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The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets End of Chapter Solutions Reviews and Discussions 1. When did ARPANET start? ARPANET started in the year 1969. 2. What is Internet telephony? Internet telephony is using the Internet rather than the telephone network to exchange spoken conversations. 3. What is a URL? Uniform resource locators (URLs), also called universal resource locators, identify a Web page. A URL is the address of a document or site on the Internet. 4. What are three popular search engines? Three popular search engines are: 1. Google 2. Bing 3. Yahoo 5. What are two health-related Web sites? Two health-related websites are: 1. WebMD ( 2. Mayo Clinic ( 6. What are two differences between the Internet and an extranet? The two differences between the Internet and an extranet are: • The Internet allows public access, whereas extranet is private (groups of closely related companies, users, or organizations). • The information on the Internet is general, whereas the information on an extranet is typically confidential. 7. What are three key features of Web 2.0? Three key features of Web 2.0 are: • Blogging • Social networking • Search engine optimization 8. What are the Internet of Everything and the Internet of Things? The Internet of Everything (IOE) refers to a Web-based development in which people, processes, data, and things are interconnected via the Internet using various means, such as RFID devices, barcodes, wireless systems (using Bluetooth and WI-FI), and QR codes. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the physical objects that are connected to the Internet and, therefore, to all the other physical objects. Projects 1. A properly designed extranet allows companies to reduce internetworking costs and gives participating companies a competitive advantage, which can lead to increased profits. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that identifies three companies that are using extranets as an internetworking platform. List two applications of this platform in each company. What are two challenges that must be overcome for designing a successful extranet? Extranets have emerged as crucial internetworking platforms, enabling companies to streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and gain a competitive edge in the market. This paper examines three companies harnessing extranets effectively, delving into their applications and addressing key challenges associated with designing successful extranet systems. Company 1: Applications: • Supply Chain Management (SCM): Company X employs its extranet to facilitate seamless communication and information exchange with its suppliers and distributors. Through the extranet, they manage inventory levels, track shipments, and coordinate deliveries, ensuring optimal supply chain efficiency. • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Leveraging their extranet, Company X extends access to select customers, allowing them to place orders, track order statuses, and provide feedback. This enhances customer satisfaction and fosters long-term relationships. Challenges: • Security Concerns: Ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is paramount in extranet design. Company X faces the challenge of implementing robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information while allowing appropriate access to authorized parties. • Interoperability: Integrating diverse systems and platforms across partner networks poses a significant challenge. Company X must address compatibility issues and establish seamless interoperability to ensure smooth data exchange and collaboration. Company 2: Applications: • Collaborative Product Development: Company Y utilizes its extranet to collaborate with external stakeholders such as suppliers, designers, and engineers in product development initiatives. This fosters real-time collaboration, accelerates time-to-market, and enhances product innovation. • Training and Development: Through their extranet, Company Y offers training modules and resources to their channel partners and franchisees. This empowers partners with essential knowledge and skills, driving sales effectiveness and brand consistency. Challenges: • User Adoption: Company Y faces the challenge of encouraging widespread adoption and usage of the extranet platform among its partners. Overcoming resistance to change and providing adequate training and support are essential to ensure maximum participation and engagement. • Scalability: As Company Y's network of partners expands, scalability becomes a critical concern. Designing an extranet infrastructure capable of accommodating growing user bases and increasing data volumes without compromising performance is imperative for long-term success. Company 3: Applications: • Vendor Management: Company Z leverages its extranet to streamline vendor communication, procurement processes, and contract management. This enhances transparency, reduces procurement cycle times, and fosters stronger vendor relationships. • Project Collaboration: Through the extranet, Company Z collaborates with external contractors and consultants on various projects. They share project plans, documents, and progress updates, ensuring alignment across dispersed teams and timely project delivery. Challenges: • Integration Complexity: Company Z grapples with integrating its extranet with internal systems and legacy applications. Overcoming integration complexities and ensuring seamless data flow between disparate systems are essential for optimizing operational efficiency and data accuracy. • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with industry regulations and data privacy laws presents a significant challenge for Company Z. They must ensure that their extranet architecture complies with relevant regulatory frameworks and implement measures to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches. In conclusion, while extranets offer immense potential for enhancing collaboration, reducing costs, and gaining competitive advantage, companies must address various challenges in their design and implementation to realize their full benefits. By carefully navigating security concerns, interoperability issues, user adoption barriers, scalability constraints, integration complexities, and regulatory compliance requirements, companies can unlock the true potential of extranets as powerful internetworking platforms. 2. Ask MD is a popular medical app. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that summarizes some of the features of this app. What are three other examples of medical apps for iOS and Android devices? Ask MD stands as a prominent medical application renowned for its comprehensive features catering to the healthcare needs of users. This paper provides an overview of Ask MD and highlights three other notable medical apps available for iOS and Android devices. Ask MD: Ask MD distinguishes itself with a range of features designed to empower users with medical knowledge and facilitate informed decision-making. Some key features include: 1. Symptom Checker: Users can input their symptoms, and Ask MD provides a list of potential conditions along with relevant information and guidance. 2. Health Tracker: The app allows users to track various health metrics such as blood pressure, weight, activity levels, and medication adherence, facilitating proactive health management. 3. Find a Doctor: Users can search for healthcare providers based on specialty, location, and patient reviews, making it easier to access quality care. 4. Medication Reminders: Ask MD offers personalized medication reminders to help users stay compliant with their treatment plans. 5. Health Library: The app provides access to a vast repository of medical articles, videos, and resources covering a wide range of health topics. Other Medical Apps: 1. Ada - Your Health Companion: Ada is an AI-powered symptom assessment app that helps users understand their symptoms and provides personalized health insights. It offers a user-friendly interface and supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a diverse user base. 2. Medisafe Medication Management: Medisafe is a medication management app that helps users track their medications, set reminders, and receive refill alerts. It also offers features like medication interaction checker and pill identification, enhancing medication safety. 3. Epocrates: Epocrates is a comprehensive medical reference app trusted by healthcare professionals worldwide. It provides information on drugs, drug interactions, medical calculators, and clinical guidelines, empowering healthcare providers with essential tools for clinical decision-making. Conclusion: In conclusion, Ask MD stands out as a versatile medical app offering symptom checking, health tracking, doctor finding, medication reminders, and a wealth of health information. However, it is just one among many innovative medical apps available for iOS and Android devices. Other notable examples include Ada, Medisafe, and Epocrates, each offering unique features to cater to the diverse needs of users in the realm of healthcare management and information access. These apps collectively contribute to enhancing healthcare outcomes and empowering individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. 3. The human resources departments of many organizations are creating intranets to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the departments’ operations. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that summarizes the applications of intranets in HR operations. What are some of the challenges in designing and using such an application? Which other departments in a business firm can use intranets and for which applications? Applications of Intranets in HR Operations: 1. Employee Self-Service (ESS): Intranets empower employees to access and manage their HR-related information independently. They can view and update personal details, access pay stubs, submit leave requests, and enroll in training programs, reducing administrative overhead for HR staff. 2. HR Document Management: Intranets serve as centralized repositories for HR documents such as policies, procedures, handbooks, and forms. Employees can easily access and download relevant documents, ensuring consistency and compliance across the organization. 3. Recruitment and Onboarding: HR departments utilize intranets to advertise job openings, accept online job applications, and manage the recruitment process efficiently. Additionally, intranets facilitate seamless onboarding by providing new hires with access to orientation materials, company policies, and training resources. 4. Performance Management: Intranets support performance appraisal processes by enabling managers and employees to set goals, track progress, and conduct performance reviews electronically. This promotes transparency, accountability, and timely feedback within the organization. 5. Communication and Collaboration: Intranets serve as communication hubs, facilitating internal communication channels such as employee forums, newsletters, and announcements. They also foster collaboration through features like team workspaces, discussion boards, and project management tools. Challenges in Designing and Using Intranet Applications for HR: 1. User Adoption: Encouraging employees to embrace and actively use the intranet can be challenging. Resistance to change, lack of awareness, and usability issues may hinder adoption rates, necessitating effective change management strategies and user training initiatives. 2. Content Management: Maintaining up-to-date and relevant content on the intranet requires continuous effort and oversight. HR departments must establish content governance policies, assign content ownership responsibilities, and implement robust content management systems to ensure accuracy and accessibility. 3. Security and Data Privacy: Intranets house sensitive HR data, including employee personal information, payroll details, and performance evaluations. Ensuring data security, protecting against unauthorized access, and complying with data privacy regulations are paramount concerns for HR departments. Other Departments and Applications for Intranets: 1. Sales and Marketing: Intranets can facilitate sales and marketing activities by providing access to sales collateral, marketing materials, customer databases, and performance metrics. They also support collaboration among sales teams and enable real-time communication with marketing departments. 2. Finance and Accounting: Intranets aid finance and accounting departments in managing financial transactions, budgeting, expense reporting, and financial analysis. They serve as platforms for distributing financial reports, regulatory updates, and accounting policies across the organization. 3. Operations and Supply Chain: Intranets play a vital role in optimizing operations and supply chain management by providing visibility into inventory levels, production schedules, logistics data, and supplier information. They enable coordination among cross-functional teams and enhance supply chain efficiency. In conclusion, intranets serve as invaluable tools for HR departments, offering a wide range of applications to improve operational efficiency, communication, and collaboration. While challenges such as user adoption, content management, and data security may arise, addressing these issues through effective strategies and technologies can maximize the benefits of intranets in HR operations. Moreover, other departments within a business firm can leverage intranets for various applications, thereby enhancing organizational productivity and performance across the board. 4. Small as well as large businesses could use social networks to improve their efficiency and help their bottom lines. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a two-page paper that identifies two applications of Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Yelp in running a small business. In today's digitally driven world, social networks have become invaluable tools for businesses of all sizes, including small enterprises, to enhance their efficiency and bolster their bottom lines. This paper explores two key applications of popular social networks—Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Yelp—in the context of running a small business. 1. Twitter: a. Customer Engagement and Support: Small businesses can leverage Twitter as a platform for proactive customer engagement and support. By actively monitoring relevant hashtags and mentions, businesses can promptly respond to customer inquiries, address concerns, and provide real-time assistance. Additionally, businesses can use Twitter to share updates about their products or services, special promotions, and industry insights, fostering a sense of community and loyalty among followers. b. Market Research and Feedback: Twitter serves as a valuable tool for conducting market research and gathering feedback from customers. Through polls, surveys, and direct interactions, businesses can gain insights into customer preferences, opinions, and trends. This information can inform product development, marketing strategies, and overall business decisions, enabling small businesses to stay agile and responsive to market demands. 2. Facebook: a. Brand Building and Awareness: Small businesses can utilize Facebook to build their brand presence and increase awareness among their target audience. By regularly posting engaging content such as photos, videos, articles, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, businesses can showcase their unique value proposition and personality. Moreover, Facebook's advertising features enable businesses to reach specific demographics, expand their reach, and drive traffic to their website or storefront. b. Community Building and Engagement: Facebook Groups offer a platform for creating and nurturing communities around specific interests or topics related to the business. Small businesses can establish and manage groups where customers can connect, share experiences, ask questions, and provide recommendations. By fostering a sense of belonging and facilitating peer-to-peer interactions, businesses can strengthen customer relationships and encourage advocacy, ultimately driving customer retention and loyalty. 3. Pinterest: a. Visual Storytelling and Inspiration: Pinterest is an ideal platform for small businesses, especially those in visually appealing industries such as fashion, food, home decor, and crafts. Businesses can curate boards showcasing their products, projects, and ideas in a visually compelling manner. By tapping into Pinterest's highly visual and aspirational nature, businesses can inspire and engage potential customers, driving traffic to their website and increasing sales conversions. b. Product Promotion and Discovery: Pinterest's search and discovery features make it a powerful tool for product promotion and discovery. Businesses can optimize their presence by using relevant keywords, high-quality images, and informative descriptions to increase visibility in search results. Additionally, businesses can collaborate with influencers or participate in group boards to amplify their reach and tap into niche audiences, driving product discovery and purchase intent. 4. Yelp: a. Online Reputation Management: Yelp plays a crucial role in shaping the online reputation of small businesses, particularly those in the service industry such as restaurants, cafes, salons, and local attractions. Businesses can actively monitor and respond to customer reviews, addressing feedback, resolving issues, and expressing gratitude for positive experiences. By maintaining a positive presence on Yelp, businesses can enhance their credibility, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. b. Local Marketing and Discovery: Yelp serves as a valuable platform for local marketing and discovery, connecting consumers with nearby businesses based on their location, preferences, and reviews. Small businesses can optimize their Yelp profiles with accurate information, enticing photos, and compelling offers to stand out in local search results. Additionally, businesses can leverage Yelp's advertising and promotional tools to reach potential customers at the moment of intent, driving foot traffic and conversions. In conclusion, social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Yelp offer myriad opportunities for small businesses to optimize their operations, engage with customers, and drive growth. By strategically leveraging these platforms, small businesses can enhance their efficiency, expand their reach, and ultimately, improve their bottom lines. 5. Graph Search by Facebook and Knowledge Graph by Google offer features that are not available in traditional search engines. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that outlines two business applications of each search method. How could these new search methods help a business generate more revenue? In the evolving landscape of search technology, Graph Search by Facebook and Knowledge Graph by Google present innovative features that transcend traditional search engines. This paper delves into two business applications of each search method and elucidates how they can help businesses generate more revenue. Graph Search by Facebook: 1. Market Research and Audience Insights: Graph Search empowers businesses to conduct in-depth market research and gain valuable insights into their target audience. By utilizing various search queries such as "Pages liked by people who like [business page]" or "Restaurants visited by friends in [location]," businesses can uncover trends, preferences, and behaviors of their audience. This information enables businesses to refine their marketing strategies, tailor their products or services, and better cater to the needs and interests of their customers, ultimately driving sales and revenue. 2. Targeted Advertising and Promotions: Graph Search enables businesses to execute highly targeted advertising campaigns and promotions based on specific user interests, demographics, and social connections. By leveraging data from Graph Search, businesses can create custom audience segments and deliver personalized ads to users who are most likely to engage or convert. Additionally, businesses can harness the power of social proof by targeting friends of existing customers or users who have interacted with similar businesses, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their advertising efforts and maximizing return on investment. Knowledge Graph by Google: 1. Enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Knowledge Graph enhances businesses' visibility and prominence in search engine results pages (SERPs) by providing rich, structured data directly within search results. By optimizing their online presence with structured data markup, businesses can increase the likelihood of appearing in Knowledge Graph panels, knowledge panels, and other rich snippets. This heightened visibility not only improves organic search traffic but also enhances brand credibility and authority, leading to increased website visits, conversions, and revenue. 2. Semantic Search and Natural Language Processing: Knowledge Graph leverages semantic search and natural language processing capabilities to understand user queries in context and deliver more relevant and accurate search results. Businesses can capitalize on this by creating content that aligns with user intent and addresses common questions or concerns related to their products or services. By producing high-quality, informative content optimized for semantic search, businesses can attract organic traffic, establish thought leadership, and drive customer engagement, ultimately fostering trust and loyalty among their audience and driving revenue growth. In conclusion, Graph Search by Facebook and Knowledge Graph by Google offer businesses powerful tools to enhance their marketing efforts, improve their online visibility, and better understand and connect with their target audience. By leveraging these advanced search methods effectively, businesses can unlock new opportunities for revenue generation, strengthen their competitive advantage, and drive sustainable growth in today's digital economy. 6. The Internet of Everything has created a lot of excitement in the business world. After reading the information presented in this chapter and other sources, write a one-page paper that lists five business applications of this new platform. What are some of the legal and social issues related to the Internet of Everything? The Internet of Everything (IoE) represents a revolutionary shift in the digital landscape, connecting not just people and devices, but also data, processes, and even physical objects. In the business world, IoE presents a myriad of opportunities for innovation and efficiency gains. Here are five key business applications of this new platform: 1. Supply Chain Optimization: IoE enables real-time tracking and monitoring of goods throughout the supply chain. With sensors embedded in products and vehicles, businesses can achieve greater visibility and control over inventory management, reducing costs and minimizing disruptions. 2. Smart Manufacturing: IoE facilitates the creation of smart factories where machines, robots, and sensors communicate seamlessly, optimizing production processes, predicting maintenance needs, and ensuring high-quality output. This leads to improved productivity and reduced downtime. 3. Customer Experience Enhancement: By leveraging IoE technologies such as wearables, beacons, and smart devices, businesses can personalize customer experiences based on individual preferences and behaviors. This could range from targeted marketing campaigns to enhanced customer support services. 4. Remote Monitoring and Management: IoE enables remote monitoring and management of infrastructure, equipment, and facilities. For example, energy companies can use connected sensors to monitor oil rigs or wind turbines, detecting anomalies and conducting preventive maintenance from a centralized location, thus improving operational efficiency and safety. 5. Healthcare Transformation: In the healthcare sector, IoE revolutionizes patient care by enabling remote monitoring of vital signs, medication adherence, and chronic conditions. Connected medical devices and wearables facilitate timely interventions, leading to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. Despite its immense potential, the Internet of Everything also raises several legal and social issues that must be addressed: 1. Privacy Concerns: The vast amount of data generated and shared through IoE raises concerns about individual privacy and data protection. Businesses must ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR and implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information. 2. Security Risks: With the proliferation of connected devices, the attack surface for cyber threats expands, posing risks such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and unauthorized access. Businesses need to invest in cybersecurity solutions and adopt best practices to mitigate these risks. 3. Ethical Implications: The use of IoE technologies raises ethical questions regarding surveillance, data ownership, and algorithmic biases. Businesses must navigate these ethical dilemmas responsibly and transparently to build trust with stakeholders. 4. Job Displacement: The automation enabled by IoE may lead to job displacement in certain industries, raising concerns about unemployment and workforce reskilling. Businesses and policymakers need to collaborate to address these socioeconomic implications and ensure a smooth transition to the digital economy. 5. Digital Divide: The unequal access to IoE technologies exacerbates existing disparities in access to information and opportunities, widening the digital divide. Efforts are needed to bridge this gap through initiatives such as infrastructure development and digital literacy programs. In conclusion, while the Internet of Everything offers exciting possibilities for business innovation and transformation, it also poses complex challenges that require careful consideration and proactive measures to address. By addressing legal, social, and ethical issues, businesses can harness the full potential of IoE while mitigating risks and maximizing societal benefits. Are You Ready to Move On? 1. HTML is the language used to create Web pages. Answer: True 2. There are two main types of e-mails. Answer: True 3. Generally speaking an intranet is less secure than the Internet. Answer: False 4. Which of the following is not an example of a search engine? a. Google b. Bing c. Apple Safari d. DuckDuckGo Answer: C 5. Which of the following is the most popular professional social network? a. Google+ b. LinkedIn c. Facebook d. Twitter Answer: B 6. Which of the following is among the services offered by the Internet? a. E-mail b. Instant messaging c. Internet telephony d. They all are Answer: D Case Studies Case Study 7-1: Scotts Miracle-Gro’s Intranet: The Garden 1. When was The Garden launched? The Garden was launched in 2011. 2. What are some key features of The Garden? The Garden has served as an effective internal communication tool for Scotts’ employees. On any given day, some 2,250 employees visit the site to get the latest news about the company, among other things. The Garden is very user-friendly, and employees are constantly asked about features they would like to be added. The Garden gives Scotts employees fast access to important and frequently used documents, such as travel expense and HR forms. Employees can also organize their important links into “My Favorites” lists. 3. Why has The Garden been so successful? The Garden has been so successful because the system was developed based on employee needs and through close communication between the employees and the IT department. 4. What is the purpose of The Vine? “The Vine,” is an internal social media site. Using the Vine, employees can communicate with one another through their profile categories, such as job title, location, years of experience, and other relevant information. Case Study 7-2: Social Networking in Support of Small Businesses 1. How does the Internet put small businesses on the same footing as large organizations? The Internet provides several ways in which it puts small businesses on a more equal footing with large organizations: 1. Online Presence: Small businesses can establish a robust online presence through websites, social media, and e-commerce platforms. This allows them to reach a global audience without the need for a physical presence in multiple locations, leveling the playing field with larger competitors. 2. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing tools such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, and social media advertising provide cost-effective ways for small businesses to promote their products and services to targeted audiences. With the right strategies, small businesses can compete with larger organizations for visibility online. 3. Access to Resources: The Internet offers access to a vast array of resources and tools that were once only available to larger organizations. Cloud-based services, software as a service (SaaS) solutions, and online marketplaces enable small businesses to efficiently manage operations, collaborate with remote teams, and access specialized expertise without hefty upfront investments. 4. E-Commerce Opportunities: The rise of e-commerce platforms enables small businesses to sell their products and services directly to consumers worldwide, bypassing traditional distribution channels. This allows them to compete with larger retailers and reach niche markets more effectively. 5. Data Analytics: Access to data analytics tools empowers small businesses to gather insights into customer behavior, market trends, and performance metrics. By leveraging data-driven decision-making, small businesses can optimize their strategies, improve customer experiences, and stay competitive in their industries. Overall, the Internet has democratized access to resources, markets, and technology, enabling small businesses to innovate, grow, and compete with larger organizations on a more level playing field. 2. What are two ways social networking sites such as Twitter can help a small business? Social networking sites like Twitter can provide several benefits to small businesses: 1. Brand Awareness and Visibility: By establishing a presence on Twitter, small businesses can increase their brand's visibility and reach a broader audience. Through regular posting of engaging content, businesses can attract followers who may become potential customers. Additionally, features like hashtags and retweets help amplify a business's message, enabling it to reach new audiences beyond its immediate followers. 2. Customer Engagement and Feedback: Twitter allows small businesses to directly engage with their customers in real-time. By responding to tweets, addressing customer inquiries, and participating in conversations related to their industry, businesses can build meaningful relationships with their audience. Moreover, Twitter can serve as a platform for receiving feedback and suggestions from customers, helping businesses improve their products or services based on direct input from their target market. Overall, leveraging social networking sites like Twitter can help small businesses enhance their online presence, connect with their audience, and ultimately drive growth and success. 3. How can a site such as Yelp help small businesses? Yelp can help small businesses in several ways: 1. Increased Visibility: Yelp is a popular platform where consumers can search for businesses, read reviews, and make informed decisions about where to spend their money. By having a presence on Yelp, small businesses can increase their visibility and reach potential customers who are actively looking for products or services they offer. 2. Customer Reviews and Feedback: Yelp provides a platform for customers to leave reviews and ratings about their experiences with a business. Positive reviews can serve as powerful endorsements and help attract new customers, while negative reviews can provide valuable feedback for businesses to improve their products or services. Small businesses can use these reviews to understand customer preferences, address concerns, and enhance their offerings to better meet customer needs. 3. Community Engagement: Yelp allows businesses to interact with their customers by responding to reviews, addressing feedback, and providing updates about their products or services. Engaging with customers on Yelp can help build trust, establish credibility, and foster a sense of community around the business. 4. Marketing Opportunities: Yelp offers various marketing tools and features for businesses to promote their listings, such as paid advertising, special offers, and sponsored search results. These marketing opportunities can help small businesses increase their visibility on the platform and attract more customers. Overall, Yelp can be a valuable resource for small businesses to enhance their online presence, manage their reputation, and connect with customers in their local communities. Solution Manual for MIS Hossein Bidgoli 9781305632004, 9781337625999, 9781337625982, 9781337406925

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