer: A. Only 30% of women report always experiencing orgasm during intercourse, so his wife’s experience is typical. Correct: Only 30% of women report always experiencing orgasm during sex with their primary partner. B. 44% of women never orgasm, so he should be somewhat worried. Incorrect: Only 30% of women report always experiencing orgasm during sex with their primary partner. 78. In most countries what percentage of young adults have at least one child? A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 D. 90 Answer: D 79. What percentage of individuals in developing countries become a parent by 40 years of age? A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 D. 90 Answer: D 80. For young adults in rural traditional cultures, becoming _______________ is a highly important event in terms of their status in their community. A. an elementary school graduate B. a parent C. an independent adult D. an older brother or sister Answer: B. a parent Correct: For young adults in rural traditional cultures, becoming a parent is a highly important event in terms of their status in the community. C. an independent adult Incorrect: For young adults in rural traditional cultures, becoming a parent is a highly important event in terms of their status in the community. 81. In many rural traditional cultures, _______________ is considered the main goal and function of young adult women and women must have _______________. A. fertility; a child to be fully accepted by their husbands family B. education; a college degree in order to be accepted by the larger society C. emotional stability; the ability to control themselves regardless of the situation D. physical stamina; the ability to run 10 miles within an hour Answer: A. fertility; a child to be fully accepted by their husbands family Correct: In rural traditional cultures, fertility is considered the main goal and function of young adult women, and women must have a child to be fully accepted by their husband’s family. B. education; a college degree in order to be accepted by the larger society Incorrect: In rural traditional cultures, fertility is considered the main goal and function of young adult women, and women must have a child to be fully accepted by their husband’s family. 82. As compared to the gender roles in many traditional cultures, the gender roles in many developed countries are _______________. A. less sharply defined B. more finite and rigid C. less lateralized and more bipolar D. more unilateral and less polarized Answer: A. less sharply defined Correct: Gender roles today in developed countries, especially in the West, are less sharply defined, and in young adulthood couples often share many of the duties that traditionally fell to one gender or the other. B. more finite and rigid Incorrect: In traditional cultures gender roles are distinct from early childhood onward, and women and men in young adult couples have different responsibilities. In contrast, gender roles today in developed countries, especially in the West, are less sharply defined, and in young adulthood couples often share many of the duties that traditionally fell to one gender or the other. 83. Following the birth of a child, what happens to marital satisfaction? A. It increases sharply. B. It increases slightly. C. It does not change. D. It often declines. Answer: D. It often declines. Correct: Marital satisfaction often declines following the birth of a child. C. It does not change. Incorrect: Marital satisfaction often declines following the birth of a child. 84. _______________ is the phrase used to describe parents working together to meet the challenges of child care, sharing the responsibilities of parenting, and providing support to each other. A. Bi-lateral parenting B. Latch-key child care C. Tag-team parenting D. Coparenting team Answer: D 85. Across countries, about what percentage of single parents are single mothers? A. 90% B. 70% C. 50% D. 30% Answer: A 86. In Europe, Canada, and the United States _______________ births are to single mothers. A. 1 in 8 B. 1 in 4 C. 1 in 3 D. 1 in 2 Answer: C 87. In the United States, what is the rate of single motherhood in African Americans? A. 70% B. 50% C. 30% D. 10% Answer: A 88. In the United States, what is the rate of single motherhood in White Americans? A. over 75% B. over 50% C. over 35% D. over 15% Answer: C 89. Based upon national statistics cited in the text, African American women are _______________ likely to be a single mother when compared to White American women. A. half as B. as equally C. twice as D. three times as Answer: C. twice as Correct: In the United States rates of single motherhood are about 70% among African Americans and over 35% among Whites. D. three times as Incorrect: In the United States rates of single motherhood are about 70% among African Americans and over 35% among Whites. 90. According to the National Marriage Project, what percentage of single mothers are in the least educated group? A. 74% B. 54% C. 34% D. 14% Answer: B 91. Eden is from a relatively low SES family that does not highly value education. She recently dropped out of high school and is now she is pregnant. Her mother is upset that Eden expects she will be raising her baby as a single mother. Is this a very common occurrence in single women who have low educational attainment? A. very uncommon, only 6% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers B. uncommon, only 14% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers C. relatively common, 34% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers D. common, 54% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers Answer: D. common, 54% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers Correct: Over half (54%) of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers, so it is a fairly common phenomenon. C. relatively common, 34% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers Incorrect: Over half (54%) of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers, so it is a fairly common phenomenon. 92. According to the National Marriage Project, what percentage of single mothers are in the highest educated group? A. 54% B. 34% C. 14% D. 6% Answer: D 93. Your best friend from elementary school moved years ago with her family to Denmark, where her grandparents and parents grew up. You have kept in touch with her and found out that she is now pregnant but she and her long-term partner are not married. From your developmental course, what do you know about single motherhood and northern European countries? A. That it is very common for couples to cohabit for years and have children before getting married. B. That it is very common for single mothers to get pregnant in Northern European counties and have no support from the father. C. This is a rare event. Very few mothers get pregnant outside of marriage in northern European countries. D. She will probably be moving back to the United States soon. Unmarried mothers are ostracized in northern Europe. Answer: A. That it is very common for couples to cohabit for years and have children before getting married. Correct: In northern Europe, cohabitation is normative for many years before marriage, and children who are born to unmarried mothers usually have a father in the household as well to help care for the child, even though they are not legally married. C. This is a rare event. Very few mothers get pregnant outside of marriage in northern European countries. Incorrect: In northern Europe, cohabitation is normative for many years before marriage, and children who are born to unmarried mothers usually have a father in the household as well to help care for the child, even though they are not legally married. 94. Your friend and his wife are in the process of divorce. He has been very involved with his children who are 3 and 6 years old. He is very concerned that he will not get to see his children as much as he would like. How likely is it that he will be the parent who retains custody of his children? A. very likely, 70% of fathers have custody of their children B. somewhat likely, 50% of fathers have custody of their children C. not likely, only 30% of fathers have custody of their children D. very unlikely, only 10% of fathers have custody of their children Answer: D. very unlikely, only 10% of fathers have custody of their children Correct: Only about 10% of children live with the unmarried father rather than with the mother, so it is very unlikely that he will retain custody of his children. C. not likely, only 30% of fathers have custody of their children Incorrect: Only about 10% of children live with the unmarried father rather than with the mother, so it is very unlikely that he will retain custody of his children. 95. According to Donald Super, during what stage do occupational choices become more focused? A. crystallization B. specification C. implementation D. stabilization Answer: B. specification Correct: Occupational choices become more focused during the specification stage. A. crystallization Incorrect: Occupational choices become more focused during the specification stage. 96. According to Donald Super, during what stage are education and training completed? A. crystallization B. specification C. implementation D. stabilization Answer: C. implementation Correct: It is during the implementation stage that education and training get completed. B. specification Incorrect: It is during the implementation stage that education and training get completed. 97. Lawrence is 23 years old and has recently graduated with his bachelor’s degree in psychology. He has applied to several graduate programs but has been denied by all of them. Now, Lawrence is seeking employment and would like to find a job that leads to a promising career. Although not his ideal scenario, he applied for a position as an academic advisor at a community college, was offered a job, and accepted the position. Which stage of Donald Super’s theory of occupational development is Lawrence in? A. crystallization B. implementation C. stabilization D. consolidation Answer: B. implementation Correct: Implementation involves completing the education or training that began in the specification stage and entering the job itself. C. stabilization Incorrect: Implementation involves completing the education or training that began in the specification stage and entering the job itself. As in Lawrence’s case, this may mean that young people must reconcile any discrepancy between what they would like to do and what is available in the work world. 98. According to Donald Super, during what stage do young adults establish themselves in their careers? A. specification B. implementation C. stabilization D. consolidation Answer: C. stabilization Correct: It is during stabilization that young adults establish themselves in their careers. B. implementation Incorrect: It is during stabilization that young adults establish themselves in their careers. 99. _______________ is Donald Super’s stage of occupational development where individuals establish themselves in their careers. This stage is also when an individual’s occupational “wet feet” period ends, and they become more stable and experienced in their work. A. Crystallization B. Implementation C. Stabilization D. Consolidation Answer: C. Stabilization Correct: Stabilization is the stage in which young adults establish themselves in their careers. The initial period of getting their feet wet comes to an end, and they become more stable and experienced in their work. B. Implementation Incorrect: Stabilization is the stage in which young adults establish themselves in their careers. The initial period of getting their feet wet comes to an end, and they become more stable and experienced in their work. 100. According to Donald Super, during what stage do adults continue to gain expertise and seek advancement into higher-status positions as expertise grows? A. specification B. implementation C. stabilization D. consolidation Answer: D. consolidation Correct: During consolidation young adults continue to gain expertise and seek advancement into higher-status positions as expertise grows. C. stabilization Incorrect: During consolidation young adults continue to gain expertise and seek advancement into higher-status positions as expertise grows. 101. Which of the following is the correct sequencing of stages for Donald Super’s theory of occupational development? A. specification, stabilization, crystallization, consolidation, and implementation B. implementation, stabilization, consolidation, crystallization, and specification C. crystallization, specification, implementation, stabilization, and consolidation D. consolidation, stabilization, crystallization, implementation, and specification Answer: C 102. What theorist investigated the kinds of personality characteristics that are typical of people who hold various jobs and of adolescents who aspire to those jobs? A. Jean Piaget B. John Holland C. Donald Super D. Robert Sternberg Answer: B 103. Researcher John Holland’s describes _______________ personality categories that one should consider when matching a person with a prospective occupation. A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 Answer: B 104. Even though the proportion of young women who are employed has risen in the 20th and 21st centuries, the majority of women still work in the _______________. A. science and engineering sector B. service sector C. business sector D. agriculture sector Answer: B 105. Although men now do more of the child care than in previous generations, wives will do more housework than their husbands even when both of them work full time. What do sociologists call this phenomenon? A. a giant rip off B. divorce bound C. second shift D. sexism Answer: C 106. In young adulthood, as family and work obligations are acquired, what else also increases? A. marital conflict B. extra work obligations C. interfamily expansion D. community involvement Answer: D. community involvement Correct: When young couples have children, their involvement with their children and their concern for their children’s future may lead them to become involved in civic organizations. B. extra work obligations Incorrect: When young couples have children, their involvement with their children and their concern for their children’s future may lead them to become involved in civic organizations. 107. Of all evening leisure activities among American adults, which of the following is most popular? A. computer use and being on the Internet B. watching television C. attending sporting events D. being outdoors, camping and hiking Answer: B 108. Desiree is an average young adult American female. Based upon statistics, which of the following is the most frequent activity that she is likely to engage in on weekday nights, between dinner and bedtime? A. watching television B. talking with friends C. doing chores D. walking the dog Answer: A. watching television Correct: Of all evening leisure activities among American adults, watching TV is the most common, with 80% reporting that they watch TV “most weeknights after your evening meal and before bedtime”—a higher percentage than any other activity, including talking with family, showering or bathing, doing chores, and walking the dog. B. talking with friends Incorrect: Of all evening leisure activities among American adults, watching TV is the most common, with 80% reporting that they watch TV “most weeknights after your evening meal and before bedtime”—a higher percentage than any other activity, including talking with family, showering or bathing, doing chores, and walking the dog. 109. Hours watching television in adulthood is negatively correlated with A. a higher body mass index and obesity B. volunteerism and religious involvement C. social anxiety and self-isolation D. exercise and pro-heath behaviors Answer: B. volunteerism and religious involvement Correct: Hours watching TV in adulthood is negatively related to a wide range of civic and social activities among American adults, including attending a public meeting, volunteering, attending religious services, visiting friends, and attending parties. D. exercise and pro-heath behaviors Incorrect: Hours watching TV in adulthood is negatively related to a wide range of civic and social activities among American adults, including attending a public meeting, volunteering, attending religious services, visiting friends, and attending parties. 110. Why do adults in developed countries devote more of their leisure time to watching television when television-viewing is such an unsatisfying experience? A. It is easy and requires little of them. B. Most television is so educational that much can be learned. C. People are too heavy to do much else. D. People are so overworked that they have no energy left for anything else after the workday. Answer: A. It is easy and requires little of them. Correct: Adults in developing countries watch television because it is easy and requires very little. B. Most television is so educational that much can be learned. Incorrect: Adults in developing countries watch television because it is easy and requires very little. Short Answer Questions 111. Based on Buss’ cross-cultural research, what was ranked as #1 in importance in mate selection throughout the world? Were any sex differences found? Explain. Answer: Across many cultures, love is considered the most important aspect in choosing a mate. Males tend to rate physical attractiveness as higher on their list of priorities in a mate; females value financial status/ambition. 112. Describe the semi-arranged marriages of the East. Are there any similarities to the way mate selection occurs in Western countries? Are there any benefits? Explain. Answer: Parents influence who their child dates, and therefore, who they eventually marry, but in the end, the child has the final say in whether they want to pursue dating or marriage. Benefits might include parents’ wisdom in noticing particularly positive or negative traits that a young person might not see as clearly. 113. What is a dowry? Are there any customs in Western countries that seem to be influenced by dowries today? Answer: A dowry refers to the transfer of money or property to the groom’s family at the time of marriage. Today, the bride’s parents are often expected to pay for the wedding in Western countries. 114. Which country has the highest divorce rate in the world? What are two factors correlated with higher rates of divorce? Answer: The U.S. has the highest rate of divorce. Young age of first marriage, having divorced parents, low religious involvement, and low SES are correlated with higher divorce rates. 115. Bill and Russell are a gay couple. Describe one way that they are likely to be similar to married couples and one way they are likely to be different. Answer: Both couples seek lasting love and respect in their partner. Bill and Russell are more likely to be tolerant of sexual activity outside their relationship and they tend to have a higher frequency of sexual activity. 116. To which was sociologist was Hochschild referring when she talked about “the second shift.” Is there research to support her claim? Explain. Answer: This term refers to the work that awaits women in the form of household tasks and childcare when they get home from their jobs. Even though men are doing more housework than their counterparts of previous cohorts, they still do less than women, even when these women work full-time. Essay Questions 117. Several first-year college students have told their advisor that the reason they chose their major, education, is so that they will be able to be with their children after school and in the summer while their spouse is working. Whose theory does this support? Explain. Answer: This statement reflects Erikson’s theory of the crisis of intimacy vs. isolation. Unlike males, females tend to accomplish intimacy before identity, or they develop simultaneously. 118. Your friend surprised you when he told you that after only a year he was getting divorced. When you asked what happened, he said, “The spark just wasn’t there anymore.” Is this statement consistent with theory and research? Explain. Answer: This statement reflects the finding that passion fades most quickly over time compared to the other two components of Sternberg’s theory: intimacy and commitment MyDevelopmentLab Question Bank Pre-Test 1. Which of the following developed the triangular theory of love? A. Robert Sternberg B. Jean Piaget C. Alfred Binet D. Erik Erikson Answer: A 2. Which the following best describes a dowry? A. the transfer of money or property from the bride's family to the groom and his family upon marriage B. the custom of the bride's family paying for the wedding reception C. the groom is obligated to work for the bride's family for a designated period before and/or after the marriage D. a substantial gift of money or property from the groom and his family to the bride and her family Answer: A 3. According to the text, what percentage of single parents are single mothers? A. 90% B. 70% C. 50% D. 30% Answer: A 4. Which of the following is the correct sequencing of stages for Donald Super's theory of occupational development? A. crystallization, specification, implementation, stabilization, and consolidation B. consolidation, stabilization, crystallization, implementation, and specification C. implementation, stabilization, consolidation, crystallization, and specification D. specification, stabilization, crystallization, consolidation, and implementation Answer: A 5. According to Erik Erikson, the crisis of _______________ is the central emotional and psychosocial issue of young adulthood. A. intimacy vs. isolation B. identity vs. role confusion C. generativity vs. stagnation D. integrity vs. despair Answer: A 6. Erik Erikson's notion of intimacy is best described as _______________. A. uniting your newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed intimate relationship B. when an individual develops the skills necessary for a relationship by modeling it after what he or she has observed from their environment C. when the ego works in conjunction with the superego to satisfy the desires of the id in a socially acceptable way D. when an individual becomes cognizant of their private and public selves, blends them, and creates a shared self to present to another person within a relationship Answer: A 7. Your friends are planning on marrying. Both of them dropped out of high school before completing their degrees. What is the likelihood that they will get divorced during the first five years of marriage? A. 33% B. 22% C. 11% D. 5% Answer: A 8. For those in the United States, the divorce risk peaks in young adulthood, 5-10 years after marriage. This statistic suggests _______________. A. the strains of caring for young children may make maintaining marital intimacy more problematic B. the financial strain has become too unbearable C. the self-concepts of each partner become established and are incongruent D. the careers of each partner begin to interfere with the amount of time they have to spend with each other Answer: A 9. Your friend's parents have been married for 25 years, but they really do not do much together anymore. You can tell that they like each other, but the "romance" seems to be gone. According to Sternberg, what type of love do you think they are experiencing at this time? A. companionate love B. compassionate love C. fatuous D. empty Answer: A 10. As an extra credit assignment your professor asks the class to watch a video that addresses love and relationships in various cultures. One of the videos has a clip on arranged marriages. The young bride who is interviewed describes a strong desire for marriage, but also states that she has never met her soon-to-be husband. It is clear that she is not "in love with him," but she is committed to her cultural practice of arranged marriages. She knows that with time, the relationship can grow and they can develop a strong partnership. In Robert Sternberg's model, which of the following best describes this bride's perspective? A. high in commitment, low in passion, and low in intimacy B. weak in commitment, low in passion, and high in intimacy C. high in commitment, low in passion, and high in intimacy D. weak in commitment, high in passion, and low in intimacy Answer: A Post-Test 1. What type of love involves physical attraction and sexual desire? A. passion B. commitment C. desire D. intimacy Answer: A 2. In Sternberg's model, what type of love characterizes most friendships and involves intimacy without passion or commitment? A. liking B. infatuation C. empty love D. romantic love Answer: A 3. From anthropological studies, roughly what percentage of cultures have some kind of explicit economic transaction as a customary part of marriage? A. 75% B. 95% C. 50% D. 25% Answer: A 4. According to the text, divorce risk peaks in young adulthood after about how many years of marriage? A. 5 to 10 years B. 1 to 4 years C. 11 to 14 years D. 16 to 20 years Answer: A 5. In nearly all cultures, the time period of _______________ is where sexual activity usually peaks. A. young adulthood B. middle adulthood C. emerging adulthood D. adolescence Answer: A 6. As discussed in the text, for young adults in rural traditional cultures, becoming _______________ is a highly important event in terms of their status in their community. A. a parent B. an elementary school graduate C. an independent adult D. an aunt or uncle Answer: A 7. According to Donald Super, it is during the stage of _______________ that occupational choices become more focused. A. specification B. crystallization C. implementation D. stabilization Answer: A 8. Linda is an average young adult American female. As cited in the text, which of the following is the most frequent activity that she is likely to engage in on weekday nights, between dinner and bedtime? A. watching television B. talking with friends C. doing chores D. walking the dog Answer: A 9. Your friend has a new boyfriend. All he can do is talk about his new partner and plan when he will see him next. Your friend is totally devoted to him and is willing to do whatever he wishes to do without even considering his own wants and desires. What is wrong with the way your friend is acting? A. He is "losing himself" in devotion to his partner, which is not healthy intimacy. B. He needs to lose his identity and reinvent a new identity that is defined by the relationship. C. He needs to spend more time with his partner rather than just thinking about being with him. D. Nothing. This is the way intimacy develops. Answer: A 10. Starling is 23 years old and has recently graduated with his Bachelor's degree in Psychology. He has applied to several graduate programs but has been denied to all of them. Now Starling is seeking employment and would like to find a job that leads to a promising career. Less than ideal, he applied for a position as an Academic Advisor at a community college, was offered a job, and accepted the position. Which stage of Donald Super's theory of occupational development is Starling in? A. Implementation B. Crystallization C. Consolidation D. Stabilization Answer: A Chapter Exam 1. In Sternberg's model, what type of love involves physical attraction and sexual desire? A. passion B. commitment C. intimacy D. desire Answer: A 2. In the triangular theory of love, which of the following best describes intimacy? A. feelings of closeness and emotional attachment B. the pledge to love someone over a lengthy period of time C. a physical attraction and sexual desire for another person D. a psychological attraction for another based upon the physical characteristics Answer: A 3. _______________ is the aspect of love that fades fairly quickly in most relationships as partners become used to each other and the stresses and conflicts of daily life accumulate. A. Passion B. Intimacy C. Commitment D. Stability Answer: A 4. Erikson proposed that _______________ is the central emotional and psychosocial issue of young adulthood. A. intimacy vs. isolation B. generativity vs. stagnation C. integrity vs. despair D. identity vs. role confusion Answer: A 5. Jeremy and Shelley have been married for 15 years. From Shelley's perspective, the relationship lacks passion and intimacy. For the past 5 years she has stayed in the marriage for economic reasons. It is clear that commitment alone is the only thing holding the marriage together. According to the triangular theory of love, which of the following best describes Jeremy and Shelley's marriage? A. empty love B. companionship and love C. romantic love D. infatuation Answer: A 6. David Buss (2003) proposes that the element of _______________ ranks first among marriage criteria across countries. A. mutual attraction-love B. dependable character C. emotional stability and maturity D. a pleasant predisposition Answer: A 7. For many cultures, marriage has more often been seen as _______________. A. an alliance between two families B. a uniting of two individuals C. a mechanism to create more children D. a way to increase the likelihood of survival Answer: A 8. India has practiced arranged marriages for roughly _______________ years. A. 6,000 B. 2,000 C. 1,000 D. 600 Answer: A 9. A "semi-arranged marriage" can be best described as one in which _______________. A. parents introduce a potential mate to their child. If the young person has a favorable impression of the potential mate, they date a few times. If they agree that they are compatible, they marry B. parents screen applicants as a potential mate. They convene and discuss the characteristics of applicants with other high status family members, interview top candidates, and select the best one for their child C. parents allow their children to date freely and as their child introduces them to a potential mate, parents screen and interview. After this process, parents provide their child with an official recommendation of whom to marry D. parents use the Internet to screen and select potential mates for their child. After creating a pool of applicants, parents then facilitate an Internet relationship between potential mates and their child. Based upon the relationships that develop, parents select the best mate for their child Answer: A 10. Your brother just got married. What is one of the most important things he can do to insure that he stay married? A. Make sure that he contributes to family duties. B. Have a large salary. C. Insist that his wife perform all of the "woman's" duties while he performs the "man's" duties. D. Require that his wife stay home and raise the children. Answer: A 11. _______________ are four related factors to marital satisfaction. A. Realistic expectations, shared interests, shared roles and responsibilities, and shared power B. Emotional literacy, financial stability, cognitive ability, and attachment style C. Shared responsibilities, high emotional literacy, high cognitive stability, and temperament D. High job satisfaction, an easy temperament, high emotional stability, and good coping skills Answer: A 12. Which of the following is a primary reason why many cultures encourage young wedded adults to have sex frequently? A. to produce children B. to maintain a happy and satisfying relationship C. to nurture their libido D. to satisfy the unconscious id Answer: A 13. For women, masturbation peaks during their _______________. A. 30s B. 20s C. 40s D. 50s Answer: A 14. As described in the text, the gender roles for men and women in many developed countries are _______________. A. less sharply defined B. more finite and rigid C. less lateralized and more bipolar D. more unilateral and less polarized Answer: A 15. Your friend, whose family is a relatively low SES family, has difficulty believing in the power of an education, recently dropped out of high school, and is now pregnant. Is this a very common occurrence in single women who have low educational attainment? A. It is common; 54% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers. B. It is relatively common; 34% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers. C. It is uncommon; only 14% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers. D. It is very uncommon; only 6% of babies born to the least-educated mothers are born to single mothers. Answer: A Quick Review 1. In Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, what is the central emotional and psychosocial issue of young adulthood? A. intimacy vs. isolation B. identity vs. role confusion C. generativity vs. stagnation D. ego-integrity vs. despair Answer: A 2. This type of love characterizes most friendships and involves intimacy without passion or commitment. A. liking B. infatuation C. empty Love D. romantic Love Answer: A 3. In the Middle East and Eastern areas of the world, which of the following is rated as highly important in a marriage partner? A. chastity B. pleasing personality C. emotional stability and maturity D. sense of humor Answer: A 4. _______________ is the term used to describe a substantial gift of money or property from the groom and his kin to the bride and her kin. A. Dowry B. Bride service C. Bride price D. Bride gift Answer: A 5. Which of the following countries has the highest divorce rate in the world? A. United States B. Great Britain C. Australia D. Canada Answer: A 6. From national statistics cited in the text, African American women are _______________ likely to be single mothers as compared to White American women. A. twice as B. half as C. as equally D. three times as Answer: A 7. According to Donald Super, it is during the _______________ stage that adults continue to gain expertise and seek advancement into higher-status positions as expertise grows. A. stabilization B. implementation C. specification D. consolidation Answer: D 8. There has been great progress for women within the last 100 years; however, jobs held mainly by women tend to be in the _______________. A. service sector B. business sector C. science and engineering sector D. agricultural sector Answer: A 9. According to Erikson, before an individual can establish intimacy with another, he or she must successfully establish a(n) _______________. A. identity in love, work, and ideology B. congruency between their real, ideal, and feared selves C. sense of righteousness and that the world is just D. sense of integrity and knowing that their life, thus far, has been satisfying Answer: A 10. Which of the following is a strong explanation for why adults in developed countries devote a large amount of their leisure time to watching television, when they report that watching television is such an unsatisfying experience? A. It is easy and requires little effort. B. Most programming on television is very educational. C. The state-run media requires it. D. It is their only form of communication with the outside world. Answer: A Video Guide Questions Short Answer Questions 1. Compare and contrast relationships in two of the countries based on the examples presented in this video. Answer: In comparing relationships between two countries from the video, let's say Japan and Italy, there are distinct cultural norms. Japanese relationships often emphasize formality, respect, and indirect communication, reflecting a collective society. In contrast, Italian relationships are characterized by expressiveness, direct communication, and a strong emphasis on family bonds, reflecting a more individualistic yet family-centered culture. Both value loyalty and close-knit connections but express these values differently. 2. The narrator mentions one common theme among all of the relationships, what is that theme? Answer: The narrator tells us that the theme among the couples is that they have a common appreciation and desire for long term happiness in their relationships The common theme among all the relationships mentioned by the narrator is the importance of trust and mutual respect. Regardless of cultural differences, these foundational elements are crucial for building and maintaining healthy, supportive, and lasting relationships across various contexts and societies. 3. The American couple mentions different aspects of their relationship such as taking turns and scheduling their time together. What are your thoughts on these concepts in a relationship? Answer: Taking turns and scheduling time together are practical and beneficial concepts in a relationship. They ensure that both partners share responsibilities and prioritize quality time, promoting balance, fairness, and mutual understanding. This approach helps manage busy lives while maintaining a strong connection and fostering a supportive partnership. Multiple Choice Questions 1. According to the narrator of this video, there is one common theme among all of the relationships presented in the video. What is that theme? A. a common appreciation and desire for a large family B. a common appreciation and desire for a wealthy lifestyle C. a common appreciation and desire for success D. a common appreciation and desire for long term happiness in their relationships Answer: D 2. According to the narrator of the video, young adulthood is a key period for _______________. A. forming love relationships in many cultures B. starting a new family business in many cultures C. ritualistic feasts in many cultures D. forming strong friendships in many cultures Answer: A 3. According to the narrator of this video, in both arranged marriages and marriages of choice, married life entails _______________. A. a trial period of at least a year B. several arguments centered on who is correct C. many adjustments and new responsibilities D. an easy path that spouses typically take for granted Answer: C Practice Test Questions from the Textbook 1. Which of the following is NOT considered to be an important marker of the transition to adulthood across developed countries? A. accepting responsibility for oneself B. raising children C. making independent decisions D. becoming financially independent Answer: B 2. Emerging adults in _______________ view being able to support their parents financially as a necessary criterion for adulthood. A. the United States B. Canada C. China D. Israel Answer: C 3. Which of the following is true regarding physical changes during young adulthood? A. Individuals with dark skin show skin aging earlier than their counterparts with white skin. B. The heart muscle starts to become rigid. C. The immune system increases its production of T cells and B cells. D. There are subtle changes in the respiratory system including an increase in vital capacity. Answer: B 4. Based on a large longitudinal study (the National Study of Adolescent Health), rates of obesity were highest among ________________________ women. A. African American B. Latino C. Native American D. European American Answer: A 5. Assuming they were all from the same SES background, _____________________ would be LEAST likely to exercise? A. Sam, a fifth-grade boy B. Karyn, a 39-year-old woman C. Brianna, a seventh-grade girl D. Jamil, a 25-year-old male Answer: B 6. What did longitudinal research on Terman’s “Termites” show? A. These intellectually gifted individuals had higher rates of divorce and alcoholism than those in the comparison group. B. Women achieved high levels of occupational success, but only a small percentage of the men did. C. Career success peaked in emerging adulthood, but there was a steep decline in the fourth decade of life as virtually all of the sample experienced a midlife crisis. D. As a group, the Termites had a great deal of educational and occupational success. Answer: D 7. In both Asian and _________________________ cultures, a common theme of conceptions of intelligence is that it includes social elements as well as cognitive elements such as knowledge. A. American B. European C. African D. Inuit Answer: C 8. Recent research has shown that maturity of the _________________________ during young adulthood reflects cognitive changes that underlie expertise. A. temporal lobe B. corpus callosum C. frontal cortex D. occipital lobe Answer: C 9. Which statement about research on creativity is true? A. The peak of creativity is in midlife for all fields. B. Highly creative people are often creative throughout life. C. Creativity is easier to measure than it is to define. D. People usually produce their most creative works before they develop expertise in that domain and therefore, become set in their ways. Answer: B 10. Erikson thought that intimacy was not possible until an individual A. reached sexual maturity. B. developed an independent lifestyle. C. had a fairly stable personal identity. D. possessed formal operational thinking. Answer: C 11. According to Sternberg, commitment, passion, and intimacy combine to form _________________________ love. A. romantic B. fatuous C. compassionate D. consummate Answer: D 12. People in cultures with arranged marriages tend to view _________________________ as coming first. A. romantic love B. commitment C. passion D. intimacy Answer: B 13. Which of the following is true regarding divorce rates? A. Rates of divorce are higher among Whites than among African Americans. B. Rates of divorce are higher among those with college degrees than those without because they devote so much time to their careers. C. The United States has the highest divorce rate in the world. D. Divorce is common and rates are similar across all cultures. Answer: C 14. People in which of the following groups are the LOWEST in overall happiness? A. people who are separated B. people who are widowed C. people who are in unhappy marriages D. people who are single Answer: C 15. Which of the following best represents the research on gay and lesbian couples? A. Gay and lesbian adults often seek out romantic partners who are opposite from them in many ways. B. No differences have been identified between gay and lesbian couples. C. Gay and lesbian couples have different sources of conflict in their relationship than do heterosexual couples. D. Gay and lesbian couples are similar to heterosexual couples in most ways. Answer: D 16. One of the findings from the most detailed study of sexual behavior among young adults in the United States was that A. masturbation continues through the thirties and forties. B. women reported more frequent sexual fantasies than their male counterparts. C. more than half of young adults from the late twenties to early forties reported more than one sexual partner in the past year. D. there were no gender differences in the frequency of orgasms. Answer: A 17. Which of the following is true regarding research on couples after the birth of the first child in developed countries? A. Gender roles become more traditional and women are more likely to take an extended period of leave after the birth of a child. B. Marital satisfaction declines more for men than women after the birth of a child because men become jealous of the new baby. C. For couples who had a troubled marriage before the child was born, marital satisfaction increases after the baby arrives because it brings them closer together. D. Marital satisfaction improves for all couples following the birth of the first child. Answer: A 18. According to Holland, people are likely to be unhappy if A. they are not able to have a lot of social contacts on the job. B. they spend more time working the “second shift” than in their full-time workplace. C. they do not have a good fit between their personality and their job. D. they make less money than their spouse/romantic partner. Answer: C 19. Of the following evening leisure activities among American adults, the most common is A. playing portable electronic devices. B. using social media on the Internet. C. watching television. D. communicating with friends via text messaging or the phone. Answer: C Test Bank for Human Development: A Cultural Approach Jeffrey J. Arnett 9780205987887, 9780134641348

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